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University of Nebraska–Lincoln · 2019. 2. 6. · ' AHAMOp-f > ! . *>. c. * tTHEBEETTolrrooms. *...

Date post: 12-May-2021
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' AHAMOp- f > ! . * > c . . * ' tTHEBEETTolrrooms. * at Chi "inW- nFEeput > lic n ichy * convention thii.- L . , rteriitfatiin theXOBarn'on council-chamber , and ferry boats are running between easl * Nebraska City and Nebraska "City- .If . you want Bill-Head ), LetterHead- rany'Job' w6rk.rCall iat Tin BEE Job Booms. Price ! that , will Bail , -every . , one.ti. - V * - * : - ! Mli'-4 . V, . . .irAn : UvtP. engine ranou the trad Tuesday near Rcddis t Thrill's pact * " " ' * < ': , from awasTwiat which hae- 'weakened the'lrack and let down tha raili- on * one side . * " By card 'from I. GvEnsign , Buperi- nndentotAmerican's. "" . S. "Union , we are ' Wrefjaestedto contradict the rumor that bat .Vbeea publtthed , that MX. I. P. Page , missionary of the A. N..S. 3. 17. forNe- braSca - , bad commUted suicide. Mr.Gagci- salive'ft&d * well ana expects soon to return Oetoliis'work inliebtuka.T- to'lectnre"aTmrorrecd'to . bejveuat { the Unitarian church oil Monday"iiigut did not take pliee "pwinp-Vo'jlfre ioabiliQ' ci- Prof. . ChnrcV 'to reach Omaha in 'conse- pected that he will five his lecture , "Sun day ; ICa Uses and Abuses, " on .Friday evening nezc- .At . the coroner's inquest 'Tuesday af- tcrnooncn ihe body ( i Henry Forstfeldt , it was found that there were no. indica- tions ¬ in the rooovo'f'deceased that euicTde had been coatmitted..nnd as the witnesses knew nothing about it except the finding of the body, the jury returned a verdict to the effectlthat the deceased. came tp his death from causes junkncwa to them. The deceased was buried yesterday by hit friend *. * * ' - " l ** : ; - BeBtbaard , T t A e- .At . once , & good watchmaker , a- EDnoLMg& EiucKsoK'p. Good , pay and steady work for a good mac. c Choice Buta gSTacnlpi ; Peach- Blow and Ejriy.Itq.o ToUtoesjalBoa - ' FrBB'eh' , Spafabh. Torchony D'Alen- fdoel - , 5 bjiit" : * ; ' 1 OOOFEE&I- Dioa , r615 Burt streel , etrfien.Sl- xforetn ! - ' the Uer was-reeeivedaUthia.office- ; lk- -4 X _ ' - - "V * 5" " ! * - V * " '* 1itorijt,1* iw <iuTd'haTeBeoR.you ) , Please loavn my name out of ' am ; RjspoctfulIr ( ' ? t" ' "EF. . SU , jjmJ * * . . - - . . - JrCIte * : i <; Tx . .91.tTaenay ifteraoan'Sroytho w&s&c- tlrely.8t ' " -Tho" devil * tnonV would be, When the devil gotyeU , h Taughlng In- eays the.- has -a walk * c" 'tVery ttnanl- mous - about Kris. They think he c&n- nka era by bayin AVabish tickets JwoFdjHara picca , | than playing tO& m 4 45'.xiX f- cmsyor at $1200 a year. Cretonnes and new prints , at LARD'S- .Meala . at nil hours at Tizird's Pal- oLilter.TIarch'SOfli - - - n [ Ish & be : located at 1400- OM H etreetjreadytor business- .X . ® - r Z ? *- . Goldsmith-at-Largo. Goldsmith , wbum Hisawater has bsen stamping to death in their waids for lo theno many years , has been recommended by the parly caucus for councilman.-j-Republica.n. [ ; one trord-rfioodSbad or indifT- A - uttered a 4 afbout - * W" "GToUbm- ireprimanded in this paper, olnco for plating a dirty trick , in pulling down the * * * > .S 1 * W * K F < A j f nomination for counctaianallarge ! by- Tourston'a packed caucus Hondiy- assed . * . . ' " " "* * = ; i assumia tbatL > oldsniith ia alre&oy coHncilmm-at-brgo. ( He.iWt evonjtt nominated and if the * city cjaav htioajjust tOepite'Bcse- noru - ' bo npninjpTt lar e ajwefik fro Ajdnth The voter * of Omaha will in Omaha , whs * aUnda in froi-t if His store aoor, Una ham ttrtiet f ishion , looking for some etrancir to rope in or some greutihorn to demur- .PKESCRIPTIOSS . SPECIALTY , .l SCHEOTER & BECHT'S Opera House Pharmacy , 211 Fifteenth street , * t BSQM. The < WaterworksT Company Entered Upon the Worll * " of Pipe Laying. ! * Present Stage'of Operations An Incipient Strike. The wannweather of the last few diys has Induced the Waterworks company to enter npon operations on 8 lively scale. Since Saturday last a- fores of about seventy men hare been atwortron the river bottoms this morn- ingthe - work of plpeiaylrgiabegnn with a force whichwithin two days will num- ber ¬ ono. hundred and fifty men , in- ch&rga of tha contractors , Messrs- .JamesHIcEwcn . and Hubbard Smith, of Detroit , who reached here a day pi two sinca. The scene at the bottoms is just now a yery lively one. A force o- imuons are engaged In 'erecting the brick boiler and pump house , 40x00 feet in dimensions , which is to con- tain ¬ in one apartment the four great steam boilers and in the other the two matsive pumps which will raise the watar to the supply reservoir. Imme- diately ¬ north of the "boiler house is a large erjuard abutment of .solid masonry , which is to support the eighty foot smoke stack.- .A . small circular .structure on the river bank attrac's attention. "Nea- rit'are a number of immense circular iron , castings , six feet in diameter and four feet long, painted a bright ver- mlllion - color and bearing a flange by- .which . each is bolted to the other. These are to ba lowered to bed-rock within the circular enclosure and will constitute the river well. Several open- ings ¬ in those castings indicate where the lateral pipes will extend through the bank to the river, at different ele- vatluns, and the 24-inch pipe extend- ing ¬ from the well to the settling basins.- Of . the three settling-basins the two farthest to the south are nearly completed. . Very little work Is yet to- bo done on the northern basin and the clear water b"asin next the river. Those basins -cover an urea o! 210- 000 , - square feet , and are built in the * immense ssnd drift which has ac- cumulated ¬ at this point tha highest ground on the river bottom , and well protected from the river by the Union Pacific rock , rip-rap. The narrow clearwater baiin , from which the water a pumped tojthe reservoir on the hill , lextends'from north to south along the -river.banvr while its west embank- ment ¬ separates it * from .the east- ern - [ laid of th8throe iettllng- basins.. - Between each of the settling bisine , and between each basin and . 'the clear water basin , is a circular tower , which , when the basins are completed , - willbe for' the inflaent and effluent pipes. These towers "havepipes : communicating air different levels with-the settling basins , bat" the towers adjoining the clear water tjasin.commulcsto with that by but a- single' pipe. Another series' of 'tow- era -ot similar appe.tranca connect each basin with the sewerage yslom , which extends under'the enttre'syeticm- ofibisins. . These towers resemble ! at. present a lot of sentry boxes , bat will SOOQ be'partially burled in thai em- bankments ¬ *" : ' - I A glance at Eoginoar Divis' 'plans- pontcys - some idea of the bewildering 'extent and 'magnitude of tho'p'tpo sys- rtemj.which - extend ] far , tp ths north , outh and west , and forms'a psrfect- fljatom of circulation to nil parts of the city. There are iu all over thirty- two mjles of pipe. j r'ThTcompany has been lo coniiaer- . i * - - | able expense' to protect the- works gamst 'any possible encroachment oi ' { hi river.although the Engineers cpn- sider - thB Tock protections sufficient protection sgMnat tbo river. ! The engine and boiler house Kro located so high above the highest water , , orer knewn here, that there .caube no "stoppage in .pumping'on account of high . - water.To give an Idea of the -height of the.ground ! of the "engine" house IS ia Bnfficijntj to say that it is on a level with the window sills of the U. P shops. Considering the terrific winter the company his made wonderful prog- ress. ¬ . .Aa Boon aa the ground becomes manageable at all points gangs of men will be put to work , so that bjfore-the middle of April fully four hundred men will be working in all directions. Inside of sixty days the works are promised to bo three-fcurths complet- ed , and that water will bo running in the main part of the city andcitizens , enjoying the clear waters of the mud- dy ¬ Missouri. THE PIPE LAYING.- T . ho work of creeling the brick" smoke stack was begun on the bottoms ya erday. The force of pipo-ltyers ivho were set at worfi this morning at a Eal- ary - of gl 25 per day , finally refttaed- to rotk for'lb'atprice , claimlnc § 1 50 , . the price usually pai4d for work of thla'- o'asa. . Mr. Shelton stales the situa- tion ¬ in this regard to bo 'that the men wtre ao to work now simply fen the purpose of-giving them work.jmd ihat there In a quantity of froitinthe ; ground 'which makes it an additional expense tor the company to begin pipe laving at this'time. IJu cliims that most of the men were willing to- go to work , but wore threatened jand- pcnuided byouUide laborers no to- do BO. Htaxbc bv.ed they would g to work yesterdftyy'Ow.d stated hnt- it was tbo intuition in a short ttm j to- piy them the regular price of one dol- lar ¬ tnd a half per da > . Marshal Wcsterdahl was appealed to about two o'clock for some police to protect the laborers aa tnere was signs of trouble. The marshal sent Officer JlcCluro in command of two officers to p'reiervu order. | Messrs. Smith & McCuna , the con- tractors ¬ , aro'jetidents of-Dalroit'and have had a large experience in the construttion of water works , lie Mo- Cune - being a hydraulic engine t o j long experienca in ScoiLind. ' h'Jft' contract calls for the laying of thirty-one miles of pipe by July lot. They expect , however, to em- ploy ¬ a large force of men and com- plcte- the -worlr considerably before that' Operations are begnn &t the corner ofc Slr.tB , nth and Onmbg streets ; at the street railroad track , to which point the plpa was laid from the river last fall ; and after proceed * ing a short .distance , up Gaming street they will branch oat In different direc- tionSjSeveral - gangs being thus placed at work and the wcrk completed as ii progresses , including the putting In ol the hydrants and box ral'ves- .Therbest . Overalls , Shirts and T7- ndcrwear - is made1 at L. 0. Eoewali's 13th. and Jackson streets- .m28mwa . Splendid fruits at Tizard's Palacei- Prang's - EiBter Cards at Hospe's- .Prang'a . Easter Cards at Hospo's. ' ' Prang'a Easter .Cards at Hrspe's. Jt- l100AL POLITICS , The Republic in Primaries , T1BST5fAKD. . There , was but one ticket . .in thli ward , and there wdrel49 > otes cast.- .For . . Counciltnan James Gilbert. For Delcgitea E. K Inng , .E. M.- Btenberg . , Gottlied Zimmerman , 8. J ; Larson , John Ro'slcky , James Gilbert , Wm TJmpherson.- TaiBD . WAED. Here there were also two tickets. The foliotring was the whining ticket : Delegates D. N. Miller 218 , Sim.- Beatty . 218 , Price Sannders 254 , Afatt Hoover 338 , Walter Bennett 216 , D.- A. . . Griffin , Will H. Blley 211. t Councilman-at-large Ira -Wilton , 218. Ward Councilman Frank D. Kent , 216. Board of Education 0. D. Wood- worth. - . The following was the defeated ticket : Delegates io the city convention Oarl Grandprc , 128 ; 0. 0. Gnthrio , 133 ; John , 128 ; Edward- Kuester , 129 ; J) . L. McGuckinj 141 ; 'Henry J. Mitchel , 130 ; Matt Hoover. 125. ' . ; Councilman-at-large August Dull , Councilman Charles Banckes , , 124. Member of the Board of Education OhasrD. Woodworth. FIFTH WAED. . Thcro was red-hot contest in this ward between the adherents of Robert McConnell and thoaa of John l . Erck , candidates for ward councilman , the totjl number of voles being 433. There was considerable scratching , and it took seme llttlo time to count the votes. The following ticket was elected : For Councilman Robert McCon- nell ¬ , 2G5. For Councilman at Largo Jacob H. Counaman , 433. For Member of the Board of Edu- cation ¬ at Large Clark Woodman , 268. For Delegatea Charles P. Need- ham , 564 ; Joseph Redman , 252 ; James A Knicht , 301 ; A. H. Ssrend.- by . , 265 ; N. Elliott , 263 ; J. N. Mur- phy - , 265 ; H. A. Haskell , 265. j Tbo other-ticket was as follows : Ward Councilman John H. Erck , 200. j Councilman at large Jacob JM- .Counsman. . . j Board of Education W. W. Marsh , ' 193. ! Delegates Henry Bolln , 207, Isaac B. Rockenfield 207 , Ed. Lseder 20U- "ATWrMaraL 197-Johnr McDonald , Jr.204, T. 0. Brnnner 191 , .W.jB. Christie 2iO. . ' 14 , , IS TOE SIXTH. i i- Tha 'following ticket was'decided Upon in-tho-Sixth : For Delegates to the City Conven- tion ¬ R. E. Gaylord , 0. 0. Hon so ) , William A. Smith , BrunoTzschucn , J : W. Nichols , O. P. Straight , Wm- .Wallace. . . * ForWard Councilman W. I. Baker. Oouncilman-at-large 0. 0. , House !. ' " * For Member of the Board cf Ednf- cation - Leavltt Burnham. j Hamburgs end Insertions , elegant and cheap , at COOPEB & Line's. * Try the YERBENA , best 5a cigar- in the market. Sole Agents , ! SCHKOTKB _ & BECHT, I *- Opera Hnuso Drug Store , 211 frit- teenth street. n> 23ifrr- No Cause for Blame.- To . the Editor o( TDI Bn- Tn rep'y to an article in your paper : of hat evening blaming me as rogik- "trar - of the Fifth ward , I would jeny that I have complied with the law of registration by advertising in the' of- ficial ¬ paper of the city, and am not to " V > -' ' I" ' * Tw blame if-the' voters did not-read it.- As . for adve'tiaing in any other paper I would have to pay for it , which ia not anticipated by law.- S. . . ' * ' GARDEN'SEEDS.- Liudreths . - & Sons' celebrated gar- den .seed , in balk nnd in packages. Select onion seta , c olca seed pota- toes - jusi received , etc. , _ BtENRY BfltLH & CO. , 23red-tf Sixteenth & Oal. Sts. - _ _ _ - _ * rj j- | The Ballroads- The work of repiiring damages' on the railroads is progressing rapidly.- Thb . , Union Pacific" E&s several hun- dred ¬ men at workT between, Fremont and polumbos , and will'have the read open J > y 'Saturday or Sunday. . . ( The Bi ' & ' M. railroad is open .betwee- ntlattsmoulh.and Kearney , and the thrtiugrtfirains .of both the B. M- .md . IT. P. are still running by way of- Plattimouth. . The two delayed jaat bound Union Pacific trains irrived-.hero ; laat night , and ; he train due ( o-d y will , arrive to- I The B. & M. express is leaving on- 'egp ] r.t } bat : arriving more orjlstsa- teV ThePJitW : nd Elkbbrn are Will ailing.- - . The St. Panl. & Omalia..road was opened Tuesday to Emeraon , th tty- ivemiles. - . fibove O&tland.f . ' 'Th'd' forty German' ciblgrants en- ci.ute . > s who""isrere rhen- .lonei - . jn"TiLB BjB yesterSay , fere- 1 - efcway.yeBterdayby wiy < f- h, HiutingiodiGrand Is- Iorj - | rant <if. more room , W. Boehl , iho locksmith nnd machinist , has baen- wmpelled to'romoro to the northwest : orner of Fourteenth aud Howard itreats. mSOii- SILTERWARE . --j" is wrought in more -gracefai ; and in finer finiih tbnrtever- TBIS SEASON.- islt . : thaopetiing. ! Bt . Co.'s WANTED An apprentice , immc- Hatelv , at MRS. C. A. RINGER'S' Millinery Store. M1MD Opening . .rSes'sions- State. - . " - , -"sociatibn. .ff > ? - > , Kennedy s Addres3 ot Welcome - . " m JL f. 'V--C' Papers and * Discussions jeots. I. " "* The first session of tfya annual meet- ing ¬ ofthe ttato teachers' association rwas-hold at MMonic lfiill""Tnesday About two hundred , people were ..pros- en't - , fewVfTwhom came 'from beyond the limits of the. city, The meotine * - II" 'I t1 A ' " * i was tilled to ordor.iby-Hb& .Bi.'E. ' B. Kennedy , who stated that the' jguea- tlon - of postponing the a cTatibh for onp evening had boontraisgd , be.c > use Prof. Aughey irad-'Superintendent Jones , of Lincoln'who * wlrd to have taken p not present- .SaponntondenlLinb'atalod'thatiho . f bad rQC3lved ; telfgramja ( o'clockf- rom. . Lincoln'faskingfif..it would not bebest.to * t.adjqura Jtho . as- ' * > iwO'jLv OTi $ sociation to vlio 21st ot Juno.He was not authorized to adjourn and was not a > meaiheriQfr-thor-60njrentlon , but h&d teTograpScd'tao factB'Rrnear- ly - aSjhe could ivo them-and referred the case Uo Ibe arbiters ! CHo did not know what they would'do and was not an arbiter himself. < After a briefsjdebat'e ifcjwas unani- mously ¬ resolved to , proceed , no answer iavlngJjeon-rccalvod fjpm. .Lincoln , and the moelihg"6rgant2o"d with Iho election ' 'of JPfbfr.OT1H2 } Kellom to iho- chair. . x i. . , f , * Vi. ! , * ") * . L THE ADDRESS OF WELCOME. ' - Hon. B. E B. Kennedy delivered the address of welcome substantially , as.follows : , ' . , , Mr. President and Ladieju : ! QonUcmen Of the Tcicherj' Aesoclitlon : * Mr. Tnackeray upon the occasion of a disiertation on after dinner speeches.lamented that all of , tbja fine things that ono thqught of , in going to a place of entertainment were so easily forgotten. , Iam frcp.t 'say I ant led to regret-thatithoVoflicars of this asacciation did..Rot" ! > clcctsome - l " ' ' ' ' - r better man to perforrn.noa.utiQ3 of this very pleasant a'nd inteiestingioc- cwion - one who ia'less forgetful. The cause which has brought U3ito- gether ¬ is ono of va l importance jre- lating - to humSn life ; to > E'ueiahjt BUC-- cess 01 failureWe what is education !' ' .Who Srafhe du- cated - persons ?. If ire wore abked ) to give a definition , and to point on ; the peraons who are educated wliere would wo lock ? In the common ccopiatJon- of the term we would 'turn to the graduates of the universities ; tOrthoE- Owhohave , diplomas , and to" the pro- fessional ¬ men. If.at , the same Jtime , we were requested to point' TjuFand define the jnqanlng ofUthelbnedncat- ed - , " would wev'n6t"tiJhrn-io' the me- chanic ¬ arid * artisan", tho. .farmer and , the laborer ; bnt.ia iiqure > tTUD ? Doea- It follow that because a man has adi- ploma ¬ from the, unlyeraltyiKb la- an educated , man ; or bocau a ; a man labors for subsistenca ho isn't an edu- cate'df - man ? t"To illustrate this idea supposethai a full grown mauwfaro dropped down . -fqr .tho. first-timejon the bread , wild? prairie , how long ! do you suppose ho would "remain unodu- 'cated - , in iho strlct'sense of the term ? All the capacities with , which nature has endowed hlnT would wear out and he would be taught by'.all of hia seassj. . He.would bo taught from nature the education , which isiho rnnfit' real , "tHe most necessary. Ho wopljl _ learn to shun that which gives pain and; to ' - w-.Sf-S"sr : tZlrVir aeekjthat xjhich fifl rdssplea ure> Sap- 'posejhat - aSpiiiarf banJ Jr better'nof1- hnpsa ' wposSp , JwiuJLh.o Garden of- EdehBhoiild bo pliced Uh-J im , they educalibn ? anl thff DtheVmatters which - *- -1 "S f *** TV* T- of the -best and"realedQcatipn nn yon nattirallyiSiDquiia rBetliBfesthe pro- . . Jt * t : ' *> * ** *.i-- I 'lj sent system ; is .jho best education , : { i6nHbei not educate.0 ' ! ' 1coafe"eBrrlhere is truth in iE.It ofesJfipralwSja ediiBate5. 'On one harid fia t'rgeilthat | .cfrSakf and t.atfcbeMe'nlputSbfrtho Ichoola nd- onTtheTtijther hand" that they ba retain- ed. - ' . * 5T54ra-iSaai ? aifference jbo.- - ' " Mi .fi * lia .V. > t dred-yeara ego ; . and . .tlje : wants andtu- * Z' t4 < | .t 3 ce. 8ilias"cf our every day lito now. - " ' " in 'conclUBion'the- ' all Cf yottlnibohalf iofi 'thtis'-rpapnle o- fttii r'ythaVtjiffy | bipuadia"Uearty ! liopo .4i fw r ,5 ihis.moetjyau cf jhe teachers of the stale wil be ssTpfoliliDTcjind pleasing and intfirestlb'g. Jtf ag- surojpu'U - * 7 % nr 'jf T wrr f sb- .Superinterident . Line , 'fif'tho Omahfi. schooWHlicn" read1 a"1 ? or city . . . _ _ _ _ paper . ' * fn. i rt'r ? ?? "rut i - ? *r * t. Tnt - * an- plia'aea of civilized "life , 't6 discover' ' therein 'sbmeWhat .ot th'e important elements regarding education aa * ho basis of civilization. The success "pf- a person in any 'position in life 'de- , * i ) Xj ' t " depends upon the dutierto be per- formed , and upon hia ability to per. form them. 'The1 " "con-fitibris of 3ife' have vastly changed inhalf ; if cedtury. Urban life predominates , newdeman'da are acquired , and social and clvillre- lationa - become complicated. Amen- ca - , has demonstrated to the world , ji t : only in theory , but practically, that the highest form of civilization |cant exiat with individual ireedoui. . The speaker showed intro- duction ¬ of.railways , teleqraph and ( machinery revolutionized society bud , demanded 6f the individual preitor | directive power and greater skill and ; higher education than was requisite before that.time. . . A man needs now not an occupation but a vocation. * Modern sociaty demands a system of popular education quite different from that required under its former status , The drifting of people into compact communities nnd Deities keepj pace with the-iuvention 6f labor-saving machinery. ; 3 _ . .foiri He took the ground that the three "rV coMtif'te Vho. important fcle * ments of education "acd that reiaing. should be given first considerjitlon. Reading opens the gates to usefulness and makes possible the acquisition jof. other branches of learning. A The sahool shouli acquire.a common- sense view of the world's affiirs , and prepare to. take part in the busy world- .Nomadic'lifo. . . was the first conqbest- of mana.conqnf3t ov r the animfl- Putriarch , - - Mtniug wawtbB thrd conquest } - " " by a vast array of facts and fi-j nres- compBebf frcSi ftiribty of SOUCB T.-.o setsiocs to-day trill be hel'd in the High School building , and it fs uncertain whether the programme as- published can be followed , because it > --M - . . . sprae who.were to- tak'e.pTrfcto'reaohjthpieity. . - * Jt tf , 'pKoaEAialEl v-f * ? 'The following'Is lhe programme for this eveningl' * ' ' " ' . ' " ? March 31- .Tf . R9 a | m. Thursday y3r. BookY in rthbir rela'tipn to- EdoWtion , A. .K., ' 'Gowdyj principal Pawnee Academy , Pawnee City. * Piper =: Th"o : Jrm8and Methods of- AmericanE3uc tion , MBs ! Elsie Do- Cqa - , teacher , High .school , Lincoln. Piper The Hiatcryot the Jtfebras , ka rSVate" Teachers ? csspciation , P.rpf.- J. . . M.'McKenzio , Slate Normal Bchodl.Peru. " ,. , .r , , . " - i Should , the eligibility j- or atatei county and. city sn crlnlend * enta be leg illy restricted td prpfes- alonai - educators ipldipg either the highejt gradaof .state corlificate OJR.- regula'r . djploma frafel eorae chartere'd- collogqJuniversHy or normal.schcjol ? 2 'p. ni Thursday, March,31i >ape ' ' 'The-Earcal6h7oiheDoaf : ( ; ; ; ; ; . .MutesJ ; A'.CJillespre , , prin.cipsl.Ne2- braska jus'tituto'fpr.the.doaf ' ar dnmb , .Omaha , , . ,, ' . . -I ; Paper I'Coupty Normallne jtu es , their , Wim.'and management , " Smit- hVcbunty'superintendbnt7ahbOiPaper. . Paper. "The High School Course1 , Wellington . Uicimmond , principal h'gh Bchbol , Fremont. Paper , "The DiRnityqf the Teach5- rorBtWbrkM - , E. B , Fairfield , chancellor a'tato univeralty , Lincoln. 1 7.:3C : p. m. , Thursday,1 IKrch 311- Elocution15 - arid Readirig-iMUs LyMia Bell , Lincoln ; social reunion. I - * YK&TERDAY. ' Tesler'clay'nudbcr of' promi- nent - teacherTfrom various parts of tfie * T ry i ** * T f ' v- atate put in aVapjiaarancJ , 'Including- Prof. . -Samuel Aughey , H. R Palmer , iS.1 Rv.TThuompson State , Superintend- jmt - W.y. . ' 'WnK fa . IntendoptH. F. Bdw'erB-Miss E.De - lieu and oilier lady teachersct LinH. . Nicholson' '' and - J 'M ; ' McKenzle , of P JiProf. ; . , Ji : W.Lijve , of iBlkal onthj'I'.rof. '' 0. J. , 'Ddvis of- Hasfinja Prof. Funk , Ex-Superintendent Beals , dent I o , Prol : ner , Rhodes-and-many lady toachert- of, the.ctty TveropVcsont besides Prof. Livingston , of Oalhottn. , - About IZS.'wero present , embracibf jail yartefies In agg, encolfroriTthe-bluahinJ : ' maiden to the . * 1assjfntn1 jj-i veterangrayhaired-flager ; - - TnTfiret pap'eV'of Wtf'waB- by Prof. Davh of Histioga , on "The- Jmp'ortaS'coipfraHistory in our schio'la- .acd'ipw . it' should be taught. " | The second1 paper was byMisaE.- C . C'sseV , o'f ' "North Plaf.te. Her.aub. jecfLfWhat Educates1 , ' was admirably handled. . , ' . * - ? ] * A' ispusaion followed on "Shouldt- he11 national government establish agdnjalntaip , and'by sufficient' s ne } tion Biaepder effectlye , a systemj * 6f public instruction throughoutthe UnIti , $ States. " . , .Profe3 era Thomp' ; sbh-'cnd Aughey , of lL'ir3cblnr and Dr. Curry, jof Peru , proaentod some goo'd- "thoiights , the -.attitude of the south' was a subject of . ' Professora Jr-M. McKenziey W.E. ] ' 'GooJ B Line -'were Iectodi8"a "ooramUtoo ? "to revlsa'- association. sefib' . 26 ! Tn Iho afternoon aofsion of 'tho c on- , , , . J .T. v Z ventionU. . -r > . Jrarmaloa , .prlncipa , pf the Ncbaaka-Siato Institute for the Blind , Drenontcdr-an excellent pi per ' 6h tjiac'daiiajlon . of the blind . Its . i n - i t . T'- - , toryi.-.and..noope. Great , interest waj.- 'm&nffestod b alkgresent , and'manyt- hirlg3 , ne lo"'tho."cbnup Jn. pd.ucitor were heard. * j . . . V- -f Jajf MlJSiAda JB Scrioonmakri iefkLfq- c'olrj'road - an essay of Kreat rnerit | "of , ,wrucnw'e hope 'to publish extracts in the future. - 1 ' . , prcsenied "Th'ecGrapriic"Syateln ea'a Universal ] Language , " which helacr- compipiud wUfj ] oriKUinV iharta. HJs explanation , of'tliajcharta was a niost interesting foalur to all progressive'- teachers. . Evidently .this. ayatem jhas been a matter of closa study with iim- "Ior years. By careful .observation bud -application ho .haa'baconw'gJlBader in- Wucat'ionatprogress , wfiS.anationijl hia 'inaugural * addwss Tot-iifhich ith'o- followlng fa.a briiif outlmeS ' ' jlo.bo . , , , ! , - "; leave behind all thioightstif iheraccu'- nfu'.a - do1 cf, e&lh { , ' > polltlc3.andt ¬ dred , matters , that ? fiome'thing'more- weigltty njayet ; igBirjQur attention- .In . the co'fibaordUon ) cfJ , matters thjaj- my cngcge our jUention , we may diffdr, .an3 mus rTght ,to dlf for as , men in'aayother BpheroT | , Tc-.chinrv'thouih ; the * raos merito- rious ¬ of all ocaupitions , dooa not'roi- cejve ijs just consideration. ' : Hu ref rred ; to 'ihofact thai "the ignoramus'hasiiitlo mbro'troublo to engage his services than thp well qualified.rThe great masa'of people fuel cqmpotenE to opinioh , aud their dogmatism ia measured by their igaornnc6Do Tvqua'villo pnce pointed out .that tlie o js datigdr of dtatroying individuality in _ a democratic people- .A.dispdsUion . to follow timo'-wnrn rules wfll'take the place true ability to perform at living , work. There 5s an insanity . .to-day in , , our midot forjthe market of fraud. This is the devil'- of society , straining after effect , ! in * ptw.d of conacicntioualy.c.performing duties which l iyin our pntd , : to rep- resent - ourselves something other.thin- we are. . . - j A teacher must of necessity poseeai- a high mcral character and n Koniilno- individuality. . Too .dyyelopmenti 'of- the. . hitter ia likely to. be neglected in the mechanical .routine of graded school , and'fos'ilnJjfld ' bestow upon it , our fostering carqand onbauriigom ift ! . ' Wo should strive 'to develoo allithV- uaturnl individuality , there ja in man' and womyn. By it 'alone * can.we r ach thqsr tru'o ca'pVcilJ nod cnthii1s- iBSin. . Wt > Jmiistjearn to think after the, mode of'tho aricienta as well aa of the moderns. the deductive uielnod ref thohght poesy' an'd' fiction has rocoivecT i , ahdj&rvcehlu.nes- fntiirectual tHe life was 'imbftdded in . . . . . . u. Glliletf was' tho.firai to- ratniiio facts aud dta r- inferencea- from' -them. The 'nnivferse. waaj al- moat - made to , glow by' hiapatnral method oftbinkini ; , and it has re- sulted ¬ in the , development of' ociencea- is at present revolutionizing.'socle'ty- ind civilization. i ojjtrn oducitior , [ hough 'hot possessed exclusively through training in the inductive meihid , T" bws attained * through a- nn yrpf phvs'cs Np stiidenl . .has- tiiiu - ! ) 'm5 > -er ill br uc es.of tcien , tific s-efoh ami frej iSpo for the leVi'lopmcutg ffi titrir ) diVihi lUJ6s F- Bfouful - tin..folio'Kihj ; one-Jhttaj&f sojan- lifici - iuveatijatvwtofj rffotiyii.fo bight cau * be , rabject _ , character ; if " wedo.npt. Scwp.pace , . - r rjecomo'- coT > aer > atL < L ' 'rad'' jation for ouraelves.Nolhing .is ; ined iu this ditection by the Chi- nfeo - sameness in rchool woikjit brushes out vitality and the spirit of Tiadivldual' liberty. The mastet- pleces - in human -ILfo , and in fact all inhohavo.rison : above medlocritytave'T- Jono o by original investigation and ih'e drawing ; out ! of individual force * " O'uE' papila differ aa .widely aa iouf- selvres - and reqnire a variety of ideas and' work to iraw forth their latent1- powera. . Variation Ian mark 'ofi vital- ity ¬ , Irrthe-vegetablerkingdom , In th'e- arllmal , in .the atara'abo've.ti and In onrselvea.'f" Many of onr tejSohertfara oungj bat ycii h is iho"'time wh'en'tha'dispoi sitlon-tb' help others -isTstrongest. 'Be your natural solves , regard no rnles , do-whatyour onsclcnca and. k- iikErWAi intelfect- r pupils. - j ACCIDENT , . - , It . ' * " ' - . 1 s * > J- -i ft ; . . [ r ' iSetiDualy In jttredl - 1. - ! til = - a'clpck esdaymprnlng on the Ohiqg (> & jjortii wpsfjEraj railroad nea r- Lnveland, tossm icaat'.itonnd freight , 'ih'e'ttils .Bprendmg'.wrid' hlhe'cr ttn ' waa.badjy hurt and aa eout , oa to- Clintonfialcaro1 of.ta a'Urgoon. The 1 tho.caraf uppn - th.Q.f.tracJc-again ; w th- .out''cadaing ! ai-protracted-delay to- traina1 the' clra'were" all ih'rbwn , into through -expresa Cviiinsi the * lattet reaching hero at'ifial ! ' past 6 o'clock yesterday morningten' hears Into } j Among the delayed passengers' on this train-wera eightyatudanta - from- the - Iowa State AfJricnUnral college , "re turning . home for Vacation. Many ' T * > " of these Students came through ! to ' - ' 'BLACK DRAUGHT' " cures ness.and Sick-lleadachc. . AtC. F. OtO'Jraan's. . The largest ai yvqll as the smallest , and the | medium .sized . man , can ba well suited in Panis , Overalls , Shirts and Underwear , a li'O- wald's , 13ih.andJacBs6n s'tre'otB- r . .T- ' r - ' " * rPERS NAL.pAt i ia* jUi'Ht i'i rrrjrw . - } c. * . ct ; , Mr. GrEIl.sHaywardJ : .ofrvEhqffliil- adelpbiaiPieas - , was.-a.'caller at TuEiBtE of ; fice yesterday. 'Mr. iHay ward goes | tc- ColoradoKto'wfite p"th'e"Centennial State for hia paperi3 * T I I- Mr.. .Chas. L. .Tlwrnas-brpther , .ofplx- i-li ) - ; --i ier L {Thomas , of this .city , h a.arrived here, with histfamily , from Indianajanij will mak'o thishis , permanent home. I He will fOrm a partnership with hia bfothfJr in the real estate business ; -f 2 , ; - : . . . ; . : : . . = - i,1- NOTICETO , ; CONTRAOTORS. " Seale'd '- 'propoaaliw1lT : bofecelved until 12 o'clock'.nop&j lpin2J41881 , for materials anil , erectinghTCrthree- ; story brick buildinga.txr ; * 61' Plans'and specifications can'be ' ccen- atj the" bfiice of Dufrene&TMerirIej- yihn _ - , architects. . . , . , , , . . SAMUEL BURNS t. , , 3.i 7 ' 26eod-t-a2 EoaasHitL. . " MJP 'sv - "aEASDFATIIER'a' CLOCK j ' * woud rh.aye been running yotjf 'th.e managers of f the , old genteman's } busi- tiess'ihad.aent - ibtb Whipple , McMilfen ' & Oj-'d : lo'-Bb" ' VepaVed : "ThTy are "anro ahnl" oh 'watch ' .and' clock re'- pairing. . ? n29t3- t , , . . . . . i. .i - i THE PUIlEST.and fresheat rng- atj DO had at ScnnoTER. & BECHT'S ; Opera House Drug Store ; 211 , Fif- teenth ¬ street. ' ' ' m23tf - : - tj "WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladie3.only : . At C. F. Goo'Jmiirs. * _ - : - - v- | Anniversary.i. . Don't forgot the anniversary'exfir - ' cisea o-mcirrb'w'faor , the "hop" in ; the owning * . ' ' All our -friends sro invited to v- bpresent . Liberty Hall , Burt street } wesi df'mil.'fary 'bridge It J. ED. SMITH' , Manager. Undoubtedly the bust stiirt'ln ; the United Statoi ? is mnunfacturad at the" ; Omaha Shirt Factory. The ouporiority- of J Material- and Wnrkmanship , com- loiiiod - with their great lrnpnvenonta , thatis'Reinforced fronts, Runfo ced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their ohlrt the most durable'and ' best fitting garmentof the kind , ( jver manufactured at the u jderate price of ' 81.50.Every shirt of onr.makj > 6ia guaranteed fimt-claaa and will refund the money if found otherwise * * j Wo make a specialty of a.llwp61 , Shaker , arid Canton flannel , also- "chemois underwear , made-up with a view to comfort , warmthrand durabili- ty. ¬ . To invalids , nndr weak-lunged persons rwe Offer spoaial inducements in the manner tHeao goods are made f6r thefr , protection ; t' - " PlI. GOTTHEIMEE , iitrnot.- A . fralpackage of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" free of charge. ' At C. F. Goodman's. 3 BE flAL 41 ASTER COMIUSSION- ER'S - SADE.- By . virtue of an order of nalo iuuod ont ot tbo District Conrt , in and f JT DoUK'aa ' Countv , Ke- Sraaka. - . nil to mo directed , I will , , on the 9th' lay of April , A. Di 1E81 , t 10 , o'clock"a. . m. of aid dajyat'tlie south' dunrofttbo Couit Houo- n tbo cty of OTialK , Dniula C uuty , Nc- i - ) ka , acjl 'nf. public nilctloii the property at- cribd -. In I 1 nrdor, to wt : ' t nt ix (6) in block n ) riuiijr l u eevei ty-jno (171) , in the city of- ni" ) hi , .Doujjlis County , NeH a ka , together rith all thc'nppnrtc ar.c : > tHveunto belong inj , os ti fy a JuJ mant nf raid court rocovercd by- Ferdinand Sireltz , p'aintiff.ftnd against Andrew t. Orchard , et. al. defendant ' W. StMEKAL , n'l-lt Special JUstirCOmmisaiontr. * * " >BEED'S i ilALLTlMEJ- y > "Amon ! > , " lie byAl'iandert "Abd nab- .lrc . ri "O..ld mlth Maid ;" Frrei dam "On- Ime'bv'Wnr Dance , " s-m of-the > eowned , LcxiuRto - , " Slcond , i"i Ua.HrfijkdnridG" ( | by- Collossus , " ron ot imported "dovtrclzn. * "Almonfa Hnt dinr bv "M tbrtao Cbict ! jsd bilii'e hy Hyg lick's - "Hambletontanj:1- Tliia : rcnnrK * ' lo iiorpo nili bflfive ; y-ars old nMay , Ira wilnrc only 35 nurca (fill ! of- rbich EU-ttr i-i n.rW cn jed ) at $2500 per Mire , parable at limo oltenlce. " , ' ' 'Stat on ccrnmcme * April.Itt.and wUl'end l r. fit , Af cr tta tm'e'hU ftrvico'wlll ' be- iitat > h > a trolled ' in LEfiO. f r . - 'i- * o .streets : ? it So * fyf sr- nrliamentary amujce , tiotr to contact public icsineu ; iu f< ct It is a complete Guide to Success- or all c atea. A family teccMtjAddrcesfor Ircolan and ( pedal tenni AKCllOEPUBLa- SHsaco.st.iiiiigiro. - . SPECIAL NOTICES. : TO U3A8icS t. , , - lly. Addrea a.B. . , Bto offlos M IMV Offle - TO' LOAW U09 rirnfiam Street. . .Dr. gdWMtig.Loan Agency. ' .nor-SS-M " HELP WAHHD . ; "TT7"ANTED A jroodtilrl In "aJimall-'fanilljv at Yl 2S07Dodge. tre t , 3rd housed 23rd < 6Ul- WANTEDi 8fe ly 'Job. "Wages J. modertte. A slngla- man Apply at ane ' to JI McDoogall , trlen4TlllqNob. , E13- 4TrANTEDAsoodrfzallight. . nd tlrylise- YI - mcnt. Address Drawer 71 , P. O., Omiha- AsjuuUUDt * SITUATIONVANTED lliiht tmplpytneqti- trTrt nx'1iTt In tfi v'.n ' .V' Par lit' UK) Flcrco street. $ L0> 31 WANfE6-PBichaiers ( or t o" hewspipor pattirabn- i ' if tre g- J'Btcord , ' Ueceola , i * j ' dollars pcfWMK. S- t.S . ' 7" .11 'j .ttprjjufhly aeqiuluted'WtllIf eOraslu- iho.ljast hnd cl jefercrfce , * v'cskea , . .- s'TraTelier n- ai"of - , ' ' P. > p" _ horsMjbf 'a'pjrtet in store" 'Can ire l ot of city referenw " ; Addrws Swede , K'O. j i- A GOOD HOT Wantssitntt'pn" is'c'rrinj ' or- XXJ toreo' oJDce , BDilcan- giva good refereqce. . Ajldjss Messenger ' , p. o. " . . . . . r.i . . -. WANTED - An ixterknced dernnC girl. . i tmomataiJisn * C HC.lfrei3hl Auditor's cUUe..U. P. Ub > d- fuMrers. - ' ' ' ' ' ' < . * oi- cW ANTED Liuodrets imir.eJU.tely at- Ocddcntil Hotel. " ANTED Bj'ono of tbo largest. Whil Jsale Clothing Uouzc3 ( n York City , ior the cofrilnfj fall trails' experienced ile mn.'- Jhoso . haVln ? 'exocilencb notl "commahU'hs ' a- gt 0t trade will find tolsVQn-t-cbus oppnrtuDltr. Apply at once w th references to A. B. C. , Ijost- offlce - Box SOS , Mew Yo MAlj. 10tw&9S- TtTAiiTKB . - " Dvolnic ; rq9ru.gJcU , C.1L a ' 'tlilV- Yy.. oTnfpa.lsaafii8tCl ; : B8 head.-waittr , 4v * l'J "TTrANTED Good steady m ddlo aged wcmn- YY to tike care ot a taby. Apply 'it Jtblso- fBce. . . - 4 t 149'3- jWANTEDqirl f6r ; be pvld to aoli- KlrL Call at B o OlEce : , 4CS- UWASTKD A rar.nerwUh'aj.OOb tdflli ad- rIci tfo ezMnsiJn cfui csuelithed and one frfth&bc tp %> in huBir ods in tUt west. Apply to K. tv ; Sim'enIlIt6oDX Block , 15th St. ' * * 'i ' - ' "Y Mm- Vf TjANTED Two more boirdcrs at 313 I orth- VV - ' WiHslrtet'KetweerDavinpbif andCht- easor - , ast' id8-i ? a I'BTJIM88t "' ' "i" . lith - rTetea WeHePVintsV- Y7 ( tostirfameatcuukBdnsoineaiirailvcst- emtown , wherc.there b.noao , or whcrft prio is- nos'dol ; woaW'takoliTallaKlo. partner. Adircs- t.'ikotd Co. < KK3 CO- UVamrstfeetttiu'ri. . ' ! tl 31- anJ tire Slt aia la- .Jj "a n w hongeand ono'acre if euTti&tcd ,; 16mlnute3-w ! lt aoath'Of , ,4overnm nt- Fiist houso'in th brlJTshoyc- 90&0 " ' ' Qacalr s eoio : actory. ' - ; , f M - * - j- ifircj ' FOR at- T OFICB-JlOOJIr 10M ; gtwftt kf-7 OR RENT A'sult-of. lurkl'hccKor tinfur- nj2'edlrnt - rooms at U17 Cu3 slireat ' , oppo'ile new brick school house. TTOUSES.AND tiAlfD Beirfs rents; holwes , O atores, hoieto tarmsIgt , hnd3. . .oalc- roomsjetc. ., " ' -1 * " . Sce'Jstpigo.1 I THIORKEXT Blacksmith atop .wiUj tool'Jcod- JP - T niently looted. , 1) . j , . IHyifASJAgt. 495-20' . ' - jf. . J iK- I iOU RENT Two new , iil ) 6 irjo- P room ?, Jbay winiow? ' . andaTTtoilfehiinceJ- liUnilea oh the hill.AppTT 'to'SWjPetcraen , 'and JJougHsSts. , iaahnun' atOTe. . : yA3i- 15th I71OK RKKT 2 fnrntehfld .rnomajforor Her- L1 - chants Exchange , " Jf. ., ; Cor. ' .16tw tnd- D.vIgs gtrceta. "Sjttl- FO ? SALE. ' , tOE small well IiuilJ boWdf ( four P * toorni "in ;! simmer 'kit. lionRffhK 'clrne-V E A ; BO-ID of 'bayItpnzef KVqirg- .J . ' oM ; ijso doable hifuen o3 rood I new vrajon. Kcrpiire 'cpmfr' 19tf arid'UiVenport iStreet , at HrManning's. , ' .4312 . ttage honfcof 5'rootn * with "JQ " 2 lots ; 'grofrnd toftMcheap : Ir. j 2314 Farnham St. , Bo qp' addltionlC7d ) d2S- T7.0R SATiE Horses d"poni9 7Bi"corneiiet- JC | and Jnrd , aVKcdmin'a.barn.J JJ atd tltclien , sOod bahiand-cruth'ou ci . . qu ! at. rmon & Johnson's .yOlco. . , 333U ' pCR SALE Ten ( lOlrctlifefico IotDnipp * } C"'firilham'stroet' . JehU'L."M-KSwruo , p- .PP * ' ' - 'SSfttt'- TT'OK - J ALC Map8" > ) fTnmiiw 'and'Sarpy- il } counties.AJ'Kd.EWA'JEtt , J52ir K in- h a.Strc t. , , + OQR' 3SLK Soreri cbcd" ' li'ir- sj'.Fsraham low'en ' street- .fflt . ? T7 > OR ' 'SALS Leico Bhd furnUrtro of a'first JD idoss liotcl lu.a town cf l.TOO inhabiti.nU' . in- tatfl ofNohraska. Ilu i jjs. . tljo travalllntr- meh' n ort. In'quW.atl'eB office 21t A EAttOAlN A.'bnlldinz ' .with &ilooniittarcs-Jur7iUuraaail itpck.onaOUi- St.. , opposite thd U. P"depot fpri Jc'verr .cheap- .Qrtha . fliture "faniltafonSstock will . .be'sol- eF . ' . OR SALBTi' : : t X. J- .ant . t - I 31. BROWN , corner ci.lSt'h , and Chlraeo < ! . slrccts , is ready to'boro or docpin wells. Satisfaction guanjiUfd. 5C3tf- ind J4th- iiKraorandnjn book with the owjier'daddref- susidcconUimns jarcr * " ' " ° value bu o the wiicr. A sulnlile reward will be paid by Ica- rnjat - Gio. Jlaldoon's , lUb and Howard. 6013- 0r OST OR ffTOLEN A dark brown haUtirce- dLJi snfpunl ttof , ami of tul whitevcrf sh rt- et3andtie.vjs.tr Ffridcf'wI.I"be Ierallyrer- arded - by Ictvins him at sh6 Cczz'n's house- .490Sli . : . - r j - * LL TIME will stand Mnac'ayi * Tucedajs ! and CX Wednesdays' each Week, betrfnnfngf the rot ot April , ou Twcntlith'west ot tjhtecntti- trattt car-lr ck teiminu % aud tborenuladerof.- ten week at the corner of lit'h and Ilowardt- recte. . ' < 393- pHE EE&TTHING YIT-.U..C. riiik & Co.'ai L Impe'jal SU KiUinWintcr WhwtJ'ioniy- irTancakea , Diecuits , anjall kinds of pastry , tylt. Ask"yoargro rforit. . .478lf- HEAMaCAN BEOpT-At JohnBarr * , stle L for alt kinds of .work.at reaaonaMefUures ear corner 13th aiid 'LeaVenw rtb' St. 378tf- Jfldq trfla- reparitfin'maesre rnrnr'r1 >reaWt- r loxniicus pastry. Cn be eated by Drsr ep- cs without ftar ot tha fflj resu'tlng from heavy iiilgestlble food. Sold oily In c n , by all racers. R T FOWDKRCO. . >'cw York. THEWfAIiWEaiERN _ GtOTffiNG HOUSE ! * - " RC I rffi " CO , , Spring Suits I 'AH. Styles ! WHOLESALE'AND RETAIL ! West of Chicago ! A BEPklRrTMENT " 'QE CfflLDBEN'S OLOTBIN&- We - * * " ' * * - r - - w nojr'airassortinent , of Clothing of all kinds , Genfc'sl'urm&g'Goods , in gfeat variety ; and a heavy FcM p alis rHats , Oips; fe These "fefiSffifeite purchasedjirqc.tr frosu the manufac- rsr - n.Tifl arfii Ka.dni f - * s , jpjy . ff than ever he- .vp.FS - e m- a . ? 7 5'1811 d Have bulOne Price. ' A large.t ilotrjnsjfdrce iserngfpye-d by us , and we ma k Suits fo.Qrder onY X oh n.Qttce. ' 1301 ami.1303 Farnluim , St , , Corner 13ili.- lof . _ _ W4fcKtIiaffesi--Selected ; Stock o- fFORNiSHI G GOODS . .1* J-ji' . CLOTHIERS. ii4 vr Irn ' ; HOUSE , . 1 STUEET , , , 2C ! 8 * * * * ; PRINCE.- CHEAi . . -j. > ' ! GHEAPES ? ( ® ® 5 f { 95 ' ay fovSell then ejtire stock .Obi ?* * . gAi , .t M r -" 3 . i.r- j.'Jewelry' . , tfiv - . , tJfhl&- bU , r v- Piahpjs %rf . .35I5TIKSU1- BDff : 33MT- 5IS f. j ' Organ JliHfRALMUSSGAL IRiMiANaSS.- EIt TXjjM actupa ; JricjBs , Whiffi'is1 from 15 to 20 Der- ceiit. - . eldw any Eastern Wholesale House , ' . . . , , . . ' 1 J * Jrep rafo'ry 'to moving into their , Ccr , Uth&TFarnham . Come-uid ; he Convinced. IV - Mfr , - iXfpBSJftSFOelluloid- j . jisnnoO.b- .wsJj . - vJfe- 0ldaud - 4 ; Si ! vcr : Wn f * ci ! t ' . .V and Jewel . - . ' City- .Gqine9and . , See Our Stock fc'Wffl Be Pleased * " . - -to Show Goods. , EDHOLiV ! & ERIGKSOf ) . inth ft. D'td'j . Oppfmit > i P- r'ta kind * of d Summer dlogua ( . . _ . . . , , Srecialfiy. Orders promp6l7 ; filled 5 m Burfc St. , Omaha Neb. d.23t 1 jr- HORSESHOES AND HAIL ! Wagon Stock , Omsha.J- anlgdru .
Page 1: University of Nebraska–Lincoln · 2019. 2. 6. · ' AHAMOp-f > ! . *>. c. * tTHEBEETTolrrooms. * ' at Chi "inW-nFEeput >lic n ichy * convention thii.-.L, rteriitfatiin theXOBarn'on

' AHAMOp-f

> ! . * >

c. . *


tTHEBEETTolrrooms. *

at Chi"inW-

nFEeput >lic n ichy * convention thii.-

L. , rteriitfatiin theXOBarn'on council-chamber

, and ferry boats are running between easl* Nebraska City and Nebraska "City-


.you want Bill-Head ) , LetterHead-

rany'Job' w6rk.rCall iat TinBEE Job Booms. Price ! that , will Bail


. , one.ti.-

V *- * : - ! Mli'-4 . V,. ..irAn: UvtP. engine ranou the tradTuesday near Rcddis t Thrill's pact

* " " ' * < ':, from awasTwiat which hae-

'weakened the'lrack and let down tha raili-


one side .*

" By card 'from I. GvEnsign , Buperi-nndentotAmerican's."" . S. "Union , we are

' Wrefjaestedto contradict the rumor that bat.Vbeea publtthed , that MX. I. P. Page ,

missionary of the A. N..S. 3. 17. forNe-braSca


, bad commUted suicide. Mr.Gagci-


well ana expects soon to returnOetoliis'work inliebtuka.T-




the Unitarian church oil Monday"iiigut didnot take pliee "pwinp-Vo'jlfre ioabiliQ' ci-

Prof. . ChnrcV 'to reach Omaha in 'conse-

pected that he will five his lecture , "Sunday ; ICa Uses and Abuses," on .Fridayevening nezc-



the coroner's inquest 'Tuesday af-

tcrnooncn ihe body (i Henry Forstfeldt ,

it was found that there were no. indica-tions


in the rooovo'f'deceased that euicTde

had been coatmitted..nnd as the witnessesknew nothing about it except the findingof the body, the jury returned a verdict tothe effectlthat the deceased. came tp hisdeath from causes junkncwa to them. Thedeceased was buried yesterday by hitfriend *. ** '- " l ** : ; -

BeBtbaard, T t A e-



once , & good watchmaker , a-

EDnoLMg& EiucKsoK'p. Good , payand steady work for a good mac.


Choice Buta gSTacnlpi ; Peach-Blow and Ejriy.Itq.o ToUtoesjalBoa

-' FrBB'eh', Spafabh. Torchony D'Alen-fdoel


, 5 bjiit":* ; ' 1


Dioa ,

r615 Burt streel , etrfien.Sl-


! -


theUer was-reeeivedaUthia.office- ;lk- -4 X _ '- - "V * 5" " ! * - V * "

'*1itorijt,1* iw <iuTd'haTeBeoR.you) , Pleaseloavn my name out of '

am;RjspoctfulIr ('? t" ' "EF. . SU ,jjmJ * * .. - - . .-JrCIte * :i <; Tx

..91.tTaenay ifteraoan'Sroytho w&s&c-tlrely.8t '

" -Tho" devil * tnonV would be,

When the devil gotyeU,

h Taughlng In-

eays the.- has -a walk* c"

'tVery ttnanl-



about Kris. They think he c&n-

nka era by bayin AVabish ticketsJwoFdjHara picca , |than playing

tO& m 4 45'.xiX f-

cmsyor at $1200 a year.

Cretonnes and new prints , atLARD'S-



at nil hours at Tizird's Pal-


-- -n

[ Ish &be : located at 1400-

OM H etreetjreadytor business-


®-r Z? *- .

Goldsmith-at-Largo.Goldsmith , wbum Hisawater has

bsen stamping to death in their waidsfor lo theno many years , has beenrecommended by the parly caucusfor councilman.-j-Republica.n.[

; one trord-rfioodSbad or indifT-



uttered a4afbout

- * W""GToUbm-


in this paper, olnco

for plating a dirtytrick , in pulling down the

* * * > .S 1 * W * K F < A j fnomination for counctaianallarge! by-

Tourston'a packed caucus Hondiy-assed

.* . . '" " "* *= ;

i assumia tbatL> oldsniith ia alre&oy

coHncilmm-at-brgo. (

He.iWt evonjtt nominated and if

the* city cjaav htioajjust tOepite'Bcse-



bo npninjpTt lar e ajwefik froAjdnth

The voter* of Omaha will

in Omaha , whs *

aUnda in froi-t if His store aoor, Unaham ttrtiet f ishion , looking forsome etrancir to rope in or some

greutihorn to demur-



SPECIALTY , .l SCHEOTER &BECHT'S Opera House Pharmacy , 211

Fifteenth street ,*t


The <WaterworksT CompanyEntered Upon the Worll *


of Pipe Laying. ! *

Present Stage'of OperationsAn Incipient Strike.

The wannweather of the last fewdiys has Induced the Waterworkscompany to enter npon operations on

8 lively scale. Since Saturday last a-

fores of about seventy men hare beenatwortron the river bottoms this morn-


work of plpeiaylrgiabegnn witha force whichwithin two days will num-


ono. hundred and fifty men , in-

ch&rga of tha contractors , Messrs-


and Hubbard Smith,of Detroit , who reached here a day pitwo sinca.

The scene at the bottoms is justnow a yery lively one. A force o-

imuons are engaged In 'erecting thebrick boiler and pump house , 40x00feet in dimensions , which is to con-


in one apartment the four greatsteam boilers and in the other the twomatsive pumps which will raise thewatar to the supply reservoir. Imme-


north of the "boiler house is alarge erjuard abutment of .solidmasonry, which is to support theeighty foot smoke stack.-



small circular .structure on theriver bank attrac's attention. "Nea-rit'are a number of immense circulariron, castings , six feet in diameter andfour feet long, painted a bright ver-



color and bearing a flange by-

.which. each is bolted to the other.These are to ba lowered to bed-rockwithin the circular enclosure and willconstitute the river well. Several open-



in those castings indicate wherethe lateral pipes will extend throughthe bank to the river, at different ele-

vatluns, and the 24-inch pipe extend-ing


from the well to the settlingbasins.-


the three settling-basins the twofarthest to the south are nearlycompleted. . Very little work Is yet to-

bo done on the northern basin andthe clear water b"asin next the river.Those basins -cover an urea o! 210-

000, -

square feet, and are built in the*immense ssnd drift which has ac-


at this point tha highestground on the river bottom , and wellprotected from the river by the UnionPacific rock , rip-rap. The narrowclearwater baiin , from which the watera pumped tojthe reservoir on the hill ,

lextends'from north to south along the-river.banvr while its west embank-ment


separates it * from .the east-


[ laid of th8throe iettllng-basins..- Between each of the settlingbisine , and between each basin and

.'the clear water basin , is a circulartower , which , when the basins arecompleted , -willbe for' the inflaentand effluent pipes. These towers"havepipes: communicating air differentlevels with-the settling basins , bat"the towers adjoining the clear watertjasin.commulcsto with that by but a-

single' pipe. Another series' of 'tow-era -ot similar appe.tranca connecteach basin with the sewerage yslom ,which extends under'the enttre'syeticm-

ofibisins. . These towers resemble! at.present a lot of sentry boxes , bat willSOOQ be'partially burled in thai em-


*": '


A glance at Eoginoar Divis' 'plans-

pontcys- some idea of the bewildering'extent and 'magnitude of tho'p'tpo sys-


extend ] far , tp ths north ,

outh and west , and forms'a psrfect-

fljatom of circulation to nil parts of

the city. There are iu all over thirty-two mjles of pipe. j

r'ThTcompany has been lo coniiaer-.i * - - |able expense' to protect the- worksgamst 'any possible encroachment oi

' {hi river.although the Engineers cpn-


thB Tock protections sufficientprotection sgMnat tbo river. !

The engine and boiler house Kro

located so high above the highestwater , , orer knewn here, that there.caube no "stoppage in .pumping'onaccount of high .

-water.To give anIdea of the -height of the.ground ! ofthe "engine" house IS ia Bnfficijntj tosay that it is on a level with thewindow sills of the U. P shops.

Considering the terrific winter thecompany his made wonderful prog-ress.


. .Aa Boon aa the ground becomesmanageable at all points gangs of menwill be put to work , so that bjfore-themiddle of April fully four hundredmen will be working in all directions.

Inside of sixty days the works arepromised to bo three-fcurths complet-ed, and that water will bo running inthe main part of the city andcitizens ,

enjoying the clear waters of the mud-






ho work of creeling the brick"smoke stack was begun on the bottomsy a erday. The force of pipo-ltyers ivho

were set at worfi this morning at a Eal-


of gl 25 per day , finally refttaed-to rotk for'lb'atprice , claimlnc § 1 50 , .

the price usually pai4d for work of thla'-

o'asa. . Mr. Shelton stales the situa-tion


in this regard to bo 'that the menwtre ao to work now simply fen thepurpose of-giving them work.jmd ihatthere In a quantity of froitinthe;

ground 'which makes it an additionalexpense tor the company to beginpipe laving at this'time. IJu cliimsthat most of the men were willing to-

go to work , but wore threatened jand-

pcnuided byouUide laborers no to-

do BO. Htaxbc bv.ed they would g towork yesterdftyy'Ow.d stated hnt-it was tbo intuition in a short ttm j to-

piy them the regular price of one dol-


tnd a half per da > .

Marshal Wcsterdahl was appealed toabout two o'clock for some police toprotect the laborers aa tnere was signsof trouble. The marshal sent OfficerJlcCluro in command of two officersto p'reiervu order. |

Messrs. Smith & McCuna , the con-


, aro'jetidents of-Dalroit'andhave had a large experience in theconstruttion of water works , lie Mo-


being a hydraulic engine t o jlong experienca in ScoiLind. ' h'Jft'

contract calls for the layingof thirty-one miles of pipe by Julylot. They expect, however, to em-



a large force of men and com-

plcte- the -worlr considerably beforethat' Operations are begnn &t thecorner ofc Slr.tB , nth and Onmbgstreets ; at the street railroad track , towhich point the plpa was laid fromthe river last fall ; and after proceed *

ing a short .distance , up Gaming streetthey will branch oat In different direc-



gangs being thus placed atwork and the wcrk completed as iiprogresses , including the putting In ol

the hydrants and box ral'ves-



Overalls , Shirts and T7-



is made1 at L. 0. Eoewali's13th. and Jackson streets-


Splendid fruits at Tizard's Palacei-

Prang's- EiBter Cards at Hospe's-


Easter Cards at Hospo's. ' 'Prang'a Easter .Cards at Hrspe's. Jt-


The Republic in Primaries ,


There , was but one ticket ..in thliward , and there wdrel49 > otes cast.-


. Counciltnan James Gilbert.For Delcgitea E. K Inng , .E. M.-


, Gottlied Zimmerman , 8. J;Larson , John Ro'slcky , James Gilbert ,Wm TJmpherson.-



Here there were also two tickets.The foliotring was the whining ticket :

Delegates D. N. Miller 218 , Sim.-


218 , Price Sannders 254 , AfattHoover 338 , Walter Bennett 216 , D.-


. Griffin , Will H. Blley 211.t Councilman-at-large Ira -Wilton ,218.

Ward Councilman Frank D. Kent ,216.

Board of Education 0. D. Wood-worth.


The following was the defeatedticket :

Delegates io the city conventionOarl Grandprc , 128 ; 0. 0. Gnthrio ,133 ; John , 128 ; Edward-Kuester , 129 ; J) . L. McGuckinj 141 ;

'Henry J. Mitchel , 130 ; Matt Hoover.125. ' . ;

Councilman-at-large August Dull ,

Councilman Charles Banckes , , 124.Member of the Board of EducationOhasrD. Woodworth.

FIFTH WAED.. Thcro was red-hot contest in thisward between the adherents of RobertMcConnell and thoaa of John l .

Erck , candidates for ward councilman ,the totjl number of voles being 433.There was considerable scratching ,

and it took seme llttlo time to countthe votes. The following ticket waselected :

For Councilman Robert McCon-nell


, 2G5.For Councilman at Largo Jacob

H. Counaman , 433.For Member of the Board of Edu-


at Large Clark Woodman ,268.

For Delegatea Charles P. Need-ham , 564 ; Joseph Redman , 252 ;

James A Knicht , 301 ; A. H. Ssrend.-by

., 265 ; N. Elliott , 263 ; J. N. Mur-


, 265 ; H. A. Haskell, 265. j

Tbo other-ticket was as follows :Ward Councilman John H. Erck ,

200. j

Councilman at large Jacob JM-


. j

Board of Education W. W. Marsh ,'193. !

Delegates Henry Bolln , 207, IsaacB. Rockenfield 207 , Ed. Lseder 20U-"ATWrMaraL 197-Johnr McDonald ,

Jr.204, T. 0. Brnnner 191, .W.jB.Christie 2iO. . ' 14 , ,


Tha 'following ticket was'decidedUpon in-tho-Sixth :

For Delegates to the City Conven-tion


R. E. Gaylord , 0. 0. Hon so ) ,William A. Smith , BrunoTzschucn , J :W. Nichols , O. P. Straight , Wm-.Wallace.

.. *

ForWard Councilman W. I. Baker.Oouncilman-at-large 0. 0. ,

House!. ' " *For Member of the Board cf Ednf-


Leavltt Burnham. j

Hamburgs end Insertions , elegantand cheap , at COOPEB & Line's. *

Try the YERBENA , best 5a cigar-

in the market. Sole Agents, !


& BECHT, I *-

Opera Hnuso Drug Store , 211 frit-

teenth street. n>23ifrr-

No Cause for Blame.-To


the Editor o( TDI Bn-Tn rep'y to an article in your paper :

of hat evening blaming me as rogik-"trar


of the Fifth ward , I would jenythat I have complied with the law ofregistration by advertising in the' of-


paper of the city, and am not to" V > - ' ' I" '* Twblame if-the' voters did not-read it.-


for adve'tiaing in any other paperI would have to pay for it , which ianot anticipated by law.-





- & Sons' celebrated gar-

den .seed , in balk nnd in packages.Select onion seta , c olca seed pota-



jusi received , etc. , _

BtENRY BfltLH & CO. ,23red-tf Sixteenth & Oal. Sts. -__ _- _ *rj j- |

The Ballroads-The work of repiiring damages' on

the railroads is progressing rapidly.-


, Union Pacific" E&s several hun-


men at workT between, Fremontand polumbos , and will'have the readopen J>y 'Saturday or Sunday. . .

(TheBi '& ' M. railroad is open .betwee-

ntlattsmoulh.and Kearney , and thethrtiugrtfirains .of both the B. M-



IT. P. are still running by way of-

Plattimouth. . The two delayedjaat bound Union Pacific trainsirrived-.hero; laat night , and;he train due ( o-d y will , arrive to-


The B. & M. express is leaving on-

'egp] r.t } bat : arriving more orjlstsa-

teV ThePJitW: nd Elkbbrn are Willailing.- -

. The St. Panl. & Omalia..road wasopened Tuesday to Emeraon , th tty-


. fibove O&tland.f .

' 'Th'd' forty German' ciblgrants en-

ci.ute.>s who""isrere rhen-


. jn"TiLB BjB yesterSay , fere-1- efcway.yeBterdayby wiy < f-

h, HiutingiodiGrand Is-



| rant <if. more room , W. Boehl ,iho locksmith nnd machinist, has baen-wmpelled to'romoro to the northwest:orner of Fourteenth aud Howarditreats. mSOii-

SILTERWARE .--j"is wrought in more -gracefai ;

and in finer finiih tbnrtever-TBIS SEASON.-


: thaopetiing.! Bt .


WANTED An apprentice , immc-

Hatelv , at MRS. C. A. RINGER'S'Millinery Store.


Opening . .rSes'sions-State.-


" - , -"sociatibn..ff > ?->,

Kennedy s Addres3 otWelcome-

. " m JL f. 'V--C'Papers and * Discussions

jeots. I. ""*

The first session of tfya annual meet-


ofthe ttato teachers' associationrwas-hold at MMonic lfiill""TnesdayAbout two hundred , people were ..pros-


, fewVfTwhom came 'from beyondthe limits of the. city, The meotine

* - II" 'I t1 A ' " * iwas tilled to ordor.iby-Hb& .Bi.'E.' B.Kennedy , who stated that the' jguea-


of postponing the a cTatibh foronp evening had boontraisgd , be.c > useProf. Aughey irad-'SuperintendentJones , of Lincoln'who* wlrd to havetaken p not present-



bad rQC3lved ; telfgramja ( o'clockf-

rom. . Lincoln'faskingfif..it would not

bebest.to * t.adjqura Jtho . as-' *> iwO'jLv OTi $

sociation to vlio 21st ot Juno.Hewas not authorized to adjourn andwas not a> meaiheriQfr-thor-60njrentlon ,but h&d teTograpScd'tao factB'Rrnear-ly


aSjhe could ivo them-and referredthe case Uo Ibe arbiters ! CHo did notknow what they would'do and was notan arbiter himself. <

After a briefsjdebat'e ifcjwas unani-



resolved to, proceed , no answeriavlngJjeon-rccalvod fjpm. .Lincoln ,

and the moelihg"6rgant2o"d with Iho

election ''ofJPfbfr.OT1H2} Kellom to iho-

chair.. x i. . , f, * Vi. !,

* ") *. L


Hon. B. E B. Kennedy deliveredthe address of welcome substantially ,as.follows : , ' . , ,

Mr. President and Ladieju : ! QonUcmen Of theTcicherj' Aesoclitlon : *

Mr. Tnackeray upon the occasionof a disiertation on after dinnerspeeches.lamented that all of , tbja finethings that ono thqught of , in goingto a place of entertainment were soeasily forgotten. , Iam frcp.t 'say Iant led to regret-thatithoVoflicars ofthis asacciation did..Rot" ! > clcctsome- l " ' ' ' ' - rbetter man to perforrn.noa.utiQ3 ofthis very pleasant a'nd inteiestingioc-cwion


one who ia'less forgetful.The cause which has brought U3ito-


is ono of va l importance jre-


to humSn life ; to> E'ueiahjt BUC--

cess 01 failureWewhat is education !' '.Who Srafhe du-


persons ? . If ire wore abked ) togive a definition , and to point on ; theperaons who are educated wliere wouldwo lock ? In the common ccopiatJon-of the term we would 'turn to thegraduates of the universities ; tOrthoE-Owhohave, diplomas , and to" the pro-


men. If.at, the same Jtime,we were requested to point' TjuFanddefine the jnqanlng ofUthelbnedncat-ed


," would wev'n6t"tiJhrn-io' the me-


arid * artisan", tho. .farmer and ,

the laborer ; bnt.ia iiqure> tTUD? Doea-It follow that because a man has adi-ploma


from the, unlyeraltyiKb la-

an educated, man ; or bocau a ; a manlabors for subsistenca ho isn't an edu-cate'df


man ? t"To illustrate this ideasupposethai a full grown mauwfarodropped down . -fqr .tho. first-timejonthe bread , wild? prairie , how long ! doyou suppose ho would "remain unodu-'cated


, in iho strlct'sense of the term ?

All the capacities with , which naturehas endowed hlnT would wear out andhe would be taught by'.all of hia seassj. .He.would bo taught from nature theeducation , which isiho rnnfit' real ,"tHe most necessary. Ho wopljl

_ learnto shun that which gives pain and ; to

' - w-.Sf-S"sr :tZlrViraeekjthat xjhich fifl rdssplea ure> Sap-'posejhat


aSpiiiarf banJ Jr better'nof1-hnpsa

'wposSp , JwiuJLh.o Garden of-

EdehBhoiild bo pliced Uh-J im , they

educalibn ? anl thff DtheVmatters which- * - -1 "S f *** TV* T-

of the -best and"realedQcatipn nn yonnattirallyiSiDquiia rBetliBfesthe pro-

. .Jt * t : ' *> * ** * .i-- I 'ljsent system; is .jho best education,: {i6nHbei noteducate.0 '!' 1coafe"eBrrlhere is truthin iE.It ofesJfipralwSja ediiBate5. 'Onone harid fia t'rgeilthat| .cfrSakf andt.atfcbeMe'nlputSbfrtho Ichoola nd-onTtheTtijther hand" that they ba retain-ed.

- '

. * 5T54ra-iSaai ?aifference jbo.-

- ' " Mi .fi * lia .V. > tdred-yeara ego ; .and. .tlje: wants andtu-*Z' t4 < | .t 3

ce. 8ilias"cf our every day lito now.- " ' "

in 'conclUBion'the- '

all Cf yottlnibohalf iofi 'thtis'-rpapnle o-fttii r'ythaVtjiffy |bipuadia"Uearty

! liopo.4i fw r ,5ihis.moetjyau cf jhe teachers of the

stale wil be ssTpfoliliDTcjind pleasingand intfirestlb'g. Jtf ag-


- *7 % nr 'jf T wrr f sb-.Superinterident


Line , 'fif'tho Omahfi.schooWHlicn" read1 a"1 ?orcity

. . . _ _ _ _paper. '* fn. i rt'r ? ? ? "rut i - ? * r *t. Tnt - *

an-plia'aea of civilized "life , 't6 discover' 'therein 'sbmeWhat .ot th'e importantelements regarding education aa * hobasis of civilization. The success "pf-

a person in any 'position in life 'de-,* i ) Xj ' t "

depends upon the dutierto be per-formed

,and upon hia ability to per.

form them. 'The1 ""con-fitibris of 3ife'have vastly changed inhalf; if cedtury.Urban life predominates , newdeman'daare acquired , and social and clvillre-lationa

-become complicated. Amen-


has demonstrated to the world , ji t :

only in theory , but practically, thatthe highest form of civilization |cantexiat with individual ireedoui. .

The speaker showed intro-duction


of.railways , teleqraph and(machinery revolutionized society bud ,

demanded 6f the individual preitor|directive power and greater skill and ;

higher education than was requisitebefore that.time.. . A man needs nownot an occupation but a vocation. *

Modern sociaty demands a system ofpopular education quite different fromthat required under its former status ,

The drifting of people into compactcommunities nnd Deities keepj pacewith the-iuvention 6f labor-savingmachinery. ; 3 _ ..foiri

He took the ground that the three"rV coMtif'te Vho. important fcle*

ments of education "acd that reiaing.should be given first considerjitlon.Reading opens the gates to usefulnessand makes possible the acquisition jof.other branches of learning. A

The sahool shouli acquire.a common-

sense view of the world's affiirs , andprepare to. take part in the busy world-


. was the first conqbest-of mana.conqnf3t ov r the animfl-

Putriarch, -


Mtniug wawtbB thrd conquest }-" "

by a vast array of facts and fi-j nres-compBebf frcSi ftiribty of SOUCB

T.-.o setsiocs to-day trill be hel'd inthe High School building , and it fsuncertain whether the programme as-published can be followed , because it

>--M - . . . sprae who.were to-

tak'e.pTrfcto'reaohjthpieity. . - *Jt tf ,'pKoaEAialEl v-f


'The following'Is lhe programme forthis eveningl'* ' ' " ' .


" ? March 31-

.Tf.R9 a | m. Thursday

y3r. BookY in rthbir rela'tipn to-

EdoWtion , A. .K.,''Gowdyj principal

Pawnee Academy , Pawnee City. *

Piper=:Th"o :Jrm8and Methods of-

AmericanE3uc tion , MBs! Elsie Do-



, teacher , High .school , Lincoln.Piper The Hiatcryot the Jtfebras ,

ka rSVate" Teachers ? csspciation , P.rpf.-



. M.'McKenzio , Slate NormalBchodl.Peru. " , . , .r , , .

"-i Should

,the eligibility


or atatei county and. city sn crlnlend *

enta be leg illy restricted td prpfes-alonai


educators ipldipg either thehighejt gradaof .state corlificate OJR.-regula'r. djploma frafel eorae chartere'd-collogqJuniversHy or normal.schcjol?

2 'p. ni Thursday, March,31i>ape ' ' 'The-Earcal6h7oiheDoaf:( ; ; ; ; ;

..MutesJ; A'.CJillespre , , prin.cipsl.Ne2-

braska jus'tituto'fpr.the.doaf' ar dnmb ,

.Omaha , , . , , ' . . -I;

Paper I'Coupty Normallne jtu es ,

their , Wim.'and management ," Smit-hVcbunty'superintendbnt7ahbOiPaper.


Paper. "The High School Course1,Wellington . Uicimmond , principalh'gh Bchbol , Fremont.

Paper , "The DiRnityqf the Teach5-


, E. B , Fairfield , chancellora'tato univeralty , Lincoln.1 7.:3C: p. m. , Thursday,1 IKrch 311-


arid Readirig-iMUs LyMiaBell , Lincoln ; social reunion. I


' Tesler'clay'nudbcr of' promi-



teacherTfrom various parts of tfie* T r y i

* * * T f ' v-

atate put in aVapjiaarancJ , 'Including-Prof. . -Samuel Aughey , H. R Palmer ,iS.1 Rv.TThuompson State , Superintend-


W.y. . ''WnK fa .

IntendoptH. F. Bdw'erB-Miss E.De -

lieu and oilier lady teachersctLinH.


Nicholson' ' ' and - J 'M ; ' McKenzle ,

of P JiProf.; . , Ji : W.Lijve ,

of iBlkal onthj'I'.rof. ' '0. J. , 'Ddvis of-

Hasfinja Prof. Funk ,

Ex-Superintendent Beals ,dent I o , Prol:ner , Rhodes-and-many lady toachert-

of, the.ctty TveropVcsont besides Prof.Livingston , of Oalhottn., - About IZS.'wero present , embracibf

jail yartefies In agg,encolfroriTthe-bluahinJ : ' maiden to the. * 1assjfntn1 jj-iveterangrayhaired-flager; - -

TnTfiret pap'eV'of Wtf'waB-by Prof. Davh of Histioga , on "The-

Jmp'ortaS'coipfraHistory in our schio'la-.acd'ipw

. it' should be taught. " |The second1 paper was byMisaE.-


C'sseV , o'f' "North Plaf.te. Her.aub.jecfLfWhat Educates1, ' was admirablyhandled. . , ' . * - ? ] *

A' ispusaion followed on "Shouldt-he11 national government establishagdnjalntaip , and'by sufficient' s ne}tion Biaepder effectlye , a systemj *6fpublic instruction throughouttheUnIti, $ States. " . , .Profe3 era Thomp' ;sbh-'cnd Aughey , of lL'ir3cblnr and Dr.Curry, jof Peru , proaentod some goo'd-

"thoiights , the -.attitude of the south'was a subject of .


Professora Jr-M. McKenziey W.E.]

' 'GooJ B Line -'wereIectodi8"a "ooramUtoo


"to revlsa'-association.


. 26 !

Tn Iho afternoon aofsion of 'tho c on-, , , . J.T. v Z

ventionU. . -r> . Jrarmaloa , .prlncipa ,pfthe Ncbaaka-Siato Institute for theBlind , Drenontcdr-an excellent pi per

'6h tjiac'daiiajlon.

of the blind. Its .i n - i t . T'- - ,toryi.-.and..noope. Great , interest waj.-

'm&nffestod b alkgresent , and'manyt-hirlg3, ne lo"'tho."cbnup Jn. pd.ucitor

were heard. * j. . .V- -f JajfMlJSiAda JB Scrioonmakri iefkLfq-


an essay of Kreat rnerit | "of, ,wrucnw'e hope 'to publish extracts inthe future. - 1 '

. ,

prcsenied "Th'ecGrapriic"Syateln ea'aUniversal ] Language , " which helacr-compipiud wUfj] oriKUinV iharta. HJsexplanation , of'tliajcharta was a niostinteresting foalur to all progressive'-teachers. . Evidently .this. ayatem jhasbeen a matter of closa study with iim-

"Ior years. By careful .observation bud-application ho .haa'baconw'gJlBader in-Wucat'ionatprogress , wfiS.anationijl

hia 'inaugural * addwss Tot-iifhich ith'o-

followlng fa.a briiif outlmeS ''

jlo.bo. , , , ! , -";

leave behind all thioightstif iheraccu'-nfu'.a

-do1 cf, e&lh{ ,

'>polltlc3.andt ¬

dred , matters , that? fiome'thing'more-weigltty njayet ; igBirjQur attention-.In


the co'fibaordUon) cfJ , matters thjaj-

m y cngcge our jUention , we maydiffdr, .an3 mus rTght ,to dlffor as , men in'aayother BpheroT | ,

Tc-.chinrv'thouih; the * raos merito-rious


of all ocaupitions , dooa not'roi-cejve ijs just consideration.' :Hu ref rred ; to 'ihofact thai "theignoramus'hasiiitlo mbro'troublo toengage his services than thp wellqualified.rThe great masa'of peoplefuel cqmpotenE to opinioh , audtheir dogmatism ia measured by theirigaornnc6Do Tvqua'villo pnce pointedout .that tlie o js datigdr of dtatroyingindividuality in _ a democratic people-.A.dispdsUion


to follow timo'-wnrn ruleswfll'take the place true ability toperform at living , work. There 5s aninsanity ..to-day in, , our midot forjthemarket of fraud. This is the devil'-of society , straining after effect , ! in *

ptw.d of conacicntioualy.c.performingduties which l iyin our pntd ,: to rep-resent


ourselves something other.thin-we are. . . - j

A teacher must of necessity poseeai-a high mcral character and n Koniilno-individuality. . Too .dyyelopmenti 'of-

the. . hitter ia likely to. be neglected inthe mechanical .routine of gradedschool , and'fos'ilnJjfld' bestow upon it ,

our fostering carqand onbauriigom ift !.'

Wo should strive 'to develoo allithV-uaturnl individuality , there ja in man'and womyn. By it 'alone * can.wer ach thqsr tru'o ca'pVcilJ nod cnthii1s-

iBSin. . Wt > Jmiistjearn to think afterthe, mode of'tho aricienta as well aa ofthe moderns.

the deductive uielnod ref

thohght poesy' an'd' fiction has rocoivecTi, ahdj&rvcehlu.nes-


life was 'imbftdded in. . . . . . u. Glliletf was' tho.firai to-

ratniiio facts aud dta r- inferencea-from' -them. The 'nnivferse. waaj al-


made to , glow by' hiapatnralmethod oftbinkini ; , and it has re-


in the , development of' ociencea-

is at present revolutionizing.'socle'ty-ind civilization. i ojjtrn oducitior ,[ hough 'hot possessed exclusivelythrough training in the inductivemeihid , T" bws attained

*through a-

nn yrpf phvs'cs Np stiidenl . .has-

tiiiu - ! )'m5> -er ill br uc es.of tcien ,tific s-efoh ami frej iSpo for theleVi'lopmcutg ffi titrir) diVihi lUJ6s F-



tin..folio'Kihj ; one-Jhttaj&f sojan-lifici


iuveatijatvwtofj rffotiyii.fobight cau * be ,

rabject _ ,character ; if


Scwp.pace , .-

r rjecomo'- coT>aer> atL<L

' 'rad''

jation for ouraelves.Nolhing .is; ined iu this ditection by the Chi-



sameness in rchool woikjitbrushes out vitality and the spirit of

Tiadivldual' liberty. The mastet-pleces

-in human -ILfo , and in fact all

inhohavo.rison: above medlocritytave'T-Jono o by original investigation andih'e drawing ; out ! of individual force *

" O'uE' papila differ aa .widely aa iouf-selvres

-and reqnire a variety of ideas

and' work to iraw forth their latent1-powera. . Variation Ian mark 'ofi vital-ity


, Irrthe-vegetablerkingdom , In th'e-

arllmal , in .the atara'abo've.ti and In

onrselvea.'f"Many of onr tejSohertfara oungjbat ycii h is iho"'time wh'en'tha'dispoisitlon-tb' help others -isTstrongest. 'Beyour natural solves , regard no rnles ,do-whatyour onsclcnca and.



intelfect-r pupils. - j


It . ' * " ' - . 1 s* > J- -i ft; .. [ r' iSetiDualy In jttredl

- 1 . - ! til =-a'clpck esdaymprnlng on theOhiqg (> & jjortii wpsfjEraj railroad nea r-

Lnveland, tossm icaat'.itonnd freight ,

'ih'e'ttils .Bprendmg'.wrid' hlhe'cr ttn'

waa.badjy hurt and aa eout , oa to-

Clintonfialcaro1 of.ta a'Urgoon. The


tho.caraf uppn-

th.Q.f.tracJc-again ; w th-

.out''cadaing !ai-protracted-delay to-

traina1 the' clra'were" all ih'rbwn , into

through -expresa Cviiinsi the * lattetreaching hero at'ifial ! ' past 6 o'clock

yesterday morningten' hears Into }

jAmong the delayed passengers' on

this train-wera eightyatudanta - from-

the - Iowa State AfJricnUnral college ,

"re turning.

home for Vacation. Many' T * > "

of these Students came through ! to'-

' 'BLACK DRAUGHT'" curesness.and Sick-lleadachc.

. AtC. F. OtO'Jraan's.

. The largest ai yvqll as the smallest ,and the | medium .sized . man ,

can ba well suited in Panis , Overalls ,

Shirts and Underwear , a li'O-wald's , 13ih.andJacBs6n s'tre'otB-

r . .T- ' r - ' "


i ia* jUi'Ht i'i rrrjrw . - } c.* . ct; , Mr. GrEIl.sHaywardJ: .ofrvEhqffliil-



, was.-a.'caller at TuEiBtE of;

fice yesterday. 'Mr. iHayward goes |tc-

ColoradoKto'wfite p"th'e"Centennial Statefor hia paperi3 *


Mr.. .Chas. L. .Tlwrnas-brpther , .ofplx-i-li ) - ; --iier L {Thomas , of this .city , h a.arrived

here, with histfamily , from Indianajanijwill mak'o thishis, permanent home. I Hewill fOrm a partnership with hia bfothfJr inthe real estate business ; - f2 , ;

- : . . . ; . : : . . =- i,1-NOTICETO



Seale'd '-'propoaaliw1lT: bofecelveduntil 12 o'clock'.nop&j lpin2J41881 ,for materials anil ,erectinghTCrthree-;

story brick buildinga.txr; * 61'Plans'and specifications can'be'


atj the" bfiice of Dufrene&TMerirIej-

yihn_ -

, architects. . . , ., , ,

. . SAMUEL BURNSt. , , 3.i7 ' 26eod-t-a2 EoaasHitL. .

" MJP 'sv -


woud rh.aye been running yotjf 'th.emanagers of fthe , old genteman's} busi-


ibtb Whipple , McMilfen'

& Oj-'d: lo'-Bb"' VepaVed : "ThTy are"anro ahnl" oh 'watch ' .and' clock re'-

pairing. . ?n29t3-t

, , . . . . . i. .i - i

THE PUIlEST.and fresheat rng-atj DO had at ScnnoTER. & BECHT'S ;

Opera House Drug Store ; 211 , Fif-


street. '' ' m23tf-:- tj"WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladie3.only :

. At C. F. Goo'Jmiirs. *

_ -:- - v- |Anniversary.i. .Don't forgot the anniversary'exfir - '

cisea o-mcirrb'w'faor, the "hop" in ; theowning *


' '

All our -friends sro invited to v-

bpresent . Liberty Hall , Burt street }

wesi df'mil.'fary 'bridgeIt J. ED. SMITH' , Manager.

Undoubtedly the bust stiirt'ln ; theUnited Statoi ? is mnunfacturad at the"

; Omaha Shirt Factory. The ouporiority-of J Material- and Wnrkmanship , com-loiiiod

-with their great lrnpnvenonta ,

thatis'Reinforced fronts, Runfo cedbacks and Reinforced sleeves , makestheir ohlrt the most durable'and' bestfitting garmentof the kind , (jvermanufactured at the u jderate price of '

81.50.Every shirt of onr.makj > 6ia

guaranteed fimt-claaa and will refundthe money if found otherwise * * j

Wo make a specialty of a.llwp61 ,Shaker, arid Canton flannel , also-"chemois underwear, made-up with aview to comfort , warmthrand durabili-ty.


. To invalids , nndr weak-lungedpersons rwe Offer spoaial inducementsin the manner tHeao goods are madef6r thefr , protection ;

t' - " PlI. GOTTHEIMEE ,iitrnot.-



fralpackage of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"free of charge.

' At C. F. Goodman's.






virtue of an order of nalo iuuod ont ot tboDistrict Conrt , in and f JT DoUK'aa' Countv , Ke-


. nil to mo directed , I will , , on the 9th'lay of April , A. Di 1E81 , t 10 , o'clock"a. . m. ofaid dajyat'tlie south' dunrofttbo Couit Houo-n tbo cty of OTialK , Dniula C uuty , Nc-i


) ka , acjl 'nf. public nilctloii the property at-cribd

- .

In I 1 nrdor, to wt : ' t nt ix ((6) in blockn ) riuiijr l u eevei ty-jno (171) , in the city of-

ni") hi , .Doujjlis County , NeH a ka , togetherrith all thc'nppnrtc ar.c :> tHveunto belong inj ,os ti fy a JuJ mant nf raid court rocovercd by-

Ferdinand Sireltz , p'aintiff.ftnd against Andrewt. Orchard , et. al. defendant

' W. StMEKAL ,n'l-lt Special JUstirCOmmisaiontr.

* * ">BEED'S i



>"Amon! >," lie byAl'iandert "Abd nab-


ri "O..ld mlth Maid ;" Frrei dam "On-

Ime'bv'Wnr Dance ," s-m of-the > eowned ,

LcxiuRto -," Slcond , i"i Ua.HrfijkdnridG"( | by-Collossus ," ron ot imported "dovtrclzn. *

"Almonfa Hnt dinr bv "M tbrtao Cbict !

jsd bilii'e hy Hyg lick's -"Hambletontanj:1-Tliia


rcnnrK * ' lo iiorpo nili bflfive; y-ars oldnMay , Ira wilnrc only 35 nurca (fill ! of-

rbich EU-ttr i-i n.rW cn jed ) at $2500 perMire , parable at limo oltenlce. ", ' ''Stat on ccrnmcme * April.Itt.and wUl'endl r. fit, Af cr tta tm'e'hU ftrvico'wlll' be-

iitat > h > a trolled' in

LEfiO. fr

.- 'i- *o .streets:?it So *fyf sr-

nrliamentary amujce , tiotr to contact publicicsineu ; iu f< ct It is a complete Guide to Success-or all c atea. A family teccMtjAddrcesforIrcolan and (pedal tenni AKCllOEPUBLa-SHsaco.st.iiiiigiro.



-lly. Addrea a.B. . , Bto offlos

M IMV Offle-

TO' LOAW U09 rirnfiam Street. ..Dr. gdWMtig.Loan Agency. ' .nor-SS-M


"TT7"ANTED A jroodtilrl In "aJimall-'fanilljv atYl 2S07Dodge. tre t , 3rd housed 23rd < 6Ul-

WANTEDi 8fe ly 'Job. "WagesJ. modertte. A slngla- man Apply at ane 'to JI McDoogall , trlen4TlllqNob. , E13-

4TrANTEDAsoodrfzallight. . nd tlrylise-YI

-mcnt. Address Drawer 71 , P. O. , Omiha-

AsjuuUUDt *SITUATIONVANTED lliiht tmplpytneqti-trTrt nx'1iTt In tfi v'.n' .V' Par lit'

UK) Flcrco street. $ L0>31

WANfE6-PBichaiers (or t o" hewspiporpattirabn-


' if tre g-

J'Btcord , ' Ueceola , i * j '

dollars pcfWMK. S-



' 7" .11 'j.ttprjjufhly aeqiuluted'WtllIf eOraslu-


cl jefercrfce , * v'cskea , . .-



-, ' ' P. >p"

_ horsMjbf 'a'pjrtet in store" 'Can irelot of city referenw

"; Addrws Swede , K'O.

j i-

A GOOD HOT Wantssitntt'pn" is'c'rrinj' or-

XXJ toreo' oJDce , BDilcan-giva good refereqce. . Ajldjss Messenger' , p. o.

". . . . . r.i . . -.

WANTED -An ixterknced dernnC girl.


i tmomataiJisn *

C HC.lfrei3hl Auditor's cUUe..U. P. Ub> d-


' ' ' ' ' ' <. * oi-

cW ANTED Liuodrets imir.eJU.tely at-Ocddcntil Hotel. "

ANTED Bj'ono of tbo largest. Whil JsaleClothing Uouzc3 ( n York City , ior

the cofrilnfj fall trails' experienced ile mn.'-Jhoso

.haVln ? 'exocilencb notl "commahU'hs' a-

gt 0t trade will find tolsVQn-t-cbus oppnrtuDltr.Apply at once w th references to A. B. C. , Ijost-offlce

-Box SOS , Mew Yo MAlj. 10tw&9S-

TtTAiiTKB.-" Dvolnic ;rq9ru.gJcU , C.1L a ''tlilV-

Yy.. oTnfpa.lsaafii8tCl; : B8 head.-waittr ,4v * l'J

"TTrANTED Good steady m ddlo aged wcmn-YY to tike care ot a taby. Apply 'it Jtblso-

fBce. . . -4 t 149'3-

jWANTEDqirl f6r; be pvld to aoli-

KlrL Call at B o OlEce : , 4CS-

UWASTKD A rar.nerwUh'aj.OOb tdflli ad-rIci tfo ezMnsiJn cfui csuelithed

and one frfth&bc tp% > in huBir ods in tUt west.Apply to K. tv ; Sim'enIlIt6oDXBlock , 15th St. ' * * 'i ' - ' "Y Mm-

Vf TjANTED Two more boirdcrs at 313 I orth-VV- ' WiHslrtet'KetweerDavinpbif andCht-


, ast' id8-i ? a I'BTJIM88t " ' '

"i" .lith

- rTetea WeHePVintsV-Y7( tostirfameatcuukBdnsoineaiirailvcst-

emtown , wherc.there b.noao , or whcrft prio is-

nos'dol ; woaW'takoliTallaKlo. partner. Adircs-t.'ikotd Co. < KK3 CO-

UVamrstfeetttiu'ri. .' ! tl 31-

anJ tire Slt aia la-

.Jj "a n w hongeand ono'acre if euTti&tcd,; 16mlnute3-w ! lt aoath'Of ,,4overnm nt-

Fiist houso'in th brlJTshoyc-90&0" ' 'Qacalr s eoio :actory. ' -

;,f M -* - j-


FOR at-


OFICB-JlOOJIr 10M ;gtwftt kf-7OR RENT A'sult-of. lurkl'hccKor tinfur-


rooms at U17 Cu3 slireat' , oppo'ile

new brick school house.

TTOUSES.AND tiAlfD Beirfs rents; holwes ,O atores, hoieto tarmsIgt , hnd3. . .oalc-

roomsjetc.. ," ' -1 * "

. Sce'Jstpigo.1 I

THIORKEXT Blacksmith atop .wiUj tool'Jcod-JP

-T niently looted. , 1) . j, . IHyifASJAgt.

495-20' . ' - jf. . J iK- I

iOU RENT Two new , iil) 6 irjo-P room ? , Jbay winiow?'. andaTTtoilfehiinceJ-

liUnilea oh the hill.AppTT 'to'SWjPetcraen ,'and JJougHsSts. , iaahnun' atOTe.

. : yA3i-15th

I71OK RKKT 2 fnrntehfld .rnomajforor Her-L1

-chants Exchange ," Jf. ., ;Cor.' .16tw tnd-

D.vIgs gtrceta. "Sjttl-

FO? SALE. ' ,

tOE small well IiuilJ boWdf ( fourP *

toorni "in ;! simmer 'kit. lionRffhK 'clrne-V

E A; BO-ID of 'bayItpnzef KVqirg-.J


' oM ; ijso doable hifuen o3 rood I newvrajon. Kcrpiire 'cpmfr' 19tf arid'UiVenportiStreet , at HrManning's., ' .4312 .

ttage honfcof 5'rootn * with"JQ " 2 lots ; 'grofrnd toftMcheap : Ir. j2314 Farnham St. , Bo qp' addltionlC7d ) d2S-

T7.0R SATiE Horses d"poni9 7Bi"corneiiet-JC

|and Jnrd , aVKcdmin'a.barn.J

JJ atd tltclien , sOod bahiand-cruth'ou ci . .qu ! at. rmon &Johnson's .yOlco. . , 333U

'pCR SALE Ten ( lOlrctlifefico IotDnipp


C"'firilham'stroet' . JehU'L."M-KSwruo , p-

.PP * ' ' - 'SSfttt'-


- JALC Map8" >)fTnmiiw 'and'Sarpy-

il} counties.AJ'Kd.EWA'JEtt , J52ir K in-h a.Strc t. , , +

OQR' 3SLK Soreri cbcd" ' li'ir-sj'.Fsraham



?T7 > OR''SALS Leico Bhd furnUrtro of a'first

JD idoss liotcl lu.a town cf l.TOO inhabiti.nU' . in-tatfl ofNohraska. Ilu i jjs. . tljo travalllntr-

meh' n ort. In'quW.atl'eB office 21tA EAttOAlN A.'bnlldinz' .with

&ilooniittarcs-Jur7iUuraaail itpck.onaOUi-St.., opposite thd U. P"depot fpri Jc'verr .cheap-.Qrtha

.fliture "faniltafonSstock will . .be'sol-


.' .

OR SALBTi': : t X. J-


t -

I 31. BROWN , corner ci.lSt'h , and Chlraeo< ! . slrccts , is ready to'boro or docpin wells.Satisfaction guanjiUfd. 5C3tf-

ind J4th-iiKraorandnjn book with the owjier'daddref-

susidcconUimns jarcr * " ' "° value bu o thewiicr. A sulnlile reward will be paid by Ica-rnjat


Gio. Jlaldoon's , lUb and Howard. 6013-

0r OST OR ffTOLEN A dark brown haUtirce-dLJi snfpunl ttof , ami of tul whitevcrf sh rt-et3andtie.vjs.tr Ffridcf'wI.I"be Ierallyrer-arded


by Ictvins him at sh6 Cczz'n's house-.490Sli

.: . - r j -

* LL TIME will stand Mnac'ayi * Tucedajs ! andCX Wednesdays' each Week, betrfnnfngf therot ot April , ou Twcntlith'west ot tjhtecntti-trattt car-lr ck teiminu % aud tborenuladerof.-ten week at the corner of lit'h and Ilowardt-recte. .

' < 393-

pHE EE&TTHING YIT-.U..C. riiik & Co.'aiL Impe'jal SU KiUinWintcr WhwtJ'ioniy-irTancakea , Diecuits , anjall kinds of pastry ,tylt. Ask"yoargro rforit. . .478lf-

HEAMaCAN BEOpT-At JohnBarr * ,stleL for alt kinds of .work.at reaaonaMefUuresear corner 13th aiid 'LeaVenw rtb' St. 378tf-

Jfldq trfla-reparitfin'maesre rnrnr'r1>reaWt-r loxniicus pastry. Cn be eated by Drsr ep-cs without ftar ot tha fflj resu'tlng from heavyiiilgestlble food. Sold oily In c n , by allracers. R T FOWDKRCO. .

>'cw York.


GtOTffiNG HOUSE !* - " RC I rffi "

CO, ,Spring Suits I 'AH. Styles !


West of Chicago !




-** " ' * * - r- - w nojr'airassortinent, of Clothing of all kinds ,

Genfc'sl'urm&g'Goods , in gfeat variety; and a heavyFcM p alis rHats , Oips; fe These"fefiSffifeite purchasedjirqc.tr frosu the manufac-


n.Tifl arfii Ka.dni f - * s, jpjy .ff than ever he-



e m-


. ? 7 5'1811 d Have bulOne Price.' A large.t ilotrjnsjfdrce iserngfpye-d by us , and we ma kSuits fo.Qrder onY X oh n.Qttce. '

1301 ami.1303 Farnluim ,St ,, Corner 13ili.-



_ _W4fcKtIiaffesi--Selected; Stock o-




Irn ' ;

HOUSE , . 1STUEET,,, 2C !8 * * * * ;




.-j. > '


? (®® 5f {95'

ay fovSell thenejtire stock .Obi?** . gAi , .t M r - "

3 . i.r-




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bU, r v-



. .35I5TIKSU1-


33MT-5IS f. j ' Organ

JliHfRALMUSSGAL IRiMiANaSS.-EIt TXjjM actupa ; JricjBs , Whiffi'is1 from 15 to 20 Der-

ceiit.-. eldw any Eastern Wholesale House ,


. . . ,, ..' 1 J* Jrep rafo'ry 'to moving into their

, Ccr, Uth&TFarnham. Come-uid; he Convinced.


-Mfr, -iXfpBSJftSFOelluloid-

j .

jisnnoO.b-.wsJj. - vJfe-




; Si ! vcr : Wn f*ci! t

'. .V and Jewel


.' City-



, See Our Stock

fc'Wffl Be Pleased

* ". - -to Show Goods.


. inth ft. D'td'j . Oppfmit > i P-


kind * of

d Summer dlogua ( . . _ . . .,, Srecialfiy. Orders promp6l7; filled

5 m Burfc St. , Omaha Neb. d.23t1 jr-


Wagon Stock ,


