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Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement...

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The Children’s Learning Ins1tute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston © 2015 Texas Educa1on Agency / The University of Texas System 44 Tools for Determining Importance
Page 1: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help




Page 2: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help

LookforaMainIdeaStatement•  Mainideascanbedirectlystatedinthetextorinferred.

•  “Baumann(1986)foundthatonlyabout15%ofparagraphsinadultexpositorymaterialhavethetopicsentenceintheini1alposi1on.Healsofoundthatonly30%oftheparagraphshavethemainideaexplicitlystatedanywhereintheparagraph.Thesefindingsstronglysuggestthatwemustteachstudentstoovercomethelackofanexplicitlystatedmainidea.”


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Page 3: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help

LookforaMainIdeaStatement•  Whenstudentsdon’tencounteranexplicitmainideainthefirstsentence,theyformaguessaboutthemainideaofthepassageandthenchecklatersentencesagainstthisguess.”


•  Whenmainideasareimplicit,readersrelyonother“tools”tohelpthemformulateandchecktheirmainideainferences.

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Page 4: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help



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Page 5: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help

UseTextFeatures•  TableofContents•  Titles,headings,andsubheadings•  Font(colored,italics,bold)•  Graphics(e.g.,photos,diagrams,maps,1melines,etc.)

•  Captionsandlabels•  Definitionsandpronunciationguide

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Page 6: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help




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Page 7: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help

•  Descriptive•  Sequential/Chronological•  CauseandEffect•  CompareandContrast•  ProblemandSolution


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Page 8: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help

Descrip1veTextStructure•  Descrip1vetextsarewrittentodescribeanobject,

person,place,eventoridea.•  Thetopicisdescribedbylis1ngorexplainingitsfeatures

orcharacteris1cs;oftenexamplesareprovided.•  Descrip1vewri1ngisfilledwithdetails;somedetailsare


•  Themainideaindescrip1vetextismaybeimplicitlystated.

•  Crea1ngmentalimageswhilereadingdescrip1vetexthelpstomoreeffec1velyiden1fythemainidea.


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Page 9: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help


•  Specificcharacteris1csorfeaturesaredescribedorexplained(size,shape,loca1on,color,etc.).

•  Descrip1veadjec1vesareusedthroughoutthetext.•  Detailsareprovidedtohelpthereadervisualizethetopic.

•  Examplesareoftenprovided(forinstance,suchas,anexample,toillustrate,todemonstrate).

•  Thetopicwordorasynonymforthetopicisoftenrepeated.

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Page 10: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help


•  Topic:Whatspecifictopic,person,idea,orthingisbeingdescribedorexplained?(One-twowords.)

•  ImportantDetails:Howisthetopicbeingdescribedorexplained?(Whatisit,whatdoesitlooklike,whatdoesitdo,whathappens,etc.)

•  MainIdea:Whatfeaturesorcharacteris1csareimportanttorememberorunderstandaboutthetopicbeingdescribed?(Onesentenceorless.)

•  Summary:Whatarethemainideasandimportantdetailsthatarenecessarytoinclude?Howwillyoustatetheminyourownwordsfollowingthestructureofthetext?(Asconciselyaspossible.)

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Ecosystem Changes

Changesbalanceeachotherout-  Organismslive/die-  Evapora1on/rain

Bigchangesaffecttheecosystem-  Erosion-  Popula1onchange








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Page 15: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help


YourTurn:•  ReadparagraphoneofThe

Aztecs.•  Onablankgraphicorganizer,


•  Thinkabouthowyouwillexplainyourthinkingtotheclass.

•  Practiceyourthink-aloudwithyourpartner.

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Page 17: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help



•  Rereadtoclarifyandconfirmthemainidea.

•  Discusstoconsolidateunderstandingandrememberthetextbetter.


Page 18: Tools for Determining Importance · Tools for Determining Importance Look for a Main Idea Statement • Main ideas can be directly stated in the text or ... other “tools” to help


