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Tutorial 2 Makro

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  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    GROUP 1


    The two key problems resulting rom unemployment o resour!es" espe!i#lly theunemployment o l#bor" #re person#l h#r$ships #n$ lost pro$u!tion% The owners o the

    unemploye$ resour!es suer person#l h#r$ships $ue to the l#!k o in!ome% The rest o so!iety#lso suers rom unemployment $ue to the l#!k o #il#ble pro$u!tion%

    The unemploymento resour!es" espe!i#lly l#bor" is one o the more import#nt m#!roe!onomi!issues #!ing e!onomists #n$ go&ernment le#$ers% The other m#!roe!onomi! issue with thes#me st#tus is inl#tion% 'on!erns o&er unemployment th#t emerge$ $uring the (re#t)epression o the *+,-s w#s l#rgely responsible or $e&eloping the mo$ern stu$y om#!roe!onomi!s%

    The $est#ting e!onomi! !on$itions o the *+,-s" whi!h #t its $epth s#w one out o ourworkers unemploye$" brought to the oreront the problems o unemployment #n$ in$u!e$e!onomists to $e&elop theories to e.pl#in the unemployment #n$ to suggest !orre!ti&e

    poli!ies% The re#son th#t e!onomists #n$ poli!y m#kers h#&e been #n$ !ontinue to be so!on!erne$ with unemployment stem rom two key problems: person#l h#r$ships #n$

    lost pro$u!tion%

    Person#l /#r$ships

    Unemployment !re#tes person#l h#r$ships or the owners o the unemploye$ resour!es% 0hen

    resour!es $o not pro$u!e goo$s" their owners $o not e#rn in!ome% The loss o in!ome resultsin less !onsumption#n$ # lower li&ing st#n$#r$% 0hile this problem #pplies to #ny resour!e" itis most import#nt or l#bor% The owners o !#pit#l" l#n$" #n$ entrepreneurshipoten e#rn

    in!ome rom more th#n one resour!e% Thus # loss o in!ome rom one resour!e is not # tot#lloss o in!ome% M#ny workers" howe&er" oten e#rn in!ome only rom l#bor% The loss o in!omerom l#bor might me#n # tot#l loss o in!ome%

    M#ny go&ernment progr#ms #n$ poli!ies $e&elope$ sin!e the (re#t )epression h#&e been$esigne$ e.pli!itly to #$$ress person#l h#r$ships% One o the most note$ progr#ms is

    unemployment !ompens#tion" whi!h is spe!ii!#lly $esigne$ to relie&e person#l h#r$ships bypro&i$ing workers with # sour!e o in!ome when they #re unemploye$% 0hile other tr#nser

    p#yments 1wel#re #n$ So!i#l Se!urity2 #re prim#rily $esigne$ to #$$ress other problems" they#lso pro&i$e # sour!e o in!ome to the unemploye$%

    The person#l h#r$ships suere$ by the unemploye$ #re o !on!ern to go&ernment le#$ers or

    re#sons th#t #re both in the !ommon goo$ #n$ somewh#t more selish%

    3n terms o the !ommon goo$" the unemploye$ #re members o so!iety 4ust like

    e&eryone else #n$ $eser&e the opportunities to en4oy the ruits o # pro$u!ti&e

    e!onomy% 5n #luent so!iety 6shoul$6 be #ble to pro&i$e or e&eryone% 3n #$$ition"so!i#l problems th#t !#use person#l h#r$ships to other members o so!iety ten$ to

    in!re#se with the person#l h#r$ships o the unemploye$" in!lu$ing !rime" $i&or!e"sui!i$es" et!%

    (o&ernment le#$ers #re #lso !on!erne$ with the person#l h#r$ships o the unemploye$

    or more selish re#sons% 0hen the &oting publi! is unh#ppy" they ten$ to ele!t newle#$ers #n$ toss the ol$ ones out o oi!e% There #re ew things th#t &oters like less

    th#n suering the person#l h#r$ships th#t !ome with unemployment% Presi$enti#lele!tions h#&e been $e!i$e$ on # ew million &otes% 5 typi!#l business7

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    !y!le !ontr#!tion!#n #$$ our to i&e million workers to the r#nks o the unemploye$"enough &otes to !h#nge the 6employment6 st#tus o #ny in!umbent Presi$ent seekingre7ele!tion%


    *2 0h#t is the unemployment situ#tion in M#l#ysi#9 5n#lysie

    ;2 0h#t is the ee!t o Unemployment to the !ountry9

    ,2 /ow $i$ go&ernment sol&e this issue9

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    GROUP 2


    The two key problems resulting rom unemployment o resour!es" espe!i#lly theunemployment o l#bor" #re person#l h#r$ships #n$ lost pro$u!tion% The owners o theunemploye$ resour!es suer person#l h#r$ships $ue to the l#!k o in!ome% The rest o so!iety#lso suers rom unemployment $ue to the l#!k o #il#ble pro$u!tion%

    The unemploymento resour!es" espe!i#lly l#bor" is one o the more import#nt m#!roe!onomi!issues #!ing e!onomists #n$ go&ernment le#$ers% The other m#!roe!onomi! issue with the

    s#me st#tus is inl#tion% 'on!erns o&er unemployment th#t emerge$ $uring the the *+,-sw#s l#rgely responsible or $e&eloping the mo$ern stu$y o m#!roe!onomi!s%

    The $est#ting e!onomi! !on$itions o the *+,-s" whi!h #t its $epth s#w one out o our

    workers unemploye$" brought to the oreront the problems o unemployment #n$ in$u!e$e!onomists to $e&elop theories to e.pl#in the unemployment #n$ to suggest !orre!ti&epoli!ies% The re#son th#t e!onomists #n$ poli!y m#kers h#&e been #n$ !ontinue to be so!on!erne$ with unemployment stem rom two key problems: person#l h#r$ships #n$lost pro$u!tion%

    Lost Pro$u!tion

    Unemployment #lso !#uses tot#l pro$u!tion in the e!onomy to $e!line% 3 ewer resour!es #reeng#ge$ in pro$u!tion" ewer goo$s #n$ ser&i!es #re pro$u!e$% 5s suggeste$ by the !ir!ul#r

    lowmo$el" the se&erity o the !onne!tion between lost pro$u!tion #n$ unemployment ism#gniie$ by the multiplieree!t% 5n initi#l $e!line in the in!ome" !onsumption" #n$ pro$u!tion

    #sso!i#te$ with unemployment triggers urther $e!lines in in!ome" !onsumption" #n$pro$u!tion% 5s su!h" members o so!iety" who might es!#pe the $ire!t imme$i#te person#l

    h#r$ships o unemployment" oten su!!umb to the in$ire!t" multipli!#ti&e problems o lostpro$u!tion% Number7!run!hing e!onomists h#&e estim#te$ th#t or e#!h * per!ent rise inthe unemployment r#te" th#t gross $omesti! pro$u!t$e!lines by , per!ent%

    Lost pro$u!tion is espe!i#lly troublesome be!#use it is #n opportunity th#t is lost ore&er% Thislost pro$u!tion $el#ys so!iety

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    3) Eplain how the !s"al poli"y and monetary poli"y will help government to this


    GROUP 3


    5 persistent in!re#se in the #&er#ge pri!e le&el in the e!onomy% 3t is me#sure$ by the inl#tionr#te" the #nnu#l per!ent#ge !h#nge in # pri!e in$e. su!h #s the 'onsumer Pri!e 3n$e. 1'P32 or

    ()P pri!e $el#tor% 3nl#tion is the most !ommon phenomenon #sso!i#te$ with the pri!e le&el%Two rel#te$ phenomen# #re $el#tion" # $e!re#se in the pri!e le&el" #n$ $isinl#tion" # $e!re#sein the inl#tion r#te% 3nl#tion is one o two key m#!roe!onomi! problems% The other isunemployment%

    3nl#tion o!!urs when the 5>ER5(E pri!e le&el1th#t is" pri!es in gener#l2 in!re#ses o&er time%This $oes NOT me#n th#t 5LL pri!es in!re#se the s#me" nor th#t 5LL pri!es ne!ess#rilyin!re#se% Some pri!es might in!re#se # lot" others # little" #n$ still other pri!es $e!re#se or

    rem#in un!h#nge$% 3nl#tion results when the 5>ER5(E o these #ssorte$ pri!es ollows #nupw#r$ tren$%

    0hile short7term bouts o inl#tion !#n be triggere$ by #nything th#t woul$ !#use #ggreg#te

    $em#n$to in!re#se more th#n #ggreg#te supply" long7term inl#tion !#n be sust#ine$ ONLYthrough in!re#ses in the money supply% The pri!e le&el" #n$ #ny 6inl#tion6 o the pri!e le&el"

    $epen$s $ire!tly on the #mount o money in !ir!ul#tion% On the lip si$e o this rel#tionship"inl#tion le#$s to # !ontinu#l erosion in the pur!h#sing powero money%

    0hy Stu$y9

    3nl#tion is # key m#!roe!onomi! issue th#t h#s been #t the oreront o mo$ern

    m#!roe!onomi! #n#lysis sin!e the st#gl#tion7$omin#te$ *+?-s% The une.pe!te$ly high

    inl#tion r#tes $uring this $e!#$e or!e$ e!onomists #n$ poli!y7m#kers to re7elu#te the

    !#uses #n$ !onse@uen!es o inl#tion% 'urt#iling inl#tion be!#me then" #n$ rem#ins now" #

    prim#ry go#l o m#!roe!onomi! st#bili#tion poli!ies% 3n #!t" it is T/E go#l o monet#ry

    poli!yby the =e$er#l Reser&e System%


    *2 0h#t is the !urrent inl#tion situ#tion in M#l#ysi#9

    ;2 0h#t is the ee!t to the n#tion9

    ,2 /ow $i$ the go&ernment o&er!ome this problem9

    Rel#te your stu$y on the go&ernment poli!y th#t is is!#l poli!y #n$ monet#ry poli!y to

    O&er !ome the problem9 5n$ #lso look on go&ernment pri!e inter&ention to sol&e the


  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    GROUP 4

    KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysias unemployment rate rose 0.1% to 3.2% in February 201

    !rom 3.1% in "anuary# a$$orin& to t'e (tatisti$s )epartment.

    *t sai on Friay t'e unemployment rate +as 'o+e,er similar to a year a&o.

    -'e seasonally a/uste unemployment rate !or February 201 +as 3.2%# up 0.2per$enta&e point $ompare +it' 3% in t'e pre,ious mont'# it sai.

    'e epartment sai t'e labour !or$e parti$ipation rate in February rose 0.2 per$enta&epoints to .% !rom .2% in "anuary 201.

    -'e in$rease +as $ontribute by t'e in$rease o! 2#00 employe personnel in t'e labour

    mar4et# it e5plaine.

    *t sai t'e number o! employe rose 0.% to 13. million in February# a 0.% in$rease!rom 13.01 million in "anuary.

    6o+e,er# t'ere +as a 2.7% in$rease in t'e unemploye at #700 !rom 2#000 !rom"anuary. 'is +as also a 1.7% rise !rom t'e #00 a year a&o.

    'e epartment sai unemploye re!ers to t'ose +'o o not 'a,e a /ob but are interesteto +or4. 'ere are t+o &roups o! unemploye t'at is t'e a$ti,ely unemploye anina$ti,ely unemploye.

    'e e$onomi$ a$ti,ity o! a population epens on t'e emo&rap'i$ $'ara$teristi$s o! t'atpopulation. 'e proportion o! e$onomi$ally a$ti,e population# t'ere!ore# i!!ers bet+eensub8&roups o! t'at population.

    'ese ,ariations are measure by spe$i!i$ a$ti,ity rates terme as labour !or$eparti$ipation rate. Labour !or$e parti$ipation rate is e!ine as t'e ratio o! t'e labour !or$eto t'e +or4in& a&e population 91 to years# e5presse as per$enta&e.

    Unemployment rate is t'e proportion o! unemploye population to t'e total population inlabour !or$e. 'is rate measures t'e per$enta&e o! unemploye population in t'e labour!or$e.

    ;uestion :


  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    GROUP 5

    'e in$reasin& rate o! unemploye &rauates is one o! t'e issues t'at tri&&ers +orl?s $on$erns

    lately. @onseuently# t'is resear$' aims to in,esti&ate !a$tors t'at lea to t'e unemployment

    problem amon& Malaysian &rauates !rom t'ree aspe$ts# +'i$' are &rauates attributes# le$turers

    $ompeten$y an uality o! eu$ation. 'is ualitati,e resear$' aopte an inter,ie+ met'o# +'i$'

    +as $onu$te to se,en responents +'o 'a,e t'e e5perien$e in tea$'in& an +or4in& in t'e

    inustry. 'e ma/ority o! t'e responents a&ree t'at t'e &rauates attributes# le$turers

    $ompeten$y an t'e uality o! eu$ation# +'i$' is re!erre to t'e $urri$ulum o! a stuy !iel# are

    amon& t'e !a$tors t'at $ontribute to t'e unemployment problem amon& t'e Malaysian &rauates

    no+aays. 'ere!ore# it is reasonable !or t'e parties +'o are in,ol,e in t'e $onstru$tion an t'e

    en'an$ement o! t'e $urri$ulum o! t'e relate to t'e !iel o! stuy to $onu$t an in8ept' stuy. 'is

    s'oul be one in orer to ienti!y t'e problems t'at o$$ur t'rou&'out t'e implementation o! t'e

    stuy area. *t is important to e,aluate t'e suitability o! t'e implementation o! a $urri$ulum o! t'e

    stuy area in orer to ensure t'e implemente $urri$ulum $an prou$e 'uman resour$es# +'i$'

    are uali!ie# s4ill!ul an $an !ul!ill t'e nee o! t'e inustries an t'e $urrent mar4et.


    1 From t'e statement abo,e# t'ere is in$reasin& in t'e rate o! unemploye &rauates#

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    GROUP 6

    I was reading The Edge Financial Daily 1001 Special Commemorative Feature section when Icame across an article !alaysias growing pains" #y Su$%in Teoh& Deutsche 'an( )ead o* +sean

    and !alaysia strategy, In the article& the author pointed out that !alaysia is currently at a crossroad

    into restructuring its economy in order to get it right, It mentions a#out the -E!+.D/ initiatives&

    the Economic Trans*ormation -lan ET- and .ational 2ey Economic +rea .2E+, She applauds

    -E!+.D/s e**orts and was encouraged with the success it already achieved so *ar, She noted that

    although there have #een encouraging milestone success& the road ahead will #e a #umpy one with

    no short cuts ,

    It was a good article3 however& one issue caught my eyes straight away, In the article& the author

    mentioned a#out the unemployment and showed some distress *igures, Since 4005& the unemployed

    graduates with degree 6 a#ove *igure have rose *rom 78&899 to :5&1;7 and the unemployed

    graduates with diploma rose *rom 74&4;: to 8t two years,

    The government has played a ma=or role in educating the !alaysian pu#lic, From the initiatives

    underta(en a*ter the ?a@a( ?eport& all citi@ens are given primary education either *ree or =ust #y

    paying to(en *ee, The result is that more and more !alaysian #eing educated, That leads to the

    growth o* private universitiesAcolleges to cater to the growing demand *or education, It was servingits purposes during the :0s when the country was hungry *or local talents to push the country to

    ne>t level o* development, )owever& since the *inancial crisis in 1::8& =o#s growth rate which

    reBuire Diploma 6 a#ove has #een growing less than the growth in human capital supply, The

    result was increase in unemployment,

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro



    we can see& a#out 50 o* the unemployed are in the age group o* 40$4: years old, These are mainly

    the new graduates, hilst it is hard *or this unemployed to get wor( in !alaysia& it is way harder

    *or them to get =o#s overseas, Despite the *act that we are currently *acing #rain drain& with most o*

    our top #rains opted to *ind #etter opportunities overseas& !alaysia still cant create enough =o#s *or

    its people,

    I thin( it is high time *or the Education !inistry& )igher Education !inistry and )uman ?esources

    !inistry to sit down and come out with a solution to this growing pro#lem, The current temporarymeasures to put them in C and IC *or < months to 1 year through attachment programs will

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    not solve the pro#lem, It is =ust delaying the inevita#le, The three ministries need to sit down and

    come out with a long term *ramewor( to match the country reBuirement with the supply, It is high

    time that these ministries stop operating in their own tempurung or imaginary *ie*dom,

    /nemployed people are unhappy people, Some may choose to earn a living through illegal means,

    +nd have the government *orgot what happen in Tunisia and EgyptG The main reason *or the

    uprising there is #ecause o* high unemployment rate, e might #e heading the same direction i* the

    government do not ta(e immediate actions,


    1) #ive your opinion about this report$ #ive your suggestion on how to solve this


    2) Why should the government en"ounter this unemployment problem?



    Ministry aims to cut new graduates unemployment

    DECEMBER 12, 2012 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 12 The Higher Education Minitr! ha

    i"#$e"ented the %tudent Mar&eta'i$it! Progra""e, (hich et a target to ecure

    uita'$e e"#$o!"ent (ithin i) "onth *or at $eat + #er cent o* ne( graduate-

    De#ut! Miniter o* Higher Education to$d De(an .egara !eterda! that three

    a##roache, the /a$ueadded %tudent Dee$o#"ent #rogra""e, E"#$o!a'$e

    raduate #rogra""e and Co$$a'oration (ith oern"ent Agencie #rogra""e (ere

    integrated *or a ho$itic i"#$e"entation-

    3Thi i to ena'$e the tudent to o'tain uita'$e e"#$o!"ent either *ro" the a#ect

    o* 4ua$i5cation and inco"e or "otiating tudent to 'eco"e entre#reneur and in

    turn create e"#$o!"ent,6 he aid, (hi$e re#$!ing to %enator Datu& Moha""ed .a7ee'

    A'du$$ah (ho a&ed a'out the goern"ent trateg! on graduate "ar&eti'i$it! 'aed

    on creatie, innoate and entre#reneurhi# a$ue-

    He aid the goern"ent had a$o et u# the raduate E"#$o!a'i$it! Ta&*orce, a

    announced during the ta'$ing o* the Budget 2018-

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    9n order to "atch graduate: 4ua$i5cation (ith the nationa$ and g$o'a$ 7o' "ar&et

    need, the ta&*orce (ou$d *ocu on the re4uire"ent in the 12 .ationa$ Ke!

    Econo"ic Area ;.KEA< under the Econo"ic Tran*or"ation Progra""e- Berna"a

    %e&er to the arti"les'

    a *n your opinion# o you a&ree in t'is (tuent Mar4etability Pro&ramme=

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    Forecast +ctual H1A1< H4A1< H9A1< H7A1< 4040 /nit

    /nemployment ?ate 9,1 9,1 9,4 9,1 9,07 9,7 percent


    1) nalysis the "urrent unemployment in Malaysia$

    2) Why this problem must be ta".le?

    3) #ive your opinion on how en"ounter the unemployment problem$

    GROUP 9

    Budget 2016 must create jobs, help unemployed Malaysians, urge groups

    BY MD IZ!"

    Pu'$ihed= 22 >cto'er 201 +=00 AM ? U#dated= 22 >cto'er 201 @=1 AM

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    Malaysian Employers Federation executive director Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan says the

    28% level of skilled workers in the country currently is not enouh for any country hopin

    to achieve developed!nation status within the next " years# $

    The Malaysian Insider pic, October 22, 2015.Putrajaya must use Budet 201! to help "or#in class

    citi$ens cope "ith economic uncertainty and the risin cost o% li&in, "ith %ocus on creatin jobs,

    policies on %orein "or#ers and unemployed raduates, labour and employer roups said.

    The ringgits drop against the /S dollar and higher living costs due to the goods and services ta>ST have a**ected the wor(ing class the most& who also struggle with limited =o# opportunities&

    said !alaysian Employers Federation !EF e>ecutive director Datu( Shamsuddin 'ardan,

    J?ight now& the la#our mar(et is so wea(& companies are not hiring and there are many who have

    #een laid o**, +nd on top o* that& we are *acing the pro#lem o* graduate unemployment,

    JThe government has to intervene in the #udget, Kne o* the items that need to #e dealt with is the

    unemployment o* graduates&J Shamsuddin told The !alaysian Insider ahead o* 'udget 401< which

    -rime !inister Datu( Seri .a=i# ?a@a( will ta#le in -arliament this Friday,The unemployment rate in Malaysia is 3%, with a growth rate of 3.3% per year for the

    duration of the 10th Malaysia Plan from 2011 until June 2015.

    Shamsuddin said -utra=aya should *ocus on =o# creation and also on graduates who have yet to gain


    JKne o* the ways is *or the government to give incentives to companies that would ta(e in

    unemployed graduates&J he said,

    JI* there is no immediate action& we worry that the unemployed graduates will have trou#le entering

    the =o# mar(et&J he said,

    Shamsuddin also e>pressed worry a#out !alaysias plan to #ecome a developed country #y 4040 asthe num#er o* s(illed wor(ers in the country stood at 45 $ a num#er which is too small *or such a

    lo*ty target,

    JKne o* the things that we always raise is s(ills development, ?ight now& the percentage o* s(illed

    wor(ers in the country is still low,

    H/ESTIK. :

    1 hat is the unemployment scenario in !alaysiaG

    4 hy graduate unemployed in !alaysia increasing G

  • 7/25/2019 Tutorial 2 Makro


    9 ive your opinion on how government help the graduate G

    7 hy government should #e solve the unemployment in the countryG
