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Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo inspects ... site of Yasagyo Multi-purpose Dam...

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Volume XIX, Number 273 11 th Waning of Pyatho 1373 ME Thursday, 19 January, 2012 Established 1914 True patriotism * It is very important for every one of the nation regardless of the place he lives to have strong Union Spirit. * Only Union Spirit is the true patriotism all the nationalities will have to safeguard. NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Vice-President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo, accompanied by Union ministers, the Sagaing Region Chief Minister, the Chin State Chief Minister, the commander of North- West Command, deputy ministers, the Indian Am- bassador to Myanmar and officials, visited construc- tion site of Yasagyo Multi-purpose Dam Project at Nerinzara Creek, two miles north of Yasagyo Village in Kalay Township yesterday. At the briefing hall of the project, Deputy Agriculture and Irrigation Minister U Khin Zaw explained that project is located near Yasagyo Vil- lage in Kalay Township, Kalay District, Sagaing Region and is being constructed by damming up Nerinzara Creek and reported to the Vice-President on main task of dam construction. The Vice-President stressed the need for har- monious implementation of irrigation facility con- struction and hydropower generation as the project is (See page 8) Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo inspects Yasagyo Multi-purpose Dam Project, development undertakings in Kalay NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Vice-President of the Repub- lic of the Union of Myanmar Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo who arrived in Kalay of Sagaing Region attended a get- together at Aung Zeya Hall in Kalay on 16 January. Also present on the occasion were Union ministers, the Sagaing Region chief minister, the Chin State chief minister, the North-West Command commander, deputy ministers, ministers of Sagaing Region and Chin State, district and township level departmental officials, social organization members and townselders. First, the deputy commissioners of Kalay, Tamu and Mawlaik districts reported on data of the districts, land utilization, rainfalls, expected rate to grow monsoon crops and actual crops cultivation, growing of cold season crops, targeted production rate of ten major crops, transforming to mechanized farming system, agricultural loan disburse- ment, net product and per capita income, education and (See page 9) Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo meets district and township officials in Kalay Vice-President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo meets officials at briefing hall of Yasagyo Multi-purpose Dam Project.—MNA Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo cordially greets those present at Aung Zeya Hall of Kalay.—MNA P1(19).pmd 1/19/2012, 8:22 AM 1
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Volume XIX, Number 273 11th Waning of Pyatho 1373 ME Thursday, 19 January, 2012

Established 1914

True patriotism * It is very important for every one of the

nation regardless of the place he lives tohave strong Union Spirit.

* Only Union Spirit is the truepatriotism all the nationalities will haveto safeguard.

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Vice-President of theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar Thiha Thura UTin Aung Myint Oo, accompanied by Unionministers, the Sagaing Region Chief Minister, theChin State Chief Minister, the commander of North-West Command, deputy ministers, the Indian Am-bassador to Myanmar and officials, visited construc-tion site of Yasagyo Multi-purpose Dam Project atNerinzara Creek, two miles north of Yasagyo Villagein Kalay Township yesterday.

At the briefing hall of the project, DeputyAgriculture and Irrigation Minister U Khin Zawexplained that project is located near Yasagyo Vil-lage in Kalay Township, Kalay District, SagaingRegion and is being constructed by damming upNerinzara Creek and reported to the Vice-Presidenton main task of dam construction.

The Vice-President stressed the need for har-monious implementation of irrigation facility con-struction and hydropower generation as the project is

(See page 8)

Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Ooinspects Yasagyo Multi-purpose Dam Project,

development undertakings in Kalay

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Vice-President of the Repub-lic of the Union of Myanmar Thiha Thura U Tin Aung MyintOo who arrived in Kalay of Sagaing Region attended a get-together at Aung Zeya Hall in Kalay on 16 January.

Also present on the occasion were Union ministers,the Sagaing Region chief minister, the Chin State chiefminister, the North-West Command commander, deputyministers, ministers of Sagaing Region and Chin State,district and township level departmental officials, socialorganization members and townselders.

First, the deputy commissioners of Kalay, Tamuand Mawlaik districts reported on data of the districts, landutilization, rainfalls, expected rate to grow monsoon cropsand actual crops cultivation, growing of cold season crops,targeted production rate of ten major crops, transforming tomechanized farming system, agricultural loan disburse-ment, net product and per capita income, education and

(See page 9)

Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oomeets district and township officials in Kalay

Vice-President of the Republic of theUnion of Myanmar Thiha Thura

U Tin Aung Myint Oo meets officials atbriefing hall of Yasagyo Multi-purpose

Dam Project.—MNA

Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung MyintOo cordially greets those present at Aung Zeya

Hall of Kalay.—MNA

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 19 January, 2012

PERSPECTIVESThursday, 19 January, 2012

Always be alertFull of roses is the life when the world is in

peace and tranquility. Full of thorns is it whenthe world is amidst armed conflicts and disputes.This explains the efforts for bringing human-induced tragedies to an end.

The impact of natural disasters has beentopping in the destructive causes of humansociety. Natural disasters can be categorizedinto flood, storm, fire outbreak, etc. Naturally,unstoppable they are, but prevention can bemade to avert the catastrophic consequences.In 2008, the cyclone Nargis claimed lots of livesand inflicted widespread damages in riparianregions of Myanmar and cyclone-shelters andcommunication links were constructed since itsaftermath.

Moreover, it needs to run more and morefire prevention campaigns. In 2011, the nationsaw a total of over 900 fire outbreaks, resultingin massive loss and damages. Some fireoutbreaks even led to causalities apart fromdamages to properties. There are a number ofoccasions for fire outbreaks such as negligence,electric shock and arson but negligence accountsfor the most.

The number of fire outbreaks has increasedyear by year with some causing enormousdamages. There has been a surge in the numberof high-rise buildings, transportationmachinery, and fuel and chemicals warehousesdue to the growth of the nation and increasingpopulation. Thus, more effective fire preventivemeasures are a must.

In spite of Fire Services Departmentorganizing fire prevention educative talks andfire drills in offices and departments, emergencyresponses are still weak on real occasions.

All in all, fire prevention is concerned withthe entire people and shopkeepers and urbanresidents are to give a hand in fire preventiveworks. Over-10000-gallon-capacity watertanks should be constructed on the top floors ofskyscrapers and large markets. Fire is a goodservant but a bad master. All the citizens are tobe alert to fire outbreaks in all seasons, stickingto the instructions of Fire Services Department.

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Jan—The President of the Republicof the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Kyaw Soe Win,as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar to the Lao People’sDemocratic Republic.


U Kyaw Soe Win appointedas Ambassador to Lao PDR

YANGON, 18 Jan—The airservices consultationsbetween the Government ofthe Republic of the Union ofMyanmar and theGovernment of the People’sRepublic of Bangladesh washeld at the meeting room ofthe Department of CivilAviation, YangonInternational Airport, here,on 16 January.

The Myanmardelegation led by Director-General U Tin Naing Tun ofDCA comprised therepresentatives from theUnion Attorney-General’sOffice, the Ministry ofForeign Affairs, the DCA andMyanmar AirwaysInternational.

The Bangladeshidelegation led by Secretaryof the Ministry of CivilAviation & Tourism Mr MdAtharul Islam comprisedAmbassador of Bangladeshto Myanmar Maj-Gen AnupKumar Chakma, Chairman ofCivil Aviation Authority AirCdre Mahmud Hussain,officials of the CAA ofBangladesh andrepresentatives of theBangladeshi Embassy.

During the course of

Myanmar, Bangladesh hold bilateral airservices consultations

consultations, the twodelegations drafted andagreed a new Bilateral AirServices Agreement in linewith international airtransport developments, toreplace the old one signedon 3-8-1977. And then, anagreed minutes, mentioningairlines designation, trafficrights between the two

countries and beyond thirdcountry and airlinescooperation arrangementwas signed.

Moreover, the two sidesagreed that the designatedairlines of each country shallbe permitted to operateseven flights per weekbetween the two countriesand the two sides also agreed

on the designation ofMyanmar AirwaysInternational Co Ltd and AirBagan Co Ltd as designatedairlines of Myanmar anddesignation of BimanBangladesh Airlines, GMGAirlines and United Airways(BG) as designated airlinesof Bangladesh.


U Tin Naing Tun, Director-General of Department of Civil Aviation,Myanmar and Chairman Air Cdre Mahmud Hussain of Civil Aviation

Authority of Bangladesh sign Agreed Minutes.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Union Minister for Informationand for Culture U Kyaw Hsan received a delegation led byBBC World News Editor Mr Jon Williams at the InformationMinistry here today. They had a cordial discussion on closecooperation in media development and TV broadcasting.

It was also attended by Deputy Minister for InformationU Soe Win, Deputy Minister for Culture Daw Sanda Khin,directors-general and managing directors and the head ofoffice.—MNA

Information & Culture Ministerreceives BBC world news editor



and forCultureU Kyaw


BBCWorldNewsEditorMr Jon

Williamsand party.


Sports competitionsorganized in Yanbye

YANGON, 18 Jan—The Yanbye TownshipAdministrator’s Trophy Inter-StationFootball Tournament took place atRammawady Myoma Sports Ground inYanbye from 24 December 2011 to 3 January2012.

Myoma Ward 1 routed Laytaung Station3-1 in the final. Township level officialsawarded the winners in the tournament.

Likewise, Yanbye TownshipAdministrator’s Office and TownshipMaternal and Child Welfare Associationorganized the baby show, 100-m race andother sports competitions.—Township IPRD

Sports trial for billiards, snooker, carom on 9 FebYANGON, 18 Jan—To take

part in the XXVII SEA Gamesto be hosted by Myanmar, asports trial for billiards,snooker and pool caromevents, jointly organized bySports and PhysicalEducation Department of the

Ministry of Sports andMyanmar Billiards andSnooker Federation will beheld to choose selectedplayers at the training hall ofMBSF at Aung SanGymnasium beginning 9February.

The players wishing totake part in the sports trialmay enlist at the federationin person, not later than 6February. The selectedplayers are to join thetraining centre in Nay PyiTaw.—MBSF


Danger of narcotic drugsdisseminated

YANGON, 15 Jan—An educative talk on danger of narcoticdrugs was given at ACA Education Institution in NorthOkkalapa Township of Yangon on 13 January morning.

IP Myint Thein of Yangon Anti-Drug Squad (East) ofMyanmar Police Force explained today’s youth and danger ofstimulant tablets, U Htin Kyaw Moe (Myaylat Htin KyawMoe) and Daw Thet Thet Mar of Yangon Region VoluntaryDrug Eradication Supervisory Association gave talks ondanger of narcotic drugs.—SWD

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 19 January, 2012 3

Ethiopia gunmen‘kill five foreign tourists’

ADDIS ABABA, 18 Jan — Five foreign tourists have beenkilled in Ethiopia in an attack by unknown gunmen, state TVreports. The attack was carried out late on Monday in thenorthern Afar region of the country by gunmen who hadcrossed from neighbouring Eritrea, the TV said. Two othertourists were seriously hurt and a third is said to have escapedthe attack unharmed. The nationality of the victims was notgiven.

Afar is regarded as a haunt of both Ethiopian and Eritreanrebels. Ethiopia and Eritrea have been bitter adversariessince their 1998-2000 border war. Ethiopian Television(ETV) said the two injured tourists had been taken to a clinicby defence forces. “The group of foreign tourists was attackedby gunmen late on Monday by members of a group that wastrained and armed by the Eritrean government,” Ethiopiangovernment spokesman Bereket Simon told Reuters.

“It is the usual terrorist activity by the regime.” AWestern diplomat also told Reuters that German nationalswere among those killed, but that has not been confirmed.However, reports in the German media said the tourists hadbeen near the Erta Ale volcano. Eritrea has so far notcommented on the attack. Eritrea gained independence fromEthiopia in 1993 but the two countries soon became embroiledin border disputes.—Internet

MoD announces details of4,200 job cuts

LONDON, 18 Jan — The Ministry of Defence hasannounced 4,200 job cuts in a second round of armed forcesredundancies. The Army will see up to 2,900 job cuts, including400 Gurkhas, while the RAF will lose up to 1,000 members andthe Royal Navy up to 300. The job losses will account forsome of the cuts announced under the defence review -intended to help plug a £38bn hole in the defence budget.Ministers said there was “no choice” but to axe the posts.

Under the terms of the Strategic Defence and SecurityReview, announced in 2010, the navy and the RAF have tocut 5,000 jobs each by 2015, the Army 7,000 and the Ministryof Defence 25,000 civilian staff. Last September 2,860people were selected for the first tranche of redundancies,with the Army and RAF each losing 920 posts, and 1,020 cutfrom the navy.

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said the governmenthad “no choice but to reduce the size of the armed forces -while reconfiguring them to ensure they remain agile,adaptable and effective”. Mr Hammond said: “As we continuewith the redundancy process we will ensure we retain thecapabilities that our armed forces will require to meet thechallenges of the future.”


The Army needs to reduce its total fighting force to82,000 by 2020.— INTERNET

Officials said thechemical was bound for

Puerto Quetzal and a portin Nicaragua.— INTERNET

Mexican navy seizes huge haul of precursorchemicals

Guatemala and Nicaragua.The authorities said thatMexican drug cartels havebeen expanding their meth-amphetamine operations toGuatemala. Mexican officialssaid the chemical, methyla-mine, could be used to makethe synthetic drug metham-phetamine, and also toproduce cocaine.

Over the past six weeks,the Mexican security forceshave seized nearly 900 tonnesof precursor chemicals, almostall of them bound forGuatemala. Estimates by thesecurity forces in the United

States indicate that Mexicohas in the past been the mainsupplier of meth used in theUS, but recent seizures ofprecursor chemicals suggestGuatemala may be pro-ducing more. A 2011 reportby the United Nations Officeon Drugs and Crime said am-phetaminetype stimulantshad become the second mostwidely used illegal subs-tances. According to the report,the main producers ofsynthetic drugs remain theNetherlands and Burma, butmanufacture has spread toLatin America.— Internet

containers full of the precursorchemical in the Pacific coastport of Lazaro Cardenas.

They said the chemicalhad been shipped from Chinaand was destined for

Iraqi policemen killed at checkpoint in Anbarcharges. He fled to theKurdish-controlled region ofnorthern Iraq, and denied theaccusations against him.Butthe warrant triggered apolitical crisis, as the biggestbloc in parliament accusedPrime Minister Nuri Malikiof using the law toconsolidate his grip onpower.


BAGHDAD , 18 Jan — Fivepolicemen have been killedin an attack on a checkpointin Iraq, close to the Jordanianand Syrian borders. Gunmenin the western province ofAnbar targeted policemenwho were guarding a highwaythat links Iraq to Jordan justafter midnight on Tuesday.One report said an attackerwas killed in the ensuingclash.

The attack, in the townof Rutba, came two days aftergunmen stormed a govern-ment compound killingseven in the provincialcapital of Ramadi.Violencein Iraq has been steadily onthe rise in the past few months.Security forces have been oneof the main targets of recentattacks, in addition to Shia

religious processions. Therehas also been a markeddeterioration in Iraq’s fragilepolitical process since thewithdrawal of US forces fromthe country at the end of lastyear.

An arrest warrant wasissued for Vice-PresidentTariq Hashemi, the country’smost prominent Sunnipolitician, on terrorism

MEXICO CITY, 18 Jan —The Mexican navy says it hasseized 195 tonnes of chemicalswhich can be used to make thedrug methamphetamine. Thenavy found 12 shipping

Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang resignsfrom its board

NEW YORK, 18 Jan —Jerry Yang, the co-founderof Yahoo!, has resigned fromits board. Mr Yang foundedthe online company in 1995with David Filo and was itschief executive from June2007 until January 2009. Hisresignation comes two weeksafter the company hiredformer PayPal executiveScott Thomson to be its newchief executive.

Mr Yang annoyed someshareholders by turningdown a $47.5bn (£31bn)takeover offer fromMicrosoft in 2008. Thecompany’s current marketvalue is about $20bn.

Mr Yang has alsoresigned from the boards ofYahoo Japan and AlibabaGroup and said in a statement:“The time has come for me to

Some analysts had seen MrYang as an impediment tothe sale or restructuring ofthe business.

“This is clearly apositive. It provides a moreobjective and unemotionalapproach to strategicalternatives,” said BrettHarriss at Gabello & Co. “It’salso good for the new CEO.He has one less entrenchedlegacy board member toresist his vision.”

In addition to leavingthe board, Mr Yang is alsogiving up his title of “ChiefYahoo”. “While I and theentire board respect hisdecision, we will miss hisremarkable perspective,vision and wise counsel,”said Yahoo! chairman RoyBostock.


Mexico police chief killed by unidentified gunmenMEXICO CITY, 18 Jan —

Unidentified gunmen havekilled the police chief of thecentral Mexican Town ofZacatepec. Juan ManuelZamudio was shot by threemen who ambushed his car ashe was travelling alone inMorelos State. Seven allegedhitmen were shot dead bysecurity forces in a separateincident in Morelos.

There have been a numberof shoot-outs in the state inrecent months but Moreloshad escaped the high levels of

violence seen in some otherregions.

It is not known who wasbehind Monday’s violencein Morelos but the authoritieshave blamed the shootingson organised crime.

Early on Monday, policeand suspected hitmenexchanged fire near Temixco,close to the city ofCuernavaca. Reports said thealleged gunmen had run apolice checkpoint on theCuernavaca-Mexico Citymotorway and officers gave

chase.In the ensuing shoot-out,

“seven alleged criminals whowere armed” were killed, astatement from by theMorelos prosecutor’s officesaid.

Later in the day, gunmensaid to be on motorcyclesopened fire on Mr Zamudioas he stopped at a petrolstation.

The police chief wastaken to hospital but died soonafter from his injuries.


Policemen inspect theremains of a vehicle

used in a bomb attackin Hilla, 100 km (62

miles) south ofBaghdad, on 16 Jan,

2012. A car bomb blewup while the bomber

was driving it, killing atleast three people andwounding another 18,in central Hilla, police


pursue other interestsoutside of Yahoo!”. He alsoexpressed support for thecompany’s currentmanagement. “I amenthusiastic about theappointment of ScottThompson as ChiefExecutive Officer and hisability, along with the entireYahoo! leadership team, toguide Yahoo! into an excitingand successful future,” hesaid.Yahoo! shares rose3.4% in after-hours trading.

Mr Yang said it wastime to pursue interests

outside Yahoo!INTERNET

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 19 January, 2012

Babies try lip-reading in learning to talk

WASHINGTON, 18 Jan—Babies don’t learn to talk justfrom hearing sounds. New research suggests they’re lip-readers too.

This undated handout photo provided by FloridaAtlantic University shows a baby, looking at a monitor,wearing a band that contains a little magnet that the

head-tracker, under the monitor uses to determinehead position which, in turn, enables the eye tracker to

find the eye and the pupil.—INTERNET

Toll from pedestrianswearing headphones triples

MARYLAND, 18 Jan—Thenumber of US pedestrianswho have been killed orbadly injured while wearingheadphones has tripled in sixyears, according to a studypublished Tuesday.

The annual tally rosefrom 16 in 2004 to 47 in2011, bringing the total ofcases to 116 over this period,say the authors.

More than half of theincidents involved pede-strians who were run downby trains.

Two-thirds of the victimswere males and under the ageof 30.

The research, published

in the British journalInjury Prevention, washeaded by RichardLichenstein of theUniversity of MarylandHospital for Children inBaltimore.

The paper warns of“inattentional blindness”when wearing headphones,meaning a distraction thatlowers the resources thebrain devotes to externalstimuli. The trawl of USaccident statistics coverediPods, MP3 players andother musical devices. Itdid not include mobilephones.—Internet

The number of USpedestrians who have been

killed or badly injuredwhile wearing headphones

has tripled in six years,according to a studypublished Tuesday.


India reports new TB strain resistant to all drugsMUMBAI, 18 Jan— Indian doctors have reported the

country’s first cases of “totally drug-resistant tuberculosis,”a long-feared and virtually untreatable form of the killerlung disease.

It’s not the first time highly resistant cases like thishave been seen. Since 2003, patients have been documentedin Italy and Iran. It has mostly been limited to impoverishedareas, and has not spread widely. But experts believe therecould be many undocumented cases.

No one expects the Indian TB strains to rapidly spreadelsewhere. The airborne disease is mainly transmittedthrough close personal contact and isn’t nearly as contagiousas the flu. Indeed, most of the cases of this kind of TB werenot from person-to-person infection but were mutationsthat occurred in poorly treated patients.

What’s more, there’s a debate within the public healthcommunity about whether to even label TB infections astotally drug resistant. The World Health Organizationhasn’t accepted the term and still considers the cases to be

It happens during that magical stage when a baby’sbabbling gradually changes from gibberish into syllablesand eventually into that first “mama” or “dada.”

Florida scientists discovered that starting around age 6months, babies begin shifting from the intent eye gaze ofearly infancy to studying mouths when people talk to them.

“The baby in order to imitate you has to figure out howto shape their lips to make that particular sound they’rehearing,” explains developmental psychologist DavidLewkowicz of Florida Atlantic University, who led the studybeing published Monday. “It’s an incredibly complexprocess.”

Apparently it doesn’t take them too long to absorb themovements that match basic sounds. By their first birthdays,babies start shifting back to look you in the eye again —unless they hear the unfamiliar sounds of a foreign language.Then, they stick with lip-reading a bit longer.

“It’s a pretty intriguing finding,” says University of Iowapsychology professor Bob McMurray, who also studiesspeech development. The babies “know what they need toknow about, and they’re able to deploy their attention towhat’s important at that point in development.”—Internet

what’s now called extensively drug-resistant TB, or XDR.However, Dr Paul Nunn, a coordinator at the WHO’s Stop TBDepartment in Geneva, said there is ample proof that thesevirtually untreatable cases do exist.

The Indian hospital that saw the initial cases tested adozen medicines and none of them worked, a prettycomprehensive assessment. A TB expert at the US Centres forDisease Control and Prevention said they do appear to betotally resistant to available drugs.

“It is concerning,” said Dr Kenneth Castro, director of theCDC’s Division of Tuberculosis Elimination. “Anytime wesee something like this, we better get on top of it before itbecomes a more widespread problem.”

Ordinary TB is easily cured by taking antibiotics for sixto nine months. However, if that treatment is interrupted orthe dose is cut down, the stubborn bacteria battle back andmutate into a tougher strain that can no longer be killed bystandard drugs. The disease becomes harder and moreexpensive to treat.—Internet

India to consider foreign investment in airlines

NEW DELHI, 18 Jan — India’s government will consider aproposal allowing foreign airlines to buy stakes of up to 49%in India’s airlines, Minister Ajit Singh has said. Five of India’ssix main airlines have reported losses in recent years. They

Five of India’s six main airlines have reported losses inrecent years.— INTERNET

have been particularly badly hit by fuel price rises. Foreignairlines are currently not allowed to invest in Indian carriers.

Correspondents say that allowing foreign investmentwill bring much-needed cash for the ailing airlines. India isone of the fastest growing aviation markets in the world withthe number of passengers increasing at between 15% to 20%a year. But its airlines may lose a total of $2.5bn (£1.63bn) inthe year ending March 2012 because of high fuel costs, aneconomic downturn and price wars, according to a study bythe Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, an industry body.

A group of senior ministers met late on Tuesday andagreed that foreign airlines be allowed to buy stakes inIndia’s domestic airlines. “The question was to allow foreignairlines to participate in foreign direct investment (FDI),”Aviation Minister Ajit Singh told reporters. “I discussed itwith the finance minister (Pranab Mukherjee) and he hasagreed.—Internet

‘Worst’ December for Scottish shopsEDINBURGH, 18 Jan — Scottish shopkeepers have reported

their worst December since at least 1999, according to theScottish Retail Consortium (SRC). Although sales last monthwere up by 1.6% compared with the previous year, it was theweakest December since the survey began in 1999. Like-for-like sales, which discounts new store openings, were up 0.4%.Scottish shops performed worse than the rest of the UK wheretotal sales grew by 4.1% last month. Although Scottish salesshowed some growth, the consortium said the true picture wasmuch worse because the latest figures are compared to December2010 when heavy snow affected many shops. DavidMcCorquodale, head of retail in Scotland, KPMG, said: “Aslight uplift of 0.4% appears to have brought some cheer at theend of what has been a wretched year for retailers.

“However, we should not forget that for two weeks ofDecember last year the country was under a hefty blanket ofsnow and, with Christmas falling on a Saturday that year, therewasn’t a full week’s trading during that critical period. As a

According to the Scottish Retail Consortium, 2010 wasa wretched year for retailers.— INTERNET

result this slight uplift in like-for-like sales is illusory.” Headded: “Christmas this year came at a real cost to retailers asthe discounting was deep, impacting margins, and openinghours were longer, costing more in wages. Several retailershave not made it into the New Year and more shop closuresare anticipated in the coming months.”— Internet

Canadian stocks dropdespite Chinese economic

growth boostTORONTO, 18 Jan—

Canadian stocks lost earlymomentum at the end of theday on Tuesday even ascommodity prices rosesharply in the wake of dataindicating that China ismanaging to avoid an abrupteconomic slowdown. TheS&P/TSX Composite Indexwas down 25.77 points, or0.21 percent, at 12,232.83while the S&P/TSX VentureComposite Index lost 1.21points, or 0.08 percent, at1,537.72.

The Bank of Canadaannounced on Tuesday thatit was going to leave its keyrate unchanged at onepercent. The bank observedthat the Canadian economydid better than expected inthe last half of 2011, but itexpects the pace of growthgoing forward to be moremodest than previouslyforecast, largely due todeteriorating economicperformance outside ofCanada. China reported itseconomy grew 8.9 percentin the final quarter of last

year, down from 9.1 percent inthe third quarter and theslowest in two and half years.But markets had beenexpecting growth to come in at8.7 percent and the data alsoshowed that December retailsales and factory outputaccelerated. The Chinesegovernment moved to slow itseconomy last year to deal withhigh inflation. But leaders haverecently started easinglending to encourage growthin the face of plunging exportdemand from the US andEurope. There have beenworries that Chinese officialswould be unable to engineer asoft landing for the economy.A growing Chinese economyhas been an important sourceof support for a strugglingglobal economy and, inparticular, has boosted pricesfor oil and metals and in turnenergy and mining stocks onthe resource-heavy Canadianstock market.—Xinhua

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LONDON , 18 Jan — Europe’s Herschel space telescopehas produced a majestic new version of a classic astronomicaltarget — the Eagle Nebula (also called M16). This denseregion of gas and dust some 6,500 light-years from Earth hostscopious numbers of bright new stars. Radiation from theseobjects is sculpting the clouds of gas and dust, producing inplaces great columns and curtains of material. The picture isbeing featured on the BBC’s Stargazing Live series. Brian Coxand Dara O’Briain are presenting the popular programmes thisweek from Jodrell Bank radio observatory in Cheshire. Lookjust below the centre of the image and you will see the columnsthat were famously dubbed the “Pillars of Creation” whenthey were pictured by the Hubble telescope in 1995. ButHerschel and Hubble see distinctly different things in the

Herschel telescope revisits cosmic classic

Iconic pillars: Hubble (right) sees the light that isscattered off the columns; Herschel (left) detects

the pillars glowing in their own light. INTERNET

nebula. Hubble is sensitive to optical light, the kind of light wedetect with our eyes. This is easily blocked or scattered by thedust, and shows us merely the shape of the billowing cloudsof material.

Herschel, on the other hand, is sensitive to much longerwavelength radiation, in far-infrared. This enables it to detectthe emission coming directly from the cold gas and dust thatcloaks so much of the region. It is a powerful ability that enablesHerschel to look inside the columns and curtains, at the placeswhere dense gas is collapsing under its own weight to triggerthe nuclear reactions that give rise to new stars. Herschel’s isa false colour image in which the bluer material is relatively warmand the redder material is relatively cold. It is “relative” becausethese are temperatures below minus 200C.—Internet

LONDON , 18 Jan —Alleged cybercriminalsbehind an internet worm,which spread via Facebookand other social networks,have been named. Thesuspected gang weretracked down to StPetersburg after aninvestigation by Facebookand cybersecurityresearchers. The worm gavethe gang control ofhundreds of thousands ofcomputers. While not thelargest such network ofhijacked machines or“botnet”, the so-calledKoobface worm is notablefor its targeting of socialnetworks.

The security companySophos published detailsof an extensiveinvestigation into Koobfaceon its blog. The report,

Sophos researchers identified a network of connectionslinking group members.—INTERNET

WASHINGTON, 18 Jan —Automakers andgovernment agencies are teaming up to laythe foundations for a future in which smartvehicles will be able to communicate withone another to improve road safety.

Many new cars today can connect tothe Internet, but most of them use theirconnectivity for “infotainment” purposeslike navigation or streaming music. What carcompanies like General Motors envision forthe future is much more ambitious, as notonly will cars be able to connect with cloud-based services, they will also be able to talkto other cars, with the smartphone in thedriver’s pocket, with the toll booth or traffic

Facebook Koobface worm‘hacker gang named’

based on work byindependent researcher JanDromer, and the firm’s DirkKollberg, details how thesuspects were tracked down.Graham Cluley, a seniortechnology consultant atSophos, told the BBC hebelieved they had identifiedthe right people: “We’repretty confident. I meanobviously we have to assumethese people are innocentuntil proven guilty.

“It’s very difficult to be100% certain of these things.Of course it’s always possiblethat someone could be tryingto frame these people, but theevidence feels pretty strongto us. Certainly there’senough evidence toinvestigate these people.”None of the alleged gangmembers have been arrestedor charged with offences

connected to Koobface. TheBBC attempted to contactmembers of the group via abusiness linked to the gangbut was unsuccessful.became active in 2008. Theworm spread through socialnetworks, presenting userswith bogus links to onlinevideos.

The links encouragedusers to install a copy of theKoobface malwaremasquerading as a Flashupdate. The worm was evenable to create fake socialnetworking profiles able topropagate the malware. “It cancreate Facebook accountsand then use those accountsto start sending links topeople,” Mr Cluley said.Researchers believe that upto 800,000 machines couldhave been infected by theworm. Facebook is expectedto share details of the gangwith security and internetcompanies later.


Soon, ‘smart vehicles’ to communicate witheach other to boost road safety

Automakers and governmentagencies are teaming up to lay thefoundations for a future in which

smart vehicles will be able tocommunicate with one another toimprove road safety.—INTERNET

light up ahead or with the electric chargingstation to determine when and how long itneeds to be fully juiced up. “The vehiclewhose DNA was set 100 years ago - fourwheels, mechanically driven, internalcombustion engine - cannot be the DNA forthe 21st century,” LiveScience quoted AlanTaub, GM’s vice president of global R and Das telling this year’s ‘CES’ show. In such anauto-connected world, what one car sees orsenses could be made immediately availableto other cars on the road. The result of all thisinterconnectivity, automakers say, will be saferroads because drivers will no longer be limitedto only what they can see or what their vehiclescan sense.

“We want vehicles to have the equivalentof 360-degree situational awareness,” Taubsaid. “We accomplish that today with onboardsensors ... but we can see a world where avehicle-to-vehicle communication system canfirst augment and then replace many of thoseonboard sensors,” he said.

According to Clint Steiner, the seniormanager of Automotive OEM at Garmin, if thevehicles can talk to each other, “your car couldlook at the other car’s route ahead of time, anddetermine that, yes, that car is going to changelanes based on the route that the driver hasprogrammed into their GPS.”

However, before a world wherenetworked cars are a reality, there are a lot ofhurdles to be overcome first. For instance, themore data that smart cars receive, the moredrivers will be inundated with notifications.If you think distracted driving is a problemnow, imagine if your car alerted you to everypotential hazard on the road. If not designedthe right way, the notifications themselvescould become a danger by distractingdrivers.—Internet

GENEVA, 18 Jan—Experts have recommendedeliminating leap secondsfrom the time scale used bymost computer systems, butgovernments are split on theissue, to be decided this

Time for decision on removing leap seconds

week, the InternationalTelecommunications Union(ITU) said Tuesday. Leapseconds, introduced in 1972as part of CoordinatedUniversal Time (UTC), areadded some years to reconcile

the difference between atomictime used by computersystems and time as definedby measuring the movementof the earth around the sunand the earth’s rotation. Thelatter, known as UniversalTime, fluctuates due to theearth’s irregular rotation, tidesor earthquakes.

“This will be an importantdecision because the problemof introducing the leap secondwill disappear and we will beable to have a more standardtime than the one we havetoday,” Vincent Meens, whoheaded an ITU experts’ groupthat recommended removingleap seconds, told reporters.

“Time is very, veryimportant for synchronization

CAPE CANAVERAL, 18 Jan— Space ExplorationTechnologies, a startup space transportation firm hired byNASA to fly cargo to the International Space Station, isdelaying a planned 7 February test flight to allow more timeto prepare for the mission, a company spokeswoman said onTuesday. The launch of the company’s Falcon 9 rocket andDragon capsule from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station hasnot yet been rescheduled. “We believe that there are a fewareas that will benefit from additional work,” said KirstinBrost Grantham, a spokeswoman for the company, alsoknown as SpaceX.

“We will continue to test and review data. We willlaunch when the vehicle is ready,” she said. The flight willbe the second and possibly last test flight before privatelyowned SpaceX begins delivering cargo to the station undera $1.6 billion NASA contract.

The firm, based in Hawthorne, California, and foundedby Internet entrepreneur Elon Musk, hopes to combine itstwo remaining test flights into one with a berthing at thespace station, pending NASA’s approval.—Reuters

SpaceX delays trial run tospace station

Pedestrians walk through the Canary Wharf businessdistrict in London on 12 Sept, 2011.—INTERNET

of all the radiocommunicationssystems. For instance, a lot ofsystems are using GPS timejust to synchronize themselvesand that would be veryimportant for everybody tohave the same time,” he said,referring to satellite navigationsystems. The Geneva-basedITU is the UN agencyresponsible for coordinatinginternational communicationsstandards. Its radio-communication assembly isdue to debate the issue onThursday, but clear divisionsremain, officials said.


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Sherlock to return for third seriesLONDON , 18 Jan —

Sherlock will return for athird series, its creators haverevealed after a dramaticconclusion to the secondrun of the BBC One drama.Ahead of series two, co-creator Steven Moffat toldBBC News there was “noguarantee we’ll bebringing him back”. Buton Sunday night, Moffat

wrote on Twitter:“Of course there’s going

to be a third series - it wascommissioned at the same timeas the second. Gotcha!”It waswatched by an averageaudience of 7.9 millionovernight figures show. Thatcompared with the 8.8 millionaverage audience of theopening episode on New Year’sDay. The modern take on Sir

Arthur Conan Doyle’sdetective tales stars BenedictCumberbatch in the title role.

Moffat’s co-creatorMark Gatiss also wrote onTwitter: “Gotcha! And ofcourse there’ll be a thirdseries!” Conan Doyle’s TheFinal Problem, published in1893, ended with Holmesand his arch-enemy ProfessorMoriarty apparently fallingto their deaths at theReichenbach Falls inSwitzerland.

Conan Doyle laterresurrected his hero. Sundaynight’s episode was calledThe Reichenbach Fall. Ininterviews in December topromote the show - whichalso stars Martin Freeman asHolmes’ sidekick DoctorWatson - Moffat, Gatiss andcast members had hinted thesecond series could be thelast.— Internet

The three-part series ended with episode TheReichenbach Fall.— INTERNET

Somalia oil exploration: Drilling begins inPuntland

“I think in 10 years’ time- if oil is found, we will see abetter country, a strongercountry that lives in peaceand prosperity with its ownneighbours and hopefullythat produces what we havebeen all looking for - peace,prosperity, development andprogress,” he said. In the areawhere the two wells are beingdrilled to a depth of 3,800m(about two miles), there is anassumption that “there willbe about 3bn to 4bn barrels ofoil”, he said.


MOGADISHU, 18 Jan —Oil exploration has begun inthe arid north-east of Somalia,which has been wracked bycivil war for two decades. TheCanadian firm Africa Oilbehind the project said itstwo wells are the first to bedrilled there in 21 years. Thesemi-autonomous Puntlandregion where the drilling istaking place says it is an

opportunity for peace.“It’s a new beginning - if

oil is found it will changeSomalia for the better,” IssaFarah head of Puntland’sPetroleum and MineralsAgency told the BBC.Speaking on the BBC’s Focuson Africa programme, he saidit was an importantdevelopment not only forPuntland, but the whole ofSomalia, which has not had afunctioning centralgovernment since 1991 andhas been convulsed byfighting between militias.

The regionof Somaliawhere thewells are


may havereserves ofup to 4bnbarrels of


Ethiopia Airlines rejectsLebanon report into air crash

Indonesia concrete ballscombat ‘train surfing’

JAKARTA , 18 Jan — Railway staff in Indonesia havestarted hanging concrete balls above train tracks to try toprevent commuters from riding on carriage roofs. The firstballs were installed just above carriage-height near a stationoutside the capital, Jakarta. More will be put up elsewhere ifthey are found to keep people off the roofs.

Previous attempts to deter roof riders included sprayingroofs with paint, spreading oil on carriages and hiringmusicians to perform safety songs. Correspondents say thoseinitiatives have failed. Officials hope that the latest movewill prove to be the ultimate deterrent. Roof riders also facethe possibility of imprisonment.

The balls - which can deliver a severe blow to the head-will be suspended a few inches above the tops of carriages atpoints where trains enter or pull out of stations, or where theygo through crossings.Officials told the BBC that “roof surfing”

Workers erect the concrete balls to deter ‘trainsurfers’.— INTERNET

can be extremely dangerous. In 2008 at least 53 passengersdied in an accident while travelling on a train roof. In 2011, 11people were killed. Most victims are electrocuted by overheadpower cables, but some fall off train carriages while trains aremoving. — Internet

Vietnam’s navy unveilsfirst home-made warship

The Vietnamese navy has relied on Russian-builtvessels in the past .


HANOI, 18 Jan —Vietnam’s navy has takendelivery of its first locally-made warship, equipped withartillery and missile systems,local media report.

The Hong Hashipbuilding companystarted building the model in2009 and tested the warshiplast year.

The ship’s design wasreportedly bought from anunnamed foreign company.

LONDON, 18 Jan — The World Bank has warneddeveloping countries they need to be prepared for shocks asglobal economic growth slows. The organization has slashedits growth forecasts, and is now predicting a 0.3% contractionfor the eurozone in 2012. “Developing countries need toevaluate their vulnerabilities and prepare for further shocks,while there is still time,” said World Bank chief economistJustin Yifu Lin.

“Escalation of the crisis would spare no-one,” the report’sauthor warned. Referring to the eurozone crisis and itspotential to impact growth in rich and poor countries, AndrewBurns said: “Developed and developing-country growthrates could fall by as much or more than in 2008/09. “Theimportance of contingency planning cannot be stressedenough.” The World Bank is predicting growth of 5.4% fordeveloping countries in 2012 and 1.4% for high incomecountries, down from its forecasts of 6.2% and 2.7%respectively in June.

World Bank warns developingworld to prepare for shocks

The World Bank said lower inflation had been goodnews for developing countries.—INTERNET

The World Bank’s Global Economics Prospects reportsays that slower growth is already visible in global trade andcommodity prices. It said that declining commodity priceswere better news for the developing world, although foodsecurity for the poorest countries was still a major concern.Food prices are down about 14% from their peak in February2011. Andrew Burns, manager of global macroeconomics atthe World Bank, told the BBC there was a danger that thedownturn could be longer lasting than the one which followedthe collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.

“This time, going in, [developing countries] will be inmuch better condition than high income countries, but thatsaid, we are concerned,” he said. “They are going to beoperating in a situation where the high income countriesaren’t going to be able to offer the same type of counter fiscalpolicy and the same type of support to the financial systemas they did in 2008/9.”— Internet

There wereno survivors

after theBoeing 737-800 crashedinto the sea

off Beirut on25 January


ADDIS ABABa, 18 Jan — Ethiopian Airlines officials havebluntly rejected the findings of a Lebanese investigation intoan air crash off Lebanon in January 2010. The Lebanese reportblames pilot error for the crash of flight ET409, in which 90people died, sources say. But Ethiopian Airlines officials saythe plane exploded, which they say points to sabotage, alightning strike or shooting down. The Lebanese report wasdue to be released on Tuesday.

The Addis Ababa-bound flight crashed minutes aftertake-off from Beirut in stormy weather on 25 January 2010,with no survivors. Lebanese Transport Minister Ghazi Ariditold AFP news agency it was “clear” that “there were errorson the part of the pilot and co-pilot who are entirely responsiblefor the plane crash”. According to AFP, the Lebanese reportsays the pilot and co-pilot had been working non-stop for 51days and were exhausted. Mr Aridi said the plane was soundand transcripts of the exchanges between the crew and airtraffic control on takeoff had not indicated any problem.

Other officials say the report accuses the pilot of ignoringinstructions from the control tower. Similar claims were madeby Lebanese officials at the time of the crash. But EthiopianAirlines has vigorously denied the Lebanese findings in astatement, in which it insisted the crew was rested in accordancewith regulation and the pilot had made appropriate efforts tocontrol the aircraft.—Internet

A high-ranking navy officialsaid it would patrol thecountry’s territorial waters.

The new ship is 54m longand has an operational rangeof more than 2,000 nauticalmiles.

Vietnam has said that itintends to build morewarships in the future. At themoment most of its vesselscome from Russia and theformer Soviet Union.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 19 January, 2012 7

Foreign Heads of State send felicitations to President U Thein SeinNAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan— The following are messages

of felicitations from foreign heads of State to Presidentof the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Thein Sein,on the occasion of the 64th Anniversary IndependenceDay of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.From Abdullah Gul, President of the Republic of TurkeyDear President,

On behalf of myself and the people of Turkey, Iwould like to sincerely congratulate Your Excellency andthe people of Myanmar on the occasion of the NationalDay of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

We are monitoring closely and welcome theopening process initiated last year in Myanmar. Sustainingthe democratic reforms realized in this framework willsurely be the most important guarantee for Myanmar toproceed towards the more prospers future in peace andstability.

We aspire to further our bilateral relations between

our two countries on the basis of our people’s mutualbenefit. Our decision to open an Embassy in Nay Pyi Tawis the solid sign of our stance.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to reiteratemy best wishes for Your health and happiness as well asthe prosperity and well-being of the people of Myanmar.From Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of theRepublic of TurkeyDear President,

On behalf of the Turkish people, the Governmentof the Republic of Turkey and myself, I would like tocongratulate the National Day of the Republic of theUnion of Myanmar.

Taking this opportunity, I extend my best wishesfor the prosperity and well-being of the people of Myanmar.From Viktor Yanukovitch, President of UkraineYour Excellency,

On behalf of the people of Ukraine and myself

please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasionof the National holiday of the Republic of the Union ofMyanmar—Independence Day.

I am confident that friendly bilateral relationsbetween our countries have great potential for its furtherdevelopment.

Availing myself of this opportunity, I wish You,Your Excellency, a strong health and successes in Yourresponsible activities, as well as peace and prosperity tothe friendly people of the Republic of the Union ofMyanmar.From Anibal Cavaco Silva, President of the PortugueseRepublic

On the occasion of the National Day of theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar, I would like toconvey to Your Excellency my congratulations andsincere wishes for Your personal well-being and for theprogress and prosperity of the Myanmar people.

Pyithu Hluttaw DeputySpeaker U Nanda Kyaw Swareceives Australian MP Ms

Janelle Saffin

Deputy Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw U Nanda Kyaw Swa receives a delegation led by member of theHouse of Representatives of Australia Ms Janelle Saffin.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Attorney-General of the Union Dr Tun Shin receivedAmbassador of the Republic of Singaporeto the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Attorney-General of the UnionDr Tun Shin receives Singaporean

AmbassadorMr Chua Hian Kong Robert at theCredentials Hall of the Office of theAttorney-General, here, this morning.


CHINESE SPRING FESTIVAL MARKED: ChiefMinister of Yangon Region U Myint Swe being welcomedby Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar Mr Li Junhua at the

reception to mark Chinese Spring Festival at Sedona Hotelin Yangon on 18 January.—MNA

Union Transport Minister receivesMalaysian Ambassador

INGAPU, 18 Jan—The LivestockBreeding and Veterinary Departmentopened the basic livestock breeding andveterinary course at the town hall of Ingapuon 9 January for development of livestockbreeding and meat and fish production in

Basic livestock breeding and veterinarycourse conducted

the township.It was attended by Pyithu Hluttaw

representative of Ingapu Township memberof Agriculture, Livestock and FisheriesDevelopment Committee U Maung MaungSoe and local authorities.—Township IPRD

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Deputy Speaker of PyithuHluttaw U Nanda Kyaw Swa received a delegation led bymember of the House of Representatives of Australia MsJanelle Saffin at the room-1 of the Hluttaw Building MeetingHall here at 1 pm today.

Also present at the call together with the DeputySpeaker of Pyithu Hluttaw were chairmen of Pyithu HluttawCommittees and officials.

They held discussions on further cementingfriendly ties between the two countries and mutualcooperation between the two parliaments.


NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—UnionMinister for Transport U Nyan TunAung received MalaysianAmbassador to the Republic ofthe Union of Myanmar Dr AhmadFaisal Muhamad at the hall of thelatter’s office, here, at 1 pm today.

They cordially had a

discussion on extension of theMyanmar-Malaysia aviationsector, aviation management andservices at Nay Pyi Taw Airport andinvestment, too.

Also present at the call wereDeputy Minister U Win Shein andofficials.—MNA

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 19 January, 2012

(from page 1)a multi-purpose one. He said that construction of irrigationfacility can be completed earlier than hydropower generationfacility and in this case, channels are to be constructed firstso that irrigation water provision works can start so after thecompletion.

Vice-President Thiha ThuraU Tin Aung Myint Ooinspects Yasagyo…

Vice-President of

the Republic of

the Union of

Myanmar Thiha

Thura U Tin

Aung Myint Oo

meets faculty

members and

students at Kalay



The region, the Vice-President noted that, serves as therice bowl of Chin State, Naga region and Hpakhant region,adding that triple cropping pattern could be applied on over8500 acres of farmland on condition that the region has accessto irrigation water. So, the dam project is a practically beneficialone to agricultural output of the region.

Furthermore, the potential electricity of the projectcan somewhat satisfy the electricity demand of the region,said the Vice-President who urged for soonest completion ofthe project.

The Vice-President then inspected the progress of theproject, waterway of Nayraoakza Creek, and samples of sandand gravels to be used in dam construction.

The Vice-President and party from there proceeded toconstruction site of new three-storey main building ofUniversity of Computer Studies (Kalay) under the Ministryof Science and Technology.

At the briefing hall of the construction site, the Vice-President heard report on construction progress presentedby a responsible person of Shwetaung Co Ltd and called forarrangements for teachers accommodation.

Next, Shwe Thanlwin Co presented 3-in-1 MPS Sky

Net Receiver (Telecommunication, Internet and TV chan-nels), TV and potable generator for the university. The Vice-President inspected progress in construction of the mainbuilding and left necessary instructions.

The Vice-President and party then visited 200-beddedKalay People’s Hospital. Deputy Health Minister Dr WinMyint briefed the Vice-President on lay-out of the hospital.The Vice-President inspected land plot for extension of thehospital and stressed the needs as the hospital isoverburdened with patients.

The Vice-President looked around the hospital andcomforted the patients. On behalf of the entrepreneurs, IGECo Chairman U Nay Aung contributed K 5 million for KalayPeople’s Hospital and K 4 million for two rural dispensariesin Kalay District.

On his visit of Kalay University, the Vice-Presidentmet lecturers and students. Rector-in-charge of the univer-sity explained briefed history of Kalay University, availableacademic subjects, number of students from different town-ships, research works, academic matters and management ofthe university.

Speaking on the occasion, the Vice-President saidthat he and his entourages visited universities in KalayDevelopment Region today and fulfilled the requirements.Universities in Kalay Region were established for youths ofChin State and Sagaing Region to be able to pursue highereducation. The Arts and Science University can cope withover 5000 students and currently over 4000 are easing theirstarvation of intellectual nourishment there. A total of 125students are learning at University of Computer Studies and1400 at Technological University.

Nevertheless, number of students attending at voca-tional universities is still low and to fill this gap is the duty ofBasic Education Department which needs to take moreeffective actions to produce qualified students.

Plans are underway to extend one additional academicyear for universities commencing 2011-2012 academic year.The main reason behind this move is that although curriculumscould be completely taught to the students within threeacademic years, students have less time to make further self-studies and compile theses, leading to a gap in bridging thetheories and practices.

The move is believed to help the graduates climb thecareer ladder with right qualifications and attitude. Teacherson their part need to place emphasize on improving educa-tional qualifications of students.

The Vice-President urged the lecturers to train theirstudents to be able to join the work life with appropriatequalifications, mentioning that all kinds of businesses aremushrooming in the nation today and jobs opportunitieswould increase following the influx of international corpora-tions into the country.

Next, the Shwe Thanlwin Co Chairman presentedthree-in-one MPS Sky Net receiver, TV and portable genera-tors to Kalay University.

(See page 9)

Photo shows

progress of

Yasagyo Multi-

purpose Dam

Project at

Nerinzara Creek,

two miles north of

Yasagyo Village in

Kalay Township,

Sagaing Region.


Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo visits People’s Hospital (200-bed) in Kalay.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 19 January, 2012 9

(from page 8)The Vice-President and party then visited Techno-

logical University (Kalay). He enquired after the lecturersand spoke words of encouragement to them. The ShweThanlwin Co Chairman donated three-in-one MPS Sky Netreceivers, TVs and portable generators for the universityand Government Technical Training School (Kalay) aswell.

The Vice-President on his return to Nay Pyi Tawinspected the condition of Monywa-Yagyi-Kalewa Roadaboard the plane.—MNA

Vice-President ThihaThura U Tin Aung MyintOo inspects Yasagyo…

Photo shows progress in construction of three-storey main building at University of Computer Studies(Kalay).—MNA


Thiha Thura

U Tin Aung Myint

Oo views sample

sand and gravels

to be used in

construction of

Yasagyo Dam.


(from page 1)health measures, implementation of rural development tasks,and requirements of the region.

Amyotha Hluttaw Representative U Thein Hlaingand senior local U Win Khant Paung touched upon needs foreducation, health, transport and electricity.

Sagaing Region Chief Minister U Tha Aye gavesupplementary report with respect to the reports of districtadministrators.

Vice-President Thiha ThuraU Tin Aung Myint Oo…

those who were there to engage in exploration, and educa-tion for their children.

The State has planned to provide text books and notebooks beginning next year under the scheme of free learningprimary education for each and every child, and arranged toensure education for school-age children and grant stipendfor continuous education.

Moreover, the State has been creating opportunitiesto enable youths around the nation to pursue basic andhigher education incessantly. Students, teachers and parentsare required to do their bit in order that each and every childcan grab that chance, he said.

He vowed that reports of locals on extension of

Progresses are now in hand that can grantee to fade armsstruggling and ensure eternal peace.

Similarly, as arrangements are being made for par-ticipation of all national races including political parties indemocratization process, all political parties including newlyformed parties are planning to run for upcoming election.

In order that the country see economic boom, ar-rangements are being made for amendment to required laws,lessening of taxes and measures to expedite work proce-dures to ease internationally economic cooperation andlocal and foreign investors, and for implementation ofindustrial zones to invite investments.

To uplift social status, more budgets have been

Vice-President Thiha Thura U Tin Aung Myint Oo cordially meets district and township departmental officials, members of social organizations andtownselders at Aung Zeya Hall of Kalay.—MNA

Next, the Vice-President said that he was there tomeet local authorities and attend to the needs of regions.

He encouraged growing of rubber and other com-mercial perennials in vacant land of Kalay, Tamu andMawlaik districts as well as meeting targeted productionrate of ten major crops.

He continued that the districts see not only foodsufficiency also surpluses. But, as Chin State and NagaRegion still rely on other districts for foods, it is required tomake all-out efforts for development of those areas morethan current situation.

As crude oil and gold mining explorations are beingcarried out in the region, it is needed to pay attention tosecurity and management measures, healthcare services for

Kalay Hospital, availability of an ambulance and upgradingof schools will be coordinated. Monywa-Yagyi-Kalay-Kalewa (115 miles) that will be a link among India, Myanmarand Thailand will be repaired. Pakokku Bridge on that roadhas been commissioned into service recently.

The Vice-President urged those involved to activelytake part in rural development and poverty alleviationscheme led by the President.

Today, representatives elected by the people in linewith the Constitution have taken on legislative, executiveand judicial powers. The image and essence of a democraticnation come into view step by step.

Stability and rule of law are important issue for long-standing and sustainable development of the nation.

earmarked for spending on education and health sectors incoming fiscal year.

The Vice-President urged that all the people as asound society needs to participate in the clean government,good governance drive implemented by the President.

All the staff members also need to do their bit tingedwith goodwill in the interest of the people in building amodern developed nation.

The Shwe ThanLwin Co chairman donated DTHSky Net TV receivers, TVs and generators for Kalay, Tamuand Mawlaik districts through district administrators.

After that, the Vice-President cordially greeted theattendees.


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NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Union Ministerfor Agriculture and Irrigation U Myint Hlaingattended the seeding of Palethwe hybridpaddy strain on 25 acres of farmlands throughgood agriculture pattern in Ngansat Villageof Ottarathiri Township of Nay Pyi TawCouncil Area today.

The Union Minister and party presentedPalethwe hybrid paddy seeds, foodstuffs andgifts to female farming workers and farmers.

After inspecting filling of gravels alongthe 6760 feet long retaining walls at the canalNo. 1 of Ngalaik Dam near Htantabin Villageof Dekkhinathiri Township, the Unionminister gave instructions on timely

Farmlands of Palethwe hybridpaddy strain inspected

completion of gravel filling works beforesummer paddy cultivation.

At Htantabin Village BEPS No. 28, heattended to the needs.

The Union Minister looked intoconstruction of 16000 feet long productionroad near Aungthukha Village, digging ofdrains and construction of production roadat Kyuntetpe Village-tract, thriving 369-acre Palethwe paddy plantation in AyinloVillage of Pyinmana Township and landpreparations for seeding at 945-acremechanized farm in Aungchantha Villageof Zabuthiri Township.


NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Union Ministerfor Finance and Revenue U Hla Tundelivered an address citing that at the timeof devoting efforts to improve the country’sinterests, it is important to perform monetaryaffairs and taxation tasks in accordancewith the rules and regulations, in the meetingwith departmental heads and officers, staffand other ranks of the departments andenterprises under the ministry, held at themeeting hall of the Internal RevenueDepartment in Mandalay Region on 16January morning.

At the event, the Union Minister left

Union F&R Minister meets officers, staffof departments, enterprises under F&R

Ministry in Mandalaynecessary instructions after hearing reportspresented by Region level departmental headsof the departments and enterprises under theministry.

The Union Minister encouraged thetrainees at the Basic Computer and OfficeWorks Course No. 31 before he went toCustoms Department Region (1), Region/State and Township Internal RevenueDepartments to instruct the officials to stayaway from doing exports and importsillegally, and to undertake the tasks inaccordance with the rules and regulations.


Dy Construction Minister inspects ruraldevelopment tasks in Kawhmu

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Deputy Ministerfor Construction U Soe Tint made aninspection tour of the Kawhmu-Htamanaing-Thaminchan-Thayettaw roadand also the road construction works of theM a g y i k a n - H n e t a w s a n - M a s a l s e i k -Kyaikhtaw road in Kawhmu Township ofYangon Region on 15 January.

Afterwards, the Deputy Minister metteachers and local residents at Natsingon

Basic Education High School (Branch) inKawhmu Township and left necessaryinstructions.

Next, the Deputy Minister looked intoWahbalaukthauk Station Hospital and askedstation/village administrators, responsiblepersons, villageelders and local people inHtamanaing and Wabalaukthauk villages tomeet the requirements of the village needs.


Thithnapin General EconomicCooperative Ltd formed

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Deputy Ministerfor Cooperatives U Than Tun this morningdelivered an address at the formationceremony of Thithnapin General EconomicCooperative Ltd at Mount Pleasant ResortHotel in Ottarathiri Township of Nay PyiTaw Council Area.

In his address, the deputy minister saidthat a total of 11323 cooperative societiesincluding Central Cooperative Union have

been registered to bring about social-economicdevelopment of the people. He urged thosepresent to set up their cooperative society tobecome a reliable organization for serving thesociety members and the people.

The ceremony was attended by officialsof the Ministry of Cooperatives, the PyinmanaTownship Administrator and members of thecooperative society.


(from page 16)planted by KIA group on aroad 50 yards away from thevillage primary school atabout 4.30 pm on 17 January.The mine blast caused seriousinjury to his left calf and hewas rushed to LonkhinStation Hospital by officialsconcerned for medicaltreatment.—MNA

KIA mine blastleaves threedead and oneinjured…

Educative talks on traffic rulesgiven

YANGON, 18 Jan— Thetraffic police members ledby Head of No. 5 TrafficPolice Region PoliceCaptain Nyi Nyi Tun ofYangon Region Wirelessand Traffic Police Corps

gave an educative talk ontraffic rules to 300 teachersand students at No. 1 BasicEducation High School inPabedan Township here on16 January morning.


Maung Shwe Toe Aung, victim of KIA’s mine blast.—MNA

A satellite photo shows Meethwayphogon Village which has now over 133households.—MNA

A satellite photo shows Meethwayphogon Village which previously had onlyabout 17 households.—MNA

Take Fire PreventiveMeasures

Land management undersystematic supervision…

(from page 16)natives. At present, the remaining eight households of thevillage were given K 200,000 each as transport charges, andone household returned to its original region by dismantling

the house.The present households in Meethwayphogon Village

removed from Aunglan, Taungdwingyi, Thayet, DaikU,Pyinmana and Yangon and its surrounding villages namelyThayagon, Gyopin, Doenwe and Shwege-in villages, illegallyliving there in temporary huts on the plots of farmlands theybought at about K 300,000-K 200,000 each.

Article 4 of the 1953 the Farmland Nationalization Act

1953 said that if it is not in line with this act or by-laws of thisact, the farmlands shall not be pawned, sold, handed over orallotted.

The Nay Pyi Taw Council Land Management ScrutinyCommittee systematically supervises the tasks of landmanagements under the law not to lose the rights of thedeserved persons.


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People attend the 2012 Asian Financial Forum in south China’s Hong Kong, on 16Jan, 2012. The fifth Asian Financial Forum (AFF), under the theme “Asia: Driving

Sustainable Growth”, kicked off here on Monday.— XINHUA

British Royal Marinespractise Olympic security on



climatic changethreaten lives of

60 mln inBangladesh

London’s Science Museum to scan visitors’faces in 3D

LONDON , 18 Jan —Visitors to London’s ScienceMuseum are being invited tohave their faces scanned in3D. The Me in 3D stand at themuseum uses a series ofcameras to build a virtualimage visitors can then viewand manipulate. Data fromparticipants will be used byGreat Ormond Street Hospital,University College Hospitaland Eastman Dental Hospitaland Institute to provide bettertreatment and surgery forpatients with disfigurementsand congenital conditions.

“It’s a very simpleprocess using simultaneousphotography by nine camerasand then some softwaremodification to produce a 3Dimage,” says Dr Chris Abela,a senior craniofacial fellow atGreat Ormond Street Hospital.

Dr Chris Abela, a seniorcraniofacial fellow atGreat Ormond Street

Hospital, explains whatparticipants will

experience.— INTERNET

“Any visitor to the stand willbe able to spin their imagearound, look at themselvesfrom behind their ear or fromthe worm’s eye view as wecall it and really seethemselves in anotherdimension.” Visitors, whomust first sign a consent formso that their data can be usedfor research, will also havethe option of rendering their3D faces in zebra and crocodileskin, just for fun.

The more faces scanned,the better we will understandthe human face in all its greatvariety, the researchers say,and that could mean betterfacial surgery for childrenborn with disfiguringdisorders or for patientsrequiring reconstructivesurgery. “We know a lot aboutthe bones in our faces but

little is known about whatmakes our face the shape it isand about the skin andmuscles that make up ourface,” says Dr Abela. “Bycollecting as many 3D facephotographs as we can wewill have a greaterunderstanding of our complexfaces, and have greaterknowledge to plan and performthe best facial surgery in thefuture.”—Internet

DHAKA, 18 Jan —Unplanned withdrawal ofgroundwater and adverseimpacts of climate changepose dangerous threat to thelives and livelihood of about60 million people inBangladesh, state-run newsagency BSS reported onMonday, quoting leadingwater and environmentexperts. Water table ofgroundwater is decliningrapidly due to its excessiveuse for irrigation in agriculturesector, which causes salinitywater intrusion, posing aserious thereat to theecosystem and biodiversityof the southern part of thecountry, said Md EftekharulAlam, Agriculture, Water andEnvironment Engineer ofBangladesh AgriculturalDevelopment Corporation(BADC).

He said in Bangladesh,80 percent of irrigation waterand 98 percent of drinkingwater is collected fromunderground sourceswithout proper study andplanning. “The groundwateris the most valuable naturalresource of the country. Ifthis resource is polluted bysaline water intrusion, it willdestabilize the food security,the ecosystem andbiodiversity of the southernpart,” he added.— Xinhua

LONDON, 18 Jan — The British Royal Marines have joinedpolice on the Thames in London on Monday for a week-longsecurity exercise in preparation for the 2012 Olympics.

The Green Berets have joined the Metropolitan Police’sMarine Policing Unit for a series of training exercises on theThames, which involve more than a dozen craft on the water,plus helicopters, the Ministry of Defence said.

More than 140 commandos and police personnel will beinvolved in the five-day exercise which is designed to ensurethe smooth running of the security mission during the Olympicsthis July and August.

The Metropolitan Police’s Assistant Commissioner ChrisAllison said it is important that civilians and the military canwork hand-in-hand during the large-scale operation, and allinvolved understand the Thames and understand each other’stactics.— Xinhua

Researchers find newindicator to identify patients

with increased risk fromthroat cancer

WASHINGTON, 18 Jan — Researchers at the University ofMichigan Health System have found a new indicator that maypredict which patients with a common type of throat cancerare most likely have the cancer spread to other parts of theirbodies.

Patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomawho had “ matted” lymph nodes — nodes that are connectedtogether — had a 69 percent survival rate over three years,compared to 94 percent for patients without matted nodes,according to a study published online Monday in Head &Neck.

The oropharynx is an area that includes the back of thetongue, soft palate, throat and tonsils.

“The spread of cancer throughout the body accounts forabout 45 percent of the deaths from oropharyngeal carcinoma,”says the study’s senior author, Douglas Chepeha, an associateprofessor at the U-M Medical School. “Our findings may helpdoctors identify patients who are at higher risk for having theircancer metastasize and who would benefit from additionalsystemic therapy. “


Aye aye ‘heats up’ middle finger Passenger train derailed bytruck in Taipei, train driver

deadTAIPEI, 18 Jan — A passenger train collided with a truck

which carried sandstone and intruded into the rail track in thenorthern part of Taipei Tuesday morning. The train’s driverdied from wounds.

The collision occurred in Taoyuan county when the trainwas coming from central Changhwa County to eastern HualienCounty at a speed of 130 kilometres per hour in the island.

The locomotive was derailed and the driver was taken tohospital but died. More than 20 train passengers were slightlyinjured. The truck’s driver was missing.


Cold finger: the special digitshows up black on thermal

images.—INTERNETLONDON , 18 Jan —Madagascar’s mysterious ayeaye warms up its extra-longfinger when searching fordinner, scientists have found.The lemur, the world’s largestnocturnal primate, taps itsspecialised middle finger ontree trunks to find nutritiousbeetle larvae. Studyingthermal images, researchersfound that the digit was colderthan the others but warmed by

up to 6C during foraging.Scientists suggest that the ayeaye saves energy by keepingthe digit cool.

The findings arepublished in the InternationalJournal of Primatology.

The team fromDartmouth University in NewHampshire, US, wanted toinvestigate the surfacetemperature of sensitivestructures.

China’s urban populationoutnumbers rural for first

time at end of 2011BEIJING, 18 Jan — The number of people living in China’s

cities for the first time exceeded those in the country’s ruralareas at the end of 2011, the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) said on Tuesday.

The number of urban dwellers increased by 21 million tohit 690.79 million at the end of 2011, accounting for 51.27percent of the country’s total, the NBS said. Meanwhile, therural population fell by 14.56 million to 656.56 million at theend of 2011, the NBS noted.


The aye aye’s unusualmiddle finger has already beenfound to be super-sensitive tovibrations, so provided theperfect subject for their study.

“It was striking to seehow much cooler the thirddigit was while not in use andhow quickly it warmed to[match] the other digits whenengaged in an active foragingtask,” said graduate studentGillian Moritz, who carriedout the study under theguidance of her supervisor, DrNathaniel Dominy.

When not in use, thefinger appeared black onthermal images. Thisindicated a large difference in

temperature between it andthe white (hot) ears and eyes.But when the animal waslooking for food, the fingerrose in temperature by up to6C.”We think the relativelycooler temperatures of thedigit when not in use could berelated to its [long, thin] form,”said Ms Moritz.

“This form results in arelatively high surface-to-volume ratio [but] such a ratiois bad for retaining heat.” Inorder to sense the vibrationsof beetle larvae through thebark of a tree, the finger is“packed with sensitive nerveendings”, the scientistexplained.— Internet

* The aye aye’s middle finger is long and very thin - lessthan half the width of its other digits

* It has a ball and socket joint so it is far more flexiblewhen it comes to extracting grubs from trees

* The finger is also used for grooming, scraping outcoconuts and drinking. The animal uses it to movewater or nectar rapidly into its mouth.

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Consignees of cargo carried on MV PLATINUMJADE VOY NO (PJ/V01/12) are hereby notified thatthe vessel will be arriving on 19.1.2012 and cargo willbe discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S HUB SHIPPING SDN BHDPhone No: 256916/256919/256921


Consignees of cargo carried on MV WEST SCENTVOY NO (12002) are hereby notified that the vesselwill be arriving on 19.1.2012 and cargo will be dis-charged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S T.S LINESPhone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV CATALONIAVOY NO (-) are hereby notified that the vessel will bearriving on 19.1.2012 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of M.I.T.T where it will lie at the consign-ee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws andconditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256924/256914

Beirut rescue operation atcollapsed

building endsBEIRUT , 18 Jan — The rescue operation at a collapsed

building in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, has been called offafter the authorities ruled out the possibility of finding moresurvivors. The five-storey block of flats in the Ashrafiyehdistrict collapsed suddenly on Sunday evening, killing 27people.

Eleven of the dead were Lebanese, while the other 16 wereworkers from Sudan, the Philippines, Egypt and Jordan. TheLebanese government has said the owner of the block is beingquestioned. It is not yet known what caused the suddencollapse, but there is speculation that cracks in the buildingmade worse by heavy rain may have been the cause.

Internet Tenants of the building had reportedly been urged to move out.— INTERNET

26 killed in Port-au-Prince


outbreak, 883people infected

KIEV, 18 Jan — TheUkrainian Health Ministry onMonday declared an outbreakof measles, with 883 cases ofthe infectious disease so farreported. “It is still too earlyto talk about the epidemic,but we have recordedoutbreaks of measles in someRegions of Ukraine,” saidSergey Platov, chief expert ofthe ministry’s Public Healthand Epidemiological WelfareDepartment.

Platov told a Pressconference here alerts hadbeen issued in the country’swestern and central regionsand in Kiev, Ukraine’s capital.The expert also urged peopleto be vaccinated against thedisease immediately.

Measles is not usuallylife-threatening but can causecomplications in people withweak immune systems and inpregnant women.— Xinhua

PORT-AU-PRINCE , 18 Jan— At least 26 people havedied and some 56 have beeninjured after a lorry’s brakesfailed on one of the busieststreets in the capital of Haiti.The lorry, carrying gravel, hitstreet vendors, motorcyclists,cars and a small bus as it torethrough Route Delmas inPort-au-Prince on Monday.

The accident happenedin front of national TV

Father appeals to find daughter’s killerLONDON, 18 Jan — The

father of a Kent schoolgirlstabbed to death in an

WHO chiefproud of

achievementsmade in

public healthGENEVA, 18 Jan — Given

the state of world affairs,many significantachievements have been inpublic health since the startof this century, director-general of the World HealthOrganization (WHO)Margaret Chan told the WHOExecutive Board at its 130thSession on Monday.

In her opening speech,Chan said the WHO and itsmember states should beespecially proud of theirconsistent ability to reachagreement on globalgovernance instruments thatprovide collective protectionagainst shared threats.

Since the turn of thecentury, WHO has beensuccessful in achievingconsensus among memberstates in areas such astobacco control and influenzapreparedness to name a few.“We have stayed the course,steadfast and surefooted,”the WHO chief said. “This isan outstanding achievementat a time when internationalnegotiations keep breakingdown in so many other areas,”she added.


Claire Tiltman wasmurdered while she was

on her way to see afriend in 1993.


alleyway exactly 19 years agohas made an appeal from hisnursing home to find her killer.Cliff Tiltman, 62, said it would“mean everything” to him tofind out who murdered hisdaughter Claire in Greenhithe,in 1993. “It’s been along timebut I’ve never given up hopeand never will,” he said. “Ican’t being to put into wordshow this has affected ourfamily. She would have been35 now. I miss her to bits.”

Claire was murdered just

off the A226 London Roadwhile on her way to see afriend. The Dartford GrammarSchool for Girls pupil wasstabbed more than 40 times,in an apparently motivelessattack, four days after her 16thbirthday. No-one has everbeen charged with the murder.Two years ago, Kent Policeinvestigated after ahandwritten sign claiming toname the killer was found nextto a plaque in memory of theteenager.— Internet

headquarters at about 22:00local time (03:00 GMT onTuesday). President MichelMartelly visited the scene ofthe crash, his office said. “It’sthe worst accident we’ve everexperienced in our city,”police official Will Dimanchetold AFP news agency. Some10 cars, including taxi cabs,were completely destroyed inthe pile-up, officials said.


Microsoft inauguratesfirst tech centre in Brazil

RIO DE JANEIRO, 18 Jan—US software giantMicrosoft inaugurated a major technologycenter in Brazil’s largest city Sao Paulo onTuesday. With an area of 1,300 square meters,the new Microsoft Technology Center (MTC)is the largest of its kind in Latin America, and willoperate as a tech simulation center. The MTCwill be open to Microsoft’s partners, corporateclients, NGOs, and students.

The investments in the new technologycenter amounted to 10 million US dollars, andseveral partners of software companies such asAMD, Dell, HP, Nokia, and Hewlett-Packardparticipated. Microsoft plans to inauguratefive other MTCs in Brazil. Three cities havealready been chosen including Rio, Salvadorand Recife. The MTC in Rio will be located in theport area, which is undergoing majorrenovations to be completed by the beginningof the 2016 Summer Olympics. The Sao PauloMTC is the second one to be built in LatinAmerica. The first was inaugurated last year inMexico City. According to Microsoft, it is the17th centre outside the United States.—Xinhua

Cuba’s electricitygeneration increasestenfold in 50 yearsHAVANA, 18 Jan—Cuba currently

generates over 4,000 megawatts of electricity,10 times as much as 53 years ago, an official fromthe National Electric Company (UNE) said onTuesday. In January 1959, the island producedonly 475 megawatts of electricity, and only 60percent of the population had access to it. Buttoday, 96 percent of the population haselectricity, the official daily Granma quotedUNE’s Commercial Director Ramon Lopez assaying. Since 1998, the country has generatedelectricity not only from ordinary feedstockslike oil and accompanying gas from oil wells,but new energy sources like photovoltaic cells,wind farms and sugarcane biomass as well.Lopez said the “Energy Revolution” was startedin 2005 by former leader Fidel Castro to guaranteea high electricity supply. Current leader RaulCastro is also trying to achieve energyindependence, though half of the country’s oilsupply for electricity still comes fromVenezuela.— Xinhua

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Fake iPad 2s made of clay sold atCanadian stores

As many as 10 fake iPad 2s, all made ofslabs of modeling clay, were recently sold atelectronic stores in Vancouver, BritishColumbia. Best Buy and Future Shop havelaunched investigations into how the scamwas pulled off.

The tablet computers, like most Appleproducts, are known for their sleek and simpledesigns. But there’s no mistaking the iPadfor one of the world’s oldest “tablet devices.”Still, most electronic products cannot bereturned to stores. For the the stores andcustomers to be fooled by the clayreplacements, the thieves must havesuccessfully weighed out the clay portionsand resealed the original Apple packaging.

Future Shop spokesman Elliott Chun

One of the clay tablets sold to anunwitting customer as an iPad 2.

told CTV that individuals bought the iPadswith cash, replaced them with the model clay,then returned the packages to the stores. Thereturned fakes were restocked on the shelveand sold to new, unwitting customers.

“Customers don’t expect to receive thiskind of product from Future Shop, so it’s avery serious matter and something we areaddressing right away for anyone who hasbeen impacted,” Chun told CTV BritishColumbia. “It really saddens Future Shop thatpeople stoop to be this opportunistic andmake money in this kind of organized way.”

Thirty-pound cat too fat to jump on bedThe Canadian foster mother of an

abandoned 30-pound cat named Tiny saysshe’s using a laser pen to get the lazy crittermoving more than a few yards.

The male cat was abandoned in a box atan animal shelter before the New Year inFredericton, New Brunswick, and fosteredout to Nancy Garon, the Toronto Star reported.

For five days, Tiny refused all food,which workers attributed to stress. Tiny lostthree pounds, but concerns arose the catcould go into liver failure because of thesudden loss of appetite.

Garon said she’s experimented and foundTiny will eat anything unhealthy from her

A picture of Tiny the cat, via theFredericton SPCA.

hand, but isn’t particular about fish andchicken unless there’s some gravy involved.

She said the green-eyed gray tabbyneeds help getting onto her bed, but she’shad success with getting Tiny active byhaving him chase a dot from a laser pen andswatting at a toy swung from a little fishingpole. Once a week, she takes Tiny for aweigh-in as part of a fundraising weight losschallenge for Canada’s Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Meanwhile, she told the Star she’sleaning to changing from a foster role tooutright adoption, as Tiny is “growing” onher.

Escaped bomb-sniffing dog captured

News Album

A retired bomb-sniffing dog that worked at the White House was captured Tuesday afterescaping from handlers and biting two officers at a Detroit Airport.

Arco, a 5-year-old Belgian shepherd, had arrived on a flight Monday from Arizona to beunited with new owners, but got loose when the owner let him out to relieve himself, the DetroitFree Press reported.

Arco bit two Romulus police officers when they attempted to grab him by the collar around5:30 am near Detroit Metro Airport. One officer required stitches to a bite on his hand.

Animal control officers and police captured the dog Tuesday afternoon using a loopedleash. Arco will be quarantined for 10 days at the Romulus Animal Shelter before being releasedto the new owners.

Arco had been at Rescued Helpers Inc for the past seven months, but founder NadineKarsevar told the newspaper he was not an aggressive dog.

“He’s not vicious,” she said. “We have had him at events. We have had him in parades.”Arco was retired because he killed a cat that came into the backyard in Virginia where he

worked as a bomb-sniffing dog.

‘Spider-Man’ producerspunch back at Julie Taymor

In this 14 June, 2011 filephoto, director JulieTaymor arrives at the

opening nightperformance of theBroadway musical

“Spider-Man Turn Offthe Dark” in New York.


NEW YORK, 18 Jan—Producers of Broadway’s “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark” have fired back in their legal fight withone-time director Julie Taymor, claiming the woman who theyonce called a visionary later failed to fulfill her legal obligations,wrote a “disjointed” and “hallucinogenic” musical, and refusedto collaborate on changes when the $75 million show was introuble.

In a countersuit filed Tuesday in US District Court for theSouthern District of New York against Taymor and her company,LOH Inc, the producers argued that the show “is a successdespite Taymor, not because of her.”

The lawsuit, which quotes from several private emailsfrom members of the creative team, further exposes the deeprift that has opened between former collaborators who seemedto have reconciled — at least through forced smiles — on thered carpet this summer when the musical finally officiallyopened.

Taymor, who had been the original “Spider-Man” directorand co-book writer, was fired from the musical in March afteryears of delays, accidents and critical backlash. The show,which features music by U2’s Bono and The Edge, opened inNovember 2010 but spent months in previews before officiallyopening a few days after the Tony Awards in June.—Internet

Judge says Lindsay Lohandoing well on probation

LOS ANGELES, 18 Jan—Lindsay Lohan received hersecond favourable probationreport in a row and a judgetold the actress that sheappears to be on track tocomplete a strict program bythe end of March.

Lohan appeared in courtfor less than five minutesTuesday to update the judgeon her progress in completingstrict probation terms thatwere imposed in Novemberafter a series of missteps bythe actress.

By all accounts, the rigidprogramme has benefitedLohan, with Superior CourtJudge Stephanie Sautner

telling Lohan that shereceived favourable reportsfrom probation officials andher community serviceprogramme. Lohan is doingmandatory cleanup duty atthe county morgue andattending frequentpsychotherapy sessions,with Sautner requiring Lohanto appear in court monthly forupdates.

“Just keep doing whatyou’re doing, you appear tobe doing it well,” Sautner toldLohan.

The model and actressarrived early for Tuesday’shearing, wearing black slacks,a blue blouse and matching

Lindsay Lohan leaves LosAngeles Superior Court

after a probation progresshearing on 17 Jan, 2012.


sweater.The “Mean Girls” star

will have to work at the morgue15 times before she returns tocourt on 22 Feb.—Internet

Alba keeps it ‘Honest’ witheco-friendly products

NEW YORK, 18 Jan—Jessica Alba has another newbaby. She’s launched an e-commerce company atHonest.com (named after her3-year-old daughter Honour)to sell eco-friendly and toxic-free baby products andhousehold items for amonthly subscription.

Alba, who welcomed hersecond daughter Haven in2011, said Tuesday the ideawas born after she learnedthat toxic chemicals are inwidely used, everydayproducts.

“I would buy what Ithought was like an eco-brandand pay out the wazoo for it

Actress Jessica Alba posesfor a portrait Tuesday, on17 Jan, 2012, in New Yorkto promote Honest.com, a

new e-commerce ecofriendly and non-toxicbaby product company.


and then find out that it’smade with the sameingredients as any otherbrand, but the packaging is alittle more biodegradable andyou’re like ‘But I care aboutthe product touching my kid.Is that OK?’”

She decided the bestsolution was to make availablethe kinds of products shewould buy. To launch thebusiness, she partnered withauthor and environmentalistChristopher Gavigan,ShoeDazzle founder Brian Leeand PriceGrabber.comexecutive Sean Kane.

The 30-year-old actresssaid the venture is “handsdown” more nerve-rackingthan the opening of a newmovie but also moregratifying.—Internet

Stars walk snowy ‘white carpet’ ofSerbian film festival

PARIS, 18 Jan—Frenchscreen star Isabelle Huppertwas among guests to walk a“white carpet” of snow atTuesday’s opening of the FifthKuestendorf film and musicfestival in Serbia.

The event is organizedby Sarajevo-born director EmirKusturica in Drvengard, awooden village he built as amovie set some 250 kilometres(150 miles) southwest of

Sarajevo-born directorEmir Kusturica (L) andSouth Korean director

Kim Ki-duk (R) attend theopening ceremony of theFifth Kuestendorf filmand music festival in


Belgrade. Huppert, asked tocompare the festival with theglamorous red-carpet event inCannes, told AFP: “They arenot comparable, that’s forsure... but there is a whitecarpet” of snow in Drvengard.

“There is a plethora ofdirectors, great directorscoming here. From that pointof view, they (the festivals)can be compared.” Kusturica,a two-time Golden Palm winner,

said the main goal of the festivalwas to “defend the dignity ofauthor films that are facing theterror of the market” andpraised Huppert as “one of thebest actresses in the world”.

Thierry Fremaux, artisticdirector of the Cannes filmfestival, said Kuestendorf wasan “unique festival in timeswhen it is difficult to invent anew form of festivitycelebrations”.—Internet

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MELBOURNE, 18 Jan — Rafael Nadal advanced to thethird round of the Australian Open on Wednesday withoutmuch trouble from his opponent or his injured right knee.Rival Roger Federer got through without picking up a racketNadal beat German veteran Tommy Haas 6-4, 6-3, 6-4 in a 21/2-hour match, declaring that the twisted tendon in theheavily taped knee was not a concern.

Just before Federer was due on Hisense Arena, theSwiss found out that his scheduled opponent, Germany’sAndreas Beck, had a back injury and had to withdraw. “Now,I’ll just take it easy this afternoon and come out tomorrowand hit intensely, and then I’ll be ready for the next match,”said Federer, a four-time Australian Open winner. Nadal,asked after his match if he would have appreciated the samekind of good fortune, was pragmatic.

“Before the day started, yes,” he said, smiling. “Now

Nadal, Federer advance atAustralian Open

Roger Federer of Switzerland

that I’ve played and won, I’m happy. It was a positivematch, but not that demanding. We didn’t play four hours,five hours. Three sets, so it wasn’t that tough.” Nadal andFederer could meet in the semifinals next week. Top-seeded Novak Djokovic and fourth-seeded Andy Murray,the threats from the other side of the draw, play theirsecond-rounders Thursday.— Internet

Turner hails O’Neill influence

Michael Turner joined Sunderland from Hull City in 2009.—INTERNET

Bale has scored sevenBarclays Premier Leaguegoals so far this season.


LONDON , 18 Jan — Sunderland defender Michael Turnerbelieves manager Martin O’Neill is the man to lead the clubinto the top half of the Barclays Premier League. The 28-year-old has hailed the positive influence O’Neill has had at the clubsince he took over at the Stadium Of Light at the beginning ofDecember.

“Training has been really enjoyable and the lads arebuzzing to get out there every day,” Turner told theSunderland Echo. “Tacti-cally, he’s very astute and his teamtalks are very efficient and you know what you’ve got to goout there and do. “The manager puts you in a good mindsetto not fear anyone.”

In his seven League matches in charge, O’Neill’s teamhave picked up 13 points from a possible 21, a run whichincluded the 1-0 victory over leaders Manchester City on NewYear’s Day. Sunderland lost 1-0 at Chelsea last time AndTurner says the performance will give Sunderland a boost asthey prepare for a run of three home matches, starting with thecontest against Swansea on Saturday. “I think we can takeconfidence from Chelsea and previous weeks into these threehome games,” added Turner, whose side currently lie in 12thplace in the League table.— Internet

Bale says Spurs can test Man City

Real Madrid coach JoseMourinho

International Sports

LONDON , 18 Jan —Tottenham star Gareth Balehas praised the quality ofBarclays Premier Leagueleaders Manchester City —but says his club has theability to upset them inSunday’s League match atthe Etihad Stadium. Cityenjoyed a 5-1 win at White

Hart Lane in August asRoberto Mancini’s sideenjoyed a lightning start tothe season, but Spurs havehit brilliant form since thenand are keeping pace in thetitle race. “It will be a big gameand one we’re lookingforward to. There is no reasonwhy we can’t pull off a result

there,” said Bale.“City still have a great

squad and a great team andno matter what team they putout it will be difficult to playagainst. “It wasn’t a great startto the season losing to thetwo Manchester clubs, but allthe lads have shown what agreat spirit we have here and

the determination we have.We’ve come a long way sincethen.

“We know we have toplay our best football to beatthem - they gave us a lessonat home at the start of theseason. “They started theseason very well whichwasn’t good for us, but webounced back. I’m sure it willbe a great game.”— Internet

Mourinho says nobody playsto lose

winger Angel Di Maria andcentral defender Pepe, whileSami Khedira is out injuredand Alvaro Arbeloa issuspended for the game.Mourinho would notspeculate on Di Maria’sfitness, but added theArgentinean would be in hissquad. He also had words forthe press, expressing hisfrustration at the way everydecision he makes in analysedin such depth.

“If Coentrao plays at rightback they criticize me becausehe is left footed, if Lass playsthere, I get criticized becausehe should play in midfield. IfPepe plays in midfield, I getcriticized because he shouldbe in defense, but if he plays indefense, some people say heshould play inmidfield...Maybe we shouldgo to the cinema tomorrow,”said the Real Madrid coach.


MADRID, 18 Jan — RealMadrid coach this TuesdayJose Mourinho refused tospeculate on what would be agood result for his side to takeinto the return leg of their Copadel Rey quarter final againstBarcelona. Madrid receiveBarca in the first leg in theSantiago Bernabeu Stadiumon Wednesday night beforethe return leg in Barca’s CampNou a week later. Speaking tothe press the day before thegame, Mourinho said he didnot know what side he wasgoing to play on Wednesday,neither did he make a predictionover the result.

“All I want to do is win thetie and that is the perfect result:we could lose at home andthen win away from home, younever know what’s going tohappen,” he said. The coachhas doubts over the fitness of

Azarenka silences mockers with ruthlessMELBOURNE, 18 Jan—

Victoria Azarenka under-lined her credentials as anAustralian Open titlecontender, if not a crowdfavourite, with a ruthless6-1, 6-0 demolition of localwildcard Casey Dellacquain the second round onWednesday.

The Belarussian’sloud grunts inspired a stringof mocking imitators in thepartisan crowd on Rod

Victoria Azarenka ofBelarus hits a return to

Casey Dellacqua ofAustralia during their

women’s singles match atthe Australian Open tennistournament in Melbourne18 Jan, 2012.—INTERNET

Laver Arena but the third seedignored the jibes to brushaside her opponent in just 57minutes.

Azarenka, who won the

title against a strong field atthe Sydney warm-uptournament last week, wassimply too sharp, too accurateand too mobile for the 126th-

ranked Dellacqua.The 22-year-old, one

of four players who couldemerge from the year’s firstgrand slam as world numberone, pointed a single fingerinto the night sky aftersetting up a third-roundmeeting with Mona Barthelof Germany.

“I’m loud always, Iguess,” Azarenka laughed.“I played really well. Shecame out really aggressiveand I just waited for myshots.”—Internet

Wozniacki, Clijsters into 3rd round at Aussie OpenMELBOURNE, 18 Jan—Defending

champion Kim Clijsters and No 1-rankedCaroline Wozniacki advanced to the thirdround of the Australian Open in contrastingstyles on Wednesday.

Clijsters needed only 47 minutes to beatStephanie Foretz Gacon of France 6-0, 6-1,then showed just how much support she hasat Rod Laver Arena by getting the crowd tosing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her younger sister.

Wozniacki seemed to be on the sametrajectory, but had to battle to beat Anna

Tatishvili of Georgia in the second set,recovering two service breaks and saving aset point en route to a 6-1, 7-6 (4) win.

She needs to reach the quarterfinals tohave a chance of retaining the top rankingshe held for all but one week in 2011. That’salso the stage when she could come acrossClijsters. The No 11-seeded Clijsters showedno signs of a hip problem that forced her toretire during a semifinal against DanielaHantuchova at a warmup tournament twoweeks ago.—Internet

Kim Clijsters during theAustralian Open secondround women’s singlesmatch against France’sStephanie Foretz Gacon

on 18 Jan.—INTERNET

Li ends post-Paris slump, into 3rd round atAussie

MELBOURNE, 18 Jan—LiNa advanced to the thirdround of the Australian Openwith a 6-2, 6-2 win over OliviaRogowska on Wednesday,her best run at a major sinceher breakthrough win at theFrench Open. Li lost lastyear’s Australian Open finalto Kim Clijsters butrebounded at the subsequentmajor at Roland Garros tobecome the first player fromChina to win a Grand Slamsingles title.

Her form dipped, with

Li Na of China wavesafter winning overAustralia’s Olivia

Rogowska during theirsecond round match at

the Australian Opentennis championship, inMelbourne, Australia,Wednesday, 18 Jan,


losses in the second round atWimbledon and the firstround at the US Open, untilshe returned to Australia.

Coming off a run to thefinal at last week’s SydneyInternational, Li is the firstwoman into the third round.

Li, who will be 30 nextmonth and is seeded No 5 atMelbourne Park, said she hadgreat memories of the start of2011. “I’m feeling alwaysgood to come back to RodLaver Arena,” she said,reflecting on how her life had

changed dramatically sincelast season started. “Thisyear is much better than lastyear — more fans come towatch me play, not onlyfrom China but all over theworld.” Clijsters was to playin the following match onRod Laver. Serena Williamsadvanced to the secondround in a match thatfinished after midnight, herankle holding up to its firsttest since she sprained it inBrisbane two weeks ago.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 19 January, 2012 15

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

Weather forecast for19th January, 2012Oversea Transmission

* News* Fantastic Villa From

Ancient Cultural Land* News* Myanmar Beauty and His

Creation (Episode-1)* News* Ayeyawady Bridge

(Sinkhan) in Kachin State* Myanmar Culture & Food

Festival in Bangladesh* Foreign Investment in

Garment Factories* Youth of the Future (Harry

Ko, Violinist, Gitamate)* New Roads and Bridges

"Bringing us closer throughfairer journey"

* The Artworks of BaganGift Centre

* Music Gallery* MI People's Celebrities

"Zaw Paing & Moe HayKo"

* ES4E Parent's Day* Visitation to Mawlamyine

(Part - I)* Myanmar Movies ‘‘Love

was Born’’

(19-1-12 09:30 am ~20-1-12 09:30 am) MST


MYANMAR TV(19-1-2012) (Thursday)

Focus Myanmar TV Programme

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. Musical Programme4:20 pm 3. Cute Little Dancer4:30 pm 4. Myanmar Traditional

Cultural PerformingArts Competitions

4:45 pm 5. University of Distance

Education (TV Lectures)- Third Year (Geography)

5:10 pm 6. Songs For Upholding

National Spirit5:20 pm 7. Instrumental Music5:35 pm 8. Singing In Different

Version5:45 pm 9. Science and Environment6:40 pm10. Approaching Science

Discovery World7:00 pm11. TV Drama Series8:00 pm12. News13. Documentary14. TV Drama Series

DISTRICT NEWS Model monsoon plotharvested

SITTWAY, 18 Jan—Manawtun paddy strain on 1.76acres of model farmland was harvested in Bumay Village ofSittway Township on 28 December.

The model plot produced 78.91 baskets of paddy peracre.

The harvesting of model plot was supervised bytownship departmental officials and local village authoritiesand observed by local farmers.

Township SLRD

Fire drills demonstratedGYOBINGAUK, 18 Jan—Saw Mill No 63 of Myanma

Timber Enterprise organized the fire drill in GyobingaukTownship on 1 January.

Saw Mill Manager U Oo Kyaw Win, Head of TownshipFire Services Department Ye Kyawswa Phyu Win and firebrigade members participated in the fire drill, supervised bydepartmental officials.—Myanma Alin

LONDON , 18 Jan — Newcastle have completed thesigning of Senegalese striker Papiss Cisse for an undisclosedfee on a five-and-a-half year contract. The 26-year-old joinsthe Barclays Premier League club from German Bundesligaside Freiburg, where he enjoyed a prolific spell, scoring 37goals in 65 matches. He will join up with his country Senegalfor the African Cup of Nations before settling into life onTyneside, having been given Newcastle’s famous numbernine shirt.

“I would like to thank everybody for their welcome, andfor inviting me to sign for the club,” Cisse told the club’sofficial website (nufc.co.uk). “It is an honour to play for sucha big club and I am looking forward to it. “I want to pay backthe confidence the club have shown in me, and give thesupporters something to be proud of. “I am aware of the hugeimportance of the number nine shirt, and when I spoke withthe manager he made it very clear how important this shirt is.“I will treat it with the respect and I hope to do my very bestin this shirt.”—Internet

Newcastle sign striker Cisse

Papiss Cisse will not get to run out at the Sports DirectArena until February.—INTERNET

LONDON , 18 Jan — Arsenal manager Arsene Wengersays next weekend’s match against Manchester United is theperfect opportunity for his side to bounce back from twostraight Barclays Premier League defeats. The Gunner s werebeaten 2-1 by Fulham at Craven Cottage at the beginning ofJanuary while on Sunday, they took an early lead againstSwansea at the Liberty Stadium only to lose the contest 3-2.

But Wenger believes that his side can use Sunday’s matchagainst Manchester United to rejuvenate their attempt to cementa place in the top four. “It is a massive opportunity because youfeel we have given six points away in the last two games in a waythat is unbelievable,” Wenger told the official Arsenal website.“It is time for us to wake up and be focused- we have a goodopportunity to do that against Manchester United.”

And Wenger says his team will need to show a bigimprovement if they are to overcome Manchester United, whocurrently lie second in the League table.”That’s now twice -at Swansea and at Fulham — where we have given the game

Wenger issues Arsenalrallying call

Guardiola wary of RealMadrid threat

FC Barcelona coach PepGuardiola

MADRID, 18 Jan — FCBarcelona coach PepGuardiola this Tuesday gavea huge vote of confidence toreserve goalkeeper JoseManuel Pinto ahead of thefirst leg of his side’s Copa delRey quarter-final againsteternal rival Real Madrid onWednesday night. Alth-ough Pinto is the usualsubstitute to Victor Valdesin the Spanish BBVA PrimeraLiga, he has been first choicefor Barca in the Cup.However, the fact that hewas in goal for the only defeatGuardiola has sufferedagainst Madrid, in lastseason’s Cup final, hasraised some doubts over

Arsenal were beaten 8-2 by Man Utd in thecorresponding fixture at Old Trafford.—INTERNET

away,” added Wenger. “At our level that is frustrating and notgood enough. “It is down to a lack of composure and the rightdecision-making. It is alarming because at Fulham we were 1-0 up and we lost the game. “[Against Swansea] we came backto 2-2 and straight away we gave the third goal away. It is reallya concern.”— Internet

whether or not he should playon Wednesday.

Guardiola, however,showed total loyalty to hisplayer: “I have it in mind thatPinto should play. He is anexcellent keeper and I wouldbe betraying myself if I didn’tplay him and I would alsobetray him.


Temperature (°C/°F) For Tomorrow Sr.

No. Regions/States

Maximum Minimum Forecast Percent

1 Kachin 27/81 13/55 Likelihood of isolated rain or

thundershowers (60%)

2 Kayah 29/84 07/45 Generally fair weather

3 Kayin 34/93 13/55 Partly cloudy

4 Chin 19/66 08/46 Partly cloudy

5 Upper Sagaing 25/77 13/55 Likelihood of isolated rain or

thundershowers (60%)

6 Lower Sagaing 31/88 13/55 Generally fair weather

7 Taninthayi 34/93 19/66 Likelihood of isolated rain or

thundershowers (60%)

8 Bago 31/88 15/59 Generally fair weather

9 Magway 33/91 14/57 Generally fair weather

10 Mandalay 31/88 15/59 Generally fair weather

11 Mon 34/93 15/59 Generally fair weather

12 Yangon 33/91 15/59 Partly cloudy

13 Rakhine 28/82 14/57 Partly cloudy

14 Southern Shan 26/79 08/46 Partly cloudy

15 Northern Shan 25/77 06/43 Partly cloudy

16 Eastern Shan 29/84 08/46 Partly cloudy

17 Ayeyawady 32/90 17/63 Partly cloudy

18 Neighbouring Nay Pyi Taw 33/91 13/55 Generally fair weather

19 Neighbouring Yangon 33/91 15/59 Partly cloudy

20 Neighbouring Mandalay 31/88 15/59 Generally fair weather

Summary of

observations at

09:30 hr MST on


During the past (24) hours, rain or thundershowers have been fairly widespread in Kachin State,

isolated in Upper Sagaing and Taninthayi Regions, weather have been partly cloudy in Yangon

Region, Rakhine, Kayin and Mon States and generally fair in the remaining Regions and States.

Night temperatures were (4°C) above January average temperatures in Chin State, (3°C) to (4°C)

below January average temperatures in Bago and Yangon Regions, Mon State, (6°C) below

January average temperatures in Kayin State and about January average temperatures in the

remaining Regions and States. The significant night temperature were Namsam and Pinlaung

(1°C) each Heho and Loilen (2°C) each, Moggok and Lashio (4°C) each. The noteworthy

amounts of rainfall recorded were Machanbaw (0.16) inch and Kawthoung (0.12) inch.

Bay Inference Weather is partly cloudy to cloudy in the South Bay and partly cloudy in the Andaman Sea and

elsewhere Bay of Bengal.

State of the Sea Seas will be slight to moderate in the Myanmar waters.

Outlook for sub-

sequent two days Likelihood of continuation of isolated rain in the Northern Myanmar Areas.

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Thursday, 19 January, 201211th Waning of Pyatho 1373 ME

Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker U Khin Aung Myintreceives Australian MP Ms Janelle Saffin

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw UKhin Aung Myint received a delegation led by member of theHouse of Representatives of Australia Ms Janelle Saffin at thehall of Amyotha Hluttaw, Hluttaw Building here at 10.30 amtoday.

Also present on the occasion together with the Speakerof Amyotha Hluttaw were Deputy Speaker U Mya Nyein,chairmen of Amyotha Hluttaw Committees and officials of theHluttaw Office.

They had a cordial discussion on further strengtheningfriendship between the two countries and cooperation betweenthe two parliaments.—MNA

Land management under systematic supervisionnot to lose actual rights of deserved persons

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—The Nay Pyi Taw Council LandManagement Scrutiny Committee held the meeting 4/2012at the hall of Nay Pyi Taw Council, here, this morning.

The meeting was attended by Chairman of theCommittee Member of Nay Pyi Taw Council U Kan Chunand members, departmental officials and townshipadministrators of eight townships in Nay Pyi Taw CouncilArea.

Today’s meeting focused on illegal settlement onfarmlands of Meethwayphogon Village and correctresettlement of the people.

The village is located in Shansu Village-tract of LeweTownship. The village is constituted with 17 housesaccording to the census in 2003 and 20 houses in the 2009farmland census.

In October 2010, the census was collected again forundertaking the development projects of Nay Pyi Taw. Atthat time, the village grew up with 145 households of 133houses.

Among 145 households, a total of 49 householdscomprising natives and their offspring and those whoresettled on their own plots were allotted to 60x60 ft plotsin Shwe Ingyin Ward 2 of Dekkhinathiri Township. Nay PyiTaw Development Committee has given K 18.911 millionas compensation for buildings, K 12 million for transportcharges and K 2.087 million for perennial crop compensationto them.

Moreover, Nay Pyi Taw DC helped them transport theirproperty to the new places.

It was scrutinized that the remaining households of thevillage moved from other regions bought the farmlandsillegally so that they can get plots as compensation if theywere moved from Meethwayphogon Village.The State givesplots, transport charges and compensations to the localpeople who were moved as necessary and deserved to getthe compensations. In addition, the State has met transportcosts for illegal settlers enabling them to return to their (See page 10)

NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Maung Hsan Win, 18, of Hsin-o Chay Village, Minbya Township, stepped on a minereportedly planned by KIA insurgents when he got off anexpress bus which stopped for a while for the passengers toget relaxed on the way from Phakant to Mogaung on 16January.

The mine blast left Maung Hsan Win and a man (undersrutiny) dead on the spot. The mine blast also blew off rightelbow and arms of Maung Aung Tun Khaing, 21, of SinohnVillage, Mrauk-U Township, Rakhine State and left his rightthigh fractured. And he died of serious injuries on the wayto Mogaung People’s Hospital.

In a separate incident, Maung Shwe Toe Aung, 18, ofLonkhin Village, Phakant Township, stepped on a mine (See page 10)

KIA mine blast leaves threedead and one injured in

Phakant Township

Significant night temperature(18-1-2012)

Namhsan (1º C)Pinlaung (1º C)Heho (2º C)Loilem (2º C)Mogok (4º C)

Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker U Khin Aung Myintreceives a delegation led by member of theHouse of Representatives of Australia Ms

Janelle Saffin.MNA

LONDON,18 Jan—Blackburn Rovers bossSteve Kean has not givenup hope of securingCanadian forward JuniorHoilett on fresh terms.

The 21-year-old’scontract expires at the endof the season, althoughRovers would be entitled tocompensation if he leavesin the summer.

Talks over a new dealhave ground to a halt, butthat has not hindered Kean’shopes of extending theyoungster’s stay at EwoodPark.

It has been suggestedHoilett will see out of the

Kean retains Hoilett hopeRovers boss still believes forward could extend stay

campaign with Rovers andKean sees no reason whymore contract talks cannottake place.

“I think it’s been verypublic where we are withJunior’s contract,” Kean toldSky Sports.

“I think if anyone sawhim play on Saturdayagainst Fulham he’s playingfor the club and his team-mates.

“I’ve never had aproblem in bringing Juniorup through the developmentpathway he’s had at the club.He’s a top player and we’restill hopeful he can be withus.

“If it goes beyond thiswindow and he’s still hereuntil the end of the season

then we’ll have to sit downat the appropriate timewith him and tie him to theclub because we’redeveloping players and wewant to keep him.”



Information & Culture Ministerreceives BBC world news editor

Li ends post-Parisslump, into 3rdround at Aussie

Mourinho saysnobody plays

to lose


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