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User Experience

Date post: 20-Aug-2015
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Who are we?

Darryl Feldman

• BA (Hons) Design

• Postgrad DIP Computer based Design

• 15+ years commercial experiencedeveloping user experiences

• Led User Experience team at Sapient

• Ran Product Development at Yahoo!

• Recently founded shopwindoz.com (Berlinstartup)

• Currently VP of Content and ServicesDesign at Deutsche Telekom

Henning Fritzenwalder

• Dipl. Industrial Designer

• Dipl. Marketing CommunicationManager

• 5 years as an IA for GFT Technology

• Currently running hfux / UX Architectsin the 3rd year

• Clients: DaimlerChrysler, DeutscheBank, Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile,T-Labs


This workshop is called User Experience for Dummies aswe want to enable you to practice User Experience in anenvironment, that maybe doesn‘t care so much about it

as we do…

P.S we don‘t think that you are dummies …really ;)


1) What is User Experience?2) Why is it so important?3) How do you archieve it?4) Good Examples5) Hands-on experience6) Discussion


What is User Experience?

Theoretically,it‘s the whole pie.

Most of the thingscompanies do add tothe user experience






Visual Design









What is User Experience?

Human Factors




Communi-cationDesign IA

Nach Dan Saffer

„Designing for interaction“

Practically,it enables Designto work on insights.

What is User Experience?

Nach J.J. Garett

„9 pillars of UX“








Why insights?Insights supportyour intuition.They willtell you, what generic terms mean for your Design case

What should


What does the user like?

What may limit the user?

On whichsigns will the user base his


Which tacticIs used to find


What canthe user handle?

Do we knowwhat the user

finds valuable?

User Experience = Usability?

Usability is great• It asks: how is a human user interacting with a device?• It‘s analytic, based on cognitive science and human factors• It got it‘s defined methods and stable results

But it‘s not a silver bullet• Usability can only tell you, what doesn‘t work• Its strength is not in developing intuitive interactions, but in supporting the design• Usability can measure the joy of use – it won‘t ask why there is joy…

Creating a compelling User Experience is much than making a product usable• By digging into deeper issues and motivators User Experience Design can deliver

products and services that are compelling, fun and become essential to peoples lives

Why is User Experience important?

It keeps you from relying on assumptions like …

1) … your user is either a straight logical genius, a sheep or a slave to his needs

2) … people will somehow use it anyhow3) … it‘s web 2.0 thing, they will get it4) … more functions make things more sexy5) … new is always better6) … Apple is always better7) … everyone‘s your customer8) … it‘s fine to do just the same as your competitors9) … we have a captive audience so it doesn‘t matter

Why is User Experience important?

More and more, companies are realising the only way to win in today‘s crowdedmarket is to focus on creating a superior User Experience

The bottom line…a great User Experience means a healthy business.

Why is User Experience important?

User Experience Design can transform business goals into actions andthen emotional outcomes

1. Reach2. Acquisition3. Conversion4. Retention5. Loyalty

Emotional outcomes:Attraction (wow!)

Affection (delight)Affiliation (love)

Building a love affair between the user and your product/service is the mainobjective

Business goals: Actions:LookTryBuyReturnAdvocate

How do you achieve it?

User Experience is both a philosophy and a methodology

• Ensure you have the right cultural setting and the team are open-minded

• Use established frameworks and processes they will help youachieve great results quickly

• Ask questions before proposing solutions, but don’t get stuck intheory

• Focus on the user, not politics, or personal design taste• Gain insights, prototype ideas, test them, make your solution better



The good, the bad & the ugly

The paper clip• Simple, easy to

understand• Does what it‘s supposed

to well - nothing more

The good, the bad & the ugly

Deutsche Bahn• Crowded• Multiple systems/networks to

deal with• Complicated pricing• Poor signage and

accessibility• …

The good, the bad & the ugly

What‘s your User Experiencefrom hell??

Show us what you’re made of…

• First excercise: Interviewing part 1 (5 min)

• Team into pairs

• Interview a person beside you about the best railway trip experience they ever had. Ifthey don’t know any railway trip in particular, they may also talk about the last holiday orflight

• Interviewer: Let the person talk for 3 minutes. Try not to interrupt or express anymotions while the person speaks

• Interviewee: Describe as much as you know of the trip: Where did you go? How didyou get there? Why did you travel? What was special about it? Why did you choose it?

• Summary: What was the experience like - for the interviewer/for the interviewee?

Show us what you’re made of…

• First excercise: Interviewing part 2 (10 min)

• Change roles

• New topic: What are the most remarkable places of interest or sights in yourneighbourhood or town?

• Interviewer: Let the person talk for 3 minutes

• Interviewee: Describe as much as you know of the interesting places: What is it like?Where is it? Why did you choose it? What is special about it? What a kind of building isit? How do you get there?

• Summary: After the 3 minutes give a brief one minute summary of what was the mostimportant thing you remember from the three minutes

Show us what you’re made of…

Lessons learned

• You can’t interview someone without building up a relationthat might influence the test

• A real-life experience usually embraces multiple factors inno specific order

• To listen means to actively sort the things you hear andput them into an order

Show us what you’re made of…

• Second exercise: group work (10 min)

• Build 4-5 groups of 4

• You are the CEO of a new travel service based on trains. For a start you want to make an offeringthat is different to what Deutsche Bahn offers.

• Describe what you would like to do and why

• Possible focus is on:– offer– character of trip– character of service– service points– process– hardware– design– software

Show us what you’re made of…

• Use a chart for differentiation




Information on destinations

Schedules Bookingtickets



Show us what you’re made of…

• Second exercise: (after 10 min)

• First constraint: The user research has shown that users are likely to use the serviceto visit interesting sights and places especially for holidays. How would that changeyour service? Include all insights you can remember from the first two exercises (5 min)

• Short summary: Show your results? How did the insights from the first excercise helpyou understand the task? (10 min)

Show us what you’re made of…

Lessons learned

• Building a website from a UX perspective is a bit moretricky than just thinking of functions & features

• User insights might add constraints to your project thatyou are not going to like

• Once you started to design based on User Insights, you’llfind lots of things you’d like to know more about

The one page to remember…

• Listen to your users, they know cool stuff you don’t know• Good User Experience means Good Business, look for the overlap of user and

business needs - look for the opportunity gap• User Experience is not about usability tests, technology, features or brands – it’s

about how all that comes together to form a delightful experience• Prototype & Test, Prototype & Test, Prototype & Test – a lot• Find success stories that show how User Experience can improve results• Start small, prepare your insights, show how that influences the way you think

and spread the word

Darryl & Henning

1) What is UX?Darryl asks, Henning notes, explanation of sheets alternating2) Why is it important?Go through points alternating3) How do you archieve it?Go through points alternating4) Good Examples /Get ideas from the audience, Darryl asks, Henning notes5) Hands-on experienceBoth helping in the audience• Discussion
