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Vhayste Tales of Graces f 2012may11

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  • CopyrightThis document is copyrighted to me, Vhayste. It is intended for ~PRIVATE~ use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct violation of copyright law.

    This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.

    Author's Note

    Hello guys! It's been a long while since I managed to release a PDF guide. As you know, I've been a fan of JRPGs ever since I started gaming and writing. Tales is a solid series for me so whenever there's a localized version released, I'll be sure to play it. I'll try to cover most of the stuff in the game, especially the main walkthrough and future arc. With the game's immense amount of extras and stuff that I can't handle alone, I have relied on various references and forum posts which really helped a lot in getting this guide going. I'll make sure to give credits to the authors of those references and also include the links of their original posts in the guide and in the credits section of this document.

    If you're a returning reader that may have seen my work before, thank you for your continued support. If you're a new reader that just stumbled upon this guide, please let me know what you think if you see anything missing or lacking. I'm open to suggestions and as long as I have the time, I'll be accommodating them.

    Also, take note that I played this game using an ASIAN PS3 console. That said, the Circle and X buttons are interchanged so if you find something something confusing (like pressing Circle to attack with your A-Artes), please take that into consideration and don't flame me for it.

    Lastly, you can find me on Facebook. My Facebook page is where I post most of the updates and also linked to my Twitter account.

  • Table of Contents

    I. Basics: Menu and GameplayII. Basics: The Eleth MixerIII. Basics: The Library MenuIV. Basics: DualizingV. Basics: Battle and CombatVI. Basics: Shards and QualitiesVII. Basics: Status AilmentsVIII. Basics: Accel ModeIX. CharactersX. Walkthrough: Childhood ArcXI. Walkthrough: Adult Arc 1XII. Walkthrough: Adult Arc 2XIII. Walkthrough: Adult Arc 3XIV. Walkthrough: Adult Arc 4XV. Walkthrough: Adult Arc 5XVI. Walkthrough: Adult Arc 6

  • Basics: Menu and Gameplay


    Artes MenuHere you can view the artes learned by your characters. The character on top of the list will be the one you'll control and his/her artes are automatically set to semi-auto. Here, you can assign up to 4 burst (B) artes to execute by pressing the corresponding directional button and B-arte button. Assault artes are fixed and can be executed by pressing the corresponding directional button and A-arte button.

    Items MenuYou can view all items in your possession in this menu. Items are divided into the following categories:New, Consumables, Food, Materials,Weapons, Armor, Unique Equipments, Gems and Valuables. You can only keep 15 of each Consumable, Food and Material. You can increase the consumable and food limit to 30 by purchasing a Grade Upgrade when starting New Game+.

    Equip MenuYou can manage your characters' weapon, armor, accessory, gem and title here. Take note that not all characters can wear the same type of equipment. Their accessories however, are unique to themselves. Gems are where your status ailment prevention charms go, as well as the dualized gems, extracted from tempered armor and weapons.

    Status MenuYou can view your characters' statuses from this menu. Aside from that, you can also change their costumes here, as long as you have acquired their costume titles and learned the appropriate skill. You can also have your characters wear attachments here. Unfortunately, there are only three attachments in the game.

    Mixer MenuPlease see the Eleth Mixer section for more information.

    Option MenuYou can change various game options here as well changing the game difficulties on the fly. If you feel that the battles are too easy or hard, adjust them accordingly. Take note that higher difficulties yield higher rewards and better drops. You can also set the option to increase the speed of messages and skip scenes.

    Strategy MenuThis is where you can specifically set the behavior and combat strategies of your AI-controlled allies.

    Titles MenuCharacters can learn skills by acquiring titles, equipping them and earning SP. Titles allow your characters to increase their base stats, learn new artes, unlock new costumes, and learn new skills. Learning a skill is permanent so you can swap for another title once you're done.

    There are also several titles which will teach the same arte. You can learn the new arte from any of them and by learning the same artes, you'll get stacked bonuses to damage, steal probability, healing effect, casting time, etc.

    SP is earned by winning battles and completing Inn Requests. You can also change the option to have the game automatically equip titles for you, say after reaching a certain rank or after mastering it. This is convenient as you don't have to worry about wasting SP after forgetting to manually swap the titles after mastering one.

    Titles also have this equipped effect bonus which only active if you have the corresponding title equipped. This is very useful in situations when you need to constantly hit an enemy with its weakness or by further increasing your steal probability. Mastering a title will further boost its effects.

    SkitsThese are short, optional conversations between your party members that can be triggered after story scenes,

  • arriving at savepoints, discovering new discovery points and such. There are also titles related to the number of skits you've viewed so do you best to find them all.

    World MapYou can pull up the world map by pressing R3. Here, you can view the towns, dungeons and field locations you visited. You can also view the equipment and items sold in each town, as well as their inn's active requests. Dungeons and certain field locations also show the enemies you can find there, as well as their drops, uncommon/rare drops and items that can be stolen. This is a very important menu especially when tackling Inn Requests as you'll have access to helpful information.

    Shuttle ModeLater in the story, you'll eventually obtain the flying transport called Shuttle. This will allow you to fast-travel to any known town or field location. This is very convenient and will practically replace the turtlez transport system.

    RequestsInn Requests are considered as side quests in the game which will usually request you to find certain items, cook dishes, dualize materials and items with specific qualities. You'll always get an SP bonus as your primary reward along with either gald or new items.

    Stamp CardsThis is the customer loyalty system of the game. Buying, selling or dualizing from the same store will allow you earn stamps. Collecting stamps will increase the store's stamp level and will allow you to buy their items from their secret inventories. Since some materials needed for request items are available only through certain stores and at an appropriate stamp level, it is always a good idea to farm for materials whenever you have the chance, dualize them and sell them. This is the fastest way to earn gald and increase the store's stamp level at the same time.


    Basics: The Eleth Mixer


    The Eleth Mixer is a very helpful tool that provides various benefits. It consumes eleth to generate items, cook dishes in battle or post-battle, or activate spellbook effects post-battle. It starts with rather measly amount of eleth but it's capacity is upgraded through cooking dishes. The higher eleth cost of the cooked dish, the faster your capacity grows. There are also spellbooks that will allow you to cook two dishes after battle, boost your mixer capacity growth after cooking dishes, or just by simply equipping it in the mixer.

    The number of items you can set in the mixer is also limited from the start though you can increase it by continuously generating items. There are spellbooks that will increase your chances to generate items, enable your mixer to generate two items at a time or just by simply equipping it in the mixer.

    Item ReproductionYou can set any (non-valuable, non-unique) items in the Eleth Mixer, even if you don't have a copy of that item. As long as it gets registered to your Books, there's a chance to reproduce it. Take note that generating items depend on their production chance. Higher-grade materials or items often have a lower production chance while the common items have higher chances.

    Cooking and Cooking ConditionsDishes have various recovery rates and bonuses. Some provide temporary stat bonuses in addition to restoring HP during battle, some increase your tempering rates, some even provide additional EXP, SP and chance to acquire shards after the battle. You can only cook one dish per battle but by equipping a certain spellbook, you can cook up to two dishes.

  • Spellbook EffectsAside from dishes and items, you can also equip Spellbooks in the mixer. These books provide support effects, like increasing chance to acquire shards, items, exp, sp and many more as discussed above. Unlike dishes, you can have multiple spellbooks equipped and enjoy their stacked effects.


    Basics: The Library Menu


    The Library allows you to view the assortment of records you have acquired and discovered. You can use triangle or square to switch between various books.

    Collector's BookThis book keeps track of every item you have acquired.

    Discovery BookThis book keeps track of the discovery point and locations you have visited and discovered. There are 85 discoveries in the game. A majority of them can be found during the main story while some can only be found in the game's Future Arc.

    User's GuideThis book contains all the helpful tips and pointers which you can review later on. This menu also contains the Dualize menu that keeps track of all the Dualizing recipes you have discovered.


    Basics: Dualizing


    Dualizing is basically producing a new item by combining two items in your possession. You can dualize items at any items shop, and it's a good idea to do so whenever possible.

    CombiningCombining is a form of dualizing where you combine two materials or one ingredient and a material, to produce a new item. This is a good way to create cashable items which you can sell for profit.

    Cooking cooking is a form of dualizing where you combine two food ingredient, or one dish and one ingredient. You can make wide range of dishes with helpful effects so it will be a good idea to discover as many dishes as you can to equip to your mixer or to use the dishes as is.

    EnhancingEnhancing is a form of dualizing where you combine a shard with a piece of equipment that doesn't have a shard yet. Doing so will transfer the effects of that shard to the enhanced equipment. Using the gear in the battle long enough will temper it, thus increasing its effectiveness.

  • ExtractingYou can dualize two tempered weapons or armor to extract a Gem from them, which will carry the first two effects of the tempered equipment. This gem can be equipped directly to a character, thereby providing direct bonuses that the enhanced equipment once had.

    Once extracted, the formerly tempered equipment returns to normal, losing their previous tempered effect bonus and their extracted effects. The good news is that you can enhance the same equipment again, increasing its base stat again. You can do this multiple times to create multiple gems and to enhance your equipment stats considerably.

    ConvertingYou can also combine a specific material with a piece of equipment, to make an entirely new piece of equipment. Any enhancement the original gear possessed will be partially carried over to the end product.

    FusingYou can combine two gems to make one containing the most powerful effects of the previous two. Depending on the qualities of the gems, the effects carried over may change. The rank of the new gem may also increase or decrease, depending on the ranks of the gems you have combined.

    Merging You can combine two charms to produce a charm that has the protective effects of the two. Depending on the effect's strength, you may even regain HP when an attack inflicts the relevant physical ailment.


    Basics: Battle and Combat


    Take note that I played this game using an ASIAN PS3 console. That said, the Circle and X buttons are interchanged so if you find something something confusing (like pressing circle to attack with your A-Artes), please take that into consideration and don't flame me for it.

    Chain CapacityAll actions require CC to be performed so higher CC means more actions and longer combos. You can increase your CC by attacking enemies, waiting, moving or guarding. The more hits your attack lands, the more CC you'll be able to use in the current battle. Guarding and evading attacks will also increase your CC.

    CC RangeYour minimum and maximum CC values are initially defined by your equipped weapon. Your CC can be increased further by getting new weapons, getting new gear or enhancing them.

    Battle Start CC BonusIf you engaged an enemy from behind, you'll start the battle with +1 CC. Make it a habit to attack an enemy from behind as an additional CC for everybody can give considerable advantage to your team. Take note that attacking enemies this way will also also provide you with extra eleth for the battle's eleth gauge, making it easier to enter Eleth Burst mode to further decimate enemies.

    AttackingYou can press circle to approach the enemy and attack with your A-artes. Pressing it consecutively will allow you to perform an attack combo. The number of actions you can make depends on your character's Chain

  • Capacity. Pressing the X button will allow you to execute B-arte attacks. These attacks can be used in tandem with A-artes for maximum effectiveness.

    GuardingYou can guard against enemy attacks by pressing the square button. Guarding will decrease the amount you take from the enemy's attacks and will protect your from being staggered. You can also activate auras and restore CC at the same time. This will also give you ample time to find an opening and counterattack.

    Take note that there are some enemy attacks that can't be blocked or can easily crush your guard, leaving you vulnerable for a second or two. Avoid these situations by looking out for the red exclamation point that will appear above the head of the aggressor then quick-step to avoid it.

    Blue AuraIf you continue holding the guard button, a blue light will surround you. While in this state, your critical gauge will increase.

    Green AuraWhen you continue guarding while in a Blue Aura, the next aura that will trigger is the Green Aura. Attacking an enemy while in this state will trigger Iron Stance, a short, temporary effect where enemy attacks won't stagger you when launching your artes. Iron Stance is very beneficial to spellcasters.

    Red AuraWhen you continue guarding while in a Green Aura, the next aura that will trigger is the Red Aura. Attacking while in this state will allow you to break an enemy's guard and prevent it for attacking. Since charging for a red aura is longer, your CC will most likely be full as well, allowing you to perform combos after breaking through.

    Changing TargetsIf you want to change your current target, you can pause the battle by holding R1 and then use left analog to manually select a new target. You can also tap R1 to change to the target closest to you.

    Changing CharactersUse the DPADTo change characters in battle. Their position in the directional pad depends on their positions in the main menu.

    Charging ArtesSome B-Artes require time to change. If you hold X and use L-analog while casting, you can change the arte's target. If you continue to hold X after casting is complete, you'll activate a blue charge, which lets you choose when the arte is unleashed. And with a certain skill, you can activate a red charge, which adds additional attributes to the arte!

    QuickstepsGuard and use the left analog sticks to perform quick-steps. This is a good way of evading attacks and counterattacking.

    BackstepsThis is a quickstep that will make your character move back. This is a very effective way of dealing horizontal attacks.

    Forward-StepsIf you're being pelted by enemy projectile, you can close the distance without taking too much damage by dashing or forward-stepping. Not all projectiles can be dealt this way so feel free to experiment.

    A-Artes 101Assault Artes, or A-Artes, are your basic attack artes, If you press Circle continually, the A-Artes that you use will increase in both class and CC cost, starting from 1CC and increasing to 2 CC, 3CC, and finally 4CC. As you learn new A-artes, the variation can be performed by using the L-analog stick during the combo. The damage you'll deal with A-artes is based on your P. ATK (physical attack) stat.

  • B-Artes 101Burst artes are considered as the special attacks or magic attack in the game. The damage is based on your C. ATK (cryas attack) stat.

    Linked ArtesYou may have noticed that certain artes are grayed out in the artes list. To activate these linked artes, you must hold Circle while moving through the A-Artes paths in battle. It can be tricky when you need to make split-second decisions on whether or not to use a certain arte, but once you master it, you'll be able to deal more damage and land more hits while effectively maximizing your CC usage.

    Eleth GaugeDuring battle, the gauge on the left side of the screen shows the eleth being produced. The blue portion is for your party which increases when you attack, take damage, guard, or evade an attack. The red portion so for the enemies, and works in similar manner. Some enemies though, especially bosses, tend to accumulated eleth faster, thus able to fill their gauges quicker.

    Eleth BurstOnce your eleth gauge is full, it will be released and your party will enter Eleth Burst state which fills your CC and making it unlimited as long as the E.B. mode is active. You can attack without getting interrupted though you can still take damage as normal. Enemies can also enter a similar state like this so be careful.

    Mystic ArtesThese are special attacks that can only be performed during an Eleth Burst. These are learned by acquiring appropriate titles. While in Eleth Burst, you'll see a Mystic Arte Gauge in the left side of the screen. You can fill the gauge by performing combos and using artes with high usage count. Press L1 during an Eleth Burst to trigger a mystic arte.

    Characters can learn up to 3 mystic arte levels and the gauge can be filled up to LV3. Simply speaking, a LV2 gauge will only allow you to trigger LV2 mystic artes and so on.

    Eleth BreaksThis is the enemy's counterpart for Eleth Burst. In this mode, you won't be able to stagger enemies and will allow boss enemies to use their own Mystic Artes and other special attacks.

    The Nova BarrierEnemies with the Nova attribute have the ability to create a Nova Barrier that reduces all damage to 1. To destroy these barriers, you have to attack with your own artes with the Nova attribute. Later in the game and as part of the story, you'll be able to obtain a title for everybody which will enable any arte to break Nova barriers.


    Basics: Shards and Qualities


    When dualizing equipment with shards, the increase in stats is based on the qualities of the gear. Rarer qualities tend to have higher stat increases, though there are qualities with other benefits, such as ones that allow you to sell the dualized piece for a higher price.

    You can increase the rank of a quality by dualizing. One thing you might notice is that if you dualize two five-letter qualities, for example it usually leads to a six-letter quality. If you combine a five-letter quality to a 4-letter quality, most of the time the lower quality is ignored and the five-letter quality remains the same. This methodology is very useful when producing specific equipment needed for inn requests.

  • For more helpful information about qualities, I'll refer you to the links below:



    Basics: Status Ailments


    Status ailments can be annoying and will endanger your party's survival if left untreated. Use Panacea Bottles to get rid of them or use recovery artes to do the trick. Equipping charms will also help though you may want to stick with your gems in general battles unless a specific location is dreaded by status-ailment-inflicting enemies.

    PoisonHP will continue to decrease while the ailment is active. If left untreated, the affected character's HP is reduced to 1.

    ParalysisThere is a chance that you'll get stunned each time you perform an action. This is rather annoying especially to healers as their recovery and healing artes may get interrupted.

    FreezeA frozen character will be rendered immobile. An enemy hit can break the ice but the damage will be extensive, sometimes enough to kill in one shot.

    BurnThis ailment increases the length of time you're staggered when you take damage and will prevent HP recovery.

    PetrifyThis will render your character immobile as well but the main difference with Freeze is that your character will remain petrified when attacked, as well as taking damage continuously.

    SlowThis ailment slows down your movement, CC recovery rate and prevent your from using quicksteps.

    ArtesealThis prevents you from using A or B artes, making your character a deadweight or meatshield for a short time.

    CurseThis will cause random effects such as instant KO's or getting walloped.

    WeakThis will decrease all your stats. Though not as annoying as the other ailments, you have to take care of it quickly.


  • Basics: Accel Mode


    This mode is unlocked as part of the story in the Lineage and Legacies (Future Arc) portion of the game. You can activate Accel Mode by pressing R2 once the Accel gauge is 50% full. Aside from the common effects shared by all characters in the party while this mode is active, each character also has his/her own unique abilities that can restore CC, increase combos or even stop time.

    If a character faints in battle, a substantial amount of his/her Accel gauge is reduced so it will be a good idea to keep everybody healed, especially if you're aiming to trigger Accel Mode as often as possible and increase your Accel Finality's (LV4 Mystic Arte) usage.

    There are some equipment that can provide Accel-related benefits. Some can help boost the Accel gauge recharge rate or even the duration of Accel mode. You can even dualize and temper these equipment then extract them to gems. You can later further enhance the effects by dualizing them or by polishing them.

    Accel FinalitiesIf you activate Accel Mode at 100% gauge, you can press L1 to perform an Accel Finality. This is a unique mystic arte that can only be triggered in this mode. These Finalities increase in damage as you use them often. Since building your gauge to 100% takes time, set your strategy to use Accel Mode only at 100% gauge.

    Accel Mode MasteryWhen you activate Accel Mode, you'll be invulnerable for about one second, as well as cured of any physical ailment you may have. You can trigger it even while taking damage, making it a real lifesaver when you're about to be knocked out.




    Asbel Lhant

  • Age: 11 (child) , 18 (adult) Weight: 65 kg / 143 lbs Height: 175 cm / 5'9" Weapon: Sword

    Asbel is one of the main melee combatants in the party. He's a well-balanced swordsman with combos and moves that has effective crowd-control and deal considerable damage per combo to a single target.

    His assault artes are quick, but have a shorter range. In case you're surrounded during a combo, press X to draw your sword and Asbel will perform a wide slash will hit any nearby enemies. Since burst artes use Cryas Attack power (C.ATK) to attack, so they can be more effective than A-Artes against foes that possess high Physical Defense (P. DEF).

    Remember that you're a sitting duck while sheathing your sword. One option is to sheathe the sword as soon as you defeat an enemy, while another is to backstep before putting the weapon away.

    When Asbel draws his sword, he enters the Iron Stance state. However, he's limited in the number of hits he can absorb in this state. You can restart the counter by sheathing and drawing his sword.

    Accel Mode: Spiral Surge Enemies can be staggered even if they're downed A surge of flames surround Asbel, damaging enemies and provides added protection Enemies are launched in the air when struck


    Weight: 39 kg / 86 lbs Height: 148 cm / 4'10" Weapon: Bracers, Gauntlets

  • Sophie is a powerful, close-range fighter with devastating combos and attacks but with meager crowd control abilities. She has the ability to charge her attacks to deal massive damage when released and when it connects to the target. Sophie can also act as a backup healer since she has both average recovery and revival artes.

    While Sophie's range tends to be short, she can still land multiple quick attacks in a short period of time. Since most enemies will tend to hit her upfront before she can move within attack range, Sophie can deliver her brutal punishment by attacking enemies from the rear and from the sides.

    Accel Mode: EX Boost CC recovery rate is increased Continuous HP recovery Forward-steps will allow her to spin around the enemy and attack it from behind

    Hubert Ozwell

    Age: 10 (child), 17 (adult) Weight: 62 kg / 137 lbs Height: 171 cm / 5'7" Weapon: Dualblades

    Hubert can attack enemies up close, in mid-range or long-range, thanks to his dualblade and dual pistols. He can effectively change from A to B artes effectively and even link their attacks to deal more damage. He can also provide basic healing and recovery artes as well.

    Hubert can use short-range dualblade artes with circle, and long-range twinshot artes with X. His dualblade's critical gauge fills slowly and since his defense and HP stats aren't that high, you need to strike quickly and with perfect balance to avoid getting surrounded completely.

  • When trying to build a large combo, it's better to use Hubert's 2 CC A-Artes before switching to the B-Artes. If the target moves out of range, don't fret. Hubert's specialty is to continuously attack his attack at any range.

    Hubert is often vulnerable after using his artes. That said, save some CC after attacking so you can perform a quick-step if necessary. This will allow you to avoid attacks then counterattack immediately.

    Accel Mode: Arrow SquallHubert calls upon a rain of arrows that will last until his Accel Gauge is depleted. He can still move around while the arrows fall, allowing him to build combos faster and land more hits in a short span of time.

    Cheria Barnes

    Age: 11 (child), 18 (adult) Weight: 47 kg / 104 lbs Height: 160 cm / 5'3" Weapon: Daggers

    Cheria is the main healer of the party. Her wide selecting of healing, revival, recovery and support artes ensures the survival of the party, especially during boss fights. She can defend herself using long-range attacks with her daggers and she possesses good, AoE burst artes as well.

    Cheria is a master of wide-range healing artes but these artes have a high CC cost. Whenever there's a chance and if you're controlling her, have her join the fray for a bit and land a few dagger hits to replenish her CC supply.

    Cheria can also learn the Effect expansion skill, which increases the area of effect of her recovery artes. Use her artes frequently to gain titles and keep learning those expansion skills!

    Support artes like Insight have the added effect in raising the target character's critical gauge growth rate. After stunning a foe with a critical hit, use those second to attack with low-level A-Artes and restore CC.

    Accel Mode: Temporal RiftCheria freezes time until her accel gauge runs out. This is a very helpful skill as it is enough to buy time to perform much needed healing, revival or just simply build combos and perform a Finality.

  • Malik Caesars

    Age: 40Weight: 76 kg / 168 lbs Height: 186 cm / 6'1" Weapon: Bladerang

    At first glance, you can easily mistake Malik to be a melee character. His signature weapon, the bladerang is a long-range weapon that can be thrown to foes. He's also a very potent offensive spellcaster and very effective crowd-control artes even at long distances. His strength lies in attacking with his bladerang and casting a spell while the weapon is in mid-flight. However, he's not much good when surrounded by hordes of enemies.

    Effectively controlling Malik may be a bit challenging for starters. You must master his positioning while his bladerang is in the air. You may need to cancel a combo or follow an A-Arte with a B-Arte to eliminate openings for the enemy when the bladerang comes back. It's also possible for Malik to follow up a B-Arte with an A-Arte. It's also possible to attack the moment the weapon returns to Malik's hand. Quick-step to shorten the pause that occurs when he catches the weapon, then press Circle to immediately throw it again.

    Accel Mode: Harsh LessonMalik unleashes a flurry of kicks followed by a punch until his gauge is depleted. It's useful to use if an enemy is approaching you while casting or if you want to land a finishing blow to a critically injured enemy. While casting, entering Accel Mode will cause the arte to launch instantly.

  • Pascal

    Age: 22Weight: 45 kg / 99 lbs Height: 155 cm / 5'1" Weapon: Shotstaff

    Pascal is another offensive spellcaster in the party, capable of unleashing very effective offensive spells. The only problem is that most of Pascal's Burst artes are short-ranged with medium-large area of effect. This makes her vulnerable against enemy attacks and interruption. However, Pascal's shotstaff allows her to safely deal physical damage at long range since it acts as a rifle.

    With long-distance A-Artes, and B-Artes that form cryas glyphs around her, Pascal's fighting style is considered as a high risk, high reward one. However, her artes are among the most powerful in the game so just move in, cast and pray that the enemies don't target her while casting.

    Once Pascal has learned a particular skill, you can press and hold X while casting an arte to initiate a blue charge. While in this state, press Circle to use a high-rank arte in place of the original one. It can be quite useful as the casting time for the new arte will be decreased by the amount if time spent casting the old one.

    One useful strategy for Pascal is to unleash a long-range shotstaff arte, then forward-Steps toward the enemy and fire off a glyph arte. Keep in mind that quick-stepping during an attack can increase the amount of time an enemy is staggered (not just for Pascal; this applies to everybody else as well) so try and use this to your advantage

    Accel Mode: Runic ShieldAny party member inside the range of Pascal's cryas glyphs can guard against all attacks while making their own attacks unblockable.

  • Richard

    Age: 12 (child) / 19 (adult) Weight: 67 kg / 148 lbs Height: 178 cm / 5'10" Weapon: Rapier

    Richard can only be played as party member in the Future Arc (Lineage and Legacies) portion of the game. He uses a Rapier as his choice of weapon and he can deliver fast, deadly attacks with average crowd control. He also has a good balance of thrust assault artes and darkness-based burst artes.

    Accel Mode: Arcane VigorWhile in Accel Mode, the casting time for all Richard's B-Artes are reduced by half. He also recovers CC after each attack, opening up various combo possibilities.


    Walkthrough: Childhood Arc (Chapter 1)


    You'll start the game with the young Asbel and Hubert in your party. You can check the menus if you want. If you need further clarifications, you can consult this guide's Basics section. Start by moving forth and check the chest to the left for Apple Gel x3. Continue along the path and you'll find a well nearby. Approach it for a skit (Wellspring of Deceit) You can also examine the wellspring to fully recover your HP.

  • Continue to the right to find another chest containing a Glassphere. Go up the path to find a savepoint. There's a chest hidden behind a bush to its right containing a Life Bottle. Save the game then continue up to the next area for a scene.

    Once in control, leave the meadow and save your game. You'll also have the chance to trigger a skit (Rebel without a Cause). Leave the area when you're ready.

    North Lhant HighroadYou have to return to Lhant by heading east. (Press L1 to display the markers). Lhant is just a few steps to the east but before going there, head west a bit and check out the shining object on the grass along the road past the guards. You'll find similar shining objects along the roads and picking them up yields random items, even Carta Cards. (These are used in a mini-game later in the game)

    There's another Glassphere inside the chest further up the road. That's all you can do for now since the path further ahead is blocked. Backtrack a bit then continue heading east to reach Lhant. You'll finally see a savepoint just outside the town. Go there to trigger a skit (Seek the Sparkles). Enter the town when ready.

  • Lhant

    You need to head to the manor after the scenes. Before going there, you can do a few stuff in town first. Start by entering the house near the windmill. Talk to the old woman to get a Pickled Plum, talk to the dog to get an Apple Gel then examine the closet under the stairs to get Pork x2.

    Exit the house then cross the bridge to the south to trigger a skit (Poor Choice of Words). Talk to the guard in the northeastern road after crossing the bridge. He'll give a quiz to you. The answers are Wolf Pup, Wooly Boar and Giant Bee. You'll receive 100 gald for getting the questions right.

    You can purchase a Manual Manual key item from the item shop for 500g which will enable you to set your battle actions to Manual.

  • Once done, head to the manor to continue with the story. After that, enter the manor and go to the savepoint for a skit. (Family Ties) Save your game then head to the second floor bedroom to the right. There's a skit there as well (Rash Justice) and you can find an Enemy Book by checking the messy table to the far right of the room.

    Talk to the townspeople to learn more about the foreigner staying in the cottage in West Lhant Hill. Backtrack to the guard who gave you the quiz earlier for a scene. You'll receive a Discovery Book from him. This item keeps track of all the Discoveries you'll find in your journey. There are 85 of these unique locations and points of interests around the world. Finding half and all of these will unlock new titles for a certain character later on. Some of these discoveries also yield material items which you can harvest over and over again, given ample time to replenish.

    Start by examining the apple tree behind the guard to receive some apples and record a new discovery. (No.1 Apple Trees). A skit will be available as well. (Fruit of Ignorance) Before leaving, head to the windmill to record another discovery. (No. 2 Lord Windegarde) Head out using the town's west gate once done.

    West Lhant Road

    Approach the savepoint for a skit. (Boys and Boats) Save the game if you want then follow the road until you find an NPC staring at some large fruits. Examine it for a new discovery (No.4 Gel Seeds) and get some gel seeds. A skit will be playable as well (Not for Human Consumption). Loot the chest nearby for a Glassphere.

  • Continue along the road and you'll eventually meet a turtlez. You'll receive the Dualize Book and you'll have a tutorial on how to dualize stuff. For now, just combine an Apple with Gel Seed to create an Apple Gel. You can now also start dualizing some materials in your possession so you can sell them, as well as some ingredients to cook new dishes. The possible outcomes for each pair will be shown and any new items that you don't have in your possession will appear as green, making it easier for you to identify the combinations you haven't discovered yet.

    Head left a bit and you should be able to spot the cottage and a save point. Before entering, find the chest containing Rice x5 in the far left and a shining object nearby for some random item. Approach the beastmaster in front of the cottage for a scene. After the scene, approach the savepoint to trigger a skit. (Abracadabra) Return to town when ready and head to the manor.


    After the scene, enter the manor and examine the family portrait in the middle of the stairs for a new discovery (03. Family Portrait) and a skit. (Age is Just a Number) Go to the study in the first floor next to find Aston, Asbel's father. Approach Lord Aston to continue with the story.

    Asbel will earn his Lord's Heir title after this event. Exit the manor for another scene. Sophie will get her Named After a Flower title this time. Now exit the town through the East Lhant Highroad.

  • East Lhant Highroad

    Go to the savepoint for a skit. (A Cheeky Retort) Walk a bit then take the small road down to the stream to find a chest with Apple Gel x2. Check the floating crystals in the water for another discovery (05. Cryas Shards) and skit afterward. (Little Treasures)

    Return to the main road and continue forth for a scene. Defeat the enemy to continue with the story. Once done, head back to town. You can trigger another skit on your way back. (A Wild Seed Takes Root)


    Head to the manor and visit the bedroom for another skit (Chronic Uncertainty). Exit the manor then go to the right side of the manor for a scene. This should allow you to open the window there and continue with the story. Once done, exit the room and head outside the manor for another scene.

    Exit the town and head to Lhant Hill. (Optional: You can take the west road and follow it all the way to the port to find some extra items)

    Lhant Hill

    Check the wellspring here for a new discovery (06. Spring of Healing). Save your game then head to the meadow to continue with the story. You'll be thrown in your first boss fight.

  • Lhant Hill Cliffs

    After the event, Richard will join the party. A skit will be triggered shortly as well. (Face Time) Next, open the chest behind the rock to your right to obtain Pickled Plum x3. Continue up the ramp and press and hold X to walk in narrow ledges. If ever you start the fall, press circle quickly to regain your balance.

    Cross the narrow ledge to the right to get some Life Bottles. Continue up to find an abandoned nest. Examine it to record a new discovery (07. Abandoned Nest) and another skit. (A Brother's Pride) Continue further up for a savepoint and save your game.

    Continue to the right and you'll fight two Bear Hellions. Just concentrate on one target a time to quickly dispose of them. Once done, you can watch another skit. (About Face) Open the chest to the far right to get a Glassphere then use the large root to climb up back up.

    Boss: BryceThis battle shouldn't be that hard since Sophie has First Aid. However, don't just rely on it though. Use Apple Gels if necessary. Bryce hits hard and can easily decimate your if you're not careful. You don't have to fight him head on; just guard while he's attacking then counterattack. Keep doing this until he goes down.

  • Lhant Hill Meadow / Lhant Hill

    After the event, Asbel, Richard and Sophie will each earn the Pact Maker title. Head back to the tree to trigger another skit (The Meaning of Friendship), another discovery (08. Friendship Tree) and another skit after recording the discovery. (The Facts on Pacts)

    Head back to then approach the spring for another skit (Fight or Fright). Recover your HP using it then make your way back to Lhant.

    LhantAfter the event, you'll receive Richard's Ring. Leave the room, save the game and leave the manor. You're off to the capital so take the East Lhant Highroad.

    East Lhant HighroadApproach the savepoint for another skit. (You Can't Force It) Continue heading east, past the bridge. Obtain a Glassphere to the southeast then continue following the road until you reach a cottage. Another scene will take place once you reach the open area.

    After the scene, approach the savepoint for another skit. (Weird is weird) Save your game if you want, then loot the chest inside the cottage to get 100 gald.

  • Follow the road until you reach some patch of grass downhill. There's a chest there you can loot for 300g. Take the narrow path downhill to find some cows. Examine the oblivious-looking cow for another discovery and receive Milk. (09. Windor Cows) A skit will be playable as well. (Stick and Moove) Continue along the path until you find a save point. Use it and enter the Port to Barona.

    Port to BaronaBefore taking the boat to Barona, talk to the child beside the tables near the exit to receive Rice. Next, talk to the traveler beside the Turtlez transport to get Dried Seaweed. Go inside the only accessible house in the port and check the cabinets to get Lettuce x2 and Bread x2. Once done, talk to the captain to leave.

    BaronaExit the port and you'll meet with Cheria on the way. You need to go to the castle entrance but here's a few extra stuff you can do before going there:

    Talk to the old lady sitting on the bench to receive a Feather. Talk to the soldier at the end of the two stairs to receive a Tomato. Approach the savepoint inside the inn for a skit (Through the Ringer). Go to the inn's second floor, enter the unlocked room there. Examine the closet to get Dried Seaweed

    x3. Check the cabinets inside the residence on the way to the Royal Sanctuary (Castle District) to get Pie

    Sheets x2 and Egg x2

    Once ready, head to the castle and talk to the guard. From there, take the stairs to the left to reach the valkines cryas. Approach it for a story event. After that, go back and examine it for a new discovery and skit. (10. Gloandi) (Everything Worth Knowing).

  • Head back to the inn and go to the savepoint to view two skits. (To Be a Knight / Pact Attack ) You can also head to the knight academy to meet Malik. Once done, head north and exit the city.

    North Barona Road

    Use the savepoint then check the dirt path to the left to find a chest containing a Glassphere. Continue along the path to find Beef x2 under the tree to the right.

    Continue up the hill beside the Roadside Cottage to trigger the next scene. There's nothing to do inside the cottage so you can just ignore it. Head back to town for now.

    BaronaHead to the inn to proceed with the story. Hubert will earn his Second-Born Son title afterward. Explore the town more if you want; otherwise, you can save your game and talk to the innkeeper to rest until nightfall.

    You can check out the closet in the next room to find some Rice. Exit the inn and head to the Royal Sanctuary. As soon as you approach it, the next story event will take place. Once in control, enter the crack to get inside the Sanctuary.

    Once inside, check out the stream of water for another discovery (11. Water of Absolution) and skit. (The Boy Who Knew Everything). You'll also obtain Water of Absolution x3. Enter using the secret entrance to the left.

  • Barona Catacombs

    Continue forth until reached a stone door along the way. A skit will be available there. (Revenge Will Be Mine). Next, head to the broken bridge and receive 500g.

    Past the broken bridge is a path leading to a tunnel. You'll find Apple Gel x3 at the end of the path. Backtrack to the main path and you'll find another chest on the wooden ledge containing a Glassphere.

    Continue along and you'll find two paths to the right. Take the upper one first past the stone door to find another chest containing a Life Bottle. Backtrack again to the main path and go to the savepoint for a skit (Sticky Situation) Continue forth to the next room for another scenes and a boss battle.

    Boss: Monarch Bat

    Take out the smaller bats first then concentrate on the monarch bat afterward. Its attacks can paralyze you and it also has darkness-based attacks that can deal considerable damage. It will be a good idea to use quicksteps to attack it from the rear and behind. Sophie will be your only healer here but if things get hairy, don't hesitate to pop a few apple gels to keep your party alive.

  • Back

    Walkthrough: Adult Arc 1 (Chapter 2)


    Orlen Woods

    After the scenes, you'll be thrown into a battle immediately. After the fight, Asbel will get his Nimble Fang Adept title. Save your game and walk a bit. Malik will then give you the eleth mixer. After the tutorial, Malik will join and get his Time Spender title. Approach the savepoint for a skit. (Walking the Point)

    Follow the path until you reach the first split in the road. Go north to find a chest containing 800 gald. Backtrack and continue east until you reach the turn in the road, beside a stream. There's a log to the lower right that you can cross. You'll find Life Bottle x2 there.

    Continue following the path until you find a Wood Chunk along the way. Move along and you'll find another split in the road near a Turtlez merchant. Take the path north to find an Iron Tunic. Backtrack to the split and talk to the merchant to recharge your mixer and dualize some items if needed.

    Examine the nearby flock of butterflies for a new discovery (12. Morino Flowers) and a new skit (Flower Power). You'll also receive x3 Morino flowers. You can combine it with Water of Absolution to create Holy Water

  • Cross the bridge and take the path south first. You'll find Apple Gel x3. Push the nearby boulder to create a platform you can jump on. Backtrack to the main path then take the eastern path to find a Chipped Claw. Take the path to the left and follow it. Save your game along the way then proceed to the village.

    After the scene, Malik will temporarily leave the party. Head to the left side of the village to hear a noise, then go to the east to find a wolf. Follow it to the west again to engage it in battle.

    Boss: Nova Wolf

    In the first few seconds of the battle, your attacks will only deal 1 damage. Just keep guarding and evading until you'll get the ability to use Lightning Strike, after a scene. Set this as your arte then use it to break the Nova Barrier and finish off the wolf with your ordinary combos.

    After defeating it, go to the save point for another skit (Hidden Talents). Save your game and backtrack to the exit.

    North Barona Road

    Walk a bit to receive the world map from Malik. Follow the road and you'll find Pork x2 near a knight. Talk to the turlez merchant nearby as well to learn more about stamps. Examine the sign board south of the turtlez for a new discovery (13. Tea Fields) and skit (That Little Something) You'll also receive some Tea Leaves. Follow the road then take the dirt path going south. You'll find Pasta x2 there.

  • Backtrack then continue to the left. A scene will trigger. After that scene, you can play another skit (Out of the Clouds). You can also find x3 Pie Sheets inside the Roadside Cottage.

    Continue down the road and loot the Apple Gel x2 to the right, under the tree. Head further down and then take the dirt path to the left again to find another chest. Return to the city afterward.


    Once in town, check out the ice pop store to the right for a new discovery and skit (14. Ice Pops) (The Win Stick). Enter the residence to the right and talk to the mother to get some Pie Sheets. Check the cabinets for some eggs and more pie sheets. Exit the house and go further to the Royal Sanctuary. There's a cat here that you can feed fish. From hereon, feed any cat you come across as this will enable you to open up a secret town later on. Next, head to the valkines to the left of this district and check hidden chest to the right to get a Magic Carta No. 30.

    Go to inn next and approach the save point for two new skits (Final Exam) and (Stamp Collector). You can also talk to the Innkeeper to find new requests. These are optional tasks that will reward you with SP bonuses and items or gald. You can refer to the Inn Requests section for more help in completing these requests. Check the room upstairs also to find Dried Seaweed x3 and Best Princess Stories from the closets.

  • Exit the inn and continue to the right to find the Knight Academy entrance. Examine the large statue for a new discovery (15. Headmaster's Bust). Enter the academy next. Talk to the cadet to get Rice Ball. Enter the room to the left and find an Ice Pop inside one of the wooden boxes there and the first password-protected chest in the game. Enter the password treasure to get an Elixir.

    You can head to the dock and check the pile of crates to the right of the stairs. Pull the crates to open a path and access the chest containing an Hourglass from it. Continue to the docks and follow the long wooden walkway to find Pie Sheet x3.

    Head to the bar next to proceed with the story. Before entering, look for a chest to its right side for a Moji-kun Plushie. (This is the first of the several items needed for a sub-event later on) Enter the bar once done. After the scene, check the shining object in the lower right corner of the bar to get the request item: Royal Knight's Documents. Turn it over to the innkeeper to complete its corresponding request and earn bonus SP. Just make sure to equip low-level titles for your characters to maximize the SP gain. Once ready, head to the knight academy when ready and watch the following scenes. Once done exit the academy and take a ship back on your way to Lhant.

  • East Lhant HighroadAfter docking, exit the port and make your way back to Lhant. Just follow the road until you reach the open area. Defeat the monsters that ambushed you and Cheria will join the party afterward and earn her Radiant Healer title. Go to the savepoint for a skit (An Unseasonable Chill). Grab the Decaying Fang from the chest nearby some Bread inside the cottage.

    Move along. Grab the chest near the bridge for some gald and find an Iron Scabbard inside the chest near the floating cryas near Lhant. Save the game and enter the town.

    LhantAfter arriving in Lhant, you can check out the shops to upgrade Cheria's equipment if you want. You need to head to the Border Fortress next. You may also want to stop over the manor and check out the available requests you can complete at the moment. Enter the study and examine the middle bookshelf to receive the second Best Princess Stories book. Enter the password aston to obtain an All-Divide from the password-protected chest to the left.

    Exit then head to the house beside the windmill. There's a chest outside containing a Nolo Plushie. Enter the house and check out the closet for some Pork. Climb up the windmill next to find a chest there. Open it for Magic Carta No.29. Once done, exit to the North Lhant Road.

  • North Lhant RoadFollow the road until you find a chest containing a Pretty Ribbon. Continue and approach Lhant Hill to trigger a skit. (Frozen in Time). Since the border is to the far left, you can take a detour in Lhant Hill first for some extra items. The list of items you can find there are listed below:

    180 Eleth (Mixer recharge) Nameless Seed Life Bottle x2 Poison Needle

    You can also descend to the cliffs by checking the friendship tree Poison Charm Panacea Bottle x2 Pretty Anklet Eleth Bottle C

    Once done, continue along the main road and get the 1000g from the chest before reaching the path uphill. Continue along the path and to trigger a fight against two Fendelian soldiers. Defeat them in battle. After that, you'll have to run away from the Fendelian war machine and lead it back to Lhant Hill meadows.

    Once you reached the meadows, you'll have to fight the tank with Sophie. This battle shouldn't be that hard (except if you bought damage and critical boost upgrades from the Grade shop when you start New Game+) just make sure to attack the enemy from behind or from the rear. Its attacks pack a punch but you can rely on Cheria in keeping everybody alive. Be careful since when the enemy's HP is critically down, it will use its main cannons which can deal solid and heavy damage.

    After the scene, Sophie will join and earn her Dead Ringer title. Exit then go to the savepoint for a skit. (Sophie's Sacrifice) Make your way back to Lhant next.

  • North Lhant RoadWalk all the way back to the fortress and a scene will trigger once you reach the fork in the road. Continue to the seaside cavern and grab the Life Bottle x2 by the shore before entering. There's also turtlez merchant nearby.

    Seaside CavernGrab the 1500 gald from the chest near the entrance. Further ahead are apple gels from behind the rock. Continue forth until you can jump in the water. After the scene, another skit will be available. (Diving In) Before moving on, take the path to the left and you'll find two chests in the far side of the cavern. Obtain Syrup Bottle x2 and Eleth Bottle C. In the same area before going up the ramp again, walk to the right side of the path, near the water. Jump in the water when you get the prompt to access another hidden cavern with a chest containing a Steel Scabbard.


    Upon arriving, Cheria will leave the party temporarily. Head to the manor next. After the scene, pick up the request item Assorted Flowers from the flower bed to the left. Complete the remaining requests available then head to the 2nd floor bedroom. After that, head to the 1st floor study. After the scene, Cheria will join again. Make your preparations then head out.

    After getting the items, continue along the pathway and grab the Life Bottle x3 from behind a rock pillar to the right. Continue to the end and dive in the water again. In the second corridor, continue along and grab the 1125 gald. Dive in the water again at the end of the path.

    There will be two paths here; one is straight up and the second one is to the left. Take the left one first to find two chests and a discovery (16. Glintsoul Colony) A skit can be played after recording the discovery (Remembering the Past) Next, grab the 210 eleth and Dark Bottle x2 from the chests.

  • Backtrack to the main path then continue with the straight path. Before diving in, grab the Holy Bottle x2 to the left. Continue to the next area.

    You'll get another skit as soon as you get out of the water. (Enough with the Water) Continue to the open area and grab the Mastery Tonic C from the underwater chest to the left. Next, check the large aquatic plant nearby for another discovery (No.17 Deathglow Algae). You'll also harvest Deathglow Algae x3 as well. Walk a bit for another skit (Just a Bite). Dive in the water again to the next area. Continue forth and you'll be in another boss battle.

    After the battle, continue up to the exit. A skit will be available on your way out. (The Only One) Exit once done.


    Boss: Queen Slime

    The Queen Slime will summon a couple of lesser slimes from time to time. They can be bothersome since they can keep interrupting your healing artes and combos. The Queen Slime's attacks can push out your melee attackers while dealing damage, making it more annoying in the long run. Aside from that, Cheria will do a great job keeping you healed up and Sophie can work both as a healer and attacker.

  • Walkthrough: Adult Arc 2 (Chapter 3)


    East Lhant HighroadOnce in control, Sophie will join the party. Now follow the road east and make your way to Barona. On your way to the open area with the cottage, more story scenes will take place. After the events, make your way to the port then catch a ferry to Barona.

    BaronaTry going to the castle only to be stopped by the same guys. You'll have to search the town for Richard. You can also head to the inn to save and complete some requests to earn some extra SP and gald. Talk to the knight near the town's valkines cryas to receive an Exceed Shard. Once done, head to the Sanctuary and sneak inside. Enter the secret passageway you took before.

    North Lhant RoadOnce outside, check the seashore to the right to find a chest containing 720g. Follow the road and continue up to find the enemy encampment. Before returning to Lhant, check the new discovery to the left (No. 18 Vestiges of War) and a Fur from the chest. A skit will be available as well. (A Hopeless Cause) Head back to Lhant. You should also find a chest with a Shattered Bone inside along the way.


    After reaching the town, you'll be thrown in a fight against a few Fendelian riflemen. You'll have to fight alongside Hubert and defeat them all. After the scenes, you'll be back in the manor. You can talk to the maid and complete some requests if you want to. Head to the study and fight Hubert. This battle is unwinnable so just let him beat the crap out of you to proceed with the story. Watch the following scenes.

    Barona CatacombsAs soon as you enter the area, a skit will be available (Where All Was Lost). Follow the straighforward path until you find Richard. Defeat the two enemies to continue with the story. Richard will join shortly after the battle, and earn the Long-Lost Friend and Benevolent Prince titles.

  • Continue until you've reached the stone door. A skit will be triggered once you get near it (Sweet Revenge). You can't go further so push the stone door back and continue following the path until you find a new discovery in your book (No.19 Massive Skeleton) and a skit (Time and Tide) Move along until you reach the exit.

    South Barona HighroadGrab the Red Ribbon nearby then save your game. Take the road north leading back Barona first to find a new discovery (No.20 Puffpetal Down). A skit will become available as well (A Place to Belong). There's also a chest beside the savepoint to the far north of the road. Backtrack to the cottage once done.

    After a short scene, more enemies will appear. Just take them all out like usual. You need to walk towards Gralesyde but before leaving, check the cottage for another skit (Class Dismissed). There's also a turtlez merchant and a Paralysis Charm from the chest beside the cottage. You'll get some pasta from the chest inside the cottage. Utilize the merchant's services then head towards Gralesyde.

    Continue following the road until you reach the end of the path. You'll meet Pascal here for the first time. Before taking the narrow dirt road, open the chest nearby for a Rusted Nail. Continue down the path for another event. Pascal will join the party afterward. There's a chest nearby with some gald and another skit as well. (Bilateral Alliance) Activate the warp to enter the ruins.

  • Wallbridge RuinsAfter the scenes, Pascal will earn her Ruins Spelunker title. Follow the straightforward path and use the floating stones until you reach a green stone which leads you down.

    Don't go to the left first; instead, ride the stone to the right so it bumps the orange stone up. Ride the green stone back up then backtrack to the platform where there is a gap with an orange stone. You should be able to reach two chests containing Scarlet Aroma and 255 eleth units.

    Return to the lower level and save your game. Head to the left and you'll be thrown in a boss battle after the scenes.

    After the scenes, Sophie will earn her In the Flesh title. Examine the panel for a new discovery as well. (No. 21 Projection Device) and skit (Takes One to Know One). After that, save the game once more and proceed to the left to find a stone which you can take to go up one level.

    Boss: Mercurius

    This boss hits hard and can petrify several characters at once by its AoE attack. Unfortunately, even Pascal needs to get into medium range for some of her artes to hit the target. The best practice is to move away as soon as you see it charging and an aura appears under the boss. Set Sophie's strategy to heal when someone's HP goes below 75% since her healing artes won't fully recover an ally's HP. Always use Panacea bottles whenever you have the chance and attack this enemy from the rear. Like before, don't hesitate to use gels and life bottles when needed.

  • Ride the stone to the left (south) to find a Hyperdense Crystal. Ride the next stone so it hits a purple stone. Go back and ride the next stone east. Ride the next stone south as it is stopped by the purple stone you pushed earlier.

    Follow the straightforward path and grab the Floral Anklet along the way. Ride the stone to the next platform, where you'll find two green stones. Ride the one to the left first (south) to find the Book of Maintenance. Return to the previous platform and descend using the stone to the right (north) this time.

    Follow the path until you find a Steel Tunic along the way. Head to the next platform and find two more blue stones. Ride the one far down (east) until it hits an orange stone. Ride the other stone next then use the green ascending stone in the next platform.

    In the next platform, grab the Life Bottle x3 then continue down (east) to descend. Follow the path until you encounter a large, floating boulder in the corner. Examine it for a new discovery and skit. (No. 22 Silent Stone) (Gut Archaelogy)

  • Continue until you find the second savepoint in this dungeon and use the stone to ascend. The next platform should have the Gralesyde Highroad warp to the left. Before taking that, ride the stone to the right first to explore the area more.

    In the next platform, you'll see a couple of blue stones going up (west) and right (north). Ride the one to the right first then take the upper right stone. There will be another pair of stones going up (west) Ride the one to the right so it bumps the purple stone along the way. Take the next stone this time and move along so you can reach the platform with the chest on it. Loot the Panacea Bottle x2 from it.

    Follow the path until you reach another platform to the right with a chest containing a Burn Charm. You can now backtrack to the exit to Gralesyde.

    Gralesyde Highroad

    Continue down the road and use the savepoint if you want. Continue forth for a scene. After that, follow the road until you find a patch of potato plants with a signboard. Approach it for a skit (Settling for Number Two) Examine it for a new discovery and skit. (No. 23 Potatoes) (Risk Management) You can also harvest potatoes here. Don't forget to loot the gald from the chest nearby.

  • Keep heading west until you find a split in the road. Continue to the left first to find a Moist Crystal. Return to the fork and go to the right. Continue up the grassland to find Peach Gel x2 from the chest near the edge. Proceed to the town and enter to continue with the story.

    GralesydeEnter the storehouse to the left of the townsquare to find a Magic Carta No. 31. Head first to the inn to start / complete some requests. A skit will be available by going to the savepoint. (Who You Are) There's also a wooden box in the inn's rear entrance that has another Best Princess Stories book. (Third you have found so far) You can also complete two, high-SP yield requests available at the moment by exiting the town west. This is entirely optional so its up to you to do it now or do it later.

    Old Grale HighroadContinue along the road and grab the 1500 gald. Follow the road until it turns northward. You'll also find an Overgrown Crystal under the tree to the left. Continue up the road and you'll find a bandit standing in the middle of the road. Keep talking to him to instigate a fight. Defeat them all and return to the innkeeper later to get your reward. After the battle, Pascal will earn her Wind Summoner title.

    Continue further up to find a carrot patch. Check it for a new discovery (No.26 Carrots ) and skit (Weird Science) Continue forth and you'll a Mariner's Musk. There's another chest further north containing a Slow Charm.

    Heading further north will lead you back to the East Lhant Highroad, just a short walk away from Lhant. However, you can't enter it for now so just ignore it for now. Return back to the town.

  • GralesydeCheck the alley behind the inn for a new discovery and skit. (No. 24 Bells of Glory) (That Would Explain a Lot). After that, take the main road going north of the town towards the manor. Before leaving the current area, turn left at the red signpost to find a secret chest containing an Imp Plushie. The young man here will sell you the Book of Dissolution for 50000. Turn him down to bring down the book's price to 3000 gald.

    Continue to the manor and enter it to continue with the story. After the scenes, Asbel will earn the Sword of the King title. Before leaving, you can backtrack to the manor then go upstairs to find a password-protected chest near the secretary. Enter the number 4 to get the Book of Wealth. Return to the first floor and leave through exit to the right. Follow the path a maid looking out to the sea. Talk to her to receive the Magic Carta No. 22, 23, 26 and 27 cards.

    Continue following the path and examine the floating bottle in the seashore for a new discovery and skit. (No. 25 Message in a Bottle) (Jealous Much?) Return to the town square and head to the right first for a short detour to the Gralesyde Port.

  • Gralesyde PortYou can find a cat in the eastern side of the port. Feed it as well. There's also a chest containing some Pasta beside the lamp post to the right. Once ready, exit the town and return to the Wallbridge Ruins.

    Wallbridge RuinsOnce you're inside, a skit will be available. (Touching the Head) Ride the blue stone to the right then ride another one heading up (west). Another skit will be available. (Inside the Ruins) Finally, take the green stone to ascend and you should be able to find the portal leading to Wallbridge.

    Wallbridge Save your game then exit. Continue to the next room and grab the Elven Cloak there. Climb up the ladder in the middle. Ignore the second floor for now and continue to the third floor. Descend there (since the top floor is a dead end) and exit through the northern door first. Defeat the guard outside and enter the next tower. Use the stairs to go down to the bottom floor.

    Activate the lever to raise the bridge then exit through the door north. Enter the next tower (Perimeter Tower NW B1) to find a large barrel. Examine it for a new new discovery and skit. (No.27 300 Year-Old Barrel) (Windor Rising). Climb the ladder to the top then enter the Main Tower NE to the east.

    Continue to the bottom to find a turtlez and 285 units of eleth. Continuing to the Perimeter Tower NE will lead you to a Book of Talent and an alternate mechanism for the north gate. Exit to the top and head to Perimeter Tower NW and loot the Darkshine Crystal to the right.

  • Head to the Central Tower, just outside Main Tower NE and Main Tower SE. Enter it for scene. After the scene, Richard will get his Belligerent Prince title. Get the Titanium Scabbard beside the stairs. Exit the tower then seek the last second levers for the southern gate. One is located in the lowest level of Main Tower SE while the other is in Perimeter Tower SW. You'll also get Apple Gel x4 in Perimeter Tower SE B1.

    After raising the bridge on the southern gate, watch the following scenes. Exit the room and you'll encounter Malik. A boss battle will unsue afterward.

    Boss: Malik

    Malik's an annoying enemy since his bladerang and offensive artes can strike characters at long distances. His bladerang can also deal damage as it returns to him after being thrown. Aside from that, his artes are quick to cast and can be pretty damaging. His attacks can also cause Burn status ailments. Have Sophie assist in healing as well while your other team mates take out the minions first before fully focus-firing on Malik. After losing his men, Malik will have a hard time casting again so use this opportunity to keep closing the distance and defeat him with combos.

  • Once done, you'll have to look for Cheria. Enter any of the Main Towers and exit in the ground level. You should find Cheria healing the wounded. Head to the left of the crowd to find a turtlez merchant and some gald. Enter one of the main towers to the east then go to the central tower afterward.

    Barona CatacombsBacktrack till you get out of the stone door. Continue forth deeper in the dungeon. Grab the Book of Perfection from the chest on the broken bridge. Continue forth and take the lower path to get Cored Dust and Mysterious Liquid. Backtrack to the main path and pick up the Panacea Bottle x2 along the way. Continue until you reach another split in the path. Take the upper path to find another stone door and find a chest with 240 eleth units in the far right. The second stone door is nothing of interest except that its leading to the same corridor.

    Before reaching the next savepoint outside the castle's secret entrance, there's another stone door to the right that you can push open. Enter it to find new discovery inside and play a new skit. (No. 28 Graves of the Unsung) (Burial Plans). Grab the gald from the chest nearby. Continue to the castle once done.

    In the central tower, approach the two guards for a skit (The Price of Violence) Continue to the rooftop to find Richard. Approach him to proceed with the story. Cheria will now join your party. Exit Wallbridge to the north.

    South Barona HighroadYou need to make your way back to Barona. As soon as you exit Wallbridge, a skit will be available (Hard to Justify) Move forth and talk to the soldier along the way to receive Peach Gel x3. Upon reaching the cottage, talk to the soldiers again to receive various recovery items. A skit will become available as well. (Going Commando?) After talking to the soldiers, head to the savepoint for another skit (A Seven-Year Blur) Continue to the Barona Catacombs next.

  • Barona Castle Secret Passage Richard will join the party as a reserve after the scene. Climb the stairs up north to get Peach Gel x2 in the next room. Return to the starting point then continue to the right. Remove the block away and continue moving the blocks to create walkways as you move from floor to floor. Take the stairs north to find a Mastery Tonic C. Backtrack then head left to find a new discovery there and play a new skit. (No. 29 Twin Vases). (Separate Worlds)

    Proceed to the left further to find a savepoint. Head south of it first then arrange the blocks, then go south to find a Wriggler Crystal. Go back to the previous room then continue north again. Head left and arrange the blocks again to find Book of Suppression. Backtrack to the savepoint and enter the castle interior.

    Barona Castle Interior

    There's a turtlez merchant here so restock, dualize or sell items if you need to. Start by going to the right then go north up the corridor. At the end, enter the room to the left to find a chest with Life Bottle x3. (The blocked path to the left will be unlocked later.) Backtrack a bit then take the bottom right path this time. Continue to the right until you reach a corridor going south. Go down then take the corridor to the right again to find a Rune Tunic. Proceed to the far left this time to find a savepoint.

    Check the painting on the wall north of the savepoint for a new discovery and skit. (No. 30 First Flag) Continue to the left and defeat two more enemy groups. Heal up then approach Major Victoria up ahead.

  • After defeating Victoria, return to the save point, heal up and save your game. Go past Victoria and head right to find the same turtlez merchant earlier if you need his services. Otherwise, continue to the left this time and follow the corridor. Enter the third room to find 315 eleth units. Continue further to the left and you'll find another save point. Go near it for a skit. (Slay the Usurper) Prepare your party, save the game then continue upstairs.

    Boss: Victoria

    This is a bit challenging battle especially that she can initiate eleth breaks frequently and perform Mystic Artes as well. It is a good idea to change Cheria's strategy to heal frequently, as Victoria hits hard per strike and can land quick, devastating blows in a combo. Her spear also gives her a wide-arc of attack, capable of hitting multiple characters in front of her. Sophie can provide backup healing but she can be more efficient offensively in this battle. Keep Cheria away from battle as her party-based healing artes take a while to cast.

    Boss: CedricCedric's attacks are a combination of fire and lightning which can occasionally cause paralysis or burn status ailments. He prefers close range combat since his attacks have a wide arc and can damage multiple characters at once. Like the previous battle, set Cheria to heal as often as possible (somebody's health goes below 50%) Cedric has a bad habit of targeting Cheria often and interrupt her healing so do your best to attack him and get his attention. Provide backup healing with Sophie and with some consumables as necessary. Sophie's fast combos and Pascal's damaging mid-ranged spells will really help in keeping Cedric's attention off Cheria. Avoid attacking him head on; if a character is already engaged in front of him, quickstep and attack to the rear to avoid getting splash-damaged. Be careful also when this boss goes on eleth break as he can also execute a devastating Mystic Arte.

  • After the scene, go to the throne room then return to your team members after talking to Richard. Malik will also join the party at this point. He will also gain his Prisoner of War and Dismissed Captain titles. To exit the castle, return to the throne room entrance. Go near the save point for a skit (A Touching Moment)

    Head to the Inn first to find new requests. Approach the savepoint for another skit as well. (Eye to Eye) You can now head to the port and travel back to Lhant.

    LhantEnter the town through the canal. Head to the manor and save your game. Head to the study next then go outside after the conversation. You'll be facing Richard afterward.


    Walkthrough: Adult Arc 3 (Chapter 4)


    North Lhant RoadSophie will earn her One and the Same title after the scenes. Follow the road heading to Lhant and you'll find a Watermelon attachment along the way. (Equip it in the Status menu) Head to Lhant Hill first and go to the flower meadow for a short conversation. Make your way back to Lhant.

    LhantHead to the manor and talk to Hubert in the study. Asbel will earn his Brother's Keeper title afterward. Leave the mansion then head to the plaza to meet up with your other party members. Cross the bridge south of town to trigger a skit. (A Name to be Feared) Continue to the west road.

    Boss: Richard

    Richard will raise his Nova Barrier so immediately use nova-based artes to nullify it. Keep him away from Sophie as she will do a great job in keeping the party alive, especially if her healing artes are upgraded at this point. Though Hubert can also provide backup healing, I suggest keeping him in the offensive most of the time as the balance in dealing damage is practically affected. Don't forget to manually use items as well as necessary. Richard has a variety of mid-level, AOE attacks so it will be a good idea to evade often and try to attack him from the side or rear, to prevent unnecessary damage and to earn CC at the same time. Furthermore, be careful when Richard goes on eleth break as he will surely follow up with a devastating Mystic Arte.

  • Lhant

    Return to the manor and head to the 1st floor guest chambers. Before leaving, go upstairs to the second floor to find a event star. This will trigger a short scene between Lady Kerri and Hubert. Approach the savepoint for a skit (Lucky You). You'll have to go to the West Lhant Road but before leaving, visit Cheria's home to find another event star. This sub-event opens up the chance for Sophie to plant whatever seeds you'll find from hereon. Continue checking it so she can plant the seeds you have collected so far.

    Head to the Lhant Hill Meadow as well as a short detour. Examine the event star by the friendship tree to find a letter. After getting the letter, Cheria will also get her Sympathetic Soul title. This is a request item so talk to the maid in the Lhant Manor when you go back to turn over the item and get your reward. Proceed to the West Lhant Road next .

    West Lhant RoadKeep following the path until you reach the port. A scene will take place and you can find a Seashell along the way as well. Enter to the port, then go to the savepoint for a skit. (What Real Women Eat) Now board the boat when ready.

    Oul RayeMalik will earn his Erudite Fellow title after the conversation. Talk to the bullied turtlez tot and agree to help. You'll receive a Turtlez Tot Note containing some coordinates. (X:366, Y:172) (These coordinates are of no use at this point so just don't worry about it for now) Next, head inside the cottage to find a chest containing some rice, and another cat which you can feed with fish. Continue to the left to find a Magic Carta No.32 beside the turtlez transport.

    West Lhant RoadGo near the savepoint for a skit. (A Name to be Treasured). Head up to the tree and grab the Scale from the chest there. Continue along the road until you reached the cottage. Defeat the beasts to rescue Cheria. She will also get her An Old Friend Returned title while Pascal will get her Adolescent Girl title. Cheria will rejoin the party as well. Before heading back, you can check the cottage for some Rice. Approach the savepoint for a new skit as well . (Like Old Times) Look for the chest by the seashore to get some gald and Peach Gel x2 under a tree south of the cottage. Now you have to return to Lhant.

  • Continue to the left and talk to the man sitting near the inn to receive some onions. Go to the savepoint for a skit (Never Surrender). You can check out some new requests by talking to the innkeeper outside as well. Open the password-protected chest to the left of the savepoint using the password turtlez to get the Book of Sustenance. Go downstairs to the left and before the exit you'll find a new discovery and play a new skit. (No. 31 Stone of Truth). (The Sweet Taste of Deceit). You can also harvest Truth Salts from it. Exit the town once ready.

    Strahta CraglandsGo to the savepoint for a skit (What's a Rockgagong?) Keep heading west (don't wander off to the Uncharted Sandstretch as the enemies there will instantly destroy you) then collect some gald by the cactus, right after your pass the fork in the path. Keep heading west and you'll find a group of giant cacti with two people nearby. Check it out for a new discovery. (No.32 Strahtan Cacti) and play a new skit. (Survival Skills) You can also collect Strahtan Cacti from it.

  • Continue to the left to find a Pretty Scarf. Talk to the scholar ahead as well to receive the request item: Book of Rare Creatures. These two items can be turned over to the innkeeper in Oul Raye to complete their corresponding requests.

    Keep going west until you find a Soaring Crystal from a chest. Continue forth and you'll spot a cacti with a chest beside it. Loot the Titanium Anklet from it. Continue moving until you reach the next town.

    Sable Izolle

    Cross the bridge and talk to the scholar behind the house for Spice Set x3. Speak with the Carter in the middle to know more about Magic Carta. It is a mini-game where you need to select the correct card where the recited quote came from before your opponent does. Since the cards used in the game depends on the Carta cards in your possession, it will be worth reviewing the carta cards you have. If you managed to win without letting the Carter score, you'll win an item and additional titles per difficulty level. The difficulty will increase as your card collection increases. For now, you can win Asbel's Dark Enforcer title with a flawless victory (easy difficulty).

  • Cross the bridge to the left and you'll find a password-protected chest up the ramp in the other side. Use the password rockgagong to obtain the Book of Restraint. Continue in front of the research tower for a scene. Go to the savepoint afterward for a skit (The Spice of Life) Talk to the kid to the right of the savepoint to obtain Magic Carta No. 16 and 19 cards. Check the large book in between the kid and the savepoint for a new discovery and skit. (No. 33 Daunting Book) (Handle with Care) You can harvest Torn Pages from this book from hereon. There's also a cat you can feed to the left.

    Enter the research tower and examine the event star in the middle for a short scene. Pascal will get her Water Summoner title after this. Once done, check the machine to the left for a new discovery. (No. 34 Somnosphere) and play a new skit as well. (The Eye of Snorin') Exit the tower.

    Continue to the left and talk to the chef. You can trade a potato, carrot and onion to get a veggie set. Check the ramp to the right to find the Magic Carta No. 33. There's also an inn to the left where you can check out new requests. Once done, exit the town.

    Strahta Desert EastGo to the savepoint for a skit. (Longin' for a Ga-gongin') Continue along the desert until you find a desert cottage. There's some Cheese you can loot inside and a turtlez outside. From the cottage, head north to find a chest to the right in between a rock and cactus. Open it to get Spice Set x2. To the west of the desert cottage is a chest containing Eleth Bottle C behind some cacti, near some ruins. Head to the open area for a scene.

  • Inside the Rockgagong

    Go to the savepoint for a skit. (All Roads Lead to WHERE?) Be careful when stepping on the violet liquid as it will continuously damage your party as long as you stand on it. Continue to the left to fight the Visceral Parasites. Before going to the house in the middle, hop on the stones to the left until you find the head of a statue. Examine it for a new discovery and skit. (No. 35 Golden Smile) (T.M.I)

    Backtrack then head towards the house in the center. Go to the nearby savepoint for another skit (That House Over There) and a chest with two Life Bottles. Go past that chest to find a thin strip of land leading to another chest with a Fangtear Crystal. After getting the nearby loots, enter the house and search the left side for the Rockgagong Flute. After the conversation, a turtlez merchant will be available to the right and will offer inn and shop services.

    Hop on the stones northwest of the house to get to the next dry land. Keep going left until you reach a lone chest containing a Book of Preemption. Backtrack then continue north. Go westward to find another one of the parasites. Defeat it then backtrack and head east this time.

    Once you've reached the second savepoint, head north a bit then defeat another parasite. Go to the savepoint for a skit (The Same Frequency) Hop on the stones to the right and check the giant green ball for a new discovery (No. 36 Enormous Egg) and skit. (Egging Her On) Backtrack to the then go down. You'll find another set of stones. Hop on these until another parasite ambushes you. Defeat it to continue.

    Go to the left then head south. You should be able to cross the shallow portion of the fluid that leads to a Blue Ribbon. Backtrack a bit then go to the left to find yet another parasite. Defeat it and grab the 405 units of eleth nearby. Backtrack then head east this time. You should find a lone chest there containing three Peach Gels.

  • Backtrack again and you should be able to hop on some rocks to return to the house. Heal up, restock and save if you want. Go back to the second savepoint and you should be able to hop on the stones to reach the next area. You'll have the face the boss next.

    You'll be thrown outside after the battle. From hereon, you can summon the Rockgagong to enter the dungeon again or to challenge it. The latter option is not advisable at this point, unless you're pretty confident about your party's stats and level.

    Boss: Entrails Parasite

    There is nothing special about this boss except that it will divide to five smaller parasites once its HP is down considerably. Concentrate on one target at a time and use AOE attacks to get rid of them quickly as they can. Its attacks aren't that dangerous in its initial form and quite easy to dodge. Simply use quicksteps to stagger it with critical hits and combos.

    Strahta Desert EastReturn to the desert cottage for a new skit (Just a Tourist?) Continue heading west, past the savepoint and you'll find Veggie Set x2 beside a cactus. Head north to find Syrup Bottle x2. From there, go to the left to find some gald. Backtrack south then continue west this time.

    Grab the Blazing Crystal from the chest behind the Strahtan soldier. Check the banana tree beside the soldier for a new discovery and skit. (No.37 Desert Bananas) (Private Lessons) Continue further and you'll finally reach the capital.

  • Yu Liberte

    You need to head to the presidential palace to continue with the story. Before that, there's a lot of stuff to do here. These items are optional so take them in any order you please.

    Head to the commercial district then continue to the far left to find the city's inn. Check the snowman to the left of the inn near the entrance for a new discovery and skit. (No. 39 No-Sweat Snowman) (Climate Controlled) You can check out new requests as well here as well. In the commercial district as well, there's a flight of stairs between the equipment and item shops. There's a hidden space to the left of the stairs where you can go through and reach the chest on the other side containing a Magic Carta No. 34.

    Head to the residential district next and go to the right side to find the Oswell Manor. Outside, there's some seeds in the planter so grab it first before entering the manor. Check the shining object on the table to get the Water Googles attachment. Exit the manor afterward.

    In the same area, enter the White Wine Estate to the left side. Obtain Cheese x3 from the drawer and feed the cat by the stairs. Next, enter the Red Wine Estate and grab some onions from the drawer near the door. Talk to the maid to get some Cheese.

    Head north to the governmental district then go east to reach the city's northern gate. Head right to find a turtlez merchant then go south to reach the small dock. There's a chest there containing a Ba'ul Plushie. Don't mind the West Gate for now so just continue north to the presidential palace.

    A skit will be available by
