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TOPIC 3 Genetic Continuity Chapter 9 - Patterns of Inheritance

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Chapter 9 - Patterns of Inheritance AIM: Are we born this way or does the environment make us who we are? Our next adventure is into genetics or the study of heredity. Heredity is the passage of design information (DNA) from the parent(s) to the offspring.

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TOPIC 3 Genetic Continuity Chapter 9 - Patterns of Inheritance
AIM: Are we born this way or does the environment make us who we are? TOPIC 3 Genetic Continuity Chapter 9 - Patterns of Inheritance
AIM: Are we born this way or does the environment make us who we are? Our next adventure is into genetics or the study of heredity. Heredity is the passage of design information (DNA) from the parent(s) to the offspring. Nature Nurture vs. Chapter 9 - Patterns of Inheritance
AIM: Are we born this way or does the environment make us who we are? Nature vs. Nurture Nature-Nurture is the classic debate concerning genetics (ones inherited genes - nature) vs. environment (nurture). Which is more important? Are you more intelligent than your friend because of the genes you were given by your parents or because of how your parents/teachers/etc raised you? Or both Nature Nurture vs. Chapter 9 - Patterns of Inheritance
AIM: Are we born this way or does the environment make us who we are? Nature vs. Nurture Which do you think is more important, the genes that store the information to build your RNA and proteins, which built your mind, OR the environment that your mind was built in? Where would you look to determine if nature or nurture is more important? Identical twins (better yet, identical twins that were separated at birth) Chapter 9 - Patterns of Inheritance
AIM: Are we born this way or does the environment make us who we are? The Pit-bull (left) and the Rottweiler (right) were both artificially selected for their aggression and natural tendency to guard objects. This means that this tendency is built into the wiring of their brains, which were built by proteins in cells, which were built from the information stored in the genes, which came from the dogs parents Chapter 9 - Patterns of Inheritance
AIM: Are we born this way or does the environment make us who we are? The Pit-bull (left) and the Rottweiler (right) were both artificially selected for their aggression and natural tendency to guard objects. Artificial Selection: When humans choose which offspring to mate, forcing certain characteristics (traits). Chapter 9 - Patterns of Inheritance
AIM: Describe the rules that govern how traits are inherited. Conclusion: The environment can affect gene expression (how much protein is made, etc) Ancient Greece, Hippocrates Chapter 3 - The Molecules of Cells
AIM: Describe the structure of DNA and RNA? Reminder Chromosomes (DNA; the books) contain thousands of genes (sentences) that code for RNA and in turn protein. **Proteins built you and maintain you and therefore they determine your traits. Haploid human genome is ~3 billion base pairs Genes therefore determine your traits (the color of your eyes, height, shape of your face, skin color, etc) Heredity is the passing of ones genes to their offspring. Chapter 8 - The cellular bases of reproduction and inheritance
AIM: Describe the eukaryotic cell cycle. Lets look at the structure of DNA once more quickly Chapter 8 - The cellular bases of reproduction and inheritance
AIM: Describe the eukaryotic cell cycle. C-G G-C A-T T-A C-G G-C A-T T-A DNA Chromosome Chromatin
Chapter 8 - The cellular bases of reproduction and inheritance AIM: Describe the eukaryotic cell cycle. DNA Double-stranded nucleic acid (the books) stuck in the nucleus (the library) in eukaryotes that contains the information (genes) to build every mRNA, tRNA and rRNA. Chromosome A single piece of double-stranded DNA and associated proteins like histones. Humans have 46 chromosomes in every cell with a nucleus (a single book). Chromatin All of the chromosomes in the nucleus combined. Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
NEW AIM: How is DNA replicated DNA REPLICATION Immediately after determining the structure of DNA (1953), Watson and Crick proposed what is known as the semi-conservative model of DNA replication, and they happened to be correct although they would now know this until experiments done by American geneticists Meselson and Stahl in 1958 Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is DNA replicated The semi-conservative model GENERAL OVERVIEW What must happen first? The DNA strands must separate (hydrogen bonds are broken between A-T and C-G base pairs). An enzyme known as DNA helicase does this (an enzyme that unwinds and opens a helix is called a helicase get it?) Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is DNA replicated? Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How is DNA replicated The semi-conservative model GENERAL OVERVIEW Tattoo templates Now what must happen? -The two strands called template or parent strands will be used as a template to fill in the new strands. -The template is what you look at to make a new copy. It is a pattern you follow. Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is DNA replicated? Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How is DNA replicated The semi-conservative model GENERAL OVERVIEW Nucleotides, which are in high concentration and randomly diffusing around the cell (in the nucleus of eukaryotes, are correctly paired and attached to each other (dehydration synthesis) by the enzyme DNA polymerase Fig. 10.4A Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is DNA replicated? Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How is DNA replicated The semi-conservative model GENERAL OVERVIEW Parent or template strands Daughter or complementary strands The result is two identical daughter chromosomes, each containing one strand from the original parent molecule and one newly synthesized strand called the daughter strand, which is complementary to the parent strand (semi-conservative). Fig. 10.4A GENE EXPRESSION Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
NEW AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? GENE EXPRESSION Going from Gene to Protein ? Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
NEW AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? How is the genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein so that the proteins can build and maintain you? ? Fig. 10.6A ? Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? What is the first step and what enzyme is involved? ? Fig. 10.6A Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
NEW AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Transcribe means to make a written copy. mRNA is a copy of a segment of DNA, a gene. They are the same language nucleic acid language. By RNA polymerase Use skeletal muscle cell example and the second step? Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
NEW AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Translate means to convert between languages. In this case, nucleic acid language is translated into amino acid language by the ribosome and tRNA. By the ribosome and tRNAs Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Reminder (analogy): The nucleus is the library, the DNA/chromosomes are the reference books that cannot leave the library, and the mRNA is the transcription or copy of a small part of the DNA, a gene, that is slipped through the nuclear pore to a ribosome (rRNA +proteins) in the cytosol that will be involved in translating the nucleic acid language into amino acid language (a polypeptide) with the help of tRNA. Do bacteria have a library? They do not have a nucleustranscription occurs in the semifluid (cytoplasm) Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? Fig. 10.7 Reminder: A single chromosome has thousands of genes Each gene codes for? A complementary piece of RNA (mRNA, tRNA or rRNA) If the gene codes for mRNA, then the mRNA will code for? A protein Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
NEW AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology What does the sentence say?
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? Cracking the Genetic Code (Translating DNA/RNA Language into amino acid language) Genetic Code: The rules by which information is encoded in DNA/mRNA and translated into polypeptide sequences. The chromosomes are books, which would make a gene just one sentence in these books Transcribed strand is the antisense strand Chromosomes = Books Gene = Sentence in the Book RNA = A copy of the sentence What does the sentence say? Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? Cracking the Genetic Code (Translating DNA/RNA Language into amino acid language) All English books are written using 26 letters arranged into different combinations to make words, which are combined to make sentences... RNA Nucleic Acid Language is MUCH simpler Transcribed strand is the antisense strand Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? Cracking the Genetic Code (Translating DNA/RNA Language into amino acid language) RNA Nucleic Acid Language is MUCH simpler 1. There are only 4 letters (A,U,G,C) 2. These letters combine to make words, called codons, which are only 3 letters long. Transcribed strand is the antisense strand Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? Cracking the Genetic Code (Translating DNA/RNA Language into amino acid language) RNA Nucleic Acid Language is MUCH simpler 1. There are only 4 letters (A,U,G,C) 2. These letters combine to make words, called codons, which are only 3 letters long. Transcribed strand is the antisense strand How many different codons can be made from the four letters? *Only 64 words in the entire language!! (It could not be any simpler and still work) 4 x 4 x4 = 64 Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? Cracking the Genetic Code (Deciphering DNA/RNA Language) What do these 64 codons code for? 1. Sixty-One of the codons code for an amino acid Transcribed strand is the antisense strand Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? Cracking the Genetic Code (Deciphering DNA/RNA Language) What do these 64 codons code for? 1. Sixty-One of the codons code for an amino acid Example: The codon AUG codes for the amino acid Methionine (Met) this is typically the first or starting codon, which make __________ the first amino acid of most proteins Transcribed strand is the antisense strand Methionine Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to protein? Cracking the Genetic Code (Deciphering DNA/RNA Language) What do these 64 codons code for? 1. Sixty-One of the codons code for an amino acid Example: The codon AUG codes for the amino acid Methionine (Met) this is typically the first or starting codon, which make __________ the first amino acid of most proteins Transcribed strand is the antisense strand Methionine 2. Three of the codons tell the ribosome to stop UAG, UAA, UGA NEW AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to Protein?
The genetic code was cracked in the 1960s, just after the structure of DNA was elucidated. The chart to the right is used to look up any RNA codon and determine the amino acid it codes for ONLY 1.5% of our genome codes for proteins The Genetic Code Fig. 10.8A NEW AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to Protein?
There are Sixty-One codons coding for amino acids, but there are only how many amino acids? 20 What does that mean? Some amino acids are coded for by more than one codon like Leu, which is coded for by 6 codons! ONLY 1.5% of our genome codes for proteins The Genetic Code Fig. 10.8A AIM: How is genetic information transmitted from DNA to Protein?
OVERVIEW This is it! This is how every RNA/polypeptide in all of your cells is made starting from the gene!! Fig Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
NEW AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Mutagenesis Muta- = mutation = any change in the sequence of DNA -genesis= origin or production of Therefore, mutagenesis means to Produce a mutation or to produce any change in the DNA sequence of an organism. What causes mutations? Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? What causes mutations? PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] mutations 1. Radiation Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? mutations 1. Radiation UV light from the sun - gamma rays from outside Earth (ex. Distant supernova) - Soil and certain rocks in the Earths crust contain radioactive radon gas PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] -color TV, smoke detectors, computer monitors, X-ray machines, nuclear plants, etc Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 1. High energy radiation
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 1. High energy radiation PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 1. High energy radiation
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 1. High energy radiation PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 2. Chemicals B. Pollutants
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 2. Chemicals B. Pollutants Ex. Cigarette Smoke PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] A List of known carcinogens in cigarette smoke
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? A List of known carcinogens in cigarette smoke IQ 92-Amino-3-methyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-f]quinoline) Isoprene Lead 5-Methyl-chrysene 2-Naphthylamine Nitrobenzene Nitrogen mustard Nitromethane 2-Nitropropane N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine (NDBA) N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine (NDPA) N-Nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA) N-Nitrosodiethylamine (DEN) N-Nitrosodimethylamine (DMN) N-Nitrosoethylmethylamine (NEMA, MEN) 4-(N-Nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridinyl)-1-butanone (NNK) N'-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN) N-Nitrosopiperidine (NPIP, NPP) N-Nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR, NPY) Polonium-210 (Radon 222) Propylene oxide Safrole Styrene Tetrachloroethylene o-Toluidine (2-methylaniline) Acetaldehyde Acetamide Acrylamide Acrylonitrile 2-Amino-3,4-dimethyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (MeIQ) 3-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido [4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-1) 2-Amino-l-methyl-6-phenyl-1H-imidazo [4,5-b]pyridine (PhlP) 2-Amino-6-methyldipyrido[1,2-a:3',2'-d]imidazole (Glu-P-1) 3-Amino-l-methyl-5H-pyrido {4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-2 2-Amino-3-methyl-9H-pyrido[2,3-b]indole (MeAaC) 2-Amino-9H-pyrido[2,3-b]indole (AaC) 4-Aminobiphenyl 2-Aminodipyrido[1,2-a:3',2'-d]imidazole (Glu-P-2) 0-Anisidine Arsenic Benz[a]anthracene Benzene Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[b]fluoranthene Benzo[j]fluoranthene Benzo[k]fluoranthene Benzo[b]furan Beryllium 1,3-Butadiene Cadmium Catechol (1,2-benzenediol) p-Chloroaniline Chloroform Cobalt p,p'-DDT Dibenz[a,h]acridine Dibenz[a,j]acridine Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 7H-Dibenzo[c,g]carbazole Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene Dibenzo(a,i)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)pyrene Dibenzo(a,l)pyrene 3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic acid (caffeic acid) Ethylbenzene Ethylene oxide Formaldehyde Furan Glycidol Heptachlor Hydrazine Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] Trichloroethylene Urethane (carbamic acid, ethyl ester) Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride 4-Vinylcyclohexene 2,6-Xylidine (2,6-dimethylaniline) Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 2. Chemicals
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 2. Chemicals D. Food Additives i. Acesulfame K PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] ii. Artificial coloring (blue-1, blue-2, red-3, yellow-6) iii. BHA and BHT iv. Nitrite and Nitrate v. Olestra vi. Potassium Bromate Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 5. Certain drugs
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Induced mutations A. Mutagens (carcinogens) 5. Certain drugs Ex. Chemotherapy drugs 6. Viruses (Oncoviruses) PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] a. HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) b. EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) c. Hepatitis C virus Types of Mutations that can occur.
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Types of Mutations that can occur. PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] Somatic mutations vs germ line mutations Types of Mutations Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Types of Mutations Fig B Types of Mutations Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Types of Mutations 1. Point mutations this type of mutation is called a point mutation because it happens at a single point (single letter) Types of Mutations Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Types of Mutations In this case, the mutation caused an amino acid change in the protein, which will cause a structural change in the protein/polypeptide and possibly a change in the proteins function. Types of Mutations Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Fig B 2. Deletions one or more nucleotides are lost. If a multiple of 3 are lost (3,6,9,etc), then only those amino acids are lost from the polypeptide. However, if any other number are lost, all the amino acids change (called a reading frame shift or a frame shift mutation). Types of Mutations Types of Mutations Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Cause of Tay Sachs 3. Insertions one or more nucleotides are gained. If a multiple of 3 are inserted (3,6,9,etc), then new amino acids are added to the polypeptide. However, if any other number are inserted, all the amino acids change (reading frame shift). Types of Mutations Types of Mutations Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Large Scale mutations (introduce congenital) Second copy is free of selective pressures, mutations do not affect organisms typically Tends to happen during crossing over or retrotransposition Accompanied by a deletion - one gamete gets deletion, one gets duplication 1- major role in evolution 2 - can result in overexpression of the gene -can cause cancer if an oncogene is duplicated 4. Inversions Segments of the DNA get flipped (inverted) Types of Mutations 1. Point mutants or substitutions 2. Deletion 3. Insertion
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Types of Mutations 1. Point mutants or substitutions 2. Deletion 3. Insertion 4. Inversion CML (chronic myelogenous leukemia) Reciprocal Translocation Somatic Germline mutations vs
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Somatic vs Germline mutations PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] Somatic mutations vs germ line mutations Somatic (body cell) mutations
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Somatic (body cell) mutations Mutations occurring in body cells that can lead to cancer, but are not heritable (CANNOT be passed to offspring). Is cancer itself heritable? Cancer is NOT heritable, but the predisposition to get cancer IS! PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] Somatic mutations vs germ line mutations Germline mutations Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? Germline mutations Germline cells - gametes and the cells that will become gametes after meiosis. How are these mutations different? Mutations that occur in these cells can be inherited by the offspring. These are the critical ones in terms of evolution. PCBs - polychlorobiphenyls - were used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, coolants, lubricants, stabilizing additives in flexible PVC coatings of electrical wiring and electronic components, pesticide extenders, cutting oils, flame retardants, hydraulic fluids, sealants (used in caulking, etc), adhesives, wood floor finishes,[1] paints, de-dusting agents, and in carbonless copy paper.[2] Somatic mutations vs germ line mutations The mutations Randomly Create New Genes
Chapter 10 - Molecular Biology of the Gene AIM: How are genes altered and what is the result? What do all these germline mutations have in common whether positive or negative? The mutations Randomly Create New Genes Without mutation, there would be no new genes, organisms would never change (no evolution!). Why would this not be good? Because the environment changes over time, and if organisms cannot change to keep up with it there will be no organisms. GENETIC ENGINEERING Chapter 12 - DNA Technology and the Human Genome
Genetically modify organisms and transgenic organisms GENETIC ENGINEERING Cry genes (produce Bt toxin) from Bacillus thurengensis (Bt) put into peanut plant - European corn borer larvae Genetically engineered sheep with the human gene responsible for the production of alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) transferred into their DNA. When the AAT is eventually extracted from their milk, it will be used as therapy for humans deficient in AAT. The deficiency causes emphysema (a breathing disorder) in approximately 100,000 people in the western world. Chapter 12 - DNA Technology and the Human Genome
Genetically modify organisms and transgenic organisms Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): -Organisms whose genes have been altered using genetic engineering techniques. Transgenic organisms - Most GMOs are transgenic organisms they have received genes from a different organism. Cry genes (produce Bt toxin) from Bacillus thurengensis (Bt) put into peanut plant - European corn borer larvae Genetically engineered sheep with the human gene responsible for the production of alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) transferred into their DNA. When the AAT is eventually extracted from their milk, it will be used as therapy for humans deficient in AAT. The deficiency causes emphysema (a breathing disorder) in approximately 100,000 people in the western world. Ex. A mouse is given a gene from a human. The mouse is a transgenic GMO. Trans- ; across (across species in this case) Chapter 12 - DNA Technology and the Human Genome
Genetically modify organisms (GMOs) and transgenic organisms GMOs at home: GloFish Zebra danio 1. Zebra danio was genetically engineered with a gene from sea coral that causes the fish to glow in the presence of environmental toxins. 2. Gene was inserted into the embryo of the fish. 3. First GMO available as a pet. GMO food: Chapter 12 - DNA Technology and the Human Genome
Genetically modify organisms (GMOs) and transgenic organisms GMO food: Ordinary rice Golden rice - Golden rice is genetically engineered with genes that code for enzymes that make beta-carotene, a precursor to Vitamin A for countries deficient in foods with Vit. A - This rice has never been used because of environmental concerns. GMO medicine: AAT Sheep
Chapter 12 - DNA Technology and the Human Genome Genetically modify organisms and transgenic organisms GMO medicine: Cry genes (produce Bt toxin) from Bacillus thurengensis (Bt) put into peanut plant - European corn borer larvae Genetically engineered sheep with the human gene responsible for the production of alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) transferred into their DNA. When the AAT is eventually extracted from their milk, it will be used as therapy for humans deficient in AAT. The deficiency causes emphysema (a breathing disorder) in approximately 100,000 people in the western world. Alpha 1-Antitrypsin or 1-antitrypsin (A1AT) is a glycoprotein and generally known as serum trypsin inhibitor. Alpha 1- antitrypsin is also referred to as alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor (A1PI) because it is a serine protease inhibitor (serpin), inhibiting a wide variety of proteases.[1] It protects tissues from enzymes of inflammatory cells, especially elastase, and has a reference range in blood of gram/liter (in US the reference range is generally expressed as mg/dL or micromoles), but the concentration can rise manyfold upon acute inflammation.[2] In its absence, elastase is free to break down elastin, which contributes to the elasticity of the lungs, resulting in respiratory complications such as emphysema, or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in adults and cirrhosis in adults or children. AAT Sheep Genetically engineered sheep with the human gene foralpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT). AAT is extracted from their milk and used to treat humans deficient in AAT, which is one cause of emphysema (a breathing disorder) in approximately 100,000 people in the western world. GMO medicine: E. Coli with the human insulin gene
Chapter 12 - DNA Technology and the Human Genome Genetically modify organisms and transgenic organisms GMO medicine: E. Coli with the human insulin gene Cry genes (produce Bt toxin) from Bacillus thurengensis (Bt) put into peanut plant - European corn borer larvae Genetically engineered sheep with the human gene responsible for the production of alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) transferred into their DNA. When the AAT is eventually extracted from their milk, it will be used as therapy for humans deficient in AAT. The deficiency causes emphysema (a breathing disorder) in approximately 100,000 people in the western world. Alpha 1-Antitrypsin or 1-antitrypsin (A1AT) is a glycoprotein and generally known as serum trypsin inhibitor. Alpha 1- antitrypsin is also referred to as alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor (A1PI) because it is a serine protease inhibitor (serpin), inhibiting a wide variety of proteases.[1] It protects tissues from enzymes of inflammatory cells, especially elastase, and has a reference range in blood of gram/liter (in US the reference range is generally expressed as mg/dL or micromoles), but the concentration can rise manyfold upon acute inflammation.[2] In its absence, elastase is free to break down elastin, which contributes to the elasticity of the lungs, resulting in respiratory complications such as emphysema, or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in adults and cirrhosis in adults or children. - Insulin is made using the bacterium E. coli. - The human gene coding for insulin is inserted into E. coli, which will then make insulin for us (we will see how this is done shortly) Review Slide Chapter 12 - DNA Technology and the Human Genome
How can we use bacteria to manipulate DNA and protein? Review Slide Bacterial and human DNA is cut using restriction enzymes (enzymes that act like DNA scissors) The DNA is then combined and added back to a bacterium, which will make the protein or more of the gene when it divides. Fig. 12.3
