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Tidbits 17 CDA
www.tidbitscda.com For Ad Rates call: (208) 755-9120 [email protected] of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #17 April 22nd by Janet Spencer For most of our time on earth, humans walked around stinking. Deodorant is a relatively new invention, and Tidbits tells the story. THE ARMPIT • To understand antiperspirant, you must first understand sweat. Sweat does not gush out of the pores. It hangs in the opening like a drop of water in a faucet. What finally pulls the sweat out is an electrical charge. A bead of sweat has a negative electrical charge. The surface of the skin has a positive electrical charge. The posi- tively charged skin yanks the negatively charged sweat out of the pores. Enter antiperspirant. Alu- minum chloride is the active ingredient, and it has a negative charge. The negatively charged aluminum shoves the sweat back into the body, just like two negative ends of a magnet move each other around. The sweat is re-absorbed by the body and the skin stays dry. • Deodorant is another story. There are bacteria living in a typical armpit, which is warm and moist. The ammonia waste products produced by the bacteria cause the odor. (Sweat is odorless.) Deodorants contain insecticides and bactericides that wipe out the entire arm pit colony— temporarily, at least. When the anti- microbial agents wear off, the bacteria move in again, journeying from the shirt or other parts of the body. TIDBITS® CONSIDERS DEODORANTS
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of Kootenai County, Idaho Issue #17 April 22nd

by Janet SpencerFor most of our time on earth, humans walked around stinking. Deodorant is a relatively new invention, and Tidbits tells the story.THE ARMPIT •Tounderstandantiperspirant,youmustfirstunderstandsweat.Sweatdoesnotgushoutof the pores. It hangs in the opening like a drop ofwaterinafaucet.Whatfinallypullsthesweatout is an electrical charge. A bead of sweat has a negative electrical charge. The surface of the skin has a positive electrical charge. The posi-tively charged skin yanks the negatively charged sweat out of the pores. Enter antiperspirant. Alu-minum chloride is the active ingredient, and it has a negative charge. The negatively charged aluminum shoves the sweat back into the body, just like two negative ends of a magnet move each other around. The sweat is re-absorbed by the body and the skin stays dry. • Deodorant is another story. There arebacteria living in a typical armpit, which is warm and moist. The ammonia waste products produced by the bacteria cause the odor. (Sweat is odorless.) Deodorants contain insecticides and bactericides that wipe out the entire arm pit colony— temporarily, at least. When the anti-microbial agents wear off, the bacteria move in again, journeying from the shirt or other parts of the body.


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From the Publisher’s


DEODORANTS (continued) •Thereasonwehavearmpithairisbe-cause the hairs act like wicks, moving moisture away from the skin and keeping it dry. Dry skin is healthier than moist skin. However, hair adds plenty of extra surface area for skin bacteria to cling to. Shaving cuts that area down. •Mankindthroughhistoryhasworkedtocombat body odor. Early Egyptians applied per-fumed oils to the armpit, and regularly removed their underarm hair. The Greeks and the Romans followed suit, but until 1888 the only remedy for B.O. was to mask the odor with perfume and spices. •In1888,aPhiladelphiainventorstum-bled on the fact that zinc prevents body odor. Zinc, like aluminum, prevents sweat from com-ing out of the pores, but it was decades before anyone understood why. He invented a zinc-based cream called Mum, patented it, and sold it widely. Bristol-Myers later bought him out, and Mum is still produced today, being marketed mainly in Britain. In 1902, a new antiperspirant calledEver-Dryhitthemarket;itwasthefirsttouse aluminum chloride. It was followed in 1908 by Hush. Unfortunately all of these early brands of antiperspirant were sticky, slow drying, and irritating to the skin. Ever-Dry was so acidic it would eat right through the fabric of a shirt. •In1916,anarticleintheJournaloftheAmerican Medical Association discussed a study that showed a 25 percent solution of aluminum chloride in distilled water would reduce exces-sive sweating if applied to the underarm every two or three days. However, such a solution tended to cause the skin to burn, sting, and itch because aluminum chloride is corrosive, having a very low pH value.

Evelyn Bevacqua

We are announcing a new network and looking for members who service people in the age group 40 plus. The focus will be to Educate, Support and Expand. We are committed to mak-ing a difference, living simply, giving and receiv-ing with care and respect. Rather than a monthly meeting we will come together to help support at least one of our fellow members with a function or event that they may be hosting, especially our not-for-profitmembers.Comingtogetherinthismanner will help us all. A fresh way to network! FOR MORE INFO CHECK OUT PAGE 4!

An INVITATION to Come To-gether and CONNECT

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The Post Falls local market is being pre-sented by The Post Falls Lions Club in partner-ship with the City of Post Falls. The Market is to be held every Thursday evening 4 to 7-30pm, startingJune6ththroughtoOctober.TheMarketwill be held on the Plaza in front of City Hall on the corner of Spokane Street and 4th Ave Post Falls. There will be musical entertainment.

The Post Falls Local Market

We are seeking Vendors for the following: •FreshVegetables •FruitandProduce •FarmFreshProducts •PlantsandShrubs •HomemadeProductsandCrafts •Collectibles •Woodenitems •Jewelry •Accessories •Candles •MetalCrafts

Only $20 for a 12 x 12 site Food Vendors by negotiations

To Register and Inquiries:Ken Cook 208-964-0181

[email protected] Brian Kirk 208-262-6836

[email protected] [email protected]

DEODORANTS (continued) • There was a break-through in1919 with the unveiling of a brash new antiper-spirant called Odo-Ro-No. In ads in newspapers and magazines, Odo-Ro-No proudly declared that it banished “B.O.” B.O., an abbreviation for ‘body odor’, was a scandalous term. Previously, such products had euphemistically claimed that they kept a person “clean, sweet, and dainty” so to admit that people actually sweat— and to further state that sweat smelled bad— made for a shocking advertisement. “Take the Armhole Odor Test!” challenged the ads, hinting at social disasters that might ensue if one failed the test. Sales soared. •AnewproductcalledArridCreamwasintroduced in the 1930s which contained alumi-num sulfate instead of aluminum chloride. This was much easier on the skin and the product sold well. The next advancement in deodorant didn’t come along until 1947 when Stoppette Spray De-odorantbecamethefirstdeodorantthatcouldbeappliedwithoutthefingershavingtocontactthesolution. It came in a spritzing squeeze tube. In 1952, Bristol-Myers (producers of Mum) came outwiththefirstroll-on,inventedbyacompanyresearcher named Helen Barnett Diserens who was inspired by the newly invented ballpoint pen. They named the product Ban, and it is still one of the top selling deodorants today. •While scientists were trying to figureout how to get a man to the moon, the Gillette corporationwastryingtofigureouthowtogetdeodorant into a can. It was a tough problem because the spray nozzle kept corroding or the deodorant would crystallize inside the can. In 1965theygottheformularightandintroducedRight Guard.

Thisarticlediscussesways todecrease inflam-mation of muscles and joints. INFLAMMATION IS DEFINED AS SWELLING, HEAT OR PAIN DUE TO IN-JURY, INFECTION OR TOXINS...


10 Nutrient Applications:1. Calcium and Magnesium both relax the mus-cles; magnesium inhibits inflammatory prosta-glandin synthesis.2. Zinc promotes healing.3. Ginger in addition to its therapeutic effect for nausea, also has powerful abilities to combatinflammation.4.Turmerichasexcellentanti-inflammatoryandantioxidant properties along with curcumin the active component of turmeric and is responsible for the yellow pigment.5.Quercetinisapotentbioflavonoidandpower-ful antioxidant.6.HighpotencyVitaminCwithbioflavonoidsisessentialtothehealingprocess.Bioflavonoidsdecrease the releaseof inflammationmediatorsandinhibittheinflammatoryprocess.7. Proteolytic enzymes help to counteract in-flammation and should be taken on an emptystomach.8. Essential Fatty Acids are precursors to potent anti-inflammatorysubstances.9. Milk Thistle is supportive of liver function and pathwaysofdetoxification.Removalofwastesandtoxinsiscrucialindecreasinginflammation.Silymarin, which is one of the main ingredients inmilk thistle, has an anti-inflammatory effecton blood platelets, and the ability to inhibit free radical production and leukotriene synthesis.10. Boswellia Serrata has been reported to have strong analgesic (pain -relieving) effects along with anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activ-ity. Dietary and Lifestyle Applications:1. Use the RICE method--REST, ICE, COM-PRESSION, ELEVATION for initial stages of injury (first 24-36 hours following injury).

2. Ice for 20 minutes out of every hour. Af-ter the initial stage, you can ice for 20 min-utes and then alternate ice with moist heat (20 minutes each), ending with ice treatment. This will aid in increasing circulation for healing.

3. Diet is important. Avoid (decrease) meat and animal fats to decrease arachidonic acid levels (proinflammatory fatty acid). Eat fish(wild) for omega-3 source, which decreases leukotriene (proinflammatory) production.Eat organic fruits and vegetables--minimum of 5 servings/day.Avoid (decrease) all refinedfoods, sugar, soft drinks andwhite flour prod-ucts. Increase garlic consumption, which is an anti-infectious agent. Drink plenty of filteredwater (1/2 your weight in ounces). The mate-rial contained in this article is for information-al purposes only. It is not meant for diagnosis.

Dr. Wayne Fichter DC is the head doctor at Disk and Spine Northwest and canbereachedat208215-3261

•Whenyougetneartheendofarollofpaper towels, save it to put in your car. Put to-gether a kit to keep in the car with the following items: a small bottle of Windex or other cleaner, a squeeze bottle of water, some wet wipes and the short roll of paper towels. You'll always be ready for a quick on-the-road cleanup. •Tokicktheitchfrombugbites,makeamixture of half lime juice and half water. Apply to bug bites on a soaked cotton ball. •Whenyoufinishawoodworkingproj-ect, save your leftover bits of sandpaper and use them to sharpen your scissors. All you need is a piece long enough to cut through few times. •Plasticgrocerybagsarehandyforsomany uses, but keeping them organized was always a pain, until I discovered that I could use an empty tissue box to store them. I just ball up each bag individually (so there is no air trapped) and stuff it in the tissue box. You can do the same thing for larger amounts of bags by using an empty 12-pack soda box. I store one of these in my shop." -- Fred C. from Pennsylvania •Tiredofsquirrelsonyourbirdfeeders?String a line of 2-liter soda bottles (as many as you like) together, and hang them between two trees, with the feeder in the middle. Works like a charm." -- C.V. in Maine •Forthesummergardenersgettingready out there, this tip comes from D.B. in Washington: "If you scratch your arms working with your roses and other things in your yard, cut the toes off a pair of tube socks and pull them over your forearms. It works great!"

Send your tips to Now Here's a Tip, c/o King Features WeeklyService,P.O.Box536475,Orlando,FL32853-

[email protected].(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

What Are You Doing To De-creaseInflammation?

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DEODORANTS (continued) • Right Guard used zirconium salts in-stead of aluminum salts. Although it was less ir-ritating to the skin, it acted as a deodorant but not as an antiperspirant. Five years later, Arrid Extra Dry provided both an antiperspirant and an anti-microbial deodorant in an aerosol spray. It sold so well that use of roll-ons and creams dimin-ished, and by the mid-1970s the vast majority of deodorants used in the U.S. were aerosols. Then problems with the ozone layer surfaced. The aerosol market plummeted, to be replaced by to-day’sinfinitevarietyofpumpsprays,sticks,andgels. •TheFDAclassifiesdeodorantsascos-metics. However, antiperspirants are classifiedasdrugs.Whythedifference?Becauseantiper-spirants technically alter the natural functions of your body. •Aluminum chloride discolors clothingand is famous for turning T-shirts yellow. Blame the antiperspirant for the armpit stains, not your sweat. •WhenrockstarKurtCobainwrotethelyrics for Nirvana’s breakout song “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” he didn’t know Teen Spirit was ac-tually the name a popular deodorant brand. The Mennen Company, which produced the deodor-ant, wouldn’t say whether the song caused sales to spike, but six months after the single debuted, Colgateboughtthecompanyfor$670million. •In2008,actorMatthewMcConaugheymentioned in an interview that he never uses de-odorant or antiperspirant. The next day, he re-ceived a year’s supply of deodorant body spray from the Axe Company, along with a note on why he might want to start. • The Service Shirts Corporation onceinvented a bowling shirt that had deodorant in-jected right into the fabric of the shirt.

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My Social Security There is an easier way to get answers from Social Security than sitting on hold on the phone.Social Security's website (http://socialsecurity.gov) has a long list of things you can do online after creating a My Social Security account: get your benefits verification letter, get your state-ment,applyforretirementordisabilitybenefits,appeal a disability decision, estimate your retire-mentbenefits,checkyourapplicationstatusandso much more. The biggest concern, however, is that if you've done a Google search about the topic, you easily could end up at a fake website that is not Social Security. For example, replacing your card is free, but if you accidentally wander to a scam site, they'll want to charge you as much as $50. Not only that, but they'll have your Social Security number when you type it in. If you marry and want a card in your new name, you'll need to contact Social Security di-rectly. Don't fall for an online scam. Even if you haven't hunted online for in-formation yet you receive what looks like Social Security email, beware. Social Security will nev-er send you email asking for information such as your name or number. Any emails asking for that are from scammers. If you receive that kind of email, call the real Social Security administra-tion immediately at 1-800-772-1213 or the fraud hotineat1-800-269-0271. Do the same if you receive a phone call from someone pretending to be from Social Se-curity. They might have excuses, such as their computer system went down or they need to ver-ify your banking direct-deposit information. If you sign up online for a genuine My Social Security account, beware. Be sure what webpage you're on. Remember to look for the ".gov" at the end of the address.Matilda Charles regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his col-

umn whenever possible. Send email to [email protected].

(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

SENIOR NEWS LINEby Matilda Charles

Are you community minded, want to make a difference, and are looking for a fresh newwaytogrowyourbusinessandyourself? We are proud to announce the expansion of TIDBITS and a new opportunity for youand your business or service: CONNECT, a bright new inclusive network now forming.We are looking for members who serve the 40 + age group and want to CONNECT and:

For CONNECT particulars and how to become a member Contact: Mary Thomas, [email protected] orcallMaryat:(208)964-9357

An INVITATION to Come Together and CONNECT

EDUCATE BE KNOWN AS THE EXPERT YOU ARE AND SHARE THISKNOWLEDGE. You will be a featured ‘Expert’ once each month, answering questions, sharing informa-tion or updates about your business, or an-nouncing an event.SUPPORT MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR BUSI-NESS AND IN OUR COMMUNITY.Come together to support other members - es-peciallyournon-profits,beapartofwhatis happening in our community, and be of ser-vice. As we Give, we Receive!EXPAND GROW YOUR BUSINESS AND GROW YOURSELF! Get affordable exposure to new customers and learn new practices that will keep you and yourbusiness fresh and exciting. Many are mightier than one! Join, have fun, and be ready to grow.

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Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupunc-turist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over 34 years of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling’s website at www.vitalhealthandfitness.comtolearnmoreaboutDr.Carling,viewalistof upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling canbereachedat208-765-1994andwouldbehappytoansweranyquestionsregarding this topic.

AreYouSufferingFromDepressionorAnxiety? Whatiswrongwithourmentalhealthtoday?Ifinditdistressingtoseehowmanypeopleareonpsychotropicdrugs,andhoweasilytheyareplacedonthem.Why?“Why”ismyfavoriteword.Ifthepersonisnotcoping,why?Iftheyhaveanxiety,why?Iftheyareobsessive/compulsiveorbi-polar,why?Iftheyaredepressed,why?Thebraindoesn’tnormallyoperateinacontra-survivalway,soifitis,why? Human emotions are meant to be felt. That’s why we have them. They are a normal, and healthy way of dealing with an imperfect life. Life is not meant to be monotone. It is not meant to be perfect. We will always have a tangle of problems, with their associated emotions, to go through. It’swhatstrengthensusanddefinesus.Sowhatishappeningwhenemotionsgolongerthanex-pectedorbecomeextreme? Our lifestyles have set the stage for out-of-control emotions. We eat foods that are devoid of the nutrients necessary for proper brain chemistry. We eat foods full of chemicals that interfere with proper brain chemistry. Although we don’t know what good brain chemistry looks like, we know what’s missing when certain emotions go out of control. But since the brain normally makes these chemicals, and would prefer that these chemicals stay in balance, we should be asking why would it stop?What’sinterfering?What’smissing? Taking a drug to replace the missing chemicals has helped millions of people. But given the choice, most people if they knew there were things they could do to encourage the brain or body to produce their own would prefer the later. This is where you need the help of a natural health care provider that knows how to assist this process. By restoring health to the individual, we restore healthy brain chemistry. The same things needed to rid the body of disease, helps the brain too. Things like proper nutrition, exercise, quality sleep and much more. A word of caution. I know of many, many individuals who take psychotropic drugs but don’t want to. So at some point they decide they can just go off them. So they do. The result is, they end up right back on them again, with the opinion they’re on them for life. However, they failed to do somethingabsolutelycritical.Theyfailedtohandletheunderlyingcauseoftheprobleminthefirstplace. If you pull the rug out from under yourself without providing another means of support, you will crash. If you don’t take care of the reason – either brain chemistry or the deconstructed reason for your emotion, you will crash because nothing has changed. This is where professional guidance is essential!

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Michael D’s Eatery Locally owned and operated for 15 years and counting. Serving a variety of omeletes and egg dishes, pancakes and french toast. Great lunch itemsfeaturinghandbatteredfishandchips,bel-ly bustin burgers and many sandwiches. Beer on tap as well as bottles, wine by the glass and mimosa’s. Outdoor covered seating as well with pri-vate meeting room with seating up to 30.

Open 7 days per week 6Am-2PM

with burgers and beer on the deck till dusk (weather permitting)

203 CDA Lake Dr. CDA ID 83814 208-676-9049

All advertisers on this pageare members of the ITEX

Trading Community.

Your ITEX dollars are welcome.


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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You easily handle your tasks this week, thanks to those high energy levels that never seem to run down. But pace yourself, Lamb, for the demanding week ahead.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) With the arts dominant this week, you might want to pick up any of those creative projects you've neglected. Aworkplacesituationbenefitsfromsomefreshinsight.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Music helps re-plenish your energy levels. Play your CDs if you must. But a live concert could prove more re-warding, especially if you go with that very spe-cial someone.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Close friends reach out to help perk up your lagging social life. That workplace situation also eases, leaving you time to do more fun things by week's end.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) A revelation clears up that perplexing job-related problem. Some changes will have to be made, which, no doubt, will meet with the Big Cat's roaring approval. Good luck.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Reaching out to someone in need is the noble thing to do. But try to restrain the temptation to add a lecture -- no matter how well-intended -- to your good deed.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) There could be another tough challenge to face before the month is over. But all that hard work is win-ning you lots of important recognition from your peers.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Keep-ingtoyourworkschedulecouldprovedifficultwith all those personal distractions. Best advice: Stay with it. There'll be time later for socializ-ing.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Jumping hurdles this week might be vexing for most, but not for the sage Sagittarian, who recognizes that meeting a challenge can open up opportunities.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) More obstacles might be thrown in your path asyoutrytofinalizeanewagreement.Butthesure-footed Goat ignores the stumbling blocks and stays the course.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) We know the Water Bearer takes pleasure in giving to others. But why not let someone else enjoy the experiencetoobyacceptingthatofferofhelp?

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You might findyouneedtoeaseuponyourhecticschedulethis week. Don't fret about it. It could be helpful to take a break and replenish your energy sup-ply.

BORN THIS WEEK:Youhaveawayoffind-ing practical solutions to complex problems, and you do it with grace.

(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.


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Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 8 Page 8 Tidbits® of CDAMOMENTS IN TIMEThe History Channel •OnApril28,1789, threeweeks intoajourney from Tahiti to the West Indies, the HMS Bounty is seized in a mutiny led by Fletcher Christian, the master's mate. Captain William Bligh and 18 of his loyal supporters were set adrift in a small, open boat. Bligh and his men reached Timor in the East Indies in June, after a voyageofabout3,600miles.

•OnApril24,1800,PresidentJohnAd-ams approves legislation to appropriate $5,000 to establish the Library of Congress. The firstlibrarycatalog,dated1802, listed964volumesand nine maps. Twelve years later, the British army invaded the city of Washington and burned the Capitol, including the then 3,000-volume Li-brary of Congress.

•OnApril26,1937,duringtheSpanishCivil War, the German military tests its powerful new air force -- the Luftwaffe -- on the Basque town of Guernica in northern Spain. One-third of Guernica's 5,000 inhabitants were killed or wounded,andfiresengulfedthecityandburnedfor days.

•OnApril23,1954,HankAaronhitsthefirsthomerunofhisMajorLeagueBaseballca-reer. Twenty years later, Aaron became baseball's new home-run king when he broke Babe Ruth's long-standing record of 714 career homers.

•OnApril27,1963,MargaretAnnemarieBattavio'sveryfirstsingle,"IWillFollowHim,"reaches No. 1 on the U.S. pop charts. At age 15, the singer better known as Little Peggy March became the youngest female performer ever to top the Billboard Hot 100.

•OnApril22,1970,EarthDay,aneventto increase public awareness of the world's envi-ronmental problems, is celebrated in the United States for thefirst time.MillionsofAmericansparticipated in rallies, marches and educational programs.

•OnApril25,1983,theSovietUnionre-leases a letter that Russian leader Yuri Andropov wrote to Samantha Smith, an American fifth-grader from Manchester, Maine, inviting her to visit his country. Andropov's letter came in re-sponse to a note Smith had sent him in December 1982, asking if the Soviets were planning to start a nuclear war.(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

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by Samantha Weaver

•Itwaspioneeringscience-fictionau-thor H.G. Wells who made the following sage observation: "Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." •Inamatchbetweena200-poundmountain lion and a 20-pound porcupine, the lion is likely to be the loser -- and will prob-ably die if it tried to take a bite of the desired prey. •Inanoddcoincidence,PresidentAbraham Lincoln had a secretary named Ken-nedy, and President John F. Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. Kennedy the secre-tary told Lincoln the president that he shouldn't go to Ford's Theatre the night he was shot; Lincoln the secretary tried to convince Ken-nedy the president not to go on a trip to Dallas, where he was shot. •ThosewhostudysuchthingssaythatAmericans watch more television during the months of January and February than at any other time during the year. •StrawberrieshavemorevitaminCthan oranges. •Youmaynotrealizeit,butyou'veprobably seen pictures of the French village of Mont-St.-Michel. It's a picturesque place, a tiny islet in the English Channel with an 8th-centu-ry abbey at the top of a high hill, surrounded by stone houses and cobbled streets. It wasn't al-ways an islet, though; the hill on which the ab-bey sits was once surrounded by an oak forest, and the shore was miles away. That all changed in the year 725, though, when an earthquake struck the region. A tidal wave washed over the forest, leaving a vast tidal plain in its wake. Ever since, twice a day, 40-foot tides complete-ly surround Mont-St.-Michel.

Thought for the Day: "The fundamental cause of trouble in this

world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt."

-- Bertrand Russell(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Tidbits® of Dallas County Page 10

FRENCH TOAST RECIPE: Quickmorningfill‘erup!Ilovetosneakin a veggie puree to the dip...no one including my husband usually notices! There a ton of cookbooks and recipes out there for “sneaky foods”. I use a carrot/squash blend that I pre-make and freeze in advance. I put them in mini-muffintraysthenbagforaneasyaddin!Pre-made baby food or apple sauce are great to have on hand if you don’t want to make your own! I’m all about healthy and quick....I’ve got things to do like go to the gym and work off that 10 lbs of baby weight that is still hanging on, not slave in the kitchen every waking minute!3 eggs½ teaspoon cinnamon1/8 teaspoon nutmeg¼ teaspoon cardamom1 teaspoon vanilla extract1½teaspoonsugar(4-6dropsliquidsteviaforno sugar)1/8 cup milk (soy or coconut also great substi-tute)1 Tablespoon cooking oil (coconut oil or butter is our favorite)4 slices whole wheat breadOptional: 2 Tablespoons of veggie or fruit puree (baby food or apple sauce work as well) Crack 3 eggs in a shallow mixing bowl to dip bread into. Add spices, vanilla extract, sugar, milk and puree then mix well with a fork. Heat shallow pan to a medium heat with cook-ing oil. Dip each slice of bread in egg mixture on each side. Cook until golden brown on each side of the bread (about 4 minutes each side)


4 Course Cooking Class with Angelo at your home with your friends $ 50.00 per person plus a glass of Angelo's wine!

For more info call Angelo’s Ristorante


Tidbits® of CDA

MRI Can Verify Gulf War IllnessGulf War illness is not psychological, and sci-entists can prove it.Researchers at Georgetown University were able to see the damage to the brain in 31 test veteranswithGulfWarillness.Thefindings,published recently in the PLOS ONE journal, describehowafastanddefinitivediagnosiscanbeproduced.Specifically,theylookedatbrainfibersthatprocesspain.InveteranswithGulfWarillness,thosefibersneverturnoff.Painisconstant.The key here is that researchers (or doctors) canseetheactualdamagetothefiberswithamachine that many hospitals have -- an MRI, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. All that's needed is special software called fMRI.Knowing that Gulf War illness is not psycho-logical is not new. Studies have linked it to 1990-1991 exposure to sarin gas, pesticides, oil-wellfires,smoke,petroleum,anti-nerve-gaspills and a whole array of vaccinations, includ-ing anthrax and botulinum toxoid. A partial list of illnesses tied to exposure: Chronicfatiguesyndrome,fibromyalgia,gas-trointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, muscle and joint pain, headache, memory problems and skin conditions. What's been seen in the 250,000 veterans who were exposed is that the illness doesn't go away. It gets worse as time goes on.Veterans who meet certain criteria can receive disability compensation, starting with a Gulf War Registry health exam. Enrollment in De-partment of Veterans Affairs health care is not required to get the free exam. Also available is the full range of VA health care.However, there is a time limit: Per the VA web-site, symptoms must be present for at least six months and have appeared during active duty --orbyDec.31,2016.CalltheVAHealthBenefitsCallCenterat1-877-222-8387 for more information.

Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his col-

umn whenever possible. Send email to [email protected].

(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

French Toast is a household breakfast staple that has healthy carbs, fat, protein and fruit/veg! Whatelsecouldyouaskfor?

Sponsored by : Bretta Provost with Vemma.More info at [email protected]


by Freddy Groves

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