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Top 10 Free Tools for eMarketing

Date post: 07-Dec-2014
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Presentation created to showcase 10 free tools that we think will really help with your emarketing
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Top 10 Online Tools for E-Marketing
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Top 10 Online Tools for


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Types of online eMarketing tools


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˃ Customers and potential customers research decisions based on what they read on the web

˃ Search Engines rank your business based on what you publish

˃ Customers need to see your site changing - they need a reason to return

˃ All SEO consultants agree that content is king˃ Your own team often need a central store for

information˃ We all have more choices and less time so we

choose what appears to solve our problems

Why content is so important?

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How will our top ten tools help?

˃ They will save you time˃ Provide you with content ideas˃ Help you judge success˃ Give you access to useful content˃ Provide you with more marketing channels˃ Improve your search engine rankings˃ Reduce reliance on third party companies˃ Reduce your marketing expenditure˃ Involve more people in your marketing publishing˃ Reduce reliance on IT providers or departments

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Introducing our Top Ten Tools


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1. WordPress Blog

˃ The easiest way to add content 

˃ Self install wordpress.org or wordpress.com

˃ SEO friendly categories˃ Easy to link to other tools

& services such as social media and RSS

˃ Standalone or integrated with your main site

˃ Build powerful links˃ Mobile updating tools


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2. Twitterfeed

˃ Free cloud based service˃ Publishes you blog to

Twitter and Facebook using bit.ly links

˃ Can also post from Twitter to Facebook and vice-versa

˃ Fully automated service˃ Can add multiple feeds


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˃ Free service that allows you to publish to multiple social media accounts from a single application 

˃ Supports Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google Buzz, Four Square

˃ Also useful for finding out who is talking about your products or services

˃ Available on mobile platforms www.tweetdeck.com

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4. Pixetell

˃ Cloud based video creation tool

˃ Capture computer screen or webcam

˃ Instant social sharing˃ One click to start capture˃ Creates embed code for

your website˃ Export to avi, flv, mpeg or

wav formats˃ Handles hosting


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5. YouTube

˃ Important business tool ˃ Create your own channel˃ 2nd most popular search

engine˃ Provides free hosting and

easy embed˃ Improves your Google

Rankings - especially if use a video sitemap

˃ Mobile updating tool


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6. AudioBoo

˃ Audio is an important medium

˃ Audioboo turns your mobile into a recording device

˃ Creates instant podcasts for itunes download

˃ Can be embedded in your website or published as a link

˃ Record, upload & publish from your mobile


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7. RSS Feeds

˃ Stands for Really Simple Syndication

˃ Create your own feeds for marketing

˃ Distribute and Locate Feeds

˃ Add feeds to your website to add useful content

˃ Use to keep up to date with a feed reader

˃ Use to auto populate your own mobile app or website http://feedburner.google.com

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8. Google Apps for Business

˃ Create and embed presentations - add voice with Pixetell

˃ Embed event calendars ˃ Embed documents, pdfs

or spreadsheets˃ Use as a basic html editor˃ Create intelligent forms˃ Embed Video˃ Even has own website

creation tool


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˃ Create your own marketing dashboard

˃ Integrates with Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter, eMarketing, iTunes, GetSatisfaction & Zendesk

˃ View live or email report˃ Free service˃ Can add custom analysis

from your sales system


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10. Alert Services

˃ Find out what people are saying about you or topics you are interested in 

˃ Search websites, forums or individual posts

˃ Find and join relevant forums for your industry

˃ Search social media˃ Get email instant



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Mobile Tools

You can add content direct from your mobile device to ensure your website stays really current

˃ Blog˃ Audio˃ Video˃ Social Media˃ RSS Feeds & Alerts

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How to integrate?


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