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tx Gradebook APRIL 2011 Training Guide

txGradebook APRIL 2011

Training Guide

Copyright © 2011 by Texas Computer Cooperative All rights reserved

Education Service Center, Region 20 1314 Hines Avenue

San Antonio, TX 78208-1899

This manual was prepared and published by Education Service Center, Region 20, San Antonio, TX in concert with participating Texas Computer Cooperative members.

Made in the United States of America

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Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5

Registration and Login ............................................................................................................. 7

Login Page .............................................................................................................................. 7

Registration Pages .................................................................................................................. 8

Update Profile Pages ............................................................................................................. 11

Other Account Maintenance .................................................................................................. 14

Menu Overview ........................................................................................................................ 17

User Types .............................................................................................................................. 19

Teachers ............................................................................................................................... 19

Administrators ....................................................................................................................... 19

Seating Chart Setup ................................................................................................................ 21

Arrange Student Order ........................................................................................................... 27

Student Groups ....................................................................................................................... 31

Student Group Manager ........................................................................................................ 31

Manage My GroupName Group ............................................................................................. 32

Attendance .............................................................................................................................. 35

Post/View Attendance ........................................................................................................... 35

Attendance Roster ................................................................................................................. 40

Administer Categories ............................................................................................................ 43

Administer Assignments ........................................................................................................ 49

Administer Courses ................................................................................................................ 55

Assignment Grades ................................................................................................................ 57

Cycle Grades ........................................................................................................................... 69

IPRs .......................................................................................................................................... 77

IPR Comments ...................................................................................................................... 77

Print IPR ................................................................................................................................ 79

Print IPR by Average ............................................................................................................. 82

Interim Progress Reports ....................................................................................................... 84

PGP (iTCCS only) .................................................................................................................... 87

Student Information ................................................................................................................ 91

Student Information............................................................................................................ 91

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Contact Information............................................................................................................ 92

Student Attendance ........................................................................................................... 92

Student Schedule .............................................................................................................. 93

Student Photo .................................................................................................................... 93

TAKS Objectives/Scores .................................................................................................... 93

Reports .................................................................................................................................... 95

Assignment Grades ............................................................................................................... 95

Attendance Verification .......................................................................................................... 97

Blank/Missing Grades ............................................................................................................ 99

Cycle Grade Range ............................................................................................................. 101

Class Roster ........................................................................................................................ 104

Missing Exam Grades ......................................................................................................... 106

Percent Failing .................................................................................................................... 108

Seating Charts ..................................................................................................................... 110

Special Programs ................................................................................................................ 112

Student Group Reports ........................................................................................................ 114

Group Admin Student Grades .......................................................................................... 114

Attendance Summary ...................................................................................................... 117

Group UIL ........................................................................................................................ 118

Student Note Report ............................................................................................................ 121

UIL ...................................................................................................................................... 123

Appendix A - Calculating Averages ..................................................................................... 125

Percentage Averaging ......................................................................................................... 125

Point Averaging ................................................................................................................... 127

Multiplier Averaging ............................................................................................................. 128

Extra Credit ......................................................................................................................... 130

Percentage Averaging With an Extra Credit Assignment ................................................. 130

Point Averaging With an Extra Credit Assignment ........................................................... 132

Multiplier Averaging With an Extra Credit Assignment ..................................................... 133

Transfer Students ................................................................................................................ 135

Dropped Assignment Grades............................................................................................... 136

Rounding Numbers .............................................................................................................. 136

Missing and Incomplete Grades .......................................................................................... 137

Appendix B - System Requirements .................................................................................... 139

Operating System ................................................................................................................ 139

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Mobile Devices .................................................................................................................... 139

Resolution ........................................................................................................................... 139

Browsers ............................................................................................................................. 140

Browser Setup for Windows Internet Explorer ..................................................................... 141

Browser Setup for Mozilla Firefox ........................................................................................ 142

Browser Setup for Safari ...................................................................................................... 143

Window Navigation .............................................................................................................. 143

Appendix C - Hardware Requirements ................................................................................ 145

Internet Explorer 7 ............................................................................................................... 145

Internet Explorer 8 ............................................................................................................... 145

Firefox 3 .............................................................................................................................. 146

Safari 4 and 5 ...................................................................................................................... 146

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Introduction The grade book application, txGradebook is an integrated classroom management system that allows teachers to maintain and post student data, including attendance and grades. The application also allows you to receive transfer students and produce Interim Progress Reports (IPRs). Various inquiry pages allow you to view student demographic data, contact information, attendance records, and schedules. txGradebook’s integration with the Student systems makes it unnecessary to perform imports and exports of data in order to populate the records. Data is shared between the systems, thereby eliminating much of the work needed to synchronize two systems. The application provides current data, such as grades, attendance, or student/teacher schedules, that is updated at district-specific times. Data is written directly to the district database.

Teachers can access txGradebook from anywhere with an Internet connection (school or home). The txGradebook application consists of the following processes:

• Self-Register and Log on

• Set up Categories and Assignments

• Create Seating Charts

• Arrange Student Order

• Post and View Attendance

• Enter and Post Grades

• Produce IPRs

• Accept Transfer Students

• View Student Information

• Print Reports

• Administrator Access

The districts control access to txGradebook through district and campus menus. There are four levels of administrative access. Administrators can be given full maintenance access or inquiry-only access, and they can be given access to one campus or all campuses.

The parent portal application, txConnect, provides parents and guardians Web access to school-related information about their students including grades, attendance, and assignments. It works in conjunction with txGradebook. Parents can access txConnect from anywhere with an Internet connection.

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Registration and Login

Login Page The Login page is the entry portal to txGradebook for both new users and those who have not yet registered on the system. If the district has specified hours of operation for txGradebook, the hours are displayed on the page. Also, special notices regarding system outages or other information may be displayed on the page, if applicable.

To log on as a registered user:

If you have already registered, type your user ID and password, and then click the Login button. Your user ID is not case-sensitive. Your password is case-sensitive. The text typed in the Password field is hidden.

If you are a teacher with a nonadministrative account, the Announcements page is displayed.

Warning: If you have three unsuccessful attempts to log on (invalid user ID/password combinations), the system will lock out your account. If your account is locked out, please contact the campus administrator to have your account reset.

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Registration Pages

To register a new user:

If you are a new user who has not previously registered for txGradebook, click the link on the Login page under New User to begin the registration process.

The Registration Step 1 page is displayed.

The Registration Step 1 page is the beginning of the process to authenticate a new user.

1. Type a valid staff ID (assigned by the district), last name, and first initial.

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2. Type the required data, and then click Next. The Registration Step 2 page is displayed.

3. The Registration Step 2 page requires that you type a user ID, password, and personal

identification number (PIN).

• Your user ID must be 6-8 alphanumeric characters and unique within the district. The user ID is not case-sensitive. Check with your district administrator to find out if special formatting is required.

Note: Once established, a user ID cannot be changed or deleted.

• Your password must be 6-9 alphanumeric characters. Use at least three of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and/or punctuation (e.g., aBc1234). Your password is case-sensitive.

• Your PIN must be four numeric characters. It is recommended that you do not choose 1234 or 4321, as these are common and easily guessed.

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4. Enter the required data, and then click Next. The Registration Step 3 page is displayed.

The Registration Step 3 page requires that you select and answer a set of three hint questions. The questions will be asked in the event that you lose your registration information. The district determines questions that you can select.

Note: You will be required to answer the questions correctly in order to recover your registration information. Be sure to select questions for which you will easily remember your answer. Answers are case-sensitive.

5. Enter the required data, and then click Next. The Success page is displayed.

6. Click Finish. You are redirected to the appropriate page according to your access level. If

you are a teacher with a nonadministrative account, the Announcements page is displayed.

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To exit the registration process:

At any point during the registration process, you can click Back to Login to cancel your registration and return to the Login page. Any data you entered up to that point is not saved.

Update Profile Pages The Update Profile pages allow you to change your password, PIN, or hint questions at any time. For administrative users, the Update Admin Profile pages are used instead.

To access the page:

Select Update Profile from the Settings menu. The Update Profile page is displayed.

To update a user profile:

1. In the Current Password field, type your current password. You must type your current password correctly in order to update any data in your profile.

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2. To change your password, type a new password in the New Password field. Your password must be 6-9 alphanumeric characters. Use at least three of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and/or punctuation (e.g., aBc1234).

3. Type your password again in the Confirm Password field. It must match the password you typed in the New Password field exactly.

4. To change your PIN, type a new four-digit PIN in the New PIN field.

5. If you want to provide your telephone number to parents in txConnect, type the number in the Phone Number field in the NNN-NNNNNNN format. If you leave the field blank, your phone number will not be provided in txConnect.

6. If you want to provide your e-mail address to parents in txConnect, type the address in the Email Address field (e.g., [email protected]). If you leave the field blank, your e-mail address will not be provided in txConnect.

7. If you want to provide additional notes to parents, such as conference period availability, type the notes in the Notes field. If entered, the comments will be displayed for parents in txConnect.

8. Select Combine courses in attendance if you want to combine classes for attendance reporting. The field is selected by default. If you do not want to combine courses for attendance reporting (e.g., pre-kindergarten courses that meet morning and afternoon), clear the field.

9. If you want to update your hint questions, select Update Hint Questions. The questions are updated on the next page when you click Next.

10. In the Student Order field, indicate where you want new students to be listed on the following pages and reports: Assignment Grades, Cycle Grades, IPR Comments, Print IPR, Assignment Grades Report, and Class Roster Report. This field works in conjunction with the Arrange Student Order page and is only available to users who are logged on as teachers. The field is not available to administrative users.

• alpha (default) order - All students are listed in alphabetical order, regardless of the custom sort order established on the Arrange Student Order page.

• Add new students to the top of the list - Any new students who have enrolled in the course section since you last saved a custom sort order are displayed at the top of the list.

• Add new students to the bottom of the list - Any new students who have enrolled in the course section since you last saved a custom sort order are displayed at the bottom of the list.

The setting is the same for all of your classes.


• If you select the option to list new students at the top or bottom of the list, but you have not set up a custom sort order for all course sections, only classes that have a custom sort order are affected. For all other course sections, all students are listed in alphabetical order.

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• This field allows you to toggle between displaying students in alphabetical order and your custom sort order. If you have created a custom sort order, you can temporarily change this field so your students are displayed in alphabetical order. When you change the field again to add new students to the top or bottom of the list, your custom sort order is retained.

11. Select Use Independent Scroll Bars on Assignment Grades if you want independent scroll bars for the assignment grades table on the Assignment Grades page. If you clear the field, the complete assignment grades table will be displayed. If the data requires more than one screen, the page scroll bars must be used to view the additional data.

Note: The field is ignored if you are using an Apple mobile device. The independent scroll bars are not available on Apple mobile devices.

12. Click Next. If you selected Update Hint Questions, the Update Profile Step 3 page allows you to update your answers to the hint questions.

13. You can change your hint questions and answers, and then click Next.

14. If you entered all required data, the Success page is displayed. Click Finish to return to the Announcements page.

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Other Account Maintenance

To recover a locked account:

If you have three consecutive unsuccessful attempts at signing in, your account will be locked, and you must contact your campus txGradebook administrator to have your password reset. Once your account is reset, you can use the Reset Password (recover a lost password) procedure described later in this guide to reset your password.

To change a password to continue:

For security purposes, your password will expire periodically. The amount of time that your password is valid is set by the district. If your password has expired, you are redirected to the Password Expired page before the Announcements page is displayed.

1. Type your current password.

2. Type (and retype to confirm) your new password.

3. Click Submit.

If you typed the data correctly, your password is changed, and the Announcements page is displayed.

To reset a password or recover a lost password:

The Reset Password page allows you to reset your password in the event that you forget your password and need to regain access to txGradebook. You can also change your password at any time.

To access the page:

From the Login page, click the link under Forget your password. The Reset Password Step 1 page is displayed.

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1. Type your staff ID and user ID, and then click Next. The Reset Password Step 2 page is displayed.

2. One of your hint questions is displayed. In the Answer field, type the answer to the question

exactly as you typed it during the registration process.

3. Click Next. If you typed the data correctly, the Reset Password Step 3 page is displayed.

4. In the Password field, type a new password. The password must be six to nine

alphanumeric characters. Use a combination of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and/or punctuation (e.g., aBc1234). Your password is case-sensitive.

Note: You cannot reuse your last password.

5. Retype your password in the Confirm Password field.

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6. If you want to change your PIN, type a new PIN in the New PIN field, and then retype the PIN in the Confirm PIN field. Click Finish. Once your password is changed, the Announcements page is displayed.

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Menu Overview Once you successfully log on to txGradebook, the Announcements page is displayed.

The following navigation tools are displayed at the top of every page in txGradebook.

• Your district name and campus name are displayed in the upper-right corner. If you currently teach courses at more than one campus, you can select which campus to view.

• The main menu provides access to all areas of txGradebook.

• Your ID and name are displayed on the right side of the main menu. If you teach at multiple campuses and your name happens to be entered differently at each campus (e.g., if your first name is entered as James at one campus and Jim at another campus), your name is displayed as it is entered at the campus you are currently viewing. In most cases, your name should be entered the same at all campuses.

• The logout link is displayed to the right of your ID.

• The submenu is displayed below the main menu when you mouse over a main menu item. The submenu provides links to the pages and functions within the main menu areas.

• The Help icon is displayed on the right side of the submenu.

• District and campus announcements are displayed below the submenu. The announcements, which may contain important deadlines and information, are entered by your district and campus. Always check the announcements for new information.

• To return to this page after you log on, select Announcements from the Home menu.

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To access a page:

From the menu bar, mouse over the menu name (e.g., Attendance) to display the contents of the menu. The submenu is displayed in the row below the main menu.

From the submenu, select the menu item. A page for the selected menu item is displayed.

To return to the previous page:

You cannot return to a page by clicking your browser’s Back button. To return to a page, you must reselect it from the menu.

To access Help:

On the right side of the submenu, click . The Help window opens.

In the Help window, the Help topic is displayed on the right. The Help topic is specific to the page you are viewing. The navigation pane is displayed on the left, which allows you to browse other Help topics from this Help window.

To keep your session active:

If your session is idle for a specified amount of time (i.e., you are logged on but you have not made any changes that have hit the server), your session becomes inactive. This is a security measure designed to limit access to the system if you are unexpectedly called away from your computer. The time limit for idle sessions is set by the district.

• Prior to becoming inactive, a warning message is displayed to let you know that your session will end soon.

• To keep the session active, click Reset Timeout. The session timeout counter starts over, and you will not lose data on the page.

• To allow the session to expire, do not type or click on the page. A short time later, a message is displayed to inform you that your session timed out. The page is automatically redirected to the Login page.

Warning: Any data that was not saved when the session expired is lost.

To log out:

The logout link is displayed to the right of your user ID. When you click the logout link, you are logged out of txGradebook and redirected to the Login page. You can also click to log out.

• Any data that was not saved is lost when you log out.

• After you log out, you cannot use the browser’s Back button to return to the last page you visited. You must log on to txGradebook again to view the page.

• If you close the browser (either click the browser’s close button or select Close from the File menu), you are logged out of txGradebook.

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User Types

Teachers Teachers who do not have administrative access are directed to the Announcements page when they log on. The Admin tab is not displayed in the main menu, and some reports that require administrative access are not displayed in the Reports submenu.

• Teachers who teach courses for which students must meet UIL eligibility requirements (e.g., band or athletics) can be granted access to the UIL report in the Reports menu. The UIL report allows a teacher to view his students’ working cycle averages for all of their courses to determine UIL eligibility and locate students who may be at risk of losing eligibility.

• Teachers can be given permission to create campus-wide or course-wide groups of students in txGradebook. Special group reports are available that provide data for the student groups.

Administrators There are four levels of security assigned to txGradebook administrators. Administrators can be given either full maintenance or inquiry-only access, and administrators can be assigned access to a single campus or all campuses. The access level is displayed on the Administrator Options page.

A txGradebook/txConnect Administrator Training Guide is available to assist you with administrative-level use of txGradebook.

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Seating Chart Setup The Seating Chart Setup page allows you to create and maintain seating charts for all of your classes. The seating chart lists the student name, gender, and ID. The seats are color-coded by gender. Student seats can be rearranged at any time.


• If a student transfers to the class, he is listed under Unassigned Students.

• If a student drops the course, his seat is blank.

• You must create a new seating chart for each semester of a course.

To access the page:

From the Settings menu, select Seating Chart Setup. The Seating Chart Setup page is displayed.

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If you select Show Pictures, the student photos are displayed in the seating chart.

To create a seating chart:

1. The Date field displays the current date by default. You can type another valid attendance date in the MMDDYYYY format, or click to select a date from the calendar. To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar.

• The date is used to verify current enrollment in the class.

• If you are setting up a seating chart before the first day of school, enter the date of the first class.

2. The Semester field displays the semester of the selected date by default. Select another semester if necessary.

3. In the Period field, select the period/course for which you want to create a seating chart.

• By default, the field displays the first period for which you have not posted attendance.

• If a seating chart already exists for the course, the seating chart is displayed.

• If Combine courses in attendance is selected on the Update Profile page, the courses are combined by period.

Notes about combining and uncombining courses: It is recommended that you set the Combine courses in attendance field on the Update Profile page the way you want it for the semester before creating the seating

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chart. If you change the setting, the data will be preserved as much as possible; however, you must then verify that your seating charts are correct for all periods, make the necessary changes, and then save the seating charts again.

If you change the Combine courses in attendance field during the semester, the following applies:

• If Combine courses in attendance was not originally selected and you have only one course per period, you created a seating chart, and then you selected Combine courses in attendance, the seating chart is not affected; however, you must resave the seating charts for all periods.

• If Combine courses in attendance was not originally selected and you have some periods with multiple courses (each with its own seating chart), you created a seating chart, and then you selected Combine courses in attendance, the following occurs when you retrieve one of the periods on the Seating Chart Setup page:

• Only the seating chart for the first course in the list is preserved.

• The remaining students are displayed under Unassigned Students.

• If the first course in the list has no students enrolled, no seating chart is preserved. You must recreate the chart.

• If Combine courses in attendance was originally selected and you have only one course per period, you created a seating chart, and then you cleared Combine courses in attendance, the seating chart is not affected; however, you must resave the seating charts for all periods.

• If Combine courses in attendance was originally selected and you have some periods with multiple courses, you created a seating chart for students from multiple courses, and then you cleared Combine courses in attendance, the following occurs when you retrieve a period/course on the Seating Chart Setup page:

• Only the chart dimensions of the seating chart for the first period/course you attempt to edit is preserved.

• Only seats for students enrolled in the course are preserved.

• The remaining students are displayed under Unassigned Students.

• You must recreate the chart for the other courses that were previously combined in the period.

4. In the Layout Options field, select one of the following layouts for the seating chart.

• Alphabetical by row - Students are placed in alphabetical order by last name starting at the front-left corner of the room (from the teacher’s perspective) and continuing horizontally, filling each seat until all students are placed. Empty seats are at the back of the room.

• Alphabetical by column - Students are placed in alphabetical order by last name starting at the front-left corner of the room (from the teacher’s perspective) and continuing vertically toward the back of the room, filling each seat until all students are placed. Empty seats are on the right side of the room.

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• Numerical by row - Students are placed in numerical order by student ID starting at the front-left corner of the room (from the teacher’s perspective) and continuing horizontally, filling each seat until all students are placed. Empty seats are at the back of the room.

• Numerical by column - Students are placed in numerical order by student ID starting at the front-left corner of the room (from the teacher’s perspective) and continuing vertically toward the back of the room, filling each seat until all students are placed. Empty seats are on the right side of the room.

• Random - Students are placed in random order. If there are more seats than students, the empty seats are at the back of the room.

• Blank - A blank seating chart is displayed, and all students are listed either beside or below the chart (depending on the size of the chart).

Note: If you previously saved a seating chart and return to this page, the student seats are arranged according to your last saved layout; however, the Layout Options drop down is always set to Random by default. Even if you selected an alphabetical or numerical arrangement, you may have manually moved students; therefore, the system assumes the students may have been moved.

5. In the Rows and Columns fields, type the number of rows (horizontal) and columns (vertical) for the seating chart. You can have up to 11 rows and 11 columns.

6. Click Preview Layout. The seating chart is displayed according to the criteria entered.

• If there are more students enrolled in the class than seats available, the extra students are listed under Unassigned Students either beside or below the seating chart (depending on the size of the chart).

• Each seat lists the student’s name, gender, and ID.

• You can click the student ID to view the student’s profile.

• The seats are color-coded by gender. Seats for females are shaded pink, and seats for males are shaded blue.

Note: When you click Preview Layout, the changes are not saved. You must type your PIN and click Save Seating Chart to save the changes.

7. Select Show Pictures to display student photos in the seating chart. Clear the field to hide the student photos. Photos are only available if they have been added by district administrators.

8. You can manually arrange students as needed by dragging a student to a new location.

• If a student is dragged to a new location that is currently occupied, the two students switch seats.

• If the student is dragged to an unoccupied location, his original location becomes unoccupied.

• You can drag students to and from the Unassigned Students list. If a student is dragged to a new location that is currently occupied, the two students switch places. The student from the list now has a seat, and the student who had a seat is now in the list.

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9. To re-sort the students using one of the layout options, select an option from the Layout Options field, and then click Preview Layout. The students are sorted according to the new layout.

10. To save your changes, type your four-digit PIN in the PIN field, and then click Save Seating Chart.

• If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the seating chart data was posted.

• If you typed your PIN incorrectly, the system notifies you that you provided an invalid PIN. You must provide the correct PIN to continue.

• If you change any data on the page and then attempt to leave this page without saving the changes, a warning message is displayed.

• Click Continue to leave this page without saving your changes.

• Click Cancel to return to the page and save your changes.

11. Click Print to print the seating chart for one period or all periods. The Seating Charts Report Selection page is displayed allowing you to make selections for running the report. See the Seating Charts Report section of this training guide for more information on running the report.

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Arrange Student Order The Arrange Student Order page allows you to determine the order in which students are listed on the following pages:

• Grades, Assignment Grades

• Grades, Cycle Grades

• Grades, IPR Comments

• Grades, Print IPR

• Reports, Assignment Grades (listed as a sorting option)

• Reports, Class Roster

You must be logged on as a teacher to use this page. The page is not displayed for administrative users.

Note: Before using this page, you must set a preference for new students in the Student Order field on the Update Profile page. The field must be set to add students to the top of the list or bottom of the list. Otherwise, the order established on this page is not utilized on the other pages throughout txGradebook.

To access the page:

From the Settings menu, select Arrange Student Order. The Arrange Student Order page is displayed allowing you to sort the students.

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To arrange the students:

1. In the Semester field, select the semester of the course section for which you want to arrange students.

2. In the Course Section field, select the course section for which you want to arrange students.

3. Click Retrieve Data. All students in the selected course section are listed.

• If you have not previously arranged students in this course section, the students are listed in alphabetical order.

• If you have previously arranged the students, the students are listed in the last saved order.

• Withdrawn and dropped students are included in the list.

• To the right of the student list, a message indicates your current setting on the Update Profile page regarding the placement of new students. A link to the page is provided, allowing you to easily change your setting.

4. You can rearrange students using drag-and-drop. Click and hold the student ID or name, and drag the student to the new position.

5. You can click the student ID to view the student’s profile.

6. To save the student order, in the PIN field, type your four-digit PIN.

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7. Click Save Arrangement.

• If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the student list order was saved.

• If you typed your PIN incorrectly, the system notifies you that you provided an invalid PIN. You must provide the correct PIN to continue.

• If you change any data on the page and then attempt to leave this page without saving the changes, a warning message is displayed.

• Click Continue to leave this page without saving your changes.

• Click Cancel to return to the page and save your changes.

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Student Groups

Student Group Manager The Student Group Manager page allows you to create and maintain groups of students for reporting purposes. The student groups can be campus-wide and are not limited to a particular course section. Special group reports are available to provide data for the student groups.

• Teachers can be given access in the Student system to create student groups as follows:

• No access (you cannot create student groups). If you do not have access, the Student Group Manager page is not listed in the menu.

• Course-wide access (you can create student groups that include only students enrolled in your courses).

• Campus-wide access (you can create student groups that include any students at the campus). If you do not have this access, an administrative user (impersonating the teacher) can create groups for you. Groups can only be created for teachers who have a txGradebook account.

• Users can run group reports for their own groups, regardless of who created the group.

To access the page:

From the Settings menu, select Student Group Manager. The Student Group Manager page is displayed allowing you create and maintain groups of students.

To set up groups:

1. Under Group Manager, your existing groups are displayed.

2. Under Group Reports, the available student group reports are listed; they are linked to the reports in the Reports menu under Student Group Reports. Some of the group reports mirror other reports available in the Reports menu.

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3. To add a new group, type the group name in the text box under the Group Manager list, and then click Add Group. The group is listed in the Group Manager list with a student count of 0.

You cannot add a group name that already exists in the list.

4. To add or delete students in the group, click . The Manage My GroupName Group page is displayed, where GroupName is the name given to the group. The page is described in the next section.

5. To delete a group, click . A message is displayed asking you to confirm that you want to delete the group. Click OK to continue.

6. Under Group Reports, click a report title to run the report for a student group:

• The Group Admin Student Grades page allows you to run the Admin Student Grades report for a student group.

• The Attendance Summary report generates a summary report of student attendance for a specified student group.

• The Group UIL report provides a list of students’ working cycle averages for all of their courses, which allows you to determine UIL eligibility and locate students who may be at risk of losing eligibility. The report is similar to the UIL report; however, you can produce the report for a specified student group.

The student group reports are described in the Reports section of this guide.

Manage My GroupName Group The Manage My GroupName Group page allows you to add and remove students from your student groups.

Note: A group can have up to 1000 students. If you attempt to add more than 1000 students to a group, a message is displayed below the GroupName Group grid indicating that you have exceeded 1000 students.

To access the page:

The page can only be accessed from the Student Group Manager page.

1. From the Settings menu, select Student Group Manager. The Student Group Manager page is displayed allowing you create and maintain groups of students.

2. From the Student Group Manager page, click .

The Manage My GroupName Group page is displayed, where GroupName is the name given to the group.

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To edit groups:

Students who have already been added to the group are listed in the right grid under GroupName Group. The current number of students in the group is displayed in parentheses.

1. To search for a student to add to the group, make the following selections under Search Options:

• Select Last Name or First Name to search for the student by last name or first name.

• Select Student ID to search for the student by student ID.

• In the Within Grade Level field, select a grade level if you want to narrow the search to one grade level. Otherwise, select All.

• Type all or part of the student’s first name, last name, or student ID, and then click Search. The students who meet the criteria are listed under Students Found. The number of students retrieved is displayed in parentheses.

• For teachers and administrative users who have access to create campus-wide groups, the search retrieves students from across the campus.

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• For all other users, the search retrieves only students in any of their classes.

Click the page numbers at the bottom of the grid to view additional students.

2. Under Students Found, select the student(s) to add to your group.

• You can select Select All to select all visible students on the page. Clear Select All to unselect all selected students.

• You can select Add to select individual students. Clear Add to unselect individual students.

• Click Add>> to add the selected students to your group. The students are displayed in the right grid under GroupName Group.

3. Under GroupName Group, select any students to remove from your group.

• You can select Select All to select all students in the group. Clear Select All to unselect all selected students.

• You can select Delete to select individual students. Clear Delete to unselect individual students.

• Click <<Del to remove the selected students from your group. The students are displayed in the grid under Students Found.

4. When the correct students are listed under GroupName Group, click Save to save the information. Otherwise, click Cancel to discard your unsaved changes and revert to the original group list.

5. Click Back to the Student Group Manager to return to the Student Group Manager page.

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Post/View Attendance The Attendance page allows you to record and post attendance for each period. You can also use the page to view attendance data that has already been posted. You can post the data only once for each period/course. If you discover an error after you have posted, you must contact the attendance clerk to correct the error.

The system checks for valid periods for the current date. If there are no valid periods for the date, the message “No attendance to post” is displayed.

To access the page:

From the Attendance menu, select Post/View Attendance. The Attendance page is displayed.

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To select a posting date:

1. The page displays data for the current date by default. To enter another date, type the date in the MMDDYYYY format, or click to open the calendar and select a valid date. To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar.

For multi-track campuses, the tracks are listed below the date and are highlighted with color-coding, when applicable.

• You cannot select a date outside the current calendar year. Valid school dates begin

with the earliest meeting day for any track at the campus and end with the latest meeting day for any track at the campus. If you type a date that is invalid according to the calendar, an error message is displayed next to the Date field. You must type or select a valid date.

• Some campuses may not allow you to post attendance for a prior date. In this case, the Post Attendance button is not displayed for prior dates.

• You can select a Saturday if Saturday is a valid attendance date, even if the course does not meet on Saturday. This may be used for bad weather makeup days.

• Courses are only displayed on the days met. For example, a course that meets only on Monday is displayed only when the attendance date is a Monday.

2. The Semester field displays the semester of the selected date by default. Select another semester if necessary.

To select a posting period:

In the Period field, select the period/course for which you want to view or record attendance. Only valid attendance periods are displayed in the drop-down list. The drop-down list provides period numbers with the courses you teach at each period. By default, the page displays data for the first period for which you have not posted attendance.

The list of active students for the selected date and period/course is displayed. The student ID, name, grade level, and course section are displayed for each student.

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• If you teach multiple courses for the selected period, all students in all courses are displayed.

• If you select a date/period combination for which no course is taught, an error message notifies you that no students are enrolled in the selected date and period.

• Attendance can be posted only once for each date/period. If you already posted attendance for the date/period, the period is shaded gray in the drop-down list.

• If you select the period, a message notifies you that attendance has been posted for the date/period, and a view-only list is displayed.

To record attendance:

When you select the date and period, a class list is displayed. All students are set to Present by default. For students who are tardy or absent for the selected date/period, mark accordingly in the Attendance fields by clicking for Absent or Tardy.

• As you mark students absent or tardy, the rows change color. Tardy students are shaded yellow, and absent students are shaded red.

• The total number of students enrolled in the period is displayed at the bottom of the column.

• Students in self-paced and nongraded courses are included on the attendance list.

• You can click the student ID to view the student’s profile.

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• Some iTCCS campuses may not allow students to be tardy during the ADA period. This is an option set by the campus. If the campus does not allow you to record tardies during the ADA period, the Tardy option is disabled. This does not apply to RSCCC campuses.

• Some elementary campuses may not allow students to be absent during the elementary tardy period. This is an option set by the campus. If the campus does not allow you to record absences during the elementary tardy period, the Absent option is disabled.

• For RSCCC users, the Tardy field is disabled if the default tardy code field is blank in the Student system.

• If a student’s absence is preposted (e.g., a scheduled band trip or a student who called in sick), the student is shaded gray, and the Attendance field displays the reason for his absence. Preposted absences are handled by the attendance clerk, so you cannot mark attendance for the student.

• Students whose attendance is excluded from reporting are included in the list, but you cannot record attendance for the students. This is a rare circumstance.

• Students who are on a track that does not meet on the selected date are displayed on the page; however, the Absent/Tardy/Present fields are replaced by a message indicating that the date is not a membership day for the student.

• If a student withdrew from the course, the message “withdrawn student” is displayed by his name.

• If the attendance clerk entered comments associated with a student’s preposted attendance for the date displayed, the comments icon is displayed next to the preposted attendance. Click to view the comments.

To sort and rearrange columns:

The columns can be sorted and rearranged according to your preferences. An arrow indicates the column and order by which the table is currently sorted. If a column can be sorted, a sort box is displayed in the column heading.

• To resort the list by another column heading, click in the column heading. The column is sorted in ascending order, as indicated by in the column heading. To sort the column in descending order, click again. The sort arrow changes direction.

If you sort by the last name column, the table actually sorts by last name, then first name. If you sort by the first name column, the table actually sorts by first name, then last name.

• To rearrange the columns, click on the left side of the column you want to move, and then drag the column to the desired location in the table. Before you drop the column in the new location, a red bar appears in the location in which it will drop.

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To post attendance:

After you record attendance for the course, review your input carefully. You can post the data only once for each period/course. If you need to correct the attendance after you posted attendance, you must contact the attendance clerk to correct the error. Follow procedures established by the campus (e.g., print the posted attendance report, make any corrections, sign the report, and submit it to the campus administrators).

When you are satisfied with your attendance input, you must post the data.

1. Type your PIN in the PIN field.

2. Click Post Attendance. If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads with a message indicating that the attendance was posted successfully.

• If you indicated that all students are present (and no absences were previously entered by the attendance clerk), a message is displayed prompting you to confirm that all students are marked present.

• Click Continue to confirm. Attendance is posted, and the All Present flag in the database is set to Y (yes).

• Click Cancel not to confirm. Attendance is not posted.

• After posting is complete, the attendance list is view only.

• If the campus does not allow you to post attendance for a prior date, the Post Attendance button is not displayed for prior dates.

To post attendance for new students:

New students are indicated with beside their student ID. The icon remains for that date only.

Note: Students whose first day (or reentry day) is not the official first day of school cannot be marked absent during the ADA period on their first day. The Absent option is disabled.

To print attendance data:

To print the attendance roster for one period or all periods, click Print. The Attendance Roster Report Selection page (described later in this guide) is displayed allowing you to make selections for printing the Attendance Roster report.

To perform an attendance inquiry:

If attendance was already posted for the selected date/period/course, the attendance data is view only.

• Student absences and tardies are highlighted, and you can click to view any comments associated with the absence.

• If a student withdrew from the course since attendance was posted for the date, his attendance record is displayed.

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• If a student’s enrollment date is after the selected attendance date, his attendance record is not displayed.

To record attendance on the first day of school:

On the first day of school, teachers cannot use txGradebook to record or post attendance during the ADA period. You can only view and print data, and you must record attendance manually on the printed sheets.

1. Click Print to print the attendance list for each period/course.

2. Mark attendance on the list manually. If you have students in a period who are not on the attendance list, print their names and student IDs in the rows provided at the bottom of the list.

3. Sign and date the list on the lines provided.

Attendance Roster The Attendance Roster Report Selection page allows you to create attendance rosters for one course or all of your courses at one time. A signature line is provided at the bottom of each period/course.

To access the report:

From the Attendance menu, select Attendance Rosters. The Attendance Roster Report Selection page is displayed allowing you to enter options for generating the report.

To select report options:

1. In the Date field, type the report date in the MM/DD/YYYY format. Or, click to select the date from the calendar.

To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar, or click the calendar icon.

2. Select the semester and period for which you want to print the report.

To print the report:

1. Once you have selected your options, click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

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2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Administer Categories The Administer Categories page allows you to establish categories that describe the types of assignments you will use in the selected semester and course section. An initial set of categories, defined by the campus, is set at the beginning of the year. If you have an assignment that falls under a category that is not included in the list, you can create a new category, if allowed by the campus. The category you create is added to the master list and will be available for all teachers to use. The list of categories will continue to grow as you and the other teachers add categories.

For your selected categories, you must specify the type of weighting to use for calculating averages (e.g., percent-based, point-based, or multiplier-based). You can also assign your own category colors to enable color-coding of assignments on the Assignment Grades page.

From the page, you can also copy categories from one course to other course sections.

Notes for Apple mobile device users:

• The drag-and-drop functionality is not available for mobile devices. Instead, click a category under Available Categories to send it to the Selected Categories list.

• If the list of categories under Available Categories exceeds one screen, you can view the additional categories by using two fingers to scroll through the categories.

To access the page:

From the Settings menu, select Administer Categories. The Administer Categories page is displayed.

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To select the weighting type for the course section:

Select the semester and course section for which you want to administer categories. Then under Weighting Type, select the weighting type you want to use for the categories.

Note: You must use the same weighting type for all cycles in a semester and for all semesters of a course.

• If you select Percentage, you will assign percentages to each category. The percentages must total 100%.

• If you select Point, you will provide point values for each category. The point values must equal the total number of points for the cycle. When using point-based weighting, the categories are only used for grouping similar assignments. The calculation is based on the total points, not weighting.

• If you select Multiplier, you will provide a multiplier number (between 1-9) for each category. For multipliers greater than one, the individual assignment grades are counted multiple times. Multiplier-based weighting is often used in elementary schools.

For a detailed explanation of the formulas used to calculate working cycle averages, see Appendix 1 at the end of this guide.

If you post an override cycle grade for a student even if there are no categories for the course, the weighting type is automatically set to percentage.

To create a new category:

1. To add a new category to the list of available categories, click Add new category type. The Add Category section is displayed below the available categories.

Note: If the campus does not allow teachers to add categories, the Add new category type button is disabled, and you cannot add new categories; you must use the categories established by the campus.

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2. In the Category Name field, type the name of the new category. You cannot type a name

that is already included in the list of available categories. Please type carefully to avoid spelling errors.

Category names are not case-sensitive (e.g., if quiz already appears in the list, you cannot add Quiz).

3. In the PIN field, type your four-digit PIN, and then click Add. The new category is displayed in the list of available categories in alphabetical order. You can then double-click or drag it to your category list.

Note: Once a category is added to the list of available categories, it cannot be deleted from the list. If you add a category by mistake, you must contact the campus administrator to have it removed at the campus level. The category cannot be removed if it has assignments associated with it.

To add a category to a course:

If a cycle is closed, the column heading for the cycle displays (closed), and the data cannot be changed.

1. To add one of the available categories to your category list, click on the available category and drag it to your category list. Or, double-click the available category. The category is displayed at the bottom of your category list. If there is a default or locked weight for the category, it is copied to the open cycles.

2. Under Selected Categories, the table changes according to your selection in the Weighting Type field. For each cycle, the column heading is % Weight, Points, or Multiplier, according to your selection. For each category you add to your list, type the appropriate values.

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• If you selected Percentage for weighting type, the percentages must total 100%.

• If you selected Point for weighting type, you cannot enter the total point values in the Points field. The field automatically displays the sum of the total points entered for all assignments for the category. For example, on the Administer Assignments page, if you enter five quizzes in the Quiz category, each with total points set to 100, the field displays 500.

• If you selected Multiplier for weighting type, you must type a value between 1-9 for the Multiplier field.

If you selected a category created at the campus level, and the campus entered a weight for the category, the weight is displayed in the % Weight field for the category. You can change the weight, unless the campus locked the weight for the category. If the weight is locked, the weight is displayed in the field and cannot be changed.

3. Under Selected Categories in the Color column, click to select a color for the category. The color is used to color-code assignments on the Assignment Grades page. By default, no color is assigned to the category. The color can be changed any time.

4. Under Selected Categories in the # Drop column for each cycle, type the number of items that can be dropped during a cycle. For example, you may want to drop the student’s three lowest grades from the homework category.

Warning: If all assignments in the category do not have the same total points value (as entered on the Administer Assignments page), the calculations for dropping a specified number of assignments for the category may result in an average that is different than expected. If the total points value varies, then the grade with the lowest number of points may not necessarily be the lowest grade.

• Only nonexcluded grades are dropped. If you exclude an assignment for a student on the Assignment Grades page, the assignment is not counted as one of the grades that will be dropped.

• If you do not want to drop any grades from the category, type 0.

• If the # Drop field is set to a value other than 0 for any categories, the student’s average will reflect the dropped grades.

5. Before you leave the page, you must save your changes. Type your PIN, and then click Save.

To remove a category from a course:

To remove a category from your category list, click beside that category in the Delete column.

Note: You cannot delete a category that has assignments associated with it. The is not displayed for the categories.

To copy categories from one cycle to another:

After you enter the weighting type value and number of assignments to drop for cycle 1, you can click to copy the values to cycles 2 and 3.

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To copy categories to another course section:

Once you save the categories for a course, you can copy the categories to another course section. The category color-coding is also copied.

1. Select the semester and course section from which you want to copy categories, and then click Copy categories to other course sections. The Copy Categories page is displayed.

The From field displays the course from which you are copying assignments. In the table, all of your active courses are displayed with check boxes.

2. Under Copy, select one or more courses to which you want to copy the categories. If any of your other courses have categories that have assignments, you cannot copy to those courses. The Copy check boxes for the courses are grayed out, and you cannot select the courses.

• All categories for a course must be copied as a group to the other course; you cannot copy individual categories. The categories for a course section cannot be copied to itself.

• You can click a course title to view the existing categories for the course.

3. Type your PIN, and then click Copy to copy the categories.

If the categories are successfully copied, the page reloads and displays a list of courses to which your categories were copied. The changes are saved to the database.

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If you attempt to copy categories to a course that already has categories (but no assignments), a message is displayed warning that you will override any categories that are already set up for the other course(s).

4. Click Back to Categories to return to the Administer Categories page, or make another selection from the menu.

To change the weighting type:

If you change the weighting type after categories are entered, a message is displayed notifying you that all entered values for the categories will be cleared if you change the weighting type. You can click OK to change the weighting type, or you can cancel the action.


• You cannot change the weighting type if you entered assignment grades for any category.

• You cannot change the weighting type for the second semester of a two-semester course. The weighting type must be the same for all semesters of a course.

To add course notes:

To enter optional comments and notes about the course that will be viewable in txConnect, see the Administer Courses section of this guide.

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Administer Assignments The Administer Assignments page allows you to enter course assignments for your active courses, including extra credit assignments. For each assignment you create, you must specify an assignment category and enter an assignment description and total number of possible points for the assignment. You can also enter the assignment date and due date, which are helpful when sorting grades on the Assignment Grades page.

• You can only enter assignments for active courses.

• Categories must be established for the course before you can enter assignments.

• For percentage-based weighting, assignments cannot be added unless category weights are set up and total 100. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

• You cannot make changes to assignments once the cycle is closed.

From the page, you can also copy assignments to other courses.

To access the page:

From the Settings menu, select Administer Assignments. The Administer Assignments page is displayed.

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To add an assignment:

You can enter assignments from day to day, or you can enter assignments for an entire cycle at once.

1. Select the semester, cycle, and course section for which you want to add an assignment. All assignments that were previously entered for the semester/cycle/course section are displayed. If no assignments were entered, a blank row is displayed allowing you to add an assignment.

2. To add a new assignment if a blank row is not available, click Add New Assignment. You can also press Tab from the last field on the previous row. A new row is displayed at the bottom of the assignments list.

3. In the Assignment Name field, type a name for the assignment (e.g., Pop Quiz 1). The field can be up to 50 characters.


• It is helpful to keep the assignment name as brief as possible; however, the name should be descriptive enough to distinguish it from other assignments. Longer assignment names will require more space on the Assignment Grades page, which may result in a more cumbersome page. Assignment names can be changed at any time, as needed.

• You cannot add duplicate assignment names within a category. If you attempt to enter an assignment name that already exists for the category, a message is displayed indicating that there is an assignment with the same name.

4. In the Category field, select a category for the assignment. The categories are established on the Administer Categories page.

If a color has been assigned to the category on the Administer Categories page, the drop down displays the assigned color.

5. In the Date Assigned field, type the date the assignment is due in the MMDDYYYY format, or click to select a valid date from the calendar. To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar.

6. In the Date Due field, type the date the assignment is due in the MMDDYYYY format, or click to select a valid date from the calendar. To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar.

7. In the Total Points field, type the total number of possible points for the assignment. The Total Points field cannot be zero, unless it is an extra credit assignment. The default value for the field is 100.

Warning: If all assignments in a category do not have the same total points value, the calculations for dropping a specified number of assignments for the category (as indicated in the # Drop field on the Administer Categories page) may result in an average that is different than expected. If the total points value varies, the grade with the lowest number of points may not necessarily be the lowest grade.

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8. Select Extra Credit if the assignment is an extra credit assignment. If the assignment is for extra credit, the Total Points field must be set to zero.

Extra credit assignments add points to the average for the category selected. If a student has no grade or a zero for the extra credit assignment, it does not count against him when his average is calculated. For more information on calculating extra credit in a student’s working cycle average, see the Extra Credit section in Appendix 1 at the end of this guide.

9. In the Notes field, click to add optional notes for the assignment. If entered, the notes are viewable in txConnect. Add the note in the Note dialog box, and then click Ok. The Note dialog box closes, and the note icon is yellow to indicate that a note was entered.

10. Before you leave the page, you must save your changes.

• Type your PIN, and then click Save.

• If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the assignments were saved successfully.

To edit an assignment:

1. To modify data for an assignment, type over the existing data with the new information.

2. In the Notes field, the icon is gray if there are no notes currently entered, or the icon is yellow if there are notes currently entered. Click to add, or click to update optional notes for the assignment. If entered, the notes are viewable in txConnect.

• Add or update the note in the Note dialog box, and then click Ok. The Note dialog box closes, and the note icon is yellow to indicate that a note was entered.

• To clear the note for the assignment, click Clear. The Note dialog box closes, and the note icon is gray to indicate that there are no notes entered.

3. Before you leave the page, you must save your changes.

• Type your PIN, and then click Save.

• If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the assignments were saved successfully.

To delete an assignment:

1. To delete an assignment, click under Delete for the assignment. You cannot delete an assignment if grades were posted for the assignment. The is not displayed for the assignments.

If you delete grades on the Assignment Grades page in order to delete an assignment, you must be sure to delete the grade for any withdrawn students.

2. Before you leave the page, you must save your changes.

• Type your PIN, and then click Save.

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• If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the assignments were saved successfully.

To copy assignments to another course section:

Once you save assignments for a course, you can copy the assignments to another course section. Assignment notes are also copied with the assignments.

1. Select the semester, cycle, and course section from which you want to copy assignments. Click Copy assignments to another course section/cycle. The Copy Assignments page is displayed.

The From course field displays the course, semester, and cycle displayed on the previous page. This is the course from which you are copying categories.

2. Under Assignments to copy, all assignments for the selected course are displayed. You can select specific assignments, or you can select Check all Assignments to select all assignments.

3. Under Course Sections to which to copy, all course sections for all cycles are displayed. You can select specific course sections, or you can select the box at the top of the cycle column to select all course sections for the cycle.

4. After your selections are made, type your PIN, and then click Copy.

If the assignments were successfully copied, the page reloads, and a list of assignments and the courses to which the assignments were copied is displayed. The changes are saved to the database.

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If you are copying assignments for the current semester/cycle, the entire assignment record is copied, including the assignment date, due date, and assignment notes. If you are copying assignments to a future semester/cycle, the assignment record is copied without the assignment date and due date. The assignment notes are copied to the future semester/cycle.

5. To return to the Administer Assignments page, click Back to assignments.

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Administer Courses The Administer Courses page allows you to administer course-wide information. Data entered on this page affects only the selected course section.

To access the page:

From the Settings menu, select Administer Courses. The Administer Courses page is displayed.

1. In the Course Section field, select the course section for which you want to add data.

2. Under Course Note, you can enter optional comments and notes about your course, such as reminders, announcements, or other course-related information. If entered, these comments are viewable in the parent access Web site, txConnect. If any notes exist for the course, they are displayed in the Course Note text box.

3. In the Course Note text box, add, update, or delete course notes as necessary.

4. In the PIN field, type your four-digit PIN. The field is disabled for inquiry-only users.

5. Click Save.

• If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the data was saved successfully.

• If you typed your PIN incorrectly, the system notifies you that you provided an invalid PIN. You must provide the correct PIN before you can continue.

• If you change any data on the page and then attempt to leave the page without saving the changes, a warning message is displayed. This includes attempting to change the Course Section field before you save changes.

Click Continue to leave the page without saving your changes, or click Cancel to return to the page and save your changes.

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Assignment Grades The Assignment Grades page allows you to view and enter assignment grades for students by semester, cycle, and course section. You can view and enter grades for one assignment or all assignments, for one category or all categories, and for one student or all students. Assignments are color-coded according to your category selections on the Administer Categories page.

You can enter comments and indicators for each assignment grade (e.g., excluded, late, and redo), and you can print grades by assignment. The page also allows you to accept transfer students into a course and enter a walk-in average for the transfer students.

• For courses with percentage-based weighting, grades cannot be saved unless category weights are set up and total 100.

• If the campus has disabled posting of grades for prior cycles, you cannot make changes to assignment grades for previous semesters/cycles. The Save Grades button is disabled.

To access the page:

From the Grades menu, select Assignment Grades. The Assignment Grades page is displayed.

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To enter assignment grades:

1. To enter assignment grades, select the semester, cycle, and course section.

Note: If you marked the course as ready to post on the Cycle Grades page, the message “[READY]” is displayed in the Course Section drop-down list next to the course.

2. Click Retrieve Data.

Note: You only need to click Retrieve Data the first time you retrieve a course section. After the first time, the student list automatically reloads when you change the Semester, Cycle, or Course Section field.

3. Select one or more categories, assignments, or students. You can also type a due date to limit the assignments displayed to those that are due on or after that date.

The assignment grades table displays all students currently enrolled in the course section and the assignments, according to your selections. Students are sorted by last name, unless you have specified a custom sort order on the Arrange Student Order page.

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4. Type the grades in the fields provided.

When you enter or change a grade, the table cell turns gray to indicate that the grade was changed but not yet saved. Once you save the assignment grades, the cell is not gray.

5. Before you leave the page, you must save the data. Any data that was changed since the last time you saved your grades is indicated by gray shading in the table cell.

• Type your PIN, and then click Save.

• If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the grades were saved successfully.

Note: Be aware that you may have changed data that is not currently displayed on the page. All changes are saved, including those that are not visible on the page. For example, if you are currently viewing assignment grades for one student, but you previously entered grades for other students, the grades for all students are saved, regardless of what is displayed on the page at the time you save the data.

Notes about entering assignment grades:

• You can click the student ID to view the student’s profile.

• Withdrawn students are not automatically displayed. To see withdrawn students in the list, select Show withdrawn. Withdrawn students are displayed in a blue row, and the message “Withdrawn” and the withdrawal date are displayed by the student’s name. To hide withdrawn students, unselect Show withdrawn.

• If the course is set up to post alphabetical grades, the Show averages as alpha field is displayed. To display averages as alphabetical grades, select Show averages as alpha. To display the averages as numbers, clear the Show averages as alpha field.

For courses that use alphabetical grades, a cookie is set to remember the setting, and the page always displays averages according to the setting by default. Averages are also displayed on the Cycle Grades page. Courses that use numeric grades always display grades numerically.

• If the course is set up for alphabetical or ESNU grade posting, you can enter letter grades or numeric grades. If you enter a letter grade, it is automatically converted to a numeric grade for calculating the working cycle average, according to the conversion values set by the campus.

• The category for each assignment is displayed above the assignment description. The date due and total possible points are also displayed.

• If you type an invalid grade, such as a letter grade that does not have a conversion value, the cell is shaded red. You must correct the entry before you can save the grades.

• Only whole numbers can be entered for numeric grades.

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• Other codes can be entered in place of a grade:

• M - Missing

• I - Incomplete (If you type I for any grade, the student’s working cycle average will be I until a grade is entered.)X - Excluded grade (The X functions the same way as clicking the note icon and selecting Exclude from the Grade Properties dialog box.)

• X - Excluded (The X functions the same way as clicking the note icon and selecting Exclude from the Grade Properties dialog box.

• Dropped grades are italicized.

• The Cycle average field displays the student’s working cycle average. The average is updated every time you access the page, click Calculate Averages, and/or save grades. If the student does not yet have a working cycle average, the field is blank.

The working cycle average is calculated according to the weighting selected on the Administer Categories page. The working cycle average is rounded to a whole number. If the decimal value is .5 or greater, the grade is rounded up.

If you use percentage-based categories, and you have a category that does not yet have grades (e.g., if it is early in the cycle and you have not administered any tests), the student’s working cycle average is calculated based on the percentages for the categories that have grades.

• The Overall Averages (i.e., class averages) for the working cycle average and each assignment is displayed in the bottom row of the table. The overall averages are updated every time you click Calculate Averages and every time you save grades.

For more information on working cycle average calculations, view Appendix 1 at the end of this guide.

To add course-specific notes by student:

1. Click to add a course note about the student. The note icon is yellow if a course note already exists for the student. The Student Course Note dialog box opens allowing you to enter or update comments.

With no existing note(s):

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With existing note:

The student's name is displayed. Verify that you are adding/updating the note for the correct student.

2. Under Saved Notes, any notes that already exist for the student are listed. You can view all notes for courses to which you have access. The note category, author, and date last updated are displayed under Cat, Author, and Last Updated.

Note category codes:

• AT - Attendance

• DS - Discipline

• GN - General

• HL - Health

• SP - Supplies

3. Under Note, you can update an existing note. The note can have up to 3269 characters. You can only update a note if you created it.

4. To delete an existing note, select Del? for the note. When you click Ok and then save your changes, the note is deleted. You can only delete a course if you created it, or if you are the teacher of record for the course. For example, the teacher of record can delete a note entered by an assistant teacher for the course.

5. Under New Note, select the category code indicating what the new note is related to, such as AT for attendance.

6. In the text box, type the new note. You can type up to 3269 characters per note.

7. Click Ok to close the dialog box with the changes. Otherwise, click Cancel to close the dialog box without making the changes.

Note: Your changes are not actually saved until you type your PIN and click Save to save all data on the Assignment Grades page. When you click Ok, it only saves your notes until you save all data on the Assignment Grades page.

A report of course notes can be run from the Reports menu.

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To add comments or indicators to an assignment:

1. To add comments or indicators (e.g., excluded, late, or redo) associated with an assignment, click next to the assignment grade. The Grade Properties dialog box opens allowing you to enter additional information about that student’s assignment.

2. Select the appropriate indicator, and enter any comments.

If you want the indicators and/or comments to print on the student’s IPR and displayed in txConnect, select Print comment.

3. Click Ok.

• If there is no grade for the assignment, it cannot be marked as late or redo.

• If the assignment grade has been excluded (e.g., for a transfer student), the icon is displayed. The grade remains in the field.

Note: If an assignment is excluded for a student, and you have entered a number in the # Drop field on the Administer Categories page (indicating that you want to drop a specified number of assignments for a category), the assignment grade does not count toward the number that will be dropped. Only nonexcluded grades are dropped.

• If the assignment grade is marked as late or redo (but not excluded), the icon is displayed.

• If the assignment grade has comments but is not marked as excluded, late, or redo, the icon is displayed.

Note: Your comments and/or selections are not actually saved until you type your PIN and click Save to save all data on the Assignment Grades page. When you click Ok, it only saves your notes until you save all data on the Assignment Grades page.

To mass enter grades:

To mass enter an assignment grade for all students, use the Fill button at the bottom of each assignment grade column.

• If you entered grades for all students who have turned in the assignment, and want to enter zeros for all other students, type 0 in the Fill field, and then click Fill. All blank grade fields for the assignment are changed to 0.

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• To mass replace blank grades with a value (e.g., 100), type the grade in the Fill field, and then click Fill. All blank grades for the assignment are changed to the entered grade.

To mass exclude grades:

To mass exclude grades for an assignment for all students, click Exclude All at the bottom of the assignment grade column.

To mass delete grades:

To change all assignment grades to blanks, delete any data from the Fill field, and then click Fill. All grades for the assignment are changed to blank.

To accept transfer students:

If a student transfers into the course, you must accept the student into the course and enter his walk-in transfer average and weight. The campus, student ID, course number, semester, and cycle must all be the same for the average to transfer.

Note: iTCCS users can transfer an average from another campus within the district if the student ID, course number, semester, and cycle are all the same.

1. Beside each student’s name is the transfer icon . For new transfer students who have a transfer average without a weight, the icon is red , and you must enter a weight for the student’s transfer average. To enter a weight for the transfer student’s walk-in average, click

. The Transfer Walk-In Average dialog box opens.

2. The Date field displays data for the current date by default. To enter a different date (if the

student’s transfer date is different from the date displayed), type the date in the MMDDYYYY format, or click to select a valid date from the calendar. To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar or click the calendar icon.

Note: The transfer date does not override the student’s entry date for the course.

3. In the From fields, the teacher name, course number, and section are displayed for the course from which the student transferred. This data is only displayed if the student transferred from a different section of the same course and has a transfer average.

4. In the Average field, type the student’s walk-in average. This is the student’s average in the class from which he transferred.

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• You can enter a numeric grade or an alphabetical grade (ABCD or ESNU). If a student transferred from a course that posts letter grades to a course that posts numeric grades, and a letter grade is entered for his transfer average, the student’s working cycle average is displayed as a numeric grade.

• See the Transfer Students section of Appendix 1 at the end of this guide for an explanation of calculating averages for transfer students.

5. In the Weight field, type the weight you want to apply to the student’s walk-in average. For example, if a student transfers three weeks into a six-week cycle, you may want to enter a weight of 50%. The maximum weight you can enter is 99.

The student’s transfer icon remains red until a weight is entered and saved.

6. Click Ok to save the student’s transfer data.

• Any course assignments that were due prior to the student’s transfer date are excluded for the student, and the icon is displayed for the assignments. You can override the exclusion if you want to have the transfer student complete an assignment that was due prior to his transfer date. To override the exclusion, click , deselect Exclude, and then click Ok.

• If you entered and saved the transfer average data for the student, his walk-in average is calculated in his working cycle average.

• If you entered a weight for the walk-in average, the transfer icon changes to .

To import assignment grades:

For campuses that use curriculum and test taking systems (e.g., eInstruction and Eduphoria), you can click to import a data file that includes the student's ID, assignment grade, first name, and last name. The icon appears in the column heading for each assignment.

1. Click to import grades for the assignment. The Import Assignment Grades dialog box opens allowing you to upload the data file, review the data, and import the file.

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2. Under Step 1, click Browse to select the data file. The Choose File to Upload dialog box is

displayed allowing you to select the file.

Locate the file, and then click Open. The file name is displayed.

Note: Only .csv and .txt files can be imported.

3. Click Upload File. When the upload is complete, the “Success” message is displayed indicating the name of the uploaded file.

4. Under Step 2, you can review the default file format and adjust the columns of your data, if necessary.

• Under Our Column, the default file format is listed. The format is determined according to the type of data found in the uploaded file. For example, a six-digit string of numbers is assumed to be the student ID, and a string of up to three characters is assumed to be an assignment grade.

There are four columns:

• Student ID

• Assign Grade

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• First Name

• Last Name

• Under Your Column, you can make adjustments as needed. For example, if the default file format has the first name before the last name, and you want the last name before the first name, you can change the columns under Your Column accordingly (i.e., change column 3 to 4, and change column 4 to 3).

Note: The order of the first and last names is not important when uploading this file.

If you assign the same column number to more than one column, the message “duplicate” is displayed by the duplicated column. You must correct this before proceeding.

5. As you make any changes under Step 2, the data displayed under Step 3 changes accordingly. Review the data under Step 3 before importing the file.

• When the data under Step 3 is being refreshed, the message “validating” is displayed. Wait until the message goes away.

• If errors are encountered, the records with errors are displayed in red with a strikethrough. The number of errors found is listed below the grid. Errors may include mismatched or invalid data.

• The file can be imported even if errors exist (unless no valid records exist). The valid records are imported, and the invalid records are not imported.

6. When you are satisfied with the data under Step 3, click Import Now under Step 4. The data is imported, and the assignment grade fields on the Assignment Grades page are populated with data from the import file.

The Import File button is disabled if there are no valid records to import.

7. You can click Cancel at any time to close the dialog box without importing the data.

To print assignment grades:

From the Assignment Grades page, you can print grades for one assignment at a time. If one assignment is selected, the Print button is displayed on the page.

Note: Do not use the Print option in the browser’s File menu. Instead, always use the Print button on the page. The output generated by the Print button contains formatting to handle the features on the Assignment Grades page.

• To print the assignment grades displayed on the page, click Print. The Print dialog box opens allowing you to select your printer and settings. Click Print to continue, or click Cancel to cancel printing.

• To print assignment grades for all assignments for the course, use the Assignment Grades Report. To access this report, select Assignment Grades Reports from the Reports menu. View the Assignment Grades Report Help page for information about the report.

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To navigate the page:

• To temporarily hide the menu and selection options in order to see more students on the page, click Hide Menu. The logo, menu, and selection options disappear from the page. To make the information visible again, click Show Menu.

• By default, the page displays only the first five assignments. Click in the Assignments per Page field to change the number of assignments displayed.

• If there are more assignments than can be displayed on the page, click Previous and Next to view the other assignments.

• By default, the assignment grades table has its own scroll bars that work independently of the page. As data is added to the table, you may need to use the scroll bars to view the entire table. The independent scroll bars are displayed or not displayed according to your setting for the Use Independent Scroll Bars on Assignment Grades field on the Update Profile page. If the field is selected, the table will have vertical and horizontal scroll bars that are independent of the page scroll bars. Otherwise, the table will not have independent scroll bars, and you must use the page scroll bars if the data exceeds one screen.

Note: The independent scroll bars are not available on Apple mobile devices.

• You can use the following keys to navigate the fields:

• Press Enter after you enter each grade to move down the list to the next student. Press Shift+Enter to move up the list. You can also press the up or down arrow keys to move up and down the list.

• Press Tab to move across the list to the next field. Press Shift+Tab to move back to the left.

• Assignments are displayed left to right in ascending order by the due date. (If there is no due date, they are displayed by the date assigned. Otherwise, the date entered is used.) To change the assignment display order to descending, change the Sort Assignments by Date Due in ( Ascending Descending) order field to Descending.

To sort and rearrange columns:

The columns can be sorted and rearranged according to your preferences. An arrow indicates the column and order by which the table is currently sorted. If a column can be sorted, a sort box is displayed in the column heading.

• To resort the list by another column heading, click in the column heading. The column is sorted in ascending order, as indicated by in the column heading. To sort the column in descending order, click again. The sort arrow changes direction.

If you sort by the last name column, the table actually sorts by last name, then first name. If you sort by the first name column, the table actually sorts by first name, then last name.

• To rearrange the columns, click on the left side of the column you want to move, and drag the column to the desired location in the table. Before you drop the column in the new location, a red bar appears in the location in which it will drop.

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Cycle Grades The Cycle Grades page allows you to review and enter end-of-cycle and end-of-semester grade data, including cycle and semester averages, working final grades, override grades, exams, citizenship grades, and comments. When all data has been entered correctly and is ready to post, you must submit the cycle and/or semester grades to the campus administrator.

Note: If the page displays an error indicating that there is invalid data on the page, but there is no indication of which data is invalid, contact the database administrator to have the invalid data cleared out of the database.

To access the page:

From the Grades menu, select Cycle Grades. The Cycle Grades page is displayed.

Notes about cycle grades:

• No data is displayed for future cycles.

• If it is not currently the last cycle of the semester, the Semester Average field displays the student’s working semester average using the data that has been entered up to this point. The value is recalculated every time you click Calculate Semester Averages and every time you save grades.

• If the semester is closed, the Semester Average field displays the average from the grade course record.

• If a pre-posted semester exam grade exists, it is displayed under Semester Average and cannot be changed.

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• If a cycle grade is blank, the semester grade is not calculated.

• Withdrawn students are not automatically displayed. To see withdrawn students in the list, select Show Withdrawn Students. A withdrawn student has the message “withdrawn” and the withdrawal date displayed by his name. To hide withdrawn students, unselect Show Withdrawn Students.

• If the course is set up to post alphabetical grades, and the Show averages as alpha field on the Assignment Grades page is selected, alphabetical grades are displayed. Otherwise, numeric grades are displayed.

• No Show students are not displayed.

• For transfer students, the prior cycle grades are entered at the campus level.

• Once saved, failing grades are highlighted in pink.

Notes about final grades:

• Final grade information is displayed under the Working Final Grade heading.

• The working final average includes the posted semester average for any previous semesters and the working semester average for the current semester.

• If a posted semester average exists for the current semester, the posted semester average is used in the final average calculation. If there is no posted semester average for the current semester, but an override semester grade exists, the override grade is used in the final average calculation.

• The working final average is recalculated if a semester exam is administered or an override grade is entered for the current semester.

• For students who were enrolled in a different section of the same course during a previous semester, the working final average includes the posted semester average for the other section (RSCCC only).

• The working final average is not displayed for campuses that use the semester grading concept.

• For situations where a student has been enrolled in more than one section of the same course during the first semester, and another section of the course during the second semester, the following applies:

• If a semester average exists for only one of the first semester course sections, the semester one average is used to calculate the working final grade.

• If a semester average exists for both of the first semester course sections, the system does not determine which average to use for the first semester. In this case, a question mark (?) is displayed for the semester one average and the working final grade.

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Note: If the student was enrolled in one section of a course during semester one, and another section of the same course in semester two, the average for each semester is used to calculate the working final grade.

To update data for the current cycle:

Select the semester and course section, and then click Retrieve Data. The semester/cycle grades table displays all students currently enrolled in the course section. Students are sorted by last name, unless you have specified a custom sort order on the Arrange Student Order page.

• You can click the student ID to view the student’s profile.

• Current cycle information appears under the Current Cycle: N heading, where N is the cycle number.

• Current cycle information includes the following:

• The Average/(Auto Grade) field displays the student’s working cycle average, which is based on the data entered up to this point on the Assignment Grades page. The value is recalculated as assignment grade data is entered or changed for the student. The average will become the student’s cycle average, unless the cycle grade is pre-posted or an override grade is entered in the Override field (either by the teacher or an administrator).

If the grade in the field is an auto grade, the grade is displayed in parentheses in a lighter shade than a working cycle average. The auto grade is not displayed if there is a working cycle average for the student.

For more information on calculating averages, view Appendix 1 at the end of this guide.

• The Override field allows you to override a student’s working cycle average with a different grade (e.g., if the student’s working cycle average is 69, you may give the student a cycle grade of 70).

• If the student’s cycle grade is preposted, the pre-posted grade is displayed in this field. You cannot override a preposted cycle grade.

• If you post an override grade for a student even if there are no categories for the course, the weighting type is automatically set to percentage.

• The Citizenship field allows you to enter the student’s citizenship grade for the current cycle. Valid grades are ESNU and ABCDF.

• The campus may have the citizenship grade set to automatically give all students a default grade. You only need to enter grades for students whose citizenship grade differs from the default.

• For iTCCS users, if the campus does not give citizenship grades, or if you are not allowed to post citizenship grades, the field is not displayed.

• The Report Card Comments field allows you to enter up to five one-character comment codes to specify the comments you want to print on the report card (e.g., Excessive Talking or Finishes Work On Time).

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For a list of valid report card comment codes and descriptions, click Show Comment Legend. The comment legend is displayed on the right side of the page allowing you to view valid codes. To hide the comment legend, click Hide Comment Legend.

To update data for the last cycle of a semester:

Select the semester and course section. The semester/cycle grades table displays all students currently enrolled in the course section sorted by last name.

• You can click the student ID to view the student’s profile.

• The end-of-semester information is displayed under the Semester Grades heading. End-of-semester information includes the following:

• The Exam field allows you to enter the student’s semester exam grade. If the student is exempt from the exam, type E.

To fill all blank exam grades with E (exempt), click Fill Exempt Exams. All blank grades for the exam are changed to E.

Note: Some elementary campuses may have a grade conversion value for E. If the campus uses E as a grade, the numeric value for the grade of E is used for the semester exam, instead of exempt, for calculating the semester average. In this case, you cannot use E to indicate that the student is exempt from the exam.

• The Average field displays the student’s working semester average, based on the data entered up to this point. This value is recalculated every time you access the page, click Calculate Semester Averages, and/or save grades.

• For campuses that do not have semester exams every semester (e.g., a four-semester campus that has semester exams at the end of the second and fourth semesters), the semester averages are only calculated if there is a semester exam for the current semester.

• During semesters that have semester exams, the following applies:

• The Exam field is displayed.

• The Average field displays the average of the cycles since the last semester that had an exam. The semester exam is included in the calculation according to campus settings.

• If the current cycle is the last cycle of the semester, the Exam and Average fields are displayed under the heading Semester Grades. Otherwise, the working semester average is displayed under the heading Semester Average.

• When you view a previous semester that has a semester exam, the Exam and Average fields display the posted grades.

• During semesters that do not have semester exams:

• The Exam field is not displayed on the page.

• The Average field displays the average of the cycles since the last semester that had an exam.

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• When you view a previous semester that does not have a semester exam, neither the exam nor the semester average is displayed.

• The Override field allows you to override a student’s working semester average with a different grade.

• If a final grade was posted for a course, the grade is displayed under the Final Grade heading.

To save your changes:

Before you leave the page, you must save your changes.

• Type your PIN, and then click Save.

• If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the cycle grades were saved successfully.

Note: Saving grades is different from posting grades. You can only post your grades once at the end of the cycle; however, you must save your changes every time you visit the page. This allows you to leave this page and return as you enter cycle grades data.

At the end of each cycle, you must post your grades. For more information on posting grades, see the next section.

To post grades:

1. After you enter cycle and/or semester grade data for the course, review your input carefully, and save all changes. Once the data is posted by the campus administrator, you cannot change any data. If you discover an error after grades are posted, you must contact the campus administrator and submit a grade change form to correct any errors.

Note: After grades are posted and the cycle is closed, you can make changes to the grades and view the working cycle average (e.g., for a student who missed the last few days of a cycle due to illness); however, you cannot post any changes. Instead, print your changes and submit your printout to the campus administrator.

2. When you are satisfied with your input for the cycle grades, notify the system that you are ready to post by clicking Mark grades as Ready to Post. The link is only displayed for current cycles that are open for posting. The campus determines when the cycle is open and closed for posting.

3. In the PIN field, type your four-digit PIN, and then click Continue to indicate that your grades are ready to post. If your changes are saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the cycle grades were successfully sent to be posted. The message “[READY]” is displayed in the Course Section drop-down list next to the course.

• You can submit your grades more than one time if you make a change shortly after you marked the grades as ready to post; however, once the data is posted by the campus administrator, you cannot change any data.

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• The campus administrator can run a Missing Grades report to determine which teachers have posted their grades and which teachers have not yet posted their grades.

Note: If the campus option is set to include exam grades in the semester average, a warning message is displayed if you do not enter an exam grade.

To inquire about closed (posted) cycles/semesters:

For cycles and semesters that are closed, the following applies:

• For closed semesters, the posted semester grades are displayed under the Posted Sem: # heading, where # is the closed semester. Click Expand Previous Semester Detail to view all data for the closed semesters, including the cycle grades, semester exam grades, and semester averages. If you are currently in the first semester, the Posted Sem # heading is not displayed.

Semester averages may or may not be displayed depending on your semester exam pattern and number of semesters.

Click Collapse Previous Semester Detail to hide data for the closed semester.

• Posted cycle grades for the current semester are displayed under the Posted Cycles heading below the cycle numbers. If you are currently in the first cycle of a semester, the Posted Cycle heading and cycle numbers are not displayed.

• If a cycle or semester is closed, the average is pulled from the grade course record and is display only. If an override grade was entered for the cycle grade, the override grade is displayed.

For data on a posted cycle, click the cycle average. A dialog box opens to display the posted cycle average, citizenship grade, and report card comments for the cycle.

• If an override grade was entered for the cycle or semester grade, the override grade is displayed.

To update data for self-paced courses:

1. Select the semester and course section. A modified version of the Cycle Grades page is displayed to accommodate cycle grade data for self-paced courses.

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If assignment grades are recorded for the self-paced course, the average (based on the assignment grades) is displayed under Cycle Average. The use of assignment grades is optional for self-paced courses.

The semester grade for the self-paced course must be manually entered in the Override field, regardless of the data in the other fields.

2. The semester grades for self-paced courses are automatically posted when they are saved. Type your PIN, and then click Post. If your changes are saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the grades were saved successfully.

To print cycle grades:

1. To print the cycle grades displayed on the page, click Print. The Print dialog box opens allowing you to select your printer and settings.

2. Click Print to continue, or click Cancel to cancel printing.

To navigate the page:

You can use the following keys to navigate the fields:

• Press Enter after you enter each grade to move down the list to the next student. Press Shift+Enter to move up the list. You can also press the up or down arrow keys to move up and down the list.

• Press Tab to move across the list to the next field. Press Shift+Tab to move back to the left.

To sort and rearrange columns:

The columns can be sorted and rearranged according to your preferences. An arrow indicates the column and order by which the table is currently sorted. If a column can be sorted, a sort box is displayed in the column heading.

• To resort the list by another column heading, click in the column heading. The column is sorted in ascending order, as indicated by in the column heading. To sort the column in descending order, click again. The sort arrow changes direction.

If you sort by the last name column, the table actually sorts by last name, then first name. If you sort by the first name column, the table actually sorts by first name, then last name.

• To rearrange the columns, click on the left side of the column you want to move, and then drag the column to the desired location in the table. Before you drop the column in the new location, a red bar appears in the location in which it will drop.

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IPRs The Interim Progress Report (IPR) is run for a specific point in time during the current semester/cycle to provide a report of a student’s grades up to that point. IPRs can be run anytime throughout the semester, including occasions when the teacher meets with a student’s parents and wants to show them a detailed report of the student’s grades. In addition to displaying a student’s grades and average, the teacher can also enter comments and notes associated with the student’s performance.

The Interim Progress Reports page displays IPRs for all students selected on the Print IPR page. Any comments entered on the IPR Comments page are displayed on the IPRs. Assignments on the IPR are sorted by due date within each category. If a due date is not entered, the assignments are sorted alphabetically by assignment name.

• The working cycle average is displayed for the cycle for which the IPR is printed. It is listed as Calculated Average.

• The posted cycle averages for previous cycles are printed at the bottom of the IPR (above Comments).

• If a posted or override average exists for the current cycle, it is displayed at the top of the IPR (below Subject).

• If a posted or override average exists for the current cycle, the average is printed on the IPR.

• Dropped grades display the message “(Dropped)” next to the grade.

• A grade of I indicates incomplete.

• A grade of M indicates missing.

• For students who transferred into the class, the transfer date, transfer average, and transfer weight are displayed.

IPR Comments The IPR Comments page allows you to enter IPR comments and notes to be printed on the printed IPRs.

• IPR comments are codes for preset descriptions that apply to all course sections for the student.

• IPR notes are free-text notes that apply only to the student for the selected course section.

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To access the page:

From the Grades menu, select IPR Comments. The IPR Comments page is displayed.

To add comments:

1. In the Course Section field, select the course section. The students in the course section are displayed. Students are sorted by last name, unless you have specified a custom sort order on the Arrange Student Order page.

2. In the IPR Comments field, you can enter up to five one-character comment codes to specify the comments you want to print on the IPR (e.g., Excessive Talking, Finishes Work On Time, or Conference Requested).

For a list of valid IPR comment codes and descriptions, click Show Comment Legend. The comment legend is displayed on the right side of the page allowing you to view valid codes. To hide the comment legend, click Hide Comment Legend.

3. When you are satisfied with the IPR comments and/or notes you entered, you must save the data.

To add notes:

In the Note field, click to enter notes about the student to be printed on the IPR, and then click Ok. If a note is entered for a student, the icon is displayed.

Note: Your comments and/or notes are not actually saved until you enter your PIN, and click Save or press Enter to save all data on this page. When you click Ok, it only saves your notes until you save all data on this page.

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Print IPR The Print IPR page allows you to select the students for whom you want to print IPRs. For each student, you can select the semester and cycle, the courses for which you want to print IPRs, and the level of detail you want to include on the report.

Important Note: Before printing IPRs, it is recommended that you change the Page Setup options to disable printing of headers and footers when printing IPRs. Otherwise, page numbers for the entire group of IPRs and other unnecessary data will print in the header and footer of each IPR.

• In the browser from the File menu, select Page Setup. The Page Setup dialog box opens allowing you to change the settings.

• Under Headers and Footers, delete all data in the Headers and Footers fields.

Note: Make note of the data that you are deleting, in case you want to reset the headers and footers after you have printed IPRs.

• Click OK to save the settings and close the Page Setup dialog box.

To access the page:

From the Grades menu, select Print IPR. The Print IPR page is displayed.

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To print IPRs:

1. Select the semester, cycle, and course section for which to print IPRs. Students are displayed in order by last name, unless you have specified a custom sort order on the Arrange Student Order page.

2. Note: If you marked the course as ready to post on the Cycle Grades page, the message “[READY]” is displayed in the Course Section drop-down list next to the course.

3. To print IPRs only for students with an average below a specific average for the course section, type the average in the Select students with averages below field, and then click Select. Those students will be selected for printing.

4. By default, withdrawn students are not displayed. To display withdrawn students, select Show withdrawn. To hide withdrawn students, unselect Show withdrawn.

5. Select This Class if you want to print an IPR for the student for only the selected course section. To select this option for all students in the selected course section, select Check all. If you select this option for any students, you cannot select the All My Classes option for the students.

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6. Select All My Classes if you want to print IPRs for the student for all classes you teach in which the student is enrolled. To select this option for all students in the selected course section, select Check all. If you select this option for any students, you cannot select the This Class option for the students.

7. Select Detailed View if you want to print the detailed IPR, which includes all assignment grades for each selected course section. To select this option for all students in the selected course section, select Check all. Otherwise, the IPRs will include all information except the assignment grades.

8. In the optional IPR Wide Note field, you can enter a note that will appear on all IPRs that are selected for printing. The wide note is added to the end of any notes entered in the Note field on the IPR Comments page. (Notes entered on the IPR Comments page are student-specific.)

9. Select Print Parent Signature Line if you want a parent signature line to print at the bottom of the IPR.

10. To print the IPRs, click Print selected IPRs. The selected IPRs are displayed in a separate window.

If you entered comments or notes for the IPRs, the comments and/or notes are displayed on the IPRs.

11. Click Print to print the selected IPRs.

12. Click Back to IPR selection page to return to the Print IPR page.

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Print IPR by Average The Print IPR by Average page allows you to print IPRs for students in all of your courses with working cycle averages below a specific average. On the page, you can specify the average. Then you can indicate your printing preferences on the Print IPR page.

To access the page:

From the Grades menu, select Print IPR by Average. The Print IPR by Average page is displayed.

To print IPRs:

1. To print IPRs for students in all of your courses with working cycle averages below a specific average, type the average in the Select students from all my classes with an average in any one class below field, and then click Select.

The Print IPR page is displayed allowing you to indicate your printing preferences.

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2. Select All My Classes if you want to print IPRs for the student for all classes you teach in

which the student is enrolled. To select this option for all students in the selected course section, select Check all.

3. Select Detailed View if you want to print the detailed IPR, which includes all assignment grades for each selected course section. To select this option for all students in the selected course section, select Check all. Otherwise, the IPRs will include all information except the assignment grades.

4. In the optional IPR Wide Note field, you can enter a note that will appear on all IPRs that are selected for printing. The IPR-wide note is added to the end of any notes entered in the Note field on the IPR Comments page. (Notes entered on the IPR Comments page are student-specific.)

5. Select Print Parent Signature Line to print a parent signature line at the bottom of the IPR.

6. To print the IPRs, click Print selected IPRs. The selected IPRs are displayed in a separate window.

If you entered comments or notes for the IPRs, the comments and/or notes are displayed on the IPRs.

7. Click Print to print the selected IPRs.

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8. Click Back to IPR selection page to return to the Print IPR by Average page.

Interim Progress Reports The Interim Progress Reports page allows you to print IPRs for the students selected on the IPR Selection page. The page can only be accessed through the Print IPR page or the Print IPR by Average page. After you enter and save any comments for the IPRs and select the students for whom you want to print IPRs, click Print selected IPRs.

The page displays IPRs for all students selected on the Print IPR page. Any comments entered on the IPR Comments page are displayed on the IPRs. Assignments on the IPR are sorted by due date within each category. If a due date is not entered, the assignments are sorted alphabetically by assignment name.

Important Note: Before printing IPRs, it is recommended that you change the Page Setup options to disable printing of headers and footers when printing IPRs. Otherwise, page numbers for the entire group of IPRs and other unnecessary data will print in the header and footer of each IPR.

• In the browser from the File menu, select Page Setup. The Page Setup dialog box opens allowing you to change the settings.

• Under Headers and Footers, delete all data in the Headers and Footers fields.

Note: Make note of the data that you are deleting, in case you want to reset the headers and footers after you have printed IPRs.

• Click OK to save the settings and close the Page Setup dialog box.

Notes about IPRs:

• The working cycle average is displayed for the cycle for which the IPR is printed. It is listed as Calculated Average.

• The posted cycle averages for previous cycles are printed at the bottom of the IPR (above Comments).

• If a posted or override average exists for the current cycle, it is displayed at the top of the IPR (below Subject).

• If a posted or override average exists for the current cycle, the average is printed on the IPR.

• Dropped grades display the message “(Dropped)” next to the grade.

• A grade of I indicates incomplete.

• A grade of M indicates missing.

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• If the possible points is not 100, the teacher is using the percentage weighting type, and the grade is numeric, the possible points for the assignment is displayed. For example, 90/95 is displayed if the student earned 90 points and the assignment was worth 95 points. In this case, the grade does not calculate as 90.

• If the teacher is using points-based weighting, the points earned and possible points are displayed. For example, 9/10 is displayed if the student earned 9 points and the assignment is worth 10 points.

• For students who transferred into the class, the transfer date, transfer average, and transfer weight are displayed.

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PGP (iTCCS only) The PGP page allows you to develop and implement a personal graduation plan (PGP) for each student in junior high/middle school or high school who does not pass the TAKS test and/or is not expected to receive a diploma before the fifth school year following his enrollment in the ninth grade. If allowed by your campus, you can update current year PGP data. PGP data for previous years cannot be updated (the Save button is disabled). To use the system, you must have TAKS test data loaded into your system.

The PGP page is not available for RSCCC/TxEIS users.

To access the page:

From the main menu, select PGP. The PGP page is displayed.

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To add or update PGP data:

1. Select the semester, course section, and student, and then click Retrieve Data. The PGP data for the selected student is displayed.

2. Under PGP Selection, enter selections in the following fields:

• In the School Year field, select the ending year for the school year for which you want to update PGP data. For previous years, you can only view data.

• In the Prepared By field, select the teacher who is preparing the PGP.

For a detailed explanation of the fields in the following sections, click the Help icon in the top-right corner of the PGP page.

3. Under Student Information, the student’s ID, name, grade, and other data related to the PGP are displayed.

4. Under Assessment Data, the student’s TAKS test data is displayed for the two years prior to the year currently displayed, including whether the student met the district standard TAKS scores for each subject, the scale score for each subject, and the difference between the student’s scale score and the district standard, whether above or below the standard, for each subject. You can also select which objective scores do not meet the district standard for the year currently displayed, and you can enter any other diagnostic or evaluation data you want to include.

5. Under Student Courses, the student’s courses and teachers are displayed for each semester.

6. Under Monitoring and Intervention, you can enter and maintain information about the student’s accelerated learning plans and monitoring plans.

7. Under Education Goals, you can enter and maintain information about the student’s educational goals and the expectations of his parent/guardian.

8. Under Identified Risk Factors, a list of the student’s additional risk factors is displayed, as identified by the district. This list can be updated, if allowed by the campus.

9. Under Persons Responsible, a list of persons responsible for the PGP is displayed, as identified by the district. This list can be updated, if allowed by the campus.

10. Under Evaluation Methods, a list of evaluation methods used for the PGP is displayed, as identified by the district. This list can be updated, if allowed by the campus.

11. Under PGP Comments, you can add and update general comments regarding the student’s PGP, if allowed by the campus.

12. Under Dates, you can enter dates marking milestones in the PGP process.

13. Before you leave the page or select another student, you must save the data. In the PIN field, type your four-digit PIN. The PIN field is displayed at the top and bottom of the page; you can use either field.

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14. Click Save.

• If your changes are saved successfully, a message is displayed indicating that the PGP was saved successfully.

• If you typed your PIN incorrectly, the system notifies you that you provided an invalid PIN. You must type the correct PIN to continue.

15. To print the PGP, select the print option from the Web browser’s menu, and print the page as you would print any page in a Web browser.

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Student Information The Student Information pages display demographic and course-related data for the student selected, including contact information, attendance record, class schedule, and photo.

To access the pages:

The Student Information pages are not available through the menus. You must access the Student Information pages by clicking a student’s ID on the Attendance, Assignment Grades, Cycle Grades, or IPR Selection pages.

The student profile always displays the Contact Information page by default. To view another section of the student’s profile, click the link on the left side of the page for the section you want to view.

To print student profile data:

1. To print student profile data, select the Student Information page you want to print from the list on the left side of the page, and then click Print. Each Student Information page must be printed separately.

2. To print another page, repeat the previous step.

Student Information

The Student Information data is displayed at the top of all student profile pages. The data displayed includes the student ID, name, birth date, grade level, entry date, withdrawal date, and sex. Special program and generic program participation may also be displayed, depending on options set by the campus.

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Contact Information

The Contact Information page displays contact information for a list of people who may be contacted in case of an emergency. The data displayed for each contact includes the name, relationship to the student, home phone number, work phone number (if available), cell/other phone (if available), and address.

If an e-mail address exists for the contact, you can click the contact’s name to send an e-mail message to the contact. When you click the address, your default e-mail client opens.

• The To field displays the contact’s e-mail address.

• The From field displays your name.

• The Subject field displays “Your Student” by default.

Note: If you use Web-based e-mail (e.g., Gmail or Yahoo! Mail), you can copy the e-mail address from the default e-mail client to a Web-based e-mail message.

Student Attendance

The Student Attendance page displays an overview of the student’s attendance for a specified date range. The student’s attendance data from the specified date range is displayed by date and period. The totals for unexcused absences, excused absences, and tardies for the specified date range are also displayed.

For any date/period during which the student was not present and on time, a code is displayed in the cell indicating the circumstances (e.g., tardy, ill, unexcused absence) for the date/period. Days without a posted absence code are not displayed.

A legend is displayed beside the attendance table. The legend displays all codes that appear in the attendance data displayed for the student. The legend only displays codes that appear in the attendance data currently displayed; codes that do not appear in the table are not included in the legend.

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Student Schedule

The Student Schedule page displays the student’s schedule for the entire school year. Two semesters are displayed at one time. If the campus has more than two semesters in a school year, click Previous or Next to view the student’s schedule for the other semesters. The data displayed for each semester includes the course, period, course title, teacher, room, and days met.

By default, the courses from which the student has withdrawn are not displayed. Select Show Withdrawn Courses to include the withdrawn courses.

Note: If a student is withdrawn from a course in a future cycle, it is displayed in the student’s schedule even if Show Withdrawn Courses is not selected.

Student Photo

The Student Photo page displays the student’s most recent photo, if available. If a photo is not available, an image is displayed in place of the photo indicating that there is no photo on file for the student.

TAKS Objectives/Scores

For iTCCS districts, the TAKS Objectives page displays the student’s TAKS objective scores and test data.

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For RSCCC districts, the TAKS Scores page displays the student’s TAKS scores data.

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Reports Several reports are available in txGradebook. The reports are accessed by clicking Reports on the main menu.

Assignment Grades The Assignment Grades report displays assignment grades for all students in a course according to the options entered. The overall assignment average and class average are also displayed.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Assignment Grades. The Assignment Grades Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester, cycle, and course section for which you wish to print the report.

2. Under Viewing Options, set the following options:

• Select View Student Names if you want the student names to print on the report. If the names do not print on the report, the students are identified only by their student IDs.

• Select View Withdrawn Students to include withdrawn students on the report. Withdrawn students will be indicated by the message “W/D” and the withdrawal date or “Dropped” by the student’s name. The withdrawal date may be the student’s withdrawal date from school or his withdrawal date from the class.

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3. Under Sorting Options, select Student Name, Student ID, or Cycle Average to indicate how you want to sort the report.

If the Student Order field on the Update Profile page is set to add new students to the top of the list or bottom of the list, the Custom Student Order option is displayed.

• Select Custom Student Order to sort the report in your custom sort order.

• If you have not specified a custom sort order for a particular class, the students are sorted by name.

To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Attendance Verification The Attendance Verification report produces a report showing attendance for all of your students for a selected course section and date range. You can view data for up to one semester. You can also generate a summary report that displays only totals for the selected date range.

The following codes are used:

• A - Absences

• S - School-related absences

• T - Tardies


• Inservice work days are indicated with an I in the column heading.

• If you are printing the report for more than three weeks, you should set the printer orientation setting to landscape or the Page Scaling field to Shrink to Printable Area. If the Shrink to Printable Area setting is not enabled, the landscape orientation will accommodate up to six weeks plus the Total column per page. Additional weeks (up to one semester) can be generated by entering the appropriate dates in the From Date and To Date fields; however, the report will print on multiple sheets of paper with a Total column on each page.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Attendance Verification. The Attendance Verification Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester and course section for the report.

2. In the From Date and To Date fields, type the beginning and ending dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format for the date range you want to print. Or, click the calendar icon to select the dates from the calendar.

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• Both dates must fall within the selected semester. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

• To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar, or click the calendar icon.

3. Withdrawn students are not automatically displayed. Select Include Withdrawn Students to include withdrawn students in the report.

4. Select Summary Only to display only totals for the selected date range.

• If the field is selected, only the data in the Total columns is displayed.

• If the field is not selected, the report lists absences for all dates for the selected date range.

To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Blank/Missing Grades The Blank/Missing Grades report displays blank, missing, and incomplete assignment grades according to options entered.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Blank/Missing Grades. The Blank/Missing Grades Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester, cycle, and course section for which you want to print the report.

2. Under Grade Selection Options, select Show Blank Grades, Show Missing Grades, or Show Incomplete Grades. Click Select All to select all.

3. Under Viewing Options, set the following options:

• If you want a page break between students, which allows you to print one student per page, select Page Break. Otherwise, the data will print continuously.

• Select View Student Names if you want the student names to print on the report. If the names are not printed on the report, the students are identified only by their student IDs.

• Select View all assignments due after if you want to narrow assignments by date. Type a valid school date, or click to select a valid date from a calendar. To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar.

• Set the View Course Section(s) option to Current if you want to narrow assignments to only course sections for the current semester/cycle. Otherwise, select All to show assignments for all course sections.

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To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Cycle Grade Range The Cycle Grade Range report displays working cycle averages that fall within a specified range according to options entered.

• If a posted grade exists, the posted grade is used.

• If no posted grade exists, the override grade is used.

• If no override grade exists, the working cycle average is used.

• If no working cycle average exists, the auto-grade is used.

• If no grades exist, a blank is displayed.

Administrative users have the option to view the cycle grades for all courses across the campus.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Cycle Grade Range. The Cycle Grade Range Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester, cycle, and course section for which you want to print the report.

2. Under Grade Selection Options, select the range of cycle grades you want to include in the report.

3. Select Show all Cycle Grades to include all cycle grades.

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4. To narrow the report to a specific range of cycle grades, select Show all Cycle Grades, type a minimum grade in the Minimum grade field, and type a maximum grade in the Maximum grade field.

5. Under Viewing Options, select the data that will be displayed on the report.

• Select View Student Names if you want the student names to print on the report. Otherwise, the names do not print on the report, and students are identified only by their student IDs. The student ID always prints on the report.

• If you want to narrow grades to only course sections for the current semester/cycle, set the View Course Section(s) option to Current. Otherwise, select All to show cycle grades for all course sections.

6. The fields under Admin Options are only displayed if you are logged on as an administrative user.

• Select Across Campus if you want to view grades for all courses across the campus.

Otherwise, grades are only displayed for the selected course section or for the impersonated teacher’s courses.

Note: If you logged on as a teacher for whom no courses are defined, the message “No courses defined” is displayed at the bottom of the page, and the fields are disabled. However, once you select Across Campus, the message is removed because it may not apply to all instructors at the campus, and the fields are enabled.

• If Across Campus is selected, the View Course/Section & Instructor in Grid Format field is enabled.

• If you do not select View Course/Section & Instructor in Grid Format, the report is grouped by course/section. The report is similar to the report for nonadministrative

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users; however, the instructor is listed for each course/section. For nonadministrative users, the instructor is listed once at the top of the report.

• If you select View Course/Section & Instructor in Grid Format, the report data is displayed in a grid format, and the course/section and instructor are listed in grid columns. The grid can be sorted by any of the column headings.

To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Class Roster The Class Roster report produces a blank class roster by semester and course. The report provides a list of students enrolled in the course and up to 50 blank columns.

Note: Students are sorted by last name, unless you have specified a custom sort order on the Arrange Student Order page.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Class Roster. The Class Roster Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

Select the semester, course section, and number of columns for which you want to print the report.

To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

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2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Missing Exam Grades The Missing Exam Grades report produces a list of students who are missing semester exam grades.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Missing Exam Grades. The Missing Exam Grades Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

Select the semester for which you want to print the report.

To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

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2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Percent Failing The Percent Failing report allows you to produce a report of the percentage of a teacher’s students who have a failing working cycle average. The report provides the percentage of failing students for each class as well as a total for all of the teacher’s classes. The data can be displayed in a pie chart as well as a grid format. Nongraded courses are not included in the report.

Administrative users have the option to view the data for all teachers across the campus.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Percent Failing. The Percent Failing Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester and cycle for which you want to print the report.

2. Under Viewing Options, make the following selections:

• Withdrawn students are not automatically included in the report. To include withdrawn students, select Include Withdrawn Students.

• Select View Chart to view the data in a pie chart as well as the grid format.

• The pie chart outer circle displays the data for all of the teacher’s classes.

• If any of the teacher’s students have failing averages, the pie chart inner circle displays a breakdown of failing students by class.

3. The Admin Options section is displayed if you are logged on as an administrative user. Under Admin Options, select Across Campus if you want to view data for all courses across the campus. Otherwise, grades are only displayed for the impersonated teacher’s courses.

To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

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2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Seating Charts The Seating Charts report produces a printout of a teacher’s seating charts for all periods or one period.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Seating Charts. The Seating Charts Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester and period for the report. You can select one period, or you can select All Classes to print the report for all of the teacher’s periods.

2. Select the width setting for the report.

• Select Fixed Seat Width to print a report in which all seats are the same width. This setting works for small and average-size classes. For larger classes, some seats may not print on the page.

• Select Auto-Adjusted Seat Width to print a report in which each column is adjusted to the student name. Each column is only wide enough to accommodate the longest name in the column; therefore, some columns are wider than others. This setting is a better option for larger classes.

Note: For either width setting, you can adjust the orientation when you print. Select Landscape to increase the number of students that fit on the page.

3. Select Show Pictures to display student photos in the seating chart. Photos are only available if they have been added by district administrators.

To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

Note: If the Combine courses in attendance field on the User Profile page has been changed, and the seating charts have not been resaved on the Seating Chart Setup page since the setting was changed, a warning message is displayed indicating that the reports

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will not be accurate until the Seating Chart Setup page has been resaved. You must review the seating chart for each period on the Seating Chart Setup page, make any necessary changes, and then resave each chart.

2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Special Programs The Special Programs Report is only available to users who log on to txGradebook with a district- or campus-level administrative ID, or teachers who have access to run the special programs report. The report provides a listing of the special populations for each student in the class.

Only the special programs selected on the following pages are included in the report:

• For RSCCC users, the Campus Grade Book Options tab in Grade Reporting

• For iTCCS users, the Campus txGradebook Options Maintenance page (WST0049) in the Campus menu

If generic programs is selected on either page, the Generic column appears in the report and displays generic program information.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Special Programs. The Special Program Report Selection page is displayed allowing you to enter options for generating the report.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester and course section for which you want to print the report.

2. In the As Of Date field, type the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format. Or, click to select the date from the calendar.

To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar, or click the calendar icon.

3. Under Viewing Options, make the following selections:

• Select View Student Names if you want the student names to be displayed on the report. Otherwise, the names are not printed on the report, and students can only be identified by their student IDs. The student ID is always displayed on the report.

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• Set the View Course Section(s) option to Current if you want to narrow the student data to only course sections for the current semester/cycle. Otherwise, select All to show data for all course sections.

These options are disabled if you are logged on as an administrative user and select Across Campus under Admin Options.

4. The fields under Admin Options are only displayed if you are logged on as an administrative user.

• Select Across Campus if you want to view data for all courses across the campus. Otherwise, data is only displayed for the selected course section or for the impersonated teacher’s courses.

Note: If you logged on as a teacher for whom no courses are defined, the message “No courses defined” is displayed at the bottom of the page, and the fields are disabled. However, once you select Across Campus, the message is removed because it may not apply to all instructors at the campus, and the fields are enabled.

• If Across Campus is selected, the View Without Course/Section & Instructor in Grid Format field is enabled.

• If you do not select View Without Course/Section & Instructor in Grid Format, the report is grouped by course/section. The report is similar to the report for nonadministrative users; however, the instructor is listed for each course/section. For nonadministrative users, the instructor is listed once at the top of the report.

• If you select View Without Course/Section & Instructor in Grid Format, the report data is displayed in a grid format, and the course/section and instructor are not displayed. The default sort is by student name; however, the grid can be re-sorted.

To print the report:

1. Once you have selected your options, click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Student Group Reports The Student Group Reports page allows you to run special group reports that provide data for the student groups. Some of the group reports mirror other reports available in the Reports menu.

Teachers can be given access in the Student system to view student groups as follows:

• No access (you cannot view student group reports). If you do not have access, the Student Group Reports page is not listed in the menu.

• Course-wide access (you can view student group reports that include only students enrolled in your courses).

• Campus-wide access (you can view student group reports that include any students at the campus).

To access the reports:

From the Reports menu, select Student Group Reports. The Student Group Reports page is displayed allowing you to enter options for generating the report.

Click a report title to run the report for a student group.

Group Admin Student Grades

The Group Admin Student Grades page allows you to view semester exam grades, semester and final averages, and credits awarded for all of a student’s courses. This enables you to determine UIL eligibility and locate students who may be at risk for losing eligibility.

The Group Admin Student Grades - Find Student From Group page is the first step in viewing the Group Admin Student Grades page. You must select a student group before viewing the Group Admin Student Grades page.

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1. In the Student Groups field, select the student group from which you want to select a


A list of students in the selected group are displayed in the Search Results table. The search results include the student’s ID, name, campus, grade level, and entry/withdrawal dates for each campus. Students are sorted by last name, first name, and enrollment date.

2. Select the student record you want to view.

3. Click View Student to view the grades for the selected student. The Group Admin Student Grades page is displayed. The student’s semester exam grades, semester and final averages, and credits awarded for all courses are displayed, except courses that are excluded from grading.

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4. By default, the page displays a condensed view of the current semester and cycle. To view data for a previous semester, select another semester in the Semester field.

5. By default, the page displays all of the student’s courses for the semester, including courses from which he has withdrawn. To see only the student’s current courses, select Show Current Courses Only.


• The student’s working cycle average is displayed for the current cycle, unless a posted or override grade exists.

• The semester average is labeled as Posted, Override, or Working.

• If all courses are displayed and the student withdrew from a course, the message “withdrawn” and the withdrawal date are displayed next to the course title.

6. A condensed overview of the student’s cycle grades for all of his courses is displayed. To view all details for all courses for the current cycle, click Show All Detail. Click Hide All Detail to return to the condensed view, or click Close Details for a particular course to condense the view for that course only. You can also click the current cycle grade to condense the view for that course.

• The detailed view includes the student’s assignment grades, working cycle average, override grade (if present), and posted grade.

• For each assignment, the due date is displayed and an indication of whether the assignment was late or a redo.

• Dropped grades display the message “(Dropped)” next to the grade.

• Assignment grades are sorted by due date, and then by assignment name within each category.

• See Appendix 1 - Calculating Averages at the end of this guide for an explanation of calculating averages.

7. To view details for a specific course for a previous cycle, click the grade average for the cycle under Previous Cycles. Click Close Details to close the view for that average.

8. To select another student for whom to view data, click Change Student. The Admin Student Grades - Find Student From Group page is displayed allowing you to select another student.

9. To print the data displayed on the page, click Print. The Print dialog box opens allowing you to select your printer and settings. Click Print to continue, or click Cancel to cancel printing.

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Attendance Summary

The Attendance Summary report allows you to produce a student group report showing summarized attendance data for a specified date range. All excused absences, unexcused absences, and tardies are listed for each period. The student’s ADA reporting period is grayed out if it exists.

To select report options:

1. In the Student Groups field, select the student group for which you want to run the report.

2. In the From Date and To Date fields, type the beginning and ending dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format for the date range you want to print. Or, click to select the dates from the calendar.

• Both dates must fall within the school calendar. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

• To close the calendar, you must click a valid date on the calendar, or click the calendar icon.

3. Withdrawn students are not automatically displayed. Select Include Withdrawn Students to include withdrawn students in the report.

To print the report:

1. Once you have selected your options, click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

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2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

Group UIL

The Group UIL report provides a list of students’ working cycle averages for all of their courses, which allows you to determine UIL eligibility and locate students who may be at risk of losing eligibility. Students are sorted by last name. The report can be run for a student group by any user who has existing groups.

• If a posted grade exists for the semester and cycle, the posted grade is displayed.

• If no posted grade exists, the override grade is displayed.

• If no override grade exists, the working cycle average is displayed.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester and cycle for which you want to print the report.

2. In the Student Groups field, select the student group for which you want to run the report.

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3. If you have been granted access to run group reports in iTCCS or RSCCC, the Special Programs field is displayed. Select the group for which you want to produce the report, if applicable. If a program is selected, the report only includes students enrolled in the special program.

• You can select a course section and a special program. If you make selections in both fields, the report includes only students in the course section who are enrolled in the special program.

• If you select Generic, the generic program field is displayed allowing you to select a specific generic program. In the generic program field, select the generic program for which you want to produce the report, if applicable. Only generic programs for the campus are listed. If a generic program is selected, the report only includes students enrolled in the generic program.

4. To limit the report to students who have at least one course with a working cycle average below a specific grade (e.g., below 70), select Show only students with at least one grade below, and type a grade in the field.

To export the report to Microsoft Excel:

Click Export. The File Download dialog box is displayed prompting you to open or save the file.

• Click Open to open the file. The report opens in Excel.

• Click Save to save the file. The Save As dialog box is displayed allowing you to select the location in which to save the file. Click Save again to save the file.

Notes for Microsoft Excel 2007 users:

• If you use Microsoft Excel 2007, a warning message is displayed when you export the report. The message indicates that the report is in a different format than specified by the file extension.

• Click Yes to open the file. The report opens in Excel as expected.

• If you click No, the report does not open.

• The message is caused by a new security feature in Excel 2007. For more information, view http://blogs.msdn.com/vsofficedeveloper/pages/Excel-2007-Extension-Warning.aspx

To print the report:

1. Once you have selected your options, click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

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2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Student Note Report The Student Note Report Selection page allows you to produce a report showing course-specific student notes.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select Student Note Report. The Student Note Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester and course section for which you want to print the report.

Note: The selected semester affects the courses listed in the Course Section drop down, but it does not affect the notes displayed; the notes are not semester-specific. For example, for a two-semester course, the notes are displayed for the entire year.

2. Under Note Selection Options, make the following selections:

• In the Student field, type the student ID to produce the report for one student. Or, type ALL to produce the report for all students in the course section. If blank, the report is produced for all students in the course section.

• In the Note Category field, select the category of notes you want to view. Or, select ALL to include all categories.

• In the Notes Created By field, select a user name to see only notes entered by the selected user. Or, select ALL to include notes from all users.

3. Under Viewing Options, make the following selections:

• If you want to print one course per page, select Page break between courses. Otherwise, the data will print continuously.

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• In the Sort Order field, indicate if you want the report sorted by note category or user name.

To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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UIL The UIL report is only available to users who log on to txGradebook with a district- or campus-level administrative ID, or teachers who have access to run the UIL report. The report displays students’ working cycle averages for all of their courses. The report allows you to determine UIL eligibility and locate students who may be at risk of losing eligibility. Students are sorted by last name.

The report can be exported to Microsoft Excel.

• If a posted grade exists for the semester and cycle, the posted grade is displayed.

• If no posted grade exists, the override grade is displayed.

• If no override grade exists, the working cycle average is displayed.

Note: Teachers with access to run UIL reports can only run reports for their classes. Teachers cannot run the report by special programs.

To access the report:

From the Reports menu, select UIL. The UIL Report Selection page is displayed.

To select report options:

1. Select the semester, cycle, and course section for which you want to print the report.

2. If you have been granted access to run student group reports in iTCCS or RSCCC, the Special Programs field is displayed allowing you to select a group for which you want to produce the report. If a program is selected, the report only includes students enrolled in the special program.

• You can select a course section and a special program. If you make selections in both fields, the report includes only students in the course section who are enrolled in the special program.

• If you select Generic, the generic program field is displayed allowing you to select a specific generic program. In the generic program field, select the generic program for which you want to produce the report, if applicable. Only generic programs for the campus are listed. If a generic program is selected, the report only includes students enrolled in the generic program.

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3. To limit the report to students who have at least one course with a working cycle average below a specific grade (e.g., below 70), select Show only students with at least one grade below, and type a grade in the field. Students with blank working cycle averages are not included.

To export the report to Microsoft Excel:

Click Export. The File Download dialog box is displayed prompting you to open or save the file.

• Click Open to open the file. The report opens in Excel.

• Click Save to save the file. The Save As dialog box is displayed allowing you to select the location in which to save the file. Click Save again to save the file.

Notes for Microsoft Excel 2007 users:

• If you use Microsoft Excel 2007, a warning message is displayed when you export the report. The message indicates that the report is in a different format than specified by the file extension.

• Click Yes to open the file. The report opens in Excel as expected.

• If you click No, the report does not open.

• The message is caused by a new security feature in Excel 2007. For more information, view http://blogs.msdn.com/vsofficedeveloper/pages/Excel-2007-Extension-Warning.aspx.

To print the report:

1. Select your options, and then click Generate. The report opens in a new window.

2. From the report window, click Print to print the report.

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Appendix A - Calculating Averages The following weighting types are used to calculate working cycle averages. You must use the same weighting type for all cycles in a semester and all semesters of a two-semester course.

Percentage Averaging If you select percent-based weighting, you must assign percentages to each category. The percentages must total 100%.


1. For each category, take the sum of all points earned for all assignments:

Points Earned 1 + Points Earned 2 + Points Earned 3 = Total Points Earned

Note: If you have extra credit assignment(s), the points for the assignment(s) are added to the Total Points Earned. See the Extra Credit section below for examples.

For example: The Homework category has three assignments. The student earned a 70/100, 80/100, and 90/95 for those assignments.

(70 + 80 + 90) = 240

The Test category has two tests. The student earned a 45/50 and 100/100 for those tests.

(45 + 100) = 145

The Cycle Exam category has no grades yet.

2. For each category, take the sum of all possible points for all assignments:

Possible Points 1 + Possible Points 2 + Possible Points 3 = Total Possible Points

Note: Some teachers may have total possible points for an assignment that are not 100 (e.g., 90/95).

For example: The Homework category has three assignments. The student earned a 70/100, 80/100, and 90/95 for those assignments.

(100 + 100 + 95) = 295

The student’s Total Possible Points for the Homework category is 295.

The Test category has two tests. The student earned a 45/50 and 100/100 for those tests.

(50 + 100) = 150

The student’s Total Possible Points for the Test category is 150.

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3. For each category, divide the Total Points Earned by the Total Possible Points:

Total Points Earned / Total Possible Points = Category Average

For example: The student’s Total Points Earned for the Homework category is 240. The student’s Total Possible Points for homework is 295.

240 / 295 = 81.4

The student’s Homework Category Average is 81.4.

The student’s Total Points Earned for the Test category is 145. The student’s Total Possible Points for the Test Category is 150.

145 / 150 = 96.7

The student’s Test Category Average is 96.7.

4. For each category, multiply the Category Average by the Category Weight:

Category Average x Category Weight = Category Value

For example: The weight for the Homework category is 50%.

81.4 x 50% = 40.7

The weight for the Test category is 40%.

96.7 x 40% = 38.7

The weight for the Cycle Exam category is 10%, but there is no category average.

5. Take the sum of all Category Values:

Category Value 1 + Category Value 2 + Category Value 3 = Total

For example: Add the category values for the Homework and Test categories. There is no category value for the Cycle Exam category.

40.7 + 38.7 = 79.4

6. Divide the Total by the sum of the weights of the categories that have grades, and then multiply by 100:

(Total / 100) x 100 = Average (if all categories have grades)

(Total / Cat Sum) x 100 = Average (if some categories do not yet have grades)

For example: The sum of the weights of the Homework category and Test category is 90. The Cycle Exam category is omitted from the sum because it does not have grades.

The student’s Total is 79.4.

(78.9 / 90) x 100 = 88.2

The student’s average is 88.

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Point Averaging If you select point-based weighting, you must provide point values for each category. The point values must equal the total number of points for the cycle. When using point-based weighting, the categories are only used for grouping similar assignments. The calculation is based on the total points, not weighting.


1. For each category, take the sum of points earned on all assignments:

Points 1 + Points 2 + Points 3 = Category Points

For example: The Homework category has three assignments, each worth 50 points. The student earned a 40, 45, and 50 for those assignments.

40 + 45 + 50 = 135

The Test category has two tests, each worth 50 points. The student earned a 40 and 50 for those tests.

40 + 50 = 90

2. Take the sum of the points earned in all categories:

Category 1 Points + Category 2 Points + Category 3 Points = Total Points

For example: Add the points for the Homework category and the Test category.

135 + 90 = 225

3. Divide the Total Points by the Total Possible Points, and multiply by 100:

(Total Points / Total Possible Points) x 100 = Average

For example: The student’s total points is 225. The total possible points is 250.

(225 / 250) x 100 = 90

The student’s average is 90.

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Multiplier Averaging If you select multiplier-based weighting, you must provide a multiplier number (between 1-9) for each category. For multipliers greater than one, the individual assignment grades are counted multiple times. Multiplier-based weighting is often used in elementary schools.


1. Calculate the category actual value:

For each category, add the sum of the points earned for each assignment:

Points Assignment 1 + Points Assignment 2 + Points Assignment 3 = Actual Category Points

For example: The Homework category has three assignments, each worth 100 points. The student earned a 70, 80, and 90 for those assignments.

70 + 80 + 90 = 240

The Test category has two tests, each worth 100 points. The student earned a 90 and 100 for those tests.

90 + 100 = 190

2. For each category, multiply the Actual Category Points by the multiplier value:

Actual Category Points x M = Actual Category Value, where M is the multiplier value

For example: The multiplier for the Homework category is 2.

240 x 2 = 480

The multiplier for the Test category is 1.

190 x 1 = 190

3. Add the sum of the actual category values for all categories:

Actual Category Value + Actual Category Value = Actual Value Total

For example: Add the actual values for the Homework category and the Test category.

480 + 190 = 670

4. Calculate the category possible value:

For each category, add the sum of the possible points for each assignment:

Possible Points Assignment 1 + Possible Points Assignment 2 + Possible Points Assignment 3 = Possible Category Points

For example: The Homework category has three assignments, each worth 100 points.

100 + 100 + 100 = 300

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The Test category has two assignments, each worth 100 points.

100 + 100 = 200

5. For each category, multiply the Possible Category Points by the multiplier value:

Possible Category Points x M = Possible Category Value, where M is the multiplier value

For example: The multiplier for the Homework category is 2.

300 x 2 = 600

The multiplier for the Test category is 1.

200 x 1 = 200

6. Add the sum of the possible category values for all categories:

Possible Category Value + Possible Category Value = Actual Value Total

For example: Add the possible values for the Homework category and the Test category.

600 + 200 = 800

7. Calculate the average:

Divide the actual category value by the possible category value, and then multiply by 100.

(Actual Value Total / Possible Value) x 100 = Average

For example: The student’s value for actual points earned is 670. The value for possible points is 800.

(670 / 800) x 100 = 83.7

The student’s average is 84.

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Extra Credit If an assignment is for extra credit, select Extra Credit for the assignment on the Administer Assignments page.

Extra credit assignments add points to the average for the category selected. If a student has no grade or a zero for the extra credit assignment, it does not count against him when his average is calculated.

Note: If you want to give an extra credit assignment that will be included in the cycle average for the students who do the assignment (but not for those who do not do it), create a regular assignment (not extra credit), and then exclude the grade for all students who do not complete the assignment.

Percentage Averaging With an Extra Credit Assignment


1. For each category, take the sum of all points earned for all assignments:

Points Earned 1 + Points Earned 2 + Points Earned 3 = Total Points Earned

For example: The Homework category has three assignments. The student earned a 70/100, 80/100, and 90/95 for those assignments.

(70 + 80 + 90) = 240

The Test category has two tests. The student earned a 45/50 and 100/100 for those tests.

(45 + 100) = 145

The Cycle Exam category has no grades yet.

2. For each category, add any extra credit (EC) assignment points to the Total Points Earned:

Total Points Earned + EC = new Total Points Earned

For example: For the Homework category, the student has 10 extra credit points.

240 + 10 = 250

The student’s Total Points Earned for the Homework category is 250.

3. For each category, take the sum of all possible points for all assignments:

Possible Points 1 + Possible Points 2 + Possible Points 3 = Total Possible Points

Note: Some teachers may have total possible points for an assignment that are not 100 (e.g., 90/95).

For example: The Homework category has three assignments. The student earned a 70/100, 80/100, and 90/95 for those assignments.

(100 + 100 + 95) = 295

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The student’s Total Possible Points for the Homework category is 295.

The Test category has two tests. The student earned a 45/50 and 100/100 for those tests.

(50 + 100) = 150

The student’s Total Possible Points for the Test category is 150.

4. For each category, divide the Total Points Earned by the Total Possible Points:

Total Points Earned / Total Possible Points = Category Average

For example: The student’s Total Points Earned for the Homework category is 250 (which includes the extra credit assignment). The student’s Total Possible Points for homework is 295.

250 / 295 = 84.7

The student’s Homework Category Average is 84.7.

The student’s Total Points Earned for the Test category is 145. The student’s Total Possible Points for the Test category is 150.

145 / 150 = 96.7

The student’s Test Category Average is 96.7.

5. For each category, multiply the Category Average by the Category Weight:

Category Average x Category Weight = Category Value

For example: The weight for the Homework category is 50%.

84.7 x 50% = 42.4

The weight for the Test category is 40%.

96.7 x 40% = 38.7

The weight for the Cycle Exam category is 10%, but there is no category average.

6. Take the sum of all Category Values:

Category Value 1 + Category Value 2 + Category Value 3 = Total

For example: Add the category values for the Homework and Test categories. There is no category value for the Cycle Exam category.

42.4 + 38.7 = 81.1

7. Divide the Total by the sum of the weights for the categories that have grades, and then multiply by 100:

(Total / 100) x 100 = Average (if all categories have grades)

(Total / Cat Sum) x 100 = Average (if some categories do not yet have grades)

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For example: The sum of the weights of the Homework category and Test category is 90. The Cycle Exam category is omitted from the sum because it does not have grades.

The student’s Total is 81.1.

(81.1 / 90) x 100 = 90.1

The student’s average is 90.

Point Averaging With an Extra Credit Assignment


1. For each category, take the sum of points earned on all assignments:

Points 1 + Points 2 + Points 3 = Category Points

For example: The Homework category has three assignments, each worth 50 points. The student earned a 40, 45, and 50 for those assignments.

40 + 45 + 50 = 135

The Test category has two tests, each worth 50 points. The student earned a 40 and 50 for those tests.

40 + 50 = 90

2. Add the points for the extra credit (EC) assignment to the Category Points:

Category Points + EC = new Category Points

For example: The student’s Homework Category Points is 135. The student was awarded 5 points for a homework extra credit assignment.

135 + 5 = 140

3. Take the sum of the points earned in all categories:

Category 1 Points + Category 2 Points + Category 3 Points = Total Points

For example: Add the points for the Homework category and the Test category.

140 + 90 = 230

4. Divide the Total Points by the Total Possible Points, and multiply by 100:

(Total Points / Total Possible Points) x 100 = Average

For example: The student’s total points is 230. The total possible points is 250.

(230 / 250) x 100 = 92

The student’s average is 92.

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Multiplier Averaging With an Extra Credit Assignment


1. Calculate the category actual value:

For each category, add the sum of the points earned for each assignment:

Points Assignment 1 + Points Assignment 2 + Points Assignment 3 = Actual Category Points

For example: The Homework category has three assignments, each worth 100 points. The student earned a 70, 80, and 90 for those assignments.

70 + 80 + 90 = 240

The Test category has two tests, each worth 100 points. The student earned a 90 and 100 for those tests.

90 + 100 = 190

2. Add the points for the extra credit (EC) assignment to the Actual Category Points:

Actual Category Points + EC = new Actual Category Points

For example: The student’s Homework Actual Category Points is 240. The student was awarded 5 points for a homework extra credit assignment.

240 + 5 = 245

3. For each category, multiply the Actual Category Points by the multiplier value:

Actual Category Points x M = Actual Category Value, where M is the multiplier value

For example: The multiplier for the Homework category is 2.

245 x 2 = 490

The multiplier for the Test category is 1.

190 x 1 = 190

4. Add the sum of the actual category values for all categories:

Actual Category Value + Actual Category Value = Actual Value Total

For example: Add the actual values for the Homework category and the Test category.

490 + 190 = 680

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5. Calculate the category possible value:

For each category, add the sum of the possible points for each assignment:

Possible Points Assignment 1 + Possible Points Assignment 2 + Possible Points Assignment 3 = Possible Category Points

For example: The Homework category has three assignments, each worth 100 points.

100 + 100 + 100 = 300

The Test category has two assignments, each worth 100 points.

100 + 100 = 200

6. For each category, multiply the Possible Category Points by the multiplier value:

Possible Category Points x M = Possible Category Value, where M is the multiplier value

For example: The multiplier for the Homework category is 2.

300 x 2 = 600

The multiplier for the Test category is 1.

200 x 1 = 200

7. Add the sum of the possible category values for all categories:

Possible Category Value + Possible Category Value = Actual Value Total

For example: Add the possible values for the Homework category and the Test category.

600 + 200 = 800

8. Calculate the average:

Divide the actual category value by the possible category value, and then multiply by 100.

(Actual Value Total / Possible Value) x 100 = Average

For example: The student’s value for actual points earned is 680. The value for possible points is 800.

(680 / 800) x 100 = 85

The student’s average is 85.

To add extra points to an assignment grade:

Adding extra points to an assignment grade is different from an extra credit assignment. If you enter an assignment with the Total Points field set to 100, you can enter a grade that is greater than 100. In this case, it is not necessary to enter an extra credit assignment.

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To add extra points to the cycle average:

If you want to award extra credit points to the overall cycle average, use the cycle Override field on the Cycle Grades page.

Transfer Students If a student transfers into the course during a cycle, the following calculations are used to determine his working cycle average:

1. For the transfer grade, multiply the Transfer Average by the Transfer Weight:

Transfer Average x Transfer Weight = Transfer Value

For example: The student’s Transfer Average is 74.

The student’s Transfer Weight is 55%.

74 x 55% = 40.7

The student’s Transfer Value is 40.7.

2. Calculate the average of the student’s assignment grades (for the remainder of the cycle) using the steps described above under Percent Averaging, Point Averaging, or Multiplier Averaging.

For example: The percent-based example above shows a Working Cycle Average of 88.

3. Calculate the weight for the Working Cycle Average:

100% - Transfer Weight = Working Cycle Average Weight

For example: The student’s Transfer Weight is 55%.

100% - 55% = 45%

The student’s Working Cycle Average Weight is 45%.

4. Calculate the Working Cycle Average Value:

Working Cycle Average x Working Cycle Average Weight = Working Cycle Average Value

For example: The student’s Working Cycle Average is 87.

The student’s Working Cycle Average Weight is 45%.

88 x 45% = 39.6

The student’s Working Cycle Average Value is 39.6.

5. Take the sum of the Transfer Value and the Working Cycle Average Value:

Transfer Value + Working Cycle Average Value = Actual Working Cycle Average

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For example: The student’s Transfer Value is 40.7.

The student’s Working Cycle Average Value is 39.6.

40.7 + 39.6 = 80.3

The student’s Actual Working Cycle Average is 80.

If a student transferred from a course that posts letter grades to a course that posts numeric grades, and a letter grade is entered for his transfer average, the grade conversion table is used to determine the numeric value.

Dropped Assignment Grades If the # Drop field on the Administer Categories page is set to a value other than 0 for any categories, the following applies:

• For all weighting types (percent, point, and multiplier), the number of assignment grades to drop is figured in when calculating the total points earned. If the number of grades entered is greater than the number of grades to drop, the lowest X grades are dropped, where X is the specified number to drop for that category. If the number of grades to drop is greater than or equal to the number of grades entered, no grades are dropped.

• If a student has an assignment grade of M (missing), the grade is calculated as a zero; therefore, missing grades can be dropped, if applicable.

• The student’s average will always reflect the dropped grades.

Warning: If all assignments in a category do not have the same total points value (as entered on the Administer Assignments page), the calculations for dropping a specified number of assignments for the category may result in an average that is different than expected. If the total points value varies, the grade with the lowest number of points may not necessarily be the lowest grade.

Rounding Numbers When calculating a student’s cycle average, be aware of the following details:

• Assignment grades are always whole numbers (i.e., no decimals).

• When a category average is displayed on a student’s Cycle Grades page or IPR, it is rounded to the nearest whole number. If the number to the right of the decimal is 5 or greater, the displayed grade is rounded up. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, the displayed grade is rounded down.

For example, if the student’s category average is 89.5, the IPR and Cycle Grades page display 90 for the category average. If the student’s category average is 90.49, the IPR and Cycle Grades page display 90 for the category average.

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• When calculating a student’s cycle average, the category average is not rounded. The program uses the entire unrounded number (i.e., 32-bit precision) to calculate the cycle average.

Warning: If you use the rounded category average to calculate a student’s cycle average, you may get a different average than the average produced by the program, since the program does not use the rounded category average.

• Once the cycle average is calculated, it is rounded to the nearest whole number. The cycle average is always displayed as a whole number.

• When the semester average is calculated, the rounded cycle averages are used. The semester average is rounded to the nearest whole number. The semester average is always displayed as a whole number.

Missing and Incomplete Grades When calculating a student’s average, be aware of the following details:

• If a student has an assignment grade of M (missing), the grade is calculated as a zero. A missing grade can be dropped, if applicable.

• If a student has an assignment grade of I (incomplete), no averages are calculated, and an I is displayed in place of the average. The grade remains as an I until a grade is entered for the assignment.

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Appendix B - System Requirements

Operating System txGradebook can run on any operating system with the proper hardware requirements to support the minimum browser requirements. See Appendix 3 - Hardware Requirements for more information.

Mobile Devices txGradebook is compatible with Apple mobile devices (i.e., iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone). When using txGradebook on an Apple mobile device, some functionality works differently.

• The independent scroll bars used on the Assignment Grades page are not available on mobile devices. You must use the page scroll bars if the data in the assignment grades table exceeds one screen.

• The drag-and-drop functionality is not available for mobile devices.

• On the Administer Categories page, you can click a category under Available Categories to send it to the Selected Categories list.

• On the Seating Chart Setup and Arrange Student Order pages, the drag-and-drop functionality does not work on a mobile device, and you can only perform the function on a PC.

• On the Administer Categories page, if the list of categories under Available Categories exceeds one screen, you can view the additional categories by using two fingers to scroll through the category list.

• For txGradebook reports to be viewed on a mobile device using Safari, the pop-up blocker must be turned off.

• If you leave a txGradebook page by closing the browser or selecting another page from the menu, and you have not saved your changes, the mobile device does not display a warning message indicating that you have not saved your changes before leaving the page. Ensure that you have saved all changes before leaving a page.

Resolution The recommended video resolution is 1024 x 768 (small fonts) or higher.

To set the resolution in Windows 7:

1. Right-click the Desktop and select Screen Resolution. The Screen Resolution dialog box is displayed.

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2. In the Resolution field, select 1024 x 768 or higher.

3. Click Apply. A dialog box is displayed asking if you want to keep the display settings.

4. Click Keep Changes.

5. Click OK to close the Screen Resolution dialog box.

To set the resolution in Windows XP:

1. Right-click the Desktop and select Properties. The Display Properties dialog box is displayed.

2. Click the Settings tab. Screen area should be set to 1024 by 768 pixels.

3. Click Advanced. Font Size should be set to Small Fonts.

4. Click OK twice to close both dialog boxes.

To set the resolution in Mac OS X:

1. From the dock, select System Preferences. The System Preferences application opens.

2. Under Hardware, click the Displays icon. The Color LCD application opens.

3. Under Resolutions, select 1027 x 768 or higher.

4. Quit the Color LCD application.

5. Quit the System Preferences application.

Browsers The minimum browser requirements for txGradebook are as follows:

• Internet Explorer 7.0 or later

• Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or later (for Windows XP or later and Mac OS X)

• Safari 4.0 or later (for Windows XP or later and Mac OS X)

Please check your browser settings to ensure that your browser is set up to accommodate the txGradebook requirements.

Note: Some antivirus software block cookies and pop-up windows. In addition to the instructions below, check your antivirus software to ensure that it is not blocking cookies or pop-up windows from txGradebook.

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Browser Setup for Windows Internet Explorer

To add txGradebook to the trusted sites:

Adding the txGradebook Web site to the trusted sites means that you trust txGradebook to use cookies. The use of cookies is required for proper operation of txGradebook.

1. In the browser, from the Tools menu, select Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box is displayed.

2. From the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab.

3. Under Select a zone to view or change security settings, click Trusted sites.

4. Click Sites. The Trusted sites dialog box is displayed.

5. Under Add this website to the zone, type the exact Web site address that you use to access txGradebook.

Note: If the Web site address begins with https, select Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone. If the Web site address does not begin with https, ensure that Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone is not selected.

6. Click Add. The Web site is displayed under Websites.

7. Click Close to close the Trusted sites dialog box.

8. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

To enable pop-up windows:

txGradebook uses pop-up windows to display reports and other information. The txGradebook Web site must be set up as an allowed site.

1. In the browser, from the Tools menu, select Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box is displayed.

2. From the Internet Options dialog box, click the Privacy tab. If Turn on Pop-up Blocker is selected, then continue.

3. Under Pop-up Blocker, click Settings. The Pop-up Blocker Settings dialog box is displayed.

4. Under Address of website to allow, type the exact Web site address that you use to access txGradebook.

5. Click Add. The Web site is displayed under Allowed sites.

6. Click Close to close the Pop-up Blocker Settings dialog box.

7. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

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Browser Setup for Mozilla Firefox

To enable cookies:

The use of cookies is required for proper operation of txGradebook.

1. In the browser, from the Tools menu, select Options. The Options dialog box is displayed.

2. From the Options dialog box, click the Privacy icon.

3. Under History in the Firefox Will field, select Use custom settings from history.

4. Next to Accept cookies from sites, click Exceptions. The Exceptions - Cookies dialog box opens.

5. Under Address of web site, type the exact Web site address that you use to access txGradebook.

6. Click Allow. The Web site is displayed under Sites, and the Status is set to Allow.

7. Click Close to close the Exceptions - Cookies dialog box.

8. Click OK to close the Options dialog box.

To enable pop-up windows:

txGradebook uses pop-up windows to display reports and other information. The txGradebook Web site must be set up as an allowed site.

1. In the browser, from the Tools menu, select Options. The Options dialog box is displayed.

2. From the Options dialog box, click the Content icon.

3. Next to Block pop-up windows, click Exceptions. The Allowed Sites - Popups dialog box is displayed.

4. Under Address of web site, type the exact Web site address that you use to access txGradebook.

5. Click Allow. The Web site is displayed under Sites, and the Status is set to Allow.

6. Click Close to close the Allowed Sites - Popups dialog box.

7. Click OK to close the Options dialog box.

To enable JavaScript:

JavaScript must be enabled for the txGradebook Web site for proper operation of txGradebook.

1. In the browser, from the Tools menu, select Options. The Options dialog box is displayed.

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2. From the Options dialog box, click the Content icon.

3. Ensure that Enable JavaScript is selected.

4. Click OK to close the Options dialog box.

Browser Setup for Safari

To enable cookies:

The use of cookies is required for proper operation of txGradebook.

1. In the browser, from the menu bar, select Safari, and then select Preferences. The Preferences dialog box is displayed.

2. In the Preferences dialog box, select Security.

3. Next to Accept Cookies, select Only from sites I visit.

4. Close the Preferences dialog box.

To enable pop-up windows:

txGradebook uses pop-up windows to display reports and other information. By default, Safari blocks pop-up windows. The pop-up blocker must be disabled for the txGradebook Web site for proper operation of txGradebook.

From the Safari menu, select Block Pop-Up Windows to clear the check mark to turn off this option.

To enable JavaScript:

JavaScript must be enabled for the txGradebook Web site for proper operation of txGradebook.

1. In the browser, from the menu bar, select Safari, and then select Preferences. The Preferences dialog box is displayed.

2. In the Preferences dialog box, select Security.

3. Next to Web Content, ensure that Enable JavaScript is selected.

4. Close the Preferences dialog box.

Window Navigation • Users are encouraged to use the main menu and submenus to navigate from one page to


• The following suggestions will reduce the number of client workstation problems with txGradebook.

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• Avoid using the keyboard function keys.

• Do not use the browser toolbars; for example, Standard Buttons, Address Bar, or Links.

• Click logout to exit the application when finished; do not click to exit the application.

• If you attempt to open a page within txGradebook from your Favorites list or the address bar, the system first displays the Login page if you are not already logged on. Once you successfully log on to txGradebook, the requested page is displayed. Be aware that any unsaved changes on the page you were viewing will be lost, and a warning message may not be displayed.

• Do not open multiple txGradebook pages in different windows.

Warning: Do not use the Back button or shortcut keys to navigate from one window to another. Use of these in a maintenance function will produce unreliable results.

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Appendix C - Hardware Requirements The hardware and operating system requirements for the txGradebook minimum browser requirements are as follows:

Internet Explorer 7 IE7 will run on any of the following:

• Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)

• Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)

• Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

• Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

Any PC with the recommended amount of memory for Windows (e.g., 128 MB for Windows XP and 256 MB for Windows XP Professional x64) will meet the memory requirements for IE7.

Internet Explorer 8 IE8 will run on any of the following:

• Windows Vista 32/64-bit

• Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or higher

• Windows XP 32-bit with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or higher

• Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

• Windows Server 2003 32-bit with SP2 or higher

• Windows Server 2003 64-bit with SP2 or higher

• Windows Server 2008 32-bit or higher

• Windows Server 2008 64-bit or higher

Any PC with the recommended amount of memory for Windows will meet the memory requirements for IE8.

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Firefox 3 Firefox 3 will run on any of the following:

• Windows 2000

• Windows XP

• Windows Server 2003

• Windows Vista

• Windows 7

• Windows Server 2003

• Mac OS X 10.4 and later

The minimum hardware requirement for Windows is a Pentium 233 MHz (Recommended: Pentium 500 MHz or greater) with 64 MB RAM (Recommended: 128 MB RAM or greater), and 52 MB hard drive space.

The minimum hardware requirement for Mac OS X is a Mac with an Intel x86 or PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor with 128 MB RAM (Recommended: 256 MB RAM or greater) and 200 MB hard drive space.

Safari 4 and 5 Safari 4 will run on either of the following:

• Mac running Mac OS X v10.4 or later

• PC running Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7

Safari 5 will run on either of the following:

• Mac running Mac OS X v10.5.8 or later

• PC running Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7

The minimum hardware requirements are any Intel processor or a PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 with 256 MB of RAM for Mac or a 500 MHz Pentium processor with 256 MB of RAM for Windows.

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