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Turning Point 5: The Coronation of Charlemagne (800)

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The coronation of Charlemagne markes on the decisive turning points in Church History as a symbol of the beginning of Christendom, a complex society that prevailed in medieval Europe for almost 800 years.
Brian M. Sandifer Brian M. Sandifer 1 The Coronation of The Coronation of Charlemagne (800) Charlemagne (800) Turning Point 5 Turning Point 5 Decisive Moments in the History of Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity Christianity
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Brian M. SandiferBrian M. Sandifer 11

The Coronation of Charlemagne The Coronation of Charlemagne (800)(800)

Turning Point 5Turning Point 5Decisive Moments in the History of ChristianityDecisive Moments in the History of Christianity

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Turning PointsTurning Pointsin Christian Historyin Christian History

1.1. Fall of Jerusalem (70)Fall of Jerusalem (70)

2.2. Council of Nicaea (325)Council of Nicaea (325)

3.3. Council of Chalcedon Council of Chalcedon (451)(451)

4.4. Benedict’s Rule (530)Benedict’s Rule (530)

5.5. Coronation of Coronation of Charlemagne (800)Charlemagne (800)

6.6. Great Schism (1054)Great Schism (1054)

6.6. Diet of Worms (1521)Diet of Worms (1521)

7.7. English Act of English Act of Supremacy (1534)Supremacy (1534)

8.8. Founding of Jesuits Founding of Jesuits (1540)(1540)

9.9. Conversion of Wesleys Conversion of Wesleys (1738)(1738)

10.10. French Revolution (1789)French Revolution (1789)

11.11. Edinburgh Missionary Edinburgh Missionary Conference (1910)Conference (1910)

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The “Culmination” of The “Culmination” of ChristendomChristendom

When?When? December 25, 800 December 25, 800 Where?Where? St. Peter’s Church, St. Peter’s Church,

RomeRome What?What? The Church The Church

crowned the State, crowned the State, beginning a centuries-long beginning a centuries-long era of Western Europeera of Western Europe

Why?Why? Symbolically Symbolically continue the Roman continue the Roman Empire under the spiritual Empire under the spiritual authority of the Churchauthority of the Church

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The Main CharactersThe Main Characters

Charlemagne (Charles the Great)Charlemagne (Charles the Great) King of the Franks (modern King of the Franks (modern

France and much of GermanyFrance and much of Germany

Pope Leo IIIPope Leo III

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Historical CircumstancesHistorical Circumstances

Frankish kings had a 50-year history of Frankish kings had a 50-year history of cooperation with the Papacycooperation with the Papacy

King Charles was in Rome in the King Charles was in Rome in the summer of 800 to help vindicate Pope summer of 800 to help vindicate Pope Leo III from charges of corruptionLeo III from charges of corruption

Charles was lingering in Rome awaiting Charles was lingering in Rome awaiting better weather to travel homebetter weather to travel home

At the end of the church service that At the end of the church service that day…day…

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Birth of the Holy Roman Birth of the Holy Roman EmpireEmpire

Charles rose from Charles rose from praying at the tomb praying at the tomb of St. Peterof St. Peter

Pope Leo III Pope Leo III advanced to crown advanced to crown him with his own him with his own handshands

All the “Roman” All the “Roman” people rose at once people rose at once to shout three to shout three times…times…

Charlemagne’s Iron Crown?

(Housed in Cathedral of Monza near Milan, Italy)

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““To Charles To Charles Augustus,Augustus,

crowned by God,crowned by God,

great and peace-great and peace-giving emperor giving emperor of the Romans,of the Romans,

life and victory!”life and victory!”

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How Could This “Turning How Could This “Turning Point” Occur?Point” Occur?

Need to Answer Three Questions:Need to Answer Three Questions:1.1. How did the pope come to have power How did the pope come to have power

enough to crown a Roman emperor?enough to crown a Roman emperor?

2.2. How had the king of the Franks risen to a How had the king of the Franks risen to a position to be so crowned?position to be so crowned?

3.3. How did this new relationship between How did this new relationship between the pope and the greatest ruler of the pope and the greatest ruler of northern Europe shape the centuries-long northern Europe shape the centuries-long period of Western history (Christendom)?period of Western history (Christendom)?

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1. The Rise of the 1. The Rise of the “Pope”“Pope”

Etymology of the word “pope”Etymology of the word “pope” Greek Greek papaspapas: any high church official: any high church official Latin Latin papapapa: variety of respectable : variety of respectable

church authoritieschurch authorities Strict use of the word “pope” for the Strict use of the word “pope” for the

bishop of Romebishop of Rome Began with Leo the Great (440-461)Began with Leo the Great (440-461) By 1000s no one but the bishop of RomeBy 1000s no one but the bishop of Rome

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Rise of Roman Rise of Roman Bishop’s InfluenceBishop’s Influence

Clement (fourth Roman bishop) wrote a Clement (fourth Roman bishop) wrote a letter to the Corinthian church circa 96.letter to the Corinthian church circa 96. This letter (known today as This letter (known today as 1 Clement1 Clement) )

anticipated a pattern of influence with its anticipated a pattern of influence with its authoritative council from the Church in Rome.authoritative council from the Church in Rome.

Over the next several centuries, bishops of Over the next several centuries, bishops of Rome developed a commendable track Rome developed a commendable track record of responding to calls to refute record of responding to calls to refute difficult heresies.difficult heresies.

In the late 100s, Pope Victor set an agreed In the late 100s, Pope Victor set an agreed upon date for Easter.upon date for Easter.

In 385, the pope sent the first official In 385, the pope sent the first official authoritative letter in response another authoritative letter in response another bishop’s query.bishop’s query.

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Rise of Roman Rise of Roman Bishop’s Influence Bishop’s Influence


By the 300s, it was clear the power of the By the 300s, it was clear the power of the Roman bishop had much to do with Rome’s Roman bishop had much to do with Rome’s political centralitypolitical centrality

After the empire’s capital moved to After the empire’s capital moved to Constantinople, Rome’s waning political Constantinople, Rome’s waning political influence magnified the prestige of her bishopsinfluence magnified the prestige of her bishops

The importance of Rome in the NT was The importance of Rome in the NT was exploited by the Roman bishopsexploited by the Roman bishops

Pope Leo I’s influence at the Council of Pope Leo I’s influence at the Council of ChalcedonChalcedon

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Pope Gelasius’s Pope Gelasius’s TheoryTheory

Gelasius I (pope 492-496) wrote a widely Gelasius I (pope 492-496) wrote a widely circulated letter defining ecclesiastical circulated letter defining ecclesiastical authorityauthority

Theory of Primacy of Spiritual PowerTheory of Primacy of Spiritual Power God created two legitimate powers to rule the God created two legitimate powers to rule the

worldworld1.1. Spiritual, represented by the PopeSpiritual, represented by the Pope

2.2. SecularSecular Spiritual power held primacy whenever the Spiritual power held primacy whenever the

two conflictedtwo conflicted

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Gregory the Great (Summit of Gregory the Great (Summit of Papal Influence)Papal Influence)

Pre-papal Pre-papal accomplishmentsaccomplishments

Founded monasteriesFounded monasteries Joined a monastery; Joined a monastery;

known for his sanctityknown for his sanctity Served as a church Served as a church


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Gregory the Great (Summit of Gregory the Great (Summit of Papal Influence)Papal Influence)

Papal accomplishmentsPapal accomplishments PoliticalPolitical

Supervised Roman Supervised Roman defenses against defenses against Lombard attackersLombard attackers

Negotiated with Roman Negotiated with Roman emperor in emperor in ConstantinopleConstantinople

Reformed church Reformed church financesfinances

Reorganized boundaries Reorganized boundaries & responsibilities of & responsibilities of western dioceseswestern dioceses

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Gregory the Great (Summit of Gregory the Great (Summit of Papal Influence)Papal Influence)

Papal accomplishmentsPapal accomplishments EcclesiasticalEcclesiastical

Passionate Bible studentPassionate Bible student Formidably reformed worshipFormidably reformed worship Expositional writings studied beyond the Expositional writings studied beyond the

Middle AgesMiddle Ages Exegesis method (literal, mystic, moral) set an Exegesis method (literal, mystic, moral) set an

enduring standardenduring standard Promoted sacred music (Gregorian chants)Promoted sacred music (Gregorian chants) Influential gospel preacherInfluential gospel preacher Revolutionized European missionary strategyRevolutionized European missionary strategy

Spiritually, he remained humble, rejecting Spiritually, he remained humble, rejecting the title “universal patriarch” for “a the title “universal patriarch” for “a servant of the servants of God”servant of the servants of God”

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Question for DiscussionQuestion for Discussion

What characteristics of the influential What characteristics of the influential popes like Leo and Gregory brought popes like Leo and Gregory brought the most positive good to the life of the most positive good to the life of the church?the church?

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Importance of Charlemagne’s Importance of Charlemagne’s Coronation by the PopeCoronation by the Pope

NOT because it represented the height of NOT because it represented the height of papal power (which would grow for at least papal power (which would grow for at least four more centuries)four more centuries)

NOT because it represented papal power NOT because it represented papal power exerting its influence over the height of exerting its influence over the height of political power (which would grow for political power (which would grow for centuries more)centuries more)

Represented a Represented a strategic alliancestrategic alliance between the between the papacy’s growing influence and the political papacy’s growing influence and the political power’s growing influencepower’s growing influence

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2. The Spread of 2. The Spread of IslamIslam

Founded by Mohammed, prophet of Founded by Mohammed, prophet of Islam, circa 620Islam, circa 620

Arabian peninsula converted by 634, Arabian peninsula converted by 634, then via the sword rapidly spread east then via the sword rapidly spread east and westand west

By early 8By early 8thth century Muslims controlled: century Muslims controlled: East: Syria, Palestine, PersiaEast: Syria, Palestine, Persia West: Egypt, Carthage, North Africa, SpainWest: Egypt, Carthage, North Africa, Spain

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Muslim Expansion & Muslim Expansion & ChristianityChristianity

Spread of Islam eastward over Egypt and Spread of Islam eastward over Egypt and North Africa was made easier by the North Africa was made easier by the weakness of Christianity in those regionsweakness of Christianity in those regions

Spread of Islam accelerated the East/West Spread of Islam accelerated the East/West division of Christianity, making division of Christianity, making communications much more difficultcommunications much more difficult

Spread of Islam turned the papacy’s Spread of Islam turned the papacy’s attention from the East to the Northattention from the East to the North Give up ideal “old” Mediterranean Roman Give up ideal “old” Mediterranean Roman

EmpireEmpire Begin a “new” northern European Roman EmpireBegin a “new” northern European Roman Empire

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The Battle of Tours in The Battle of Tours in FranceFrance

Charles Martel

Furthest Muslim Expansion into Europe

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Charles Martel: Charles Martel: Grandfather of Grandfather of CharlemagneCharlemagne

Known as “the Hammer”Known as “the Hammer” ““Savior” of Christian EuropeSavior” of Christian Europe

Military/political leader of the FranksMilitary/political leader of the Franks In 732, stopped the spread of Islam into France In 732, stopped the spread of Islam into France

(the Battle of Tours)(the Battle of Tours) Initiated friendly approaches to the popes Initiated friendly approaches to the popes

as if he were leader of the Franksas if he were leader of the Franks His son Pepin developed this practiceHis son Pepin developed this practice Pepin’s son Charlemagne inherited these Pepin’s son Charlemagne inherited these


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Questions for Questions for DiscussionDiscussion

Discuss the ways the spread of Islam Discuss the ways the spread of Islam changed the growth and character of changed the growth and character of the church in the 7the church in the 7thth and 8 and 8thth centuries.centuries.

How might Christianity have looked How might Christianity have looked different by the year 800 if Islam had different by the year 800 if Islam had never spread into the never spread into the Mediterranean?Mediterranean?

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Charlemagne’s “Christian” Charlemagne’s “Christian” EmpireEmpire

Charlemagne assumed the title “Holy Roman Charlemagne assumed the title “Holy Roman Emperor”Emperor”

Extent of his rule over Europe by 800Extent of his rule over Europe by 800 Saxons in the north and eastSaxons in the north and east Spanish in the westSpanish in the west Lombards in the southLombards in the south

Ruled more of Europe than anyone since Ruled more of Europe than anyone since Roman Emperor Theodosius (end of 4Roman Emperor Theodosius (end of 4thth century)century)

Church-State cooperation which existed Church-State cooperation which existed since Constantine applied to Europe creating since Constantine applied to Europe creating “Christendom” (trans: “Christendom” (trans: Christ’s KingdomChrist’s Kingdom))

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Charlemagne’s Charlemagne’s “Christendom”“Christendom”

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3. The Medieval Synthesis3. The Medieval Synthesis

Harmonized (in theory) the sacred & Harmonized (in theory) the sacred & secularsecular

Integrated Christian world- & life-viewIntegrated Christian world- & life-view Unified politics, social order, religious Unified politics, social order, religious

practice, economic relationships, etcpractice, economic relationships, etc Based on Christianity as taught by the Based on Christianity as taught by the

Roman Catholic ChurchRoman Catholic Church Protected by the actions of secular rulersProtected by the actions of secular rulers

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ChristendoChristendom’s Central m’s Central ConvictionsConvictions

Human beings, corrupted by sin, need Human beings, corrupted by sin, need salvation, which is accomplished by salvation, which is accomplished by the merit of Christ communicated the merit of Christ communicated through God’s gracethrough God’s grace

God’s saving grace comes through the God’s saving grace comes through the sacraments in a social setting defined sacraments in a social setting defined by the cooperation of church & stateby the cooperation of church & state

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The 7 Roman Catholic The 7 Roman Catholic SacramentsSacraments

The Ideal The Ideal Comprehensive Life Comprehensive Life


1.1. BaptismBaptism

2.2. ConfirmationConfirmation

3.3. PenancePenance

4.4. EucharistEucharist

5.5. Holy OrdersHoly Orders

6.6. MarriageMarriage

7.7. Extreme UnctionExtreme Unction

Sacraments stood for spiritual realities and worked toward the salvation of those who participated in them.

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Medieval View of Medieval View of SacramentsSacraments

Exhibit the Exhibit the principlesprinciples of the incarnation, of the incarnation, whereby the most important spiritual realities whereby the most important spiritual realities were embodied in a material formwere embodied in a material form

Express the Express the objectiveobjective character of God’s character of God’s action on behalf of humanityaction on behalf of humanity Receiving God’s grace depended upon actually Receiving God’s grace depended upon actually

receiving the vehicle of that grace, and not so receiving the vehicle of that grace, and not so much on how one felt about the transactionmuch on how one felt about the transaction

Latin: Latin: ex opere operatoex opere operato; trans: “from the work ; trans: “from the work done”done”

Reinforce the essentially Reinforce the essentially social structuresocial structure of of grace, the fact that Christ worked for his grace, the fact that Christ worked for his people together through the institutional people together through the institutional church.church.

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Sacraments in Sacraments in ChristendomChristendom

Institutional church was the sole mediator of Institutional church was the sole mediator of the sacraments, and thus the sole mediator the sacraments, and thus the sole mediator of God’s grace for salvationof God’s grace for salvation

Since the salvation of sinners is paramount, Since the salvation of sinners is paramount, all spheres of life must bow to the churchall spheres of life must bow to the church Political leaders must cooperate with churchPolitical leaders must cooperate with church Education must be compatible with churchEducation must be compatible with church Economic structures must support the churchEconomic structures must support the church Social order ideals must imitate church patternsSocial order ideals must imitate church patterns

Effect: the church was foundational to all of Effect: the church was foundational to all of lifelife

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Question for DiscussionQuestion for Discussion

Christendom created a delicate Christendom created a delicate balance of power between the balance of power between the church and the state. Discuss ways church and the state. Discuss ways in which it could be abused by either in which it could be abused by either side.side.

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Christendom:Christendom:A Shattered IdealA Shattered Ideal

Political rulers not keen on a subordinate position to Political rulers not keen on a subordinate position to the church; many revoltedthe church; many revolted

Institutional arms of the church (monasteries, Institutional arms of the church (monasteries, dioceses) proved difficult to regulatedioceses) proved difficult to regulate

Many dignitaries rewarded with high ecclesiastical Many dignitaries rewarded with high ecclesiastical positions proved immoral or incompetentpositions proved immoral or incompetent

History marching onHistory marching on The RenaissanceThe Renaissance Protestant ReformationProtestant Reformation Rise of modern nation-stateRise of modern nation-state Development of Western atheismDevelopment of Western atheism Global Christianity outside the WestGlobal Christianity outside the West

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Powerful Legacy of Powerful Legacy of ChristendomChristendom

Ideal of the comprehensive presence of divine Ideal of the comprehensive presence of divine grace in all of lifegrace in all of life

Ideal of a harmonious cooperation between rulers Ideal of a harmonious cooperation between rulers of church and stateof church and state

Ideal of the coming of the Kingdom of God from Ideal of the coming of the Kingdom of God from heaven to earthheaven to earth

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Application for Today’s Application for Today’s ChurchChurch

Are remnants of Christendom still Are remnants of Christendom still apparent in our culture today? If so, apparent in our culture today? If so, what are they? If not, what has what are they? If not, what has taken its place?taken its place?

How does a sacramental perspective How does a sacramental perspective on the Christian faith help a believer on the Christian faith help a believer follow God better? What possible follow God better? What possible pitfalls are there?pitfalls are there?
