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nebnewspapers.unl.edu · V&L e j WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 6. 1BSZ. I" - -- BaakW...

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V&L e j WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 6. 1BSZ. I" - -- BaakW ICbSbbbbbbvmbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" A. Jfc N. TIME TABLE. Faes. Frei-h- t. Leaver Golumhus...: 835" a. m. :8a8.i" J - ' DavidCitys.. 8":1B ". 4:40 p.m. " . Seward..-..- .' 7:10 M Arrives at Lincoln.:. lis:; a.m. 10:40.. T fie er leaves Lincoln at 430 p. m.", and Brriva.-n- t Columbus. 4 p. leaves Lincoln nt 7:15 a. snv, and arrives at Columbus at ni. -- i. ., - UNION PACIFIC TIME-TABL- E. ..OOINO'EASl". aOINQsWES.'. " . Atlantic Kx... 7:55. m. Pacific Er.LU0.-U- p. ni ChjraiKo Ex... 1:30 p. ro Deliver Ex.-.'- . p. m Lfmih-- in Limited 50 n. m Col. Local:.... COO a; m J- - Local Fr't--.- '. a. m . i ' '.-- - tIXppi.N,"COLU5IBD8 ASnSIODX CUT. . - l'amKer ilrnves from S.iou-cCity..- .:. l:20"n. m leaves Columbus for Laic'n-- . 2K5 n" m . ". arrives from" Lincoln ": . 2.00 ik m - Jcuvesfor8io.nxCity; 230 psin Mixed leAvafjf SiouxTJhy... ".;... jl;l. 535 a. id Mixed n"TiveH.-.....'........"..- 1050 p. m FOIl 'ALBION Ai) CEDAB BAVlWtf." I'juM!nir leaves . . '5. . . ...... . ,.. .. 1-2- 0 p. m 1 i ,.-- .. .". .:.M1,... .. . .... 7;00 a. n& r arrives , 7. '. i. . .".- - 1 :10 p. m. Mixd-arrive- s j .......... HSUp.m, MptMs M?fos' n . (VAIl'ndtiora umW this-- . 'heading will; be chi'irced at'the ra'te-o- f $2 a yeari ' A. LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. & A. M. ajrvw IteKular meetings 2d.WedBeedayin-eec- h "r"U" 'month! All brethren. invited .to attend.-'Tr- ..- - y ..C.H.8iiKLDON;W;M. M. Sec'y, "' 20july' . WILDEY LODGE Nd-4- 4, LO. 0;F- - gjnw-ts- - Tuesday evenings of each P.vTr nt 'their Iijn.ll on Thirteenth 3jv-f- - .street. Visiting" brethren- "cordially.' invitVil:. . . - - W. IUNoteS'tkin, N.Or -- II. A: MriELLEB, Sec'y; '.:' 27janLtf DEORGANIZEDCIIUBCH; OF LATTEB'-DA- JtV Siii'ntri iiold rcpnlnr be'rrices every" Sunday - nt 2' p.m., - triivor trteAtinif on WfWlriraflAV evening. at tliuir cliHiwl.-cornt'r- of North-stree- t and Pacific' Avenue. AU'&re-cordifill- invited! 13iul89.- - " Elder 'JI. J.HtTDqN. President. ""-Unti- l -- further notice, all adver-tisenien- te' under tLisbead jtrill be charg- ed at the rate of Ave cents a line' each lBBtie. We- - make this lower rate to cod. form-wit- the'tiinee. Salo bills'printed .it" this office. - 4; J Jlemember. your pledge 'last Fri day. . ' '.. ":' ; : -- . -- Tennyson. New "Year poetry, has lately'.been in .demand.'' "newspapers by ..the hundred, 25. .cents Jit'fhe Jocrnai office Yoif ve.ainie"ard about good resolu- tions: being used for' paving stone. -- "D'z. T. R. Clark, successor to ' Dr. r Schug"; Olrve st. In office at nights. Tho'la'dies- - innsical will nieet with-IrB- . l)r. Heiritz next-Monda- evening, . ye and Ear surgeon-- , J)r. E. T. J Allen', ttOiVItamgd block; Oiiiaha, Neb. - --young ciiitle" for Baleor rexclrtiiige for. city lots. Call on "IX !0L Duffy.. : ;:- - r SOQ 'per month lomen to'Sell my j'gOod.s; .Address J. At, Ihipprt, South ' Be.nd'"Tnd. Vv "'.: - 37-4- p "Sioux City passenger train due" here' at --15 "o'clock. Wednesdayj'was six-- ' liou rs late. ... ;: i - .. . -- . . v . . The" resolutions that, were broken ' Saturday nearly the "number .of tliDsa.'forinetl P.riday. ." ." -f- vMiss Alice ratkinB'elosed'ia.-8Uc- - 'l cessfnl four, months' t'erni in .district 34'iast Wednesday. - . ' - . . f .trees in high school yard need triniin.ing-'-.ery- . badly. The board'hould look nfter-tiiL'natler-- once. : . - Chief of Police McTaggart shot a do- - on ': Eleventli street Thiirsday. hooti for. disturbing the peace.. v t r Thoro we're .many- - good resolutions formed last. Friday and thtlre-wer- e also. a goid uiany broken.tlie following- day. i B. Duffy,. Columbus, Neb., will do T"Vour houfie-tnoviiJg- ',. in good shape and at r"eiisohablo';prices. . .. l.tf-eo- w . TIuv, celebrated Quitfk-Mea- l, and: Monarch, gasoline stoves.'.the'Besx.in the - 4tf. Dr..'N-nunan- , dentist, .Thirteenth st, Aopposite'Barber's;. All work! guaranteed!; Gas "given for-th- painless extra'ction-o'f- . teeth,: '.':.- - - - :21-t- f VedneBaai-e&;23d,Wmis-.-Kibler. and Mis'May-Wallilig- , both of Leigh, were, married at. tho residence of the brido's parents. V . .' '" '. 'f ' . . ' . An! exchange very truly, remarks,' Vlfvoiir liens "aTO roosting-o- fences and 4 . . -'- .-' . . .. 1 tops these"-- ' cold- - nights, you;.neeun't; expect any .eggs.""-- ' . .newspapers have .adr opted, a scaje'of prices for job printings and intend to malce no deviation, what- ever from the scale. ""-'- .' .The Union-Pacif- ic .are' taking, out the old. steel. between-her- e and the Loup bridge, and.;replacihg itwith heavier new steel of the latest; pattern; - 320.acres.of good land mi section" 6,- - town 17, .range 1 east, for "sal0 for. cash. Those wishing all or" any 80 of said tract, please address M K.'-Tu- r ner, Columbus, .Neb. ' For rent, a commodious store, room on Eleventh .street, centrally, located, and suitable for grocefy,;dry:goods. or clothing.. 'A long time lease preferred... Call at JbUKXAjiooffice. " - tf . ' " '- ..Having mown.-ever- y thing -- clean in Ceresco' and-- ' vicinity,-. J.- - T." Camp "has 4.aken his Scythe and moved -- to Weston, - bis paper from.that" point the time'lpeing.fWahoo Wasp. ".!" .. ""- - . "i . Jacob Lewis ..has brought suit .against the O.'i'B- - V. railroad'cotnp'any to recover. 450 damage Which- - he - bus-- . i; . . ' " - . . ' - tained by reason of a' fife caused by de- -' fendant's .engine. McAllister & Cornel - - ius are his attorneys -- ' -- .'-"'. Sam'l C. Smith and son Elmer,' last Sunday-frbn- i . aweek'sjtrip'in "Arizona. They "report that coimtrj- - to'be in a flbn'risbing'Con-ditio- n. ' They are working in the inte- rest of the Gila Bend Irrigation Gompa- -' " ny.-Jpfatio- City Kecord. The necessary binds have been'.sub- - scribed to insure.-thf- e success-"o- f the G. A. R. encampment in this.city-Feby- . 17- - "18. The business men contributed very liberally for this occasion, and the old soldiers, of which there will be about .800 will be -- royally entertained Ar, rangements have been-mad-e to run the electric-light- s all night. , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. CJome toTax Joubnab fqr job-wor- A. light' fall of anow Monday 'fresh-- , ened the atmosphere. .."-.- ' A greal many frorn'OolumbtiB will- - .attend the art exhibition at 'Schnyler . . today.'. -- . -- The city- - schools ' commenced- - ajpain Monday after, ar- - short vacation of. fcro itofkB. ". '.''- - "; . .;-."- -' -Tiie '.Columbus department of. the : Monroe Tjooixog Glass is looming up in fine shape!. ". . . i - ; According to the sign of the hog the heariest-- . part 'of our winter weather is already pasti . . ..- -, Miea Nellie Post- - entertained a num ber of. invited, guests at. .a card party a nureday. evening. - -- The smoke.has been floating low for several days past, "indicating a light at-- naosphere and'falling. weather. " Henry 'Hiwteman expects to. com- plete his dwelling-housep- u Tenth street this' winter, except the plastering; " " .The country people poured, in thick and fast- - Saturday, and oonsequenfly trade was very brisk with our. merchants. Madison has just organized a roller skating clubhand will open lip a. rink at once.. Poor Madison! Ten years behind the times.- - W; H. Lewis who was quite sick the . latter part of last week .with la grippe, was reported Triuch better. Monday mbrding-- . - .j As" we goto press' the installation of officers "elect of; the- - pi A. .; W-- - R. Q. and Sons of Veterans, .isr proceediag at their hall onThirtesoth street:" '.. . . W.p. WitoMi'of'brohee. writes us on business renewing his subscription, and saying: "Keep iending your papery itisa welcome visitor every week." The alliance meeting which "was to have been held yesterday, Was postponed until Saturday, January 9, on account of the supervisors 'who were in session; v 1. The new year was ushered in with one of the coldest days of the season. The mercury .fell, several degrees and coal was in good demand New Year's morning. The Telephone company are protect- - ing their poles on the principal streets by wrapping them with hoop iron, and painting them red, about six feet from the ground. Under its Grand Army department, the Omaiia; Bee has started; to give a list of members of the different posts in the state. That of Baker post will appear soon. The editor of ' the Monroe. Looking Glass is 'seeking light, on the tariff question. Glad to see him looking, around. By searchiug, he can surely arrive at the truth. -- J. E. Hoffman. has .sold a half in- terest in his meat market to L Gates of Biehland, a young man well known to many of our readers as a thorough-going- , capable man "business. . Rev. Tisdale of Grand Island was in the city Saturdayori his way to Fnller-- toh. He engaged rooms for his family who all expect- - to'be here during the G. A. R. encampment next month. -- Bont Speice, who was injured last Wednesday was up town- Monday, .look- ing stiff arid sore, but Seemingly in a fair, way to. recover ..eoon from the. sqeeze he received' between the cars.-- - - To atmospheric dust is attributed a. large share of the responsibility of the grippe. Bain or snow settles, a. good portion Of this, thus clears the atmos phere and is supposed to be beneficial. A' razy man was wandering about on the prairies a few miles east of town Saturday, and frightened several women "by peering, through the window panes. Some passers-b- y "brought "him into tpwa. ' ". . Shep. O. Raymond of Colutribus was doing business - here Wednesday- - and Thursday. While" in town Shep. .made onr den" a very pleasant calL There is a .possibility 'that he may .become a resi dent of this" place, St Edward Newa Year's eve resident relatives of the family,.excepting grandfather Hudr son (who was called away to Fremont) : gathered at .the residerico of J. H. Galley on Tenth and- - Kummer, to see the old. year out and the new in.. A most en joyable time is. reported. Train No.8 was !twd hours late Sat-- -, urdayand was made, from parts Of Nos. 4. and 2 of the day before. The Oregon Short- - Line-- , is badly- - blockaded with snow. Conductor Mitchell told us he had 15 "coaches and would have brought .more if he. could have found them.- - a The leap year ballgiven at the opera house last Friday evening was. pro- nounced a great success. The ladies did all in'their power-t- o make. it pleas- ant, and. although the' hottse was crowded, every 'one enjoyed .themselves.' About seventy-fiv- e couple.danced. ; :Bev. Father- - .Ryan',who" has. been, seriously-il- l at .the . residence-o- f Wm. Lamb, Omaha, is reported, as ry much improved. His. many friends, hope he may be speedily restored, -- to' -- hia-uaaai,. vigorous. health.' He is the '.pioneer Catholic priest of Nebraska, and has al- ways been' 'a wise councillor"! to his people, " . '".". ..A large . crowd of ; young people' ""tripped the light fantastic'' until a late hour Friday.night at Fitzpatrick's halL. It-w- as ai very orderly gathering and nil enjoyed theaily'ea immensely..- - A chance in. a rafle.for a horse was in- cluded in-th- e prieVof the' ticket,-an- d the horse waswonjljy John Smith who threw . .- - the lucky nwaber", .-j . 45, . . Frank Swartz, the young man from' Madison county,-- . who was arrested, last week. by. Sheriff Caldwell, waived- - ex amination Wednesday "and was placed under $500 bonds for his "appearance at Judge' Hensley's court, January 12. :He furnished bail and was released. Syler, whom it is claimed Swartz knifed, is said to be not seriously injured.- - -- Paul .Hagel, son of William Hagel of this city,' has. been under treatment at Omaha 'for some; time. for. his eyes The unfortunate ypung" man has! .been nearly blind for several years and Tues- day of last week had a.cataract removed from his left eye .by Dr. Gifford of 'that city, assisted' by' Dr. J". C. Willy of this place. The latter informs us that the operation was" in every way successful and that Paul is improving rapidly and that'.unlesB the nerves of the .eye be en- tirely destroyed -- by the long years of inactioa, his sight will soon be restored. Children pry for Pltotter'e Caeter la. . Bon. J. W. Lore of Fremont, Uni- ted States consul to Sa& Salvador, 'Jen-tra- L America;' was' in ihe city Thursday and made this office a i plsaaant calL. Mr. Love gave tie. a very vivid, descrip- tion of thjlt southern country, and aays that m; comparison, with; age .between; the twd countries' the United States, is not but of its swaddling cldthei. He tells .us'.of a race of. there who. 'have "but two fingers on each- - hand and only two. toes on each foot 'It' is. not 'a ."freak" but' the' entire- - race;' have been so 'many generations.- - An. hour's, talk with the gentleman is' both' rhter.-esting'a- nd instructive and-inspr- ies one with the desire, to. pack up at once; and start -- for that country. Love is home temporarily on account of the ill- ness of his wife, but'expecte to return to that country again in about two months. About forty persons pf the Chautau- qua circle arid invited guests met with Mr.andMra. Herrick Thursday' eveningto watch the old year out- and, the-- - new year in. -- Avery entertaining--series- ; o exercises had beeri prepared for -- the oc- casion,' besides refreshments,,, and the. time' passed merrily and profitably along until after the. electric lights were shut off, which was the first intimation that the midnight hour had passed,- - and the old-yea- r nad-departe- d; -- Olie.moejt laughable partof . the exercises were" the pantomime pictures, 'being .a series of courtship scenes and-inciden- on the! seashore.- - Nothing was detracted from" theenjoyment of these Vhen' it. became known thatthe ocean's roarwastypified in a dish of water; The Chautauqua idea is certainly practical and is worthy of Henry Lehman of Uiis city, better known as ""Pants" has left Madison: for a. more congenial clime. It seems that two weeks ago Henry waa employed by a young lady to bring her .trunk from Harry Lamb's to Madison. He got the trunk to Madisonall right, but he took it to his house where it ,was Broken, open and the contents distributed among the "Pants" children. Among other articles was a 'valuable dress, a gift to the lady, which she valued highly. This was ripped up and made over for the young hopefuls. . When the theft was discovered, Lehman left for parts unknown. No effort has yet .been 'made to., arrest him.-Madis- Reporter. ' Bont Speice, a brakeman .of the Sioux City freight vhich left here Wednesday morning,, was Caught bet- ween the cars at Platte .Center and bad- ly squeezed He was brought! to this" city-o- a special train' .and taken to. Dr. Martyn & Evans office, where an examin- ation revealed the fact that' no bones were broken, but he was badly, squeezed, about the. chest. He was removed to the home of his father in this city; and Thursday morning was reported es. resting easy and not thought to- - be .ser- iously injured. It was a very close call, however, and a miracle that he was not killed out right. Cot M Whitmoyer and J. M. Gond- - ring have formed a partnership for the practice, of their profession, the- - law.' These gentlemen are top well known, to the great body of our local ' .readers to need any commendation at our hands;; They have the . Jeffersonian qualificati- ons, they are honest, capable and. faith- ful, and any businessin their, line. en- trusted to "their care7" willhave their' closest attention.. They are. thoroughly well informed in their, profession and perfectly responsible for any sum enr trusted to them. - Indian -- Commissioner Morgan said in regard to an exhibition at the World's lair: "I am pleased to say that one of the best institutions of the kind that we have, is the one in Nebraska, at Genoa, and if it were, possible to take your school from Genoa and set it down, for six months in Chicago where the mil- lions who are to, visit the' great, fair could see its practical workings; it would do a vast missionary work." Pretty good for Superintendent Backus. Quito an amount of provisions, with some .money have, been raised. 'for the sufferers by hail in the western part of the county. Supr. W..J..'frwih. distrib- uted the.530 received of Sherman, twp. through. Supr. Asche, to six of the most needy families.. Doubtless there are many throughout the. county who have not been called; upon,- - who. would, be glad to contribute money or provisions to these worthy people. - H. G. Kemp, of. Sentinel fame, is now located at St. Edward in the. news- paper business. He and F. E. Williams, son of Postmaster William's of that place, purchased, the Beaver Valley News of Sisson Bro', and the ctaft.has been launched under the. flag' of .Kemp & Williams. In connection with the newspaper business, Mr. Kemp will, also conduct a real estate-offic- e arid practice law. . wf . P lie only-bOTte- ht S150 worth of toys,. DecauMkieraafrali' of the Okd times; and a glance ih)ur stoTW will Vov to -- A. n V xrm that'they aim sit. ou-f- b xi.bu we don'i Ehave to Ser voiaVbargaina.'. in a 4 "lm j jisv- - IK Christ!mas goods,pw .uirwnnsima-ai- s past adone, buck-r- e will suW)rise yqk h :.. av: - on thelo pncea m are aimzmug uu staple groceries ana-wr- y gooas; m. Stonesifer. 1 . BW - 1 Tho good-peopl- e near Silver Creek,' Merrick countyj are advocating ditch- ing. .. Certainly, 'there are-- ' sections of country' in Nebraska that have' been very much, benefited - by; drainage, in fact" have seen .' through!" 'tlus a radical change in the .'productiveness of the soil, as well as' well as- - in" ' the health! u'l-ne- ss of" the atmosphere." -- :. Henry .T. Spoerry. of Baker Post No 9, G. A- - R. who.is inspecting, 'officer for the counties .of Platte, Nance;- - and' Boone 'counties, . i went to Platte Center Saturday' toinspect and muster Atlanta Post' ! Seventeen of .:lbe veterans': were, present; the Post, is .'.flourishing, with twenty-eigh- t mem Den ' in. good standing. - The example of Richard Mansfield- -j .theactor, might be followed-with- ' profit by hosts of people who wish to reach the public pocket-boo- k "by catering; to the needs, .the.fancies or the whims of their fellow-creature- s. ManBeld purposes to discard every species of advertisiag- - ex- cept 'the , legitimate - of the newspaper. - . Thk JocbnaIi.wss in error last week in giving the date of the next K. of P, entertainment in this city. The notice-- , read:. January '16, and it should have read': Wednesday, January 18th. It is fqrtunate, however, that there euffic-- 1 unt tune to correct the nor. - ' ' .PERSONAL. "Mrs.l!xiJaeggT-sBck,withtUi- e grip. . Maurace A. Mayer 'is visiting'' frieads in the east. . : ' Mrs. C-- C, Miller. returned to. South' Omaha Friday.- - " . - . ..Otto Pehl of Fremont spent Sunday wiiu jus parenxa. . Mrs.-A;-E- .- Searl'iii visiting with rela- tives in Fullerton.'- - .'. . .'"".'. Jennings camadown'from St I Edward yesterday, -- :. ".". '"' Jacob Tsch'udin of.WooVdburQ.'w.as in the city Thursday. "- - .'-- ' '. " . . ' F..N.-Stevenso- n returned from 'Holt' county Wednesday. ."" .' . Philip .Bender of Humphrey was "in the city' Wednesday".. ... .'". . . Miss Vera Kramer 'spent the holidays with friends at'Clarks.' . Mrs. J. J. Sullivan is'Tery sick with' congestion of the lungs! .V . ' - - . : "...-..-'- . Mr and Mrs, Mentzer'.of Richland were 'in the city Sunday. ..-- " Hon. J! S. Freeman of. Orand Prairie was in. tho city Thursday. - f ... .";. . F.'MCJooWbgh'am.of -- Humphrey ' was 'on bur streets .Wednesday", . ? . -- s George Brodfeuhrer spent New .Years with Verhie Backus' ,r Lloyd Sisson of St Bdward'waa visitr ing friends in the city Sunday.' . - - ". . .'' Attorney .Robinson 'of Madison -- was down, on legal, business 'Wednesday. -- -. '. Dr.;Oark'sepuiamed6wnf rbm Genoa last Thursday to spend afew days .hereV " ' S. G.jTurrell.editor of thd Schuyler Sun, visited friends in this' city-Sunda- y. H. J. Heridryx a prominent- - stock dealer pf Oconee Was inthe- - city Thurs- - Dr. Martyn, of Columbus, was' in ottr city betireen trains Monday.-fClark- B Leader; Miss Dovie Becher 'returned to Brbwneir Hall, Omaha, Monday, after a visit home. Mrs. Joseph Rivet and daughter were down from Lindsay on business last Wednesday. A! LBixby "sole editor and-propriet- of the Sentinel" returned from Den- ver, Wednesday. 'Clarence Sheldon lias .returned to school at Monmouth, IH, after passing vacation at-ho- me. A. J. Arnold was. up town Monday, after about eight weeks siege 'with- - the sciatic rheumatism. Jessie Becher and George Whaley re turned Monday to Lincoln' to' their studies at the University; J. B. Tschudy came up town Monday. It has been a long .time since a kick from a horse laid him np. . : Mis. Dr. Hoehen suffered vitb two' strokes of paralysis Friday evening, but is much improved at present Miss Bessie Whitney returned from a two weeks'1 visit with friends arid rela- tives at St. Edward, Saturday. Mrs; William Hewitt of Silver Creek,' who has leen visiting, friends in the city for several days,, returned, home.-Tuesday- . ' '"' "'. Mrs. Mary Bremer returned' Thursday from Fremont where-- - she had . been visiting her daugliter Mrs. RikestrS a tow .wyp. Miss Minnie Steen,..one of .Madison's teachers, passed through-th- o city; to spend the holidays, at her home in. Sil- ver Creek;. ' ' . Mrs. Stevens" who has. been yiflitirig.-he- r sister in Topeka,. Kan., some time, left for SanDiegp, Cal:,' the 22nd of lastinorith. . ' . "..' Mra. 0. IX Butler. went! to j.Leaveni worth, Karis., Thursday,- - in answer a' telegram announcing the seriousillnessl of her sister. - ' , Mrs-S- . G. Lisco, Who lias been, under the doctor's care nt Grand Island .for some time, spent Christmas at 'home. -- Clarks Leader. Ernest and the' Misses Phoebe' and Grace Gerrard returned, to the' '"state, university at Lincoln Monday, after spending vacation atliome. George Ragatz is visiting relatives in this city. He is on his way from Wino na, Minn., 'where he was 'recently mar; ried, to his home in California. - Miss Ora Simmons returned Christ- mas from Massachusetts, where she has beeri for over a year under the care of an. oculist She returns perfectly cured. Mr. and Mrs. John Wise were .at Kan- sas City last week visiting their sons Charles and Samuel." The' Wise colony in ,that city are. in . good health and flourishing'. .. ." Mrs; E. O. Spielberg- - of Newman Grove, who is at the hospital-'unde- r Dr. Martyn's care for' consumption, is very low. Her husband.and. two sisters are' with her constantly. " .Miss .Minnie Pollock leaves Friday. for Ashton, DL, where she ..is called the serious illness of her mother; Mrs. Lv J. Truman takes her place as teacher in the Genoa public schools. Cyrus D. Hazeri is visiting" with W.W;' Rrice's family.- - He came . from' Dakota about two weeks-ag- o arid, says .that there: was plenty of wheat in shock cqv--re- d with snow when he- - left. Mr. Hazen. has been suffering" with . the . grippe., ' - . John W. Smith who had been' under .the weather the past twp weeks -- with the grip, was put; .again Saturday.- - He has.hf-.d-in-his household recently, per- sons nairied Jones and Brown, and thus, under one rqpf, were 'representatives of the three greatest families 'on earth. Speaking of the multitudes of the Smith-familyhe.say- s that in his company in the defencp of the-"Unio- n CO: IL' Fourth- - California- - Infantry-"--ther- e were five' John Smiths, ... three of them officers, the other two privates.- - We want.every. mother, to'know that croup can. he prevented- - True croup pever appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarseness- - then 'the chil'd appears 'to'haye taken a" cold or a' cold may have accompanied the hoarse ness the- - start Alter that a pe--- culiar rough cough- - is developed, which is followed-- ' by the croup. The time to act ...-- . is 'when ... the child first becomes . . hoarse; a few.idoses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy "will-preve- the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the' disease may.be prevented by using this remedy It has .'never been known, to .fail. 25 cent 60 cent and 91 bottles foraale by C. E. Pollock & Co. and'Dr. Heintz, druggists. . tf . : AiMtkar ttrrilMe Example." Martin Marlota; whose homwai in Grand Prairie townabip, was-.foan- d deadwitkiaaqmartorof a mile of the sama, Moadaj' night -- A mention'of the fact in last week's JocbVal, ginoe which .time eoToaer's jury has investigated taec cinmaiBtaaoes. The . inquest'.- - was held Thursday by Sheriff Caldwell in the absence of Coroner Heintz, and the main facts seem to be that Marlote" had been at Platte .Cefater Thursday week, drinking .very heavily and started to go' home about 7 o'clock, very drunk, but able towallr. - L Tlie son'of Johh Starzeo JneJ; him 'on the road near John McGuane's residence. The next known of him ;was when': his dead body Yas. found by his "daughter Monday evening when returning home from school. . He seemed to have' st'ag- - jgered albrig until he got' near 'his' home wnen, in. trymg to get through -- the wire fence, he got tangled in.'the and reViyed sone" 'slight 'gashes, 'but foil on the side qf thefence next his home, and was notable, to get up kn'd so dicsd. . " " "Thecorqner's.jury, cooaisting of Q: N. Hopkins, Hiler Greisonr A.G.'Quinn, K, Neik-pn- , C. L." Schuler-an-d W. SaW dersj'-- f oubd no marks abat his.' person no bones -- .broken. They m 1' "JL. xi m - j luuuq , ooiiier or auconoi, about, one- - third .full, ..and forty-tw- o dollars in- - 1 money'on his person. " "'". Their verdict in brief is that he came 'k-'J- ti- m-T:- -- i .. .".- - xu-uu- i uwiu. uyueing cuuieo .orrrozen. rapermauceq Dy. mioxicauon . Rom djrinkln alcoholic liquors, and not felo- niously;' .. . He leaves a wife, and four small chil- dren in "poof- - circumstances. . . - - ' . BackieaVAraica Salve.. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt .rhoum,'.fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns; and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac- tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ForsalebyCB. Stillman. -- rThe population of Columbus is about 300, and we would say at-- least one-ha- lt are troubled. with some affec- tion . of the' throat, and lungs, as. those complaints are,, according! to statistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all our: readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on. their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's' Balsam- - for the. throat. and lungs. rTrial.size free. Large bottles, 50o and $1. Sold by all ruggtsts.. 34--y By a change soon to be made in the B. & M time eard, both freight crews will lay over here Sunday, and Conduc- tor McFarland was rustling around hunting a .house, Tuesday and preparing to move his family to this city. We have known Mr. McFarland for several years and we can honestly commend him to the good graces pf Columbus people. EkgiIjsb Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and Blood' Spavin, Curbs, gplints, Ring BpneSweeney, Stifles, gprains, Sore . and Swollen Throat, Coughs etc; Save $50 ly use of one "bottle. Warranted the. moet.wonderful BJeriuahCure ever known. Sold. by C. ;B.Stiirriian,-.druggiat.t- . .;- - 26riovlyr. . . x arwiebted:tovthe"follbwing r persons for. business" favors- - making tin editpT'sheart glad the first of the year: John.-- . Wagner, Crestpn, Chas.. Yelm,, Genoa.' WD." .Wilson, Oconee, Wm. O. Pugsley, Qenoa,-G..A- . Scott-Mrs- . O.. F. Merrill, G. "A. Lihdstrum, John Sissle, Miss Einma Dawson, and Gus Wihuish, Cblurakbs. . '!. .'". ' '. ;..' ; - - Elder -- H." J.. Hudson went to. Fre- - mbntTorsdayj returning Sunday. He was called to' officiate at. the funeral of Mrs-ueorg- e llodges.-llewa- s the offic- iating minister at her marriage-som- two years ago. The'funeral was a very large' one notwithrtandiHg. the very, cold I wither and Ihetdistance traveled a'mile ahdaqUarterT . 7 K Ernst, whose-lif- e seemed .to be hoaging-- in'- - balance with 'the' chances atrongly, against 'his. recovery ' thepait teirdays,.i8 reported as- - much, bettor: AU his iBiBin and . acquaiutan ces sincerely hope he'may fully- - recover his heUtb-.an- be'spafed-ye- t many" years, to enjoy" the-'- f rtiite of his labors;- - ' '' Mr.'Casper Jenny.. ol.;the.. firm, of Jenny Biroa,'NebPville; was i'in the city' Monday :. on 'bOpineH .and'gave.'. Thk JbcBK'A'a'feirph-Baantca- l -- Their cheese fact6ry kaV.dbne. a 'good paying business the past year, apd they have good reason to. cobgratulato- - themselves; . '' on the. futurO prospect. If any'man, in the Tjody.br put of the body, can tell of a greater nuisance and evil .to- a 'community than' the, bawdy, bouse, he ought to speak out and warn against it .Np self-respecti- ng commanity would' tolerate .these' sinka of riceandcormptibn.fora single day. 'The board of county supervisors met yasterday at .2 p; m.'. It is .'under-'atpod- at .they Win 'finish the work-.b- f theic. Official year, so far as .it .can-b- e done,'and'leave any new. business for the new" board, which- - convenes next Tues- day, the 12th. . - '; ." ; . -- rOf course we- - are "not at liberty to tell what transpired at the meeting of Baker Post G,A. R. Saturday evening,, but' they do say 'twas a meeting, of more than UBUal-interes- t. 'The old soldiers who are not members are missing-- , "some pf the benefits of fraternity. d' - ' Those who- are in., the habit pf getting drunk, have another fearful ex- ample before them, added to the hun-dreds- of thousands already. gone before, in the 'death' of 'Martin Molez. When will poor human nature-b- e cured of this awful disease? . -- There is an increasing demand for land, and .two 'dollars and a. half an acre has been -- lately 'offered for good produc- tive Nebraska soil. No"bet"ter invest ment could bethought of just now.than in the" rich acres of our 'broad prairies. - :c -- ;Union services of the Presbyterians,' Ckmajregationauste aind Methodists every evena this week at the Presbyterian chufbh.; Everybody cordialy. invited. Prewiiag every evening by either" ReV. ColekRev. Elliott or.Re'v.'Leedomv 1, - '- - li - - HrJ.Mudjonwiil be in Hk oftcVon Oliye'street to attend to aayliaaiQMB as justice Of the peace, no- tary public or insurance" agent ' Business entrasted to him will receive. prompt and aareful attention. .Fer'Sale.- - few choice brood sows for sale, on one year's time' by the undersigned, at the home 'farm, four miles northeast of Columbus. J. H. DBiNNKf. ' The Quill says that a J. Phelps of that city is'contemplating the erection of a brick hotel in Schuyler', and has no less a person than 'George. Lehmak of this city interested in the project. -- Our sister city doe well to look to Columbus for successful landlords- - V cpuraVit h.urta,.but you .must' L grin, and bear it," is' the old .time couso-- . lation given to- - persons troubled with rheumatism.-- ' "If .'you' will take the trouble to, dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind" lb'on over the seat of paiq your rheuma- tism will .disappear,"-is- " tho niodorn and much mpresatisfa'ctory advice. 50 cent bottles for sale by .C.-- EJ Pollock. & 'Go-a- nd Dr. A. Heintz; druggists. tf 1 Dr. R. L. St. John of Howland, Put-na- ni county;- - Missouri,, takes especial pleasure in .Chamber- lain's. Cough. Remedy, because' he knows it to be reliable'. 'Ho has used .it in his practice for several yearsrand say's there is none better."; It-i- s especially 'valuable for.co1d8.andas a preventive and cure for croup! This most' excellent medi- cine is for sale by C. E. Pollock &.Co. and Dr.'Hein.tz,'druggists'. tf 1 bo-dtTar- m f AVg!ve- - a privilege in our loans which is. ya y valuable to the borrower. It is- the i rivilege to pay one or more hun- - dred. lollars at time of any. interest pay' ment'in this way reducing .both prin cipal and interest. Our present .rate of interest is seven per cent, payable annually,, and no charge is made for drawing up papers. P..W. Hentucu, Columbus, Neb; 36; Loan Agent MAp-pri-- DOD6HERTY-KIRKLAN- D-In this city, Wednesday eenln-- . Dec;.-0- . by Jiuljco W.N. Henaley.. William Bonehcrty and Jliaa Nellie Kirkland, both of. Humphrey. The Kroom waa. for several years a resident of Colombua and has many friends here who wQT join Thk: Jocbxai. in wishing Mr. and Mrs .Dougherty, a" long and happy life. DIED. MURRAY-Ja- n. 3d, at twelre o'clock mid:, night; Bridget, wife of Patrick Murray, after a year's illness. Her illness became serious about aear ago. Within this time she had three strokes of paralysis. She was married to Patrick Murray.. July 1th, 1856, and has been, through all "these yeeirs, his steadfast, faithful and untiring helpmate, on their large farm wbst of.this city. Her life has truly been a busy one, full of toil and care, and not. without danger also. .In 1S63, Mr. 'Murray had a contract to put up hay-fo- the government,-an- during his absence at Omaha on. business, Indian's attacked his wife and tho hands in tho field, after having, professed friendship and eaten supper with them. They killed Mr. Murray's brother' and wounded 'several others, amount whom was Mra. Murray. The funeral will take place today at 2 .'o'clock, the remains to'be laid at rest in the- cemetery" near H.M. Wihslow's farm. gnsintss Notices. Advertisements-under- , this liead iivo contaa kneeach insertion; M.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoe's'intho best styles'.-an- uses only the very best mm k that can bo'orucured in the market. 52-- tf LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: The "special commissioner appointed to view and report upon tho practicability of vacating all that part of the "Elm Creek Road." -- vraved for in' a certain petition duly signod and tiled in the'office of the county'clerk. as follows, to wit: ('ommencing at N. W. .corner of .S. W. Ji of' N. W. 4 of sectio-- i 35. town VJ, range 2 west and sunning thence, -- southeast and terminating at 8. E. corner of section SL town 1U, range 2 west or thereabouts, has a'Tiin report in this office recommending tho vacation as prayed for. ' Now all objections to. tho' vacation of 'this road as above' described, or claims for damagos caused j thereby, must bo filed., in the county clerk's office on or before noon, February 23d; A. D. .18952, or the "'Vacation' may be made with- out further. reference thereto. Dated Columbus, Neb., Dec. 21 1801. O. W. Phillips. 23dec4 County Clerk. -- COLUMBUS MARKETS. - j - the market sareobtaln'ed Tuesday aftornobn, and are correct and reliable at tho time.. .. - . . " . - - v '. ' . - OHAIK.KTO. Shelled Corn......;'.........;....'......-.- . . .- - 24 vOm , mrH "LrBlB ' al - t p 999 9 MWf u . "M 'flour . 9 jUs 'ill- .' ... tSQwaVa J , ' J ""; '' 'faVfl " - ar a7 OIAvUbjB av ' LIVKSTOOK. ' '- -' ' j Fat hogs ................:..'..'........: 3(y)639k. Fat cqws".-- . ......-...'..- . ;.'... ' $1 2T42.0U Fat' sheep. ."... : '.... -- ..:.........-...-,- $3 OOfelOO. jfa steers .... .:.. .v...... .. a-- s uaL'S tw ITCUOIB ............................... 9 .f-- . 9J ;'.""- - ' - . MEATS. MYITIS , 1WI5 Htwoldertr...... ....:..!.,. .....I..... 810 WuN t , a" Lb 7 ' mWmmmmWmmymmmmmmmmmmWmmmwmmwmmnmMmmmmmmmmmmm NEW DEPWTURE. TuB to Boreao of Claiiiis, . . "Astwclatedwith." .- - - . The San Francisco Examiner,- - For Uio'States'ot Nebraska, Io'wtf, lidnsas, and South Dakota for the- - Collection of all V legitimate claims before s Departments of .tho Government; Under the' auspices of The Bee Publishing .Co., .Omaha, Nebraska, aiid' the "Son Francisco'ExaminCr; Offices: Omaha.- - San Francisco. .Wasliingtori. EDWARD' P. ROGGENMAyAOEB,. Room 600,.Bee Building, Oiriaha,- - Neb. . Will practice in the Supremo. Court. ottho. United States, the Court of Claims, the sBflal Courts of the Distrrct'-p- Columbia,' liefore (1oin-mitte- es of Coii'g.reB6, and- - the Indian Depredation Claims. We obtain Pen- sions and Patents. All classes of LamLClaiins. Mining, Pre-empti- and Homestead , Casts. Prosecuted before the'General Land OlTIce, De- partment of the Interior, and the Supreme Court." '. " . . . . PEN8ION8.-Thousa- nds yet entitled". Write for information.' . HEIRS. Widows, Minor Children, Dependent Mothers, Fathers, and "Minor Dependent Brothers and Sisters entitled.- - INCREASE. Pension Laws are norr more liberal than formerly; and many are en t "tied to better rates. Apply, at-on- for". List "of Qup's- - UUiia 10 rig-i- i 10 nigncr raerl. Claimants to" secure the services of this Bureau must become, as a condition' Drwrdertf . a npw subscriber to. The Weekly Bee. Thoec who are now sunscri iters can. become members of the Bureau by sending in a new. subscriber. This will entitle the riew subscriber as-we- ll as Ihe old to a membership. - . We have the names of over two hundred thous- and and sailors residing in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Souh Dakota; . a" " . - . ,- - Correspondence Solicited. Information Free We charge no fee, only is the event' of success. BadfOTcrP-oepeotaa- , GD8.G.BECHEB. LEOPOLD JSQQI. EetahUahedlOTO.- - BECHER, JJEGGI & CO., REAL- - ESTATE - LOAHS, - INSURANCE COLUMBUS, . MONEY TO LOAN ON.FAEM8 at lowmt m rait applicants. BONTDED ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE to all tU Mtato im Platte eoaaty. Bepreeent THE LEADING IN8UBANCE COMPANIES of the World. OsTtam teUciMBl the moA liberal in nso. Loeacs adjusted, and promptly paid at this oSee. . . Notary Public nlwaya in office. Farm and for 'sale. - . Make collections of foreign inheritance and sell. steamship tickets to sad tana all -- parts ot Europe. .' laaafl-t- f SPEldE & ISTQEm ' General Agents for. the eale of ' BaCVBBBBBBBlaBBn '..- - . DiOcPaaeaadMidJafPaicB.B.Lidarmlaat on ftra or Urn yean tim; ia aanaal paymeats to lot of other laatla, improved and aaaHiproTeU. for bsaineas aad mideiice lota in tho. city. We ktwp nauouoaat-r- . 7 COLUMBUS, W.XyRICKLY Sil Waokaalei O Gwie, Piltry, aid Freak Fiik. All Kiiij i f Sauage aflfMialty. High arkt prteapatd for fat bbHUil faj. Olire Street, twe Dten Ntrtk f the Fint NatMial Bail. m GO CO P OB g"H3 ESS-- 5P-S- of! 3.8.0 sii' O S $ OS pro - p 10 GROCERIES ! ALWAYS-O- nAND A FULL AND NEW LINE OF GROCERIES WELL SELECTED. FRUITS! CANNED AND DRIED, OF AUi KINDS (I OAltANTEED TO BE OF REST ' QUAIdTY DRY GOODS! A GOOD AND WELL ELECTED STOCK AI WAYBABCIUtAPABTHECHKAPi ' - EST. ALSO BOOTS SHOES ! THAT DEFY COMPETITION,''- - BUTTER AND EGGS Apd all kinds taken in trad and all goodsl'delivered free of 'charge . to any .part 'of the city. KEEP. ONLY.THE BE8T.GRADE8OF FLOUtt i)ux-- , j. h. " Y j COLUMBUS PlamglE We have just opened a 'new mill on M street, opposite Schroeders flouring mill and are pre pared .to do AUj KINDS OF WOOD WORK. snch as Sash, J)oors,' Blinds, MonLdings", Store-Fronts- , Counters,-- . Stairs, . Stair Balusters Sawini, Turning, Planiug.. STEEL AND IKON ROOFING AND SIDING. - ". promptly attended to". Call on oruLIdrea. . . - ' ' . , '- - . ". : . . .. HUNTEMANN BROS., . ' . . jalSm ' . " . Colnmbns, Nebraska. . . SCJMtifC AMriCU Afcacyftr IVI-JJi.- M CAVEATS. TWADK- - ataaas. naaiOM batits ww w COPYRIOHTS, ate. For Infonaatloa and froe Handbook write to . mumn a co- - am bboadwat. new tobx. Oldest tmreaa for eenrina; patents tn Aaurlea. Kvery pateet taken oat by as is broagat before the pahlio toy a notice given tree of eaanje ta tae fneutifu taetwn largest etrealatioa of aar asleatiBe paper ltk the world. Baleadtdlr lUsawaliiL NflTlBteuient -- aaa K. Weski jB3jM a "address , IB Broadway. New York. The Journal for Job Work. li.F.Ji LBIBBaVIMBR, NEBRASKA. ntea of intcmt, oa akort or Ioa tii-- la I ! JLOTtaf-HUBMra- e aolt wo ha-- also a Ian Ml at.low pnea aad a ooaptoU atotiactoC tttto teaU nal BTBBBpaaBBBBBBJ 1 I I - rr- -a 5 - t! f SS CD CD gg W 2 -- -j a-- .i S CD - u em Iw. l. ' O AND et j , j BBBBJ!i!!;u:"i! . "i"."BV - . aTaTsTsTaiPsiiiE-:.- : S'Sav - -- fesp;i'!!iai!i;aMi . . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBBBBBBBBBBJ BBBBBEBBBBBBBkJBJ . - . . aaaBsssssaauBaF .BrBaBrBaBrBarra. .aLaBHai"BaaV mm. iafBaBaBaH "! bbbbbbb. - WHY IS THK .. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cvXOmm THE It to a wwImi sltoe. with ao tmt er to aarc taarest; awoe ok uo 08aVf) fQrarJBari aad emrr. aad bteaumB ws tad gradm lam oay otacir atstfieNar, K l&ULt sswea saoai cost-a- s irom atoai BEK mm ueaaiaa taaa 9rfa shoo ever-offere- for aUB; aaVtwttt Sueaatfertab act tm.tmd0 ecUstrasaatAtoafjt. . . .SB) 1IM Hhaat .iiiiii us 11 an aad Letter CanrtatnaU ttMM- - arir laiMw aasw awea aa-a- azua- - ase. -- jaepairwiH 9 aaaeatfiaa aaaayaaeJaycaa-aa- a ila tarlc: am waowaatasaosfgrcua-J0- t -- pSa as aw w faarSaV-w- S .at fary stroaa aai ham wtaaa tkam a trial wm raar BaaShar -- - Boys' -- wblifsSya eata&Bert-lailaciaiao- . ait-- M Itialnat Baanna-ml- i tlfrllia mmlt itmala Caatlaa.--:e- a tW.DoaW aa-a- a aajl WM nm Bwefillfi attoal BUGlaJSJ WM. SHILZ, Olift St.. Mmm. .IJalf-WJaa- . HQW 'SaGfiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaH an B6B3B JBJBJBjBb'b'B- - "CaaawawJp Trt. Co. Jatir anil itarUd ma. I worked (tauUly-tisi- l mad aoaay I than I XDCcttnl to. I became abl to bay an liland aaS a imair naair boUL III don t laecaM at that, I will go tiro. b ablotobar'anlilaad and baild a hoM. ifyom wish ' to. Moaey can bo .arnod at oar Bevr tin. of work, iu-idl- y andjiunorably. by thos.of Itl.rx. Toung or old. . aad in their own localitiM. wbemror t&T ut.. Abt osa f cn do th. Work. Ey to learn. We farnlah eTerrtblnr-- Me rue. on can arrot.oronr ipare moment., or all your time to the work. Thia entirely new lead brinf--i wonderral aaa-e- e. to every worker. Becinnera an earning from BJBJBt SSS per week and upward, and-mor- e after a little eape-time- e. H e can fnrniaa jba tbeemploysiant we teach yon PJCRE. TBiaiaanairanrmarvloaattm nullia.li another trreat, tasefnl. wealth-giTin- g wonder. Great gaeae wm man .T.ry.inan.inon. worker. Wberever ye are. and wbateTer too are dclnjr. yon want to know abont ttia Wonderful Work at ODM. Drl.v hmii mn.K wnnwtm tAMfr Ia yon- - No apace to explain here, bat Ifrou will write la tu. wn wm mui mi law to Ton rtirr & TUCK A CTO.. Bet 8w-- r. WANTED SILESIEN. Local and Tilwilixg. A jood chance! - Don't miss it You need no capital to represent a re- liable firm that warrants nnrserystockfirst-clas- s and true to name.- - Wobk ill thk txab. and good pay weekly to energetic men. Apply quick, statinx age. L. L-- MAY A CO.-- . Nurserymen; Florists anil Seedsmen, St. Paul, Minn. "Thia lioose is responsible. lSnov-p- d PILES MAAaTtSlSMjrieIraaBt relief and is an infallible. Crlre fer Piles. Price $L By Drutnristsor mail. Samples Tm.AlK-rrAi-AKBUa- I)oxaUaiNw York Qtr, I v. :" I '..: V - i- - (b-- .si
Page 1: nebnewspapers.unl.edu · V&L e j WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 6. 1BSZ. I" - -- BaakW ICbSbbbbbbvmbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" A. Jfc N. TIME TABLE. Faes. Frei-h- t. Leaver Golumhus...: 835" a. m. ' :8a8.i"





I" - -- BaakWICbSbbbbbbvmbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"


Faes. Frei-h- t.

Leaver Golumhus...: 835" a. m.:8a8.i" J -

' DavidCitys.. 8":1B ". 4:40 p.m." . Seward..-..- .' 7:10 M

Arrives at Lincoln.:. lis:; a.m. 10:40..T fie er leaves Lincoln at 430 p. m.", and

Brriva.-n- t Columbus. 4 p. leavesLincoln nt 7:15 a. snv, and arrives at Columbus atni. -- i. ., -


..OOINO'EASl". aOINQsWES.'. " .Atlantic Kx... 7:55. m. Pacific Er.LU0.-U- p. niChjraiKo Ex... 1:30 p. ro Deliver Ex.-.'- . p. mLfmih-- in Limited 50 n. mCol. Local:.... COO a; m J-- Local Fr't--.- '. a. m .

i ' '.--- tIXppi.N,"COLU5IBD8 ASnSIODX CUT. .


l'amKer ilrnves from S.iou-cCity..- .:. l:20"n. mleaves Columbus for Laic'n--. 2K5 n" m

. ". arrives from" Lincoln ": . 2.00 ik m- Jcuvesfor8io.nxCity; 230 psin

Mixed leAvafjf SiouxTJhy... ".;... jl;l. 535 a. idMixed n"TiveH.-.....'........"..- 1050 p. m


I'juM!nir leaves . . '5. . . ...... . ,.. .. 1-2- 0 p. m1 i ,.-- .. .". .:.M1,... .. . .... 7;00 a. n&

r arrives , 7. '. i. . .".- - 1 :10 p. m.Mixd-arrive- s j .......... HSUp.m,

MptMs M?fos' n. (VAIl'ndtiora umW this-- . 'heading will; be

chi'irced at'the ra'te-o-f $2 a yeari '

A. LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. & A. M.ajrvw IteKular meetings 2d.WedBeedayin-eec- h

"r"U" 'month! All brethren. invited .to attend.-'Tr-..-

- y ..C.H.8iiKLDON;W;M.M. Sec'y, "' 20july' .

WILDEY LODGE Nd-4-4, LO. 0;F- -gjnw-ts- - Tuesday evenings of eachP.vTr nt 'their Iijn.ll on Thirteenth

3jv-f- - .street. Visiting" brethren- "cordially.'invitVil:. . . - - W. IUNoteS'tkin, N.Or

-- II. A: MriELLEB, Sec'y; '.:' 27janLtfDEORGANIZEDCIIUBCH; OF LATTEB'-DA-JtV Siii'ntri iiold rcpnlnr be'rrices every" Sunday-nt 2' p.m., - triivor trteAtinif on WfWlriraflAV evening.at tliuir cliHiwl.-cornt'r-

ofNorth-stree- t and Pacific'

Avenue. AU'&re-cordifill- invited!13iul89.- - " Elder 'JI. J.HtTDqN. President.


-- further notice, all adver-tisenien- te'

under tLisbead jtrill be charg-

ed at the rate of Ave cents a line' eachlBBtie. We- - make this lower rate to cod.form-wit- the'tiinee.

Salo bills'printed .it" this office. - 4;

JJlemember. your pledge 'last Friday. .

' '.. ":' ; : -- .

-- Tennyson. New "Year poetry, haslately'.been in .demand.''

"newspapers by ..the hundred, 25..cents Jit'fhe Jocrnai office

Yoif ve.ainie"ard about good resolu-tions: being used for' paving stone.

-- "D'z. T. R. Clark, successor to ' Dr.r Schug"; Olrve st. In office at nights.

Tho'la'dies- - innsical will nieet with-IrB- .

l)r. Heiritz next-Monda- evening,. ye and Ear surgeon-- , J)r. E. T.J Allen', ttOiVItamgd block; Oiiiaha, Neb.

- --young ciiitle" for Baleorrexclrtiiige for. city lots. Call on "IX !0L

Duffy.. : ;:- -

r SOQ 'per month lomen to'Sell myj'gOod.s; .Address J. At, Ihipprt, South' Be.nd'"Tnd. Vv "'.: - 37-4- p

"Sioux City passenger train due"

here' at --15"o'clock. Wednesdayj'was six--

' liou rs late. ... ;:

i - .. .--

. . v . .

The" resolutions that, were broken' Saturday nearly the "number .of

tliDsa.'forinetl P.riday. ." ."

-f-vMiss Alice ratkinB'elosed'ia.-8Uc- -

'l cessfnl four, months' t'erni in.district 34'iast Wednesday.

- . '- . . f

.trees in high school yard needtriniin.ing-'-.ery- . badly. The board'houldlook nfter-tiiL'natler-- once. :

. - Chief of Police McTaggart shot ado- - on ': Eleventli street Thiirsday.hooti for. disturbing the peace.. vt

r Thoro we're .many- - good resolutionsformed last. Friday and thtlre-wer- e also.agoid uiany broken.tlie following- day.

i B. Duffy,. Columbus, Neb., will doT"Vour houfie-tnoviiJg- ',. in good shape and

at r"eiisohablo';prices. . ..l.tf-eo- w

. TIuv, celebrated Quitfk-Mea- l, and:Monarch, gasoline stoves.'.the'Besx.in the

- 4tf.Dr..'N-nunan-

, dentist, .Thirteenth st,Aopposite'Barber's;. All work! guaranteed!;

Gas "given for-th- painless extra'ction-o'f- .

teeth,: '.':.- - - - :21-t- f


and Mis'May-Wallilig- , both of Leigh,were, married at. tho residence of thebrido's parents. V

. .' '" '.







An! exchange very truly, remarks,'Vlfvoiir liens "aTO roosting-o- fences and 4

. . -'- .-' . . .. 1tops these"-- ' cold- - nights, you;.neeun't;

expect any .eggs.""-- ' .

.newspapers have .adropted, a scaje'of prices for job printingsand intend to malce no deviation, what-

ever from the scale. ""-'-.'

.The Union-Pacif- ic .are' taking, outthe old. steel.between-her- e and the Loupbridge, and.;replacihg itwith heaviernew steel of the latest; pattern; -

320.acres.of good land mi section" 6,- -

town 17, .range 1 east, for "sal0 for. cash.Those wishing all or" any 80of said tract, please address M K.'-Tu- r

ner, Columbus, .Neb. '

For rent, a commodious store, roomon Eleventh .street, centrally, located,and suitable for grocefy,;dry:goods. orclothing.. 'A long time lease preferred...Call at JbUKXAjiooffice. " - tf

. ' " '-

..Having mown.-ever- y thing -- clean inCeresco' and--' vicinity,-. J.- - T." Camp "has4.aken his Scythe and moved -- to Weston,

- bis paper from.that" pointthe time'lpeing.fWahoo Wasp. ".!" ..

""- -. "i. Jacob Lewis ..has brought suit.against the O.'i'B- - V. railroad'cotnp'anyto recover. 450 damage Which- - he - bus-- .










tained by reason of a' fife caused by de- -'

fendant's .engine. McAllister & Cornel -- ius are his attorneys

-- '--.'-"'.

Sam'l C. Smith and son Elmer,'last Sunday-frbn- i

. aweek'sjtrip'in "Arizona. They "reportthat coimtrj-- to'be in a flbn'risbing'Con-ditio- n.

' They are working in the inte-rest of the Gila Bend Irrigation Gompa- -'


ny.-Jpfatio- City Kecord.

The necessary binds have been'.sub- -scribed to insure.-thf-e success-"o- f the G.A. R. encampment in this.city-Feby- . 17--"18. The business men contributed veryliberally for this occasion, and the oldsoldiers, of which there will be about.800 will be --royally entertained Ar,rangements have been-mad-e to run theelectric-light- s all night.

, Children Cry forPitcher's Castorla.

CJome toTax Joubnab fqr job-wor-

A. light' fall of anow Monday 'fresh-- ,ened the atmosphere. .."-.- '

A greal many frorn'OolumbtiB will- -

.attend the art exhibition at 'Schnyler. .today.'. --. --

The city-- schools ' commenced- - ajpainMonday after, ar-- short vacation of. fcroitofkB. ". '.''-- "; . .;-."--'

-Tiie '.Columbus department of. the: Monroe Tjooixog Glass is looming up infine shape!. ".. . i -

; According to the sign of the hog theheariest-- . part 'of our winter weather isalready pasti . .

..--, Miea Nellie Post- - entertained a num

ber of. invited, guests at. .a card partya nureday. evening. -

-- The smoke.has been floating low forseveral days past, "indicating a light at--naosphere and'falling. weather. "

Henry 'Hiwteman expects to. com-plete his dwelling-housep- u Tenth streetthis' winter, except the plastering; "

" .The country people poured, in thickand fast- - Saturday, and oonsequenflytrade was very brisk with our.merchants.

Madison has just organized a rollerskating clubhand will open lip a. rink atonce.. Poor Madison! Ten years behindthe times.- -

W; H. Lewis who was quite sick the .

latter part of last week .with la grippe,was reported Triuch better. Mondaymbrding-- . - .j

As" we goto press' the installation ofofficers "elect of; the- - pi A. .; W-- - R. Q.and Sons of Veterans, .isr proceediag attheir hall onThirtesoth street:" '.. . .

W.p. WitoMi'of'brohee. writes uson business renewing his subscription,and saying: "Keep iending your paperyitisa welcome visitor every week."

The alliance meeting which "was tohave been held yesterday, Waspostponeduntil Saturday, January 9, on account ofthe supervisors 'who were in session; v

1. The new year was ushered in withone of the coldest days of the season.The mercury .fell, several degrees andcoal was in good demand New Year'smorning.

The Telephone company are protect- -ing their poles on the principal streetsby wrapping them with hoop iron, andpainting them red, about six feet fromthe ground.

Under its Grand Army department,the Omaiia; Bee has started; to give alist of members of the different posts inthe state. That of Baker post willappear soon.

The editor of ' the Monroe. LookingGlass is 'seeking light, on the tariffquestion. Glad to see him looking,around. By searchiug, he can surelyarrive at the truth.

-- J. E. Hoffman. has .sold a half in-

terest in his meat market to L Gates ofBiehland, a young man well known tomany of our readers as a thorough-going- ,

capable man "business.

. Rev. Tisdale of Grand Island was inthe city Saturdayori his way to Fnller--toh. He engaged rooms for his familywho all expect- - to'be here during theG. A. R. encampment next month.

--Bont Speice, who was injured lastWednesday was up town- Monday, .look-

ing stiff arid sore, but Seemingly in afair, way to. recover ..eoon from the.sqeeze he received' between the cars.--- -

To atmospheric dust is attributed a.large share of the responsibility of thegrippe. Bain or snow settles, a. goodportion Of this, thus clears the atmosphere and is supposed to be beneficial.

A' razy man was wandering abouton the prairies a few miles east of townSaturday, and frightened several women"by peering, through the window panes.Some passers-b- y "brought "him intotpwa. ' ". .

Shep. O. Raymond of Colutribus wasdoing business - here Wednesday- - andThursday. While" in town Shep. .madeonr den" a very pleasant calL There is a.possibility 'that he may .become a resident of this" place, St Edward Newa

Year's eve resident relatives ofthe family,.excepting grandfather Hudrson (who was called away to Fremont)

: gathered at .the residerico of J. H. Galleyon Tenth and- - Kummer, to see the old.year out and the new in.. A most enjoyable time is. reported.

Train No.8 was !twd hours late Sat-- -,

urdayand was made, from parts Of Nos.4. and 2 of the day before. The OregonShort- - Line-- , is badly- - blockaded withsnow. Conductor Mitchell told us hehad 15 "coaches and would have brought.more if he. could have found them.- -

aThe leap year ballgiven at the opera

house last Friday evening was. pro-

nounced a great success. The ladiesdid all in'their power-t-o make. it pleas-ant, and. although the' hottse wascrowded, every 'one enjoyed .themselves.'About seventy-fiv- e couple.danced.

; :Bev. Father- - .Ryan',who" has. been,seriously-il- l at .the . residence-o- f Wm.Lamb, Omaha, is reported, as ry muchimproved. His. many friends, hope hemay be speedily restored, -- to' -- hia-uaaai,.

vigorous. health.' He is the '.pioneerCatholic priest of Nebraska, and has al-

ways been' 'a wise councillor"! to hispeople, " . '".".

..A large . crowd of ; young people'""tripped the light fantastic'' until a latehour Friday.night at Fitzpatrick's halL.

It-w- as ai very orderly gathering and nilenjoyed theaily'ea immensely..- - Achance in. a rafle.for a horse was in-

cluded in-th- e prieVof the' ticket,-an-d

the horse waswonjljy John Smith whothrew. .--

the lucky nwaber",.-j .

45,. .

Frank Swartz, the young man from'Madison county,-- . who was arrested, lastweek. by. Sheriff Caldwell, waived- - examination Wednesday "and was placedunder $500 bonds for his "appearance atJudge' Hensley's court, January 12. :Hefurnished bail and was released. Syler,whom it is claimed Swartz knifed, issaid to be not seriously injured.- -

--Paul .Hagel, son of William Hagelof this city,' has. been under treatmentat Omaha 'for some; time. for.his eyesThe unfortunate ypung" man has! .beennearly blind for several years and Tues-day of last week had a.cataract removedfrom his left eye .by Dr. Gifford of 'thatcity, assisted' by' Dr. J". C. Willy of thisplace. The latter informs us that theoperation was" in every way successfuland that Paul is improving rapidly andthat'.unlesB the nerves of the .eye be en-tirely destroyed --by the long years ofinactioa, his sight will soon be restored.

Children pry forPltotter'e Caeterla.

. Bon. J. W. Lore of Fremont, Uni-ted States consul to Sa& Salvador, 'Jen-tra- L

America;' was' in ihe city Thursdayand made this office a i plsaaant calL.Mr. Love gave tie. a very vivid, descrip-tion of thjlt southern country, and aaysthat m; comparison, with; age .between;the twd countries' the United States, isnot but of itsswaddling cldthei. He tells.us'.of a race of. there who. 'have"but two fingers on each- - hand and onlytwo. toes on each foot 'It' is. not 'a."freak" but' the' entire- - race;' have beenso 'many generations.- - An. hour's,talk with the gentleman is' both' rhter.-esting'a-nd

instructive and-inspr- ies onewith the desire, to. pack up at once; andstart -- for that country. Love ishome temporarily on account of the ill-

ness of his wife, but'expecte to return tothat country again in about two months.

About forty persons pf the Chautau-qua circle arid invited guests met withMr.andMra. HerrickThursday' eveningtowatch the old year out- and, the-- - newyear in. --Avery entertaining--series- ; oexercises had beeri prepared for -- the oc-casion,' besides refreshments,,, and the.time' passed merrily and profitablyalong until after the. electric lights wereshut off, which was the first intimationthat the midnight hour had passed,- - andthe old-yea- r nad-departe- d; -- Olie.moejtlaughable partof . the exercises were" thepantomime pictures, 'being .a series ofcourtship scenes and-inciden- on the!seashore.- - Nothing was detracted from"theenjoyment of these Vhen' it. becameknown thatthe ocean's roarwastypifiedin a dish of water; The Chautauquaidea is certainly practical and is worthyof

Henry Lehman of Uiis city, betterknown as""Pants" has left Madison: for a.more congenial clime. It seems thattwo weeks ago Henry waa employed bya young lady to bring her .trunk fromHarry Lamb's to Madison. He got thetrunk to Madisonall right, but he took itto his house where it ,was Broken, openand the contents distributed among the"Pants" children. Among other articleswas a 'valuable dress, a gift to the lady,which she valued highly. This wasripped up and made over for the younghopefuls. . When the theft was discovered,

Lehman left for parts unknown.No effort has yet .been 'made to., arresthim.-Madis- Reporter. '

Bont Speice, a brakeman .of theSioux City freight vhich left hereWednesday morning,, was Caught bet-ween the cars at Platte .Center and bad-ly squeezed He was brought! to this"city-o- a special train' .and taken to. Dr.Martyn & Evans office, where an examin-ation revealed the fact that' no boneswere broken, but he was badly, squeezed,about the. chest. He was removed tothe home of his father in this city; andThursday morning was reported es.resting easy and not thought to-- be .ser-

iously injured. It was a very close call,however, and a miracle that he was notkilled out right.

Cot M Whitmoyer and J. M. Gond--ring have formed a partnership for thepractice, of their profession, the- - law.'These gentlemen are top well known, tothe great body of our local ' .readers toneed any commendation at our hands;;They have the . Jeffersonian qualificati-ons, they are honest, capable and. faith-ful, and any businessin their, line. en-

trusted to"their care7" willhave their'closest attention.. They are. thoroughlywell informed in their, profession andperfectly responsible for any sum enrtrusted to them. -

Indian -- Commissioner Morgan saidin regard to an exhibition at the World'slair: "I am pleased to say that one ofthe best institutions of the kind that wehave, is the one in Nebraska, at Genoa,and if it were, possible to take yourschool from Genoa and set it down, forsix months in Chicago where the mil-

lions who are to, visit the' great, faircould see its practical workings; itwould do a vast missionary work."Pretty good for Superintendent Backus.

Quito an amount of provisions, withsome .money have, been raised. 'for thesufferers by hail in the western part ofthe county. Supr. W..J..'frwih. distrib-uted the.530 received of Sherman, twp.through.Supr. Asche, to six of the mostneedy families.. Doubtless there aremany throughout the. county who havenot been called; upon,- - who. would, beglad to contribute money or provisionsto these worthy people.


H. G. Kemp, of. Sentinel fame, isnow located at St. Edward in the. news-paper business. He and F. E. Williams,

son of Postmaster William's of thatplace, purchased, the Beaver ValleyNews of Sisson Bro', and the ctaft.hasbeen launched under the. flag' of .Kemp& Williams. In connection with thenewspaper business, Mr. Kemp will, alsoconduct a real estate-offic- e arid practicelaw. .wf .

P lie only-bOTte- ht S150 worth of toys,.DecauMkieraafrali' of the Okd times;and a glance ih)ur stoTW will Vov to

-- A. n V xrmthat'they aim sit. ou-f- b xi.bu wedon'i Ehave to Ser voiaVbargaina.'. in

a 4 "lm j jisv- - IKChrist!mas goods,pw .uirwnnsima-ai- s

past adone, buck-r-e will suW)rise yqkh :.. av: -on thelo pncea m are aimzmug uu

staple groceries ana-wr-y gooas; m.

Stonesifer. 1 . BW - 1

Tho good-peopl- e near Silver Creek,'Merrick countyj are advocating ditch-ing. .. Certainly, 'there are-- ' sections ofcountry' in Nebraska that have' beenvery much, benefited - by; drainage, infact" have seen .' through!" 'tlus a radicalchange in the .'productiveness of thesoil, as well as' well as-- in" ' the health! u'l-ne- ss

of" the atmosphere." -- :.Henry.T. Spoerry. of Baker Post No9, G. A-- R. who.is inspecting, 'officer forthe counties .of Platte, Nance;-- and'Boone 'counties,

. i went to Platte CenterSaturday' toinspect and muster AtlantaPost' ! Seventeen of .:lbe veterans': were,present; the Post, is .'.flourishing, withtwenty-eigh- t mem Den' in.good standing.


The example of Richard Mansfield- -j

.theactor, might be followed-with- ' profitby hosts of people who wish to reach thepublic pocket-boo- k "by catering; to theneeds, .the.fancies or the whims of their

fellow-creature- s. ManBeld purposes todiscard every species of advertisiag- - ex-

cept 'the,


of the newspaper.-


Thk JocbnaIi.wss in error last weekin giving the date of the next K. of P,entertainment in this city. The notice-- ,

read:. January '16, and it should haveread': Wednesday, January 18th. It isfqrtunate, however, that there euffic-- 1unt tune to correct the nor. -

' ' .PERSONAL."Mrs.l!xiJaeggT-sBck,withtUi- e grip. .

Maurace A. Mayer 'is visiting'' frieadsin the east. . :'Mrs. C--

C, Miller. returned to. South'Omaha Friday.- -

" . - ...Otto Pehl of Fremont spent Sunday

wiiu jus parenxa.

.Mrs.-A;-E- .- Searl'iii visiting with rela-

tives in Fullerton.'- - .'. . .'"".'.Jennings camadown'from St

I Edward yesterday, --:. ".". '"'

Jacob Tsch'udin of.WooVdburQ.'w.as inthe city Thursday. "-

- .'-- ' '.

" . .' F..N.-Stevenso- n returned from 'Holt'county Wednesday. ."" .'

. Philip .Bender of Humphrey was "inthe city' Wednesday".. ... .'". .

. Miss Vera Kramer 'spent the holidayswith friends at'Clarks.' .

Mrs. J. J. Sullivan is'Tery sick with'congestion of the lungs! .V . ' - - .

: "...-..-'- .Mr and Mrs, Mentzer'.of Richland

were 'in the city Sunday. ..-- "

Hon. J! S. Freeman of. Orand Prairiewas in. tho city Thursday. - f ... .";.. F.'MCJooWbgh'am.of --Humphrey ' was

'on bur streets .Wednesday",. ? .


s George Brodfeuhrer spent New .Yearswith Verhie Backus',r Lloyd Sisson of St Bdward'waa visitr

ing friends in the city Sunday.' . -- ". . .''Attorney .Robinson 'of Madison -- was

down, on legal, business 'Wednesday. -- -.

'. Dr.;Oark'sepuiamed6wnf rbm Genoalast Thursday to spend afew days .hereV

" 'S. G.jTurrell.editor of thd SchuylerSun, visited friends in this' city-Sunda-y.

H. J. Heridryx a prominent- - stockdealer pf Oconee Was inthe- - city Thurs--

Dr. Martyn, of Columbus, was' in ottrcity betireen trains Monday.-fClark- B


Miss Dovie Becher 'returned toBrbwneir Hall, Omaha, Monday, after avisit home.

Mrs. Joseph Rivet and daughterweredown from Lindsay on business lastWednesday.

A! LBixby "sole editor and-propriet-

of the Sentinel" returned from Den-ver, Wednesday.

'Clarence Sheldon lias .returned toschool at Monmouth, IH, after passingvacation at-ho-


A. J. Arnold was. up town Monday,after about eight weeks siege 'with- - thesciatic rheumatism.

Jessie Becher and George Whaley returned Monday to Lincoln' to' theirstudies at the University;

J. B. Tschudy came up town Monday.It has been a long .time since a kickfrom a horse laid him np. . :

Mis. Dr. Hoehen suffered vitb two'strokes of paralysis Friday evening, butis much improved at present

Miss Bessie Whitney returned from atwo weeks'1visit with friends arid rela-

tives at St. Edward, Saturday.Mrs; William Hewitt of Silver Creek,'

who has leen visiting, friends in thecity for several days,, returned, home.-Tuesday- .

' '"' "'.

Mrs. Mary Bremer returned' Thursdayfrom Fremont where-- - she had . beenvisiting her daugliter Mrs. RikestrS atow .wyp.

Miss Minnie Steen,..one of .Madison'steachers, passed through-th- o city; tospend the holidays, at her home in. Sil-

ver Creek;. ' ' .

Mrs. Stevens" who has. beenyiflitirig.-he-r sister in Topeka,. Kan., sometime, left for SanDiegp, Cal:,' the 22nd oflastinorith. . ' . "..'

Mra. 0. IX Butler. went! to j.Leaveniworth, Karis., Thursday,- - in answer a'

telegram announcing the seriousillnesslof her sister. - ' ,

Mrs-S- . G. Lisco, Who lias been, underthe doctor's care nt Grand Island .forsome time, spent Christmas at 'home.

-- Clarks Leader.Ernest and the' Misses Phoebe' and

Grace Gerrard returned, to the' '"state,university at Lincoln Monday, afterspending vacation atliome.

George Ragatz is visiting relatives inthis city. He is on his way from Winona, Minn., 'where he was 'recently mar;ried, to his home in California.

- Miss Ora Simmons returned Christ-mas from Massachusetts, where she hasbeeri for over ayear under the care of an.oculist She returns perfectly cured.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wise were .at Kan-

sas City last week visiting their sonsCharles and Samuel." The' Wise colonyin ,that city are. in . good health andflourishing'. .. ."

Mrs; E. O. Spielberg- - of NewmanGrove, who is at the hospital-'unde- r Dr.Martyn's care for' consumption, is verylow. Her husband.and. two sisters are'with her constantly. ".Miss .Minnie Pollock leaves Friday.

for Ashton, DL, where she ..is calledthe serious illness of her mother; Mrs.LvJ. Truman takes her place as teacherin the Genoa public schools.

Cyrus D. Hazeri is visiting" with W.W;'Rrice's family.- - He came . from' Dakotaabout two weeks-ag- o arid, says .thatthere: was plenty ofwheat in shock cqv--re-d

with snow when he- - left. Mr.Hazen. has been suffering" with . the .

grippe., ' -

. John W. Smith who had been' under.the weather the past twp weeks -- withthe grip, was put; .again Saturday.- - Hehas.hf-.d-in-his household recently, per-

sons nairied Jones and Brown, and thus,under one rqpf, were 'representatives ofthe three greatest families 'on earth.Speaking of the multitudes of theSmith-familyhe.say- s that in his company

in the defencp of the-"Unio- n CO:

IL' Fourth- - California- - Infantry-"--ther- e

were five' John Smiths,...three of themofficers, the other two privates.- -

We want.every. mother, to'know thatcroup can. he prevented- - True crouppever appears without a warning. Thefirst symptom is hoarseness- - then 'thechil'd appears 'to'haye taken a" cold or a'cold may have accompanied the hoarseness the- - start Alter that a pe---

culiar rough cough- - is developed, whichis followed-- ' by the croup. The time toact...-- .is 'when ...the child first becomes. .hoarse; a few.idoses of Chamberlain'sCough Remedy "will-preve- the attack.Even after a rough cough has appearedthe' disease may.be prevented by usingthis remedy It has .'neverbeen known, to .fail. 25 cent 60 centand 91 bottles foraale by C. E. Pollock& Co. and'Dr. Heintz, druggists. . tf

. : AiMtkar ttrrilMe Example."Martin Marlota; whose homwai in

Grand Prairie townabip, was-.foan- d

deadwitkiaaqmartorof a mile of thesama, Moadaj' night --A mention'of thefact in last week's JocbVal, ginoe which.time eoToaer's jury has investigatedtaec cinmaiBtaaoes. The . inquest'.- - washeld Thursday by Sheriff Caldwell inthe absence of Coroner Heintz, and themain facts seem to be that Marlote" hadbeen at Platte .Cefater Thursday week,drinking .very heavily and started togo' home about 7 o'clock, very drunk, butable towallr. -L Tlie son'of Johh Starzeo JneJ; him 'onthe road nearJohn McGuane's residence.The next known of him ;was when': hisdead body Yas. found by his "daughterMonday evening when returning homefrom school. . He seemed to have' st'ag--

jgered albrig until he got' near 'his' homewnen, in. trymg to get through -- the wirefence, he got tangled in.'the andreViyed sone" 'slight 'gashes, 'but foil onthe side qf thefence next his home, andwas notable, to get up kn'd so dicsd. ." ""Thecorqner's.jury, cooaisting of Q:N. Hopkins, Hiler Greisonr A.G.'Quinn,K, Neik-pn- ,

C. L." Schuler-an-d W. SaWdersj'--f oubd no marks abathis.' person no bones --.broken. Theym 1' "JL. xi m - jluuuq , ooiiier or auconoi, about, one--third .full, ..and forty-tw- o dollars in- -


money'on his person." "'".

Their verdict in brief is that he came'k-'J- ti- m-T:- -- i .. .".- -

xu-uu- i uwiu. uyueing cuuieo .orrrozen.rapermauceq Dy. mioxicauon . Romdjrinkln alcoholic liquors, and not felo-niously;' .. .

He leaves a wife, and four small chil-dren in "poof- - circumstances.

. . - -'

. BackieaVAraica Salve..The best salve in the world for cuts,

bruises, sores, ulcers, salt .rhoum,'.feversores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,corns; and all skin eruptions, and posi-tively cures piles, or no pay required.It is guranteed to give perfect satisfac-tion, or money refunded. Price 25 centsper box. ForsalebyCB. Stillman.

--rThe population of Columbus isabout 300, and we would say at-- leastone-ha- lt are troubled. with some affec-tion .of the' throat, and lungs, as. thosecomplaints are,, according! to statistics,more numerous than others. We wouldadvise all our: readers not to neglect theopportunity to call on. their druggistand get a bottle of Kemp's' Balsam- - forthe. throat. and lungs. rTrial.size free.Large bottles, 50o and $1. Sold by allruggtsts.. 34--y

By a change soon to be made in theB. & M time eard, both freight crewswill lay over here Sunday, and Conduc-tor McFarland was rustling aroundhunting a .house, Tuesday and preparingto move his family to this city. Wehave known Mr. McFarland for severalyears and we can honestly commendhim to the good graces pf Columbuspeople.

EkgiIjsb Spavin Liniment removes allhard, soft or calloused lumps and

Blood' Spavin, Curbs,gplints, Ring BpneSweeney, Stifles,gprains, Sore . and Swollen Throat,Coughs etc; Save $50 ly use of one"bottle. Warranted the. moet.wonderfulBJeriuahCure ever known. Sold. by C.

;B.Stiirriian,-.druggiat.t- . .;-- 26riovlyr. .. x

arwiebted:tovthe"follbwing rpersons for. business" favors-- making tineditpT'sheart glad the first of the year:John.-- . Wagner, Crestpn, Chas.. Yelm,,Genoa.' WD." .Wilson, Oconee, Wm. O.Pugsley, Qenoa,-G..A- . Scott-Mrs- . O.. F.Merrill, G. "A. Lihdstrum, John Sissle,Miss Einma Dawson, and Gus Wihuish,Cblurakbs. . '!. .'".''. ;..' ;- - Elder -- H." J.. Hudson went to. Fre--

mbntTorsdayj returning Sunday. Hewas called to' officiate at. the funeral ofMrs-ueorg-e llodges.-llewa- s the offic-iating minister at her marriage-som- twoyears ago. The'funeral was a verylarge' one notwithrtandiHg. the very,cold I wither and Ihetdistance traveled

a'mile ahdaqUarterT .


Ernst, whose-lif- e seemed .tobe hoaging-- in'-- balance with 'the'chances atrongly, against 'his. recovery 'thepait teirdays,.i8 reported as- - much,bettor: AU his iBiBin and . acquaiutances sincerely hope he'may fully- - recoverhis heUtb-.an- be'spafed-ye- t many" years,to enjoy" the-'- f rtiite of his labors;- - ' ''

Mr.'Casper Jenny.. ol.;the.. firm, ofJenny Biroa,'NebPville; was i'in the city'Monday :. on 'bOpineH .and'gave.'. ThkJbcBK'A'a'feirph-Baantca- l -- Theircheese fact6ry kaV.dbne. a 'good payingbusiness the past year, apd they havegood reason to. cobgratulato- - themselves; .

''on the. futurO prospect.

If any'man, in the Tjody.br put ofthe body, can tell of a greater nuisanceand evil .to- a 'community than' the,bawdy, bouse, he ought to speak out andwarn against it .Np self-respecti- ng

commanity would' tolerate .these' sinkaof riceandcormptibn.fora single day.

'The board of county supervisorsmet yasterday at .2 p; m.'. It is .'under-'atpod- at

.they Win 'finish the work-.b- f

theic. Official year, so far as .it .can-b- e

done,'and'leave any new. business for thenew" board, which-- convenes next Tues-day, the 12th. . - ';

." ; .--rOf course we- - are "not at liberty to

tell what transpired at the meeting ofBaker Post G,A. R. Saturday evening,,but' they do say 'twas a meeting, of morethan UBUal-interes- t. 'The old soldierswho are not members are missing-- , "somepf the benefits of fraternity.

d' - 'Those who- are in., the habit pf

getting drunk, have another fearful ex-

ample before them, added to the hun-dreds- of

thousands already. gone before,in the 'death' of 'Martin Molez. Whenwill poor human nature-b- e cured of thisawful disease? .

-- There is an increasing demand forland, and .two 'dollars and a. half an acrehas been --lately 'offered for good produc-tive Nebraska soil. No"bet"ter investment could bethought of just now.thanin the" rich acres of our 'broad prairies. -

:c--;Union services of the Presbyterians,'

Ckmajregationauste aind Methodists everyevena this week at the Presbyterianchufbh.; Everybody cordialy. invited.Prewiiag every evening by either" ReV.ColekRev. Elliott or.Re'v.'Leedomv

1, - '-- li - -

HrJ.Mudjonwiil be inHk oftcVon Oliye'street to attend toaayliaaiQMB as justice Of the peace, no-tary public or insurance" agent ' Businessentrasted to him will receive. promptand aareful attention.

.Fer'Sale.- -

fewchoice brood sows for sale, onone year's time' by the undersigned, atthe home 'farm, four miles northeast ofColumbus. J. H. DBiNNKf. '

The Quill says that a J. Phelps ofthat city is'contemplating the erectionof a brick hotel in Schuyler', and has noless a person than 'George. Lehmak ofthis city interested in the project. --Oursister city doe well to look to Columbusfor successful landlords- - V

cpuraVit h.urta,.but you .must'L grin, and bear it," is' the old .time couso-- .lation given to- - persons troubled withrheumatism.-- ' "If .'you' will take thetrouble to, dampen a piece of flannelwith Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind"lb'on over the seat of paiq your rheuma-tism will .disappear,"-is- " tho niodorn andmuch mpresatisfa'ctory advice. 50 centbottles for sale by .C.--EJ Pollock. & 'Go-a- nd

Dr. A. Heintz; druggists. tf1 Dr. R. L. St.John of Howland, Put-na- ni

county;- - Missouri,, takes especialpleasure in .Chamber-lain's.Cough. Remedy, because' he knowsit to be reliable'. 'Ho has used .it in hispractice for several yearsrand say's thereis none better."; It-i- s especially 'valuablefor.co1d8.andas a preventive and curefor croup! This most' excellent medi-cine is for sale by C. E. Pollock &.Co.and Dr.'Hein.tz,'druggists'. tf


bo-dtTar- m fAVg!ve- -a privilege in our loans which

is. yay valuable to the borrower. It is-

the i rivilege to pay one or more hun- -

dred. lollars at time of any. interest pay'ment'in this way reducing .both principal and interest.

Our present .rate of interest is sevenper cent, payable annually,, and nocharge is made for drawing up papers.

P..W. Hentucu,Columbus, Neb; 36; Loan Agent


DOD6HERTY-KIRKLAN- D-In this city,Wednesday eenln-- . Dec;.-0- . by Jiuljco W.N.Henaley.. William Bonehcrty and Jliaa NellieKirkland, both of. Humphrey.

The Kroom waa. for several years a resident ofColombua and has many friends here who wQT

join Thk: Jocbxai. in wishing Mr. and Mrs.Dougherty, a" long and happy life.

DIED.MURRAY-Ja- n. 3d, at twelre o'clock mid:,

night; Bridget, wife of Patrick Murray, after ayear's illness. Her illness became serious aboutaear ago. Within this time she had threestrokes of paralysis.

She was married to Patrick Murray.. July 1th,1856, and has been, through all "these yeeirs, hissteadfast, faithful and untiring helpmate, ontheir large farm wbst of.this city. Her life hastruly been a busy one, full of toil and care, andnot. without danger also. .In 1S63, Mr. 'Murrayhad a contract to put up hay-fo- the government,-an-

during his absence at Omaha on. business,Indian's attacked his wife and tho hands in thofield, after having, professed friendship andeaten supper with them. They killed Mr.Murray's brother' and wounded 'several others,amount whom was Mra. Murray.

The funeral will take place today at 2 .'o'clock,the remains to'be laid at rest in the- cemetery"near H.M. Wihslow's farm.

gnsintss Notices.

Advertisements-under-, this liead iivo contaa

kneeach insertion;

M.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoe's'inthobest styles'.-an- uses only the very best

mm k that can bo'orucured in the market. 52-- tf

LEGAL NOTICE.To all whom it may concern:

The "special commissioner appointed to viewand report upon tho practicability of vacatingall that part of the "Elm Creek Road." --vravedfor in' a certain petition duly signod and tiled inthe'office of the county'clerk. as follows, to wit:('ommencing at N. W. .corner of .S. W. Ji of'N. W. 4 of sectio-- i 35. town VJ, range 2 west andsunning thence, --southeast and terminating at8. E. corner of section SL town 1U, range 2 westor thereabouts, has a'Tiin report in this officerecommending tho vacation as prayed for.' Now all objections to. tho' vacation of 'this roadas above' described, or claims for damagoscaused j thereby, must bo filed., in the countyclerk's office on or before noon, February 23d;A. D. .18952, or the "'Vacation' may be made with-out further. reference thereto.

Dated Columbus, Neb., Dec. 21 1801.O. W. Phillips.

23dec4 County Clerk.



the market sareobtaln'edTuesday aftornobn, and are correct and reliableat tho time.. .. -

. . " .- -

v '. ' .


Shelled Corn......;'.........;....'......-.- .. .-

- 24vOm , mrH

"LrBlB ' al- t p 999 9

MWf u . "M

'flour . 9 jUs 'ill-

.' ...tSQwaVa J , ' J ""; ''

'faVfl " - ara7 OIAvUbjB av '


'--' 'j

Fat hogs ................:..'..'........: 3(y)639k.Fat cqws".-- .

......-...'..-. ;.'... ' $1 2T42.0U

Fat' sheep. ."... : '.... -- ..:.........-...-,- $3 OOfelOO.jfa steers .... .:.. .v...... .. a-- s uaL'S twITCUOIB ............................... 9 .f-- . 9J;'.""- - ' - .


MYITIS , 1WI5Htwoldertr...... ....:..!.,. .....I..... 810WuN t , a" Lb7



TuB to Boreao of Claiiiis,

. . "Astwclatedwith." .-- - .The San Francisco Examiner,--

For Uio'States'ot Nebraska, Io'wtf, lidnsas, andSouth Dakota for the-- Collection of all

V legitimate claims before s

Departments of .thoGovernment;

Under the' auspices of The Bee Publishing .Co.,.Omaha, Nebraska, aiid' the "Son


Offices: Omaha.- - San Francisco. .Wasliingtori.

EDWARD' P. ROGGENMAyAOEB,.Room 600,.Bee Building, Oiriaha,- - Neb.

. Will practice in the Supremo.Court. ottho.United States, the Court of Claims, the sBflalCourts of the Distrrct'-p- Columbia,' liefore (1oin-mitte-


of Coii'g.reB6, and- - the

Indian Depredation Claims. We obtain Pen-sions and Patents. All classes of LamLClaiins.Mining, Pre-empti- and Homestead , Casts.Prosecuted before the'General Land OlTIce, De-partment of the Interior, and the SupremeCourt." '. " . . . .

PEN8ION8.-Thousa- nds yet entitled". Writefor information.' .

HEIRS. Widows, Minor Children, DependentMothers, Fathers, and "Minor DependentBrothers and Sisters entitled.--

INCREASE. Pension Laws are norr moreliberal than formerly; and many are en t "tied tobetter rates. Apply, at-on- for". List "of Qup's--UUiia 10 rig-i- i 10 nigncr raerl.

Claimants to"secure the services of this Bureaumust become, as a condition' Drwrdertf . a npwsubscriber to.The Weekly Bee. Thoec who arenow sunscri iters can. become members of theBureau by sending in a new. subscriber. Thiswill entitle the riew subscriber as-we- ll as Ihe oldto a membership. -. We have the names of over two hundred thous-and and sailors residing in Nebraska,Iowa, Kansas and Souh Dakota; .

a" " . - .,- -

Correspondence Solicited. Information Free

We charge no fee, only is the event' of success.BadfOTcrP-oepeotaa- ,


EetahUahedlOTO.- -


COLUMBUS,. MONEY TO LOAN ON.FAEM8 at lowmtm rait applicants.

BONTDED ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE to all tU Mtato im Platte eoaaty.Bepreeent THE LEADING IN8UBANCE COMPANIES of the World. OsTtam teUciMBl

the moA liberal in nso. Loeacs adjusted, and promptly paid at this oSee. . .Notary Public nlwaya in office.Farm and for 'sale. - .Make collections of foreign inheritance and sell. steamship tickets to sad tana all --parts

ot Europe. .' laaafl-t- f

SPEldE & ISTQEm' General Agents for. the eale of '


'..- -


on ftra or Urn yean tim; ia aanaal paymeats tolot of other laatla, improved and aaaHiproTeU. forbsaineas aad mideiice lota in tho. city. We ktwpnauouoaat-r- . 7


W.XyRICKLYSil Waokaalei


Gwie, Piltry, aid Freak Fiik. All Kiiij i f Sauage aflfMialty.High arkt prteapatd for fat bbHUil faj.

Olire Street, twe Dten Ntrtk f the Fint NatMial Bail.






















BUTTER AND EGGSApd all kinds taken in trad

and all goodsl'delivered free of 'charge. to any .part 'of the city.

KEEP. ONLY.THE BE8T.GRADE8OF FLOUtti)ux-- , j. h." Y j


PlamglEWe have just opened a 'new mill on M street,

opposite Schroeders flouring mill and are prepared .to do AUj KINDS OF WOOD WORK.snch as

Sash, J)oors,'Blinds, MonLdings",Store-Fronts- , Counters,-- .Stairs, . StairBalusters Sawini,Turning, Planiug..STEEL AND IKON ROOFING AND

SIDING. - ".

promptly attended to". Call onoruLIdrea. . . -

' '. ,

'-- . ".: . .


. jalSm ' ." . Colnmbns, Nebraska. . .

SCJMtifC AMriCUAfcacyftr


CAVEATS.TWADK- - ataaas.

naaiOM batitsw w w COPYRIOHTS, ate.

For Infonaatloa and froe Handbook write to .mumn a co-- am bboadwat. new tobx.Oldest tmreaa for eenrina; patents tn Aaurlea.Kvery pateet taken oat by as is broagat beforethe pahlio toy a notice given tree of eaanje ta tae

fneutifu taetwnlargest etrealatioa of aar asleatiBe paper ltk theworld. Baleadtdlr lUsawaliiL NflTlBteuient--aaa K. Weski jB3jM a

"address, IB Broadway. New York.

The Journal forJob Work.


NEBRASKA.ntea of intcmt, oa akort or Ioa tii-- la I



aolt wo ha-- also a IanMl at.low pnea aada ooaptoU atotiactoC tttto teaU nal


1 I I- rr--a

5 - t! fSS CD



2 -- -ja--.i SCD -

u emIw.

l. ' OAND

et j , j

BBBBJ!i!!;u:"i! . "i"."BV - .aTaTsTsTaiPsiiiE-:.- : S'Sav -

-- fesp;i'!!iai!i;aMi . .



. . aaaBsssssaauBaF.BrBaBrBaBrBarra.

.aLaBHai"BaaV mm.iafBaBaBaH "! bbbbbbb.



It to a wwImi sltoe. with ao tmt erto aarc taarest; awoe ok uo 08aVf) fQrarJBari

aad emrr. aad bteaumB ws tadgradm lam oay otacir atstfieNar, K l&ULtsswea saoai cost-a- s irom atoaiBEK mm ueaaiaa taaa9rfa shoo ever-offere- for aUB;


tm.tmd0 ecUstrasaatAtoafjt. . ..SB) 1IM Hhaat .iiiiii us 11 anaad Letter CanrtatnaU ttMM- - arirlaiMw aasw awea aa-a- azua- -ase. --jaepairwiH

9 aaaeatfiaa aaaayaaeJaycaa-aa- a

ila tarlc: amwaowaatasaosfgrcua-J0- t--pSaas aw w faarSaV-w-S

.at fary stroaa aaiham wtaaa tkam a trial wm raarBaaShar -- -

Boys' --wblifsSyaeata&Bert-lailaciaiao- .

ait--M Itialnat Baanna-ml- i tlfrllia mmlt itmalaCaatlaa.--:e- a tW.DoaW aa-a- a aajl

WM nmBwefillfi attoal

BUGlaJSJWM. SHILZ, Olift St.. Mmm.


HQW 'SaGfiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaH

an B6B3B

JBJBJBjBb'b'B-- "CaaawawJp

Trt. Co. Jatiranil itarUd ma. I worked (tauUly-tisi-l mad aoaay Ithan I XDCcttnl to. I became abl to bay an liland aaSa imair naair boUL III don t laecaM at that, I will go

tiro. b ablotobar'anlilaad and baild a hoM. ifyom wish 'to. Moaey can bo .arnod at oar Bevr tin. of work, iu-idl- y

andjiunorably. by thos.of Itl.rx. Toung or old. .aad in their own localitiM. wbemror t&T ut.. Abt osa

f cn do th. Work. Ey to learn. We farnlah eTerrtblnr-- Merue. on can arrot.oronr ipare moment., or all your timeto the work. Thia entirely new lead brinf--i wonderral aaa-e- e.

to every worker. Becinnera an earning from BJBJBtSSS per week and upward, and-mor- e after a little eape-time- e.

H e can fnrniaa jba tbeemploysiant we teach yonPJCRE. TBiaiaanairanrmarvloaattm nullia.lianother trreat, tasefnl. wealth-giTin- g wonder. Great gaeaewm man .T.ry.inan.inon. worker. Wberever ye are.and wbateTer too are dclnjr. yon want to know abont ttiaWonderful Work at ODM. Drl.v hmii mn.K wnnwtm tAMfr Iayon-- No apace to explain here, bat Ifrou will write la tu.wn wm mui mi law to Ton rtirr &TUCK A CTO.. Bet 8w-- r.

WANTED SILESIEN.Local and Tilwilixg. A jood chance! - Don'tmiss it You need no capital to represent a re-liable firm that warrants nnrserystockfirst-clas- sand true to name.- - Wobk ill thk txab. andgood pay weekly to energetic men. Apply quick,statinx age. L. L-- MAY A CO.--. Nurserymen;Florists anil Seedsmen, St. Paul, Minn.

"Thia lioose is responsible. lSnov-p- d

PILESMAAaTtSlSMjrieIraaBtrelief and is an infallible.Crlre fer Piles. Price $L ByDrutnristsor mail. SamplesTm.AlK-rrAi-AKBUa-

I)oxaUaiNw York Qtr,



I '..:


- i--


