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TRE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, - University of...

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- TRE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE I BY HENRY M. WHITNEY aSTery Ij- nomine Ar FITS SOLLlKS PEE ANSON MKX IX ABrjLXCE. Pttrtpi kriii.lI-- 0 l. SIO.OO. aasi .waawAW iiin pr-e- s4 tbr wt l't Uiw BmUik: Street, HkJ1.H. L LatT? Sejaqr;. Xaj ssW aaehag. llrw tiit .a, auaalj tas nlHtii SasMaf BBPHK M JSWs Jf- t tl llk llMtllB "aaasa"Bjhaav .. mw ,, Asatl. say-.- Kiuii! A! k Variety. AMk- -l W U,rfMa. iAiUT' MVtuf tVat ac vsarsi . i aga. J sUa.a it, i.sai. M jiii ." Mar ti I eaaaej asaySjas fctiimimi A yaveeveac. x anM a Vat u4 bk likely kit A...X.H K,iM,inBut WettVwt s kr i J- - M a asir. a aeaw. Tt joe. say nlaMHi; M.h Uf tktec Skadar Jnw If asaew wtak shear KKwti, !wkhi wax isal laatu) oVnrxal, thy Sk ww3feastt a rx ilt,; sOraee is VKctwaslLWat fcrt aW a tMCMftf. 'AflftAih is mt ibt Kt, LirrtriB eptt- - JLMlnc imbm m far h tyn xsl alilWtmiii ilii if- - ipffr ? ! sO4 H kwltkkKp !Jy lJ;"f 3fc K V W w tit kdUu. . ririt t 1mlt : wm k 4E ... . T I.W1 Tr W fifetxi UHM.M;MWtWimi(-Milw.i,M- I A.m ten & UM-h- . MiMnte W im m ly IbU k W ihnoii tc At ifcmfcu uii ttt IliURrfUN at vitci-fe- c I, X w tie Hit &ee fcmm.1i, W kjWiJiifc(i i, (tKattei. ... . . ." ' M B. &--. 1 SA ay w iai. an, waaiu sc. a4 kw i SSSlIlClfc BwaWltMt.tMi.tatMafatvwMt CkKS MlWMk k a' saais.tr- - Ml, taMtMcXr. A. S. Sfeft piizti Sfe : vlcte k na tt t Clwiiu Taanil faui at k:: i Mbiywstt. j A J) m-ta- mrb tsat f.t'U iar a ' 3uMki2v Caf- - 04 mac Jtsfn t , ZZrrZ?LZl haj j! illu. , I jbKM Mri Wk tt a Cet;icct eiirti. k...: -- Fai,ea8rfi,i A. A ftalaaa. taaailtr. Il talk - 4aji is If ft . ai jay a Su af r f&Bactt." 'SIbm )u,lsJi. fcapt4 I "WtjHtr U ya Ma ami a ewaelksa&t. a rsU-trreit- i: -- Ikar yao iart a Trr afc. Tt." rraW4 rt fns4. with a a-- Aa . - At't aw ail. i,', ala;i tsiaarnoriafet fat s tt V Ty art sniax a r sa4 f catch fa Lytci tract i-- a aficaa. oWciUaa4rm. Snn tn. oWia4 Skf crasu af featkert east ccc iun tr afa Sfks aa4 tt vara vaicr-en- a cta&, wMcfc cas tt ijti is al itaita. S eaVwfcjtaJjrreWT"is b a s!t C antky ? : " OH Ecpau. Jia 15. J5IK ! Mm lam : 1aS jac j ta ta tra,ctrrr f.fti. Tal Hai tsiaa-ElxW- T Plcaacaxtvcraics. Taan, Serb." "to M. I STL. TaH;T... Barsws a jrraJ : I as Sxfe; ay nrit. Lasra." A bariaf b.a tcrsci as "H t ,fcaff -- Vt at as cUattjr jetUeas to dil vactWr i tawK t caKoi M r et. pria; bit aj,. Xwef-alr.a- ii ti Wry p,atUa-- . klf cvia: to h je tax k. "a. far a sas it Si jcari; es;e ; fca far 9 rather ali." - Paa." aail a ateU l3Jiu:ctu fctsr-yca- ii eU. M wt yvtt pray ta &! as-- sarc ttia atsp bis rais. cmy to hfa yasnaaf laid yafa. " I iaTc." ia.rtti. iatSd daa's ayaay aces&staa ScabW -Jtj- -daarf taai a xcafou futasaa of a aoajfaa tth razdbT, State iacjiur. wit ,u playiafia !itTi!l-"B- T dear! is is a4 tcB yscr " 'f tiat jar jaasa hat act tic. "Oi! OiP' aMMathcsd:"cahitkhal? Etwuctdk "Srw.Tmrtfpeofi." taM a enfetacr rf sataztl ststary to hi, iHaat. saa-- , xbts. aj ta hesa ; a hca haa th caaacary af Uyicfyut ix hsadnd jj,, aad ssacc: aii the Isaihaa th fob is yut atwat tc yaara. S ahat it U l"ice with tar aScr liatT " CM c br ieal asd tti hr &r a jrii cakl-- a r csclalsad as snaia vha father iaaJt is pecfery. AcasisEcacocra. Vt, au imstly art hy as isrerase ajrEt a talc eat a pBcy far th hs-t- f hi wi&tthaBscatf $3JM. Mot 6d-P- C 1 art.! hit atVi OfttMa. whes il rcfd iA fm iTtatt : "TTly. sty eVaax, yo wffl cfeaezMaftaseordaatoycr m jzipa.sl ; bat. is caa fjeer daccaa. it veid tsah is a rather t dcaixaU wida v f AXit erieaitjiif ndisx; is th can reecstly, tra a aisi Use at th ests&x,K af a lady by Ha aid, isair-std- . h ks- - bcr. asi Ttstsrsdar-sar- k: that th day waa pitasast, ih csly tayizr, T. ""BTty d yes war a ra2r' Isairni th apcsser cf iiatxc "Le: I aSracC tXUOSaa." "Sl th BTaTiac f ledcaes. ta admire," npSd thciWit stasaf laa-- . Set vhs they ar "6o.tso;rst atajhakr! Th Iaiy exuery rcaiorrd her rail, dSadaaisg ta tha atara'ihut a apiaata ra fnc cf ha cethcr-ia-- r THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. l siipciisdi " , rr 5 r1 aaal U ;: ' . tt "vttt "t v V UIi. -- VJUI. AU. ZO. s BUSINESS NOTICES. A. W. PEIRCE & CO., Arnts For 'nrtii.ox salt, buanivs uunn cess. tt r IVrrr Dv1 Pln UlUer. Ac. OIL. OIL.. OIL I Strain od Sporm OH, By the csk or ullox, ix ta w, u ta iwn! nm. AUO. Polar and IValru till. Msart, Oil. Palut oil. liennrue Oil, le. faxr&alear HI f A. T. riUKCK Jt OX Cotton and Henip Duck. tf fffh vabds cuttux itrcic. AVVVI LwirKjXklbl.jrvrrTAi. ex ifeetxia. ail .Kaer arrrvala. A. ys VmOot oksm Dock. all HWbrn, ..00. hMuplt ib flax aadXercbaatrtavy. AKi.tW KaveeH. fwrSTriST-raipTwtft- e. Ae'.tc. rWJy Hi u A. W. Tar, Pitch, &c. A JIERICVX AM StVIUIHU Tilt. W1L. V aasagtoa Paeb. tMia, Ac. aval Sum. Ac. Tt MJtiy Mil;' a. Y ftaKCK . CO. Manila and Hemp Cordage. SiflO 'OILS JIIMU ai HUIP lt)BD. SL-J- i. M7f ."Jr""?..,. ViS.. r -- " - ' - r sas. Wire Kope, "Wire Seizing. IJUODSll-eL- T. lorMUfbr A J .V. W. PKiRCK A CO. Anchors and Chains. I ruou ruo.n 40 iow.to 2200 lbx. j- - 1 H.XS. ttwa KU1S-- 1 uctn. Best Ash Oars. A ITLI il'PPLT tMUK fet lour. TV trtT I' Jl. W PEIBi.: .0. A Very Full Assortment SI AIIM SIM! Sf-M-P CHANDLERY, JZWJrS 0- - Hd.YD. Also, Whale Boats and Boat Stock And tnuUlnx Gr. TOR SVtX BT MS Ir: A. W. 1'EZKCg A CO :iI?S 3iJ?!W 5 52- -: srl-- f Srl-t- - H 1 " c:f- - w s'5liS ?-I- PI ? ::ia Si!5 feI .9 ?U9 5 sJ 5? -- ii CO IK. Hi iPl M g' Tx-- Z u. s-- v - J2. 3 5- -; " tf- - ? ir. ?- - f:w 2?va2 2 SE.3? rS L IS 3 - CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GE5EBAL ASSOEUI'l OF t m Chandlery and Ship Stores! for Sale br BOULTS J: CO. j T PFR harV R. C. WvIiP. frnm Rrpmpn aisa.sn9c&A.CHS8$,sarnsiH9pusniiM. S1LUJ. Cfi .I". to quaattfcs ta JJft. .' H' toes o iaca. CHAIXCJISJ-B- S, J--s 1. 114. 1 IJ. Kit J- -J toco, fer taU tow r K EOtXESi CO. COal Tar. fS BARBELS A3TD CASKS. frbi,tj (tt; EOtiES A CO. California Beef in Bond. TJIXXIVED P X. BEiX KO BERTS XV Fee or I5P BOtiES CO California Lime ta 'White Brother' H7IXGLJS1I POKTLA.VD CEMEST-- Bt ijaal- - JLU k7 JTVUMiabr Hf BOCiES A CO. MANILA CIGARS "V"o. S II .VA3CA SUA-PE- I And a isol noStr. rrS:6y BOCLES4 CO. Oat Hay. T5EST CAiarOKXIA. OAT HAT Tor Sal 6y LP SM BOLLE& CO Frsits Prepared oy the Aides Process OP DirrEBEST VARIETIES: PURS. Ac TotStlttr BOtlSS 4 CO. Saloon Pilot Bread. BOXES A.M CASES. ALSO. A GEXEB. XX Ajaocjct of Cxacatrs. troa ts Cracker Ca. Fcraaar C3 fiOr.r.KS CO. 4 XEJEICAX HESS BEEF A.,D PRIJIE . FOSE. Tec St. by BOf.LFS X CO. PER KA MOI. CASE OF BrXTlSG Red. VHit ct Bine. i rar&a!br WJtJU' iLU. CHINA BRICKS. Hare axriTed pr WIIlax-- d Jladsett Ironx Hon lions'. x.9.000 EXTRA LARGE SIZE, and e to 1 00,000 sicosd size. AS cf cs teas asamr sant brlcaj. ai2 w!E t soM I. by cm BOfr.yy a Co. FLORIDA WATER. Knrry & Laanaa's Florida. Water ! PTUIIS CELEBRATED FLORAL PEBITHE i. haa bees a bract wi ts CMS&liarti. Ofid Is aSpam cf ts&ccrBeaxlj' calTacenctrr. nuraoxirair ta c&bcct 03bf aarvaxty t adirv ts saeat Eas De Qjiccx cr atscr Ferfxswa tsas batr cea cttsena isra tseaa Ijuada. 3Ccxxlt A LaX3Xa3Ta Ffasciia Wasar ia ttaaaryaaii..! aa as Exxacr Csr ts Haa12er. hur, acit laau sspetiec w asy xexfzsi erer vsed tar SsZtoW Cfcaxut Aa TeetA aaU StaaCcaMj tac BrtaW tr aoaHaya ts tettasao eaaaiftl by ariuiaTj araf&aac. aad restorva Ca, ncUes, ib r E&dsfnm CXitzcK. hodemvt armttsrafle aerMxa arrriiraa asdbssaraa fiov of freasnwsa aad Tiar. sovctct cacd as ts ascc test! aat oioc. Fob. saXx CTxsxraxxx x. jrnsESST. . SoU Arentfcrtii HaaraJas Istasca, Si tw aa7pCc:f af YnmjOaarrt Friau. Bvarafacarsutalsdta2oaa.aas aee tsax cacs bott beui ts zrmf TTir- Vtw,j StsxXATat LaxixoiV ixosma WiTxs. US ly HONOLULU, sOiUSIf !"?iO f llw' GXSERAL COISSIOS AOESTS. h" : IfS s? W - Iisporters, Wholesale and Eetail Dealers KUSINESS NOTICES. S. 31 A .;. Auuni Sri-t- . rr Hint Mrrct. cxrvxTcx asd nrT in General Merchandise. Fancy Dry Goods. Gentlemen's Purnisains Goods. Cteihin?. Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps, itc, fc, Jkc US Ur E. O. 1I.VL.L. A: S. KPOBTESS AND DEALKSS IN HASDISrASE Drj GooJl, rlU, 0tl4 u4 0nttl SiirckwtJi,. C49.1y KiltSll. 1II.L.IUUA3I Jt CO.. MPOSTSSS ASD DrAlESS IS HAKDWARE C0rT. &tt Good. Pmmtt a Oil. aa4 Qtnrrat Mr chaWl Nfc". Klt Stwt. IUoolal. (M Ij a. . iirnm, J1". - xrruj .V. S. CX.KUIIOK.'N A. Co.. Gronorol aiorolanndlso, Drvr Qa4fe aad EuaKUsa Strts. Htlil .XaaAnil St.. i Nm,r t'utt i Util St. . .LF. EULKKS Jt CO., 32ALES IK DST GOODS ASD "OESZSAL JI13CHASDISE, rortSlVsi,OJJ FolW tWtl. W-- THKO. II. I.VVIKS. lati Jutos, Guts 1 Cu.J mrOKTEB ASD C0KSISS10S aKSCHAST. 4,9 A3C9T r LlTr. sl th, Urp.J rfcrwrt,rs wl rmwi Utfcn lawinwr Coapaar, wl 11Y31A." BKOXIir.ltS, RCPOBTESS ASD VTHOLESAIJ: DE.UEBS Is ruUnaSt Ctotilaf. 1UU. Car. Boti. Shwra.ud rr TJ f Q3tlmo'l !uraUbts 0oJ Sm1! BaMisi:. MKkut$trMt.llwMtl. (C3-lj-r E. 'Vll.L.I.V3I, JIASUrACTDKES, IHPOSTES ASD DEALEK la Fuittuii at Ty jncriftiM. rnittr irvlUtm so rrt StrNt. tffpnMt Dtckwa'i rrt:nrfc 0lkrj. ! OrJw, bwn U tw bltJ frmflj K,J,J ta. H J JOltt T IVATKUIIOIIMU IitPOSIES ASD DEALER IS QESERAL XESCHISDISE. tM Qa i imt. U.!at. H. L 1 Kl. HOFKSCIILVKCKK Jc CO.. DIPOSTESS ASD COJUIIS3I0S SIESCHASTS, Uoas:I. 0. H. I. o lj J. S.DtCKOS oT. LXWXSS, C. V. CIMXE. LKM'KIES Jt mcusor. IXPOETESS ASD DEALERS IS LU2IEEE, A.B4IUi44sfBUi3tAUrUl,.rtSUMt.tIwriaia eoo-i- AV1I.WKU Jt CO.. Ssirmwr, t Duw.ttt Jt Ct. Cn,r rt t Qim Slr.t LcVir, Paists, Oils. Sail. Salt ird Bsildisf ta-- T autaruli efamrkiad. xui.i.i:s .v co.. Siip Ciadleri ss Cosaunos Jlerciisu. Isvrtraa414lr,ta GcacaXMvrcs&abc.Ufttvatrvct BoaolaW Utaulilu4. (till A. IV. PCIKCC Jt CO.. :nmn UCL Kicui 1 Cv.) erj izi Gz9rilConiiiioa ilertiiztj. JLLSOJjrUortXt ftaiw &i( WVrit, IajJaI. HiviuaB liliad, lj C. BREWER & CO., ( l i. r. ckttss,) H F. C JO St. JaU, V ( J. &. sxrrix. ) SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. Hi aiiii Iilazil. CASTLi: Jt COOKE. SHrFMSl ASD comnssios meschasts. niPoaxESS asd r,..i , o i i it,. "v-uiu- ia in bbuciai mciwiauuisc, o. M Elt Stmt, Uaootaia. OaTiiua Iilaadj. .... AGE-NT- S TOR Tb Uafeeo. Iasvac OMBfaajrar5aa Fraadtfco. Tb Ifaw lajWaJ Mato.it Lif lBaraa Coofaaj, Bam. Ji?SffiSiaSffiSS7' X.Jwn. W. II. lUHrr't PUntatkn. Hn.ur a nucai Mwicrniumruiuiwi. UacfciBM. "WJ I;) 'Huuta Ptutatkn. . L.axn. sea. v MicrAtLasx. r. r. tasxitax. G ItKirt. 3IACFAIII.AAE Jt CO.. DtPORTESS ASD COOIJUsSIOS 3IESCEASTS, Eciaaoa Tlrercof l&Hax. QeeaStrKt. HjaIiiJa. II. I. loxxra res Xh Psoioa Saep Baach CerojwiT. Tt Spccar Flaatfaa, IluV Ttt Watsap! PtaaUtMa. The Kuwlc PUautJoa, Jtabtai. Tfi, Glusv asd UoaoUhx Lia of PaclcU. CH F. A. SCHAEFEK Jt CO.. Importers Sl. Commission Merchants 41IJ HjoaiBkl.HaviSaalliaa'li 1 IV. G. IR1VIX Jfc CO.. Can-T?H- 21 erthsstx. PIxstsUos asd Isruasu Aaetx, OS Hiwartli!. Uavuiaa Itlaailt. 2y X. c. aTtrr. x. r. xoaonx. AM.E.T Jfc ROni3.S03. At Eottuoa', Wh-i- Dealers is Lzbr ard xU Ozlt cf BgHdisg yrials Paists, Oilj, Siilx, tt-- , kz-,&- z, X5X3TF5 or icrcosxxt Faoaai. Fctiwin. 31arr EHea. et fairy QHOr KeSoataohl. U&uia. ly XUE LAItAlAA STonii. LAHAXSA. iCACI. iTa:terKarraTGSuii,Fropr. Tnd H. BayMl tea, 3Casa rer. (Cat A. S. Ceffti&ra 4 Caj O.V HAXn A SCPEBIOR ASSORT-- . XZNTQr General JfercfrinTfae. Lomer. mad. for !ntr-bUsi- l TeauJa. C13 ly TT3T. joirrsox. 2kdoarola.ja.u.i: Tailor. CCS Kaaaamua It., ccMtte Xr. C. Esode,' Stora. ly BISHOP & CO., :b . 3sr :el 33 ur. s , BOIOLCLU, t , a l HAVTAIIAX IsLASSS, . ..DSAW E3CCHASSK OX TEE EJLU CF CAUTCailX, : ; : : SX& F2JUCUC0 xjs rxxra icxm tx Sew York. Boetou, Paxil, Aacklsnd. THE CRIDrrit EAW COBPOSiTtCJL : :: IXSGCI AX3 rxxtx xxaxcxxs Sydney, aal yielboarx&e, AsdtraaMctaGcBaraIEaaklaB3,se9f. CO ly zssm. . nrxrx jo. on. XHRITM Jfc OAX. Stationers, News Dealers and Book binders. Xercsast Street, Hjaclala. Aiao Su&ctl CaCUc;. Caifrragay, aai Cajyls?, peimjtly exacatej as reaaoaabla teraia. 214y IT. I. CHASE. PORTRAIT AID LANDSCAPE PHliTO-GEAPEE- E. Coagsocortm Psotcaapb: GoSery, ai acdax Fcrt Street. Eorofrl - Cl-l- y JOH5 WORXIT. izzlizzter, id Etxltr is Gtserxl XaTc'ri-W- in HTLO.HAWAIL ta in General ilerchnndise OlulNuu't Strati MI It - i. jr. cutis. j. i. xtszbt5. i. p. cooks. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1S77. ' HUSlXKSsS NOTIOKS. IS. 1. AIA31S. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. QaaaattrMt. Iloauials. II. 1. C. S. IlAK'rOIV. Anctlwnrrr. f.tnvta oa Qaeea Street, one doer from Kaabamaa XU Street. ij i. e. .tici.vrviti: jt iirotiikkT GROCERY. FEED STORi.and BAEERY, CvtncrufKicj and Kottitreeti, noyoLULV. tz: iy x. a. ratsu a. vrj. acatt. KRIKI. Jt misii. QBOCEBIES ASD PROVISIOS DEALEES raally Grvcery aad TeeJ Stre. Mt 'Jl Tart Street, HoLolata. CHAN. T. G17I.ICIC. 3S"otary Pu"bllo, ASD As-au- t to tnke Ackuouleilgmmts n,r Tjjijp 94 Interior OlUcc, lluiiuliiln. T KD1VAKI) T: O'JIAI.I.OKAA, Attorney aad Solicitor. It aatbEiriseJ to lend from SIOO to JIO 000, on Mortran of at hvnt rate, et lnteret. tf" Acentt In Loatio, aj la alt put, of Aallnlta. Offlce a feet Street, (oppoeite Jlr. Ira Kiohtraoa'a Stece) Uaortlala. m sou j. 31. n.iriisoA. ATToasnoY an" tja.w. Whhoer'. B.k stjee, brmetly octoplej be JaJft Aaitta. Honjlata. II. I. jj; E. G. IIITCIIt'OCK, ATX0BSEY AT LAW, HIL0, HAWAH. oMJ BIH Promotly CallecteJ. C. II. lflCIiT.V. Aa4aceerttrece4ee arkaowleeaieaU of Labor Caotract tec tbe Dbtrkt af Jtkwo WILL PB.ICT1CB OX if AC1 OXLT BUak Labor Ce.tra-t- e approeed form, aaJ Stamped Paper ewi.Untly oa b'ad. S3 KeeUeac llalta. ML au lTr 1VIEI.IA31 It. OASTI.E. Attcrsey & CossUor at Law, & Sotary Pnblie. OcSce corner of Merchant au4 Kaibamaao Streets, Uono lain, tn ly CECIL UROirX. ATTOBSET ASD COUSSELL0B AT LAW. NOTARX TCBUC. Aai Agent for Utiaf AetcaowteizsteaU of laitntmeatt for te lautJef Oatiu. ofS So. S KaibBtnaan Street, Ileaolcta, U. L ly ion ii. iwrw SOTART PUBLIC asd CO JRUSSIOSEB of DEEDS, rertheSuteofCallCMBU. OaraattkeBukofBtiaopA Ox. Kaihamaan Street. Ilooelata. ofl ly 2I1CIIAUD V. HICKEUXO.-V- . ATTORSEY ASD C0DSSEL0B AT LAW 1TD1 atteaJ tke Tern, of Caom oei tt otker IitanJi, IfuMylaWaJoaMxtxjeaofrreebotda, JSMereLaat Street. rd r. it unu, . . a. x. iitaior, c n. 1IS. ODtKS Jt EATIIKOI, WAILCKU. MAUI. ly a. 31. ,VIinEY. 31. I., a.D S. Destal Eccnj oa Port Street, 63 Comer Hotel, orer Mr. Mrekl'e Draz Slert. ly CZIAS S. IaITTKEUGE, 31. !.. Bs to ianou thit h b rtarnet from Cttfornix, asJIateikl tosMUe in Uonotaitt for the practice f hli profession. All desirl&z bH arrtces tl ItnJ him at hh resMeaceoD yasaaa arcane, next tioor abore tbe barer bratxe. oca iy DIt. F. II. HaTTCIII.-VSO.-V- , PHTS1CIAS ASD SURGEOS, OISc at Dm; Store, corner of Fort and Mercbent Street, Keieieoce, Xaaenu ATenae. near School lUeet. OOe hoar,, 9 11 a. . 6ll-l- y E. STREIIZ, APOTHECARY ASD DBITGGIST. eL& Corner Fort aad Hotel Streets, Roootala, Oahn. Cai" Keep open every fratnrtlay ETctilng. o GSty THOMAS LACK, Sacceeeor to John XellL Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith Sevinr Machine, repaired; Dealer in Sptrtlnc Guda AieatfirtheCelebntedFLOBESCKSEWISGilACniXES. W, Fort Street, IXonolnla. II. I. t)-I- y X. JT. BAKER, Prsetiexl Architect aid Biilder. Plana and tpeciSirxtioo, fxral.bed at reaMoable terma. Addree, Poet OrSce, Uooalatn. H. L M Jm G. W. BROWN. Oifil Engfiiioer, JIOSTGOMERT SQUARS. EOSOLCLC, H. L EO ADS, TEAM WATS. WAT2EW0BES aad BRIDGES COXSTR CCTE11 . WATER CO CKSES A LTEKED, MABSII LAKDS DRAINED. OB3TBXCTIOS3 BEOlOVEDe AC, ic, .EC. MAPS ASD PEOFILES This Establishment closes at 12 m., on Saturdays. B2X-l- G. SnUELKKS Jt CO.. TINSMITHS AB"D PLUitBERS. Xo. 3 X'naana Street, Seep cjcetaatly or hand a fall aseortrseat of Tin, Sheet Irea, aad Coeperw ir. GxlT'd Ira xrd Lead Pise. India Bsbber Hcse, 4c cfU ly a ffjt AVEIGHT, SHIP AHD GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Shop on Jail Wharf, jot of Saaana Street, next to th Oid Cutom Iloaae. Hoaelala, IX L CJLBEUGE SEPAIBIXG DOXE. Hj cooitantly sa sand aad tor tale, a cood aawrtment cf th Bat Bar Iron. An order, Erors th ether Iilaadi vfil be carefxtly attended ta. AH wars in ray Hae execatad vuh dispatch aad cw-aatee- d. o6I7 ly J. IT. WICKE. OLEIWET TVT -- TT TT -- rt f 9L, Klap Street. 91, Beta-ee- s Tort aad Bethel atreeta. Taraltirr cf aH deacripOm, mad aad repaired at rea- - aisaMa rataa. Good vorfcsaajaip raaraateid. cdl ly Xx, -- wjssz; CARPENTER AND JOINER S3Work Doae Proinptly.-g-x Shop ca Fort S- t- Eiptaaada. eppoait Eacver, Barrel Factory. oCX ly 31. T. DOS3ELL. CABISZT HAKER, PBESCH POLISHER. "fir XT2xci0r-ta.AX.0r- - So. 31 Hotel Street, ::i:i: Ilaaolalrr, U.I. 6 lyr CHRISTIAN CERTZ, tlf H KTFW TWATTJrr o. BEGS TO AJTSOLTTCE TO TITE c ii FI7BIJCefHoaotsiii.tsathe tat paxecaxed H Ml theiaicStasdbcdaeeaofWILLIAACFtsCrl- - fel 'Jl EB. Hotel Street, oextrloor to fcrltxa Droa; T Sere, acit tsat ts fztarc tie boafaesa arm be carnal ca by hist Is ts sac; premtaea. C G. artTe-- ra a fair ahxre cf tie pofcOc aatronaz. aad prorstaea ta passes etrfflty, atteacoa and cwxl qnaOtr tortsetrsioaey. 3 ly Stockhclra Tar, in Bbls. O ECU 1KB PER KA HOL S-- FcraaU by OLLSS & CO. DOMESTIC PRODUCK. KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION Cl'llAR SOW corns Q l.V ul nr ! In kjT a to aott porctuuera iiy tciy afoxo a Acnccir. Pioneer Mill, Lnhaina. CAJU'll.XI. Tl'RTOX. PKOPRlrTORS. of superior o.aaaty, now roiulnclu aa.l fur ule in ccantlUea to suit by g'y H.K.CKrmj.tco SPENCER PLANTATION. VKW CHOI' or SLGAlt SOW COMISU IX i and (Ur ai bv OKKKX. VACrARLAXK A CO. Asentu WAIKAPU PLANTATION. VTT.W CROP OP Me) All XOW C02tII.U IX ll aaJ roreIe f rMVaeeoaiDtnrtlvMi ootr, 1T Ml OttEKX. AtACfAKHXK A CtX, Atattx. PUULOA RANCH TANNERY. CM)LK AXI Stlini.E LEATHER. TA.XKI( K? Got ana heer SXtne. froBt the abuee celebrated coottaatly teelTeJ aa.l R- al be exi gukun, maCparlank A CO. CITY 31 AUK EX. TO" AL'LD. PltOPIUETOR. MBASII ST., T 1I1UU OF CHAVL.V;s L.VSK. IOBATS 3D3SXjXXT33Ha3x AU Orders Itomptly Attended. 3IEXKOOEri".A 3IAHKET. C.WALLER, Proprietor. Klt.ff Mreet, tJljl Honolulu. FANULYARKET! G. ilMLLGK, lroirictor. s Choicest Meats from the Finest Herds Fish, Poultxy, Vegetablos, &c, I'ltriilaltcil to Onjer. rj1XTlLlii.--Tncliji- i unit TlmnKlaja Vent, rrltlnyrs riah. SniiilnjTH Ijxiuo, (Uuleas otherTlse ordered.) Tbe Proprietor hartas tx-e- th neat and coniruodtous VEGETABLE, FRUIT AND POULTRY WARXET. Adjolnhur tbe Family Meat Marlet, will be prepared to promptly and aatutactoruy AU orders for rrerythlu re quKte to furalsh the tablee with all tbe smbstautlals and DeHcarie tbe country affords. C;T Mil). ilnc si"lllirMl on .Short Xotlce-.-S- a Meats, Ate, delivered to all parts of the city without (Ml ly O. WALLER. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. 5TKAJ1 C.MSl.VRX, SCR Vlt MILLS. . llollrra, Cuolert, Iron, Brass aad Lead Ca4tlcf Machlnory of Every Description, ai- - M Ue to Order. -- yO. Particalxr atteatioa paid to Ship's BUckiaithlrff S" JOB IVORlt executed oa th horteit notice. cJKi ly SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER. Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins COXSTAXTLVOXHAXD AND roll .SALE. IValiuea Tnnuery. J. P. Parker, Prop'r. llllo Tanuery, 1. S. lonuau. l'poiirlccor. l ir A.S. CLEGHORX A CO. Agent. HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS! GREY & CO., .Manufc.nrer.. and Dealers In ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, Lelco, King Street, Honoluln. Beef Mutton and Goat Tallow wasted. Orders aad Bills left at Ira Richtrvlttu'i Coot and Shoe Store, will meet with prompt attention 671 ly iio.xoi.ui.u soap wo iii:,, BY W.J. RAWLINS. The Proprietor nf tba abiiT Works It prepared to tupply his customer,, and the pubic In reneraL with th beet quality ol Yellow 5oai. oft Map always on hand 19 kt Iliiii Frict Juid or Swp Gmiu ly . OIL BLACKINC, a , w ?2.r WN tn 3IA'UFACTUUEI BY H w w G.S.PINKHAr&CO.. tj ta RILO, HAWAII. w CO K BOLLES & Co., Agents, 53 HOXOLCXC. .O 37 Iy qr Jl - -- DNDiovna -- iio THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL ! Stej 11 HHHhHHe PROPRIETOR IIATTSQ OBTAIXED T a new leu of Uu WHI rpart no pains to max It Firrt-Cla- ss in Every Particular! Cottage by th tea rid ftr the acccmaiodatlon of guests. Carriage cnu? SaddU JTone ttt aaort notice. 6Q PHILADELPHIA BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! Corner Fort &. Merchant Sts. THE UNDERSIGEND HAS JCS1T EXCKITEIi Por JD. O. TirXUJtJEaJar THE HOST CCStFLETT ASSaBTKEfr OF Ladies1, Misses1 and Children's C33fiS3-2ad-e, Extra Jtoe and Merllga Qadiy Boots cfes Slaocs Erer offered la HocclnlB. KS12a IRA RICHARDSON. SMALL CHATN3! SIZES FB8H M To 1S ISCIT. ET QCAX. EccetTtd per - deta." Tor Sal by nTr ya 4 00- - -- "- 'Wii rr ririilaWwasfciaaWsaWtatl WHOLE No. 7. INSURAiT(U2 NOTIOKS. Rostnn Boanl of I'ndcrwr.lfrs. A (3KXTS for the Hawaiian lalanila r atviy C V.RKWEKXCO. i'litladflphl.i Roanl of Ilntlprwritcrs. A GKSTS fur tho Hawaiian lalanila, . JA imj c. nr.KWKKco. TRASS -- ATI. A STIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, or iiAnuruo. i.srni:i osr niii.m.Mis, meii. cb,udte and Furniture, on liberal trrma, by II. It.VCKrKLU Jt CO., Alrntv May . UTS. n64A-- lr F. A. SGIIAEFEII. CiKST ofllremcn llnanl of Uilerrrltera, .il Acent of n UerJ of Undrratllen, Aent of Vienna IUarl of Underwriter. Clloi actln.t IneoraaceCowv(niestthia th nrlltetlon of the abot of Uoderwrllere, will hare 10 be rertl ned to by Ihe aUeaasent to male theoi t.ltd. Oily c.vi.iroii.-Ni- INSUP.ANCE COMPANY. UXDEUS1GSKD. AOKSTS OP THE Ja. ahT Cmipany. have been aathtitted lalnaare risk, on Car ., Freight and Trenmrc, rrom Honolulu toall(t) oltb ww Id, and Tie vrra. lj II. HACKrELD A CO. IIA3IIUTKGII-ICKE31- E. IFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 'JHllK I'SUEUSIfiSKD bavins; been ap- - fl. tKHR't'd Areata of tba aljee colit.y, are prepared tlniurerijt,atlat Ate. oa St our and llrlclt IlulliU lS. and on Mrrchantllsr nUired Ibetein, ot the raoet r.vrablo terror Tor lurticuUra ai'plT at tbe eQe ol XW lj F A.'SCHAKrER a ca HAMBURC-1Y.ACDEBUR- C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HAM11VU0. Brii.nisus. jiiiitcii.tMiisr, ruuxi. Insured aclnit lire on Ihe lutet favorable terms. A. JAECER, Atent for the HawaiUn Islands. Sll ly UNION INSURANCE COMPANY or sax ru.vxcisco. aitrino. INCOKPOKATED, 1803. CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS (10 For the Hawaiian lalanila. ly TUB Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. OF WlXTKltTIIUU. UXDEnslO.NKD are AOTIIOIUZED to. iuture m On Cargo, Frolght and Troasuro Irooi Honolulu to all parts of th world, and upon Conner-- , by Special Prrmlaslon t On th most fsTorabl terras. W. 0. IRWIN A CO S.Uly AceuU for the Hawaiian Islands. Rhenish Wostphnllan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, or II. GLAnHACII. IUioiiNU Prttaaln. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited. OP AACIIEX. (AIX.L..CHAPt3LLE.) CLAIMS foil PAUTICCLUl AVK1U ALT. sntUlned by uoods arrlslnc here, and Insured In the abore Companies, bava ta be made with Ihe cog ntxanc of and certified to by the in order to be valid. (at ly) J. c ULAIJE, Atent. LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Assets. $26,740,105,70 HAVE ESTABLISHED AX AllEXCY IX ror the Hawaiian Islands, and tbe undersigned are prepared to write risxt against FIRE OS BUILDINGS, MERCIIAMSE AXD DiTELLIXGS Oa favorable terms. Dnelllurr Risk n (special- ity. Detached dwelling, and contents In.ured for a pef lod of three years, for two premium, la advance. Iioaaes promptly adjusted aud payable hero. SiMai BISHOP t Co. FIREjIAX'S fuxd INSURANCE COMPANY, OP SAJJ FHAKCI3CO, Piro Marino, Cash Capital. Gold. 5300,000. Dsrellluc RlsUs a Hpecialiiy. Detached dwelliogs aixl rcntenu injured for a period of tare years, tortwopr-raiu- m In adrance. Bj writln small line on carelally selected risks well distributed, offers IXDEMX1TY BKCOXD TO XOXE. Lossos Promptly Adjusted. BISHOP & CO., 620 ly Axel,!, for the Ilawalian Islands NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Company, MILWAIUEE, WLSC'OXSIX'. .17,000,0001 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL IXfiURAXCE la th World. CHARTERED IX till. nxa the advantage of Westers Rates of Interest, Never lost a dollar cf Its Securities aad never fsIU to pay its leases promptly. Por partlcnlara apply at th Office of w.o.ittwixAca, ct ly Agenu far tbe Hawaiian Islands TUB New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OP B03TOX, MAS". IXCORPORATED, 1833. lhi Oldest Purrfy Mutual Life Insurance Co. in the United States. Policiei Ixnud on tha next fxTorxble Tercx. Example orXon.Forfeltarti PJan, nrscBH) Aor, is teabs-obdixa- bt urz plaji 1 A nasal preoslaat coctiaoea Policy 2 yeara 3 days 2 Anneal premium eoolfnnes Potky 4 years 12 days 3 Aanaal premium continue. Policy 9 years Z7 days 4 Aaaual prrraiaa coutlaues PtJtcy 8 yeara xi daya i Aaaual preoadae, csotlaae policy IS years 6 days .sjtsstots, r : $13,Q00,000! Lot est Paid through TToDoIala ABency, ?40,Q00 I CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS C13 FOR THE HAWAIIAN I8LAXI1. Iy NEW ZEALAND INS. CO., no JFTRE & MARINE INSUBAXCE. E3TABLWIIED, UiJ, Oarpi-t-aX- : $3,000,000 (With uaHmlted HxbOlty ofShanholderi.) EETOWEiUPECTsXTTOlJEo-ELrv-Sjiukspe,- , INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. Of every descrtptlmi property may b effected with this Compaay at aooeral rates. MercaanSiie, Goodi and Freight Injured Byiteaserxaod aaiSns; veaaela. Loeae caa b mad payablt to Hooclsla. CAI.E A COOKE, 00 ly Agaata for Rosarahi. xljvttxis ezjar vaatrjaxx-A'Anxjiro- .. tpac Measured ta Xeupervll . . . Type- - 1 vlnnlln Line- s- U loch... UN i s w(r a 44 IS llnee-ilo- ch , I SO a oat a oo tlUnee-ltaehe- e... 20 TO Tl M Line. 3 lucheK IN 2S 11 SI AS Ltaes 4 Inchea, W I Wl 1109 UN Qusileref Coluniu son II Ml IS t Thltdrf Cularaa. . too 13 CO a oo uu to m la xoi rl xo ti TwvThlr4 CutuMa., H CO "4 oot 39 m u On Colan. .... lite W ol 4 Pot M r Qatinem Cards whea yevyat'el e aewr. allowrd a dlenmat lieea Ihee tales, which ar Lr lloiext a.l,ettleieuts, when paM or eharaed e,WMey. .. p. All reign adtertlsemthU ant to serosal ieel with Ihe pay when entered In, ir ira nolle will to aswar Iheltt. The talee ef CRarPesare ultra I Ihe atova eeale, a. rmltl,fKe fur Kaitera Aaterwae adteltleewnte, r W errlpt Ions may to road by bant check, eteae teat F0IU.1GN NOTICES. P. CEO. MURPHY, Attorney and Coamellor at Law, aaa California SU, San rrnnrlwo, A Mh-lto- r of Ih apreM (Vart e Victoria, AaerreJIa. Prattler In ,11 Ih Cvurte f CaUkw a la. eraT la II. '. SUVEIt.VSCE, p O M -- U I H S IOX M :KC II A X T, u rRojT srnKBr, SAX 1'KAXCmCO. IOJ.1V. . A. P. EVERETT, Forwarding and Coamlsstea McrchaRt, 409 Front Slreol, Corner of Clay, SAX KRAXCISCO. 43 rartlcular attention pakl ta Cssslrumenuof IslaeJ PrvJuce. f ly xxxit a. vtutiaa. uit r. xuiicass WILLIAMS, BLAHCKAED & CO SUlppiuR and Comni$sioR JHrrcfeails, K Jll California Sireel, Jaa rrsadsro. Iy CORBITT & MACLSAY, Shipping aad CobbIssIoh MercIiaiitSi ta and IS rront SU 10 and 12 lint JU, Portlaad. O. SAN riUMClSCO OFFICE. 201 5ACEAMKXTO STOXXT. .airsa t Rank of Dtttlsh Colambla roelUnd. Oreaoa First National Hold Bsulc. --San fhiaeve Meurs. II. Haekreld A Co I . Ilelal MeMtv IUshep A Cu.. Rsnters . IleeoJel Mrears.areeD,Mac(arlaaACo nslala DarOwi,lrnmeata of Iilaad PTOduc solicited, awhkh CASH ADT thCE3 WILL UK MAPI. eSeR ly R. S. HOWLAND, Shipplni and CorSieission Merchant, HOO Front Street, near Calltornl 8AX K11ANC1SCO. nsrERS to (1. A M. llowland. New lledford. C Brewer A Cs IWIew. I. It. lurtlett A Jons, ' Owen aCUit. fretdee. WnuII.Ceapo. " E. A. Usance, rieirtb Set (W em Baas, N. T. Fisheries! the rxnr.iLsiiixr.n ixvitetiie I attention of th F1berles to tbetr Cotton "IPlaalx 2STottia.K. I for OH? Ken. 8?!nr, Trap. nl lYnndn. Otlon Is Tpr.ur to lump, tor ttt darabnttr tukd (bttkt nt-- ItInlTrrnjrutC Intb rnltJ WUtML FtainccmniS Ki'KUnd. lurmtlt low lor ituuih raptor dat. Aline itvbinrtwm va mailci the undri-n- for lb irapcrteritx of Utlr wrm, anit rricfUrnhhf-- l Dvalepni by n A11rlird tn firm tulra, aoJ f (.90 pr 100 panla lua frrlcht to Ja Frmndsco, AMKRiaVX KT AND TWUCK OV Ml 3m Ilotton CM. BOOKS & STATIONERY, Tho Basis of Our Business. Slannracttire all nich fWkiJ FIIlSTTo rao WiKm b?rw wtllal.ltr, 4 tbriYbj rtlrrctlj tvotfil par cmtea.tr tod ottrwitr-- . KKCOSD To Unj- - anil e 1U tI Hmlltmrrj to ai to mk U t) tfc tntTt af ) aM CMtfrrt me ta ttt In prtfrDt?a ta MDsflac Est. t5T Wa mwOiifa,ttnT ami lnpTt t Ttrr ilfCTTpll-M- i af rT.TtjE Utf tta9 af rapar. ITtlapaa bd4 Blaat Ikwlhiofour own miG(ictara, la., 5UI, ale. -- Orer 1,500 nrlclltv of Wnk fdrmt rpt I Stata. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. otMCt-l-y 5a a fnae.-- , Cal PALACE TETJNK STORE, jTo. s xew no.vraoacRT street. Palace note!, aa I randaro. The travrllmr publlr from Australia aad th Hawaiian Islands ar Invited to Inspect th slock now p at n above central store. Every article In th tin of Trunk', Values, Traveling Bag., Satchels, Straps, ete Constantly on hand. LailleV anil Gent' Fine Sole) Leather a net Harntotrn Trnnka, a ieetallly Trunks of any pattern mad lo order at short nolle. Trunks Repaired and Covers Hade. Ban Francisco. Sept. 1176. ROBERT WILKES & CO., HAHTJTACTUBEBS HAHOTACXITBZH'S A0E5T3 DCP0BTEH3 AXD EXPOKTEM OP American, English & European MAXirACriBEBS, Supply to dealers tha Urgeet variety of Genera! Uercaaa- - die offered by any ONE UOUiE IX Till KOEUJ. Evsry dealer tbould has a CaiaLe-- u from this lions aa aom ruode la Try Us axs supplied. All Staple Goods Sold Guaranteed HO UHESt Toronto, 4) tad W Tours street; Montreal, 194 and 11. lleOBl street; Loodon, 60 Queea Victoria street, K. C. ; Eheaald Beater Worst. lorwardlag aad Soramlasloa Agastcy. CO-ly-r SIW yoiJC CITT. I1MDIA RICE MILL, CORSEIt 07 MISSION & FRE10XT STS., SlH FRIICISCO, UL fsnnxixnrA ricexili. hatixo rxBEi. M. gooKatertal Inprovmatx. la xov la pxcx coa dldoa for th Hulling and Dressing of Paddy ASD UNCLEANED RICE. In th Best Pcsaihl Manser. Th Prle for nrixisa and DUESaniO PACPT baa been BaeTncerl 23 per cant. ccr's3iCi"t9-2urfcij'X'j- i jr Faddy and Hulled Kic 2 1 TFS2 Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. wit. u. op.EcroroOD, Oenerxl Cotcmlsaioa Mtrchant and proprietor of IxdSa Rieaiira. eair SAM'L G. WILDER, Aceat ror tbe Hawaiian Ialnasab, OP TBE Mutual Life Insurance Co. of arxw TBK. Largest, Safest and Mast ECONOMICAL LIFE IKS. CO. DTTHEW01LD! Assets .(1876)-.580,000,CH- X) Nov is a Good Time to Latara Hoc tat Fint-Cli- Klii Txltss, exiAa arnc jrrrM tilbsi c.
Page 1: TRE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/2178/1/1877060601.pdf · -TRE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE I BY HENRY M. WHITNEY aSTery Ij-nomine


BY HENRY M. WHITNEYaSTery Ij- nomine



Pttrtpi kriii.lI-- 0 l. SIO.OO.

aasi .waawAW iiin pr-e- s4

tbr wt l't Uiw BmUik:Street, HkJ1.H. L

LatT? Sejaqr;.

Xaj ssW aaehag.

llrw tiit .a,auaalj tas nlHtiiSasMaf BBPHK M JSWs Jf-

t tl llkllMtllB"aaasa"Bjhaav


mw ,, Asatl.


Kiuii! A! k


AMk- -l W U,rfMa.iAiUT' MVtuf tVat ac vsarsi .

i aga. J sUa.a it, i.sai.

M jiii ." Mar ti I

eaaaej asaySjas fctiimimi A yaveeveac.

x anM a Vat u4 bk likely kit

A...X.H K,iM,inBut WettVwt s kr iJ- -

M a asir. a aeaw. Tt joe. say nlaMHi;

M.h Uf tktec Skadar

Jnw If asaew wtak shear KKwti,

!wkhi wax isal laatu) oVnrxal, thy

Sk ww3feastt a rx ilt,; sOraeeis VKctwaslLWat fcrt aW a tMCMftf.

'AflftAih is mt ibt Kt, LirrtriB eptt--

JLMlnc imbm m far h tyn xsl

alilWtmiii ilii if- - ipffr ?

! sO4 H kwltkkKp!Jy lJ;"f 3fc K V W w tit kdUu. .

ririt t 1mlt : wm k 4E .... T I.W1 Tr W fifetxi

UHM.M;MWtWimi(-Milw.i,M- IA.m ten & UM-h- .

MiMnte W im m ly IbU k W

ihnoii tc At ifcmfcu uii ttt

IliURrfUN at vitci-fe- c I,

Xw tie Hit &ee

fcmm.1i, W kjWiJiifc(i i, (tKattei.

... . . ." 'M B. &--. 1 SAay w iai. an, waaiu sc. a4 kw i

SSSlIlClfcBwaWltMt.tMi.tatMafatvwMt CkKSMlWMk k a' saais.tr- -

Ml, taMtMcXr. A. S. Sfeft piizti Sfe: vlcte k na tt t

Clwiiu Taanil faui at k:: iMbiywstt. j

A J) m-ta- mrb tsat f.t'U iar a '

3uMki2v Caf-- 04 mac Jtsfn t ,

ZZrrZ?LZlhaj j! illu. ,

IjbKM Mri Wk tt a Cet;icct eiirti.k...: -- Fai,ea8rfi,iA. A ftalaaa. taaailtr. Il talk - 4aji is

Ifft . ai jay a Su af r f&Bactt."'SIbm )u,lsJi. fcapt4 I

"WtjHtr U ya Ma ami a ewaelksa&t. a rsU-trreit- i:

-- Ikar yao iart a Trrafc. Tt." rraW4 rt fns4. with a a--

Aa . - At't aw ail. i,', ala;itsiaarnoriafet fat s tt VTy art sniax a r sa4 f catch fa Lytci

tract i-- a aficaa. oWciUaa4rm. Snn tn.oWia4 Skf crasu af featkert east ccc iun

tr afa Sfks aa4 tt vara vaicr-en- a cta&,wMcfc cas tt ijti is al itaita.

S eaVwfcjtaJjrreWT"is b a s!tC antky ? : " OH Ecpau. Jia 15. J5IK! Mm lam : 1aS jac j ta ta tra,ctrrr f.fti.Tal Hai tsiaa-ElxW- T Plcaacaxtvcraics. Taan,Serb." "to M. I STL. TaH;T... Barsws

a jrraJ : I as Sxfe; ay nrit. Lasra."A bariaf b.a tcrsci as "H

t ,fcaff --Vt at as cUattjr jetUeas to dilvactWr i tawK t caKoi M r et. pria; bit aj,.

Xwef-alr.a- ii ti Wry p,atUa-- . klfcvia: to h je tax k. "a. far a sas it Si

jcari; es;e ; fca far 9 rather ali."- Paa." aail a ateU l3Jiu:ctu fctsr-yca- ii eU.

M wt yvtt pray ta &! as-- sarc ttia atsp bis rais.

cmy to hfa yasnaaf laid yafa. " I iaTc."ia.rtti. iatSd daa's ayaay aces&staaScabW

-Jtj- -daarf taai a xcafou futasaa of a aoajfaa

tth razdbT, State iacjiur. wit ,u playiafia!itTi!l-"B- T dear! is is a4 tcB yscr " 'f tiatjar jaasa hat act tic. "Oi! OiP'aMMathcsd:"cahitkhal? Etwuctdk

"Srw.Tmrtfpeofi." taM a enfetacr rf sataztlststary to hi, iHaat. saa-- , xbts. aj ta hesa ; a hcahaa th caaacary af Uyicfyut ix hsadnd jj,, aadssacc: aii the Isaihaa th fob is yut atwat tcyaara. S ahat it U l"ice with tar aScr liatT" CM c br ieal asd tti hr &r a jrii cakl-- a r

csclalsad as snaia vha father iaaJt is pecfery.

AcasisEcacocra. Vt, au imstly art hyas isrerase ajrEt a talc eat a pBcy far th hs-t- f

hi wi&tthaBscatf $3JM. Mot 6d-P- C

1 art.! hit atVi OfttMa. whes il rcfdiA fm iTtatt : "TTly. sty eVaax, yo wffl

cfeaezMaftaseordaatoycr m jzipa.sl ; bat.is caa f jeer daccaa. it veid tsah is a rather

t dcaixaU wida v fAXit erieaitjiif ndisx; is th can reecstly,

tra a aisi Use at th ests&x,K af a lady byHa aid, isair-std- . h ks- - bcr. asi Ttstsrsdar-sar- k:

that th day waa pitasast, ih csly tayizr,T. ""BTty d yes war a ra2r' Isairni thapcsser cf iiatxc "Le: I aSracC tXUOSaa."

"Sl th BTaTiac f ledcaes. ta admire," npSdthciWit stasaf laa--. Set vhs they ar

"6o.tso;rstatajhakr! Th Iaiy exuery rcaiorrd her rail,dSadaaisg ta tha atara'ihut a apiaata ra fnc cf hacethcr-ia--




, rr 5 r1 aaal U ;: ' .

tt "vttt "t vV UIi. -- VJUI. AU. ZO. s


A. W. PEIRCE & CO.,Arnts For

'nrtii.ox salt, buanivs uunn cess.

tt r IVrrr Dv1 Pln UlUer. Ac.


Strain od Sporm OH,

By the csk or ullox, ixta w, u ta iwn! nm.AUO.

Polar and IValru till. Msart, Oil.Palut oil. liennrue Oil, le.faxr&alear

HI f A. T. riUKCK Jt OX

Cotton and Henip Duck.tf fffh vabds cuttux itrcic.AVVVI LwirKjXklbl.jrvrrTAi.ex ifeetxia. ail .Kaer arrrvala.

A. ys VmOot oksm Dock. all HWbrn,..00. hMuplt ib flax aadXercbaatrtavy.

AKi.tW KaveeH. fwrSTriST-raipTwtft- e. Ae'.tc.rWJy Hi u A. W.

Tar, Pitch, &c.A JIERICVX AM StVIUIHU Tilt. W1L.V aasagtoa Paeb. tMia, Ac. aval Sum. Ac.Tt MJtiy Mil;' a. Y ftaKCK . CO.

Manila and Hemp Cordage.SiflO 'OILS JIIMU ai HUIP lt)BD.SL-J- i. M7f ."Jr""?..,.ViS..r -- " - ' - r sas.

Wire Kope, "Wire Seizing.IJUODSll-eL- T. lorMUfbrA J .V. W. PKiRCK A CO.

Anchors and Chains.I ruou ruo.n 40 iow.to 2200 lbx.

j- - 1 H.XS. ttwa KU1S-- 1 uctn.

Best Ash Oars.A ITLI il'PPLT tMUK fet lour.TV trtT I' Jl. W PEIBi.: .0.

A Very Full Assortment


JZWJrS 0-- Hd.YD.

Also, Whale Boats and Boat StockAnd tnuUlnx Gr.


:iI?S 3iJ?!W 5 52- -:

srl-- f Srl-t- - H 1 "c:f-- ws'5liS ?-I-

PI ? ::iaSi!5 feI .9 ?U95 sJ 5? -- ii CO IK. Hi

iPl M g' Tx-- Z u. s--v

- J2. 3 5- -; " tf- -

? ir. ?- - f:w 2?va22 SE.3? rS L IS 3 -


m Chandlery and Ship Stores!for Sale br BOULTS J: CO. j


PFR harV R. C. WvIiP. frnm Rrpmpn

aisa.sn9c&A.CHS8$,sarnsiH9pusniiM.S1LUJ. Cfi .I". to quaattfcs ta JJft. .' H' toes o

iaca.CHAIXCJISJ-B- S, J--s 1. 114. 1 IJ. Kit J- -J

toco, fer taU tow rK EOtXESi CO.

COal Tar.fS BARBELS A3TD CASKS.frbi,tj (tt; EOtiES A CO.

California Beef in Bond.TJIXXIVED P X. BEiX KO BERTSXV Fee or I5P BOtiES CO

California Lime ta 'White Brother'H7IXGLJS1I POKTLA.VD CEMEST--Bt ijaal- -JLU k7 JTVUMiabr Hf BOCiES A CO.

MANILA CIGARS"V"o. S II .VA3CA SUA-PE- I And a isol noStr.rrS:6y



Frsits Prepared oy the Aides ProcessOP DirrEBEST VARIETIES:PURS. Ac TotStlttr

BOtlSS 4 CO.

Saloon Pilot Bread.BOXES A.M CASES. ALSO. A GEXEB.XX Ajaocjct of Cxacatrs. troa ts Cracker Ca.

Fcraaar C3 fiOr.r.KS CO.


PER KA MOI.CASE OF BrXTlSG Red. VHit ct Bine.i rar&a!br WJtJU' iLU.

CHINA BRICKS.Hare axriTed pr WIIlax--d Jladsett

Ironx Hon lions'.x.9.000 EXTRA LARGE SIZE, ande to 1 00,000 sicosd size.

AS cf cs teas asamr sant brlcaj. ai2 w!E t soM

I. bycm BOfr.yy a Co.

FLORIDA WATER.Knrry & Laanaa's Florida. Water !

PTUIIS CELEBRATED FLORAL PEBITHEi. haa bees a bract wi ts CMS&liarti. Ofid IsaSpam cf ts&ccrBeaxlj' calTacenctrr. nuraoxirairta c&bcct 03bf aarvaxty t adirv ts saeat Eas DeQjiccx cr atscr Ferfxswa tsas batr cea cttsena

isra tseaa Ijuada. 3Ccxxlt A LaX3Xa3Ta FfasciiaWasar ia ttaaaryaaii..! aa as Exxacr Csr ts Haa12er.hur, acit laau sspetiec w asy xexfzsi erer vsed tar

SsZtoW Cfcaxut Aa TeetA aaU StaaCcaMj tac BrtaW traoaHaya ts tettasao eaaaiftl by ariuiaTj araf&aac. aadrestorva Ca, ncUes, ib r E&dsfnm CXitzcK.hodemvt armttsrafle aerMxa arrriiraa asdbssaraafiov of freasnwsa aad Tiar. sovctct cacd as ts ascctest! aat oioc.

Fob. saXx CTxsxraxxx x. jrnsESST.. SoU Arentfcrtii HaaraJas Istasca,

Si tw aa7pCc:f af YnmjOaarrt Friau.Bvarafacarsutalsdta2oaa.aas aee tsax cacs bott

beui ts zrmf TTir- Vtw,j StsxXATat LaxixoiVixosma WiTxs. US ly



h" : IfS s? W - Iisporters, Wholesale and Eetail Dealers


S. 31 A .;.Auuni Sri-t-. rr Hint Mrrct.

cxrvxTcx asd nrT inGeneral Merchandise. Fancy Dry Goods.

Gentlemen's Purnisains Goods.Cteihin?. Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps, itc, fc, Jkc


E. O. 1I.VL.L. A: S.KPOBTESS AND DEALKSS IN HASDISrASEDrj GooJl, rlU, 0tl4 u4 0nttl SiirckwtJi,.

C49.1y KiltSll.


C0rT. &tt Good. Pmmtt a Oil. aa4 Qtnrrat MrchaWl Nfc". Klt Stwt. IUoolal. (M Ija. . iirnm, J1". - xrruj

.V. S. CX.KUIIOK.'N A. Co..

Gronorol aiorolanndlso,Drvr Qa4fe aad EuaKUsa Strts.Htlil .XaaAnil St.. i Nm,r t'utt i Util St.


JI13CHASDISE,rortSlVsi,OJJ FolW tWtl. W--

THKO. II. I.VVIKS.lati Jutos, Guts 1 Cu.J


LlTr. sl th, Urp.J rfcrwrt,rswl rmwi Utfcn lawinwr Coapaar, wl


Is ruUnaSt Ctotilaf. 1UU. Car. Boti. Shwra.udrr TJ f Q3tlmo'l !uraUbts 0oJ Sm1!

BaMisi:. MKkut$trMt.llwMtl. (C3-lj-r


la Fuittuii at Ty jncriftiM. rnittr irvlUtm sorrt StrNt. tffpnMt Dtckwa'i rrt:nrfc 0lkrj.

! OrJw, bwn U tw bltJ frmflj K,J,J ta. H J


XESCHISDISE.tM Qa iimt. U.!at. H. L 1


Uoas:I. 0. H. I. o ljJ. S.DtCKOS oT. LXWXSS, C. V. CIMXE.



AV1I.WKU Jt CO..Ssirmwr, t Duw.ttt Jt Ct. Cn,r rt t Qim Slr.tLcVir, Paists, Oils. Sail. Salt ird Bsildisf

ta-- T autaruli efamrkiad.xui.i.i:s .v co..

Siip Ciadleri ss Cosaunos Jlerciisu.Isvrtraa414lr,ta GcacaXMvrcs&abc.Ufttvatrvct

BoaolaW Utaulilu4. (tillA. IV. PCIKCC Jt CO..

:nmn UCL Kicui 1 Cv.)

erj izi Gz9rilConiiiioa ilertiiztj.JLLSOJjrUortXt ftaiw &i( WVrit,

IajJaI. HiviuaB liliad, lj

C. BREWER & CO.,( l i. r. ckttss,)

H F. C JOSt. JaU, V

( J. &. sxrrix. )


CASTLi: Jt COOKE.SHrFMSl ASD comnssios meschasts.

niPoaxESS asdr,..i , o i i it,."v-uiu- ia in bbuciai mciwiauuisc,

o. M Elt Stmt, Uaootaia. OaTiiua Iilaadj.


Tb Uafeeo. Iasvac OMBfaajrar5aa Fraadtfco. Tb IfawlajWaJ Mato.it Lif lBaraa Coofaaj, Bam.

Ji?SffiSiaSffiSS7'X.Jwn. W. II. lUHrr't PUntatkn.

Hn.ur a nucai Mwicrniumruiuiwi.UacfciBM. "WJ I;) 'Huuta Ptutatkn.

. L.axn. sea. v MicrAtLasx. r. r. tasxitax.G ItKirt. 3IACFAIII.AAE Jt CO..


QeeaStrKt. HjaIiiJa. II. I.loxxra res

Xh Psoioa Saep Baach CerojwiT.Tt Spccar Flaatfaa, IluV

Ttt Watsap! PtaaUtMa.The Kuwlc PUautJoa, Jtabtai.

Tfi, Glusv asd UoaoUhx Lia of PaclcU. CH

F. A. SCHAEFEK Jt CO..Importers Sl. Commission Merchants

41IJ HjoaiBkl.HaviSaalliaa'li 1

IV. G. IR1VIX Jfc CO..Can-T?H- 21erthsstx. PIxstsUos asd Isruasu

Aaetx,OS Hiwartli!. Uavuiaa Itlaailt. 2y

X. c. aTtrr. x. r. xoaonx.AM.E.T Jfc ROni3.S03.

At Eottuoa', Wh-i-

Dealers is Lzbr ard xU Ozlt cf BgHdisgyrials Paists, Oilj, Siilx, tt-- , kz-,&-z,

X5X3TF5 or icrcosxxtFaoaai. Fctiwin. 31arr EHea.

et fairy QHOr KeSoataohl. U&uia. ly


iTa:terKarraTGSuii,Fropr. Tnd H. BayMl tea, 3Casarer. (Cat A. S. Ceffti&ra 4 Caj

O.V HAXn A SCPEBIOR ASSORT-- .XZNTQr General JfercfrinTfae. Lomer. mad.

for !ntr-bUsi- l TeauJa. C13 ly

TT3T. joirrsox.2kdoarola.ja.u.i: Tailor.CCS Kaaaamua It., ccMtte Xr. C. Esode,' Stora. ly

BISHOP & CO.,:b . 3sr :el 33 ur. s ,


TEE EJLU CF CAUTCailX, : ; : : SX& F2JUCUC0xjs rxxra icxm tx

Sew York.Boetou,


THE CRIDrrit EAW COBPOSiTtCJL : : : IXSGCIAX3 rxxtx xxaxcxxs

Sydney, aalyielboarx&e,

AsdtraaMctaGcBaraIEaaklaB3,se9f. CO ly

zssm. . nrxrx jo. on.XHRITM Jfc OAX.

Stationers, News Dealers and Bookbinders.

Xercsast Street, Hjaclala. Aiao Su&ctl CaCUc;.Caifrragay, aai Cajyls?, peimjtly exacatej as

reaaoaabla teraia. 214y


Coagsocortm Psotcaapb: GoSery, ai acdax Fcrt Street.Eorofrl - Cl-l- y

JOH5 WORXIT.izzlizzter, id Etxltr is Gtserxl XaTc'ri-W- in


in General ilerchnndise

OlulNuu't Strati MI It -i. jr. cutis. j. i. xtszbt5. i. p. cooks.



Auctioneer and Commission Merchant.QaaaattrMt. Iloauials. II. 1.

C. S. IlAK'rOIV. Anctlwnrrr.f.tnvta oa Qaeea Street, one doer from Kaabamaa

XU Street. ij

i. e. .tici.vrviti: jt iirotiikkTGROCERY. FEED STORi.and BAEERY,

CvtncrufKicj and Kottitreeti,noyoLULV. tz: iy

x. a. ratsu a. vrj. acatt.KRIKI. Jt misii.


Mt 'Jl Tart Street, HoLolata.

CHAN. T. G17I.ICIC.3S"otary Pu"bllo,

ASDAs-au-t to tnke Ackuouleilgmmts n,r Tjjijp

94 Interior OlUcc, lluiiuliiln. T

KD1VAKI) T: O'JIAI.I.OKAA,Attorney aad Solicitor.

It aatbEiriseJ to lend from SIOO to JIO 000, on Mortranof at hvnt rate, et lnteret.

tf" Acentt In Loatio, aj la alt put, of Aallnlta.Offlce a feet Street, (oppoeite Jlr. Ira Kiohtraoa'a

Stece) Uaortlala. m sou

j. 31. n.iriisoA.ATToasnoY an" tja.w.Whhoer'. B.k stjee, brmetly octoplej

be JaJft Aaitta. Honjlata. II. I. jj;E. G. IIITCIIt'OCK,

ATX0BSEY AT LAW, HIL0, HAWAH.oMJ BIH Promotly CallecteJ.

C. II. lflCIiT.V.Aa4aceerttrece4ee arkaowleeaieaU of Labor Caotracttec tbe Dbtrkt af Jtkwo

WILL PB.ICT1CB OX if AC1 OXLTBUak Labor Ce.tra-t- e approeed form, aaJ Stamped

Paper ewi.Untly oa b'ad.S3 KeeUeac llalta. ML au lTr

1VIEI.IA31 It. OASTI.E.Attcrsey & CossUor at Law, & Sotary Pnblie.OcSce corner of Merchant au4 Kaibamaao Streets, Uono

lain, tn ly



Aai Agent for Utiaf AetcaowteizsteaU of laitntmeatt forte lautJef Oatiu.

ofS So. S KaibBtnaan Street, Ileaolcta, U. L ly


rertheSuteofCallCMBU. OaraattkeBukofBtiaopAOx. Kaihamaan Street. Ilooelata. ofl ly


ATTORSEY ASD C0DSSEL0B AT LAW1TD1 atteaJ tke Tern, of Caom oei tt otker IitanJi,

IfuMylaWaJoaMxtxjeaofrreebotda,JSMereLaat Street. rd

r. it unu, . . a. x. iitaior, c n.


a. 31. ,VIinEY. 31. I., a.D S.Destal Eccnj oa Port Street,

63 Comer Hotel, orer Mr. Mrekl'e Draz Slert. ly

CZIAS S. IaITTKEUGE, 31. !..Bs to ianou thit h b rtarnet from Cttfornix,asJIateikl tosMUe in Uonotaitt for the practice f hliprofession. All desirl&z bH arrtces tl ItnJ him at hhresMeaceoD yasaaa arcane, next tioor abore tbe barerbratxe. oca iy


PHTS1CIAS ASD SURGEOS,OISc at Dm; Store, corner of Fort and Mercbent Street,

Keieieoce, Xaaenu ATenae. near School lUeet.OOe hoar,, 9 11 a. . 6ll-l- y


eL& Corner Fort aad Hotel Streets, Roootala, Oahn.Cai" Keep open every fratnrtlay ETctilng. o GSty

THOMAS LACK,Sacceeeor to John XellL

Machinist, Lock and Cun SmithSevinr Machine, repaired; Dealer in Sptrtlnc GudaAieatfirtheCelebntedFLOBESCKSEWISGilACniXES.W, Fort Street, IXonolnla. II. I. t)-I- y

X. JT. BAKER,Prsetiexl Architect aid Biilder.

Plana and tpeciSirxtioo, fxral.bed at reaMoable terma.Addree, Poet OrSce, Uooalatn. H. L M Jm






AC, ic, .EC.


This Establishment closes at 12 m., onSaturdays.



Xo. 3 X'naana Street,Seep cjcetaatly or hand a fall aseortrseat of Tin, Sheet

Irea, aad Coeperw ir.GxlT'd Ira xrd Lead Pise. India Bsbber Hcse, 4c

cfU ly

a ffjt AVEIGHT,

SHIP AHD GENERAL BLACKSMITH,Shop on Jail Wharf, jot of Saaana Street, next to th

Oid Cutom Iloaae. Hoaelala, IX L


Hj cooitantly sa sand aad tor tale, a cood aawrtment cfth Bat Bar Iron.

An order, Erors th ether Iilaadi vfil be carefxtly attendedta. AH wars in ray Hae execatad vuh dispatch aad cw-aatee- d.

o6I7 ly


9L, Klap Street. 91,Beta-ee- s Tort aad Bethel atreeta.

Taraltirr cf aH deacripOm, mad aad repaired at rea--aisaMa rataa. Good vorfcsaajaip raaraateid. cdl ly


S3Work Doae Proinptly.-g-x

Shop ca Fort S-t- Eiptaaada. eppoait Eacver, BarrelFactory. oCX ly


"fir XT2xci0r-ta.AX.0r- -

So. 31 Hotel Street, ::i:i: Ilaaolalrr, U.I.6 lyr

CHRISTIAN CERTZ,tlf H KTFW TWATTJrro. BEGS TO AJTSOLTTCE TO TITE cii FI7BIJCefHoaotsiii.tsathe tat paxecaxed HMl theiaicStasdbcdaeeaofWILLIAACFtsCrl- - fel'Jl EB. Hotel Street, oextrloor to fcrltxa Droa; TSere, acit tsat ts fztarc tie boafaesa arm be carnal ca byhist Is ts sac; premtaea.

C G. artTe-- ra a fair ahxre cf tie pofcOc aatronaz. aadprorstaea ta passes etrfflty, atteacoa and cwxl qnaOtrtortsetrsioaey. 3 ly

Stockhclra Tar, in Bbls.O ECU 1KB PER KA HOLS-- FcraaU by OLLSS & CO.


KAUPAKUEA PLANTATIONCl'llAR SOW corns Q l.V ul nr ! InkjT a to aott porctuuera iiytciy afoxo a Acnccir.

Pioneer Mill, Lnhaina.CAJU'll.XI. Tl'RTOX. PKOPRlrTORS.

of superior o.aaaty, now roiulnclu aa.lfur ule in ccantlUea to suit byg'y H.K.CKrmj.tco



WAIKAPU PLANTATION.VTT.W CROP OP Me) All XOW C02tII.U IXll aaJ roreIe f rMVaeeoaiDtnrtlvMi ootr, 1T

Ml OttEKX. AtACfAKHXK A CtX, Atattx.

PUULOA RANCH TANNERY.CM)LK AXI Stlini.E LEATHER. TA.XKI(K? Got ana heer SXtne. froBt the abuee celebrated

coottaatly teelTeJ aa.l R- al beexi gukun, maCparlank A CO.


IOBATS 3D3SXjXXT33Ha3xAU Orders Itomptly Attended.


C.WALLER, Proprietor.Klt.ff Mreet, tJljl Honolulu.

FANULYARKET!G. ilMLLGK, lroirictor.


Choicest Meats from the Finest Herds

Fish, Poultxy, Vegetablos, &c,I'ltriilaltcil to Onjer.

rj1XTlLlii.--Tncliji- i unit TlmnKlaja Vent,rrltlnyrs riah.

SniiilnjTH Ijxiuo,(Uuleas otherTlse ordered.)

Tbe Proprietor hartas tx-e- th neat and coniruodtous


Adjolnhur tbe Family Meat Marlet, will be prepared topromptly and aatutactoruy AU orders for rrerythlu requKte to furalsh the tablee with all tbe smbstautlals andDeHcarie tbe country affords.

C;T Mil). ilnc si"lllirMl on .Short Xotlce-.-S- a

Meats, Ate, delivered to all parts of the city without(Ml ly O. WALLER.


. llollrra, Cuolert, Iron, Brass aad Lead Ca4tlcf

Machlnory of Every Description,ai-- M Ue to Order. --yO.

Particalxr atteatioa paid to Ship's BUckiaithlrffS" JOB IVORlt executed oa th horteit notice. cJKi ly


IValiuea Tnnuery. J. P. Parker, Prop'r.llllo Tanuery, 1. S. lonuau. l'poiirlccor.

l ir A.S. CLEGHORX A CO. Agent.


GREY & CO.,.Manufc.nrer.. and Dealers In

ALL KINDS OF SOAPS,Lelco, King Street, Honoluln.

Beef Mutton and Goat Tallow wasted. Orders aad Billsleft at Ira Richtrvlttu'i Coot and Shoe Store, will meet withprompt attention 671 ly

iio.xoi.ui.u soap wo iii:,,BY W.J. RAWLINS.

The Proprietor nf tba abiiT Works It prepared to tupply hiscustomer,, and the pubic In reneraL with th beet quality ol

Yellow 5oai. oft Map always on hand19 kt Iliiii Frict Juid or Swp Gmiu ly

. OIL BLACKINC, a ,w ?2.rWN







BOLLES & Co., Agents,53


.O37 Iy qr Jl-


Stej 11


WHI rpart no pains to max ItFirrt-Cla- ss in Every Particular!

Cottage by th tea rid ftr the acccmaiodatlon of guests.

Carriage cnu? SaddU JTone ttt aaort notice. 6Q


Corner Fort &. Merchant Sts.



Ladies1, Misses1 and Children'sC33fiS3-2ad-e, Extra Jtoe and Merllga Qadiy

Boots cfes SlaocsErer offered la HocclnlB.


SIZES FB8H M To 1S ISCIT. ET QCAX.EccetTtd per - deta."

Tor Sal by nTr ya 4 00- -

-- "- 'Wii rr ririilaWwasfciaaWsaWtatl

WHOLE No. 7.

INSURAiT(U2 NOTIOKS.Rostnn Boanl of I'ndcrwr.lfrs.

A (3KXTS for the Hawaiian lalanilar atviy C V.RKWEKXCO.

i'litladflphl.i Roanl of Ilntlprwritcrs.A GKSTS fur tho Hawaiian lalanila, .

JA imj c. nr.KWKKco.


i.srni:i osr niii.m.Mis, meii.cb,udte and Furniture, on liberal trrma, byII. It.VCKrKLU Jt CO., Alrntv

May . UTS. n64A-- lr

F. A. SGIIAEFEII.CiKST ofllremcn llnanl of Uilerrrltera,.il Acent of n UerJ of Undrratllen,

Aent of Vienna IUarl of Underwriter.Clloi actln.t IneoraaceCowv(niestthia th nrlltetlon

of the abot of Uoderwrllere, will hare 10 be rertlned to by Ihe aUeaasent to male theoi t.ltd. Oily

c.vi.iroii.-Ni-INSUP.ANCE COMPANY.

UXDEUS1GSKD. AOKSTS OP THEJa. ahT Cmipany. have been aathtitted lalnaare risk,

on Car ., Freight and Trenmrc, rrom Honolulutoall(t) oltb ww Id, and Tie vrra.




fl. tKHR't'd Areata of tba aljee colit.y, are preparedtlniurerijt,atlat Ate. oa St our and llrlclt IlulliUlS. and on Mrrchantllsr nUired Ibetein, ot the raoetr.vrablo terror Tor lurticuUra ai'plT at tbe eQe olXW lj F A.'SCHAKrER a ca



Brii.nisus. jiiiitcii.tMiisr, ruuxi.Insured aclnit lire on Ihelutet favorable terms.

A. JAECER, Atent for the HawaiUn Islands.Sll ly


aitrino.INCOKPOKATED, 1803.

CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS(10 For the Hawaiian lalanila. ly


Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co.OF WlXTKltTIIUU.

UXDEnslO.NKD are AOTIIOIUZEDto. iuture m

On Cargo, Frolght and TroasuroIrooi Honolulu to all parts of th world,

and upon

Conner-- , by Special Prrmlaslon tOn th most fsTorabl terras.

W. 0. IRWIN A COS.Uly AceuU for the Hawaiian Islands.

Rhenish Wostphnllan Lloyd


Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co.,Limited.

OP AACIIEX. (AIX.L..CHAPt3LLE.)CLAIMS foil PAUTICCLUl AVK1UALT. sntUlned by uoods arrlslnc here, and Insured

In the abore Companies, bava ta be made with Ihe cogntxanc of and certified to by the in order tobe valid. (at ly) J. c ULAIJE, Atent.



ror the Hawaiian Islands, and tbeundersigned are prepared to write risxt against


DiTELLIXGSOa favorable terms. Dnelllurr Risk n (special-ity. Detached dwelling, and contents In.ured for a pef lodof three years, for two premium, la advance. Iioaaespromptly adjusted aud payable hero.

SiMai BISHOP t Co.



Piro Marino,Cash Capital. Gold. 5300,000.

Dsrellluc RlsUs a Hpecialiiy. Detached dwelliogsaixl rcntenu injured for a period of tare years, tortwopr-raiu- m

In adrance.Bj writln small line on carelally selected risks well

distributed, offers

IXDEMX1TY BKCOXD TO XOXE.Lossos Promptly Adjusted.

BISHOP & CO.,620 ly Axel,!, for the Ilawalian Islands

NORTHWESTERNMutual Life Insurance Company,



la th World.

CHARTERED IX till.nxa the advantage of Westers Rates of Interest, Neverlost a dollar cf Its Securities aad never fsIU to pay itsleases promptly.

Por partlcnlara apply at th Office ofw.o.ittwixAca,

ct ly Agenu far tbe Hawaiian Islands


New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.OP B03TOX, MAS".

IXCORPORATED, 1833.lhi Oldest Purrfy Mutual Life Insurance Co. in

the United States.

Policiei Ixnud on tha next fxTorxble Tercx.Example orXon.Forfeltarti PJan,

nrscBH) Aor, is teabs-obdixa- bt urz plaji1 A nasal preoslaat coctiaoea Policy 2 yeara 3 days2 Anneal premium eoolfnnes Potky 4 years 12 days3 Aanaal premium continue. Policy 9 years Z7 days4 Aaaual prrraiaa coutlaues PtJtcy 8 yeara xi dayai Aaaual preoadae, csotlaae policy IS years 6 days

.sjtsstots, r : $13,Q00,000!Lot est Paid through TToDoIala ABency,

?40,Q00 I




Oarpi-t-aX- : $3,000,000(With uaHmlted HxbOlty ofShanholderi.)


INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE.Of every descrtptlmi property may b effected with thisCompaay at aooeral rates.

MercaanSiie, Goodi and Freight InjuredByiteaserxaod aaiSns; veaaela. Loeae caa b mad

payablt to Hooclsla.

CAI.E A COOKE,00 ly Agaata for Rosarahi.

xljvttxis ezjar vaatrjaxx-A'Anxjiro- ..

tpac Measured ta Xeupervll . . .Type- - 1 vlnnlln

Line- s- U loch... UN i s w(r a 44IS llnee-ilo- ch , I SO a oat a ootlUnee-ltaehe- e... 20 TO TlM Line. 3 lucheK IN 2S 11 SIAS Ltaes 4 Inchea, W I Wl 1109 UNQusileref Coluniu son II Ml IS tThltdrf Cularaa. . too 13 CO a oo uu

to m la xoi rl xo tiTwvThlr4 CutuMa., H CO "4 oot 39 m uOn Colan. .... lite W ol 4 Pot M r

Qatinem Cards whea yevyat'el e aewr.allowrd a dlenmat lieea Ihee tales, which ar Lr lloiexta.l,ettleieuts, when paM or eharaed e,WMey... p. All reign adtertlsemthU ant to serosal ieelwith Ihe pay when entered In, ir ira nolle will to aswarIheltt. The talee ef CRarPesare ultra I Ihe atova eeale, a.rmltl,fKe fur Kaitera Aaterwae adteltleewnte, r Werrlpt Ions may to road by bant check, eteae teat


P. CEO. MURPHY,Attorney and Coamellor at Law,

aaa California SU, San rrnnrlwo,A Mh-lto- r of Ih apreM (Vart e Victoria, AaerreJIa.Prattler In ,11 Ih Cvurte f CaUkw a la. eraT la


p O M --U I H S I O X M : K C II A X T,u rRojT srnKBr,


. A. P. EVERETT,Forwarding and Coamlsstea McrchaRt,

409 Front Slreol, Corner of Clay,SAX KRAXCISCO.

43 rartlcular attention pakl ta Cssslrumenuof IslaeJPrvJuce. f ly

xxxit a. vtutiaa. uit r. xuiicassWILLIAMS, BLAHCKAED & CO

SUlppiuR and Comni$sioR JHrrcfeails,K Jll California Sireel, Jaa rrsadsro. Iy


Shipping aad CobbIssIoh MercIiaiitSita and IS rront SU 10 and 12 lint JU, Portlaad. O.


.airsa tRank of Dtttlsh Colambla roelUnd. OreaoaFirst National Hold Bsulc. --San fhiaeveMeurs. II. Haekreld A Co I . IlelalMeMtv IUshep A Cu.. Rsnters . IleeoJelMrears.areeD,Mac(arlaaACo nslala

DarOwi,lrnmeata of Iilaad PTOduc solicited, awhkhCASH ADT thCE3 WILL UK MAPI. eSeR ly

R. S. HOWLAND,Shipplni and CorSieission Merchant,

HOO Front Street, near Calltornl8AX K11ANC1SCO.

nsrERS to(1. A M. llowland. New lledford. C Brewer A Cs IWIew.I. It. lurtlett A Jons, ' Owen aCUit. fretdee.WnuII.Ceapo. " E. A. Usance, rieirtb Set

(W em Baas, N. T.

Fisheries!the rxnr.iLsiiixr.n ixvitetiie

I attention of th F1berles to tbetr

Cotton "IPlaalx 2STottia.K. Ifor OH? Ken. 8?!nr, Trap. nl lYnndn. OtlonIs Tpr.ur to lump, tor ttt darabnttr tukd (bttktnt-- ItInlTrrnjrutC Intb rnltJ WUtML

FtainccmniS Ki'KUnd. lurmtlt low lor ituuih raptordat. Aline itvbinrtwm vamailci the undri-n- for lb irapcrteritx of Utlr wrm,

anit rricfUrnhhf-- l Dvalepni by n A11rlirdtn firm tulra, aoJ f (.90 pr 100 panla lua frrlcht to JaFrmndsco,


BOOKS & STATIONERY,Tho Basis of Our Business.

Slannracttire all nich fWkiJFIIlSTTo rao WiKm b?rw wtllal.ltr, 4tbriYbj rtlrrctlj tvotfil par cmtea.tr tod ottrwitr--.

KKCOSD To Unj- - anil e 1U tI Hmlltmrrjto ai to mk U t) tfc tntTt af ) aM CMtfrrt

me ta ttt In prtfrDt?a ta MDsflac Est.t5T Wa mwOiifa,ttnT ami lnpTt tTtrr ilfCTTpll-M- i af

rT.TtjE Utf tta9 af rapar. ITtlapaa bd4 BlaatIkwlhiofour own miG(ictara, la., 5UI, ale.

-- Orer 1,500 nrlclltv of Wnk fdrmt rpt I Stata.

A. L. BANCROFT & CO..otMCt-l-y 5a a fnae.-- , Cal

PALACE TETJNK STORE,jTo. s xew no.vraoacRT street.

Palace note!, aa I randaro.

The travrllmr publlr from Australia aad th HawaiianIslands ar Invited to Inspect th slock now p at nabove central store.

Every article In th tin of

Trunk', Values, Traveling Bag.,Satchels, Straps, ete

Constantly on hand.LailleV anil Gent' Fine Sole) Leather anet

Harntotrn Trnnka, a ieetalllyTrunks of any pattern mad lo order at short nolle.

Trunks Repaired and Covers Hade.Ban Francisco. Sept. 1176.



American, English & EuropeanMAXirACriBEBS,

Supply to dealers tha Urgeet variety of Genera! Uercaaa--die offered by any ONE UOUiE IX Till KOEUJ.

Evsry dealer tbould has a CaiaLe--u from thislions aa aom ruode la Try Us

axs supplied.

All Staple Goods Sold Guaranteed

HO UHEStToronto, 4) tad W Tours street;Montreal, 194 and 11. lleOBl street;Loodon, 60 Queea Victoria street, K. C. ;

Eheaald Beater Worst.lorwardlag aad Soramlasloa Agastcy.

CO-ly-r SIW yoiJC CITT.



fsnnxixnrA ricexili. hatixo rxBEi.M. gooKatertal Inprovmatx. la xov la pxcx coa

dldoa for th

Hulling and Dressing of PaddyASD

UNCLEANED RICE.In th Best Pcsaihl Manser. Th Prle for nrixisaand DUESaniO PACPT baa been BaeTncerl 23 per cant.

ccr's3iCi"t9-2urfcij'X'j- i jr

Faddy and Hulled Kic 2 1

TFS2 Receive Prompt and Careful Attention.

wit. u. op.EcroroOD,Oenerxl Cotcmlsaioa Mtrchant and proprietor of IxdSa

Rieaiira. eair

SAM'L G. WILDER,Aceat ror tbe Hawaiian Ialnasab,


Mutual Life Insurance Co.

of arxw TBK.Largest, Safest and Mast



Assets .(1876)-.580,000,CH- X)

Nov is a Good Time to LataraHoc tat Fint-Cli- Klii Txltss,

exiAa arnc jrrrM tilbsi c.

Page 2: TRE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/2178/1/1877060601.pdf · -TRE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE I BY HENRY M. WHITNEY aSTery Ij-nomine



th ..?


i2I3 1








JU Airrmmrrv.,&.


PROCLAMATION.Kilakum, bvtlw Grew of God, ef the Ha- -

vraitan IsaawJs, King :VTutKiUkS, a state ef war uneaappiiy ts

tvi ntav- - l pea-lit- y; bettreea certain Karejnalwrwrs; Mil, HaercBS, the KatgJa f theHawaitas Ictuses is on teems of FmniUMpvith-ri- XatiwK, awl its lairs kapose upon allptRMB wWo avsav be wjtkitt its terntacr andj itrirdictKt Aedatyof aRmpanhl neutrality

ii tneeaf war:NW, tWasaare, Wat Kaxakatm, by A

Grace uf ttod, Kittstsf live Ilxu-alia-n Islaitrte,K twvty tfeciam and arvt&uwi the iwtrulityvi tkis Ktiatpkaa, it streajeots, aatl of all

wtctaret Hi atrritao' and Jarijiiictka inthe var latwr cutting or ii4odteaf; between!

the Gnat Ftr of Ewropo; that theaeu-tiaU- ty

ktolw rj?cte.l by all bolligereaU tothe fail extent vt Our jurisdktioK, iaciutiinc;sat Itss thas one auriae kogwe frees the Vow

vraler Mark on the tsctiv coasts of theisbajk cafjsMa; this Kington, and abaalt its parte, awrWs, bays, galfe, wtiiirtsaal arsaw of da sea est est by litKS drawfrusta, one hoadlawl to aaother; Mail that allcoptr5 sani Eisssreev ewKstawats, tjc otWrnets, fat viotatioB of Oar aorjJty wriBtin Oarjrri.'hotiou am aofeiiVJ.

We do lrty ferther declare and proclaimthat Oar sakjtcli and all porswas witkia theterritory nad jmrisdktten of this Kutplea, andaU ve&sejVs registered or sailing under the Sagthereof, are hereby strictly esjoiatxl to taketw part tJarectl j or Mireetlr ia said war, andthat whatever jarivtfcipjs shall be accorded tothe vessels of eae be)i&srwt wilkin tho ports

-- ef thn KtaploM shall Vi is like el6ctta tW vasets ef the ethers.

Doaeat Oelilacv! f ileaetclo, this twenty- -abtk y rf lay, A. D. 1 S77.


Hb-nk-v A. P. Uarteb,

Mmister of Fvreigii ASsirs.

CBCTn ftit.--AfcsScvvrtkeSsriVBMCVartvOt

At aae r 3. K. hi In, TuoJar, JwanawtttJux.

At tk km C J. lavs, ht WiVitn, Wfrofaj, JmtSULKS A. X.

AS th kMM T J. KiMfet, Kiii. rte9Ar. 2aeira.MiF. x.

At Ik Omti , tk KtKvii, llteajr,Jae St, a:

TlmiW.Jti.tgi. in 3

List of Licenses Expiring June1877.


1 Ttaj" Iks, iXjrt fr&wc BHukk.1 Xrt Bfacl. Vrt soxvt. HMdB.: CL5V A Oei., kjj jsnet, HtwteJo.5 ca Ytej. Huntn itrwi. BMOu&kt.

t! H X Itdto &nr (!& il .vulh Sa. Hiefata.1! --Owtrr J ESMns. Tj Ji.--t. Kostt.It- -J it km ln tzntt. Hiontnla.

--Jat, hiriij &ewt. XmAk.n Ak.PM, Xoualev Kax.Maui.

i rte k ram. vra&.II-- Im, T jVi;bi

Hawaii.5iitrLpiX. Kfea,'

f A&sa A AXai; UB4k3a.S Kea'j Atat Hwaaxuc S Kcoa.14 Cac bv H&wa. hVhiiIt caamo, StiaKiftili.

--Ctnuy ft. Wi'rtlnn. gaa.It lium. ajiiM, HB.aj UkA A SaeXjufe, Kamihu.

Kauai.It vr G Wrskt. r tea.IS A3, HaaaM.

WHOLESALE.3 CVsSt A CteAfc. Bhw strrxt. Uxso&ta.3 FAfetee&rAOB.XrE&aata3lCaaA!Z32&33Sc,2a

IS X S OraJEn A Co. Qacvs btrrc.KiHoala,I B BC&tvcr A C, Xtrefeaot SlrwC. HsoctdE.

aiiemita A Ckxix Itet ssewt. Htoaiala.WKOLISiLE SPIBIT.

Si T T UffTTit.tt A Cu Cawn Mt. HeoeUat.

VICTCALLIS6.I Tra He. TaSska. Xaa. Xazt; XTga Kaev Wa&. Xao.

J.ia V allcap.aa3t.i:-J- Jtt. Ymtw !Evt, gwiUBtr.C --H J SH ra :ia Staui Scv UcsKla.IT AX9GJK, Iccauk)sat li2i. HimittB.

XYaoar E. 'WaSfcaa. Xii.It H Beitteir.i-m- . Kctea. Kitr..

PPBLIC SU0W.3 C Xra. 4a HavaSax Teatrv. Scooat.t W A Cfiafffiax. Buyal UawaSas T&act?. Usocitzlx.

UOKSE.W Ii ITaiAaJl. Xj tl

JClirtJca a,i1,t IS Kenlaimuwa. T

I iiiao C It CnrU U.IS XwaaatS It-I- tia

E lalTLTtit wuNxMswiirvati s t YAes3i.s:U SSaKasniU


LiPAir.It Caa Z EaCtm. X Q ec

Lease of Gorexsisnt Lss.is at Arctic:.

coca, at tae front stra&e eC Mofirrf Ha!a.w-gbe9cb- t

at joSSc axciJc. Br tie hiirtot Siiiiir. tse torae ct tilet o af llaal. dfatrkt cf Eooa. Hawaa ccnninttig- -

aoat oca tfafflTifanrt vna tJ0tmoaSaCU7TSfa.Tpqut rgqeat. twrogy catiars ger mar.

Alw, at tl 7i tineaaUfiaaiwdlbesjUatFc&acaacoja. tt; t!u Mjrftit bfiS2er, tte naasnt of Ca Goree- -

mnt Sot mriTI tit KAe TlfiTit or Vrrjiaf, Lajo aa

lialaaaai. amalalns T li& acrw icnc ct leaa,Afaoatt!seTfnitttoje aail piace, file Leoae ot IccKo.

3. Tt!w ETr5 rwrnfaeu" kij-ttr-a ban Hoco--teia.waiM'Kiitto tlhigiest tt.,ffr fcrapnxlcfif- -

twn cli;yrn.iipi price JSO, aaainl rval. T6epinctaserettle Iea ftt S nniiursJ 6 pcttaglmBiffnirla

cnt nrpilr, aai kc it to tae Goronsasit at tte eapir--

'" tm trt h itfrfrf iinT.-rt- m.

j.xottsxits.IaseiierOS!oeSaj-tiB- r X'rtnrgr ct tog Iattcur.


gOVIESSSISST LASTS.Arpficaaia&aaaeta cllI &i ta Jpitztszeot fac te I

porciaae crfcaiM of ta SsCowtay Gorerosuos L&3& tExvaS.

Laia et ZHoaAa, As aat Laalas. Haaa. it fOT, ftyXarsdea A SCQKB20.

r-- --i stTtaaastet TTinrtr. Fsaa, at a, tr IXSaaoc3ai.FucaE Cf KcUCKt Eaa. CT W.tXattSl. at 2.pr-j..- n. r vivt. Eaa.ig0giffWT.fa3a0irP.iaa- -Fsrcftase cfwsscaat efmrgMgnt EaaJa fa Op"'ViiT1

p22sa,at fHOS.&72. X. 2CaaaaciaC3aa3ntsa.Lmas ef rescaas cf Eaaiia ta Pa o Haznakabooa. Koca.

trlCS-Ti- atjta.rarctas ef SiSIaaaj. B2o, S3 t W am at tflB, Ij-p- .

WaaaXass.Fsxcfiaac cf KmTrssoyTsnv3ia'l ami X aat TrffTnTTf,

at jsra-- cr ElaExssca.PsrcHaaa cC T) acre Sit TLnmiwlTT. gena. byj. KKa-tirum- ti

at fta.Least eiTX4 Apaaaa. ex3ea2ntr Saaa ta Xaaa'srip

VAc. HamaXxa. or U. SaOer, at fB.ftreOita r rensass cf tani. ia ra.tn goes, Ux 338.


a5ecf EaBxtL, acaict: Ijgga hrvfbie cctc Enna-la- a.

sJaf, 6y T. E. Caina. Zl r pa.Xiai.

ParciBO cf Xatsla, Ejijc, 6r Jsa, esyia. Sa JI38.

3tdciaiZ3taae ct partiaa aisOaloa. be 400. Sr S. KriU

PBsxJaae efXitaS35aJV Br S. EwUcaat. Jte fXLPaxctiaar f HotielBBi. tie JIW, Sj-S-

. KeeSteaaof.LeaMCf ajtacria. Cirtal.tr a. Bfl1mnrTr.Igueef BTtnrma.tatg.tryX. X.gantf.

Oaaa.jfcp-j.- rjmefcg aaitFTna-inff- fct Eaaigns. gflofa-a-

jctKoy tar. J- - a.CTiiij,Jaol fit Katsasaa, . Ctr sa.tr

wrtiwtTMitn:Byorrf EStEttt XJEiaSariariaiiBior.


Mm. J. IL XtWs lut torn Jsljf rrote(ol .Vcrot t ltfArtwrKsijTnt3 t Labor Ctnincn tw Sw tttV.-,r- f

lliaitu, . 3. MOTT SMtTtl.JtrrtOa!c. Mjil.!TT. itlalttrertti.r.

Srbool XotlcT6 trsnltur aol tti!ie iTinntfea cX tie Corera-aa- n

OlM Ivr ScbowH fat Heoolaha. itt t hv'M Jar.tec f& iuuwNy Etta of ! 13 feHevs :

Wrterohr, ;m tatX 1 th Uivu! Scboct.

TtMtwUr, MIX PoSatiJea ScbooUIMft. t Mtt SsclKOii.

IX txmatouOia wx imc at QcVx-- A. X on act

erta&urttui; taeswa4Tvvoal4Mi4Kv.trn4

emu v bila Br wArr at tk IVvinJ ef EKocuUvt.

W.JAi.. &MtTll,ttTty.ammui w. :r tt. in;. x




HENUY il. WHITNEV.GBOltGE II. DOLE, AssoctATr. Ehxtor.

WEDX$DA1 JUSE G. 15". .

His MaJKty the King, accowtanied by His !

ExeelloMcy the MW-t- er of Interior, awl otlior i

dignitarw of Goventwent, elarked onbdard the btoaEaer KiUuea on Friday even--tag last airier salutes frosi the Ensstan Iships of war attd the Punchbowl batteo', andiotkined for the Island of Kauai. He willretain nwrning on Wrd tho Fan-tomi- f.

that ship having been courteously tendered for his use by the lritih CVnHaiKUioraad LVsttl General, Major We4housc.

Thk news froaj the seat of war indicatesextensive preparations on the part of bothEnssia and Turkey. Eussia enters European fTurkey with ananay oi over 200,000 wen,ivluch were massed on the northern bank ofthe Danube, at points which were botngstrongly forti&ed, to serve as tha base of sup-

plies. From the East another strong army,estimated at 100,00$, has entered Asiatic Tur-

key at varioas otHts, and several engage-ments Wave taken ilacc, with rather uncertainresults. The Eusian forces btnag now iu the I

heart of Turkey, the tatter jvwer will havethe advantage iu being able to concentrate hertroops and act on the defensive. Owstanti-&tw- 4e

is the groat object of the Eassian at-

tack, and in order to lay siege to it she w illstrain, her energies. Hot her trwiw are ie ahostile coantry, ami will be compelled toSght for every foot thai they advance beyondthe Danube. It is now simply a question ofBs,ian or Turkish Military s Bporwrity. Tholeading Enropean powrs will quietly look onuntil Turkey bogiits to show signs of weak-ness ami defeat, whkh she undoubtedly will,

then they will have a word to say, and thewar will become general. The best map ofthe seat ef war is firaad in the Illustrated Lon-

don Xews of April 21. Harper's Weekly ofMay 12 and the Sacrainento Union of May 19,each has one ako.

As anticipated, news was brought by thelast Bail ef an earthquake on the coast ofSouth America, oa the date of the tidal wavewhich produced sneh disastrous effect on Ha-wa- ii.

The telegrams arc by way of Lon-

don, aad are very brieii giving bet few par-ticulars. The city of Iquique which is re-

ported as destroyed by the earthquake, is asmalt seaport town near the southern point ofPecs aboet 189 miles south of the city of Art-c-a,

which was destroyed by the great earth-qsa- ke

of ISSS. It is situated opposite theIsland ef Iqatqae, from which imiBens quan-tities of guano have been taken in years past,and has a population of several thousand.There-i-s some uncertainty in regard to theloss of fife, en the 10th ef May last, one des-

patch saving that there were no lives loot, aadanother that many of the natives were killed.The same discrepancy is observable in regardto the shipping which was in the harborat the time of the earthquake, a telegramof the I6th aaaouBcing that it was all safeand another of the 1 Sth says : "Lloyd's agentat Valparaiso telegraphs that seventeen shipson the coast of Peru have been totally lost,aad forty darsaged by the recent earthquake."The time when the earthquake occurred hasnK transpired, any farther than it happenedes the 1 9th of May. Full particulars willdochtiess fee received in the course of Ihamonth. Aa interestictg article on the tidalwave, by Profl Davidson, will be found on thefoerthpoge.

AccosDEStJ to the latest advices England isstM at peace with the world, but the index ofpopular feeling; aSorded by the discussions ofParlnTnear, shows that tha war-part- y, whicha short tica ago was in tha minority, is gain-ing ground. On the Hth of May Gladstone'sresolutions were rejected by 354 to 223, andaa aseniment o5ered by Sir Henry WolffCConservative), to the effect that the Housedeclines to entertain any resolution which mayembarrass the Government in its maintenancecf p5ice ami she protection of British interests,withont JmiJcaraKT, any alternative line ofpolicy, was adopted without discussion.

In the coarse of tha debate the Marquis ofHirtingtBn sani: "The Blue Boot showedBcssia's sincere desire to TiaintaiB peace, ifpossible." He condemned Lord Derby's an-

swer to Prince GortcbuknE. " Sooner or laterwe would, have to interfere in the presentstraggle. When the time came, Gladstone'sffrst two resolutions would form a guide tothe policy to be pursued. If Ecssta trimnph--ed ia the war, the expectaticES of the racessebfect to Turkey would be realized, and itwould be found that their subjection wouldcot be indispensable to British interests.ThcsA interess were not, as the House wasasked to believe, bound up with the lifelesstrunk of the Turkish Empire."

Sir Stafford Nerthcote said, relative to British interests, "as far as the, interests which we

p a common with others, he saw no rea-

son why we shcald fight for them alone. Itwas to the interest ef aU thatthere should befreedom of navrigaiibn in eastern ami sr-ct-

eastern Europe. TSjere were interests inwhich other catiocs had closer relations thanourselves, and doubtless, wfcai the momentarrived, these notices would protect them.We had a special mterest in. the Suez Canal

l was important that it should be kept openand safe. There were other ways to Trdrt,not so direct, to which the Government attached great importance, bat the main routeef the canal and Egypt itself the Governmentdsxrad above all to preserve. Cheers.Ihey dasired to mrntarrt a strict neutrality.to watch oTer the interests cf England, ami attf game tune to be oat over hasty. LordDerby's reply to Prince Gortchaknff contained

nothing which was not perfectly respeci&L"The Eight Hen, gentleman ccncludai as fal-

lows; "Tie Gi7rerE22cl is Erw enabled to

keep it hands free to act as may apiKar best.

The teal interests of the English are the tin-tsnau- co

of peaca and prosperity throughout

the in whatever position thej-- tnai" find

themselves, acd whatever may ls theeircutaslanceis in which thy are

placed. The Government will pursuo thepolicy which it believes good for England ami

the world, without fear and without re-

proach."Gladstono said " the issue wpoa which tho

House was asked to vote was contingent upon

coercion by all the powers of Europe, which

did not tiecessariiy mean war against Turkey.

The war wisht even now W ended witliin afortnight, if England would consent to restorethe Eurojan coict." He pointed out what

a disgrace it would bo to England if tho liber-

ty of tho Christians were secured by an agree-

ment between Tuikey and Russia alone.

Tha following extract from a letter from St.

Vetersbarg does not probably receive general

credence iu England ; " Eussia has but one

aim, namelv, tho amelioration of the lot of the

christians, but if at the end of tho war shaclaims more extended guarantees, Eurojus

must blame herself, not tho ambitious designswhereof it gratuitously suspects Eussia. Kus-si- a,

after tho war, will give fresh proof of heraxlewtio by consulting EurojKj rosiiectiugthe conditions to bo dictated to Turkey to prevent further massacres.'

Opium l.Ioi-nxc- .

Tho lat number of the i. C jWrerriser

promulgates soma superficial sentiments onthis subject, which never could have been ut-

tered if the author had devoted any attentionto the subject, and made inquiries from plan-

tation managers and others concerned, as tothe real state oi the matter.

Wo acknowledge that opium is smugglediuto the country to a considerable extent, butthe facts bhow that the amount of opium nowconsumed hero is much less than it was underthe okl license law. Under that law the ruin-

ous habit of opium smoking was spreadingamong the natives with alarming rapidity.The Chinese house which had tho privelege ofimporting ami selling opium had its agents inevery district of the group, wlto, for the safco

or increasing tho demand for tho stupefyingnarcotic, and enlarging the ptoSts of the busi-

ness, were incessantly laboring to induce thonatives to indulgo iu it, and every one acquain-

ted with native character can readily imagine,with what ease new victims were made, andhow feeble would bcuny resistance to the in-

sidious, bat soul and body destroying habit.Under the present prohibitory law the con-

sumption of opium is almost wholly conBned

to the metropolis. On tho plantations partic-

ularly is the beneficent change noticed andLaborers, both Chinese and Hawai-ian- s,

who formerly were so stupid and beastlyfrom the effects of the drug, that it was im-

possible to get from them anything like a fairday's work, now appear animated and alertand able to do their duty. Tho statement oftho AdceriLmr that, while tho present pro-

hibitory enactment fails to guard the nativeHawaiian from this pernicious practise, a re-

turn to the former legislation in this matterwould be a safe-gua-

rd in a great degree,against the sale of opium to Hawaiians," is anexhibition of the most sublime ignorance orfatuity. Under the old law natives oa a plan-

tation could go into the Chinese quarters andindulge in their nightly smoke, and the nextday their sleepiness and general apathy wouldannounce the fact as plain as words could do ; I

ruy, the officers of the law might arrest themwith the opium in their pipes, but still convic-

tion of parties furnishing it was very difficult.Under the present prohibitory law any partyin whose possession opium is found is liableto punishment by imprisonment or fine; conse-

quently the process of law is short and per-

emptory, and the result at the Chinesowho buy the smuggled opium are unwillingto let the fact be known except among thoseof their own countrymen whom they believetrustworthy.

The idea that a return to the old system"will confine the practice to the Chinesealone, and save the Hawaiians from the per-

nicious indulgence," is based on a dream,and is utterly false. Under complete prohi-

bition there may be an unfortunate few amongnative Hawaiians who can obtain and use thedrug, but the number must always be limited,but we know that under the license systemthe evil was fast assuming gigantic propor-

tions, uniting its deadly force to those otherevils which are sapping the life-blo- od of thenation and threatening its existence. It willbe aa unhappy day for Hawaii when it rulersshall again consent to barter the bodies andsouls of their people for filthy lucre. Letthe revenue force be increased if necessary;let opium smuggling be prevented by everymeans attainable by the Government ; let itrather expend 523,000 a year in suppressingtha illicit traffic, than to again license it forthat, or any other amount of money, and letus hear no more dish-wat- er arguments from apress which pretends to befriend poor, fadingHawaii, in favor of the damnable systemwhich can only hasten its rsin.

Time Sail.To rax Eorroa of the Hawaii is Gxzsrrs:

Viuiuila, March 10th, ISTT.

Srz; It taay be of interest U the Captabu ofships and ether whd may wish to rate their chrono-

meters cr to correct their watches, to kaow thatwhen eae efher H. B. H. Siips is present at anyport in the Pacific, such ships er the Senior, if morethan cce) maris the time daily by a time tall atBOOS.

The ball is hoisted "at the "dip" at about 11:55.tl touted right it? li ahoet IltSS, ail is drjppod atthe instast of coon meaa time.

When the British. Flag Ship- is present, some per.sssx axe ia the hait: cf ccmctisg their witches bythe eTeniag gua, bat it should be asderstood thatthe g3a only marts the time approximately whilstiathe cue cf the rise ball, tie Emir of etrsr shaalicot exsnd half a second.

Its, 5r,Tear Obedleat Servant,

A. F. R. Da Bsssxr,Etar dnirlacd Cat3Tnanir in. Chief ef H.B.

M. Ships ia. the Fiiitcfj tie EdU.iT tftXt EmicaKta GaxtSU :

Sn: Caa yox iaform me if the two ciltiaaI"BarittMaaacaaa3ea" who

raa the Pucijiz GuuienZil Adnrtutr, are likely to

m at the Drtheomrag races t The first name! beingaSistedwirit ringsoceaad spavia, aad the latterwitb ipa& perffrwrfffe aadajfazsraau xs well aaxpaim.of the larynx, it is hardly eaaeeivable that theysentHuij eoctemplate catering for any event cs theIlth. As the worthy secntary of the races decEzestagrresuasy iaiirxiatiin I apply ta jou, srha, efesorse, hare the rnTM track.

Yams tnly, Iix Ifanjcu or Tavuncr."

A Sews GaXitx special lays: Yesterday- - theFlr""" were ersnias ia boots from rfcn toOhrini. They ecrsed the latter place.

Regular Correspondence trtim SimSVancWco.JU

Sas Faaxcuco, May !3rl, ISTT.

TK IJLITIIS WA.The order of tho Cur o( Rimla to hit araoJ hotti

to crcjj the Daaata hai taken hit armlet to thobanks of that rlrtr. There thej are at thli fretoatnritiaj practicing tao art ot r, tsedlnj up fire-

work!, bomVirdinj; townt, aad fijhtloc to complctothflr rrcparatbsi for sroulnj the ritr. Tho

s fir hare beea about eqoalljr tlUUeJ between Tark aad KuiUm, fuQolent to giro bothMot steal tBeoaragetuent to )routo the war to a

juNtsiful Itmo. To ural tcatliaeot uf Kurupe istTjJtntlj with the loet that hat taken upon It.tlfthe twpoajiMlitr of aen(tne the blood of the(latightcrvd tnbjeetj ofTurkej la Kurope.

Till SeOTUKKN IMUCrof President llares it etlia forth criticism from aU

parti of the counts;, bat It has seemed to tucveedwell thus far. Some weeks ago the Uoterninentordered the war ship Plymouth to steam up the Mis.sissippt tlrcrani show htrietf to the inlallUnulining the banks t that stream.

She went up and returned, and wherever shewent displaying the narat power of the Uorerntaentand the "Uaj that makes you free" she was treeiredwith the greatest exhibition of loyalty Imaginablefrom U clasjej. Kutcitainuients, Halls. Parties,Plarun. Speeches, Salutes Riven and returned tookup the time at erery ptaee the ship visited. Thesuggestion tu send the Plymouth up the Mississippiwas a gmd one. The trip was well calculated tostimulate true loyalty.

Hawaiian subjects ofVankeo blood born In thePaciao will remember that their first iuiptesstons ofloyalty to their Father Vlig wens arouted by thosonational war vessels which have so often cast anchoris Hawaiian waters iJice'lSil.

IECIVKKS.We hare been visited this year by an unusual

number of Eastern men ot lecture, notoriety.Dio Lewis has taken the stand and entertained the

public with a for vt his lectures vn health.Dr. Vincent of Xew York, of Sunday School fame,

was importod by the Vouimtltee of the State S. S.Assoc to load tho Slate Conization lately held inOakland. He has two or three Star lectures furwhich he receifes $ W4 per night for deliieriog. His

lecture oa "That ltoy" and "That Boy's Stit.r"hate had a very saccesslul "run" in San FnincUoand Oakland. A lecture that can litre a successful"run" ia this place must be a good one, and this de-

scribes Dr. Vincent's, lectures.Ceit came aluug Theodore Tilton and his smooth

face and long hair appeared in all tho shop'wiudows,with an rnnouncement of his famous lecture on "TheProblem of Life." .

One lecture un "Tha Prvblem" un each side of thebay was enough for TheedSre and enough for thepublic.

It was net sensational, and people expected that aman who kicked up such a sensation ia Crooklynlast year would make a sensation in a lecture.

Last to come and lecture us is the rising WesternOrator Col. Cob IngersolL Tickets to Piatt Hall two

bitts higher than to the other lectures. llcserrcdseats !o cents more.

Mr. IngcnsoU's lecture Is "The Liberty of min, wo-

man aud child."STOCKS.

To say that stocks are down Is to say what hasbeen said rery often on California street. To saythat stocks are " way down " just now is nearer thetruth, but they are worse than that. They are " waydawn to bottom," and hare been i for weeks, andthe Brokers hare tried in rain to get them up. Thefortunes of some of our best men hare taken wingsand down away. Such a man as Mr. Hemme, forinstance, who eould girc, and did gtre. 10,000 tohelp a chcrch cut of debt and not feel it. Such aman as Mr. Hemme has been making orer all hisreal estate to the Bankof Xerada. Hundreds ofothers hare been brought down from riches topoverty, and soma in emsequenco from sanity to in.sanity. It is conceded that the stock business hisbeen conducted on wrung principles ; there has beentoo much gambling about it, and the Bo ard are at-

tempting a reform, but. the mines on the Comstocklode are not giring forth the richea they were oueyear ago, and the assessment takes the place of thedividends, which makes .all the difference in theworld.

BIRD nuts." They are haring hard times East." they say.

and we are going to have hard times here." Justnow the outlook is not favorable. With the stockmarket depressed, competition in all departments ofbnsiness never greater than now, profits on businesssever less than now, economy the order of the day,almost a rainless winter making short crops alt overthe State, capital unemployed for want of confidencein the future. All these things combined give thecroakers quite a good pretext on which to base theirassertion that we are going to sec rough times in this


iicee the departure of the last steamer to yonrport, the arrivals and departures hare been as follows:

Arrivals May 1, schr W. II. Meyer ; 5th, stea-ne- r

Zealandia; 5th, bark lolani.Departures Miy I5th, schr W. H. Meyer; ISth.

bark lolani; ZZrl, steamer Zealandia.Gold continues steady at 106! to 1G7J.

Flour has fallen a little.White sugar continues first. Tours,


Ma. EDrroc : One or the late pacers notes the

taking of STS pounds sugar from elarifier of5fl0

Imperial gallons by Mr. MeDadeof th Waihee plan-

tation. This Indicates great richness of juice. 2,000pSunds of sugar was formerly regarded as more

than the average yield of 1,504 gallons, bat the

pan enables the plaster to boil closer, produe-ingmo-

ofsngarand teas ef molasses. Thejaieealso has generally improved in richness. It generally

stands higher by the saecharometer, than formerly.

The increased richness Is due in part no doubt to

mare thorough cultivation and more thorough pulver-

isation of the SOU. Tie intelligent nnd eScieatManager of the Kabila plantation, writes me that in1ST6, he took from 1312 eUriSers orsad Imperial

gallons each, aa average of 3atJ pound to each elari-

fier for the whole, and in the present year he has

taken 950J pounds eaah from TJ3 darifiers of the

same site.Ta my recent letter front HUo I spoke of the Urge

yield cf Lahahrt ease ia that district and also In Ko-ha-la.

I art now enabled to stole more accurately thata field cf US acres of plant eane in Kohala yielded106I tons of ssgir In 1STS aad that the crop of the

present year, ax far as it has been manufactured, is

not falling behind that of the past. In comparingthe yields of different plantations it is necessary totake into account the character of tha machinery,

the vacuum pan giving a largn ezetsi over the open

train. Bat the productiveness of the toil, where

there rant or water for irrigation, cannot

Jalt behind that cf the most favored country.

Yosri traly. S.3. Cjjtlz.

iMasxnov. We find btr te Saenmento papersthat the West side Irrigatiaa Oramisston have fifed

their repert with Governor Irauu Aeeordiag to anact passed ty the last Legislature, tha Governor ap-

pointed J. E. MsDonsld". P. Wffliami and H- - De

Veare cemmissioa to find a feasitle scheme of ir-

rigation. General C S-- Alexander, cf the tjaitedStates Eagiaeeriag Corps, was consulting engineer,and WHHira U. Hall was engineer ta the cemmissioa.Their scheme is in brief as bllows: A canal is ta bebuilt thrsagh the district, emptying into the Bay atFaHer" point, near Antioeh. At the point of tegin-ni- ns

an excaratisa win be raade fifteen miles loLgand fxcra seven to fifteen feet deep. The fall orgrade of the canal will be fixed at not more than 4nor less thjji2 inches per raile. The velocity f thewater will be from one to one aabVa half milts perkoar. The canal will fceiolleient to irrigate 349.M0sxrea- - Entire length of ezaal. 135i mile. Thiscanal will be divided icta It divirioni, and will et44tla,TH-- The taxpayers of lie districts will meetaa tie first, Taesday ia May U decide by vet wheth-

er they shaQ adapt it. If they rate ia the negative,the scheme fn to the grotmd, and the aftutes tXthe commission, which, amount taJ25, mnstbectherwiie provided far. It appears that the Legis-Uta- re

did net make any froviston for the expensesof the commission, which was compelled te borrowthe tore name ta carry oat tastraatiaaj under theact. Saaali the taxpayers ef the vTcat Side Irriga-tio- n

District accept toe fsaerae. which is tssjcostly one, the ex peiucs w i!d te repaid sat f tiefirst sale cf bocia.


Fol San Francisco!The fine Schooner


Will Positively Sail for tho above Port,Juno 10th.

FW rrrbiht or raMafe, apply toC. tltlKWKU A CIK, Atvnts.

For San Francisco.Tho llnnnltmi Itnrk


Will havo Quick Dispatch for above Port.Fur tteUnt and ruause, apply toWT It. lt.t'K-'Kl.- l IXX. Atnta.

3rMx-3-t "VosssolFOR SAN FRANCISCO.

The Amrrlran llnrk

BfrI3ColoiLW. Vli.ikl'ltt;i:Jl.tX, Matter,

(Now atvul One frviu ltumKJ.lt Hay,)

Will have Quick Dispatch for above port,Kor freight anil pas$" apply toUi St C.tSVLK A (A)OKK, Airrlils.

For Portland, Oregon.Tlio Vine Iron llnrquc


Will have Quick Dispatch for tho above PortKtor Freight apply to(II THKO. t- - DAVIKsj. Aseut,


CUiYAKD LINE.Estnbllshod I 840.

Two Sailings Every Week,ron i.ivi:kiooi.:

.trout .iYVtc lori ercry W'cxtucstLiy,

From llosion every 2'rst(iy,


Cablu- - vo, tjtoo nuil 0130, tJold,Xcconllug to Accommodattoiu


titecrngv-- B'JS Cnrreitcx.ei-- For further information appljr to

HV. UJTTItKt,U111 Oliforula St.,

San Francisco,jas. ALFJCANnEIt,

9J btate SU. Boston,& O. KKANCKLY.V,

4 lowUaUreu, 2few Yorfc.

Vottcw to from Auatratta, Kew ZiSLtaoJ andHonolulu. The CunarJ IJiie luTuiOa more ll.au usual

to tLruuj;ti iviinsvrs from c porta, trieftvquencyof Its, saJlujprecluillngalt possibility of JclayIn New York.

Good accummotlatious alvaya reservisl.C. O. FltANCRLTX,

SI I cm tl!otaOreu, Sew York.

3?IlVtE3 TA"RIViEior


June 12. TuesJajr, 3ra p m,.... ......... ...... .. ....nnoJune l JIunJay, Sao p ni .. .. KonaJune .Monilay.aJapm.. . ... . ... .. Htto

On Kona trips the steamer will so as tar as Hoopuloa.On down tripe, the steamer wtU not leave Kawalhao be-

fore 10 a m ; Makena as per notice oa up trip: Uaalaealiny not before 7 a ni. Any change from the above wUlbe advertibcts.

Rates of Passage will boTO or fiom Kanoakakal, Jloloin f a CO

Labalna, MauL BOO.. .. ItaaUea, .. 7 CO

" Makena, " 8 00

" Jlaaukona, Hawaii 10 00Kawalhae, .. .. 10 00

" Katrua, ' 10 00" Kaawiloa. " 10 COm into. ii so

Kan Const, - IS CO

Circuit of Hawaii, Hound Trip Si COloorfromany-roctonKanal- 8 00Circuit of Kauai, Kuind Trip , Ji CO

Deck Passage, for natlna only 100

C3 "o Credit for Passage Jlonpy. --SaTlebeta at Use oilice ouly.

XobertnwtntiecocaUercilastaiceatuitlJpaldfcs. Xotresponsible for nnmarted Hagsase or any Freight or Far-ee- ls

unless receipted for.Freight Honey Das on Demand.

C3" An effort wLU be made to have the bteoxner reachllooolulx on the evening of the same day sbe leaves Maul

3AHUKI. O. WILDER, Agent.OracewtthWIIderA Co..cornerof Fort A Queen streets




"WI1I Lave n?gTitir dbpatcfa for Kauai, u atove, untlfortber notice, OS' Frefetit &ol Passentrs taten at theLOWEST ItATEa.

liOLLES & CO., Agents.P. S Thb remcl lu. Just ben thoroa;hl7 repaired

newly coppered, and pet In lo perfect order. M


fiS C. Brewer & Co. Agents. 45tS7y fawtalUarransealenUCAnal.ajs bjmade for storage and fhipmen t of Oil, tSooe, Vi twl, i idi andether 31 erxbaiiviu to Sew Belted, Ikum, x,w York; andither tUstsra Ports. O Cash Advances made.

Ut-lv- - a DEEWKE A CO.


Brewer A Co. Agents, igtac. reeelvwf Sterege Free .adCV"liberal caib advances aiade on jhlBmenU by UiU IIm.

ttt-l- y aBEKWEEaCO.

Regular Line of Packets from Glasgow


EssltbnnU," 030 Ton Besrlstter,to t.Evvn f;r.A-s;m- r ox TiiEiothWas fjr Hoootnta, Wilis the nsaal aoppliea of

Dry Goads, Hardware, liquors, Coal,

1B0H, MACHBTE&Y, Eta. EtcParticulars of whaextwin be jcrren In a fntore adrertise-csea- t.

fete wtn be due la Jane next. Another fine ahfpwulbe placed Of) tie berth about July or Auat next,aadtheFaarwnfc' ia expected to be ready to leave Glaa-Eo- w

acara ta Jaanary, lsTS. i retrht taken at the ruaalrates. For rarthr parttcnlars apply to

OBtKS, SMCFAlttAHE &. Co agents.V he Atrenta ct the tine ta Glasajaw are Ifesars.

Ceo. Gray Varfartme ct Co., Victoria EnBdlaxs. 4 WestBecent arrett. CM Sea


Waltham Watches, Waltham Watches.TTIfSEWATCirES.ACKSOHTLFJKiED

to be theThe most Sellable Time.xceepers

la the Wor.LD, and sorcaatn tit Egllaa. 8wSa andFnsacb Watc&es, axe to be tad In Gennlue IS k. Gold, andSterttcs; sstvtx Caaea.

Every Watext Warranted lobe's PerfeetTlme-lteepe- r.

JL. XtOSEKSY,Bole Agent tar Walthasi Watcxt Co.,

Ftr the Uiwaiaa Iilandv.de aappCetl on most favoraLle terms, tula

THE TIDAL WAVE!SWKPT OVKlt MXOLE. IN KAU, HAWAII, A SHORT TIMB AGO,WHICH not havo filled Iu surrounding Inhabitants with mora consternation tUn did


AUCTION HOUSE!Inaplro Itw Opponent) vIih Terror!

To iloscribo tho Intensity of tbo enthusiasm which oar UltANl) ltROI'KNIKU GllrVTED,is a flii-o-r iuipossibility, but tho astonishraont dimlnishos whuu

The Prices at whichAro taken into




Shoes, Slioes, Slioes IAVtllch, h.1 rt ciar.1 t'rlcf, tlmallly mill tlitrtiltlly, Ierjr CatuxpUtlou t


Ami onr record is snch that wo tlon't need to muntioo tho prices of oaclt teparato lection of oariminrnao Invoico. 633

ID Ob ELIjL & S0rl?3

(D awTi1fcfia.Bl8ie.a A

-- ekaBjHjHjHjHjaasalJBaaa9jaBjHjaHjHi)iHjHjH rr.

tjj 5;avt-jBjpjjBMjPpBPJMj. -a viaty coMfiarrc assobtxext oi

MOLINE STEEL PLOWSCUTTING FKO.H 0 TO 10 INUU FUItUOWS, AXU ADAPTED TOJ of1WORK. Cnst Steel Kevolvins Coulters, assorted sites, that can be nsad with say Plows,

cumUntly on hand. Also, just received a lot of

Superior Paris Plows!Diruct from the Factory of RAN30ME A SIMS. Kach complete with Wheel, Coulter, Extra loiat. andWrunch, and baring a WR0C011T IRON Clevis. We have also, Molina. Ames, and Iron Age Cultivators,and "1'lanetJr." llorte Uoea, llarruws. Ox Yokes and Chains. Shovels and Spades of aU kinds. HartCollars and llamas. Trace Chains, Picks. Mattocks, Axes, llatcbcts, Cart and Wagon Axle from 1 la. 3 in.

All kinds of Builders' Hardware, and a Very Full Assortment of Shelf HardwareVfc are rcceiring-Good- s by nearly every arrival from the United States and Europe, aad try to keep a fait

Stock of nil tho above mentioned articles. Alto, on hand a fine assortment of

Sric370cDCliiSt;cxrst3F5.ia23.ssrnltita. Oils, null a Goexl Awaoitiucut orPnlsiten Hate-rial- .

California Harness, Saddle. Sola and Bridle Leather; Sheep and Lining Skins, Kip Skirt. Saddle Trees,Wood Stirrups, Shoe Lasts, Pegs and Shoemakers' Materials. Fine French Calfskins, genuine.

OB-- AU fOr Sale Cheap by l7 Iml E. O. HALL A SON.


Eanicliamcha DayAT

KAPIOLANI PARK.It lias pleased his Majesty the Kins to signify his Intention

on this occasion to formally open the groonds aa aplace of public resort, and to confer the title of " KAFIOLASIPARK," lnhonorornerMaletytheQueen.The Government Band will be In attendance, and aiiatata will be fired by the Artillery.

Pro srarjarno.

IUXCrs FCB.SE 8330.

0?n for all horses. Two mile dash, to carry 113 pounds.Entrance 15. Second horse saves stakes

8130 rUE-S-

Tnittlog race to Wagnn or Harness. Open to all horses.MIe heats best two in three entrance IS.

FOOT HACK-83- 0.

Open to an, 3D0 yards. First Prixe, (IS. Second prize f.THE IUEEVS FDRHE 81SO.

Open to all horses mile heats best two in three. En-trance fit, Catdi weights, second horse saves states.

810 I'lIKME.Distance 100 yards free to an.

I,A11ES' I'l'IWU-810- 0.

Ofast for aU horses. Mile dash, catch weights. EntranceI0. Second bone save, stakes.

MULE RACE 810.MEe dash, catch weights. En trance (1.

UEEXALU-83- 0.OpentaaO. First Prise, 1S. Second prize (a.

UKBASKD POLE-SI- O.Prize ta be given to the first one who reaches the top ofthe pole.

IIEBDI.E KACE-88- 0.Open lo all horses. Two miles, catch wel-h- u. Entranc110.

800PCK.SE.Open to an horses. Half mile single dash. Catch weightsEntrance fa. ,


First Prtte li; second prize IS. More than two to enterOpen loaU pedeatriana, hnrdtea In 1&0 yards. Hurdlesto tea1 feet high.

HOTS' PDKSE-81- 0.

Free to an pontes nut over 11J4 hands high. Prize 1 10.

PCBEIC PCKSE-82- 0.tTack race. Sweepstakes mile daah. Opn to aU horsesthat have not ran in any of lb previous e of the dayor that have cot won a purse in any public race. Postentrance L.

Jadga Henry CornweO, Jno. IX. Brown, Wm, WilderClark ef tie Cumt . ....VT. It. BochanaaITaarJ&perr B. P. BoHea and D. W. Clarkazrten - .......J.T. Chayter aad Henry MactartaneCUrktSaia. .Cot O. U. JoddAt DULuut Flit ........ ,.J. 3, PriceJudfU tf liiaalu lib Ex. J M. Kapena and a FarterSeaMrds nistlx. Jna. 0. Dotnlals, Mots. A, 8. Cttghom,

Hon. J. L Dowsett, faun. Parker, John It. Paly, J.Moaaxalf, 8. It, Zttmoo. A. Iterben.

CnutiZuifAmxjcajculi Capt, JtxneaMakee, John TJ.Brown, a. Waller, tfecrga tocas.

3. It AU Entries for tb sports ef the day mnat bmade with the Ctert of the Coarse on or before Monday,the alii of Jtrae.

The Enles of the Ban Francisco Jociey Qob wCI govtrathe Judgee la their declaioa cf cases la dispute.

A Begie umded at the Jndgea' Stand wilt eafl tones toTbeaAndof the Beit win east boraeatrp. 4t


aad will traaaact all broineM fcr theCrm ot A. W. FEIBCE A CO. daring my absenoi frctntUs Kingdom, f3U tmj A. W. FEISCK

Our are Sold, ,..consi Juration.




SCPIlfJTE COCRT OH TJIK HAWAIIANApviiT.na. a. n. iirr.-- in in matutuf Hie Petllfc.n of Un ( ) to qufet till. lnnruli UnJ claizMd

by right cf lnhrlt.AcOn reading and filing the petition of Vu ,)f Talktkl-ka- l,

Oahu, cUlmlng UU. by rich I of Inbmar to lb feeof ctruin land aluated at WaikltltaL lb buad dererOsntin Rojal PabnlNnmber TZI xranUd to Casbota tw)wutbe ancestor of th. peOtiuner who but 8d Mtad aad pos-sessed of said land : that she died Intastal. .Vat th yaarImI . and praylns; ror proceu to claimants aid for a deemadjudgins the said Uu(k)to beeantled to tail laadtraat bole or In part:

It t. therefol ordered thatSatnntay the Tta day of Ann!A.D. 1KJ beaudiaberetrr anpoantej tor hmrtns: aaU p.Hon before tnc Justice named therein, at the nest rrxlarUTm of the Snprcrae Court, at the Court Iloaaa ta lioaxrlo In,, t which time ami place all persona ccsacaa4 mayappear aud show cause II any tb.y have why th prayer ofsaid petition alwuld nt be xrasud ; and it farttur arderevttbattLIanotleeahallbepnbllabedtnMoacJnluln tbeEaaBaraand Hawaiian haguare., Ibefrm1! th IlawafiaaCas-ett- e

aad lb latter In UeXoprpa Kaoku.r.rnt lea thanthree weeks before tbe lat Uj of th said tcrai of the

Conrt,Dated Ilonolnru March Hth. A. D. ISTT.Wm. C. Castle. CHABLES a nAKBISL

Atl'y for Co. Chief Jnatic of th Sapntn CuuLBy th above order Uwr via nt aalScleat time tetwetathe notice and return day, thcretora thU order li herebyamended so aa to make the return day tb 7th dav of JwyA-- D. UTT. A rttASCInJCPU.tta JottlceortheisnpremaCoart.

IW THE NUPBEXE COCKT OF TUElaUnda. In Probate. In tl nutirr ot tb e.tateor Chris. II. Lewera, Uuof Ilonolnlo, Caaba. oVcead,At Chambers, before Ilia Honor A. Frana-t- s Jadd. Ordaor notice of petition for allowance of actvuais, rSacharfe,and final distribution of property.

On reading and Wins; the petition and acroauuof Char-f- cs

IJ. BUhop and Wulbun U Parte, caveator ef la wUTor Chris. H. Lewera, rate or Ilonolnls. Oahu, derened.wherein tbey ask to b allowed U,IH , aad charitnemaelvea with 63,113.3, and aii tiat the mmm suaybexamined and approved, and that a Una! order maybemade of diatribniloa of the prvperty r.tnahttait to ttairbands to the person thereto entitled, and dfacharsWcthem and their soretlea from a3 further reapooaOalts; aasuch executors.

It la ordered, that Tuesday. Ui ISth day of Jane, A. JXISTT, at Un o'clock A. M..Utore th said Justice, all tain-her- e.

In the loort Ilooae, at Honoislo, b aad lb aaaahereby Is appointed aa the time aad place fer brarlag aaJdpetition and accoonia, aad that all person Ictevrsted xoaythen snd there appear and abow eauav, If aj laey have,why the same should not be granted, and may prtt vt

aiemUlled lo tbe said prvperty. Andtliat this order. In the English langnax be pubkabed la thHawanau Gazelle newspaper printed and pubtia--ed laIlonolnru. tor threw saceenire week piwkiaa to th ttratherein appointed for aald bemrliMf.

Dated at Ilouolola, II. I., thra lllb day afllay. ISTT.A. FIU5114JUHU.

Attest: Jnallceolhe .Sovran. CToQtt,Jsra.E.Baaa- - sn.Uerkof lbbpraCort,

CrriZETfM AXB KEKIMESTK OF IIOXO.Friend, and Stranters cenartnyar

cordially Invited to attend Public Worship at FOKTbT.CUURCII.wbereaerricica ar bold ereryfobVithat IIo'clock A.M., and 7 P.M. Beat at pravtded tor aUwno may be pleased to attend. Thar ia at Wtdwudayrenlng Prayer Meeting at 7,f o'doek. la tlw !

Boom. to wbltliall am walconi. m ty


by cwnpeteut tegal ailb-n- ty. wtu ipaculrefrenc to lb Master and Serraat laws sow ta fceeta this kingilm,

Hank Porma of Xabor Coatraeti,Snltabl for all cases, which tbey woold now offer for .!to Ibowdeslrlocta employ .ervants. with Urn fad saaar.nc that they as lb only foraunoar la rta ikatiwm;"

la every particular wills ih law govrmlog it relationsbetween Master and Servant.

Azents on tb other Islands will b fa rrJatwd with lieaablanks at liberal rate for caao.


Agenu to uk JtcknowleOxemeou to ccatracta torLabor, Iibilrlct of Kona, I ataud of Oafcfl.

Uonctala, May (ttj, 1171. M las

NOTICE.TKEtTXBESIU(EB BttiMTO rsfFOIUCu cuzens oi uoamtula and Ita pauae teaerauythat be has moved in th new shop on Mervhaat8treet,nexttatir. rtArrmat,aaikf!EiUra.WTr

he will Civ arjnctat auBtlAn f ah fnJ of Waae&e.CVxJta.and Jewelry BepaMnc.Encrailnca.Ac. All pack-a- e

from tbe other buasda addreaaed lo him, coatalelecartSde for repairs, wm rrctlvepronipesltenttis. Orderssolicited tor all grades ot Watches ef American snaaeiao-w-r.

Satlafactloa gsarastd la rnr respwa.ooiy n. WJLW53 cxaes.

It MI JtKIS CKetICK FXtPI73f EKT. tKLASOIt. I U, Jockey dob. and ether rwrfaxneavTeilet

Vjaecar of wortJ-w- caletalty, ToCt W.ur, LavrwarWater. Florida Water, East Ot CcIowr, lira Jains aadOrrcertne for the Hair, oircerloa, llooay, Wlndsr aiother susp. Vloiet and lilce iVwdv.Aaaadeatlse fcrtbeTeetls, Ae. , Itrand. IW, Bespst ueu aed Jt,CornhUI, London. Bold by an Pertnaura ia-- l taeralata.tlegbteied irade martr-- aa hrald;lc rase. (ZS-l-


."i. &. "' SmimmtLtm.mmtmimamammmmmmmm

Page 3: TRE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/2178/1/1877060601.pdf · -TRE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE I BY HENRY M. WHITNEY aSTery Ij-nomine




MTX 5SGreatBritak&NewSwitliWaesvt.. maKi.. H- e- Awa.p, (y tje h...

worn nar rt ?f'1?".;


si- lJ i

afitx saWa-a-t'MM M!var gf aitt i tasnata m

ti .- " tf" ?? fvtfHat Viea. VC I1 1.!" - 3aa. !. .- --fc ufctiK. get Ne ,

! MllCM Mifea M4. t P3ir aW3sw -- .. -- ww ntvei S gjw eaW

mmbc frrosvxr.


4,2ir shjwi J Meat at,M. iu aauaagi r

MlJ. XJlarr r-Jk-e 1VICN3tlawAaV S Jute M AWC Sab-air- lv St

kmt m,r etct i.t w,uwt scaicaMtK ca Twr Mixr TVv--

riii ir saw ift cc pc as aju jBej.e'Jaeaajr Ve H. Aa T!.Ux II .la tJU--, 3t


T9e4. eaiTtfr 3daitaAa.tMidBW3.1$; bunMw

fI ul in. in ffmr iJiJ M fi. M&fpeociklfcsjam i m atL X it m Jiiinniirf. f


J i ' iltoWn tttrw. 6iVa

1UkrC WJklH. lm fcc Witt SrvW

r i,ii iij Hi iTh i T'nufcii" n Tt--i in "ir "- - st j

yttl&dsJt. it hmX m&rtmzmX. & Mhl 3 wf iptt.2.f4 I yrwniRsi,

lOBT Ol ItOMlLl UL".!

Saaclw C X&i Ogruw J ??vfcdfsc S4 3ziV3ueicTilrfs, OffC VrtM-JU- ij, KJl.'l

1 X ZOBaJtk amine, T ii-- unt. It iurZa. 1 ukc 3Ci X-- WHBuo. hn rbifiij:

AS MTIIUms. unO. KJp:M-- . g.mimiM. JS3bu, Smo. IbtcuC.

2 Sskr Kotaomaa. Xwbl ICjaiWH.

Aa 4i ImIihI U ii S HJa!W.V2uc IDIii'i n" fajurwJii Irviii diik;l.

T T ir juijLi Th. t. smi, 3t'ii asr.Xf 3 S ImOb. tauwfk. fcc it. iaA W juita ' 1m.1i Ixn. u- - !

ilCS Zla4a. Cbrtkibrt'. ":--?,

Ste Xa& mn lun. &c bauu. 1

Sear frtDc wck; bjt ikjnAnt. a .x

Sat 1 1 It . JUuutr. ai. Sic fmoa wif I

I '"fcTr yUminn SttJVMfo. Sue mnvw VurushAc Vlfcunrt, Pillow-!- S fihif nai MfwnAfiTryifrtfwn-T- Jfanww ft- !t..iJi.'a.

VIliU aX tWKl".

VHt friX K3urftit 44AUM. kMfl.I

aa near W K Xa- - Inm, i--Jtaf

Aun V (Kiwi. JBtJrrBif

XSX!uuu.Xiu;.Sad cutaC Ttw tar.31 li?l O IZJC D.U

2VjtGiu00 31 ? SjfhnT. Obr4irf cuiztnuaar I3B tV EW J. B. nut j n If M. I C nrntt. --aTtwuotz ijlB.&Mfcmpd.Jihpt. Smiool:aJiira

arft IjwwnBtaT vai wannOio- wiuJ Btnusjwut A w?v.

ab. TbwO K.inwiirtn iihfT- m .i--l itMf m-- l Mt,tM.siO Suvc ki acf a & Ju

IaK(oiaMitVIlb!tr Sum, 3LtmUR- ltSan Auo 3Cr - b0. amt al&i- - a aaar oue&j.31adW Kn.iwiJ vm ft. ao. u. toot wrt n a Sloe

ijlss t c--tai., , fhumoi. wrLi&.Xir i

aae. M cc oa Jamjii C2lr.le. " I

nifxVr a 3t C UtK. Hjb m wis,, A Aaaea.UMnteiittMkr J&CiM. XMitii4r.lTTitfZZ&wttJ??tt2?iZ

.r.!- - W Parw i qa. 3 CuiwQ, tit nNb. A &uif--o. t

fz Tin nur v rut. s.tcaEa. e juvm. a .twtoc,3&tbh Ufftpn. KBjit t f f I inr. aadt

Turn iia ftmorM. wcVKJb "JUtSI TSUmwov

tWkt i T aUXoiiuB. J-- 3IOSL.KC. S XA- - ;

tmJ-Soutn- . J XcOan-- r.

lor &3M3. 0r griwnffa, JLtf-Jf- Tr A iTrwnftMier

TV Xi"m. Pr TTtmlHa. Jtuw I So Kdurfar CleKing, Wt Xiust. Snriaw. Wf Fartk taSlJ

mad laaa. r Siui. TXmw. VCffra. aSanaeann. f

Ii.MjairSmlk Amur iM,IJlmaa- -asi.at ?owdraau as WouJ.a.-iCar- v. aj.

Dwfcfc Br J" V outa abu &QL tsaeic roaiuOv

Tim? arr Trinnttwi gf" V1- - i. Jau3 J'Sbftaiaaaadroonu.

Jaa.i-a- .tr WtttOwactJT!.HASaiKiml. bitr.'uu. aiaoitfr aHa. atuo AiaBrtjrau &. Aovau Aaaoa. wi& aim. Oanr&e-- . S Aaa--

b.J-F3a-. a AnuBuij. 3t sjHior. v t m. ,

J ifrrr.i

aaitagcaiAIJagOiriX. Sa

gr Soar bo Eimai. Xoo X ai cifsuiate as at joa. t ffwiut jwu, j..-" k

guaak, rcaaauutx o taruaO. louil '

vOnAf.aitauxvtiua. SCWiiiit a&Jltiixm. :o.3 aowi. TS avnoca. 2T ts aorMtAua. &Cteaeas axa; Si ;

or a&aaodajil aXaaaaowv W BUigtaftniitt. S axacacis. i

via OianH. 1 a tiunn let Be serdaukfiM. teotTvrsa aaewrarj. a fJ-pipes- lC3iuwn.t!wlTtiwiftl hw.ma, "gyy auUi .& a4. So ca audato.tf3 caoaaawi aMtta. oie aaa smoinav aa sumtatDBa.o capjt.3 yEg. .thqttii. Za aoa pwitat; I e pusxro. So aaat

ala. ddu a4 Qrao. la rnai. to a gnfrwa. o .11x012. Zca a sa atac&ari. 5ia aol pio.aTMMaauav-Pun- a a aottw sip, aca laanrva auxrjr

zaHCapa. I taaCiur ?5 iMs. Zmi.S aJrr(aoda. 3 bBa flgaima. at ea tttiohinlT. J2 oa caaura. OQ atllaaa?kagaaxuvlBOt amo. roudaiuua SaOaioaaaFaa&Aca. St nm,. $wxm a caaraa.ai crtTmr. IS4ua "mpa. 3fea eojnanaa. 9 &x pwyuta. I aupa.3 ajac3aoraaiw.a aaotaca Z. Bca aaoivi.a. Xootltaraoil

tb3-;7m"- taox. UJ HIumiMr. as Omaui Bat-.-

aaaaaMaaa aaaM j

8SAX33A TtET JfTSTSX Si sua cl?. an SsarJar.Zaaad. ac AaJtWa Caitudcu. or ai &. Aiaaanou- -

Kmrr"- - WiucOuJes. sdiaKauaufTaMniaaCaaaittra.SaOr. od 2EataKaC4iar Lsaaaxaat of EL 3C 3. Faa&jaoc. aa

iaOBty f.i'- at coo 3ut duoa. aomaorToo. faioec;laow C ffinwi nln.

jTae snaiura aclaowlcdjs cba iscspcafaaazsoa. oftaarSssaat. Cafes, aad acoibf fw.fwrtJT'to Baa aaffpyooupljLj

A1AC1Z-sn-ST As Aaibiaaiv T. a., Aaril Slii.uf Pnreui. larEliiiaa EuUca.

IA """ f g-- Snptjm'a Oirnh. AaiboacaaJIiila.aoaEoaddaaisaaar otatr fWaa T c, of TTiioniirin. ITairMian

JIJCXT SAJAl JiiuTnJ. an.3mi Xon. Bi SanduX "r! 53M.axltaat Adty to btary Xjpn. OuCiof Sua


DIED.S!la3arZXta Jamairt. yaina.. iaa . 3a;-41- Tfarila

Eaaaa. lk 4XBaCia Blwa;K5X Ha Saul. eK, SCitar 21ta FnaoKHoa. a atani of

Qt,,.. oaACaeeaar aaaay TliQTr-- a a b.nwtfr'Kry uf Cao.

LdiBiai' S&aasNT1 FttBud Jucsacp.

BSSSAI: ITUE-Ta- nas sHipo ar Ifle JoeE EtOdy

aCtlfcoci at Saa Fnnciiea basis bear Here cfnrhjfgiif paatr'anigifc.gnfbgTgleftfiirait ,rtftcrCsaet;ace & suor to. tlis ia Cara amrs. a: expecfsil; nrt':'TT six aft teuriifoajaiam. Taeyforre teer eaiufin a gfciaict 7antTrcir at Saa.grmi-M- L bat waca.srerJs.niaF be asraaurgtScia.


tii cfej- - aibeUJattecttg crater wtxk.

ST T6 tot-sa- i. xaaaa aUj? oT tif

TitieMiaiiA bsuw (.4i at MM w tie Safttecw, Bt rabl to .t4er watifet as faxy, ta wmvH Uttc.?" TWwtAitaeetattK' lUwiaawXlfcsjieai

dewwirf AcKtlrttx tVskieoC. AWrte redtoco reflet, IM &c SarieiAti ctnafe;,

Earserxa. "S SsA.w wi2kfe. Tt. t- tftwaS. XtaKhc, thMix. .iTsry was aateeeavrj K aa arose a um fvn9, -- wet EWwiMy Wieic

woeaestnaaat T4efcui!UtebersaVcrifc dar.

eki crniK I htewif laii acniitaaoi W, tile tie--runat, 34 hts viatCLx. the bihkm at

CB.Stitttt frite riki :CMrf2sKW 1. S. Lecwe.!tnt JL&tav Sua.

EoSAXli AT TMLX ElSK. T5 taizt? riaffl? pw--Frirr ttg BjretTn, fcsfces a tfcit 6c w

5 issw Wat ua l Fai mi EUai2u2sefciiatt?tvr-irc- i tefiudbk Kli

ettfci. Ufa5-.-r7p- xni cAcrcwi itwii. toilJi Kufcl kri -fass kc TIAi kiB V--f

Jjcrssatssix. TW. s&trccco. tterv wiB til . m--tistitt xt &. TZtoUtoec ife&.& tcit- stlocttie pru

S Kte. hum jie; S fee nrgousii Sr cumtfiiy ofBV w WfciSi MA iris jtifai tt w

S areas vet rpx vfe&.3. lr cuajftu; cfraiart tail gjTB.i-n- , iai wit, t acuSt act. fa.spxJj FViiiartsr,

&tm TKTTL Qtt FesiirSut 31 U uieci JL iL

tcui tee- - inrsSJir 3j;-- . E'. u b;Hfe 2S,-!i:-s iSrf Xkiiiicr uf TureKpt. J.fiifc!

yessw CBart. Sit 2Kftsacj iif:rcr Bomfctisaat ossaiias of (Jl stt J--i til S kit t&e

ilarC But Skitwb- war fa. Se- Sartor ilresoi

&vtua fa. tx3L.

TXIiSili Tacta3.jisicS(Knipret3niaS-Itj- -is. st vttrtiTs icia. la. Tm tJ)s bniooi

U mcntocirif ittikii;ii. wIWk c vrj SCO) men.titers srv tXZ 'wneit. fe Siio t KCU mtttuKaCK-Kt- niia. i9t teGreece Su He jaaeaxSLhtfCuf azaJKSSM ara&oa.SI'6TKl wouxea.St. ft.-tr-a j then r ffafcr KW att (taj aiRfvgbsi8i a CUk at ttotj majofj dwi fcj rinvs ofHut. Sozdfaa. ic Let aa tir.ilj a. Xaxix it& Facuiay. aaii aras rsr a Srw orjxs f sfce ;caifcrsex asil timx jrwite; aa. eiiSbcasr at Katsi kiSotil enasi.

avara Jiui tfcts JscUisat taaQfciJim Sus bevareoHrtr watd kjr Bts ftwiuiacf. Be aaii Ifjss. XSBs& a ISoiri ofteai. XSe- - bCter Sa-r- isst itirae--

1 scifcrnaC a eg of wdirftaja ha Kissfcnalaras. fcoia. viticJL km at sml Ko. KBavS coariteu. tor a tees ofysars. tin: aEUdsmiiC

ititt ftar Sest a5iei.' X!wreaaaBat sj- -Aci a ; jsfearr aaii ?jands over fMS.WO,uhIKw kstaa&ic: Ja stilt ei JeSt about fSJCOL i

Btuac; tle K ;trs taatlt Sas 6kix. ai Iuev.Btaoji EWJ jwoaiulfcci ia jaraoa affc

SojnHmas r Eatael 'Se i assays jSisadts iearof saexsaes woo by tad yooiiur btiSes eftfttfut jAiffif te. brogx lissia. ad-u- : igiat a eooi:rirs.-t;"jtf- y ;psa. fa Wioim-j- i by " tbMJMtjsaeTwofe." aa "ooeoftfei Blest sacspa- i-Sil perioraiaiioa of iiod: eoersSrea' fcLSiAi:i

cSy. T!ie afegc;af Mfes ,mm Mentayta !a aiesi-OHs- eJ

fe aern of Ifcefdaieat prafse. Sic; rfeajnjrale cooiMrt wai4 K v laamzpm. at WSBsBans, at wafca. aae wad raatarsaslr HMHaaiiat.jLaerEEfaai3 3Jct.Mfc Fairca oftata eSy tasJ5tiia60iateSaS8n. Canity Sdiaot at


A PaasaaCt. fa. Se ABa. cf Dtcanicer-13&,- ,

E53. tfee tfJfefe-a30Kar5- r

, .. K .! k t. m--" -- I .uiuui. aa u.ii

paptecfes ara agt- - be. iftwr eTttata aata taaaatiiiiircaane, baa Kw taac

&i tvriat two aaadrodJFoara le HourTo OhcwiK aOnil: awutt

2oc faid &C3C aad 2aS aait).la &- - aoait BOB orevatfi.

"5ot.accartans;lB tae;saaia aatftaniji Oa Tork.eraat bevatg af tftalagsg: of taeaaarseara afynrr :

Bz.et!oi!B&TrA.iJlet liaax aauw- auitanr

Xao&tMO atallalaoo td CraaeaaC vaaa.Mu duwa td oiaapean.

"Xbit Tarta jeo. rsnemfier. eafetreit Earope fa

" " w5E!i Iu aaaorau. years aaaeiagii tftfu year."

?tH;mff Coc. Joiiirt Janes fcaai ew ca&i-a-

fa. tint bape t&ac bo. beiBi; a pour nua. waaiifaeinmf hnr a ur wis jfca 1nf ISO We dooiJCifaa afttliiasBpt tSii pccSfcir cf scspe ?Caaain. ryaaaiu

Tata Itirnr orSt a&3r Haw tyierreiSfiorderiysiea. aad wameala SiaFaanciiOi.eaittjrafar "TbfijJIuwfce peraana vest seafcacei in tie Failca.Court tuIayr Jaga.Xjnri,, aundemeanac dnit;J2WI Sasa. Uanecy. saaic, iI; JaaeE. Freaci.sameiaB; Matt SvraHf. stale, JUDjJaae WHaoojamcfiS; Jaoa Jbanism. sam. Jlil T GarTcs WcVBu. aamti, 2 ; WaLun. "ftreMtlv petty iaraeay, Jffil jJotegC-- Srowa, aaaut, $&$, WBIfaai. imitinrta. iat-tir- y.

, aaitsa on.

Ttt Maxstios of ai:"ijit6iif liuataaaat WiltsrLaadyj Oaniarsv eMast saa of TicBiaa Ciaaiflra,2rft. afHie Western CUcait. aai Mj Tea. Siatesvoniydaaitarof tfie fata JaiutHaatsayTiittSaarariSi--. cf Etractaio. ares aalKinnizgif an. SaTonfay

eeaxiair fast Xoatt 2ajf. by aba Bvarsaif Aatxxauary.n'nf;.'i Kin brTifg- - Tliir oriuasaiaufawera Mua Filtrates T Mia Tan. Euft, MSia

3ertJta.TaaEiiIr 'n Wadciumsa. ICaa MTsCaad.

Misa BirwaeK. epiafa.MAii!tay,I.5l.afE.a.S.FaaCaote. arcs best man. Xbit arfifs. ar'jji ariagarea. aay by oar- - anirfiy ta Era. GadfaryTClfidii, arars a dra i wiita eSc trinmed"w3ft afbibi sstfa ; tan Tiat was af silts Cafe aadtsartaaoatsai: ByAwrearb-a- f oraast blceacna. TienrHiaacuujj want drasseii fa wiibt mnrirnr wfetbiRE rtaaas. Tiir preseats wera aaamnsaa. aad;easljL After-Oa- catsauiayv an. fiui briintie. west door cf tfieCaiiafaltScareEiatsarantfaainiinuaaE By afait fCtta carriat bj- - toaa. fetox tfutFaatamnv wfifrt,, tsgtftir wtto. ait tropical rax--rartmfitiss. ntadit x acae atcrt gfr'.n-JBt.a- a aad.icantiiaL Tie timdaof tiebiifai pair taea ai-ac- icl

a tin baoat at tinboirs mnrflrr; arasretftey dranit ta Ebenrsftii cfgjeaapoycaapte. Bytint af Bxa g Bitmiais.rittIBcaauaa:3CnitBT HaniE ptayiaf; WTaraf. cauTcs-

piecssdaxiiQrOjrtasaptfnzL. AAaaCtxatuefackLtfu:frTf. vnnf hrfiti- -i 1111111 rgatnrtilgfrae-npnrjri-hnini- T

f bytitt aet, fttlTuTfitDja. atooreruf aflnceta an if

!Eegjcioa. U . Jtf imBi.,TOuMnim. gCtjuca. i m.irr aaitef of aatm-apiua- i fa. ais poeeeas-- "titmte.agtirJMj..rggao. 0.4fc faQ ani af K5L Aaatfier ataa,"""' Ai'"nlii w& oSai' 3iiia:ttB-- xKl party,

aniluaAreJJy barinic aistcjail ti Ictjy atfiers2tmBL&ta.ltaaC3Da.













Tinlsliy , J sae- 1S pccusoetef t 9 X iU

Iwjn: In tvvu BTifA tna fXirt Sirext twea-siifc- ii

(joittert Ctt KiXl ttrt t cui ii

lfcut a pec soHce. xc fcwv Mt

nMKlR: a oJA it asctwa w siaiy. aiwa pareSaiwl tj- Mckcv iletti aiKi Bwmi

W fa. ac; iBffatini 1K, awt itbx atnttx-- f

tastsr!utteeTctvadUM6 Jtv itksaalt4.i t i evkt aK kr sbt pctsotMttty Ikavv ianiKtla of Ni siAcc

.1 tUT TActc a. prrct Us:

mteiaw lit tkfa . TU acw Katit Vaik.

atkfuowf Etaiwoti JfctaifwIBb'J wfwonl W!i

WvatKrt:auaT SkKb Mitj taKtes;ai4e Mjre-wi- rf is tkr m vf ta Jraifc W

6cla2aatatiiSaXT-ifkl-8itas- . Tbtwc

ofcclk zKrit!ja ci CapUta, Bjvwo. ai tberare now oeirfy nrmlr tocttta. TlKK: Ua (.iraniP4"Br "iic--l w9t SoW 5iAJ HuSti&uk, i Kjit PiiOhJa Wr H a.k-jtT- , tile WttOMti'.ic FaiUiuaa3It5 Jls Staad. A teaoi fca totaicrxvt-ei- i

oc boti ai of tile txaci. 3ii tile chii-!- c Jn

fa. t--at orJr.


frvtu. Wultistua t tli tct tiit tics (Mti:ratuf ft mtti swwiio tif Cuowsi irai ita ti th

f a u&!ca!raa a paxtuf IVa.TiMiiwauf fcrti parco. aeairf r Dutia f FiU tilBiC-- J" a mwtetuii uwara aaiaot J . iiwuath aoa& Pwwtfot Tt aaI nihf aim t tainaw ?Uca Ja Ca tiTaiLt E Ju- -

Ciia. Sajr S. East iainjaiuttt aaST-ga- jt W aan brvt utC to. A CSt; Kjst3Jj-i3- C buitiia-- . lBtu sir itun. Jtiwt aai tit wiil ri Hioiof wutitX waj iiiua coacuoe'I. Ta an ucaatvd&jsz.tiltf 3Sa:if aawiwa aaika taj Croat rjuut lj nstaarufc. Ti fcw a ttoatI at otwa

$5yjaa3iiiiia.X Tide. Xaj-- TU Ti Hcalla XQriaai

jjcrial jay : Ttwre aa6n.iwaiinlfiiaytimntatftr Sic tan but & w days niatra n Miaicaa aiu.Ta4 Xaraia ttqaaiar wainh. waj w bav (ft nit Soa-I- y

sujcaia,; wai iZCauxti by diejatiacs from, taeXaJcaa Kus&tr- tn DCu.. Ctiaul jLvunJana

ca4Mi tliMJbcadi caato Cnm Tuw Tata--

wtUru taa iltjaaa Xvuatar u wdta Lcr bat0) fir taic KLDurt. Is id ;tjJ-- l taat iTurti

bavi a4n ma4i 61. mr-xit- ma ainaa th4 SioiiauhSMa aitnt Sc XaaM ux ta4 saaM uf Px;3aiat

Lec-ia- . tan nzun to y tti Saa. asbnki Tcaai. Cal

al ?tiw. f Aa Sjati Poitwi ita&nt Caialsy. a&n aa his way ti juia. au nfimnntun tin KajGtaa.aij Iiiav af aanc4 hating biMa eotta3d.

y TiirV, Xiy 22 .ltraatjMnwnfcj w? aatareiimftr y oy taa ayiat5 df ti txua'-- t

fa:w riaadix octof ta cttr snabttf ta EOdtrxc-tbi-

cvim firiat taa asndaaja ay walcit tad rv- -Titnatf c wKtwari auuait &naJC MnaidaU an &ii Dts

puulittl aa Sih btwsda thd liiovrant naJj waicapartsoiitwil. Xid En aaI i"ew Trk CBatrtt ax

ap!I to wojwis 3? pier nt j tiia FnaairlaaiitCutea?5 pdccvuft; aaii ta Satlxuxocit aut OCui: 3Bdcceat. X jKOdtalatdafcl tbdoty vUt bi at wanB&a t!ld ttnauf axa,f-iailt- jt Caattaa a4Tcniiiatbsarritd.uat.

Caotauv gnnn..Kiy 22-- Xlia 3tmJoi: tin Sara-tsir- ia Iar,ri fnia jtuaaushig. hiell xi to Bd

Uaanoisl' at Sjaco.i carai trimblucAMi Kadr taaa waj nxddcuilp, &Ubx- aaifwuaalta-ataay- . Slaiida buillud fiatit ba fluaair.

stiia tiat pnpiiraiua 3 in bru uxaiik by t&e Ea- -

THtaSi. 125 & Bpiajitittiritllf

sceuaien,, aaii ara ctiajr fciryj fctSistbMiX ats&t3 aai TinraL. ContmaiHtcdaceiiiritiBiraf tnmp

in. tfin iiHuiiija of Ssziakxt. in ufieraWa- - Ti-- i

Tact ara fixily ggjrt &i wsiaC tha attempt.

A&frofica. fcim Ttrtakai aTttncir; wgtcti batxJ&ja tSrs liatCbe tjfaxtdlKry a,J Mtixa- tfiiTalry bat fast arnhtaa.tha gdn saLruf t5 trat 3te!iai33. Aa. xt--

Tai Htoc&iaa &ir tfiaimiaafes'I fiiir BazSasSifiiiflciacadBferat51araf oifort&er a4iai

.i6eo3 May- - 2. War bucreua Grawa aad Tkp-ir- .

vine?! it u tiluajtic wilt fcr-a-Jt cat iuua.Londan. Max iM TbeTmaoaPrssso sa r V '

prjmieoaeraBii:k5aBotraaryofIjt!labaj Sega, dainaaded. li4j xoFy witi. rwoeee '

. .Tu.Tuw.uoitt.wfcj ua. diuuu eaciiitiu. gorr.iTwiabdd. vaioa. bATo beea oumgliwl wit.

Eocdoa May IM. ia Alexaadria &patea.yat5o Xardab eooToy &r fio 2rpta3; cuatm jsntar.nTodMoatiay. itouasiati uf tbeiroaoiad Ircral5aMobuaitAIt aaila dimes. Xba traopo iral

raaaday.Loadoa. Zdl Tb acaco: oiaroc. xs deursEHrd aa.

cba rsSdCttaatEiiatarxi baAbeea

Eer3n.May2if. Eta oarfalty aaiitao tiatSinperic Wsxtaai. lixs reeaHWd BCatnan: bi ooQabfortut tfM.iifim. fa. FnaiS.aad aba prifiaiU eifoct of tbehaaipo ofMjoiatry apoa tao ralariaaa af Fraaeeaai tfecnaay.

EecTa,, May 2ii- - EKnnarrk: baj ardTad. hzm m.rstuoao a aoaxiuaa from, tio Emenr. A

Coaaait ta befaij-bol- tafay. tcuupdetddttfttaagorr-intraaufutajq- nrJxmg tie fatara;puf&.oy-o- Uonaaay tawariFraaoo wiIL b adiipasd.

AiBTaldo. Miyitjt. Tiirry pr-xun- a

baro beoa driwaoi by ta arractr uf a vaaaei inceuea Adeiaaf aa4. Ainaay Ixf5. oa tfxa aortbaaateuiut of AastraSa.

33airZmajr by JiaOl.

A aua. Triau fciia ta far Wac to Mow XeaaiaCodiaoof EoiSa-'-i ftoer. fToa&iu. Suoruded m.bje

31. ta be ased fiirtia frf aideif ox tieEooroc AftareTpFarnm-rta- .taaCra of tafo engiogarg.be aa folIooT i WaSo vnrioij T wwa.

teat aocpoaaibfa Sir yva ta do. at a. faaotraadat tie aoaia tiaie. peraaaa. ajaiac anat raod oraaiaata aad! a biimo. XaaLA hmrTftioc af Carry, aeirberraaLaarsoadujakia,. botraaxta. baoiaiioa aadtdu- -

L ma; aiL. I araa hura. ur ta staaj of 3a Toca. botbaao IfoeX aursna yaara ta CaiTuraia. aad aeariy

ta-- yaara at tiw stata. Ai you baaa profiaify2ae ore taiir, I aar ta onxacaf a wrfe. and woofdaAE:yua.iraaiuaif yooxaeoixaiittaacea yaa; eouiii aucsuatoaE ouraai aatcs. iinaaus. tna soiaaa. unawan aadaa boaut aad. arooat a praciaai aa-- i of baraoaaaif. akmiiad aBioiaip boabaod. (oa Lwoakitry ti be ta proiSESaad pnaatafiiraac Xda autoara bow pour aba axay Be. aa faraanxoaey is d,-

bat bam bar eil edaeatait aadjrniA aneiery, fuel aaoaid talu bar

aaumartaoae au Tjuld airec aararita. onamaraij.aad raauuiit aacrafaee bar aaxuagp tio boat ancfery.buta. iara aad oi 3eir Tlrt. I wooid ant oBfaet taa aica ffcfa wafuar, praaufed aba wis aoauues,

aaairr Tirtanas. aad ai. awory way a yjod woioaa.ToitarSt prabably woaifor wbj tdo aacaiaaioa-fceaif-

aad aaipxaiataaoea ta pfdc aia out a aftaraad t will toil yoa tbu oaact trara. I spent tea.moatiA. Capo yoara aga iiJaicaii-m- frTead EUat. battie maraaaalit tadiex ail tvaaai. a be wiil ca laaad; ta Saa m. acySaa. Sappy aoaiea. betzezr taaa:anuaalaattfiattiam ta gj irt. Tbea-Zaoa-

ncbar j: taaia orjuxaa abaci wba aowiaoaooo tbaa. oae arm urafraady in poaauaoc: of a padinaie aadotafflraiiso Il praeaied: Cic I boiTsos itmar your poararta pot ate fa. eurraipaaifracs aa.aome lady arao-you amoid Ilia taiosbaad. aJiaayr praruusf.af enarw.raac iratarersfnajaltaaaca.otier, aadtlwuT,, af eaorso. jjiw baraoduubcsd: praaf tiatraarwaacrraoraaaat aiiieltTta be."ta tiesa aad afarilar epudea Hiaa Ciffimf alayi

arafeaaranfrrhtg repU8S.aadaraafaaaaaea- sua is road"Iy tie auuf jsanu araa. mifft easy rie- Srjc 1rattarf a baapy iaote. la one autaaaa-apiatfeiaai-

wrala ta iirfiir s . .nr..faj: bac aae aaoaid do liiaat tie axacar Clara aaaio-tttiar-

guiaraa HAaaa-araoa- apziV&0t.rkaaBi3yatJierai3atiS3jaeiita aayparioa-f- ar

jinrnir; Tie: tettgr eonxaiouia; tie zcjiaeat arxiaaodeifta aexaadaius aaxvexadat. Tbar jsnuJitsiaa.aasrauxbeir rBarymt c aaiyAjaoaaanuaaa. ofmfanrrnn.. bat ofatraoa; eomaxoa. aeaaar la.bje axsasaXfbraa. axtaxTat-a- anti. bait.

wexa aiarnaafanarx briefenaraafg. Of tbeir aasnrEfa MaorCaQTaa kanuraotiiaa bat aiut beueoea" rh"- -

ut wSirh ic was ixnafeactei.

Oa IiitTiy May Slt, it IS : tuva.

IWxI&s ef to Isfril JvMsitt Stj, bj ufrrocatai ty 1V xaajr ti MiaUitr ef IVtxa

"Vsar Mviyt Ui MaJtj tb Esspiwr tajraajt Sjwroja. ba affcia', ait tt t5 wntaaaacf tb Ksttiia $aUrva ta tbe IVii:. aaJ ca stytratdb ta tbis ivtaa I aa SJt tappy to UbJ cu

Yr MiJsty'V JcsjiBttfJiJ (9 bar tUBoy tv tbepcrfe.tly ftil!j rriitwea oira bipfUy txitlrt Kas&i aaj Kaii, iaj t ta;re t jwurMrtT- tb. tataVa fcc b "TJcvNa ncpttca witbbAVessels f lb- Is:fKaI Xaty ba ttvt babi."t aa asst ijtwaNy iaptnwj by tb IjXta rf

citituatica lad ptvgtwi b:b. arf so pwuuatyaf rttiat at tcr kainl to. Yar MJy bvatlfuleafital, aaa a5f t Mviait Yuac-iljty- ttp:a tbptrtt ptvjwss ciaJ byytiar jxvpl ia ciiitaitW-a-,

I Vf lta t riy tb bp tbut jw wnr, 1year pwr, tiay boj ecatisti ta wag tti tceSU."

T wbiclt Uo Mjtj rpSvI.t nwjjit, Alsu!. ! naistst jatijfwtsca

aai witSt iipmcit pljar tb totbeaay yvu barto tie (xc&ctly fckodty rrlitkcj vbka jutsbt bo.ti th ESsfiw cf yuar Aojast Suitrtun aaJ ny

tb cScsrs cf tbe laftiIKsstia Ntx barer two. bct ef w!a o!!ag ef jpwi w3l ;

tie ftwwoor. tatrtCitY. ef ti FU5 Sbip ot tb Ka-s- ia

fiiciSe SjaaJtvo. i jaltiat ixoanuJc aajvficos. t bijaly Ftt3? ti BTRelt aad pvp2.

I trust yctt wK cuattoa t tii iapJajai itrablaii ticMtyua !C eoattwasly eIp5!!K,

JUmkal P&usiaij tbti ptatl M Ua JljtyCaptala Lvt'.h aaj en cf lb jyz ; CtptaiaSrcaate as! e2Sri of tb Jiri ; Caf taio

aJ cfiiofn cf tb liaia-- f Easa'ua lawpjriat ar Tessria aqw la pert.

Ea Jltjssty a ttii'Jri ca tba creuJea byTbo; EiBoci ti CaiiiKt Mlniter. ; Tbelrllunco tie JoJjm of tbe Sapteoe Curt ; U Ei.cvSk'oL--y Gut. Pucuait ; the Utic:nb!s G. RhcJ,S. X. CajtJe. H. Kaiaaa sai P. Saaca, asj bytie mecsberj of Ha StaSt

Suprtmt? Court la lroTtje.Bd&n Mr. JiutsM 3til it Clinton.

la tin saarUvaaip f IKicattti Piiivd. a mXant.Fcotua of i S. Ptatt fr utmtat sf bis iKuuttu aad discharj!. Jta euart. ifUc ila

f tb NmaU of tr. Pratt. a;;ruTi ftbd saatd aai ducaafi bias Ervai fvrtbr repu3$rbifity uj aridrvX that bU buj.d b caaNildd.

Estjta of Daitl K. Cartii. licceaod. PUtwo.ofZ-- T. &j.oiri Ma-a4- a (if t!ie IjedJdat. fur tdttcnof alaiiaistntiie- - Tb coart, after boxis tia ay

ordered tetter of alalaiitratioa t b Usaddto Z. Y. n, lira tb pdtit!iiar apoa bu aHaf abiad ta tie mat f SW"J. Xuti ta entditd to b

airtiid Ea ti EaSab. lanjroae Rr 4. :il. aadaa iavvatdry to b ated la. 3l day.

Befirs Mr. Jastico MsCaBy.

Kitat of Mdld HdOmoeaDaTtf. an maiie cnan.Put&ua of S:aia3aaiaat4ar Mi uf Mdl Ujocmea. I

T. Pv,rt.Gr,a .W. . .- k. I

i:cins.. aad Gic tbd apgitataiat aftb pcltar.Tbe CMit, after heariar tb itateatoati of eoaawi.orddwd tiat Mr. J'. P. Unea t duHiaarred front tor--tar aettij ai raartiia. aa.1 appulatt tb pttiiarjuardiia agua SHar a buad. wb J. E. Kaofiio uaaaey. bi tin ua of l3a. IiieaUry to b Sted uatb Itlia. J03. toiretiec wita aa aceaoat aad

tate.EeSira ilr. JostiM JaSi at Cbaaidrj.

Eitabr of Qfloaai. i. dssaased. PeUtios of Gpaew. tbatldtrnr ufi.lnijolitrj.tiia b tnu--- i fa G. S- -aoaa oa j t utato. Tb eourt rraatdd tdttsri

jraoSoA"-eic- t efcr.



.Liverpool,. jaliUiU.Camo"t;nmeatt nciiWwt aad sHiment m nfir aad tb

il!adC hiiijrm.irfiia too. or aroiSaox aadSiZ m.innflirfting axurStea. Ij

Consulate of the United States,aimiisio. jut sistv isr.

F-- TUE 3UTKS Or THE ESTrATC OFGaoryj-- Vddiocfiiif, doiifttseiC.

AtC af cUuna axtiuctaif dstuc: of &A&.V. WeteHiidi. dijettaduti. are reioestmt tu pcwat tanam oz tad aiiiiif rsjTmt acta uiSce of ta CT. $. Cooau.

l&v at aocolatix. wftiiiit. six mnotaa ftnoz t!ii. date ort&or wilt o aicvoer oarroit. And aa penuao latfOCC tosahtestau wataliaiaesetile wttiiuatdaia7i. .

31 T. K. JACAtTU-S.- V CtioaaL

Pound Notice.TlIOtE ABE IJtl'OOlJED at UeBilvoranieatFOaaitKatSabuUIoa. ILiaolabx.do aur! ajt ft vjhl at aac&io: oa TttesSir.

ouool tanCilwtnira9--ecgcaiaisaaitonuil? ,, twawiiitit-&CimH3- .

oraiid &Ctio!r AT, fbiacit biltse.bind &0x watta-iniflJ; Hand clii Kt. fcttHBfjflSi ""'"SJf noad.raa.treasPA.

rsbat-ai.acan- left juL. S, aiii Wp-Pt-J : bucna,jrd Dacic ocaou leic ir r oucx mant ooc oraaoeil.

A. B. !T.t tL-U-

Eiiaululai. Jane 4. rSTT-- S4T It


JPropcietoe-an- yCutAsar- Can. Derby

THIS WE3..EStUT IFTtiaOQ.I. Jil.17r 1377,At UAlf-pa-t-t 3

C3-:ra30L- 2. IMTiatixieeGiven by Eena & Pred. G--. Maeder

Cndrfr DtitiiauralIii Patxixare--

H.irrl3 Toddleliiiis.Sengs, Dances. Recitations, itCq

Aait ta SarleKiao aC

Little Red Rfdiny Hood,miflnar yiat

"A71J.O Comic PiTitn-mTT- i .,down. ..IT-- Caoaetaait Harfdanta das. CertygaafaJiuotari!ir.K. Baeifer utftrotifna, .aXoai Luolao

Ocaer Onnrtara a tta eomsoay.

Tiumij Sight.lit emuwtaeoCB- aftbe aaoiorraaaoie aajee tiataraar-eveninir-

aeuurtaeaiuiteratnkaiioo.aaitbyai apeiAZrem&v3L IW ivaeiiaHt fiar Ca luac rimrr


NEW BOOKS.To ArriTe fcy ITesnr Steamer,

(FrHti Xjaitt3.j

r ATTSOTS TKATELS IX JLW CiirrA,yCss OirlTx HaaraiLia. in:tupi!inbOaUxiaif 3 XCeailSaar tux 1fTTiT1T'riTTrT af Sonar;HwHix3r.uinilk!i3rttafStgaraiitCaa P!aaciCtTTiarit are auiiur'iCIIa, aatt siuiac- SraaadcstrEaV(911 aa taftCrtf.rari..T af dan XatcsF

Wi-ar-3 PraciiacaJ: Saicir D5aa&ir;Caursfi af aifizuC tAjiniia(irgntii amf ajaxizalCauce!. of Kaglaaf Pa7s-3xiak- a

Liiam&prTCrafdMiif; tatLaulerfs prjaailaaaiir ASiamIttiillteadT thwch fctaaip tiTutm,,WaUUct. iw lajir. df iiiiiid. F.tinfuxraX Utd-w-L

Ifona Paricfs lUCtamf Trasela,. ILtiuHcrjXH&tv -

Ltaof ElHnxjV -

GldW(iraWaraitesSutfL Hn euiit Om iRsilt af C:i!r Hv!,,Thair 3Crstic uf dn raesprPun irr.r pnFi; pfdree- - gjmxgliEicoXSsjpntEriracia,Goia of Lltatasira,?atitir vvaca af.A. Po--

est 5e eatpig&l&fiin tsmsnL

Res! Btit for Sz sr Lease.SinXlI. VIMLY BEaiJSALEtE


Witt Gotaeaa. Oatracaaa. amf eearr- - eano.niaeif, ami nr

cn: xz scan tCAsaaarar xco it. b

Account Books,

f,S4ax e x. ajHuyjarZZSpi ISV1' xu--"

-- it


Kaplolanl Park, Juno 1 Ith.rnu'KKTs run AnxrrrAstrKTOKAVioX fAUK. ta. UtatrMtta. ? aatlt.

V. WotuwyV, Ittnua J (VitV, aid MtViJoo UtttS

ll Ittty tVut Kaeti.V ORHKlt.

J. J. DOIRONKKtts. Tt INFORM T1IK I'llturtk t(t at turt it twttrvl o vt tt trot aiol

ttvekKAtv. etxrbtMroioniwttutttLiuuukTt

ew ta. - Caa wid , M ii K. VtSS' ttr.Vrwf tSvJMCKr. vnttt. ? Sta

3ar o TiCE.We, ttie Vudrrdsued.


UlUtUltr IA--

Jf.VKaita.lsrf,M1TUE. THAT AITCK

We Shall Collect Oar Bills Monthly.

tiirttvf (jjf jatirferfy w ArvftjUr.

CaPNJ) anowx ,t ca.JiACrAKtaXK A wv,Ct(A. WlM!,

Itoauiab:. im ll, tsn. H!So


CHARLES DERBY,ITopriotor c4j nXnxtnsor:

Will Open on Saturday, June 9IVc part!ftt!ur se rrarnaiaMa.

i- - tVnv9u atIS4: fVcSMQjueo tixoaeocvo at $i.-t. T

GOiaKXtJTKExtra Family and Baker's Extra Flour,


Saloon Pilot Bread.I X C.OiS AM QCAItTEK CA.M3. Helaj turcjDr


Crackers,A NMUITEU. MILK. . KKn. iriTrB.

--Sl or.tjr.soiii.iMc txvitiozuarFaruUbjr EOIXESACO.

Extra Pilot aad STediaia Bread.X3 KVKIVCD l'EUIt Tora:bTnor.rtji a co.

Small SlZe MaXllla. EOUCtixnt. 9tb. tatb. I U. unit 1 andkj "A i tujrs. juat neetnit per w. IX. itr."'T rursibr BOtf.lS Co.

300 Coils New Bedford Cordage,ANSOUrED M2RS. Ooni 1 1J lotl-- J tueh.

&nird Wha!eae. Cttniar late, ta,MI rMCSaby EOtlSiCB.

Ration Groceries,E R -- C U R I X O AP Lewis's CVte&m! Mrois L&i'a Fxtk, fa ca3

oa at half sxlaa Jar.Oks CactoCc w 0a C& tfeJlt artidE la ta

marketCuua Assorted VttW)s- - aiaurted Socpt Tboatu

Soup. 31 vt Ttirtto njopsn rrcSaLtbj- - Borrrs i oa.

Praaerred Meats and Traits.XXSTS ASAOirrilD TittLC TRLTTS.j Cks PWtciiM- - Apcicafis. Qslio

Cat soiciAitt an.t fRfioe4 &t axirtir and ti toxraBox Dried Apples aad Ranis,

And satal asairtawa t of

rrKST ciiass ge-ocubje-

j larsiilolr EQLLESACa.

Sperm Candles,CACTO OS'S.

FOrSaiJbJ-r BOrXBi C&


la Fbiuaali Out&ta Kitr. Cac., Qoucs, sao4 aad.very V3retf sf tlentlitflwa'' ucftor FaraSfh: &jviA.atire ta atiAse fitucit. Qutn sOKt. Hdculaia. U. L

tor-Il- j




Auimnlnnl and Iirreatad PatJ. 2,S3S,11S

tryPERjtcyED HAVE BEE5 IP.THE AG ISTS tx a Siadtrxb titudi, aad araaatixocraTil ta iodoro arUaat Ciaortafa taraia.

S3ata ctKaataaaroactaf tae IiUa.ttaa audaai BaCdtaaaad aiaranaaoui aured tbarsti. DvaHtca; ttoosea aa.t FaxaEtaraTlnibiir; Ctola. aafffa aa barter wgkar WU3.10X nrcuaaoraaifarraoair JUT tyl MX. HOrTSCBXAFJjia A CO

Consulate of Portugal,Hasccxtc", Hay s. UTT.

T1TE ITATXtlH or THE ESTATE OFr' PEH2T, itereoaat. AS lerxmseaaaa tae Edtat of tie- aine nnmeit decvaatsr: reqoeoceit &a preaeat tie aaai ta toe Bai2era.?aitwittaaarrnwatfasor tioy wilt a Carvtar barred ; aaoTailpnuia OKfiHiOEt ta aaat eaate are reqpeacad taaatxletaeaaaie wfta. cao amteruaeii wttaoot delar.

US It 1. PtB&T. Omaal Sir PsronraC

TbTEITHEIt THE SOK THE IT.iJo oontariditv Oooataaiie of tue Bfitaib Barbae Z13.CTXX,wat& raspimaiale tar aarcefctaoaitzactad byta erY cf aot Teaaet.

US THEQ. H. DAVTES, Oauuaee.

N"otice." fn. H. J.AGSEWIS AOHTTTED ABES'If I BIS ot tan E!rax,daaf trim Apr3 lac.aait wilt

sure an r.rsggAat a co.gjaamftT, ViT.ai.Ii-- ; ta lai

Notice to Creditors.IX THH 31AXTTR OF THE fcTATE OF V,

fly tiritir cf & aaprasiar Cmit to Frohati, bx ttSs cav6r twitiCJt B orby ttimj ex all zmSoxi at tiz&saltXKaMnil ta prvwBC Caearcfafmi immCtieJj ta cu iwiiiirifciaf.ir atiXtianriagac AS tiV&cas. xr aiW niati3&ed ta saa

trnrnehLi.ctgay3iitii.aC atarlfeb3- -W1C EL CAam.; Adnaiutxair.

Eocmanx. 3Qtx May 13T7 1U --I

Iron Water Wheel for Sale.MeOSlES. IS

CZawtaor niewiteelIaiapet!czcaervaaLtaiatcatnew; &, ttfecard!aaietec hyl feet cati fkcs. Tiersara tanssooairaecxtdn of aToV ptatexsf boedcrta heamgitrDiit. rcagaiersaar1rTTlari..seraia.Acaptj'a

Dr. J. WIGHT, raooia. Hawaii,CS CrUI-T- .



JL. te-le- f Be3WTlptIo ar Uut Hawaiian IiLaoda,ttselr Ifarta-a.ASTietiItir- gtaixuiia.

Plaartgtloata. Seea7 Tateasaaaes.ClJnaatr, PopalaAJas. auuf

CMnateree; wlt&.A. --Vrn.-tr'r L. Uaal, Z5ZXEZ, "

A S KETEEZTCES TO SEAKX.X TWOXV banitrait'XjElcacflaterac.ocptacJscaheeaKtBtctCaiaGraop.

This Really Valnahle Hand-Boo-k

axszuszss ih ?xcrza,SH33L0 It II THE FOSSSiiai Of BUT OIE


I Ta Vuzi &ix Grasp, or SvJcrzg Isfonaaanascrsz vus mauu.

l It jt JSat, ft faSsaaSaa. waata !7Taar'jta aarf Isamia3aca.wuia

Co arTirarrellasr.IJTlH. Zastb. See

Price Sixty CJent!ILxttof siaaryartcftiralltatterEar3p,

rcr 75 Cezti, TaR Postags PrejafiLSZ. ZC UljjfaVir HVaudotavUl U PBUI A- ,11'f A.. OwrtM

1 US So. STiVafBf Jtarf!CB, SS.lt


Hy K. 1, AWJW.


ON THURSDAY, : : : JUNE 7th,At fcU-KW-i 0 A.M nt rtturOBi,


Yine Wet. MUt, Liata Ptrtla,Vrown Cottoa, Wbita Cottoas Mtriao,

YictetU Uani, Silk lUndVertbier,Utmwtd Unta lUtdbtrtaiafi,ltattari SMtU. yecy Flanstl OttrtbitU.

WOOL SHAWLS,Tuttiih Tw) for lUlbtos.i;UVct. Whita SbUti, .Vutoateaf ala,Anoaaeos SrfF't Cotton Drill, llrilHaaU, 1

lied Qailu, (

Marino and Cotton UoJcrtbitti.e.t aad Straw Matt, Ladiaa lUt,

Mea'i Soekt, lltidtet aad Ui,Etc., Kte., Kte.

Groceries, &o.,YJirowdr. SatIUcj. Wrrr'"C Pir, .Sed CrAr, CUtbci i'ina. lUnf,Ua.sn, Candica, PUliltt, Toba-J- ,

Cicat. Tiao Tea, Oysters,

Salt. r Xat OU.

Waaa Blue, lvla KUlcr.

E. 1. ADAMS. Ancfr.

Guardian's Sale of

Real Estate ou Fort St.

Bj OrJr of tb Uoa. A. F. JuJO. Ftrat Aaax-U-t Josticovt tis Sapreaw CVjort. daufd May SM, tSTT, wilt be soli atpjb&c aaetioa,

ON SATUSDAY, : : JUNE 9ta,A t li o'clock twou, at air Sale Soom,

KU tie rtebt. UUe aad laterwt of Kaapool ikj, Lotteaa.aia w and Kaaase (w), ta aad to Utat

Certain Piece or Parcel ef Land,

Staatoloa rart Street, near tbe corner of School street.Uooolala. aad raore partiraaut; UescrRied In deed of Kra--

nOele to 3, KaavooU. aa neutered tu Uber IS. oa jufeaSU aad JM, aad coaulajif aa area or tMW acre, raore or

ta. IVnai.eaaa. K.T.O'tlaUoCTai, Aturney foratarrlnnfcC. Caantaa.

E T AavMS. Aoctiooeer.

t m

Notice to Creditors.THE MATriUl or THE ESTATE Ol" D.'IS All VA. 0a.t.Er order of tie apreffie Court ta lrotate, la tata mat-ta- r,

ttottar U hereby cirea to 1 ereiltora cf tbe wdd Ka.tinltaaaa to present tneir ctaiua for adjo.taieat, to tbeavWrtbroed. AS dtbtora are atk reooested to make ua.mediate pajnienL K.VUELE.orbr

Uer Attorney, W. It. CASn.ltttoooisto. Win Staj--. U. t at

Administrator's Salo


Brordrof the Hon. F S. Uman. Cltrolt Jodce of tielttaod of Uawau, I am laatraeted t"-- at ruiOe Aactlen,on ti premisr. a: a o'ekek uooo. oo rsiicrUr. tie lithitaj ef Jen neat, aa tie ritbt, title aad lateral or tieaiore naaied uVceoaed ta ano ta

two Lots oir Xtcviica.SituaUd in Puxnhoa, Eito, 2zmrii,

And more described ta Itoral latent Xo. 1131,


Two Dwelling: Houses Thereon.TertnaCaai. '

LCTIIEB S.KVEKAKCE, Aamlniitrator.jiaj.jtaorn.nrr. wit


ta tie tijatrs of Uilo, Hawaii, aad known aa

TJ.BLTJ-fa.T- J Sc3?Coatalulns- - b5(0 Acres.

Tori Sae tract of Laad Is litoatad near the town of ItBahas auperior aaeaacLres tor the coittar and proenrinr ofarvokt, t a xl cart toad teaJlea; to tie rtnfflng. Itcfwrnrnt alao.

A iaamItT or Good Pustnre Iantl,Till Itayal Faitat. Tor firtier rortattuara apply to(It ata W1L G. IRVTU, CO




jrsiiarii ti 5aiav-riJrr- c trif.fa Ten ta TenXy DaftfruBs He uTofe oy" ftfcVfrqftois.

Aad aiprjete that baxalycoaer the coat cf aabacrfption aadpuataav. taereot.Paper Jklirentl Fret of Pottage in any par

of the Group.

Ss Sibacriptiiaa tiiea for Lets tiA2 0t Tear.

ii" FUaa nada ap at slid sotac tr ItaaUaua a TtataUrt


AilEUICAX JEiVSPlPERSrf.T. WtlinerUJ...J JOiiE-it- -o Adtertiier. . .1 5.CO

Ta. 3T. T. bJttan (H&taa Jjoraal 100JLT.rMUrTiaws socfijeteatiac AsaTteaa... ISOS. T. Irbi Aaiirlcaa.. 160 Arss; aad aarj. . tooX. T. IVntrar ICIi Jtascrkaa Arltaaa. . 400W..SJT Tnteae . too! Karat Jf tw Tsekr . teaVaUrZettaaa. ... SdOjCuoaUF Cattcxaea. 400Oim!r.tVl Iuu Uaia iThe Vnfwin aad CUfttairsn AdTtrtlser. ICOThe fVTitrftn Aaudcsa Jooraat ita

IX.L.CSTBATED PAPEIISHarset! 1U. Wet ly. I Fnaeb t ICfl

cazar. jCOtLcadoalll.Sew. . 1IC0LaaBa't ' Weakly. itl(AlxdelnLGnyMc. It CO

tu. aeuaax M ... StttCleiiliu Wklj 4 COt Catataey Csrser. 100tflearthaadn.ei. ... 4 00" SodritafFaai

JCTEIILE PEUIODICAXBJcSTeiLu,... .... I ZSAjUtlU&rporal.. 1 !!tToata'a Craifiitm SKHSzrtert .. .. .. 1U

CALIPOtaJTIA- - PERIODICALSW..l!jAIia 4Si7.kly Cinskia 1 ICOar..ktf EiCUtla. .. 1 asUuaxa Ititaar. (00amrr?itata Uaaow ..filrrtteai CMrier..... 12 46

RELIC IOCS PAPERSTadepeadaat J 4 WIS. T. r taajtRa 4(0Oirf-iTt- Caa. 4 BRUT. T. TaUet. . . SCO

OuodUrua ... IUUaHU ..... Ito3. T. Cft.a-rt- . . .... 4ii

LOIDOS PAPEKJIHLSewa tUVnUajft Vtrtiy Tiatae. J ttOSnae.Se li aoiart Uj TSaaaa . ... eoFatl KatT Bodrat ,. UtW&tajatti (00Ka'lr3tAu(tri-weaJ- 7 S0VaaearWi(BoaUl7).. 4 OS

atarXtrSertev.... IJ CftiTte Bitiii ilail (do,.. iUIFaaC0;aiss.. . Mi(

LOSD05 MOITHLIEIIArtAtonaI. .CICATeafWEUr Jagsila..f (Ciraainsrajaaiae. (Wtiali Jcfcttr .. . (BoAlt CU Tsr Saood. SJwaotoutttr(oir (toBiKkwaedr aCoafaiy . 1 scf UiaAoriri ar. . ltna .n Biir"a Jaaraat.. aovsncaa tjaar . 404Soaiarardi.. . 4 &4 Lado (&,

AMERICAS XOSTUUEaUtun'aUtiorara . JUMfteaSIe'aCtarl.anlitert iiVxaaetyitAtraafse.. S M!Ectrd t tie Tear CMgetaetSelf igtrlae.. .. s nijtaeatrs Mtgaelae, 1 CO

S Aaier&aa itrtir.. Ctaj&rawircat'aKMthiy ... totFspnTar Srtenra. .. fOCtTaeeaUrj ICOBaVjea's Mtgrrtae ... SOP.lfiltUa'tyixiBJjJtKT 4 60JrtmTir Mastarr. . S OM'atersm'e Xaeaalae... (OSfcriienr'a Kiatily .. JtoUrtiai'aUat'aJaatv.. 4 03LnSt'l Xxcaaaae. . iLx, jGatefl taJya Bdofe SSiHAausieaaijiriealtariat. li

ACSTKALIAX PaPEBJAaatnfisfaa.iajy.naMraataatrae ljader.. ... 1(4TawaiCatatryJaarsa tcwiyfaeyia. Sewav ... . 4 to2jia7 SUa, . V,ijttjltMLTOmid js

OKKXA3T FAPEBK.laCli TSnC&tetf ,r-r- tr I tSVarTork Zdnne; -- njtan YgaaetaVfKsr.-z- . waeiay UAJJiTaa5irOralraoawralajvi. .CCAtTaesiaail aiwi atatr. assaaeatafy

Jf plt IBn-mli- il tiiMf. .MKy.Semese Eotaan weirty .IA0,aT-J- lar?rrivSct, sat latine, aad ojHla ent aid eaarrae.

AAtrns H. H. KrtUTXer


y C. i WtHTBW.

B.OOB3. S-5tl-O

ON FRIDAY, - - - JUNEStu.At 10 o'tfciea! A. ., be a I

A Fino Selection of Now Goods,.... ..... .- V .wotniaa rittltaM iriilletli.t

... . . .. a W..J. a .- ( t .ti.1 rVonefltai IlaAlia.tantM:aa, utoin- - cu. -. ''"" --"rrltolamt HaaJattcMeH. tllot 4 lo olfc. ""

iuni t.....t Kill? Urn ttttetoa. muta. Towel

In, and TaoWljr of other tlivnU.

At 13 u'eltKU St., will lK KoWt


Kr Ortler oft'iiltc! Siialnt CobI,h perwnal 0VeU of the late OKO. WKHt KHMK,,;.......i i..u.. ,'hMi k..nth

ttrtdle. I Uooor Caae, t ieM Udtar Kotlun. M'eat Waleh.tkdd lYo, Uatbar TtonX, Marine Ulaaa, tKOtojprCaruWtteo.

.j .... .. i.i..ia In I rtirit .lilttnollilnc Al-- sol Uirtlo IK South, ueeeaaad. Cheat andLot WLKiauii.

Ky OrUcr orConul lr Vortnitl,Tha effreta of Manarl terrj--,

lot of ClotMng and ShocmaJ.or'i Stock... .. ri..i. n At. wKam t.,t Ortuntdne ila.

eifce, lloaiua: Machine, SJOlttVi JtaeMne, Toeaa. ac. ir.C. 3. BARTOW, Aurt'r.

For Sale,On- - Half-Gran- d PIANO FORTE,

One Jfaw Ox Csit. Apply toa S. BAI5T0VT.

Manufacturing Jeweler I


iIt.Jrt.twStolnftraidmrnacf Himotnloindik. ...Kib. MM..p.iiv. that he haa taken the atm-- on Fortstnet oppoalteOdd FtOoanllall, (formerlrtaxopledhyThoa. TannatU where h tlt Ktre apeebd atttnttoa to thoBMUoracrarlnc ana repairuor ot aai .ioua i"hj-rarucuta- r

attrnllon ilren to Shell and Kaltat work.JF Will noarante aaUafitctloa In all hie wtoa:.

83, Itm WM. it. WKSSER.

Notice to Tenants of tho EstatoOF

His Lato Majesty Lunalito.AVISO BEES Al'POISTEn BT THEH dodrea of the Sepreme oonrt. a Traatera of tho

Ileal Estate of lib late Majesty Lunula, tdef tb protlswnict hla Ujtwttl. we heretir notitr all Unaau andleaaeea or any portion of tha said real estate, aid all pet.aoaa holdtoc or w bo may hereafter boM or coCrct moneysoa account of rent doe opon the aame, to acrsant to oafor ail reota doe and owlna: frem them wblci hare arcrcutaUce tbe Ulh aajr or March, isr, lb day of the death ofhla late ltoral lltthneaa Chattel Kaaama, uiiUulitthoae that may heraaiter accroe.

We alM rtre farther notice that no on ta or will be ata.powered to coUcet the tenia of tbo aald ml or torepresent na In the manaaeraenl of tho same, wlthoot on;wtlttea inthoriiy thenlbr.

We reoueit all who hold Icvva of any pottioa cf tisaid real eatate to aabmlt tie stun to na wlUicnt delay,with Uwlr appOcalloni for rcaearat.


TroaUea under the WQ1 of I1U Ule Majesty InnalUo.IIonla!n.9li March. lSTT U Sm




FEET.For tale or if. McxSErtNT.

R Ka

THE 0-A-DR.-





Cotton, Woolen &0ther Goods

F ISE SEW. STTI.ES OF PRISTS,Elae!:trir-- 1 Dealatt, Velret Carpets and Rare, tiIlajtoekj n j, Towels, Coontertaau,iTbita Moluklai, Skirts, Qrtaidinef,EeaiTej mad Tsej, HiOc Umbra!!!, Bluketi, ,Criateaa, Oxford, aad Reralta SblrU,FUbecIj. Twtads, Pancbos, I

SADDLES AND BRIDLESSwiss Malls, PrioleJ Laws,Waterproof Clcthlar, Vktoria Liwai,Book JInilint, Laee Cartalat,

BagSjBaggiHgaCaHYas,!Ttriae, teatier Eeltiaj, Palat, OOi, Pipes,

SteTAozxeMry-- .

Wiro Eope, Co rrn rated Boeing,Bins Mottled Sotp, Oalranlt! tad Tinvut,Tcztizz Witt, IIoop Itoa, Uolloar-wir-

Cluneal Irons, 0-t- t. Catlery, Bar Iron,Leat A Perria'i Eiaee,

JAMS AND JELLIESGoineir Ferftuaei t Soaps,

and BnuliM.Hessttay'f, Marua's ltd BoUa'i Eraady, ia

easkt tad eases,Fise Sherry, !a qnarter eaalu aad tvuel,Orarra, tTtlsky, Zaa, Hock, Moaalla, Alcohol,

etc, tie., tic.

8U4 Welfe k Cs'3 asd Bass PaJe Ale,Edaiani a Plr Brand Porter,

MGCHETS SiPGLHlI CiaUET CHsWitiELaliadVi Bed Ear CUrst,DiarilVt Wblsky,Eiord's Wises aad Spirits.

atniwriiBJi?i3 BR1GKS,






XcOxie'g Coolers,Aa4 ( Arrire, Jktoie's Ckrlitrtf





Page 4: TRE THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/2178/1/1877060601.pdf · -TRE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE I BY HENRY M. WHITNEY aSTery Ij-nomine






iL 1


4 I








Warranted th (reauine Article, sad none made tut for

CASTLE & COOKE.And to Arrive by the Bark Coringa, from Boston.


At X-ow- Sates thszi Svar baitvrs Sold.Extra Be&nis. Handles. Points sad Sides also to urrira par Garinss


Tl.ittfVuMlStMTWn. Aar Stvk o :r4... .. .. .. ... . . ..-.- IS VM

T TVa N. i a wawewSVw fccwa a try '

t4.--i rf taMr.

Siii i Aa bcaatucba. J1: Aa-w- .

testnfeisl WifB Pfelss, 12itliir-ii.l,l.JjiUnj- X.

J taSrj

A Sni5Tior Assortsaar of Sschiae Sales snd Gold Poached Xuts.5dSa ttwxx j St i a, war. brM anal. tea,;.

VmSajK. 2 i at-i- in if.N;bu. aa4 i.

Siroca. 5 u( 4 Iw fane. 7cSrrs al IoVtwola. tit St area. J-- Om aula. i

Sim S&nc, X. I ui 2, Srr a HaO,


Plan jPlanos, Fianos I

Two Pirst-Giss- s Pi&aos rMeh Sargaiss,By CASTLE COOX.E.

Sewica: laekiaesHieeler & 'Hlisca.

THkcx i: Gibs.c Warrarstl Eaal tc A

H.HflCKFELD 5 CO.ftririsS





Selected for this Market,LSS--

Jcjj EiTi Fr Exv. Eirt x lUi.


Sukic; av 3aw oit vnu "Sssuuc3clt.


3:01 Liocinfc.v2aa OMSik Slu&aiKCCMkcwUJfCBUfc.

SUt lZMtt. auitOfcmift?ftmrttgttui

Swam aaitiCkCua.Skitacsu3 aaiiacifc,



J332 OX SABDiSS,3!tufytlaaica.(nr!wni.

aaomte: 3a. 3aat' &, 3T 2. W are,

Aantc iamc fiurnc 1Ea TSiaes. 3amiea Xmi&,3ocmT!a 3otmrc2Cnyffvgttaaig!seaE:ta2MUClaSnSTia&inxSSimcZ&c ioc Vtai Suu? Ssnxt SamsXkla. !niatBt 3Ss.

BrntaT TfeUnr lOrtaT xnfCncgiataag.

Fine Asst. of Rhine Wine,33m Muraiast aCCSap Onm&ijmr ami"

gii Anwar- Hicr gll aait: Sowgat TmtrnjaaJCamLtt, j.

1 Sim HTSa GF EIESTToys and Fancy Cioods, &c

3l3nmjEHv F5dar ITiizC&.3lAaj:3iuKsw.Ztziazs: ffSEWKT acs imam Zcipv.

Ji-j- nf '$ttMtaa.3M&.TiaBmcaiK.

CSMcXatygmminTTr c Tn-ii- . Sitfx&.:

T" yic gicatmrm Tag-a- x. aagnr arig lai wh.yw3mtii3U.aiowi3giiii.rnTrn;nw,

AEec5sfrIgregTrrsSsaslifrfmrTiThn-i- B CRd.

aiCiiiH'riaasi.aat'ntiir7ynnt3iam8ig-rrT-Tnii- .



Offer tor Sale ,


GROCERIESloi7r cfc "Bread

Lime &n CementsCalifornia Hsj,A53

rwUlUI WLUVl wt :


SSEES; dfeBT-T1-

5pf Srfr'fc-'- T,


gTmy SjJi ftOEXXG&K

V - . 2V .. t ..-.- H. . u imt . I... . ..4 V.Vaa .. f

b.. .. An. Aw, ISA SbrAf. baa-Ses- ,

Aas Ci Maw. OratefeftS !rxW.ssa te ink fer S fet, feattfetuwri $&. umk cbSr Leosiee- -

, jtS ITtn1 Xrwa &., I'm ui I. TasMab. ?mnt a Ssaw ttt,- i Xa.(. As Raws, i. i vrf 5 iwi.

?nwii' Xtheub. !w--i Iaj, Sam,



rill b Said st&



at Bedaeed Rates, I

$59 03-- . .OidPriw. 75 00 ,

--S50 GO ..Old Price, 63 SO

Bt in th JAari.t. .? f

WILDER & co.jIraporters and Dealers in


all descriptionsOi- -

A- -

Xor WJ caalilD;. Boards i

Planks. Battens, Pickets !

t fa. s . tia. ailrf.farFencing-- !


Laths, &c '


Sums-U- S. lit. , xol lrt

:K.T7Sa7XG fiTDTX-rL- .

TIMBER FOR SHIP $lCiiarXcrir.fePivcr-- 5 Use


'CefeeKSxSSitesiS&SitiSr xl s&Ef 315'. al tfr-- ;

WHITE LEAO snd TlNClinr arr j- titt t i Tvy- w

JasS- a.TaiuaSujs. S-- 2f! aaiLS,

Wall Paper and BorderY2ST LOTS"! j

3siw3 dcait. J

lit aaiH XamnL TJciJ. I

seimmj m mE&m ?mjtn-rttfttr- f tt--- ftHr- 1,

iilCO,2oin aailFnirs,

3nitai, irrn.

iSalt in Quantities to Suit.its lac

fet SeOTttt Ss Keir Td:HS S K TfE 0i1fIBSEI3L

' 2auicipa?3v-a- . hi xoC m 3aIilir?saLdi--

TOia,r'OTM f :"5te-Hn- j

JL 2b"sapiai: a T4ain?s - .y --rr s.ACKt, x an: of T!i awuiw Oxnnxux. p iw.3spww,

jf -- rax

Pacffc 2s5er rar-- Cisrpizy's



lr Hazxoer- ?ainc i xKidiffiz3ZEs&. an iajmas:

aric.ifr-nlnr-tjTn- f rnMflrim?LTirP atrazjMCZ:zgis-xjira- e


mjL 3jhml Liaiiauuiy Caaqtg CZHmittdV 5k ta--ar .uciut Qrt5g at Itxaaraao'

grot 3timMaiaectii.nT.c-itBfc,aam- cISSB. X. 3ATT2S, '

ajmrTnt-a-g- ; IItt- - 7m CT..TmfHif .

AccauKt Bfcgarrr- juccscrr Kwisa.tis' xllJLT mfn-ga- . SteaBiUnra: 3c ya-r- rr

A WAN A t (i A a I. 1 1 h '

ax tsixwritNWtsTaoviwcAu I






. .. . - ...tpi I52fcf t. t(a j

W. i IVsj-;- .t by rt I

MniltM ?. k tfe tivpt puikf. At S Hi vwrtr U w--

Atc vAw wti e vSs k Maar -- r

cUti tial 4 wi xajr t Ifxrj R,

ncsinr iHrwii-w.-?.i;i.;i,- 1.

. v.v j, llcctf w ' irfcttHr taiwj S tJ I kaI ssi XUr.

BCTswa. A aim Fctow. ' "-- i

aiMT, ttes ct sv ( ta xi s -UmhI JiiSu.-- . T5 ta vt tb ftOis t

j Xre awi sffC As &. , j

Lwjvm4, M- - WTi Fteft I ?Jo I

ts wcixsif BtaSttS. sf vsdwnxa. TSI trx& i. iiv: ivvaitaienrtj caix rstji

ect 5cOvtriiT. ai tiis ih cbutt fce

ttesaiitwd KpuSa?a ef tut? awojk cn. IjtJ

ujeJ ?i x-- A BcS3i & bii bvti nr&cwirssaertvus si 0.-c-i i. aVc KricSxcj

Ki sJ. I?" S li tb trjcviuMtr t!Us aa xrai Cf3n.an!n: fcttvc

cfbTti M'ii U Eli; ; bat 6tiitiM"8;fc.taaBri. cc taiitfc ti ijcwso.--a ef pibifc

jcxjc aacswa . xm-- . iftwjCfLjtTUca. cc i

tteucts. Ti tr 3iAab Ui ba ticwnftrr c- bu Smti iaaa of tb Utvra-sm- c

ie ii-.'- c ef 3uriAir uf . Lk-- SjJtAitrr.Sc Ssiiwci ortbiKC, Luc-- i Cikili. xsi

jvet x viEbt jiifcr. mil! UmirsiMwiiii besai tty tb IrdKvramxfiit,, t5 i'tewt


sb wbjfe Ct.but psc.-g'ica-: Sbai (UinVaCicai Moiaojn'.

Ijjcoco. Jtir i TS Tta sitj cf . Z t

tuv Sr.-k-a EScs xv Krfrijn 6i - r&jcAabi 3siotCm(c is tb run f fiitwa

f rainc fccOrfc iirmc eC butf i mtaA

Lraccir. Xxr 1ft. Tb Stsswt aiSStirT spijri--

ti Sssia. tsmtsdL ef si Lr IVjin byefesfcr bj SiJjej. Pis. If tics i ssksssSiJ. as3taj uewfi.. bTar5a4 ff b i5l-mMi-n-

febuK ueaf at litSiOaxsot tl tkaaiti A b su6iaiia!T IWsc

as-- "Jasissl KM&aswf 5. Etsssi rejof tscit!y sb oJnwttmi te b rdBuiifrr siifi-- -

lauutf. iajiatf tfW9u't?fiit'r tiKLsjKir i

cssswjr ra Wjaab n S t s wms jkbuu. It oMr. jbi ifetsrfaaii snasjiai ir eayc Sutri Ei3i5. bt'jir Kus iSisacjum. bjcit. la tha- - anfir we fecuc t Taci-i- i

jfi?c5i m. Asa. ?. Jiaijuir FUsii.

. .. iCBBfiO.". .m. .mujm. iJaSIiatfa Wl.S. Jlv,-- .,. , t, ;: ".. '

aa Staactcsn : esnsyiMgdrr tb war fesileir

S? KSEUD f om '

? " ?n15t,s';"fttllTiKfS!aCSiag:ttfjiipiew.6aa3saSBsajKf taustasCaK-wiwiiicrsiitigMiiiniwa-

amta-tbaa- ; xiin& aay nthec Esrigiaut Pnvtci

w iris5 vumsMwuiwut- c &$ aar ucittc 3J3i '

eaifeir bbscssSj 5ws ifiuA ist tfi k furfctrreofiKir. Siiasa. b Eitar 4t faaur 2 ibifs

aw ; igi- - scuic fer s i8iw ic eumilBdaxncaAraiubitr nipiry ir SaCsa oimmHESt aaimoii AauiCciV tifguccmiiij u Kcur8ar;ro' i

bit iftires (fiiscayiii fiinBir"" tic SctttSjicr ss- -'

btJlfcc i

iLiacaasfer. Kiy Ml Tb tarSaa'i Btaras ;

sc2asia;X"tnfiKtsipn& jggijssaio; K zgia.mui b S3 iRatwaas all sag gfet ani Sa ciuK f tygoits. scar-t- f

aai oshac Amoss. Tb farvj ery a em-ca-n.

&&. bus til-ir- f at isot aotbuntr S;c itatcirSftn. Sunt?' teiujs as4 sci or Sksftira&ttij. 15 '

saaiH- - ecittiiaiics aa be !i csaio xs Ssitiii.


Hr3w3Kia.(jaeiuiy vict

accoagnir maconuiwagBHndtaiiiFBwftusajutaeta cesw

aaunaStsdUrisiliMairSBafctrftt-a.uir- .

ainus xnx3OTay


aicae ar sinuy aai feaTia xanitaiu:aai m. Sia: ifzaaiatcu. (fu- -BSBiiCi Smniil x icicaaS. aaaiiliatii.

Siraittt. jaL&. XiJt. A tficii wa3 ateftjfin bisr Ill !3ia amnamic'So ua aai Si3 rfira rbh. bj cS Biailt


e&E akmairT skaawa tobiLri!bsa sasmntK-- i So-!!- aJUggiinc. Tb Tisrbsagooser tti bea; irr. aarsbiiniiiar wiramr esaccuu. an. taa b at aaaccaaa.

FiiflniT.,3ij.7-ia- i Tb Cbaiefiiar;KaarEiiifiii rBun:n?jEnj,c3;:cai lUasait(ufiicik- - Tb GgCiia: aaiEsTCjama; nai-iaamiiiiaiixacijiC.cUca5JBnL TbarsstofeSe! 'cht. CKTgffa,, x'sa. iimitaeg.

SlassartJijyBR 'BblL:ra5Jrai'EraacaTEI,batr rascriotsf by 5nt--

aiso. ar fiemiaHs.

taatnwd! ens i5a Baaan at &tTarj.HT asaleq- - tiaat. Bnferca-

tnSaaci' stfi canaEnr5a Can man ff--

jtinniHci ani Enaaaafinr anaaa! Tfcixaas aai aTrT. near Sunfr iilihir crai.

ecaaist t5a'

troTnaia. fiaScasr wbb aat3!2 Bo-t-

SntmamajLani. '

ASiciititiacnteisiastaa-Caa- r aaffprssane- -Mpracs- 0!irr af rTmTTTrm-- lailll-anrsBsamLirflarant

EirnttBm jCd- - Vienaa. cacamranamieEaainnactTajiEaaaiiiioiraniBac. a'fEafl:oaTWeilhisiEiy aaMrrirar rig- -r rmryStagg act eggeiS. aaif m


AsceairfciOTGmHianaanBisai;!; A fiefCTnnBt Bn essamfed; 3aEm ttzramrmC nwiarSeSisiaffAswiirJlayisii. i

i uann.ajaoaaa.aas ffiisEmcBncst jSai,raa'riinrripnr gnvmess

Zaadhtt, 2Cij" 21: Bean;

ar erasi taa- Eanane xc "Zsa.Tiey rajr a. ocafe aoear tatt erac: wartaiia: 65 t!i& Tarcm. "miaaiST- - aralliirT

JTbe aciiira- - salarafiasianmcercf finTObnif SarHinnffmrr.

nrrS iraia:gamgiHCrg-rgnf- f2ferTor3ta2- - CtWataW

wtti vtk ttk of 1

i U awl bt, ts4 fc ; u4s. teiaciUlT, Utt k NO. Tb

Kfecic2: Majr 12. It pIt coefirassa

w V lisutv rwlwfcUr. A WJI f.eUtlkvitw of V etcttv'. tylUBS J

5tcM34r, . Y, M 12. IV. Ttajkt

NVf Y.A. 12. la a ioli ttsH. Kkf. UaU4 Mmblrt ti Kajii.

lJtrt. g U two ccva.

c; , qw,lwtt ,. 4 pmwcUm M tvv Grbut ccvtfci k,; fist ot i plia hvl RasH

lt p, kT Kcjpsn Akxir, Wu

f it, sl H &et. tiit bat fcac bu mwj vjjwa. roM vtM biT v!rJ4a

.ii f JUssa, GBy b-- to tittiti tiat PO- - twja iatv4tv! mi Tirtr;i;5 tit Gnsua Aaiiicrjjji csj yajp j, att K:i(-- c tb bet

Utt-aa- u- k wiUtxrfe xtb. 8r kv

os Jii,b ea :t t i w.f Uat

Xir i l a htta twcfs pu.mtk bar svittEpi tliiir ojiifeirr cv.Tfcc itrt bif lb &b llrwi Chw, etrtwJicir wisfce tb v w a M&jtwtM wo.

tcoiMt. . Tb Tkm says ; Ti irkx MifrB twt b tb cTptr! ft

aaliciffutel be EaiifeA aliraiitj. Tb

br ta wpftts tia triisipbi sa 2Stbisrstb.latahja. A $vceiI tfecraa &

tb bffidVt idSfaifec EUuat ca tb uaJ Irceoftsvi br Uiibt-tJiiant- i. Tb Ottucou

bad. KtjtJIr tai tb Rt&ua.i iija inatb Tbtft- - feS by jixtw loi bi2cij ea

ptint btk & piHMwc Dxne tbxctoscU BTOlif ta no bfunr IMCitTtbt t

riauoe tb IhKi fccuk f.tb lbji tSu t.vMtts o;fa3i i c-c- tc a:tattb JftMttif btKr iractui '

ttftfcctly ecwo. iai bacf an dWco? bat ta btf-- uaM ,a 'P Bil:a "1

" liruiif KJi. Bat tb eaatr(fiarity bewb up KeccJoti. ai hintWis RCt! Sli VICb. CtTCi tCSIMUtCa 6.'C Ed3ybiMCu

Tb iiictj ftb xssaiut ifriritIy ,

nrsitun. btt Wiri oiiii-i- i tbtr u trx .

Sr Cbiaur siu:iaii. i.f tby it kejtb vMb-cw-- v.

sic inintMf citoBftxSfe fc?. Eye- -'

witfis ef lbj farfucctat Bcxtrsasat tsstifr '

titt Kb OUrfoiuii 6fiKf$ beiri ijmtnhtf.Xby Sji!. biwtr, ilurse i jnait fart rf tb 1

bws. tb oiiaurJ f Wcvecibmatj am birixrrci. as it ta ton t tbti tist. aa daobc. tiltrtuicboas, cmnptrai wki tb Etsafctrs. wc ;


A BJBmBC8 cfepiKa. xtai Satariay. sayi ; '

Tb TtcftKy Tas 'a fcy tb txtewn&axy cwiref tb Kisbt Ecis. Tb xnf ito-- f

ifei Bsjssuis xmwi 4JCIX. Tb iwiro;as. '

Euti wise Ma5 bears actaai 51tbsar." Tbbut f Cb i&t rmt trabiirnr trir nii--!

. . .L. tlL T t It. f."- - ei ojoa j aBS. 10&GWIT

" "" i

Lmrjci Kir I5.--Tb Owriert LcnJ.--c

lh sb BssEia fc autFrasoaMti'cc5si to t5 ? ai

iLoctSlu. May Tb Siaciiir-T- i Cccstiatt-- f

wj t ba-- i iu. du.ttu. Ki--rafcit Hxssia: xebc bcmfciiriscr tb tecti--'

cf Saiuat-ewife- biaiiai a ojEubsr ofi1flcfB via were intniifdBtilytsf 5y3COnotew. A Txliicaj6a iiitaaHit.a3iI tb Ei- -'

sans wit i&it dtaf Taiyapwania Ifji;i)- - oatSts jjfitwi lb TttrsiiibSm. xoo ittlii shu liitiff.-ifeyr- -s Tb u& iiatiiaies. Alt iasMoaificx ontacy j nasBjat. iiigguci f tb

Efiniwn. 3ay 15. Tb Tfcn says ; XctaHiar '

aaj buna, sot zgnurViftto oiriir u ocat fatarSuaieQJl n tb (iwiaritaw m. imc of pisicafcam. OfCaarnins aa ffji LSanii. Tb vizparty inZi at. tb auaumy.

Cbnao May ia. Tb Trastaa-'- i spscail fcnaStcsiSar. EHauis. jaTj 85 cca af tbai '

"nic wxi an pagan, aaau. oat to; cm eas3c i:i j. jfiiccfiiiljy xfcniniatiirs a ta asxEiuc-- 1

ad ija awi amine-- Tb TSr.D:- - aiusr x aiyj-Bsr- y.

aaitfcfij aac ia! fctaa: xiua: c bew at ar'

vbaz xrsciif &sm d penaca: tu cCiohL

LautliirMay 15. Cibifen. prsaaSsii ta aaaibrsiihir X32HS abcac OiBm-maj- aaif taaf-iiaif- a

maaauBfif by x raaa ran cir taalifiaf Oclaoiir: PJir Ebnaaamt t

rscnraif cbBfiira. ki nitififtm C3 x birTSaamber fcan. sastaaEa feio.

Staafce; 31, ifay 131 Tb niiiHts-- cf tbif '

ChfcsCTv Taldauair-i- n: aniE VijrainHiin. ca Osmc-aa- r.

wbu WHS- smaaamt tsscse&Tv x h jaaccs--ai By caafr anrams biacaHr araanc

armtfrar caotaiBac, zsaucuTy raawsad Kiay.bait dnaaa: ana af tb.zSy xr .

at a. daairsnas mmWritm aai J sSair rwa-PH- ca

3Vw TatiHay HL i?&paci isesL-ia- f fcnrxmiiccnac praeasaitae JfoKaaaatata; Sexsaaai Cimaiai aaaaaaca A srsTafeaca-a- fcrss.

H T TTTTITTlTli nTITltnC f AMmTT5.T fin

bnc iriaifta aatacsaaiff cases fcsaf SSe.

yr"Sacfc,3aa-l-. r aa; eSJUrof atrtasllliiffHl. rmmir-im- g UVTBZIL Cf WTTS C2 F&nfif

" " firnaiat is Sa tii ta afiajefiaaneattiOT3iiwaBieac. J&jnt.pescffiaSiaraen Ea2ir Eifliaai of

ftiontts aon'S'ania.crraci atafias xaafif ai--abiffiieaBsu&nbia: aaaifiHrcf essdess spiral af1tba wesacx caaat or aurras i&srx Lsti

agaaaiTgseaa-aaiiaTxsDi- f

sSnir; 5"an' saaaca- - a: &siBpai& fi Jfixcaa;Jcaaf 5taaracaa0baCTiiiiB.a3i xeofy

cf gnfeaaa yanfig jarst ae titer zegg tana fcan:Teas ana' Gunaaaax aai Oiaanflk. Itiica!eBtsnnTy atHnfif anfanatt aai- araaoCcar- -taiiEBcc Asdawsbi aai esCbi sicaaaraavtsr3iaeaaSia-aBflaft:3tteai:ra-ar5ca-

r.fTnnarq. KryHtav ssitasaa: KZUs

cr-s- , fj; ., --j- .

"" ilnisa, U4. UOUA4S i.J tlrTt.Lcni2az3fc-I5lf- l 75 aaijgiiiariilLgaBjai

afiflttEnia:ccj5a;2arfiJ5i3&s aanfiatK. j

2iraa.3iy Tb pacBTr Saalticaases aiBam"Bcid, paSagswiii ainra' saaaeitSaa: prBcnariy. 5i baa an fpeSd aifmiwi. '

jysiH arzaac raa.aacas srraiiTaairEi-- SesgaiagSr wgaih aaiEaas taiaa hyuaagf?2 LZZg. Iea3dnr--

aaaiBuat. AiaTeacM caxsevsae:j dang- ani ir t nr?F ff fn""'?''"-'''"- 1 irrnaaT-m-

I! T3 - .

calliinr oat of fiisariSEai, "5fca. ineauiis itrxdc Join 6nnir3v wacea-pbicu- a

aff xaitt. Saiiua. ani JfcauaiaiB- - ''r" sicgaet wah. anv nia aai sao sob.- -iciaiK.fi33ia.15 toSil ttcsfaus.3itc. wiKlsafi- - :r ta atasC CiVa: biirjr. jo

m- - C3a rtraf iiirr buxScocaaaai2rjf cftiaiMr ti--imSm v..Ti. . . . tuiaisi, bitpj- - EicxfcBitan bwar iacCMcurxl

fi tscii jltoifit fisni tofeMBaHT. 0?&aaaayliBa3aaB2!Ej0t.

a jLuicaau. -- .jrstiaa a; icia cf saiscZiiauaiiEf pcuscaEErtSSakiit tCciii). idy Id. Tie. boiy cf a. aiaa ' s";i " 5 i5aaar Bouiaa ef ta aT can," xnf

waa iiaai aa; a Sbia. aiaca. amir szit cf cbas anfixstaaScSt az kc. '

S3 inaraiur fcaci, aait is soncUHaf H b D'! of aac anay cf tbaat &. aa--tfiua of Aaiifct iisiL j aoucCiiJy dT facr tl cf tba puifcai.

yaact cfag. Mace fet tat aib!ia; ' T2S f a cf tbenr baaif acci i tflrsmL ,

aiiraiv eamnuiuiovaUtaic Eb

Jary uf ifeaiL.

beaci fcun. T1acaaa

af feet r

baaa T"i"ft


Taiina bean; fr, Fiaitjenni

Si Biaf Baajuaaaamt






same-: mraF

5aTgSE& to Jeas Sitaha.

EnaflfesarE aaiaosnntad:


atutiSaaa- -



& ib

kfe'tiera tJ



J.,- -




MrA6t bcl


ciimx tb.



ef kessi, npjarf

ilrir. ttpua













icjnaifiwrt Sax

bwa. fimni'

giincmn-- .





-s- ,-.

ma aaact








Kfrrdiixc Ibe tfwt which ciwaUt4 oo 'ttrt vht tb AotinUia tdtaMy of $70,000 to

Vb IV&s Mil CviaipnT, h Na tUhJno,oo of tlw DiwUw m4 to Triban WwrJprtht tbew oo foua-JiUo- a for tb wjswUl-- tb jwjow cf wJa.'It tutpjOM, cb4f otrcat aaj ivJcciKjo U tb nambr o) tlwiliwr btva &n Fmov-Uc-o nJ Atru hlba brJ cwiUttka, nJ eontidirUe corrMvJcc on lb Ju'iVt hii jmoJ btratb o5os of tb LWvny uj tbcwu of tboAstlmtua liotrramt n.

IVt. My I6b Jali Simon, MinUUr oftb letrivvr. bu Utnlsl hi rv.'ictuHou on

cnt of Jnlracrt wub lr5Jt MeMaboa.Tl Ojascil we trying la taJaos birn to ntcoa--

IVrij.JUy 16. A lW$wJ pct mt Aottrit bi JvdUri that if ttt aiutioa coaliauoib W occupy Sr4.

IidaJoa. May lib A ilUjvttcK froia KatoamMoavJay crblVay: TbV Kqutu ara ctarm;ta froatotoar tyitia. atly propannj traa attack. A jwat batW U bolierJ to Us o- -

tama.Lsavloa. May 21. A Su Ptwbar dUpaich

say tb b3! of $00 Turki bat bo a5rajyttsrwJ at AtJtbia.

Tb Csar wiU sutl Tor tb Daoab oo lb 2Jof Jaa. 11 vitt t tvat aboat ihrv tks.

UwJoa. May 21. A V"ioo divitcb yi :Tb fct pruJacxs) by tb Caaou'wa iosa(Tetsoa wrsaj tu r ail tb sratf la K'iU. ai it

aj qau caxj'ctl. All accvwata viua totb war ra ;acb at to xct oa apitb?oa;oa tb coattary. loyl aUw wr ptparcJby tb vSttab. aaJ oSir r oiaJ by tb pop-elitt- oa

to iaraub tvgituQU of rolaalwr.Looioa.May 21. Tts Bituaia diipatcb4

tptat tbat lb dfcic ibore wer onitupauJ by tb biTta!i wanaaaJs ot lb Kas.sUai. vbo bar no cna to absa Kalb.br aaotber Ttttory fur tb Salvia U ipcctJ

T Tia Ywaa tpt say tb fall of Ardibaa i a treat avivaaU to tb Utisiiaj, at it

ttt btlr eaable tteir forcw to attack (vara.

Loaaoa. May 21. Ao Olwia ltlar io tbPoiJUicb CiTpoa.lrtis 4y : Sine tb fallof SakaaaKala. paatc ttjss aol only at QJj-m- ,

bat alt akxu: tb BcV cfa- - All coaSJocta $boo battrta aaj tac?ij bai ba loil.Tb Uatvraor of CMeiia ba a tearorpj ta calatb pebite cuaJ by i$ain procUaatiaa.

Locloc. May 21. Tb StaoJarJ'j ii'patcbsayt tb Tarki are eoc3tratte; lirca taaj--- jof'trocoi at Toatatal aaj Sulora, xpctin; taattb Ktiinaj wifl cub a porfaI aUeapt toctaai tb Daaab wttbta a lev day.

LcoJoa, May 21 A Bicbiresi dUpalcb y$:Kbt tbeoiaaJ Ralaa. UiU'iasw; to ttlTtitTuioo. H aarcb towiri KnpvaTby iK b saccJJ by tbtrtybre dinK)a.

beri aj a!rxiy at tb sst sU. iatb rear.

Stitwa tbiMSiad na are lxkl oat fron tbOyds ibipyard. Tb bipn;bt; at a meiBUsl at rtaviftsd to sabcit' tbiir dispute ta tbBOitic Ice artitnuea.

Parfi. May 21. It u itatd that KoiUad batjita catic to Tatkey tbat tb wiB oppoeTucytaiaj ubicb ausbt baaper tb pu&ica ofcwfcbaat ibipa octaa-of-w- ar v( oatral lortbuMyrtt tb 5I CuuL Sb bad at lb saatin lwni tb etbr Pora of br colifisi-U- c

to Tarkr. Tb ttaa tbaa dalt ber jot-er- i3

tsrttif. Tatkey sm dupeJ to accept.aaJ RiijU. icm cue ia to tateod nuto; aayoctioaj. Ia eaasTOBe of tbu, tti naorbaV ambttd tbat ta i;bai toz tbs eapitafi.rukc ef tb Eryptiia IrAat to b paid tt tbPad, tb Utter ti dbpx to cie ta Eolaadtb rubt. cf sireriiKaty oTer EjjpL

X4actitf-oa-Ty- May 22J. Northsbr-ha- d

cuai. 23 KO a aaaber. bara orerwbilci-iay- y

tiK-n- J ta ssrtt witboat atraica.Lraiac. May 22 A BcSa dopattb wys:

lptie tb rspjcwii japcresiiea of tb Casea-sa-aKTofe. traops frsa Ersnat aad Arjbaa. aj

re as ii kcu lauvjjci at iKzafjtaa aaa l --

bteacj. are btEf caccatnlfd lie joist opsn-tic-eaxuast tb tsiaricti. Tta srsa:r part

of tbtcbax ifta araap:aiS tb R.i-.:i- t.

ILrbitii b jt3l qifc

Frrocr IJariloa on tlte BecentTidal lfaTc

At x oatc cf tb Aeaifeay cf Sdcca bssila Saa Ftaacico oa May 23.--J, ProCisacr Daxid-K- tt

rsaii a pagc ea cbiicTatwaj cf tb reesattatii ra ai Fcrt Pat. sbseb ar sappesidto tai b3 caxi2 by tb irtaqiaii sbicb-a3Eys-

lef raja. P3. oc tb iaai day. HaOrit ca3d attacaa to lb eijltqtiii vara

ta Is5l. x$ tbti ba3 bwc. at Foft Pdtataa. tb 23ri cf D8aibr. Tbclicassico eftbai einiqiaSa ixTa tcoi ptira. &uca tb

al Feet Paste, txtzn ie kas-cft-

earebqxits fa Jaaaa ; tb irtazi osciftitJoca atF.cl PiMfiC wsr tbirty-s- r EtssHs. aad at StaDwi-- a tbirty-c- c r;n;miH. Tb iTeraj biajbtof tb 5rt Kt cf araTi xi d r fjot.Biifw-- t fc:cE tb oSsiI repctft ef tb ccesr-rraot- a.

tb PicCmcc itatai tbat tb aireaccf Eat btaea tb wai at Saaox. laJapaa.aaii tb cbrratauu xi Saa Fnacico ins 12bcica aai! 3S nrtaat. Tb jtits lbmLes as

tiitasacf 355 ada pisrbacr, critxcSis pr niaaw. Aactbar aaaacat jata tbfawrraf xt 12 hszzs 13d IS auaasas, cc 318aidia purboar. cr 2 n2s pr cdiata. AtSaaDiw tb cfiriajwa xt 13 beeri xzS 59 eiiaa-a- s,

cc35si3a prbcar. Tb cat cf asstwcfcu Q to 2 safe per niiat. aaii tb irmlhiacf xi cae&i&sa 35 !nfT:nH ar Saa Fraoc3aaii at aziazj ai Sis IX!rj, rar Ear tifeaati cf tb rue cc ti Sia Fiaaciiej Falb2E to21' cafes; xai ec lb Saa Dtrpatbfcjot 1SS to 132 njfea. A wife cf 210 cShTritrilt niare wait x Tfecity cf 5 arfe pr cej-a- t

fa x i&pti cf 223ubasj; xaileccf2lTztAts vzaHi mam siti. x refcocy cf 2 sthpr OEtai a 2500 fitbcaa. Tb enrraapociSaxiipci en: tb Sn potb; a 2160 fitboaLCarataafy eacazx, vihsa. tb lui to ysin t&a.T4 baJ caaaraai&ac cf titf xi tb actaai epcb

act tb rewards sf Ccatatadr B&3ap, cftb Taacarsn. tfc tie Iltea cf May hsz,Pisfti-a- cr was tafcrawJ tlai as'tarti-cn- ai

irm mj eaoinw tato ti barber. Hcterrr caa aai fcirnf tnf-- to b tb eu.. TbccsnxaacH cf ri aaii faX kct taiia, 7cu:dc ararh. Tb dai sa-r- cc tac$ to titfox Tb nsaci Sij x tkj aaKccb: etn eatSbx baici aaii osaiasi staa&t cc tb aoasfz cftit ISib. wba: taw 2ri eartitjetis nx-r joSlts-E- y

saaiie at to ac iStnaas cf abual airs izs&ns.Tbmr ic WE afgi; cc aia cncaiw, xai ixtw rajlnoiiBiBsccrarnsx-- t iccraati ta3y aasits.Jjut!ai crrarx vsxa cf ssasaia. ai iaisr-ataa-iit

mfafmT. xwawiax fccsy-Kr- it sscsuaart,aasl xscaiicz a'eSici a Ibis Tarz.Tf ba: ccaar aactiac mtk cf tt, ftris saas-b-r.

aary aijarTy tfai3!ir to tl ac 1 if ti.rb'u: &sz aacciar joaci x ec abmt ti. nsjcsacacf 3esacacx rs&xacsma. cfsaSrKj&ccJc aax aacas ctbar abecss. xtticcxs tbbinVbc to ziicfz sscvad kc raw Tso&f

saasaiscMacaas. Cas3 r itrsCnsaar atJroas i jblffifif kclk to tb beOgf tiastbHcsbascwiBsfijeasciJiacci; y tts cr trrfitbennxtar tleSas. Tbas tb to cf titxs ranne fa bai x pfmiTar aaaja. Tbsyr;aaaiSJaafeTia;x!!ctc5tcr tb ra ef ti2.Tbaa; oesarx beafcsa: tesxs ef i9 aal tiaiStSs &ctvrg Scan-asr-f to lis xxO.'Wt ids,xbes taararswa3f6raTXs. Tbracszmtvxzts eiiUnsaaaaC 1 faca iwpvxaiL'iia;aoJic!33- oacf la iacbai. aai a&y tbCt waaB zrs Ktatfltfat bzrtr&a tsd x 3ckSSctbar x&aZtzaa as sb esiaBisceae&sai, "iftay se tia. aaauayby rsritrxTHS exn&xz.vsSGtLfzv&vza&iibxz&xsag. TSin?eco-cBiaiBfsTirK'JsssarisSfei-

t&ne&tjtisilx.bait fcnrTSarjiWaxcaci xt itx fr'efcei cs--t

Taiisi&y aiceaaif ai fea: cr eSsrss &'ecei.JLHtuctixnacezirTid txrxsd. rsrj tssdTba ?reaor flTas&r bur ccasrrirjaa by

Sa3ar &si to jcafe.

Books lately Received.EfcrrEcir pcsoetbk:SiMmx.-


xane n'jr-r-x- x. Sir",Sant IirSi tUcM 8t as SEiusxSnxSs7Biir3Cr9t?9alBrxaaaiK7BA7'.

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1I7M Zcrg Silts, and

CHEAP FOR GASH I'Gainst Dear on Credit.

TllK sUl rota of aJnntat of tha lASTRf.jtt;T .vtt;t:.so.Kt m.vtkkiaumii'M)om&aa.Ui, t'nifana jalily, IMiL ciuruiiml iK'tuw.

afTbark&J JtOllKKATK t'KUK.Snm of l&s ruuxn aaU f.U tuiUcuUn ea b !.uaa rtum 11. m wnrr.KY,Acrat ot lhTtiBrc rt.itM tot U lUniiaa lUaukU.

vr th mno uf ISTT h. Tbttts rtoua U lua o0r4at tb ca& prkv of

$ 3 5 OBat Ot ef ta tutnuafot U tocrrura to rvrnMill OnrUitraili.r4.JtliAKmttteTrrtlpha Na aOaea. uaXtac vnitiout ricvptKNi Uw motjJ bi k4M.t ltuinimi Ui ta wotM.

X. B. rani. main oa Maj of tbothr IUmiJ. cahr raotutntib of ta tosuuBMOb fUruiOil oa .p.fUoiVw. CM tjr



TUB 1'CCL.IC AUK C.VVTIOXKD AOAISSTau.ai st4l.carou ffaotl5 u Utat tb.cvapoUitoa. ef Ouoaoaiax I. kavva u Cbaibte ao4 t&lfcstt4iMMa. Tb fct ia. Cbtorojao .u

aat Unalnt i I. 3. CLUS CEOVT.N K (,i Atat Mraioal$ta2 aaj m oiu by blot, aa4 it bu b4fl4 all atiMtplfai aaaiyu. ay ia. am i.Baui. c ia oy. aa nllaa4 tTt t lb prtpArau bar. n.rr ta paUbbvi. II1 bik04. tbre. tbat aaylbl&x 1 aar lb aaat.Mia Br. J. C0LUS BROWNE'S CUL0K0DY.NE. i. a tpaUu iaiulbM.

CATTCI0X VkCbaall Sr T. P. Wo.J tuttd tbattr. CiUm 8ro&.ra ma.'btaty lb tarralor&f Cbloco.d. KEVKW1L CStS AS ACTTOX.

Tbb tawJeiU raly tnlo talt I, nfrublac !,rbi r.a. calau lb lyucat. rtlc tb4raa--4 faac.twoa, aaJ UaitU: bailbj actioa at tb Mcrttaso. of lbKly. itbat ctmiUc aay of tao aaCat malu attJia lb sh t cfaav V4 ao4 ac nay t.k. it at allbr aa4 llaa. .M Taittc Tboouada ef rrto. tr.tity ta iu atarrrUo. ct tfcu aai ooJrful car bllaaicaX Ka aUt It. rlitcn KMt iloaTvly. aaiar It laCT4l taasilla. la tb fcU.ia aa: OwUra. tratj. Dtarrtu, Cjilica. Ca s Attbaa, KbsnatluOro.nifu, VTbAfuc CVcfb, Crmxp Hyttorla. lr.

KxTRACrS TS03I UEDIOAL OflMOXS.Tb Rii.t ll.-- Kail Sararil coanaaiottj u tb CcUfj.

of lrreUaa, aa4 J. T. Jroo;ixl. tbat b. baa rmtrcsl io.fQraulla ta tb ( tb.t lb oatt l&My cf aar wrrlcla CiwVri i CU LOXOOrXE- .-r Zaat, tke. St. iiM.

Kr. Loo. at4ml alatkaary u ladu, nraaru (IXrtv, ISU)til ia aairly v.ry nol CXcJr ia bicb tr J. CULUaEKOWNE-- CHLOSODTXE ni aizusutmj, tb t!tatrtvvrtrri.

Eamct tva Jttitiai Ttso. Jaa. Ii. lioU "CblorvJiaIs pn3dl fry evra of vctbcOax caviiral rrartiUueva. 01even it v xU ttst tbz. bo acTUariy rroUr ilia it sot

yp.T a vaat a4 Sit a ptaf. "Satract lb 0afal Boanl ft Uiltb, tio4ja, a ta

il. .Scary la Cbolra So mrly ar vcuTlaca of lb.iajsra. nla of tbti rmoly. tbat eaaavt to forciblyarc lbniuty cf aajf tix it la all caMt.1

CATmOK. ". iaia uttboot iba vonl. "Dr. 3.CULUs BtOWSE- - aa tb Gottrcawsl Stuao. Ojuwal3i3x: wifanl tt:.Taaoy actxaoaaio. acb twttl.

So. Xuaiuttttr J. T. DAY KS PO UT,S3. Great SaxtHSL. BldOBibary. Lnjoa.

iU la Batik at !. Hit, U. M. U. 61.atratiUS.w It,ii. lLsiairaij 1 Co.aa4 J. Clea. o3Miii


Tim Following Articles:Ttwtikathr9aMclUUBion.

Best OBetx Xroxi,tMtltrrrnttnrtviMof




ittBBiLii 1



Honolulu Hale Building, Merchant St.,

ttaHonse adi and Ardsta,

EajSih aai 7rt Letter Pajen. rata tsrfaee aaieiai a. aSafa aai (9t edfe.

D. ESfei aai Sate it. da. da ia kaxei.Da. Letter aai Si Eartkfi. ta raatej tb abortX Pa;r aai ZareZcpea, aa ajittesl eoa--

iatlj- - iaaiAzterKas Cap, Letter, aai Sate Pa;n. fna tbe

eeftciaieTJ. deeertptissr.TiTuSei rrrCije aad searl rarlie Catij'Zzimnti aai Tnesiiajp Carii?eraraui Barir. ir CS.ez.t3L ware aai Ksttoetturas aa-- i FaaT-cafar- Paae-r-f

Xet'jmt aai ZVMcd. aai Soli aai Sorer Pa;rt3ft I.Ix QaSf ral Q:S1 Pext1 J4I Gnat f Sttei Peif. frwa ti tert aai errEjjfei 3ei asi Warrt. aai Seals

r SarHA Seailrr "ax. red aai faaj"aaJ Pajna'r Ixieltsle lak

Sim Pec. foaiarSttar. wSS Baa ijkBirr. Eii.ti aai Bad Writiar aai Carl

Tenek-ftrk- e' Xap afHawaiias CiirtJ

pjTiiate tV2Sic frsai 12 ta iseeea. Jfa- -

iXtay aa.1 Bflsrrssi. xiaptei fir Uiiea aairea&!Ssx

j &v& ZvAs. al kia.it is restnl aFaaiatj aai Pieiet BCe. Teitaseau. ei.' Teaeberr" aew Zerrea Prayer Bvtlu

. 54 ataxixri Za;5& aa4 AsaerSsaa Baokjenrer Baoca, Stay aad Xaar Bij

ZajSik aa.1 JareaSe aa i Eoo'u , fJ ererj iticrfjtiiaJ Zeal Paar. liree. fr:a dst7 t ivib'jti euiebaxt. ai 5 rjH rfM aaii Ersrtnl Biarii. afererj ra aavi tbkksui Ters aa.f BoaH

Clause CSnaa xs-- l 2rnjas Sotzurj,fcaawd t xafrasei

j gcatuoiva aa.i Stmnyt TintAH &e late PnaiS Matsr, ijr. ai Sf Btoli

' 7ndi Px;rr ai Truism CaatbrSc, is na' yearaa'a Water CaZorr. is iaeZra Stilt axi Caati'j Hiir Zrt

' T&n't rjrrJwDrawsij VruSu a boit Cotirei Cnca lerj. i . Cp sja.

Iftrftgaaraal or Drawer. Taatrxtaeau, fa eater,fc-- ( Jit cats

C5 3tta, wv aa-- f iriryai Cbtx &rirCtri CaasK. Ptajiij Carfa

DncnKMT. f rxrwe. yirferaeI S sZrer PeaI Caae

etii Praa. wii H CaeeStii Pear. wS wrer Cae aai Daas.i ?ssi.tia 4i--' IO i,steel Peaiafre. 1 1 aUSef, iiynA, tbetf, Jrery,

aai knfait iaa.C, of riei aai teaafifatjoOcrTt. iaysxUi tzytwtj M trier?ieii SLur ai Drawssr Hatef

Fiitijrrji XSost. earf ai eait&et tuct , fa rrsxtTzzxtf, Izva. XI ta Ct.

-- agrrr'jr 3"


A fuaaawttawat oUi

la lot. to Mil pif luara.Kiorilentfe!, fr Koifvhf lhb4f ail ttaJr pat up,

fUIVoalnt Vter, to tixni roal, at low !!IUiiU VIIik IVnUiiJ rrm.nl, will b otill to

clvw iMuJcnnwnli. Aht, a f.w Utoiuuwl 1r llttcla.arctt4 ami aquar.

IMI.t Unnl Oil, Mark IMInt, Rhl Lrtki, (UlTntadTtnctiiK U'tr. Ac, tc Ac

Ftm Itarolns Cl, uf sunt qoalltr. for plantation B,at a low Hsurr by lb aaauijr.

Kmi InJU KkMKln It a mala, rqul to an) fat Ubl noor CtUus M t nU at ratta. Too toaUlr varjTantc4.

Cliliu No. I ana So. 1 uiUtx.QilM Mat Kara.

A SUGAR MILL. ROLLERS 20 EY 36 IN..Ulth ttr cotnrltr ntdt by Mmn. iltr.r, Tlt AVtMu, iUcuw. A fall onmval of

IN ANDAm.rtcan, Scotch anj ItUa W'aiaaln.

WISCS AX CllAJ l-- OSESOf 0iarrQtbt&.t., lodadtnc tbrabfatd FtMoTboHon

Iw.KnttUli cituJAl ami rontr. MeKwaaa, tusand oih.r braaUa.

200 ChinaBunjl. Hoop Iron, V and InchM,

ltoce Niwii, awottM al. .c, Ac, Accat Sm fiSEEX. Co.






NOTICE.BEUH TO SfTTtrTtboplor Koloo and vlrtolty tbat b la yr.

pard to oxrcolo

PLANS AND ESTIMATES :FVirtbo wlhLix to halM. ami U prtpaml to Ukconincu ftr mj KJuU of or

Cart & Carriage Work.AU tlaa.of betHIlxifr mttrUl oa U aad wttl t tamfahd&l Ui oia fttuhl la ittolo. naca u

Lumber o all Kinds.Doors, &r.A, A'ails, Piiinf, Off, etc.

All of which win bo wAI at lownt prtrM. af Lorabtrataayoftbclaadlitca,froaaKoIoo to IVatm. at luwratrain. Xo cbarco ptasa, or stimaira Io tbo par.cbaalti iaatrtal from xut.

VT. H. WRIUHT.Koloa. Kanal. lye- - 1th. H74.


Hawaiian Steamer KILA17EA!


Sailing Days as Sdaedxile !

Ualati Oth.rwii AdTTrtuod.


FREIGHT BILLS DUE ON DEMANDSea m office vrrra wiloiebjico.

Columbia River Salmon.SHALL 1VOT Or SUPERIOR qCAUTTi

- . In barren. Jut rtcolTcd.For sal BOLUS A CO.

THE- -

Irory TabUu, Paptr Cattari, ate.Cub aad Deed Bozai, Ciack Cottcrt aai CaaaaHattCraq.et Seta. Eebool aateUUtskilaalt, la jnat rarieljEUitic Baal, aai Bla. Alpbabc t BookiPea Wlperf aoa Kacli, Ral.r,S&iol Elatei aai SUto P.eeilfAH kiait of Tia jrlj aaa Caib BazuPott-aS:- a mad EsTtkp Tia BaskcCiEJrra', Seta ToapcsaCaOirca't Drawing Orii aad Tari.ia'treat TarietyCopjisj; Prxfwr, OB Sieeu aai BratbtsCrajtsf, whit aai eiloredDk Pai. aaii W.TjhirWhk aai Colored BWuis; PapenDrawiar. Drx-'- Sou. Orir as I Eonfft Bek2M.M0 Ea.ifi, ofaB aai rarUtr, ns St.

I to IS.Eyelet aai Ej.Iet MacbiaetIltrlunai aad Scxp Book.Astafrapa Ai&asi. of all rite aai eric.laUU: Paper aai Ear!ep

Z.EATHEX GOODS.A Iarj. aai sen eaaslet uiartseat tbas caa bo

fossi at xzj titer cetabKibseat, neb uHrawiia PtrUf Sump AibasfPseitt Btokr, tTaHetr asd Pcrt-.ca- le

TrareSs; Deeka, Zttia&uBaakart ffatteu. ft&a ad cap .ia.LVadiea" aavi Reot'a tanWSc; oicv, ale.Csri Mrx 5ila2ie? Varceea vie.

BUIKB9SKJI.A Terj- - &H aa--1 etleaitr. amrtseat of rsynbr

jaaJtty. esssrliia; oeerr Tarfcty of fom asd itjW,aiafted to a8 kioir laiiaesf , naa 1

Uirrn.JtmiSt. BtT Book.. Caab Bkf. S.S5. Bocla. UtiAm 3l,St, BU.S U tei Z21 Booka, Utut Book . ot.. ote.vraitz Eooki.f all tb Ttrisi ralbzi.bsc aibrsaj, ixfjt Urn(Jairta Aseoaaf BaotrZUafc Drawta; BokiAfcsst. jrtat Tirirtj ofeie.st ,It!j

m Eewi Bk, fcr Eoietiee, 60W. eu.Teiices'i TUzmZv.Tu. Weekly 4 atblj.PHOTSCBIRK JCTCXS.

r&rb&z2!aYrKaeffnawaga3,AtMrfeu,tt.KjS ai XnyaLa Svmtrj, feMaet aavt fell !aPiAtAryatke rf oifit sea rai sii j,m.

SB- - r tOUvtSm of PbaUjrapb Pieterw willaiw.j foaad wart fsrpecttap

wctcim: nuxn.,Ts zreai 5et, f.or taitut rfulxl faeio ta

Sary r3t aunUHgt, Ut Urmt Ha yMm.Xkjc aai C3i.0rl 7nst, tfiitilut 4 fttoe.


Importer and. Dealer inBOOKS, STATIONEBY,

ACCOUNT BOOKS,Acd ererj- - anide of ntilitj- - and fancy connected with line, adapted io the Counting-

OSce, to Teachers, Professioaal Gentlemen,Travelers, etc., on as reasonable tenas as can be hd

here in San Prancisco, among which arethe foUovting Staple Goods:





Iitaiif.Dcekr, 23



?ejrAaterisia Try

Dnraj allyarif

Mnratiijof Aserases

PcacZr, jiarJJ



flr old









ziiaa, CTstb,




AI! Hew Articles of Fancy tat.onry Received by theearliest arrivals from London and Mew York,icocsnn booss poh BAysa, plastatios, iscobpoiutzd companies,

Ztc XAVZ TO OZDZZ wTFH despatch.PHIHTI2i'& of Bill Head3, Circulars, Cards, Etc., Etc.,- ZZZCVTZD WITS DZMFA 7CB AT 10 KZST SA T3.

2Sew Stock Heeeivet! y every Steamer.Jir S &anu and Dealer kM find U fr thtfr Mtrtd U tall and

Yrvtztjinext and aapatth.


