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Veranstaltungskalender Projektwoche 23. bis 27. … · Veranstaltungskalender Projektwoche 23. bis...

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Veranstaltungskalender Projektwoche 23. bis 27. Mai 2016 Montag, 23.5. Dienstag, 24.5. Mittwoch, 25.5. Freitag, 27.5. 9-10 Circadian Timekeeping or How to Keep Your Clocks Synced Interactive Workshop 9:15 10:45, Raum 108 K. Gunkel Please bring a laptop. No registration required. 10 - 11 Vortrag: Introduction to MAXQDA 10:00-12:00, Raum 110 C. Simon Keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Kachina: Pueblokunst im Kontext (Figurative Art of the Pueblo Indians in Context) 11:00-13:00, Heidelberg Völkerkundemuseum (Heidelberg Museum of Ethnography) M. Peterfy Visit to an Exhibition (3 €). Minimal number of participants: 10. Meeting point: Entrance lobby of the English Department (Kettengasse) at 11 am. Please sign up by writing an email to: [email protected] heidelberg.de "Ozymandias" Marathon 10:00-12:30 The Watchmen, Raum 122 C. Burmedi Registration: [email protected] heidelberg.de

Veranstaltungskalender Projektwoche 23. bis 27. Mai 2016

Montag, 23.5. Dienstag, 24.5. Mittwoch, 25.5. Freitag, 27.5. 9-10 Circadian Timekeeping or How

to Keep Your Clocks Synced Interactive Workshop 9:15 – 10:45, Raum 108 K. Gunkel Please bring a laptop. No registration required.

10 - 11 Vortrag: Introduction to MAXQDA 10:00-12:00, Raum 110 C. Simon Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.

Kachina: Pueblokunst im Kontext (Figurative Art of the Pueblo Indians in Context) 11:00-13:00, Heidelberg Völkerkundemuseum (Heidelberg Museum of Ethnography) M. Peterfy Visit to an Exhibition (3 €). Minimal number of participants: 10. Meeting point: Entrance lobby of the English Department (Kettengasse) at 11 am. Please sign up by writing an email to: [email protected]

"Ozymandias" Marathon 10:00-12:30 The Watchmen, Raum 122 C. Burmedi Registration: [email protected]

11 - 12 Tackling writing problems 11:15-12:30, Raum 122 S. Föhr No registration required.

Lyrische Ambulanz 11:00-13:00, Raum 108 P.P. Schnierer No registration required.

Einführung in die Kriminal-literatur A. Schindler Sitzung 1, 11.15-12.45, "Crime Fiction: An Introduction I - Lecture" Raum 110 Registration: [email protected]

Info-Veranstaltung zum alten und neuen Bachelor 11:15-12:45, Raum 115 E. Hänßgen

Filmpräsentation im Zusammenhang mit dem Kurs 'A Decade of Centenaries' 11:00-13:15, Raum 108 D. O'Brien Filmtitel: The Wind That Shakes the Barley. Director: Ken Loach 2006

12 - 13

13 - 14 Applying for internships and jobs in English 13:15-14:30 Uhr, Raum 122 S. Föhr No registration required.

"Ozymandias" Marathon 13:00-14:00 "Ozymandias" (Breaking Bad), Raum 122 C. Burmedi Registration: [email protected]

14 - 15 Writing a term paper in English 14:15-15:30, Raum 122 S. Föhr No registration required.

Using online corpora and dictionaries in the field of word-formation 14:15-15:45, Raum 110 J. Schultz No registration required.

Working with the Oxford English Dictionary Online in lexicological research 14:15-15:45, Raum 108 J. Schultz No registration required.

How to: Research and Bibliography 14:00-16:00 Uhr, Raum 110 C. Earnshaw, B. Woodley

Filmscreening: William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream 14:00-16:00 Uhr, Raum 113 K. Hertel

City of Vice (2008): Sex and Crime in 18th Century Britain 14.00 - 16.00, Raum 116 G. Heil

Einführung in die Kriminal-literatur A. Schindler Sitzung 2, 14.15-15.45, "Crime Fiction: An Introduction II - Interactive Seminar" Raum 110 Registration: [email protected]

"Ozymandias" Marathon 14:30-16:30 "One Good Turn" (Case Histories), Raum 122 C. Burmedi Registration: [email protected]



Projektwoche 2016: Carolyn Burmedi "Ozymandias" Marathon Termin: Freitag, 27.05.2016, 10:00-17:00 Uhr, Raum 122

Registration: [email protected] Please let me know if you will be there for all or only part of the marathon. Percy Shelley's sonnet "Ozymandias" has influenced a range of creative artists almost from its first publication. We will watch three of the more notable recent homages: the 2009 film The Watchmen, based on Alan Moore's comic book mini-series, the Breaking Bad final season episode titled "Ozymandias", and the adaptation of Kate Atkinson's One Good Turn. Schedule: 10:00-12:30 The Watchmen 13:00-14:00 "Ozymandias" (Breaking Bad) 14:30-16:30 "One Good Turn" (Case Histories)

Projektwoche 2016: Claire Earnshaw/Bernard Woodley How to: Research and Bibliography Termin: Dienstag, 24.05.2016, 14:00-16:00 Uhr, Raum 110 It may sound terribly boring, but trust us, it is also extremely useful. We would like to use the reading week to reveal all the hidden tricks of research methods and the fine art of coming up with a good and formally correct bibliography. We will look at all the options HEIDI has on offer, explore the most important data bases, talk about how to properly use the internet and then, finally, develop a perfect bibliography. We will have some example topics on offer, but you are very welcome to bring your own research projects and use them as a basis for your research and bibliography. We will provide small snacks and a cup of tea :-)

Projektwoche 2016: Sherry Föhr 1. Writing a term paper in English

Termin: Montag, 23.05.2016, 14:15-15:30 Uhr, Raum 122

In this workshop, we will go over the main differences between German and English academic

writing conventions and the standard features of term papers in English studies, including

the peculiarities of papers in literary studies, cultural studies and linguistics. Topics include

the following:

Tackling the introduction

Developing a thesis

Structuring an argument

Managing citations

There is no need to sign up in advance – just come!


2. Applying for internships and jobs in English

Termin: Dienstag, 24.05.2016, 13:15-14:30 Uhr, Raum122

More and more companies and organizations ask for application materials in English, but what do

they really expect? The Web abounds with information on how to format CVs and cover letters, but

advice on content is generally vague and often contradictory. Most of us have no problem describing

our responsibilities in various positions, but presenting our skills without sounding cocky or conceited

presents a much greater challenge. This workshop covers strategies for crafting a CV and cover letter

that accurately reflect your abilities and experience without making you feel sheepish. We will

discuss ways to translate your work experience and academic experience into skills employers are

looking for, how to make your CV and cover letter work together, and tips and tricks for asserting

your competence without sounding ridiculous.

There is no need to sign up in advance – just come!

3. Tackling writing problems

Termin: Montag, 23.05.2016, 11:15-12:30 Uhr, Raum122

This workshop offers practical strategies for dealing with problems that commonly occur during the

writing process. If the following questions sound familiar, this is the workshop for you:

How do I start?

How can I reduce wordiness?

What are useful words and phrases for describing study results, tables and graphs?

How can avoid getting stuck?

I know I’m supposed to paraphrase secondary literature, but how exactly do I do it?

How can I make my writing sound more elegant?

Have I cited too much or too little?

How do I include quotations effectively?

How can I find mistakes in my own work?

What goes in the conclusion?

There is no need to sign up in advance – just come!

Projektwoche 2016: Karin Gunkel Circadian Timekeeping or How to Keep Your Clocks Synced

Interactive Workshop

Termin: Montag, 23.05.2016, 09:15-10:45 Uhr, Raum 108

Workshop Activities:


Group Work

Presentation of Group Results

Discussion of Results

Take-home Messages


Main Topics:

What are circadian rhythms? Which life-style factors get our clocks out of sync? How do disturbed

circadian rhythms affect behavior, health and performance? How can we stay synced in times of

stress, e.g., during exams, when facing deadlines and flying long-distance?

Participants should bring a laptop to do a few Internet searches.

Everybody welcome. No registration required.

Projektwoche 2016: Eva Hänßgen Info-Veranstaltung zum alten und neuen Bachelor Termin: Mittwoch, 25.05.2016, 11:15-12:45 Uhr, Raum 115

Bitte lesen Sie die Kapitel "Studienaufbau und Stundenplan" und "Prüfungen" zu Ihrer jeweiligen Prüfungsordnung im Studienführer (s. Homepage, pdf-Download für Prüfungsordnung Englische Philologie 2010 oder English Studies 2015) und bringen Sie Ihre Fragen mit.

Projektwoche 2016: Gesine Heil City of Vice (2008): Sex and Crime in 18th Century Britain Termin: Mittwoch, 25.05.2016, 14:00-16:00 Uhr, Raum 116

After following the adventures of famous novelist Henry Fielding and his brother John Fielding who, as magistrates of Westminster, created Britains modern police force, we will analyse and discuss cultural aspects of 18th Century Britain and its underworld.

Projektwoche 2016: Kirstin Hertel Filmscreening: William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream Termin: Dienstag, 24.05.2016, 14:00-16:00 Uhr, Raum 113

Dir. Michael Hoffmann, 1999 (starr. Kevin Kline, Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Everett, Calista Flockhart)

Projektwoche 2016: Derek O'Brien Filmpräsentation im Zusammenhang mit dem Kurs 'A Decade of Centenaries' Termin: Mittwoch, 25.05.2016, 11:00-13:15 Uhr, Raum 108

Filmtitel: The Wind That Shakes the Barley. Director: Ken Loach 2006 Winner Best Film Palme D'Or Cannes Film Festival 2006


Projektwoche 2016: Margit Peterfy Termin: Dienstag, 24.05.2016, 11:00-13:00 Uhr

Kachina: Pueblokunst im Kontext (Figurative Art of the Pueblo Indians in Context)

Visit to an Exhibition (3 €).

Minimal number of participants: 10.

Heidelberg Völkerkundemuseum (Heidelberg Museum of Ethnography)

Meeting point: Entrance lobby of the English Department (Kettengasse) at 11 am.

We will visit the museum together and will receive a guided tour informing us about the Kachina

figurines created by Hopi and Zuni (Pueblo) Indians in the Southwest of the United States.

Please sign up by writing an email to:

[email protected]

Projektwoche 2016: Alexander Schindler Einführung in die Kriminal-Literatur Termin: Mittwoch, 25.05.2016, Raum 110

Sitzung 1, 11.15-12.45, "Crime Fiction: An Introduction I - Lecture" Sitzung 2, 14.15-15.45, "Crime Fiction: An Introduction II - Interactive Seminar" Please register by sending an email to [email protected] Crime Fiction: An Introduction This introduction to crime fiction consists of two parts: the lecture will outline the history of British and American detective fiction from its beginnings in the mid-19th century up to our time. Special emphasis will be placed on defining some of the basic features of various classic and contemporary forms of crime fiction (e.g., Golden Age and hard-boiled literature, forensic detection, the police procedural, feminist crime fiction), as well as looking at some of the key texts in the history of the genre. The second part ties in with the first but is designed as an interactive seminar. On the one hand, participants will be given the opportunity to further discuss and deepen some of the topics from the lecture. In addition to that, you are also warmly invited to bring questions and share your own reading (and/or viewing) experiences with the crime fiction genre from which further discussions can develop. It is possible to attend only one of the two events.

Projektwoche 2016: Peter Paul Schnierer Lyrische Ambulanz Termin: Montag, 23.05.2016, 11:00-13:00 Uhr, Raum 108

This is an opportunity for you to bring your own poems (German or English) and have them

(respectfully) analysed and criticised. This is not a creative writing class but more of a technical



Projektwoche 2016: Julia Schultz 1. Using online corpora and dictionaries in the field of word-formation Termin: Montag, 23.05.2016, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Raum 110

Online corpora and dictionaries have advanced to become an important medium of linguistic research. In this workshop, students will be introduced to the use of these sources in the field of word-formation. Special attention will be given to MorphoQuantics, a database developed by Dr. Jacqueline Laws and Chris Ryder from Reading University (UK). It encompasses a corpus which was compiled for the quantitative analysis of 835 derivational morphemes, including prefixes, suffixes and combining forms. MorphoQuantics enables its users to investigate 17,943 complex word types and their token frequencies. It allows, for instance, an analysis of the number of various types of adjectives ending in -ful, such as helpful, in comparison with the number of nouns which end in -ful, such as handful. Students will explore how corpora and electronic dictionaries such as the Oxford English Dictionary Online can be fruitfully used for many types of investigation to gain insights into linguistic phenomena at the morphological level of language. The participants may bring their own laptops in order to perform small research tasks during the workshop. This workshop is primarily intended for students attending my seminar on word-formation, but it is open to all – no registration necessary. 2. Working with the Oxford English Dictionary Online in lexicological research Termin: Dienstag, 24.05.2016, 14:15-15:45 Uhr, Raum 108

The Oxford English Dictionary Online constitutes an indispensible tool for the “modern” linguist. In this workshop, students will explore how this source can be used for various types of research to investigate the lexicon of the English language. Special attention will be given to the analysis of foreign vocabulary recorded in the OED. The electronic version of the OED offers a suitable method for a comprehensive and adequate count and account of the manifold words and meanings which were adopted from foreign languages throughout the history of English. We will look at the number of search options in the OED Online which enable the scholar to find the various borrowings showing a foreign etymon in their etymology, as for instance croissant, éclair, Poltergeist, Weltschmerz, tango, babushka and karaoke. We will also look at the way the OED Online might be used to analyse the reception and integration of lexical items taken over from foreign languages, i.e. their adaptation in pronunciation and spelling, and their semantic development from their first attested use in English up to the present day. In addition, the linguistic documentary evidence included in the OED will be taken into account since it not only reveals the typical context in which a word is used but also helps to identify stylistic functions lexical items may assume in English. This workshop is open to all students – no registration necessary. The participants may bring their own laptops in order to follow the search options which will be shown during the workshop.

Projektwoche 2016: Carmen Simon Vortrag: Introduction to MAXQDA Termin: Dienstag, 24.05.2016, Raum 110

Keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Kurzbeschreibung:


This class will provide an introduction to MAXQDA, a very useful and complex software for both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. With its many different functions MAXQDA allows users to create their own code system and to organize their research as they prefer and as it best fits their individual project. The class is mainly aimed at advanced students of the English Department that are approaching or have already started working on their final year projects (BA, MA, Zula). It will cover the basics and the most important functions of MAXQDA.
