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TWB Spring Newsletter

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The spring ROTC newsletter fro the Trojan Warrior Battalion @ Virginia State University
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Spring 2011 is here and this is the last chance you have to end the school year with a bang. With many events coming up it is im- portant that cadets stay focused on there school work. Try to stay consistent with your work and close with your teachers. It is eas- ier to maintain your grades than to try and improve them at last minute. It is impor- tant to balance school and your social life. Sometimes as responsible students you may to have miss a party or two. Your schoolwork is more important. GOOD LUCK TROJANS! Training the force TABLE OF CONTENTS Word from the Higher 4. Farewell to SMI On the Go New Staff 8. Promotion Page 9. Black History First Cadet to make PMS 13. Medal of Honor 14. Facing your Fears 20. Alumni Central INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Cadet Highlights 14-19 Cadet Corner 22 Spring 2011 MARCH 2011 By CDT Brittany Browne V I R G I N I A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y T R O J A N W A R R I O R B A T T A L I O N LTC Tompkins takes a moment to talk about Leader ship and Confidence
Page 1: TWB Spring Newsletter

Spring 2011 is here and this is the

last chance you have to end the

school year with a bang. With

many events coming up it is im-

portant that cadets stay focused

on there school work. Try to stay

consistent with your work and

close with your teachers. It is eas-

ier to maintain your grades than to try and

improve them at last minute. It is impor-

tant to balance school and your social life.

Sometimes as responsible students you

may to have miss a party or two. Your

schoolwork is more important. GOOD


T r a i n i n g t h e f o r c e T A B L E O F


Word from the


4. Farewell to SMI

On the Go

New Staff

8. Promotion Page

9. Black History

First Cadet to

make PMS

13. Medal of Honor

14. Facing your Fears

20. Alumni Central


I S S U E :

Cadet Highlights 14-19

Cadet Corner 22

S p r i n g 2 0 1 1

MARCH 2011

By CDT Brittany Browne



LTC Tompkins takes a moment to talk about Leader ship and Confidence

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P a g e 2 M A R C H 2 0 1 1

Greetings! Trojans and friends of the VSU Trojan Warrior Battalion, it

is a pleasure and honor to address you as the Trojan Warrior Battalion Com-

mander. Your VSU ROTC Battalion continues to be a place of continued

success and growth as a provider of highly trained leaders. We are project-

ing (23) VSU college graduates/commissionees into the United States

Army! It has been the vision of this university that we continue our legacy

of commissioning highly trained officers to be future Army Platoon Lead-

ers. “Leadership is defined as the art of imposing one’s will upon others in

such a manner as to command their respect, their confidence, and their

whole-hearted cooperation”.

Again, this year will be our fifth year in a row that we have achieved

mission success and continue to lead all HBCU’s in commissioning of Ca-

dets to 2nd Lieutenants. We would again like to thank the many organiza-

tions such as the VSU Military Alumni Chapter, 555th Parachute Infantry

Association, Vassar W. Hurt III Alumni Association and a host of other indi-

vidual supporters; we would not be able to offer the so much needed schol-

arships to our deserving Cadets. The VSU ROTC Battalion is already en-

gaged in rigorous leadership training with our spring joint field training ex-

ercise (JFTX). This will be my our last opportunity to gage the progress of

our MS III (Juniors) Cadets before they leave this summer for Warrior

Forge where they will be tested and assessed for future Officer potential.

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March 2011 P a g e 3

The basic design of Warrior Forge is to develop and evaluate leader-

ship thru small unit tactical training, confidence building and finally expo-

sure to Army life as a potential Officer. Currently we have (118) Cadets en-

gaged in academic and ROTC training. With the spring all ready upon us,

the year 2011 proves to be one of VSU’s best years yet.

This quarter we highlight the accomplishments of (23) of our best and

brightest cadets. As we move forward into the commissioning season, our

senior Cadets will hand in their VSU Army ROTC uniforms for gold bars as

they make the transition to be second lieutenants. This University, President

Miller, faculty and staff are so very proud of each and every one of you.

You have managed the challenges of attaining a degree with the rigors of

preparing for pre-commissioning. Along the way, you have developed as a

leader, and I know you will contribute to the continued success of our

Army. We expect you to lead, accomplish your mission and take care of

your Soldiers! So…..as you drive on, train hard, be the best you can be, stay

safe, and remember that a leader’s training never ends.

Again thank you for the opportunity to be your VSU ROTC Com-

mander and to be able to speak to you about the rigors of our program! Re-

member, success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep

moving, they make mistakes but they don’t quit!

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P a g e 4 M A R C H 2 0 1 1

Master Sergeant Harrison’s Farewell

Trojan Warrior Battalion, it is with sadness that I leave you today. Today, I leave for

retirement yet I feel a sense of joy knowing that I have been properly relieved. Some-

one said, ”You cannot realize the real value of your life if you have not compared it to

something”. God sends us trials so that we could understand the deepness of His good-

will and love. No one is alone if he has his faith. The Bible has such words: "God with-

drew from him, in order to test him, that He might know all that was in his

heart" (Chronicles 32:31 NKJ). So, you see that even in his withdrawal, God is always

with us. Sending us trials and challenges, He wants to demonstrate us the real power

we have inside, the real power he gave us. Often we fail to use it properly, because we

don't know how strong we are. In order to help us see our values he assigned us to, he

sends us trials. There is no sense in crying over the trouble - "the best way out is al-

ways through". So, you should not concentrate on your problems, but rather on the

way how to solve them. Look forward, because life is beautiful, and God created it for

us. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Remember, how many times you

thought that this was the hardest thing you've ever done. Then you experience some-

thing even harder, and you understand that you became stronger. Now you can endure

even more. Sometimes we go through things not for us also, but so when the time

arises, we are there for someone else. This is the normal process of maturity and sacri-

fice, which are essential. They mean a lot, especially when they are heartfelt and sin-

cere. Continue to learn from each other and push yourself outside of your comfort

zone. Whether it be physical training, devotion to a task, or interacting with people.

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Leaders, you will spend a lot of time alone. Not because you have done something wrong,

but everyone cannot lead. Benjamin Franklin wrote and I quote, "Well done is better than

well said. " People would rather for you to live a sermon and inspire them to do better

than to hear one. Each of you are very capable of achieving your goals, and desires of

your heart but without effort it’s just a dream. What I have learned over the years about

leadership, is that it has been and will always be about PEOPLE. People are what drives

us to do what our minds have set limitations on. I pray that each of you recognize your

true potential and prepare yourselves for all of life’s challenges. I would be remised if I

didn’t acknowledge my MS II class. I am proud of each and everyone of you, and you

have shown that you are a true leader. Denying yourself for the better of the class, is a

great attribute on your quest of becoming a great leader. I want you to continue to work

hard to achieve your goals and set new ones as you conquer your fears. My son Andre

Hill, is a aviation Soldier, and I feel very comfortable with him serving under your com-

mand. Good luck all, and if you come to Fuquay-Varina, NC, I’ll leave the light on.

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M A R C H 2 0 1 1

O n t h e G o ! ! !

Cadet Campbell diligently focusing on the classes presentation.

Cadet Davis and Cadet Bullock enjoy-ing some socializing in the cadet


P a g e 6

Sergeant Major West briefing the LTC Tompkins on the future plans of the


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P a g e 7

N e w B N S t a f f

C d t . B a t t a l i o n C o m m a n d e r ’ s C o r n e r

C D T R o d g e r s g .

March 2011

“7 years from now you will be more disap-

pointed by the things that you didn't do than

by the ones you did do. We give people the

opportunity to make something great of

themselves and equip them with the tools to

be successful leaders to not take advantage of

this outstanding program is a shame because

the experiences which can be gained through

the Virginia State University’s Trojan War-

rior Battalion are a one in a life time experi-

ence. We make Generals!”

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On January 20th, 2011 The Trojan

Warrior Battalion was given the privilege

of witnessing the commissioning of now

2nd Lieutenant Josh Ingram into the

United States Army. LT. Ingram has been

through many trials and tribulations to get

this commissioning. With his determina-

tion and help from his family and fellow

Trojans he made it. LT Ingram completed

LDAC and received a Bachelors degree in


LT. Ingram has high hopes for his

career and future in the United States

Army. Having a great support system and

strength of mind there are no doubts that

LT Ingram will accomplish his goals.

LT. Ingram stands along-side his mother after his

commissioning cere-

mony .

March 2011 P a g e 8

2nd Lieutenant Josh Ingram

First Black Female


LTC Irene Logan

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Black History VSU style!!!

First Black Female


LTC Irene Logan

First Black Female General

General Braxtor

First Black Female


LTC Baker

Ladies Firsts!!!

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LTC Jona McKee First Cadet to Be-

come PMS

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For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and

beyond the call of duty. While leading a platoon of Company B, 1st Lt. Sargent

was investigating a reported Viet Cong meeting house and weapons cache. A tun-

nel entrance which 1st Lt. Sargent observed was booby trapped. He tried to de-

stroy the booby trap and blow the cover from the tunnel using hand grenades, but

this attempt was not successful. He and his demolition man moved in to destroy

the booby trap and cover which flushed a Viet Cong soldier from the tunnel, who

was immediately killed by the nearby platoon sergeant. 1st Lt. Sargent, the pla-toon sergeant, and a forward observer moved toward the tunnel entrance. As they

approached, another Viet Cong emerged and threw 2 hand grenades that landed in

the midst of the group. 1st Lt. Sargent fired 3 shots at the enemy then turned and

unhesitatingly threw himself over the 2 grenades. He was mortally wounded, and

his 2 companions were lightly wounded when the grenades exploded. By his cou-

rageous and selfless act of exceptional heroism, he saved the lives of the platoon

sergeant and forward observer and prevented the injury or death of several other

nearby comrades. 1st Lt. Sargent's actions were in keeping with the highest tradi-

tions of the military services and reflect great credit upon himself and the U.S.


Medal of Honor

Ruppert Leon Sargent

First Lieutenant



Army of the United States

Hampton, Virginia

January 06, 1938 to March 15, 1967

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P a g e 1 5

We make Generals! M a r c h 2 0 1 1

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M a r c h 2 0 1 1

F a c i n g Y o u r F e a r s

C W S T T r a i n i n g

CDT Everett makes the 15 meter drop

look like a walk in the park.

An important part of our training incorporates water obstacles. It takes a brave cadet to over-

come the tasks we place in front of each of them.

CDT Muse exiting the pool after accomplishing

the 10 minute swim

CDT Edwards strategically concurring the 25 meter swim

P a g e 1 5

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CWST gives the Cadets a thorough assessment of apprehending realistic scenarios one may come

across as a leader in the US Army. There are vari-

ous stations, the Cadets are tested in. They must

successfully tread water for 5 minutes, complete the don and ditch, swim 15 meters across the

pool with their weapon, and a blindfolded dive

with possession of their weapon. Every other Wednesday, the Cadets must conjure enough

courage to pass these events as commissioning

requirements. The MSIV leadership along with

Cadre is doing whatever possible to provide as-sistance to all Cadets that are weak swimmers.

According to MSIII CDT Dixon, Jonathan

CWST is crucial in our program. “I basically was very poor at treading water, but with the swim-

ming labs allocated, I feel as though my treading

water skills are progressing,” he commented.

F a c i n g Y o u r F e a r s

CDT Wesson making it look easy.

March 2011 P a g e 8

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P a g e 1 7 M A R C H 2 0 1 1

My name is Tony E. Sweeney and I am from Louisville, Kentucky. I am re-

tired military with 21 1/2 years in the U.S. Army with a focus in the field of

logistics. I joined the military in 1979 in Louisville, Kentucky. I went to

basic training at Fort Knox and attended AIT at Fort Lee. I have been all

over the world throughout my military career places including Germany. I

have been married for 25 years and have three beautiful daughters. I love

the time I have spent here in the Trojan Warrior Battalion and it is my honor

assisting this school in its efforts to commission the best officers out of this


Mr. Sweeney

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Trojan Beauty!!

P a g e 1 8 M a r c h 2 0 1 1

Deshauna Barber is your Miss Virginia Interntional 2011!!! Not only is she a Beauty Queen she is also a fellow cadet in Virginia State Universities Trojan War-rior Battalion. Deshauna is a senior and currently working toward a B.S. in Business Management. In addition to receiving her degree, she will be commis-

sioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army upon graduation. Deshauna is proud to be a Trojan and enjoys the time she spends with the battalion and fellow cadets. Cadet Barber spends everyday striving to balance her life. She is an active member in The National Society of Pershing Angels Sorority Incorporated and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incor-

porated. She is a daughter, student and cadet. She was raised in an Army family - her mom, dad and stepmom are all retired soldiers. Her siblings cur-rently serve in the United States Army as well. So, it was no shock when she signed up for the United States Army and it's pretty clear why she chose "H.A.T.s Off – Honoring America's Troops" as her

platform for reign as Miss Virginia. Over the next year, she will travel the state encouraging everyone from kindergarten and beyond to take a moment and recognize a service member. Cadet Barber isn't your average Beauty Queen, anyone can recognize that upon meeting her. Like she always says “ Just be-cause I’m a Beauty Queen doesn't mean I can’t take off the crown and get down and dirty with my battal-


“Everyday Cadet Barber strives to

balance her life. With the many things on her plate she looks forward to

the future and tak-ing each day as they come”

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P a g e 1 9 M A R C H 2 0 1 1

Land Navigation is important, without passing it at

LDAC cadets have no chance of commissioning.

Because of this essential task the Trojan Warrior

Battalion makes sure to give cadets plenty of oppor-

tunities to practice and pass Land Navigation in nu-

merous courses around the state of Virginia. With

only a compass, protractor and map the cadets are

given the difficult task of finding points in the deep

woods during the day and throughout the dark

nights. On February 12, 2011, the Trojan Warrior

Battalion entered Fort Eustis with on thing on their

mind “Passing Land Navigation”. Everyone was

given the opportunity to negotiate the course by

themselves. Many MS I’s and MS II’s had little to

know experience in the field. Those cadets were

placed in small groups with a strong and confident

MS IV to lead them through the course. Most cadets

left the course feeling confident and better educated

on Land Navigation. . Traveling through deep wa-

ters, swamps, rocky roads and thorn patches cadets

were given a chance to test there willingness, pas-

sion and desire to commission in the United States

Army. MS I Cadet Williams, Tiffany was excited

about her experience and better understanding of

Land Navigation. “ I really think I am getting the

hang of this. I understand how to use my pace count

to make it easier to be perfect when I approach my

point! I think next time will go out by myself!” she


L a n d N a v i g a t i o n

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ter of The ROCKS, INC. will be awarding five

$1000 scholarships. Participants will be required to

write a 500 word essay on "How ROTC training will help you meet challenges in life". For more info

see CPT Smith for any assistance with your submis-

sions packet. *PACKETS ARE DUE BY 15 MARCH*

March 2011

April 2011

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4




6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Start of

Spring Break

14 15 16 17 18

End of

Spring Break


20 21 22 23 24 25

Joint FTX


Joint FTX


Joint FTX

28 29 30




Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

Battalion FTX


Battalion FTX

10 11 12 13 14 15

Dining Out


17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


M A R C H 2 0 1 1 P a g e 2 0

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Why do you want to be an Officer?


“My Name is Brittany Allen, I’m a sophomore and currently an MS II.

My major of choice is Psychology and within psychology I am most inter-

ested in studying health psychology. Coming from a family where every-

one is or was in the military, I felt as though I was obligated to follow suit.

My mother served in the Army for eight years and my father was in the

Navy for twenty years and retired as a Commander. I want to become an

Officer in the United States because I feel that I am already a leader in so

many ways in my everyday life. I know that becoming an Officer would

make my family very proud of me. I not only want to make my parents

proud of me, but I want to be proud of myself and become a success in

life. “

I want to be an officer because I believe that it stands for dedication to our

country and way of life in the United States. Right now I’m currently a sec-

ond semester freshman. That being said, ROTC is still somewhat new to me.

On the other hand, it feels like home. Like I’ve been doing it all my life. I

owe that experience to the Virginia State program. Everyone has been help-

ful, and has made my experience better. Everything I have done and learned

so far will help me the rest of my life, whether it being map reading, physical

training, or how to carry myself with military bearing. The great thing is the fact that I still have three more years to keep learning and growing. My

ROTC experience has been everything and more than I thought it would be,

and I like it more and more everyday.

The main reason I want to be an officer mainly comes from my mother and

father, both who have highly decorated military careers. With that said I

have seen the benefits to being in the military such as the structure and

training you get that is relevant to the civilian world. It was also the reason-

ing that they would pay for my school and then allow me to go into the

Army was definitely a good reason to be in the Army. These reasons plus

the high expectations I and other people have established are always a con-

stant motivation to do my best in this program to ultimately be commis-sioned active duty in the Signal or Finance Corps.

Through the experience of being enlisted, I feel that I can be a greater

strength to the Army as an Officer. I feel that I can be an officer that will

encourage and help enlisted soldiers to grown and learn. I feel it is time to

pursue my goal and that I am ready to take on the responsibilities of becom-

ing an Officer. I believe the experience I will have by becoming an Officer

will undoubtedly enhance my leadership skills; skills that will help me

serve the United States better.

M A R C H 2 0 1 1

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Check Us The Trojan Warrior Battalion on FaceBook

Virginia State University Army ROTC







Virginia State University


P.O. Box 9087

Petersburg, VA 23806

M A R C H 2 0 1 1 P a g e 2 2
