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Valio statia resum3.pdf

Date post: 16-Dec-2015
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Организатори : Институт Конфуций - София към СУ Св . Климент Охридски " Институт заглобалнаисториякъмПекински университет зачужди езици Organized by Confucius Institute in Sofia Institute for G1oba1 History at Beijing Foreign Studies University , t1 111 . ~~` ~ ` , . Трета международна научна конференция Пътят на коприната " Third International Conference "The Si1k Road" 4 - 5.06.2015 !7 ) _ --''" , ~ . , ~ ~ у 1 ♦ . ~ ј ~ ~ у д ~ . ~~
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    Organized by Confucius Institute in Sofia Institute for G1oba1 History at Beijing Foreign Studies University

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    Third International Conference "The Si1k Road"

    4 - 5.06.2015

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    4-5 2015 .


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    2015 04 Q - 05 ~


    Organized by Confucius Institute in Sofia

    and Institute for G1oba1 History

    ~ at Beijing Foreign Studies University 4 5 June 2015

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    Confucius lnstitute in Sofia, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

    . "

    lnstitute for G1oba1 History, Beijing Foreign 5tudies University r

    Third lnternational Conference "The Si1k Road" "

    04 051une, 2015 04 05 2015 .

    Opening Ceremony: 041une 2015, 9:00 at the 1 Magnum


    < " "St. of Sofia University Kliment Ohridski",

    ~ 2015 06 04 - 05

    "Tzar 15 Osvoboditel" Str., Rectorate ,

    : 04.06.2015 . 9.00 . . "

    The forum is named after the famous ancient trans-continental route, connecting Asia, . " " Ns 15, Northeast Africa and Europe, that has become a symbol of the wide range cross-cultural exchange between China and the world. The conference is aimed at bringing together sinologists, orientalists and other specialists, involved in different aspects of Chinese studies, to share new concepts and ideas, and discuss issues related to various fields of sinological research , , , on the following main panels:

    , .

    1. Chinese language and literature - traditions, modernity and perspectives.

    : 2. Current trends of Chinese studies in Bulgaria and Bulgarian studies in China. . The spiritual tradition, philosophy and culture of China development, influences 1. ry - , , .

    and interactions. 2. r r . 4. The Si1k Road as a link between civilizations history, archaeology, routes for 3. , , , ,

    exchange of material and spiritual values and achievements, economic, social and .

    cultural processes. 4. , , 5. Contemporary China and the world social-economic dynamics, domestic policies

    , , ,

    and international relations, trends, ideas and development perspectives. u . G. Historical and cultural heritage of China, cultural exchange and tourism. 5. - , 7. Chinese traditional and contemporary artfeatures, influences and perspective.s. , .

    6. , . The working languages of the conference are Bulgarian, English and Chinese. 7. - , ,


    2 r , .

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  • orientation of Eiuopean policy towards strategic partnership with the developzng countries; the great poternial of Chinese economy being at the s

    l in the global economy and the world's biggest

    trading nation.

    58. Participant: Dr. Valentin Katrandzhiev Affiliation: Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute, Ministry ofForeign Affairs Tit1e of Paper: "PR of China's Strategy in the Greater B1ack Sea Region" Language of Presentatlon: English Time and 1

    of Presentation: 7une 05, Session Three, Section I, 09.45-10.00, Centre for Eastern Languages and Studies, HaH 1 Abstract:

    The report wi11 explore the emerging Chinese strategy for economic and cultural expansion in both strategically important and volatile Caspian Sea and B1ack Sea basins. The region has been the crossing point of the geopolitical, geoeconomic and geocultural competition between US, Russia, Turkey and EU (namely key European states powers such Great Britain, France, Germany). PR of Chrna is relatively a new player in the regzon and does not carry the negative historic baggage of great powers rivalry an

    foreign domination. The report wi11 make an appreciation of the long lived Chinese tradition for trade an

    cultural exchange with the rest of the world. The report wi11 then look at the philosophical roots of the Chinese foreign-policy making. The Chinese strategic culture based on developing relations with other countries and international regional organisations on the pri.nciple of sovereignty, mutuality of interests, non-interference in internal affairs, equal treatment and respect of other nations regardless of their weight an l

    in the system of rnternational relations wi11 be heeded special attention. The report wi11 provide a structured analysis of three building ocks of the emerging coherent Chinese strategy in the Greater B1ack Sea Region. Firstly, a current status around realization of the mega Si1k Road pro ect in its land an sea based 'zmensions wi11 be analyzed. 5econdly, positioning of China in the Soutli Caucasus an

    Sea of Azov sub- region wi11 be investigated. Thirdly, Beijing relations with Central ar d astern European countries zn the context of l

    China-EU relationship wi11 be reviewed. And finally, the Chinese position on the developments in Ukraine wi11 be presented.

    59. Participant: Dr. Valentina Todorova-Marinova Affiliation: Sofia Urversity "St. Kliment Ohridski" Tit1e of Paper: "Through the Labyrinth ofthe Eastern Proverbial Rea1m: The Concept of "Lie" in Eastern Proverbs" Language of Presentation: Bulgarian Time and Place of Presentation: June 05, Fina1 Sessioq Section II, 15.00-15.15, Centre for Eastern Langaages and Studies, Ha11 29 Abstract.

    The paper presents an analysis of the lingual and semiotic significance of the lexeme 1ie (deceit). Lie is outlined and presented with its main functions. Subject of the present analysis are the general and particular characteristics of the respective lexemes as we11 as their denominational implication in reflecting human values as part of the overall world representation.

    60. Participant: Valeri Ivaov Affiliaton: Kung Fu Centre "Xuangui" Tit1e of Paper: "Reflections in Search ofUnnamable Content ofthe "Martial Art" Language of Presentation: Bulgarian Time and Place of Presentation: June 05, Session Four, Section II, 11.45-12.00, Centre for Eastern Languages and Studies, HaII 29

    Abstract: In accordance with an old philosophical Chinese concept, the study of the names glven to

    the martial arts in their historical and cultural development could give us an idea of their content. This is li even though the names of the thrngs do not mean the real things thentselves. On the contrary, a given name acts as something that separates the things from everything e1se, it has the possibility to defme them because the real things do not longer exist. In this sense, when the term "martial arts" appears, the real sense of zt is already in the past. Martial art could be named as such only when it's gone. The practice of martial skills in real battle, facing the death in the presence of mortal danger, no longer exists in the reality. It is already difficult to represent a way and knowledge of how to experience the reality when you reach a meditative state of mind or youre being extra conscious. What is missing in the practice of martial arts, is the direct and un-illusionary relation to the spiritual experience of reality, as it is. The disappearance of the relation between the spiritual e perience on one hand and the art as an immediate guidance, reflection of that experience on the other hand, as we11 as the practical, scientific, mental, explanatory interpretation of that experience, i the reason for the alienation of the meaning of the term "martial art" from its essence. The lack of this relation has transformed the modern practice of "martial arts" into variations of inedical, cnergy or psychosomatic practice qi gong, rehabilitatlon gymnastics, sport or another type of art cinema, theatre, circus, etc. The conclusion is the same as the one that we get to through tthe study of the names.

    61. Participant: Dr. Zornitsa Grekova-5tefanova Affiliation: Mirstry of Foreign Affairs Tit1e of Paper: "The transfer of security values on the Si1k Road"

    Language of Presentation: English Time and P1ace of Presentation: June 04, Session One, Section II, 13.30-13.45, Centre for Eastern Languages and Studles, Hall 29 Abstract:

    For centuries and even millennia, the "S11k Road" was the primary route between China and Europe which was used to transfer and to exchange goods, ideas, culture, religions and l. In the contemporary world the "5i1k Road" describes not only the historical entity but also the geographical, political and economical area that has been farmed in the late 20th century, especially after the dismissal of the Soviet Union.

    Nowadays the exchange of ideas and concepts is as strong as it had been more than one thousand years ago. The concept of security, terrorist groups and insurgents "travel" back and forth from Europe to Asia thus creating new security reality in which traditional values and perceptions should be transfarmed, demolished or external ones should be accommodated.

    According to Buszynski (2004) "values and identities relate to (...) ingrained preferences which draw upon the collective memories of the cultures concerned." This leads to the question whether it is possie to transform those firmly and historically predefmed concepts of security that are deeply rooted in all Asian nations.

    The proposed paper wi11 focus on the changing security concept of Chrna regarding the issues on the Si1k Road. Those issues range from the terrorist threat from Afghanistan to the Central Asian religious fundamentalism and have direct influence over the internal politics and external relations of China. In the first decade of the 21 st century China is making obvious attempts to change its presence in Afghanistan and on the Si1k Road which reflects the positions of its "new security concept".

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