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Ukrainian crisis from a to z revision 2

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“Europe starts in Lisbon and end in Vladivostok” General De Gaulle. (*) Facts and sources of the documents are verified, individuals quoted are not mentioned for security reasons
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“Europe starts in Lisbon and end in Vladivostok”

General De Gaulle.

(*) Facts and sources of the documents are verified, individuals quoted are not mentioned for security reasons

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I am French Entrepreneur, I have lived 8 years in USA and 9 years in Ukraine. I know Ukraine like my

own pocket, I went living in small villages at the frontier with Moldavia with very poor family (no

electricity, no water, no bathroom, no restroom), I can say that I know Ukraine more than any

Americans who land in Kiev to run after some pretty girls in DeLux, Skybar or Dante. The reason why

I am against Maidan is not linked because I refuse to admit Yanukovich was a corrupted raider who

used the system to take over companies illegally… I understand very well why so many Ukrainian

people went on Maidan: they want a better living and they are tired of administration corruption

meanwhile the way this pseudo revolution was set and led is doubtful and dangerous. The so called

leaders and motivators of Maidan are the first responsible of corruption and death of Ukrainian

people, I name the current government of Ukraine, the extreme Nazi far right Svoboda and Praviy

sektor, the EU and US. During the last year I fought to contact the press and warn them about their

attitude to Russia which was only one side of the equation. Today in front of a total war risk, politics

are rushing in panic mode due to their lack of understanding of the real situation. They are the actors

of this major human disaster. Through this publication I denounce Media laxity, egocentrism and

incapacity to manage international relations to maintain world peace due to their partiality. I

denounce their attempts to manipulate populations with Russia stigmatization.

I am not the kind of guy who can swallow a snake without blinking an eye. My sense of observation,

my traveling experience allows me to comprehend and correlate things and facts faster than average,

not for bribing myself but as a matter of facts… I am a European and convinced that somewhat EU

was a necessity but certainly not in the form it is today because it get transformed into a

bureaucratic dictatorship led by corruption, prevarication and lies creating real human disaster. I can

name here the numerous amounts of farmers committing suicide in France or in Bulgaria because

some obscure EU irresponsible who do not know what a cow is, are taking decisions bringing those

people to the final desperation. Does Ukrainians want this?

If we want to understand the Ukrainian crisis we need to jump back in history to understand the

major threat which is occurring at the door of Europe now. Back in the beginning of the XX century

Halford Mackinder developed the heartland theory which consists in controlling the world through

the control of the heartland (Russia). Anglo-Saxons are very scared of a potential block constituted of

western EU and Russia because it would destroy their capacity of business influence around the

world. This block would constitute a fantastic human resources, commodities, technology, and

industrial power. General De Gaulle’s understood this very well and this is the reason why he said:

“Europe starts in Lisbon and end up in Vladivostok”. The first who tried the apply the theory of

heartland were the Germans, this led to the WWII and we know how it end up… The soft power

integration was not understood and controlling such amount of territory by force was delusory.

US understood that principle and came out with encirclement theory trying to contain Russia with

NATO base pushing for EU integration. After the Berlin wall collapse most of the iron wall countries

felt into NATO basket in opposition to the promises of Kissinger administration swearing that NATO

will not go further north. Balkans war, Kosovo, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungaria, Bulgaria, Romania,

Leetonia, Estonia, Lithuania... Russians perceives the promises of West as a load of lies and words

have no credit anymore. NATO spread to the borders of Russia and triggered national security

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issues… The red line was Ukraine, a very sensitive country due to his very tight links with Russia on

cultural, economic, social and historical point of view. Since the creation of Ukraine, Russia invested

in this country massively, and Ukraine breathe on Russian perfusion during 27 years. More over the

military-industrial complex in Ukraine was living on Russian orders. The population is so mix in

Ukraine that separating those two countries is a non-sense. How many families are concerned there

… Uncountable!

The context set, let move forward to understand the matter here. Before I would like to make a

strong statement regarding Ukrainian leadership pro-EU or RU... It is constituted of the worse species

of individuals I ever seen in my life. Watching the Rada debate every week on TV I was shocked to

see the animosity of those people. Debates were ending systematically into real boxing fight where

protagonists were ending to hospital bleeding like on a battlefield… Astonishing! As for the

corruption, every side was constituted of money pumpers. I do remember my visit to the Odessa

Orphanage in 2006 I was horrified to see that kids were sleeping on the ground wrapped by card box.

A friend of mine, Mr Harris raised 1M€ to reset the building and offer kids a decent place to live in,

they asked the government to put the same amount of money, they felt we were pulling out the

bred off their mouth… That was under Timoshenko administration. A period during which the IFM

sent $16.3 Billion which disappeared, the SBY ran investigation, they never found even one dollar…

Meanwhile Porsches Cayenne were flourishing in Kiev. Timoshenko had been jailed several times, for

murder presumption (elimination of a deputy who wanted to set a competitive trading gas company,

tax evasion…) and prevarication (dealing representing Ukraine as PM but signing the deal through

her own company), billions of dollars running away toward Cayman island. Should I specify how she

was pumping the gas coming from Russia directly in the phreatic hub hosted in direction to Europe?

The only difference with Yanukovich, she was not raiding the businesses of smaller people… So as

everything was underground, it was going “smoother”... Should I remind that under the Yanukovich

administration, VPM Serhiy Tigipko (a moderated and intelligent man) and his wife Viktoria

(IDCEE.org), worked very hard to boost the IT sector, which bring this industry from bringing $200M

to $2B, a tremendous amount of jobs got created with a way above average wage. The IT population

contributed very seriously in the boost of the Ukrainian economy. Moreover for the Euro 2012, very

serious efforts in term of infrastructure were made which never ever occurred under the previous

pro-EU regime. Therefore not everything was that bad under Yanukovich administration.

Ukraine with Yanukovich administration was getting closer to sign a deal with EU (was that a trick to

make Russia through President VVP (Vladimir Vladimirovich Putine) raising the bar of a better

agreement? Personally I read the EU 17 pages agreement, and as much as I did not like the manner

of Yanukovich, I would never sign such agreement which was a way far beyond the needs of Ukraine.

600 M€ tax rebate in comparison to $14 Billion subsidiary and cheap gas there was no question

about the choice. I imagine what EU can represent from Kiev… An El Dorado where everybody will be

rich, the money can grow in the trees and everybody will drive Ferrari… Too bad, ask the PIIGS

(Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) about Europe, a real disaster costing 1.5 trillion Euros… Can

Europe absorb Ukrainian debts? No it’s an internal state political risk that European leaders cannot

take. If Greece cost 266 Billion Euros (11 Million people), you can imagine what Ukraine would cost

with 46 million people and wide energetic needs (winter in Ukraine are long and very cold).

The last 5 Years VVP met with different leaders of EU to setup a trade agreement (in respect of

General De Gaulle vision) EU/Eurasia, Merkel refused systematically the agreement; I believe strongly

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that Merkel is under strong US influence for unknown reasons. EU putted Ukraine under pressure to

reach an agreement without taking in consideration the interest of Russia in the region, that was a

major mistake and I strongly believe that US lobbyist did a great job in Brussels to leverage this

power, the corruption is not that far, no need to go to Ukraine though. We should not forget that US

is pushing hard to install North Atlantic trade agreement that nobody knows what is it about. Living

in USA long enough I do believe this is not in the advantage of EU… To do so, how convenient it is to

destabilize the relation EU/RUSSIA which trade balance represents $266 Billion when US/RUSSIA

represents only $26B. US do not want to pay the bill over sanctions, and keep a big leash on EU by

pushing them into recession. The dirty Anglo-Saxon game is busted by the numbers.

The Ukrainian crisis was scheduled a long time ago, back in the 90’s Collin Powell evoked it in an

interview ran by the NY Times. They tried in 2004, it did not work the way they wanted, therefore

NGO “Freedom House” (The chairman is James Vosley, former director of CIA… non-governmental

Agency?) had to work harder. And in 2010 when Timoshenko was sentenced to Jail the machine

started. First I saw on the top of Khreshiatik (Ukrainian Champs Elysées) dozens of tents erecting with

hundreds of people sitting in them crying over the “Yuliya blonditka” jail condition (but forgetting

how many billions of dollars she robbed…). How can people sit in tents during more than 3 years

every day? Who financed this? Timoshenko? EU looked at her as a political victim when in fact she is

just a criminal! We cannot accept double standard as Europeans, but I am quite deluded here…

The revolution machine is set and 2 Americans (Polish and Hungarian rooted) are going to play a

major role, Bzrezinsky (White House advisor) and Soros (Billionaire), both have one common ground:

they hate Russians. An advisor and a financer, what a great combo! This can be verified by each of

their publication in the press. Those two dangerous individuals are the pole of the neocons strategy,

which consists in establishing a new world order by controlling government and financial system (we

see the spectrum of Bilderberg group and Brookin organization).

During all those years 2010-2013 I measured a growing tension, people in the street were “joking”

about Yanukovich speaking with his driver:

Y- Dma, who’s factory is this?

D: Its your son’factory!

Y: Dma, who’s restaurant is this?

D: Its your wife’s restaurant

Y: Dma, Who’s shop is this?

D: Its your father’s shop

Y: My god, bu who is working in this country?

Jokes spreading were the mirror of a discontent growing seriously… In October tents started to

multiply like mushrooms everywhere… thousands of people coming from all over Ukraine were

sitting there, who was providing the logistic support? Who was financing this real siege? I was

walking between tents and observed that some of those people were certainly not Ukrainian (I can

make the difference between a Canadian and a Ukrainian, not only because of their accent, looking

at the appearance of the guy, they were not the style to go to church every day, I name Black water

the private mercenary army of Monsanto, an American group making chemical, bacteriological and

nuke weapons and agricultural products, one of the major shareholder being Mr Bill Gate).

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Something was wrong, barricades were set all along Khreshiatik in a specific manner to block all

access to the center of the city, very high, heavy with barbed wire… Barbed wire? Are civilians having

this type of material at disposal? Is that a joke? Maidan square was completely locked and the only

access was provided by gates through which strange people were proceeding to scrutiny and

profiling. In Russian we say: “Ya ne lopuh” (I am not naive). Maidan was a very well thought and

military organized operation, the only capable of such operation is CIA, later on (end of February), a

conversation was intercepted.

(Personal Pics of Maidan End of January 2014)

between Viktoriya Nulland’s and the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign was explicit: “we engaged $6

billion we want our ROI… Fuck the EU…”. On the spot the major flags represented are:

- The svatika of Svoboda (Party created on the ideology of Stepan Bandera, a collaborator of WWII

Nazi division “SS Galice” who contributed heavily (with 60 000 Ukrainians soldiers from the region of

Lviv) to 1.5 million mass murders of Jewish and Russian people.

Ukrainian Foreign affair building (100m from where I lived, close by St Michael Cathedral)

- The black & red flag of the branch armed Praviy Sektor constituted of gang of psychopaths ready to

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kill anybody who is not thinking the way they are. Heading this movement, Oleksandr Muzichenko, a

dangerous individual fighting against Russians in Tcheniya, convicted of several crimes, warranted by


20 Feb 1013, EU headed by Laurent Fabius came to Kiev to push Yanukovich to a settlement

specifying anticipated election, the tension in the street accelerated immediately… The 21 the guns

are sparkling on Maidan, obviously this settlement did not please a specific authority, I name

USA/CIA. We all heard the conversation between Victoria Nulland (secretary of state of USA) and

foreign minister of Lithuania during which she said “We invested 6 billion dollars in this thing…Fuck

the EU…”. Many people are killed, and what an astonishing surprise to hear Olga Bogomolet (the

doctor of Maidan who attended the Ukrainian elections) saying: “Maidaners and Berkuts (Ukrainian

CRS) are killed by the same type of Bullet, maidaners are shot in the back and Berkuts by the front ”,

the shooting was coming from 8th floor of Ukraina hotel, headquarter of Svoboda/PraviySektor.

The ambiance on Maidan during those days was led by a sort of supernatural hysteria, as if people

were on drug (and they were, tea distributed freely was charged with Amphetamines, the babushka

of my friend in Kharkov had to go through rehab in Hospital to get rid of addiction). Moreover we

intercepted bank documents showing that a lot of Maidaners were paid on Raiffensen bank (German

bank)… That very specific night of Maidan the gold of the Federal Reserve of Ukraine is removed

from the central bank and shift to Manhattan in NY.

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Yanukovich is exfiltrated in Russia, Yatseniyuk a very close collaborator of Timoshenko is taking over

offices as prime minister, Oleksandr Turshinov appointed as president by interim… The EU bandits

are back… Timoshenko reappears on Maidan in a wheel chair (and one week after is caught on cam

with high heels…). The 25 of March, Muzishenko is murdered in the city of Rivn by SBY (Ukrainian

Security Agency)… Why a very active participant of Maidan is murdered? Should I suggest this guy

was a way too involved in the shooting of Maidan and the proof and witnesses have to disappear?

Muzishenko execution

Igor Smeshko, former director of SBY claim in the media: it would be very easy to know who did the

shooting on Maidan (his 2 sons are protestors, they risked their lives) and despite this very strong

statement, the new procurer of Kiev, Igor Makhnystk (Svoboda), is hiding the evidences of the

prosecution saying they got “lost”. Since then, nobody got prosecuted. This scenario looks very much

to me like the JFK scenario. Immediately after Maidan, The Russian speaking population of Ukraine

started to counter protest, lots of clashes irrupted all over Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Crimea

and Dombass region questioning the legitimacy of this coup.

Crimea was the most sensitive because the population there is 85% Russian and the loss of Crimea by

Russians were a great traumatism as its separation decided by Krutchev was doubtful on a

constitutional point of view. We remember the statement of Ekaterina II of Russia saying: “Crimea

will be always Russian”. A morning of 1956 Russian population of Crimea awaked with a Ukrainian

passport, which never been accepted. Crimea is to Russia what Kosovo is to Serbians. I visited Crimea

several time, I have a lot of friends there. The only thing I was hearing is: I am NOT Ukrainian. During

Maidan 2 buses of Kremians tourists got stormed by a militsia of Praviy Sektor in the city of Korsun,

all those people got killed on the side of the road. This traumatism triggered the will of Krimeans to

detach of Kiev administration their already independent republic (They had their own parliament).

March 11, 2014, Crimea became independent and asked its attachment to Russia. Crimea is a major

access to warm seas for Russia, they would never ever let go and moreover, leaving NATO setting

military base in Crimea would be the equivalent of a reversed Cuba crisis. From what I heard from

White House contact, Obama did not want to give any guaranty to Russians that Ukraine will not be

attached to NATO, the decision of Kremlin to accept attachment to Russia did not take long.

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This pregnant woman was murdered brutally by strangulation in building of Syndicate by extremists

Praviy sektor in Odessa (we notice the baseball bath on the desk). Other people got shot in the head

then burned to mask the crime.

The Maidan coup is in fact hiding a fight of influence over the territory of Ukraine. The region of

Dnepropetrovsk is controlled by the Oligark Kolomoysky, a Creto-jewish who has great intention to

control the Dombass in full to take over its resources. He created its own private army, constituted of

Battalion Udar and Azov, carrying Nazi symbol, those factions are loaded with extremists ready to

commit the worse barbaric act. We saw what they have been able to do in Odessa, murdering dozen

of peaceful protestors in the building of Syndicate in Odessa. Murders that remains unpunished until

now as prosecution goes nowhere. Those factions are led by Yarosh, (Praviy Sektor) a criminal

wanted by Interpol, who escape a murder attempt beginning of February 2014 and swear to revenge.

These battalions are storming regularly any arms depot for reload and seem to be uncontrollable.

What is really alarming is the extremist national sentiment on the rise. Major ministries got taken

over by national socialist (Nazi): Ministry of defense (Igor Tenyukh), national security (Andriy

Parubiy), Ministry of ecology (Andriy Mokhnyk), Ministry of agriculture (Igor Shvaika), Ministry of

education (Sergey Kvit), Vice prime minister (Oleksandr Sych), Prime minister (Arseniy Yatseniyuk,

who’s gran father was part of WWII SS Galice…). Looking at the profile of this government the

conclusion is: obviously Kiev is ran by Nazi! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcR9jl4AM3A#t=30

Napalm bombing with phosphorous bomb: Illegal weappon refurbished by US. Psakis the

communication manager of Pentagon denouncing a russian bombing on CNN and getting rectified by

journalists over the perpetrator (KIEV) as the separatist do not have war plane. Kiev is discredited the

US are pointed with finger as the refurbisher of ILLEGAL weapon by UN.

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Several foreign companies had signed agreement with the new appointed office in Ukraine to exploit

the gas in Dombass by fracking the soil against the interest of the local authorities imposing to

Ukrainian company Naftogaz, the son of Joe Bidden (Vice president of USA). The Dombass reacted

very fast to this provocation which explicitly was expressing that Maidan movement was just a US

mascaraed to take over the country, kick out the Russian people of their lands… The situation drifted

immediately into an armed conflict in the Dombass during which at the beginning of spring Kiev used

heavy Napalm phosphorous bomb against villages to crush the rebellion immediately. The conflict

escalated dramatically to the point where we are now.

Buk missile battery versus SU-25

A real confrontation East-West backed by USA in a dangerous manner on a background of a very

dirty story smelling extremely fishy: the MH17. Several points making me doubting about the

credibility of USA on this story:

- Psakis, Pentagone speaker daring to announce few hours after that she found the proof

of separatist implication on YouTube and Facebook (Is that really serious?)

- Russia general in chief asking 7 major questions to Kiev with no answer

- Why Kiev positioned several Buk missiles battery in the region knowing the separatist

have no aircraft?

- Why the black box records are not released publically?

- Why US forced countries involved to sign an NDA to control information on the crash?

- Why MI6 are hosting the black boxes and not Malaysian authorities?

- Reading the Deush pre report safety board I am questioning some serious facts: page 21,

the cockpit is found 8 km from the crash site, the plane was attacked, hit and lost the

cockpit, flown 8 km and crashed. If that was a Buk missile (middle range missile 4 m

long), the B777 would have been dislocated in the sky and never continue his way. We

found bodies with oxygen mask telling the plane was not so damaged. More over in the

cockpit we see inbound and outbound impact. How this can be possible with a Buk


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See official pre report of the crash: http://tinyurl.com/mp5z7fa

Today the conflict in South East Ukraine is spreading seriously, fueled by anger of men, whose

families were attacked, children or wife killed, those men are extremely determined because they

defend their lands and western power did not leverage this psychological factor. They thought

people will put a knee on the ground easily. Those people have families in Russia, a lot of them ask

for help, and men are crossing the border armed to fight with civilians. There is certainly a logistic

support from Russian in supply. It’s a matter of internal politics; VVP cannot let down Russian

population and get killed by Kiev Junta. The Ukrainian regular army has no motivation to go get killing

their neighbor, they don’t understand it. The last mobilization is a disaster we see women beating

sergeant recruiters and kicking them out of villages. They are not well equipped; the troops are

drinking a lot to forget what they are doing… This is a Berezina… A certain numbers of countries, US

first wants to equip this army with heavy weaponry, it would correspond to a direct war declaration

to Russia which at the end will have to interfere to stop the butchery. I am afraid this can lead to a

generalized conflict.

The Ukrainian economy is collapsing at a very fast and scary pace, the Grivna is plunging against

other currency which is generating a nasty inflation population cannot afford (1€ = 32UAH, was 9 a

year ago, importation products generates 300% inflation). The unemployment is exploding. Sooner

or later the consequences might take a very serious social turn and I can see another Maidan chaos

beginning of April which might surprises a lot in term of outcome due to influence growth of

extremism (The Nazi Yarosh, Praviy Sektor/Azov Battalion, faced an attempt of murder and wants

Kiev to pay for it, he is building SS militia all over Ukraine). The governor of the region of Nikolaev

was claiming beginning of February that the Russian Chars would be welcome in his region… In

Odessa several bombing occurred (SBY provocation?). Massive immigration to Russia is occurring,

people do not want war and desertions are running outrageously high. The Ukrainians population

does not want this war because they understood the real matter of all of this. The last wave of

mobilization is turning into a rebellion of the Ukrainian women, this can be a turn in the capacity of

US/Poroshenko to execute his dirty plan.



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One month ago when Senator Mac Cain went on Maidan for dead commemoration, he had to be

exfiltrated by CIA agent due to crowd thread. The IT sector which was flourishing get hit because

new project opening are at risk, foreign customers do not want to risk software assets IP intensive

linked to human resource with uncertainty of mobilization flying around. Layoffs are hitting hard

(EPAM, Global Logic, Cyklum..)

Azov battalion flag Vadim Troyan, new Kiev Chief of Police

(Azov batallion former commander)

The West did not pay attention to the sanctions boomerang effect and EU starts to be hit seriously,

the business communities are showing a strong opposition to the sanctions because this can push EU

into recession. It cost at least (50B$) to France already: loss of Transsiberian contract ($13B),

agriculture ($2B), The helicopter carriers (10B$), the Rafale contract with India that might collapse)…

A total of 4800 Europeans companies in Europe are suffering of sanction drifting EU zone into

recession with a great contentment of USA that wants little daughter under tight control. Meanwhile

Russia is heading business East Asia and this precedent will cost EU more than it think. When such

men as De La Margerie, CEO of Total tried to keep good relation with a reliable partner (Russia),

other dangerous incompetents are trying to do everything in their capacity to rotten this relation. I

remind that De La Margerie was in Moscow to sign an agreement with VVP & Medvedev to trade oil

and gas in EURO, which is threatening the post WWII Bretton wood agreement specifying that

commodities all over the world has to be traded in Dollar, sustaining the US debts and standard of

living. His death occurring during a very strange jet accident is quite suspicious to me. One who tried

to blow this unmovable standard is DSK when he was heading IMF. He proposed to trade those

commodities with electronic money (“Bitcoin type”)… We all see what happened few weeks after… (I

prefer to specify that I do not like the manner of this ugly personage).

So many questions putting in evidence facts that would never ever be tolerated in EU and

US. Those same terrible facts backed up by EU/US for the very wrong reasons to justify

their own interests against their own interests, what a paradigm!

The reason of corruption is intern to the Ukrainian culture, Oligarks who wants to get all profit and

share nothing. I know Roshen (Poroshenko’s company) very well from the inside out. The average

salary in his company for a business developer is 600€ per month. Is that an EU standard? Is it the

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way that Poroshenko believe in the EU model? Who can live decently in Kiev with such salary? Which

policeman making $200 dollars/month can live in Kiev without corruption? Which administrative

employee making $150/month can? How a school teacher can afford to raise a family with

$120/month? Can an Ukrsibbank bank employee (subsidiary of French Bank BNP-PARIBAS) live

decently with $350/month? I lived in this city and I experienced how expensive it was, those

conditions are not sustainable… The real problem in Ukraine is a minority slaving most of the

people to get richer leaving others in precariousness and misery and westernized companies taking

advantage of the situation because no minimum wage policy is set by the corrupted leaders in

charge. As a matter of proof, senator Stockman raised a very serious issue asking US senate to stop

financial help to Ukraine after receiving a report notifying him that 1B$ already got distributed

between 18 members of the new Ukrainian parliament and vanished into some unknown financial

destination… It end up that US impose minister coming from other countries (US, Georgia)… Sounds

like the corruption fight symbol of Maidan is turning out to be ridiculed by the new leaders!

Poroshenko is the symbol triggering corruption. He is looking for new market in Europe and wants his

company to beneficiate of a deal to sell more chocolate to get richer due to sanction Russia applied

on his products. What made me sick is to see this individual (which Mafia past is more than

controversial) paying a tribute to Charlie’s journalists when in Ukraine a Politic police is eliminating

any journalists or opponent to his Nazi regime. I received a video from a woman recording a scene on

Primorskii Boulevard in Odessa where you see police arresting a man with his young kid because he

is wearing a St Georges Ribbon. The kid left in the street alone… taking care of by women passing by.

NO, Poroshenko IS NOT Charlie.

Testimony at EU parliament of those facts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLd8SmXz3dM

A revolution is led by symbol, where are Maidan symbols? Who represents them? They are long

gone because they never really existed. All of this was a terrible mascaraed triggered by US/EU which

led a country to divide its own people at the point they hate and kill each other’s. Is that what

Ukrainians really want? Ukraine could have been a free entity bridging the different worlds due to its

historical, social and cultural constitution; it is a way too late! It is Balkanized! How can you ask now

people in Dombass being friendly with people who tried to kill them? The respect of those values

cannot be understood by hamburger eater living in Washington, neither in Brussels because they

don’t know what “Salo” is!

Little girl killed in Dombass.

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Today a million of Ukrainians got displaced to Russia welcoming them (Is Russia the enemy then?),

thousands of men are fleeing the country because they do not want to go to combat estimating this

is not the right solution, the Ukrainian army is on the knees and the Junta is getting financially and

politically pressure from several side, the country is bloodless… Merkel and Hollande starts to

understand their ugly mistake following US/NATO path and try to calm down the war game by

setting negotiation excluding USA (due the danger they represents). Washington wants to hit the war

drum by arming Kiev (This is not going to motivate the servicemen…). We all understand very well

that arming Kiev is synonymous of declaring war to Russia because VVP cannot afford to let the

Dombass population crushed, a NATO escalation would bring the world in fire. How many kids

Obama wants to be killed? I guess he does not really care as he thinks they are not wealth a dollar!

(*) SVOBODA (Tianibok): Party created on the ideology of Stepan Bandera, an Ukrainian who

collaborated with Nazi SS Galice Division and contributed to the extermination of 1.5 M Jewish and

Russian during WW2 by recruiting 60 000 Ukrainian soldiers to do the dirty job in concentration

camp of Treblinka, in Kremenshuk… PRAVIY SEKTOR (Dmitri Yarosh) is their armed branch.

Oleg Tianibok (SVOBODA)

Tianibok, Klischko (Kiev Mayor), Yatseniuk (PM), Nulland (USA)
