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Usecase Ppt

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(Online Test Taking System)

November 26, 2011

Overview Introduction Use case Use case Diagram Sequence Diagrams Class Diagram

November 26, 2011


Use Case To Create UserUse Case UC1: Create User Level: User goal Scope: Online Test Taking System(OTTS) Primary Actor: Admin Stakeholders and interests: User: Wants to register with OTTS for performing certain tasks. Administrator: Wants the system to accurately record the details provided by the students, teachers and admin registered with the OTTS. OTTS System: Wants to make user registration process fast and reliable. Precondition: Existing Admin Success Guarantee: Details given by the user is recorded. User id and default password will be generated. Main Success Scenario: 1. Admin logs into the system. 2. System validates the admin details. 3. Admin enters user details. 4. System saves the information provided by the Admin. 5. User ID and default password generated. 6. Success message is displayed.November 26, 2011



Extensions (Create User) 1a. Invalid admin log-in details System displays an error message. System displays home page 2a. Admin cancels registration process. System displays home page 3a. System fails to save the user details provided. System displays an error message. System displays home page.

November 26, 2011


Use Case To View UserUse Case UC2: View User Level: Admin goal Scope: Online Test Taking System(OTTS) Primary Actor: Admin Stakeholders and interests: Admin: Wants to view a user's profile. Teacher: Wants to view a student's profile. OTTS System: Wants to make profile viewing process fast and reliable. Precondition: Existing Admin. Success Guarantee: User's profile displayed. Main Success Scenario: 1. User logs into the system. 2. System validates the user details. 3. User enters the user ID he/she wishes to view. 4. System returns the user information.

November 26, 2011



Extensions (View User): 1a. Invalid user log in details System displays an error message. System displays homepage. 2a. Admin enters invalid user ID. System displays an error message. System displays homepage. 3a. System fails to return the user details. System displays an error message. System displays homepage.

November 26, 2011


Use Case To Update UserUse Case UC3: Update User Level: User goal Scope: Online Test Taking System(OTTS) Primary Actor: User Stakeholders and interests: User: Wants to update his/her profile details. OTTS System: Wants to make user update process fast and reliable. Preconditions: Existing admin. Log in credentials should be consistent with the database. Success Guarantee: User Details updated. Main Success Scenario: 1. User logs into the system. 2. System validates the user details. 3. User enters new details. 4. User confirms update. 5. System saves the information provided by the user. 6. Success message is displayed.November 26, 2011



Extensions (Update User): 1a. Invalid user log in details System displays an error message. System displays homepage. 2a. User cancels update process. System displays homepage. 3a. System fails to save the user details provided. System displays an error message. System displays homepage.

November 26, 2011


Use Case To Delete UserUse Case UC4: Delete User Level: Admin goal Scope: Online Test Taking System(OTTS) Primary Actor: Administrator Stakeholders and interests: Administrator: Wants to delete a particular user. OTTS System: Wants to make user deletion process fast and reliable. Precondition: Existing admin Success Guarantee: Details given by the user is recorded. That particular user is deleted from the database. Main Success Scenario: 1. Administrator logs into the system. 2. System validates the admin details. 3. Administrator enters the user ID he/she wishes to delete. 4. System asks for deletion confirmation. 5. Administrator confirms deletion. 6. System deletes the user. 7. Success message is displayed.November 26, 2011



Extensions (Delete User):1a. Invalid admin log in details System displays an error message. System displays homepage. 2a. Admin enters invalid user ID. System displays an error message. System displays homepage. 3a. Admin cancels deletion process. System displays homepage. 4a. System fails to delete the user. System displays an error message. System displays homepage.

November 26, 2011


Use Case To Change PasswordUse Case UC5: Change password Level: User goal Scope: Online Test Taking System(OTTS) Primary Actor: User Stakeholders and interests: User: Wants to change his/her password. OTTS System: Wants to make password update process fast and reliable. Preconditions: Log in credentials should be consistent with the database. Success Guarantee: User password changed. Main Success Scenario: 1. User logs into the system. 2. System validates the user details. 3. User enters new password. 4. User re-enters new password. 5. System saves the new password provided by the user. 6. Success message is displayed.November 26, 2011



Extensions (Change Password): 1a. Invalid user log in details System displays an error message. System displays homepage. 2a.Passwords do not match. System displays an error message. System displays homepage. 3a. User cancels password change process. System displays homepage. 4a. System fails to save the user details provided. System displays an error message. System displays homepage.

November 26, 2011


Use Case Diagram

November 26, 2011


Sequence Diagram(Create User)

November 26, 2011


Sequence Diagram (View User Details)

November 26, 2011


Sequence Diagram (Update User)

November 26, 2011


Sequence Diagram (Deletion Of User)

November 26, 2011


Sequence Diagram (Change Password)

November 26, 2011


DOMAIN DIAGRAMTEACHERname address ID password department invigilationday 1 creates *

QUESTIONSquestion ans1 ans2 ans3 ans4 correct

(0..10) assigned 1

STUDENTname address contact ID password school Testnumber

TEST(1...*) * taken by duration day venue question ID testID participant invigilator

* creates 1

ADMINname address ID password

- 19 -

November 26, 2011

CLASS DIAGRAMTEACHER+ name:String + address:String + ID:String + password:String + department:String + invigilationday:String display() createQuestion() 1 creates *

QUESTIONS+ question:String + ans1:String + ans2:String + ans3:String + ans4:String + correct:String displayQuestions() (0..10) assigned 1

STUDENT+ name:String + address:String + contact:String + ID:String + password:String + school:String + Testnumber:String display()

TEST(0...*) * taken by + duration:Int + day:String + venue:String + question ID:Int + testID:String + participant:String + invigilator:String showTest()

* creates 1

ADMIN+ name:String + address:String + ID:String + password:String createStudent(); createTeacher(); createExam(Arraylist questions) display()

- 20 -

November 26, 2011

