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UN Authorises Military Action in Central African Republic

Date post: 04-Jun-2018
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UN authorises military action in Central African Republic UN votes to increase military action in Central African Republic to attempt to combat "complete chaos" that has enveloped country By Mike Pflanz, Nairobi and agencies-05 Dec 2013 The UN Security Council has authorised increased military action by France and African troos to try to end the crisis in the Central African !eublic" The council unanimously aro#ed a French$sonsored resolution Thursday aimed at restorin% security and rotectin% ci#ilians in the imo#erished country" The authorisation is e&ected to lead to an increase in troos for an African Union$led force and French troos" The #ote came as French troos continued to our into the CA!amid an outbrea' of #iolence near the caital (an%ui)s airort and in suburbs in the city)s north and east"  At least 105 eole and li'ely many more *ere 'illed durin% Thursday mornin%+s fi%htin%, the *orst day of #iolence in (an%ui, for se#eral months" Collected in a mos-ue and stre*n in the streets nearby *ere .0 bodies *ith %unshot and machete *ounds, and /edecins Sans Frontieres reorted another 1 in t*o of the city+s hositals"  An e&istin% 10m to am curfe* *as e&tended by four hours, *ith /ichael Dotodia, the resident, orderin% the caital+s citiens indoors by m"  Already , the streets *ere emty e&cet for military atrols includin% the armoured #ehicles of 250 French troos in (an%ui as the #an%uard of the force that is e&ected by the *ee'end to increase to 1,200 soldiers" Catain sman listens to

8/13/2019 UN Authorises Military Action in Central African Republic

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8/13/2019 UN Authorises Military Action in Central African Republic

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8/13/2019 UN Authorises Military Action in Central African Republic

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