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Use of Mediterranean legume shrubs to control soil erosion and runoff in central Spain. A large-plot assessment under natural rainfall conducted during the stages of shrub establishment and subsequent colonisation P. Garcia-Estringana a, b, , N. Alonso-Blázquez a , M.J. Marques a , R. Bienes a , F. González-Andrés c , J. Alegre a a Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDRA), Department of Agroenvironmental Research, Autovía A-2, Km. 38,2, 28800 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain b Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), CSIC, Department of Geosciences, Jordi Girona, 18-26, 08034 Barcelona, Spain c Escuela Superior y Técnica de Ingeniería Agraria, Departamento de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agrarias, Avda. de Portugal 41, 24071 León, Spain abstract article info Keywords: Plant cover USLE plots Soil loss Dorycnium Colutea Medicago The revegetation of land that is no longer cultivated helps reduce soil erosion and runoff. Prior studies have determined the effectiveness of shrub-type cover for this purpose in Spain using small plots sustaining the growth of mature shrubs without considering scaling effects or the establishment and colonisation period, in which the risk of soil erosion is high. In addition, these studies have assessed the effects of high magnitudelow frequency simulated rainfall. The aim of the present study was to measure under natural rainfall conditions the effects of three shrub covers (Colutea arborescens, Dorycnium pentaphyllum and Medicago strasseri) on runoff and soil loss. Plots 20.2 m × 4 m were created and runoff discharge and sediment concentrations were measured after each rainfall event for 2.5 years (establishment period) and for the following 4 years when the shrubs were well-developed. The results of this experiment were compared with those of a previous study, in which the same data were recorded under conditions of simulated high-intensity rainfall in small plots (0.25 m 2 ). In the control plot (bare soil), 5 rainfall events were responsible for 85% of the erosion (37.5 Mg ha 1 ) and 59% of the runoff (128.8 mm) produced. When the shrub covers were mature, runoff and erosion were reduced (by 8495% and 9599% respectively) compared to the establishment period. The effects of the shrubs at mitigating soil and water losses were more pronounced following high intensity rainfall events. Compared to smaller plots, the 80.8 m 2 plots tested here showed similar soil losses under high intensity thunderstorms but runoff losses were much lower, suggesting that some of the runoff reinltrates the slope due to shrub distribution effects. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Under Mediterranean climate conditions (Cerdà et al., 2010) and on agricultural land (Cerdà et al., 2007, 2009), non-sustainable rates of soil erosion constitute a real environmental problem (García Ruiz and López Bermúdez, 2009). Factors frequently held responsible for soil erosion are a dry climate, recurrent drought and intense thunderstorms. In ad- dition, the parent soil material and rough terrain also induce high soil and runoff losses in Mediterranean regions (Romero Díaz et al., 2010). In Spain, this situation is further aggravated by the fact that land use and management practices have not been able to solve the problem of high soil erosion rates, water losses and soil degradation (García Ruiz, 2010). Indeed, to the negative impacts of grazing, res, vegetation re- moval and ploughing we would have to add the more recent practices of agricultural land abandonment, the widespread use of herbicides, extensive forest res and an increase in road and railway embank- ments. Since land use essentially determines soil loss, revegetation can help reduce soil and water losses. Recovering the natural vegetation is the most effective way of regenerating a degraded soil. Under Mediterranean climate condi- tions, however, this process is delayed due to water stress and intense soil degradation. In Mediterranean ecosystems, shrubs are the most characteristic vegetation type. Besides controlling the accelerated soil erosion and runoff that occurs in these ecosystems, shrubs can also improve soil quality due to their capacity to x nitrogen and ac- tivate organic matter cycles, improve fertility and re-establish func- tional shrublands (Alegre et al., 2004; Caravaca et al., 2002; Francis and Thornes, 1990; Romero Díaz, 2003). Their quick growth and ad- aptation to the Mediterranean climate are further benets of the use of shrubs to improve soil losses. Shrubs supply litter to the soil increasing its organic matter con- tent (Alegre et al., 2004) and their complex root systems induce changes in soil properties (i.e. increasing soil macroporosity) that re- duce runoff and soil losses (indirect effects) in addition to the direct effects of their aerial cover (Garcia-Estringana et al., 2010). Shrubs Catena 102 (2013) 312 Corresponding author at: Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), CSIC, Department of Geosciences, Jordi Girona, 18-26, 08034 Barcelona, Spain. Tel.: +34 934006100x1621; fax: +34 932045904. E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Garcia-Estringana). 0341-8162/$ see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2011.09.003 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Catena journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/catena
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Catena 102 (2013) 3–12

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Use of Mediterranean legume shrubs to control soil erosion and runoff in centralSpain. A large-plot assessment under natural rainfall conducted during the stages ofshrub establishment and subsequent colonisation

P. Garcia-Estringana a,b,⁎, N. Alonso-Blázquez a, M.J. Marques a, R. Bienes a, F. González-Andrés c, J. Alegre a

a Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDRA), Department of Agroenvironmental Research, Autovía A-2, Km. 38,2, 28800 Alcalá de Henares,Madrid, Spainb Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), CSIC, Department of Geosciences, Jordi Girona, 18-26, 08034 Barcelona, Spainc Escuela Superior y Técnica de Ingeniería Agraria, Departamento de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agrarias, Avda. de Portugal 41, 24071 León, Spain

⁎ Corresponding author at: Institute of EnvironmResearch (IDAEA), CSIC, Department of GeosciencesBarcelona, Spain. Tel.: +34 934006100x1621; fax: +

E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Garcia

0341-8162/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. Alldoi:10.1016/j.catena.2011.09.003

a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o


Plant coverUSLE plotsSoil lossDorycniumColuteaMedicago

The revegetation of land that is no longer cultivated helps reduce soil erosion and runoff. Prior studies havedetermined the effectiveness of shrub-type cover for this purpose in Spain using small plots sustaining thegrowth of mature shrubs without considering scaling effects or the establishment and colonisation period, inwhich the risk of soil erosion is high. In addition, these studies have assessed the effects of high magnitude–low frequency simulated rainfall. The aim of the present study was to measure under natural rainfall conditionsthe effects of three shrub covers (Colutea arborescens, Dorycnium pentaphyllum andMedicago strasseri) on runoffand soil loss. Plots 20.2 m×4 mwere created and runoff discharge and sediment concentrations were measuredafter each rainfall event for 2.5 years (establishment period) and for the following 4 years when the shrubswerewell-developed. The results of this experimentwere comparedwith those of a previous study, inwhich the samedata were recorded under conditions of simulated high-intensity rainfall in small plots (0.25 m2). In the controlplot (bare soil), 5 rainfall events were responsible for 85% of the erosion (37.5 Mg ha−1) and 59% of the runoff(128.8 mm) produced. When the shrub covers were mature, runoff and erosion were reduced (by 84–95% and95–99% respectively) compared to the establishment period. The effects of the shrubs at mitigating soil andwater losses were more pronounced following high intensity rainfall events. Compared to smaller plots, the80.8 m2 plots tested here showed similar soil losses under high intensity thunderstorms but runoff losseswere much lower, suggesting that some of the runoff reinfiltrates the slope due to shrub distribution effects.

ental Assessment and Water, Jordi Girona, 18-26, 0803434 932045904.-Estringana).

rights reserved.

© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

UnderMediterranean climate conditions (Cerdà et al., 2010) and onagricultural land (Cerdà et al., 2007, 2009), non-sustainable rates of soilerosion constitute a real environmental problem (García Ruiz and LópezBermúdez, 2009). Factors frequently held responsible for soil erosionare a dry climate, recurrent drought and intense thunderstorms. In ad-dition, the parent soil material and rough terrain also induce high soiland runoff losses in Mediterranean regions (Romero Díaz et al., 2010).In Spain, this situation is further aggravated by the fact that land useand management practices have not been able to solve the problem ofhigh soil erosion rates, water losses and soil degradation (García Ruiz,2010). Indeed, to the negative impacts of grazing, fires, vegetation re-moval and ploughing we would have to add the more recent practicesof agricultural land abandonment, the widespread use of herbicides,

extensive forest fires and an increase in road and railway embank-ments. Since land use essentially determines soil loss, revegetationcan help reduce soil and water losses.

Recovering the natural vegetation is the most effective way ofregenerating a degraded soil. Under Mediterranean climate condi-tions, however, this process is delayed due to water stress and intensesoil degradation. In Mediterranean ecosystems, shrubs are the mostcharacteristic vegetation type. Besides controlling the acceleratedsoil erosion and runoff that occurs in these ecosystems, shrubs canalso improve soil quality due to their capacity to fix nitrogen and ac-tivate organic matter cycles, improve fertility and re-establish func-tional shrublands (Alegre et al., 2004; Caravaca et al., 2002; Francisand Thornes, 1990; Romero Díaz, 2003). Their quick growth and ad-aptation to the Mediterranean climate are further benefits of theuse of shrubs to improve soil losses.

Shrubs supply litter to the soil increasing its organic matter con-tent (Alegre et al., 2004) and their complex root systems inducechanges in soil properties (i.e. increasing soil macroporosity) that re-duce runoff and soil losses (indirect effects) in addition to the directeffects of their aerial cover (Garcia-Estringana et al., 2010). Shrubs

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4 P. Garcia-Estringana et al. / Catena 102 (2013) 3–12

improve the infiltration capacity of soils (Cerdà, 1997), their waterretention capacity (Ruiz Sinoga et al., 2010) and runoff and sedimentredistribution. Most studies indicating that shrubs act as a protectivecover have compared bare and vegetated small plots, usually at theindividual shrub level (Francis and Thornes, 1990; Cerdà, 1997;Bochet et al., 2006; Garcia-Estringana et al., 2010; Ruiz Sinoga et al.,2010). These studies based on interill field measurements do notdemonstrate that shrubs contribute to control soil erosion at theslope or slope stretch scale. Smets et al. (2008) reviewed the datarecorded in 65 experimental studies including plots 0.27 to 50 mlong (most were b11 m), and suggested a need to focus on plots lon-ger than 11 m to investigate the soil erosion-reducing effectiveness ofsurface cover.

Runoff and erosion processes are not linear by nature and their ac-tions are also subject to different thresholds. Thus, scaling effects areimportant in determining the size of hydrologic and erosive phenom-ena (Boix-Fayos et al., 2006). Data obtained in small-scale plotsusually underestimate erosion and overestimate runoff (Trimble andCrosson, 2000). In very small plots, rills do not form and only sheeterosion can be measured, which represents only part of the erosionobserved across larger surface areas where rills are in large mea-sure responsible for the soil's transport capacity (Bagarello andFerro, 2004). Values obtained for the volume of runoff per unit ofsurface area usually decrease as the experimental plot gets larger(Paige et al., 2002), but infiltration and runoff values depend onthe measurement conditions. Apart from plot size (Poesen et al.,1994), the prior soil water content and the rainfall intensity playa key role in both these processes (Paige and Stone, 2003).

Soil erosion in shrublands has usually been assessed in mature ornon-recently disturbed ecosystems. However, the literature lacks in-formation on the process of shrub establishment and vegetation re-covery, and how this process may alter effects on soil loss andrunoff generation (Comino and Marengo, 2010). This is a key issueto understand shrublands as they colonise abandoned crop lands, in-tensively used land or colonise grasslands due to climate change.Shrubs also recover landscapes affected by fires (Cerdà and Doerr,2005) or mine spoils and road embankments. Thus, in order to under-stand scrublands, shrub establishment and colonisation first need tobe examined since this will provide valuable information for the useof shrub species to control erosion and runoff in semiarid areas. Inthis study, we assessed the effects of both the mature vegetationand of the juvenile specimens that colonise abandoned agriculturallands.

The present study was designed: (i) to determine under naturalrainfall conditions the effects of three legume shrub covers (Coluteaarborescens, Dorycnium pentaphyllum and Medicago strasseri) on run-off and soil losses measured in 20.2 m×4 m plots; (ii), to comparethese results with those previously obtained in small plots subjectedto simulated high-intensity rainfall in the same area, to determinethe effects of scale; (iii) to monitor shrub establishment and growthalongside effects on soil erosion; and (iv) to assess soil and waterlosses in the long-term (6.5 years).

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Site description and soil characteristics

The study was conducted under field conditions at an experimen-tal station in Guadalajara, Central Spain (40°41′00″N; 3°12′26″W) atan altitude of 650 m (Fig. 1). The soil erosion plots were set up in pre-viously cultivated lands on the slope of a terrace of the Henares River.The soil is a Typic Rhodoxeralf (USDA, 1999), which is well-structuredshowing clay illuviation throughout its profile with the exception ofthe upper horizon, and with cracks throughout the clay fraction inter-rupted at the base of the tillage horizon. Table 1 shows themain charac-teristics of the soil profile. The moisture regime is xeric and the thermal

onemesic.Mean annual rainfall in the area is 416 mm,with a character-istic Mediterranean distribution, consisting of higher-volume rainfallevents in the colder months and a water deficit during the warmerperiod. A more detailed description of the study area may be foundin Garcia-Estringana et al. (2010).

2.2. Plant material

Three shrubs were selected to characterise their ability to controlthe soil loss. C. arborescens (CA) is a deciduous species widelydistributed in the Mediterranean Basin. It is a vigorous shrub thatseldom surpasses a height of 2.5 to 3 m with few branches commonlyappearing in open shrublands and wood masses that are not toodense. Colutea species are good at tolerating dry summers (de Andréset al., 1999) and have an extensive root system capable of stabilisingsoil. D. pentaphyllum (DP) is an evergreen species widely distributedthroughout the Mediterranean. It is a small shrub that shows creepinggrowth forming dense masses. Its tolerance to drought, resistance tofire and colonising capacity makes D. pentaphyllum an ideal candidatefor revegetation and erosion control measures in semiarid environ-ments (Wills and Sheppard, 1986; Wills et al., 1989). M. strasseri(MS) is an evergreen species endemic to the island of Crete (Greuteret al., 1982). It is phytogenetically close toMedicago arborea, the mostwidely known species of woody alfalfa. It is a shrub that easily attainsa height of over 1 m, with a dense and upright canopy highlybranched from the base. These species of the genera Medicago aremultipurpose plants that have proved efficient at soil erosion control(Andreu et al., 1994) and produce good quality forage (Alegre et al.,1994). All the shrubs employed in this study were grown in 250 mlforest-type containers in greenhouse conditions over a 7-month peri-od. Plants were inoculated with strains of Rhizobium isolated fromthese same species in their places of origin according to the proce-dures described by González-Andrés et al. (2005).

2.3. Experimental plots

The four USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) plots were set up ona 12.5% hillslope, that a decade before had been used for cereal culti-vation. Each 80.8 m2 (20.2 m×4 m) plot consisted of a galvanised en-closure, a drawer collector, and sediment and runoff collectiondevices, which were cleared after each erosive event (Fig. 1). Eachplot was subjected to tillage practices before the experiment, simulat-ing the measures taken when old agricultural soils are revegetated. InMay 1999, planting was conducted according to a triangle design,leaving a 1.5 m distance between plants occupying the vertices of atriangle. One plot was planted with C. arborescens (treatment CA), asecond one with D. pentaphyllum (treatment DP), a third one withM. strasseri (treatment MS) and the fourth one was kept bare (treat-ment BS, or bare soil). Our BS plot is similar to that used as a referencefor the USLE model (Wischmeier and Smith, 1965) using herbicidesinstead of ploughing. Once planted, the soil was raked to smooththe surface and eliminate troughs generated by tillage and planting.Throughout the trial, herbicides were used on all the plots to avoid in-terference by grasses on the effects of the shrubs.

2.4. Canopy cover and soil cover

During the establishment period (2.5 years), we monitored thegrowth of the shrubs. Each semester, determination was made ofthe maximum height and the smallest and largest diameters of indi-vidual shrubs: 37 specimens of C. arborescens, 40 specimens ofM. strasseri and 31 specimens of D. pentaphyllum (Table 2). Usingthese measurements, we followed the changes produced in canopycover as an indicator of the soil surface under the direct influence ofthe shrubs. In addition, orthogonal photographs of 12 plants repre-sentative of each treatment were obtained to estimate the proportion

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Fig. 1. View of the experimental plots near Guadalajara (Central Spain) and images of the 20.2 m×4 m erosion plots planted with Colutea arborescens (CA),Medicago strasseri (MS),Dorycnium pentaphyllum (DP) and bare soil (BS).

5P. Garcia-Estringana et al. / Catena 102 (2013) 3–12

of soil covered by the plants, their leaf litter and stones (soil cover).This was undertaken by tracing on the images, the outlines of theshrubs and bare soil areas, manually colouring the covered surface.The proportion of bare soil was assessed by measuring the colouredsurface using an image analyser (Delta-T Services, Burwell, UK) andWinDias® software.

2.5. Soil loss and runoff

Soil loss and runoff were measured after each rainfall event capa-ble of provoking surface runoff. To quantify soil loss, we determinedthe fresh and dry weights of the materials settled in the collector.When necessary because of the amount of sediments, three 1 kgsubsamples were taken and their dry weights determined. Next, thevolume of runoff water was measured, and the dry weight of thesolids in suspension (SLR) determined by filtration after mixing.Sometimes, because of a large runoff volume, three 1000 ml aliquotswere processed. To estimate the dry weights of the solids settled inthe reservoir and of the solids in suspension, the samples weredried in an oven at 105 °C for 48 h. Total soil loss (SLT) was calculated

Table 1General soil properties.

Horizon Ap Bt BB2Btca BB3Btca

Ocric Argilic Argilic Argilic

Depth/cm 0–18 18–85 85–121 121–153

Sand/% 42.4 41.5 49.9 39.3Silt/% 21.1 13.5 18.8 52.3Clay/% 36.5 45.0 31.3 8.4Gravel and stones/% 6.8 3.8 9.1 3.8OM/% 1.1 1.0 0.3 0.5Total carbonate/g kg−1 6.7 1.3 2.7 2.7pH (1:2.5 H2O) 7.6 8.0 8.1 8.2Exch. Ca/cmolc.kg−1 22.0 17.7 20.6 3.7Exch. Mg/cmolc.kg−1 2.3 2.1 3.7 6.0Exch. K/cmolc.kg−1 0.2 0.3 – –

by adding the dry weight of the solids settled in the reservoir to thedry weight of the solids in suspension reaching the runoff reservoir(SLR).

2.6. Rainfall measurements and erosion index calculations

To describe the duration of each storm, a criterion similar to thatused by Wischmeier (1959) was followed. Two rainfall events weredefined as different when at least 6 consecutive hours in which norainfall was recorded had passed. Rainfall data were recorded usingelectronic rain-gauges installed in the experimental plots. Over theperiod 1999–2001, cumulative precipitation in 12-min periods wasrecorded. In 2001, the recording system was modified and a HOBORG2-M© data logging rain gauge installed to record rainfall at a reso-lution depth of 0.2 mm over variable time intervals. For each event,we calculated its total duration in hours, total rain depth in mm, themean rain intensity as the coefficient of total rain depth over total du-ration (mm h−1), the maximum 30 minute intensity (I30) mm h−1;after 2001, we also calculated the maximum 5 minute intensity (I5)and the maximum instant intensity as the minimum time in which1 mm of rain was recorded (I0).

Storm kinetic energy is an indicator that is widely used to estimatethe erosivity of a rainfall event. This variable has been related to in-tensity by a logarithmic function (Brandt, 1990; Wischmeier andSmith, 1958, 1978). The following equation was used to calculatethe kinetic energy of each event:

E ¼ 210þ 89log10I J m−2 mm−1� �

: ð1Þ

For each event, we obtained an indicator of erosivity based on thefactor R of the USLE and revised USLE, or RUSLE models (Wischmeier,1959). The rain characteristic of a given place has an R factor calculat-ed from individual erosion indices (EI30) that are obtained for eachrainfall event, multiplying the kinetic energy obtained in Eq. (1) bythe maximum 30 minute intensity (Wischmeier and Smith, 1978).The “real” erosivity of each rainfall event was assessed considering

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Table 2Changes in mean individual height (H), diameter (D) and canopy cover recorded during the first 2.5 years (establishment period). C. arborescens (CA), M. strasseri (MS) andD. pentaphyllum (DP). Values represent the mean±standard error.

Months afterplanting



Canopy coverm2


6 (Win-00) 60±3 41±2 32±2 40±2 41±2 44±2 0.13±0.01 0.15±0.01 0.17±0.0212 (Sum-00) 133±3 68±2 53±3 105±2 94±2 58±2 0.91±0.01 0.73±0.01 0.28±0.0118 (Win-01) 141±3 72±2 56±2 113±4 102±3 66±3 1.03±0.01 0.85±0.05 0.36±0.0324 (Sum-01) 174±3 84±3 73±2 169±3 125±3 120±3 2.27±0.02 1.27±0.06 1.15±0.0630 (Win-02) 180±4 92±3 78±2 178±3 136±3 125±3 2.45±0.02 1.45±0.06 1.22±0.0536 (Sum-02) 185±4 109±3 89±2 186±4 150±3 137±3 2.50±0.03 1.76±0.06 1.61±0.05

(n=37 for CA, n=40 for MS and n=31 for DP).

6 P. Garcia-Estringana et al. / Catena 102 (2013) 3–12

the amount of solids displaced on the bare soil, which is the referencenormally used in erosion studies.

2.7. Small-scale measurements

In a previous study (Garcia-Estringana et al., 2010), circular, 1-mdiameter plots were set up using metal rings that included a drainagehole. Each treatment had three to six replicates. Metal rings werehammered 5 cm into the soil until the drainage hole was level withthe soil surface. The rings were placed so that the shrubs were inthe centre. The slope was measured between the top of the plot andthe drainage hole, and was between 12 and 13% in all cases. Rain sim-ulation took place using portable equipment with a fixed nozzle,model 3/8 HHMFP 115 14 (Spraying Systems Co®, Wheaton, IL,USA), which was suspended 2 m above each plot. A rainfall event of113 mm h−1 was simulated. Such a storm event has an average re-turn period of 10 years in several Mediterranean areas (Cerdà,2001). The uniformity coefficient of simulated rainfall was 85%, thedrop diameter was 1.4 mm, kinetic energy was 20.3 J mm−1 m−2

and the area affected by rainfall was 3.15 m2 (Pérez et al., 2003). Inorder to establish uniform soil moisture conditions throughout thestudy period, a rainfall event of 27 l m−2 was applied 24 h beforesimulations. Soil moisture in the top 10 cmwas measured in triplicatejust before the start of the rainfall simulation experiment in an adja-cent zone at the border of each plot. Runoff and soil loss were mea-sured from the start of runoff generation and thereafter every2 min. Previous experiments in the area had shown that infiltrationis almost stable for all treatments 20 min after the start of runoff:the runoff rate after 20 min was therefore considered an appropriateestimate of stabilised runoff (R). A more detailed description of thistrial can be found in Garcia-Estringana et al. (2010).

2.8. Data analysis

Records of runoff and erosion obtained for each individual rainfallevent were subjected to analysis of variance to test the effects of thetype of plant cover, the year and the interaction type of cover peryear on runoff and soil loss. For this purpose, each rainfall eventable to generate runoff was considered as a replicate. This analysiswas separately performed for the rainfall events in the plantestablishment period (1999–2001) and the mature plant period(2002–2005). To examine relations between rainfall characteristicsand their erosivity, Pearson's correlation coefficients between soilloss registered for the treatment BS and the main characteristics ofthe rainfall events showing erosive capacity were determined. Theseanalyses were performed using SPSS 15.0 software. The effects ofthe different shrubs on runoff and erosion are also expressed in rela-tive terms as percentages of those recorded in the bare soil, which isthe standard reference used in studies conducted on USLE plots.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Plant establishment: canopy cover and soil cover

Differences were observed in the ease and speed at which eachshrub became established in the plots. No shrubs were lost in theM. strasseri plot, while 8% of the shrubs in the C. arborescens plotand 25% of those in the D. pentaphyllum plot had to be replaced.The shrub species that most rapidly became established wasC. arborescens, which reached the greatest size in the first year andwhose growth was relatively high during the second, and scarceduring the third year, with individual canopy covers of 0.91 m2 inthe first year, 2.27 m2 in the second and 2.50 m2 after 3 years(Table 2). M. strasseri underwent moderate growth during the sec-ond and third years, with individual canopy covers ranging from0.73 m2 in the first year to 1.76 m2 in the third year. The growthrate of D. pentaphyllum was slow during the first year, relativelyhigh during the second and moderate during the third year, with in-dividual cover values of 0.28 m2 in the first year, 1.15 m2 in the sec-ond year and 1.61 m2 in the third year (Table 2).

Vegetation starts to show significant effects on runoff and soil losswhen at least 30 or 40% of the soil surface is covered (Thornes, 1988,1990), with optimal cover produced at values above 70% (Elwell andStocking, 1976). In the C. arborescens and M strasseri plots, canopycover surpassed 40% at 12 months while in the D. pentaphyllumplots, at least 24 months were required to obtain this amount ofcover (Fig. 2a). Canopy covers reached values considered optimal(≥70%) at 20 months for C. arborescens, 24 months for M. strasseriand 30 months for D. pentaphyllum. Thus, the first 30 months weretaken as the establishment period for the plots to compare soilcover values among the three shrub species.

In the M. strasseri and D. pentaphyllum plots, soil cover andcanopy cover values increased in parallel, with only slightly lowersoil cover than canopy cover values recorded (Fig. 2a and b).These species are evergreens with dense canopies. However,despite suffering summer leaf drop in response to the droughtconditions, the leaves remain in the soil around the shrubs provid-ing cover. Thus, practically since the start of the well-developedplant period, M. strasseri and D. pentaphyllum covers remained atabove 80%, that is, above the cover threshold considered optimal.The behaviour of the cover achieved by C. arborescens was consider-ably different. This shrub has a canopy that is generally of very lowdensity and under its canopy the soil cover provided is 45% at most(Garcia-Estringana et al., 2010). Moreover, it is a deciduous specieswith bare branches in winter, but also suffered partial leaf drop inthe summer. For this reason, C. arborescens rendered considerablylower soil cover than canopy cover values and gave rise to coversthat varied substantially over the year. Thus, 30 months after plant-ing, in winter, the difference between canopy cover and soil coverwas high (90% vs. 31%), and during the start of the following sum-mer the difference was smaller (95% vs. 76%). Cover values were

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r (%












Establishment period

0 6 12 18 24 30 36Months

Su-Au 99 Wi-Sp 00 Su-Au 00 Wi-Sp 01 Su-Au 01 Wi-Sp 02 Su-Au 02




r (%





Fig. 2. Changes in canopy cover (%) and soil cover recorded in the first 2.5 years of thetrial referred to the number of months after planting. CA (Colutea arborescens), MS(Medicago strasseri) and DP (Dorycnium pentaphyllum).








0 10 20 30 40

R (



Rain depth (mm)

Runoff in bare soil







0 10 20 30 40

I 30 (m

m h


Rain depth (mm)




0 10 20 30 40




Rain depth (mm)

Soil loss in bare soil




7P. Garcia-Estringana et al. / Catena 102 (2013) 3–12

unaffected by the presence of herbaceous plants since we usedherbicides to prevent their growth. This has traditionally been themost widespread method of weed control in Spain and has beenlinked to high erosion rates (Cerdà et al., 2009).

Fig. 3. Characteristics of the rainfall events that produced surface runoff. Fig. 3a: Totalrain depth and runoff (R) recorded for the bare soil. Fig. 3b: Total rain depth and max-imum 30-min intensity (I30). Fig. 3c: Total rain depth and soil loss (SLT) recorded forthe bare soil.

3.2. Rainfall characteristics and effects on bare soil

Mean annual rainfall over the study period (368.4 mm) was 11%lower than the historic mean for the area described by Muñoz et al.(1992) (Table 3). Fifty seven per cent of the events registered gener-ated a rainfall lower or equal to 1 mm, and 54% of these events lastedfor 1 h or less. Almost all precipitation (96%) was provided by 43% ofthe rainfall episodes. In the 6.5 years of the study, 52 events with thecapacity to generate an appreciable amount of runoff were recorded;22 of which were observed during the plant establishment period (4in 1999, 11 in 2000 and 7 in 2001) and 30 during the well-developedplant period (4 in 2002, 12 in 2003, 8 in 2004 and 6 in 2005). Twelverainfall events led to a runoff greater or equal to 4 mm (Fig. 3a) and

Table 3Monthly rainfall (mm) and mean annual rainfall for the period 1999–2005.

Year Mean

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1999–05

January 8.6 12.6 69.1 41.6 24.4 8.6 0.0 23.6February 11.2 1.0 33.3 6.0 31.0 77.6 19.0 25.6March 22.6 23.1 46.0 39.6 39.4 47.0 8.8 32.4April 18.6 87.5 13.0 33.2 35.3 34.0 10.0 33.1May 28.2 58.3 23.0 58.0 11.4 100.4 14.6 42.0June 37.6 19.8 0.6 23.2 6.9 5.6 7.8 14.5July 13.6 0.0 2.4 34.8 10.5 35.4 0.0 13.8August 1.3 0.2 1.6 15.0 10.7 24.0 0.6 7.6September 63.7 13.9 20.6 34.8 28.2 11.8 4.8 25.4October 86.9 43.5 54.8 13.6 142.0 96.2 98.0 76.4November 29.2 80.7 7.2 48.3 44.8 11.8 63.4 40.8December 20.9 101.0 10.0 35.8 30.0 12.4 23.0 33.3Annual rainfall 342.4 441.6 281.6 383.9 414.6 464.8 250.0 368.4

the vast majority of runoff episodes (29 out of 52) caused the dis-placement of amounts of sediment lower than 50 kg ha−1 in thebare soil plot.

Rains of over 12.5 mm, or a lower total rainfall but of an inten-sity above 12.5 mm h−1, are considered to be potentially erosivefor temperate and Mediterranean latitudes (Becher, 2003). It isassumed that a storm may be erosive if it lasts longer than30 min and its intensity is more than 10 mm h−1 (Roose, 1996).Only 8 of the runoff episodes produced during the trial were theoutcome of rains of a maximum 30-min intensity (I30) greaterthan 10 mm h−1 (Fig. 3b), and only 5 events showed substantialerosive power (Fig. 3c). These five events were designated E1,E2, E3, E4 and E5. Each one displaced more than 1 Mg ha−1 ofsoil: the first two (E1 and E2) occurred in October 2003 and theother three (E3, E4 and E5) took place within a short periodbetween May and September 2004. Their durations varied from 1.6to 33.5 h, total rain depth from 9 mm (E5) to 33.6 mm (E3), their30-min peak intensities (I30) from 10.8 to 39.2 mm h−1 (Table 4)and their erosivity factors from 23.7 to 313.2 MJ ha−1 mm (Fig. 4).Erosive rains recorded during the experiment basically revealedthe general features of these phenomena in semiarid climates,where episodes of rain triggering surface wash are rare and showhigh temporal variability (Armstrong, 1990). In these conditions,when erosive events do occur they are often characterised by theirshort duration and high intensity (Gonzalez-Hidalgo et al., 2007;Nearing et al., 2007).

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Table 4Characteristics of the erosive events and effects recorded on the bare soil. Duration, rain depth, mean rain intensity (I), kinetic energy (E), maximum 30-minute rain intensity (I30),maximum 5-minute rain intensity (I5), maximum instant rain intensity (I0), runoff coefficient, total soil loss (SLT) and solids in suspension (SLR).


Duration Raindepth

I E I30 I5 I0 Bare soil

Runoff SLT SLR

hours mm mm h−1 MJ ha−1 mm h−1 % t ha−1 g l−1

E1 (19/10/03) 33.5 25.6 0.8 5.9 22.8 69.6 74.2 46.5 2.9 23.0E2 (25/10/03) 15.5 33.4 2.2 6.1 13.2 19.2 24.0 68.0 1.9 7.1E3 (22/05/04) 21.1 33.6 1.6 7.9 29.2 74.4 105.9 49.5 6.2 31.0E4 (06/07/04) 7.8 26.0 3.3 8.0 39.2 93.6 225.0 76.2 17.2 52.8E5 (03/09/04) 1.6 9.0 6.1 2.2 10.8 52.8 90.0 51.5 3.0 20.0

8 P. Garcia-Estringana et al. / Catena 102 (2013) 3–12

Soil losses (SLT and SLR) were not significantly correlated withtotal precipitation, runoff or the kinetic energy of the rainfallevents, while they showed significant correlation with I30 (0.88and 0.92 respectively) (Table 5). Correlations observed with theerosivity factor EI30 were not higher than those directly obtainedwith the maximum 30-min intensity (I30). Armstrong (1990)found that runoff was the variable that was best correlated withsoil loss. Kinnell and Risse (1998) proposed a modification to theUSLE erosivity index by adding the transport capacity of eachrainfall event to improve the estimation of the erosive potentialof individual rainfall events. The USLE-M model uses an erosivepower index of rain that is the product of the runoff generatedby the EI30 factor of each event. The correlation calculated be-tween SLT and the modified erosivity factor of Kinnell and Risse(1998) was greater than that obtained for the EI30, and its levelof significance was also greater (Table 5). However, the factorthat best explained the soil loss associated with the erosive eventswas the instant intensity, which returned correlation coefficientsof 0.96 with SLT and 0.98 with SLR. Four of the five erosive eventsshowed at least one period of high-intensity rainfall (Fig. 4). Themaximum instant intensity (I0) varied between 24.0 mm h−1 forE2 and 225 mm h−1 for E4 (Table 4).






0 250 500 750 1000











0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000






0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000

E1 (EI30 = 133.4)

E3 (EI30 = 230.2)

E5 (EI30 = 2

Fig. 4. Temporal changes produced in the 5 erosive events recorded over the 6.5 years of thnutes. Bars indicate cumulative rainfall in periods of 5 min. EI30 is the USLE erosivity index

The abovefindings once again highlight the importance of high veloc-ity runoff in the erosive processes of semiarid climates (Gonzalez-Hidalgoet al., 2010; Nearing et al., 2007). Themaximum instant intensity showedthe greatest correlation with the total amount of soil displaced and alsowith the amount of solids in suspension, indicating that this factorcould be a good indicator of transport capacity. The number of rainstormevents was small and more information is needed to confirm the valueof the maximum instant intensity (I0) to estimate erosive power,though other authors have noted that the erosivity index varies withthe time period used for its calculation, and in the Mediterranean re-gion, EI values increase as the time period used diminishes, at least forintervals between 5 and 60 min (Agnese et al., 2006).

3.3. Effects of the vegetation on runoff and erosion during the plantestablishment period

During the establishment period, no significant differences were ob-served attributable to the type of cover in runoff (R) or soil loss (SLT). Nei-ther was a significant effect of year or of the interaction type ofcover×year observed on R or SLT. For the entire set of treatments, themean value of R per event was 0.70 mm and the mean SLT was130 kg ha−1, similar to those of the bare soil rendered by an R of

1250 1500 1750 2000

0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000






0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000


E2 (EI30 = 80.5)

E4 (EI30 = 313.2)

e trial. The ordinate axis represents rainfall in mm and the abscissa shows time in mi-expressed in MJ ha−1 mm.

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Table 5Pearson's correlation coefficients calculated between total soil loss (SLT) or solids insuspension (SLR) and the characteristics of the erosive events: rain depth, runoff, ki-netic energy (E), maximum 30-min rainfall intensity (I30), USLE erosivity index(EI30), USLE-M erosivity index (R×EI30), maximum instant intensity (I0).


Runoff E I30 EI30 R×EI30 I0

SLT Pearsoncoefficient

0.07 0.37 0.58 0.88 0.88 0.91 0.96


0.918 0.541 0.306 0.051 0.057 0.018 0.010

SLR Pearsoncoefficient

−0.04 0.13 0.53 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.98


0.953 0.839 0.358 0.028 0.052 0.050 0.003

9P. Garcia-Estringana et al. / Catena 102 (2013) 3–12

0.95 mm and SLT of 105 kg ha−1 (Table 6). Differences in cover betweenthe shrub plots were not marked until 24 months, when canopy coverexceeded 70% for the C. arborescens andM. strasseri treatments, but rain-fall during the establishment periodwas of low intensity and thus of poorerosive capacity. This was especially true in 2001, when total rainfall wasonly 281.6 mm, and no high-intensity rainstorm events were recorded.The 7 events that produced runoff in 2001 gave rise in the bare soil to amean runoff of 0.67 mm and mean soil loss of 23 kg ha−1. This scarcerain erosive power explains the fact that no appreciable differencescould be attributed to the plant covers during the establishment period.

The different treatments only led to significant differences in theportion of soil loss most susceptible to transport (SLT), which was sig-nificantly lower in M. strasseri (10%) than in C. arborescens (36%), D.pentaphyllum (29%) or the bare soil (31%). This trend continued intothe experimental period. Thus, the M. strasseri treatment achievedthe greatest amount and most uniform cover during the establish-ment period, which could reduce erosion due to splash, and wasalso the treatment that gave rise to the lowest runoff, thus diminish-ing transport capacity.

3.4. Effects of vegetation on runoff and erosion during the mature plantperiod

Thirty months after planting, plant type was found to determinerunoff (R), soil loss (SLT) and solids transported in suspension (SLR)

Table 6Analysis of variance of the runoff and soil loss values recorded during the plant establishmensolids in suspension (SLR) recorded for each cover type and year and significance levels of thbare soil), year and the interaction cover type×year.

Factors Establishment period1999–2001

N1 N2 R(mm)

SLT(kg ha−1)

Type of coverCA 22 1.04 290DP 22 0.54 94MS 22 0.26 28BS 22 0.95 105

Year1999 4 16 0.40 402000 11 44 0.82 2312001 7 28 0.67 232002200320042005

Mean 88 0.70 130Level of significance

Type of cover 0.095 0.766Year 0.279 0.284Type of cover∗year 0.392 0.878

N1 = number of events generating runoff, N2 = number of observations.

(Table 6). For the set of treatments, mean R and SLT per event were1.45 mm and 341 kg ha−1 respectively. Mean R and SLT per eventfor bare soil were higher, with an R of 4.29 mm and SLT of1250 kg ha−1. For the bare soil treatment, total runoff was 128.8 mm,while the shrubs caused a notable reduction: overall runoff was7.1 mm M. strasseri plot, 16.0 mm for D. pentaphyllum and 21.2 mmfor C. arborescens, representing reductions of 95%, 88% and 84%(Table 7). Total soil loss in the bare soil plot was 37.45 Mg ha−1, whiletotal losses were 0.34 Mg ha−1 for M. strasseri, 1.21 Mg ha−1 forD. pentaphyllum and 1.92 Mg ha−1 for C. arborescens, representingreductions of 99%, 97% and 95% of the erosion detected for the baresoil. Thus, all the shrubs proved highly efficient at controlling soilloss.

The factor year had a significant impact on runoff and erosion(Table 6). In all cases, close to 80% of the runoff, and 85 to 97% ofthe soil loss were produced in 2003 and 2004 (Table 7). The effectsof the interaction type of cover by year were also highly significant(Table 6). Maximum runoff in the bare soil was observed in 2004(80.2 mm), accounting for 62% of the total runoff, followed by 2003(28.9 mm), accounting for 22%. However, for the D. pentaphyllumand C. arborescens treatments, maximum runoff values were observedin 2003, accounting for 46% and 50% respectively of the total runoffrecorded, while in 2004, runoff values were only 34% and 32% of thetotals. Thus in 2003, runoff values for M. strasseri, D. pentaphyllumand C. arborescens were respectively 7%, 26% and 37% the runoffrecorded in the bare soil, while in 2004, runoff values for M. strasseri,D. pentaphyllum and C. arborescens were 5%, 6% and 8% (Fig. 5).

These variations were due to the annual rainfall characteristicsthat differentially affected runoff and erosion not only according tothe presence or not of plant cover, but also depending on the covertype. These interactions are complex. On one hand, for each rainfallevent, the likelihood that runoff and erosion will occur is related tothe intensity of rainfall and also to the prior soil water content(Bochet et al., 2006). Runoff occurs because the intensity of rainfallexceeds the infiltration capacity or because rain occurs when thesoil is saturated with water. In regions of very seasonal rains, as inthe Mediterranean, runoff due to compromised infiltration capacityis most common, and runoff generated by high-intensity rainstormevents usually occurs at times when the soil is not already saturated.Notwithstanding, runoff due to soil water saturation does occur,

t and experimental periods. Mean values per event of runoff (R), total soil loss (SLT) ande effects of cover type (CA, C. arborescens; DP, D. pentaphyllum; MS,M. strasseri; and BS,

Experimental period2002–2005


N1 N2 R(mm)

SLT(kg ha−1)


36 29 0.71 64 2329 30 0.53 40 2010 30 0.24 12 1231 30 4.29 1250 36


4 16 0.57 10 112 48 1.39 128 448 32 3.02 1048 426 24 0.81 43 5

27 119 1.45 341 23

0.023 0.000 0.021 0.0110.072 0.014 0.019 0.0000.101 0.002 0.004 0.368

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Table 7Runoff (R) and total soil losses (SLT) recorded for each treatment (BS, bare soil; MS,M. strasseri; DP, D. pentaphyllum; CA, C. arborescens) during the entire experimental pe-riod (overall) and each of the four years, and proportions (%) of runoff attributable tothe period 2003–2004 and to the full set of five erosive events.


R (mm) SLT (t ha−1)


Overall 128.8 7.1 16.0 21.2 37.45 0.34 1.21 1.922002 5.5 0.7 1.2 1.7 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.042003 28.9 2.1 7.7 10.7 4.96 0.12 0.10 0.942004 80.2 3.6 5.5 6.7 31.46 0.17 1.05 0.862005 14.3 1.2 2.0 2.1 0.96 0.03 0.03 0.072003–2004 (%) 85 80 83 82 97 85 95 94Erosive events (%) 59 38 28 32 83 85 62 83

10 P. Garcia-Estringana et al. / Catena 102 (2013) 3–12

though only during brief wet periods throughout the year (Latron andGallart, 2007). On the other hand, the amount of rain needed to trig-ger runoff also depends on the properties of each shrub species. Thedifferent water storage capacity of each shrub and differencesamong them in water interception, will delay ponding, and thus affectsurface flow in a different way. However, once water surface flowstarts, even when the plant interception capacity is reached the runoffgenerated by each cover differs because each shrub acts differently oninfiltration. Our rainfall simulation experiments revealed that runoffwas induced by 2.55 mm of rain in the C. arborescens plot, 3.92 mm








2002-05 20032004

Small Plot

R (%)








2002-05 20032004

Small Plot




Fig. 5. Relative runoff (R) and erosion (SLT) in the USLE plots for each species (during thewhole experimental period 2002–2005, in the year 2003 and in the year 2004) and rela-tive values recorded in small-plot simulated rainfall experiments by Garcia-Estringanaet al. (2010) taking as reference the values recorded in the bare soil. CA (C. arborescens),DP (D. pentaphyllum) and MS (M. strasseri).

in D. pentaphyllum and 5.56 mm in M. strasseri, and this was attribut-ed both to the direct (interception) and indirect (infiltration) effectsof the plants. Further, each shrub gives rise to a different hydrographand different stabilised runoff values (Garcia-Estringana et al., 2010).The impacts of different plant species on soil properties and soil infil-tration capacity have been also described by Cerdà (1997, 1998).

Runoff values for 2004 were mainly the result of high-intensityevents and shrubs led to runoff coefficients falling drastically (5%,6% and 8% respectively for M. strasseri, D. pentaphyllum and C. arbor-escens). However, in 2003 runoff episodes were mainly provoked byless intense rains than in 2004. October 2003 was exceptionallyrainy, including a high erosive event (event E2 in Table 4). DuringE2, a total rain depth of 33.4 mm was registered with an I30 of13.2 mm h−1 and I0 of 24 mm h−1, producing in bare soil plot 68%of the runoff recorded in 2003 and a soil loss of 2 Mg ha−1. In theseconditions, soil moisture may have approached saturation and the in-direct effects of the shrubs probably had less impact since any varia-tion in soil infiltration capacity will have a reduced effect in soilconditions close to saturation (Cosandey et al., 2005). Accordingly,in 2003, the effects of C. arborescens and D. pentaphyllum were mod-erate with runoff coefficients of 37% and 26% respectively, while theeffect of M. strasseri was already drastic with a runoff coefficient of7%. This species generated least runoff episodes throughout the trialand also gave rise to least differences between years. The resultsobtained for the M. strasseri treatment reflect the great capacity ofthis shrub to enhance soil infiltration (Garcia-Estringana et al.,2010). This explains the low runoff coefficients obtained both in2004 and 2003, since beneath theM. strasseri canopy, the soil may re-main far from saturated.

In 2003, soil loss in the M. strasseri and D. pentaphyllum plots was2% the values recorded for the bare soil, while in C. arborescens soilloss was 19%. The greater amount of soil lost in the C. arborescensplot was related to a higher amount of runoff observed for this treat-ment (Table 7) but also with seasonal variations in the level of cover.In 2003, runoff and soil loss mainly occurred in October, with low soilcover provided by C. arborescens (Fig. 2). In 2004, erosive events oc-curred in spring and summer and these differences among the shrubswere not detected. For all the treatments, relative soil losses rangedfrom 0.5% to 3% (Fig. 5b).

When the results obtained in the USLE plots were compared withthose reported for small-scale plots by Garcia-Estringana et al. (2010),absolute soil loss values (g m−2) for the latter using simulated high-intensity rainfall were much lower. Even when we compared thesmall-plot soil loss values to those obtained in the 20.2×4 m plots in2004, when the natural rainfall was also of high intensity, these werestill between 10 and 20 times lower. Extrapolating the data recordedin small-scale plots to a larger scale usually underestimates erosionand overestimates runoff. In small-plot trials conducted under a con-stant rainfall of 113 mm h−1, stabilised runoff values of 6.2, 7.4, and16.9 mm h−1 were obtained for M. strasseri, D. pentaphyllum andC. arborescens respectively. These values contrast with the total runofffigures obtained during the 4 years of our experimental period in the20.2×4 m plots (Table 7), which were 7.1, 16.0 and 21.2 mm for thesame shrub species. Obviously, it is difficult to establish conditionsthatwill enable reliable comparisons, not only because of the non-linearnature of these phenomena but also because of an inability to experi-mentally reproduce natural conditions which are extremely variable.However, when comparisons among the shrub covers were conductedin relative terms, by referring values to those obtained for the baresoil, it was observed that in terms of runoff, small-plot trials also under-estimate the effects of vegetation with respect to observations in20.2×4 m plots (Fig. 5a). Thus, the small-plot figures were less under-estimated when the results were compared to those recorded in the20.2×4 m plots for the year 2004, in which runoff was the result ofhigh-intensity rainfall, than the year 2003, in which no high-intensityevents were produced. A similar pattern was observed at the erosion

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11P. Garcia-Estringana et al. / Catena 102 (2013) 3–12

level. Hence, when soil losses were expressed in relative terms, similarresults were obtained in the 1 m-diameter plots and the USLE plots in2004 but not in 2003 (Fig. 5b). The works of Poesen et al. (1994) indi-cate that different size experimental plots lead to different estimatesof the efficiency of plant covers at mitigating runoff and erosion. Wecould say, however, that in terms relative to observations on bare soil,the effects of the shrub covers estimated in the 1 m-diameter plotsand USLE plots were fairly similar especially for soil losses and for com-parisons restricted to similar rainfall conditions.

4. Conclusions

It took over 20 months after planting for the shrub species ex-amined here to provide more than 70% canopy cover: 20 monthsfor C. arborescens, 24 months for M. strasseri and 30 months forD. pentaphyllum. During this establishment period, the rainfallevents produced had little erosive power and the shrub specieswere unable to reduce runoff or soil loss, although M. strasseri re-duced the amount of suspended sediments, but not runoff. Thirtymonths after planting, the shrubs were mature, and were thenable to drastically reduce runoff (by 84–95%) and soil loss (by95–99%). Rainfall characteristics showed an impact on the effec-tiveness of the plant species. Thus, vegetation effects were greaterduring rainfall events of high-intensity than during events occur-ring in high soil moisture conditions. The species that was bestable to control runoff generation and soil loss was M. strasseri.The effects of this shrub were more independent of the rainfallcharacteristics, of the nature of the runoff and of the season. Thiswas largely the outcome of its indirect effects and its high capacityto enhance soil infiltration. C. arborescens was the worst at control-ling runoff generation and soil loss, due partly to its lower capacityto increase soil water infiltration, and also to its deciduous natureand its low density, this species being more influenced by season.Similar soil loss values were recorded in 20.2 m×4 m plots in re-sponse to high-intensity rainfall events and in small plots sub-jected to simulated high-intensity rainfall. However, less runoffwas generated in the smaller plots.


The authors would like to thank the Consejería de Educación de laComunidad de Madrid for their financial support through projects07M/0077/1998 and 07M/0023/2000, and for supporting Dr NievesAlonso Blázquez through a postdoctoral grant. Pablo García Estrínganaheld a predoctoral grant from INIA, an organization that also contrib-uted with financial support through the project RTA01-078-C2-2.We also thank Alfredo Cuevas, RamónMoreno and Araceli Hernándezfor their help and enthusiasm with the fieldwork. Finally, we wouldlike to thank Ana Burton for her invaluable help.


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