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View-Independent Non-photorealistic Real-time Rendering for Terrain Motivation How much information is in a square meter of terrain? In a square kilometer? Depending how closely one looks, even a small patch of ground has an incredible and daunting level of complexity. Contemporary technology allows us to sample elevation on the surface of the Earth at one-meter increments. One square kilometer of data provides more than a million points of data. Ironically, that very capacity for high- resolution can hinder the viewer from comprehending the greatest trends in the data. Furthermore, rendering out all one million points (besides being computationally problematic) borders on an attempt to attain realism – and the human eye is never more critical than when it sees a representation that is striving to be realistic but, nevertheless, fails. However, that same, critical eye becomes far more permissive when confronted by artistic renderings. A certain amount of latitude is created in the viewer with artistic renderings of real objects. Human perception cavalierly accepts far rougher approximations and stylizations than would ever be found in reality. An accomplished artist can capture the trends and major features of an object in a few strokes. The viewer is not inundated with a superfluity of visual data. Instead, they are given an effective visual summary of the object – the most critical data concerning the object are communicated in an efficient and powerful manner. A Turner landscape may be a powerful means to present terrain, but it has a significant weakness. It is impossible for the viewer to change his viewpoint. One cannot enter the painting and look back out – or see one hill in the painting from the top of a neighboring hill. But that ability is one of the greatest devices to fully comprehend a piece of terrain. The ability to interact with the presentation of the terrain – to see it from different viewpoints – greatly increases the viewer’s understanding and, from an aesthetic standpoint, appreciation of the terrain. This level of interaction requires that any effort to present terrain data must be couched in an interactive real-time context. There is more than one way to present terrain that satisfies both the needs for interactivity and the appeal and effect of an artistic rendering style. This paper focuses on one method in particular—a view-independent method. The advantage of this method is that the brunt of the calculation workload is performed once and the results of these computations can be blindly pushed through a real-time graphics pipeline, regardless of view port orientation. As long as the means of accomplishing the artistic rendering style are not particularly troublesome for the graphics pipeline, this can lead to some incredibly high rendering rates. Background The fundamental question that must be answered in trying to build a view- independent system is “Which features are so significant that they should be drawn no matter what?” Before a single frame is ever drawn, decisions must be made concerning what is to be drawn and what is to be left out – to say nothing of how it is to be represented.

View-Independent Non-photorealistic Real-time Rendering for Terrain

Motivation How much information is in a square meter of terrain? In a square kilometer? Depending how closely one looks, even a small patch of ground has an incredible and daunting level of complexity. Contemporary technology allows us to sample elevation on the surface of the Earth at one-meter increments. One square kilometer of data provides more than a million points of data. Ironically, that very capacity for high-resolution can hinder the viewer from comprehending the greatest trends in the data. Furthermore, rendering out all one million points (besides being computationally problematic) borders on an attempt to attain realism – and the human eye is never more critical than when it sees a representation that is striving to be realistic but, nevertheless, fails. However, that same, critical eye becomes far more permissive when confronted by artistic renderings. A certain amount of latitude is created in the viewer with artistic renderings of real objects. Human perception cavalierly accepts far rougher approximations and stylizations than would ever be found in reality. An accomplished artist can capture the trends and major features of an object in a few strokes. The viewer is not inundated with a superfluity of visual data. Instead, they are given an effective visual summary of the object – the most critical data concerning the object are communicated in an efficient and powerful manner. A Turner landscape may be a powerful means to present terrain, but it has a significant weakness. It is impossible for the viewer to change his viewpoint. One cannot enter the painting and look back out – or see one hill in the painting from the top of a neighboring hill. But that ability is one of the greatest devices to fully comprehend a piece of terrain. The ability to interact with the presentation of the terrain – to see it from different viewpoints – greatly increases the viewer’s understanding and, from an aesthetic standpoint, appreciation of the terrain. This level of interaction requires that any effort to present terrain data must be couched in an interactive real-time context. There is more than one way to present terrain that satisfies both the needs for interactivity and the appeal and effect of an artistic rendering style. This paper focuses on one method in particular—a view-independent method. The advantage of this method is that the brunt of the calculation workload is performed once and the results of these computations can be blindly pushed through a real-time graphics pipeline, regardless of view port orientation. As long as the means of accomplishing the artistic rendering style are not particularly troublesome for the graphics pipeline, this can lead to some incredibly high rendering rates. Background The fundamental question that must be answered in trying to build a view-independent system is “Which features are so significant that they should be drawn no matter what?” Before a single frame is ever drawn, decisions must be made concerning what is to be drawn and what is to be left out – to say nothing of how it is to be represented.

It seems apparent, when considering terrain, that there are several features that carry that significance: ridges, valleys, creases, etc.; or, to put it another way, areas of rapid change. At first, my thoughts tended toward a simple analysis of local extrema and then somehow linking these extrema into coherent lines or contours. However, this approach had several obvious flaws. First, interesting trends in the data which aren’t explicitly extrema fall through the cracks—like a slope ending in a flat plane, such as a coastline where water meets land. Secondly, finding local extrema doesn’t give any context for how they should be connected. Both of these could be dealt with – but the solutions would extend the algorithm in unwanted directions with increased complexity, which remove it distantly from the original, simple algorithm for dealing with local extrema. A second, and far superior approach, presented itself after reading a paper on suggestive contours (DeCarlo, et al). Although suggestive contours are view-dependent, the idea of using the curvature of a function to identify features seemed to solve both of the problems that the extrema approach left unresolved. First, the case of one region of basically uniform slope quickly transitioning into a different uniform slope, but without any significant local extrema, can be resolved with curvature. This case can be thought of as a crease. Away from the crease the surfaces forming the crease will have relatively low curvature. But at the crease, the curvature will increase in magnitude. So, the points along the transition will have a greater curvature value than their immediate neighbors, and this delineation can be detected and used as a base for a method of artistic rendering.

Second, curvature analysis implies a means for determining connectivity. The curvature is calculated on a function in 2-space – created by a plane intersecting the terrain data. For a given vertex in the terrain, there is an infinite number of planes that can intersect the terrain and pass through that vertex. In general, we chose to define the intersecting plane by the plane spanned by the normal of the vertex in question and the projection of the vector from the vertex to the viewpoint onto the vertex’s tangent plane. What this means is that the curvature value is associated with an explicit direction. With the vertex normal constant, varying the second vector will cause a different plane to intersect the terrain and that intersection will form a different poly line on the plane. The poly line is an approximation of the space curve whose curvature is to be determined.

Picture a piece of terrain with a ridge running parallel with the x-axis. If we choose an intersection plane that is parallel with the x-axis and upon which the ridge in the terrain lies, the resultant intersecting space curve will have almost no curvature. However, if we rotate the plane ninety degrees around the vertical axis, the intersecting space curve will have a significantly greater curvature value. Quite simply, a vertex will likely have one direction of maximum curvature. The neighboring vertices it would most likely connected to form some sort of contour are in the directions perpendicular to the direction of maximum curvature. So, knowing what the maximum curvature is and in which direction it occurs implies a viable connection to some subset of its neighboring vertices.

So, curvature analysis seems to provide one of the strongest foundations for meaningful analysis of terrain’s most significant features.

Approach Turning the principle of curvature analysis into finished images is a two-stage effort. The first is the actual analysis and the second is utilizing the analysis to create some form of detail-suggestive image. Determining curvature The simple reality is that terrain data is not made up of mathematical functions – it is made up of discreet points. So, there is no inherent mathematical function to determine the curvature of the terrain at any point; approximations are unavoidable. There exist methods for extracting curvature of arbitrary polygonal meshes by curve approximation, curve interpolation and similar methods. But terrain representations usually encompass a very small, structured subset of polygonal geometry. The very nature of the terrain suggests some means of approximation. First, raw terrain data is very regular. All points are spaced evenly on a regular grid aligned with an axis. The distances from one point to its neighbors are known and constant. Only the y-value varies from point to point—it is, after all, a height field. This suggests that curvature can most easily be approximated in four discreet directions – along the terrain’s x-axis, along the z-axis, along the axis 45 degrees between the positive x- and z-axes and 45 degrees between the positive x- and negative z-axes. The opposite directions are unnecessary; the curvature would be the same whether from looking it from the “front” or the “back”. Certainly more directions would provide a more complete understanding of the contours of the terrain but only these four directions can be directly derived from the source data. Any direction between these cardinal orientations would require us to infer information from the height field. If we were to do this, we might as well use more complex methods directly to obtain the curvature. At this stage, the goal is to find a reasonable, low-cost approximation. So, at this stage, whatever means is used to calculate the actual curvature value, it should be performed along those four, discreet axes. Later, choices can be made regarding the utilization of those quantized values. Four directions implies four planes; one plane with a normal in each of the four directions. The intersection of the plain and curve form an approximate space curve. Again, this curve is in 2-space. So, for a simple function, expressed in terms of x, the curvature at a point, p, can be calculated with the following equation:

( )( ) 2321 y



′′=κ Equation 1

So, the challenge now becomes deriving values for the first- and second-

derivatives at p. For my research I implemented four different methods of approximating the value, each with its own particular resultant characteristics. Two are based on a derived quantity – specifically derived vertex normals, which I refer to as normal based approximations. The other two are based strictly on the actual terrain dataset, referred to as geometry based approximations. Normal based approximations Because these approximations are based on vertex normals, the actual method of deriving those normals plays a great role. I tested three different means: edge-based,

triangle based and quad based. Edge based normals look at the edges radiating from the vertex in pairs. The slope of the edges to the neighbors in one direction are calculated independently and averaged together and then the same with the slopes of the edges in the orthogonal direction. These two slopes are converted to vectors, added together and normalized to create the vertex normal. The triangle based method uses the same neighboring vertices as edge-based, but instead of examining edges, four imaginary triangles are constructed from the five vertices (four neighbors plus center vertex creating a open tetrahedron). Each triangle’s normal is calculated and the four normals are averaged to create the vertex normal. The quad based method uses the eight nearest neighbors to the target vertex. Instead of four imaginary triangles, four quads are constructed. Their normals are evaluated and then averaged together to create the vertex normal. If the quad itself is not planar, than its normal is an average of two triangles that form the quad. The results of the edge-based and the triangle-based methods seem to be basically the same. However, the quad-based method yields slightly different results. Figure 1 shows the same terrain smoothed by each of the algorithms. The edge-based (a) and triangle-based (b) methods both have the same kind of noisy patterns in the high contrast region on the left side of the ridge—the side in shadow. The quad-based image has a smoother look. The intuitive reason should be clear—the quad-based method takes into account twice as many vertices so the resultant normal has a more ‘averaged’ quality. Obviously a noisier distribution of normals will lead to a noisier curvature calculation. Examinations of curvature algorithms will all use the quad-based smoothing.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: (a) edge-based, (b) triangle-based, (c) quad-based. Equation 1 will always yield non-negative values. It is strictly a measurement of curvature and doesn’t care whether it’s curving inward or outward. In reality, the range of the function spans [0, ∞). In practice, the actual range could be much, much smaller (experimental evidence has shown something in the range of [0, 2] to be a more realistic value with the majority of the values landing below one.) Currently, each of the curvature algorithms accepts a scaling parameter which will evenly scale all of the curvature values. This simplistic scaling can (and should) be later replaced with some means of level control, to create a greater distinction between the meaningful curvature values and the meaningless, noisy curvatures. But for now, scaling is sufficient.

Two-normal The first and, in many ways, simplest approach utilizes only two normals: the normal of the vertex in question and the normal of the immediate neighbor in the direction of calculation (i.e., one of the four directions listed earlier). The first and second derivatives arise naturally from the usage of normals. The first derivative is merely the slope of the tangent through the vertex. The tangent is perpendicular to the normal and so, given the normal, obtaining the slope of the tangent is trivial. The second-derivative is merely the change of slopes. The slope is calculated for the target vertex and the neighbor nearest to the vertex in the direction of analysis. The average change in slope is calculated by taking their difference and dividing by the distance between the points. Then the curvature equation above is applied and the curvature for the given direction is stored. The process is repeated for each of the three other directions. Three-normal The second method is very similar to the first. There are two differences. The first is implied by the name, the normals from three vertices are used. The third normal comes from the neighboring vertex in the opposite direction from the direction of analysis. The curvature is calculated for both pairs of vertices (previous-target and target-next). The results are averaged together to generate the curvature value. The three-normal approach also has a second layer of utility. This additional functionality takes advantage of the unique characteristic of the terrain dataset. It is a trivial task to select the nth neighbor in any of the eight compass directions. Because of this, the three-normal approach can also examine the target vertex with a second set of neighbors some arbitrary distance away. The curvature from these three vertices is calculated as it was for the immediate neighbors, and then the result is multiplied to the previous curvature result. This has the effect of pushing curvature values away from 1.0. Numbers smaller than 1.0 get even smaller and number bigger than 1.0 get even bigger. In effect it takes the local curvature phenomenon, compares it with a “bigger picture” and reconciles the two cases. So, a tight ridge becomes tighter and noise gets diminished. Geometry based approximations Three-vertex The first of the two geometry-based approximations is the three-vertex approach. As its name implies, it uses three vertices to calculate the curvature. It uses the target vertex and its two immediate neighbors along the vector to the viewpoint. It calculates the slope of the two edges connecting those three points and calculates the second-derivative to be the difference in the two slopes divided by the point distance and the first derivative as the average of the two slopes. This approach could also use a secondary set of vertices at some specified distance, d > 1, to offer the same kind of reinforcement as the three-normal technique uses, but this has yet to be implemented.

Edge-angle The last of the curvature algorithms doesn’t actually use Equation 1. Instead, it uses the inner product of the edges extending from the target vector to its neighbors to calculate the cosine of the angle between them. The range of this function is [-1, 1] but in practice the range is [-1, 0] because very little terrain data (particularly high-resolution terrain data) has angles between adjacent edges less than 90 degrees. The cosine of the angle is then subtracted from 1 and the result is treated as a curvature value. This has several significant differences from the previous three approaches. First, it’s output values are clamped in the range [0, 1], whereas Equation 1 has no actual upper bound. Secondly, the function is strangely attuned to the type of curvature we’re seeking. At 90 degrees the slope of the function is –1 and as the function approaches 180 degrees the slope gradually goes from –1 and then accelerates towards 0 closer to 180. This means the function is most sensitive towards differentiating “curvature” nearer 90 degrees than 180 degrees. This is ideal because if two edges are 180 degrees away from each other, nothing of significance is happening there and it can happily be ignored. Finally, the same distance reinforcement could be applied to this algorithm as has been applied to the three-normal algorithm. To help visualize the results and characteristics of the algorithm, the mesh has been colored to represent curvature data. For each vertex the greatest curvature value is mapped as an intensity level (with curvature values above 1.0 clamped to 1.0). The following figure illustrates the characteristics of each algorithm.

(a) (b) (c)

(a’) (b’) (c’)

(d) (e)

(d’) (e’)

Figure 2: Each algorithm shows results scaled 100% and results scaled 400% (the letter with the ‘ mark). (a) two-normal. (b) three-normal no reinforcement. (c) three-normal, reinforcement distance = 2. (d) three vertex. (e) edge angle.

The differences between figures 2.b and 2.c clearly illustrate the reinforcement of the second set of calculations. On the whole (b) has less noise than (a), which is to be expected because of the greater sampling. (c) and (e) offer the highest contrast. (d) seems to be similar to either (a) or (b), but tends toward higher values. There are other, more subtle differences not immediately apparent in these small images. For example, (c) creates a narrower band of high curvature along the upper-right coastline than either (a), (b) or (d). Utilizing Curvature Utilizing curvature is otherwise known as drawing lines. Having analyzed and cached the information regarding curvature for the terrain, it behooves us to put it to work. This paper discusses two basic approaches to using the curvature (and suggests several variations). The two approaches are called “line” shading and “hatch” shading. Others are certainly possible. Although the focus of this research is view-independent rendering, these approaches are consistent and compatible with many view-dependent methods. The obvious complement to the following shading algorithms is a simple view-dependent, contour algorithm which draws “contour edges”. Line shading The principles behind line shading arise naturally from the issues raised in the background, which led to the use of curvature analysis: the desire to connect significant

points. Line shading attempts to trace paths through points of high curvature. The direction the path takes is determined by the direction of the greatest curvature value associated with a vertex. The union of all these paths creates a static framework, which can be drawn, view-independently, to represent the terrain. Several parameters control the overall quality and character of the resultant image. The algorithm, in its simplest incarnation, is straightforward. For each point, the curvature is tested. If the curvature exceeds a certain threshold, the point is added to a list and the two vertices in the directions perpendicular to the direction of maximum curvature are tested as well. This continues in both directions until each end hits a vertex with insufficient curvature to pass the threshold test. The ordered list of vertices is tested for a minimum length, if long enough, a “line strip” is drawn. Each vertex in the line strip is colored black, but given an alpha equal to its curvature. So, more significant vertices (i.e. higher curvature) will appear darker. Currently, this algorithm only follows paths in discreet directions (one of the four tested directions.) One possible refinement is to blend the four discrete directions together, weighting the unit vectors according to the curvature in each direction to find an average direction and follow the path in that direction. Points in the path would no longer simply be points from the height field and curvature values would have to be interpolated for these new points from its neighbors. The four-direction path algorithm can recognize when one path merges with another and can eliminate redundancy in drawing paths. When paths can follow arbitrary directions and pass through unique points, paths that might, in principle, merge could end up lying next to each other. Special care must be taken in drawing paths in these blended directions. Perhaps blending them in discrete amounts would balance this difficulty with the ease of path administration. Combinations of curvature scaling, line widths, minimum path lengths and minimum thresholds can create vastly different rendering styles. The following figure shows several variations of the line shading style with varying parameters.


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

(i) (j)

(k) (l)

(m) (n)


Curv. style

Curv. Dist.

Curv. Scale

Has contours

Min. Len.

Line width

Fig #

Curv. style

Curv. Dist.

Curv. Scale

Has contours

Min. Len.

Line width

a 3 norm 2 6 no 6 1 h 2 norm n/a 3 no 5 1 b 3 norm 2 6 yes 6 1 i Edge n/a 2 yes 5 1 c 3 norm 2 11 yes 2 1 j 3 vert n/a 2 no 5 1 d 2 norm n/a 2 no 5 1 k 2 norm n/a 1 no 5 1 e 2 norm n/a 11 no 2 1 l Edge n/a 1 yes 5 1 f 2 norm n/a 6 no 2 1 m 3 vert n/a 1 no 5 1 g 3 norm 2 3 yes 5 1 n 3 norm 1 1.5 no 2 6

Figure 3: Renderings of terrain with varying parameter settings for line shading.

Hatch shading Hatch shading is another means of using the curvature analysis. Rather than trying to create continuous contours, hatch shading focuses on each point, individually. It relies on a similar principle as pointillism—the idea that the effect of light at discreet, regular locations can combine to form a coherent image of the whole object. In its first and, again, simplest incarnation the algorithm iterates through each of the points, evaluates its curvature value and draws a stroke of parameter-determined length. Like line shading, the color of the stroke is black and its opacity is determined by the magnitude of the greatest curvature at that point. The stroke is generated on the tangent plane at the vertex. Its direction is determined by the projection onto the tangent plane of the weighted curvatures – the four directional vectors are summed, each multiplied by the curvature value in that direction and the resultant vector determines the direction of the stroke. The stroke can be drawn either in the direction of greatest curvature or perpendicular to it. Varying stroke length, stroke width and curvature values yield a wide range of different rendering styles (as seen in Figure 4 on the following page.) What’s next?

This is obviously, only a beginning; and even then, the beginning of only a single technique for the NPR representation of terrain. The present results are, indeed, promising. But more can be done. The algorithms presented should be further refined. Distance reinforcement for the curvature calculations should be added to the three curvature approximations currently lacking it (two-normal, three-vertex and edge-angle). The line-shading algorithm needs to allow lines to go in directions beyond the eight compass directions by weighting curvature directions (as the hatch shading has done.)

. After even a small time interacting with terrain rendered in this manner, one simple principle, currently abrogated, becomes painfully clear: line density. The effectiveness of the line shader stands in direct proportion to the density of lines. If the camera draws too close to the image, the lines pull so far apart that they fail to communicate anything about the contour; too far and they merge into an incomprehensible mess. Some means of control needs to be applied to control line density. One approach is to use interpolated starting points. The current algorithm iterates through actual vertex locations as starting points for the lines. If the spaces between those vertices were subdivided, an arbitrary number of additional sets of lines could be created. They could be drawn or excluded, depending on the distance of the surface from the camera.

This, of course, suggests one of the most obvious directions in which research can, and should, continue: view-dependent modifications. Increasing and decreasing the number of lines drawn would be one such example. Others could include taking a heavily rendered image (like those in figures 3(e) or 4(d)) and actually lighting the vertices to help determine color, adding additional, more sophisticated contours (such as suggested contours), replacing simple line segments with other primitives, like polygons with brush stroke textures, etc. The inclusion of view-dependent concepts further implies research into accelerating these algorithms through the use of modern GPUs.


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)


Curv. style

Curv. Dist.

Curv. Scale

Has contours

Hatch. Len.

Line width

Hatch Dir.

a 3 norm 2 4 no 0.75 1 With b 3 norm 1 4 no 0.75 1 With c 3 norm 1 4 no 0.75 1 Perp. d 2 norm 1 4 no 0.75 4 Perp. e 2 norm 1 8 no 0.25 1 Perp. f 3 norm 2 8 yes 0.75 1 Perp. g 3 norm 1 3 no 2.15 2 Perp. h 3 vert n/a 2 no 0.45 3 With

Figure 4: Renderings of terrain with varying parameter settings for hatch shading. Hatch dir. Controls whether the hatches are drawn in the direction of greatest curvature or perpendicular.

These images are all rendered in such a way to hint at pencil/ink drawings on paper. It is not strictly necessary to have the occluding surface in the hidden-line renderings to be “paper” colored. Combinations of textured surfaces and lines could yield very compelling images. Mapmakers throughout history have understood the necessity and value of simplifying representations of terrain; extraneous data can be discarded and the viewer can be led to focus on specific features more effectively. With the advent of the internet, more data is publicly available than ever before. Much of this data can be tied together based on geographical location. Efficient and compelling non-photorealistic, interactive renderings of terrain are the first step to a new, compelling interface for accessing geo-sensitive data. References DeCarlo, D., Finkelstein, A., Rusinkiewicz, S., Santella., A. 2003. Suggestive Contours for Conveying Shape. ACM Transactions on Graphics 22, 3 (July), 848-855.
