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Understanding Social Welfare

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Understanding Social Welfare. Social welfare concepts and definitions. Conceptualizing human needs and social institutions. Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Psychological survival needs: nourishment, rest, sex, warmth. Safety needs: preservation of life and sense of security - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Understanding Social Understanding Social Welfare Welfare Social welfare concepts and definitions
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Understanding Social Understanding Social WelfareWelfare

Social welfare concepts and definitions

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Conceptualizing human needs Conceptualizing human needs and social institutionsand social institutions

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Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needsneeds

Psychological survival needs: nourishment, rest, sex, warmth.

Safety needs: preservation of life and sense of security

Belongingness needs: to be part of a group and to love and to be loved.

Esteem needs: approval, respect, acceptance, appreciation, etc.

Self actualization needs:to be able to fulfill our fullest potential

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NASW statement of needsNASW statement of needs

Need for physical and mental well being Need to know Need for justice Need for economic security Need for self realization, intimacy and


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Social institutionsSocial institutions

Social institutions are networks of relationships that carry out the essential social functions. Social institutions develop around these needs. Kinship & family, religion, workplace, market place, mutual assistance and government, etc. are organizational forms. They are formalized way of providing resources for helping to meet human needs.

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Key organizations and Key organizations and functionsfunctions

Organizational forms

Primary functions

Social welfare functions

Families Procreation, intimacy,support

Care, Financial support

Churches Spiritual development

Counseling, social services

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Organizations and functions Organizations and functions contd.contd.

Organizational forms

Primary functions

Social welfare functions

Work organizations

Employment Employee benefits

Producers & consumers

Exchange of goods/services for money

Commercial so.welfare goods/services

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Organizations and functions Organizations and functions contd.contd.

Organizational forms

Primary functions

Social welfare functions

Support groups, vol. agencies

Mutual aid, philanthropy

Volunteering, com. Social ser.


Regional/local governments

Mobilization & distribution of goods for collective goals

Antipoverty, economic security, health, education, housing, etc

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Questions to askQuestions to ask

Degree to which human needs are met or unmet

Degree to which problems are solved or unsolved

Degree to which opportunities are provided for advancement

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Social welfare characteristics: Social welfare characteristics: Residual approachResidual approach

Help provided only when needs are unmet by other institutions- family, religious institution, market, etc.

Viewed as a safety netTemporary and viewed as negativeStigma attached. It is curativeSees poor as incompetent, second-class

citizens & provides second class services

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Social welfare:institutional/ Social welfare:institutional/ developmental approachdevelopmental approach

SW is considered as a first line defense of modern industrialized society.

Seen as normal and accepted way of fulfilling social needs.

No stigma attached. It is preventative. Recognizes the need for variety of social services

to maintain good standard of living. Social problems are rooted in social structure and

hence planned social change.

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Residual Vs institutionalResidual Vs institutional The residual welfare ameliorates the problem of the

‘unfortunate classes’ through middle and upper class benevolence.

Institutional view considers SW as front line function of modern society in a positive way working with other institutions for a better society.

These concepts are reflection of broader cultural and societal conditions & values

American social welfare has combined both these conceptions

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Social welfare characteristics Social welfare characteristics contd.contd.

Right versus charityMinimal versus optimalIdentify examplesDiscuss

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Social welfare:Selective and Social welfare:Selective and Universal services. Universal services.

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Selective servicesSelective servicesResidual/minimalistResidual/minimalist

Means testedEligibility & benefit levels are determined

on a case basisFinancial assistance not a rightBenefits paid from general revenueState control is important

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Advantages of selective Advantages of selective programs programs

Limitation on costSociety does not pay for services if can be

afforded privately

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Universal servicesUniversal servicesinstitutional/developmentalinstitutional/developmental

Available for all. E.g. public education, day care, social insurance.

They are quality services that attracts all categories of people.

No stigma attached.E.g. children in the U. S. are required by

law to attend school

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Advantages of universal Advantages of universal programsprograms

Universal programs limit stigmaDifficult to find fair formula to administer

selective program Universal programs tend to improve itself

once they are established.Selective programs have limited


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Hard Vs Soft goods and Hard Vs Soft goods and services services

Hard or concrete services are tangible goods or services like food stamps, meals-on-wheels, housing, rent subsidies

Soft services are in the forms of guidance and counseling to help people cope with social and emotional problems. They include counseling for family problems, psychiatric treatment for mental disorders.

Hard services & poor. Soft services & higher income group.

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Direct and Indirect servicesDirect and Indirect services

Direct services are intended to benefit the recipient immediately. E.g. family counseling, health care, etc.

Indirect services are primarily intended to improve the general social welfare; they may also benefit the individual recipient.

E.g. education, incarceration of convicted victims

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Public Vs Private agenciesPublic Vs Private agencies

Public agencies: Veterans, state mental hosp.

Private voluntary agencies like United Way, Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Private for-profit agencies

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Control: Federal, State, LocalControl: Federal, State, Local

Community control movement after the 60sNew Federalism of Regan placed greater

burden on states Recently states assume more responsibility

under the new welfare reform (The Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996).

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Changing concepts of social Changing concepts of social welfarewelfare

From residual to institutional From charity to citizen right From special services to universal services From minimum resources to optimal social

environments From individual to social reform From voluntary to public and private From welfare of the poor to Welfare State From social welfare to Social Development

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Changing conceptions contd.Changing conceptions contd.

From residual to institutional From charity to citizen right: To T. H. Marshall,

citizenship consists of three sets of rights and duties, namely, Civil, Political and Social rights. Civil right: Right to liberty, freedom of speech, equality before law,etc. Political right: right to vote, get elected, etc. Social rights: Refers to ‘modicum of economic welfare and security and the right to share to the full in the social heritage and life of a civilized being according to the standards prevailing in society’.

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Charity to citizen right contd.Charity to citizen right contd.

Political rights, initially restricted to the aristocracy were extended first to the middle class, then to the working class and finally to the women. Similarly, social rights in the form of Poor Law, were first restricted to the needy. As social services, they were later extended to the working class and eventually to the whole population.

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Charity to citizen right contd.Charity to citizen right contd.

Marshall point out the paradox of the development of citizenship (equality) in capitalism which is a system of inequality.For him, welfare measures are not an egalitarian measure. Social services are not primarily a means of equalizing income. Welfare state in fact makes inequality more acceptable and legitimate.

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From special to universal From special to universal servicesservices

We tend to think of SW as special services to poor. Increasingly, SW programs are developed to meet universal needs of the population. Special services tend to isolate the poor to be inferior in quality. Universal services are free of stigma and integrate the poor into the society. The SSA of 1935 is the first National venture in this direction.

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From minimum to optimalFrom minimum to optimal

There is a move from providing minimum resources to the creation of optimum social environments and resources to nurture and develop human potentialities.

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From individual to social From individual to social reformreform

A move from psychological and moral defects/deficiencies to structural and social factors.

Is poverty due to individual deficiencies or due to structural and social factors?

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From voluntary to publicFrom voluntary to public

During Elizabethan poor laws the approach to relief was voluntary.

With the Social Security Act, the approach is public where the Government has a role in dealing with the poor.

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From welfare of the poor to a From welfare of the poor to a welfare societywelfare society

From the relief of immediate needs to a long term planning that will prevent future needs

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From social welfare to social From social welfare to social developmentdevelopment

Social welfareSocial development: Planned institutional

change including social, economic and political change for the welfare of the nation as a whole.

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Analytical perspectivesAnalytical perspectives

Studies of the process of welfare policy: Focuses on the dynamics of policy formulation with regard to socio-political and technical-methodological variables. Deals with the societal context in which policy decisions are made, the behaviors, motivations and goals of various actors who participate in the process and stages of the process of policy development

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Analytical perspectives contd.Analytical perspectives contd.

Studies of the product: Analyses the policy choices which are the product of planning process.

Studies of performance: How well is the program carried out? What is its impact? Impact is the difference between pre-program behavior and conditions and post program behavior and conditions which can be legitimately be attributed to the intervention.

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Social welfare: Social welfare:

As moral concept reflecting value preferences.

As social policyAs programs and servicesAs income transferAs study of functions outside market forces

to meet human need.

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Methods of policy practiceMethods of policy practice

Social Work Journal article by Figueira-McDonough

Legislative advocacyReform through litigationSocial action
