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u25a0?'' IBs« DRa4ivv9^H^fflla*^^^ IliriHsBBBBBBBSm J...

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THE C ITY Strangers are Invited to visit Mm exhibit «if California products at the Chamber of Commerce building, on llroaciway, be- tween First and fteonnd rents, where free Information will be Riven on all sub- jects pertaining to this section. The meeting which was tO have been held yesterday afternoon In the Cham- ber of Commerce by the AntNClgarette league was postponed until Wednesday night, January 2, at which time it is expected that Judge Curtis t>. Wilbur and others of prominence Interested in the movement will deliver addresses on the habit of cigarette smoking. An InqUPSI will ba held over Ilio body of Mike Blrge, Who Was killed In the caveln on Ocean view avenue nnd Corondolei street Saturday. The fn- T'f-nii will be held Tuesday al the chapel Of Pierce Urns,', the Interment |\u0084 al Evergreen. The Slavonian society will nave charge of the service, Fighting the Cigarette Habit "The Nativity i,, Picture, Song mid fltory' was the subiret of Rev, A. 13. Prlrhnrd last night nt the Central Pres- byterlan church. The sermon was Il- lustrated with stcreoptlcon views of "i"" i"" 1 of the Rrent masters' works. lnquest Will Be Held Gives B*ereoptlcon Views The Herald will pay <io In cash to flny . m ,,, furnishing evldeiico that will lead to the arrest And conviction of any person r.iißlit stenlln* copies of The Herald from the premises of our patrons THE HERALD. COUNCIL TO ACT ON FRANCHISES ORDINANCES TO BE REPORTED THIS AFTERNOON Mayor Will Send Veto Messages to City Lawmakers on Fifth Street and Voting Machine Measures From the building inspector's depart- ment revised ordinances will be pre- sented bearing on the safety of the public in theaters, churches and halls. All theaters have now complied with the instructions from Inspector Backus and the churches have been notified to do away with all portable seats in the aisles. Representatives of the Municipal league and reform organizations will be on hand to hear the discussion. City Attorney Leslie Hewitt will re- port on the subway and tunnel ordi- nances, It is expected, and also on the legality of insisting on a 25-cent round trip rale to the beaches. It Is under- stood that the city counselor willhold that the city has a right to specify the rates of fare. The compensation fea- ture in the franchise ordinances, how- ever, will be left blank and a lively debate may arise in the council as a result. Much business confronts the city council for its meeting today as Its days are numbered. Certain interests want legislation passed, while others want legislation suppressed. Veto messages are to be sent in from the mayor, one referring to the ordi- nance granting free to the Southern Pacific a strip of land on Kast Fifth from Central avenue to the Arcade de- pot. Another objectionable ordinance which will be returned applies to the voting machine measure which, by a system of claims under $500, avoiding charter provisions, enables the voting machine interests to get a larger sum than the mayor deems just. SOCIETY CALENDAR FOR THIS WEEK Tins plan has been adopted by many of ihe eastern i Itli \u25a0\u25a0 and ban i n found to work splendidly, Prominent bust- i are mi ways th" din sui ii a < ommlMlon, bui for the prac- tical questions for examinations it has been found that those questiona made out by formi r policemen or Bremen ai- waya meet the requirements, Rornntly Los Angeled mithnrltlna In- creased the number of police officers and men were advertised for, a num* ponded s nd look the <-xamlna- iloiip, and Home passed. Others did not, ii has i n stated that on one re* cent occasion one of the questions put to th<» prospective officers wan: "What is onfl'Blxteenth of an crest?" Tin» m, prolmbly thinking some technical term of the department was Implied, stai<, i that they did hot know. There is no sm h term in the police depart- ment! according to police officials, it is sniii, however, that the commis- sioners do not mnko out the questions, but govern tho oxnrninntlonn while sec- retaries and derkS attend to thn giving of questions. Botany Not Needed "A good fireman on the commission! who understands just exactly what the green fireman would have to do In a pinch, would be a proper person to ex- amine firemen," said George Conart yesterday. Conart is one of the best known examiners on commissions in thn west. "When a fireman meets tlio hard questions in a fire it does not take arithmetic, nor algebra, nor botany to tell him what to do. It takes thn nerve of a brave man and a great slice of Rood hard common sense. It Is all riKlit for a fireman to be educated, and many of the boys are well educated. That Will servo them when they rise high up In the ranks, but for the be- ginners it Is the praeticnl work that counts. A hoseman must be given a different examination from B man who is to work with the engine, the lieuten- ant or captain a different set of ques- tions from hoseman or chief. "It is the same way with a police of- ficer. A well educated officer is all right, but if a man has a pretty good education it is ten to one he is going to look about for a sreat deal better position with less work attached to it. Astronomy Useless "As a result, the ordinary policeman must bo able to take charge of a des- perate prisoner, which does not require a wonderful amount of study; must be civil iind courteous, and he able to keep cool when everybody else is excited. As a result, practical questions are the kind for a candidate for that position. An officer has a copy of the cltiy ordi- nances withhim. If he sees a violation he has to make an arrest. It does not require a long course in astronomy to assure him that he ought to make that arrest, anr) brains are not needed when a man steps up and takes charge of a prisoner. If the prisoner fights, then all the examinations in the world would not fit a man for the emergency unless he was muscular, quick and active. As a result, many of the boys fail to pass the examination, when they might make the best kind of officers, "When an officer has shown his effi- ciency and has a good Idea of prac- tical work, then an education would come in handy in trying for the detect- ives' department, but the ordinary pa- trolman needs a- cool head, a courteous manner, a hard fist and cheerful dis- position, and that Is about all." At present Randolph Miner, a mining engineer; Dr. J. R. Haynes, physician, and Fred Thomas, A. B. McCutcheon and Milton K. Young, attorneys, com- pose the commission. It is proposed to add two men to the list, two men who have had practical experience, and many prominent men have been enlisted in the cause. Owing to the fad that because of civil iervlen examination* the city has been unable to secure the number of police "iii' i required, an effort i •< be- ing made by many butlneM men of Los Anßelea to secure the appointment of two extra, members to' the board, one to be a former police, officer, either chief, lieutenant! captain or sergeant, and the other a former fireman. Business Meri Believe Practical Men Should Be Placed on Commie. •ion to Examine Police and Firemen TATTOO MARKS SPELL MYSTERY WEIRD DESIGNS ON DEAD MAN'S ARM No Evidence of Suicide or Violence, and Coroner Will Have to In. quire Into Cause of Death Mr. and Mrs* L. H. Dutton of South Flower street will entertain with Q masquerade dancing party ai Qatnut Wub house, 1044 South Hope street, Friday evening. The members of tin- Rosa Whist club will be entertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs. J. Dreyfus of 1107 Court street. Mrs. Henry C. Dillon and the Misses Dillon will be at home to their friends Thursday from 3 to 5 o'clock at 34 Henton boulevard. Society dames and maids are again looking forward to the assembly dance, the second one of the season, to be given at Kramer's Thursday evening. The patronesses for the affair aro Mesdames J. J. Mellus, Joseph Ban- ning, i toorge S. Patton, Adna R. Chaf- fee, E. T. Brown and J: A. Howard. A dinner dance will be given Tuns- day evening at Elks' hall by Los Angeles lodge, No. 99, B. P. O. Elks. At Hotel Hollywood a dancing party will be given Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Llppincott. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Klliot and Mr. and Mrs. Groge. Mrs. A. E. Carroll of 510 Palmetto drive will entertain with a dancing party tomorrow evening. At Hotel Hollywood a Christmas festival and tree will be given this evening with B. A. Bozy for Santa Claus. The Young Women's Christian as- sociation is planning to have a jollifi- cation Christmas night at the asso- ciation rooms, Third and Hill streets. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Van Nuys of 1443 West Sixth street will give a supper and dance this evening! in honor of their daughter, Mlsb Kate Van Nuys, who is returning from school in Washington for the holidays. VICTIMS OF CAVE-IN BETTER Roy Lieb and David Young, thn two young men who were injured by tlio cave-in <>f lons of ,||,t | n the ditch in Ocean view Kaiuniay afternoon are still at the California hospital and resting as easily as i-ould |\u0084. expected li, -i) is Buttering uitii Internal Injuries and a wri-iichid l>;uk, but it | X n ot thought the injuries will prove fatal Young sustained a broken leg and in- ternal injuries in the accident, but it is thought he will h. i SUfftolently im- proved to allow him in be removed in his inMm- in tho near future, a coroner's Inquest «iii be held to Marco Blrge, the young Aua Irian who uas killed In the .- and whose body !\u25a0 now at Pleroe Hi others' undertaking rooms. Recover From Their Injuries Young Men Caught in Excavation Will Did John W. Chapman, tin; man who was found dead in his bud at 337 Com- merolal street Saturday, belong .to some strange religious or secret or- ganization whose mystio signs of weird ippearnnco urt: known only to the In- itiated? If not. what then did th- Strange tattooing OH tils arms moan. Whai means the skull and cross bones tattooed on his left forearm with the word "death" beneath it, and the wild appearing animal on his l-igiu forearm with the word "hell" beneath that? Why should a man as reserved as Chapman was known in be among tits trlendi wear such marks? such are the questions tims,. who know him are endeavoring to answer, for they state that he was not one who would have SUOh thlnga tattooed on his body from mere Idle oaprloe, Chapman was found by other lodgers ii the hnuMi-, stretched out beneath the OOVerlng of his bed, fully dressed with the exception ol bis coat, it ap- is il In- had lain ili.wn Id i isl and the spirit had flown from his body during the time be was asleep, Nn signs <>f suicide appear, yel the casa is ho strange and the peculiar marks on bis arms an- Of such a liatun ill il a coroner's (minem win be held toda) to .I. tide the cause of his death. Chapman has been employed for sev- eral >\u25a0 ii In ii" 1 barber shop on Com" merclal street, a few doors from where he roomed There be is said to have been one ot the moil qulel men, He i to mention his relation!, or anything übout his early iif>\ and only a great while b-t fail any re- marks which lei liHht into bis pa--:t Ufa, Once he mentioned a brother, who thought lo Uv« id California, while a second time he spoke of two sisters who resitted In Los Angeles, but did not give their names. "When hla room was Bearched a small notebook was found and In it a sin ill piece of paper, which read: "In com of accident, my name li John \V. Chapman, iam 50 years of am- and live nt 337 Commercial street," ami that was all. A few othor DApeil were found, among them several re- ceipts for dues, showing that Chap man was a member of the Native Sons and was born In I>ob Angeles. lt wuh said by thoße who know him in the neighborhood that he was some- times known by the name of O. W. Fuller and Hi, many people in the city hud met htm under that name. The body was taken to BreaM Bros. 1 undertaking parlors, where an inquest will be held this morning- \u2666 « » Homeless children received and placed In house* for adoption. Apply Rev. O. V Kloe, Superintendent Chil- dren's Home society, a a-4a -4 UradUury bulldine, Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 24, IQOfi. WANT CHANGES IN CIVIL SERVICE 5 $3.00 Hats $*).5O All Colors and NOW WBsr \ Styles in Soft Urge*. Stock on the Co«st of Bid Stiff Mats Largest, Stock on the Coast of J . B. Stetson, Phila., Hats $4, $5 and $6 Our Men's Shoes Are Reliably Reliable None Better for the Money "We ArC illIt" TrArAni7 116 South Spring St. J L 1U^LUIII// Los Angeles, California § FATHER KNEIPP'S STOMACH BITTERS Are the best to tone up your stomach. Try them. On sale at every good saloon. Mall urders filled. Qood Agents Wanted. M'JI, OUBLK'I <BM-«.<MacW lflOO Bast 14th Street. # TIGER FAT Oriental Salve, 50c. Cures Catarrh, Deaf- ness, Sores. Eczema, VITAL SPARKS,' Oriental Nerve Tonlo For Men, Sample Box by Mall Oriental Mcdl- $1.00. , ' cal ln»t., 814 E. sth st. City. Hotel Orena Just Opened. Every- ," JS* B^^^. thing new. iJißßw'fi"Siiy*y Opposite postoffloe. « |O SnCDSP»|j 705 W. 7th st. Los W|jH^Ja(j»|{{j|»' L .C. SMI. I I'll. Presldenti 3. O. Flll:mii. Vice Pren. nncl Gen. Mitt.i \u25a0 IVF.K R. rnilll. Bop. and Trpna. Venice of America Land Company OWNERS EAST VENICE OF AMERICA TRACT Phones i Home 4077, Snuset 8431. Venice, Cnl. fee liners LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Stockholder*' Meeting- : .'\u25a0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pacific Clay Manufacturing com- pany will be held at room 312, Billiard block, in this city, Tuesday, January IS, l i'o7, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. L . S. POKTER, Secretary. I.us Angeles, Cal., Dec. 22, 190ti. 1 2-23-1-5 HI Notice of *tuckli»lderN' Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT •tlio second annual meeting of the stock- holders of Consolidated Realty company Will be held at the office of said com- pany, 520 Chamber of Commerce build- ing, Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. X, 1907, at 7:30 p . m. for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before said meeting. P. JORDAN, Secretary. 1 2-23-1-8 17t NOTICE OF SHAREHOLDERS' MEET- ing—The regular annual meeting of tha Shareholders of the National Bank ol ' Commerce in Los Angeles, for the elec- tion of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come De- fore the meeting, will be held at Its banking office, northeast corner Sixth and Spring streets, in the city of Los Ange- les, county of Los Angeles, state of Cali- fornia, on Tuesday, the Sth day of Janu- ary, 1907, at 3 o'clock p. m. Polls willbe open from 10 o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m. of that day. By order of the board of directors. CHARLES EWING. Cashier. ' 1 2-8-1-7 31t . Notice of Stockholder*' Meeting; THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of Manhattan Sav- ings bank, for the oloction of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held at its banking office, north- east corner Sixth and Spring streets, in the city of Los Angeles, county of Lot Angeles, state of California, on Tuesday, the Bth day of January, 1907, at 3:31 o clock p. m. By order of the board of directors. CHARLES EWINCJ. Secretary. 1 2-23-1-7 16t * Notice of Meeting THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Red Raven Gold Mining company will be held at the Gondolfu, hotel, at the city of Yuma, Arizona, on the 2d day of Janu- ary, 1 11107, at 5 o'clock p. m. of said day, for the purpose of electing a board of di- rectors to serve for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as < may properly be brought before the regu- lar annual meeting. FRANK C. FARNELL. Vice Pres. Cal F. Hunter, Secretary. Los Angeles, Cal.. Dec. 18, 1906. 1 2-20-29 lot v Stockholders' Meeting To the Stockholders of the Los Angeles Amusement Co. : Please take notice that the annual meet- lng of the stockholders of the Los An- geles Amusement Company willbe held at tin office of the company In the olty of Los Angeles, California, at rooms 820- 321 Bradbury building, on Wednesday, the -titii day of December, 1906, at 4 p. in., for the purpose of electing directors mid for the transacting of such other business a* may come before the meeting. - C . 11. TREAT, President. Dated Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 15. 1908. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING- NOTICI3. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farming and Fruit Land company I will be held Tuesday, tha Bth day of January, 1907, at 8 o'clock p. in. In the office of tha company, room tOB, No. 21S South Droudway. In the city of Los An- Keles, Cal., for ilia purpose of electing a, board of directors fur the ensuing year and for the transaction of such - other .- < business as may come before the meet- . Ing. O. F. McLELLAN, | Los Angeles, Dec, 15, law. Seomtary. 12-15-24, lOt If Afflicted and You Fail to Find Relief Elsewhere, Call on and Consult Prof. H. Russell Burner, M. D. and his staff of celebrated Physicians. Surgeons and Specialists at bis New Temple of Health 5 12-514 S. Broadway Take Elevator to Fourth Roar and attend at least a part of th* id* entitle Health Lectures given In B«a«r Mull, every Tuesday. Thursday and Pit* day •rrnliii. special arlvate lecture* for Ladles Ualy every Wednesday artermuuu at |:|( o'clock, Naeclal Ma *\u25a0«• Lecture for M»a Ualy every Thursday cTealaa; at 7:80 o'clock. A Special Mural Deramaa by Prof. Buraet •vary aiuday •liusiiai at 2:30 o'clock. SAVINGS BANKS 4 per cent paid on term end 3 per cent on ordinary savings deposits. Loans on real estate. Open Saturday evenings. German American Savings Bank $ <££ oo Surplus ' 23 South Spring St. Total Assets, Branch— Main and First Sts. $10,000,000.00. Southern California Savings Bank J?g?2^vS; ft? S . E. Cor. Fourth and Spring. W. D. Wool wine. V. Pres. Union Trust Building. Chas. H. Toll, Cashier. Security Savings Bank Cs7(joC $ 7(jo a o&o n oo rplus> N . E. Cor. Fourth and Spring.Total' Assets, Herman W. Hellman Bldg. $16,000,000.00. Clearing House Banks NAME OFFICERS First National Bank J. M. ELLIOTT, Prea. irst National iJante w T s HAMMOSD| cashier. S . E. Cor. fsei-jnd and Spring. Capital Stock, $1,250,000; Surplus, $250,000. Undivided \u25a0Pr0f1t5,^51,157,747.01. erchants National Bank w v holliuay, cashier. \u25a0"JL N. E. Cor. Second and Main. Capital, (200,000; Surplus and Proflta, $350,000. T -»rr>adium7 'Ranlr *\u25a0 Trust Cnmnanv "WARREN OILLELEN. Pres. proaaway catiK « lrusicompany R w kenny. cashier. \u25a0*— 308-310 Bdwy. Bradbury Bldg. Capital, $250,000; Surplus-Und. Profits, $150,000. mmrjn MaTinnai "Rank w F - BOTSFORD, Pres. mencan National xsanx T w phelps. Cashier. S . W. Cor. Second &Broadway. Capital, $1.000.000; Sin-plug and Profits. $75.000. N -Hi"nn-i1 "Rant nf Paiifnrnia 3. E. FISHBURN, Pres. ationai .bank 01 uaiiiornia w D WOolwine, cashier. N . 13. Cor. Second and Spring. Capital, $500,000; Surplus-Und. Profits. $100,000 Statf Rank- Xr True* fnmnanv JOHN R7~MATIiK\VS. Pres. tate .tsanK & I rust company s F zoMBRO, cashier. N. W. Cor. Second and Spring. Capital. $000,000; Surplus and Profits, $60,000. Citizen*' TMatinnai Rank R J - VVATEUS, Preß. nizens national canu A j WATEKSi Cashier. S . W. Cor. 3rd and Main. Capital. $300,000; Surphjs and Profits, $325,000 Central 'Rank WILLIAM MEAD, Pres. entrai tianK W. C. durgin. cashier. N . E. Cor. Fourth &Broadway. Capital, $100,000: Surplus and Profits, $100,000 The National Bank of Commerce p M DOUGLASS, Pres I •*\u25a0 IN LuS ANGELES. CHARLES EVV-INO, Cashier. N . W. Cor. Sixth and Spring. Capital, $200,000; Surplus. $20,000. Tjnited States National Bank £w. hbl^Tan^p^ '*' S. E. Cor. Main & Commercial. Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits, $50.000. Commercial National Bank Wl.W 1 . A. bonyn&e, Prea. f ommerciai rviauonai cans c N FLTNT cas'nier. J^_ 423 South Spring. Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits. $24.000. parmers &Merchants National Bank chTb. raYiJCR. N Cor. Fourth and Main. Capital. $1.500,000; Surplus and Profits, $1,550.0. J. We offer a block of Htopk In (he larircHt prnduelnK "liver mine In California for ten day* at Tllllt't'VCENTS A SHARE. At this price we will Kunr- antee not less than Ten Per Cent Interest Per Annum for Five Years Guaranteed by Four Leading Banks \u25a0•\u25a0 un fur full details nt onre. We nlau offer at par for v limited period. 7 1% Gold Bonds 9 % Preferred StocK auil isivr iin a liomm atoi-k In three (nibnldtnrjr rnnipnnlen, equal In each tv the lioldinss In this company. Call for descriptive prospectus. AMERICAN FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CO. E . C. UUKTINGTON. Gen. Mar. 442. 443, 444 Huntingrton Bldg. (REPRESENTATIVES WANTED EVERYWHERE) I Private Money I Seeking secure Investment well taken care of Favor Us With a Call Quthrie & Blossom Room 301, W. S. Collins Blk. 313 West Third Street ladies From Chicago to New York The Sample Shoe Shop Is selling Hy Klectrlo Airline Hallroaa, $2.50. $4.00 and $5.00 shoes, <t£o 10 hours $10. $100 stock for $23. U n .i.«. for a pair. . . .. . v Southwestern Securities Co. Merchant. Tru.t Bulldln., p , ica| A t .^ w Salesroom 603. 207 S. Broadway. I - | Palma Heights S^uilSfff?^ Newest and bent of close-In properties JTh ** T 'J-#^J^-iftsijS^O>2^ Only 20 minutes' ride from th« business /^BB^, *$Sx'* fi^*iwZSHll\. JANSS COMPANY <: Ownors f^m^^^SiS^\ kulta 200, Vuluu Trust lIIUu. I lJSSo§jfpffhif!r&n^^^V^\\ W^' j' Corner I'ourlU and Sprlua LjJhß VT H |£»v3^'|fX7^g^f 1 ' '- , UK. TOM SIII3 UIN _ ,, _ , Chinese Teas and Herbs. Uanltarlum. \f^ Should Use a c . ull and read testimonial* at ° a '°* If <U)IU1 Herald Liner B * t * M mJS-fiR >i *M»l ji >wiw UCMCUU LtlilVl Bet. Otfc «B4 lOtlmt.. l.v. Anselea, Cat BS^r .^ta^BSSI BBSS' * bvtv Ahi&«*W> KB WKlm neea-m* JGM JET, y^E^^ST^JKfMpif'yfvfr JOhBPBbP^ coia £f%. IB>nfl flM'flt wBy» room In thr /M»Aj '•*'.*? , 'uL il.*ii** I 'T^ liL.iuWM'M'UJUrtiKSj V^. Jjs^y^J SL&P DO<ss^ It you own #P>% »S| W^ PERFECTION Oil \u25a0 \u25a0BfHtk'Tlju'^fJßpsw W^^^ heater that give* satisfaction DRa4ivv9^H^fflla*^^^ wherever used. Produces intente -*\u25a0?'"' IBs«IliriHsBBBBBBBSm without »mofe« or imtll becaune it U MyßH|P''i*VLj^MEk« equipped with tmokeien device no trouble, i*>t, no nBen 8 er * Easily carried arminii fromroom H VL to roorta. You cannot turn the wick too high §/ \ V >% or too low. Aieasy and simple to care for Ij& as a lamp. The PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device.) ii an ornament to the home. Itis made In two finishes nickel fjj| and japan. Brass oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds _/ r ifi 4 quarts of oil and boms 9 hours. Every heater warrant* d. JEajjEft Do not be satisfied with anything but a PERFECTION Oil Heater. /*" *>y If you cannot get Heater or information from your dealer write id V%\ to nearest agency for descriptive circular. §n lj| T'fii» tNrJr^A^/nhT makes the home \^SL/ Ine JL\?Ay %Jf L,amts I"'? 1 "- Is the safest #«IWk >^^ \u25a0 L^ < * lll r an! best lamp for %~^U all-round household use. Gives a clear, steady light. Fitted 3 TFf£p.'r with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and tHj nickel plated. Every lamp warranted. Suitable for library, x^Mrv dining room or parlor. Ifnot at your dealer's write to nearest - rr£rf4s&&k agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. *±Zmffi> . j On and after January Ist, 1 907, our gas rate will be 8 0 CENTS per thousand cubic feet. Our policy is and always has been to sell gas at the lowest pos- sible rate, and this reduc- tion is the thirteenth, (from $2.50 to 80c) we have made during the past seventeen years. L§§ Angeles Gas mi Electric Co. HILL NEAR SEVENTH Santa Catalimß Island Hotel Metropoie Now Open on the European Plan, With Cafe in Connection Rooms $1.00 Per Day and Up STEAMER MAXfiS HOUND TitlP BAIL! Two boats Saturday. Urand illumination and eruption ot Sugar lx>a« Saturday evenlnar. Bee railway time cards for steamer connection. BANNING COMPAK Pa- cific Electric Bids.. Lob Angeles. Both Phones S3. pACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. For Honolulu, Japan CHINA, MANILA, INDIAAND AROUND THE WORLD Stilling*from Sun Krnnrlitco Dee. 21, 28, Jan. 8, 15, 24, Feb. 5, 13, 21, 39, Mnrcli 8, 13, 20. etc. For literature apply to T. A. GRAHAM Agent. 800 8. Spring St.. corner Blxth. Also agent for nil Transatlantic Steamship lines. B I MINI HOT SPRINGS HOTEL AND BATHS " ^ Los Angeles Everything first-class, natural hot medicinal water, unexcelled In cura- tive properties. Baths free to guests, European plan. prices reasonable. Take nimlnl car on Broadway rtlrt-.-t to door, one fare. p T L JO I\7 Jf/T 7 IC} Dancing Tonight inElegant V JulyfJl^s/JQ Hew Pavilion on the Pier For Christmas Call in and examine our remarkable I """"I line of manufacturer's samples of Do Your Cooking on a carvers at 33 1-3 per cent discount. GletlWOOd We carry also a full line of table cut- _ lery, pocket knives, razors, roasting Range pans, meat choppers, chafing and They Make Cooking Easy baking dishes. L , \u25a0 i JAMES W. HELLMAN Open Evenings Until Christmas 161 N. Spring
Page 1: u25a0?'' IBs« DRa4ivv9^H^fflla*^^^ IliriHsBBBBBBBSm J …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1906-12-24/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · THE C ITY Strangers are Invited to visit Mmexhibit

THE C ITYStrangers are Invited to visit Mm exhibit

«if California products at the Chamber ofCommerce building, on llroaciway, be-tween First and fteonnd rents, wherefree Information willbe Riven on all sub-jects pertaining to this section.

The meeting which was tO have beenheld yesterday afternoon In the Cham-ber of Commerce by the AntNClgaretteleague was postponed until Wednesdaynight, January 2, at which time it isexpected that Judge Curtis t>. Wilburand others of prominence Interested inthe movement will deliver addresses onthe habit of cigarette smoking.

An InqUPSI willba held over Ilio bodyof Mike Blrge, Who Was killed In thecaveln on Ocean view avenue nndCorondolei street Saturday. The fn-T'f-nii willbe held Tuesday al the chapelOf Pierce Urns,', the Interment |\u0084 h« alEvergreen. The Slavonian society willnave charge of the service,Fighting the Cigarette Habit

"The Nativity i,, Picture, Song midfltory' was the subiret of Rev, A. 13.Prlrhnrd last night nt the Central Pres-byterlan church. The sermon was Il-lustrated with stcreoptlcon views of

"i""i""1 of the Rrent masters' works.lnquest WillBe Held

Gives B*ereoptlcon Views

The Herald will pay <io In cash to flny.m,,, furnishing evldeiico that willlead tothe arrest And conviction of any personr.iißlit stenlln* copies of The Heraldfrom the premises of our patrons




Mayor Will Send Veto Messages toCity Lawmakers on Fifth Street

and Voting Machine


From the building inspector's depart-ment revised ordinances willbe pre-sented bearing on the safety of thepublic in theaters, churches and halls.All theaters have now complied withthe instructions from Inspector Backusand the churches have been notified todo away withall portable seats in theaisles.

Representatives of the Municipalleague and reform organizations willbe on hand to hear the discussion.

City Attorney Leslie Hewitt will re-port on the subway and tunnel ordi-nances, It is expected, and also on thelegality of insisting on a 25-cent roundtrip rale to the beaches. It Is under-stood that the city counselor willholdthat the city has a right to specify therates of fare. The compensation fea-ture in the franchise ordinances, how-ever, will be left blank and a livelydebate may arise in the council as aresult.

Much business confronts the citycouncil for its meeting today as Itsdays are numbered. Certain interestswant legislation passed, while otherswant legislation suppressed.

Veto messages are to be sent in fromthe mayor, one referring to the ordi-nance granting free to the SouthernPacific a strip of land on Kast Fifthfrom Central avenue to the Arcade de-pot. Another objectionable ordinancewhich will be returned applies to thevoting machine measure which, by asystem of claims under $500, avoidingcharter provisions, enables the votingmachine interests to get a larger sumthan the mayor deems just.


Tins plan has been adopted by manyof ihe eastern iItli\u25a0\u25a0 and ban i n foundto work splendidly, Prominent bust-

iare mi ways th" dinsui ii a < ommlMlon, bui for the prac-tical questions for examinations it hasbeen found that those questiona madeout by formi r policemen or Bremen ai-waya meet the requirements,

Rornntly Los Angeled mithnrltlna In-creased the number of police officersand men were advertised for, a num*

ponded s nd look the <-xamlna-iloiip, and Home passed. Others didnot, iihas i n stated that on one re*cent occasion one of the questions putto th<» prospective officers wan: "Whatis onfl'Blxteenth of an crest?" Tin»m, prolmbly thinking some technicalterm of the department was Implied,stai<,i that they did hot know. Thereis no sm h term in the police depart-ment! according to police officials,

it is sniii, however, that the commis-sioners do not mnko out the questions,but govern tho oxnrninntlonn while sec-retaries and derkS attend to thn givingof questions.

Botany Not Needed"A good fireman on the commission!

who understands just exactly what thegreen fireman would have to do In apinch, would be a proper person to ex-amine firemen," said George Conartyesterday. Conart is one of the bestknown examiners on commissions inthn west.

"When a fireman meets tlio hardquestions in a fire it does not takearithmetic, nor algebra, nor botany totell him what to do. It takes thn nerveof a brave man and a great slice ofRood hard common sense. It Is allriKlit for a fireman to be educated, andmany of the boys are well educated.That Will servo them when they risehigh up In the ranks, but for the be-ginners it Is the praeticnl work thatcounts. A hoseman must be given adifferent examination from B man whois to work with the engine, the lieuten-ant or captain a different set of ques-tions from hoseman or chief.

"Itis the same way with a police of-ficer. A well educated officer is allright, but if a man has a pretty goodeducation it is ten to one he is goingto look about for a sreat deal betterposition with less work attached to it.

Astronomy Useless"As a result, the ordinary policeman

must bo able to take charge of a des-perate prisoner, which does not requirea wonderful amount of study; must becivil iind courteous, and he able to keepcool when everybody else is excited.As a result, practical questions are thekind for a candidate for that position.An officer has a copy of the cltiy ordi-nances withhim. If he sees a violationhe has to make an arrest. It does notrequire a long course in astronomy toassure him that he ought to make thatarrest, anr) brains are not needed whena man steps up and takes charge of aprisoner. If the prisoner fights, thenall the examinations in the world wouldnot fit a man for the emergency unlesshe was muscular, quick and active. Asa result, many of the boys fail to passthe examination, when they mightmake the best kind of officers,

"When an officer has shown his effi-ciency and has a good Idea of prac-tical work, then an education wouldcome in handy in trying for the detect-ives' department, but the ordinary pa-trolman needs a- cool head, a courteousmanner, a hard fist and cheerful dis-position, and that Is about all."

At present Randolph Miner, a miningengineer; Dr. J. R. Haynes, physician,and Fred Thomas, A. B. McCutcheonand MiltonK. Young, attorneys, com-pose the commission. Itis proposed toadd two men to the list, two men whohave had practical experience, andmany prominent men have been enlistedin the cause.

Owing to the fad that because ofcivil iervlen examination* the city hasbeen unable to secure the number ofpolice "iii'i required, an effort i•< be-ing made by many butlneM men ofLos Anßelea to secure the appointmentof two extra, members to' the board, oneto be a former police, officer, eitherchief, lieutenant! captain or sergeant,and the other a former fireman.

Business Meri Believe Practical MenShould Be Placed on Commie.

•ion to Examine Police

and Firemen



No Evidence of Suicide or Violence,

and Coroner Will Have to In.quire Into Cause of


Mr. and Mrs* L.H. Dutton of SouthFlower street will entertain with Qmasquerade dancing party ai QatnutWub house, 1044 South Hope street,Friday evening.

The members of tin- Rosa Whistclub will be entertained Thursdayafternoon by Mrs. J. Dreyfus of 1107Court street.

Mrs. Henry C. Dillon and the MissesDillon will be at home to their friendsThursday from 3 to 5 o'clock at 34Henton boulevard.

Society dames and maids are againlooking forward to the assembly dance,the second one of the season, to begiven at Kramer's Thursday evening.The patronesses for the affair aroMesdames J. J. Mellus, Joseph Ban-ning, itoorge S. Patton, Adna R. Chaf-fee, E. T. Brown and J: A. Howard.

A dinner dance will be given Tuns-day evening at Elks' hall by LosAngeles lodge, No. 99, B. P. O. Elks.

At Hotel Hollywood a dancing partywill be given Thursday evening byMr. and Mrs. Llppincott. Mr. and Mrs.K. W. Klliot and Mr. and Mrs. Groge.

Mrs. A. E. Carroll of 510 Palmettodrive will entertain with a dancingparty tomorrow evening.

At Hotel Hollywood a Christmasfestival and tree will be given thisevening with B. A. Bozy for SantaClaus.

The Young Women's Christian as-sociation is planning to have a jollifi-cation Christmas night at the asso-ciation rooms, Third and Hill streets.

Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Van Nuys of1443 West Sixth street willgive asupper and dance this evening! in

honor of their daughter, Mlsb KateVan Nuys, who is returning fromschool in Washington for the holidays.


Roy Lieb and David Young, thn twoyoung men who were injured by tliocave-in <>f lons of ,||,t |n the ditch inOcean view Kaiuniay afternoon arestill at the California hospital andresting as easily as i-ould |\u0084. expectedli,-i) is Buttering uitiiInternal Injuriesand a wri-iichid l>;uk, but it |X notthought the injuries will prove fatalYoung sustained a broken leg and in-ternal injuries in the accident, but itis thought he will h.iSUfftolently im-proved to allow him in be removedin his inMm- in tho near future,

a coroner's Inquest «iii be held toMarco Blrge, the young AuaIrian who uas killed In the .-and whose body !\u25a0 now at PleroeHiothers' undertaking rooms.

Recover From TheirInjuries

Young Men Caught in Excavation Will

Did John W. Chapman, tin; man who

was found dead in his bud at 337 Com-merolal street Saturday, belong .tosome strange religious or secret or-ganization whose mystio signs of weirdippearnnco urt: known only to the In-itiated? If not. what then did th-Strange tattooing OH tils arms moan.Whai means the skull and cross bonestattooed on his left forearm with theword "death" beneath it, and the wildappearing animal on his l-igiu forearmwith the word "hell" beneath that?

Why should a man as reserved asChapman was known in be among titstrlendi wear such marks? such arethe questions tims,. who know him areendeavoring to answer, for they statethat he was not one who would haveSUOh thlnga tattooed on his body frommere Idle oaprloe,

Chapman was found by other lodgersii the hnuMi-, stretched out beneaththe OOVerlng of his bed, fullydressedwith the exception ol bis coat, it ap-

is il In- had lain ili.wnId iisland the spirit had flown from his bodyduring the time be was asleep, Nnsigns <>f suicide appear, yel the casais ho strange and the peculiar markson bis arms an- Of such a liatun illila coroner's (minem win be held toda)to .I. tide the cause of his death.

Chapman has been employed for sev-eral >\u25a0 ii In ii"1barber shop on Com"merclal street, a few doors from wherehe roomed There be is said to havebeen one ot the moil qulel men, He

i to mention his relation!, oranything übout his early iif>\ and only

a great while b-t fail any re-marks which lei liHht into bis pa--:tUfa, Once he mentioned a brother,who i» thought lo Uv« id California,

while a second time he spoke of twosisters who resitted In Los Angeles,but did not give their names.

"When hla room was Bearched a smallnotebook was found and In it a sin illpiece of paper, which read:

"In com of accident, my name liJohn \V. Chapman, iam 50 years ofam- and live nt 337 Commercial street,"ami that was all. A few othor DApeilwere found, among them several re-ceipts for dues, showing that Chapman was a member of the Native Sonsand was born In I>ob Angeles.lt wuh said by thoße who know him

in the neighborhood that he was some-times known by the name of O. W.Fuller and Hi, many people in thecity hud met htm under that name.

The body was taken to BreaM Bros.1undertaking parlors, where an inquestwill be held this morning-

\u2666 « »Homeless children received and

placed In house* for adoption. ApplyRev. O. V Kloe, Superintendent Chil-dren's Home society, a a-4a -4 UradUurybulldine, Los Angeles.




$3.00 Hats $*).5OAllColors and NOW WBsr \

Styles in Soft

Urge*. Stock on the Co«st of Bid Stiff MatsLargest, Stock on the Coast of

J.B. Stetson, Phila., Hats $4, $5 and $6

Our Men's ShoesAre Reliably Reliable

None Better for the Money "We ArC illIt"

TrArAni7 116 South Spring St.JL1U^LUIII// Los Angeles, California


Are the best to tone upyour stomach. Try them.On sale at every goodsaloon. Mallurders filled.Qood Agents Wanted.

M'JI, OUBLK'I<BM-«.<MacW lflOO Bast 14th Street.


Oriental Salve, 50c.Cures Catarrh, Deaf-ness, Sores. Eczema,

VITAL SPARKS,'Oriental Nerve Tonlo

For Men,Sample Box by Mall

Oriental Mcdl- $1.00. ,'

cal ln»t., 814 E. sth st. City.

Hotel OrenaJust Opened. Every- ," JS*B^^^.thing new.


Opposite postoffloe. « |O SnCDSP»|j705 W. 7th st. Los W|jH^Ja(j»|{{j|»'

L.C. SMI.II'll. Presldenti 3. O.Flll:mii.Vice Pren. nncl Gen. Mitt.i \u25a0

IVF.K R. rnilll.Bop. and Trpna.

Venice of America Land CompanyOWNERS

EAST VENICE OF AMERICA TRACTPhones iHome 4077, Snuset 8431.

Venice, Cnl.


Notice of Stockholder*' Meeting- :.'\u25a0NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT

the annual meeting of the stockholdersof the Pacific Clay Manufacturing com-pany will be held at room 312, Billiardblock, in this city, Tuesday, January IS,li'o7, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purposeof electing a board of directors and thetransaction of such other business as maycome before the meeting.L.S. POKTER, Secretary.I.us Angeles, Cal., Dec. 22, 190ti.12-23-1-5 HI

Notice of *tuckli»lderN' MeetingNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT

•tlio second annual meeting of the stock-holders of Consolidated Realty companyWill be held at the office of said com-pany, 520 Chamber of Commerce build-ing, Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. X, 1907, at 7:30p.m. for the purpose of electing directorsand for the transaction of such otherbusiness as may be brought before saidmeeting. P. JORDAN, Secretary.12-23-1-8 17tNOTICE OF SHAREHOLDERS' MEET-ing—The regular annual meeting of thaShareholders of the National Bank ol


Commerce in Los Angeles, for the elec-tion of directors and for the transactionof such other business as may come De-fore the meeting, will be held at Itsbanking office, northeast corner SixthandSpring streets, in the city of Los Ange-les, county of Los Angeles, state of Cali-fornia, on Tuesday, the Sth day of Janu-ary, 1907, at 3 o'clock p. m.Polls willbe open from 10 o'clock a. m.until 4 o'clock p. m. of that day.

By order of the board of directors.CHARLES EWING. Cashier.


12-8-1-7 31t • .Notice of Stockholder*' Meeting;

THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETINGof the stockholders of Manhattan Sav-

ings bank, for the oloction of directorsand for the transaction of such otherbusiness as may come before the meeting,will be held at its banking office, north-

east corner Sixth and Spring streets, inthe city of Los Angeles, county of LotAngeles, state of California, on Tuesday,the Bth day of January, 1907, at 3:31o clock p. m.

By order of the board of directors.CHARLES EWINCJ. Secretary.

12-23-1-7 16t*

Notice of MeetingTHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETINGof the stockholders of the RedRaven Gold Mining company will beheld at the Gondolfu, hotel, at the cityof Yuma, Arizona, on the 2d day of Janu-ary,1 11107, at 5 o'clock p. m. of said day,for the purpose of electing a board of di-rectors to serve for the ensuing year andthe transaction of such other business as <

may properly be brought before the regu-lar annual meeting.

FRANK C. FARNELL. Vice Pres.Cal F. Hunter, Secretary.Los Angeles, Cal.. Dec. 18, 1906.

12-20-29 lot v

Stockholders' MeetingTo the Stockholders of the Los Angeles

Amusement Co. :Please take notice that the annual meet-

lng of the stockholders of the Los An-geles Amusement Company willbe heldat tin office of the company In the oltyof Los Angeles, California, at rooms 820-

321Bradbury building, on Wednesday, the-titiiday of December, 1906, at 4 p. in., forthe purpose of electing directors mid forthe transacting of such other business a*may come before the meeting.

-C.11. TREAT, President.

Dated Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 15. 1908.STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-NOTICI3.

The annual meeting of the stockholdersof the Farming and Fruit Land company Iwill be held Tuesday, tha Bth day ofJanuary, 1907, at 8 o'clock p. in. In theoffice of tha company, room tOB, No. 21SSouth Droudway. In the city of Los An-Keles, Cal., for ilia purpose of electing a,board of directors fur the ensuing yearand for the transaction of such

-other .- <

business as may come before the meet- .Ing. O. F. McLELLAN,|Los Angeles, Dec, 15, law. Seomtary.

12-15-24, lOt

If Afflicted and You Fail toFind Relief Elsewhere, Callon and Consult Prof. H.Russell Burner, M. D.and his staff of celebrated Physicians.Surgeons and Specialists at bis

New Temple of Health512-514 S. Broadway

Take Elevator to Fourth Roarand attend at least a part of th* id*entitle Health Lectures given In B«a«rMull,every Tuesday. Thursday and Pit*day •rrnliii. special arlvate lecture*for Ladles Ualy every Wednesdayartermuuu at |:|( o'clock, Naeclal Ma*\u25a0«• Lecture for M»a Ualy everyThursday cTealaa; at 7:80 o'clock. ASpecial Mural Deramaa by Prof. Buraet•vary aiuday •liusiiai at 2:30 o'clock.

SAVINGS BANKS4 per cent paid on term end 3 per cent on ordinary savings

deposits. Loans on real estate. Open Saturday evenings.

German American Savings Bank $ <££ ooSurplus '

23 South Spring St. Total Assets,Branch— Main and First Sts. $10,000,000.00.

Southern California Savings Bank J?g?2^vS; ft?S.E. Cor. Fourth and Spring. W. D. Woolwine. V. Pres.

Union Trust Building. Chas. H. Toll, Cashier.

Security Savings Bank Cs7(joC$7(joa



N.E. Cor. Fourth and Spring.Total' Assets,Herman W. Hellman Bldg. $16,000,000.00.

Clearing House BanksNAME OFFICERS

First National Bank J. M. ELLIOTT, Prea.irst National iJante w T s HAMMOSD| cashier.S.E. Cor. fsei-jnd and Spring. Capital Stock, $1,250,000; Surplus, $250,000.

Undivided \u25a0Pr0f1t5,^51,157,747.01.

erchants National Bank w v holliuay, cashier.\u25a0"JL N. E. Cor. Second and Main. Capital, (200,000; Surplus and Proflta, $350,000.

T-»rr>adium7 'Ranlr *\u25a0 Trust Cnmnanv "WARREN OILLELEN. Pres.proaaway catiK « lrusicompany R w kenny. cashier.\u25a0*— 308-310 Bdwy. Bradbury Bldg. Capital, $250,000; Surplus-Und. Profits, $150,000.

mmrjn MaTinnai "Rank w F-

BOTSFORD, Pres.mencan National xsanx T w phelps. Cashier.S.W. Cor. Second &Broadway. Capital, $1.000.000; Sin-plug and Profits. $75.000.

N-Hi"nn-i1 "Rant nf Paiifnrnia 3. E. FISHBURN, Pres.ationai .bank 01 uaiiiornia w D WOolwine, cashier.N.13. Cor. Second and Spring. Capital, $500,000; Surplus-Und. Profits. $100,000

Statf Rank- Xr True* fnmnanv JOHN R7~MATIiK\VS. Pres.tate .tsanK &Irust company s F zoMBRO, cashier.N. W. Cor. Second and Spring. Capital. $000,000; Surplus and Profits, $60,000.

Citizen*' TMatinnai Rank R J - VVATEUS, Preß.nizens national canu A jWATEKSi Cashier.S.W. Cor. 3rd and Main. Capital. $300,000; Surphjs and Profits, $325,000

Central 'Rank WILLIAM MEAD, Pres.entrai tianK W. C. durgin. cashier.N.E. Cor. Fourth &Broadway. Capital, $100,000: Surplus and Profits, $100,000

The National Bank of Commerce p M DOUGLASS, PresI•*\u25a0 IN LuS ANGELES. CHARLES EVV-INO, Cashier.N.W. Cor. Sixth and Spring. Capital, $200,000; Surplus. $20,000.

Tjnited States National Bank £w. hbl^Tan^p^'*'S. E. Cor. Main& Commercial. Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits, $50.000.

Commercial National Bank Wl.W1. A. bonyn&e, Prea.f ommerciai rviauonai cans c N FLTNT cas'nier.J^_ 423 South Spring. Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits. $24.000.

parmers &Merchants National Bank chTb. raYiJCR.N

Cor. Fourth and Main. Capital. $1.500,000; Surplus and Profits, $1,550.0. J.

We offer a block of Htopk In (he larircHt prnduelnK "liver mine In Californiafor ten day* at Tllllt't'VCENTS A SHARE. At this price we willKunr-antee not less than

Ten Per Cent Interest Per Annum forFive YearsGuaranteed by Four Leading Banks

\u25a0•\u25a0 un fur fulldetails nt onre.We nlau offer at par for v limited period.

71% Gold Bonds 9% Preferred StocKauil isivr iin a liomm atoi-k In three (nibnldtnrjr rnnipnnlen, equal In each tvthe lioldinss In this company. Call for descriptive prospectus.



IPrivate MoneyISeeking secure Investment welltaken care of

Favor Us With a Call

Quthrie &BlossomRoom 301, W. S. Collins Blk. 313 West Third Street

ladies From Chicago to New YorkThe Sample Shoe Shop Is selling Hy Klectrlo Airline Hallroaa,$2.50. $4.00 and $5.00 shoes, <t£o 10 hours $10. $100 stock for $23.

Un.i.«. for a pair. . . ... v Southwestern Securities Co.Merchant. Tru.t Bulldln., p,ica| A t .^wSalesroom 603. 207 S. Broadway. I


Palma Heights S^uilSfff?^Newest and bent of close-In properties JTh**T'J-#^J^-iftsijS^O>2^

Only 20 minutes' ride from th« business /^BB^, *$Sx'*fi^*iwZSHll\.JANSS COMPANY


Ownors f^m^^^SiS^\kulta 200, Vuluu Trust lIIUu. IlJSSo§jfpffhif!r&n^^^V^\\ W^' j'Corner I'ourlU and Sprlua LjJhß VT H|£»v3^'|fX7^g^f1

''-, UK. TOM SIII3 UIN_ ,,_ , Chinese Teas and Herbs. Uanltarlum.

\f^ Should Use a c.ull and read testimonial* at°a'°*

If<U)IU1Herald Liner B*t*MmJS-fiR >i*M»lji >wiw UCMCUU LtlilVl Bet. Otfc «B4 lOtlmt.. l.v.Anselea, Cat

BS^r .^ta^BSSI BBSS'*bvtv

Ahi&«*W>KB WKlm neea-m*

JGM JET, y^E^^ST^JKfMpif'yfvfr JOhBPBbP^ coia

£f%. IB>nflflM'flt wBy» room In thr/M»Aj '•*'.*?, 'uLil.*ii**I'T^ liL.iuWM'M'UJUrtiKSj V^.Jjs^y^J SL&P DO<ss^ It you own


\u25a0 \u25a0BfHtk'Tlju'^fJßpsw W^^^ heater that give* satisfaction

DRa4ivv9^H^fflla*^^^ wherever used. Produces intente

-*\u25a0?'"' IBs«IliriHsBBBBBBBSm without »mofe« or imtll becaune itUMyßH|P''i*VLj^MEk« equipped with tmokeien device

—no trouble,

i*>t, no nBen8er* Easily carried arminii from roomH VL to roorta. Youcannot turn the wick too high

§/ \ V >% or too low. Aieasy and simple to care forIj& as a lamp. The

PERFECTION Oil Heater(Equipped with Smokeless Device.)

iian ornament to the home. Itis made Intwo finishes—

nickel fjj|and japan. Brass oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds _/

rifi4 quarts of oil and boms 9 hours. Every heater warrant*d. JEajjEft

Do notbe satisfied with anythingbut a PERFECTION OilHeater. /*" *>yIfyou cannot get Heater or information fromyour dealer write id V%\to nearest agency for descriptive circular. §n lj|T'fii» tNrJr^A^/nhT makes the home \^SL/IneJL\?Ay %Jf L,amts I"'?1"- Is the safest #«IWk>^^ \u25a0L <̂*lllr an! best lamp for %~^Uall-round household use. Gives a clear, steady light. Fitted 3TFf£p.'rwith latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and tHjnickel plated. Every lamp warranted. Suitable for library, x^Mrvdining room orparlor. Ifnot at your dealer's write to nearest

-rr£rf4s&&kagency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. *±Zmffi>

. j

On and after January Ist,1907, our gas rate willbe80 CENTS per thousand

cubic feet. Our policy isand always has been tosell gas at the lowest pos-sible rate, and this reduc-tion is the thirteenth,(from $2.50 to 80c) wehave made during the pastseventeen years.

L§§ Angeles Gas mi Electric Co.HILL NEAR SEVENTH

Santa Catalimß IslandHotelMetropoie Now Open on the European

Plan, With Cafe in ConnectionRooms $1.00 Per Day and Up

STEAMER MAXfiS HOUND TitlP BAIL!Two boats Saturday. Urand illumination and eruption ot Sugar lx>a«

Saturday evenlnar.Bee railway time cards for steamer connection. BANNING COMPAK Pa-cific Electric Bids.. Lob Angeles. Both Phones S3.

pACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. For Honolulu, Japan


Stilling*from Sun KrnnrlitcoDee. 21, 28, Jan. 8, 15, 24, Feb. 5, 13, 21, 39, Mnrcli8, 13, 20. etc.

For literature apply to T. A. GRAHAM Agent. 800 8. Spring St.. cornerBlxth. Also agent for nil Transatlantic Steamship lines.


Everything first-class, natural hot medicinal water, unexcelled In cura-tive properties. Baths free to guests, European plan. prices reasonable.Take nimlnlcar on Broadway rtlrt-.-t to door, one fare. p

TL JO I\7Jf/T7 IC} Dancing Tonight inElegantV JulyfJl^s/JQ Hew Pavilion on the Pier

For ChristmasCall in and examine our remarkable I """"Iline of manufacturer's samples of Do Your Cooking on a

carvers at 33 1-3 per cent discount. GletlWOOdWe carry also a full lineof table cut-

_lery, pocket knives, razors, roasting Rangepans, meat choppers, chafing and They Make Cooking Easybaking dishes. L , \u25a0 i

JAMES W. HELLMANOpen Evenings Until Christmas 161 N. Spring
