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Social Graces

Date post: 08-Mar-2016
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social etiquette

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Basic Table Manners

The Art of SOCIAL GRACES11/20/20141It isnt just a SKILLits an ATTITUDE!Putting OTHERS needs BEFORE your OWNBEING AT EASE with yourself and being able to LET OTHERSSHINE


Social grace- popularly known as etiquette and good manners, should be part of your personality. Social graces include our manners practice in our daily life.Manners-are the way of doing things, accepted by society. It is a human behavior developed from the way you were brought up. Practicing Good manners gives you increased self-confidence, poise, self-respect, and makes people react to you in an unusual way.Etiquette-is a set of rules of behavior in our society. Good behavior is a sign of good breeding. By his conduct we know how a man is properly trained or brought up.Definitions:

Social Graces at Home

Group 1

Home is where it all begins. Parents have the opportunity to build character in their children. It takes character to be polite when we would like to return rude for rude. Long ago, etiquette revealed ones good breeding. Today, good manners portray a warm heart, good intentions, and self-respect regardless of ones economic status.

Knocking before entering the room



Not opening the mail of others

Not looking through other peoples belongings

Not taking or borrowing articles without asking permission

Manners at homebeing helpful to others in your room;saying please and thank you;sharing and not grabbing and keeping good things to yourself;respecting other peoples property and their rooms; helping the family by doing your chores;cleaning up after yourself.

A word of appreciation will give the recipient satisfaction. Make it a habit to appreciate little things done by out loved ones.

The hearty Good morning to each other gives the day a friendly beginning.Please and Thank you are necessary to encourage friendly relations at home.

Manners at school

saying good morning/afternoon if you are walking past an adult that you know;asking if you can borrow something, not just taking;

returning things that you have borrowed;waiting your turn before you speak;

saying excuse me, rather than pushing past someone;holding the door open for the person coming in, especially if he/she is carrying something;respecting your own and other peoples property, especially school property;

saying please and thank you.

When you are outRespect other people.Be polite to others.Dont use bad language in public it is offensive to others.Let an older person have your seat on buses, trains and trams if there is nowhere for them to sit.Queue up quietly and dont push.Put your rubbish into bins, dont leave it for someone else to clean up.Have fun but dont be so loud that you attract the wrong kind of attention.Respect property.Dont make fun of anyone everyone has feelings.Dont run in shopping centers or where there are other people.

On the phoneSay your telephone number and who you are.Never say, Mum/Dad is out. Say, He/She cant come to the phone right now may I take a message?Always write down messages and organize with your family their places.Negotiate with your family for length of time on the phone.

Table Manners

1. Washing up

2. Wait for elders

3. Sit up straight

4. Recite a prayer before eating


5. Spread the Napkin in the Lap

Don't wave utensils in the air,especially knives or if there is food on them. You might knock over glasses, pierce waiters or launch a pea into the eye of your date.11/20/201425Keep your elbows off the table.Elbows take up table space and can be a danger in knocking plates or glasses.Elbows on the table give you something to lean on and tend to lull you into slouching.

11/20/201426Don't Reach.Not only is it as impolite, but there is always the possibility of upsetting glasses or running your sleeve through someone's mashed potatoes.

Dad, please pass the bread basket.11/20/2014276. Chew with your mouth closed. Chew quietly, and try not to slurp.

7. Eat Slowly. Eat at a leisurely pace.Keep bites small.

8. Cover your mouth when you burp.

9. Say please, thank you and sorryExcuse yourself when leaving the table.You don't want people to think that you are tired of their company. If you must leave the table, make your excuses somewhat obvious and appear to be pressing.

Excuse me.11/20/20143210. Be grateful. Compliment the Cook.

11. Clean up Wipe your mouth with your napkin.

Ethics of Riding A Jeepney

Alight/Board in the designated legal Jeepney StopsFace the middle, DO NOT INSIST ON DOING THE SIDEWAYS POSE

Sit with your legs togetherKeep your arms to yourself

Pay your fare as EARLY AS POSSIBLE!!! At least if you're paying and expecting changeEthics of Riding A Jeepney

Do not put the music in your phone on speaker modeDo not ignore the hand passing the fare that is directly right in front of youDo not kiss and display affection inside the jeepneyDo not shout while talking to someone in the jeepneyOthers

Do not spit anywhere. Cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough with your handkerchief, tissue or handDo not speak or laugh loud when in public.Do not blocktheroadtostop and have a conversation.11/20/201439







