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Unit 1: Basics I. Introduction A. Traditional Grammar vs. Modern Linguistics B. Word: Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection / Article. C. Phrase: Noun Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverbial Phrase. D. Clause: Noun Clause, Adjective Clause, Adverbial Clause. E. Sentence: Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence, Complex Sentence. II. Sentence Structure A. Sentence: SUBJECT-PREDICATE B. SUBJECT: Subject (Modifier) C. PREDICATE: Verb (Object) (Complement) (Modifier) III. Sentence Patterns A. S + V (Complete Intransitive Verb) B. S + V + C (Incomplete Intransitive Verb) C. S + V + O (Complete Transitive Verb) D. S + V + O + C (Incomplete Transitive Verb) E. S + V + O + O (Dative Verb) IV. Useful Linguistic Terms A. Nominal B. Verbal C. Adjectival D. Adverbial 1

Unit 1: Basics

I. Introduction A. Traditional Grammar vs. Modern Linguistics

B. Word: Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection / Article.

C. Phrase: Noun Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverbial Phrase.

D. Clause: Noun Clause, Adjective Clause, Adverbial Clause.

E. Sentence: Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence, Complex Sentence.

II. Sentence Structure A. Sentence: SUBJECT-PREDICATE

B. SUBJECT: Subject (Modifier)

C. PREDICATE: Verb (Object) (Complement) (Modifier)

III. Sentence Patterns A. S + V (Complete Intransitive Verb)

B. S + V + C (Incomplete Intransitive Verb)

C. S + V + O (Complete Transitive Verb)

D. S + V + O + C (Incomplete Transitive Verb)

E. S + V + O + O (Dative Verb)

IV. Useful Linguistic Terms A. Nominal

B. Verbal

C. Adjectival

D. Adverbial


Sentence Patterns

A. S + V 1.He died.

2.The poor man works from morning till night.

B. S + V + C 1.She is ugly.

2.The intelligent young man became a famous lawyer.

C. S + V + O 1.John hates English.

2.The pretty little girl has a beautiful flower in her hand.

D. S + V + O + C 1.We made him sad.

2.All of us call him Big Head.

E. S + V + O + O 1. He gave me the book. (He gave the book to me.)

2. I bought her a dress. (I bought a dress for her.)

3.My best friend wrote me a very long letter.

4.The old lady cooked us a wonderful meal.

Exercise 1


I. Structure

1. is to arrange them in groups according to a fixed plan. (A)To classify things (B) Classified things (C)Classify things (D) In classifying things

2. on water depends on the density of the object itself and the water. (A) That an object floats (B) An object floats (C) Whether an object floats (D) An object floating

3. Most economists agree by trading with one another. (A) which nations gain (B) nations gained (C) that nations gain (D) nations gaining

4. It is known that ducks have been domesticated for many centuries commercially for their meat and eggs. (A) and have raised (B) and are raised (C) but being raised (D) but raised

5. some textile products, it imports many as well. (A) Even the U.S exports (B) Although the U.S exports (C) Despite the U.S exports (D) Though the U.S exporting

6. Dams are beneficial to the areas they are built. (A) that (B) that which (C) which (D) in which

7. , Juan Sanches has also written a number of books and plays. (A) To consider one of the leading poets in America today (B) Considering one of the leading poets in America today (C) Considered one of the leading poets in America today (D) To be consider one of the leading poets in America today

8. Of the 300 languages that were once spoken by Native American people, about today. (A) there existing 150 (B) existing 150 (C) existed 150 (D) 150 exist

9. Martha Graham, great modern choreographers, has run a dance company for half a century. (A) one of the (B) one of (C) one (D) the

10 . in arctic regions, the Aleuts construct igloos as temporary winter shelters. (A) When are traveling (B) When traveling

(C) While travel (D) Travel

II. Written Expression

1. As we know, liquid lubricants contrast widely in weighing, thickness, and boiling point.


A B C D .2.By the time Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in July 1969, there will have

A B C D been many space expeditions.

3.Jupiter is the bigger planet of the solar system, with a diameter approximately A B eleven times that of the Earth. C D

4.Principal known for his dictionary, Noah Webster was also an epidemiologist in A B C D the United States.

5.Throughout human history, shoes have been worn not only for protection and A B C D also for decoration.

6.All birds, alike most reptiles, develop from embryos in eggs outside the mother’s body. A B C D

7.Abbreviated word forms they are used in order to save space and time. A B C D

8.Who has not wondered whether is there intelligent life in galaxies beyond our own? A B C D

9.Comparative anatomy, that compares the body structures of different animals, is A B C closely related to evolutionary studies. D

10.It is generally recognized as the primary function of the Federal Reserve System A B C is to foster the flow of credit and money. D

Unit 2: The Nominal

I. Definition


A nominal is a word or word group that occurs in grammatical functions typical

of nouns.

II. Structure A. Noun

countable/uncountable; singular/plural

B. Pronoun

C. Noun Phrase

D. Noun Clause

With “that”/indirect question/with indefinite relative pronoun

E. Gerund

F. “the” + Participle

G. “the” + Adjective

H. Infinitive

I. Prepositional Phrase

III. Function A. Subject

B. Direct/Indirect Object

C. Subjective/Objective Complement

D. Object of Preposition

E. Appositive

Noun Clauses

A. Subject


1. That he is sick is true.

2. Who he was is not important.

1. Whether I like her or not is none of your business.

2. Whatever you do is O.K. with me.

B. Object 1. I know (that) he is sick.

2. We don’t understand why he did this.

3. He showed me how he had done it.

4. Please tell me whether you want to come or not.

C. Complement 1. The fact is that he is sick.

2. The truth is that nobody likes you.

D. Appositive 1. The fact that he is sick is known to everybody.

2. The report that he had been killed was really shocking.

3. The notion that men are wiser than women seems deep-rooted.

Exercise 2


I. Structure1. of the camel are used for some purpose by Arab nomads.

(A) They are all parts (B) All parts that(C) All parts (D) There are all parts

2. The of the United States extends westward from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.

(A) region which growing wheat (B) wheat-growing region(C) grown wheat region (D) region where wheat grow

3. to place physics and chemistry into separate categories. (A) Some times difficult (B) Some time is difficult (C) It is difficult sometime (D) Sometimes it is difficult

4. Interest in perception stems from questions about the sources and validity of .

(A)what it knows human knowledge (B) knowledge that human known (C) what is known as human knowledge (D) human knowing knowledge

5. Potatoes, the most important food staples, originated in South America.

(A) is one of (B) one of (A) is (D) it is

6. Parasitical roundworms have problems of drying out once they have located a host. (A) no (B) not (C) never (D) none

7. Western art in the Middle Ages was .(A)primarily an expression of religion (B) religion expressed primarily(C) expressing religion primarily (D) primarily what expressed religiously

8. Eliminating problems by to others is often called scapegoating.(A) the blames transferring (B) transfer blame(C) blames it transfer (D) transferring the blame

9. the nineteenth century witnessed the steady improvement of the means of travel.(A)A last half in (B) Last half in

(C) The half last of (D) The last half of

10. It seems that characters in realistic literature tend to be more complex than .(A) romantic literature (B) those are romantic literature

(C) those in romantic literature (D) romantic literature is

11. , sexual reproduction is essential to the survival of a species.(A)An extreme process vital (B) Extremely a vital process

(C) An extremely vital process (D) It is an extremely vital process

12. rushing down streams reaches the larger rivers; much of it is absorbed by vegetation.(A)Never all water (B) Not all water


(C) None the water (D) No any water

13. Regardless of , a business should provide satisfactory service to its customers.

(A) its products or prices (B) whether it is produced or priced (C) what is the price of producing (D) its production of price

14. In 1992 the American people elected William J. Clinton .(A) to the president of the United States (B) President of the United States(C) a president by the United States (D) United States of one President

15. Among , solar energy seems most likely to be largely utilized in the future.(A) knowing the resources (B) the known resources(C) the knowledge of resources (D) those resources that know

II. Written Expression

1. Fried chicken businesses in New Jersey say that are unperturbed by recent news reports A B C about large numbers of chickens dying from Newcastle Disease. D

2. The name of the sword fish comes from the tooth-lined shape and length of their beak. A B C D 3. At ordinary temperatures, vapors assume a liquid or solid state under high pressured.

A B C D 4. The three highest ranking marketing program for business majors is offered at

A B C D Harvard University.

5. Bertrand Russell is generally considered one of the greatest philosopher of all time. A B C D 6. A number of natural disaster occurred around the world during the past five years.

A B C D 7. The transformer makes possible to change the voltage of AC by a simple, static device, A B C

but this is not possible with DC. D

8. Investigators have never reached some agreement about the motives for the Kennedy A B C D assassination. 9. The main stream of a river is often divided into two and more branches near its mouth.



10. Social reformer Frederick Douglas, like many others of his time, dedicated his life to A B C work for the abolition of slavery. D

11. Long before the dawn of recorded history, humans celebrated to plant and harvest crops. A B C D 12. Inflation is the major problem affecting the people, the government, and the economics.

A B C D 13. The accuse was brought to the court, forced to confess his crime, and sentenced to death.

A B C D 14. Abbreviated typed abstracts they should be provided prior to important conferences

A B C to indicate the scope of the presentations. D

15. It is always important for a teenager to know who turn to when he or she has problems. A B C D

Unit 3: The Verbal


I. Definition

A verbal is a word or word group that occurs in grammatical functions typical of verbs.

II. Type A. Transitive/Intransitive

B. Complete/Incomplete

C. Dative with “to”/“for”/“of”

D. Regular/Irregular

III. Agreement

IV. Tense Present/Past/Future

V. Aspect

Simple/Progressive/Perfect/Perfect Progressive

VI. Voice


VII. MoodA. Indicative

B. Imperative

C. Subjunctive

Present/Future/Past/Past Perfect

V. Auxiliary

VI. Gerund

VII. Participle

VIII. Infinitive

Subjunctive Mood


I.1. If we stop here, we can have something to eat.

If it rains tomorrow, I will not go.

2. If I had a car, I could drive you home.

If I were you, I would not sit here and do nothing.

3. If John had stayed here, I might have killed him.

If I had had the money then, I would have bought the car.

4. If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay at home.

If he were to come, I might have time to see him.

II.1. I wish (that) I were able to answer your question.

I wish you could come to the party.

He wishes he had gone to the movies with the girls.

2. I hope (that) you are not so tired as I.

She hopes she can take a day off.

III.1. He talks as if he were the president.

2. You act as though you had been there before.

IV.1. The doctor suggests that the patient stop smoking.

2. He demanded that we leave immediately.

3. We insisted that the boy be given a second chance.

V.1. It is necessary that he do so.

2. It was important that you follow the instructions.

3. It is essential that my position be clearly understood.

The Gerund


I. 1. Walking in the rain is fun.

2. Eating too much is bad for your health.

3. There is no knowing what he will do.

4. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

II. 1. Seeing is believing.

2. His hobby is collecting stamps.

III. 1. Some people don’t enjoy smoking.

2. He has finished writing his paper.

3. I don’t like being asked to make a speech.

4. John denied having stolen the car.

IV.1. She is fond of reading novels.

2. He insisted on going alone.

3. George was punished for stealing money.

4. The art of painting is difficult to acquire.

5. Before leaving, let me tell you something.

6. Instead of going to the movies, we stayed at home.

V. 1. His going abroad upset his parents very much.

2. She is proud of her father’s being rich.

The Infinitive


I. A.1. To cheat in examinations is wrong.

It is wrong to cheat in examinations.2. To finish this job will take us a long time.

It will take us a long time to finish this job.

B. 1. I like to dance.2. We decided to leave the house.

C.1. To know her is to like her.2. My job was to keep them away.3. They seemed to be very tired.4. His son appears to be very polite.

D.1. I want you to go home.2. They believed his statement to be true.

II. 1. It is time to go.2. He gave me some coffee to drink.3. This is the right thing to do.

III.1. This car is easy to drive.2. I am sorry to hear that.3. He came to see my brother.4. It was too cold to swim.5. He is rich enough to buy the whole street.6. He got so angry as to hit me in the face.

IV.A.1. To solve this problem, you have to be very patient.2. In order to please his wife, he bought her a diamond ring.

B.1. To tell the truth, nobody likes you.2. To do him justice, he is an intelligent person.


The ParticipleI. 1. Do you know the man who lives upstairs?

Do you know the man living upstairs?2. John, who was trying to jump over the fence, broke his ankle,

John, trying to jump over the fence, broke his ankle.Trying to jump over the fence, John broke his ankle.

3. While I was walking down the street, I met an old friend.Walking down the street, I met an old friend.

4. She sat by the window and watched the birds outside.She sat by the window, watching the birds outside.

II.1. Being sick, he cannot attend the meeting.

His mother being sick, he cannot attend the meeting.2. Seeing a pretty girl, he decided to go in to the restaurant.

He seeing a pretty girl, his heart beat faster.

III.1. Arriving at the station , he found his friend had left. When he arrived at the station,……2. Being a stranger in the city , she didn’t know where to go. As she was a stranger in the city,……3. Opening to page 21, you will see a map of the country.

If you open to page 21,……4. Educated in Taiwan, he is considered one of the best chemists in the world.

Although he was educated in Taiwan,……5. Born in America, he is naturally a U.S. citizen.

Since he was born in America,……6. My work having been done, I went out for a walk.

After my work had been done,……

IV.1. Strictly speaking, he is not qualified.2. Judging from what I heard, he was guilty.3. There were thirty killed, including the crew.

V.1. While he was fighting in Vietnam, he was taken prisoner. While fighting in Vietnam,……2. He will do it if he is properly encouraged. ……if properly encouraged.3. Although he is coming home again, he is not happy. Although coming home again,……


Exercise 3

I. Structure

1. As a resident of Little Rock, Arkansas, Bill Clinton to the White House in 1992.

(A)when he was elected (B) who was elected (C)was elected (D) elected

2. John H. Johnson, a physicist and novelist, and spent his entire life in Santa Barbara, California.

(A)raised (B) who was raised (C)were raised (D) was raised

3. Being an honest person, Joseph Hartman has returned . (A)the purse to its original owner (B) the purse its original owner (C)its original owner the purse (D) to its original owner for the purse

4. Oil, as we all know, is a liquid that with water. (A)not combines (B) never combine (C)do not combine (D) does not combine

5. President Truman said to the American people, “In your hands and in those of your friends .”

(A)the future lie (B) lying the future (C)lies the future (D) the future lays

6. The recent discovery of an ancient temple in Yucatan, Mexico, the great age of Mayan civilization.

(A)has brought light to (B) light has brought to (C)to light it has brought (D) has brought to light

7. more efficiently, many companies have changed their policies. (A)Being made to flow capital (B) To make capital flow (C)Making flow the capital (D) To flow one capital

8. , green plants break up carbon dioxide into oxygen for human breathing.

(A)To function the earth’s lungs (B) Functioning the earth’s lungs (C)Functioned as the earth’s lungs (D) Functioning as the earth’s lungs

9. The students didn’t know in the school campus until the class was over. (A)what is happening (B) where it happened (C)how it will happen (D) what had happened

10. to the airport, when it began to snow. (A)Hardly the contingent had got (B) The contingent had got hardly (C)Had the contingent got hardly (D) Hardly had the contingent got


11. that promise, but he also kept it.(A) Not only Roosevelt has made (B) Roosevelt not only made(C) Not only did Roosevelt make (D) Roosevelt did not make only

12. No man had more effect on the daily lives of the American people , a pioneer in auto production.

(A) as Henry Ford was (B) than was Henry Ford (C) as Henry Ford did (D) than did Henry Ford

13. With the invention of the printing press, the number of the Bible rose dramatically.

(A) people regularly reading (B) people who regularly reading (C) reading regularly (D) who read regularly

14. The Republic of China, , is now trying to reenter it. (A) has been out of the U.N. once (B) once forced out of the U.N. (C) which has forced once out of the U.N. (D) it was once forced out by the U.N.

15. The whole plan might have been ruined for J.E. Hoover. (A) it not having been (B) it is not being (C) had it not been (D) it has not been

II. Written Expression

1. The American Bar Association, founded in 1878, being the largest professional association A B C of U.S. lawyers. D

2. The number of living creatures are constantly changing. A B C D

3. The athlete, together with his coaches, are traveling to the Olympic Games. A B C D

4. There have been little change in the patient’s condition since he was moved to the intensive care A B C D unit.

5. A desert area that has been without water for six years may still bloom when rain will come. A B C D . 6. Not until the end of the First World War did the cause of the disease clearly understood

A B C D by scientists.

7. If Columbus sailed further north, he might have discovered North America. A B C D


8. President Clinton said in public that he wished he did not have the abnormal sexual relation A B C Dwith Lewinsky.

9. It’s high time men cease to regard women as second-class citizens. A B C D

10. The doctors at the hospital suggested that the patient, whose health was A B

deteriorating rapidly, had to stop smoking immediately. C D

11. In addition to provide lodgings for strangers, the taverns of colonial America were also A B C meeting places for townsfolk. D

12. The microwave oven is a household appliance which is used to thaw, heating, or cook food, A B C without using gas. D

13. Amnesty International, basing in London, is an organization devoted to helping people A B C imprisoned for their political or religious beliefs. D

14. When driven on the superhighway, it is always important not to forget to fasten the seat belt. A B C D

15. The notion that hard-driving “Type A” characters have the most heart attacks hasn’t A B C holded up under scrutiny. D

16. It’s difficult but interesting for a sports fan to maintain detailed records of his favorite athlete’s A B C D performance.

17. Actress Ana Molina did her debut in the movie “La Guerra” in 1967, in which she A B played the role of a common village girl who lost her whole family in a civil war. C D

18. A paragraph is a portion of a text consisting one or more sentences related to the same idea. A B C D

19. The early settlers fell trees and built log cabins on the hillside that faced the sea. A B C D

20. The rascal who brutally murdered the aging mayor was hung in front of the town hall while more A B C

than two hundred spectators were there watching.



Unit 4: The AdjectivalI. Definition An adjectival is a word or word group that occurs in grammatical

functions typical of adjectives.

II. StructureA. Adjective

B. Adjective Phrase

C. Adjective (Relative) Clause

D. Prepositional Phrase

E. Infinitive

F. Present / Past Participle

G. Gerund

H. Noun

III. Relative ClauseA. With Relative Pronoun

B. With Relative Adverb

C. Restricted Use: Adjectival

D. Nonrestricted Use: Nominal

E. Prepositional Relative Pronoun

F. Indefinite Relative Pronoun


Relative Clauses

A. With Relative Pronoun

1. This is the man who killed John

2. The house which was burned down last night was George’s.

3. Children whose parents are dead are called orphans.

B. With Relative Adverb

1. We don’t know the exact time when he will leave

2. I went to see the place where he lived.

3. He will tell you the reason why he didn’t come.

C. Restricted Use

1. A man who/whom I had never seen before came to see me.

2. The girls who know how to dance, are invited.

D. Nonrestricted Use

1. George, whose house was burned down last night, is upset.

2. The girls, who know how to dance, are invited.

E. Prepositional Relative Clause

1. The man to whom I talked last night is a doctor.

2. This is the house in which he was born.

F. Indefinite Relative Clause

1. You can give it to whoever wants it.

2. You may take whichever you like.

3. Whatever you say now will be recorded.


Exercise 4

I. Structure

1. It is common sense that fingerprints are exactly the same. (A) no two (B) none two (C) not two (D) never two

2. It is prohibited by law to mail anything that might prove in transport.

(A) danger (B) endanger (C) dangerous (D) dangerously

3. The improvements made on the computer in recent years make to process information in a matter of a few seconds.

(A) possible (B) possibly (C) it possible (D) it is possible

4. of coffee may result in restlessness, insomnia, or some other more serious problems.

(A) Drinking in excess (B) To drink excessively (C) The drinking excessive (D) Excessive drinking

5.The jet stream, as scientists call it, is a narrow current of .(A) air flows fast (B) fast-flowing air

(C) flow fast air (D) fast-flown air

6. The apple, unlike the orange, is a fruit which grows in temperate climates.

(A) smooth skin (B) skin which is smooth (C) skin-smooth (D) smooth-skinned

7. No matter how , it is worthless if it cannot function.(A) a car may look beautiful (B) a beautiful car may look

(C) may a beautiful car look (D) beautiful a car may look

8. Among to the party were some very important literary figures of our time.

(A) those who invited (B) those were invited (C) those invited (D) those who were inviting

9. The Caribbean is a warm, pleasant area, . (A) which many people vacation (B) where many people vacation

(C) that many people have vacationed (D) in which many people vacationing

10. The extent of the harmful influence of bacteria depends on the soil .(A) in the plants growing (B) which the plants grow


(C) which the plants growing in (D) in which the plants grow11. The P.R. staff, to deal with people, are indispensable to a successful business.

(A)whose function it is (B) who are functioning (C) which function is (D) for whom the function

12. You can pass on this information to . (A) who do you trust (B) whom you trust

(C) in whom you trust (D) whomever you trust

II. Written Expression

1. An increased number of people are emigrating to other countries where the living standards A B C are said to be higher. D

2. The American team, consisting of twelve seven-feet-tall players, is considered the best in the A B C D world.

3. Two boys students are reported to have been kidnapped by several gangsters. A B C D

4. As we all know, the Japan economy affects those of many other Asian countries. A B C D

5. Anderson is a rather discreet person; that is why the enemy can only squeeze out a few informations A B C D from his mouth. 6. The fact that Chaplain appeared sadly in many of his films perhaps reflects his actual personal life. A B C D 7. Most of people, especially children, are afraid to go see the dentist, for the mere thought of the A B C D drill is frightening enough. 8. Some of the remote areas in Montana still lack clean drink water. A B C D

9. The drunk sailor was robbed of all his belongings and left lying unconscious on the dock. A B C D

10. There are always many things to be doing in an area that has suffered a natural disaster. A B C D


11. Among the students from countries outside of the U.S, he along knows every detail of A B C that tragic incident. D

12. English, many people believe, is comparatively more easy to learn than most of the other


Indo-European languages. D

13. A pigeon feather is light, soft, but has strength, perfectly suited to flight. A B C D

14. Those are encouraged to be independent, responsible, and competent in childhood are A B more likely to succeed later on in life. C D

15. Acupuncture is a form of medical therapy in which involves inserting thin, solid needles into A B C selective sites on the surface of the body. D

16. People who have a high calcium diet run a smaller risk of developing osteoporosis, a A B C condition on which bones become brittle. D

17. Hitler, like Stalin, was one of the most vicious rulers who the world has ever witnessed. A B C D

18. The function of the brake, that may be the most important part of a car, is to slow down A B C D the speed and/or stop the car.


Unit 5: The Adverbial

I. Definition An adverbial is a word or word group that occurs in grammatical

functions typical of adverbs.

II. StructureA. Adverb

B. Adverbial Phrase

C. Adverbial Clause

D. Prepositional Phrase

E. Infinitive

F. Participial Construction

G. Absolute Participial Construction

H. Present Participle

III. Adverbial ClauseA. Time

B. Condition

C. Reason

D. Purpose

E. Result

F. Concession

G.. Comparison

H. Manner

I. Extent

J. Place


Adverbial Clauses

A. Time1. I met an old friend while I was taking a walk.2. When the police came, he was talking a shower.

B. Condition1. If you turn to the right, you will see the bank.2. You will not pass the exam unless you study harder.

C. Reason1. He can’t attend the meeting because he is sick.2. Since we don’t have enough money, we can’t buy the house.

D. Purpose1. I got up early so that I might be in time for the train.2. He walked fast lest he should be late for work.

E. Result1. I am so hungry that I can eat a horse.2. She is such a nice girl that everybody likes her.

F. Concession1. Although he is rich, he works very hard.2. He is strong though he is old.

G. Comparison1. He is younger than I am.2. You are less intelligent than she is.

H. Manner1. Do in Rome as the Romans do.2. You talk as if you knew everything.I. Extent1. As far as I know, he is a very good student.2. So far as this matter is concerned, time is crucial.

J. Place1. Where there is a will, there is a way.2. Stay where you are.


Exercise 5

I. Structure

1. , the spy turned out to be a woman at the end of John Grisham’s latest novel. (A) It is surprising (B) How surprising it is (C) Surprisingly (D) Surprised

2. Governor Bob Stowe gave the rescuer a reward of $10.000 . (A) to save his son’s life (B) because has saved his son’s life (C) in saving his son’s life (D) for having saved his son’s life

3. by the judge’s decision, the plaintiff left the county courtroom quickly. (A) Angry (B) Angering (C) Angered (D) Angrily

4. On hearing of the earthquake, . (A) the Red Cross aid was sent immediately (B) the Red Cross sent aid immediately (C) aid by the Red Cross was immediately sent (D) immediate aid was sent by the Red Cross

5. time and labor, construction workers generally use ready-made building materials. (A) To save (B) The saving of (C) Having saved (D) Saved

6. , the research team decided to return to the mainland. (A) Their work was done (B) They had done their work (C) After their work had done (D) Their work having been done

7. The hostess of the night, , was full of good humor. (A) as soon as everyone arriving (B) while everyone was arrived (C) once everyone had arrived (D) until everyone would arrive

8. , we saw nothing but blackened ruins. (A) Where was the fire (B) Where the fire having been (C) Where the fire had been (D) Wherever had the fire

9. According to the news report, there will be no trains tomorrow .

(A) unless the strike calls off (B) if not the strike is called off (C) unless the strike is called off (D) if the strike isn’t calling off

10. the murderer went down on bended knees, the family of the victim wouldn’t forgive him.

(A) Even although (B) Not only


(C) No sooner than (D) Even if

11. David Hardy met an old friend one harsh winter night down Fifth Avenue in New York.

(A) when walked (B) as he had walked (C) while walking (D) while he walking

12. , Robert Pearson decided to attend the course offered by the department anyway.(A)Although he was knowing Spanish

(B) Though he was known Spanish(B) Even though his knowing Spanish(D)Although knowing Spanish

13. , young Thomas Wood was active in the dramatic society. (A) When he had been at Cambridge (B) When he being at Cambridge (C) While at Cambridge (D) While Cambridge

14. , please consult the manual.(A) If difficulty (B) When in difficulty

(C) As it being difficulty (D) While being difficult

15. Wittgenstein played the clarinet . (A) when a young man (B) while he was being a young man (C) as he had been a young man (D) a young man


Ⅱ. Written Expression

1. The old desk isn’t enough good for office use, but maybe it can be given away to someone else. A B C D

2. The piece was so beautiful done that all the listeners in the music hall felt like applauding. A B C D

3. Alan Peterson wins the science award every time because his projects are A B C well presented extremely. D4. Aluminum occurs never as a metal in nature because of its strong affinity to oxygen. A B C D

5. The room was so crowded and noisy that the audience could not hardly hear what the speaker A B C was saying. D

6. In the Caribbean area, hurricanes are a frequent and often threat during the late spring. A B C D


7. The Ford Auto Company revolutionized American society by making cheap cars A B readily and easily available. C D8. It is common economic knowledge that consumer prices may rise up sharply in response to

A B C D demand.

9. The announcement says that Rod Stewart, a Pop Rock superstar, will show up in his person at A B C

the opening ceremony tomorrow. D

10. The autobike is different from the regular bike in which the former is powered by a gasoline A B C D


11. Because Michael Jackson is such a popular singer, so he is always surrounded by fans A B C wherever he goes. D

12. Although some people think Bill Clinton is a pretty good president, but others believe that he is A B C dishonest and insincere. D

13. From the Tokyo area down to northern Kyushu lie an almost continuous band of factories and A B C houses, broken only occasionally by mountain ridges. D

14. Only through the work of Isadora Duncan in the early 1900’s did American theatrical dance A B C proved influential on Russian ballet. D

15. Not until the doctor was sure that everything was all right he left the emergency room. A B C D


Unit 6:Conjunctions & Pronouns

I. Conjunctions

A. Coordinate


B. Subordinate

Noun Clause/Adjective Clause/Adverbial Clause

II. Pronouns

A. Personal

B. Possessive

C. Reflexive

D. Demonstrative

E. Interrogative

F. Relative

G. Indefinite


Exercise 6

I. Structure

1. Madonna may not be the best female singer in the world, she is, no doubt, the most famous. (A) because (B) yet (C) who (D) and

2. Not only energy essential to success in life. (A) but also patience are (B) but is patience also (C) but patience is (D) and patience are

3. Jennifer Lopez not only is a famous movie star a popular singer. (A) but she has become (B) also has she become (C) but also has become (D) but has become also

4. Neither you the answer to the question. (A) nor I and anybody know (B) and I or anybody knows

(C)nor I or anybody know (D) nor I nor anybody knows

5. John Houston’s hair white. (A) and his eyebrows are also (B) also his eyebrows too are (C) as well as his eyebrows is (D) his eyebrows as well is

6. In appearance, Doug Nash looks rather common, he is the No. one man of one of the biggest enterprises in the world.

(A) in spite of (B) even though (C) because of (D) so that

7. the Act is passed, the city government decides to tear down the building immediately. (A) In case (B) Due to (C) Not until (D) Now that

8. When light enters the eye, it hits the retina, surface is sensitive to light. (A) which (B) with which (C) to what (D) whose

9. millions of galaxies exist in the vast space outside the Milky Way. (A) It is assumed that (B) That is assumed (C) An assumption is (D) The assumption that

10. The higher we ascend, . (A) the thinner the air (B) the air is thinner (C) the less thin the air (D) than the air is thin


11. Leaves are to the plant lungs are to the animal. (A) which (B) so (C) what (D) like

12. only seeks for faults finds nothing else. (A) One which (B) He who (C) A person (D) In one who

13. given to the neighbors when the Clarks moved to California. (A) A part of their furnitures were (B) Parts of their furniture was (C) Part of their furniture was (D) The part of their furniture were

14. The Mercedes Benz has become almost the most popular imported car in some Asian countries, are simply too rich. (A) since some of Asians (B) because of the Asians (C) for some Asians (D) as long as Asians

15. The question is not whether it is right or wrong, with morality. (A) therefore it does nothing (B) however there is something to do (C) so it has nothing to do (D) nevertheless something is doing

16. Many people hate eating fat meat, enjoy it very much. (A) hence the others all (B) and so do many others (C) when all of others (D) while many others

II. Written Expression

1. A poet and a novelist, Miguel de Unamuno was one of the most important Spanish writers in the A B C D 20th century.

2. Not only his students but professor Sapir himself were totally in the wrong. A B C D

3. Aluminum has been detected in the brain cells of Alzheimer’s patients, but it is not known A B the metal’s presence is a cause or an effect of the disease. C D

4. The reason many people choose to become doctors is because they can achieve both wealth and A B C D status.

5. Linguistics is not a self-sufficient discipline however an interdisciplinary field which deals with A B C D many aspects of the human language.


6. The period during when man learned to cultivate the land is commonly known as the Agricultural A B C D Revolution.

7. What you have in hand is that you can really count on. A B C D8. Telescopes make stellar phenomena seem very closer than they actually are. A B C D

9. This new auditorium is more than twice so large as the older one. A B C D

10. The 1995 Kobe Earthquake is one of the worst natural disasters which the world has ever A B C D witnessed.

11. The unemployment rate during the past ten years has risen less faster than that of the previous A B C decade. D

12. According to his teacher, Edison was a lot more diligent than any boy in his class. A B C D

13. Surprisingly, the younger applicant is superior than the older one in experience. A B C D

14. The book, although written in old English, is not in a least difficult to understand. A B C D

15. I personally do not consider this odd that she was absent from class yesterday. A B C D

16. He wants to know if any friends of you want to go hunting with him. A B C D

17. The Chinese people always pride them on their long history and ancient civilization without A B C realizing their own faults. D

18. In U.S. history, the abolitionists were they who sought to end the institution of black slavery. A B C D

19. The population of China is far larger than that of Canada, even though the later has a greater area. A B C D


20. The mountaineers must take some others clothes, for these ones may not be warm enough. A B C D21. Much of equipment in the lab was stolen last night during the blackout. A B C D22. Even though separated, Simon and Louise still see each other each two weeks without failing. A B C D

23. Paula Jones may have some faults, but not the less she is the best among them. A B C D

24. I bought a same watch as the one I had lost during my trip to South America. A B C D


Unit 7:Prepositions & Articles

I. Prepositions

A. Time

B. Place

C. Other Uses:Means, Purpose, Possession, Condition, Relation, Cause ,

Material, Origin, etc.

D. Idioms

E. Phrasal Prepositions

F. Prepositional Phrases

G. Prepositional Verbs

H. Prepositional Adverbs

I. Prepositions or Conjunctions?J. Prepositional ‘to’ or Infinitive ‘to’?

II. Articles

A. Definite

B. Indefinite

C. Phrases with ‘the’

D. Phrases with ‘a’

E. Phrases with ‘the’ or ‘a’ omitted


Exercise 7

I. Structure

1.Tom Hanks received the Academy Award the Best Actor again this year.

(A) for (B) as though(C) by (D) notwithstanding

2.The drunken man was stopped by police because he was driving sixty miles an hour in a forty-mile zone.

(A) with (B) as much as (C) at less (D) at

3.As we all know, cosmology is the study of the universe .(A) which it is a whole (B) it is a whole (C) as a whole (D) as whole

4.In some elementary school classes, Spanish English is now being used in teaching.

(A) in place (B) replaced(C) as well (D) instead of

5. fate’s capricious hand, it is impossible to predict what the future will herald.(A) Because (B) Be it (C) Due to (D) In spite of

6. A refractory is a kind of material that can withstand high temperatures .(A) while not having softness (B) without becoming soft(C) in addition to without softness (D) but does not soft

7. some rare cases, doctors in big cities don’t normally make house calls.(A) Not only (B) Only in the (C) Except for (D) Not for those

8.Butter and cheese are usually sold at the market .(A) by a pound (B) in pound (C) in the pound (D) by the pound

9.A square meter is larger than a square yard.(A) a few (B) few(C) a little (D) little

10.Everyday, , these scientists work laboriously in the hope of finding some evidence to support their theory.

(A) from the morning till night (B) from morning through night


(C) from morning till night (D) from the morning to the night

11.According to her best friend, actually Michelle Young’s favorite food.(A) bread and butter is (B) bread, with the butter, is(C) the bread and butter, is (D) the bread, together with the butter, are

12. Although looking older and more mature, Joseph Norman is in fact .(A) younger than they do (B) the younger of the two(C) youngest of them all (D) the youngest of the two

II. Written Expression

1. Since 1945 to 1956, Dr. Edward Levinson was the senior attending surgeon at Provident A B C Hospital in New York. D

2. In America, as well as in many other countries or areas, all vehicles and pedestrians are A B required to move along in the right side of the street. C D

3. Not like most rock groups, Queen consisted of four “scholars,” all with a Master degree. A B C D

4. An “unit” is usually defined as “a standard basic quantity” or “a distinct part with a specific A B C D


5. Son of minister, James Reed graduated first from Syracuse and then from Harvard law school A B C

at the age of 25. D

6. Part of the sunlight that hits the earth is reflected into the sky, and a rest is absorbed by the A B C D


7. In the turn of the century, the Levinson family moved to New York, all the way from Portland, A B C D


8. Prior the invention of the computer, information storing was a chore for office workers. A B C D

9. In among the most often seen birds on the island, the thrush seems the commonest.



10. The wine in this barrel is made from grapes while the barrel itself is made from wood. A B C D

11. A total number of homeless people in New York today probably ranges somewhere under A B C 15,000, a scholar and expert on the homeless issue recently concluded. D

12. In October 1994, President Clinton signed in law a bill that requires districts to expel for at A B C D least one year any student who brings a gun to school.

13. The policeman stopped the speeding teenage motorcyclist and asked him where he A B was heading in such big hurry. C D

14. At the late 50’s and early 60’s, listening to the radio rather than watching TV was the A B C most common home activity. D

15. It’s probably correct that there was a lot of discrimination against women in ancient China, A B C like almost any ancient society. D

16. According to a Congress report, while World War II many Asian women, including A B Taiwanese and Koreans, were forced to become “comfort women” for Japanese soldiers. C D

17. Despite Professor Chomsky’s speech was boring, the listeners all appeared to be engrossed A B C in it. D

18. In a time when prevalent materialism is causing a swelling amount of garbage, installing more A B C incinerators has become an urgent task. D

19. Used to work outdoors in the winter, these farmers don’t even bother to put on heavy coats A B C when they are out in the snow. D


20. It is almost a rule in history that at times of civil unrest, freedoms are restricted and laws A B C D become stringent.

21. On most American people’s opinion, those who are responsible for last week’s bombing in A B C D Oklahoma City should be severely punished.

22. Sex is no longer a forbidden topic nowadays, due in a part to the efforts of many feminists. A B C D

23. Until recently, medical researchers could offer sympathy and a little else to Alzheimer’s A B C D


24. By looking for related genes whose functions are known, we can identify candidates as theA B C D

cause of the human disease.

25. Not so long before, many doctors concealed a cancer diagnosis from patients, fearing that A B C D their psychological pain would be unbearable.

26. The publisher soon discovered that the idea appeals with a wide audience, including both A B C male and female students from elementary school to college. D

27. Not only do physicians have a few ideas about the cause of Alzheimer’s disease, but they A B even have trouble diagnosing it. C D

28. There is often great value to know one’s fate even when nothing can be done to escape it. A B C D


Unit 8:A Selective Review

I. InversionA. With sentence-initial negatorsB. In the subjunctive moodC. In comparative structures (optional)D. Verbs of location or movement-with sentence-initial adverbials of place (optional)

II. Parallel structureIII. Double ComparativeⅣ. Double SubjectⅤ. Dummy SubjectⅥ. Dummy ObjectⅦ. Cleft SentenceⅧ. Non-finite ClausesⅨ. Word OrderⅩ. Collocation do/make/take/have/give/keep/pay

XI. RhetoricA. Faulty Word Usage alike/like/likely; almost/most/mostly; less/lest/least ;

life/live/alive; lose/loss/loose; affect/effect; lie/lay ;rise/raise; beside/besides; later/latter; further/farther ;popular/populous; industrial/industrious; sensitive/sensible; incredible/incredulous; uninterested/disinterested;valueless/invaluable

B. RedundancyC. AmbiguityD. Misplaced ModifierE. Dangling Modifier


I A. Not only……but also Never…… No sooner……than Hardly……when Not until…… (Only……)Ⅵ. ……make it possible to…… ……find it hard to…… ……consider it odd that…… ……make it clear that……Ⅸ. * N + Adj * Adj + Adv enough + N Adj / Adv +enough Be / Auxiliary + Adverbial of Frequency Adverbial of Frequency + Common VerbⅩ. do damage, harm, duty, no good, a favor, etc. make a decision, a choice, an attempt, a offer, progress, improvements, efforts, trouble, one’s debut, etc. take a break, a picture, a look, a walk, an interest in ,pity on, etc. have a good time, a nice day, it one’s way, etc. give permission, an explanation, it a try, etc. keep (on) V-ing, it up, an eye on, etc. pay attention to, a visit, one’s tribute, etc.

XI. B *very perfect, *very extremely, *poisonous and toxic, *easily and readily, *help and assist, *decline down, *rise up, *a false lie, *a female actress.


Exercise 8

I. Structure

1. Recent studies indicate that Alakuma was established before A.D. 1000, the oldest continuously occupied village in North America. (A) thus making it (B) therefore it made (C) when it was making (D) and it made

2. , Joe Jackson freed all the slaves and then ran in a different direction all by himself, deliberately leaving traces behind. (A) Undaunting completely (B) Completely undaunted (C) Although he not completely daunted (D) As soon as he was undaunted completely

3. given every opportunity, Chris Crosby never made the grade. (A) Though he (B) Although he had (C) Even though (D) In spite of

4. Dalmatians will become mere “toy” dogs, . (A) when they don’t train completely (B) while completely not training (C) if left completely untrained (D) leaving untrained completely

5. Although frequently consumed in salads, ________ as a cooked vegetable. (A) people also use lettuce (B) they are also used lettuce (C) lettuce is also used (D) lettuce it is used also

6. Having written several best-sellers, . (A)a new novel is being worked on by John Grisham (B)a new novel by John Grisham is worked on (C)John Grisham now works on a new novel (D)John Grisham is now working on a new novel

7. , the government decided to help the unemployed find jobs. (A) Instead of money (B) Instead of its money (C) Instead of being given money (D) Instead of giving them money

8. We judge our friends . (A)both by what they say and their actions (B)by both what they say and how they act too (C)by their words also by their actions both (D)both by what they say and by how they act

9. , which obtain nourishment by acquiring and ingesting their food, plants manufacture


their own food. (A) Not similarly to animals (B) Without liking animals (C) Different in animals (D) Unlike animals

10. Most linguists believe that early European societies had a great deal of contact . (A) to each other (B) with one another (C) with the other (D) within themselves

II. Written Expression

1. Despite its light weight, aluminum can easily be made enough strong to replace heavier and more A B C D costly metals.

2. Writing in the form of a beast fable, George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a story about the rebellion of A B domestic animal against their human oppressors. C D

3. The American Cancer Society awards grants for research, providing information about detection, A B treatment, and prevention, and offers special services to patients. C D

4. The unemployment rate during this past quarter has risen faster than those of any other quarter this A B C D year.

5. The most worst economic depression of the twentieth century began in the United States and spread A B C abroad in the 1930’s. D

6. The chemistry laboratory is more than twice as big like an ordinary classroom. A B C D

7. Just alike to other animal groups, monkeys are divided into numerous species. A B C D 8. Not like the camel, its south American relative, the llama does not have a bump. A B C D

9. A scientist worthy of the name does not do hasty conclusions based on the results of one experiment. A B C D

10. In ancient times, priests played a vital role in maintaining stability, providing spiritual support, and A B C


making charity. D

11. While taking pictures, the photographer must put attention to keeping the camera steady. A B C D

12. Jenny Lee had her mother a hard time on the bus by fighting with her sister and screaming. A B C D 13. Many famous scholars mastered subjects normally learned by adults when they were hardly not A B C secondary school age. D

14. Arsenic, a very poisonous and toxic compound, is used in small quantities as an ingredient in A B C D medicine.

15. It is possible that manned flights to Mars may probably occur within the next decade. A B C D

16. Some men cannot avoid their wives from overusing their credit cards and running up huge bills. A B C D

17. Disputes among two countries should be handled cautiously, for otherwise they may result in war. A B C D

18. If found on a ship or plane landing on American soil, the imported illegally goods are confiscated by A B C D the U.S. Coast Guard.

19. A total eclipse isn’t exactly rare― it occurs each year or two, and partial eclipses more often―but it A is visible from a different set of locations each time and doesn’t return to the same spot in one life time. B C D

20. Likely many medical researchers, David Snowdon, a University of Kentucky epidemiologist, has A cultivated an affectionate, intensely personal relationship with his subjects. B C D


Exercise 9

I. Structure

1.Despite his appearance, .(A) a good sense of humor had Sean Connery(B) but had Sean Connery a good sense of humor(C) Sean Connery had a good sense of humor(D) Sean Connery, having a good sense of humor

2.A land of many lakes, .(A) thriving on tourists, Minnesota is an area(B) and Minnesota a thriving tourist area(C) Minnesota is a thriving tourist area(D) that Minnesota thrives on tourists

3.The tongue, , is an important aid in chewing and swallowing.(A) is the chief organ of taste (B) tasting the organ chiefly(C) the chief organ of taste (D) the organ tastes chiefly

4. , the constitution of the Cherokee Nation provided for a chief executive, a senate, and a house of representatives.

(A) In 1827 they drafted (B) Drafted in 1827(C) To draft in 1827 (D) Drafting in 1827

5. , the baseball game was postponed.(A)Although was the weather (B) Because of the weather(C) Nevertheless the weather (D) Since to the weather

6.After the war, having fled his homeland, .(A) arrived in America (B) arrived in America did Jacob(C) America was arrived (D) Jacob arrived in America

7. , Joseph Smith was wounded twice.(A)While fighting in Vietnam (B) Fought there in Vietnam(C) Fighting Vietnam (D) When fought in Vietnam

8.All gases expand heated.(A) when (B) how(C) about (D) in

9. The Appalachian Mountains, , are located in the eastern part of the U.S.A.(A) is also known as the Appalachians (B) which also knows as the Appalachians(C) the Appalachians is also known (D) also known as the Appalachians


10.In the eastern part of New Jersey , a major shipping and manufacturing center.(A) the city of Elizabeth lies there (B) around the city of Elizabeth lies(C) there lies the city of Elizabeth around (D) lies the city of Elizabeth

11.Uranium is extremely reactive it combines vigorously with oxygen.(A)which (B) and(C) such (D) but

12.Science fiction is a new genre of writing, similar literature was found in ancient times.(A)what (B) or (C) but (D) so

13.Frank Sinatra not only was a famous singer became a dramatic actor.(A)nonetheless (B) but also(C) besides (D) as well as

14.It is generally believed by a single explosion, called the “Big Bang.”(A)what the universe was formed (B) universe was formed(C) that the universe was formed (D) it is the universe that was formed

15 black holes are formed is not well understood. (A) How (B) Now that

(C) Except for (D)That

16.Based on her studies of contrasting patterns of culture, Margaret Mead came to the conclusion extremely malleable.

(A) is human nature (B) which is that human nature (C) is human nature which (D) that human nature is

17.The part of the ocean floor gently away from the continent is called the continental shelf.

(A) slopes (B) and slopes(C) slopes that (D) that slopes

18.The extent of the harmful effect of the poisonous weeds on animals depends on the soil the plants grow.

(A) in (B) which(C) which in (D) in which

19.The car, had seen better days, finally broke down.(A)which (B) it (C) when (D) that

20.Arizona is a hot, dry state many elderly people retire.(A) there (B) where(C) and (D) which

21. or more chemical elements unite, they form a compound.


(A) Two such (B) There are two(C) When two (D) Whereas two

22.Gorillas are quiet animals, they are able to make about twenty different sounds.(A) how (B) even if(C) even though (D) because

23.Not until they have their first job the difference between learning and experience.(A) finding out (B) they find out(C) and they find out (D) do they find out

24.American workers demand more pay of many other countries.(A) than do those (B) than those are(C) than are those (D) than those do

25.The smaller an object’s mass, the easier .(A) than lifting up or setting down (B) it is to lift it up or set down(C) than it is lifted or set it down (D) it lifts up or sets down

II. Written Expression

1. The first libraries in the North American colonies was established in Massachusetts in the year 1638. A B C D

2. In the Middle Ages taxes were paid with good rather than money. A B C D

3. Sound waves entering the ear and are changed into nerve signals that are subsequently sent to A B C the brain. D

4. Sociological studies have found that deeply hold values are highly resistant to change. A B C D

5. The unusual formations in caves are composed from minerals dissolved in water dripping from A B C D the upper surface.

6. Interest in major social events led up a period of growth in journalism after 1945. A B C D7. Unlikely the camel, its South American relative, the llama does not have a hump. A B C D

8. The purpose of inductive logic is to inferring general laws from particular occurrences. A B C D


9. In addition to do push-ups with one hand, Wackie Jones could also stand on one leg for hours. A B C D

10. Owls they possess the ability to rotate their heads more than 360 degrees. A B C D

11. In conduction and convection, moving particles they transmit heat. A B C D

12. Because their poor voices, many silent film stars did not continue when sound tracks were A B C introduced. D

13. The development of the airplane was speeded up by its extensive use while World War I. A B C D

14. Although his deformity and extreme poverty, Jack Adams strived to become a respectable A B C D entrepreneur.

15. So soon as an infant snake is born, it is able to take care of it. A B C D

16. Mercury differs from other industrial metals in which it is a liquid. A B C D

17. The unemployment rate during this past quarter has risen more faster than that of any other A B C D quarter this year.

18. The living room is more than twice as wide like the kitchen. A B C D

19. Like other animal groups, monkeys are divided into numerous specieses. A B C D

20. Dogs possess hearing abilities far superior than those of their owners. A B C D

21. Mike Wayne was so busy working than he completely forgot the time. A B C D

22. People who lose a great deal of weight at special health centers feel that they are the most lucky A B C D ones in the world.

23. The captain, together with all other crew members, were drowned.



24. Television coverage can provide news reporting which is instantaneous, relevant, but interesting A B C on a worldwide scale. D

25. The microwave oven is an appliance used to thaw, heat, or cook food, without use gas. A B C D

26. A economic boost to a stalled economy can be made by moves on the part of the government. A B C D

27.Part of the moisture that falls to the earth is absorbed or evaporated, a rest finds its way into our A B C D streams and rivers.

28. A scientist worthy of the name does not make hasty conclusions based on the results of one A B C D experiment.

29. While taking pictures, the photographer must pay special attention to keep the camera steady. A B C D

30. Many famous scholars mastered subjects normally learned by adults when they were not hardly A B C secondary school ages. D

31. Arsenic, a very extremely toxic compound, is used in small quantities as an ingredient in A B C D medicine.

32. Vaccinations build up children’s resistance to diseases that might otherwise catch. A B C D

33. The canvas on which an artist paints is stretched tight so that can work on a taut surface. A B C D

34. Some men cannot prevent their wives to overusing their credit cards and running up huge bills. A B C D

35. Disputes between two countries should be handled cautiously, for otherwise they may A B C result from war. D


