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Unravelling Urban Design project 2

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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  2. 2. PART A PYRMONT PRECINCT OBSERVATION & RECORDINGS SELECTED ISSUES & SWOT ANALYSIS Pirrama Park Melcalfe Park Ballaarat Park and waterfront Pirrama Road near James Watkinson Reserve Cliff
  3. 3. Pyrmont Pyrmont is located in between the Sydney CBD and among the some of the densest residential suburbs in Sydney, including Rozelle and Glebe; Pyrmont could somehow classified as a transitional area between the two. It contains diversity of public spaces, landuses, buildings, and people. It has a long history of being an industrial area providing a built environment with different range of remained heritage buildings. Together with the unique landscape, a huge cliff on the northern part, it has some different identity to the other suburbs. Today it is mainly known by The Star City Casino, being the major landmark of Pyrmont. The area selected is the eastern part of Pyrmont, including The Star City, the harbor or wraft region, Pirrama Park, Pirrama Road and the existing boardwalk. For the purpose of this project, our team examine how each space work out as a public domain, and how each space is related to each other or could be. We also examine the intimate relationship between the programs of space to be provided could be closely relate to what is needed by the people living in the area, and close observations of peoples activities and behavior while being in each space. OBSERVATION & RECORDINGS
  6. 6. Green spaces, Vegetation Green Space has a large proportion and located separetaly to serve people from different areas Street trees help the inner part of Pyrmont, where not much green space is located Built Form There is not a building grain in the area. Buildings are built according to the landscape so that there are different orientations and shapes OBSERVATION & RECORDINGS
  7. 7. OBSERVATION & RECORDINGS Green Open Space There are four parks in the area, namely, Pyrmont Bay Park, Metcalfe Park , Ballaarat Park and Pirrama park. Pyrmont Bay Park and Pirrama Park are more popular than the other two Parks are lack of activities Heritage Most of the heritages in this area are occupied, and the biggest one is the Jones Bay Wharf, a commercial centre
  8. 8. OBSERVATION & RECORDINGS Commercial Mixed Use Residential Public Recreational Currrent Building and Landuse There are great variety of landuse, namely, commercial, residential, mixed useand open space. Mostly in this area is commercial and mixed use space. There may be issue between residential and commercial areas, between public and private spaces as there are not many buffering in between Building Height Most buildings are 30m so there are not many view obstructions
  9. 9. OBSERVATION & RECORDINGS High Pedestrian Movement Low Medium Pedestrians Density and its relationship with range of attractions The Stat City basically hold most of the people from CBD, and residents mostly spend their time in Piramma Park Other areas are being underused Pedestrian movement People mainly move around the Star City and do not go further to the space surround Roads are not favouring and guiding human movement to the open spaces
  10. 10. OBSERVATION & RECORDINGS Existing boardwalk promenade The existing promenade along the water edge breaks in some area so that it weaken the circulations in nearby areas
  11. 11. SELECTED ISSUES & SWOT ANALYSIS Propose boardwalk promenade extention Bind the broken promenades together to continue the circulation along the water edge from barangaroo throughout the whole Pyrmont
  12. 12. Lack of Activity Discourage Human Movement Strength Landscape that adapt to its existing levelchange and contribute to the identity ofPyrmont Heritage buildings are remained, giving theplace sense of its origin and value Great complexity in uses, working together togive variety of activities Weakness Inefficient Access between higher and lowerground No disable access Number of public spaces are underuse, giventhat pedestrians are generally attacrted to the main attractions Poor circulation, failing to lead people to the public space where good views are located Our team decided to selected 4 sites out of the entire context, and closely examine its existing built environment, observe peoples daily use of the space. Pirrama Park Ballaarat Park and waterfront Metcalfe Park Pirrama Road (near James Watkinson Reserve Cliff) SELECTED ISSUES & SWOT ANALYSIS
  13. 13. Opportunity Continuity of the circulation along the water edge, by extending and continuing the boardwalk Enriching Pirrama Road and enhancing the movement to Pirrama Park Water facility could be installed along the boardwalk, to further extend publics experience with the harbor Relocation of Boat parking can provide bettervision to the harbour and Barangaroo Relationship between each proposed space Proposal of each public space could furtherimprove the pedestrian experience through Pyrmont Threat Resident may be disturbed if there are too manyactivities assigned nearby View will be blocked if extra elements are being place un-strategically SELECTED ISSUES & SWOT ANALYSIS
  14. 14. Facilities included SELECTED ISSUES & SWOT ANALYSIS Accessibility Relationship to surrounding park and existing boardwalk Flexible access for all Reintroduce Pedestrian Movement Directing boardwalk pedestrian into underuse space View Pirrama Park
  15. 15. Facilities included SELECTED ISSUES & SWOT ANALYSIS Metcalfe Park Accessibility Relationship to surrounding streets and boardwalk Built Environment and Height Relationship to surrounding build- ings facade and height View
  16. 16. SELECTED ISSUES & SWOT ANALYSIS Ballaarat Park and waterfront Extending Waterfront Edge View Accessibility and relationship to harbor Extension of boardwalk experience through introducing new public domain Facilities included
  17. 17. SELECTED ISSUES & SWOT ANALYSIS Pirrama Road (near James Watkinson Reserve Cliff) Accessibility Relationship to adjacent street Public and disable access from higher ground level to lower Flexibility and adaptibility of the use of public stair Relationship to surrounding build- ings and facade View Potential viewing platform along the accessibility route proposed Facilities included
  18. 18. PART B PYRMONT PRECINCT | Re-Design Pirrama Park Melcalfe Park Ballaarat Park and waterfront Pirrama Road near James Watkinson Reserve Cliff
  19. 19. Re-Design Pirrama Park Careful examination of design of the seating through an understanding of what people do or behave in such open space The design of the seating relates to the understanding of human proportions and its scale to the selected site The design of the bench not only serve as seats, but also install with some fixtures, for example, BBQ facility, swings and other features for children, frame for photo taking, art elements, in a way that read as a large piece of sculpture within the area, but not moving any trees
  20. 20. Re-Design Pirrama Park
  21. 21. Re-Design Pirrama Park
  22. 22. Metcalfe Park Re-Design Strengthen the linkage between streets and promenade by putting pavement in the park Mainly divided into 3 areas, namely Playground and Resting area, Sport area and Mixed area, so that more variety of activity can be attained Some interesting canopies and shading panels are installed in reference to the existing shading device, so as to shade the western sun and give a interesting shadow casting on the ground A large levelled seat area is put on the west side of the park in order to provide seat for people to enjoy the view of Barangaroo and provide a underneath space for the public toilet
  23. 23. Metcalfe Park Re-Design Precedent Park in Mollet, Enric Miralles
  24. 24. Ballaarat Park and Waterfront Re-Design Create an extension of the park as a public pool area in Jones Bay for mainly the resident nearby. It also improves the relationship of context wharf bays in term of planning Extend the public experience of boardwalk and enhance the quality of the harbor
  25. 25. Ballaarat Park and Waterfront Re-Design
  26. 26. Pirrama Road (near James Watkinson Reserve Cliff) Re-Design Create a public access, as well as disable access, between the upper and lower part of the cliff Caf is put beside the cliff as part of the public stair, providing more activity and good use of the area (Daytime: Caf,Night time: Restaurant and Bar) Some art pieces and irregular shading panel are put beside the sitting area of the caf in order to boost the enjoyment of the people using the space Trees are planted in between the resident building and the caf as a buffer Cycling track has been installed on the other side of the road, favouring the human movement by bike
  27. 27. Pirrama Road (near James Watkinson Reserve Cliff) Re-Design
  28. 28. Re-Design Before Piramma Park
  29. 29. Re-Design After Piramma Park
  30. 30. Re-Design Before Metcalfe Park
  31. 31. Re-Design After Metcalfe Park
  32. 32. Re-Design Before Pirrama Road (near James Watkinson Reserve Cliff)
  33. 33. Re-Design After Pirrama Road (near James Watkinson Reserve Cliff)
  34. 34. Re-Design Before Ballaarat Park
  35. 35. Re-Design After Ballaarat Park
