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Twitter Job Search

Date post: 17-Oct-2014
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Twitter Job Search
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Twitter Job Search Strategy for job seekers
Page 1: Twitter Job Search

T w i t t e r

J o b

S e a r c h

S t r a t e g y

f o r

j o b

s e e k e r s

Page 2: Twitter Job Search

“8 9 p e r c e n t

p l a n t o r e c r u i t

t h r o u g h s o c i a l

m e d i a t h i s

y e a r , u p f r o m

8 3 p e r c e n t i n

2 0 1 0 ” J o b v i t e


Page 3: Twitter Job Search

CareerWorx* careerworx.co

L o o k f o r v a c a n c i e s

o n T w i t J o b S e a r c h ,

i t s a s e a r c h e n g i n e

s p e c i f i c a l l y d e s i g n e d

t o f i n d j o b s o n

T w i t t e r

T w i t t e r J o b S e a r c h S t r a t e g y

Page 4: Twitter Job Search

CareerWorx* careerworx.co

T w i t t e r J o b S e a r c h S t r a t e g y

FREE job board service for Twitter

Page 5: Twitter Job Search

is another site where new job postings get immediately sent to you through Twitter

Follow the hashtag #Tweetmyjobs ..its very simple and ofcourse free tool for job seekers.

T w i t t e r J o b S e a r c h S t r a t e g y

Page 6: Twitter Job Search

Follow industry-specific job feeds









Page 7: Twitter Job Search

Get ORGANIZED in your job search

Create Lists about the companies you are interested in working for and your professional network that would help you in your job search..(you can create a list for recruiters who you recruit in your field)

Follow Lists that are

about careers and job searches.

Page 8: Twitter Job Search

Use Twitter directories to find industry professionals to follow

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M o r e R e s o u r c e s

Page 10: Twitter Job Search

Quick Tips on how to maintain a professional presence on twitter

Page 11: Twitter Job Search

Post amazing status updates about your

career or industry…

Make yourself stand out…Be valuable to potential employers

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Valuable … http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/4985/Retweeting-in-Real-Life-Cartoon.aspx

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engage with your followers…retweet and share information in a professional manner.

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follow companies and people that you want to work for

follow recruiters and recruitment consultants and message them about job positions…just let them know you exist!

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Page 17: Twitter Job Search

Copyright Scott Adams, Inc.

20 is the maximum amount of tweets in a day

15 is the minimum number of tweets per week

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Hashtag your tweets. It makes your tweets more searchable and visible.

#jobs #job #jobsearch #career #careers #jobhunt #intern #hirefriday #jobfair #jobsearch #hiring #vacancies #vacancy #career #HR

Page 19: Twitter Job Search

T w i t t e r J o b S e a r c h S t r a t e g y


Jobvite Survey Finding


25 Twitter Infograohics


Twitter Job Search Guide


Twittering your way to a job


Page 20: Twitter Job Search

T w i t t e r J o b S e a r c h S t r a t e g y

Images Credits

Phil Baker


The Twitter Job Search Guide




Twitter Job Search


Twittering you way to a job


Tweet my job


Page 21: Twitter Job Search

Images Credits



List Me Baby


Retweet Resuse


Follow Companies


Twitter Jobs Orange Bird


T w i t t e r J o b S e a r c h S t r a t e g y
