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ValuEngine Weekly Newsletter January 9, 2015

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January 9, 2015 If you no longer wish to receive this free newsletter,  CLICK HERE to unsubscribe The Val uEngine Weekly is an Investor Education newsletter focused on the quantitative approach to investing and the tools available from In today's fast-moving and globalied financial markets! it is easy to get overloaded with information" The winners will adopt an ob#ective! scientific! independent and unemotional approach to investing" If you are not yet a member of Val uEngine's stock analysis service! sign up now for a two-week free trial at www"valuengine"com$  V aluation WA TCH: Overvalued stock s now make up 50.04% o our s tocks assi!ned a valuation and "5.#$% o tose e&uities are calculated to 'e overvalued '( $0% or more. )leven sectors are calculated to 'e overvalued**wit one sector at dou'le di!its. MARKET OVERVIEW +nde, -tarted week rida( A/ Can!e Can!e % (td 1+A %&(%") %&&(" *2$.5 *0.5$% 3.25% A-A *&++")* *,.".* *4.6 *0."0% "$.4#% 78--)99 $000 % %("), % %)"&% *6.35 *0.#% ".#% -;< 500 (+.*"** (+*)"% *"".$5 *0.55% "0.54%  -ummar( o V) -tock 8niverse -tocks 8ndervalued 42.23% -tocks Overvalued 50.04% -tocks 8ndervalued '( $0% $0.0% -tocks Overvalued '( $0% "5.#$%
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January 9, 2015

If you no longer wish to receive this free newsletter,  CLICK HERE to unsubscribe

The ValuEngine Weekly is an Investor Education newsletter focused on the quantitative approach toinvesting and the tools available from In today's fast-moving and globalied financial markets! it is easy to

get overloaded with information" The winners will adopt an ob#ective! scientific! independent andunemotional approach to investing" If you are not yet a member of ValuEngine's stock analysis service!

sign up now for a two-week free trial at www"valuengine"com$

 Valuation WATCH: Overvalued stocks now make up 50.04% o our stocksassi!ned a valuation and "5.#$% o tose e&uities are calculated to 'eovervalued '( $0% or more. )leven sectors are calculated to 'eovervalued**wit one sector at dou'le di!its.


+nde, -tarted week rida( A/ Can!e Can!e % (td

1+A %&(%") %&&(" *2$.5 *0.5$% 3.25%

A-A *&++")* *,.".* *4.6 *0."0% "$.4#%

78--)99 $000 %%("), %%)"&% *6.35 *0.#% ".#%

-;< 500 (+.*"** (+*)"% *"".$5 *0.55% "0.54%

 -ummar( o V) -tock 8niverse

-tocks 8ndervalued 42.23%

-tocks Overvalued 50.04%

-tocks 8ndervalued '( $0% $0.0%

-tocks Overvalued '( $0% "5.#$%

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 -ector Can!e /T =T Valuation 9ast "$*/



7atioAerospace +"*/ -%"(./ -%"(./ %%"%)/ overvalued -%".*/ (+"*.

Auto*Tires*Trucks %"(&/ -+"/ -+"/ &")./ undervalued -*"+/ %."*

?asic /aterials +"&/ +")+/ +"(/ %("%)/ undervalued -%(",+/ (("*

?usiness -ervices %"()/ -%"+./ -%"+./ +",/ undervalued +")/ (*"&*

Computer and Tecnolo!( %"*/ -+"*+/ +"/ ("++/ overvalued -(",(/ )+",.

Construction %"(,/ -%"+%/ -%"+%/ "))/ undervalued -("))/ (."*

Consumer iscretionar( %"+(/ -%"+/ -%"+/ %"*/ overvalued -)"/ (&"+&

Consumer -taples %"(&/ -+")+/ -+")+/ .")+/ overvalued ("%/ (*"*

inance +",./ -+"*(/ -+"*(/ +"%+/ overvalued ("(/ %&",

+ndustrial <roducts %"%&/ -%",*/ -%",*/ &"&,/ undervalued -",/ %",)

/edical %".(/ %")/ %")/ &")(/ overvalued &"/ (".

/ulti*-ector Con!lomerates %"+,/ -%"+./ -%"+./ (")./ overvalued %"%+/ (+"*,

Oils*)ner!( %".*/ -)"&./ -)"&./ (,"**/ undervalued -("&,/ %"+)

7etail*Wolesale %")%/ +")+/ +")+/ &",/ overvalued +"&)/ (,"(

Transportation %"./ -%"%,/ -%"%,/ ."(%/ undervalued (",./ %"*,

8tilities %"%%/ -%",,/ -%",,/ ("&+/ overvalued &"%/ (+"

ValuEngine Newle!!er "a!e! Reul!

V) ewsletter Current/ont Total

?encmark @ 9ast /ontTotal

?encmark @ -ince+nception

?encmark @

orecast /- $.2# $.32 *2.52 *"."4 35." $#.$4

ividend -tock *$.65 *#.02 *"."" "."" "2.44 #4.3

-mall Cap -tock *".30 *$.5# *#.20 ".#" *.#$ 3.2

View ".4$ 0.35 *5.$$ *".5 ""#.#5 .5

@OT): ?encmark or orecast /- or last mont and inception is te /9-A 9on!>-ort und.?encmark or -mall Cap or last mont and inception is te 7ussell $000 -mall Cap +nde, B78T.?encmark or current mont orecast /- and all oter portolios or all timerames is te -;<500.

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Se#!$r Tal%&Energy'OilBelow, we present the latest data on leading Energy/Oil Sector stocks from our

Institutional software package (VEI. These results were filtered by market price andvolumeno results below !"/share or less than #$$k shares/day volume.

Top*ive )ner!(>Oil -ector -tocks**-ort*Term orecast 7eturns

Ticker ame /kt <rice ValuationB% 9ast "$*/7etnB%

<)+ 012 ET31456 I42 471 ,)",*

<T7 0ET8523I41 198 %%*"() -(+")* ".

A79<  166I142E 8E: *%"&. -%("*% "

)/)- E;E8<E E48< :V2 .%"(& 471 %."&)

-< 23I41 0ET85=23; %".( -&"% ,"*

Top*ive )ner!(>Oil -ector -tocks**9on!*Term orecast 7eturns

Ticker ame /kt <rice ValuationB% 9ast "$*/7etnB%

<)+ 012 ET31456 I42 471 ,)",*

<T7 0ET8523I41 198 %%*"() -(+")* ".

A79<  166I142E 8E: *%"&. -%("*% "

)/)- E;E8<E E48< :V2 .%"(& 471 %."&)

-< 23I41 0ET85=23; %".( -&"% ,"*

Top*ive )ner!(>Oil -ector -tocks**Composite -core

Ticker ame /kt <rice ValuationB% 9ast "$*/7etnB%

<T7 0ET8523I41 198 %%*"() -(+")* ".

-< 23I41 0ET85=23; %".( -&"% ,"*

A79<  166I142E 8E: *%"&. -%("*% "

C 294 4T86 8:82: (&"* -)%".% -%*"*.

7-.A 85>16 9T23 :3-1 ,."+* -%)"%( -&",)

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Top*ive )ner!(>Oil -ector -tocks**/ost Overvalued

Ticker ame /kt <rice ValuationB% 9ast "$*/7etnB%

W99 W3ITI4< 0ET856; )+". %+",% -*&",(

/87 ;?803> 5I6 *".& ,%" -(("&&

<OW7 05WE8:E2?8E I4T %+"& .+"* -*%")

CV+ 2V8 E4E8<> I42 )".. *&"*. -*")

@?T?8E@?E6 2580 %(")* *+"( -((",)

Find out what Wall Street Investment and Media Professionals already know,ValuEngine offers sophisticated stock valuation and forecast research as well as a

variety of portfolio screening and creation tools

If you are reading this you should sign up for 

ValuEngine!s award"winning stock valuation and forecast 


#$ $%&I'()I$#, *+ (- F.EE ).I(&/ 

To -i!n 8p or a7)) T7+A9D<lease Click


(ree )$wnl$a* +$r Rea*er (s a 0onus to our Free Weekly #ewsletter su0scri0ers, we are offering a F.EE 

$W#&$( of one of our Stock .eports

%pple &nc. is engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing mobilecommunication and media devices, personal computers, and portable digital music

players. The 'ompany(s products and services include i)hone, i)ad, *ac, i)od, %ppleT+, a portfolio of consumer and professional software applications, the iOS and *acOS operating systems, i'loud, and a range of accessory, service and supportofferings. &t sells its products worldwide through its online stores, its retail stores, its

direct sales force, thirdparty wholesalers, and resellers. %pple &nc. is head-uartered in'upertino, 'alifornia.

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+aluEngine continues its B recommendation on %))0E &1' for 2$#3$#$4. Based onthe information we have gathered and our resulting research, we feel that %))0E &1'has the probability to OT)E56O5* average market performance for the ne7t year.

The company e7hibits %TT5%'T&+E 'ompany Si8e and Sharpe 5atio.

Below is today(s data on %pple9

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Valu)n!ine orecast



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"*=ear  %%&")+ *")/

$*=ear  %)"(( (*"*)/

#*=ear  ,&"(+ -)"*/

Valuation ; 7ankin!sValuation %)"%./ overvalued Valuation 7ankCD (.

"*/ orecast 7eturn +"*+/ "*/ orecast 7eturn 7ank  +"$*/ 7eturn **"%(/ /omentum 7ankCD  (

-arpe 7atio %"+* -arpe 7atio 7ankCD ,

5*= Av! Annual 7eturn (."/ 5*= Av! Annual 7tn 7ank  )

Volatilit( (."+(/ Volatilit( 7ankCD  &(

),pected )<- Erowt %&"(/ )<- Erowt 7ankCD .%

/arket Cap B'illions ,.,"(( -iFe 7ank  %++

Trailin! <>) 7atio %,"%& Trailin! <>) 7ankCD &(

orward <>) 7atio %)"&% orward <>) 7atio 7ank  ,)

<)E 7atio +"+ <)E 7atio 7ank  *,

<rice>-ales )". <rice>-ales 7ankCD  (&

/arket>?ook ,") /arket>?ook 7ankCD (+

?eta +" ?eta 7ank  .

Alpa +"(( Alpa 7ank  

As a 'onus to our ewsletter readersDwe are oerin! a 7)) OW9OA o one o our -tock 7eports

.ead our 1omplete etailed Valuation .eport on (pple H)7).

Want To Gnow /ore A'out Our Valu)n!ine View ewsletter

0ooking for a monthly portfolio of stock picks which are ob:ective and based oncuttingedge academic theory and ;all St.practice< Then subscribe to The

+aluEngine +iew 1ewsletter.The +aluEngine +iew )ortfolio is based on our highlyrefined and tested +aluEngine )ortfolio Strategies along with our proprietary -uant

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based composite scoring system. The +aluEngine +iew 1ewsletter is the product ofsophisticated stock valuation and forecast models first developed by ale )rofessorof 6inance =hiwu 'hen.

The +aluEngine +iew 1ewsletter is the product of a sophisticated stock valuationmodel that was first developed by +aluEngine(s academic research team. &t utili8es a

three factor approach9 fundamental variables such as a company(s trailing #2monthEarnings)erShare >E)S?, the analyst consensus estimate of the company(s future #2month E)S, and the !$year Treasury yield are all used to create a more accurate

reflection of a company(s fair value. % total of eleven additional firm specificvariables are also used. &n addition, the portoflio uses top picks from our 6orecast*odel. &n essence, the portfolio is constructed with the best picks from our main

propiretary models

Each month you will receive an electronic copy of our newsletter highlighting #3potential long positions along with five alternate picks. Our investment strategiesfocus on do8ens of fundamental and technical factors for over 4$$$ individual stocks,synthesi8e the data, and then come up with a portfolio. Each newsletter portfolio

focuses on ma7imum potential returns so there are no diversity re-uirements. Eachportfolio pick includes critical +aluEngine valuation and forecast data. These 2$ totalpicks represent the most uptodate e-uity assessments of our proprietary models.

)lease click HERE to subscribe. ou may download a sample copy HERE! %fter yoursubscription is approved, you will immediately receive access to download the

current issue of newsletter as well as the previous issues, which are all available as )@6

files. Each month when the latest issue of the newsletter is released, we will send youan email, informing you to download it from the site. The newsletter is released near

the middle of each month.

V) View vs. -;< 500 +nde, <ast ive =ears

VE View :=0 .++

Ann 7eturn (*"&/ %*".,/

Ann Volatilit( (("(/ %(")./

-arpe 7atio %"%% %"%

-ortino 7atio %" %".)/a, rawdown -)*"*/ -%%"%*/

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The +aluEngine +iew 1ewsletter is derived from the +aluEngine %ggressive and@iversified Arowth Benchmark)ortfolio Strategies. These strategies are the product of+aluEngine(s academic research team

and combine cuttingedge financial

analysis and portfolio constructiontechni-ues with realworld ;all St. know


C9+CG H)7) to -u'scri'e to teValu)n!ine View

The +aluEngine +iew 1ewsletter portfoliohas #3 primary stock picks and five alternates and is rebalanced once each month.

The +aluEngine +iew 1ewsletter is published near the middle of each calendarmonth. %n e-ual amount of capital is allocated to each stock. The monthly returnsare calculated from the closing prices on date of publication. The performancecalculation does not include any transaction costs.
