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Types of Fasting Guide Sheet Quick Tips About Fasting 21 ... been difficult to get breakthrough will...

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Types of Fasting Guide Sheet Quick Tips About Fasting 21-Days of Prayer Guide for January 2018 M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan for 2018

Types of Fasting Guide Sheet

Quick Tips About Fasting

21-Days of Prayer Guide for January 2018

M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan for 2018

Types of Fasts

The type of fast you choose is between you and God. He will

honor your best sacrifice. You may want to include a combination of fasts. For example, you may want to participate in a Full Fast for 1-3 days and then continue with a Daniel Fast for the remainder of your time of consecration. Before beginning any

type of fast, consult your physician.

Full Fast Drink only liquids (you establish the number of days).

The Daniel Fast

Eat no meat, no sweets and no bread. Drink water and juice. Eat fruits and vegetables.

3-Day Fast

This fast can be a Full Fast, Daniel Fast or give an at least one item of food.

Partial Fast

A partial fast is from 6:00am to 3:00pm or from sun up to sundown. This fast can be a Full Fast, Daniel Fast or give up

at least one item of food.

Scripture references for Fasting: Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:14-15, Luke 18:9-14

Relation to Prayer and Reading of the Word:

1 Samuel 1:6-8, 17-18, Nehemiah 1:4, Daniel 9:3, 20, Joel 2:12, Luke 2:37, Acts 10:30, Acts 13:2

Corporate Fasting:

1 Samuel 7:5-6, Ezra 8: 21-23, Nehemiah 9:1-3, Joel 2:15-16, Jonah 3:5-10, Acts 27:33-37

Remember that it is the attitude of a heart sincerely seeking Him to which God responds with a blessing.

(Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 14:12, 1 Corinthians 8:8)

Quick Tips about Fasting

How to begin Start with a clear goal. Be specific. Why are you fasting? Do you need direction, healing, restoration of marriage or family issues? Are you facing financial difficulties? Ask the Holy

Spirit for guidance. Pray daily and read the Bible.

Preparing Spiritually Confess your sins to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness. Forgive all who have offended you and ask forgiveness from those you may have offended (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4, 17:3-4). Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ and reject the

worldly desires that try to hinder you. (Romans 12:1-2)

Deciding What To Fast The type of fast you go on is up to you. You could go on a full fast in which you only drink liquids, or you may desire to fast like Daniel, who abstained from sweets and meats, and the only

liquid he drank was water. Remember to replace that time with prayer and Bible study.

Deciding How Long

You may fast as long as you like. Most can easily fast from one to three days, but you may feel the grace to go longer, even as

much as 21 to 40 days. Use wisdom and pray for guidance. Beginners are advised to start slow.

What to Expect

When you fast your body detoxifies, eliminating toxins from your system. This can cause mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability during withdrawl from caffeine and sugars. And

naturally, you will have hunger pains. Limit your activity and exercise moderately. Take time to rest. Fasting brings about miraculous results. You are following Jesus’ example when you fast. Spend time listening to praise and worship. Pray as

often as you can throughout the day. Get away from the normal distractions as much as possible and keep your heart and mind

set on seeking God’s face.

How to End Don’t overeat when the time comes to end your fast. Begin eating solid food gradually, eat small portions or snacks.


That’s what I believe I heard the Lord say to me one November evening as I walked up the stairs from my home office. I had been seeking Him for a few weeks concerning what He desired to speak and do for New Life in the new year of 2018. However, when I heard the word EXTRORDINARY that particular evening, I had not been thinking or praying about it. I had just finished studying at my desk and was going upstairs. When I heard Him speak to me, it stopped me and really got my attention. I instantly responded by asking Him, “What do you mean by EXTRAORDINARY Lord? I believe He immediately answered saying, “I want to do EXTRAORDINARY things for My people and my Church in 2018.”

I. THE WORD The word EXTRAORDINARY means “going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary; exceptional to a very marked extent.” So, what the Lord is saying as we head into 2018 is that He desires to take what is ordinary to us and exchange it with His EXTRAORDINARY! He wishes to go beyond what we think is usual, regular, or customary! He wants to take “church as usual” and make it “church extraordinaire” – church abnormal and unusual! As I have been praying about this word and seeking the Lord for clarity and understanding, I believe He has shown me numerous things in which He wants to do the EXTRAORDINARY. In no particular order, here are 14 AREAS:

1. LIFE– The Hebrew word for “life” is chai, which has a numerical value of 18. The new year is the 18th year of this millennium. This is a year of EXTRAORDINARY LIFE! God desires to give believers new life this year – life beyond the ordinary in all areas. It will manifest in fresh starts, new beginnings, and open doors to new things. Regarding unbelievers, this is a year that many lost ones will find true, abundant, and eternal life in Christ!

2. MIRACLES – This is a year in which God will perform EXTRAORDINARY MIRACLES! Not only will He do EXTRAORDINARY miracles, He will do them in EXTRAORDINARY occurrences. In other words, rather than seeing periodic miracles, His people will witness, receive, and do miracles on a regular basis. In the Bible, Jesus healed a woman that had a spirit of infirmity which had her bent over for 18 years (Luke 10:10-13). In this year, expect regular manifestations of healing and deliverance. Spiritual possession and oppression will be broken and healed in great measure.

3. REVIVAL – This is the year of unprecedented EXTRAORDINARY REVIVAL in the modern-day Church. Sparks of revival will become all-out infernos of revival! Pockets of revival here and there throughout the land will become entire regions that are ablaze with revival! Spiritual awakening will hit both “well-to-do” neighborhoods and communities as well as impoverished, drug-ravaged neighborhoods and communities.

4. GLORY– This is the year for EXTRAORDINARY GLORY! Churches that host His presence are going to progress into the glory realm. Where some people have been experiencing a strong anointing and presence, glory is going to fall in those churches. It will be heavy, it will be holy, and it will be heavenly.

5. SUPERNATURAL ACTIVITY – With such glory will come EXTRAORDINARY SUPERNATURAL ACTIVITY! Seers will see with increase and greater clarity. Prophets will hear and declare with greater clarity and intensity. The activity of angels will increase and some people who have never truly seen angels will begin to do so. Dreams and visions will become EXTRAORDINARY in both intensity and frequency. The gift of discerning of spirits will intensify with those who have it and others who do not have it will get it.

6. HARVEST– 2018 will be a year of EXTRAORDINARY HARVEST! Churches that rarely see salvations will begin to experience them while churches that do regularly see salvations experience incredible increase of souls saved. I believe this will be a year of many surprise salvations, meaning the kind of salvations that we aren’t even expecting. These kind will occur with lost people innocently asking, “What must I do to be saved…how do I get saved?” I feel like the Lord is saying, “In this year of the open door, cities in which it has been difficult to get breakthrough will all of a sudden be open to the gospel, for I am giving you an open door to the city.” By the Spirit I was reminded of Acts 12 where Peter was imprisoned by King Herod and awaiting execution. An angel came and freed him, leading him through the prison and an iron gate into the city at which time the angel departed. Like Peter who represents the Church, this is the time of the Church getting into the cities that were previously not receptive of the Church.

7. PRODIGALS – This is the year of prodigals returning home. There will be EXTRAORDINARY HOMECOMINGS of those who have been astray! Many will finally “come to the end of themselves” and decide ‘I will arise and go home for I have sinned against God.’ This is the year that many prayers for prodigals get answered.

8. ANOINTING – This is the year of EXTRAORDINARY ANOINTING! Not only will existing anointings increase, they will multiply. In other words, many in the body of Christ will get new anointings for new gifts. Where some people had an anointing to flow in a certain spiritual gift or two, they will receive new anointings for additional gifts. In this year of the open door, pathways to new purpose in the Kingdom will be met with fresh anointing. Look for yours!

9. RECONCILIATIONS – This is the year of EXTRAORDINARY RECONCILIATIONS! It will be a season when many broken or ruined relationships meet reconciliation. Unforgiveness, resentment, and bitterness towards someone will become forgiveness, healing, and restoration. Strife will be exchanged with peace.

10. WISDOM – This is a year of EXTRAORDINARY WISDOM! In the time of the open door and the year of new beginnings, choices will have to be made and direction will have to be sought. For both, wisdom is required. If you will wait on the Lord and not move hastily, He will download supernatural wisdom

that can and will even contradict the wisdom of man. Many will hear, “This is the way I want you to go; this is the door I want you to enter.”

11. PROGRESSION – This is the year for EXTRAORDINARY PROGRESSION! To progress in something is to advance or move forward. In 2018, many – even those who have been stagnant or stuck – are going to supernaturally advance or progress to new levels. Many who have been slow to develop spiritually will find themselves growing in unprecedented measure. New spiritual growth will happen quickly to those who desire it. The teaching gift – the office of teacher – will become more prominent than it has been due to the harvest that will happen through the apostles, prophets, and evangelists. As teaching increases, many will be on a fast track to spiritual maturity and equipping. Additionally, many who walk with God will step into progression/promotion in their careers. Others who have been called by the Lord to various ministries or tasks but have struggled or have been hindered in stepping into such will experience a quick and smooth transition.

12. MINISTRY – This is the year of EXTRAORDINARY MINISTRY! Both personal and corporate ministry will encounter EXTRAORDINARY opportunities and results. God desires to increase our ministries so as to impact our cities, region, and nation with the reality of Jesus. Outreach will escalate. Evangelism will increase. Compassion will intensify. Intercession will become heavier and more powerful. Prayer meetings will multiply in frequency and attendance. I hear the Lord saying, “I will download unique ministry ideas this year that will yield full nets of reward.” I’m reminded of the disciples fishing to no avail until the Lord told them to cast the net on the other side of the boat. When that happened, the fish were too many for the net to hold! Look for “more-than-full-net” ministry this year.

13. Provision – 2018 is a year of EXTRAORDINARY PROVISION! It only makes sense that to walk through open doors, step into new beginnings, bring in a huge harvest, launch unique ministries, etc., requires godly provision. This is a year of God supernaturally providing for His work and His Church. On a personal level, this will be a year of financial breakthrough for many – especially those who have sown much seed and been faithful to honor the Lord with the tithe. Unexpected financial blessings are coming. Provision for true needs will manifest. God-fearing employees will incur raises and bonuses. God-fearing business owners will experience increase in profits. I’m reminded of a powerful statement: “If God can get it through you He can get it to you!”

14. FAVOR – 2018 is a year of EXTRAORDINARY FAVOR! The early Church in the Book of Acts had favor with God and man. I hear the Lord saying, “I’m putting powerful favor back on my people!” There will be some who have no business getting certain jobs or promotions because they’re unqualified or inexperienced or lack the education, yet they will find themselves hired or promoted for one reason only – the favor of God which gives them favor with man! Certain churches are going to step into favor in their cities. Some international ministries that have had trouble getting into certain countries

are all of a sudden going to be welcomed. Favor out of the ordinary is coming to God’s people!


Throughout the Bible are promises God gave or prophecies that prophets spoke to God’s people. More often than not they were conditional. In other words, God would require the people to do something. If they did, God would be faithful to do what He promised. If they did not, God would not do what He promised. Essentially, the fulfillment of God’s promises was contingent upon the people doing their part. As I sought the Lord about “EXTRAORDINARY” I heard Him say, “I desire to do EXTRAORDINARY things in 2018 but I will only do them if my people do EXTRAORDINARY things on their part.” Think about it, we cannot expect EXTRAORDINARY things while continuing to be and do only ordinary things. That’s like expecting different results while continuing to do the same old things the same old way. I believe someone called that insanity! In 2018 we are called to get out of the ordinary and step into the EXTRAORDINARY. We are being called to “go beyond what is usual, regular, and customary” so that we can encounter what is “beyond the usual, regular, and customary.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t want ordinary. I’ve made up my mind to pursue and get the EXTRAORDINARY!


The purpose of 21 days of prayer and fasting is to draw closer to our Lord, gain more of Him and lose more of our fleshly ways, spiritually grow, hear His voice more clearly, align with Him and His will, refine and refresh our spiritual disciplines, and set the tone for the rest of the year. I firmly believe that because January is the first fruits month of the year, what you do in January will dictate what you do the rest of the year. Therefore, I CHALLENGE YOU IN 4 KEY AREAS:


you already do that, then your challenge is to read it more every day. Start each day with Bible reading. If you need to get up 15-30 minutes earlier to do it, then do that. Whatever it takes, read God’s Word faithfully. It’s through His Word more than any other way that He will speak directly to you. By reading His Word regularly you will be spiritually nourished unlike any other way. You will also get fuel for prayer, as you will be able to pray God’s Word back to Him, asking Him to do His Word, fulfill His Word, and manifest His Word even in your life. Also, by reading His Word daily you will get equipped to fight devils and to live daily in victory.

• In the back of this booklet is a Bible reading plan that, if followed, will enable you to read the entire Bible in one year. I like it because it gives you both New Testament and Old Testament chapters to read each day rather than starting only in the Old Testament and working your way through. The author of this included reading plan was a powerful man of God – a Revivalist – whom God used mightily in a major revival. His name was Robert Murray M’Cheyne and he died of illness at the young age of 29.

• If you struggle following the reading plan then read at your own pace and according to your own parts of the Bible. The most important thing is to daily read God’s Word. Regardless of how much you read, what parts you read, and how long you read each day, JUST READ THE BIBLE!

2. PRAYING • Leonard Ravenhill, a great revivalist and evangelist of the past, said,

“Christians who aren’t praying are straying.” He also said, “No man is greater than his prayer life.”

• I CHALLENGE YOU TO PRAY EVERY DAY – to faithfully set aside time every day to talk and listen to God. He will hear and He will speak! What trouble we would spare ourselves if we only prayed more. What temptations we wouldn’t yield to if we only prayed more. What accomplishments we could garner for His Kingdom if we only prayed more. Oh how we would know Him more if we only prayed more! One thing no one will say in heaven: “I wish I wouldn’t have prayed so much.” One thing many will say in heaven: “I wish I would have prayed more.”

• To call ourselves Christians and not pray is like calling an airplane a car. Jesus longs to know you. He longs for you to know Him. Both are accomplished as we pray.


JANUARY 7TH! Remember: January is a first fruits month and what you do in January dictates what happens the rest of the year. Based on that principle, every year at New Life I give opportunity for everyone to give – to sow – a first fruits offering that is in addition to their normal tithe. In other words, your first fruits offering does not replace any of your tithe – you still give your tithe but you also sow a seed for the year on First Fruits Sunday.

• What kind of offering or financial seed should you give on First Fruits Sunday? That depends on what size of harvest you desire! Understand this: small seed = small harvest and large seed = large harvest. So, if you want only a small return on your offering in 2018, then give a small offering. But if you want a big return on your offering then give a big offering. I always encourage people to give sacrificially – give not out of what’s comfortable but rather what’s uncomfortable. Make is a sacrifice rather than a convenience. God’s blessings are always in sacrifices! Our God is a master at giving people ten-fold, thirty-fold, hundred-fold

returns on what they sow. And it’s all done on our part by faith – like everything else in the Kingdom of God. (See Luke 6:38).

• As for giving the rest of the year, I CHALLENGE YOU TO FAITHFULLY AND REGULARLY TITHE like the Bible instructs – not just when you’re at church but even when you miss. Listen to me, you cannot rob or withhold from God what He requires and then expect to be blessed. Obedience is what moves God’s hand and positions you for blessings beyond measure (see Malachi 3:7-12).

• If you are not yet tithing, I exhort you to begin and trust God by obeying Him in this area. He will not dishonor you when you honor Him! But always remember that we don’t give to get something from God, we give to honor God (see Proverbs 3:9-10).

• Additionally, Jesus assumes/expects us to give just like He assumes/expects us to pray and fast (See Matthew 6:2, 5, 16).


PRAYER and FASTING. Maybe you’ve never done this before. That’s okay. My goal is to introduce you to a very Bible-based and Spirit-led principle that is sure to grow your faith, strengthen your relationship with God, and set you up for a year of extraordinary possibilities!

• What exactly is a fast? Why is our church doing this? What kind of fast should I do? How long should I do it? Many of these questions and more are answered in the first few pages of this booklet. If you do not find answers to your specific questions, please ask one of your pastors.

• My goal is that everyone who calls New Life their home church will participate in some way. It is also that all participants will follow the enclosed guide that gives Scripture verses and prayer themes for each of the 21 days.

• If we all work through the guide daily, reading the same Scripture verses and praying along the same topics, we will be in unity with hearts seeking the Lord for His EXTRAORDINARY. I challenge you to get on board!

• Your challenge to participate also includes attending the numerous extra services we will be holding in the month of January. Because the 21 days of prayer and fasting is meant to set the tone for the year by intentionally drawing near to the Lord, extra services are scheduled. Remember, we are called to do EXTRAORDINARY if we want God to do EXTRAORDINARY. Here is the SCHEDULE OF EXTRA SERVICES:

▪ Jan. 5th, Friday night, 7:00 p.m. ▪ Jan. 7th, Sunday night, 6:00 p.m. ▪ Jan. 10th, Wednesday night, 7:00 p.m. ▪ Jan. 14th, Sunday night, 6:00 p.m. – combined campuses at

our Wheeling location ▪ Jan. 15th, Monday night, 7:00 p.m. ▪ Jan. 16th, Tuesday night, 7:00 p.m.

▪ Jan. 17th, Wednesday night, 7:00 p.m. ▪ Jan. 18th, Thursday night, 7:00 p.m. ▪ Jan. 19th, Friday night, 7:00 p.m. – combined campuses at

our Weirton location ▪ Jan. 21st, Sunday night, 6:00 p.m. ▪ Jan. 24th, Wednesday night, 7:00 p.m. ▪ Jan. 28th, Sunday night, 6:00 p.m.

MY PRAYER FOR YOU Father God, I come to you who loves us with so great a love that you have made possible the ability to know you personally by being in a vibrant, life-giving, and growing relationship with you. As we enter into this season of prayer and fasting, I commit it to you, that you might bless it and use it to make us more like Christ and align us with your will and desires. We commit and submit ourselves to you. May you lead us and guide us in this praying and fasting. May you hear us and answer us. May we hear you and obey you. Take more flesh from us and mold us more into your image. Decrease us and increase yourself in us. As we draw near to you, we are assured by your Word that you will draw near to us. As we seek you in this season, we are assured by your Word that we will find you. As a result of your promises, we will make our prayers known with thanksgiving and praise to the One who hears and answers. I pray that you sustain us in this fast while you strengthen our spirits. I ask you to manifest yourself strong and mighty in this time. Allow us to feel you, hear you, give to you, receive from you, love you, serve you, and grow in you. Thank you that as we abide in you, you will abide in us. Like Paul, we pray that we might know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. I ask you to unite us unlike ever before, prepare us for what you have for us, burden us with what burdens you, and cause our hearts to burn for you with holy zeal. Set a fire down in our souls that we can’t control. We want more of you, God! In the Name of Jesus, let it be so. Amen! Now let’s fast and pray! May God bless you abundantly as you seek Him. TOGETHER FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY, Bob Mazeroski, Senior Pastor New Life Church


• Scripture Verses: o Ezekiel 14:1-6; 18:30; Matthew 3:2; Luke 13:3, 5; Revelation 3:15-16,

19 • Devotion:

Repentance is somewhat of a lost and forgotten word in modern churches, yet it is the very foundation of genuine conversion to Christ. To repent means to have a turnaround. It is a change of directions where you stop going your own way and doing your own thing your own way, and you begin to go God’s way and doing His thing His way. To repent is to have a change of heart, thoughts, and actions concerning sin. Repentance is more than being sorry after being found out; it is being grieved to your core that you hurt the very heart of God. Godly sorrow leads to repentance. Repentance means more than merely asking for forgiveness; it entails complete change and an abandonment of sin. As we believe God for the EXTRAORDINARY, we must live a repentant lifestyle. Be quick to humble yourself to God and truly repent even over what we would call little sins. God resists proud people but has wonderful grace for humble and repentant hearts.

• Prayer Points: o That you would have a soft, humble, repentant heart o That New Life will never cease to preach the message of repentance o That you would have supernatural ability to confess and forsake all

known sin upon conviction of Holy Spirit Tuesday, January 9: Hunger

• Scripture Verses: o Psalm 42:1-4; Matthew 5:6; 6:33

• Devotion: I’ve heard many times over the years from leaders in my life that “To the degree of your hunger so shall you be filled.” Hungry people are desperate people. We must be hungry for God! David said that as a deer pants for water, so his soul thirsted for God. It conveys the picture of a deer on the run that is exhausted, covered in sweat, and out of breath running for its life. It’s that deer that’s desperate for water. God promises us that when we hunger and thirst for Him, we will be filled with Him. What a promise! As we believe God to meet us and fill us in EXTRAORDINARY fashion, let us be so desperately hungry for Him and only Him.

• Prayer Points: o Pray for personal hunger – hunger for God, hunger for revival, hunger

for the Word, hunger for prayer, hunger for church

o Pray for New Life to always be a hungry church that is absolutely desperate for God, for souls, for revival

o Ask God to make you desperate for Him Wednesday, January 10: Prayer

• Scripture Verses: o Psalm 55:17; 109:4; Matthew 6:33; Luke 6:12; 18:1; 1 Corinthians

14:15; Philippians 4:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:16 • Devotion:

Luke 5:15-17 teaches that as Jesus’ fame spread throughout the land, great multitudes of people came to hear Him and to be healed by Him. Verse 16 says that He withdrew Himself into the wilderness and prayed. The very next verse tells us that one day, He was teaching “and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.” Ah, there it is! The power to live for God and move in the supernatural power of God was the result of “wilderness” praying. In other words, Jesus isolated Himself, got alone with the Father, and prayed. Here’s a sobering question: If Jesus could regularly make time to get alone with God to intentionally pray, why can’t we? Prayer is to Christianity what fuel is to an airliner. Lack of prayer means lack of victory, lack of intimacy, lack of spiritual growth, and lack of power. Make a commitment to EXTRAORDINARY praying and watch God do EXTRAORDINARY things in your life!

• Prayer Points: o Ask God to draw you more frequent prayer o Ask for Holy Spirit to help you pray and pray through you o Ask for more of a burden to pray o Pray for New Life to intensify corporate prayer o Pray that your pastors never forsake their prayer closet

Thursday, January 11: Priorities

• Scripture Verses: o Exodus 20:35; Luke 14:16-24; Colossians 1:18

• Devotion: We’ve become such a busy, distracted people. The world pulls on us, demanding our undivided attention. Jobs have us working, kids have us scurrying, recreation has us enjoying, entertainment has us relaxing, and fatigue has us resting. Generally speaking, people today can barely fit God and church life in, much less do it regularly and faithfully. Friend, God demands to have preeminence in your life! He will be second to nothing and no one. He is a jealous God who yearns for you. In a world gone busy, you still must choose to make God number one and the very top priority. He never said to fit Him in; He said He will have no other gods before Him. He never said go to church when you can; He said “Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is…as you see the day approaching.” What day? The day of

judgment, the day of the end times. He really means that as we get closer and closer to that day, we need to be together in church even more, not less! It’s time for EXTRAORDINARY prioritizing where God and the things of God take precedence over the world and its ways and alternatives.

• Prayer Points: o Ask God right now re-prioritize your life according to His standards o Ask Him to help you make and keep Him number one not just in

words, but in actions o Pray for help to prioritize Bible reading, prayer, church attendance

and service, giving, and witnessing as top priorities in your life o Ask God to help your church to keep the Lord as preeminence in all

things at all times Friday, January 12: Reading of the Word

• Scripture Verses: o Psalm 119:1-16, 72; Proverbs 6:20-23; Job 23:12

• Devotion: The Bible teaches that God’s Word is inspired by Holy Spirit, it is without error, it is authoritative, it is alive and active, it is the most sure word of prophecy, and though everything else will fade away and die, it will last forever! The Bible nourishes us, grows us, corrects us, encourages us, guides us, commands us, teaches us, warns us, prepares us, and equips us. More than anything, the Bible reveals Jesus to us! Without the Word we will starve, become weak, live a defeated life, have no hope, no, joy, no peace, no direction, no revelation, and no knowledge. Without regular Bible reading we will not know truth, and without knowledge of truth we will be easily deceived. We must read God’s Word, study God’s Word, speak God’s Word, and do God’s Word. In this time of prayer and fasting, make the decision to do EXTRAORDINARY Bible reading. Make a commitment to carry a real Bible wherever you go – at least do so when coming to church! Read it, mark it up, learn it, declare it, and do it. I promise you will never regret it!

• Prayer Points: o Ask God to put a fresh desire in your to consistently read the Bible o Ask God to speak directly to you as your read it o Ask Him to give you understanding o Ask Him to burn a desire in you to live it o Pray that New Life never waiver from the true, uncompromised Word

of God o Pray for God to make the people of New Life “Word” people

Saturday, January 13: Obedience

• Scripture Verses: o 1 Samuel 15:22; Joshua 1:8; John 2:3-6; 14:15, 23-24; James 1:22

• Devotion: It’s one thing to read God’s Word or hear God’s Word preached; it’s quite another thing to actually do it. What earthly parent who instructed or commanded his child to do something for his or her own good and benefit would not be disappointed, angry, or even heartbroken if that child did not do it? Let me ask the question in a different way. If people break civil laws they either pay a fine of go to jail, and if the crime warrants it, they can even be put to death. In other words citizens in this world must obey the instructions and laws or face serious consequences. As a result, most people live as law-abiding citizens. Yet, in the kingdom of God so many people who hear God’s Word and know God’s Word choose to disobey God’s Word! Most fear earthly policemen more than they fear a holy God. My friend, something is terribly wrong with that. If we really believe God is who the Bible says He is and will do what it says He will do, then how can we knowingly and willingly disobey Him? If earthly parents get disappointed, angry, and heartbroken by their children’s disobedience, how much more does God by His spiritual children’s disobedience? I know of many professing Christians who know they’re supposed to forgive and choose not, who know they’re supposed to pray and don’t, who know they’re commanded to love even their enemies but despise them, who know they are instructed to tithe but willingly choose to rob God, etc.! If the body of Christ – the Church – really got serious about obeying God, oh, the blessings and power that would flow and be operative! In this time of prayer and fasting, let’s commit to EXTRAORDINARY obedience.

• Prayer Points: o Pray for personal revival in the area of obedience to God’s Word o Pray to be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer o Ask for the grace and faith to trust God as you step into obedience in

all areas: spiritual, physical, financial, relational o Pray that your church will always hear and do the uncompromised

Word of God Sunday, January 14: Giving of Finances

• Scripture Verses: o Leviticus 27:30; Proverbs 3:9-10; Malachi 3:7-12; Matthew 6:1-4;

23:23; Luke 6:38 • Devotion:

Jesus said that out of our innermost being – our belly – would flow living water. As believers, we are meant to give. The One whom we follow, Jesus, was such a giver that He gave His life for us! Yet, for that to happen the Father had to give Jesus – His Son – to us. Now, if we have received the gift of eternal life from the Giver of life, then we are called to follow

His example and give back. We are to give forgiveness, give love, give rivers of living water, give compassion, give kindness, give testimony, give service, and give money. We must be a people who give God His tithe off of every dollar that comes our way. What we get in a paycheck or a bonus or a sale of something or a financial surprise is God’s in the first place. It comes from Him and He calls us to steward it. In His generosity, He allows us to keep 90% of it. However, He requires us to give back to Him the tithe that He calls His own. A tithe literally means 10%. So, if we are not giving back to God His 10%, then we are not tithing. At best, not tithing is tipping. And to only tip rather than tithe is direct disobedience to God’s Word. According to Malachi 3, God in His own words calls it robbery. And to rob is to be a thief. Here’s the bottom line: God does not “need” the money you are holding from Him. He uses the principle of the tithe as a heart test for His people – for you and I. To withhold the tithe is to trust in the money more than the God of the money, which exposes an idol in the heart. Robbing God is what “ordinary” people do. Honoring God with the tithe is what EXTRAORDINARY people do. I’ve been obeying God’s Word in tithing for 27 years now and though I’ve had a few difficult seasons, I have never been forsaken by Him and I’ve never been without what I needed. I’ve been blessed! My two adult daughters faithfully tithe and have done so since they were little girls. They, too, have seen the faithfulness of the Lord and have lived the blessed life. God means what He says and does what He promises! How about you? Are you truly tithing and giving Him 10% of all your financial increase? Are you obeying and honoring Him? One thing I do know is that if we are going to believe Him for the EXTRAORDINARY in our finances, we must do the EXTRAORDINARY by fully and faithfully tithing. Now is the time! No more excuses!

Monday, January 15: Serving

• Scripture Verses: o Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 6:5-8

• Devotion: I’ve been blessed at times to dine in upscale restaurants and stay in very nice hotels. One thing that I’ve quickly noticed when doing so is that the service was top-notch. There’s nothing shoddy in such places. The servers are very intentional to represent their employer and their brand very well and with a high level of excellence. As a result, such places earn a good reputation and repeat business. As for the very good servers, they earn a promotion. The Bible instructs us to do all things with excellence and as unto the Lord. It tells us not to strive to please man but rather work to please God. If God finds that we are doing that and determines that He can trust us with little, He will give us more. I believe there are 6 key things that require excellence and an “as unto the Lord” attitude: 1.) Commitment, which means doing that which you say you will do for as

long as you said you would do it, regardless of inconvenience or other choices that arise; 2.) Faithfulness, which means being reliable. If you are scheduled to do some type of service, you will be found faithful to do it and won’t haphazardly opt out; 3.) Promptness, which requires that you be on time to perform your service rather than being late; 4.) Accountability, which means you will keep your team and/or your leader informed as to any changes that arise or your inability to fulfill your duty. It also means that if you can’t fulfill a scheduled commitment, you will be sure to give ample notice and attempt to secure a replacement on your behalf. 5.) Kindness, which means placing the ones you are serving higher than yourself – preferring and esteeming others above yourself; 6.) Quality, which means you take pride in your service and you do it with utmost care and attention to detail. If we are going to believe God for EXTRAORDINARY increase to ministries we are providing at New Life, we must provide EXTRAORDINARY service to those whom we are serving.

• Prayer Points: o Ask the Lord to reveal to you any area of service that you need to

work on o Ask Him to help you make any necessary changes o Ask Him to help you do all things with excellence and “as unto the

Lord” o Pray that New Life will be a church of excellence in all things o Ask the Lord to increase our ministries and their attendances

Tuesday, January 16: Honor

• Scripture Verses: o 1 Samuel 2:30; Proverbs 3:9; Malachi 1:6; Romans 12:10; 13:7; 1

Peter 2:17 • Devotion:

We are living in a nation that has lost its sense of honor. Generally speaking, many people dishonor most everybody and everything. Citizens dishonor governing authorities at all levels. Students dishonor teachers. Children dishonor parents. Athletes dishonor coaches. Husbands and wives dishonor spouses. Christians dishonor their spiritual authorities. People dishonor each other. However, we must never get caught in the culture of dishonor, as God demands we create and live out a culture of honor. To do that we must understand that true honor honors positions of people regardless of personalities of people. It honors position over disagreement or conflict. The Bible teaches that God raises up leaders and will use them for His purposes. If only for that reason we must practice honor at all costs. Honor is a kingdom principle and to not give honor where honor is due is to come against God and His very nature. Let’s vow to be a people and a church of honor! If we will demonstrate EXTRAORDINARY honor, God will give us EXTRAORDINARY honor.

• Prayer Points: o Pray for honor to be shown by you at all times o Ask the Lord to help you better understand the kingdom principle of

honor o Ask for help in honoring all leaders even if you disagree or don’t really

care for them o Pray that your church be a church of honor – especially the honor of

our Lord Wednesday, January 17: Consecration/Holiness

• Scripture Verses: o Exodus 32:29; Proverbs 23:26; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

• Devotion: A chameleon gets its name from the Latin language and is a compound word meaning “on the ground” and “lion.” It also has the ability to change colors so as to blend in with its surroundings and environment. Like chameleons, Christians are meant to be lions on the ground for the Lord representing the Lion of the tribe of Judah, taking out the enemy that roams around “like a lion seeking to devour.” Unfortunately, like the other characteristic of chameleons, far too many Christians “blend in to their surroundings” and adapt to the environment of the world. We are called to come out from the world, separate from its ways, desires, and lusts, and live lives of holiness and purity in our appearances, choices, and actions. We are never to blend in, rather we are to stand out and let it be obvious whom we believe in, live for, and serve! Like Peter teaches us, we are simply pilgrims who are passing through this temporary life on to our eternal home. We are to settle down there rather than here. To quote the late Leonard Ravenhill again, “Life is but a dressing room for eternity.” If we are believing for God to manifest His presence in EXTRAORDINARY ways, we need to in EXTRAORDINARY consecration and holiness.

• Prayer Points: o Pray for God to increase your desire for holiness o Ask Him to consecrate – set you apart – in greater measure for His use o Ask Him to reveal areas in your life in which He wants you to become

more holy o Ask Holy Spirit to do the work of holiness through you as we cannot

make ourselves holy o Pray that your church will live and preach the message of

consecration and holiness Thursday, January 18: Listening

• Scripture Verses: o Proverbs 8:30; Ecclesiastes 5:1; Luke 8:15; Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29;

3:6, 13, 22 • Devotion:

We live in a ‘loud’ world where everything is screaming at us for attention. Kids are crying, music is playing, news stations are reporting, friends are chatting, enemies are yelling, and smart phones are alerting. Our thoughts race, our bodies work, and our heads pound to the ache of stress. Yet, we have not only a responsibility but also a privilege to hear the voice of the Lord. It’s amazing isn’t it? I mean, the Creator of the Universe, the Savior of the world, and the King of kings desires to speak to us! If we have trouble hearing from Him it isn’t because He’s not speaking, it’s only because we’re not listening. In this time of EXTRAORDINARY, we must tune in to the sound of heaven. In order to do so, it is imperative that we make regular time to intentionally set our hearts to hear from the Lord. He speaks in so many ways – through nature, the Bible, the preached Word, the revelatory gifts of the Spirit like prophecy, words of knowledge, tongues and interpretation, dreams, visions, His whisper, current events, and issues of the day. The call of the Lord to us in this season is to clean the dust off our spiritual antennas and get on the frequency of heaven so we can listen and hear what He has to say. Jesus told all 7 churches in Revelation 2-3, “He that has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” He also said, “My sheep know my voice.” Above all the temporary noise of the world is the eternal voice of the Great I Am, and He is speaking. Let’s commit to EXTRAORDINARY listening!

• Prayer Points: o Pray for ears to hear what the Spirit is saying o Ask for clarity and understanding o Pray for increased ability to recognize His voice in the midst of chaos o Ask Him to help you make regular times to just sit in His presence and

wait to hear what He says o Pray that your church always hears and is in tune with the voice of the

Lord and we do only what He tells us to do Friday, January 19: Sacrifice

• Scripture Verses: o Matthew 16:24-27; 19:16-22; Romans 12:1-2

• Devotion: A major challenge for many Christians is to live unselfishly and sacrificially. This is the age of “I” everything. We have iPhones, iPads, iMacs, iBooks, iPhoto, and iTunes. The world preaches get while the Bible preaches give. People desire to be served rather than to serve. Despite all of this, we must remember that our entire faith is built on a spotless, unblemished, perfect, and one time for all time sacrifice – Jesus Christ, who willingly sacrifice the Father required for the permanent remission of humanity’s sins. As disciples – Christ followers – we now have been mandated by this great Sacrifice to present our bodies as living sacrifices unto Him. In other words, we are called to live dead to ourselves but fully

and forever alive in Him. We are to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. As living sacrifices unto the Lord, we must sacrifice in our decisions, desires, lifestyles, giving, praising, serving, and so much more. Yet, if we are in right relationship with Him and abiding in Him, it is not burdensome nor is it impossible because He gives us the grace, the strength, and the anointing to do so. As we believe God for EXTRAORDINARY things in 2018, let’s be EXTRAORDINARY living sacrifices.

• Prayer Points: o Pray to live the sacrificed life o Ask God to help you bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the

Lord o Pray for Him to help you have the faith to give sacrificially rather than

comfortably o Ask the Lord to help you obey His instruction to lay down your life

and sacrificially by taking up His cross and following Him in all things at all times

o Pray that New Life be a church of sacrifice like the Head of the Church in all things

Saturday, January 20: Spiritual Border Patrol

• Scripture Verses: o Job 31:1; Isaiah 50:4; Matthew 12:34-37; 15:16-19; 2 Corinthians

10:4-5; James 3:6 • Devotion:

In the natural, our President is on a mission to totally secure our borders in an effort to prevent wrong people and wrong stuff from entering our country illegally. We must do the same in the spirit realm. We must man our gates and secure our borders. Our body contains numerous gates to our spirit. Those gates are our eyes, our ears, our thoughts, our mouths, and our hearts. What we allow in will impact us one way or another. What we allow to come through the gates will strongly attempt to infiltrate us deep enough so it can come out of us in action. To say it differently, it’s “garbage in, garbage out; holiness in, holiness out.” Job “made a covenant with his eyes” that he would not look upon a woman the wrong way. He committed to manning his eye gates. The Bible instructs to not listen to unholy conversations such as lewd jokes, gossip, foul language, and the like. Why? The answer is that we need to patrol and protect our ear gates. The Bible also tells us to take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. In other words, we are to make our thoughts conform to God’s Word and think about what He says rather than what the enemy or the world is saying. If we fail to man these gates properly, our mouth gate will be influenced and we will begin to speak words that align with wrong thoughts. We know that we are snared by the words of our mouth and that life and death are in the power of the

tongue. In order to speak right we must see right, hear right, and think right. Failure at this level will open the gate of our heart, which is a very dangerous position to find ourselves in because when sin gets in the heart, we will speak even worse things. The Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. At this point, it is only a matter of time before sin is acted out. And sin acted out always yields some form of deathly consequences. One thing for sure that can hinder the EXTRAORDINARY from God is failure to patrol and control our borders. Commit to manning your gates in this year of EXTRAORDINARY!

• Prayer Points o Pray for border patrol o Ask God to help you recognize trouble at your gates o Pray for wisdom on how to protect those gates o Ask God to convict you anytime something ungodly accesses a gate o Pray for New Life to have non-stop patrolling and securing of its

spiritual gates Sunday, January 21: Forgiveness

• Scripture Verses: o Matthew 6:14-15; 18:21; Ephesians 4:32

• Devotion: If we are going to experience EXTRAORDINARY things from God this year, we must walk in EXTRAORDINARY forgiveness concerning others unlike ever before. Jesus teaches that the measure of forgiveness we show to others is the same measure in which we can expect to be forgiven by Him. Think about it: Jesus not only forgave you of all your sins when He went to the cross, He forgave all of the sins of all of humanity past, present, and future! Never again does something have to shed blood in order to appease our holy God. Jesus did one time for all time! Now, if He could do that and if He lives inside us by the Spirit, then we should have no problem forgiving others of anything they’ve done against us. My friend, let go of any unforgiveness. If you are carrying it, it will eat you alive, strip you of any potential EXTRAORDINARY, and bring judgment your way. Don’t just let unforgiveness go, let the guilty person go. Release them! Go to them and talk it out and then pray it out. Just make it right! The moment you do, you will in position for the EXTRAORDINARY.

• Prayer Points: o Pray for God to reveal any unforgiveness in your heart o Ask for wisdom on how to deal with it o Pray for courage to go to the person involved and make it right o Ask God to help you keep forgiveness to others flowing in your life o Pray for forgiveness regarding anything you may need it for o Ask God to help New Life to always be a forgiving church – in both

extending it and receiving it

Monday, January 22: Love • Scripture Verses:

o Matthew 19:19; 22:37; John 13:35; Galatians 5:22 • Devotion:

Our faith is all about love – the wonderful love of God bestowed upon us through the gift of the Son, Jesus Christ. Godly love chose us even while we were still sinners. It came to us and ‘for the joy set before Jesus, it endured the cross.’ This godly love died for us, rose again for us, ascended back to heaven for us, is preparing a place for us, and will come again for us! Nothing compares to the amazing, unfathomable, eternal love of God Almighty. This kind of love covers sins, is long-suffering, kind, knows no evil, and is not envious or prideful. It rejoices in truth, seeks not selfish pleasure, is not easily provoked, and thinks no evil things. It bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things. This love never, ever fails. It abides with faith and hope, yet it is the greatest of them all! This same kind of love is the love we are commanded to express and convey to God, to others, and to enemies. In this EXTRAORDINARY time, check your love tank. Is it full of God’s kind of love? Is it being expressed the right way? Are you receiving this kind of love from the Father on a regular basis? Know this: you can’t give what you don’t have. In a fresh way, receive the love of the Father. Allow Him to fill your tank. Then go and give it away to others! As we believe God for EXTRAORDINARY love we must be able and willing to give EXTRAORDINARY love in EXTRAORDINARY fashion.

• Prayer Points: o Pray for a greater awareness of the love of God o Ask God to help you walk in love for others o Ask Him to give you greater love for the church and the lost o Pray for God to help you love Him more than ever o Ask God to give EXTRAORDINARY love to New Life and to enable New

Life to demonstrate EXTRAORDINARY love to the world Tuesday, January 23: Courage

• Scripture Verses: o Joshua 1:7, 9; Psalm 3:6; 27:1-3; 118:6; Isaiah 12:2

• Devotion: For too long, numerous spirits of satan have muted believers of Jesus. When we should have been voices for the Lord, many have been cowards regarding their witness. Additionally, many have been bound in fear, which has immobilized and incapacitated them. The only answer as to why this has been so is because such believers have lacked courage. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens us. Courage is strength in the face of pain or grief. Courage enables us to go face to face with difficulty or danger. Courage keeps going when the going gets too tough. Courage will not back up or shut up. Courage will run and not hide. We need a baptism of EXTRAORDINARY courage in this hour! If we want

God to give us things like EXTRAORDINARY influence and impact, harvest and power, we must be willing to demonstrate EXTRAORDINARY courage. Take this time to ask God for EXTRAORDINARY courage and commit to walking in it wherever you go despite the intimidation, fear, lies and threats that other spirits bring your way.

• Prayer Points: o Pray for God’s kind of courage o Ask Him to help you recognize the antichrist spirits that are operative

in this time o Pray for ability to overcome fear as you’re reminded that God has not

given you a spirit of fear o Pray for courage to take possession of your “now” inheritance o Ask Him to help you stand for Him no matter the cost o Pray for your church to be more courageous than ever in the region

Wednesday, January 24: Boldness

• Scripture Verses: o Acts 1:8; 2:13-14; 4:13; Hebrews 4:16; 10:19-25; 1 John 4:17

• Devotional: Before the apostle Peter preached the first Spirit-filled message on the Day of Pentecost and saw 3000 souls saved, he had denied Jesus three times on the night Jesus was arrested. What changed Him? It was the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to give the disciples power to be His witnesses. With that power came a supernatural boldness to stand up on that Day of Pentecost and address an unruly, mocking, and intimidating crowd of heathens. Where he lacked boldness in the past to take a stand for Jesus right in front of Jesus, he now had boldness sent from God and could stand for Jesus in the company of radical unbelievers. His boldness continued to the next chapter where he looks intently on to the face of a crippled man and commands him to get up and walk in the name of Jesus. Yes, the early church had great boldness. Such boldness comes only from time spent with Jesus. Friend, we are never to be timid when it comes to living out our faith; we are to be bold for Jesus. We are also to boldly enter the throne room of grace. Now more than ever we need great boldness! I believe God desires to give us EXTRAORDINARY boldness. In return, He will demand us to show EXTRAORDINARY boldness.

• Prayer Points: o Ask God for boldness in a sinful world o Pray to be bold for Jesus no matter the cost o Ask for nonstop boldness to go after the grace and mercy of God when

needed o Pray for God to help you spend the necessary time with Jesus so that

boldness in you will be recognizable to those around you – may they know you have “been with Jesus”

o Pray for EXTRAORDINARY boldness at New Life Church

Thursday, January 25: Witnessing

• Scripture Verses: o Matthew 20:18-20; Acts 3:1-7; 4:18-20; 5:27-32; 1 John 1:3

• Devotion: The Bible tells us that our God is a consuming fire. Fire is contagious and it spreads. So is witnessing supposed to be and do the same. Remember: the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is alive in you. You are a temple of the living God. Glory resides inside you. Rivers of living water are flowing in you and anxiously waiting to flow out of you. To witness for Jesus is to testify of Jesus and the Bible informs us that, “the testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy.” We also know that believers overcome the evil one “by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.” Therefore, this all means you are meant to be a contagious witness for Jesus wherever you go. If believers really caught this, people in every neighborhood of every town in every state would be coming to Jesus by the droves! Listen, you are saved to tell your story that points to His story! When you do, you are prophesying that what Jesus did for you He will surely do for that person. We need to believe God to grant us EXTRAORDINARY desire to witness for Jesus! However, we must first commit to being an EXTRAORDINARY witness who passionately testifies of the saving, delivering, healing, and freeing power of the Lord. Will you do it?

• Prayer Points: o Pray for an intense desire to share your story with lost people o Ask God to burden you for souls and infuse you with the passion to go

after them o Ask God to make you contagious to those around you o Pray for understanding and the right words to speak at the right time o Pray for your church to increase its witnessing efforts in the cities

around it o Ask God to download strategic outreach and evangelism events to

reach the lost Friday, January 26: Fire

• Scripture Verses: o Leviticus 6:12-13; Matthew 3:11; Acts 2:3-4; Hebrews 12:29

• Devotional: We need fire! The Old Testament priests were instructed to never let the fire go out on the altar of the temple. They were to keep it continually burning. The New Testament says that believers are priests, so now we have the responsibility to keep the fire burning as we mister to Jesus and for Jesus. The Lord is the Baptizer who baptizes with holy fire. In the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost, Holy Spirit manifested as cloven

tongues of fire on the heads of the believers. Such a baptism became recurring for those believers as they turned cities upside down for Jesus. Our God is a consuming fire who desires to consume us so that we will burn for Him. Oh how we need fresh fire in this season! If your Christian walk is boring and dull, you need fire. If your church attendance has backed off, you need fire. If you find yourself struggling for the desire to pray and read God’s Word, you need fire. If you waver back and forth with sin, you need fire. If you’re rarely in the altar at church, you need fire. If you aren’t regularly telling others about your Jesus, you need fire. If the devil is not bothering you, you need fire. If you’re not becoming more like Christ, you need fire. My friend, it’s fire that will ignite you. It’s fire that will envelop you. It’s fire that will move you to action. It’s fire in you that will cause others to burn. The great revivalist preacher of centuries ago and the father of Methodism, John Wesley, said, “Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn.” William Booth wrote a song that says, “God of burning cleansing flame, send the fire.” I say, “Send the fire, Lord…Send the fire today!!!” I believe there is EXTRAORDINARY fire coming in this season for those who pursue it with determined passion. Let’s go after it!

• Prayer Points: o Ask God to consume you with His holy fire o Pray that He allows you to burn with unquenchable fire o Ask Him to set you ablaze with passion and zeal for advancing His

kingdom o Ask for His Word to be like fire shut up in your bones that you can’t

contain and can’t control o Pray for EXTRAORDINARY fire for you and your church

Saturday, January 27: Endurance

• Scripture Verses: o Matthew 24:12-13; Galatians 6:9; James 5:11

• Devotion: As a former racehorse trainer and driver, I learned quickly that no matter how fast a horse was running at the beginning or middle of a race, there was no money and no trophy at those markers. The prize was always for the horse that crossed the finish line first. Although a horse had to be able to leave the starting gate quickly if need be, it was much more crucial that its speed and energy be rated and conserved so the horse could endure to the finish line and collect the prize. A lot of believers start out with a bang and a lot of spiritual energy. Unfortunately, many don’t endure to the end. The world gets to them, the devil tempts them, and sin besets them. Paul the apostle understood endurance and said, as he was facing his death and departure from this life, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” As a result, he proclaimed, “There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge,

shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but to all them also that love his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Paul endured, made it to the finish line, and got his prize! Let’s commit to EXTRAORDINARY endurance and vow to never quit this wonderful and worthwhile race for glory!

• Prayer Points: o Pray for EXTRAORDINARY endurance and perseverance o Ask the Lord to keep you when discouragement, disappointment,

weariness, adversity, persecution, or temptation comes o Pray for endurance in your walk with the Lord o Pray for endurance in your work for the Lord o Pray for endurance in your warring for the Lord o Ask the Lord to grant EXTRAORDINARY endurance to the people of

New Life and its mission to live, love, and lead like Christ Sunday, January 28: Celebrate

• Scripture Verses: o Psalm 148-150

• Devotion: You did it! Today is the end of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. I believe with you by faith that God has met you at your point of need and manifested His magnificent presence. I encourage you to let the spiritual disciplines of regular and faithful prayer, the reading of the Bible, and even the powerful discipline of periodic fasting continue on in your walk with Jesus. Remember that what you do in January sets the tone for the rest of the year. Keep it going! Now take a few moments and celebrate the Lord and what He has done not only in you but also in your church. Give Him much praise! Send up a bunch of “Hallelujahs from here below”! He certainly is worthy of it all. May God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you. May His peace be your peace and His joy be your joy. May goodness and mercy follow you all year long. To God be all glory and honor forever and ever!

• Prayer Points: o Ask God for EXTRAORDINARY celebrations of praise to burst forth in

your life and at your church!

January1 Gn 1; Mt 1; Ezra 1; Act 12 Gn 2; Mt 2; Ezra 2; Act 23 Gn 3; Mt 3; Ezra 3; Act 34 Gn 4; Mt 4; Ezra 4; Act 45 Gn 5; Mt 5; Ezra 5; Act 56 Gn 6; Mt 6; Ezra 6; Act 67 Gn 7; Mt 7; Ezra 7; Act 78 Gn 8; Mt 8; Ezra 8; Act 89 Gn 9-10; Mt 9; Ezra 9; Act 910 Gn 11; Mt 10; Ezra 10; Act 1011 Gn 12; Mt 11; Neh 1; Act 1112 Gn 13; Mt 12; Neh 2; Act 1213 Gn 14; Mt 13; Neh 3; Act 1314 Gn 15; Mt 14; Neh 4; Act 1415 Gn 16; Mt 15; Neh 5; Act 1516 Gn 17; Mt 16; Neh 6; Act 1617 Gn 18; Mt 17; Neh 7; Act 1718 Gn 19; Mt 18; Neh 8; Act 1819 Gn 20; Mt 19; Neh 9; Act 1920 Gn 21; Mt 20; Neh 10; Act 2021 Gn 22; Mt 21; Neh 11; Act 2122 Gn 23; Mt 22; Neh 12; Act 2223 Gn 24; Mt 23; Neh 13; Act 2324 Gn 25; Mt 24; Esth 1; Act 2425 Gn 26; Mt 25; Esth 2; Act 2526 Gn 27; Mt 26; Esth 3; Act 2627 Gn 28; Mt 27; Esth 4; Act 2728 Gn 29; Mt 28; Esth 5; Act 2829 Gn 30; Mk 1; Esth 6; Ro 130 Gn 31; Mk 2; Esth 7; Ro 231 Gn 32; Mk 3; Esth 8; Ro 3February1 Gn 33; Mk 4; Esth 9-10; Ro 42 Gn 34; Mk 5; Job 1; Ro 53 Gn 35-36; Mk 6; Job 2; Ro 64 Gn 37; Mk 7; Job 3; Ro 75 Gn 38; Mk 8; Job 4; Ro 86 Gn 39; Mk 9; Job 5; Ro 97 Gn 40; Mk 10; Job 6; Ro 108 Gn 41; Mk 11; Job 7; Ro 119 Gn 42; Mk 12; Job 8; Ro 1210 Gn 43; Mk 13; Job 9; Ro 1311 Gn 44; Mk 14; Job 10; Ro 1412 Gn 45; Mk 15; Job 11; Ro 1513 Gn 46; Mk 16; Job 12; Ro 16

14 Gn 47; Lk 1:1-38;Job 13; 1Co 1

15 Gn 48; Lk 1:39-80;Job 14; 1Co 2

16 Gn 49; Lk 2; Job 15; 1Co 317 Gn 50; Lk 3; Job 16-17; 1Co 418 Ex 1; Lk 4; Job 18; 1Co 519 Ex 2; Lk 5; Job 19; 1Co 620 Ex 3; Lk 6; Job 20; 1Co 721 Ex 4; Lk 7; Job 21; 1Co 822 Ex 5; Lk 8; Job 22; 1Co 923 Ex 6; Lk 9; Job 23; 1Co 1024 Ex 7; Lk 10; Job 24; 1Co 1125 Ex 8; Lk 11;

Job 25-26; 1Co 1226 Ex 9; Lk 12; Job 27; 1Co 1327 Ex 10; Lk 13; Job 28; 1Co 1428 Ex 11:1-12:21; Lk 14;

Job 29; 1Co 15March1 Ex 12:22-51; Lk 15;

Job 30; 1Co 162 Ex 13; Lk 16; Job 31; 2Co 13 Ex 14; Lk 17; Job 32; 2Co 24 Ex 15; Lk 18; Job 33; 2Co 35 Ex 16; Lk 19; Job 34; 2Co 46 Ex 17; Lk 20; Job 35; 2Co 57 Ex 18; Lk 21; Job 36; 2Co 68 Ex 19; Lk 22; Job 37; 2Co 79 Ex 20; Lk 23; Job 38; 2Co 810 Ex 21; Lk 24; Job 39; 2Co 911 Ex 22; Jn 1; Job 40; 2Co 1012 Ex 23; Jn 2; Job 41; 2Co 1113 Ex 24; Jn 3; Job 42; 2Co 1214 Ex 25; Jn 4; Pr 1; 2Co 1315 Ex 26; Jn 5; Pr 2; Gal 116 Ex 27; Jn 6; Pr 3; Gal 217 Ex 28; Jn 7; Pr 4; Gal 318 Ex 29; Jn 8; Pr 5; Gal 419 Ex 30; Jn 9; Pr 6; Gal 520 Ex 31; Jn 10; Pr 7; Gal 621 Ex 32; Jn 11; Pr 8; Eph 122 Ex 33; Jn 12; Pr 9; Eph 223 Ex 34; Jn 13; Pr 10; Eph 324 Ex 35; Jn 14; Pr 11; Eph 425 Ex 36; Jn 15; Pr 12; Eph 526 Ex 37; Jn 16; Pr 13; Eph 6

27 Ex 38; Jn 17; Pr 14; Phil 128 Ex 39; Jn 18; Pr 15; Phil 229 Ex 40; Jn 19; Pr 16; Phil 330 Lv 1; Jn 20; Pr 17; Phil 431 Lv 2-3; Jn 21; Pr 18; Col 1April1 Lv 4; Ps 1-2; Pr 19; Col 22 Lv 5; Ps 3-4; Pr 20; Col 33 Lv 6; Ps 5-6; Pr 21; Col 44 Lv 7; Ps 7-8; Pr 22; 1Th 15 Lv 8; Ps 9; Pr 23; 1Th 26 Lv 9; Ps 10; Pr 24; 1Th 37 Lv 10; Ps 11-12; Pr 25; 1Th 48 Lv 11-12; Ps 13-14;

Pr 26; 1Th 59 Lv 13; Ps 15-16; Pr 27; 2Th 110 Lv 14; Ps 17; Pr 28; 2Th 211 Lv 15; Ps 18; Pr 29; 2Th 312 Lv 16; Ps 19; Pr 30; 1Ti 113 Lv 17; Ps 20-21; Pr 31; 1Ti 214 Lv 18; Ps 22; Eccl 1; 1Ti 315 Lv 19; Ps 23-24; Eccl 2; 1Ti 416 Lv 20; Ps 25; Eccl 3; 1Ti 517 Lv 21; Ps 26-27; Eccl 4; 1Ti 618 Lv 22; Ps 28-29; Eccl 5; 2Ti 119 Lv 23; Ps 30; Eccl 6; 2Ti 220 Lv 24; Ps 31; Eccl 7; 2Ti 321 Lv 25; Ps 32; Eccl 8; 2Ti 422 Lv 26; Ps 33; Eccl 9; Tit 123 Lv 27; Ps 34; Eccl 10; Tit 224 Nu 1; Ps 35; Eccl 11; Tit 325 Nu 2; Ps 36; Eccl 12; Philemon26 Nu 3; Ps 37; Song 1; He 127 Nu 4; Ps 38; Song 2; He 228 Nu 5; Ps 39; Song 3; He 329 Nu 6; Ps 40-41; Song 4; He 430 Nu 7; Ps 42-43; Song 5; He 5May1 Nu 8; Ps 44; Song 6; He 62 Nu 9; Ps 45; Song 7; He 73 Nu 10; Ps 46-47; Song 8; He 84 Nu 11; Ps 48; Is 1; He 95 Nu 12-13; Ps 49; Is 2; He 106 Nu 14; Ps 50; Is 3-4; He 117 Nu 15; Ps 51; Is 5; He 128 Nu 16; Ps 52-54; Is 6; He 139 Nu 17-18; Ps 55; Is 7; Jas 1

10 Nu 19; Ps 56-57;Is 8:1-9:7; Jas 2

11 Nu 20; Ps 58-59;Is 9:8-10:4; Jas 3

12 Nu 21; Ps 60-61;Is 10:5-34; Jas 4

13 Nu 22; Ps 62-63;Is 11-12; Jas 5

14 Nu 23; Ps 64-65; Is 13; 1Pe 115 Nu 24; Ps 66-67; Is 14; 1Pe 216 Nu 25; Ps 68; Is 15; 1Pe 317 Nu 26; Ps 69; Is 16; 1Pe 418 Nu 27; Ps 70-71;

Is 17-18; 1Pe 519 Nu 28; Ps 72; Is 19-20; 2Pe 120 Nu 29; Ps 73; Is 21; 2Pe 221 Nu 30; Ps 74; Is 22; 2Pe 322 Nu 31; Ps 75-76; Is 23; 1 Jn 123 Nu 32; Ps 77; Is 24; 1 Jn 224 Nu 33; Ps 78:1-37;

Is 25; 1 Jn 325 Nu 34; Ps 78:38-72;

Is 26; 1 Jn 426 Nu 35; Ps 79; Is 27; 1 Jn 527 Nu 36; Ps 80; Is 28; 2Jn 128 Dt 1; Ps 81-82; Is 29; 3 Jn 129 Dt 2; Ps 83-84; Is 30; Jude30 Dt 3; Ps 85; Is 31; Rev 131 Dt 4; Ps 86-87; Is 32; Rev 2June1 Dt 5; Ps 88; Is 33; Rev 32 Dt 6; Ps 89; Is 34; Rev 43 Dt 7; Ps 90; Is 35; Rev 54 Dt 8; Ps 91; Is 36; Rev 65 Dt 9; Ps 92-93; Is 37; Rev 76 Dt 10; Ps 94; Is 38; Rev 87 Dt 11; Ps 95-96; Is 39; Rev 98 Dt 12; Ps 97-98; Is 40; Rev 109 Dt 13-14; Ps 99-101;

Is 41; Rev 1110 Dt 15; Ps 102; Is 42; Rev 1211 Dt 16; Ps 103; Is 43; Rev 1312 Dt 17; Ps 104; Is 44; Rev 1413 Dt 18; Ps 105; Is 45; Rev 1514 Dt 19; Ps 106; Is 46; Rev 1615 Dt 20; Ps 107; Is 47; Rev 17

16 Dt 21; Ps 108-109;Is 48; Rev 18

17 Dt 22; Ps 110-111;Is 49; Rev 19

18 Dt 23; Ps 112-113;Is 50; Rev 20

19 Dt 24; Ps 114-115;Is 51; Rev 21

20 Dt 25; Ps 116; Is 52; Rev 2221 Dt 26; Ps 117-118; Is 53; Mt 122 Dt 27:1-28:19; Ps 119:1-24;

Is 54; Mt 223 Dt 28:20-68; Ps 119:25-48;

Is 55; Mt 324 Dt 29; Ps 119:49-72;

Is 56; Mt 425 Dt 30; Ps 119:73-96;

Is 57; Mt 526 Dt 31; Ps 119:97-120;

Is 58; Mt 627 Dt 32; Ps 119:121-144;

Is 59; Mt 728 Dt 33-34; Ps 119:145-176;

Is 60; Mt 829 Jsh 1; Ps 120-122; Is 61; Mt 930 Jsh 2; Ps 123-125;

Is 62; Mt 10July1 Jsh 3; Ps 126-128;

Is 63; Mt 112 Jsh 4; Ps 129-131;

Is 64; Mt 123 Jsh 5:1-6:5; Ps 132-134;

Is 65; Mt 134 Jsh 6:6-27; Ps 135-136;

Is 66; Mt 145 Jsh 7; Ps 137-138;

Jer 1; Mt 156 Jsh 8; Ps 139; Jer 2; Mt 167 Jsh 9; Ps 140-141;

Jer 3; Mt 178 Jsh 10; Ps 142-143;

Jer 4; Mt 189 Jsh 11; Ps 144; Jer 5; Mt 1910 Jsh 12-13; Ps 145;

Jer 6; Mt 20

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11 Jsh 14-15; Ps 146-147;Jer 7; Mt 21

12 Jsh 16-17; Ps 148;Jer 8; Mt 22

13 Jsh 18-19; Ps 149-150;Jer 9; Mt 23

14 Jsh 20-21; Act 1; Jer 10; Mt 2415 Jsh 22; Act 2; Jer 11; Mt 2516 Jsh 23; Act 3; Jer 12; Mt 2617 Jsh 24; Act 4; Jer 13; Mt 2718 Jdg 1; Act 5; Jer 14; Mt 2819 Jdg 2; Act 6; Jer 15; Mk 120 Jdg 3; Act 7; Jer 16; Mk 221 Jdg 4; Act 8; Jer 17; Mk 322 Jdg 5; Act 9; Jer 18; Mk 423 Jdg 6; Act 10; Jer 19; Mk 524 Jdg 7; Act 11; Jer 20; Mk 625 Jdg 8; Act 12; Jer 21; Mk 726 Jdg 9; Act 13; Jer 22; Mk 827 Jdg 10:1-11:11; Act 14;

Jer 23; Mk 928 Jdg 11:12-40; Act 15;

Jer 24; Mk 1029 Jdg 12; Act 16; Jer 25; Mk 1130 Jdg 13; Act 17; Jer 26; Mk 1231 Jdg 14; Act 18; Jer 27; Mk 13August1 Jdg 15; Act 19; Jer 28; Mk 142 Jdg 16; Act 20; Jer 29; Mk 153 Jdg 17; Act 21;

Jer 30-31; Mk 164 Jdg 18; Act 22; Jer 32; Ps 1-25 Jdg 19; Act 23; Jer 33; Ps 3-46 Jdg 20; Act 24; Jer 34; Ps 5-67 Jdg 21; Act 25; Jer 35; Ps 7-88 Ruth 1; Act 26; Jer 36,45; Ps 99 Ruth 2; Act 27; Jer 37; Ps 1010 Ruth 3-4; Act 28;

Jer 38; Ps 11-1211 1Sa 1; Ro 1; Jer 39; Ps 13-1412 1Sa 2; Ro 2; Jer 40; Ps 15-1613 1Sa 3; Ro 3; Jer 41; Ps 1714 1Sa 4; Ro 4; Jer 42; Ps 1815 1Sa 5-6; Ro 5; Jer 43; Ps 1916 1Sa 7-8; Ro 6;

Jer 44; Ps 20-2117 1Sa 9; Ro 7; Jer 46; Ps 22

18 1Sa 10; Ro 8; Jer 47; Ps 23-2419 1Sa 11; Ro 9; Jer 48; Ps 2520 1Sa 12; Ro 10;

Jer 49; Ps 26-2721 1Sa 13; Ro 11;

Jer 50; Ps 28-2922 1Sa 14; Ro 12; Jer 51; Ps 3023 1Sa 15; Ro 13; Jer 52; Ps 3124 1Sa 16; Ro 14; La 1; Ps 3225 1Sa 17; Ro 15; La 2; Ps 3326 1Sa 18; Ro 16; La 3; Ps 3427 1Sa 19; 1Co 1; La 4; Ps 3528 1Sa 20; 1Co 2; La 5; Ps 3629 1Sa 21-22; 1Co 3;

Eze 1; Ps 3730 1Sa 23; 1Co 4; Eze 2; Ps 3831 1Sa 24; 1Co 5; Eze 3; Ps 39September1 1Sa 25; 1Co 6;

Eze 4; Ps 40-412 1Sa 26; 1Co 7;

Eze 5; Ps 42-433 1Sa 27; 1Co 8; Eze 6; Ps 444 1Sa 28; 1Co 9; Eze 7; Ps 455 1Sa 29-30; 1Co 10;

Eze 8; Ps 46-476 1Sa 31; 1Co 11; Eze 9; Ps 487 2Sa 1; 1Co 12; Eze 10; Ps 498 2Sa 2; 1Co 13; Eze 11; Ps 509 2Sa 3; 1Co 14; Eze 12; Ps 5110 2Sa 4-5; 1Co 15;

Eze 13; Ps 52-5411 2Sa 6; 1Co 16; Eze 14; Ps 5512 2Sa 7; 2Co 1;

Eze 15; Ps 56-5713 2Sa 8-9; 2Co 2;

Eze 16; Ps 58-5914 2Sa 10; 2Co 3;

Eze 17; Ps 60-6115 2Sa 11; 2Co 4;

Eze 18; Ps 62-6316 2Sa 12; 2Co 5;

Eze 19; Ps 64-6517 2Sa 13; 2Co 6;

Eze 20; Ps 66-6718 2Sa 14; 2Co 7; Eze 21; Ps 6819 2Sa 15; 2Co 8; Eze 22; Ps 69

20 2Sa 16; 2Co 9;Eze 23; Ps 70-71

21 2Sa 17; 2Co 10; Eze 24; Ps 7222 2Sa 18; 2Co 11; Eze 25; Ps 7323 2Sa 19; 2Co 12; Eze 26; Ps 7424 2Sa 20; 2Co 13;

Eze 27; Ps 75-7625 2Sa 21; Gal 1; Eze 28; Ps 7726 2Sa 22; Gal 2;

Eze 29; Ps 78:1-3727 2Sa 23; Gal 3;

Eze 30; Ps 78:38-7228 2Sa 24; Gal 4; Eze 31; Ps 7929 1Ki 1; Gal 5; Eze 32; Ps 8030 1Ki 2; Gal 6; Eze 33; Ps 81-82October1 1Ki 3; Eph 1; Eze 34; Ps 83-842 1Ki 4-5; Eph 2; Eze 35; Ps 853 1Ki 6; Eph 3; Eze 36; Ps 864 1Ki 7; Eph 4; Eze 37; Ps 87-885 1Ki 8; Eph 5; Eze 38; Ps 896 1Ki 9; Eph 6; Eze 39; Ps 907 1Ki 10; Phil 1; Eze 40; Ps 918 1Ki 11; Phil 2;

Eze 41; Ps 92-939 1Ki 12; Phil 3; Eze 42; Ps 9410 1Ki 13; Phil 4;

Eze 43; Ps 95-9611 1Ki 14; Col 1;

Eze 44; Ps 97-9812 1Ki 15; Col 2;

Eze 45; Ps 99-10113 1Ki 16; Col 3; Eze 46; Ps 10214 1Ki 17; Col 4; Eze 47; Ps 10315 1Ki 18; 1Th 1; Eze 48; Ps 10416 1Ki 19; 1Th 2; Dn 1; Ps 10517 1Ki 20; 1Th 3; Dn 2; Ps 10618 1Ki 21; 1Th 4; Dn 3; Ps 10719 1Ki 22; 1Th 5;

Dn 4; Ps 108-10920 2Ki 1; 2Th 1; Dn 5; Ps 110-11121 2Ki 2; 2Th 2; Dn 6; Ps 112-11322 2Ki 3; 2Th 3; Dn 7; Ps 114-11523 2Ki 4; 1Ti 1; Dn 8; Ps 11624 2Ki 5; 1Ti 2; Dn 9; Ps 117-11825 2Ki 6; 1Ti 3;

Dn 10; Ps 119:1-24

26 2Ki 7; 1Ti 4;Dn 11; Ps 119:25-48

27 2Ki 8; 1Ti 5;Dn 12; Ps 119:49-72

28 2Ki 9; 1Ti 6;Ho 1; Ps 119:73-96

29 2Ki 10; 2Ti 1;Ho 2; Ps 119:97-120

30 2Ki 11-12; 2Ti 2;Ho 3-4; Ps 119:121-144

31 2Ki 13; 2Ti 3;Ho 5-6; Ps 119:145-176

November1 2Ki 14; 2Ti 4;

Ho 7; Ps 120-1222 2Ki 15; Tit 1; Ho 8; Ps 123-1253 2Ki 16; Tit 2; Ho 9; Ps 126-1284 2Ki 17; Tit 3;

Ho 10; Ps 129-1315 2Ki 18; Philemon;

Ho 11; Ps 132-1346 2Ki 19; He 1;

Ho 12; Ps 135-1367 2Ki 20; He 2;

Ho 13; Ps 137-1388 2Ki 21; He 3; Ho 14; Ps 1399 2Ki 22; He 4;

Joel 1; Ps 140-14110 2Ki 23; He 5; Joel 2; Ps 14211 2Ki 24; He 6; Joel 3; Ps 14312 2Ki 25; He 7; Am 1; Ps 14413 1Ch 1-2; He 8; Am 2; Ps 14514 1Ch 3-4; He 9;

Am 3; Ps 146-14715 1Ch 5-6; He 10;

Am 4; Ps 148-15016 1Ch 7-8; He 11;

Am 5; Lk 1:1-3817 1Ch 9-10; He 12;

Am 6; Lk 1:39-8018 1Ch 11-12; He 13; Am 7; Lk 219 1Ch 13-14; Jas 1; Am 8; Lk 320 1Ch 15; Jas 2; Am 9; Lk 421 1Ch 16; Jas 3; Ob 1; Lk 522 1Ch 17; Jas 4; Jon 1; Lk 623 1Ch 18; Jas 5; Jon 2; Lk 724 1Ch 19-20; 1Pe 1; Jon 3; Lk 8

25 1Ch 21; 1Pe 2; Jon 4; Lk 926 1Ch 22; 1Pe 3; Mic 1; Lk 1027 1Ch 23; 1Pe 4; Mic 2; Lk 1128 1Ch 24-25; 1Pe 5; Mic 3; Lk 1229 1Ch 26-27; 2Pe 1; Mic 4; Lk 1330 1Ch 28; 2Pe 2; Mic 5; Lk 14December1 1Ch 29; 2Pe 3; Mic 6; Lk 152 2Ch 1; 1 Jn 1; Mic 7; Lk 163 2Ch 2; 1 Jn 2; Nah 1; Lk 174 2Ch 3-4; 1 Jn 3; Nah 2; Lk 185 2Ch 5:1-6:11; 1 Jn 4;

Nah 3; Lk 196 2Ch 6:12-42; 1 Jn 5;

Hab 1; Lk 207 2Ch 7; 2Jn 1; Hab 2; Lk 218 2Ch 8; 3 Jn 1; Hab 3; Lk 229 2Ch 9; Jude; Zph 1; Lk 2310 2Ch 10; Rev 1; Zph 2; Lk 2411 2Ch 11-12; Rev 2; Zph 3; Jn 112 2Ch 13; Rev 3; Hag 1; Jn 213 2Ch 14-15; Rev 4; Hag 2; Jn 314 2Ch 16; Rev 5; Zech 1; Jn 415 2Ch 17; Rev 6; Zech 2; Jn 516 2Ch 18; Rev 7; Zech 3; Jn 617 2Ch 19-20; Rev 8;

Zech 4; Jn 718 2Ch 21; Rev 9; Zech 5; Jn 819 2Ch 22-23; Rev 10;

Zech 6; Jn 920 2Ch 24; Rev 11; Zech 7; Jn 1021 2Ch 25; Rev 12; Zech 8; Jn 1122 2Ch 26; Rev 13; Zech 9; Jn 1223 2Ch 27-28; Rev 14;

Zech 10; Jn 1324 2Ch 29; Rev 15;

Zech 11; Jn 1425 2Ch 30; Rev 16;

Zech 12:1-13:1; Jn 1526 2Ch 31; Rev 17;

Zech 13:2-9; Jn 1627 2Ch 32; Rev 18;

Zech 14; Jn 1728 2Ch 33; Rev 19; Mal 1; Jn 1829 2Ch 34; Rev 20; Mal 2; Jn 1930 2Ch 35; Rev 21; Mal 3; Jn 2031 2Ch 36; Rev 22; Mal 4; Jn 21

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