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Truth Alive: April 2016

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Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016 50 Love in the Body of Christ - Christine Tyszka Migration and the Mission of God - Dr. Ian Hussey

Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016 50

Love in the Body of Christ - Christine Tyszka

Migration and the Mission of God - Dr. Ian Hussey

Dear Readers,

During this season as we remember the death, burial and resurrection of our Savior Jesus, let us be thankful to God for the freedom we enjoy from the bondage and slavery of sin. My friends, it's the time to remember the greatest sacrifice made in the history of human race for you and for me. Father God loved us immensely that He sacrificed His only Son, who died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third

day. The tomb is empty and HE IS NOT DEAD, HE IS RISEN!! HE IS

ALIVE!! And because He lives we have the hope that we can face

tomorrow. This Resurrection season, let's focus on Jesus, as an

individual, a family, the church.

Love is what's lacking in today's fast paced world, where we are so

obsessed with ourselves, we don't have time for others and we see

families drifting apart. When Jesus was asked “Teacher, which is the

great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your

mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like ' it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two

commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22: 36-40 (NKJV)

As we read this magazine, let us make a decision to be the true followers and church of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus loved us while we were yet in our sins, let us be the love of Jesus to those around us. Let the

resurrection power of Christ flow through us so that we can be the

channel of change in this world.

“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is


Dr. C.V. VadavanaFounder & Chairman, Sathyam Service Trust





“Teacher, which is the

great commandment

in the law?”

Jesus said to him,

“ ‘You shall love the

LORD your God with

all your heart,

with all your soul, and

with all your mind.’

“This is the first and

great commandment.

“And the second is

like it: ‘You shall love

your neighbor as yourself.’

“On these two


hang all the Law

and the Prophets.”

(Matthew 22:36-40, NKJV)

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Ever since the first issue in 2009, Truth Alive has been a leading monthly magazine for Christian families around the globe.

It is published by Truth Ministries, a humanitarian charity into social ministry, education and evangelization.


Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016 50

Migration and the Mission of God..............6

Dr. Ian Hussey

Arise Daughters of Zion, Arise!!.................9

Sangeetha Joseph


Joni Eareckson Tada

Love in the Body of Christ.........................19

Christine Tyszka

Greg Laurie: 5 Signs of a Dying Church....21

Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor

The Glory Cloud Appears Again...............23

Kenneth E. Hagin

The Feast of Passover..................................16

Deborah Samuel


April 2016

I am sure we have all been disturbed by the images of mass migration we have seen from Europe. More than four million Syrian refugees have fled the country to neighbouring Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq, to escape the violence of the Syrian Civil war.

But mass migration has been a frequent occurrence through the history of the world. The partition of British India in 1947 led to one of the largest mass migrations in history. The break-up resulted in the movement of about 14.5 million people. The biggest mass migration of human history is currently underway in China. Over the next 25 years it is estimated that up to 345 million people will move from the rural areas of China to the cities. Some people are calling it the second Industrial Revolution

You may not realise that migration is one of the recurrent themes in the Bible. In a sense the whole story of the Bible is one of people on the move.

In Genesis 12:1: The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father's family. Go to the land I will show you.” Leave your country, your people, your family. Leave your security. Leave your safety. Leave your emotional support. Abram's forced migration was a brutal withdrawal of all Abram's stability in life. We get a clue as to why God asked Abram to migrate in chapter 24: “Long ago your forefathers, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the River and worshipped other gods. But I took your father Abraham from the land beyond the River and led him throughout Canaan” (24:2–3). And so through this migration God

began to shape a people who would worship him alone and live according to his values, not the depraved values of the nations around them. God knew that the only way that Abraham could be this free from the depravity of Ur was for him to migrate.

As such it sets a pattern for God directed migration through the Bible. God repeatedly calls his people to move geographically from one place to another, whether by force or by free will, for the purpose of doing something significant in their lives spiritually or in the lives of people in the places where they move to.

Another major redemptive migration was that of Israel in the Exodus (Genesis 6:1, 8). But Israel did not fulfil its calling in the Promised Land and so another migration occurred – this time the forced exile to Assyria and Babylon (2 Kings 25:21). The people who re-migrated back to the Promised Land 70 years later had their faith purged and strengthened (Ezra 1:5).

And the NT begins we see another significant migration. Indeed Jesus and his family were not just migrants – they were refugees (Matthew 2:13-14).

The history of the church has been marked by migration and the mission of God. In Acts we read that the persecution of the church in Jerusalem resulted in the spread of the Gospel throughout Asia Minor (Acts 11:19-21). Later, they persecution of the Christians in Rome resulted in the spread of the Gospel throughout the empire. Throughout history the Gospel has been carried throughout the world on the backs of migrants.

Dr. Ian Hussey

Migration and the Mission of God

(to be contd...)


April 2016

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( )Advt

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( )Advt


April 2016

( )Advt


Sangeetha Joseph

Arise Daughters of Zion, Arise!!

April 2016

thMarch 8 was designated as International Women's Day by The United Nations in 1975.The world has seen a significant progress in rights and empowerment for women and girls. Women are the part of creation and a part of what reflects the image of God to us. When God created humans, he created them in his image, male and female he created them, and it was good. So when we celebrate International Women's Day, we are celebrating humanity and women's special participation in that mirror which reflects our creator to us.

Of course the day is about more than that, because humanity (and sadly the more male end of humanity) has failed women. This is true, whether because of the continuation of sexual violence or simply blocking board room access. There are a host of other reasons we are failing women too.

Jesus' teaching and the behavior of the early church towards women was some of the most radical positive behavior the Mediterranean and near Middle Eastern culture had seen. The gospel lifts up those that the world does not. Let us imitate Jesus in that way too and whether we are women or men, let us celebrate the humanity of women, and seek to help re-humanise how women are treated globally together. It is time that we as Christians rise up and uphold the women in our houses, and in our workplace with respect and dignity.

In Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring[ ] and hers; he will crush[ ] your head, and you will strike his heel.”

The enmity is between the woman's offspring and the devil; we can see why one of the major reasons the devil hates woman because they are

a b

the ones who carry life inside of them in their wombs.

Nevertheless, the battle is never with flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age. So in order to be able to withstand these we have to wear the full amour of God.

In the Bible we can see woman rising up to take their God destined places , Sarah is the barren women who was promised children more than the number of stars in the sky. She believed and she received her promise. Rebekah is the wife of Isaac who begot him the 12 Patriarchs. Esther was a Jew who went to the Kings palace and she saved the entire race of Jews because she was born for such a time as that. Naomi never found her reason to be living until her latter years, how could Naomi have known that Obed her grandson would be an ancestor to the Messiah.

There are a lot of women who has experienced rejection and shame so intense that they crumpled like rags, they wait for that some one to come and help them. Take courage, if no man comes to assist you, pick yourself up and walk on. Walk right past the agony of the first man and listen for the knock of the second. It will come. The knock may not be delivered by a human hand, but it will come. It will be the knock of Jesus—your bridegroom, coming for you His beloved.

Let us just not celebrate woman only on Woman's day but every other day, God has placed woman in this world with a purpose and it is our responsibility to protect them and respect them. Give them the love they deserve and to not treat them as mere objects.

( )continued on page 18...


April 2016

Events in Bangalore

Outback Bangalore, is a weekend adventure developed to give the participants a practical strategy for daily living. The strategy focuses on the vertical relationship with Christ and the horizontal relationship with family, friends, church and community. The 9th Outback Bangalore will consist of 2 programmes: Parent-Teen & Married Couples. The registrations have begun. For more information about the programme and registration log on to: www.outbackbangalore.org .Dates 22

thApril to 24 April, organized by Faith Ventures.

60 Hour Counseling Training is an undertaking of Project Home Shanti has been training up family counselors across cities in India to build network of Christian people helpers that will fight the epidemic of divorces, broken homes and the growing demand for psychological counseling in the nation. Venue- UIM Family Mission Center, #32-34, Shalom Springdale

thLayout, Kyalasanahalli, Bangalore, on the 9 of April 2018 at 9:00AM, organised by Roshan Joseph , Praise Daniel.

India News

Bangalore News

Christian Persecution

India, Raipur, March 7: Chhattisgarh police on Monday arrested 9 of the 10-12 unidentified people who allegedly attacked a church in state capital Raipur on Sunday when devotees from Christian community were attacked by around 10-12 goons wearing saffron bandanna entered the church chanting 'Jai Shree Ram'. Police is hunting for the remaining accused in the case. “Those responsible for attacking devotees and vandalizing church in Khamardih area of Raipur will not be spared,” minister of state for home affairs Kiren Rijiju told reporters. He said

that police have been ordered to take strict action against the perpetrators of the heinous crime against humanity.

Pastor Keshava K,brutally attacked by Bajrangdal activists

Pastor Keshava K, who was brutally attacked by Bajrangdal activists, in a village near Jaipura, Koppa, Chickmaglur Dist, Karnataka.. He is currently in jail along with his wife and 2 other women. A certain man from a Hindu background belonging to the above village invited Pastor Keshava to visit them to pray for someone sick in their house. They also arranged the transportation by sending a car for the pastor to travel. Pastor Keshava went to that village along with his wife and two other believers. As they stepped into the house and stood up to pray, two activists from Bajrang Dal came and started assaulting the pastor. As soon as the Bajrang Dal activists came, the people in the house left. It was a well planned, prearranged trap. Then they filed a case under IPC section 292 A in the Koppa police station. Nearly 200 BJP/RSS/Bajrang Dal activists had surrounded the police station by that time. All the local lawyers are said to be afraid to take up the case. The following 4 people are in Chickmaglur jail.

Karnataka-Eight christians acquitted in forced conversion

A Puttur court finds the defendants innocent. They were arrested in 2007 for proselytising among Hindus. For Christian leader, "Christians are threatened, harassed and insulted by Hindu right-wing extremists, who disrupt their prayers in private homes”.

A court in Puttur in Karnataka acquitted eight Christians accused of forced conversion, ruling that the defendants were innocent of the charges of forcing a Hindu to convert to Christianity.


April 2016

World News

Idaho Pastor Shot Four Times in Church Parking Lot

An Idaho pastor was shot by an unidentified suspect in a church parking lot on Sunday. They found Remington with four gunshot wounds in his back. Remington was transported to the Kootenai Medical Center to be treated. His condition is not known, but members of Alter Church are waiting at the hospital in support of Remington who they say is a light to the community. Christianity in Iran Growing Despite Persecution

The Pars Theological Center is training some 200 Iranian Christians to become the next generation of Iran's Christian leaders. The persecution of Christians started in Iran in 1979 after Christians faced death and torture. Today, about 100 Christians are still in prison from under that time of rule. In 2010, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the underground house churches “threaten the Islamic faith and deceive young Muslims.” The Iranian government has imprisoned many Christians. Pastor Farshid Fathi has been imprisoned since 2010 for what the Iranian government called “actions against national security.” Fathi had reportedly distributed Bibles printed in Farsi

Bill Introduced in Oklahoma Senate Which Would Make Abortion a Crime

An Oklahoma Sen. has introduced a bill in the state Senate which would make abortion a crime. Christian Today reports that the bill, known as S.B. 1118, says: “No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion after conception. A person commits murder in the first degree when that person performs an abortion as defined by Section 1-745.5 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes.” The bill was introduced by Sen. Joe Silk and defines abortion as “the use or prescription or any instrument, medicine, drug or any other substance or device to intentionally kill an unborn human being.”

The bill also makes it clear that life begins at conception. About 30,000 Oklahoma residents have signed a petition asking state lawmakers to ban abortion

Priest abducted during militant attack, says group established by Mother Teresa

A charity group established by Mother Teresa said Monday an Indian Catholic priest was abducted by militants when they attacked a retirement home in southern Yemen last week, killing 16 people including four nuns. Missionaries of Charity spokeswoman Sunita Kumar said in Kolkata that Father Tom Uzhunnalil was handcuffed and taken away by the attackers when they stormed the retirement home in Aden.

They destroyed the chapel and the center, Kumar said. On Sunday, Pope Francis said the four nuns killed in an attack on a home for the elderly in Yemen are modern-day martyrs and victims of indifference.

Francis, who has apparently been deeply moved by the incident, told the faithful Sunday that the nuns "gave their blood for the Church" and that they were not only victims of the attackers but also of "this indifference of globalization."

US 'disappointed' by India's visa refusal for religious rights panel

Washington: The State Department was "disappointed" India had refused visas to members of a US commission that examines violations of religious freedom around the world, a spokesman said on Monday. The commission, made up mainly of professors and leaders of non-profit groups appointed by the president and members of Congress, had planned to travel to India last week but New Delhi failed to issue them visas.

ISTANBUL, Turkey, March 3, – Four men detained by police for attacking a church building in the Black Sea region of Turkey last week shouted jihadist slogans when released


April 2016

World News

from jail, a marked departure from past harassment, church leaders said. Shortly after 11:30 p.m. on Feb. 25, the four Muslims went to a building rented by the Agape Church Foundation in Samsun and tried to get someone to come to the door, pastor Orhan Picaklar told Morning Star News. Initially two of the four men rang the doorbell on the building, used by the church group for worship and teaching, but seconds later two others arrived who began banging on the door with their fists and then tried to kick the door open.

Pastor in North Khartoum, Sudan Arrested Without Charges, 3/17/2016

Sudanese intelligence officials continue their crackdown on Christian pastors in 2016 and arrested the fourth indigenous church leader in the past four months. Hassan Abdelrahim stands as the latest, detained on March 14, released and then re-arrested the next day and being held without charge. Telal Nogossi Rata and Hassan Taour are two pastors already sitting in Sudanese jail for more than 75 days for their faith in Christ. Sudan's hubris in shirking international human rights presses on after they released pastors Yat Michael and Peter Yein Reith in August 2015 who the state charged with espionage, which could have carried the death penalty.

Kerry Declares Genocide Happening After Groups Apply Pressure 3/17/2016 Washington D.C.

After an inundation o f a r t i c l e s a n d indictments against Secretary Kerry and t h e O b a m a Administration for stating they would NOT declare genocide against Christians and minorities in Iraq and Syria, Secretary Kerry was forced to make the declaration today as scheduled. The State Department's announcement joins a chorus of top leaders throughout the world and echoes

the unanimous US House of Representatives Resolution. ICC's advocacy department has worked with lawmakers and human rights g r o u p s t o a p p l y p r e s s u r e o n t h e Administration. This is a great step in ensuring the protection of Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities who have been cleansed from their communities by the Islamic State (ISIS). Kerry showed leadership in asserting this declaration.

North Korea Sentences American Student to 15 Years Hard Labor ,3/16/2016

It is no surprise the N o r t h K o r e a n regime has sentenced American student Otto Warmbier to 15

years hard labor for his alleged "hostile acts" against the state. It is a common theme for North Korea to arrest American and other foreign visitors, charge them with subverting the state in some manner, and sentencing them to prison in the hope of receiving aid and monetary compensation for their release. It is possible North Korea is attempting to create a pattern of Christians acting against the state as previous and current known prisoners are either pastors or missionaries such as Pastor Hyeon-Soo Lim of Toronto, Canada.

Largest ever Church in Guangzhou, China to Open after 10 Years of Construction, 3/15/2016

The largest ever church in Guangzhou will finally open after ten years of constr-uction. The presence of the building will be one of many different functions, but its main purpose will be to teach and nurture the Christian community. At a time where church crosses are being forcibly demolished in Zhejiang province hearing the news of the grand opening to the Tianhe church brings about some happy news. While


April 2016

its completion is by no means an assurance of better relations between Beijing and the Christian community, it does provide some semblance of a brighter future.

Christians in Pakistan Call for Sainthood for Martyr of Youhanabad Church Bombings, 3/14/2016

As thousands of Christians in Pakistan r e m e m b e r e d t h e bombings of St. John Catholic Church and Christ Church, calls for Akash Bashir to be canonized as a saint could be heard. Last year, March 15, the two churches in the predominately Christian neighborhood of Youhanabad were attacked by suicide bombers attached to the Pakistani Taliban. Bashir, a young security volunteer at St. John Catholic Church, subdued one of the suicide bombers and prevented him from entering the church. As a result, Bashir was killed with the bomber outside the church when the bomber detonated his vest. Many in Youhanabad remember Bashir as a hero and are calling for him to be sainted by the Catholic Church.

Starvation Plagues Northern Nigeria as Boko Haram leaves Wasteland in their Wake, 3/12/2016

Boko Haram has been the thorn in Nigeria's proverbial side for years, placing the nation in a constant state of fear. For Chr i s t i ans in the

region, that fear is exponentially greater than non-Christians as Boko Haram systematically targets Christian communities through rape, kidnapping, and murder. Due to the years of fighting and terror in the north, the region has become somewhat of a wasteland. Crops and other methods f sustenance have lost its ability to grow and thrive placing the remaining population in dire need for food and support. Making matters worse, rainfall is little,

temperatures are high, and the "lean season" is upon them .

The Indian government has ruled out crucifixion rumours about a Catholic priest abducted in Yemen

The Indian government has ruled out crucifixion rumours about a Catholic priest abducted in Yemen early March and said hectic efforts are on to secure his freedom.

The release of Father Thomas Uzhunnalil is “imminent,’’ said Father Joseph Chinnayan, deputy secretary general of the national bishops’ conference after meeting External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj Saturday evening.

Dr. Charles C. Ryrie, Annotator of the Ryrie Study Bible, Passes

“I consider it an unspeakable honor to have served as Dr. Charles Ryrie’s publisher when I was Vice President for Publishing at the Moody Bible Institute during the

1980s and we published The Ryrie Study Bible”, says Jerry B. Jenkins .

His monumental life's work contained more than 10,000 study notes. To date it has sold more than 2 million copies.

Dr. Ryrie died in Dallas on February 16, 2016, at the age of 90.

He served for many years as professor of systematic theology and dean of doctoral studies at Dallas Theological Seminary until his retirement in 1983. Dr. Ryrie was humble and

World News


April 2016

( )Advt

soft-spoken, bemused to the point of dismissive of the attention and celebrity that came with the commercial success of his study Bible. He was never demanding, never played the star, and not only did he not seek the spotlight, he shunned it.

Dr. Ryrie's work has panned across many nations , Sathyam Ministries published the first Malayalam version of Dr. Ryrie's work in 2011. Dr C.V Vadavana the Chairman of Sathyam Ministries presented the first copy of the Malayalam Ryrie Bible to Dr. Charles Ryrie, at Believers Brethren chapel, in Dallas.

Dr Charles was not only a Bible Scholar but a very humble man of God who has supported me in my missions to spread the word of God through Gods Word, he loved Sathyam ministries and upheld all the works of Sathyam ministries with utmost love and respect, Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts, expressed Dr C.V Vadavana Chairman of Sathyam Ministries .

World News

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April 2016


Deborah Samuel

April 2016

During this season, as we commemorate the crucifixion, death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus, let's journey through the Feast of Passover.

What is the feast of Passover?

Pesach or Passover, the first of the seven feasts as well as the first of the three pilgrimage feasts, commemorates the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egyptian slavery. The Passover, prepared on the fourteenth day of the Hebrew month Aviv, marks the deliverance from oppression, and the salvation of Israel. Most importantly, the Passover speaks of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world by His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection.

From Exodus 12, we get a detailed picture of the Passover story. The Israelites, whose leader was Moses, were under bondage in Egypt and they were being brutally treated and given menial tasks by Pharaoh. Hearing the cries of the children of Israel, the Lord sent plagues to Egypt, but the Pharaoh hardened his heart even more. The story takes a turn when the Egyptians were afflicted with the last plague – the death of the firstborn. God had spoken to Moses and Aaron telling them to tell the children of Israel that they were to take amale lamb without blemish and kill it and apply the blood of it on the side posts and the upper door posts of the house. The blood was a token so that the plague wouldn't affect them and it would “pass over” them. When the whole land of Egypt was smitten with the death of the firstborn (both man and beast) Pharaoh's heart was softened and he let the children of Israel go. This day of freedom was to be kept as a memorial for the generations to come as a reminder of God's deliverance. It was a time of

celebration and rejoicing to remember their freedom from slavery.

How does it relate to us as Christians?

In the same manner the children of Israel were slaves in the land of Egypt, we were once slaves to sin and under the bondage of darkness. Jesus Christ came to earth, lived a sinless life and was crucified, taking all of our sins on the cross. He was our blemish less Passover lamb, pure and without fault. While we were slaves to sin and under the torment of Satan, Christ shed His blood for us, so we could enjoy a life of freedom.

Isaiah 53:3-5He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.

This passage has the answer to all our problems, Jesus took all our sorrows, our griefs, rejection, low self-esteem, sicknesses, and most importa-ntly redemption from sin!!! As the lamb's blood was applied to the doorposts, we have to learn to plead the blood of Jesus on the doorposts of our lives every day, so that whatever plagues may come our way, it “passes over” and has no room in our lives to afflict us because we are under the wings of our Almighty Father.

This Passover season, rejoice and come together as a family. Remember that Christ


( )continued on page 26...


Joni Eareckson Tada


April 2016

“After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him."

John 13:5

I'm a little self-conscious about my wheelchair. Don't get me wrong; I've adjusted to it. But I have this thing about dressing up in nice slacks, a pretty blouse, and earrings -- and then sitting in a wheelchair that has dust on the motor casing, greasy dirt on the drive belt, or grimy fingerprints on the power box. And believe me, my wheelchair collects dust. In fact, before I enter somebody's house, I don't wipe my feet, I wipe my wheels.

It's good to keep dust from accumulating. Jesus made a point of this when He washed the dust off the disciples' feet. If you'll recall, the disciples protested at first. But Jesus reminded them that unless He washed their feet, they could have no part with Him. The Lord went on to explain that a person who has had a bath

needs only to wash his feet since the rest of him is clean.

As Christians, you and I have been made clean by our salvation. Yet we can't help but gather dust from walking around in a world dirtied by sin. It's a fact: your soul gets dusty. If we don't watch it, the dust builds up into a layer of dirt. (I'm reminded of this when Ken has to clean some of my wheelchair "dust" with a scouring pad and 409). In the same way, I need to keep after my soul.

What about you? Stop and make a quick inspection. Do the bottoms of your shoes look as if you have tracked through a quarry? Well, you wouldn't think twice about wiping your feet before entering someone's home. Please show as much concern today about the dust on your soul.

Lord Jesus, wash me clean as I confess my lazy attitude. Show me the places in my life that have accumulated dust that You are eager to polish up.


April 2016

Let us pray for The Daughters of Zion to Arise!

Prayer of a woman who does not understand her destiny

God I know You have a destiny for me. I know that there is more of You and more from You than I have right now. You've gifted me in so many ways, but I can't seem to get those gifts out to a place where they can do some good. What is it You want from me?

I have struggled and groaned until I am finally submitted, finally ready to give You all of me. Now, here I am on the altar, trying to figure out where to go and what to do next. And yet I hear You say there is an altar time—a time of consecration beyond readiness. It's a time to enjoy Your presence without instruction. In the waiting—in the patience—You make me holy, You make me strong. You will fill me with purpose. As I find myself in You when I am lost in the world, I know I will meet with my purpose and You will propel me into my destiny in Christ. There is a greater destiny ahead of me. There is always more in you.

Reach wider readers with your briefly worded personal, matrimonial, public notice, announcement, sale of products, etc. Truth Alive makes it easier with Rs. 400 for one insert, and another free in our monthly magazine. Contact: Sathyam Publications, Bldg # 213/33, Agara-Horamavu Main Road, Bangalore – 560043. Mob. 9731051360, 9446026182. Email:[email protected]

Short, brief, Lasting Effect

continued from page 9

Arise Daughters of Zion, Arise!!


Christine Tyszka

Love In The Body Of Christ

April 2016

Colossians 1:3-5 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints, the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven and that you have already heard about in the word of truth, the gospel that has come to you”.

I have been going to church since I was a child. However, it has taken many years for me to get to the point I am now, where I am a part of a church family that lives out the real love of Christ. Why did it take me so long to finally find a biblical Church body that loves the way Jesus instructs us to love one another? This is a complicated question that I have been contemplating for quite some time. The more I consider this important question, the more convinced I am that the answer has more than one reason. The first thing I needed to do was take a look at my own heart before questioning why others may not have been displaying biblical love in the Church. As Jesus said in Matthew 7:4-5: “How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.”. So, I think it is fair to say that Jesus knew we would all be sinfully inclined to quickly judge others for their actions, while hesitating or failing altogether to first take a look at our own. As I reflected on why it took me so long to finally find a loving Church, I needed to first see that I was the problem. I did not have my heart in the right place. I was not ready to love God,

evident by the fact that I was not willing to love the diversity of “others” or “one anothers,” that make up the His Church. Whether the people in question were young, old, shy, outgoing, nice or grumpy, like me or completely opposite of me, none of that should have mattered. The truth is, until I was willing to love everyone that God created, I was not ready to love all in His Church.

So many of us search and settle for a Church in which we can casually “fit-in.” We tend to look for a “place” (rather than a people), where we can feel comfortable, with like-minded “consumers,” all appreciating, if not enjoying the same environment. We should be looking for so much more. Consider what Jesus said in Matthew 5:46 “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Church is not designed to be “just another place” where we can “fit-in,” like a social or country club. Church is not where we pick and choose who to love. Our Father in heaven loved “the world” and the “whosoevers” (see John 3:16), so much that He was willing to have his Son die on a cross for the sins of those who love Him as Lord and subsequently know Him as Savior. Do not ever lose sight of the fact that the crucifixion of Christ glorified God and authorized amazing grace so that all sinners could be invited brought back into fellowship with the LORD and with the Family of God. Jesus told us to love perfectly, as He loves us perfectly, regardless of our faults, past, present or future (see 1 John 1:9). To love perfectly, as our Father loves us perfectly, means we are to


April 2016

love all people, especially those in the Church, with a Christ-like love, that is only possible through the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit.

So, in retrospect, looking back at my own heart's metamorphosis, how did it change? Well, I could not have done it myself. It is impossible. My heart was not perfect and it remains imperfect. But, praise God, my heart has been changed. I am a new creation in Christ, the old is gone and the new has come (see 2 Corinthians 5:17-21). As an ambassador of Christ, when I look at Jesus, my King, and see how He died for a sinner like me, it changes everything! Moreover, when I acknowledge who I used to be and recognize that He died for me anyway… because He still supernaturally and sacrificially loves sinners, how could I not then love Him back? It was at this point of faithful, spiritual awakening, when the Holy Spirit revealed to me just how much God Almighty eternally loves me, that the miracle of saving grace capture and transformed my heart. As God had promised in Ezekiel 11:19 “I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God.” This is

exactly what God did in my heart. I was born again (John 3:3). Jesus worked a miracle to soften my heart and to turn me back to Him. Jesus the Christ washed me clean of my sin and gave me a new desire to love Him freely, completely, and without shame. With this miraculous work He did in me, I was now ready, willing, and able to follow Him – not perfectly, but passionately. He brought me to the point of wanting to love others, regardless of who they were. I have a new love for people because I know that God loves all people! “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16. If God loves people to this extent, regardless of their sin and background, who am I to pick and choose who I could or should love? If I am to follow Jesus, I need to love others, “the world,” “the whosoevers,” the same way, as best I can, as Jesus loves. Please note, that is not my opinion, it is Christ's command – literally. When asked what was the highest of God's standards, Jesus answered in Mark 12:30 that the greatest commandment is this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this; 'Love your neighbor as yourself'. There is no commandment greater than these.”

(to be contd...)

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Greg Laurie: 5 Signs of a Dying Church

April 2016

Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor

There are many distractions, temptations and tribulations that can cause a church or an individual to die spiritually, as happened with the church of Sardis. There are signs to watch out for, and also ways to come back to life, Pastor Greg Laurie shared with his congregation Sunday. Chapter 3 of Revelation in the New Testament carries a story of a sick church, Laurie of Har-vest Christian Fellowship church in Riverside, California, said as he began his sermon, "How to Come Back to Life Spiritually." Referring to the church in Sardis, mentioned in the Bible, Laurie said the problem was they didn't know their church was dying. The pastor then read Revelation 3:1-6, "And to the angel of the church in Sardis write,'These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: "I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

There was every indication from the outside that this church was on the move, but it was not

fulfilling its purpose, Laurie said, and explained that the church is here for the glorification of God, for the edification of the saints and for the evangelization of the world. "Often, the person who is dying spiritually is the last one to know," he stressed, and warned that one could be doing all the right things outwardly and still be dying spiritually. Laurie then shared five marks of a dying church, which, he said, he had shared some time ago with the church. One, a dead church worships its past, he said, underlining that we need to live in the present and plan for the future. Giving an example of such a church, he said some congregations boast of conversions that happened years ago, but are not happening any longer.

Two, a dead church is inflexible and resistant to change, Laurie shared. Sometimes, we're flexible when we need to be inflexible, and inflexible when we need to be flexible, he said, explaining that we need to be inflexible about essentials or things that are non-negotiable, but flexible about how to express them, like embracing new technology or different genres of music for the sake of the outreach. Three, a dead church has a lazy leadership, Laurie added, explaining that, due to lethargy, the leadership of a church might resist change that is needed to be relevant to the people of the time.

Four, a dead church neglects youth, the pastor told the congregation. It is important for the older generation to reach out to the next generation, he said.


April 2016

Five, a dead church lacks evangelistic zeal, he shared, underlining that new believers are the lifeblood of the church.

Good news is that Jesus has prescribed ways to seek spiritual renewal so that a church doesn't die spiritually, Laurie said, referring to the same passage in Revelation.

We need to wake up, stabilize what's frail, be watching for the return of Jesus Christ, be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit and live a life that brings glory to God.

Laurie also shared with his congregation how God blessed Harvest America 2016 held in Texas earlier this month, as the church was flexible in expression of the Gospel. He said 82,000 people attended the event at AT&T Stadium, and 6,300 indicated they accepted Jesus into their lives. Additionally, 7,000 small churches and groups hosted the event online across the U.S. and other countries. He added that 180,000 people attended the event through these host sites, and 18,000 said they accepted Christ.

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April 2016

Kenneth E. Hagin


Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin recalls his second experience with the glory cloud and explains the difference between the anointing to preach and the anointing to teach.

Although I was anointed to preach, that strong anointing with the glory didn't happen again in my ministry for three more years. During those three years, I had been baptized in the Holy Spirit, had come over among the Full Gospel people, and was pastoring a little church in north central Texas.

One Sunday night, I was preaching away on prophecy—it was the second Sunday night of September 1939—and the anointing came upon me. After that anointing came, I don't know what I said, and I couldn't see anything or anyone. It was as if a cloud or dense fog filled the church.

When I came to myself, I was standing down in front, off the platform. That was the first time I'd ever done that. In fact, my wife had once said to me, “I believe you could preach standing in a wash pan,” because I never moved from behind the pulpit when I preached. I had been trained that way.

But that night, the glory came down, and I didn't know one word I had said for 15 minutes. I had been in the glory cloud. When I found myself walking around the altar, I got so embarrassed that my face turned red. I ran back on the platform, got behind the pulpit, and said, “Amen. Let's pray,” and gave the invitation.

Every sinner in the church came and got saved. We had revival that night! Twenty people were baptized in the Holy Spirit that night. That may not sound big now, but back in 1939, if we had

half a dozen saved and three baptized in the Holy Spirit, we thought we had a landslide!

In that service, everyone who didn't have the baptism was baptized, and everyone who was lost or backslidden got right with God. It wasn't my preaching that did it; it was the anointing.

The glory cloud still appears quite frequently in our healing meetings and other services. People have seen it. It comes in and fills the room.

Sometimes when I am preaching or teaching, it comes in and absolutely blocks everyone from view. Most of the time, it just hangs over the heads of the people. It is at times like these that people receive healing without anyone ministering to them, because the anointing is present in such a powerful way.

Sometimes the anointing comes into visible manifestation. Do you think it wasn't visible when the house started shaking where the early Christians were praying? And when that jail at Philippi started shaking and every door flew open, it came into manifestation again as a result of Paul and Silas' praying.

I have the anointing of the Holy Spirit in me all the time, as any believer has, but I'm speaking here of an anointing to preach.

I don't preach much any more-I mostly teach-but I like the preaching anointing. I love it.

It's different from the anointing to teach. It feels different. It's more exuberant. It's the same Spirit, but a different anointing. Thank God for the anointing to preach! If I had any control over it, I'd bring on that anointing to preach often, because I like it.


continued from page 23

April 2016

The difference between preaching and teaching is that to preach means to proclaim, but to teach means to explain.

I preached “El Shaddai” years ago at a Full Gospel Business Men's meeting near Washin-gton, D.C. The special singer was singing the last song, and I was sitting there on that platform minding my own business, ready to give my testimony about going to hell, when something like a cloak came on me. It fit over me like an overcoat. It was this anointing to preach. You talk about a fellow feeling “preachy”!

Remember, Elijah threw his cloak over Elisha, signifying that the Holy Spirit was coming on him in that way —just like a mantle was on him, and that's the way it was with me. After all, these old Testament types and shadows were fulfilled in the New Testament.

When they turned the service over to me, I didn't have my sermon notes on “El Shaddai,” but the anointing was there to preach, so I just read my text and took off, so to speak. We had a service!


April 2016

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April 2016

became our Passover lamb, to redeem us from sin and the freedom He has bestowed upon us. Our greatest rejoicing comes because our Savior is not dead, but because the tomb is empty and HE IS ALIVE!! And we are set free

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from sin and curse and have eternal life through Christ Jesus.

Romans 6:22But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.



April 2016

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