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Zagreb, February 2007 Zagreb, February 2007 PREPARATION OF THE PROJECT “INLAND WATERS” FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT OF YEAR 1 WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER INVESTMENTS E n v i r o n m e n t a l M a n a g m e n t P l a n Volume 3 Sewerege Network in Virovitica PREPARATION OF THE PROJECT “INLAND WATERS” FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT OF YEAR 1 WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER INVESTMENTS E n v i r o n m e n t a l M a n a g m e n t P l a n Volume 3 Sewerege Network in Virovitica HIDROPROJEKT - ING10000 ZAGREB, DRAŠKOVIÆEVA 35/1 VIROVITICA VIROVITICA E1592 v 4 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized
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Zagreb, February 2007Zagreb, February 2007




E n v i r o n m e n t a lM a n a g m e n t P l a n

Volume 3Sewerege Network in Virovitica




E n v i r o n m e n t a lM a n a g m e n t P l a n

Volume 3Sewerege Network in Virovitica



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Code: 402

Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3





E n v i r o n m e n t a l M a n a g m e n t P l a n

Volume 3 Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Zagreb, February 2007

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Code: 402

Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


C o n t e n t s Chapter 1. Introduction .....................................................................................................1 Chapter 2. Project description, purpose and environmental impact ...........................3 2.1. Project description and objectives ....................................................................3 2.2. Technology of implementation ..........................................................................4 2.3. Environmental impact .......................................................................................4 Chapter 3. Institutional framework ..................................................................................7 Chapter 4. Environmental impact mitigation plan .........................................................8 Chapter 5. Monitoring plan .............................................................................................10 Chapter 6. Cooperation with the public ......................................................................11 Chapter 7. Appendices ...................................................................................................12 7.1. Layout of the existing and planned drainage systems 7.2. Table 1: Plan of avoiding adverse environmental impact 7.3. Table 2: Monitoring plan 7.4. List of laws and bye-laws relevant to environmental protection in the Republic of Croatia

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Code: 402

Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Inland Waters Project is to assist the Republic of Croatia to achieve the goals set in water management plans and the strategy which has identified the required sector investments and the required development of the institutional capacity to meet the demands of EU directives. The objective of the project is to improve (i) water supply, (ii) waste water disposal and treatment, and (iii) flood protection measures. All projects are planned in the continental part of Croatia, more precisely in the Sava and Drava/Danube basins. The Inland Waters Project includes the expansion of sewerage systems in Virovitica, Southern Baranja, Našice and Ogulin, with construction of waste water treatment plants in Našice and Ogulin. Expansion of water supply systems is planned in the area of Northern Baranja, in the stretch Davor – Nova Gradiška, and in the area of Slavonska Podravina. Construction and reconstruction of flood control systems is planned to take place in Lonjsko Polje. Croatian Waters are planning a third set of investments financed under the entire project; however the exact sites cannot be exactly specified at this moment. The World Bank appraises each project proposed for financing on the basis of social procedures and environment protection procedures, so-called ˝Safeguard Policies˝. The project assessment concluded to activate the following procedures: OP/BP 4.01 Environmental assessment, OP/BP 4.04 Natural Habitats, OP/BP 4.12 Involuntary resettlement, OP/BP 7.5 Projects on International Waterways. This document results from OP/BP 4.01 Environmental assessment. Before environmental assessment and working out of the environmental management plan, the World Bank carries out classification of each proposed project to determine the approximate type of environmental assessment. The Bank usually classifies the proposed project into one of four categories, depending on the type, location, sensitivity and scope of the project and on the nature and magnitude of potential environmental impacts. The project of expansion of the sewerage network in Virovitica, i.e. construction of the sewerage mains in the communities Sveti ðurañ, Podgorje and Golo Brdo; construction of sewerage mains of the community Korija, and construction of the retention basin RB 1/3 (construction Phase II) has been appraised as a Category B project. The environmental management plan (EMP) is required for projects appraised as B category, to be financed by World Bank loans. According to the general definition, EMP may be described as a set of measures for elimination, avoiding or reducing adverse environmental and social impact of certain interventions in environment during construction, operation or removal. Interventions in environment are permanent or temporary human activities that may disturb ecologic stability or biodiversity, or cause any other adverse impact. This plan should define certain activities in order to implement preventive and protective measures, and to establish the system of monitoring of environmentally relevant parameters.

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


THE PROJECT The project of construction of the sewerage mains in the communities Sveti ðurañ, Podgorje and Golo Brdo; construction of sewerage mains of the community Korija, and construction of the retention basin RB 1/3 (construction Phase II) has been appraised as a Category B project. Consequently, the Environmental Management Plan is required. This Environment Management Plan has been worked out in accordance with the environmental policies of the World Bank, with the document Environment Protection in the framework of the Inland Waters Project (˝Environmental Framework˝), and with the legislation of the Republic of Croatia. The extended version of the Environmental Management Plan, in Croatian legislation, appears in the form of the Environmental Impact Study. In accordance with environmental legislation, there is an obligation of assessment of environmental impact for interventions defined by the Regulations on Assessment of Environmental Impact (OG No 59/00, 136/04). The scientific basis for assessment of environmental impact is the Environmental Impact Study, which has to be worked out for eight types of interventions into the environment: construction of facilities for transport, power, water supply, industry, sports, waste water treatment, structural complexes (commercial centers), and mining. For the present project, according to Croatian regulations, the Environmental Impact Study is not required.

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


CHAPTER 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION, OBJECTIVES AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 2.1. Project description and objectives The wastewater drainage and treatment system for the Town of Virovitica covers a greater town area. The system is managed by the company Virkom d.o.o., Virovitica as its end-user. The principle activities within the Project include the construction of the collectors for the settlements of Sveti ðurañ, Podgorje and Golo Brdo; the construction of the collectors for the settlement of Korija, and the construction of the retention basin RB 1/3 (construction Phase II). To drain the municipal waste waters from the settlements of Sveti ðurañ, Podgorje and Golo Brdo, it is necessary to construct a total of 16057 m of the pressure and gravity sewerage (from Ø 100 to Ø 400 mm) with 4 related pumping stations. To drain the waste waters from the settlement of Korije, it is necessary to construct a total of 14360 m of the pressure and gravity sewerage (from Ø100 to Ø 300 mm) with 6 related pumping stations. To receive the excess water present in the public sewage system of Virovitica after heavy precipitation, it is necessary to construct a retention basin RB 1/3 having the total volume of 5000 m3. For the said facilities the Conceptual Design, the Preliminary Design and the Final Design have been prepared; all property rights have been settled, and the Location and Buildings Permits have been obtained. No Environmental Impact Study is required according to the Croatian regulations. The main objectives of the Project are said to be the construction of the above listed facilities. However, the realization of this Project is indispensable also to prevent pollution of the ground waters in a wider water protection area of the pumping site “Bikana”. From this aspect the benefits of the Project are not only the high-quality solution of the wastewater drainage in the above mentioned settlements, and consequently the improved sanitary conditions for the population of Virovitica, but the protection against the pollution of the surface and ground waters in the area of the above said pumping site Bikana, too. The realization of the Project is intended to take place in the period of 2007-2010. The number of the newly connected inhabitants to the waste water drainage and treatment system would be 2660, while the total number of the connected users would be 15590. The total investments costs of the said works are estimated in the amount of 31 500 000,00 kn (without VAT). As the alternative to the project, the present status was analysed, with the population of the said communities (i.e. parts of Virovitica town) theoretically dispose their waste water into cesspools or septic tanks, but practically waste water is discharged most frequently into the ground, or into road ditches without any previous treatment. Such situation directly threatens ground water on the wider area of the wellfield ˝Bikana˝ and presents a potential hazard of development of hydric diseases, which makes construction of the sewer network essential.

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


2.2. Technology of implementation Construction is expected to include earthmoving, carpenters’, concrete and reinforced concrete works, masonry works, assembling and ironmongers’ works, with all required auxiliary works. These are all usual construction works, not requiring any separate description. Complex implementation technologies have not been planned. Therefore, construction should not present any problem to an experienced contractor. Also, environmental mitigation clauses will be integrated within the bidding documents for future Contractor. However, certain difficulties may be possibly expected in finding and avoiding of existing facilities (water supply, telephone, gas, etc.). Therefore, the requirement is stressed to require the relevant utilities to carry out marking of existing facilities, and construction must be adjusted to the actual situation, respecting special conditions of relevant utilities. According to the design documentation, the planned facilities shall be made of the following materials: - gravitational sewers and pressure pipelines of PEHD sewerage or pressure pipes, - manholes mostly prefabricated of PEHD, with only a small number of manholes (at connections of several sewers to a manhole) constructed of reinforced concrete, - retention basin RB 1/3 and pumping stations will be built of reinforced concrete. All structures shall be dug and buried under ground level. No storing of hazardous substances on the site is expected. 2.3. Environmental impact Generally, taking into account the life of the project, environmental impact may be analyzed in the period during construction and in the period during operation. Regarding the distance between the area where the impact is manifested and the construction area, two different approaches to analysis of environmental impact may be distinguished: direct (local) impact, and indirect (dislocated) impact. Direct impact is felt in the construction area, while the indirect impact is usually noticed at a certain distance from the construction site. This EMP analyses the environmental impacts during construction and during operation, concentrating on the impacts of local nature, because in this case indirect impacts are negligible. The basic issues in the field of environmental protection are regulated by corresponding Croatian legislation. However, these problems are also covered by legislation in the field of water sector. The most important laws relevant to these problems are the Environmental Protection Act (OG No 82/94, 128/99), the Construction Act (OG No 175/03), and the Water Act (OG No 107/95).

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


The Construction Act, in the part regulating site organization (Articles 124 through 129), requires the following mandatory measures: - the site shall be delimited to prevent uncontrolled access, - the site shall be marked by the sign plate containing the name or firm of the investor, the designer, the contractor and the supervising engineer, name and type of the structure, the name of the agency that has issued the construction permit, classification code, registration number, date of issuing and expiration of the construction permit, as well as the note on cultural property, if the structure is entered in the Register of Cultural Property of the Republic of Croatia, - parts of the site extending over larger areas (e.g. roads, railways, ducts, etc.) shall be fenced, or marked by special signs, - in case of temporary occupation of public roads for the purpose of construction, the investor or the contractor shall obtain the corresponding permits from relevant agencies; preliminary works may be carried out on surrounding land only if the investor has obtained the permission from the land owner for carrying out of such preliminary works, - temporary structures erected for the purposes of the site, equipment, unused material and waste shall be removed from the site, and the site shall be returned to previous condition, - on site, necessary measures shall be taken and implemented for protection of air from pollution, protection from noise, soil and ground water protection, safety at work, and protection of public health. Besides this, the construction materials and installed equipment must be selected, installed and maintained so that their chemical, physical and other influences during use do not result in hazards, obstacles, injuries or damage, and must be handled in accordance with technical standards. Taking into consideration the above remarks, it may be assumed that in the construction phase of sewerage facilities (i.e. construction of sewerage networks in the settlements Sveti ðurañ, Pogorje and Golo Brdo; construction of sewerage network in the settlement Korija, and construction of the retention basin RB 1/3) there will be some small and short environmental impacts. Such impacts are usual in interventions in municipal infrastructure, involving various field works. In this sense, the following forms of environmental impact may be foreseen during construction: - minor traffic problems, - increased air pollution by dust particles, - increased soil erosion and spreading on roads (during rainfall),

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


- increased noise level, - additional production of waste material. In connection with traffic problems, in addition to the safety aspect, one may expect increased local air pollution due to increased emission of exhaust gases of motor vehicles, as well as local pollution by noise. During earthmoving works, in particular during the dry season, locally increased concentration of dust is probable. Construction machines (vehicles) can bring sediment (soil or sand) from site to roads. Sediment can also get to roads during rain. The waste produced during construction mainly consists of construction waste and municipal waste, managed in accordance with the Waste Act, which, inter alia, implies separating of packing material from municipal waste, and regular transport of waste to the landfill. During operation of the facilities, in proper handling conditions, no particular adverse environmental impacts are expected. Namely, during operation, waste (in the form of sediment or sludge) is produced only in the retention basin, but it is, together with waste water, forwarded towards the treatment plant. There is a potential risk, in case of accidental damage of parts of the sewerage network, of infiltration of ground water into the sewerage network, or of exfiltration of waste water into the underground. However, as a prevention measure, the user of the facility must regularly check the impermeability of the sewerage network (in the frame of his regular annual control and maintenance plans) and, if necessary, repair the damaged parts. In the long term positive impacts can be expected, trough a greater sewer connection rate of the population and prevention of pollution of ground waters in a wider water protection area of the pumping site “Bikana”. As the Project will be implemented within already existing areas, any cultural issues are not foreseen, but the civil work contracts for all infrastructure investments will include requirements that the contractor is obliged to look for chance finds and stop the construction work and alert Ministry of Culture in case of chance finds.

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


CHAPTER 3. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK The supervision over implementation of the Environment Management Plan will be provided by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) established within Hrvatske vode. Hrvatske vode will implement the entire Inland Waters project and supervise adherence to the environment protection measures during the period of designing, construction and operation of the project, and ensure implementation of environment protection measures and measures for mitigation of environmental impacts as provided by the environment management plan. Hrvatske vode rely on the experience from previous projects financed by the World Bank, such as the Coastal Cities Pollution Control Project and other similar projects in the Republic of Croatia. PIU shall submit to the Bank regular quarterly Reports on Adherence to Environment Protection Framework, which shall also include observations made during inspection of construction sites, as well as remarks regarding environment protection measures. PIU shall assist the municipalities in preparing of tender documents for procurement of goods and equipment. Also, having sufficient expertise in the field of environment protection, PIU will provide advice to the municipalities, the supervising engineer and/or site manager, and to the utility manager. Along with PIU, participating in the Plan monitoring will be the supervising engineer representing the investor, and the site manager or utility manager representing the user. They shall, within their regular activities, monitor the implementation of environmental impact mitigation measures, as required, or at least on a quarterly basis inform PIU and persons in charge of the project in the municipality. PIU shall analyze all documentation and include the results in regular reports to the World Bank, as provided by the Environmental Framework. The supervising engineer and/or site manager will make sure that all workers are introduced to EMP mitigation measures and that EMP is visibly accessible at site. The environment protection inspectors of the Ministry of Environment Protection, Physical Planning and Construction shall, together with the professionals in environment protection of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management exercise supervision through unannounced field visits during construction and operation of sub-projects within the Inland Waters Project, inspecting the conditions of construction, environment protection and water quality.

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


CHAPTER 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION PLAN In accordance with the remarks made in the previous sections, adverse environmental impacts may be expected in the form of traffic problems, air pollution (fumes and dust in conditions of traffic jams and earthmoving works), noise, and soil and water pollution. Adequate site organization by the contractor, and coordination and the assistance of the municipality, PIU in Hrvatske vode, and inspections, as well as additional measures, must ensure that the impacts remain local, temporary and within acceptable intensity. To avoid major traffic disturbances, works should be done in periods of reduced traffic intensity. As regards road safety, there is the legal requirement for adequate marking of the road section (by traffic signs) where the works are to be done, and the workers should be adequately protected by railings, ramps and protective suits. If the nature of works requires alternate traffic, regulation by temporary traffic lights is necessary. Before such works, it is necessary to obtain the permissions of relevant authorities, and the police must be informed (Traffic Safety Act, OG No 105/04). The areas where earthmoving works are going to be carried out should be previously sprinkled with water, to prevent or to reduce air pollution with dust. It is necessary to prevent washing away of sediment or dust. In principle, sediment from the site should not be washed by water jet, but cleaning should be carried out so that sediment does not get into rainfall sewerage, if any, or into natural watercourses. The wheels of construction machines must be cleaned before exit from the site to public roads, in order to prevent bringing of sediment to the roads and thus endangering the traffic safety. As the works will also take place in inhabited areas (community Batina), corresponding legislation should be applied to prevent pollution by noise (Law on Protection from Noise, OG 20/03). In this context, night work should be avoided, to ensure night silence and conditions for rest. Only the use of attested construction machines, transport vehicles and other equipment meeting the regulations regarding maximum noise levels will be allowed. The waste produced on site shall be disposed in accordance with the existing law (Waste Act, OG 178/04, 153/05 and 111/06), which implies separate collection of municipal waste fractions and transport to the municipal landfill. Eventual oily waste that may be generated during machine repairs must be handed over to the licensed collector of hazardous waste. Construction waste is transported to the landfill. After construction, the area must be restored to the original condition. The contractor and the investor shall be responsible for implementation of the plan of environmental impact mitigation. Implementation of these measures should be regulated by the contract on construction, including sanctions for failing to apply the measures. The investor shall supervise implementation of the measures stipulated by the plan through PIU, supervising engineer and/or site manager.

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


It is recommended to include the contractor’s obligations into the terms of reference to make them a part of the contract. The plan of mitigation of environmental impact is given in the Appendix in table form.

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


CHAPTER 5. MONITORING PLAN The purpose of the monitoring plan is to ensure the adequate environmental protection standard, as required by the existing legislation and good contractors’ practice. In this way, the environmental impacts are monitored, as well as the results of measures for their mitigation. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Act (OG 82/94, 12/99), monitoring refers to measuring of gases emission, air quality, natural and other phenomena, as well as changes in the environment. This monitoring plan refers to the construction phase and to the operation phase. The following parameters or indicators are monitored to ensure the environment quality: During construction, it is necessary to monitor, on a daily basis, the traffic situation and to control the quantity of dust. On each site, noise level must be measured during construction, and after construction at least once a year. Measuring should be done by a licensed institution, registered for noise level measuring. Once a month, the way of waste management must be controlled. During operation, it is necessary to monitor regularly the inflow to individual pumping stations as well as the treatment plant, and take and analyse samples of waste water in order to discover possible infiltration or exfiltration from the sewerage network. Implementation of the monitoring plan during construction shall be the responsibility of the contractor, municipalities where construction is carried out, and of the investor, i.e. the Project Implementation Unit in Hrvatske vode. Implementation of these measures should be regulated by the contract, including sanctions in case of disregard. Monitoring during operation is the responsibility of the investor, or the final user of the facility. Monitoring data should be kept in documentation, including the values of measured parameters, time and place of monitoring. The contractor, or the user shall ensure availability of these data to the Project Implementation Unit in Hrvatske vode as well as to the World Bank for supervision aspects, to verify whether the monitoring measures are applied routinely. It is recommended to include the contractor’s obligations in the terms of reference to make them a part of the contract. The monitoring plan is given in the Appendix in table form.

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


CHAPTER 6 COOPERATION WITH THE PUBLIC The proposed project was already announced to the public through public presentation of Environmental Framework held on January 9th 2007 in the great hall of Hrvatske vode, Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 220. EF is a tool to ensure that the proposed investments implemented through the Inland Waters Project comply with the existing environmental protection laws, regulations and standards in Croatia as well as with the World Bank’s Safeguard Operation Policies and Practices. Based on the EF, EMP for sewerage network in Virovitica is prepared. This EMP will be available to public for comments, questions and suggestions through the website of Hrvatske vode. All received comments will be attached to this document.

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Feasibility Assessment of Year 1 Water Supply and Wastewater Investments Sewerage Network in Virovitica

Common Project No: 2636/2006

Environmental Management Plan

Volume 3


CHAPTER 7. APPENDICES 7.1. Layout of the existing and planned drainage systems 7.2. Table 1: Plan of avoiding adverse environmental impacts 7.3. Table 2: Monitoring plan 7.4. List of laws and bye-laws relevant to environmental protection in the Republic of Croatia

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Phase Impact Mitigation measures Additional costs Responsibility Implementation Supervision Construction Traffic disturbance To avoid major traffic disturbance, works should be done in periods

of reduced traffic (avoid rush-hours where needed). For traffic safety, the road sections where the works will be done must be adequately marked by traffic signs, and the participants should be protected by railings, ramps, etc. Alternating traffic must be regulated by traffic lights. Before starting of any works, special permits must be obtained from relevant agencies, and the police must be informed (Road Safety Act, OG 105/04).

Costs included in price of construction

Contractor Supervising engineer; Environment protection inspector, Police

Construction Air pollution (increased concentration of dust)

The area of earthmoving works must be first sprinkled with water to avoid air pollution by dust, or vehicle speed on site should be limited.

Costs included in price of construction

Contractor Supervising engineer; Environment protection inspector

Construction Soil erosion and sedimentation Washing of sediment or dust away from site must be prevented. Sediment should never be washed away by water jet, but must be cleaned to avoid getting into rain sewers or watercourses. Vehicle wheels must be cleaned before leaving the site to prevent bringing of sediment on roads outside the site.

Costs included in price of construction, as a part of regular costs of site management.

Contractor Supervising engineer; Environment protection inspector

Construction Noise pollution As the works will be done in inhabited area, to prevent increasing noise level, measures must be taken in accordance with the law (Noise Protection Act, OG 20/03). With regard to highest noise levels during the day, night work should be avoided. Construction is limited to 5 working days a week, and to only one daily shift (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Only the use of attested machines, transport vehicles and equipment will be allowed meeting the regulations referring to maximum permitted noise level.

Costs included in price of construction, and costs of attesting of vehicles are a part of contractor’s regular maintenance costs.

Contractor Supervising engineer; Work safety inspector


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Phase Impact Mitigation measures Additional costs Responsibility Implementation Supervision Construction Water and soil pollution by waste Waste appearing on site shall be disposed in accordance with the

law (Waste Act, OG 178/04, 158/05, 111/06). Soil pollution is possible e.g. by oil leaks from machines, or due to accidents. For such cases, sand or sawdust must be available on site. In such cases, the source of pollution must be immediately removed, and the soil covered with sawdust, and later collected and disposed as hazardous waste.

Costs included in price of construction.

Contractor Supervising engineer; Environment protection inspector

Operation Waste material During operation there is no generation of special waste material, except sediment and sludge in the retention basin, which will be, together with the wastewater, transported to the wastewater treatment plant.

Costs included in operating costs.

Investor or user of facility

Manager of facility, Environment protection inspector


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Phase Monitoring parameter Monitoring location Monitoring method Monitoring time Additional costs Responsibility Implementation Supervision Construction Traffic Site Visual Constant Non applicable Contractor Supervising engineer;

Environment protection inspector, Police

Construction Air quality (quantity of dust)

Site Visual During dry season Non applicable Contractor Supervising engineer; Environment protection inspector

Construction Noise Site Equipment for measuring of noise level

On each site during construction, noise level should be measured, according to existing regulations, at least once a year. Measuring should be done by a licensed firm registered for measuring of noise level, in case construction takes more than one year.

20 000 EUR Licensed firm for measuring of noise level, on behalf of the contractor.

Supervising engineer; Work safety inspector

Construction Waste disposal Site and waste disposal landfill

Control of contractor’s practice

Once a month Non applicable Contractor Supervising engineer; Environment protection inspector

Construction Cultural chance findings Inside the boundaries of proposed project

archaeological control

At the beginning and during earth works

Non applicable Contractor Supervising engineer

Operation Infiltration of groundwater and exfiltration of wastewater in the underground

Sewerage network and facilities

Flow measurement at pumping stations, wastewater treatment plant, continuous supervision

Constant Regular activity included in operating costs

Licensed firm on behalf of investor or user of facility

Manager of facility; Water inspector


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Phase Monitoring parameter Monitoring location Monitoring method Monitoring time Additional costs Responsibility Implementation Supervision Operation Disposal of waste from

the retention basin Retention basin Control of investor’s

or user’s practices Once a month Regular activity

included in operating costs

Investor or user of facility

Facility manager; Environment protection inspector

Please note that if costs are not expressed in unit or total price, these monitoring costs are than part of the annual remuneration for the person(s) responsible for monitoring activities (e.g. contractor, regional inspectorate) and will not be deducted from the project loan. Annex No 7.3: MONITORING PLAN - CONTINUED

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7.4. List of laws and bye-laws relevant to environmental protection in the Republic of Croatia - Environmental Protection Act (OG 82/94, 128/99) - Law on Nature Protection (OG 70/05) - Water Act (OG 107/95, 15/05) - Waste Act (OG 178/04, 153/05, 111/06) - Air Protection Act (OG 178/04) - Construction Act (OG 175/03, 100/04) - Law on Physical Development (OG 30/94, 68/98, 35/99, 61/00, 32/02, 100/04) - Act on Financing of Water Management (OG 107/95, 19/96, 88/98) - Municipal Services Act (OG 26/03, 82/04, 110/04, 178/04) - Maritime Act (OG 181/04) - Law on Protection from Noise (OG 20/03) - National Water Protection Plan (OG 8/99) - Plan of Intervention in Cases of Accidental Sea Pollution in the Republic of Croatia (OG 8/97) - Decision on Water Classification (OG 77/98) - Decision on Hazardous Substances in Water (OG 78/98) - Decision on Sea Quality Standards on Beaches (OG 33/96) - Decision on Limit Values of Pollutants in Air (OG 133/05) - Decision on Limit Values of Pollutants in Air from Stationary Sources (OG 140/97, 105/02, 108/03, 100/04) - Decision on Limit Values of Emission of pollutants into air from stationary sources of

technological process of production of mineral wool and ceramic fiber, and time limits of application of sulphur oxides expressed as SO2 in heating plants, gas turbines and internal combustion engines (OG 98/05)

- Decision on Critical Levels of Pollutants in Air (OG 133/05) - Decision on Locations of Monitoring Stations in National Air Quality Monitoring Network (OG 4/02) - Regulations on monitoring of emission of pollutants in air from stationary sources (OG 1/06) - Regulations on issuing of licenses for monitoring of air quality and emission of pollutants

from stationary sources (OG 79/06) - Decision on categories, kinds and classification of waste, with waste inventory and list of hazardous waste (50/05) - Regulation on assessment of environmental impact (OG 59/00, 136/04, 85/06) - Regulations on limit values of indices of hazardous and other substances in waste water

(OG 40/99, OG 6/01, 14/01) - Regulations on sanitary quality of drinking water (OG 182/04) - Regulations on types of waste (OG 27/96) - Regulations on conditions for waste management (OG 123/97, 112/01) - Regulations on protection of agricultural land from pollution by hazardous substances (OG 15/92)

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- Regulations on maximum permissible noise levels in working and living environment (OG 145/04)

The fundamental law regulating the problems of environmental protection in the Republic of Croatia is the Environmental Protection Act (OG 82/94 and 128/99). This law regulates the issues of environment protection, reduction of risks for human health and lives, ensuring and improvement of the quality of life for the benefit of present and future generations. The environment protection promotes overall conservation of the quality of the environment, conservation of natural communities, rational and environment-friendly use of natural sources and energy, as the basic precondition for healthy and sustainable development. The efficiency of national environmental control is supported by the Croatian Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and by the representative and executive agencies of local administration, through issuing of environmental protection strategies and programs, and other documents relevant to environmental protection. Professional activities in environmental protection and enforcement of environmental protection measures are supported by national government agencies and agencies of local administration in charge of environment protection, as well as by legal entities registered for carrying out professional work on environment protection. Citizens, as individuals or organized in societies for environmental protection, professional associations and other non-governmental organizations, also contribute to achieving of the goals of environmental protection and implementation of efficient environmental protection. The local administration unit regulates, organizes, finances and promotes the environmental protection activities of regional or local importance. For the purpose of achieving of coordinated economic development in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection, and of the professional and scientific basis for regulation of certain issues, the Government establishes the Council for Environmental Protection (hereafter: the Council), consisting of scientists, professionals and public activists. The Council issues the opinions, proposals and evaluations on coordination of environmental issues and economic development, and on documents proposed by the Government and the Parliament. Legal entities registered for professional activities in environment protection carry out the tasks related to monitoring of the environment status, prepare basic data and environment protection studies, prepare and elaborate the environmental impact studies, and conduct professional training in environment protection activities. The environmental protection is based on respecting of the principles of international legislation on environmental protection, generally accepted principles, respecting of scientific knowledge and best worldwide practices.

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The documents regulating environmental protection in the Republic of Croatia are, as follows: - Strategy of environmental protection, defining and directing, on a long-term basis, the goals of environment management in accordance with the overall economic, social and cultural development of the country, issued by the Parliament on the proposal by the Government, - Environmental protection programs for the territory of the County and the City of Zagreb,

containing the basic goals, conditions and criteria of environment protection in general, priority measures in components and spatial entities, and working out of the principles and guidelines of environmental protection contained in the Strategy. The environment protection program for the territory of a County or of the City of Zagreb is issued by the relevant County Assembly, or the Assembly of the City of Zagreb. The programs covering minor city or municipality areas are issued by the city or municipal council, when it is necessary to protect the environment in a specific city or municipal area to preserve cultural, historical, aesthetic and natural features of the landscape.

- Environment status reports are prepared every two years for the purpose of the Strategy and

the Programs, and other documents relevant for environment protection. Implementation of environmental protection is based on: - Environment quality standards, containing limit values for specific components of the

environment and for highly valuable, sensitive or endangered areas, defined by special regulations, if not already defined by the law.

- Environmental impact assessment, intended to provide application of the precaution

principle by adjusting and modifying of the planned project, construction, reconstruction or activity to the receiving capacity of the environment in the given area. The environmental impact assessment helps to perceive the possible adverse effects of the intended project on soil, water, air, forests, climate, human health, flora and fauna, landscape, cultural heritage, their mutual relations, taking into account other planned projects and possible interactions with existing and planned projects in the given project area. The Government defines, by its regulations, the projects that require the assessment of environmental impact, the contents, terms and methods of preparing of environmental impact studies, methods of assessment and reaching of conclusions on the intended project, ways of informing the public, and the terms and methods of public participation in decision-making, rights and duties of the parties in the process, etc. The impact of the project on the environment, its evaluation and its acceptability is assessed by the commission on the basis of the study of environmental impact. The solution giving or refusing approval of the intended project is issued by the National Authority for Environmental Protection.

- Physical plans that must include measures of protection of soil, water, air, forests, climate,

human health, flora and fauna, landscape, cultural heritage, waste management measures,

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noise protection and fire protection measures, and other measures for protection of the environment.

- Environment monitoring. In all projects where the assessment of environmental impact is

mandatory, the legal entities shall, through authorized firms, measure the emissions and keep the records, measure the emissions or participate in such measuring, proportional to their participation in environment pollution, and participate in monitoring of natural and other phenomena resulting from environment pollution.

- Inventories of environment pollution, kept by the County or City of Zagreb office in charge

of environmental protection. - Environment protection information system, established by the National Authority for

Environmental Protection, in cooperation with the ministries and national administration agencies.

- Environmental protection intervention plans, etc. Administrative control over implementation of the Environment Protection Act and regulations based on the Act is exercised by the National Authority for Environmental Protection. Implementation of enforcement of the Act, regulations and other individual acts, conditions and operating methods of legal entities, and of environment protection measures are inspected by the environment protection inspector and other inspectors within their respective capacities. The environment protection inspection may also be performed by another employee of the National Authority for Environmental Protection, if authorized by the Director. The inspection on the first level is carried out by the County office (or City of Zagreb office) in charge of environment protection, and on the second level, by the National Authority for Environmental Protection. Besides the above agencies, in the Republic of Croatia there are many professional institutions and non-governmental organizations dealing with environment protection. The list of legal entities authorized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning and Construction for professional activities in the field of environment protection is given on the Ministry web-site. Finally, besides the above fundamental law, the problems of environment protection are dealt with by a number of other laws and bye-laws, the most important of them being listed in this annex.
