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Unit 18 evaluation

Date post: 26-Jun-2015
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Unit 18 Evaluation Overall I am happy with the worked that we produced in our group, as we managed to create adverts that worked reasonably well but I think if I was to make these adverts again especially the print advert, I would try and make the graphics slightly better in Photoshop so I would try and gain a bit more experience using it that way I think that my print adverts would look more professional. Our research showed that companies used a blue colour scheme as it means clarity and trust and well as it looking clear as blue is like a minty flavour, so we did the same as we thought it would make our product look more professional. Our advert was aimed at teens who are active so I used this information and used a silhouette of teens doing exercise in my adverts which can make people relate to the advert and there for the product. In our TV advert we tried to get people to like our product by appealing to the humorous side of teens so we tried to make our adverts as funny as possible, I think we achieved this as quite a few people laughed when we showed it to our during our presentation. I think our adverts have reasonably good qualities as its shows our product well and so does our logo and due to the colours it looks professional like the Wrigley’s advert. I believe it is fairly convincing making it look like a professional product which would make people buy the product. This is our advert in premier pro, I think that if I was to do this again I would do some more research on how to use this program before I start editing so I can get more skills into our advert to make it better and more professional which may have got us more marks for our TV advert. as well as doing this with our print designs with Photoshop.
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Unit 18 Evaluation Overall I am happy with the worked that we produced in our group, as we managed to create adverts that worked reasonably well but I think if I was to make these adverts again especially the print advert, I would try and make the graphics slightly better in Photoshop so I would try and gain a bit more experience using it that way I think that my print adverts would look more professional.

Our research showed that companies used a blue colour scheme as it means clarity and trust and well as it looking clear as blue is like a minty flavour, so we did the same as we thought it would make our product look more professional.

Our advert was aimed at teens who are active so I used this information and

used a silhouette of teens doing exercise in my adverts which can make people relate to the advert and there for the product.In our TV advert we tried to get people to like our product by appealing to the humorous side of teens so we tried to make our adverts as funny as possible, I think we achieved this as quite a few people laughed when we showed it to our during our presentation.I think our adverts have reasonably good qualities as its shows our product well and so does our logo and due to the colours it looks professional like the Wrigley’s advert.I believe it is fairly convincing making it look like a professional product which would make people buy the product.

This is our advert in premier pro, I think that if I was to do this again I would do some more research on how to use this program before I start editing so I can get more skills into our advert to make it better and more professional which may have got us more marks for our TV advert. as well as doing this with our print designs with Photoshop.When we made our TV advert we worked together well as we both agreed on ideas on what we could do in our advert as we both worked together on the story board which made it a lot easier, both of us had basic filming skills from a previous unit so we could make our advert easily

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This is the prezi that we presented to our group which explained our product, we thought that it went very well, I think prezi was easy to use as it was quite simple as it is a web program which is generally easier to use compared to normal computer programs.It was a lot easier to use than Photoshop and premier as sometimes these programs weren’t working as well as it was difficult to crop the screen as sometimes it wouldn’t work in premier, also we used to different cameras which meant that it was more difficult to input the videos and sometimes it wouldn’t work unless you move one of the clips and put it back..

If I had more experience with both programs I think it would have been much better quality deigns as I could of inputted visual effects and other things like that to have made it better but I think I would need a bit more experience with this program.

These are our story board ideas for our TV advert with all our ideas, we made it about our gum being used with people so that it

would appeal to our audience.

This was our original logo that we planned to use as it had colours that appeal to the stomach but when we put it on our packaging it didn’t really work well so we decided to change the colour of our logo so that it would be a good contrast to our packaging.

This is the logo that we used after we made our changes. I think this logo looks better as it doesn’t look as childlike as the other logo.

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I think that we should have been more organised when we filmed as different members of staff were only available on certain days which made it difficult to get all the footage that we needed so I think if we had some sort of schedule or gotten in touch with staff a week or so before we filmed it would have made it easier.

When we presented our ideas we got comment back saying that our research was good as we managed to portray our target audience well, we also used prezi to project our ideas, we tried to make it look as professional as possible, I think we did this well as we got great comments from others about it as we were confident in what we were saying.

If I was to ever do this project again I would defiantly try and make our print advert look more professional especially our magazine advert as it looks like it was made quickly and not very professionally, if we did this I think it would have made our product look better and make our marketing campaign overall better.

When I made our print advert I used the spot healing tool more to create our packaging, I have never really used this tool before in another project, so I feel like I have gained a little bit more experience in using Photoshop that I can use in other projects.

I used the spot healing tool to try and make the background look better after I removed the original logo and replaced it with ours, I think if I had more experience I could have made it look better with the background.
