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User Guide Air Shopping Rules Manager September 2018 Version 2018.9
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User Guide

Air Shopping Rules Manager

September 2018

Version 2018.9

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© 2012-2018, Sabre Inc. All rights reserved.

This documentation is the confidential and proprietary intellectual

property of Sabre Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction,

preparation of derivative works, performance, or display of this

document, or software represented by this document, without the

express written permission of Sabre Inc. is strictly prohibited.

Sabre Travel Network and the Sabre Travel Network logo design

are trademarks and/or service marks of an affiliate of Sabre Inc.

All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names are owned

by their respective companies.

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User Guide September 2018 Table of Contents iii

Table of Contents

1 G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 1 - 1

1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 About This Guide ................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.3 Customer Identification ....................................................................................................................... 1-1

2 A i r S h o p p i n g R u l e s M a n a g e r U s e r I n t e r f a c e N a v i g a t i o n 2 - 1

2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Air Shopping Rules Manager Login Page ........................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Traveler Personas and History Pages Layout .................................................................................... 2-2

2.3.1 Header ...................................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.3.2 Sidebar ...................................................................................................................................... 2-3 2.3.3 Working Area ............................................................................................................................ 2-4

3 U s e C a s e s 3 - 1

3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Creating a New Traveler Persona ....................................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 Searching for a Traveler Persona ....................................................................................................... 3-3 3.4 Editing a Traveler Persona ................................................................................................................. 3-4 3.5 Deactivating a Traveler Persona......................................................................................................... 3-5 3.6 Displaying Historical Versions of the Traveler Persona ...................................................................... 3-5

3.6.1 Searching in the History Page Sidebar ..................................................................................... 3-6 3.6.2 Displaying Traveler Personas in the History Page .................................................................... 3-6

3.7 Invoking the Traveler Persona Name in the BFM Request ................................................................. 3-7 3.7.1 Request Sample ........................................................................................................................ 3-7 3.7.2 Response Sample ..................................................................................................................... 3-8

3.8 Rules Examples ................................................................................................................................ 3-10 3.9 Testing the API ................................................................................................................................. 3-12

4 E r r o r M e s s a g e s 4 - 1

4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Application Errors ............................................................................................................................... 4-1

4.2.1 Error State – Activation Failed ................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2.2 Error State – Deactivation Failed .............................................................................................. 4-1

4.3 Non-Application Errors ........................................................................................................................ 4-2

5 G l o s s a r y 1

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iv Table of Contents User Guide April 2018

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User Guide September 2018 Introduction 1-1

1.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n

This product offers agencies a GUI-based solution allowing you to define traveler personas and

corresponding personalized shopping patterns. It is aimed to enhance Bargain FinderSM

Max (BFM).

1.2 A b o u t T h i s G u i d e

The purpose of this document is to describe how the user interface works and provide details for how

to create a successful traveler persona. This document also provides details on the response

transaction, including any errors. Each chapter is as follows:

• Chapter 1, “Getting Started” explains the purpose of the document, details critical information,

and provides a functional overview.

• Chapter 2, “Air Shopping Rules Manager user interface navigation” contains descriptions of the

user interface layout and guides through its navigation.

• Chapter 3, “Use Cases” contains description of the multiple scenarios related with traveler

persona management.

• Chapter 4, “Error Messages” contains descriptions of the errors and their description.

• Glossary provides a glossary of terms used in this document.

1.3 C u s t o m e r I d e n t i f i c a t i o n

This service can be used by:

• Sabre Travel Network customers – travel agencies using Bargain Finder Max (BFM).

1 Getting Started 1

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1-2 Customer Identification User Guide April 2018

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User Guide September 2018 Introduction 2-1

2.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n

With the GUI-based application, customers will have the ability to create, activate, update, and delete

traveler personas that will influence the Bargain Finder Max request and corresponding personalized

shopping patterns.

This chapter explains how to navigate in the following pages:

• Login page (see this page).

• Traveler Persona and History pages layout (see “Traveler Personas and History Pages Layout,”

page 2-2).

2.2 A i r S h o p p i n g R u l e s M a n a g e r L o g i n P a g e

The Air Shopping Rules Manager login page provides login capabilities for authenticating Sabre

Travel Network and Sabre Employee Global Domain users.

This section contains the following:

• Logging as a Sabre Travel Network user.

• Logging in as a Sabre employee.

2.2.1 L o g g i n g i n a s a S a b r e T r a v e l N e t w o r k U s e r

Use this procedure to log in as a Sabre Travel Network user.

To log in as a Sabre Travel Network user

1. In the Sabre Travel Network tab, do the following:

a. In the Sabre Agent ID box, type up to six alphanumerical characters for the Sabre Agent ID.

b. In the Sabre PCC box, type your three- to four-character alphanumerical pseudo city code.

c. In the Password box, type up to 64 characters for the password.

2. Click Login.

Note Upon successful authentication, you will be navigated to Air Shopping Rules Manager.

2.2.2 L o g g i n g i n a s a S a b r e E m p l o y e e

Use this procedure to log in as a Sabre employee with global credentials.

2 Air Shopping Rules Manager User Interface Navigation


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2-2 Traveler Personas and History Pages Layout User Guide April 2018

To log in as a Sabre employee

1. In the Sabre Employee Global Domain tab, do the following:

a. In the Employee Number box, type your employee number (SG, followed by seven numeric


b. In the Password box, type up to 64 characters for the password.

2. Click Login.

Note Upon successful authentication, you will be navigated to Air Shopping Rules Manager,

where you will be asked to provide a PCC you want to act on behalf of.

2.3 T r a v e l e r P e r s o n a s a n d H i s t o r y P a g e s L a y o u t

Air Shopping Rules Manager has three main areas.

This section includes descriptions of the following areas of Air Shopping Rules Manager:

• Header on the top of the page (marked yellow in the following picture) (see this page).

• Sidebar on the left side of the page (marked red in the following picture) (see “Sidebar,” page


• Working area in the middle-right side of the page (marked blue in the following picture) (see

“Working Area,” page 2-4).

2.3.1 H e a d e r

The header at the top of a page consists of the Traveler Personas tab, where you can either select the

Traveler Personas page with the list of all active and draft entities, or rest your mouse on the tab to

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User Guide September 2018 Traveler Personas and History Pages Layout 2-3

expand the drop-down menu and select the History page (where all previous versions of the entities

are accessible).

In the header, you can also find your account details such as the agency PCC that you are assigned to

and your agent name.

2.3.2 S i d e b a r

The sidebar can either consist of the list of Traveler Personas in several states, or previous versions

while being displayed from the History page.

The sidebar in the Traveler Persona page allows you to:

• Create new Traveler Persona action. For more information on creating a new Traveler Persona,

see “Creating a New Traveler Persona,” page 3-1).

• Search through the list of traveler personas by typing a name in the search box. For more

information, see “Searching for a Traveler Persona,” page 3-3.

• Expand the menu to display draft version belonging to a selected traveler persona.

• Each traveler persona has its state displayed in a form of an icon on the left side of the menu.

The sidebar on the History page allows you to:

• Display previous versions of a desired traveler personas after expanding the drop-down menu

with its name. Versions and their numbers (IDs) are listed in chronological order with dates

indicating the period when it was active (from the moment of activation to deactivation). For

more information, see “Displaying Traveler Personas in the History Page,” page 3-6.

• Search through the list of historical versions of Traveler Personas by typing a name in the search

box. For more information, see “Searching in the History Page Sidebar," page 3-6.

• Select one of the previous version of Traveler Personas to display its details.

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2-4 Traveler Personas and History Pages Layout User Guide April 2018 S t a t u s e s

Following statuses are available for traveler personas:

Icon Status Description

ACTIVE Traveler persona has been activated and is ready for use in the

BFM request.

DRAFT Traveler persona is editable. Only one draft per traveler persona

is allowed.

PENDING Traveler persona has been submitted either for activation, or

deactivation. While action is still in progress, it is propagating through downstream systems. No changes are allowed for

traveler persona in this state.

ERROR Either activation or deactivation has not been successfully


DEACTIVATED Traveler persona has been deactivated and is available only

from the History page.

DEACTIVATION Traveler persona is pending deactivation, and all actions are


2.3.3 W o r k i n g A r e a

A component in the middle-right part of the main page is a working area, where you can display,

modify, save, and activate the traveler persona. All rules (grouped Bargain Finder Max parameters)

that have already been added to the traveler persona will be displayed in a working area.

The working area includes the following:

• Traveler persona header (see “Traveler Persona Header,” page 2-5).

• Action buttons (see “Action Buttons,” page 2-5).

• Rules set (see “Rules Set,” page 2-7).

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User Guide September 2018 Traveler Personas and History Pages Layout 2-5 T r a v e l e r P e r s o n a H e a d e r

The traveler persona header consists of the traveler persona name and following fields:

• VERSION –Version of the traveler persona being displayed.

• STATUS – Status of the traveler persona.

• CREATED – Timestamp (with date and time) when the traveler persona has been created.

• ACTIVATED – Timestamp (with date and time) when the traveler persona has been activated. It

is empty for Draft versions and not available in History page.

• DEACTIVATED – Timestamp (with date and time) when the traveler persona has been

deactivated. It is available only in History page. A c t i o n B u t t o n s

At the top of working area, there is a set of action buttons:

Button Description

SAVE Allows you to save all changes made to the draft version of the traveler persona. After it is saved, the draft can be picked by any user from the same PCC/agency to edit it for further updates. Prior to saving the draft, the changes will be visible only to the user currently working on the given draft.

If there is more than one user trying to save the draft at the same time, the changes will be saved dependent on the sequence of button submission. The button is active only if at least one rule has been modified (adjusted, deleted, or added).

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2-6 Traveler Personas and History Pages Layout User Guide April 2018

Button Description

DISCARD Note This button is planned for a future phase, not active yet.

Allows you to discard all changes that have been made to the draft version of the

traveler persona since the last Save action.

ACTIVATE This button is active only after the user saves the changes being made to the draft version. It replaces the current active version of the traveler persona in the following sequence:

1. Activates the traveler persona by replacing its current active version with a new

version ID (+1). If there is no active version to be replaced (if traveler persona is

created from scratch), it changes the status to active and stores version ID=’1’.

2. Removes the draft version from left sidebar.

3. After the traveler persona has been activated through the system, its status

changes to ‘Active’.

DEACTIVATE Allows you to deactivate the traveler persona. This button is active only for active traveler personas. Upon clicking DEACTIVATE, the following actions takes place:

• A popup appears with a request to confirm or abandon deactivating the traveler


• Upon confirmation, traveler persona is moved to the History page (if its draft

exists, it will remain unchanged).

• Working area will disappear. Only the left sidebar will remain on the page.

ACTIONS/ EDIT Allows you to create a draft version of an active traveler persona. The following scenarios are possible:

• If there is already a traveler persona’s draft, the modal will appear with a warning

‘Draft of this traveler persona already exists and it will be overridden by this action’

where you can either cancel or continue with an action.

• If there is no draft yet, the modal will appear with a warning ‘This action will create

a new editable draft of this active traveler persona’ where you can either cancel or

continue with an action.

ACTIONS/ DELETE Allows you to remove a traveler persona’s draft. This button is active only if the traveler persona is in the draft state. Upon clicking the icon, a modal appears with a warning: ‘This traveler persona is in draft state, so it will be removed permanently'. You can either confirm or abandon an action.

WITHDRAW This button is available only for traveler personas that are in ERROR state. If, for any reason, either deactivation or activation action was not successful, you can click WITHDRAW to remove a traveler persona from the sidebar and move it to the History page.

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User Guide September 2018 Traveler Personas and History Pages Layout 2-7 R u l e s S e t

Rule is a graphical representation of BFM parameters group. In the middle part of working area there

is a component which allows you to add, modify, and delete rules. All rules are described in detail in

a separate section. The following actions are available:

Button Description

Add rule Allows you to add rules. After you click the button, a drop-down menu appears with a list of all available rules in alphabetical order.

If any rule has already been selected (added to traveler persona), it will not be

available in a drop-down menu. You can pick only one rule at the time.

Remove rule Allows you to remove a rule from the traveler persona. You can rest your mouse on the delete icon to display the tooltip with a short description: ‘Remove rule’.

After selected, a modal will appear asking ‘Are you sure you want to remove the rule

name?’. User may either cancel or continue action.

After confirmed, the rule will be removed from the working area.

After removed from the traveler persona, the rule will be added back to the Add rule list.

Help Tooltips available on click contain a short description of a certain rule’s functionality.

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User Guide September 2018 Introduction 3-1

3.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n

This chapter contains procedures for how to:

• Create a new traveler persona (see this page).

• Searching for a traveler persona (see “Searching for a Traveler Persona,” page 3-3)

• Edit traveler persona (see “Editing a Traveler Persona,” page 3-4).

• Select one of the traveler personas to display its current version

• Deactivate traveler persona (see “Deactivating a Traveler Persona,” page 3-5).

• Display historical versions of the traveler persona (see “Displaying Historical Versions of the

Traveler Persona,” page 3-5).

• Invoke the Traveler Persona name in the BFM request (see “Invoking the Traveler Persona Name

in the BFM Request,” page 3-7).

• Rule examples (see “Rules Examples,” page 3-10).

3.2 C r e a t i n g a N e w T r a v e l e r P e r s o n a

1. Click Create new traveler persona.

A modal appears asking you to provide a full name of the new traveler persona.

2. On the New traveler persona name line, type one- four-character alphanumerical characters

and/or special characters: underscore (_) and dash (-).

3 Use Cases 3

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3-2 Creating a New Traveler Persona User Guide April 2018

Note You cannot type a name that already exists (either in draft, or active state). There are

validations in place preventing user from creating a draft with an invalid, or existing



The newly created draft appears in the sidebar and will be displayed within the working area.

4. Click Add rule.

The Add rule menu appears with a list of possible rules.

Note A traveler persona should consist of at least one rule added.

5. In the Add rule list, click a rule.

The rule is added to the working area where you can adjust its values.

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User Guide September 2018 Searching for a Traveler Persona 3-3

6. Click SAVE.

Note Until you save the draft traveler persona, it will not be visible for other users from the

same PCC.

The ACTIVATE button becomes available.

7. Click ACTIVATE.

The traveler persona’s status is updated to PENDING and upon successful activation, switch to


3.3 S e a r c h i n g f o r a T r a v e l e r P e r s o n a

1. On the Traveler Personas page, do one of the following:

If you Then

Can see the traveler persona name in the Create new traveler person list

In the Create new traveler person list, click the traveler persona.

Cannot see the traveler persona name in the Create new traveler persona list

a. In the Search box, type the desired traveler persona name.

Note The search will be filtered from the first character typed in the box to show all matching traveler personas names, regardless what state are they in.

b. Click .

c. In the search results, click the traveler persona name.

The traveler persona is highlighted in the sidebar, and its details appear in the working area.

Depending on the traveler persona’s status, some action buttons may be disabled in the working

area header.

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3-4 Editing a Traveler Persona User Guide April 2018

3.4 E d i t i n g a T r a v e l e r P e r s o n a

You can edit an active traveler persona to keep its name, but only change its version number.

Draft versions of traveler personas can be edited any time. All the changes made to draft version must

be saved to publish them for other users.

To edit a traveler persona

1. Search for the traveler persona you want to edit (see “Searching for a Traveler Persona,” page


2. In the upper-right corner, click ACTIONS.

3. In the ACTIONS list, click Edit.

If there is an existing draft version of the traveler persona, a modal will appear with a warning. You

can either CONTINUE or CANCEL the activity as follows:

If the active version of traveler persona has no draft version yet, the following modal appears with

CANCEL and CONTINUE buttons as follows:

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User Guide September 2018 Deactivating a Traveler Persona 3-5

After confirmation, a draft version of the traveler persona will be reloaded in the working area with a

new version to allow further adjustments.

2. After your edits are complete, save the changes.

3. Click ACTIVATE.

The following warning appears:

4. Click CONTINUE.

A draft will be in the PENDING state for a moment to then reload the working area with an

active version of the traveler persona with an increased version (+1).

3.5 D e a c t i v a t i n g a T r a v e l e r P e r s o n a

1. Search for the traveler persona you want to deactivate (see “Searching for a Traveler Persona,”

page 3-3).

2. In the header, click DEACTIVATE.

A modal appears with a following warning:

3. Click YES, I AM SURE.

The deactivation activity moves the traveler persona active version to the History page and will

disappear from the sidebar. If the deactivated traveler persona has a draft version, it will remain

available in the sidebar.

3.6 D i s p l a y i n g H i s t o r i c a l V e r s i o n s o f t h e T r a v e l e r

P e r s o n a

To access the historical page with previous, and/or deactivated versions of traveler personas user

needs to rest your mouse on the Traveler Personas tab, and then click History.

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3-6 Displaying Historical Versions of the Traveler Persona User Guide April 2018

You can do the following:

• Search in the History sidebar (see this page).

• Display traveler personas in the History sidebar (see this page).

3.6.1 S e a r c h i n g i n t h e H i s t o r y P a g e S i d e b a r

You can use the search option available in the sidebar to filter the list of previous or deactivated

versions of traveler personas.

To search in the History sidebar

In the Search box, type the traveler persona name.

The list will be filtered from the first character typed in the box to show all matching traveler

personas names.

3.6.2 D i s p l a y i n g T r a v e l e r P e r s o n a s i n t h e H i s t o r y P a g e

To select previous or deactivated versions of traveler personas, do the following:

1. In the list in the sidebar, click the traveler persona name.

A list appears with all its previous versions.

2. Click the desired version.

The version will be highlighted in the sidebar, and its details appear in the working area.

Note Because the History page consists of deactivated versions, all rules available in the selected

traveler persona will be displayed in a view-only mode. The traveler persona will not be

editable, so action buttons and rules modification are disabled in the working area.

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User Guide September 2018 Invoking the Traveler Persona Name in the BFM Request 3-7

3.7 I n v o k i n g t h e T r a v e l e r P e r s o n a N a m e i n t h e B F M

R e q u e s t

For an activated traveler persona to influence BFM processing, its name needs to be specified in the

BFM request (version 4.1.1 or higher) in the following attribute:



If parameters are already specified in the request, it will not be overridden by traveler persona’s rules.

If the traveler persona was successfully invoked based on its name and PCC that processed the

request, the BFM response will consist of the following information returned in the Warning section:

<Warning Type="TPERSONA" Code="RULEID" MessageClass="I" ShortText="ID of the

traveler persona"/>

<Warning Type="TPERSONA" Code="NAME" MessageClass="I" ShortText="Name of the

traveler persona"/>

This section includes the following:

• Request sample (see this page).

• Response sample (see “Response Sample,” page 3-8).

3.7.1 R e q u e s t S a m p l e

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Target="Production"

Version="4.1.1" xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05"



<Source PseudoCityCode="2K9I">

<RequestorID Type="0.AAA.X" ID="REQ.ID">

<CompanyName Code="OTAQA"/>




<OriginDestinationInformation RPH="1">


<OriginLocation LocationCode="LAX"/>

<DestinationLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>


<SegmentType Code="O"/>










<PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1"/>






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3-8 Invoking the Traveler Persona Name in the BFM Request User Guide April 2018



<IntelliSellTransaction Debug="0">

<TravelerPersona Name="TRAVELER_PERSONA_NON_STOPS"/>

<SabreAth Value="" BinarySecToken="" ConversationID=""/>




3.7.2 R e s p o n s e S a m p l e

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<OTA_AirLowFareSearchRS xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05"

xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" Version="4.1.1" PricedItinCount="9"

BrandedOneWayItinCount="0" SimpleOneWayItinCount="0" DepartedItinCount="0"

SoldOutItinCount="0" AvailableItinCount="0">



<Warning Type="WORKERTHREAD" Code="TRANSACTIONID" MessageClass="I"


<Warning Type="SERVER" Code="ICCHLI100" MessageClass="I" ShortText="27038"/>

<Warning Type="DRE" Code="RULEID" MessageClass="I" ShortText="92022"/>

<Warning Type="DEFAULT" Code="RULEID" MessageClass="I" ShortText="82274"/>

<Warning Type="TPERSONA" Code="RULEID" MessageClass="I" ShortText="360"/>

<Warning Type="TPERSONA" Code="NAME" MessageClass="I"




<PricedItinerary SequenceNumber="1">

<AirItinerary DirectionInd="OneWay">


<OriginDestinationOption ElapsedTime="177">

<FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2018-08-

10T17:55:00" ArrivalDateTime="2018-08-10T22:52:00" StopQuantity="0" FlightNumber="5609"

ResBookDesigCode="K" ElapsedTime="177">

<DepartureAirport LocationCode="LAX"


<ArrivalAirport LocationCode="DFW"


<OperatingAirline Code="UA"

FlightNumber="5609" CompanyShortName="/SKYWEST DBA UNITED EXPRESS"/>

<Equipment AirEquipType="E7W"/>

<MarketingAirline Code="UA"/>


<DepartureTimeZone GMTOffset="-7"/>

<ArrivalTimeZone GMTOffset="-5"/>

<OnTimePerformance Level="N"/>


<eTicket Ind="true"/>

<Mileage Amount="1235"/>






<AirItineraryPricingInfo PricingSource="ADVJR1"

PricingSubSource="MIP" FareReturned="true" LastTicketDate="2018-03-24">


<BaseFare Amount="72.56" CurrencyCode="USD"


<FareConstruction Amount="72.56" CurrencyCode="USD"


<EquivFare Amount="72.56" CurrencyCode="USD"



<Tax TaxCode="TOTALTAX" Amount="19.74"

CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>

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User Guide September 2018 Invoking the Traveler Persona Name in the BFM Request 3-9


<TotalFare Amount="92.30" CurrencyCode="USD"





<PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT"



<FareBasisCode BookingCode="K"

AvailabilityBreak="true" DepartureAirportCode="LAX" ArrivalAirportCode="DFW"

FareComponentBeginAirport="LAX" FareComponentEndAirport="DFW"

FareComponentDirectionality="FROM" FareComponentVendorCode="ATP"




<BaseFare Amount="72.56"


<FareConstruction Amount="72.56"

CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>

<EquivFare Amount="72.56"

CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>


<Tax TaxCode="AY" Amount="5.60"

CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2" CountryCode="US"/>

<Tax TaxCode="US1"

Amount="5.44" CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2" CountryCode="US"/>

<Tax TaxCode="ZP" Amount="4.20"

CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2" CountryCode="US"/>

<Tax TaxCode="XF" Amount="4.50"

CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2" CountryCode="US"/>

<TaxSummary TaxCode="US1"

Amount="5.44" CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2" CountryCode="US"/>

<TaxSummary TaxCode="ZP"

Amount="4.20" CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2" CountryCode="US"/>

<TaxSummary TaxCode="AY"

Amount="5.60" CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2" CountryCode="US"/>

<TaxSummary TaxCode="XF"

Amount="4.50" CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2" CountryCode="US"/>

<TotalTax Amount="19.74"

CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>



<OBFee Amount="200.00"

CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2"/>


<TotalFare Amount="92.30"





AirlineCode="UA" Type="N" FailCode="0" Info="NONREF/0VALUAFTDPT/CHGFEE"/>

<Message Type="W"

FailCode="0" Info="VALIDATING CARRIER - UA"/>

<Message Type="W"





<Endorsements NonRefundableIndicator="true"/>


<FareCalcLine Info="LAX UA








Number="9" BelowMin="false"/>

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3-10 Rules Examples User Guide April 2018

<Cabin Cabin="Y"/>

<Meal Code="D"/>










<SeatsRemaining Number="9"


<Cabin Cabin="Y"/>

<Meal Code="D"/>





<DivideInParty Indicator="false"/>

<ValidatingCarrier SettlementMethod="ARC"


<Default Code="UA"/>




<TicketingInfo TicketType="eTicket" ValidInterline="Yes"/>


<ValidatingCarrier Code="UA"/>





3.8 R u l e s E x a m p l e s

Rules in Air Shopping Rules Manager are graphical representations of predefined sets of BFM

request parameters. The following table shows the mapping between rule and BFM parameter:

Rule name Rule parameter BFM request parameter

Schedule Preferences

Travel Time Min Travel Time OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/OriginDestinationInformation/TPA_Extensions/TotalTravelTime/@Min

Travel Time Max Travel Time OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/OriginDestinationInformation/TPA_Extensions/TotalTravelTime/@Max

Exclude Country Exclude Country Code OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/TPA_Extensions/CountryPref/@Code

Connection Time Min Connection Time OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/OriginDestinationInformation/TPA_Extensions/ConnectionTime/@Min

Connection Time Max Connection Time OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/OriginDestinationInformation/TPA_Extensions/ConnectionTime/@Max

Connection Time Excluded Connection Begin


Connection Time Excluded Connection End


Connection Time Excluded Connection enable


Long Connect Min Long Connect Time OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/TPA_Extensions/LongConnectTime/@Min

Long Connect Max Long Connect Time OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/TPA_Extensions/LongConnectTime/@Max

Long Connect Long Connect Enable OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/TPA_Extensions/LongConnectTime/@Enable

Long Connect Min Long Connect Points OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/TPA_Extensions/LongConnectPoints/@Min

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User Guide September 2018 Rules Examples 3-11

Rule name Rule parameter BFM request parameter

Long Connect Max Long Connect Points


Number of Connections

Max Number of Connections


Number of Stops Max Number of Stops OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/@MaxStopsQuantity

Carrier Preferences

Preferred Carrier Carrier Code OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/VendorPrefPairing/VendorPref/@Code

Preferred Carrier Carrier Type OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/VendorPrefPairing/VendorPref/@Type

Preferred Carrier Applicability OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/VendorPrefPairing/@Applicability

Preferred Alliance Include Alliance OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/TPA_Extensions/IncludeAlliancePref/@Code

Preferred Alliance Exclude Alliance OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/TPA_Extensions/ExcludeAlliancePref/@Code

Travel Preferences

Cabin Preference Cabin Preferred OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/CabinPref/@Cabin

Cabin Preference Prefer level OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/CabinPref/@Cabin

Cabin Preference Jump Cabin OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/TPA_Extensions/JumpCabinLogic/@Disabled

Online Indicator Online Indicator OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelPreferences/TPA_Extensions/OnlineIndicator/@Ind

Refund Refund Penalty OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TravelerInfoSummary/PriceRequestInformation/TPA_Extensions/Indicators/RefundPenalty/@Ind

Diversity Settings








% of low fare bucket options in Percentage



Number of low fare bucket options Count



Fare level OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/LowFareBucket/@FareCutOff


Price weight 0-10 OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/@PriceWeight


Travel Time weight 0-10 OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/TravelTime/@Weight


Carrier weight 0-10 OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/Carrier/@Weight


Diversity online vs interline



Number or percentage of options



Number or percentage of options



Carrier Code for diversity bucket



% of options per carrier OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/Carrier/Override/@Options


Number of options per carrier



Operating Duplicate dimension 0-10



Preferred Validating Carrier Codes



Inbound Outbound Pairing weight 1-10



Inbound Outbound Pairing Duplicates



Time of Day Weight 0-10 OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/TimeOfDay/@Weight

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3-12 Testing the API User Guide April 2018

Rule name Rule parameter BFM request parameter


Outbound or Inbound OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/TimeOfDay/Distribution/@Direction


Leg ID OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/TimeOfDay/Distribution/@Leg


Departure or Arrival OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/TimeOfDay/Distribution/@Endpoint


Daytime range start OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/TimeOfDay/Distribution/Range/@Begin


Daytime range end OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/TimeOfDay/Distribution/Range/@End


Number of options in each time range bucket



% of options in each time range bucket



Stops Number weight OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ/TPA_Extensions/DiversityControl/Dimensions/StopsNumber/@Weight

3.9 T e s t i n g t h e A P I

While testing the API for data consistency, users should be aware of significant differences in the

response messages, as the same request might return differences in responses for information not

specifically requested. Rather, users should compare information that has been specifically requested

from the API, i.e. if preferred cabin Y is requested <CabinPref PreferLevel="Preferred" Cabin="Y"

/>, then the same cabin should be expected in the response <Cabin Cabin="Y"/> across the options


Request/Responses Examples:

response(1).xml response(2).xml response(3).xml response(4).xmlrequest.xml

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User Guide September 2018 Introduction 4-1

4.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n

This chapter contains the error descriptions.

This chapter contains the following:

• Application errors (see this page).

• Non-application errors (see “Non-Application Errors,” page 4-2).

4.2 A p p l i c a t i o n E r r o r s

For traveler persona there is one ERROR status available indicating that either activation, or

deactivation action was unsuccessful. User can hover over the error icon as shown below to verify

what is the reason for this error state and what actions are available.

4.2.1 E r r o r S t a t e – A c t i v a t i o n F a i l e d

Due to failed communication, there is a possibility that a traveler persona submitted for activation has

not been successfully activated. A tooltip is available if you rest your mouse on the ERROR status


The tooltip is as follows:

Traveler Persona activation unsuccessful. You may try to activate it again or withdraw.

You can activate it again (click ACTIVATE) or withdraw (click WITHDRAW) to remove the

traveler persona from the sidebar and move it to History page.

4.2.2 E r r o r S t a t e – D e a c t i v a t i o n F a i l e d

Due to failed communication, there is a possibility that a traveler persona submitted for deactivation

has not been successfully deactivated. A tooltip is available if you rest your mouse on the ERROR

status icon.

The tooltip is as follows:

Traveler Persona deactivation unsuccessful. You may want to withdraw it or wait.

4 Error Messages 4

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4-2 Non-Application Errors User Guide April 2018

You can wait for the status to change or withdraw (click WITHDRAW) the traveler persona to

remove it from the sidebar and move it to the History page.

4.3 N o n - A p p l i c a t i o n E r r o r s

Scenario: Rules specified in the traveler persona have not influenced the Bargain Finder Max (BFM)


To determine if the traveler persona has been successfully invoked in BFM processing, you must

check if the following parameter is present in the BFM response:


If not, you can check if the traveler persona name is properly provided in the following BFM request




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User Guide April 2018 Glossary 1

Following is a glossary of terms:

Term Description

GDS Code for the Global Distribution System. For example:

1S – Sabre

1B – Abacus

1J – Axess

1F – Infini

GUI Graphical user interface

BFM Bargain Finder Max

PCC Pseudo City Code

TN Sabre Travel Network

5 Glossary

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2 Glossary User Guide April 2018

• • •
