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THORPEX A World Weather Research Programme IMPLEMENTATION PLAN David Rogers, Chair WMO Expert Group for THORPEX International Research Implementation Plan
  • THORPEXA World Weather Research Programme


    David Rogers, ChairWMO Expert Group for THORPEX

    International Research Implementation Plan

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    Overview of THORPEX Planning Organisation

    WMOCommission for

    Atmospheric Sciences

    International Scientific

    Steering Committee

    Expert Group -THORPEXImplementation

    World Weather Research Programme

    THORPEX International Core Steering



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    Expert GroupDr David Rogers Chairman, Chief Executive, Met Office, UK

    Dr Michel Béland Chairman ICSC, Director General of Atmospheric and Climate Science for the Meteorological Service of Canada

    Dr Philippe Bougeault

    Head of Research Department European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

    Dr Jim Caughey EUMETNET/EUCOS Programme Manager, Met Office, UK

    Dr Philippe Courtier Chairman SSC/WWRP, Directeur, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), France

    Dr Chen Dehui Co-Chair Asian Regional Committee, Deputy Director, Research Center for Numerical Meteorological Prediction, China Meteorological Administration, China

    Dr Tetsuo Nakazawa

    Chair Asian Regional Committee, Head, 2nd Laboratory, Typhoon Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency

    Dr David Parsons Co-Chair North American Regional Committee, Senior Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division, USA

    Dr Kamal Puri Ex-Chair JSC/CAS WGNE, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Australia

    Dr Jim Purdom Chairman CBS Open Programme Area Group on Integrated Observing Systems, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University, USA

    Dr David Richardson

    Co-Chair European Regional Committee, Met Office, UK

    Dr Mel Shapiro Co-Chair ISSC, NOAA Office of Weather and Air Quality, USA

    Prof. Alan Thorpe Co-Chair ISSC, Director, NERC Centres for Atmospheric Science, Dept of Meteorology, University of Reading, UK

    Dr Zoltan Toth National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), National Weather Service, USA

    Dr Martin Miller Chairman CAS/JSC WGNE, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

    Ken Mylne Chairman CBS Open Programme Area Group on Data processing and Forecasting Systems, expert team on ensemble prediction systems. Ensemble Forecasting Research Manager, Met Office, UK

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    WMO Secretariat

    Dr Katsuhiro Abe Ocean Affairs (OCA) Division, APP Department

    Dr David Carson Director, World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Department

    Dr Peter Dexter Chief, Ocean Affairs (OCA) Division, APP Department

    Dr Wolfgang Grabs Hydrology and Water Resources Programme (HWR) Department, Chief Water Management Division

    Dr Don Hinsman Head, WMO Space Programme

    Dr Dusan Hrcek Regional Activities and Technical Cooperation Programme (RCD) Department

    Dr Georgi Kortchev Director, Applications Programme (APP) Department

    Ms Haleh Kootval Chief, PWS Division, APP Department

    Ms Teruko Manabe Ocean Affairs (OCA) Division, APP Department

    Dr Elena Manaenkova

    Director Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme (AREP) Department

    Mr Joel Martellet World Weather Watch Programme (WWW) Department

    Dr Buruhani Nyenzi World Climate Programme (WCP) Department

    Dr Leslie Malone World Climate Programme (WCP) Department

    Dr EduardSarukhanian

    Special Advisor to the WMO Secretary-General on the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008

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    Development of TIP• EG-TIP1 London (UK), 23-27 February, 2004

    • EG-TIP2 Geneva (Switzerland), 21-23 April, 2004

    • EG-TIP3 Beijing (China), 13-15 September, 2004

    • EG-TIP4 Boulder (USA), 18 October, 2004

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    Purpose of Implementation Plan

    • The Implementation Plan (TIP) will guide the execution of THORPEX during the course of the programme.

    • The TIP:– Defines THORPEX deliverables based on research scientific

    opportunities, the expectations of the operational meteorological community, and the availability of resources;

    – Coordinates academic and government research programmes and projects;

    – Follows the THORPEX International Science Plan and the Regional Science Plans for Asia, Europe, North America and other regions or nations whenever their contribution to THORPEX is defined;

    – Defines milestones and deliverables from each of the THORPEX participants;

    – Identifies opportunities for collaboration between THORPEX and other programmes;

    – Defines decision points and the necessary steps to carry out THORPEX research and development;

    – Facilitates the transition of results to operations within the Members’ organizations.

    • The TIP is dynamic, evolving as the science opportunities change.

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    TIP Structure1. Introduction2. General Approach to Programme Design3. Core Research Objectives4. Predictability and Dynamical Processes Tasks5. Observing System Tasks6. Data Assimilation Tasks7. Social and Economic Applications Tasks8. A Global Interactive Forecasting System9. Intersection with Climate Prediction10. THORPEX Observing System Tests11. THORPEX Regional Campaigns (TReCs)12. THORPEX Demonstration Projects13. Major Campaigns14. Programme Management15. Financial Plan16. Draft Announcements of Opportunity17. Programme Implementation Schedule18. Contributing Institutions and Organizations19. References20. AbbreviationsANNEX I - TIP Terms of Reference ANNEX II - THORPEX IPO and Management Support Cost ANNEX III - WMO Bodies ANNEX IV – TIP Revision Tables

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    THORPEX Goals

    • To provide the research underpinning the WMO strategy to reduce by 50 per cent over the decade 2010-2019 the number of fatalities caused by meteorological, hydrological and climaterelated natural disasters compared with the ten-year average fatalities of 1995-2004.

    • To increase the effectiveness of advanced warnings of high impact weather globally.

    • To enable governments, societies and economic sectors to realise fully the benefit of weather and climate related information in critical decision-making.

    • To demonstrate ways to increase cooperation and collaboration between National Meteorological Services to deliver the benefitsof new global earth observations, advanced communications, and new global forecasting systems to all societies.

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    THORPEX Will…

    • Extend the range of skilful weather forecasts to time scales of value in decision-making (up to 14 days) using probabilistic ensemble forecast techniques;

    • Develop accurate and timely weather warnings in a form that can be readily used in decision-making support tools;

    • Assess the impact of weather forecasts and associated outcomes on the development of mitigation strategies to minimise the impact of natural hazards.

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    • Advancing our knowledge of global-to-regional influences on the initiation, evolution, and predictability of high-impact weather;

    • Designing the strategy for interactive forecasting and targeted observations thus contributing to the process of evolving the WMO Global Observing System (GOS) which is recognized as a core component of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS);

    • Creating and evaluating systems for the assimilation of targetedobservations from satellites and in-situ measurements;

    • Accelerating improvements in the accuracy weather forecasts;

    • Testing and demonstrating the utility of a multinational multi-model multi-analysis global ensemble forecasting system;

    • Improving and demonstrating decision support tools, which utiliseadvanced forecasting products to benefit directly social and economic sectors.

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    Research will focus on…

    • Predictability and Dynamical Processes• Observing Systems• Data Assimilation• Societal and Economic Applications• Developing and testing a Global Interactive Forecasting System

    (GIFS)– THORPEX Interactive Global Grand Ensemble– Prototype operational GIFS

    • Developing unified weather and climate prediction (with WCRP)• Developing of a new very high resolution global model• Demonstrating the benefits of the end-to-end forecast system

    particularly with partners in Developing Countries • Providing a weather focus for other major programmes, such as

    the International Polar Year• Regional campaigns

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    Predictability and Dynamical Processes

    Time Scale (Years)Goals

    Projects 2 6 10

    Effect of dynamical and physical processes on forecast skill

    Determine required skill of forecast systems to predict Rossby Wave amplitudes

    Influence of flow regimes on the climatology of forecast skill

    Identify geographical regions where improved observations will lead to improved forecastsDetermine relationship between macro-states of the atmosphere and predictability

    Predictive skill at all forecast ranges

    Determine what limits predictability Quantify the limits of predictability for all forecast ranges

    Role of model errors in forecasting

    Quantify and attribute sources of forecast error to initial conditions and model uncertainty

    Effect of initial condition uncertainty on forecasts

    Develop initial perturbation schemes for EPS

    Continue development of perturbation schemes for EPS

    Develop improved ensemble prediction systems

    Study resolution versus increased number of ensemble members

    Incorporate new initial perturbation schemes

    Incorporate NWP model perturbation schemes

    Adaptive methods in ensemble generation

    Develop optimum configuration of ensemble schemes

    Multi Centre ensemble research

    Create THORPEX data archive, access and verification tools for all THORPEX participants. Hosted at 2-4 centres worldwide

    Inform development of TIGGE research system

    Inform Operational Global Interactive Forecasting System

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    Observing System tasks

    Time Scale (Years)Goals

    Projects 2 6 10

    New Delivery Systems Assess current observing system strategy

    Examine, develop and test new delivery platforms for targeting

    Assess viability of observing system with new global NWP strategy

    Deliver new operational observing system

    Inform future satellite sensing systems and operational strategy

    Field campaigns Complete Observing System Tests

    Complete forecast impact studies

    Support observational needs of other THORPEX research components

    Complete Observing System Tests

    Complete forecast impact studies

    Support observational needs of other THORPEX research components

    Complete Observing System Tests

    Complete forecast impact studies

    Support observational needs of other THORPEX research components

    Refine Targeting and adaptive observing Strategies

    Determine targeting and adaptive observing strategies using OSEs and OSSEs

    Evaluate impact of strategies on forecast error

    Determine role of targeting and adaptive observing in Redesign of the Global Observing Network

    Generalise existing strategies Develop a generalised observing strategy for flow regimes dominated by physical processes

    Test and evaluate observing strategies in TReCs

    Design Observational networks Develop techniques for the optimal design of observing networks

    Test and evaluate network design

    Redesign of the Global Observing Network

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    Data Assimilation TasksTime Scale (Years)Goals

    Projects 2 6 10Quantify Observing System Errors

    Develop generic representation of observation error

    Utilise high volume datasets

    Develop techniques to assimilate high resolution observations

    Develop techniques to exploit hyper spectral sounders

    Use of Satellite Observations

    Develop techniques to use satellite data over land and in cloudy regions

    Assimilation of physical processes

    Develop new methods for assimilation of active sensor data

    Background error covariance

    Test and evaluate flow dependent models of background error in 3DVar and 4DVar

    Methods for cycling flow-dependent background errors

    Develop and test Kalman-filter and other ensemble-based data assimilation schemes

    Quality Control Develop and test adaptive quality control algorithms

    Model Uncertainty Develop method to incorporate model uncertainty into assimilation algorithms

    Design Observational Networks

    Develop techniques for the optimal design of observing networks

    Test and evaluate network design Redesign of the global observing network

    Refine targeting and adaptive observing strategies

    Determine targeting and adaptive observing strategies using OSEs and OSSEs

    Evaluate impact of strategies on forecast error

    Determine role of targeting and adaptive observing in redesign of the global observing network

    Generalise existing strategies

    Develop a generalized observing strategy for flow regimes dominated by physical processes

    Test and evaluate observing strategies in TReCs

    Complete Design of Data Assimilation System

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    Social and Economic Applications

    Time Scale (Years)GoalsProjects 2 6 10High Impact Weather Forecasts

    Develop and maintain a database of high impact forecasts

    Maintain database

    Advanced Forecast Verification Methods

    Develop user specific verification methods

    Provide a suite of verification measures for specific forecast applications

    Cost and Benefits of Improved Forecasts

    Determine which forecast improvements will have the greatest value to societies

    Determine the marginal value of high-impact forecasts

    Preliminary estimate of the cost and benefit of proposed THORPEX forecast improvements

    Quantitative measure of value sufficient to inform government policies and business re-engineering

    Quantify benefits of improved forecasting systemGeneralise application to societies and economies worldwide

    Generalise application to societies and economies worldwide

    User Specific Weather Products

    Expand use of current forecast products in social and economic sectorsBeta-test new products

    Suite of new decision support and consequence assessment tools

    Full utilisation of probabilistic information in decision-making

    Global Education and Capacity Building

    Refine WMO training programmes Facilitate transfer of techniques and skills to forecast centresthroughout the world

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    Global Interactive Forecast System

    Time Scale (Years)GoalsProjects 2 6 10

    Global Interactive Forecasting System (GIFS)

    Use research conducted in TIGGE to inform the development of operational forecast systems

    THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE)

    Complete a prototype global multi-model ensemble system consisting of at least 3 models

    Provide access to TIGGE database for general THORPEX research (including predictability and societal and economic impacts

    Complete evaluation of multi-model ensemble system and use results to optimise the GIFS through a series of quasi-operational demonstration projects

    Start to use system in real-time to drive regional ensembles in a series of demonstration projects

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    Intersection with Climate Prediction

    Time Scale (Years)Goals

    Projects 2 6 10Coordinate development of observing systems for weather and climate prediction

    Compare observing needs of weather and climate forecasting

    Develop synergistic observing practices for weather and climate forecasting

    Optimize observing networks for weather and climate forecasting

    Development of unified weather-climate data assimilation and prediction system

    Study coupled ocean-land-atmosphere model initialization and model drift problems

    Demonstrated improvement in forecast skill in critical range through use of atmosphere, land and oceanic initial conditions

    Convergence of weather and climate forecasts: Coupled ocean-atmosphere-land forecast model application on scales of 1-70 days

    Develop tools for seamless socio-economic applications of weather and climate forecast

    Compare weather and climate forecast applications

    Develop application tools suitable with both weather and climate forecasting

    Demonstrate value of seamless weather-climate forecast applications

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    Initial THORPEX Projects

    • THORPEX Observing System Tests– AMMA 2006– Cosmic data assimilation 2006+

    • THORPEX Regional Campaigns– Atlantic (EUCOS ongoing)– Sahara Dust (impact on cyclogenesis)– Sand and Dust Storm 2005-2015 (participant)

    • Demonstration Projects– Beijing 2008 Multi-model Global Ensemble/Mesoscale

    Ensemble 2006-2008– ACMAD

    • Major Campaigns– International Polar Year 2007/2008

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    Demonstration Projects• Demonstrate social and

    economic benefits that would result from the operational implementation of new forecasting tools and techniques– Disaster mitigation and

    reduction in developing and least developed countries (e.g., Flood response)

    – Economic efficiency (e.g. Energy generation)

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    THORPEX Management Structure agreed at ICSC-4

    Other TCs

    Management Group



    ShAP Regional Committees



    Data Policyand Management


    Global InteractiveForecasting System


    PredictabilityDynamical Processes




    Data AssimilationObserving Strategies




    Executive Board






    Executive Council ICSU EB IOC EC


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    Current & Next Steps

    • ICSC-4 has approved TIP• Next…

    – Establish Executive Board• Recruit Executive Director

    – Establishing Science Advisory Board• Select Co-chairs

    – Establish Technical Advisory Board• Select Co-chairs with WMO/CBS

    – Initial focus on• Greater involvement of Academic Community• TIGGE

    – Workshop in March 2005• IPY

    – National and Individual Plans in place by Jan 2005• Demonstration projects

    – B08• TOSTs

    – AMMA• TReCs

    – Atlantic (EUCOS lead)

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    Thanks to…

    Overview of THORPEX Planning OrganisationExpert GroupWMO SecretariatDevelopment of TIPPurpose of Implementation PlanTIP StructureTHORPEX GoalsTHORPEX Will…By…Research will focus on…Predictability and Dynamical ProcessesObserving System tasksData Assimilation TasksSocial and Economic ApplicationsGlobal Interactive Forecast SystemIntersection with Climate PredictionInitial THORPEX ProjectsDemonstration ProjectsTHORPEX Management Structure agreed at ICSC-4Current & Next StepsThanks to…
