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UNIT 3 - Pusat Pelayanan Masyarakat Online SMP ... · 4. ……… hello to your friend. 5....

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UNIT 3 Do This... Please. In this unit, you will learn how to: respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking someone to do something and forbidding someone to do something. produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking someone to do something and forbidding someone to do something. make ideational responses to short functional texts (notes). create short functional texts (notes). Open the door, please. Could you line up here? Don’t do that, please. Stop that, please. Can you hold this for me? Count to ten, please. Come here, please. Pic 3.1 (Cliparts Office, 2003)

51Unit 3 - Do This ... Please


Do This... Please.

In this unit, you will learn how to: respondtotransactionalandinterpersonaldialoguesaboutaskingsomeonetodosomething

andforbiddingsomeonetodosomething. producetransactionalandinterpersonaldialoguesaboutaskingsomeonetodosomething

andforbiddingsomeonetodosomething. makeideationalresponsestoshortfunctionaltexts(notes). createshortfunctionaltexts(notes).

• Openthedoor,please.• Couldyoulineuphere?• Don’tdothat,please.• Stopthat,please.• Canyouholdthisforme?• Counttoten,please.• Comehere,please.

Pic 3.1 (Cliparts Office, 2003)

52 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

Section One:

Asking someone to do something and forbidding someone to do something.


Activity 1

Look at the pictures. Match the pictures to the expressions in the box.

1. ………aftertheteacher.2. ……… to the tape. 3. ………downonyourseal.4. ………hellotoyourfriend.5. ………intheschoolyard.6. ………lunchattheschoolcanteen.7. ………aboutsomething.8. ………atthebird.

Repeat Havelunch Look Listen

Sit Hello! TalkDosports

Pic 3.2 (Cliparts Office, 2003)

53Unit 3 - Do This ... Please

Activity 2

Look at the pictures. Listen and repeat after the teacher.

Don’t do this. Don’t do that.


Do not bite your finger.

Pic 3.3 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

54 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

Activity 3

How do you ask people to do something?Start with a verb. This verb is called “imperative verb”.If you don’t want people to do something, start with “don’t”.

Open thedoor, please.Don’t open thedoor.Couldyou open thedoor,

Come herePlease come here.Don’t come here.Let’s go there.


Say:Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, Ma’am.Sure.

Alright.Right away, Ma’am.

No problem.

Theword“I”isusedassubject. When“I”isusedasobject,itchangesinto“me”.

Forexample: Iwanticecream. Motherlovesme.

Subject ObjectI





55Unit 3 - Do This ... Please





Activity 4

Listen and repeat after the teacher.1. Leaving for school Cindy :We’releaving. Anne :Waitforme! Cindy :Hurryup!We’llbelate. Anne :Okay.I’mready.Let’sgo.

2. In the canteen Harry :What’sthematter? Andy :Ihavethehiccups. Harry :Holdyourbreath. Joe :Drinksomewater. Ken :Eatasliceofbread. Andy :It’sokay.Thehiccupsaregone.

3. At the cross road Jane : How do I get to the post office from here? Jim : Walk two blocks to Ahmad Yani Street. Then turn right on

Diponegoro Street. Go another one block to Sumatera Street andturn left. The post office is on your right-hand side.

4. At the dining room Jack :Bye,Mom.I’mgoingcycling. Mom :Waitaminute.Cleanyourroombeforeyouleave. Jack :WhatdoIhavetodo? Mom :Hangupyourclothes.Makeyourbed.Putyourbooksbackonthe

shelf.Emptythewastepaperbasket.Okay? Jack :Okay.

Answer these questions.1. Underlinetheimperativeverbsineachdialogue.2. Why do the speaker use ‘imperative’verbs?

56 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

Activity 1

Choose the best answer.

1. Andi :Idon’tfeelgood. Sari :……….thedoctor. a. Look b. See c. Wath d. Listen

2. Bank teller : Please, …......in line. Customer :Okay. a. sit b. walk c. stand d. step

3. Sandy : ………. to bring no 2 pencil to the test. Okky :Iwon’t. a.Don’ttry b. Don’tbring c.Don’tforget d. Don’tremember

4. Ari :………..anyonemysecret.Doyoupromise? Sany :Ido. a. Don’ttalk b. Don’ttell c. Don’tspeak c. Don’tsay


Activity 2

Complete the following conversation. Use the expressions available.

1. Jane :Mira,……here,please. Mira :Okay.What’s……? Jane :……mecarrythis,please. Mira :……

2. Clay : Okay, now… let’s … … the exercise. Mawar:Okay.Let’sdoit. Clay :……downhere,please. Mawar:Thankyou. Clay :Let’s……thewords. Mawar:Sure.Andthen?


57Unit 3 - Do This ... Please

Clay :Thenwe……themwiththepictures. Mawar:Okay.I……it.


Activity 3

In pairs, rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog.

1. Going towards the classroom Ruben :Let’snottalk. Adit :Hearthebell? Rubben :Yes.Let’sgo. Adit :Right.Let’sjustgoin. Teacher :Lineup,please!

2. Mrs. Green is leaving for work. Clay :Bye,Mum. Mrs.Green :Getup,please,Clay! Clay :Noworries,Mum. Mrs.Green :Comeon.Haveshower. Clay :Inaminute,Mum. Mrs.Green :Thenhavebreakfast,okay? Clay :Justasecond,Mum. Mrs.Green :Iamleaving.Bye.

3. In front of a food store Randy :OK,Mum.Buymesomechocolate,please. Mother:Randy,I’llgointogetsomefoodstuff.Pleasestayandkeepaneye

onthemotorcycle. Randy :Sure,Mum. Mother:Iwill.Don’ttalktostrangers.

4. Anto is leaving for school. Anto :Iwon’t,Mum. Anto :Bye,Mum. Mother:Bye,Anto.Takecare. Don’t receive anything—candies or chocolates-

- from anybody.

Pic 3.4 (Cliparts Office, 2003)

58 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII


Activity 1

Work with a partner. In turns, ask your friend to do the following actions and give replies.

For example :Yousay : “Getmeapieceofchalk,please.”Yourfriendreplies: “Okay,”thenhe/shegetsapieceofchalkforyou.

1. Standinline. 5. Turnonthelight.2. Sit down, please. 6. Stop talking, please.3. Tidyupyourdesk,please. 7. Submityourwork,please.4. Straightenyourchair. 8. Putonyourhat,please

Activity 2

Make dialogues based on the situations below.


MsNingrum :Roni,openthewindows,please.Roni :Yes,Ma’am.MsNingrum :Thankyou,Roni.Roni :Youarewelcome.

Situations :1. Youwanttoinviteyourfriendtogotothecanteen.Whatwouldbothofyou

say?2. You don’t want your friend to talk. What would both of you say?3. Youwantyourfriendtohelpyoudrawamap.Whatwouldyousay?4. Yourteacherwantsyoutolineup.Whatwouldyousay?5. Youdon’twantyoursistertowatchTV.Whatwouldyousay?

59Unit 3 - Do This ... Please

Section Two:

Short Functional Text (notes)


Activity 1

Answer the questions based on your experience.

Questions:1. Haveyouevergotanynote?2. What kind of note was it?3. Whydidyougetthatnote?4. Whenyourfriendcelebratesherbirthday,doyousendheranote?5. Whatdoyouwriteonit?

A note is a short informal written message. (Oxford Concise Dictionary 10th Edition)

Activity 2

Listen and repeat after your teacher.




60 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII


Activity 1

Match the following situations with the expressions in the box.

Situations:1. YourfriendisinBali.SheisonNewYear’sholidaywiththewholefamily.2. Your friend suffers from Dengue Fever. She is in the hospital.3. Your friendhas justwonaNationalMathOlympiad.Sendanote tohim/



Activity 2

Read the following note and answer the questions that follow.

Questions.1. Istheabovenotespokenorwritten?2. Who reads the note?3. Whereisitread?4. Whoarethelisteners?5. Whatshouldthestudentsprepare?6. Whatshouldthestudentsnottodo?


61Unit 3 - Do This ... Please


Activity 1

Your sister is leaving for Bali. She is on a picnic with her classmates. You don’t have time to meet her. Write a note asking her to buy you a Joger T-shirt and a canvas backpack.

Activity 2

Write a note for your brother telling what he can do and what he must not do.




1. Youwantyourfriendtowaitforyou.Whatwouldyouwrite?

62 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

2. You want your friend to buy cheese and bring it to school. What would you write?

3. Youdon’twantyourmothertopickyouup.Youwanttogohomebybus.Whatwouldyousay?StartwithDearMum…

63Unit 3 - Do This ... Please

4. Tomorrowisabusyday.Youmustdomanythings.Makealistofthem.

Pic 3.5 (Cliparts Office, 2003)

5. Yourparentsarenotathome.Theywantyoutokeepaneyeonyourlittlebrother.Writeadialoguetellingyourbrotherthingsthathemaydoandmaynotdo.


1. Inthisunityouhavelearned: • howtoasksomeonetodosomething. • howtoforbidsomeonetodosomething.2. You also have learned how to write notes.

Cultural Notes

In the English culture, people send get-well notes when somebodyisillorhospitalized.Theydonotusuallyvisitthe patients. Sometimes they send flowers and attach a get-wellnote/card on them. The flower and cards show their supportandlove.

Pic 3.6 (Cliparts Office, 2003)

64 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII


A. Writearesponsetothefollowingnote. Writedownyournameontopofthepaper. Submityourwork. Don’ttalk,please.

B. Yourmotherisinthemarket.You’releavingforschool.Writeanotetellingheryou’llcomehomelate.Therewillbeacheerleaderrehearsalafterschoolhours.Alsotellheryouwillhavelunchattheschoolcanteen.

C. Completethefollowingsentenceswithappropriateverbsinthebox.

1. …………forme.I’llbereadyinafewminutes. 2. ……….. me the salt and pepper. 3. ………..up!It’stimetogetup. 4. ……….. pages 7 through 9 for tomorrow ‘s class. 5. …………thelighton.It’sgettingdarkhere.

C. CompletethefollowingnoteaboutgettingtoaJayaBookStore.Useproperverbs.

To (1) get to Jaya Book Store, (2) take a city bus to Perak. (3) ………… off at Damri Headquarters. Then (4)………… to the other side of basuki Rachmat Street. (5)………… to the left for a few hundred metres. Gramedia book store is on your left. (6)……… me in front of the store at 4.30.


65Unit 3 - Do This ... Please

Pic 3.7 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

Fun PageDid You Know

66 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

Answerthesequestions:1. Whatcoloursdoyouseeinarainbow?2. What coloursareprimarycolours?3. Whatcoloursaresecondarycolours?4. Howdowegetsecondarycolours?5. Makeanexperimentwithwatercolor.Writetheverbsforthefollowingactions. a. ………redandyellow. b. …….somewater. c. Finally,youwill………colour.6. ……atarainbowinthesky.There……sevencolours.……areorange,yellow,green,

blue,indigoandviolet.7. Completethesentencesbelowwithappropriateverbs. ……alittlepieceofbluecolour.……itonasmallplate.……anotherpieceofyellow


Pict 3.8(Dit. PSMP, 2006)

Your WordsVegetables

67Unit 3 - Do This ... Please

Answerthesequestions1. Whatvegetablesdoesyourmotherusuallybuy?2. What vegetables make the foodhot?3. Whatisthecolourofpotatoesandcarrots?4. Whenyouwanttomakefriedpotatoeswhatdoyoudo?5. Tomakevegetablesoupyouneedto……carrotsandpotatoesintolittlepiecesand….



1. This unit gives me (put a tick): newexperiences. usefullearningexperiences. nousefullearningexperiences. usefullearningstrategy. nousefullearningstrategy.2. The most interesting part in this unit is………..3. ThingsthatIwanttostudymoreare………………4. Readthestatements.Then,giveatick(√) to yes, no, some.

Statements Yes Some Noa. Icanrespondtoatalkaboutaskingandforbidding

someonetodosomething.b. I can make a talk about asking and forbidding

someonetodosomething.c. Icanmakeinstructionsandgiveresponses.

d. Icanwritenotes.

68 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

Vocabulary List

Words Parts of Speech

Phonetic Transcriptions

Indonesian equivalents

attach v [ melampirkan

celebrate v [ merayakan

empty v [ mengosongkan

lineup v [ mengantri

note n [ catatan

shelf n [ rak

suffer n [ menderita

submit v [ menyerahkan

hospital n rumahsakit



