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Vittoria Radaelli - Finished Version

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Unit 1 Question: To What Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology? Area of Interaction (AOI): Health and Social Education
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Unit 1 Question:To What Extent Does our

Health Depend on Technology?

Area of Interaction (AOI):Health and Social

EducationSignificant Concept:

Our health is only as good as our health service

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“Complete your introduction to the Unit. Use the slides on the previous PowerPoint that list the information you need to know to give you ideas of what to write about. This work needs to be finished for homework, for this time next week.”

This will have to be my first task; the deadline for it is Friday the 27th of September.


In this first unit of the year, I will have to research on some of the modern technologies which are being used in our days. These technologies will not simply have to be the ones we use for pleasure. Instead, they have to be related to our health. In fact the unit question I will have to focalize on is: “To What Extent does our Health Depend on Technology?” I find this a very interesting question because it can be analyzed under different perspectives. For example when I look at this question, the first thing that pops into my mind is the technologies used to cure heart malfunctioning problems. I already know one basic technology that I could research on because of personal experience. Furthermore, I know that I will have some problems while researching and investigating because some of the equipment that I am going to be investigating on could be difficult to use in my final animation.

Most of them are going to be very complex pieces of equipment, and I will have to discover in more detail what they are. My final product for this first unit of the year will be an animated video of my own production. This animation will have to based on my unit question (To what extent does our health depend on technology?). I have some clear ideas on what I will have to do in order to achieve the highest grade as possible. In fact, I want to keep working hard so that I can get a 7 A like last year. In order to have the highest mark as possible I know that I have to work very hard, maybe even harder than last year; I will have to gather a lot of different information that will help me produce the final product and also I will have to reflect on every decision I make. I was asking myself: what will my animation have to have? And what should I include in it? These types of question will help me create a clearer idea on how to design my final product. I do not think that I should think about my product in this introduction section, but instead, I will have a more detailed analysis on it in my research that will come immediately after this first task. A question that I should have answered now is: What do I want to achieve during this unit?

1. I want to understand how to use different programs on the computer,

2. One of my aims is to understand how much health can depend on technology,

3. Lastly, I want to research on how much we depend on technology now,

4. Also, how it can be so essential to us under so many aspects.+

To end my introduction I have to talk about the Area of Interaction (AOI). This unit is seen under the “Health and Social Education” point of view. I think it is obvious of why, the whole final product is based on the new technologies related to our health. Furthermore, during my entire research I will have to state how the technologies will help my community and me. I already know that they bring a lot of new advantages to old machines that were used in the past. People are now healthier because of all the inventions that can help doctors to cure the people who need specific and extremely delicate cures. The research question will guide me through my research and investigation. I want to look at the social experiences of people who have had technologies implanted in their bodies to help them live better. I will have two interviews to specific people I know, this will give me an idea on what it is like now compared to what it was like before these new technologies even existed. This is how it relates both to me and to the society that surrounds me.

Deciding on my guiding question:

1. What are some of the advantages/benefits of the technology I am basing my product on? √

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2. What exactly do I have to create as a final product? √

3. What software will I need to use in order to complete my tasks? √

4. What do I need to do in order to create a high standard product?

5. Where will I get my information from? Which sources will I use? √

6. How can I make my product effective? How will it be interesting for the reader?

7. What is my aim for this unit of work? √

8. What is my specific audience? Who am I aiming for? √

9. Why do I have to create a video or an animation? √

My new task consists in answering my research questions, which are all of the ones listed above. In order to do this I will have to start and complete some stages of my research process. I will use different web sites and mainly focus my research on what technologies I will include in my video or animation. For now, I think I will research more on the pacemaker, I find this very interesting because I already have an idea for my product. Because I am starting a new project I have to think about who my target audience is going to be. I want to aim the product at young teenagers from Grade 7 to 9. This will affect how my product will be because I will have to have specific elements that the audience will be interested in. For more information on this, check the document below, which is called the “Design Specification.” I have thought about it a lot and I think I have decided to make an animation using the same software we have used last year which is called: “Macromedia Dreamweaver.” I want to use this specific program because it will be easier to know all the functions that I will now be able to use. This is all thanks to last year’s unit based specifically on learning how to use the functions available. My animation will have multiple slides showing a heart beating. From this heart there will be a little “door” which will be opened by something that looks like a pacemaker. This technology will then talk directly to the audience. I think it’s going to be very original and interesting for the person who looks.

Considering my research, the main advantages, and benefits, of the pacemaker are these:

1. By regulating the heart’s rhythm, a pacemaker can often eliminate the symptoms of bradycardia.

2. This means individuals often have more energy and less shortness of breath. However, a pacemaker is not a cure. It will not prevent or stop heart disease, nor will it prevent heart attacks.

The two benefits above are the main one’s I have found, and are the one’s I want to base my product on. The message of my animation will be: How can technology improve our health.

A very interesting website I found was: http://www.healthcentral.com/encyclopedia/408/289.html?ic=506048

In order to conclude my specific research on pacemaker’s here is a definition I found that gave me a very good idea of what it was:

“Since their introduction in the 1960s, pacemakers have steadily shrunk in size and grown in sophistication, yet their basic function remains the same. The job of the pacemaker is to maintain

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a safe heart rate by delivering to the pumping chambers appropriately timed electrical impulses that replace the heart's normal rhythmic pulses.

The device designed to perform this life-sustaining role consists of a power source the size of a silver dollar (containing the battery), and control circuits, wires or "leads" that connect the power source to the chambers of the heart. The leads are placed in contact with the right atrium or the right ventricle, or both. They allow the pacemaker to sense and stimulate in various combinations, depending on where the pacing is required.”

As I already did, most of my general information will be gotten from the internet, this is because I think there are more sites which explain information in a simple way more than books. Even because, web sites display information in a more organized way. This would mean that I could find my information, the one I am interested in, in a shorter period of time. Furthermore I also want to include an interview with my grandfather which has had a surgery operation in order to install a pacemaker. I want to ask him about what it was like, if he felt any differences and also what has changed in the pacemaker’s that they used in his times and the one’s they use now days.

The last two guiding questions I will have to answer should be part of my specification. Right now, I will briefly explain five of the main points. Below, you will find a restricted answer to the question: “How will my product be interesting enough for my target audience”:

1. The colors must be light and attractive for young people. I will have to use colors such as: light blue, light red, and probably pink and grey. Something I have to pay attention to is the contrast between the colors. I want to attract the reader but if he’s finding hard to read what the animation says, he will get bored and my animation will not be a success at all.

2. I will also have to think about my use of language. Because it regards medical specific terminology, I have to make sure it is not too complicated for children to understand. If there is the case that I really have to insert a specific term I need to remember to also include the definition near to it.

In order to answer my guiding questions and to produce my research I have used the following sources:

1. Websites (Such as: http://www.thepad.pm/2013/08/simplified-how-pacemaker-is-implanted.html )

2. Leaflet on pacemakers (Found in a hospital in Monza)

3. Videos on the internet (Such as: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMXBR_YFocs )

4. Books on pacemakers

5. Experts point of view

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In order to achieve the highest grade as possible, I will have to make sure that I complete every task that is asked in the two photos above. As you can see from the text in the above pages, I have answered to the questions and tried to modify them by writing what was needed in my own words. Following what I needed to do and what the actual unit asked to do. I am now ready to start on my Design brief part. Mr.Mariani has given the class a precise deadline where we will have to hand everything in. It’s on the 4 th

of November, and I think it’s not going to be a problem at all because I will have a lot of time in order to finish and check everything done so far. For now I’m only missing:

1. Design Brief,2. Design Specification,3. Test plan,4. Evaluation of performance so far.

Design Brief

In this part of my project I will have to state five different things, as you can clearly see from the list below:

1. Why have I decided to do this particular animation? √2. What am I going to do? (Explained in a lot of detail of course) √3. What am I going to need to do in order to succeed in this unit? √4. What information will I have to gather? (Will I have to do any interviews? Etc.) √5. Where am I going to do the work? (Only at school? Homework?) √6. Who will help me during this unit? Who will guide me throughout the work? √7. When will I have to hand in my final piece of work? (Do I have any deadlines) √

I will have to answer these questions and analyze my thoughts critically in order to understand whether I will have to do further research, whether I have to produce any further information (like interviews and tables etc.). For example, I want to start by saying that I have decided to do this particular animation because I thought of my target audience. Because it is going to be composed mainly by young teenagers, the animation will have to be creative and very simple. I will also have to add some color that will make different parts of it stand out more; by doing this I want to grab their attention and make them interested in what I am saying. I am going to produce an animated video. It will have various different slides. The main protagonist of my animation will be a heart; this is because I’m focusing on a technology that improves the heart’s health. In order to succeed I will have to organize my work much better than last year. By this I mean that I will have to have clear ideas on when my deadlines are, so this would give me enough time to prepare all of the work which is requested and hand it in on time. This will not only help me get a better grade, but it will also improve my organizing skills.I want to write an interview and ask my grandfather to answer some questions. I chose him because he has had a pacemaker installed. I want to ask him his feelings at the moment, and also if he ever got to see

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what it actually looked like. I don’t only want to know about his feelings and emotions, but also the more technical parts. As an example, I thought about asking him: “What was the main difference you felt before and after the operation? Did you feel your health increase, or was it like before?” In order to achieve the highest grade as possible, I want to create another piece of material which I can then use to amplify my knowing. I want to design a questionnaire on the different opinions that people have on technologies that help our health. I will ask whether they think it’s useful or not, whether they know someone who has got a heart surgery etc.

I am going to have a vast amount of time in order to finish my project. I will not only work in school time, but I will have to do a big part of the work for homework too. For example, I know already, that I will have to do the interviews and questionnaires in my own time, after school. The biggest deadlines I have for now are that, on the 11th of November I will have to upload on my blog the document. The only thing I have to remember is that, in order to have a well organized and clear blog, the different parts of this document will have to be separated. I will have to separate for example the design brief in a document and the design specification on another separate document. This will make everything neater and Mr.Mariani will be able to look and find my work in a much easier way, and also in less time. We still have a lot of time in order to conclude the whole project. I also need to start my animation, but it will be in the last few weeks we have.

Look at blog: http://g11unit1.blogspot.it/

Design Specification:

In order to know which of the elements I will have to include (or the one’s I cannot include) I have designed three lists which will indicate the various limits, demands and my personal wishes regarding the final product.


1. My product must not be too long2. My product must not have too many different colors3. My product must not be difficult to understand for the audience4. The product must not be too quick or the audience won’t understand what is happening5. The story my product is based on must not be too complicated to follow easily6. My product must not be full of information on every slide


1. It has to be eye-catching2. It has to have an interesting plot line3. It has to educate the audience and inform them on my technologie04. It has to be colorful5. It has to have interesting information6. All of the information must be laid out carefully on different slides7. It must all be organized and planed in advance8. The product must have information in which the audience is interested in9. Everything must be suitable for the target audience10. The subject of the animation must be standing out more than the other elements11. The colors must not be contrasting with the writing

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1. I wish my product could include some sound effects2. I wish my product could educate even the younger people in the audience3. I wish it would end up being a high standard piece of work4. I wish that some of my interview answers could be implemented in my animation5. I wish that my animation was colorful and well drawn

Test Plan:

Is it interesting?

Is it colored?

Is it educational enough?

Is the length appropriate?

Does it look good?

Is it organized well enough?

Is it original?

Is it appropriate for the audience?

Are the slides clear and neat?

Is the language easy to understand?

In the first column you can see ten questions which I will make at least five people answer. They will obviously be regarding the animation I have been designing. The second column will be used from the audience to answer the questions. And the final will be used always by the audience if they have some additional comments, such as suggestions on how to improve the animation etc. I will also use the test table on myself in order to auto evaluate under a critical point of view the final product. Before I actually come to use my test table I will have to evaluate the sources and this is my next step. This test plan is particularly efficient because it is clear and easy to understand. I will have to ask somebody for their opinion and then fill in the columns. I think I did a good job planning it out because afterwards this test table will be particularly useful in order to understand whether I have to add something or modify some aspects of my animation. I will use it different occasions in the future, for example I will need it while I’m designing my final product. This is because I think it will be easier to design and do it if I know the major elements that must be inserted in it. For example, I need to remember to make it colorful by using different colors and shades etc.

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Evaluation:In order to understand how my process went till now I will have to concentrate o doing a complete evaluation of my work in this stage. When I looked at Mr.Mariani’s blog I found some of the questions that will help me write a full critical evaluation that will help me understand what I can do better the next time I will have to do the same type of work. The questions which are listed below are particularly interesting because of the fact that they also help me reflect and think in a more critical manner.

Is there anything you struggled with in this section? Is there anything which you could have added more detail to? Is there anything which you missed out? How did you perform in writing the Design Brief and Specification? Are the testing ideas sufficient? Did you do enough research? Did you use at least 4 different sources? How could you improve your performance for the next project?

In this section of work I found myself particularly struggling with the design stage where we had to design four separate and different designs for our final animation. OF course, it is not obligatory to chose only one of them and stick to it until the end. It has happened in fact that I have designed two of them that I particularly liked, this would bring me in trying to combine them together and pick out the elements that were particularly interesting for some reasons. This, in some cases, meant that the final design was better than the two originals. In all cases, most of the time, I find myself wanting to change some of the elements in a design but instead still keeping other ones. I was saying that I found it particularly difficult this time because the first design I drew was the one which I prefer. This brought me to concentrate on that for the majority of the time. This meant that I didn’t really think a lot about the other three. When it came to designing them I didn’t have many ideas and so, I had to take some time to think and brainstorm some new ideas. In the first design I have added a lot of detail and I think I could have put more details on the other three. Even though I must say that they are detailed enough, but not like the first one. I do not think I missed out on anything. This is because I continuously check on Mr.Mariani’s blog if I have to do something and when the deadlines are. This makes me aware of what he is expecting from me and I understand whether I am working at the right standards or if I have to improve on something in particular. The stages which I found the less difficult ones are in fact the Design Brief one and the Design Specification one too. This is because I think they are rather simple, also because I am becoming very used in writing them (Also from last year’s units). The testing ideas are sufficient and the criteria’s are well though of. The only element I would modify is the superficiality of the questions. To improve, for next time, I will try and make the questions less superficial and maybe even more specific. I did use at least for sources, in fact I used five (Without counting Mr.Mariani’s blog that could be a sixth one). To improve the only thing I would suggest is to improve my test table. This is because I think I could have added more specific questions regarding specific elements on my animation. For example I could have included questions on the titles, on the fonts, on the drawings and on the timing of the slides. I want to continue working as I did till now because I think that my effort will be seen and appreciated. My effort was overall good and I always tried to pay attention during class. Further more my organization skills have improved a lot from last year. I think this because now I understand that I have to work at school and both at home in order to balance everything. When I come back to school I will have to start evaluating the designs I have created in the previous lessons.
