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Topics Chairman - Middlesbrough Golf Club2.pdf · Topics •Chairman •Captain •Lady Captain...

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Web Version | Update preferences | Unsubscribe Like Tweet Forward Topics Chairman Captain Lady Captain Clubhouse Services North of England Summary TSGU Second Division Champions Junior Section Pro Shop News on the Course Congratulations On a lighter note Etiquette Future Newsletters & the Website IN OTHER NEWS Welcome new members Full male. Mr M Bainbridge, Mr C Jackson. Chairman 'Welcome to this latest edition of the club newsletter packed with information about what is happening on the course, in the clubhouse and in the pro-shop. We are trying to keep the content as 'member focussed' as we can. In this regard, Keith Allinson does a great job putting it together but relies on others to provide him with the material. If there is an event, an achievement or other subject that you would like to see reported, give Keith a call and let him know (contrary to popular belief he does not have a crystal ball!). As you will see from this edition, there are lots of good things going on and I very much hope that you find it an interesting, informative and enjoyable read'. Mark Braithwaite Captain Members quarter 3 of your year as Captain sure sees things slowing down and thankfully time to reflect. I look back with fondness at the late spring and summer months and the heart felt support you receive from the membership, staff and the visiting dignitaries. The real highlight however is the smiles on all of your faces, it truly makes your year as Captain all so worthwhile!

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• Chairman

• Captain

• Lady Captain

• Clubhouse Services

• North of England


• TSGU Second Division


• Junior Section

• Pro Shop

• News on the Course

• Congratulations

• On a lighter note

• Etiquette

• Future Newsletters &

the Website


Welcome newmembers

Full male.

Mr M Bainbridge, Mr C



'Welcome to this latest edition of the club

newsletter packed with information about

what is happening on the course, in the

clubhouse and in the pro-shop. We are

trying to keep the content as 'member

focussed' as we can. In this regard, Keith

Allinson does a great job putting it together

but relies on others to provide him with the

material. If there is an event, an

achievement or other subject that you would

like to see reported, give Keith a call and let him know (contrary to

popular belief he does not have a crystal ball!). As you will see from

this edition, there are lots of good things going on and I very much

hope that you find it an interesting, informative and enjoyable


Mark Braithwaite


Members quarter 3 of your year as Captain

sure sees things slowing down and

thankfully time to reflect. I look back with

fondness at the late spring and summer

months and the heart felt support you

receive from the membership, staff and the

visiting dignitaries. The real highlight

however is the smiles on all of your faces, it

truly makes your year as Captain all so


Male Intermediate.

Mr J Glendinning, Mr A

Hardman, Mr D Duncan.

Male Intermediate Plus.

Mr R Savoriti, Mr R

Parks, Mr D McCabe.

Please contact new

members for a game and

make them welcome.

Monthly Competitionresults.

The competition results

are now being published

on the website. See



MGC Weblink

For website click on link


I contrast that with the dark winter months last year and the

correspondence I received be this verbal or written, 98% of which

amounts to nothing short of whinging, pettiness and smacks of people

who have far to much time on their hands! So a little favour this

coming winter, spare a minutes thought for our new Captains, fresh

into office in December, enthusiastic with regards to the affairs of the

coming year and rather than the usual ‘doom and gloom’, spin a more

positive, constructive, forward looking line that will help the club and

the membership move forward, after all its only a game, many thanks!

Captains Day

I look back on the eve of my Captain’s weekend and whilst sat

watching the weather forecast with my wife I reflected on its content

and how the words of those old Pathé films rung in my ears, the

tonality of the delivery presented by those quintessentially English ex-

public school boys, “winds bearing east, northeast bearing 10 to 20

knots, rainfall heavy with a high possibility of local flooding” and

thinking oh my goodness!

Phone call 06:00am Friday “Stuart its John here the Course Manager

we have had 3” of rain overnight what do you think?”

My reply “Are the holes full?”


“Well the course is closed then, so say’th the rules!”

“Stu we will do our best!”

“John you always do!”

19:30pm Friday evening sat in the mixed bar, rain passing side ways

past the windows, resigned to the fact that Saturday was likely to be a

wash out!

19:45pm a glimmer of sunshine shows its head from behind the

Cleveland Hills, Peter Ward jumps up to his feet, crouches to his

knees beside the snooker table and in a pose worthy of any mosque

starts praying to the golfing gods for good weather.

From that moment on the sun never stopped shining in my eyes, when

you turn up at 06:00am, the professional is there to welcome you,

everything is in position, the green staff are tending the course

circumnavigating the rivers and lakes and the first golfers start to arrive,

the welcome you receive, the support and sense of camaraderie is

special, very special and to you all my sincerest thanks for making this

day so special!

The evening, the food the entertainment and the membership rocking

until 01:00am to Elvis and Tom Jones (tribute acts) will live in my

memories for always. Oh and by the way there was also some golf

played in between, congratulations to all of winners and in contrast to

other years the results are available online thanks to the great work of

Keith Allinson.

Club Championship

One of the real highlights of your year as Captain is refereeing one of

the semi finals and final of the Club Championship and this year on a

course that was turned out in truly superb order it was my privilege.

The standard of golf was superb, qualification over two rounds on the

Saturday capped at 143 three over par, leading qualifier Angus

Montgomerie on 135 some five under par which I believe ties the lowest

ever qualifying score held previously by Graham Brass, well done


The semi final draw and matches for Sunday morning being Peter

Ward versus Andrew Richardson and Angus Montgomerie versus Peter

Caveney. The matches were well contested and played in good spirit,

the eventual winners contesting the final that afternoon, Mr Peter Ward

and Angus Montgomerie. The match that afternoon was highly

entertaining enjoyed by a very good crowd and Peter by way of a last

hole birdie taking victory by the margin of one hole and Club Champion

for the year.

The golf I witnessed that afternoon was of the highest quality, the ball

striking at times somewhat depressing in comparison to my own

game, drives over 300 yards a plenty, iron shots faded around (or

sometimes through trees to 6”) breath taking!

Angus my commiserations, your time will surely come, but I make no

apology in saying that presenting one of your closest friends with the

magnificent trophy that is the Club Championship trophy is my

highlights of the year so far.

I couldn’t go without congratulating the Clive Watson, Clive has been

the Team Manager of the Teesside Union and Yorkshire Divisional

Teams for nigh on 20 years now, and the work he puts into the running

of these goes in my opinion mainly unnoticed, and on that very point

Clive on behalf of the players and the club our thanks and

congratulations on leading the team to victory in the TSUGC 2nd

division championship and gaining promotion to the first division for


Enjoy the remainder of the season an here’s to a short and mild winter!

Stuart Tilley

Lady Captain

We have had more rain since our first ‘News

Letter’ it is true but the enthusiasm of the

ladies of Middlesbrough Golf Club for their

golf never falters. Our four teams have all

done really well in the Yorkshire Ladies

County Golf Association Interclub

Championship with the Scratch team just

missing promotion into the ‘A’ Division.

Social Golf competitions are always well

supported and the Ladies Alliance is still a

popular part of the calander.

We are, like all other clubs around the country, happy to welcome new

lady members and know our ladies represent us well when they

venture to other courses to play in ‘Opens’. We would love more ‘girls’

from bunnies to seniors to come and learn, improve and enjoy playing

this challenging and beautiful course.

My Year as Lady Captain is fast coming to an end. The memories of

wearing my Lady Captain’s badge and jacket for the first time,

performing in the Christmas Concert, my Captain’s Day, playing golf

with Captain Stuart Tilley, celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee, Exchange

Day to Fulford, Captain’s Away Day to Ripon and just being a special

part of this club are all imprinted upon my memory cells for ever. I will

make the most of the months that remain and hope that perhaps the

weather improves, maybe an Indian Summer, then we can observe the

changing hues of our course and we can enjoy the moment and smile

– Just because we can!


Clubhouse Services

Results of July Survey

Over a 12 day period in July, 94 members gave us their views of

Clubhouse bar and catering facilities using feedback forms.

Key points to emerge were as follows:

• Speed and friendliness of service were highly ranked, with 85% and

78% of respondents respectively ranking them as good or very good;

• Portion size also received a good response, with a disatisfaction level

of only 8%;

• Whilst quality of food and value for money were regarded as good or

very good by 70% and 60% of members respectively, most of the

positive comments related to carvery meals, Sunday lunch the

Summer Meal Deal;

• Several members expressed disatisfaction with the quality and/or

type of chips being served.

On the basis of the survey, follow up actions have been discussed with

the Clubhouse Services team and include:

• Targeting 100% “very good” for speed and friendliness of service, with

improved consistency;

• Building on the reputation earned for carvery meals by seeking to

achieve the same positive reaction from members to snacks and other

non carvery meals, thereby encouraging increased use of clubhouse

catering facilities;

• Offering members an alternative (skinny) chip in addition to the

existing product (implemented).

ABBA Night

Almost 130 members and guests squeezed into the clubhouse on

Saturday 8 September for the Abba tribute night.

After the hot buffet meal, the lovely Abba Eyes duo of Tara and

Amanda sang, danced and entertained. The dance floor filled to

overflowing and dancing to Ray Hood’s disco continued through to


The photos on the website give a flavour of the fun-filled night.

Future events

Quiz nights

Quiz nights start again on Friday 28 September and on the last Friday

of each month through to April. Teams are a maximum of eight

persons. There is always an option to purchase supper at a

reasonable price.

Wine Tasting

A wine tasting night with a difference has been organised for Saturday

24 November, starting at 8pm.

We are in the process of reviewing our wine list and the evening will

feature a selection from our chosen supplier.

The event, which will be open to members and guests, will take the

form of a “semi blind” tasting, with eight wines being introduced and

tasted during the evening.

A mixture of hot and cold food will be served to accompany the wine

and there will also be a fun wine and food quiz.

There will be tables of six, so book for your own team or buy tickets

and we will match you up with others to form a table.

Tickets will cost £16 and will be available for purchase from the Club

office between 5.30 and 6.45pm on Friday 12 October. Any unsold

tickets will go on sale behind the bar.

Christmas lunches and dinners

We have now finalised this year’s Christmas menu (see website or

request copy from office) for lunch and dinner bookings from 26

November onwards, so please consider using the Club for your

business or social group celebrations.

There will be two Club Christmas dinners, on 8 and 15 December. The

entertainment for the first dinner will feature the Ray Dale and his

saxophone, playing easy listening background music from Gershwin,

Broadway and the movies. The second dinner will take the form of a

dinner and disco, with Ray Hood playing background numbers followed

by some lively dance music.

New Year’s Eve

This will be a black tie event, with a special menu. We have booked

Eric Robinson, the well known local artist, to provide New Year’s Eve

entertainment. Eric performed at one of the Christmas Dinners last

year and was very well received. Further details to follow.

………and finally

• The Summer Meal Deal is currently scheduled to run to the end of

September. It really is good quality food at good value. If you haven’t

tried it, then do so. If sufficient demand exists, the we are prepared to

extend the deal until the clocks change towards the end of October;

• Whilst the survey is now complete, we are keen to get continued

feedback on Clubhouse Services, so drop us a note or email the office

Bryan Sloper

North of England Summary

Jamie Bower receiving the MacGill Championship Trophy

from Middlesbrough Golf Club Captain Mr Stuart Tilley.

Jamie Bower (Meltham) retained the MacGill Championship Trophy

when he won the 2012 North of England Youth Golf Championship by 4

strokes, posting an aggregate of 267 on Thursday August 9th 2012,

the final day.

Jamie continues to prove he is a creator of records in the

Championship, as over the last 3 years he is undefeated over 72-holes

after only losing the 2010 Championship in a play-off! His record is

unparalleled since the Championship started in 1975 – he is the “Top


Other results were – Callum Tarren (Wynyard) – 271, Craig Smith

(Pike Hills) – 274, Oliver Carr (Heswall) – 275, and Tom Harris

(Castletown) – 275. The Fairweather Salver (for the under 18’s) was

won by Adam Lumley (Coventry) with a score of 282, with the runner-

up being Andrew Wilson (Darlington) with 284.

Angus Montgomery receiving the Bates Salver from Mrs

Sheila Bates.

The success of the local players continued when Angus Montgomery

won the Bates Salver (for Middlesbrough players only) with a very

creditable score of 283, which included a 66. As the first home player

to win this Salver after four barren years, Shelia Bates was overjoyed to

present the Salver to him.

The weather was kind during the tournament with only one period of

rain on the first day, compared with the previous weeks, during which

“monsoon” type showers predominated.

Several kind letters, and e-mails, have been received from contestants

(even from non-qualifiers!) congratulating the Club, and the Committee,

on a Championship which is obviously much valued by the

competitors. Well done, and a big “Thank You” to all who helped make

the Championship a great success.

Dave Hunter.

TSGU Second Division Champions

Team & Supporters celebrate at Castle Eden

Wednesday night 1st August at Castle Eden, Middlesbrough Golf Club

won the Teesside Union Second Division Championship, a fine

achievement, well earned by a squad of 19 players, who all played for

the club over the 2012 season.

For me, the most pleasing thing this year was choosing players to

play, listening to the banter on match nights, I just felt that everyone

enjoyed themselves representing the Golf Club, all 19 players wanted

to play and not one of them let me down and if for some reason I left

them out of the team they understood why but also made it clear to me

that they would be fighting for their place back. That is what team spirit

is all about.

Next year we are in the first division - an even bigger challenge for

2013. Looking at the teams in the 1st division I cannot see a weak

side. This is what it's all about boys, playing the best players on

Teesside, but I think we have the quality of players to do very well in

the 1st division. Well done team you ought to be very proud of


I would also like to take this oportunity to thank the sponsors who have

generously supported the team over the last few years, not to mention

names, but you are greatly appreciated.

Again many thanks to our Wednesday night supporters- you do make

a difference to the players performances and it helps to create a good

club atmosphere that is recognised by other clubs in the Union.

Over the last few years we have developed a golf course from a nice

course to a good golf course - a more challenging course. That is why

we are developing better golfers and the reason we were promoted this

year, it is why I think we will do well in the 1st Division. We should

always consider ways to improve the course. I hope this good work


Clive Watson.

Junior Section

Stephen Alexander - a great season

Another extremely successful summer season is drawing to a close

with a number of outstanding performances by junior golfers. A win in

our final match in the Teesside and District Junior League against

Teesside decided the league and the team won it convincingly,

securing the title for the second year in succession. Harry Dodds,

Junior Captain, was later presented with the trophy and tremendous

credit goes to all juniors who represented the club during the season.

A number of Club Competitions have been completed since the last

Newsletter with Callum Widdowson winning the Centenary Cup,

Alexander Smith the Newbould Cup and Stephen Alexander taking the

Junior Club Championship (Fairweather Cup) following a close match

with Chris Lynas.

Stephen Alexander capped a great season winning the Club Junior

Open Competition with the best gross and net scores. The photograph

shows Stephen with his trophies including the Colin Scott Trophy.

The Teesside Union Boys Championship was won by Chris Lynas, an

outstanding achievement which deserves its place on the club honours

board. All season he has been exceptionally consistent, representing

the Teesside Union, Club Junior and Senior teams.

In August six juniors represented the club in a Teesside and District

team event at Hunley Hall. All six scores counted (3 gross & 3 net)

and the team performed extremely well, achieving a creditable second

place to the host team, in a closely contested event.

It is very apparent that all juniors have worked extremely hard on

improving their game this year and it is worth mentioning a few who

have cut their handicaps considerably so far this season. Jess

Stephenson, Freddie Foden, Jacob Slack, Aran Banerjee, Foster

Garton and Josh Davies are totally committed to golf and are names to

follow over the coming months.

Brian Leonard

Junior Liaison Officer

Pro Shop

Steve, Gordon & Andrew.

With Autumn/ Winter nearly upon us we are having an End of Summer

Sale in order to make room for fresh Stock. Why not grab yourself a

bargain with savings of 50% to be had on the likes of Galvin Green,

Adidas and Green Lamb Clothing. New Stock is arriving daily including

Galvin Green - both Gents and Ladies Baselayers (keep warm this


In case you did'nt know we had a Mizuno demo day on Saturday

15th September, they showcased their new range of irons and


****Lesson Deal - Throughout September if you Block Book 6

Lessons you only pay for 4****

Golf lessons are available all year round using GASP software:

•Standard Lesson (Gordon) Adults £17.50 (45 mins) 6 for the price of

5 £87.50

•Standard Lesson (Steve) Adults £12.50 (45 mins)

•6 for the price of 5 £62.50

•Juniors £12.00 (45 mins) 8 for the price of 5

•Junior Group Coaching £40.00 for 10 week course

(Sunday Mornings during Season)


News on the Course

Greens Maintenance Week

The first Monday in September is a very busy time on the golf course

its greens maintenance week. A 6.00am start. All equipment has been

prepared tested and ready for use, we start by hollow coring the

chipping area, double checking all procedures are present and correct,

this includes tractor speed (rpm) core spacing and depth. We start by

using 12mm tines; with the dry conditions we get a pure nice clean

hole at a depth 25mm. This is a 2 man job and all the rest of the staff

are out on the course mowing fairways, aprons, tees and semi rough.

The cores are left to dry on the greens surface. This can take up to 2

hours on a warm sunny day. Its 10.30 and the first set of cores are

ready to be picked up. We have a tractor mounted John Deere core

collector which is operated by one man and 3 members of staff with

blowers to blow the small debris from the greens that the collector

cannot collect. The weather is great and the collection is running better

than expected. At 12.30pm we find out the hollow cores are severely

worn and need replacing. We put new tines on and these tines are

slightly bigger (17mm). The day is complete at 7.00pm when all 21

greens have been cored and collected. The next stage is to top dress,

followed by brushing the dressing into the holes created by coring. We

have 3 wonderful days of weather and the job is completed early

Thursday morning. The greens are then mown every other day and

irrigated regularly, to move the dressing down into the crown of the

grass plant. Further light application of top dressing will be applied

during the next couple of weeks. The benefits of hollow coring are: The

reduction of dead decaying root, stems called thatch. The removal of

thatch is an ongoing process but these benefits include: Firmer drier,

faster playing surfaces, increases hydraulic conductivity (water

movement through the soil profile) improves root growth, and general

health and vigour of the grass plant.

The course in general has thrived during a golf season where rain has

been plentiful. The hardwood trees on the 10th and 15th have flourished

with increased light and nutrients from thinning out during the winter.

Course Manager

John Talbot


Great Score

John Portas for shooting his age. 81 gross at 81 is brilliant.

Northumbria in Bloom

Rachel McDine took over

looking after the flower bed,

tubs and hanging baskets

after the very disappointing

show during our Centenary

Year and Paddy Marquis

offered to work with her. From

then on the whole display has

improved tremendously with

many plants and stones

donated by members and

manure by Pat Whitfield.

Each year Rachel takes

cuttings and saves as many

plants and tubers as possible

and stores them at home over

the winter. They were

delighted to be invited to attend the Northumbria in Bloom Awards

Ceremony in 2011 where they were awarded a Silver Medal in the

Public Houses and Hotels Category. This category was a challenge

as the hotel that won had large gardens and budget to match!

To their delight they were once again invited to attend the Awards

Ceremony for 2012 where, once again, they were awarded a Silver

Medal, but this time they had been placed in the Individual Commercial

Enterprise section i.e. small pubs and B & B’s which they felt gave

them a better chance. So onwards and upwards to hopefully a Gold

next year!

In 2008 Peter Finnegan and Paddy took responsibility for planting the

two beds at the front when the new entrance to the Golf Club was

completed. Paddy continues to this day and has a nursery at home

where cuttings are constantly grown on to replace any failing plants.

On a lighter note

An Ode to the Dimpled Ball

In my hand I hold a ball

Dimpled, white and rather small

Oh how benign it does appear

This harmless looking little sphere

By its size no one could guess

What awesome power it does possess

But since I fell beneath its spell

I’ve wandered through the fires of Hell

My life has not been quite the same

Since I chose to play this stupid game

My mind’s consumed for hours on end

A fortune it has made me spend

It’s made me yell and curse and cry

To hate myself and want to die

It promises me a thing called Par

If I can hit it straight and far

To master such a tiny ball

Should surely not be hard at all

But my desires the ball refuses

And does exactly what it chooses

It hooks and slices, dribbles and dies

It can disappear before my very eyes

And often on a truculent whim

Will hit a tree or take a swim

With miles of grass on which to land

It finds a tiny patch of sand

I would offer up my heart and soul

For it to find its elusive hole

It makes me whimper like a pup

And swear that I will give it up

And take to drink to ease my sorrow

But knows full well I’ll be back tomorrow

Taken from "Social Domestic & Pleasure" written by a club member, a synopsis and

further details are available at http://www.derrickarnott.co.uk/ and all royalties go to


The book can be bought on line, from Waterstones and other bookshops. Gordon has

agreed to sell the book from the Pro's shop and has some in stock there.



There are over 200 pages in the Rules of Golf and etiquette covers 4

pages, which is mainly commonsense but I would like to highlight the

main points.


Play at a good pace and keep up with the group in front. If the group

loses a clear hole it is delaying the group behind, it should invite the

group behind to play through.


Bunkers. Before leaving a bunker players should carefully rake all


Repair of Divots, Ball marks. Players should carefully repair any divot

holes, and pitch marks on the green even though it may have been

made by another player. (recently I repaired 6 pitch marks on one


These items are highlighted because they are what all players should

know, and if everbody observed them we would all enjoy our golf even



Correct Method

• Discard the loose piece of

turf taken out by the ball

• Insert the pitch mark repairer

tool just outside of the back of

the pitch mark

• Lever the turf towards the

centre of the pitch mark

• Repeat this motion from all

sides of the pitch mark

Gently tap the repaired area with your putter. This action stretches

undamaged turf over the pitch mark, providing instant recovery

Incorrect Method

• DO NOT replace the loose piece of turf taken out by the ball. It will

die and delay the healing process.

• DO NOT pry up the centre of the depression with the pitch mark

repairer as it exposes the soil and will delay the healing process

• DO NOT insert the pitch mark repairer and twist it. This only breaks

more turf loose.

Future Newsletters & the Website

The Middlesbrough Golf Club Newsletters are compiled by Keith


If you have any news or achievements that you feel maybe suitable for

inclusion in the club's newsletter then please inform Keith.

The website is regularly updated with Competition results and Events

notices etc. Please check at your convenience.

You can e-mail Keith by clicking here:

[email protected]

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Middlesbrough Golf Club

Brass Castle Lane



