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Tuesday, May 2nd & Wednesday, May 3rd May 2nd & Wednesday, May 3rd From To Chair Speaker Affiliation...

Date post: 18-Apr-2018
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Tuesday, May 2 nd & Wednesday, May 3rd From To Chair Speaker Affiliation Title 8:00 8:45 8:45 9:05 Igor Makhotkin University of Twente Irradiation of EUV-mirrors with multiple FEL pulses below the single shot damage threshold 9:05 9:25 Libor Juha Institute of Physics CAS, Prague Ablation and desorption imprints of XUV/x-ray laser beams: current status of the method and its comparison with other techniques 9:25 9:40 Akihiko Ueda Jtec Sponsor JTEC creating brilliant future in optical world! 9:40 10:00 Tomasz Kolodziej Argonne National Laboratory Curved diamond-crystal spectrographs for x-ray free-electron laser non invasive diagnostics 10:00 10:15 James McVea Thales SESO Sponsor Optic design and manufacturing capabilities at Thales SESO - Focusing on recent developments on EUV/X-Ray optical systems 10:15 10:45 10:45 11:15 Frank Siewert Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin Invited Ultra-precise mirrors for the European XFEL – their characterization by means of slope measuring deflectometry 11:15 11:35 Jacek Krzywinski SLAC/LCLS Evaluation of fluorescence properties of Boron and Nitrogen doped CVD scintillators for LCLS-II x-ray profile monitors applications 11:35 11:55 Andrey Sokolov Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin High performance At-Wavelength Metrology for XUV optics at BESSY-II 11:55 12:10 Yev Lushak SAES Getters USA Sponsor CapaciTorr and NextTorr Pumps in Light Sources 12:10 12:30 Frank Seiboth DESY/SLAC Aberration-corrected Be CRLs for high-intensity XFEL applications 12:30 12:50 Wednesday May 3rd Break Close out and adjourn J. Smedley D. Cocco/ S. Moeller Breakfast (Kavli) From To Chair Speaker Affiliation Title 8:00 8:45 8:45 9:15 Marie Labat SOLEIL Invited Electron and photon diagnostics for laser plasma acceleration based FEL 9:15 9:35 Takashi Hirano Osaka University Characterizing temporal coherence property of SACLA-XFEL pulses using hard X-ray split-and-delay optics 9:35 9:50 Kevin Burke Beckhoff Sponsor Beckhoff Automation, PC-based Control 9:50 10:10 Rosen Ivanov DESY Temporal characterization on FLASH FEL Pulses 10:10 10:30 Riccardo Mincigrucci Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste Timing methodologies and studies at the FERMI Free Electron Laser 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:20 Luca Poletto National Research Council of Italy Compressors for FEL pulses using deformable gratings 11:20 11:40 Siqi Li SLAC Streaking diagnostics for attosecond X-ray pulses at the Linac Coherent Light Source 11:40 12:00 Phil Heimann SLAC/LCLS Laser Power Meters as X-ray Intensity Monitors for LCLS-II 12:00 12:30 Smedley John BNL Invited Diamond X-ray Beam Diagnostics 12:30 13:30 13:30 13:50 Shigeki Owada RIKEN SPring-8 Center Photon Diagnostics at a SACLA Soft X-ray FEL beamline 13:50 14:10 Mikako Makita European XFEL Diagnostics at the High-Energy Density Science Instrument at the European XFEL 14:10 14:30 Peter De Groot Zygo talk and sponsor Metrology Solutions from Zygo 14:30 14:50 Bingxin Yang Argonne National Labs Next Generation X-Ray BPM development at the Advanced Photon Source 14:50 15:10 Michael Schneider Max-Born-Institute Berlin In-situ single-shot diffractive fluence mapping for free-electron laser pulses 15:10 15:40 15:40 16:10 Ichiro Inoue RIKEN SPring-8 Center Invited Recent developments of X-ray optics and photon diagnostics at SACLA 16:10 16:30 Mathias Richter PTB Photoionization Cross Sections for Metrology 16:30 16:45 Christophe Gombaud Horiba Sponsor Large Size and High Performances Gratings for FEL and Synchrotron Beamlines 16:45 17:05 Bo Yang University of Texas at Arlington Fluid Dynamics Analysis of a Gas Device for High Repetition Rate X-ray FEL’s 17:05 17:30 17:30 18:30 18:30 19:15 19:15 21:30 Prepare for transfer Transfer to Maverick Appetizers and free time in the garden and on the beach Social Dinner at the Mavericks Event Center (Half Moon Bay) and presentation of the First FELs of Europe Award on Photon Transport and Diagnostics - dinner partially supported by sponsor Tuesday May 2nd Break Lunch Y. Feng P. Heimann D. Fritz Breakfast (Kavli) Break M. Idir

Tuesday, May 2nd & Wednesday, May 3rd

From To Chair Speaker Affiliation Title8:00 8:458:45 9:05 IgorMakhotkin UniversityofTwente IrradiationofEUV-mirrorswithmultipleFELpulsesbelowthesingleshotdamagethreshold

9:05 9:25 LiborJuhaInstituteofPhysicsCAS,Prague


9:25 9:40 AkihikoUeda Jtec Sponsor JTECcreatingbrilliantfutureinopticalworld!9:40 10:00 TomaszKolodziej ArgonneNationalLaboratory Curveddiamond-crystalspectrographsforx-rayfree-electronlasernoninvasivediagnostics

10:00 10:15 JamesMcVea ThalesSESO SponsorOpticdesignandmanufacturingcapabilitiesatThalesSESO-FocusingonrecentdevelopmentsonEUV/X-Rayopticalsystems

10:15 10:45

10:45 11:15 FrankSiewert HelmholtzZentrumBerlin InvitedUltra-precisemirrorsfortheEuropeanXFEL–theircharacterizationbymeansofslopemeasuringdeflectometry

11:15 11:35 JacekKrzywinski SLAC/LCLSEvaluationoffluorescencepropertiesofBoronandNitrogendopedCVDscintillatorsforLCLS-IIx-rayprofilemonitorsapplications

11:35 11:55 AndreySokolov HelmholtzZentrumBerlin HighperformanceAt-WavelengthMetrologyforXUVopticsatBESSY-II11:55 12:10 YevLushak SAESGettersUSA Sponsor CapaciTorrandNextTorrPumpsinLightSources12:10 12:30 FrankSeiboth DESY/SLAC Aberration-correctedBeCRLsforhigh-intensityXFELapplications12:30 12:50







From To Chair Speaker Affiliation Title8:00 8:45

8:45 9:15 MarieLabat SOLEIL Invited ElectronandphotondiagnosticsforlaserplasmaaccelerationbasedFEL

9:15 9:35 TakashiHirano OsakaUniversity



9:35 9:50 KevinBurke Beckhoff Sponsor BeckhoffAutomation,PC-basedControl

9:50 10:10 RosenIvanov DESY TemporalcharacterizationonFLASHFELPulses

10:10 10:30 RiccardoMincigrucci Elettra-SincrotroneTrieste TimingmethodologiesandstudiesattheFERMIFreeElectronLaser

10:30 11:00

11:00 11:20 LucaPoletto NationalResearchCouncilofItaly CompressorsforFELpulsesusingdeformablegratings

11:20 11:40 SiqiLi SLAC StreakingdiagnosticsforattosecondX-raypulsesattheLinacCoherentLightSource

11:40 12:00 PhilHeimann SLAC/LCLS LaserPowerMetersasX-rayIntensityMonitorsforLCLS-II

12:00 12:30 SmedleyJohn BNL Invited DiamondX-rayBeamDiagnostics

12:30 13:30

13:30 13:50 ShigekiOwada RIKENSPring-8Center PhotonDiagnosticsataSACLASoftX-rayFELbeamline

13:50 14:10 MikakoMakita EuropeanXFEL DiagnosticsattheHigh-EnergyDensityScienceInstrumentattheEuropeanXFEL

14:10 14:30 PeterDeGroot Zygo talkandsponsor MetrologySolutionsfromZygo

14:30 14:50 BingxinYang ArgonneNationalLabs NextGenerationX-RayBPMdevelopmentattheAdvancedPhotonSource

14:50 15:10 MichaelSchneider Max-Born-InstituteBerlin In-situsingle-shotdiffractivefluencemappingforfree-electronlaserpulses

15:10 15:40

15:40 16:10 IchiroInoue RIKENSPring-8Center Invited RecentdevelopmentsofX-rayopticsandphotondiagnosticsatSACLA

16:10 16:30 MathiasRichter PTB PhotoionizationCrossSectionsforMetrology

16:30 16:45 ChristopheGombaud Horiba Sponsor LargeSizeandHighPerformancesGratingsforFELandSynchrotronBeamlines

16:45 17:05 BoYang UniversityofTexasatArlington FluidDynamicsAnalysisofaGasDeviceforHighRepetitionRateX-rayFEL’s

17:05 17:30

17:30 18:30

18:30 19:15

19:15 21:30












