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Top 15 for '15: 2015 Marketing and Advertising Trends

Date post: 24-Jul-2015
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Check out the top 15

marketing & advertising trends we

are LOVING right now.

Content Collaboration 1

Giving the customer the ability

to contribute to content creation by delegating some of

the brand-building responsibilities.


Want more options to share their opinions about brands.

64% of Millennials 53% of Baby Boomers

4,000 customers submitted entries in a 3-week span.

The Starbucks White Cup Contest: winner gets the template for the new Starbucks cup.

Collaborative Economy 2

Allows people to create their

own physical goods as well as share their existing physical


Who is part of the Collaborative


•  Airbnb •  Uber •  Lyft

•  Kickstarter •  Indiegogo •  Etsy

Brands are embracing this Collaborative Economy and partnering with other brands.

Comcast & Airbnb Comcast created 3 unique Xfinity “Watchathon Week Aribnb properties.” 3 families were selected to spend an entire week in the Airbnb properties. Interiors matched Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, and The Wire.

Using Mobile Messaging Apps 3

Using WhatsApp, Kik, Snapchat and other messaging apps to build your brand.

Using WhatsApp, Kik, Snapchat and other messaging apps to build your brand


Texting is down 18.4% from last year.

But mobile internet usage

increased 52%.

Social messaging apps have changed the way we communicate with people through mobile


Check out GrubHub’s Snapchat Story …

Data Visualization 4

A picture is worth

1,000 words

Data is powerful if you can actually understand what it is telling you.

Data is powerful if you can actually understand what it is telling you. Data visualization gives you a powerful way to communicate information.

Marion Luttenberger

Interactive Media 5

For many agencies, traditional print ads are crucial to their


For many agencies, traditional print ads are crucial to their


Brands have found new ways to merge the digital and

physical through interactive media in print ads.

Speed Test by Sonera

Cinemagraphs 6

It’s like a GIF

It’s like a GIF … but better

A Cinemagraph is … an image that mixes a high quality photograph with video. Few elements are moving where the rest are static.

Ann Street Studio

Magic Realism 7

Animation on top of video

Check out Magic Leap … you’ll feel like you are in Harry Potter.

Magic Leap

Hand Drawn Illustrations 8

With the world constantly changing, minimalism is in.

Hand-drawn art is getting integrated into new projects.


Background Video 9

In 2014, there were a lot of large high-quality images, but there is no longer a limitation to static images. With faster internet speeds and HTML5, websites can now integrate video without harming load time.

The Q Camera

Extreme Content Marketing 10

What is Extreme Content


Association with extreme sports and


A brand full of energy, excitement, and the idea that anything is possible.

interactions on Facebook shares on Facebook in sales to $1.6 billion

900,000 83,000 7% increase

The RedBull & Stratos Jump ...

Humanized Brands 11

Being a “Human Era Brand” means having

an authentic story delivered consistently through an inspiring


•  Personal •  Conversational •  Empathetic •  Inspirational •  Problem Solvers

Human Era Brands are … •  Humorous •  Prone to Mistakes •  Authentic •  Transparent •  Storytellers

Like Southwest Airlines ...

Social Selling 12

of B2B buyers use social media to research purchase decisions.

Of salespeople who use social media outsell their peers.



Ask a Question That Starts a Conversation

Emojis 13

billion smartphone users worldwide

billion messages sent per day billion emoticons sent per day




Mentos Created Ementicons

Coca Cola Used Them on Billboards

Using Instagram Celebrities 14

Brands are paying Instagram Celebrities

with large followings to promote their product if they are a match to

their consumer profile.

Like Patrick Janelle posting

about Bloomingdales

Or Cara Loren promoting Lord

and Taylor

Comic Relief 15

Having some non-promotional material

that shows a little personality has proven to make more people

trust your brand.

Funny 404 Messages

Or just some good ol’ pranking ...

Happy Trending!
