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.. ·•· J , .... ...._,, ..... ·; :.. ... 4" -... ·;. . - - . . . , " .. . . . .. - ··' . '- .... .. ', .. - . .; ;.< I o .:: .... .. ' .. . . .. · .. : .. ., . ' . . ... '. \ I ' .. · .. - .# ·- ... .. . : 'j · ... ' COMPACT 'CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox SIX PASSENGER $2575· 00 THE DAILY NEWS Vol. 67. No. 66 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) ontro ' . --- * Conference Its first Ends Week C.F\F\'.\ - <:1'- llll' disarmament muft•rem·c con- -------·---- · it out est ·-----·--·. BRITAIN: Fry To Be Best Man At Wedding LO\"DO:'\, CP - :\l'l'ang<•· out o\·et· olher BHC clt 1<k:l ih lirsl wr 1 ·k "itlt Fast mul \\'est 11! least · F• d B d In 0 Y . ments fot' thr !\lay 6 In Welsh Too inlat·.sl in t';1d1 olhn's jlrnpns<tls. :\s Friday's ; or Princess 7\largaret to An· .\ncl fur the hc1wfit of the ,,.,,int• :tdjnurtlt'cl ror thl' wcd>-CIIIl. t•ach side had asked ' tony Armstrong-Jones went bridegroom and his family tht· utlll'r to spdl nut thr dl'lails or its disarmunll'nt plan Of I II ahrarl at full spcrrl Hiday. c•onnections in \\'ales the pro· I and tin· :tll'"'''.l's ;lrr e:-.prdcd at meeting. [ 1r The wedding will!Je televised. credings will deserihrdl' I (. 1 1 \I " 1 ! f ( I d I r t n Jeremy Fry, a wealthy 35· o\·er one TV channel in \\'rl>h. .t .. •<'11, ·.. -· . • oums. rat cr 11 .ann< as e ega 10 , · EMiTER SE;\l (',\:\11':\IGS-l'he annual Easter Seal Camt•aign to help crippled chi!· drrn opened 1hlrch 17th. Canada's Timmy, 11-year-old Phillips Minty, who represents the tountry's cri111•led dtildren. was received at Government House in Ottawa by Their Exc<•llrnties, tlw c:; nnmor-Gellcral and lltr'. Vanier. From now until the ('ampai,:n dnsrs on Easter Timmy will he a nry busy boy at servire club Iundt· eons ancl pul1lic appearantes. His mPI'ting with the •nd Canada's l'irsl Lacly was, in his "Thr greatest thrill of my life:• "drnnwd " st•rit•s nf snen qm•stions Jlllscd Thursday hy 1 odDRES 1 DEN <CP)-The' frozen, year-old engineer and heir to The sen·ices will he !'On· I , I' 1 1 (' 1 · . , . , d . 1 • d th· t th 1 y o Jurly Yoll. 13, was 1 a chocolate fortune, was dueled by the Archbishop of t u.• I"·" 1 mu, .zt'l'l. :m exp nmc a c. found hy two schoolboys Friday chosen to be best man. He is I Canterbury, Dr. Groffrey \1 l'.'t had d•.'ll'rrt•d 1ls rc\lht·s unt1l 1! hnd .h:1d an nppo!·. lying beside an empty potato- a friend of the former Prince philip will girc tnmt' to tlw n>rhatun tnt. Bums wtll be the mam chip nag under a lumbt>r ware· I sol'irty. photographer. the bride away . \1 ''lt'rn '!nuda\·, house ncar downtown Dresden. ! Hurkmgham Palace annmm. The <·hoke of Fry as lH'sl i Till' qlh'•:ions <·oncrrnt•d 'a --· · -·- · ·- · · _ .. ______ 1 She had been from hH' red that television cameras· man camP as no surJll'isc. Fry i ';;·:r:.v ,,f inrluding the IJtospite the major diflcrences. foster hoine for 34 days. 1 an.d radio will be in West· anrl his wife arr the rnr:rc.l of mtrrnational anm. one offidal said I Police said the body was so 1 mmster i\bbey on the wr!ldllli!' c•oming wcekrnd with Arm· •· ... ::;H:,·•. :h,· iuturr of rorrign, progress nasi badly frozen examination ir.r, clay. The wt!l he strong-Jones and the Prin('css , lnVeSt•lgate h .•. -r;. the of a nuclear hct>n made. The atmosphere of cause ol death would be tr.lei'ISCd .hl'e to at the royal lodge in '\'indsor. l ifni> hiln anrl the powt•t's to he· llw p•'i\'ate meetings is good." cult before toda)'. trws I hey, Last weekend the I d I GENEVA IO a ,\loch that in redti'Cii'lg George w_ellman, a harhet· al;e_Bclgt.um, and her fiance sta\'ed with the I Explos2on :West Outvote n 81 Dt>nrmamcnt d th . T 1 fg whose shop 1 s near the \\c,t Austua, S11ed· at their cot;ntry cstatc,! 1 \TTITl'DE Ql'JZ7.En arms an men... e 101 ta 1 · h t ld 1 h en. \"orway. Finland. Denmark \\'idrombe :\!anot·. Thi.< ncar . · · • · · urt•s and the llnal ones must ouse. o a rep or er e saw • . ThP \\'t·>lrrn que> lions \\'l're 1 . . h . . 1 . the hodv "and there we•e 110 Sw.tzerland and Italy. Bath, the west of TOitO'\TO. CP--Thrcc men r·1• ·rl Frirla1· lw lulcs :l!(l('h I ht• n:nrted _mternladllonat Ibn· marks her or si•ns · ul a "ll will be the biggest T\' ·town where Fry works as gen- were released Friday af\Pr lnr rh1rf t rrnrh reprrsrntaln'f. rlone t•ontrol would be onlv "il· l afu. a rt ts 1 o ·; . a rna o , I. bring qul'>tioned about the ." .• . . . . . . . . . If tins cou no . . e I rl' ' ., B ·r ·I f . er I na"cr r an c u!inrrr· L Of s T lk rrn · rega;·rling . . in and \"orth ·Ameri<·ans will be· The_ have two boys-- whil'h dc,lroyed >e\·e 1 ·al tru!'k· Hr <(lll"hl In rlari[l' the Ea<t· ' ' "[' lookect as if she h"d it•·t lrta sat · · tng t•ompany. S3till,OOII explosion anrl fire aw ea a s ! .\ F re?rh spokes·: r,,_. said. ahle to hear a sound commen- Fl:ant·ts. 4. and Cosmo. 2. Ca· tral'lor, and damaged other . . m:_m rlrnted reports that 1 Yott, 6 .!. ,aid tary over the short·wa\'e \"orth nulla. s '_\'Jfe. is rxpcetmg equipment <tt the strikebound \ltot·h >airl thr \\est con- 1 tb1s woulrl me<tn a world arms 1 took nearly a week tJ Amcrit·an of the BBC.! her thn:d l'.h1lct early In 7\lny Gill ruterprodndal Lines Lim· (;E\"1·:\'.\. -- The big agreemrnt on territorial 'IIIIi:· NS and cnastal fishing rig<hh in I !15B. N'drs the Russian>. pomt thai cen>u>. ll was that the, ,; 1 ,,.P lkesden police thr.o Com_mentanes in rl?zens of • and tt :;he w1U be itcct yards Thursday nig!ll. \\rstrrn 'ca-laring nations lhrre musl be no cont_rol fu•;t stage of thr \\ t•stern. ?lan l'>'l'tulr! begin srarch for fnrctgn languages wtll he put unahlr to all!'nrl tllc wrrldmg. 1 Tile men were arrested lost the opening battle of the "ut rlt$armament but It tnststs, sprl_ls out force-le\·el , 1 highly np:·• ou• youngs!cr she ------ .... _ ·----------------· shortly after Attorney-General 84·nalion Law of the Sea Con· t 1n turn that thr_ re must he no 1 on I) for Russta anrl the Unlled ; h'·d "a red for s'tnce •h•. was PARLIAMENT•, Hoberts orrlrrcd the pro\'in· fcrence hrrc Yriday. Comprom,. th t 1 I St - ' ' Thr\· out\'oted bv the The conference '!'as Ctd'le!! WI out con ro. ales. . ! •,r•.•vght to h"r haven for butll"· rial po!il'e and tllc fire mar· . ' · combined Latin American. hy the t.:nited Nations asseom· NEW WATERFORD childre1. more than 12 YP.ars . sha_rs offit·e into an im·esti- .\!rican-,\<ian and communist i bly to seck again a eomJ'l'Oo Ch s k 0 . gallon of the blaze at nearby bloC'< on a prncl'rlural rule to mi'c hctwrcn the marltimt Economic Chaos :Ill'S. Yo'' said had evr1er pea s n ! :'lln!lon. . . limit \'Olin;(. Thb seemed to powers and their opponertts. br,••n upset and nei"'O•"· ' 1 he pollee ·•ay indil'alr the len partir« wi!l 1 The maritime rounlries mar · since -lao;t Sillll'nrr . was arson .. -ro<·ke<i fail in the attempt l<J make a the six· mile limit, but are w.ill· ':,.b<'n. she lr·:.rned she w.to u • ·-·· G · !the company yard, hours maximum mile limit of ing to grant coastal states eer· I a:lop'cd child. .niversity rants ' the fll'ln ha_rl territorial walcrs a recog-nized' fishing rights In an ad· I I 1n.:unct10n banmng Jlll'kPttn;( ·1 t belt principle of Jaw. <;ix·mJ e wa e-r , 1 hy 40 fired for a The prospect of new failure ' The other nations insist on Faces Town B • h G t wildcat walkout. thtls' loomed O\'"r tl1e t•.onf"r·' !WOgnition of a minimum !l- Is Op e S OTT:\ W/1, Cl' - Lionel to he only a re,·isillll M ·or c · ' ' Chevrier said Fridav the Lib· , of the basic formula conceil'rd :\It orne/! Roherl,; · cnce, eren before it got tfl mile claim for their :rri71 I l'ral opposition ":ill l·ook h,1• former prim_ e minis_:ler _st. t 11 tl 1 · 1 t ,, · 1 1 t11c working sta;::e. /1 prr\'ious, waters. The old ree- e 20 Y or a urc r m a)' t 1<' •·nnfrrrner railed to rraeh limit i' dead. I ears 1 r!osely to sec that the federal Laurent. lie satd 7\lr. F hi a-t was ··a crime of rna im· . _. _______ R.• ])0\" JlO\'T the St. Franl'is Xa\'ier t:n!· . gO\·crnment's new plan for eoulrl not produce a better for· pJ·npol'tions." l!e "no ·rr. {'anadian Staff \\'ritrr l'<'r,ity extension department : . making grants to unirersities 1 111ula, onl,\' a change in it. 1 fort would he sparcrl to "'1\·c \'J::\\' W.\TERFORD. :-;.S. Jm·estmcnts in schools, homes, ; TQKYO, 1 AI')-Bishop does not simply make Quebec, The forlll<'l' Liberal govrm· the erimr.'' CP-Thi5 Cape Breton town i l'lmrehes and municipal build·: l!.d\\.ard \hlsh, the last h: .. an a"ent of Ottawa ment's formula was no en· Search For Clues In Plane Crash i• built on a foundation that: in;(s totalled millions." . 1 f!helateh the in French. the :liP · eroarhment of the prm·ineial i Pnlil'c lwlie\·r I he fire. fr<l i• rumblin wav in the de· · A survcv undertaken bY the 111 te v urc In for 7\lontrcal Laurier told field. and no one had ever by 550 gall om of g;1"1line [rom IPrroration gofa markets for: !'Xtension among I was ,to the Commons that the Liberals ' taken a case to court charging a januncct refuelling pump. :'\ova Scotia roal. 1 the :-.o. 16 workmg force 2n m I' 15 0n on would support introduction of interference. was started by a truek flare · Dominion Steel and Coal brought 630 replies. It showed o{ conspmng IIJ overthrow •' 1 e a bill by Finance :\Iinister thrown into the area. :\ burned Corporation announced dur· 89 per cent of the men are e. Fleming writing the new for· Chi.Jd Dro,-\,'OS ottt flare 1ras founr] between 1 · · 1 d 'th rage f 1 · t 1 b t d I the pump and the most hea1·ily lnll: Rand ro\'a commtsswn marr e wt an ave o Pt!king ita:l;o reported 'he · mu a m o aw, u rescr\'e · h 1 f d d t ht'le 30 th · 1 t t 't' · tl 1 · tlamagrd of the The hearings here t at '\o. 16 co· our epen an s, II' sentence against the 68· e ng 1 o el'l 1e1ze te cgts· t 1 ery, one in or near! per cent. have six to 14 de·lyear-old American day at a l.ater st_age. , Jn Well thts at the mouth 1 pendents. 1 arter announcing that Bishop !Ill. Flemtng satd the ne11 Rv DOR\1.\\ CORDELL · bomh. Ti·:I.J. ciT\'. Ind. AP-:\I'ia- \lranwhilr, the air traffic t ion experts .'lartcd a dis- "ontrol t•cntre in heartcnin.e seareh for clues >aid an air force jet pilot re· Friday in l11c third unsol\·erl , ported sc\·erc turbulence over aii·lincr ct·a'h within four Louisdlle. Ky., about 20 min· months. utes after the crash. n! sydney Harbour. will be the 1 One quarter of the. have Kung Pin-mei of ShangbJi anrl 1 formula rrsoll·es a A rnnr·.Har.old girl, \\hose 'pnmg open ' 1 'ilh a pencil. of threr mines rlosed 30 to 50 years service Ill the 13 other Chinese Catholics had 1 that has been a long-standmg name has not distloscd. to rut roal production l'Osts. ' mines. The average age or the been ranging from five vean to , sourre of disunity in Canada. met death in a The closure o[ either '\o. 16 :\o. 16 miners is 41 but 36 per life on espionage and . It shoutd 111 a new era well at Portugal Co1·e 11r :>;o. 12 colliery, the town or 1 rent are between 45 and 68. ion charges. 1 of and co.oper· , before 3 p.m. '\ ew Waterford told the com· I On the average, have a i attve relattonshtps between the ' mission. "with the resulted un· ' grade seven education. Bishop Walsh was named · federal and provincial govem· emplm·ment of half the work· i "In a socity that is discrim· their ringleader but no men· ments. ing force of the main basic I inatory against hiring after tion of any trial for him was Preliminary Resolution industry would lead to chaos 1 l 4_0 .• :where would m.en made then. He had been head The debate occurred on a and catastrophe in municipal £1t? asked the umverstty of the central Catholic om·eau preliminary resolution leadinf! 1 I!O\'ernment." I brief. Retraining of the min· of Shanghai, closed down hy the to an amendment of the Fed· : '\ew Waterford, like several 1 ers to gil•e them other skills Communists In 1951. The !.lis· eral·Provlncial Tax . Sharing to\\·ns m Cape Breton. has a 1 posed another difficulty. hop was once o([ered a chat!CC Act to provide fOI' the new : one industry economy. "Where 1 ''There Is not a provincial to return home, but three yelrs , university grants formula. the basic working rm·ce is em· . training scheme we know of ago ne told a British corres·: Most of the discussion was ployerl in a single industry. it ! in. Canada set to train people pondent: I French, and rnembet·s a matter or sun·ival to the I wtth grade seven educatton i both sides of the House paid town if their means of Jl\'eli· and, again. what of the 30 per "I could week, tribute to the late premier hood Is threatened". the town · cent who have grade six or but my work IS here m Shang· Sauve for his efforts In work· brief said. i the brief said. hai. ;\oly post is here." ing towards a plan by which UnKanomiu! Mine Quebec could accept 'federal 1 \"o. !6 colliery has !,116 min· p • M 1 university grants without fear : Prs 1\'orking now. They earn an t nf federal invasion of the pro- ' daily wage _of $14.47. rincess argare l'incial field of education. ' 11 will be closed satd Dosco, A tall received at the fen· tral Fire Station rrsullrcl in Fire Cons!. IJowden dispatched to the scene in a Civil Defence jeep. The fon· stable brought with him a a pnealator containing oxyg<'lL '!'his was used on the child when the Co\'e was reachect but with no results. Thr child was later conveyed to General Hos1Jital where it was dra1l upon arrival. The mother of lice t·bim was taken seriously ill short· ly after the child was taken from the well. The mother was airlifted h)' helicopter to Tnrbay airport from where P:.li<'P nnp of lhr lhr<'l' I!H'll quP,lionccl had a k<-y to lite ::w>oline pllllll"· ARHANC;F. R,\IL Tca1m >carchrd wreckage- The plane went down about 60 Iitterrd hills near the Ohio · miles wr.st of Louisville. John Hhw £ 01 fragments or metal Wubbolrling of the control ren- LOS AXGELES. f.\1'1 -Thr and information that might Ire starr said it was possiblr parrnls of Carole Tn•goff Fri- · tl'll whv a Xorthwest .\irlinc' the tm·hulence extended o1•er <lay arrangerl for $25.000 hail turbo-pi·op <'l'aft blew apart the Trl! Citv acra. :for the munler Thursday. killing all prr- Came Apart In Air and her lawyers went once on board. Four were Win· "It'> ohdous the planr camt> 1 to tlw countv jail lo obta111 her, nipcg re>idenls. apart in the air,'' said Ed Slat- 1 release. · trry, ('. :\. B- information offi· : Superior court ruled Thurs- · The po,sibilih· of a homh err. "\\'<' will go through all clay that the eo-defendant in aboard the ·bound. the possibilities. including a the F:nrh murrlt•t· ra.<e ronld he turbo-jl'l was not ruled out homb." 'released on bail pend retrial! but Ci\·i! :\cronauties Board But Slattery 'air! there was ·of )liss Trcgorf and her lover. I investigator' said tl:ry hadn't '·not a word" o! speculation Dr. Bernard Finch 2:l. · found indieations of a about the cause of the high .. -·--·· ... : altitude explosirm at a con Trap p e d M e n: situation." Slattery added. Miles Apart The plane's fire-blackened beeause costs are too high . Mr. Chevri.er said the uew 1 and mechanization is not feas. Contacts pl·oneer v I lormula, whtch Will go before ible because of physical con· : the House in detail when the . dilions or the seam. An un· . amending bill is introduced, ! determined number of the ---- men are expected to be given AMDRELL · BANV, Eng. led executive command in one : Vote Believed Dead To· Establish wing and two were found fi\'e miles nortr of a hu;:e crater where thr main mass of wreckage lay 2e · fret deep, The tail assembly : was round 11.2 miles east. jobs in other mines. Reuters - Princess Margaret, minute and 50 seconds," he ' "E\'erything ln Water- obviously a space flight en· said. : ford 'depends on the miners thuslast, Friday pressed a but· Margaret asked: "Do you i •·orldng," said a brief from ton and turned on the radio have to countdown llke 10. 9 i -- --- ·-· -- .. ---- transmitter aboard Pioneer V 8 •.. ?" Young,. who was con- THE COUNTRY PARSON I more than 1,000,000 miles centrating on the control away. · panel, replied: "I will give I Twenty-five seconds later, you that in a moment." Defence TOROXTO. CI'-QUil·ksand men Pumps whinrd ,·on· The plane was headed , ;md water Friday dro1·e back 1 tinuously trying to clear the southeast from Chicago to 1 rescuers trying to rcarh four i tunnel. : :vliami with passengers and 1 construction workers helie1•cd , : a crew of stx. The dead In· dead in a tunnel 30 feet un· Orders Investigation · eluded 33 men, 21 women and : clergt·ound in suburban :\orth :\Ltnrncv- General Roberts! nine children. York. ordered fu!! investigation. ' The four Winnipeg Committee the United States satellite's "Are you sure It wiJJ work?" high-pitched wavering signal the princess asked. · Young came through across 1,040,000 crossed his fingers and nod· 1 were E. R. Gardner, 55-year-old OT'fAWA (CP)-Over strong they wanted.· Hope of finding tile en·· The four trapped men were l broker. his son Derek. 16; and Opposition objections, the Com· The vote, forced by the gov- tombed men ali\·e had been identified as John Fusi!!o, 27, : :11r. and :\Irs. George Heuchert. \ . ... ! mlles of space. ded. The 29-year.()ld princess be· The countdown started and came the first person ever to Margaret pushed the button. make contact with a man-made planet at that distance. 5lhe worked under the In· structlons of B111 Young, chief of the team of Ameri· can scientists working at Britain's radio-telescope· stat· ion here. CBVBCHILL COLLEGE LONDON (Reuters)-Former Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill heads the list of per- so'ls petitioning the Queen for a• charter of incorporation for a new college at Cambridge Unlvenity to be named after Htr Own Requtet him, the · London Gazette said Margaret specially asked for Friday night. Tbe new college, permission to push the button which will cost about £4,000,· "Gtwt ltloupll, like · ahadl durin1 a. visit and listened at- 000, will be devoted to seienee will not be htre to com. tentlvely to Young as he ex· and The first un· fort !Wan pnerations unleul plalned the routine. . dergaduatea will be admitted '" lleep them arow1n1." "You push tbls button label· In October 1961. mOolS voted Friday to establish ernment, was 131 to 33, the Pru-. abandoned. ; Guido l\lontella. 23, and his ! Heuchcrt headed a motor a special 15-member defence gressive Conservatives overpow· 1 ! brother Alexander, 25 and I firm in committee. ering 27 Liberals and six co· , Stx w_ere 1 !·appcd i .John Correglio, 45. All were Opposition spokesmen dcscrib· members. One hundred I r!mrsday 111 the stx·foot· j Italian ! lW'W w w w w + w w WW ed the committee as a "mock· were absent. I construct lOll tunnel I '. ery" and "farce" because · it BOYCOTT POSSIBILITY ftre sparked by a short·ctr· Rescuers found the body o[ JI J nather cuited cable cut them off from Pasquale Allcgrezza, 27. about I r t;,l wilt be empowered to examine Mr. Pearkes foresaw the pos· the exit passage. One was 150 feet along the tunnel. He only defence expenditures in sibility that the Opposition dragged to safety by the first was slumped over a section the fiscal year ended March 31, might boycott the committee. rescuers to reach the scene. of 36·inch water pipe he had 1959. He said tnat if the Opposition The body of another was been welding. The tunnel pro· What the Liberals and CCF didn't want to co-operate there brought to the surface early ject is laying a trunk water 0\'ercast with snow and freezingra in. Warm this morning, turning cold dur· ing afternoon. High 32. wanted was a committee to was enough talent on the gov· Friday. lin!', delve into all aspects of de· ernment side to produce recom· fence pollcr, mendations for the defence de· Defence Minister Pearkes partment. said the Opposition was a However, Liberal and CCF "bunch of spoiled children . • . spokesmen said outside the whlnllli and blubbering" be· Commons that the two Opposi· cause the government had not lion parties will participate in granted them the committee I the committee work. TeMPERATURES Rescuers wormed 200 feet Walter Andrusrhuk. 51. was : Lhrou!!h the tunnel Friday pulled semi-conscious from the !' · ...... 23 34 but water and silt seeping in mucky bottom of the smoke· :\london ........ 25 26 from the shallow Don River filled passage earlier. He and I Halifax · · · · · · · · · 27 31 over the tunnel stopped them two rescuers overcome by I Sydney : .. · .... 27 29 25 feet from the point where smoke and heat were in fair I . St. John s · · · · · 29 31 they belleve the bodies of the I condition in hospital. /..._ .......... ,... •••

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6 Cylinder Velox SIX PASSENGER


Vol. 67. No. 66 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents)

ontro ' . --- * Conference Its first

Ends Week

C.F\F\'.\ - <:1'- llll' disarmament muft•rem·c con- -------·---- ·

it out est



Fry To Be Best Man At Wedding

LO\"DO:'\, CP - :\l'l'ang<•· out o\·et· olher BHC sen·il'e~. clt1<k:l ih lirsl wr 1·k "itlt Fast mul \\'est showin~ 11! least · F• d B d In 0 Y . ments fot' thr !\lay 6 wrddin~ In Welsh Too 11<-.~<;rmi•· inlat·.sl in t';1d1 olhn's jlrnpns<tls. :\s Friday's ; or Princess 7\largaret to An· .\ncl fur the hc1wfit of the ,,.,,int• :tdjnurtlt'cl ror thl' wcd>-CIIIl. t•ach side had asked ' tony Armstrong-Jones went bridegroom and his family tht· utlll'r to spdl nut thr dl'lails or its disarmunll'nt plan Of o· I II ahrarl at full spcrrl Hiday. c•onnections in \\'ales the pro· I and tin· :tll'"'''.l's ;lrr e:-.prdcd at ~lnnday.'s meeting. • [ 1r The wedding will!Je televised. credings will b~ deserihrdl'

I ( . 1 1 \I " 1 ! f ( I d I r t n Jeremy Fry, a wealthy 35· o\·er one TV channel in \\'rl>h. .t .. •<'11, ·.. -· . • oums. rat cr 11 .ann< as e ega 10 , · EMiTER SE;\l (',\:\11':\IGS-l'he annual Easter Seal Camt•aign to help crippled chi!· drrn opened 1hlrch 17th. Canada's Timmy, 11-year-old Phillips Minty, who represents the tountry's cri111•led dtildren. was received at Government House in Ottawa by Their Exc<•llrnties, tlw c:; nnmor-Gellcral and lltr'. Vanier. From now until the ('ampai,:n dnsrs on Easter Smula~·. Timmy will he a nry busy boy ~IJPaliin): at servire club Iundt· eons ancl makin~ pul1lic appearantes. His mPI'ting with the (~n,·rruor-(;enPral •nd Canada's l'irsl Lacly was, in his won!~. "Thr greatest thrill of my life:•

"drnnwd " st•rit•s nf snen qm•stions Jlllscd Thursday hy 1

odDRES1DEN <CP)-The' frozen, year-old engineer and heir to The sen·ices will he !'On·

I , I' 1 1 (' 1 · . , . , d . 1 • d th· t th 1 y o Jurly Yoll. 13, was 1

a chocolate fortune, was dueled by the Archbishop of t u.• I"·" 1 mu, .zt'l'l. n•prt·s~ntaln~~ :m exp nmc a c. found hy two schoolboys Friday chosen to be best man. He is I Canterbury, Dr. Groffrey \1 l'.'t had d•.'ll'rrt•d 1ls rc\lht·s unt1l 1! hnd .h:1d an nppo!·. lying beside an empty potato- a !'lo~e friend of the former Fi~her. Prince philip will girc tnmt' to >ltul~ tlw n>rhatun tnt. Bums wtll be the mam chip nag under a lumbt>r ware· I sol'irty. photographer. the bride away . \1 ''lt'rn ~pola·,m;m '!nuda\·, house ncar downtown Dresden. ! Hurkmgham Palace annmm. The <·hoke of Fry as lH'sl i

Till' qlh'•:ions <·oncrrnt•d 'a --· · -·- · ·- · · _ .. ______ 1 She had been mi~sing from hH' red that television cameras· man camP as no surJll'isc. Fry i ';;·:r:.v ,,f t<•~ic>. inrluding the IJtospite the major diflcrences. foster hoine for 34 days. 1 an.d radio will be in West· anrl his wife arr spcn!lin~ the rnr:rc.l of mtrrnational anm. one offidal said Frida~·: I Police said the body was so 1 mmster i\bbey on the wr!ldllli!' c•oming wcekrnd with Arm· •· ... ::;H:,·•. :h,· iuturr of rorrign, "Satisfa•·tor~· progress nasi badly frozen examination ir.r, clay. The ~ercmony wt!l he strong-Jones and the Prin('css , lnVeSt•lgate h .•. -r;. the timin~ of a nuclear hct>n made. The atmosphere of cause ol death would be ,•,~fi. tr.lei'ISCd .hl'e to 1~ o~hcr ~·?un- at the royal lodge in '\'indsor. l ifni> hiln anrl the powt•t's to he· llw p•'i\'ate meetings is good." cult before toda)'. trws be~tdes Bl'l~am. I hey, Last weekend the Prince~s I d I GENEVA

~1\rl\ IO a propo~crlln~crnation· ,\loch ~aid that in redti'Cii'lg George w_ellman, a harhet· al;e_Bclgt.um, ~he Net.~erla~ds, and her fiance sta\'ed with the I Explos2on :West Outvote n 81 Dt>nrmamcnt Or~amznhon. d th . T 1 fg whose shop 1s near the w,1 r~· \\c,t German~, Austua, S11ed· Fr~·s at their cot;ntry cstatc,! 1

\TTITl'DE Ql'JZ7.En arms an men... e 101 ta 1 · h t ld 1 h en. \"orway. Finland. Denmark \\'idrombe :\!anot·. Thi.< i~ ncar . · · • · · urt•s and the llnal ones must ouse. o a rep or er e saw • . •

ThP \\'t·>lrrn que> lions \\'l're 1 . . h . . 1 . the hodv "and there we•e 110 Sw.tzerland and Italy. Bath, the west of ~-n::~lnnd TOitO'\TO. CP--Thrcc men r·1• ·rl Frirla1· lw lulcs :l!(l('h I ht• n:nrted ~· _mternladllonat Ibn· marks ~n her or si•ns · ul a "ll will be the biggest T\' ·town where Fry works as gen- were released Friday af\Pr lnr rh1rf t rrnrh reprrsrntaln'f. rlone t•ontrol would be onlv "il· stru.~gle." l afu. te1 ne~de,er, a rt ts 1 o ·; . a rna ~ o , I. bring qul'>tioned about the ." .• . . . . . • . . . . sp~ctton. If tins cou no ~ . . e I rl' ' ., B ·r ·I f . er I na"cr r an c u!inrrr· L Of s T lk rrn · ~t~ilud~ rega;·rling c~n-: lusot·~··:· . . cr~··,:Jcd in the~e and pe~is:t1,t• \"orth ·Ameri<·ans will be· The_ ~'rys have two boys-- whil'h dc,lroyed >e\·e1·al tru!'k· Hr <(lll"hl In rlari[l' the Ea<t· ' • ' "[' lookect as if she h"d it•·t lrta sat · · tng t•ompany. S3till,OOII explosion anrl fire aw ea a s •.rol~. ! .\ F re?rh <lrl~~tton spokes·: r,,_. said. ahle to hear a sound commen- Fl:ant·ts. 4. and Cosmo. 2. Ca· tral'lor, and damaged other

. . m:_m rlrnted pre~s reports that 1 :ll~> :\lat~aret Yott, 6.!. ,aid tary over the short·wa\'e \"orth nulla. ~ry s '_\'Jfe. is rxpcetmg equipment <tt the strikebound \ltot·h >airl thr \\est con- 1 tb1s woulrl me<tn a world arms 1 i~ took nearly a week tJ ~·,.~· Amcrit·an s~rl'ire of the BBC.! her thn:d l'.h1lct early In 7\lny Gill ruterprodndal Lines Lim· (;E\"1·:\'.\. -~" -- The big agreemrnt on territorial 'IIIIi:·

NS and cnastal fishing rig<hh in I !15B.

N'drs the Russian>. pomt thai cen>u>. ll was notr~ that the, ,;1,,.P lkesden police thr.o Com_mentanes in rl?zens of • and tt ~~ llkcl~· :;he w1U be itcct yards Thursday nig!ll. \\rstrrn 'ca-laring nations lhrre musl be no cont_rol w~th·! fu•;t stage of thr \\ t•stern. ?lan l'>'l'tulr! begin ~ srarch for J~,<l~'. fnrctgn languages wtll he put unahlr to all!'nrl tllc wrrldmg. 1 Tile men were arrested lost the opening battle of the "ut rlt$armament but It tnststs, sprl_ls out force-le\·el cctl~ngs ,1 highly np:·• ou• youngs!cr she ------ .... _ ·----------------· shortly after Attorney-General 84·nalion Law of the Sea Con· t 1n turn that thr_ re must he no 1 on I) for Russta anrl the Unlled ; h'·d "a red for s'tnce •h•. was PARLIAMENT•, Hoberts orrlrrcd the pro\'in· fcrence hrrc Yriday. Se~k Comprom,. ~ th t 1 I St - ' ' Thr\· wcr~ out\'oted bv the The conference '!'as Ctd'le!! ~:<armamrnt WI out con ro. ales. . ! •,r•.•vght to h"r haven for butll"· rial po!il'e and tllc fire mar· .

'· ' • · combined Latin American. hy the t.:nited Nations asseom·

NEW WATERFORD --------~lo• childre1. more than 12 YP.ars . sha_rs offit·e into an im·esti- .\!rican-,\<ian and communist i bly to seck again a eomJ'l'Oo

&I~•' Ch • s k 0 . gallon of the blaze at nearby bloC'< on a prncl'rlural rule to mi'c hctwrcn the marltimt

Economic Chaos :Ill'S. Yo'' said Jud~· had evr1er pea s n ! :'lln!lon. . . limit \'Olin;(. Thb seemed to powers and their opponertts.

br,••n upset and hi~hly nei"'O•"· '1 he bla~t-.-\l'lll['h pollee ·•ay indil'alr the he~ len partir« wi!l 1 The maritime rounlries mar · ·;~rticularly since -lao;t Sillll'nrr . was dcfautcJ~' arson .. -ro<·ke<i fail in the attempt l<J make a the six· mile limit, but are w.ill· ':,.b<'n. she lr·:.rned she w.to ~n u • ·-·· • G · -· !the company yard, on!~· hours maximum ~ix mile limit of ing to grant coastal states eer· I a:lop'cd child. .niversity rants ' ~flet• the fll'ln ha_rl oht~l11r.d_an territorial walcrs a recog-nized' t~in fishing rights In an ad· I I 1n.:unct10n banmng Jlll'kPttn;( ·1 t belt principle of intcrn~tional Jaw. ~ jac~ent <;ix·mJ e wa e-r ,

1 hy 40 emplo~·ecs fired for a The prospect of new failure ' The other nations insist on

Faces Town B• h G t wildcat walkout. thtls' loomed O\'"r tl1e t•.onf"r·' !WOgnition of a minimum !l-Is Op e S OTT:\ W/1, Cl' - Lionel a~1peared to he only a re,·isillll M ·or c · ' ' Chevrier said Fridav the Lib· , of the basic formula conceil'rd :\It orne/! Gcn;;.~e Roherl,; · cnce, eren before it got tfl mile claim for their :rri71

I l'ral opposition ":ill l·ook h,1• former prim_ e minis_:ler _st. t 11 tl 1 · 1 t ,, · 1 1 t11c working sta;::e. /1 prr\'ious, waters. The old ree- e

20 Y or ~~ ~gls a urc r m a)' t 1<' •·nnfrrrner railed to rraeh limit i' dead.

I ears 1 r!osely to sec that the federal Laurent. lie satd 7\lr. F lemm~ hi a-t was ··a crime of rna im· . _. ______ _ R.• ])0\" JlO\'T the St. Franl'is Xa\'ier t:n!· . gO\·crnment's new plan for eoulrl not produce a better for· pJ·npol'tions." l!e ~aid "no ·rr.

{'anadian Prr~s Staff \\'ritrr l'<'r,ity extension department : • . making grants to unirersities 1 111ula, onl,\' a change in it. 1 fort would he sparcrl to "'1\·c \'J::\\' W.\TERFORD. :-;.S. Jm·estmcnts in schools, homes, ; TQKYO, 1 AI')-Bishop Jan.l~s does not simply make Quebec, The forlll<'l' Liberal govrm· the erimr.''

CP-Thi5 Cape Breton town i l'lmrehes and municipal build·: l!.d\\.ard \hlsh, the last h: .. ~h an a"ent of Ottawa ment's formula was no en· Search For Clues In Plane Crash

i• built on a foundation that: in;(s totalled millions." .


fc,.rt1 •r.1~ f!helateh 0~ the ~o~·~ Sp~aking in French. the :liP · eroarhment of the prm·ineial i Pnlil'c lwlie\·r I he fire. fr<l i• rumblin wav in the de· · A survcv undertaken bY the "~ 111 te v urc In m~to1 ·a'lt: for 7\lontrcal Laurier told field. and no one had ever by 550 gall om of g;1"1line [rom IPrroration gofa markets for: !'Xtension 'departme~t among I Ch;r~a. was ~e.~fnced Fnd~~ ,to the Commons that the Liberals ' taken a case to court charging a januncct refuelling pump. :'\ova Scotia roal. 1 the :-.o. 16 workmg force 2n )·ear~ m I' 150n on ch'1 ',._e~ would support introduction of interference. was started by a truek flare ·

Dominion Steel and Coal brought 630 replies. It showed o{ conspmng IIJ overthrow •'1e a bill by Finance :\Iinister thrown into the area. :\ burned Corporation announced dur· 89 per cent of the men are Comn1 um~t ~.~.rr e. Fleming writing the new for· Chi.Jd Dro,-\,'OS ottt flare 1ras founr] between

1 · · 1 d 'th rage f 1 · t 1 b t d I the pump and the most hea1·ily lnll: Rand ro\'a commtsswn marr e wt an ave o Pt!king ita:l;o reported 'he · mu a m o aw, u rescr\'e · h 1 f d d t ht'le 30 th · 1 t t 't' · tl 1 · tlamagrd of the lral'!or~. The hearings here t at '\o. 16 co· our epen an s, II' sentence against the ailin~ 68· e ng 1 o el'l 1e1ze te cgts·

t1ery, one of.t~ree in or near! per cent. have six to 14 de·lyear-old American just~· day latio~ at a l.ater st_age. , Jn Well ~:~~:~erc:na:~:t :~~ 11~~10}~;.1: 11 ~;,~~ thts commulllt~ at the mouth 1 pendents. 1 arter announcing that Bishop !Ill. Flemtng satd the ne11

Rv DOR\1.\\ CORDELL · bomh. Ti·:I.J. ciT\'. Ind. AP-:\I'ia- \lranwhilr, the air traffic

t ion experts .'lartcd a dis- "ontrol t•cntre in lndianapoli~ heartcnin.e seareh for clues >aid an air force jet pilot re· Friday in l11c third unsol\·erl , ported sc\·erc turbulence over aii·lincr ct·a'h within four Louisdlle. Ky., about 20 min· months. utes after the northwe~t crash.

n! sydney Harbour. will be the 1 One quarter of the. me~ have Kung Pin-mei of ShangbJi anrl 1 formula rrsoll·es a probl~m A rnnr·.Har.old girl, \\hose 'pnmg open '1'ilh a pencil. ~econd of threr mines rlosed • 30 to 50 years service Ill the 13 other Chinese Catholics had 1 that has been a long-standmg name has not he~n distloscd. to rut roal production l'Osts. ' mines. The average age or the been ranging from five vean to , sourre of disunity in Canada. met death h~· drowuin~ in a

The closure o[ either '\o. 16 ~ :\o. 16 miners is 41 but 36 per life on espionage and ~ullvers· . It shoutd ~sher 111 a new era well at Portugal Co1·e shorti~· 11r :>;o. 12 colliery, the town or 1 rent are between 45 and 68. ion charges.

1 of harmm~10us. and co.oper· , before 3 p.m. ycsl~rday.

'\ ew Waterford told the com· I On the average, t~ey have a i attve relattonshtps between the ' mission. "with the resulted un· ' grade seven education. Bishop Walsh was named ~' · federal and provincial govem· emplm·ment of half the work· i "In a socity that is discrim· their ringleader but no men· ments. ing force of the main basic I inatory against hiring after tion of any trial for him was Preliminary Resolution industry would lead to chaos 1l 4_0 .• :where would thcs~ m.en made then. He had been head The debate occurred on a and catastrophe in municipal £1t? asked the umverstty of the central Catholic om·eau preliminary resolution leadinf!


I!O\'ernment." I brief. Retraining of the min· of Shanghai, closed down hy the to an amendment of the Fed· : '\ew Waterford, like several 1 ers to gil•e them other skills Communists In 1951. The !.lis· eral·Provlncial Tax . Sharing

to\\·ns m Cape Breton. has a 1 posed another difficulty. hop was once o([ered a chat!CC Act to provide fOI' the new : one industry economy. "Where 1 ''There Is not a provincial to return home, but three yelrs , university grants formula. the basic working rm·ce is em· . training scheme we know of ago ne told a British corres·: Most of the discussion was ployerl in a single industry. it ! in. Canada set to train people pondent: I ~n French, and rnembet·s on~ i~ a matter or sun·ival to the I wtth grade seven educatton i both sides of the House paid town if their means of Jl\'eli· and, again. what of the 30 per "I could le~ve ne~t week, tribute to the late premier hood Is threatened". the town · cent who have grade six or but my work IS here m Shang· Sauve for his efforts In work· brief said. i less~" the brief said. hai. ;\oly post is here." ing towards a plan by which

UnKanomiu! Mine ·~--- Quebec could accept 'federal 1

\"o. !6 colliery has !,116 min· p • M 1 university grants without fear : Prs 1\'orking now. They earn an t nf federal invasion of the pro- ' ~mage daily wage _of $14.47. rincess argare l'incial field of education. ' 11 will be closed satd Dosco, •

A tall received at the fen· tral Fire Station rrsullrcl in Fire Cons!. IJowden b~in~ dispatched to the scene in a Civil Defence jeep. The fon· stable brought with him a a pnealator containing oxyg<'lL '!'his was used on the child when the Co\'e was reachect but with no results. Thr child was later conveyed to t11~ General Hos1Jital where it was pronounc~d dra1l upon arrival.

The mother of lice t·bim was taken seriously ill short· ly after the child was taken from the well. The mother was airlifted h)' helicopter to Tnrbay airport from where

P:.li<'P '~irl nnp of lhr lhr<'l' I!H'll quP,lionccl had a k<-y to lite ::w>oline pllllll"·

ARHANC;F. R,\IL Tca1m >carchrd wreckage- The plane went down about 60

Iitterrd hills near the Ohio · miles wr.st of Louisville. John Hhw £01• fragments or metal Wubbolrling of the control ren-

LOS AXGELES. f.\1'1 -Thr and information that might Ire starr said it was possiblr parrnls of Carole Tn•goff Fri- · tl'll whv a Xorthwest .\irlinc' the tm·hulence extended o1•er <lay arrangerl for $25.000 hail turbo-pi·op <'l'aft blew apart the Trl! Citv acra.

:for the munler tri~l dcf<'IHI~nt Thursday. killing all 6~ prr- Came Apart In Air and her lawyers went ~'- once son~ on board. Four were Win· "It'> ohdous the planr camt>

1 to tlw countv jail lo obta111 her, nipcg re>idenls. apart in the air,'' said Ed Slat-1 release. · trry, ('. :\. B- information offi· : Superior court ruled Thurs- · The po,sibilih· of a homh err. "\\'<' will go through all clay that the eo-defendant in aboard the ~liami ·bound. the possibilities. including a the F:nrh murrlt•t· ra.<e ronld he turbo-jl'l was not ruled out homb."

'released on bail pend in~ retrial! but Ci\·i! :\cronauties Board But Slattery 'air! there was ·of )liss Trcgorf and her lover. I investigator' said tl:ry hadn't '·not a word" o! speculation

Dr. Bernard Finch ~ray 2:l. · found ~ny indieations of a about the cause of the high .. -·--·· ... : altitude explosirm at a con

:.~.~. Trap p e d M e n : rc~::~~~~ i~f j:::~ct~7~:~a~·~:~~~ situation." Slattery added.

Miles Apart The plane's fire-blackened

beeause costs are too high . Mr. Chevri.er said the uew 1

and mechanization is not feas. Contacts pl·oneer v I lormula, whtch Will go before ible because of physical con· : the House in detail when the . dilions or the seam. An un· . amending bill is introduced, ! determined number of the ----men are expected to be given AMDRELL · BANV, Eng. led executive command in one :

Vote ::·~;~~=.~:::~,~~; Believed Dead

To· Establish

ri~ht wing and two engine~ were found fi\'e miles nortr of a hu;:e crater where thr main mass of wreckage lay 2e

· fret deep, The tail assembly : was round 11.2 miles east.

jobs in other mines. Reuters - Princess Margaret, minute and 50 seconds," he ' "E\'erything ln ~ew Water- obviously a space flight en· said. :

ford 'depends on the miners thuslast, Friday pressed a but· Margaret asked: "Do you i

•·orldng," said a brief from ton and turned on the radio have to countdown llke 10. 9 i

-- --- ·-· ~- -- .. ---- transmitter aboard Pioneer V 8 •.. ?" Young,. who was con-THE COUNTRY PARSON I more than 1,000,000 miles centrating on the control

away. · panel, replied: "I will give I Twenty-five seconds later, you that in a moment."


TOROXTO. CI'-QUil·ksand men !a~. Pumps whinrd ,·on· The plane was headed , ;md water Friday dro1·e back

1 tinuously trying to clear the southeast from Chicago to

1 rescuers trying to rcarh four i tunnel. : :vliami with ~7 passengers and 1 construction workers helie1•cd , : a crew of stx. The dead In·

dead in a tunnel 30 feet un· Orders Investigation · eluded 33 men, 21 women and : clergt·ound in suburban :\orth :\Ltnrncv- General Roberts! nine children.

York. ordered a· fu!! investigation. ' The four Winnipeg victim~ Committee the United States satellite's "Are you sure It wiJJ work?" high-pitched wavering signal the princess asked. · Young came through across 1,040,000 crossed his fingers and nod·

1 were E. R. Gardner, 55-year-old OT'fAWA (CP)-Over strong they wanted.· Hope of finding tile en·· The four trapped men were l broker. his son Derek. 16; and

Opposition objections, the Com· The vote, forced by the gov- tombed men ali\·e had been identified as John Fusi!!o, 27, : :11r. and :\Irs. George Heuchert.

\ .

... ! mlles of space. ded.

The 29-year.()ld princess be· The countdown started and came the first person ever to Margaret pushed the button. make contact with a man-made planet at that distance.

5lhe worked under the In· structlons of B111 Young, chief of the team of Ameri· can scientists working at Britain's radio-telescope· stat· ion here.


Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill heads the list of per­so'ls petitioning the Queen for a• charter of incorporation for a new college at Cambridge Unlvenity to be named after

Htr Own Requtet him, the · London Gazette said Margaret specially asked for Friday night. Tbe new college,

permission to push the button which will cost about £4,000,· "Gtwt ltloupll, like · ahadl durin1 a. visit and listened at- 000, will be devoted to seienee

tre~~, will not be htre to com. tentlvely to Young as he ex· and technology~ The first un· fort !Wan pnerations unleul plalned the routine. . dergaduatea will be admitted '" lleep them arow1n1." "You push tbls button label· In October 1961.

mOolS voted Friday to establish ernment, was 131 to 33, the Pru-. abandoned. ; Guido l\lontella. 23, and his ! Heuchcrt headed a motor a special 15-member defence gressive Conservatives overpow· 1 • ! brother Alexander, 25 and I firm in Winnipe~. committee. ering 27 Liberals and six co· , Stx me~ w_ere 1!·appcd i .John Correglio, 45. All were

Opposition spokesmen dcscrib· members. One hundred ~[Ps I r!mrsday mgh~ 111 the stx·foot· j Italian immi~rants. ! lW'W w w w w + w w WW ed the committee as a "mock· were absent. I ~tgh construct lOll tunnel wh~n I • '.

ery" and "farce" because · it BOYCOTT POSSIBILITY ftre sparked by a short·ctr· Rescuers found the body o[ JI J nather cuited cable cut them off from Pasquale Allcgrezza, 27. about I r t;,l

wilt be empowered to examine Mr. Pearkes foresaw the pos· the exit passage. One was 150 feet along the tunnel. He only defence expenditures in sibility that the Opposition dragged to safety by the first was slumped over a section the fiscal year ended March 31, might boycott the committee. rescuers to reach the scene. of 36·inch water pipe he had 1959. He said tnat if the Opposition The body of another was been welding. The tunnel pro·

What the Liberals and CCF didn't want to co-operate there brought to the surface early ject is laying a trunk water

0\'ercast with snow and freezingra in. Warm this morning, turning cold dur· ing afternoon. High 32. wanted was a committee to was enough talent on the gov· Friday. lin!',

delve into all aspects of de· ernment side to produce recom· fence pollcr, mendations for the defence de·

Defence Minister Pearkes partment. said the Opposition was a However, Liberal and CCF "bunch of spoiled children . • . spokesmen said outside the whlnllli and blubbering" be· Commons that the two Opposi· cause the government had not lion parties will participate in granted them the committee I the committee work.

TeMPERATURES Rescuers wormed 200 feet Walter Andrusrhuk. 51. was : Lhrou!!h the tunnel Friday pulled semi-conscious from the !' ~lontrcal ·...... 23 34 but water and silt seeping in mucky bottom of the smoke· :\london ........ 25 26 from the shallow Don River filled passage earlier. He and I Halifax · · · · · · · · · 27 31 over the tunnel stopped them two rescuers overcome by I Sydney : .. ·.... 27 29 25 feet from the point where smoke and heat were in fair I . St. John s · · · · · 29 31 they belleve the bodies of the I condition in hospital. /..._ .......... ,... •••

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---------.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·--------.....,._ __

Jaw Smashsd To· Pieces Another !Urgeon brought to- ture1. The ne.'{t day the splint5 1

gether the more than 40 piece~ 1 were removed to cxamln~ the jaw I of the upper jaa and tiecm·ed I and it was found the bone ·had them by uelng an unusual lype • healed amazingly fall, one doc· of splint. Her head was encased tor uid. She was allowed to go

Thinkin~ Dav • . ol

BELL ISLA:'lD - Thinking Day and the Golden Jubilee of Guiding were fittingly observed by the Guider and Brownie! of Di.~t. 2, lhe Mines. Bell Island.

N I B k T N 11 in a plaster cap with steel rods home that day.

Urse S a( 0 O"ma :protruding out over her fore-. · ~ 1 he.ad, clamping the upper jaw in ------ ·;:

· place, Another ran from the roof 1 I .

OSHA11'A, Ont. ICP• - When; teeth wtre knocked out, the lower: of her mouth. Both clamps were! . ~ew! fn;tm the southern rel!Orts 1

.• the ambulance dri\'frs lifted Jean 1 jaw broken in two plares, h~r I connect~d by a third splint. I!': ~8 a hig~ place to cashmere 1

The Guides and Brownies ; paraded to St. .Jam~s Cir.mh ' on Baden Powell S:mday, Ftb. : 21 ~nd receil·ed Holy Com-1 mumon.

.\~!d. 26, from the tangled , back was injured and she &uf- The doctors were stymied in · 11 caters With\\ hite fox rollars. m~te.l of the front !leal she looked • fe;·ed a concussion. I trying to de~rmine the con-ect In some t>lace!, !My are even a •·or~e wreck than the car. The admitting doctor called for I shape of her broken palate until more popular than fur wraps.

A 111011111 later. on the way to :~-raya to de term in e whether 1 a dental surteon uncovered a and ar.e worn over everythmg Tf'CO\'ftT, the industrial nurse there was damage to the brain two-year-old cast of her mouth. from r.Imple cottons, to the hand-

The .Jubilee Celebrations

told • reporter llow a ~am of · from the concussion. There From this ap tate shaped exactly 1 somest silks. were enjoyed by the Guides and Brownies separately.

!le\-en doctors at Oshawa General\ wasn't. to her palate wu mach to sup-\ Hospital treated her lnjurit~ arter I TRACHEOTOMY port her faw,

~~="'= !:r :~:~:~~ ~~ The anaesthetist could not use\ Nose end sinus duna1e was te·' belna 5~~!~~ sportsw~ar, ther~ 71~ cident Feb. 1. \~gular procedures ln the operat- paired. For days she was fed~ sets No lon~woy a rom 1~a .c te

mg room because her throat waa throuah a tube Into her 1tomach ' si. er re a Pieces

The Guides invited their

1 mothers to a night's entertain­ment at St. James Hall. Here they pr2pared and served a

; dcliciot1s cup of tea to their ·mother;, 1ler 1ll(lllel' jaw was broktm into ; blocked. A surgeon performed a and since she could not move her, de Qned to go together as one

man." pi«ee. complete!~· de-· tracheotomy, ccuttlng into her mouth. the b••eathing continued, gr~men\ ~~~td different fab?tcs, ladled from the base of her ~kull i Windpipe through her throat to, through the trarheotomy, I 8 1 ;ys I~ t etl, ~:;! more fo ~~n and partly forct.:~ down her 1 inif'ct a tube through which an'l Three weeM alter the accident: UH • EO a. 1

" n l'. 0 e : throtot; ller !lOSt was broken, 16 aC!sthetic was administered. doctor1 aald it would take alx · sepa•atel wall be maintained.

The Dis!. Commi~sioner and Guidn.; hari prep~red and very altr~cti,·pl\· deco!'ated a lar-<e

· !11rlhrl!~<· c~k~. When t-11e cai1· dl~• h'rl Iw~n lit and b'own out v.;ith <l"e l'?rrmo,~·. the cal;e> was rt•f ~!HI ~:'eh mother re· ~el\·r-d ~ s.1m,!r nicr·~.


. .

;-:- ..

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\~ -~~

-· ~ ......... .~ .... ·--

.~~·.:: IIIITREAL TO VANCOUVER IN 6 HRS 15 MINUTES '.i.: ·-=· ~£ : lA Aprillhe Jet Age comes to Canada-and what a difference it will make to •.:· :-: ·~·. Joaa-distance travel. TCA DC-8 Jetliner Service will cut flying times acrou

~ :·:: Canada by almost half! • More than that, Jetliner Service means air travel :: .. ::: that is more comfortable, more pleasant than ever before. High above the ~·.·=· ::-:: ~:: .,·eathcr, ftying is smooth and steady. Sp quiet that you'll enjoy high-fidelity ·:·: .: music IS you ~0. I In the giant Dr-8, TCA engineers specified the best of two ... ~ •.· .

;:: :·. worlds-the aircraft hy Douglas, the jet engines by Rolls-Royce:. Tb DC·B ~:: . : udlen in a new wonder-world of travel- just a few weeks from MW. ,.:

••• HOW

Montreal-Toronto 65 min.t. Mt"mtrtal-Giasgow 5 hr.!. 35 min.!. Mor~trtal-London 6 hrs. 5 miru .

Montrtal-Wir~ni(Jtl 3 hrj. 55 min!.


1;.. .: .. .,,N•" ••~tvtc• ••otN• ... , .. 4PAIL DD;I.)· .trrrirr or"'.·'·' Cnnndn~ Mnntrmi·Tnronto·Vancorn•tr :; .. rr ~• · Dmh A tlttllto·c ·'"" ia -l'unrmrrer·Winnipeg•

· 81 TCA DC-I . ....,_.. , > 0:. ~ 1 Mmrtn.,llmrtrrni-Firilarn ...

.. : - Ahn rht.l •to/liNin. dnih• urria ~· : · /tl nn 1 mrl-1 oromo-IV ilwiprg-1 ·am·olwtr ·~ :; .IIIII irt/omliltkm from your TCA Ill Trtml A.11111, :· ••• ., '"" 1tlo ill 7121 J .. ~ :!~d. So .. o-n~-1- N"'or•rm- 4.co1o. • 210 linro MONTUAl ,. .-;~..,. CGikteld. lro"• 1< Co. ltd., Moaual- Fobruory llrd, lf6t ~~= ., .


Tite B~D•I·•:irs h"d their '.!e1· ~otzrthe1· in th(l ttft~rnuon .1!1'1

th" mn~ 1··r...; \V('l'P at:zr!in ~n,·itlHl. Th··"r i't1k r,.;,.,. rr.ll: mado

~1:"" ·~·-,+:···..; •;11:~" huo::~· p:·~~in:.! i:rou::r' r:1:-f' snrl cn'll::" . .:; a.nrl thr- r.~••t! 1 ''f.~ '· <·-·:? '':rH J:,~rn

Colonel E. R. Henehan. Commamlrr of the Canadian routing,•;!! serving with the UNEF in the Middle Eust, congratulates mt·mhrrs of the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps who were awarded the t•nill'cl Nations "ledal for thret• months service in Egypt. From leFt 11re l'l'h·ntl' Cecil Landry of Pluster Rock, N.H., Corporal James Covey of Oronndo, N.H., and Halifa:~:, N.S .. Sergeants Reginald Miller of Oronocto. Henry Tobin of St. John's, Nfld .. and Colonel Heuchan, (:\' ational Dt'fenrc Photn)

1 r,:~·, ... "~·. Tbr tt"r···:,·i:ie~ ;;1.._o h~'l

'3 F!rU·rhy r,1k~


.-\1 .~::ch r~·'lh~rii~-:: th,, ~ ~mrl B~·rw·:-irF ln·c:t<..•hl i ~hinv rv .. l~;,;c..: ror H1E:' I frll~v.,hir F'"·'l.

r:L1 ideJ :t~on~


I We ·.r~re ~lao to wdcn;r,e ',j··'. J<.•I'''il~> am! '·"'' Chatm·· rcl In the Acer!.',11'. of the lnllna~lll;;te l~nren: ion early in FPb. Botl1 fnrrmic;:-ifl::r·r~ ~nd all c;,iclers <~nrl Cop:ain•

Th~'e tr:1inrr~ acromrli>h~rl much during their short stay. and wr hope to he ahle to hav@ lhrm bnrk again in the near fulnro. H 1gher Pnces For ,'J~r:~::'~::~:;.:;~',~::.~~

18. arnl'c St. .Johns :\-larch 21. We woulri like to remind all

I Th • y lca\·c same day. mothers of Guides and Brow·

P t ":\ova port lea\·e St. John. nies that a meeting of the Local . e s Is ear ':\.B. ~inrch 22. leave Halifax nist. A•,oriation will bf held . : ~~:~.~~ 225B, ar:~::~ ~~~~~~ ·~~~~~·s on Tue~rlay. )[arch l!;

As the 195B-5n Newfoundland . per may still expect more for . ··Gulfport lcal·e St. Jt~lm. ------- -·--·-trapping season draws to a close ·his efforts this year. Current :';.B. :\larch 29· leave Halifax lkspite its popularity for <er-ror most of the important fur-· prices in St. John's are quoted April I. arri\'e St. John's April era! sea;ons. the rose promise~ bearing animals. trappers may :as $25 for beaver, $4 for fox, 4• Ie_ave same day. · lo be a fm·ourit~> flower in sum· expect slightl~· higher price! I S40 for ottE'r. $!8 for mink, and '\0\·ap~r~ le.a\·~, ~ti J~h~ .. mer prints. Giant roses are used according to the Wildlife Divi· Sl.50 for muskrat. The recent · Apn 5 1 · ea' e ~ 1 ax. - ·•. · in natural color, or in snch rm·~l·

; ston of the Department of Mines ; prices jumped hy as much a> Apr~! 8· a:m·c St. .John 5 'ties as blue, on both cottons and and Resources. Ontario and : $3.00 for fox and Saskatchewan April 1 ~'.sail s~m~ ~ay. : •ilks. for dance dre<~~s ~!11re

; Saskatchewan Game Di\·isions ·prices advanced for 20 to 30 Nf !.D. L\:'O sA 'stylized flowers are printed nn •


• reported much higher fur prices : percent {or high quality mink STEA~ISHIP. I davtimt> fah1·ics. I

· 1 d b It :.t.S. Belle Isle II due from 1 __ • ____ . • • . •• • _ ••

·which are ref ecled In New- an eaver pe s. , Halifax })arch l4. 1 :'II.S. Beclfl}rd II sailing from foundland. I In order to receive these high · Halifax today. i Halifax :\larch 23. due st.

'!'he season for mink closed ·prices the trapper has to have A •1· f · 1 h · \l 1 5 on 'larch 1st. Beaver trapping 11· manv. skills. The habits of each l\!.S. Bedforu II 531 mg rom • 0 n 5

• are 1 2· · " Halifax :\larch 15th. due St. FURNESS RED CROSS L.INE closed on the 15 of March and 1 species must be well known and John's l\Iarch lith. s.s. Guernse,\' Iea,·ing Xew on the 3~st of March the otter 1 ~liferent sets .are made accord- :o.r.s. Fauvette sailin~ from! York :\larch 18th. Saint ,John, ~~aso~ Will clo!e. Muskrat. trap .. mg to the ammal and the sea- Halifax :\!arch l6th, due St. X. B., :\larrh 21,1. Halifax,

1 pmg m the Northern Pemnsula! son of the year. Traps may be John's :\larch !Btb. · :x.s .. \Iarrh 23rcl. arril'r St . :goes to ~lay 301~ and closes. on: robbed by other amn~als sue~: :I!.S. Belle Isle 11 sailing; .Jnhn·s :\lard! 26th. Iea1·ing ; the 15th of :'l!ay 111 the remamd-. as the red fox wh1ch ma> . from Halifax :llareh 21. due .'larch 30th for Halifax and . er of the Province. I follow the trap I me to find Win· St. John's :\lareh 23. :'\ew York. ; This year European buyers ter food. Trapping is only the :purchased many long-haired . first step. Proper skinning trrh-1 · fur species such as lynx and nique! require that no cuts are I fox. Continental styles are re- made in the skin which would viving the interest for these 'lower its price. It the fox hap· species. . pened to rub &orne fur from 1ts

Early season fur usually i skin before or while in the trap brings the best prices as buyers it probably will not be pur­speculate on the coming season. : chased by the fur buyer. P('lts 1

I December sales in Saskatche- : are then stretched and care 1

wan saw buyers paying $32 for · must be taken not to over- 1

; lynx and $11 for fox. Wild mink I! stretch the skin. Burning can I I brought $65. occur from fat deposits noll ' Winter fur auction! in On- I scraped from the skin. All these . tario and Quebec brought $21 :points are ronsiderPd wh('n the 1 for mink, $35 for beaver, $30 buyer purchases the fur. so ! for lynx. and $50 for otter. As


, that the skilled trapp('r is re- i I the season progres~ed these warded for his work by recriv- · 1 prices diminished, hut the trap- lng the top prices quoted above. 1


Fisheries Department District Meeting Opens 1

District meetings of the Federal Department of Fisher· ies in Newfoundland got un· dweray Monday next, March 21 at Curling.

In each of the four districts

I into which the province Is di­vided the meetings will oc­

t cupy a week.

len WilsDn SAYS-

Jil/tt/889 HEAD flf1la.-IQ1lliiN.fJNT1111

L A. WILSON, C.LU., Branch Manager 1

221 NEW GOWEI ST. Phan• 2135 ST. JOliN'S).

--- ---·----·-· .

I Curling is headquarters for · District "C" which comprises : the west coast .

The other districts. with the rt>sper.tin• op!!nlnl! datts for tl!e meetin!l~ ar: District "A". _..,valon Pninsula, J\farch 28. at St. John's: Di~tricl. "B". south Coast, April 4, at Grand Bank:

· District "o··. East Coast, April 1 26. at Bonavista.


All seasonal and full-time wardens, fishery officers, and mastel'l of any or the depart· ment's vessels in their district at the time will attend the meetings.

I Th arenda will highlight In­special and protection duties,

I as well as all civil services re­lated to 1dministration, statis­

: tieR and other matters of grn­i era! concern. Speakers will in· ; elude Jenior official~ from : area headquarters at St. John's · who will deal with variou8 ~~~· i peels nf the d!>partment's work · on the district level.

1 · tarller this year, the die-. trlct officers and their by

personnel attended a week· long conference at area head· quarters, pre~lded over by the

. ~rra dlrertor, ;lfr. H. R. Jlrad­l!Py.' This wa~ the first roniH-1 ~nl'e of it~ kino sint•P the re-

orgnnlzational changes were Implemented in the province in 19~8.

Both the arta conferE'nce and the district meetin)ls are to be held on an annual basil in future.

S. 2 4 6 ........ 5 for $1.00

Children's Shorts.- txes I ' ....................... 89c.

Boys' Flannel Sh.r~s~~~~~~d .. ~~-\~urs ................ 95c. Gir\l' Blouses -. ,.. 99c. Children's Cardigans ........................ ::::::::::::$ 1.95 Boys' Reversible Jackets ~ ................ ·.·.·.·.·.·.· ............. $1.94 Girls' New Style Dresses·~~~ 24 - 34 ........ $ 1 .95 Boys' Ivy League Pants- I S'tes 24- 34 .... $2.95 Boys' Grey flannel Pants - '


• .• :. 1.: . ; ·.~ )\~ ....... ....... . '

. ~-- ... .... , - ; .. . ,. . ·-.: ·"


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Local SUpport Needed T 0 Blue Wave Disaster ~~er -~!!ln .. W~l~ Fund Totals $94,500 St. John's Jesuit To Be

Keep Adler's Plant Going I ""~'~"~!~~es"·F~~. ~~~,~ Of Kin Ordained In lndif:l 'Today Thr Director General of · ada's lead~ng manufacturer5 Wa1·e DisastPr Fund. sponsor- The rirst cheques will br. i>·

Economic De\'E'lopment mad~ ; of confecllonary and choco- 1 ed bv Grand Bank-fortune ,ued >hartly. A. B. Butt. Reverend John \\'brian· of thr tht following relE'a~e Friday late at the present time are : Lion~ Club, has now been .\'ewfounrlland manager of tlw socict~· of Jesus will be ordain concernin11 Adler's ChocolatE' having products ~anufactur· : finalized. The total ret·eipt' ,-ompany, rel'ently yisited ed to priesthood today ,. Plant: Cd In Ireland and Ill England ineluding interest pavnwnt, Grand Bank and attended to Kurseon~. West Bc>ngal. lnr!J".

"In ,·iew or the enquiries . brought into Canada and mar· amounted to 894,500. o! thi> 1 hr finnlir.ation of certain Fathrr \l'hclan was horn ;;I

~ hich hal'f' bren directed to keted on their own labels. I amount fi1·e hundt·ed dollar~ mattPr~. He al~o met with thr , St. .Jo.hn's in 192i. the son or me bY press and radio ron- "tJespite this hea\'y com~· wa~ pnid to each widow in ,·ommittre and rrpliecl to Capt~m and ~Irs .. 1. .1. Whr•ln!l rorning the future of Adler's tition fl•om imported chocolate , 1959. Annuities ·ror the bal- questions relatil·r to thr dis· of :!3 Cornwall Brights. docolate plant in Bay Rob· · and confectionary thrre Is no anc(' 11! the fund ha\·e now tribut ion of tht• fund. He was edur·ated at lloly rrts. J want to point out that n•ason why the Arller plant , been purchasccl from ~lad· Thr Committee a~~rl }.ions Cro>s School and S1. Ronarcn· no derision has bfen taken · cannot operate efficiently and ! timt~ LHf:' Assuranl·r Co. of Cluh wishl'~ tn tlwnk all at ture·s l'ollep,t). After l'inishiu~ :~ b)· the Board of Dirrt·tm·s on 1 profitably pro\'idcd it is the l·lali!ax and distribution will honw and abroad lor tlwil· lli<:h S<·hool in i9H. Fathrr ' which I npresPnt thl' :'\rw· , wish of the people of ~ew·


bt• marl!' on a monthly basis r·rmtriilUtion· to this worthy Whalrn worked for two )car; founrllanrt Gol't'l'llll1ent tu ·I, foundland to see 1t do so. , to thr widows and drpendcnt. cause. at tlw l'ua>tal Officr of what ~ !'los~ the plant. Whetlwr thr ------- thrn was the ;>iewfoundland ~

r,~;~~~~~~~:;~:~~s ,i:r ·~:\~:~~;:~~~ Damage At ; M C L I Debate On ~:~~a(~~te~~~.~~~~~ ·\::~~;;,r,.i,~u~:; J OJ't'ration> or ~llllttin~ rlown ° • • • l94fi and afiL•r his :-\oviate and 't

w~IJ cll'pPild in the [ina! analy· Fortune . two )'c>ars of cla>sieal studir·>. ~is Pn thP public of :-\ewfound i Ch • T B k was >l'nt to !.'immaculate ron-·~nrl : anging ext 00 s ceptinn in .\lonlreal to slurl.l .. ··~~~~:~~~~n~1:i~~ lht' GORDON PUSHIE pi~h:~::~a~~ 1;o1~~~~~e~~ sh~~: J ph;~,os~,g,~{hc w;" assi~nrd to r:~l't 113!' ~011(' throu!!h a . hindrrin~ nal'i!!_alion, a SJlOkPs- . . I . the n-,,.J.""ii.IJO '11·, 1.011 Rn n I " ~ ed. Rut thr prop!~ of Xew· ~ ··· An nnposmg a nay !rom I Ir nt'll'l·r appl'llaehe-' In tcaclung. ' '·· ~ ·' ·' 'n,a Pe-rin~ ot m·erprocluetion man for Federal Puhlic \\'ork> 1 'lt"r a P<'l'l.<lli t· l"l 'll • ''" founcllnnd must he prcparecl seats uf lcamin~ appearrr in In our new approaph<•s we arl' " ' o "l~ "'"" "hiC'h C'J>u:n h!' rurrrl wry to sut•:•ort lew a I indusll)' if t~>lrl the NE\\'S yesterday. The the \l.C.L.I. Boom on 'J'imrsda) fu!l<JIIIll~ lht• ;uilic-e of cxprrts. stud.v l<tHI six n111111hs of tral'h· >impiy h.v thr _inhhcr>. whnlr· I hi;, plant anrl olhrr plants are ILght on Ihr_ rrlge of thr _wh;u·f, ni~ht to hatter down tlw l'l'· HesNrr·h ann improrl'mrnl in ing at :it .. ill>erh'< t'qllr~•·. Dar <alrr< and re-tailer< ~riling in to eontinut• to Jll'ovidc em· wa~ a spar:ILght anrl J~ot.m thP I ~o.ution t h;; t the C•IIHant ml'lhods nf lcaehing is just as jPriing, he ht·gan pust-gradtw!r anrt ,upportin~ !hi• lrll'al in· pin)·mrn! for fellow :-lew· scnsr a lL_;;blhon.<r .. rlhls was' chan-~in~ ut tl'xt books in our IH'C"""''Y as in other fields ol stuclirs in hi; lory at Cakutta du;;try. If this support i' net fnun!llanclt•r.<. , bi'Oken durmg the he1g 11 o! thr schools is unw<IIT<Inted. 'endeavour. university. obtaining his ~las- .1. .lr. .1.111.1\ .llllt ,.; WliLI..\ :>.

lhen it i< extrenlt'Iy diffirult . storm. , n,oing the erenin" ul St. Pat-' Thr 'l'<'akcr pointed out that ter's dl'gree in !9!li. for the buying Jlllhlir to he in "II Is no srerl'l that the : . , . L> 1 " 1 h t 1 1 •

(, d. 1 1 1 d The oil tanks washed into nr.; s <1)', am nwny mcm Jcrs t e cos o t 1c parent> was a l'o.;'ti.on to ptlr"ha•~ tl1a lo· aiJr, 1", n c· lO['O a e an <·on· · · 1 • • • ' ' ' ' r t · " · ~ tr· eneralll' the harbor werP pmpt1· at the. of the lns(ltutc domg honou_rs psychologicnl r ~ t h e r than ral produr·t l'nqur•tionahl)' N· wnnn· llluliS )' g . 1 • ' • • • 1 1 1 d I ~ · 1 · -1 ti.nt~ of the ml.<h·tp It ,·, ILI"k to tht• Satnt e ;ewhere. I!W actua . He cou cl Pn!llnstrate \cller'• h~< turnrrl nut a lli'O 1as ,r~n pu 111 a pen ou< po- · ' · ' · · ' . .

· · '· · ·t · 1 1 · t f that rlaman~ I'"IS 110t JTIOI'~ 11·icl~- lllll'etlll~ was not c;o well ~lt<'IHI· !hat the eh;m~rs m text hooks

Since then he bas been .•ludy­ing theology at St. \Jar)··, Col· lro:e. Kurseon!l where he will he ordained priest h)· His (;race the ~lost He,·ercnrl Ferdinand

Peri•·r. :;_.!.. ·\rehhi;hop of l'al· of St. Patrick·> in St .. John '· rutla. in thl' Chapel of Our hv Rev. R. lieD. ~lurphy, D.P .. Lad)·. St. \lary's Colle~r. Kur- 11:ith a sermon preached by one ,eon~. of the .Jesuit fathers. A film

nur! lo matrh an.rthin~ manu· >1 1011 ,,. r ll':tl> nnpor s o • ' • ~' "· ' ' . . . 1

tl · 1 1 s 1 l' · <prrad in view of tlw mou 11. · rtl as It 1111~ht hare_ hcl'I_I. How- do not areragc more tha11 two farturrcl in Canac\a or impnrt- w<r t>roc u<· s, , omc o an· · . . · . taino11s wal'es. thr official said. rn•t· the debate ~<a., >pmtrrl. dollar> per pup1l per yrar.

Tnda1· High \la,s will he on the Darjeeing ~fission will eelebralcrt in his hnmr pari,h he >hown later in the dar.

tlw >UhJ<'L'I 11dl anai)>L'ri and I ~II·. Clarcnrr lluLto11 abo ol

P k d C G.. c. t About HlO frrt or the Grand SliiiiC IJrilli:lllt <'I'CI'Chl'S Wl'I'C tht; te;lc·hin~ profession rlcplol'· ar e ars 1 ve 1 y: Rank brcakwatrl' is clown In' he a I'll. The rot;• ;Iron~!)' famur- I Pd the lalk of expriiS<' that is 1 hi;!h tide. ; ctl the lll'}:f11in·. 1:-;n triflin;,! wht'll c11mparNI to

B A R h J I . .\!r. A. \\';,t"'ll ~ll'!Jonal<l ll'rl 'llw r·nst {Jf I iring in getii'I·;!). uses oug ourney i No nllwr rlanw~~ has hrrn ott for 1111' ilflinnalll'l', ('Ulltl'll[l : Exp<·riell['r ha< <hnwn that a 'rr~>urted along I he northea.-l in·~ that in the lower gr<~des tlw 'child rctnins hut lilllr of wlwt

Object Taking

To Oath

'co"st, hut drlayrd reports may BII>P> had a rnu~h time !r,l· the curb. anrl as a rP:<IIIt ~<t•re · h bonKs wert· ehan;:cd in eolu"r it lwar>. rPtains fifty prrc•·nt of S"pcri!ltcnrknl Dr. /1. 11· cnmc up wit somr dama~r. 1

~~~to ~rl through some of the the cause or frequent traffic: ami rlate. while the o11ly ehan~t·: wh:~t it "'''' and ri~ht;· pN,.<'nt Taylor said Frida;· "1111c <t:llf

Announcement By Head Of ·Clarke Steamships

nrrrt~ in St. .lohn's yc,tcrclay. tir·llllS beJ'ansr o[ the narrow in lhp reading was !hilt ,laek: of what it tlnr.'. So ccluratlonal !lll'mhrrs of I he (;enrral Hospi- Thrrr il•'nl< of The matn reason was the 11ark- rr•ntrP dri1·cway rcsulling Po· Getti•Og Ba"k ch."Pd Jane in,tracl nf .lane i nw<hods IITrr hi' In~ rh""c•·tl tal w•1n·t he p:lirl until tllc)

llllportall<·r !_' olo!H'I ;.;_ :-.tcaJmhqh td car~. fh·e anrl ~ix frrl a11·ay lice• tirkrtt•cl some t>f the Ill eh;,-1ng Jaek. lie brought h~> ancl ~"arerl acrnrrlln;:i;·. ag1w to t;,kr- thr p!'f>linrial ;:11,·.

fn•m the rurhs. on the rrlgc o[ l'rhil'les Thr pruJwr thing would · bor!l'> and rlbpla)·<·cl lhc•m. llc 1 Spr•akrrs from thr Jl<10r 111 rrnmrnt oath of 'rnPt·;· and al·

Jt ~<·a~ h.!d on Adri;lidc Street mg no p.u·kin~ until the snow . 0 orma ,distre:;scd in hal'ing to prol·i•lr I Cunly and Hrr. Frank D. l'ut- Thr emplo,I'CC>. lllll>tly nur-r• .

Will"(' illll][l!lll{'("r\ h: ll. l'larkc nf !.'Iarke Ltd. Openin~ o[ na\·i~atJon from

. llunlJ·ral.

thr ~now drifts. h<In twrn to t•rcet a notice say-~ T N I · enlllelldrd lh;~t lhl' parrnls wr·re 1l'l"drd .llr. Sh,•rhuurnr ~~~ lr~iam·r to the l'rown.

\l·hcre no cars. ~II.' cll't.I'CI'.< S''·"· i· rumuveri, one motorist who I moll PI' trnm 1·~ar to rear lor ton, hoth of whom saw the oi!J.el't to the oaths 011 :hr " " " • • · · Thr ntahiL,hment ur a nr11· !hould bt allowed to park un- lelt his car home declared. , The l'.:'\.H. r~put·ts thai llooi;s that did nut offer any ;ncc

1e,,ity kfor tht> rhanges. ~round> it transr·r1HI> their pro· oilier· in Turuuto. Ontario.

11! the ~now has been rl'moved. l'ouncil plows dear . stree!J operations are grttin~ bark rca! ad1·an1age. In the higher 1 Ot wr spca ers took adl'antage fr•.sional ethies. Ill'. Ta)·ior clc- A Jll'W appmal'll to the eon· It was also bad on Theatre Hill alter Sllllll'ralls pnmar~ly for. to normal. A backlog of ~radcs he tound that the of 1hr nppm·tunit)· to air th!'ir l'iinrrl to sa)· how many of thr ,oiJd;,tion ut L.l'.l.. ;hipmenls •·herr some cars parked on the emer;:e11ry opt•rallons-ln case frci~ht that had been tird 1 nwthod of teaching as well a> l'iPws till the chairman 'lr. hofpital's staff of ~om~ ~00 thai will ncate sa\'ln~s lor the northside disruptrrl tra!fic. of ho~pital t•alls or fires .. \Ian)' at Corner Rrook, is mol'i:l~. the mntrrial taught was differ- llerllt•)· Sndgrorc ,ounrlcd tile arr affcl'lrd. But hr inrlil'atrrl ::-;cwluundland importer. Ordnanrr StrPrt was another motorists th111k as soon as .the, in as fast M possible. Offi· ent from that w~1rh prepared ·!mal hell. the numhrr was ~rss than 50. Uur hrM sailing from ~!on· lhoroughfare throu-~h which the streets are plowed the first. cials sav therP i~ a .Jot of the last gcncrallon for thctr I ------ Pay rncque,; due Wrrlnrsda)· trcal. stated .\)r. l'larkc. will be buses could just squeeze with- thi~ to do is to get the car out.· snow from Kitt,•'s Brook to life in the world. The great dis- wrre hrld hock from those who the S.S. "i'\ol·aport'' leaving on out tearin~ renders or scraping They shoulrl first ascertain con·: st. ,John's, but r~lath·ely lillie I advantage there was that the I "NO DefenCe " rrh_Ised to tak~ thr ~aths. :·They Wednesday, April 13th, and the •ehidts parktd on the west ditions in down town areas snow west. I parent could not gwe the ch1ld ' 'rant hlackma1l me mtn si~OJn;:! service will he maintailwd 011 a 1ide. A car on the east side got where they have to park dur- ' the help it should expect. I the oaths," said one nursr. weekly basis throughout the sea-a tickrt early afternoon. 11 is in~ thr working hours. 1 ll1r. Robert Hunt backed the SayS JOdO•In I 0 1 ff' · 1 rl son with three ships. prtsuml'd othl'rs did later. llany motorists act like sherp, FIR£S I first speaker. In his experience, 1. Idler( health to ICtlha s 't e- 'file new office 1.n Oillar.'o

''( h k d · · U h'ld 1 t t d th'. c me o t•ommen on P s1 ua-Durkworth Street presented a 1 t ey seh~ hone <'bar pdar e .'n 1e ehLd Wlodwas

1 s are this OTT\WA t('P) Th . 1 lion at thl' citv's lar,est ho<- will be under the supenision of

m~Jor problem yesterday for a wa)· w 1c 1s oun to tm- . year a no a van age over e , · ·- ere IS no , . 1 H 1 h ,1: .. , D r ., \lr J H Co<tello stated \lr traffic. Ea~t of Batt's Hill the pede traffic, they will follow City fir~men received one one who began school rive years defence for the federal go\'ern· ~111~ · thea. t · ' 111i'tc; r. · _amc t'la.rk~ ;1,. ·Cost~ll~ is ,;·eli •. now hac\ not hne11 r~movnd. suit That is the conscnous of call •·esterilav. That was • false ago. The books that must br ment's failure to di>allow con- · e .ra 1~ out 0 1 e prm LI!Cc .

' ' ' ' • " 1 , known in ::-;ewfoundland, a~ he Somr motorist". huii'C\'Cr, rlrcid- man~· prrsons ridin~ on buses alarm that r~me in fr!lm the thrown aside are every bit as lentious Newfoundland labor Oath arlminislcrin~ reremon- and his family lil'ed In St. ~d to park outside thl' ~now yesterd~y through the oftt-n car· 1 box near Rawlins Cros' al 5 good as the new ones coming l~gislation, C~nadian ~.abor, ics were hPgun la<t fall for thr John·, for several years whl'n bank. four anrl five feet from blocked streets. 1 p.m. out. He thou~ht that 111 our Conl!rciS President llaurlc provinre'~ 3.000 rivil servant; ~lr. ('o;tello was lraming the -- ----·---·--- -- -----------·--·-- ·--- --------- ·--·----- , schools we are following lhr Jodoin fairl Friday in a slate· when lhr gorernmcnt disco,·er· fpreiahz••d requircmrnts inrol·

wasteful practice of planned ·mcnt forecasting great di<ap. edi t had hrrn O\'erlookrd our- vcd in lhP handling of cargo to obsc.lence. poinlmcnl among Canadian , ing the hrrtir turnm·pr to t'on- :-\cwtounriland. ·

:1-lr. Clifford Andrews, Prin- workers. ·federation. The General Hospi· Of partiPiliar interest to the cipal of }.!aePherson Ar•ademy The ferlrral government can't· tal is operated by the go1·ern- local husines>men is the estah·

John Conran:

'h·aHi•· ~rn·i,-c, in ~t. Jnhn'&, -air! ~lr. Clarkr. ;,nrl his PX·

pcriencr in thr rnn,o!iri:ltion firld will h• a~ailah!P to all client'.

Dragger Damaged In Storm PETIT DE GRAS, !\'.S.-The

fiihing dra~~er Red Diamond II reachPtl this Cape Breton bland port Friday a!ler drift­in!! disahlerl for three days on lhe St. Pierre bank south or ~ewfoundlanrl.

Captair. anri o•mrr William Harnrs. 38. or Arirhat. :\ S. >aid pnormou; ware.> struck hi~ hnat la't \londay, sweepin~ awa,· the mast. canng in part of the deck and putting the en­gines out of commission. !\'o one was seriously injurrrl.

The 13-man· crew had to bail

Assistant S • d and otherwise well known in •huffle all the blame on !'\ew~ 'ment. lishmcnt ol Clarke Traffic Scr·

t t educational circles, pointed out founrlland for the legislation. he ' .· . "t. T s .. . . . for 27 hours to remove se,·en uperin en .· en that the changes were firstly saicl. Attol'!ley-Genrral l.rslie Cur· ;~~~'-affe·l'l; ~~~;-tr~' a~:~~~~~. feet of water m the engine small and even then necessary The CLC deeply regretted the tis said at the time that the. through the grouping togcthc~ room before power could be

H d B P J h XXIII by the books going out of print refusal of the govcrnmPn1 to oath ;wrarinhg h '''"~ ~ routi~c of L.l'.L. shipments for mol·e· resctorrd.B d t f h. or changes made necessary by act. Last minute appeals harl . proce,.ure .11' LC ar mere)' ment in volume lots. The new . apt. arnes .an mos o ,. Onoure Y Ope 0 n 1

- --- been made to Prime ~lin!ster: been nPglectcrl. approach to this method of con- h1s crew are ;.;ewfoundlanders. ; F I Sealer Dlefenhakcr, Jusllce ~hmslcr solidation i~ the application of

i orelgn ~~~~:~.n and Labor \linistcr TCA Official On ;~r~:::~~~~~-las,!fica~~~h~~ L.;h~t Police Blotter .Mr. John Conran, R.C. As· si>lant Superintendent at the Department of Education, yes· terday rtceil·ed an honour from Pope John XXJII. ln a private ceremon)' at lhe Palace at noon His Grace Archbishop Skinner · ; presented ~lr. Conran with the I · tross "Pro Ecclesia et Ponti· ! f1ce,'' in recognition of many ; vears of intense work as a I ttacher and an admmistrator of education in :O.ewfoundlanrl.

C d• The federal governrt1CQI's erca1es great saYings. ana lan disallowance deadline expirec\ · 1 wednesday. ~tr. niefenhaker European TOUr c.tr. Jame~ HutchP,on has

has indicated in the Commons · been named Vice-President o!

Waters hl will make a detailed slate- Terra Nova Steamship Com-ment about the matter. Basil Voke~·. sales represcn- pany, the associated Company

. , . Lative of TCA in Newfound- of Clarke Steamship that oper-In the House of Commons in It 11i~ Jo,?,o'.n -~eferred :. f'~ay land. has left for a ten-day ate the )!ontreal . St. John's

Ottawa on ~{arch 16, '-lr. J. R. 1° . 1 et. .~niqudl ous .~? l· a orf 11 familiarization tour of Eur· ;sen·ire.

Tucker, M.P. for Trinity-Con- I .eg_1.s a ~on an a. )ear 0 ope. He will make stopovers . f d' 1 d th f ll · \acillatwn ancl dela~ by the fed- at Shannon London, Paris ' ~lr: Arthur Pearce. has also cep ton, uec e e o owmg eral government " . ' , . . •

question to the Federal .Min- · and Zunch. Jmned the staff of Clarke

In Six arrests were made by rity police late yesterday and O\'er night. One man was arrested under warrant, four ordinary drunks were brought in, one female warant. four ordin­arv drunks were brought in, an·d one female arrested for be­ing drunk and disorderly on thr public street.

lfr. Conran was born in Har­bour ~lain. C.B .. Octoher 22nd, 1898. son of James and Johanna Conran of that place. His ele­mentan· schooling was received there. followed by high school

ister of Fisheries: "Has the =================== Minister's attention been called to a report that a foreign seal­ing vessel is operating within the territorial waters of Can­ada and, if so, what action is his department takin-,:?" ;

No New Polio

in Holyrood. . In Bellevue. Trinity Bay, Mr.

Conran began his teachin!l ra· r~r and in the year followir.:l he 'l-ent to the Bay of Islands to trach In St. Patrick's Hall, Prtnes. ln 1917 he attende~ St. 1 Bona,·en1Ure's College for As­IOCiate studies, and in the year fclllowing he returned to teach· in~-this time at Notre Dame Academy in Grand Falls.

In his reply, Hon. J. A. I Dr .• fohn Davies, d1ief medi- : 1 MacLean, Fedroral Minis1er of· cal health offil·er, said yeslcr­! Fisheries, said: "~!r. Speaker, a! day that there ha1·e been no telegram has been received in I new cases of polio reported to which the sender says it was 1 the Department of Health.

The lime at Grand falls Mr.

repm·ted to him that a foreign 1 sealing vessel was operating 1 within Canadian territorial waters. l have taken immediate action to e~tablish what is the situation, hut as yet no report has hecn rN•eived from the officers in the field."

So far this year there have been seven cases of the crip­pling disease with one death resulting from the polio virus.

Last year there were 139 cases of --polio and 12 deaths in this provinee. ! Conran re~tards as his most

aucccssful and 5lltis~·ing period of tuching. He worlcrrl with Monsi11nnr Finn and attained treat results in character train· ing and scholastic work: but poor iealth made Mr. Conran ' return to the solr charge at BellevuE' for a year. Aguathuna · on the west coast wu hi~ next . station, for four years: then he · spent a year at St. Henr~·'s High :

92 Per Cent of A. N. D. i .

PAPAL CROSS PRESENTED-His Grace Archbishop Skinper invested Mr. John Conran with the insi~nia of the papal cross "Pro ecclesia et pontifice" in a prh·utc ceremony at the Palace yesterday. Mr. Conran is Assist­ant R.C. Superintendent at the Department of Education. In the background above are Ven. Rev. D. L. O'Kech·,

:,Co's Pulpwood Hauled

School in Corner Brook, and t•·o )ears teachin~t at St. Bona· i ,·cnlurc's Collr~e in SL John's. :

-Snow Paralyzes Transportation: ("'- II d Dt n H A s p • ,.. tiRANLl ~'ALLS - As a re-JIIIInl'C or, an .n • Cl', • • ummcrs. ..-.., 'lear 81111 of recent ~now-storms,· all C:cneral.-(~lonitor Photo).

In !!1:1!\ ~lr. runran wa~ ar· the ramps in the Anglo-New-poin1Pd supcn·i..,1r of sclJOol~ : . . . . . . fmu1~land Dcl'elopmcnl t.:ot~· and has heen at the Dtpartmenl ! vel SIIY of !relancl; Mtchael, now I hood 1 he center. of the goldrn p~~Y s Terra ~ova woO! I~. rlt· of Education sinct that time. In 'asst. Man~ger of the Natl_onal cross bears a likeness or _Leo VISIO~. are closmg down. Snow lM3 he became assistant sup· ·j Cash Regtster Co, In Hahfax: XIII and the eo m p a n 1 o n conditiOns In thai area have erintendPnt Gerald at Pepperrell A.F.B.; 1 documents reads as follows: handicapped opt'ralions to the

· ' Anna, who is secretary to Wing 1 "John XXlll Pontifex Maxim us extent that tr;msportation is

His muriage to Kathleen Commander Forbes at 1'orhay; has deigned to decree and to bt>· paralyzed Pven for snow-Fitzunld, whose father was and Maureen and Bernadine stow the insignia of' the august mobiles. This week, o sick man prinelpal of the blab school at who are still In school. cross Pro Ecclesla el Pontifiee, had· to be airiifted from Israel NDrthem Bay, took place AUI· instituted primarily for those Eastman's camp on · Triton 111t llll, list. They reside now The decoration received by who achieve great work, upon Brook by helicopter. al 15'7 Ptnnywell Road in St. Mr. Conran was Instituted Dee. Mr. John Conran. From the Jlbll'l. They havt 1ix children 31st. 1887, on the occasion or hall of the Vatican. Feb. 23rd.,: Thrre are nine camps in up· .....Jnhn. who L~ in s~cond year I the ~olden .iuhileP- of f'ope r.co 1!160: A Dell'Aqua, Sub. Src. or I ~ration in Millrrlown riil·i:;ion 111~111 at the National Uni- XIII'• ordination to the pril$t- State." with a Ioree of 183 mrn. Season-

a! weather prc1·ails in thi~ <li· 1

~ision. anrl haulillf'l conditions : are good.

In Badger ni\'iston. ~II camp~ ' have compleiPCI thetr winter . pulpwood deliveries and arr ; closed down. 1

In Bishop's Falls division : hauling is 1!9 per cent complete ~

Six thousand ronl~ of wom1

were hauled in all divisions dur


ing the week, bringing thr total delivered to lakes and streams to 311,200 cords. This I amount represents 92 per c~nl of t.he A.N.D. Compan~··o pro­po~rrl pulpwnn~ clelivtrk:. for ' the 1959-60 sea~on.


. from our young folks' fashion center






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THE DA!LY NEWS, $T. JOHN'S, NHD., SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1960 ------------------------------------------------------·----------------------~~~--~~-

11-JE DAIL )' tlewlouttdland's Only Morning Pap!r

The DAILY NEWS i.~ a mo. nlnu ·1.1ptl' established it> 18!J4, uud pub: isheu at the :'\c,\s Building 355-33!< l)uckworth St,f'rt, St. John's, New· .oundlaml, by ll.ubim:on & Company l.imit"d.


n:.\RLY St'BSCI\IPTI0:'\1 R:\TL!!

The Canadian Pres:. is exclusivel) •ntitled tu the use tor republicution nf all news despatches in this paper crl·diied to it or to the .'\ss.•ciated t';css or Reutrrs and also the IO<·al n•~ws published therdn.

C:Jnada $12.00 pl'r allll•l•n r mtl"d K int::dom

and all ft~rei~n rountril's ~1 t W per flllllum

.-\uthonzrrl a~ ~t>cnnd class mai'

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:\~I Pre~~ !rvir~ and leatnre articles in this papl'r are copn:~htcd and their rt'production is prohibited.

• ' HJ6()

~lcmhf'r Audit Bureau

of Ctrculation.

-Canad~an Policy Needs New Fads

I •ll.tdl.tll ( ·h.uulw1 ol !'om­.,,... '. 1, .1 ... '!...t tl tht• \!0\ t l'liillt'tll tc)

:• .~t 1111 f'\!t.tll'll\~' ll'\lt'\\ ol llw · • •· ( ,i1t ~~.1·.111 Lt\ ... tr11dlllt' 111 1t l.t·

·~ ""f\tlillf' '!11:1\1''· 1H't•d~ .~t .tJl .,•',r111'!1111f ,fltd !.diP!J,tl

'1 •:till ohlttll\t'

.! (t•JP•tllllllU' p:np,h,tl (o

t}•• t' 1 I ,}ntn)d :!1\ t' Tlll11H'lhdtt•

I • :·1 I 1\ ... :Itt! 11th' ,, Olth p.ttt til

· · · , .,. \\ io.LI '' ll•'l'lh d i' a dt·· . ~~ .111, ~In ... 1\nh ol tht• \\ llfth•

' ··! tl,.· n.tll""· \11d lllllli tJu, ·_,, :,.,;-, .tL 111t''''l. .til th.1t C.m.ulians

· "'l \\ '" t1ut tht'\ .llt' 1,!oin~ ... onw­.n.! u 1 L'H!.: t'J..l· Tht·~ \\,till to

" '1'··~·' t;l,\11 th.lt. Tl.:·\ IIlllS! h,(\1'

1· ·, .. ,, 1""'" '"''ll'lolt·d P·"'·'~'· ·n •·t .,, ;, 'I'''"' ( ·,,J,in" th.it i' applil'­

~ '11\ :,.,, tluthlulh tn tht' p1t'S<'Ill .· , ... :1 ,,,t, 111. "Do 1011 kwm 11ho

'I' I I ... , .. 1 I , \, 11, • ''P"\ \\ ·'' ·''"t, . ,-,n )()( y. • · '·" •: "·'' th•· r•·pl:. "I "-p•·d

_. l\ 1 d

... : 1' !':. \ :" h \\ h.tt lt.l' h •• ppt'llt'd

a l": ••t llllJ'••rt.llll ,\Silt'rlS Ol C.tllol·

. , 1!1,•. T.l\ l.l\1'~ h.l\'1' lll'\t'r ht•Pn

, . • .I to JWnotht'.tl an.tl: sis. Tlu·y

.• ~··" n:111l th• 1 ~t·prt'"'llt tod.tl ,111

! ; ,,, :1' Jll., ...... ol ll'!:!'"'L.twn tlut is l ,, .·! t \tLa tl'l!! the n1.D.in111111 fnm1

, ~~·:- "' tilt' Jll'npiP wit hunt n·· t •• 1'1'1'"'· <'IIIli!\ ami alt<·n·d

..• ! .• n.! ,., '""'lllit' coiHhtions.

••· 11... 111 thl' P·"' twl'nt:· years, ~:··• ,. t!ll"lll!ir a ~t·ri!'s nt n•1nlu­. • , , :w•l<'lll'l'' Tlw 11 .1r <'•HI'<'cl a ... d''"' • c•'lll'lllil tlll't•rsi!icaliou. In

\ 1 ,;Jill! \I ,il"' o,;}l(• ht'l'otltl(' R 11l11j01

!. ·I •)I fo~hllt.ll!'ti ~omls \lith a _, }'.11\ '! t:w \\OrJtJ hl'alim: ol [l.llh

.. • ,j,"" In pwenn· ~upplit'S that ·, •1 •t ,.J,, "hl'rr oht.1inahlf'. That

. • " "' dn t·l ,If !I'd prodndion has .. • 11111 d !1111 111.111: C.111.1dian Hl.lllll­

···r• 1' lr,t\t· 11'! to n·.di"' th.tt thing~ , · , }, .n·.:•·d 111 a 1 Pr\ nnpnrt.mt rt•­

' : 1 h, 1 \1.,\f' ""'\ to lw t'<llnpl'ti·

·'' 11., pre -11.11 dt'IHt'ssiou anti fe.trs of

:•,, ·•"<·Jm .• tlr 11( \\,tr, tlw lattl'r fnull!l('(l

! .r. ~·n.,tll .tlh 011 \\ ktt h.tpprnt•d in

: ··2" II.t\ ,. h·"n tlw sonrn· from which .·1 , !.,hn:-.tk ,,d,tl "'t'UTit1· systf'm has

(~t' ( lt)pt·d 1 J,,- l11<::11 ~'"'' ol social s<·cmitl allll

:, '' "''' nhk:.ltions has imp"'ed Ill'\\' ····•'1•\, "" tlu ll.llrlllt,Ll tn•,tsmy 11hkh

:'"' r hr· .. u t1wt by tax inen·as•·s d ... -:c:H .~ to nht.lin morr mnm•y without r• ;:.,, r1 !nr thr· l'ifPd nf thrst' higlwr 1(\ :•, "n till' b.l'll aims ol u.ttion.tl


\ risin!! dt•nhtlld for an imrrm rd

sl,tntlard of '"d.il and I'COIIOinic li1 111g in thr p1m iltt't's h.~> t'Xt'L'l'th-tl the finall· ,.,,tJ nwam ol jliO\ inl'ial ami numicip.tl O.:OIT111nll'llfs .nul 1~\t·,dt•d thr •·~isl­

t·ncl' ol 111,\11\ nol.1hh- int•qtuhes in tlw

lt·ti<·r.tl S\Slt'lll .. \ stnkiug t•x,unplt• crl

this is fmuisln·d b~· tla· l'lllliJlrolllist· h~ which C)11l'hre has ht'l'll !•nahhl to

t.1ke .11h .111tat::r of fctll·ral tmilt•rsitv \!1.11\ls. ThP Qnrht'l' L'HIIpromist• ennld

h•·lp grl'atly a ff'l\' prm im·•·s and graw­

h llliJl.lir thr fin.mrh.l !'apadtks n!

ollrn pro1 int·t•s. But thrsc are only hits and pirePs nl

.t l.u grr prnhh•m. The time h.ts cnnw

tor C.mada to t.tkl' stn!'k. Lanrids pre­tlidion that the tw•·ntil'lll t'l'rltury lw­lt•n!!s tn Canada was maclr iu a diffl'r· !'Ill kind ol worltl th.tt ht>, 11 1th all his

ml.t!-!iuatinn all() inh'lll'dual hrillinnt'l'.

l'nnhl not lort>St't'. ThP prot'l'<S ol ehangt• in thl' past hltv 1 ,•,trs I1.1S h•:PH l.l'tl'r th.m i\'t'r lwlnrf' in history. Y•·t C.matl.t, ton hnnvanlh· sn-taim·d hv Ltllri<•r's aphoris;tl. ,··,mid fulfill his

proplwcy it its lrad1•rs 11 t'rt' to n·.tliZt'

th<~t thP timr has t•omt• for a enmplt•tt•·

lv nt•w look. 'I1w nation bt'l'Ollli'S rnm nlst•cl "ilh

l'llll't'rn over such parts of thr> prohlt-m a~ Hid for farnwrs. tlw Honl.ll'l' mbsi\(

(,luc•llf'l''s parlil'ipation in natio~ml pnlll'y anti i\m·a Scotian l'nal. Hut nohml~ St't'ms In rPalize that it is the wholt·

prohl<•m that must ht• stntlird in th1• light of swiftly changing en·nts and

new tl.ltional goals. Tlw H.:\.A. :\ct is outtumll'tl. 11 11.1s

t'OII('l'i\t•d in an rnvirounu'lll that uo loH\!t'f t'\ists to mr!'t idt·as th.tl ha\ c•

hP(1JIIIl' oh>olt'tr. But it n•nt.tins tilt' ftl{.'al point of n·gional cnnllicts that dil rrt attt•ntion from thr goals of

natinnal pnlicy nnd tlw lllf'.lllS hy whil'h tht·l t·an hr aehir,·ed. :\s 11 rrsnlt.

r.1 tionalit.ll ion of idPas. polieit•s aud methods, has hPrn sulmwr!-(ed nmkr thr wl'itPr of SllJll'rfiri,li mmplaints that

eomr from all sicl!'s.

Canada is at a crossroads. It can eonlinne In 11101 e forward on a hasis

nf f'Xprdirnry. aimless, putting part) politics ahovp thl' national intt•rest. Jll~t

grm1 in~ like Topsy, or it can asspss its prohlrms on a rational and nhjPctiw hasis. rPdiscowr its aims and srrk tn

makr national poliey conform with tll!'m ,111d thrrc•hy make itsC'lf 11 Jl•al

11 ,1hon with a real and nnderstandahlr

and commrndahle purposr. Which will it ht•? It is up to Canadian leadrrship in all important aspcds of n.ttion,tl

endt•avnur to dccidr.

Arms And The Mid~le East \,·~·,1·· fr<nllft Da' Hi lkn (;urion nl

lmf·l lt.t~ ~aid pnhlidy durin~ his .\m(''lt.tn ,.iSJt that hr is tom·illcl'd

tlJ 1t .1 p<'<tcrlul lnturl' lirs lwfore thr

\lirldlP [ast. it is a r<'aSo~tablf' assullltl· linn t h.tt ont· of I hr pnrposrs of his talks "1th l'tt ,iclt'nl Eist•nhowl'r was to Sl'l'k ti•P ril!ht tn buY arms that will help to

habm <' tlw growing Arab threats to

Israeli seturit\·.

Thr•e thn-.tt~ haYr lately' become

more 1 neal and r1 Pn young Kin~t Hns­

'em • ·f Jordan has npbraidrd the U nitrd :\rah lh·pnhlie lor making tronhle for his ennntry instr.td of uniting all Arab niitions for thP 1lestruction of Israel.

Howe\ l'r. tllf'sc rhetorical alta<•ks

would not br sufficient to justify

Israeli demands for military equipment. Those demands are based on a much more concrete ueed. Egypt has bern

buildin~t up a formidable airforce in \\'hich Russian ~Jigs are a major factor

apd she has also acquired a large num­

b« of powerful tanlu which are far superior to the Frimch type that are all the Israelis have been able to acquire.

Israel's St't:nrity depends on her

ability to cope with any attack by her

:\rnh 1wighhours. JlmH'I'E'r, a hPitf'T lllt'alls for prr~cn·iu~ peace in the \ Iiddle Ea~t would he an l11ll.'tjUi\ m:al

Uuill'd :\alions ~·t:ll'otntec of immediate

ami Plft•r·h t' .licl to all~' victim of ag­gn•ssion in t:,.~l t•xp!osive region.

Strength for T~day By EARL L. DOUGLESS


If we could all plar. our own lives, we would plan careers of triumph and ease. We would see to it that we bad very little opposition in what we want to do. We would make no provision ur plan' for suffering whatsoever. We wo d thrust aside the pouibllity of dlsappointm'ent.

This would be an ideal life. Or would it be? The experience of the hu­man race ha1 alwaya been that person­ality, mind, and spirit are always cul· tlvated to the greatest degree not by ease but by oppotition. The more we get do our 1llves 'become. The euler life is the more burdensome it often be· comes. Suicides among the rich are vastly more numerous than amoni the · poor.

IN T,HE NEWS By Wayfarer l

• <OIES AND COMMENT We saw on the tronl page of a n··

L'Llll i.suc d the News :t ,llct·e h)' a Canadian Pre's writrr in Ott:twa wlueh rl.'fcrs 1\'llh an implied ~ympathy to the hm d life of heads of government 111 llrl'tr rlay·ltHlay wrestlmg with clt·· l'ision~. Ft om the gr.ter11. the art ide tum, to the t)artH·ular and the \ "''·' tough dctl,H>Us that have had to be made b~· the prrsent prime min1<ter and his ~un•rnment. S,Jinl' of thc,e al'e l·itl'd.

""" twtun• '"' lank at them, 1\l' nugltt potnl out tl at an~ man who a'pin•s to the lratlrrship of a demo· r·ralir country i.; well awan· Ill arh·aner of tlw n•spnnsiblll\ies that go\\ ilh hi~h offit·c• In fal'l. what he ts st'eking 1~ tlw l'i~ht to m.tkr del'i•ions. ·\nd if he should 11ant to anll[l that partit-u· lar ohli;:mtwn. h('l has no bu·:iHP'-s 'it

all lo bt• in politics. Office and rr­"Pt>llsilullty at't• llHlll l!'lhlt•.

As a mallcr ~ f fa•·t. that is true in ewr~ walk nt lt!e. Ever~ one ts callrrt upon eonstant!y to make dcetsions But Y.e arr t·ont·t•nwd partit·ularly at this momrnl with the faet that somebody srem> to think that a pnmr minlslt>r's life b mad!' ha~tl b~· tht• toughm·-s ol sumP of the tlcelstnns hl' has to makl' lu point of rart, then• halt' hrrn 1 rr,\· fr\\ trut~ tough and <l;:!lllfL· L'Hlll prnhlr•n' th,lt haw hart to ht> dealt wllh h~ (';u1;1tii<Hr printl' lllllll'

lf'l"~. TlJi ... i:-. :-aiel. nl eom's(-, 111 n•spel'l uf lu,lnl'leal ,lgniflt'<•llt•c 'ttl h as Lin· t·oln's tlr•et•lllll to li:1ht till' South 01 l'l' abolition or Chun·:titrs dct·l~lon to divert n11"t nt Bntam·s arms aflt•r llunku k to 1 1'1lllnrt·•• the :\l1Cldle Ea.st. or Truman's four hold dN·Jsions tu drnr thr lir<t athm homh. to ,,, r Europp wllh lhr :\J,m;lwli Plan. to srnd :\lllrl'lt·an lrodp< into Korea and to ctbm~<s GPilrrat :\lal·.\rthur.

It ha, 1101 hrt•n too nften that Can achan pl'lllll' miJu ... tPrs ha\'(1' b('rn eallrrl upon to make deciSion' 111 that hrroit- mould Sir .fohn :\lat•dnnaltl rriilG[' Jll:tll.\' il\lptll'\~llt ()1\l'S and pOs· ~1hly nnnt• "'" hnlcfpr th.1n hi' ;>lt·d~t· to Hrllt -h Colnmhw tn lnuld a lt am· eontll\('lltal rnil11 a~ as the prl<'l' rt lts rntry 111\o l'ontrdt•ration Anothrr nntahl<• l'anadwn pollllt'al ctreiswn. al thou~h 11UI madr h~ a primr mll.tstrr. \\,1s tlw bold anct patrurtit• rc"ll\·e ot Lapo.ntt' to stake his wholr t•arrrr on the dl'l<•at of DuplP><is tn tht• Qurbl'r' eJectum of 1940.

Edson In Washington


By PETER EDSO::-< :'\EA Washington l'orre>pondent

\\'AS!ll!I;(;Tu:'\-- 1 ~EA 1 - Pre<11lrnt Etsrnhml'l'r. on his South .\mertran tour, laid grtnt t•mphasis on the rreY.. billion-dollar lntrr-.\meriran tll'\'t•lop ment Bank for promoting st11l hettrr n•lations with the umted Stairs.

It won't lw 1n IHI>IIIl's" tm some mouths, hut has aln•:Hiy OJll'rll'rl 1ts fmt offiees in \\'ashm~ton. Thr~ 'rp al'ross Farra;:ut Square from thr World Bank. lntt•rnatiomd ~tonelary Fund and snh· sidiaries. Th1s make> the area \\'a~h·

ington's new finaneial centrr for inter­national lenchng agencies, with capital and resources of over 37 billion dollars.

IADB President Felipe Herrara, of Ch1le. has offices there along with Bus· ton hanker Robert Cutler, the lJ. S. director who sen·es with six Latin Amerit-ans on the exe<·utive board. Rob­ert llcnapact>, formerly w1th Guaranty Trust of New York, executi,·c vir!'· pres11lent, is assembling the staff and gcttin~ ready for busine,s.

The exPrutlve board will start regu­lar dail~· meetings April 14. First eapi· tal suhscriplions must be paid in hy Sept. 30. Somr lime after that. I ADB will be read}' to receive loan applica· tions.

The first questwns asked: "Why st1ll another international Jendmg institu­tion on top of the half·clozen alrPady in business, and what can the new one 1<J that the others can't do?"

Principal reason for its creation-n\ er initial U.S. opposition - is that the Latin Americans wanted a bank ot their own, indepPndent of World Ba:tk, U.S. Export-Import Bank and the others. The new bank wm make Jo~us in both hard and soft currencies. repay­able in both kinds of money, a> loaned.

One of the pri~cipal objective~ is to make smaller private enterprise loans-­down to $250,000 or so-that the bigger banks won't bother with.

The bank will make loans without goernment guarantees in countrie> re· ceiving them. These loans will not have to be spent in the United States, as is required by ExporJ.Import Bank.

Loans wilJ not be divided on a quota basis among the 21 republics. There is no plan now to open a branch bank in every country, though that is not for­idden by the chatter.

The bank is authorized to make loans to local development companies in mem· ber countries. They will in turn make small loans to individual project bor rowers.

The bank will not be in competition with private banks. Interest rates will probably go along with charges prevail· ing in each country.

But financial men expect IADB charies to shade and gradually force


~tan, c:t lhl' nwjnr dt'L'htulh 1n Can ad1an polltll·s in the t>asl lwt•nty ~ear­\\ (•r£1' the consequenl P nl example ch:r 11 here or popular de'rnand at horne. .\mung tht''l' would he list Pd. 11 c ima!!lflC thl' clc'I'P]o,nnent of thp Wl'l· iare stat!' arHI the eumplPtion of thr St. l.aii'I'Cllt•r f'P:l\\ay. But thrse aJ<'

not the kind ol thm!!;s that the \Hiler of th!' nrtif'll' 'l'l'ms to hale in m:ncl. Let us look at thr tlungs he docs mPnt ion.

The c·ar~t etlollon of tile .\11o \rrnw t·nntr:td i' nne. Hut what was eltll'fly 1\l'Ollg 1\'lth tlus del'iswn was I!Jat it 1\as d<'lt•tT<'tl too Jon!( and then an-110\lll('rd ~Ltnl'What ~uddenly and these Ill' I'!' thl' thm gs that drew rritirism. Tit<' dC'ril'ion tlsclt was one that had to lw madp on a >Indy of the f~rts in llw •·.tsc ancl thr'r sepmed to pslah!ish that lh!' r:q>id d!'\'1 lopment of llll"llt• s('ll'nt•e rfil'tatPcl the l'hOieP that Wil' mall!'. lt " :ilways tough potitieally to t!o 'or.wlhmg !hilt c-osts thl' jobs of man)· 11eoplp but the polic-y that wa­acloptrd \\a' mt•vilahlc on a rcnlistt· ha:;i:-;.

Tllis was !rue of thr rledsion to rc· .lt'L'l tht• rlemancl for f:trm tlrft<·icnr.v IJ:i~tllt'llt- \',l'll'h 1\0llld h:ne rx<'rcdrrl s:mo m1llion To rl'lu<p any lar~r bnrly ot \ utt'rs 'JlPl'ICll nnrl rli~t·rinunatnry

f'Oil('{'''IOtlS llFl~' l)(' po1JtieaJI~ l lll~h Rut ti1P Pl:llm was urn rall'tie a•Jrl h<11l. t IH'I't•ton•. to he refused

Tht' Elliot Lake question. cnllin" lor tt•ansft•r of an llHiu•trial project t:·om t~llt' Jll o\ lJH'P to anothl'r, \\~1:-i nn in trrt'>llllQ 1''"'' It 1s thr kmcl of t<n1..!h pnlllil'al l'iJalil'ngr that ma~ l'illl"l' a prinH' mmi..;ter sonw ht':u i ..... rar~ l•mg­hut 1t tan hardly hr rr~arclrd as a rill ta·ult d<'l'lslon outsl•lr thr ordinan hnuts of politll'al rc~pnn•ibi!ity.

.;rh~ 1.1,l rxnmple i< t'Je rl~r1s1nn t" lt'l'lllln:,fp the obligations of T<'l m 2n Ill :\cwfounrllanrl'• Tt•rms of L nion llul Ill' doubt that 1111< \1 a- a tou~h cl••t·l-ltlll at all '\n po]ltll'a] h:.rm l Jlllrl L'Ollll' ol ll and till' dl'l'lsitlll refit'< tt•d tile lll'r'nnal opinin'l ot llw fl11ll1r 1111111-trr. \ dP<'I<fon to sJ>OlJsor a rlP ('Pntrali7ntion of C.lnadian mdu ... tr~· t<J O\ pn·onw tlu• pt•onomi(' dl..,arh ,mta~{" nf t!H• \llantic pro1 11.,.,., 11 nutd ttll'llr !'lo-<'r to tlw rolll't'Pl of a hotel anc\ enurag!'ous poliey that mi,>!ht ]Hl\ r historic l'Oll'I'CJUI'nt·e< .

Diary Of A Vagabond B~ DOROTHY H \ l\K~.£1

Thr tr~ht skin on hi~ fnrclw.H! ap· pearl'd like two small white Wln~s whrre his hairline rccrcktl at his tPmplrs. This ~ave his ralht•r rheruhtc fare thr ho; hh t•xprcs,wn of a six-year oltl ;chon] hoy >urprisrd at life. Yet. l figured. h~ mu!'1 ha\''' bP('ll at (pa~:;.t tPll ~par~

.tll'ay florn hi' last s(·holastie slr'uglp He pu•lwtl a forkful of p!'as on h" plak toward a mouml of ma•hrrl pol.ttnr~ to rnsure a safe Janthnl( in his mollth for the elu<i\t' glohal prlll'l< as the train swayed in 1ls rapid transit \'t'hcnwnt-1~ he rxpres-erl h1s 1 1ews ol toda~ ·, Pdlll'ational nwth01ls for all to hear W1th1n tlw ranue of his raiher attract· IVe male \ OICC.

I had hl'en f:t>Cinatcd wl11lr 11akhmg him mampulate h1< kn1fe and fork. for th1s was tht• f1rst tune in m~· life I had ever seen an honest to ,l!nsh ambidex­trous person in action. Yet this ach­iPWlllt•nt. shall I call it was the reason for his sounctmg off Ilis rompanton remarked on this trait at about the same limP I noticed <onwthing unusual regarding his eating Jla'"ts.

"When I was s1x." be commrnccd, "my f1rst teacher diseovrred I was left. handed. For the rest of my school life I was in m1sery. She insisted on chang­ing my natural inchaation lo use my ldt hand to the awkward torture of wntmg, drawmg and cutllng up scraps With my right hand. Her f•rst report followed me from room lo room. I was ratPd as stupid because I tried to read from right to left ami adrl columns of figures from left to right. Nobody, un· til I was fifteen. tned to figure out what was wrong w1th me."

dowu interest rates in eountries where they are extremely high, due to short­age of capital.

One hrand-new field IADB will pioneer is in loans for technical assist­ance. 1\Jost of that now comes from U.N., Organization of American Slates or the U.S. International Cooperation Administration.

Shifting this type of aid to private enterprise on an indio!idual project basis will be a first step toward reduc­ing the government's role.

Another benefit from the bank may be psychological or .morale-building in nature. It is a hope that the bank will becoml) fust port-of·call for be· wildered Latin·American businessmrn

· who don't know how to mke surveys on development projects, how to raise capi tal, or to make loan applications fol' expanding industry.

The hank Wtll develop a staff of !'X·

perts who can promote this ec~r.urnic

growth inside Latin America. The lang. uage barrier will be minimized. And any projects developed which ar.• too big for the bank to handle will be pass· ed on to other institutionl.

Space .)rograms

Back To Disarmament Hy \\. :\ E\\'Ell

On ,J,m·h Li. dclc;'.LIL'' t 111111 ((•11

n~ttwns nwt 111 Genr' a to take up ont'e agam the d1sarm:nncnt llr~otJatwns

blu!;Pn off tY. n-and half~ ear' ago "ht>n thc nu"Iath Y.alkt•d out of the F11 e l'tmer Suh-Comtlllllee set up by the L nlted :\o~twns 111 Jn:i-l.

Onp uf tht' So\ 1!'1 1 e:t>on' g1vcn for llli' \l:t' that lht· Suh·t'ommtlt<•e \the l nnctl Stall's. Btllillll. Canada. Franee :1nti Hl~><laJ was unrtuly wpwhtcrl on tht• 'Hir nl tht• \\1•,:trrn I'O\\N-'. Tins aJ gunn nt was hardly c-on\ IIH'IIH! ~lJlce

tiH'l't' 1' no qu~'"'twn of 'nltng In '-Udl

a hod~. Hut \lo-t·O\\ stll( k to H• po111t \tHi la ... l ... ull\llllt lilt• l lli1Pd

~latr'' Bnn:nn and Frame, in order lo blt';:k cll>arilork to gl'l thmg- mo\'Jng a;.!<llll. a).!l Peel to a c-onstJtulwn ot a ten euuntr~ group- half "\\'estc111'' half "Cummuntst." The tl\'C \\ <''lrrn t'<l\111· t1 "'' are Llle pre1 mu' fou1·. plus !tal~·. Tlw Sm1et Lnton IS JOilletl by Poland. Czt•c-ltn<lo\·akla. Bulgaria and Rou lll<lllla.

Term, ot relcrcm·e are wHI<'. The new romnnttce is to "explore. through mullwl t·onsultallOns. avenues {)f pos­sible p>'ogrcs' towards agreement' and reductions of all types of armaments .urd arnwd force< undr1 etfrrti\C in· tt·rn<llional eonlrnl." lt 11 1ll hf' notccl 11 " to h!' purely "cxploratwy · Sueh a Lllllllll,ltCl' eoullci 111 thP nature ot th1n~s he no mort'. But the bo1Jc 1' that it< 'explorations"-\\ hie it a1c hnund to take no littll' lnne-wlll ''''· t'l)\'l'!' lhl're is a pr>''iblc ha'1' for a"I'Pt'nl!'nt bel\\ccn lite G1Pat Powrrs . \1 llleh roultl 111 turn form lhl' ba,is for a \\orld cll~arm:lllWllt eon:i.'l't'llC'f' .

. Exploration of Possi'>ilities \\'hat are the p,·o,prl'l'' ll '' hard

to <a). \lurh \\ill deprnd nn thr sp1nt 111 which the really rilffltult problems are approached. And one has an uneasy memory that in the past-for example in the United Xa· tions Disarmament Commis,ion-thcre has been too much polemical c1 "'rn Hr~y. too little f(enuine "cxpllllc. >tl'' of possibilities of compronuse and agreement.

But if there is a new approach then the task of the comm1ttee. difficult though it inevitably must be, should not pro\·c to be an impossible one.

Two draft proposals y.ere submitted to the United :'\ations As;;embly last autumn nnd will presumably provide the starling point for the committee. One was tabled by Selwyn Lloyd. The otlH'l', the next da~ b.V Khrushehe\·.

Both set complete and total disar­mament as the goal. Both propose this goal should be reached b~· stagPs. There are of course big differences. But there is a measure of hasic agree­men which should make serious and eo·operative "exploration·• possible: a genuine attem;>t to bridge those dif· ferences and find solutions for the

His story was a fascinating one and progressed from his own student troubles to those of his eight·year-old son. "Ever since tbe Russians put Sput· nik into or hit our educ.>1 nrs have been trym~ to produce little g"niu,•s in one generation," his narratl\ ~ eontir.uecl. ll)' own mashct potatoes were by thrn stone cold, and . the peas on my plate sat in a little pool of congealed grai'Y whiie I listened. Was I eavesdropping? Hardly, for his voice boomed on in in­dignation.

He emoaned the frustrahon of his youngster whose homPwork the night before had been 'write six copybook pages on Japan'. "Why. the little gaff. er can't even write easily. and he was in tea : because he didn't know whpre to begin about Japan." The vociferous father admitted that the teacher had prob: ly taken the suhjcct up in clas' but, be ~untended, that at eight no youngster was capable of writing ~1x

p.•ges on an~· subject before his bed· time.

• .... -- .. . ....... . . . . . · . . .

• .. (t

"fo The Editor ROTARY CLUB. AND COMIC OPERA Erl1tor Da1ly :\cw,,

Dear Sir-The lrtter 111 the tssue of the lfith from ~lrs. :'\orris dealing with thr clumsiness of the programme sup­plll'd for the Lieder rerilal is a smt­able Oteasion for me to publlcbe the fact that. "'hen the Rotary Club· re­eently laudably brought to St .• John's an exlubilinu of the rom1e opera called "The ~Jerry Wives of Winsor," there '>\as not. a copy of the libretto, 11 1ti1 or wllhout 11111'1<', to be had for loll' or money in St .John's hy any­onl' who w1-hert to rPacl or glanr~

1 hrnugh 11 in preparallon for attPnd­ante at th~ ~1dng of the opera 111

l'llts Hall \l;.y I rPspeetfully s11ggpst to any

spomOI s of sue h things in future that llw~ oblalll. and. of rour;,r, adrertise for ~ale, at IPa~t a lnnited number of thl' J:brctlt>S. mu-1e. ctr .. concerned.

Your< ~ineert'l).

TICKET HOLDER. Sl. .John'<. :\larch li. 1%0

very real practical problems that ha1·e to be faced.

The "Khrushchev Plan" What 11 on·irs tnt• frankly i< that tn

the months that ha\·e pa<sect since the taking of the two plaiiS, So\'let slate· menb and Communist propaganda ha1·e been gtving a totally false im· prc,slon of the l'ltrrent situation. So· del these, ha<e been two-fold. Fir;;t, that tht•re is unl:. one plan to be con· ,idered-tlw "1\hru•hche,· Plan"--and that tills has h<'cn oPPOscrt and rcjPct· l'rl IJ\· the \\'e<tPrn Pol\ rr< .

".\s long as tit•' tH'opo,al is not ac· ceptcrl." •air! ~Iar>hal :\Ialmo,·sky, the Soviet Lnion \]mhtcr· of Dele•wr. February 22. "the So\'let l'nion \l!ll continue to ~trengthen the country'J defenrcs ..

There as an unplca>ant undertone of "Khruscht'l' plan or nothtng" Ill

those words. 1\ hilp at the same time the,· are l'llrinus comment on the other pari of thp Snriet thPSJ< Th1s IS that the Sooet l'n ion so far from "strpngth· 1'1111\g 1t< rlelrncrs' has hN'n ctra<tt· cally r!'dUcmg its armed frm·es: and that this is an example which the Western Po\lcrs hare failed to follow.

:\ow that. in a fa\ ourite Rus<ian phrase, "does not correspond with reality." On .January 14. Khrushchev announl'ed that reductions being made in the SO\ iel armed forces would wlth· in the next year or II\ o hrmg them down to 2.4~3.000. That II'OUicl be be· low the ceiJmg of 2 5 million dis,.us­sed in the t.: \. Sub-Committee. 1956, for armed forces of the So\·tet Lmon and the t.:nited States.

Well and good. But the faet 1s that the L'.S. are already do" n to that level while the Soviet forces number (according to Khrushchev) 3.623.000. It is American not Russia which is in the lead in force reduction. Brl\alll as w!'ll. U.K. forces have for a con· siderahle time heen below the propos· ed ceiling of 750,000.

What I am afraid of is this. That the Soviet representative at Geneva will at the start claim. like ::O.larsha\ l1a· Jinov~ky, that the issue is acceptance or non·acccptance of "Khrushchev plan." at_ any rate as the sole basis for discussion by the committee. And that he will claim that, whereas the Soviet Union is already reducing its armed strength. the Western Powers are not doing so.

If that happens then we sholl be hack to the old stl'rile polemics of the last m~etings. And the "summitt'' in :\Jay will not, lo say the least of it, lind its work made easier.

I can on~v hope my fon•bodings will he proved wrong. Certainly the Brit· ish delegation will go to Geneva with the purpose of getting down as rapidly as possible to the practical. work which the committee is supposed to do: and with the wish that polemics will be a,·oided so that the work can be done with some chance of •uccess.

"' "} I 1-_:-.- •• ~7 .... ' ..

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1tt£ DAILY NEWS, ST, JOHN'S, NR.D., SATURDAT, MARCH 19, 1960 ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------~--~---------.·--~-------~ -------8 I S M k F t Of ·r--------~ Tileutre tlrrnugh l'nilt•d Artisb

• • li ar s . eas ' -·II Paramount li )'[•!;:::~:··,,," tlw intrecli!Jiy !Juld and heroie six-hundred mile

P . tron In Due Ceremo. ny I! Today I:·::~~ ~~r;·:~~~ll'~;(~~-~~:~:·:::~(;~;:;:lc I b I son and his brigade of U niun , t

JOHIIL WAYNE- ; ca\·:rlry. Historians have cn•r!it- · e e ra es WILLIAM HOLilE!\1 IN 1

1 eel . this· ren:ra. rkablc feat with i "THE HORSE SOI.DIEIIS'' I l II h t d II ' Th.r- B,ne,·olent lri,;h Sllcit•t~· they we1·e l'eccived by His HDn· \ The !allowing messages were . i l:t•'lll·~ mere• 11 Y 5 or ene Je' The Baha'i Communi!\· of St.' four days, or fi\·c in Lc:1p Yc:n·.

t'f'l,brat~d the feast of Ireland's our the Lieutenant-Governor received congratulating the ~n.e of th~ most drama he .'~ml, conflict. by as much as a full John's will celebrate ihe ar- are placer! between the 18th a11ci d :, ~~ b Society: cxcttmg 1nc1dcnts of the Lml year. wtlh the sanng of pt>rhaps 1 rival r th 1.17 1. 11 l'llron Saint with fitting cere· an .Irs ... acp erson. llr. ller- , . :War supplies the fahl'ic fur the, lOo.uon lil·cs. , • .o . e ~t·ar o . Ic 19th. months, from f(•bruary 26 ·

mony thi$ ~·ear. o1~ the e\'p of ner extended the Society's -~.l.ngslon • .Ta~a~ca. ·story nt' "The Horse Soldiers,". .John \\'a~·n~ and \\'illiam B_aha 1 DJspe~;sall."n, 01~ lhPfli'S.t to March 1. and ;rrP kn 11 wn as· tht holldl\' the S()('tel\' present· greetings to His Honour and l1r. J, D. Hl~~llls. ScrrPtan, .1h $6500000 . 1 1 .. 11 11 1 1 . •.1•1 da~ of spnn"' :\larch ~1. 111th a the Intercalary !Jay;. The J!lih.

· 1 d' ·broadcast, :llrs. :'tlacpherson and asked His Benevolent Irish Society, ' 'I · c . ' 1 d. 1l'l1'h1c pprOl uc 101

11 ,1° r ens '1'dr~ s ,3, rrrrd 111 ·. Je special meNin~ to he ireld on th · r-rl tl> annua ra IO . H . . I h S h • I opcnrng o ay a e aramoun I' orsc o wrs, an two ram- tl . • . , . ." . • mon . 1.< a period of la;,tin;:

nwr th~ Canadian Brnadcastm~ o~IOIH to ronvc~ o · er i t. Jo ~ s, Nf d. , ~~-- _______ .. I ous Cibsons _ Hoot the r . t te ~\clung of ~larCil 20. fhe and meditatirm. c· .. lurninatin~ l'Ctrporallon outlets. '!;he choir· ~la)esty the Queen an, assur-, <:reehngs and ~~st wishes to i 40 Court Street, . cowh~y ·star of yeste~vear·g ae~~ evemng ~~·111 be~(lll wrth praFrs in the .~·eslival of :\;,wllu<. and Ct! ~1. Patrick's Hall Schools .. ance of the lo~·alty of the or· Members celebraung St. Pal·! Boston, :Mass. Alii th . . : ' and rcadmgs from the ~<Tip- symbolizes -the spiritual re· · , · · 1 t"' C H' · . k' 0 . . rea, e awr-mspmng young 1 . _ f 11 u. 11 . ,. ,, .. 11 1- · .1 1 • MJ~s F.hz.abtth !ltcGrath aml g.m1zauon o ue rown. IS i r1c s ay. · Benevolent lnsh Soctelv St · N · 1 thl t f t ur "' " w u<i ,11 ·m c 'alii awakcmng to bt found in I hi

H · 1 . . . d h' · • • · egro g1r a e e-are ea ur- .· 1 . .· 1 f • . ,. . , 'llr !>t.tn C.trew all rontributtd onour. 111 rep Y exprcsse Is 1 C.H. Conroy, President. !John's Newfoundland now cele·l rl A 1 . 1 . . 1 \Ill I specta rc eJrncc tu hilW· new revdatwn. tCt 1 rl~li.~htful musical pro- pl~asure at th~ \'isit and re-1 -- i braling its one tmndrcd fifty· 'te · c"'c 1y newTcome~ to Pklr:

1 Ruz-thc Persian term user! by· Baha'is believe that thl'ir

Baha'i Faith 'ATTEND coNVENT!oN

Naw.Ruz \Vorld

· . 1 d lh ,1· lh Ch 1 . 1 ures. ons ance owe1s ma es B h ,. f h . N '-' . • . . trame. The \'ice-President of riproca l' e gret mgs or e 1

ar ottetown, P.E.I. ·fourth anmversary sends cor· h f'l d b t. lh d a a ts or t rrr ' ew .ear- fatth ts the rcnt•wal. for this. lh• ~M1-, 1,. 'lr (" 1 "erner , Officers and the Societ~·. Be- President; 'dial St. Patrick's Dav greetings 1 eFr .1I md ~ uDtnL e ralma. I and will continue with talks on particular era, or the eternal • ~Jr. H"." Tooton, l'residt•il: of

~ ·"~ .: '' . . . . '" ' f I ·· b I f h B I t I ' h S ' t ' · · ' 1 I me 111 e uxe co or on 1th 8 I ,. C 1 I I th · · '1' I . I t I I · · · deli\·ered a short addre>s out· or~ ea\u.Jg ouqtwt s 1 o t s ~~- stnr~ ~n N~~ . octe y, to tis venerable m~er body. ; location in Mi,sissippi and .,; 'fa 1a 1 t ~nc arR anc c Hel!gwn of God, which has been: 1 ~o r;n. s T"c' .\ 1cre tn St. Johns hning thr histo~· of the organi- rot• s wet~ prcs~n ~; o IS .• o n s, .. . C. I. Mernc~·· Vice-President Louisiana. in the actual counlrl' 1 s1~~~ tca~ce rl~ : aw d U7l h progres~I\'C_ly revealed since the 1 e t ll . ~ .> . Thur,day to at. uti~rt and its work in the field hHon;'

1ur ~~~ ptoR~Ih1s.1 .


1phAers?n b B1t;nevol~1nt Ir1sh Soch1etyd redlc- James D. H1~gms, Secretary •through which Grierson's coi.l t 1

1eh ca8~nh ~~IS u

1sde td1rou~ · the hcgummg of numun history, ~~nd .a mas\; Photo Dral?r :mrl

Of trlucation. y •• r. "· . a a, s. SSIS·1 ra mg 1 s one un re th . __ • 1 't f 'd "Th , 011 e ·' a 1 wor an "as by His me~sl'ngcrs. ineludin.·r,' mtsner , ssot·tatwn Com·en-lant Vic't'·I'resident. fthirtv-fifth anniversary extends Charitable Jrish Socirl \' I tli[mn mast elll' s ~.m?us rm,l,. . he' devised more than a century Jesus ~lohanJm·rcl l'tltlclha~ I linn I(} he ht•!d at St Lrnis On St. Patrick's Day the • '· . . • , orsc o c JCrs IS a " msc b b 1 F · • - • · ' • • · · . . . · •

(lfftrtrs as~emblt>d in the club F_rom G~1·crnmcnt House th~ i greehngs. Erm Go Bra_gh. , Halifax, N.S. . . . l'ompan)' presentation. John ago Y _t_h~ Ba , lie • orerunm·r ~loses, a~HI other Fnundrrs of; :\h,~~~UI'I _ h<''~m.mn.~ :\loll'lay "30 h 'I Officers ptorrecled to the Bas1-~ E. B. Beagan, President, I Benevolent Ir1sh S(lCl!'IY of L , 1. 1. d '! 1. R k' of Bah.tullah, the founder of great r!'h•rwns and wh•ch 11-1·11'.\lmch 2.hl. .\Jr. fnoton was L•;L room< at "· a.m. w en ·' r. 1. 1 1 . d't' 1 11 H A - re _,a un an .• ar 1n ac 111 th B 1 .. \" ld L' 'th . ~ ' . 1 1 , . . . !lk~:.rr txlrnrled the ~n·ctings I_ca w1ere lte lla 1 ~ona ca .• Power. Secretary. ,st. John's, N'ewfotmdland on the produced the film, and also· c a1a1 .or cal . Ac- conllnue to be rcvr:derl a' hu- yc:•r c_~·!'icr _._,,. lh1s ~'.'O<'talJCm,

l'lf lht da,,· to the members prr· \las marie on H1s Grace the, , occasiOn of Its one hundredth· , t th 1 . d t· cording to thi~ ralcnrlar, the man needs warrant " nPw ;l<i!l'- · lo•1 r:tut.dl \we Jll'P,tdent f,,r \ ht . h I' I f th ' H•l'f NS f' . \\roe e screenp a;. an a ap .r· . d' 'd d. I 19 tl f . , . . 1h 'J· .. ,. \\'1 ' . arm ~lc;sag!'> of ~rrrtings to ,rc liS OJl. a ron o e aJaX ... Jfly.fuurth anmvcrsar;- sends t' [ H, ld s· !'·' b -t year Is 11'1 e mo , mon 11 men! o (,orJs Jnlentwn' for· r ·•·HIIIll'''· "'e on t,rro

ar.ct from ~i~ter ,;ol('ietie.< of Ros· Society. ~Ir. :llertwr extended The Benevolent Irish Society, warmcol St. Palricl;'s Day greet- 1011n ~ ~1 1° me 311 5 e, · of IH days each. The n·mainin.g · 'lankind. With the ~nmin~ of mainland .\lr. Tn:>tnn will ,.,_,,_

h S ' I ' t' I 't St J h ' Nfld ' ' · · se 111" no~e ' ~ ---- - ~-- - h 11 ' F· <t I' I' I I t rl . :~'~. lt1:1fax. \h,ntrtal. Char- t e .. Ol'lt.' Y s f!fCC mgs o J s 1 . o n s, • 1ngs to 1ts older :;;1sll'r sociCtr. ; ! t c new tnPSSit~e trnm <;od H: ~.t. n .tn \ 4'1 ;1 < n. ~n tnP

] A" • 11~ St 1 1 · ,. B Patron and als_·o its felicitations., On this our hundred and C. I. ~lcr•1er, Virc·Prcsirlent.' The author of Grier,son's raid tant supplv. cenlrr for Vicks· which He brou.~ht u.<lwrrrl h1 C.1n_adian_ Ko<!:~k romr"n~: •·n ''"'"'~~''' a" .. om;;, •'· . '

.,.,.r.· n·.1rl hy the Sl'l'l'l'tary. )fr. on the anmversat'Y of Hls·seventy-fourth anniversary the' James D.lli~gins, Secretary was, actually, none other th<m bur~. He caller! (;ri .. r>on in. a new "ra oi unill' and broth- abltn~ hun tr, """'~'" to lh~ t " 11· · ' Grace's ronsreration to the Charitable Irish Society of Hali· St. Patrick's SodctL', 1 General UI)'>SPS S. Grant. In conficl('(( his plan, and the r~sl erhood which is o'radm·;:,. lw- prol'inre v.ith the !al''-'t orrd • •~:r; ••. I.:-;:u:;. ,., Illl·s~agt' ' ~ .... · ..,.,, aiso rrceiHd from ~lr. ·l'. rpi:;.-opat•y. His Grace thanked' fax sends greetings and proudly St. John, N.B. 'April of 1863. Vicksburg was is history-some of the most ing realized around the world. opnwnt:; tn th•· pho:o~roplt;c H. t'unro~. rrl'sirlent or tht> the Society's reJ>rc,;cntatives for joins you in the celebration of Benevoknl Irish SoriPI)' of under seige; Grant had been exciting history of the rntire just· as the• rHuruin~ warmth fic•ld. Sr>e:e~y. "ho is prrsrntly in their risit and expressed his· the Fe~tival Of St. Patrick. 'St. ,John's, :->rwfoundland sends try in{! to take the ril'er city for colorful and tragic Ciril War. of the sun in ~;mng r·:,u,;cs Jama:ca e_,·er-abirling interest in the. co~-~ C. B. Ha\'ey, President, warmest St. Patrick'• IJ:ty greet· some ten months without sue·· "The Horse Soldier;" is one new life to stir in I he ph}'tcal

n,,. Ofilrrr~. in re~;,lia, thrn lln~t·d progress of the msll· Brendan Coghlan, Secretary ings. : crss. At the time, the war was of the mo.,t elaborately prorluc- world. .. • rl 11 - h 'I 1 lh tution which. through man)' I -- C. I. l!rnwr. Viee-Presidrnt ~oinl! badly for the North-in erl films of recent \'Cars, Nrxt · The spea](cr will al.•o rrfer l,.rn .. r 1g .• ass a e .. .. ·

ll · h · 1 h 1 )·cars lt<orl hern a faithful sup· Boston. :\lass. James D. Hi:::. ~ins, Sccr·etar,· the fiPid, in Washington and in to the salaries of the stars. the to the ~alcncl~rs of lhe u;lwr :.-:::~a w err ~prc1a seats ac .. ' lott·c rr•rnrrl for thrm near the porter of all the erlucational en·! X rid. Hotel. St. John's. Nfld. ilhc newspapers. It was vital bi~gest slice of the b~Jr!gct was Rrli~ions. Ea!'h F<rllh reckon' ~:~c:::~r~·. Thr rell'hrant 11 a:; rleai'Ours of )!other Church.: The Charitable Irish Society Charitable Irish Sorict~·. I that Vicksburg be taken before taken by ·tile Iota lion trip. Hun-: its caknrlnr from thr 't-:11· ol H:• i;ruc thr Archhi.<hop. ~lost Shamro<·ks were presented to, celebrating its two hundred Charlottetown, l'.E.l. 'lhl' summer ended so that drecls of people-actors, tcrhni- its founrlin~. and Js ,.,-,.:1 :1;; he· R r 1 s•·· • 1 'I D ll His Grare. to Rt. Rev. :\ls~r. H. 1 twenty-third anniversary ~X·:, Benevolent Irish Sorict.v of r;rant could launch his stall eel cians, stunt men, administrative in;r the year 1060 of the l'llris-r,· .... ,;rnncr. 1 .... • .. . . ..... h R 1 h r A. Summers. P.A .. V.G .. and to tends cordial greetin"s. :\Ia,\' St. John's, :-ie\\'founcllanrl noll' rlril'e to overwhelm tbe ·Con-:. personnrl - hundreds of h••r-. t.ian Era ancl 5720 of the .le\\'do , d' prrlr rr wa~ rv .. o n . ' '>ln·-~~t.:•. s . .T .. onr of the ,-i~it· thr Pre<~rlll'r of the Day. i the light from the Hill of Slane celebrating its Olll' hundred nne! lrdcraey. · ses. anrl uncounted tons of calendar. thrre ,1rr n:lu~r Faith; ir.; ""~'inr.orirs prr>rntl~- in St. The crlehrations concluded: shine always on your esteemed !ifJy.fourth annil'ersary St'IHI< In clcsprration. the Gener<ol valuable equipnwnt had to he whil'h are ew•n older. .1•'''" , a~d hi~ >rrmon ll'<rs a with a rPrrption in thr rluh·' Society. ·St. Patrick'> Day ~rrrtin~> to ronl'rivrd the scheme of send·· true keel ovPrlanrl from Jlnlly- nefrcshmPnts anti a ~rwial tt··,: rloqou·m· one. room~ at ni~ht f,H' nwmhers :mel' Dani~l J. Lynch, President, its sister society on the other ing a hl'igade of cavalry through wood to the location sitr>. :\nn peri or! will hrin~ to a ,.,,_.p thr

thrir gUP<Is. unclrr the spon>or-! Dal'id A. Keohan, SCl'l'elar~· islanrl. hunrlrrrls of miles of rrhel-held lhb orm~· nf men, ll'iilllt•n and eelrhratinn nf " :--;,., .. Yr·:ll'. o'l" \ ·· •• •,~;.,,. the tlffH·crs eall<'•l ship of lhP Literary and Amuse· l'. 1. ~l<'l'IH'l', \'il'r-1'1-r,ident territory to attempt to rlcstror animals hilrl 10 bP feel. hmbJd nf lhl' h,q>;lw.·: ""'"'i'"·; 11< IIi··

I' • "'"'r:HIIrllt Hou>c where n]('nt l'nmmittc'c. l'haritahlP Irish Society, .j.rme> D. IJi·:~in>. Sr•crctar~· :->c•ll·ton Station. the all·impor- ancl dothrrl. R;,h.,'i Calrnrlar. ---


Pontiac's fa1nous valve-in-heacl150 h.p Strato-Six engine is desig1ied:for greater gasoline efficiency and easier servicing ... yon saYe money anfYOU'clO it in ~Y.k!


Pontiac'• lop-performing Strato.Six ia one of the matt modern sixe• in the industry. ll com­lliaea many high quality features not available ia any comparable engine. Valve-in-Head delli1n improves performance while keeping engine cooler and val\'e servicing simpler. And the Strata-Six's specially designed i:arburetor ~ more milea per gallon than e\·er before.

Get on the open road with the year's lllO~l outstanding performer! 1\m..,·~s the time to become a panncr. not

just an admirer of Pontiac's fresh new look of perfc~tion. Its award-winning looks ar~,so in keeping with your particular way of life. Thrill to the dashing spirit of Pontiac~s new Strata-Six power ... efficient, capable power that takes you and five very impressed pas~cngers (and their luggage) anywhere-everywhere-with the ease of an -Eight! Thrifty? You bet! With rrgular gas you save from the start and keep right on. Dependable? And how! Pontiac's superb Strata-Six is designed lor long-life performance, ease and economy ~f maintenance. And if you want an cteightt Pontiac has four to choose from. Start a beautiful partnership by seeing your dealer, soon!



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Tho ln18rn,tioMI Fashion Counril,lead'"i! f;<hlon authority re01e;enhng 31 n't'o!l", rr.<~nli1 present~d th1; A·N~rd for Omtand­rng DEI>!ICn to the 1960 Pon11ac. •

.FIJ/1 l l

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.. •

1(11111eti MAKE FRIENDS

v:•c·. ~ ::c: ;:o~< to ~ rhurch 'r· ','t- ··1 · 1 ~: a ~ount: mcm. ~ht"

· · "rc n·.rn monr;·. and he ~ .· · '· · •o ':1r co:!rt 11011.

':':e .ron::1~ lu~k" rnou.~h to ':.·' a::nc~d-<hJ;>erl t>y~s should • ·· :~e:1: ·.:~ for ~:1 the;·'re ., ·.--• A:,·(~: nmr ere' with ':\ •n o: !'3:k ! nrr 'worn as : ·-~ '-' :'·~ ::p::r:· ::1,11~.' as )1M·

· :, [\:Oc:'d the Jinrr at the :·c: '" nwrt the short up­

: : .. :··:.o x::o:n !inc of the lower

l '( :1'' ·! ~ "~l' or dr•rrgcnt for ,, · •• ·.: ~:-: ::o•:c<. Siron!! de-: .. : ..... , :c:;o•!' too much oil .

· ~ :.-·,J··~c;· mu'-t r<"tain to star !'· :· ::::-! r:r.~ q'::•. .



ruh ~-o.u finer, lar~r loaves. Loo•-e!o that all the family ~ill eat and eat and ask for mort ! So, ah>11)S insi~t on-

·ac.t~m~~ Pa:bil/3 .~lomi•i""' Fotl £n>tlopts DP t lb. ••ill/b. t/nJ. Ask for II by nomt. U 11'1'111" Groc" CJ!11nor suppiJ· J ""· t"ntact:•

P. C. O'DRISCOLL Ud., flele Distributor.~, P.O. BOX E536!1,


Simple Stitchery

~~-,····:,, ·- ,. ..

Daily Recipe


r-----·~-- -, :: The Doctor :: :, Says t I I I . B7 HAROLD THOMAS HYMAN,

M.D. '




lN MOSCOW, l'i'S \HJMAi\'S \\!ORK-A Russian wnm;m clt·nrs the last hit of snow from , . .\lost-ow ~utter. It's not tlllllstwl In see women perform hr~n ·" ork in the U.S.S.R. ,,·h~tT manpowrr W:t\ srriuml)' cl~plctcd hy bloody World War Il. U\lssia i.\ 55 per cent female.


1 -Column-.STimS Ol' SERVICE the :"\cwtoundland Hotel, whil~ The General ~leeting of the in the ctty on a hu>incss trip.

· .arlics Auxiliary of the Sisters Jf Sen-ice which was po,tponed Jue to weather conditions will t:tl;e place at the Residence on ~londay evening. ~larch 21st., at 8.30 p.m. The Guest spcakrt· will be the Rev .• fohn ~kl'affery

FROM CORNER BROOK Mr. Ronald )rturphy of Lorner

Brook is in the city for a few days. He is staying at the Cros· bic Hotel.

u! the SociPty of Jesu.'. A cor· f::\'TEREU HOSPI'l'AL dial i111·ital.ion is extended to all ~Irs. Julia Penney of Bloom·

field. Bona vista Bay. entered the Grace Hospital ycslerda} wlwre she will rec<>ive medical · treatmcn1.

memlJcrs anrl lricnds.

111tiHI GRA:\'Il L\IJ.S ~lr. J. P. Hanhan of r;ranrl

Falls. is a gupst at the r·rosbir llot!'l while in lhr city on busi- FRmt TWILI.I:\'(7ATE

~lr. Edwin Facey. business man of Twilltn;!ate. is a guest al the ;'l;ewfoundland Hotel, whtle in the city on bu>iness.



~;iss .\udrry BuffPtt ol· r;Jn,·enown. who has been re· cPi\'inf.! trr,tlment at tht• (;r:JrP Ho~pital. w:-~s l'N'<'n1ly di~char~· Pd. ~lw i~ ft•r-ling fine.

FR!nl CiRA:\'Il B.\SK )Jr. and ~Irs. J. B. Foote of

Grand !lank. arc >laying at the :'\p·~·foundl:mrl Hotel while in lh•• t'ily lor a ~cw clays .

I:'< IIOSPI'I'AI, ~lr,. Donald Jh>llrtl 11!' Burin. 111~01.\Jl(,ED FRO)I

who n•co•nl!;· underwent ,urgery HOSPJT,\1. ~~ \lw r:r:••·r Ho<pital, is comin~ ~Irs. Sheilia \lcArthur of along nicely. Bonawntur~ A1·r.. who had

~lr. Fn•d :"\orris of Trinity unrler~onc ,ur~E'rY at the Grace :\or:h ·,rho ha~ lJrrn a patient Hospital. wa~ :wently dischar· at tlw (;r;•ce llo,pit~l. i< O\'er grrl and rrlurnrd home. Her Ills operation an<l doing fine. many frirnrl> will he pleased to

~1r>. Edith !)':\rill. :-lr•.l· know 'hr h lrrlin~ fine. r.owrr Stt·cet .. ,·ho rerrntly rn· tercel the Grace Ho~pital. was operat!'d on Thur,day, and is cumin>( alon~ nicely.


FRO)l I.E\\'ISPORTE :'llr. D. H. ~Ianuel. well

known lm~ine>s man of Lewis· porte, is a .gue>t at thE' rrosbie Hotel while in the city on a ~lr. T \\'. Antlr of

D. ro. Botwood, i~ a gnrst at hrid husincss trip.

Between Us




For Saturday, M•~h 19

Present- For You and Yours ... Plans may not work out as expected, even th0t1gh a genuine effort is made. A sudden hunch may be a blessing in dis­guise, 110 so ahead and follow it. What have you got to lose? If peo­ple on whom you depended for supoort in an argument change their minds, don't let them know bow much it hurls you.

Pas+ ••. A 1912 Nebmka law provided that "autos running on country roads at night mll't send up a skyrocket n-ery I ~0 yards, wait eight minute. for the roa<t ahead to clear, then proceed with caution, blowing the horn and shootin1 roman candlea!"

Future .•. The work. .,.-eek lD Russia may be aradually re­duced until it is the lowest in the world, But worken will be expected to use part of rheir free time to further their a1ucao tion.

The Cay Under Your Sign ARIES ,,.,. w ... h 2 r to A,.; I ttl lt1R4 rs.". lJ •• oct. HI lt'a one thin~ to~ a atwf 'P"''t. 1111it« W)lilfl- new (1)!1UCI~. appeW ~ •notMr t01 urr-r 1t too hr. look bfotort }'flU k3,. 11110 rneance.

TAURUS (April 20 lo M1 y 20J · SCORPIO (Ott. 2Ho Nov. 211 'l'b~r• Rti1'LI. to hr quhf' a bit t.f ac:tiyitJ Ba<.k •P your untenholll wlth dtcdt • ID roo.r .oc:ial lift pOw, w~tll » word~.

'"EMINt(Moy 21,. Ju,. 2tl SAGtnAIIUS IN••: 2Z,. D.c. 21) Sian y~o~ur ).now how ••uth IOG\Nne -.ba } • .,e;n th•~h .JIK.I clan; t fed DD_:f tllr, reafty d"irn lu lf'ahl 1M b!1.!•f'l.ttt:. .tool d•JaPJ"nnt Cllhnt b1 •~•ll' a

0 4l.a.lt.

CANCE~ IJ"."• ~2. to July 211 . CAPRICORN lO.r. 72 I• Joo. 20) \ ou are m an mquttatn~ ~rame o auaL Don'l ias.n an a •lap•dowa a tbiap Do nsearc:k on. a ,et P:OJCCt. 111 not 1ik:t11 to p your '111111.

L~O (July n !• Aut- 21) . . . AQUARIUS IJ ... 2t to F.h ... , Sulc·Step lnTltlU011 or trOOP 'With wluda A cbaqe of tll'PirontDtDt may be * you hawe notbine in com~ you nerd. TtJ to pl.an & .thon. jauat.

VIRGO [Aug. 2Z Ia Sopt. 22) ~SCES [F.h. 211 to Much 201· .\f(airt of thfo h"'art ~~"' ri"'f!1tstil'lf1 Ottrt't ll't .,.,tltion-. rule ~r juJ,,.nrt but I'J't'rn•l• :n~ ll!tf tflm-t duratton, The tttu•ll'ln ttJoUI.f g~t fl!ltt lll n.anA:.

;;· ~-.~~}~ [{)}~ '·, .•. ; . r ~). _·, :


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Young Cooks

Wives Are Than Their .

Better Mothers 1

By GA\'!1108 MADDOX : I hough PtilJ inadequate, 11 one 1

"Ju~l like Mothet· tt~ed to: factor in our modern nutrition ' :n;:lle" i5 lo~inJ ~ome of Its no•·. ad1·ances. others are our abun· ;alaic IIJ!ptlite a!IPl'al. AI 1 re·, dant food supply and lncreMed :tnt S)'ltli'Osium in New York on/ purchasing power. A laraer prn ·he !'fvo\ullon in the American. portion or people are now enjoy. ii~t. arran!l4!d by Columbia Uni· lng nutritionally 'l!dequate dleU >er;iLy and sponsortd by the than ever before, according to \!el1111ine Council, Dr. Hazel K. this Internationally recogn~d )t:tb(oling. direct Dr ol the ln~ti· · nutritionist. :ute of Home Economics of' the I "Children to-<lay ere sturdrer ~'.S. Department of .o\!lricu\ture, and taller. and young adults are ltartfd the audiences of 430. taller than lh~ir perenls, coming id~nti.;t~. editors and l":lucators: c!0~er to ~chiel'in!! their inhrrit· :.y 11atin11: • ed physical potential," she stat-

"ln aeneral. at each Income ed, »vtl, the youn.: end middle-

1 ag!d homemakers with the more She urged parents and educa· formal schooling are more like·, tor~ to take advantage of the re­lv than the older homemal;er~ to· 1•olution causrd by technologlcel prol'idt their familie~ with nut-. advances in ~ur fo?d ~upply and ritionall~· adequjlte diets." i the growth m sctenttftc know·

!'ht txplained that nutrition l~dge about foods and our nut­ll!ucation amo:tg I he young,' rlllonal needs.

1ndomitable' Is The Word To Describe Her·· ------------------------Song

Jinx In tier Heart Licks For Jane Froman

By J.\CK P. G.\I'IRIEI, j wmething for the futun! to dl!· SE.\ !lltalf Corrupondnt ' l'los~.

'\EW YORK - t~EA• - It's· :t.iPanwhile, a recent hobby:.. taktn htr tht a5toni~hing num· Sundny painting - has ~eeome t>fr of 35 operations in 16 yrar·s too important to rematn the to do it. but it looks like ~inging usual "sometime thing." ;tar Janr Froman has finally Jane took it up while in a nt"rcised the jinx that"5 pur5ued hospital and found she had talent her relfntle~~h· ~ince W4~. for il. She holds up her first

It be~an durin~ World War II painting for inspection, the die­when 11 r:an~ carrring a rso plays rour sub~equent works . tro~(Jt' to entertain Gls o\'er;;cas "You con see how l'\'e im· eras~ in the Tagns Ri\·er, at prowrl.'' 5he laughs. "This first Lishon. !lad!\' hurt. Jane was one is pretty bad.'' 1 ' TIIRE 'T 'NEO

Present-::=or '.'ou end Yours .•. A •rleedi<l .J,,y ;, in store for the entire fnr.,q;·. Creative 2cti\'itie~ and cultt!r11 pursuits arc ~ccentcd. An o!\'C ...

ning of mu~ic, art or dr~ml 'hartd "'ith friends could round out a ptrfect day. Avoid ovcr­~g&rmive people. Relax. Don"l pion 11. heavy work schedule~ for week ahead. ·

Past ... on ~hrch 2(1, Je99, Martha Pace hecame the first woman to be clectroc~l~d in l\ew York. She died in the chair at Sing Sing Pri,cn, convicted of mt•rJering ber ~mall step· dan8hter.

Future ••• In 1957 th~ Air Force spenl 40% of its rcsearcll and developmcn! budget on air­craft. By 1973, it is anticipated only 5% will be devoted to air• craft, with !pacc.and·minlle aae project~ taking over the center of the !taae.

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Boro March 11 to April 19} .\n ~rhf':~r i:t:.lrr:tHir, h11t (ortunat~l1 o! :o;llfJI t rbr;ttion, IJ:;rmrr 1!,

TAURUS (April 20 lo Moy 20) • .\votd tny allrrcillti)U 1uth Tf!~l•nn!l, "'"'l'tlil'lllr in-Ta.,..~, dndng 1ht wt~"k.

I GEMINI (May ll to Ju•t 1t) Jl()n't bP to., ]JtOial t..,. 11rimit you arc l wrnnK. "'1: all Itt ~metunes.

, CANCER !Juno 22 !o July 2t) I Ynu tn?f nr>t Jet:.,., wfl:at ]"Oil're doinr, , VJ JT1l1ul ..,.,n i.le lu•rren•n~~: tor<ar!

!.EO (July 22 to Aug. 2t)

I\ •m CAn be vour o11n J•rc~" 011(1'1'!~ ~t~·ith• out ~ermins-. to boast. nc dirkmahc.

VIRGO (Aug. 22 h Sop!. 22J

lA fritntfly da~·. r-trhars too mtrth "'' •• you tend 1o let othcu iDif'OSt on ,-ou.


liBRA ISopl. -2! to Oct. 21) Tla: nt'H rn•r in••n!Yr som~ ,.._ h.tHn't setn f$)r fi'I4Tl~ ttme_. fnta•

SCORPIO (Oct. 2l to N ... ll) ~\ctr('t anr :.s•igrunent th•t aich JIIDI, a.; lrn.';" as it is ~Utica!.

SAG ITT ARtUS (Nor, 2% i1l Doc. 21 J Dil11tr.t rHort '1111"~11 be tltctturt U ,.U d~.•1r~ fiut.cla•• nsul!1.

CAPRICORN I Dec. 22 to j ... 201 H the :1aCc: has t,ttn a bit r-oU(b ·Jatel11 ~1"\'0ole nti!l tbr to nluatio-n.

;,QUARIUS' !J••· ll to Folo. It) .\ practu:.al job (ould bac\:f&e ld a m.,~t untxpecttd anrl 1111r1n!nt _... ne-r.

PISCES (Fob. 20 i11 Morcli10J Cuntinue to dhcount )tl 1011 of gGUip, Jumo:s and rntd!lllng of :a.ei'1hUu.

t!l t~. Fkl4lntlJ!Ir ..... J&


Unitarian Service

will bep ut to good use in Korea where few people have sufficienJ clothing to fight off the bitteJ

. cold. You can get the addre~s ol

I The next lime the ttr)!c molb

yonr nearest l'SC Depot by writ ing to the Headquarters of th1 l"nitarian Sen·ice Committee !I! iR Sparks tSreet In Ottawa 4 Ontario.

rt~rutd from· the water h~· the Mtn a showing of her work In L FE · ··"' El plant'~ pilot .. John r. Burns, and a ho~pital, An art school offered MIAMI BE.-\C}l, Fla.-~frs. El~anor Rooscv~lt (right), w~~ose lif.c was thrcatl'ncd late !\ta;,ch lith. by someone tl'ms ~~t>~ 3n a romance ht>tween her a scholarship, and Jane's, she described as a crazy person, attends a Girls Town bcncftt ball here :\larch 12th. \\ tth her ts :\Irs. Gregg n~m which bfceme a marriage. rightfu~ly prou~ of that. . Sherwood Dodge, sponsor of the fund-raising affair. !\Irs. Hoosen•lt wns at the Holiday Inn Yacht Clnh at Brade?· but rndf'<l in di\·orcr in 1~56. . ' Lookmg radtant and feehng ton, Fla., when the Club receiped an anonymous. telephone call warning that ~Irs. Roosevelt and Statt• Sen. F.d

I. you to purge the family closet,, don't get impatient anct toss all

l the good clothes away. In~tead ~ bundle them up for shipment to 1 your :\nitarian Sen·ice Commit· tee Depot. The coats whkh are

The ~all. stately brunette. With better than she has In many Price would be assassiuated at the Demorralic rally brin~~: held at the Club. (UPI Telephoto) lht ricl1 "'arm voirt. 5tarted a yean .. lane Froman may not -·. ______ _____ .. -·-·--------- ______ . _ _ ____ . ___ _

· out or stvle and the swe-ater~ that 'have st;etch~ into odd shapes

\!ilk will not scorch so essil! if it ~~ h{'ated in A saucepat whirh has been rinsed with cold water bc£ot·e the milk is added

-- ----·----~--~--

~q~~~~~r~~~N• ~q~~~~~~~~~~Qm~~y~hl~~~miW~.~-----------------------------------------­tioll~ on ht-r ~pine and on hN new. act. but she 11 he trying ! Perhap1, as a result, she cannot 1 ri~llt Jot>~. She will alway~ wear agam to pul a song In the hearts .


· ~ree it for what it is-one of many 1

1 Jmall 11'~ bratP. De~pite it.' of others. responsibilities required of Bea i ~he walb with all the !(r8Cf and r------ . throughout her day. : f'a."f of a dancer. I I wish she could !IH It for·:

"But mv hark is perfect at I I what It Is. Because If eager : !on~ la~t:" ~he smiles. "It's THE.. ( dishwll!hing were not considen!d i ~trai~t and ~tronl!. end doctors the supreme symbol of re~pon-1 1ssu" me that I should hare no I I ~lblllty in Bea, her mother could 1

troublt "'ith it.'' I 711 t !lop attacklnll herself for Bea·s 1

To illustrate how 5he's feelin~. 1 r.J. a u re I resistance to it. And without' -'M bfnd~ tasily down to touch I : loathing herself! or weakness, I tM floor with her hands without R t I she could wash the dishes oc- , btnding_ htr knE'PS, I a Pnn ' caslonally herself. i

.\bout t\I'O year~ ago. after a I t:/ I "''" might be ahle to recnllt Jhort ptriod of !~ling "prettr 1 that she, too, resists responsihil- !

11ood." h~r ~pine sent he~ back a, MRS. MURIEL LAWRENcE ···1w~1 othw havt- exhausted j 11 a hMJ11Ifll. Sh~·s been m and __ i her lrontnf because she wasn't i l'ut. of ~o~pital• rrrr since, rn· f SYMBOL OF RESPONSIBIUTl' J ternodn, Bea's mother postpone~ J

durtnK fn·t mo~ Opt>rati.ons lo IS MA:SY SPLENDORED THING 1 her Ironing because sh.e wosn t

hrin!l th• total ur to that JmprP~· • __ 1 uo to It art~r her mormng shop- I ~h·e number, 3.;_ During . that~ Asked to llel at the dishes, 13. ping ncursion with Grandma! I I m •. her complete disap- 1 Y'!Br·old Bea says, "in a minute.'' ' I l'f'lrance from thp entertain·, At intervals through lhe next 60 · I mtnt worl~ ~mai~d a my~tery minutes she repeats the phra;;e. Jacoby 1:

tfl tM public. . Finally there'1 a scene between Then .. la~t ~prtng, ~~ the Bu_rke Bea end ber mother. Bra wa~h@s

Toundanon tn Whtte Plams. the dishes Then sullen and I' On ar·adge i :"\.\' .• JIM "·a~ gi1·.en. amen~: withdrawn: she gee~ to bed point·. I otMr treat_ment~. a ngorous ~ys- edly omitting a "good night"


tem of ra!I~tht~Ic~. · to her mother. "It hurt tmthl~· to do .. them I Pretending to be reading o SECOND HAND

e1·en.· hour .on th~ hou~·· ~he magazine. Bea's furious mother I HIGH, SOMETIME..'! •IY' no~ '~''Ith a !IItle ~~~~le ~~,thinks, "lazy, irmponsible girl!" !be pamfnl memory. Bul 1 . Is she furious at Bea's &\'en· ' ~~:u.n it w•~. worth w_hlle. N?w · ion to dishwashlng? No. ma'am, !

1 do th•m Wtlh no Plltn and I m She is furiou.~ at herself for her i u ROOd •~ new." failure to inculcate responsiblllty



Her happy app~aranre these i in B~a. She's angry only at Bea's ~a~·s romes from good health, · resistance betause it hal forced W'I!IT EAST ~ntly rtiiRined and ch•ri~hed, · her to give her5elf a "D" Jn 0 7 • t u a~ ~ nrw hur~t of profmtonal chiid·lrainlng, For like other : ~~ ~ "Q J 98 acttvtt~. Shfo ha~ en~aRemen~~ among u~. Bea's mother equates • 10 e • QJ 8 3 booked at th~ Che1. P~ree ~n . eager di!'hwashing by children •10 I i 3 • A J ~Ira•? and th,e Hotfl ~laza m , with the important quallty of re· ! IOV'I'ft (D)· ~.,.. \.ork .. T\ and radto spots. spon~ihillty. • A4 2 a~ btmg lm~~ up, too. and the , Is her equation correct• Is "A 5' 1!1110 ~chedule t~ a I read)· becom· , eagel' dishwash!ng the prime J t 72 ln1 rro-.·ne11. ' (luarantee of a daughter'• re· • K Q I II

"Tl!i~ ~~ the first limP l'\'P had 1 sponsibllity? Aren't there other · No one Vlllnerable lily fan m '·ear~ ... ~a)'~ the love·, expressions of It from Bea1 I 1011111 Welt JllorUa lalt ly ~inet>r. "Since 1!148, I've either 1 She work~ had to pleaRe tier , 1• Pall 1 • Pall tltfn f!at on ~Y back at !teachers. She r~ent\y asked to I 1 N.T. I'•• I N.T. Pw 1le1M or In a hospttal. or work· I spend the nl"ht with a frl!nd I Ptosa P.. ! 1~1- For the past t~·o mo~th.~. whose mothe; had been rushed to ~ OptnlnJ 1114-• Q I I "' ju~t befn en .In~ tn~ m~self, the hospital. Right now she's ~ it'~ bH-n heannly to go ~ut I giving the most thoughtful chore a... .... JI,~y~O-::SW~A"::'f.~D-J":":A~C:-::O~B~Y~ I IIOCtall)· and havt some fun. 1 to choosing her father's birthday A couple of time honored I

But fun hM hten put a~irle for/ pre~ent. b id · blul r ge aphor1ams are "Second 1 ~s. and now shp's rfhear~·. Why are these other evidence• band tow" and "Cover 111 honor :

In~ 1 ne~ ~~~- .. "''m not. '\'en: of respon~ib!Uiy all canceled out with an bnnor." Both have a lot l!Dtnc to ~102 \\ Ith a Son!{ 10 :'dy hv her resistance to dishwash· Of: merit but neither should be Hurt.'" ~be claims, but whether . ing? audience~ will let her leave the : Pel'haps as a child herself followed at all timet and, when ~ without hr~rin.JI: t~". so~g. Bea·5 mother wa5 trained to ~ they confliet you must favor one ~tb w~ich Ahe s tdenhfitd ts . gard disbwashlng as the supreme ag~:;:b;,he j~~:r. to three no- :

trump was 1 slight overbid. Welt opened the queen of apad11 and South went tight up with dummy's king, He would have liked to bold up one lead but the heart auit wa1 even more danaerou• thin the 1pade.

South promptly led the jack of club• from dummy and Eut immediately bad hla moment o! decltlon, Which saying lhould he follow?

It didn't take Ea•t lono;. to ~ee that thtr1 wu nolililltl lo gain by playlna low. If West held the kine or queen it would make later on. If W ett held four to the ten It behooved Eaet to tlpture an horor with his : ace. So Eut played the ace and :

Outfit yourself and the

you'll need for Spring.

low prices!


youngsters now in shoes

Big choice, top quality,

We have a host of handsome new styles for dress and casual wear. Black or brown calf uppers, leather or composition soles. Sizes

6 to 11. _. ....................................... ~4·95 up

since West held those four t ..-·

clubs to the ten and the king or I heartl South h1d to go down. l

' Card Sense

Q-Tht blddini hal been: North Jl:aftt South Wettl

11. 2. 2• Pass 1

3 Y Pass ? j

You. South, hnld: : .K u YK 8 3 2 • K 3 2 "'9 H I

What do ynu do? / A--lid four hearts. It I& like· .

ly that tilt ll1nd will play better lbllle fllall1 ,.II 1ft ulft for awlmlulh ready ftr Ja&t Ia lle1r11 t.ban tn 1pades. ...._ Yaeatilu en• IIIII more fun Ia lbe liD tlll1 111m mer. TODA Y'S QUESTION . n. - fllllrk a Ur;lltweigllt tlllliched ~otto k t• 1 ~ d . Your partner ~ontinue1 wtth a .

• n D ., 1 11· e 1 btd of four sp~des. What do you


Prelty styles that underline Spring's most exciting new fashion. They're featured in Suede, Calf and Patent on needle slim Loui~. Illusion and Spike Heels ..• All Spring most important new colours. Sizes in a range of wide and narrow fittings $4.9_5 to $8.95


composition Blake or

Calf leather upper soles, rubber heels. brown. Sizes 8h to 3 ... $3.50


White coif uppers with blue calf saddle. Rubber soles and heels. Sizes Sh to 12 .............. $3.75


Avaliable in a wide selection of styles with calf leather uppers and composition or leather soles. Black or brawn. Sizes 1 to 5 .... $4.75


"Queen Anne", "Squash" and Flat Heel styles with smartly trimmed tapered toe. Suede. Calf and Pat· ent •.• In the most fashion right colours. Sizes 4 to 9.


Plain toe style with long wearing composition soles and rubber heels. Black or brown. f.·:zes 8\2 to 3.



Smart. dres~:'-1 ~p party shoes with shiny patent uppers and com· position soles. ~-izes 8' 2 to 3.



Mocc:asir~ toe style with sturdy calf leather uppers, composition soles and rubber heels. Black or brown. Sizes 1 to 5 .................... $4.95


Popular moccasin toe style with raised kicker seams at back. Black or brown calf. Sizes 4 to 9.

·we Full

Have A




For Boys' and

Girls' of by. All Ages.

f• ...._ Ole tw•pltce salt 1ad the slt!k, low-ll•cked mallot by j do now? ;

..U. Dd a.. · Auw~r Tomenow 11--------~------------------------------------~--------------------------,-------------------------·

_":"-...... . . . . .. ,_


.,. ' .

... .... ~


. . ' ...... .. , . . . .

' . .. f

,• -.. 'i

Graves And Diamonds

I BEST LOVED HYMN-I The lnfiusnce Jh RJ:Y. DR. ~HJ.IJ s·,ss

Of Shadows I

Friday, !\larch 25-Annunrl· 1 ----------­

'I ation of thr BlPssed VIrgin Mary: Holy Communion 7 a.m. 1 PresbyteJ•ian While lectul'llll: in South Afrir<l

I last year 1 heard an interestm~

V . d Ch h ST. ANDREW'S story about the old days on the nr,IJe ' llrC "Tht Kirk" Kimberley !\Jines A ccmclcry ------------1 had fallen 1nto a sad state of

THE NEWFOUNDLAND !\linistrr: Rev. Charles J. G. I l d K GOWER STREET St h" 'I A neg eel .\1 last a a y m tm·

CATHEDRAL 0 le, " ' 1 I h I h b 1

!Third Sunday in L~nt) 1 llinister, He\' R. W. Brallll' II a.m., Mornin~ St'rvicc: wr ey·> e must sure Y ai'C ?011


BY n•:v. DR. I'' RED Sl\SS

Church of

0 Thott who r.mH'st hom ahm l', Tlw pull' cl'Jt·,ti.ll fire In llll]Mll,

Kindle .1 Fl.tnll' ol s.tu <·d l111<' On tlu· nl<',lll ,llt.u of my 111'.111

Thc1 (' 11'1 it fo1 Thv ~loll htnn \\"Jth illt'\lin~nis\l,lhll' bl.ll<'.

\mJ irl"IIJhlin~ \O 1\s Sill Ill"(' II (IIIII. In hwnhl.- prd~<'l .uul lent'>ll pt.us<.

I and 9 a.m .. Holv Commun B .\ : Assistant ;\!mister, Rev I II a m. Sundav School and descended I rom Old Mot taiJty· kll1.

10 1 ~ A.m .. ~latins (said!: \\' .1. Woolfrey, B.D.; Director! Bible c'lassl.'s; 4 p.m., Young vo!tmle~red to >cc to I he place 11 am .. Utan~ and Choral of Christian Education, Mr A 1 Peoples Society· 7 p m. Even·] bemg cleanc~ up In the pro­[uchanst. Prearher. the vcn. E. !lesclwood: Organist and ing Ser\'lce. ' ' cess of cleanmg tl l_IP an old to·

Choirmaster, !\lr. Douglas os You are invited to worship I bacco ba~ !ulJ of d1amonds "as

lr·sns, l'Ollfll 111 1111" )w,ut's tlt·sill' To "01 1-. ,IJHI ~pl'.tk, .llld think f111 1"111 t"

St1ll kt 1111' gu.nd tlw hoh Ill('.

W. G. Lrggr. 2.45 P 111.. Sunday mond, L.R.A.l\1. 1 witll found at the loot of a~ Aloe lree ~hool. Jr. R1blr Classes and us. It h d b th 1 1 k n" r. 9.45 a.m., Young People's a een wor w 11 ~ " 01

., ' 1

C :\t.B (.' . -4 15 P m. Holy oap· Bible Clnss Ill the 1\IemorJal ST. AIDAN'S. among th~ tomhs, dlggm~ weeds I t •m and Chun·hlni! of Wom· • a the gro11 n Hall; 1015 am., Church Mem· Top1all Road at Common· an" mowm~ 01 er , rn: fi 30 p m.. t:H'Il>ong ancl g s< 1 bcrship Clas, fnr young people; I wealth Avenue. r~ · . N-rmon Preacher. the Her· 11 a.m.. Divine Worship. l ,_1 . . Th W"lf d 1 1here are qmt_e a fc\\ neglect-· lor Preach!'l': Rev. H. W. Braine, ~~· mJ.stfefr. e Rev .• I re I ed cem~tt•ncs Ill modCin llfe. WHkdly Strvictl: . .. • • . •' oncrle · What part does the B1bl~ plav m

'lb1tns. ~I on. Tur<. Fri.. and B.A SubJect "ere \ou 1' 2 30 p.m .. Sunday Church 1 1•our life·• Is it a ne"ie~tc' There ~moll" the :\lob'" s 1 1 7 D · \V · • · · ~

-\llll >tJII st1r np Th~ ~lit in 1111'.

Ht·.tth im .111 Tl11 fH'llt t I "til. \l~ .1Lis of !.nth .l!ld lo11· ll'}ll'·"

'I til dl'.tllt 'I h1 C'ndll'ss lli<H "'' '< .11, \11d 111.\l-.t• ilw ,,H.Iilt•· llllllJlkl•· \ Ill I II

!'at 7 30 a m . Wed 7 -15 a.m.: - • ~ · · c 1oo : p.m.. 11' 111e Ol· Cemetcno a Book "hich you rr Thur~ !IJO a

111 Broadra~t over Radio Station ship Subject· Heaven Where 1

d · · th" a • tl d . \' 0 c :\l . 11 ~ . D 1 ; • ., • • ') • 1 ~HH' as nn m~ mo,·e mn eac H o l ,. C'ommumon· )!on. · · .. ·• a.m .. · Ul~ery e· IS 1t. What Is Jt. 1 There •• a hi" snt·prise awaitir

T F • partmenl m the Common · ~ . .

uc!. rt ~nd Sat. 8 am: \\ed· R 23 5 d I Salvabl.On .l.rlHV 1 vou once you begm lo d1g wto •

n d., • 1" Th d · 10 oom: ·• 0 p.m., un ay I'T t P I 8 d 23 h H •• • ~ a m . urs a~ S 1 1. ., 30 Ch r h 1 urn o sa ms an . · ow 1

1m. • 'C' 100 · ~· p.m.. u c "' I these words appeal to you? 'l'nr [\tn<on~ na1l~ at !>311 p m. :'IIember~h.IP Cl~ss for Adults: I to ,lob :!8 and ~R·humbhm: ar

u~cpt \\"t>d 8 am and t'rida,l' 7 p.m ' Dl\·me \\ orshlp. Preach· 1 TEMPLE CORPS 1 searchmn isn't 1t'' Read I S tr

Bishop Sheen Writes

rr· Re\'. R \\'. Braine. B.A. Sprin9dale Street ' - " · ·' ':' 30 P m s

1 ":\l Wh ~I d ur1 11 for a thnllet rmn 1

famrdr~l n~1o11on, Fr1da~· 'u lJct•t· · en . 0 • a e ID·igadter B. F and ;\II~ Psalm llli lor a de<c!IJlllon ot I 30 p m hroarlra>l mrr CBX. :\I(IJ~cntous Derl~l!lns--Barab· Hallett. . .,torm at sea-that has ne1er '"'

rarhrdral nr1orwns· Fnrta1 bas. Seventy·Fourtn Annlv~nary brttererl Tllln to Luke Li R<'.ll I 30 r m. broadca$1 on•r c B • Saturday, 8 )l.m: S~eclal

1 t Connth1ans lo Talk ahout dta·

. sm:r:x

.. COCHRANE STREET 'outh Hall~·. teaturmg \ outh 1nonds Ill a lobacco b;l~·hrre an· ,,, "· d t 1 G] lit' :e '" r1 nul' p~rll'ill ll

. I • D c l B • Ban , Grace llospl a ' ee treasure< mdeed-d1g on. 1111 ' PI •• .-.. ur ~~. ..-., CI b T l St ,,. l' m · · oa: bwlogtc.tl cftJclt'llcy l' '"'


t tlrlnten Mtmorial School) R am. Holy Commun10n:

t 30 am. FamilY Commumon: 2 30 p m. Sunda1· School and Jumor Btbl~ Cl~••: 7 p.m .. F1rmonc Welln11day:

II p m F.1 rn<onc

B.D., :\limster; Dr. David K.•l u • emp .e n~t,ng. 0 · fmnd, dlg on renlerrd on an a1 erage e1 ,,.,. Peters, L.T.C.L., Organist and pany. Brlgadter J, \\ · :'\elson, The trensure at Kimherle\' ll'lb , ear ,\t thiS t.lte. at about the Choir Director; Miss Edith I Guest Speaker; . found hy people who werr 1101 k· ·, .. r 0 [ ,. 1 ~ht; 1t , compldPh ex Bolton, Deaconess and Direc· 1 S Sunday. 11

1 am. ~olm~ss mg among gra1·es. .Jesus camr h;u,ted Wil.tl tlK·n • Th.t\ qu. ,.

tor of Christian Ed"l'atinn : en·lc!'. Beho d 1 l_ay 111 Zion to wo· k among :lt'a\e~. rlrad 11011 1, ~' adc•tl In tl.•· mc.m\lliH'

11 a.m .. \\'ol'>hip. ~ursE'ry. I a stone of stumblln!:. and a hopes. rlewl 'irtues. dead faith m:111)" <11'1 !Ike ·' dH'd on tile .Jumor \\'or<lupper~: 2.30 p m.,' ror~ of offence .. and he that hut \I hat treasme< ile found. or h~al"il ,. ho htnld, a castle ol Sunday Srhool and Bible believeth on Blm >hall not , rather what trt•amrPs H~ made. <end. cxtemh rampmts, mount, Cla•>es: 3.30 p m.. Church b~ put to shame:. 2 30 P;m.. He canw to ~eek and to •aw toiH'r•. ron-true\< mo.Jb ,mtl :llt•mber<lllp Classes: 7 p m .. 1 Company . :\l:~tmg. ~1.b,l~ 1 thai which was lo<t. Ami thPre fort11!es uul<'l' 11.1lb. \I! the E1·ening \\'orshlp. Cla>ses. Puma!} .<\cU\1!~~~. I< no 1\0I'k >O le\\aJ·d~d ~' that 11 h 1 '~. the IHie comes in .\t

ST. THOMAS' I6.301J.m., Prayer ~Ieetmg, \.1. of jolmm! \\llh .Jesus m the fn·,t the chtld is unconcelllCII !S~cond Sundey in Lent) GEORGE STREET 1 Hall: 7 p.m., Public Salvation I great task of cleamng up tim tilen as 1t 1:11·, se1~e to the outer

" R · 1 l1eetlng conducted by Briga· world ARE \'0\i 1:'\ THIS · 1 nrctor. C\". S . .r D3\"le•. fo•·ttflcaltOib. he hegms to b.tc B -\., Curatt'. Rn·. t:. D. Ken :\lml<ter· Rev. P ,J. Hum· dler and Mrs. J. W. :'\elson or BIG .JOB"' out the "at~r SuddPnly lw ~ets da!l. B..\. L.Th.: PaliSh Work· me1·sen, B..<\., B.D. Organist 1 Saint John, :>;.B.. who arc c:~t~•:ht 1n the tide Oil, 1f he bad r:. :\IN Ora Rod\\ar. B.Th.: and Choir Dit·ector: 1\lr. A. : leading the 74th Anniversar~· Jnvi• ..,lUS onh leamcd to ,,, 1111 • But tlw Orgam•t and Chmr Director, Kinsman. ' Services. There will be bright '-' , child happened to !11 e in a l(rn-!>lr Douglas Belbin. II a.m .. ~lorning Service 1 music and singin~. pprsonal cr;1;wn that ne\"cr ga1e tlwu~hl

11 am. Holy Communion: and Junior congregation. Sub· I witness: battle for soul~: You : 1 --h to the '"" and 113, neH'l tau~ht

11 am.. Holy Communion. lCCI: Foundation for Recon· I are invited to attend and share I Out of tic mght I at eo\ CIS me to tlunk ol the ltdes-unll he "a' "strurtion." Broadcast Service the fellowship of the meetmgs Black as the pll !rom pole to pole.

Prnchtr. Re1·. \\' K. L. Golds· 1 1 th k l t " d 1 cau~ht m it worth~; 11 a.m .• tumor Con· m·er VO\~R. 2.30 p.m .. Sunday at the Temple. i ro/~~ :~~0~1~~,;~>!: ~~~j~· e fhe monl i< evidrnt· P1le i' xrt'gaaon: 11 a.m.. Xursen·. School. Bible Class and Mem· adde,t to p1Je. <tock tn stock and Sl hool. :t:!t'!o 2 to~. St. Thoma~· bership Class: 7 p.m , E\·ening CITADEL CORPS 1111 n·' tr1 t11,nd , 1t.a·.1tlll' n, re s1• al· ~ d • A In the fell clutch ot c1rcumst ance u " N-bool: 2.4:1 p.m.. Sunday Worsl;lip. Subject: "The Gift A am I venue . . , . . lo11 ed. but 11 1th nw<hcated sur· Srhool and Bible Cla·s·. 4 p.m., o{ InCiuence." 8.15 p.m .. Youth Major an.d l\lrs. A. Prih•hl'tt.l i hale not \llnCCd no\ Clled aloud '''al tllel·e sttll cOIIWS the mom·

C Off l"nde1 the bludgeonings of chance Hoh Baptl<m and Churchinns· rirp Side Hour. Guest Speak· , orps Jeers. ~~ h d · lJl d b 1 t pnt of non-sun 1al. as far as t1me fl:t<i p m: E1·enm!( Pray;~; Pr: :\Ir. A. E. Hickman. Sub·' 11 a.m., H.oliness Meet~ng, ' y ~ow~d. 00

Y. 11

no un 1, concerned Tlw mmd oftt•n ~··t"'' stton~ct l'ruchrr. Rrv. •: D. Kendall, icc!: "How rio you rate your· 11.45 am. Directory ~leetmg: .\ll this 1s h~tler told In thr v.nh a~e hence the mllrulous· l!rnadra•t CJO:'\. ~rlf7" ] 2.30 p.m., Sunday ~chool: 5·30 1 Bt•)ond this placeof 111 ath and parable ~howmg th~l a man'< ne•s of enforced rctlrment at

\londay 10 Fnda~·--9 a.m.. ~.m., Pf18~~r ~!ee~mg; 7 p.m., tears· hfe does not consist m the abun- ,lx\v·f!IC It the mmd 11ere on!l \!l'r]un~: Pra~er .. 5.30 p.m .. WESLEY UNITED CHURCH El·~~~;:ic!s'~hr:~~~~~~l the dav Looms b;ll the honol of the ctanre ol tilmgs he po,ses•~s m~tcnnl. 1t would suffer the lo\ E-elun~: Pra,·l'r. lhapt'l. ~I · . R VA • · h . ~ • , shade '"The1·e \\as a nch man who-r of the bod1 and decltnc 111th 11.

W 1

d · d F' .d . • . IIIJster. ev · . Smlt , I w1ll be conducted by the ' · 1 ld d h ·o 1 · 1 1 f er nf.'~ a~ an n a!-,-' iiO R.A .. B D.; Minister of Vlsita· ' Traming College Principal and ~~nd yet the menac·e of the year- lane' ;>II' c a em" Cl p· Bu\ the hl~ wr a spul\ua l e '' • m Hob ( om.mumon .. t:hapel: lion: He,·. r. G. Weir: Organ· 1 Brigadlel' \\'. Oakll'l'. , F mds. a~d shall tmds, meun· and he debated 111 hts mmrl. What the more indt•peJHient 11 1s ot tlw HI 1m. Hoh (ommumon; 7.30


and Choir Director: ;\lr. ' y d , . f: 1 are afraid. am I lo do. with no toom to ph)''lcal frame In Go<'the' p m Lfnten Serncr , . ou an ) om ltenc s ,tm e 1111 crops in'' Then he J',,ust, 11 hm the Wl'd hero feel>

• · F.1·an T. Whlteway, A.T.C.:\1. cordially innterl to come and s,"1·cl Tt11 , 1s l"l1"t 1 11'1.1] do I h 1 t 1 5 d M h 20 , It maltefs not ho\\ sll'all the " . ' " that mg t ts a •out o c o•e upon CHRIST CHURCH un ay. arc : worship with II~. ' ~ate, 11 til· pull down my barns, and hi, e1 e,-at that in•tant In< v.ot··

'd' . • I I a.m .. Public Worship. This d th ·e 1 f 1 · 1 . 0~ 1 ~' V1d1 1

sen·icc wiii be televised over 1 DUCKWORTH STREET 1llow charged 111th pum,hment · bu1ld great~r Olte>. an et lrl brconw, loo< erl 1111 1 tnJwt· 11 ~nesda~. • 30 p m. Lenten C.IOX·TV. Junior Congrega· , !he scroll sh;~ll he 1hle lo ,tore all m1· har· llllllninatwn. ,John had the great

l'orrv1tc. t "' f h"ld CORPS 1 1 am the master of mv fate. rest and· all the goods that are vision of tile Apocalyp'e m ht< 11111. .,urscry or c l ren ~Ialor and ~Irs \\' Watts, · d th 1 I! to mv V~RGINIA S~HOOL _CHAPEL three years of age and under C,n·p~ Olfieers. I am the capla1n of my soul mme. an t•n Ill say . old days .

• 30 p m, Sunda) Sl·hnol. during the 11101 ning service. 1 11 a.m., l'oll"nn.-s 5, 1.1 ,· .. c·, W11!iam Henley soul. Come soul. thou hast goods 1 ' ~, ' ' 111 plcn\ v ]a1d up fur manv ~ears The c l'llc in llw ,,uHh and I 1e

ST I 2 P m., The. Sacrament of )II· 2.30 p.m .. Sunday School; 7 ' · k th t now at b1~ger harns 1ept<''ent the 11111

Th':AARY THE VIRGIN fant Baptism: 2.30 p.m., Sun· p.m., Salvation illceting. I to.<ome. ta·e ey rl'' ... ·"' · <1de• ol t·nnl<'lllflor.HI clll1lzat·

1 •rill Sunday in Lent) da1• School and K.F S Bible [Jnited Lll f herllll d'"mk and make melt\. ~nd ion !h.1t blmd man to 1he 111ner 8 a.m. H. oly Communion: 11 . Cla.ss.· 3.4" p.Jn., Cla.ss.es for MUNDY -POND CORPS (;u I s:ud Thou fool. \ht' night ~ t p h th " thou must render up thy -oul· hfe The II' ·I I< t~. It nolo~'. tile

• m_. .. a ms: reac er e Churt·h Membership; 7 p.m., I Lieutenant D. Snook. Corps Chu I'Ch ;\'ftissioll and who will be master noll or .ill second IS adnnmstratlon It ha-Re,, C. J. ,6,braham: 2.30 p.m ·

1 Public Worship.


Officer thou hast laid bv"' T!His tl i< almost re,Jthcc\ a pomt 11hc•e 11 Sunda~· School: 2.45 p.m., Bible · 11 s · ff 1 f \ 1 Claues:

4 p m. Holy Baptism 11 a.m., _no ness, ervu·c: 11 ith the man 11 ho 1."' up !rea< •s dl tcu 1 or an . men tan o

and Churchmg of women; 6



2.30 p.m., Sunday Sc_hool; 71·(1\feeting at P.W.C. Annex Le· ure fol' himsell. and has no c1ed· hctJc\e that an,une '

1wulrl \\an\

p.m. Evensong. (Now Worshipping at M•c· p.m., Salvation Meetmg. Marchant Road and \llarters , it with God" 1 Luke 1~-lh·lOt ,mv other a1m · 111 hfe than tu Wmdu Senicn· 1 phtrson Audemy) - I Hill) I But the castle 111 the sand mtd m.;kr• mo• ~ monev and to br

WednHdav-8 ·am., Hoh· : . MOUNT PEARL C~RPS (Barle~s _Hill entrance! . the filling of the bar~s h_oth p1e· mme comfortahle · .\'nd ali \he Communion:

4 m J . C • I :\holster: Rev. D. L. Brown, 11 a.m., Holiness serv1ce: 2.30 I Rev. Wtlham Kurschmsk1· fioure the end of th1s life. but v.hile the t1de keep• lon1in~ lll.

fmnatlon ·c11!,

5 •. ,

7 ~~lor ~n·: B.A.: Organist: Miss Sandra p.m .. Sunday School; 7 p.m., ~tission Developer. I n;t of hie Jt<clf. The Greek• and the Dh ine .Jud~c conu''

Evensona:; 8.30 ' p.~.. .fduit ; Hyne~; Choir Director Dr. Salvation Meeting. . 1 Second Sunday in Lent 1


had two words for_ llf~ _one the \\'hal !hen' Confirmation Class. 1 C. ". Cho. . . _Come and Worship- you I .9.30 a.m., Sunday School and - ----- . •

Thursdav 4

p m Juni C n· 9.30 a.m., .Jumor B1ble Class; Will be welcome at any of the Adult Class; 11 a.m .. The Ser· M Eld ' , purported re1 clatwn It om (,od. firma-ion Clas~ i~ the o~ch~ol I 11 a.m., Morning Worship City Corps. l vice: "Fullness of Faith.. ormon er s When we hrar anrt tuntemplal<' of St :"ltichael Sermon, Rev. D. L. Brown, M•rch 23, 1960 · 1 reu!:wus outh our heart w11t ai-

Fndl\:_7 a.~.. Hoi Com·~ Anthem, (T~e anthem wlll be Pentecostal Mid·Week Lenten Service E h • , so "burn mthin us," the 1\ltness IIIUnJon: 10 am Holy C~m . rendered thiS morning by the 8 p.m., Lenten Vespers: X ortation of the Spin! of God or of the ioa

124o to )2

45 p m ~~~- Junior Choir under the dlrec· "The Way To· The Cross-The VERIFYING REVEL.\TION 1lloly Ghost Jesus smd. "\<k,

d v W~rshi p ~·od· 7 4' • · tlon of the Organist, Miss S. BETHESDA TEMPLE Way of Betrayal." and it shall be g11en you >erk. E~ •on P e 1 • · ~ p.m., Hynes), Junior Congregation 209 New Gower Street. You are welcome to worship . . and re sh>ll find. knock. and tl "- g. Nursery and Kindergallten; , ~· Chesley Snow, Pastor, with us. Th1s 1s the second 111 a ~NIC< shall be open~d unto )1111 " \

IIL!CIUIEAD ROA 2.30 Sunday School, Member· 1 Elsie B. Snow, Asst. Pastor. of fuur arhcles on the top1c of ]ll1111~ Father. God of truth. i< ' 0 ship Class for Teenagers: 7 Sunday: Christian Scienee: 'arifymg Re,·datwn Last week certamlv mtercst~d m gllldtn;:

M! ;i~i~~~~D ~~~~ p.m., Evening Worship: Ser· 10.~11 a.Mm., ~rayer Se~vice; • we menltoncd bl'Jefly1 ~lnce1~vays 1

h1s children to the h"lllh 1 mon, Rev. D. L. Brown, An· 11 a.m.. ormng Worship; 3l • , • where by you. m1g I JU< ,e a Th1s confirmalion of the Spilt!

2.30 p.m • Sunday School. ' them, Senior Choir. p.m., Sunday School; 6.30 (Corner Renn1e 1 M1ll Roa I rlmm to revelatwn "' IntUitiOn, it does not come to man auto· p.m., Pray~r Service; 7 p.m, I and Empire Avenue) I Feelmg, Jnspirahon. 1 mahcall~, with no, thought or ef-

IT. MICHAEL AND ALL Evangelistic. I Sunday: In the dramatic story of the forton h1s part. fo be mspu·ed ANGELS sT. PAUL'S PASTORAL Wtdnuday: I 11 a.m., Sunday Sen·icc: Sub· 1 resurrection of Chnst as told in of Deity man must ha1e f uth. be

St. CliFt Ave. CHARGE 8 p.m., Praise and Testi· ject of Lesson Sermon: illat· [Chapter 24 of Lul,e, the author, humble,be concerned 111th fmd-(Thirll Sunday In Lent)

1 mony. ter;; 11 a.m~. Sunday School 'tells of two disciple< .11ho had ing the truth, -and he anxiously

r a.m., Holy Communion: 11

1 St. Paul's, Blackltr Avt. Frld1y: for pupils up to the age of 20 heard of the Sal'lour's resurrec· engaged 111 a sPa:·ch of God·, a.m., Litany and Sung Euchar· , Minister: Harold Ivany. 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting. · years. 'lion and were discussmg 1t as they


wJll and truth. Jnspn·ation comes ita;. 2.30 p.m .. Sunday School Organist, Mr. H.' R. Burton. Saturdey: Wednesday: walked towards a village called to man inresponse to h1s need anti Bible Class; 6.30 p.m., ' 11 a.m., MornJng Woship; 8 p.m., Young People's, 8 p.m., Meeting. Emmaus, some distance from and desire andstJmtual eff1 ot Evensong and Sermon.


2.30 p.m., Sunday School: 7 Everybody welcome. Saturday: .Jerusalem. While they pondered An interesung explanatiOn of how Wetlnesda)'-7 a.m.. Holy p.m .•. Minister; 8 p.m., Song , 3-4.30 p.m., Free Reading I the reports and incidents of the God inspires man in h1s sp1ritunl

c~~a~~~union; 8 p.m., Evensong ServJce. F • B • Room da\' "Jesus himsel! drew near, quest in told Earll• in th~ h1<torv •nd Sermon. . Fori Amherst trst a p1t1lS1! . I and' went with them But !heir of the Church of .Jesus Clu·ist of Thursday: 8 a.m., Holy Com· Organist Mrs. A. Morgan. Church Of Jesus eyes were holden that they should Latter-day Saints Oliver Cow·

st. \ndrru's 1'1"(''1)\(t'Jlall

!~wn mt'.•rnce to tnnc-... !!Ollr tw 11ri thf'\' ~ro .. , •:n for\\ ::rrt JOin

t""'P; to cn•nC' :'1nchr~ I! UP ~·n2"' of i·•tmani\; Tl•"l" boll ~· the1r hrt UJ(~P !)1? ~r">t!PHle nfth, a!!e~· ~11d n 11 b "'J"I" en r then· em· Ptnlld p T1lc t h n u ~ h t or th~m ]fw "' u' m \he pt e'mce ol Hun I' ho fu:l!lif•r] the prophet'S \!<lOll o: 1 man a< no othc1 could rn•·

tJnth \It• Lt•lte' c• tl, 11 nhtll nnt'! h'

\\'<ll \ nf t'<}t'Ln~ ,h t}l~" nnl' '.! t1 1


tor rlt~IO 1' ltl'th Our fpn]u•~' need to be c hed\,f'd hi' 1 'a<nn and lw our lo\.1] 1 fe C\OI'lt 0 11C •

\nrl 11 l'hlll the arr 1 o frrlin~ 1' •elf liP mu<t l"atn lhtou"h "' lll'l"ll'lll"P ~lld I l'til 1("'1'1011 II h• • h· (·~· nut 1nlt111:' r tni.;.J"hh arr t~·uo..:l 1101 th1 and n•t~ht be ill' \lin"! of a po11cr othet th.m ourceht'' 1 \\"[' mu~l ~1\l' nurq•hos tt!ll€' lfl 1

\l•e slwh of 1 ell~ion to <ee tf tlw ·hlP mn~1 n otll' hearts" P•c on­~..; tan! Clllci a re~pon"-f' to m .n('t and not >1111Ph· the rrod'lcl o our emotional s\ale at the mom"nl Feehng nu~hl to h" her Cll''ll."·

mg and the comp<m1on of \llou"llt and him'!. to be tnbtll ortln Let u~ contimw l1 12Xt \\ f'P'<,l n I cnllel<kr lh~ otl:<'r te,(, of truth. nameh. re.Json



Praver \I I i.l(' h .... tau~ht


Til,t\ ,, a~<11 1 l''h much to pray. I do not <\op to "rea<on out 'J'Ite "'" and how. I do not care ~nee 1 \nm1 \hi' tho! Jl hen [

rlouht. !.if<' " em. a hlat knc,, of de·


'-\\{'PI hlo ...... Oill" "Pilll!! up 1'1 the dlo'l

Snw" I !.nth". Ill \ h• ria ];e,t holll It I !tit np 1111 'nul Ill !llaiCl. f.nnw '-\ mnatl~t · lt' }n\ m~ !lO\.\Pr s ... nr~.; J,o,P cnrt {om fort to 01f

~ill((' lvlm i- ,rnl 111 ca·r m; Jldln

\\"h,d Jl('Pd to ill.!,,,) C'\r L'X)ll.:Jin·• Pl.J~CI p~.. ::1 .... H•('t Jrflll111!1

::!t<~ e It rclutalr< thr 'O'tl and heart 11 lend' :1 l.JStrp 111 thr lace, \nd b1 11s elc' a\m~ a~t II gn ,;, the n:iml an nmrt· <i~hl ., lwt b• tn~- 1\ m•.11 the Infinite Ftnm our g,o ......... rht's it helw

II' l'l'l-.

To ~:;onwthmg, "hkh \H~ \'rt ma~ bn

\nd 'U. i a-k not to hr wi<~. t• 11111, nn lnll't ,, Jo,t to me­F.l,'h \\lll 111\h an~l'J'> IOICe ant'

\OUt h. S~l\ .... 'l)l 'I~

Ill lCh ''

Kindness 0 11llill a 111\lc tlun~ tan hun \ he.n ·, heart from sigbs to

... on~ .\ smile can make th~ 110rld l~<s

stern. .\ v. ord can l'ause the soul lo

burn 11"1th ;:Jon of l1ea1 I'll all ni~ht

ion~ \non


••nion. Church not know him." The men told dery. comnanion and sccretan·' ...,.. 11 a.m., Minister; 2.30 p.m., Jesus of the happemn~s of the 1

1 of .Jo•erh Smith, asked for the·

., ;..ay: Tht 1\nnunciation of s d s h 1 Ch • · Of L t · f - un ay c 00. fiSt at er· day. Toward e>enin2 as he was .privileg~ of (ranslatmg pari 0

Why Should 'I Fear

0 • Lady: ll.30 a.m .. Holy Groves Road 104 Portugal Covt Rd. to leave them, they asked h1m to tho ~ook of "'ormon record into, O\'E TJIII\G I DO

cGmmunion: 8 p.m., Even· 2.30 p.m., Sunday School. Rev F C Fenerty B A D S • remain with them. And then, 1

Enghsh. H1s request ~a> fmal· . 1011

1 and Sermon. Blacllbead Road Sunday S~rv.lceas ' ' ' ay affitS -it came to pass, as he sat at ly granted, but he failed miser· ?ne thm~ l do fm gett_m~ those \l'hv ,hould 1 fear" 2.30 p.m., Sunday School.

9 45

s d S h 1 meat with them, he took break able in h1s at! em pt Hts reason lhmgs which are behmd. and To know that God is near CHURCH 0' THE ith Cla.m., f un ~i c oo : I (MORMON) and blessed it, and brake, and fo,· failin~ w1s explained to him I rea_chm~ forth unto those lhmgs Gi\'es calm assurance in the

ASCENSION w asses or a ; 11 a.m., gave to them. And their ey~s and gives usreas onable explan-~ which are bdorc. I p~ess toward d k t h . (Mt P .. rl) ST. DAVID'S Morning Worship; 6.15 p.m., ~~:~or~~~~~~i~:t~~~dSt~:!t· where opened, and they knew: I allon of how man receiles re- t~e mark. for the pm~ of t_hc Bv m~~te~r d~~r,

(Third Sundly In Lent) Ellzlbeth Ave. It Portugal Tralniina: Union; 7.15 p.m., him· and he vanished out of th~ir vclation from God. I hl~h calhng of God m Chllsl If I but humblu .pray Cove Ro•d. Even 1111 Worship and Hymn ing; 10.15 a.m., Sacrament 'h i II. k 24 .30 31 l


Jesu• Paul Ph1l. 3 13-14 , J ' •

IJO a.m .. Holy Communion; Sing. Meeting; 11 a.m., Sunday SJ g . u e • ·· . . . Rehold. you have not under· I feel. the presence of His ll a.m., Matins and Litany; Minister: The Reverend J. Wtdntaday: School. Then they said t~ese s~~mh_c· stood: you ha1 e supposed !hal I: w• d . mtghty power,, Ul p.m., Sunday School; 2.45 A. Goldsmith. 7.45 Mid week service for ant words to each oth~r:. -Did would give unto you, when you I IS 0 m I \\ hy should I fear. pa, Bible Class; 3.f5 p.m., 11 a.m., Morning Worship; Bible study and prayer. WHAT MAKES A HOME not our heart burn w1thm us, took no thought save it .was to. I know that God can )tear. c.th'mation Class; 7 p.m., 11 a.m., Children or the A hearty welcome Is extend· What makes a home? 'Tis while he talked with us, by !he a~k me But behold I sav un·l -- And watches o'er me from Hi• 1.-,.J. Church; 2.30 p.m., Church ed ·to all. where the weary come, way, and while he opened to us to you, that v~u must ~tudy it out _Do not consider an)" \'tee as throne above,

Wednelday, March 23rd - School; •7 p.m., Evening Wor· . And lay their burdens down, the Scriptures?" <Luke 24·321 m yout· mind: then you must a•k' t11\"lal. and the_re{ore pra_ct1ce If I do good T._a.m., Holy Communion; 10 ship. Learning makes a man fit I assured of rest. If we are sincere, humble. and me i' tt b~ ri~hl, and 1f it is ;·•ght' 1t Do nOt rmmdcr an\' v1rtuc And ~en·e 1I1m as I should a.m.. Holy Communion; I p.m., You are illvlted to worship company for himself as we11


t Where we learn to know our prayerful we have a right to feel 1 will , ""'" !hnt vm1r bosom sh:!IJ 1 as ummJ?urtant, and therefore 1 ';y l:eart 1s f1llcd with joy and $'!tDIIIII 111d Litany. with ua. as for others. Anon. dearest best. the falsity or truthfuln€ss of a burn within you; therefore, you 1 neglect 1t. peace and love .

• - • • .. , ..... ' - ¥ ~ "';

. -~

-:..:, -i ~ ~:~-~ - ' ·~ - ..--: -_:

-' . . ·.... . ·. ....: : -- -.. '. . .


- . • I, • .;

' '- <"

- ·'

. - . -~

··-· l -

. \

·' - -.

l . : ...... . i

.... ,~"' . !.~<~-· -..

., - - -. •: I ...... - . ~ ..


.. ~ ~ i .... · . ' -· .


.- ••••••------------··-•••-•••••·-·-----------.... -- .... b k h' I . f II rll . 1 ro e 1s eg m a a an

"' T , r flJst r ~ ~rC::.g· Tilley fell and broke his

1 'f ewspape f, 0 y I· Fred. Snow moved to the I

, - : ~~:~i~u~~)~ t~~:u;i~~ t~; ~~~~~~~I

O~f Bell Island 111 Bug~~~ winners in a S\\'Cl'pstakc I , :J 1~ atd of the playground wrr~ :

,J. Dwyer, ~!iss D. Walsh, lliss -- r~_....._-,_~-t~~-·,

_Jf From The Files t t Part 4 I "1 Of The Daily News f l~~~38 J


~1. Harris. K Prnney, )!iss ~\. Carroll, S. Lahey, ~1. Kavanagh. -M. Flynn, :'>largar~t Adams. Fulton Normurr. 1lrs. \\"_ .1. Somerton. Alice Lahey, .Je;mcttP lliller. llr,. P .. Jaekman. Ilnhrrt : Clarke. Wm. Bartl!'lt. \\' :11l<'1' Fitzgeralrt. ~!ary F. Stout·. ~!ar­lin :'>lurphy.

Relief figurrs fnt· th:• dL,tril't

1 of l!t·. ~lain-Bl'll l:.lancl in 1 ~la.-ch wt•re 86304.3:!. ill! in· 1 erca~e of SM!l.62 owr the 1 pre\'ious vcm·. :r.lor(' linn :!~ nt'r 1

---------------------------------------------·-• cent of the population of :\E:'w-: THl. IU~G'S JUBILEE and H.N.R. John llu»cy official· ren were guests of the Prince's foundlancl was then on tht· dole. '

"a)· ti. !935. market! till' 25th ly represented the Army, and· Theatre (Eric Luffman. man- The nnmbrr of P<'l'>ons on t't'-

·-··-.-.:······-·--·· summer schedule At the betin­.1 ning of :'day, makinl( three tripa daily to and fro!ll Portug~l

i Cove. ! Annie Byrne, W~st Mine1, passed away on May 8, agee! Zl.

: Adjt. Hewitt wa8 having rp. i novations made to the S.A." res!· , dence and school. ~ The lol!owinl: took part In a :concert at the U.C. Schooi:-B. .


1 Glick, E. Tucker, D. Higgins, M, Bugden, !net Tucker, A. Nor-

, more, C. Cohen. )1. Reader. Mrs. s. Bennett, A. Taylor, L. Poole, ~Irs. W. Lindsay, S. MPndel­sohn. Winnie White, !>!iss B. B. English.

At a dance hell! Ill' tht1 . .\lasonir Club. Da•·e !!i~Pdlin, , violinist, played in thp .,rchestra ; ,i·it h :\!artha Carhag~, BPn. i r.lirk and R. Penney. The i ~limination rlanre wa~ won hy I Erlith Taylor and GPo. Cantw~ll.

c..-e~t: Summf!r Jlven-h!, lM.,l •r~nl\-rr;an· ~r tht• ''~~l'>siun to ;>;avy. A firing sttuml from the : ager) at a free show. lief in Hr. ~tain-llrlJ 1>1;HHI Iii>·~ lhl' thron;. nf Gt'or~'' \'. llri- (;.W.V.A. under Comrade A. S. ~ At night, the areh<•s erected trict was 3995 out or a total $horler ~leeve~ mea~~ longt'll' ~~~n·, S;u!ur !\in~. and thr :\llloTay was prrscnt. )-!agistrate' by tht• U.C. School committee· population of 14.9RO. This. holl'- 'I glo\·es. Titr rash of 5lee1·ele~• t'Hl:t was Ct1Jn~i) l'!'lrhratrd P. F. Power, S!'rretary F. F.[ and the L.D.A. ·Association e\'!'1'. wa' a rlN•rr<l>l' of Hi .-\\\':\HDED ~IED.\I.-Corporal John Bmomfield nf <:nose dl'l's~e~ •hm•:, for spring will 'h h I ,, L" -,. l'll'Cil-11(' 'Ill" l' F' ·r"\')01' J ,. 'II . t d A h " l f tl - . 't u.,,,., 1.-.lhrador. ]JJCs.·cnth· 'scr\'ill\! ll tnlll' of duh- with the I n"li for rnaJl.M Jnn~ "In··-. •.tlnh .. r"u~. ou o.l\' <.111Jl1 ,._ . , .• " . . ... • . '-• · WCI'<' 1 um1ua e . uMc lOll· rom te prennus )'l'al' li<'<PI r n ~ '" • v " " , ·~ • '

11:1 lkll blaud a ,·omnutlt'l' St••·,r:~rt and .1. II. 1\rnnctt of fifl~ was lightt•rt in the open tlw inl'reasl' in thr financial C:r'nadian Dental Clinit,-nf tht' l'nilt'd \atinm ·J·:mt·r~CIW\' . a• tho> 10-hutton length. Sht~rt-1, ::tiikt· ;m·:~n~t'llll'i11> lor tlw till' t'ominission of the Peace g1·uund n<•at' the U.C. School. li·~~m·t·. ~nd indtcnl<'<l th:~t liw Force in Eg1-pl• is presented with the F\I·:F.mc<lal b" hi5 ir< 11'ill ~till ~ worn with ~~P~I'l'-c•<l'l•r;llhlll \\;,, ,,.1 np t•;u·ly in W<'l'l' prl'srnt together with the: The Arena was d!•ckcd out with deJll'l'-'sion w:~> ~rartuall)- p:t>S- <:ommandin~ officer .\l:ijnr D. J. C:armichat·l. Tlw t'\"EF , le" dresse>. but many eo~tumH o\pnl wi:h ~la~~>tratr !'ower a; dt•rgy of the \'arious denomin·' a colored crown outlined in in;:. nwllal. awarded for threr months' sen-icc in the \Iiddle : dem~nd more arm eove-ra~. r:,:rm;m and F. F .. Jardine. atiuns. traeher~ from the flights. All stores were decorated ~Irs. John .Iackman pa>sr<l L' 1 1 1 t · (' R 1· 1 i

'1 r L' I' l I t ' ,. h d II I>:IS ' was prescn ('( a a tt'rcmnm.· Ill .ami' a a l, I, Whe,nevpr a ->a•e ·- .... ,! ..... ,~,·rctan.·. _, r•. . r. mwr was sc 100 s, e c. anu 1g te as we as the awa)' on ~!ar. 30, aged i7. In "' ' • "' '"r 1~ char~r ul the ladies' <'Olll· In the afternoon a children's' offices of Dominion Steel and April. 'he followin~ de~ths oc- 1 (National Dcfl'IICl' Photo) : ally admitted to tk& Union • .a mlt:t·r. l'rlt•bration was held at the Coal. A dance at the C.LB. currrd:-~Irs. \\"m. Nonnore.: -----~~----~-- ~---------· ~ ---~----~ ~ :new star I!< added to the tlall

~ilt·Clal >t·n·lct•:< ol th;mk:<d\'· .\rrna. Thl're was a distribution Armour)' concluded the celc· 78; George, 15-month nl1l son of 1\WC \'isitin-~ the Island at that produced 5fl6.616 Ions of or~ in Hrad Cons!. Seward moved 1 on the !ollllwing J'DUTth c1r 1r.~ wt•rt' hrld in all Inca) of candy, and the .Junior S. A. hration. Loyal ~reetings were' J. S. Rowsell; and at Brigus. time for City firms wrre:- 19:l4 as l'on1parrd with 320.981 ir~tn the police rc~idrnce in the 1 .July. ch:~rrht•> on thr morning of tht• Band (all under 12. years of· sent from the people of the Is·· :\Irs. Cha~ . .Terrett. 61. mother Hal. Luscomhr. Lar. Falw)·. Ions in 19:!:!. hut tiM! F.n.~lanrl Court llou:;e builrtin)! at the; ~---Kin~·, ~ilwr .luhill'l'. AI ~.:lll agrt led the !500 school chilrt- i land and acknowledged by His: of }Irs. W. E. Pippy_ Tom. ~lahonry. FrrcL ~!arlin. wa' not Y"t taking ;\'ewlnund· Front arter the <frparturr r.f There are mMf! thRn 4ti.MII

I I - · · 1 · · 1

, ll h G ' d 1 1 · \ · fram·hi<rrl new ~llf de.ti!'Ts l!! A~' ;tw rhil< ret: ;:athrl'l'' ;tt n•n tn smgmg pa nolle songs. F.xce ency t e .overnor. Gerald Tuel\er hroke his arm .Joe Cantwell. Bnh rahey. E _ land ore. I ra• l on:;t. rm \lnrtm 'rr-1 II . h ' . the united StatP~ • 1:11-:~ n•,Jlcl':iw srhool,; "'H .-\n :H 1 1·ess was gl\'l'll y .rlagts· while skiing and ClydP Farra•· Skiffington. S.S. Ila~hild to"k thP fir>t !ir<•d' and Com! 11. Stran~r

par:Hil'rt 1n 1hl' \\'ar ~ll·morial. tr;l\t' Power. Thr l'hairman of· In a storm on ~lar. 21 lh~ frat·tured his ankle in a sliding Sir ;>;r11lnn \1 o or e. the load of orr for the '"""1n on mm•·d into the police n•sident·P ic:• !oral ""'1rne~ mardwd lht• t·ommitll•l' in l·hal'gr of lhe, roof wa~ blown oH the home of accident. DOSCO pn•sh!Pnt. in addr1·"ing ,\pt·_ 27_ Tht• Scotia hanla~r had at tiw )line•. Thr '\Phurhadnf!1.Zt>f', }llrt­

~'' hottle nf Fren~h to+u""" pagne produced, eont3lnl Jn

her 1 quarts.

t~.-: 1• :n a ~i.ul! parad!' with till' arrangements was X. }!organ, l•aac Sheppard and the famil)' ; Flippers wrre selling that thr annual mel'ling of the lo hr shnl't•llrd to ~l'l orr In thl' I Leo Fowle!' "'"' nwrried In ~a !I at ion :\rm)- hand in the with l'apt. Pretty. S.A., as; had to seek refuge with neigh- Spring for S2 a dozen. shat·eholdPrs in :llonlre:tl on pier. This was thr olll) hani:Jgr April to ~Iargarrt !lawen. l~;;ri Pnva;r \\'. J. Somerton secrrtary. Next· day the child· I hours. Rd. Clarke of the C.L.B. Commercial travellers who Apr. 17. stated that Wabana had in operation since 1932. .\LS. :\1aneco went on

NtfJJ members of the Ford fami~>' of fine ean-the f(Jflf'-dllbt' and ttM-orlarJr PrDJtt-lfatiDII ~

Over 76 cubic feet of ·cargo space-up to 35 mpg economy-and priced to really please t ,

See them at your Frontenac dealer DOW. Canada'sowncompactwagonshave the longest cargo space and greatest floor area in their c!ass.

Load up. Frontenac's 'counterbalanced tailgate is ju:n 23" from the road. Lowest in the industry. Result: heavy loads are easier to lift in. And there's more space for long and bulky objects-'-nearly nine feet with the tailgate down. Extra heavy leaf springs cushion loads, absorb the shock of backroad bumps.

Stretoh out. There's big six passenger comfort in Frontenac wagons. Two and four door models. Lots ofleg room. Hat room too. And every Frontenac gives you a foam-padded front seat. Twin armrests. Sun visors on both sides.

Drive away. Feel the lively 'go' in Frontenac's

efficient 90-horsepower six-cylinder engine •. Frontenac Wjgons hold the road in silence with rattlefree single-unit construction for maximum strength and rigidity. Its ride is smooth. Cornering is comfortably level. And handling is ease itself. You can turn around in under 39 feet!

Save every mile you go. Frontenac gives you up to 35 miles per gallon on low cost regular gas.

. Travel up to. 4,000 miles between oil changes. And Front~c's lightweight Six is more durable, be­cause piston travel per mile is less than in any other compact engine.

It all adds up. Frontenac wagons are big inside • . , big in comfqrt and savings ... big in everything but total length-and price! See these two great wagon values at your Frontenac dealer.

Counterbalanced tailgate features roll-down window. Opens a full45" wide, 27" high. Second seat flips floor-flat to provide 76 cubic feel of loadspace 8Y2 feet deep.

Economical 6-cylinder engine de· signed especially for Frontenac . Develops 90-horsepower for effort· less driving with a full load aboard. Delivers up to 35 miles per gallon.

E111ergeney stops tu't fare 1 Frontenac wagon. Big nine-inch brakes haye a total lining ares ot !50.6 square inches, stop Frontenac srMothly with a safety margill.

Frootenac wagoos are buin to last. Body and frame are all in one for silence, strength without weight. Zinc-coated steel gives maximum ~~il!! protection against corrosion. ._


""" ..,. ___ C:ll'llln f11turt1 illuatr11td or mtPUontd art tlandard 01! aomt m~dtla, optional alnlra cost cin others.--·-'"·----------~ STARTIME Tuesdays, DEPUTY Thuradayii en CBC·TV. Cons_ul~ T_V listings for local ti11111_and dllnnell.---·



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we must tint eonlentl with exams .


Fashion And Beauty Quiz For Canadian Teenagers Good fashion and beauty habits formed by girls betwt>en i one outfit, !I'll at the same


. cessories than too many. i stick shade i' wroug if It the ages of 13 and 16, when personal taste is just beginning to time? . The next time you're shop- dominates the features or ll!~n·s establish a few really sturdy roots, can last a lifetime. 7. Do you wear a. dark shade ping for clothes, don 'I let your- ~he ~h~pe of the mcuii~ at!tl

The first thing to find aut is· whether you're heading in the o.f Htgh Lustre durmg the day-\ self be dazzlrd by _an abundance . ncavy m~keup look.; h1_rs.1 :::!!d 1 ht d' tl h d d ff th t k If · !time? of use!I'SS tnmmmg that may unreal. \\ 1th te~::"~ers 111 miold.

r II 1rec on or ave wan ere 0 e .rue · you_r Mirror 8. Do you prefer straight be nothing more than camou- Pond's have dcv~ioped f;mr sa:t can't ,•eem to tell ~:ou, per~aps ~he ~ollowmg test, des~gned by 1 skirts that are a very snug fit. flage lor poor tailoring. You C:!n shades in the p~nk lOll'" a'.me Pond 8 Good Groommg Servtce Will giVe you a clearer Image of t 9. Do you have one "best . always dress up a clean-cut. un- . and An~rl f'Jl'c compre.·.,~d :rourll!lf. color" that dominates your 1 cluttered garment I for inslance, powder. applied direrlly o·:er

. . . . wardrobe? I a simple inexpcnsiw dress with the sl;in, \'.'ill point ur 'II th" Answer eac'h queshon With I 3. Do you ltke to wear an 1 11 d " t f . a good leather brlt 1 but when natural skin tonr.• as \rell a::

" " " " th how' labor te hairstvle? you an~wert> yes 0 IVe 1 • ye~ or no , en see : e a. · . · . :or more questions. you may br: you huy somelhin~ th~t's load-' ramoufl.·:gc minor h'cmi,ilcs. you ve ICOrPd. . 1 4· Would you rather h~\e inclined to overdress. to sacri-: ed to the collar with hut tons. If you answn~rl "no'' to ,1])

1. ~o yo~ e\·e~ wear a stik: three dre.oses at ?$10 each t an fice line for del ail and quality' bows and hraid. it can't be !h~ qu~'tions. ~ uu're IH'Il O•l

or latlle sktrt With a tailored. one clress at $13tkl. . for quantitv \\'hen in douht drr.~~rd dmrn unle;s you stnp tile hoam as Lr "~ '"·''1ion b cotton blouse? . 5 .• Do yon 1 e to use e~·e-: trv tD ren;~mhrr that uncter: it rl~ar to lhr srarns. c·•mr<'t:,wd. Krn1 it up ;:.HI ·. uu

z. Would you wt-ar a plaid or lmer. st~lemenl is a keyword in fa~- Wh~n it romrs lo m~krnp fur •·an /'i'Ohc.b!)· !on'; f•n<·:.n·d· to checked 1kirt with a patterned 6. Would you wear a scarf hion anrt heauty. It's hrttcr to tcrnagC'rs. rPctlrmhrr a lN·na~·" hr·i,.~ an unll;Palt; •n•l!-rl:~·,-:-d or polka dotted blou~e? . beads and a wide belt all on. rlfck yourself with too few ac- lonk is a natuc·al look The lip l''om:.n lor tlw ~-,.,1 ,.r )O'Ir lifr

• I.

Abby's Book Gives Advice To 1st. Daters Your paning the-se exams in j

June may be decided by the 1

amount of work you do during· Editor's 1'\:ote: Here is· tht> third in a sf'ries of I:! articl1•s 'How Old Should 1 Be to Go look' prr1:.• c•!tr:· .. ,::n~ r~ :t these nrxt few months (Apr .. comlrnsed from Drar Ahby's emrrnt hrst-sl'llim( hook. Steady?' not for )IHI. Y;;u·c·r- il'"'~l'd. May·June). :"Dear Tern-A!(rr." Today thr nation·s numl)('r onr ad\icc •"····.~•.nl·rod, ... question. HC'rr's tlw :l. You m:.y- rol:. h•" !;:

I . L 1 · . WILL de,.;dP to !J1'f':11.; ~~ lijJ

Don't waist these few month~. 1 tnlnmnist passes on some soum sngg<'siJOns tor 1 :lllllp;. Some 40-year-nlcis arrn't ma- """m•: or J;;u·. T'" 11 nnw-make a rtal effort to study 1 By ABIGAIL \'A~ BURE:\


ture cn••ugh tn ~o ~~~acty and I'·" .~:·atlrm~ .\·.·.-~rrl 1,,., .. ,;.;.,,,, even. har.der and in the long l (Copyright 1959 b~· Phillips-\'an Bur~·n, In!'.. sonw 1~-:.-r•a:·-olrb an• matt·;·:• .'<·rn~ anclthri·r·s n:~t'''''2 ,,,,.,.,.

By BILL WESTCOTT run 1t Will surely pay off. AI· ar.d Bernard Geis Associalt'S, Joint \ t'nlun·s) 1 aplPnty. But if yot!'rt' under drpn•<•in~. W k 1 YOt.:TH P·\R \DE 11 £,)r 1960. 1 ways remember that anythilli! PART 111 i 18 thetr are morp reasons for 4. (;oin~ ,[('.\1],': !),,r,,,.P

e o~ 0 · · • that 11 worth while has to be • G ,~-· Sh ld 1 St rt~' :not ~oing steady than EJ\·is yoc:·n· read~· i;; uniJu::t:o< .. \1·~1 Onct a" tin wt are !ll~asf'd to JlTt'sC'nt to ,-ou another· k d h d f d th' "fhe Datmg .amc-.vnen • 011 a · 1 k 1 · 1· \I · ... · . · wor e ar or an any mg f d b 1 h ll th f can ~ w e a 11p at. tc:l'" P. . t··r "' n:-:n-a; m

f'diti(ln (lf " . .t,DVICE TO TEE\'.\GERS" by Abigail Van, that is worked hard for is Datin!( days are un . ays, nt w len s 011 c " 1111 Relax, J'm not going to t·umr< ''h~l'k-tc-•·::eo~. an 1J ''" Bun·n. We do ll(lp!' ymt :tre enjo~·ing this series and that worthwhile. Let UJ alway• re- begin'~ Answer:. When your? good ::nd reach·. . preach. F'rinstanee. the rea- a]] kn~;,•: \\:H.'rc In;;: l'an lC'ad. \'{"\1 ":11 c1, 11 timlt' f111lowinc; up the rcmainin)( nine editions. member the slogan "Education :Vlay be you re 16 but shU ha,·en t de1 rlopPtl an~· n·.tl • sons are: Into tmuhle! · \\I'll gan:z. 1 gnt'ss h~· now you haVE• finally dug your is Everybody's Business." interest in a hoy-girl relationship. ~erhaps you fp('l, thoup;h, I 1. .Goin~ >t;art1• ~cans , ex- Y01irc onlv hu:~~n. "' rl··n·• w,n· out from l)f'ru•ath all thr snow and drifts and wr Here's another reminder to; that vou should date brtause ynurc rxpPcted ln. , cdlutdmg e\rr1~one It om )Ou1r impo<e supl·.-'1 "'n~n h'm:•t;!l·

, II'·. I· . • · . · · · · 1 1 a e.s t•xc·rp your one-Jnl · ion> 011 you,-,r!f. i'"~·p ,.,,.31' h·•pe that tl~ ch.ws eau>rd by thr rrcent J 1uard 1.1sn t you readers, tf you have any- Don t . . . , . . vmc'll know it'. only. \\'ould you bu~· the first· of thr :<tr~n~· 1..-rh until :c·JU·rr illlt<1<'J yom ~tudirs or sdwol work. . thing which you would like \'{hen Ready-For-Datmg-Da~ aJnvrs, · 1 pair of ,hoc' you tried on'' 1 reari_,. to 'tart ti11nJ.:ing of prr-

1..\"T l.f.G da,-~ are swift!~- flymg by and· included in our column, drop Your parents will have to i kind of person you'd most, 12. Let'shtfare it,

1 sompu~r

1 m~nC'n ;ht!:.dlh)ll'.'llt'. .

1 Ju~: 1 rtmindrr to all )"fill '"~~Y ~oon tht warm wpather it in an envelope and addrPs~ make the ultimate deri~ion. In , like to he with. • e sr mcg rome a ong w o , . n 1 Pn. ,. msr-->o:·11 .

1:udt~!.• So~>n now ,-ou w111 h(' ,,ill b~ her!' and you know what it. Ynulh Parade, Care of Bill most r.ue~ thi! will be based,- . · --- ·· f The male Y.P.L'. memhPl'S tier goals and J:!l:crnour of the Ot \"0<1!' "l~q lr~" as far a~ th<•t mran! ... Yt'~. Summer Wc>lcott, THE DAILY NEWS. on whether you have ~hown I wesley De eals battled to a 4·4 draw hut th(• rnrountPr whilr the hoys pro-1Ch,;nl ,~ ~011~rrned. y,.,, the and hdore Summer vacations See you in Chur~h tomorrow. ! th~ b~ginnings of ~motional 'l'.'r>IP)' females proviclPcl the dncrrl the rnrr£y.

I maturit)', 1 G St 9 4 . necessary scoring p:u;eh to pi~·" Thrrr 11rn• no penal tiP' ·-------- - - . -- ------------- You'rl' the dealer. And i eor~e • • l up the vktory. handed nut rturin~ the rontr<t

YWCA Co EDS when you've dealt your~elf a I u 1 that was a little rou;!h in spol>. • • handful of good eonduct at 1 --

1 Four pla)·ers sharNI the scor- hut quitenerl down toward the home. you'll have ttealt your- i Weslev l'nited Churrh lt5f'd ing for, the mal~ mrmbers . of end .

Local Club Notes self a go-ahead on dating from :tile weaker sex tn drop GeorJ(e \lie. \~e:iey I.:mon. Jumor Both goalies mat!P ~oo1l sarP< your parents. : SlrPel voung peoples union D-4, Thistle .. Ketlh Bur_t. Aruce Hunt over the route with Crosley ~ow quit griping and deal! , in a mixed hockey game at the , and ETJC Evely d:~ the honors: Guzzwell in the nPts for Wesley

How Should 1 Ask For • i Prince of Wales Arena Wednes· i while BanJo. \\ m;or. Geoff coming up with hig stops. Date?' ! d ni ht Peters, Ray P1ckett and )lurray

Put this check·llst by your I ay t! · I Chapman, scored for George Next week the samr two phone, fellows: The combined male and ·Street Church. l~ams will clash in a game set

1. Don't mumble or your I female members of the Wesley, The girls provided the prPt- for 11.00 p.m. date rating will tumble! Girls I Y.P.U. shared the scoring in the 1 -· -- -------- ------

like to date manly men. not victory as they outhustled and y T I p awkward, stumbling, bumbling . ?Utfought George .stree~ hockey- our ops n ops schoolboys. 1sts for the thrilhng Win.

. Identify yourself immedi-

Next y.,•e::K: ~;it .~:.n i T.~t

~:•ii1 ;~_: . ., ~·'" .1:1 t~ic. Fjrst ·;~.l'·· .:-::·';:·ld 1 t::1:.:hk nn a ~~::t:d n:!!··-· -:tf)H· ~:w;;;n. I :-;. '';1i-: n nrr·t

ICnnd.·c;'<'rl fr""' tl'e h~,t­~t':iJn2 tJ(Jt,> ··ut!a1· Tr.rn­.\:!Cl .. p~:~-,:~··il'ci C!f S:! 9;j by EC"n.<t:d (;l-~"' \--~ ·.;~<titf' .... ll·!=· t:·:n~,:~--d h.\ T!li!f1 . .;.:\hrror .-.:~·t•·

(ii~·~itr. ).(,..= .. \ngr:~l~SJ. \l)((;_\11.

Congratulations l.'l•llgratulation< to the .:.irll

~x-p11p1l ba>l;ctball tram. the (;rddS ITOI!I ~)l'_:"\, iro Will!lltlg the l'hampwn.-hip and to the ~lill'·l'urli, girls or, a bard lou~hl riclol')·. a ,prcial eon ':ratulation to .liiliiP l'il;,c;ll:. captain of the ~lac-Curtis tram who worked 1·rry hard fur thf ,iln•rware and 11as the most 1 aluable pla)·rr for the ~ea.'IJll

Youth At The Stadium

.Ju~t a few of I he many YOCTHS spied at the Prince o! Wales Arena enjoying their rz: '~ular ice skating session were .Judy Snelgrov~. Jerry ~IacFar

T.1t ('osmopl)litan Club ol the shortaf(e or b?ys. It appears the [the Firesi.de, att~nd a lecture YW\A ht:d us re-gular we.•~1r i>oys are havmg thelT eyes op· at Memoml Untveruty. The mrrc:n;t on Wt>rlr.n,day ).!:Jrch ened by a ~oung miss by the lecture on "The Aesurrection" 9:h ThP table-tennis tourna· name of Blanche Gray. Quite I was «lven by Mr. R. I. McAllis· mr~:• ar~ ~etting: umlenay, an adorahle, lively bundle of Iter who also jo}ned us at the ".:h 64 partiripanu in tht' ~- feminine t<ilarm, eh, boy~? And Fireside later. The program !':ir.,-;~n ~rn;;le!. ProrPs~.,-~ e:,rd ju~t who was that tall handso:ne consisted of three fllms, one on pr:1rs ha1·e hrrn held on sev· s;>ccies monopolizing Betty the Crucifixion, one on mar· :ec:ar~ on "The Rrsurrection'' Piercey during the dance? Did riage, and a abort comedy. .,. :1n han• rerentl)· br.·n wel- you say R.C.:M.P.? Watch it, "Variety ia the spice of life!" ~~mrn to this club are. Clifl Betty! They always get their Thanks again to the dish-wash r.-~~· .ud. :'lit'l'ille Warr2n and WO:MAN. It's plain to see why squad. Apparently it waa not G~o--ia B!acl:mDrP. Plans are he- 1 Guy Thistle and Cal Snow at- 10 much of a burden witil Ron i~.: :nadt ror a talrnt show an:!' tend sD regularly; they want to and Baxter, eh? An invitation s·· ;·•~al of tht member~ ~~e en· : make sure no one else sit• too Is extended to any youns peo­:b''""ic ~bout the vr.r.tur~. I ciO!e to Judy and Una. Special Pie who wi!h to attend these

ately! "Guess Who?" games Lorraine Burt, Secretary of 1

are for kids. the Wesley Union must nave ' (1) THE:\IE FR0\1 A Sli~I.\IER lane. Jerr)· t Boomer> Whelan PLACE Percv Faith and Hi~ Orc-hestra Sandra Green, Don (Speed~

I thanks go to Bob Spencer for Firesides on Sunday evenings n.~ !'lturday Co-ed Club, a 1plendid job in the canteen at 8.111 p.m. at the "Y" club­

srol>orrrl a rlanre on frl'l~;;, and to Norman Bull and Harold room• on Harvey Road. "Jr<dh liOrth._,_ with the Comd·: Stroud for a good eleanup job. Many of the de~~ianers show 1:1a1~ '" <urstra m. atten • . big, sparklln11 pins on the lapela a::r~ Th~ only complatn!, and I Interest 111 and attendance at or necklines of sprinll suits that from the boys, was the i the Sunday Fireside at the "Y" Some are in reellatic •hapea' Jh,>rtage of girb. The !Uris were I is increasing. Last Sunday saw such as flowen or 1unburstl: dtli~ht~d however. to be in de· 11 record of eighty persons. others are abstract pieces of col: nand as usually there- are a : Several of tilese had, prior to 1 ored stones or rhlnestonea.

'. ---··------·





IN THE DAILY NEWS WANT ADSI Almost every home has something of value that

may bt a "don't want" to you, and a "want very much" for someone else I Maybe Junior's outgrown his bike, mom wo1.1ld like a newer washer, Pop's got his eye on some new hobby! Idle but useful items are lucky combinations for quick cash. But to sell 'em, you gotto tell about 'eml Do It with a low-cost, few· pennies-a-clay Classified Ad In this paper.



DAILY NEWS DIAL 2177, 2178, 2179

3. Be specific! When a girl been taken extra notes on the Is asked out, she likes to know George Street goalie, as she where she's going. found his weak spots and blink-

4. Smile when you dial! ed the light three times to pace

(2} TEEN ANGEL · Mark Drnnin!(. Lester, George ( Blo~di~ 1 Earle (3)_ WILD 0!\E B bb . R .d II Judy Fern. Bern Btllard. .loan

0 ~ 1 e , Bradbury. Judv :1-latthew,. Bar Try not to sound as though the win. (4) IIAT\DY \lAY,: Jimmy Jones. bara Roberts, Dian Cave. Wall1

(5) HE'LL HAVE TO GO Jim Ree,·es ·<Rocket) Youcten. Jack IBi~ you were being put through the Oriental water torture when asking for your date or It will make her nervous too! Put a smile In your voice.

11. Mind your manners, This Is always a good Idea, but tl· pecially when asking for a date.

8. Give advance notice! If you're planning to take In a movie or take the turtle for a quick walk around the block together, 1hort notice is okay. But more P.!aborate or eom· plicated dates demand that I

1 the girl be given time for · preparations. c

If your telephone tactics r

were good and the anAwer 1t11J , is "no", call !!Omeone else. I There are plenty of other :

· tomatoes on the vlne: 1 : 'How Do I Refuae 1 Dat.

Without Hurtln1 His P'1elln1•'P'

, Having to refuse a date h ~weet misery. Enjoy your

'woe! 1 But while you're enjoying It,

1 make 1ure you're not perman·

I ently dilcouraglng someone you'd really llkt to date­some other time. So:

I Refuse with reluctance! 1

Like, "Chesley, I'd love to go out with you Tuesday, but

I I'm afraid I'm busy that nliht. I Wish you had called earlier."

And amite when you uy that, 1bter!

This way you're riving a lift to the IUY on the line. Rather than making him won-

. der whether he should start I I chewing chlorophyll gum: 1 you've encouraged him to call 1 back. And he will! Wanna bet? : Ana if you just don't care

I o date a fellow. give him a 1 gentle excuse. After you've




turned him down three or four times, he'll catch on and give up. He'a aalvaged his pride I

I and you're 1t11I a good kid,

I. No go answer the phone!

'How De I Land That First i Date?'

It's unfortunate that the law forbids a gal the use of giant nets to snare her first date. Seems as though things

; would be ao much earler. ' · Actually the situation isn't I

that difficult. Probably you've overlookM ~orne tender traps. ! Wily don't you. . . . :

Stag!' a pari\' ;t your own : home and invite your n~igh- : boun or classmates~ Then J

mix! Ask 1 teen·agett mal~ who I

I may 'be lurking In your fam­Ily tree to Invite you to one

· of his elaas dances, or to es-


, rnrt you to nnP t!f your ~r.honl . aff~irs?

. A~k your parPnts to work out something with lhe par· l!'nl.!! or thp boy next dnor. The idra i~ to get that date­plane off the frOUnd. And once 3'0U've been aeen out on

1 I' date, word retl around yia , the jungle drums that you're i eligible.

Other female scorers for We!- (6) RUNNING BEAR . Johnny Prestonr Boy) Drover. Berniece Hcffer ley were Sheila Drodge and (7) WHAT IN THE \\'ORLD'S , ton, Edna Lawrence, Bonu!f Nina Matthews, each netting a CO\IE OVER YOU lark Seott, Horwood. Lou <Romeo) )Iiller •Ingle tally. The five (oal• 1cor- (S) BEYOND THE SEA Hohhl· Darrin 1 Joan ~ester, Maxine Dawe ed by the ferocious females (g) WHEN OR WHERE D' d h · ll , Patsy Ptke, Barbara Hefferton m~de the big dlfference in the · IOn an t e Br ~onts Frank Janes. Phyllis Stanley, w1n, 11 they held the opposing I (10) WILD ONE · . . Bobby Ridell i Les Noseworthy and Babs You Iuslea off the seoresheet. (Supplied through the courtesy of \'OC:-1) t den.

i'l[!i<''···'mii R ~-·····,,,_. ~'·}·.,.,_ u~ k. :1 N.';.',:',···. :···.·.,·.·· ... , ... , ... k; :. !.DY;1 FOR J. ·· '· ·. · ·u ...•.• ,.... ~-.. . :'': o . · __ :; U : .·. :, ,_, .. , . t . 1 SPRING -·· ·:.. -··:·:-·.; -. ··:· ::;:~ t....J i...w-

Shaggy Knit Sweaters in Orion and Shetland Wool. Sizes S..M·L at

s8.9s & s9.9s

Men's Banlon Sweaters V-neck, shades of Powder Blue and Charcoal S·M·L.

Special s7.9s

Open A 'Premier'

Teenage Credit

Account 'Cause

You Get

Ladies' and Teen Sweaters in Bulkie~. "Shaggy" Orion, Banlon and Tycora.



"CONVENIENT • SHOPPING THRU TEENAGE l lll••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••l Meanwhile, roncPlllral~ on · developing yourself into the

• I

.. ~--· ... . ·- .. ::1 .... - ·. . .. .. ~ .. '-,"~ I


· ... .{


I - .. ·; '~'l

.. .·

.. · .. ,

... - . .-. i. •: .

: .... \ . - . •.

THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., SATURDAY, MAR-CH 19, 1960 -·-- ,._ 11

Semi- Finals: 124 Named For Senior CeeBees Grab Opener Stop Bell Island 6 -1

Mercantile Stars Travel

It's off to Claren\'ill~ for the ~!r.rcantile Hockey All-Stars ' ,-cta)'. The team will leave

All - Star Practice the City by the 1.30 train and: With their first action sched· From Feildians ddencemen will play_ against the. Claren-: uled for ~londay night, a prac- Bill ~!arlin and Nev Hender­I'Ille_ semor squad to-mgl1l, re- 1 tice for the team that will son will play with forwards Don turnm~ after the ga~e. . . , repr~sent St. John's in the Sen-· Yetum. Da1·e Batten and . It Will be the third exhihi· ior Provincial Hockey play- Ralph Rowsell. while defence·

BELL ISLAND-(Spcial)-With Alex Faulkner havin~ ·• a hand in five of their six goals and Bill Sulli,;an playinp; a standout game in the nets the Coneeption Bay Cee Bees dl'r eated Bell Island entry 6-1 in the first ~arne of the Pro,·indal Senior Hockev East Coast semi-finals at tht·

tlon game of the ~cason for the downs will be held to-night at men r.ordon Butler and ~fax ~{ercantile squad. They were 1 the Stadium. After many at· :Howell and forwards Bill Tay­defcated 12-4 by the l'eeBees, tempts to form a senior club 1 lor. Bob Badcork and Warren last Saturrlay. 24 players will workout tonight Englanrl will t~rn au• from the

at 6.30. Guards.

Bartlrlt ~lrmorial Mena "last nighL This Week-End's Hoop Schedule

1\l£ Cnnnors, manager of Of the 24 named trn are the St. Pal'~ team, relea,:ed regi,tered •·ith the Junior

While Alex was picking up two go11l~ and thr« assists. :Sn Pike was scoring thrl'e times for the CecBees. Rill "al'llonald ~ot the other Conception Bay marker with Rill Power gwing the Island team a first period edge on thtir lone tally.

uu;n SCliOOL

eight player~ to the Caps Capitak and may therefore last night. Jack Withers play Cor t11e Senior All· will not see action because Stars. The other 14 are o; a had back, while Dick registered will, the Senior Po"er and Mike Fitzpatrick team and while all 14 1\'ill are also not slated to per· like!}' be able to tra\'el Ill

Bill Power brokt' from his The rr~:ular ~chedult> of th~

Jwn zone earl~· in lhe first per- for the goal that had it finish :Ott to gi\·e Bell Island the lead. 6-1.

. r.irl's High S(·hool B~skctball Lca!!ue ends this afternoon when Bi~hops plays Curtis Aradem~·. The game doesn't mean any1hing to eith~r team Gamr time is 2.00. and will hr played at the llcmorial r.ym.

form. Bell Island and Hr. Grace Th!' [nsh players attcnrlir·g fDr semi-final play at least

1\'ith only Jim Kt>nnedy back , Refr~·ces John Do~·le and Ted 'or lht CeeBees Power faked .a I Withers handed out six minor ;hot thrPe times and tht>n hll penalties in the game with four • nh a 15 foot screened drive.

1 going to the CeeBees. The only

till' drill to-ni~ht are goalie Pat three of the St. Bon's pla.v• Barrington. tll'fenl'eman .lion ers are doubtful tra1·ellers ~lalonr and forwards .fnhn if the Capitals make tbe Perry. Derm Connon~·. l.lo)·d finals. Kelly. Charlie Walsh. Bart F'ard Bill G;liles is attending ~!em· anrl .lim Byrne. orial while Tom )lurphy may

St. Bon's will send goalie ha,·e rllflicnlty in obtaining Alt>x Faulknt>r grabbed the , mat·ker scored vthile a man was ALt:X f',\lii.K:"'l:ll

puck behmd the Island net~ I in thl' sinhin came with Atkins GR.:\'\I.)JAR SCHOOl. tnrl t'irrlrd the cagt' bl>fore cen-~· off. for Bell Island. i the most of lht' breaks tlll'y ~et ~~~m~ tht'. purk _to ~ct. the . Bill Sulli1•an fared 42 shots 1 up while holrlinr: Bt>ll, bland .. t>Bees eHn at 11. !'\e1 P1ke 111 the Ct•t>Bees rage and the to long shols. The lPeBres ·•·a, co.1mr..g, In on th~ goal a~d youn~ n~tminder turned in a 1 again h~ld thr rd~e in play in :.an; I'd Ai~x s pa>s hehu~d Jmt finrd rli~pla)' of ~oaltendiJ}~. thr final frame.

St. Bon's Will pia,· Holy Cru>s in a senior Grammar School hasl{elball fixture at the St. Pat's Gym this after­noun. The ('rusadcrs wallopcd the Bluegolds 73-14 in thrir first mrrting .

llerv (~reen; d•fenct'ml'll lJmP off from work and Bob Tom )JuqJhy and .lor )!al'h.~lllJe may be unable to Slane\ with forward~ Bill ~et off from hi> traching du· c;iJJir~. Bnb ~lacKent.ie and lw<. Se\·eral olhers may also

B)mr for a 1·1 first pmorl. 1 Sulliran was at his best in the Th!' two lt•ams cla;ll a~ain B~>ll !~land had Sam -~tkins . srcond prriod and despite the at tht' B:trtlt'1t l!Pmorial Amw

'ff for hooking when <.eor~e fact thM m;tny of the Island toni.2ht with Rell lslanrl H·anl· Faulknl'r rlro,·e a ion~ ~hot :1t rlril'!' ramr fmm far out. he ling to St. John's nrxt )fon•la~· ·h,• Island net> and Alex Faulk· made extra good stops in each and Tursda)' to rnntinue thr nr: was standtng free to Hp In f>rriod. >emi-finals a~ the\' merl thr

Erie St. (;eorge. :lfae- hP doubtful if the Capitals go Kr11zip had lleen out for thr Wrsl. hnl with only two gamea Ia'\ fh·e gamrs hi~ !Pam ,!atrd lor thr home ire nf the pla)rd with a bad shouldrr 1\'estNn finall>t the otht'r five lm1 will be bat·k for th~ would hP pla)·ed at the Start'~m rapitals. 1f the Capitals mak! the !wala.

thl' >hot atter only 20 seconds .Jim Bynw playrrl w!'ll for l'ity Caps. · of the nndclle frame. Alf His· R~ll l>land despite the six 1.1:\'EllPS

Yl·:ll:\ l<.l>BIH:\S ~d~ l'l':J!h 1-ith hlT ~l'\ slmt l'nr \lcm­orial iu Girl\ Baskcthall action l't'.~lt'rd;~y aftemoon. She ~l·Url·d 2() point~ in a 50-27 ''in h~· \lcmnrial.

Patricians' Bowling teague Pressure Is Off Callison ~N'k ;tart~rt thr pia~·. · ~oal.< aQainst him. His top pt•r·

Alrx F aulknrr dropp!'ri the : iod was the lirst hut he also fH:HI•:F.S: <onal. Rtll !':illi·

(\lax \lcrccr Photo)

pu:k hark to Jim 1\rnn.-dy on inokrd ~oorl in tht> final IJ'ame. l'an: Drfenre. c:,•nr~t' Fauliul!'r. Gl"rls•. tl:!' bl~nd hluelme to start _thr: B~Tilf' was rleanly braiPn on .lim Kemwd~·. ,lim Chllt't·~·. (Sertir>n A) th1rd l c~B~r~ mark~r. Kt>n- • nil thr nt:n·Ja.rs against him. Frank Flrmmin-.~: '· Fmwa11·r_b. -~.OO- S<l\ .. \lth t~h l

11 h pr•s


I With Last Place Phillies ~''·l·v hi·•srd a low dnl'f' that , , Nt'V Pike. Alrx ~·atll,;nrr. A 111' B" 11 \RHY (;flAY. _. 01 ~ oo m t • •

· ~ ( I ( lh t rl s ·A· d 1-2-Hunson vs G1rl~mohile · ld drf!P<·trrl o![ !"e\' Pike !or a •t•rnrr .onJun·, was t'S a~t · Hi~t·ol'k. Bill ~lrDnnalri . .-\Ibn B" 1 cu:AR\1':\TEH. Fla. t\L\1 'tlrr was put on a 20-year-o 3·1 ~ame. out pia~·elr[for.llrll lsl:nrl wtlh Dawr. c~· Gari:HHI. .lim ('oad)' Is~~ops rots n ~-4-Buick \',~ l'he\'. .John Qtlinn talk• about hoy," rer·alled Quinn. "First

Ait'X Fanlknrr ~a\'e the l'rr· i a top '. r CJI~J\'e prr nrmanre .fim Penny. Carl Penn)·. Fred 11 ' ..., "' j.fi-"eteor \'S Dori~t' .Jnhnnv ('aiil'<•n likl' a hnrsr aimnt half a mo\'le made about Brrs a 4-1 srron~ perin~ ad-' pins a fJn~ display of oflt•,nsll·t' Rossiter. 7-B-Chrysl•r "' Ford trarler. who has just <·laimrd till' 1\'hite Sox was de1·olPd

I th~ fi.JI•I m1'n•tt of I hol'l{(•l". t:p front BJII 1 ower II''! 1 lSI "'ll "' 1 !J.tll w -4·00- a , ... 0 .,_·rar-old h" b!'lit•,·es will to Callison. Lopez told every· \'.!!~ "~'' 111 ~ ~ ' r d. f t1 I I rt ,., '· • "''·' ' "''a · ' MUN R • 0 I 2 • t' f'l th ~ ' h I 'If' .,. ' 1 'was anoerotl< or Jp san D ' I (' t . --."<11' m \'S ~·mou "'l'n the '!'J'IJ>l~ (']'0\\'n. btld"' l'allJ'<.on u·a.• the one to t r ramr ... , 1e r 1srnc: <e 1 • ; • B)Tne: efem·r. (,rrnrr on- ~ • " ·' hlm up !akin~ a shot heforc Plltr)' With Gerry Taylur also nnrs. Bill i'/orcoll, l.('o llJu·kr. egis er IllS :l-4-Van,!(nard \'S Pontiae (~tlinn. thl' soft spukrn lri<h- Walch."

k h k A. , pla\'Jn" \n•l! . . I k 'Jl . 5-6-~lorris v5 Hillman nt,"n w·ho run•. tlle Phl.IIJ.o<.. 'J'h~ \\.hite Sox ~arri··d Cal· 4&roppmg tht' puc ac · to •t'X. , · ~ · . Bern Fltzpatrlr 1. Fran 0 nen: " ' • " - ' <

In the third period (;por·~e 1 Grorg~ Faulkner once a~am Forwards. Rill Power. Grt>l'~r I !Section BJ front offir·r wa< so eagPr to lison for a spell, and then they 1aulkner ~Pill !'\~\'Pike orr with' controllerl lhr play for thr Cee- Connnrs. Sam Atkins. ~!art in And Memorl'al Make fl'nals 7-8-Senators \'S Cuhs obtain Caliison he rrealls shipped him back to Indiana-~ Inn~ pass and Pike raced tht; BcPs hut Jim Kenn~dy also ('rai~. Gordon Sl;anr.<. r.rrry BiShOpS tSrc·ion Bl , e\·crl' rlrtail of the nrgotia-; poli<. In 7g )!ames he had 10 lrm:lh of the icr to ~o around' shone on drfrnre. Alrx raulk- Ta1·lor, ~like Krlh·. Pat o·nden. Till"<''' ""nw' in the <:iris '"'"~'"at 12.t 2. 1 -·ROO-- \ion; "·llirl1 led to hi< aequi-! home runs and batted in 4-8

' th t f I hill . ' t 2---Mhl!'lit-s ,., !ndi~l" · tl \\'h't S x !n1· 'l"tlll< bat1ing 29!! Lro Bnrkr and bra1 Jim B~·rnc 1 llt'r \I'll< " np orwan . John Ka,·anagh. H:~IJ Srh'>ol fl.lskrth;dl Ll'a;.:nc Th!' Hc~ionill ~a is Ill"' rrl n•JI


, <it1nn fr"m Jr 1 e • 0 · · · ' · • ·

for " :1-1 rnrountN. Al£ie Hiscol'k and P.ill ~lc- 11

, .... :rnla\· altt•rno••n ,aw Jli,hop' fronl r:•rl~· in lhc .<Peonrl half ~-4---\\'hite s.,x ,., Braws l~en!' Frrr<r. r-:,·eryhndy who ':ow t"ompetrnt judfe~ ~ay Alrx Faulkner picked up a' Donald al~o player! wrll. Rrferrrs: .John Duylr anrl (:,.Jic~r ·and ~lcmnri:•l ~ain hut with (;ail c;rnnt hiltin~ for ~-6--f'<>rdinal< 1.< 1;ia11!~ ha, ,rrn Callison. a left-hand' that .tohnn.v Ca.llison will play

JoMr pnrk from a ~rrmnbiP in! Thr first prriod wa> ~ hard. Ted Withers. pher> in lhr finab [or thr· I.Pa- four [iPirl ~oals and Bab' You-! i-8-Unolrs ,.~ llodr:rr' pnwrr-hiltrr iu•l turnin~ . 21. r~nter flrld thl~ ~eas~n .. ront o h•!' s anu nr' ant c· rr In,., n r S1'Cli'S . ~ta•., ('J'tl\\'ll. tl<'n ;rorin~ "·hrn thr points -----·-· "·

11 f [ .. 1 1 ~ 1 1 h k' " 11 ll'itlt thc two·


<. ,"'''· t1r 1•11 tJirl be anothrr ~ll('k· .\nrl .John Qmnn i5 mchntrl "'II 'I r 11 Th 1 b ttl' on e\·rn trrn1s .. r 1 \.1antk. to hrlicn• the m~ny ""ho te 1'"1~ro! to ... 1 .• c lona r. " rams a Ill!: . .. · · B1,h0p, ~~~·:~mprd tht• l'ol wt·n• nrrded thr most. 1hr lirlr · · lh

I D II l lh I t. ta l e~Bre~ Snllil·tn 17 !7 12- 4t ·"Hill \'rrl'k wa• lunkinc for 111m thr Phllllr~ l(ot all t! ~1xth L1ll~· ramr as ~ c nna' 11 P ~ecom s •111 ' · · ' lrc:i:IIJS ,:als 111 the <>flrnwon ~11011 dl:IIIJ:NI in fit''OI' of thr {' ·1· N .. ·•nt aro!Jntl thr t~·Jld rJnf•t1rr, took tit• •d\'anta~l' and Ola<lr Il)·rnr l'i 5 1~- .:l:l 1 1 (Jf )flO' C\\''-' • <ra<onr<l hanrl who t·nultl lw't of A dral that may br.

r " •• - ' ~ c• ~il:M at lh!' IIIli)' JII';H·t of ~;I)')' winr an•l gi'P\' 1ram. I ) . ""' " n • I d' rl f ... ----c--. c. [;, m ~7-11 tn J'!'lll,lin tmddr:.t- ~laepiwr<nn wrt·r nahhrrl . 1.. pi:t~· third ha'r anti hl1 .1 Jr I J>cu<<r rr yrar•.

Buchans Gander

G.\SDER-<Staffl - In the lint of a two-game series at the Gander G1r· dens last night, the ,·i~iting Buthans Miners defeated the Gander All-Stars by a lo115ided 1rore of 11-2.

The Miners to~k 111 early lead when they held the I

·' Gander All·Stan by 3-1 at the end of the first period. In the aecond period they racked up four more goals 'll'hile holding the home team scoreles•.

In the third period, tbe Buehlns boys added four more while Gander had to be content 11•ith a single i tally. Top scorer for the · Burhans :Winer~ was Finlay. ~on •·ho put rive behind Gandtr's «oalkeeper, Bob !\larks. Walker netted four



I · hall nut nf thr park 1'1~111 --------------0 f I"}} r}, } 1 r·rl tn [J\'C )lamr;. )lrmurial f11r ei~htrf'n nf t llr gamr·~ : t ', ' e,., •. 1 ~IJXUl R():'\~1'11-:t now .. <air! QUill II. In in:: to I e ea "- [ ~r.thhr•l Sl'l<Jnd placr in thr thirty-tlln•r fouls r;Ji!rrl h.'',, Til-l).\\' · · · s B A A H k I I' d wa!t•h no [r\l'!'r lhon 22 rr· 0'' ev :<tamlln-r:;s by tuming imck rp- rdr·• rr.< .loan r:tr.<om ~~~ k , "-B d R ' r ('I'Uit' a1 ('lrarwatrr's .)~r . • • • • Ur ettc etlcr PriT<"ll 5tJ-Zi in thc ~··rnnd 1 l'at<y Enrlc><. tlnly llrart o J

) 2--4 nu--rll Stadium. "1\'e ~.I'<' ' •ramr of a douhle-header at tht• )fan· outs,·orrd ~la,•phrrson 1 ... ''. -111 ". T •" · ,·1 · · 1. 4 , ' '· llnnnr looking tn the future_. 'on 1 Thr Shamrocks and Campus 11 2 S • , )lemol'i~l r.ym last m>:ht. ac- from the ehant~· lnl' -~. b

~ pilfer I pherson Academy tunwd on tht' Edwina Walsh of tile Rrg- )lr>. L. ll. Ayrr ha,·e I!) when you ha\ e ccn will cnmplctc the re~ular schc·

• ',team in the final frw minutes ional.< wa5 the top seoring ,1

. \' R .~dlrs. R )1. ~·rem·h rirad the last two years 111 a 1 dule of the St. Bon's A.A. Hoc-ILast of three artielrsl . h · 1 f th t t th ·' Js. . e1 D. E. Hooper row. hcatrn b~· 23 games. 'ke1· Series at the Forum tn· of pia)' 1n t e opcnmg ~arne , s ar o c cones w1 a , ,. 'l' b' K. l · Ry HARRY GRA\'SII~ of the twin hill to stop Holy do7en points whilr Gail Grant '-· 0 111 ~Irs. FQrtncy • • • . morrow at 11 a.m. They'll

for the Miners and got eredit lor two assists. Hugh Wadtlen and Hornell were the other goalgetters for

. l\liners. Bill Ireland srored Gan·

den's first goal on an assist from Reg Heenan at 4.26 in the first period. Mcintyre on an afsist from Lester Kelly got Gander'~ setond goal at 19.07 in the dyinl( minutes of the third per· lod. Four penalties were hand·

ed out by Grand Falls referees Leo aose and Geo. Butt, all of them going to the visitor.;. Shots on goal by Burhans was 4J and by Gander 25. The recond game will be

plared at the Garden.~ tO< night.


BRADENTON, Fla.- 'l\:EA , Heart or ~lary 26_22. 1 and Bahs Youdrn of :\lacphrr· .. . _ · "VEECK OPENED by olfcr- :clash m a game t11at will send -When Ch~rley Dre;se•t. ~,,,,~ Diana Bennett continued to : , 011 !~art elcren and eight re· S1r L. (. Ottlcrbnrlgr

11 in~ three player:< in whom we · th~ wmner into the finals

. off f~om his home tn >llank pace the Bi,lwps gals to \'Jrtory speclli'Ciy. I R ... French weren't interr~trd. We harl aoainst the Forum squad. I Bei-Atr_ last Octob~r on a mys-, with 21 points. The liard \rork- ' W. N. Horner

1__ enoug:h of that ktnrl aJread)·. o Gerry ~!urphy and Dave :liar·

tcry t~1p to the mulwe>t, Buzzr: inn forward swished 13 points 'l'hr thirrt ~am<' or the ria)· . ~lr<. .\nrlr1·son :,;;o wh1le 11·e ''ere takmg Ill Donald w111 referee the contest I Bavasi, the general m,lll·t~l'r of ino the first half and fini>hed saw ~!rmorial rome up with a .\_lrs. l A. Pipp)· <:. W~ll' t11r ~·ontahwhleau Hotel show while Ed );oonan will be thr the Los Angel~s Dodgers. had a. up with t'ight. Brenda ~lar,hall, hig S!'rond hal£ scoring erl;;:e 1\. L. Fortney ~!iss 0 'llllrr r!unn~ the lll~.i 01' lca~uc, nwrt· hmekreper with .John Hi;:gms hunch somethmg was ~I fl. , ·. tipprrl in rlcwn points as the · in dropping Pcpperrell 50-27. · 111 ~' 111 'ltamJ Brach 1 ~: t. De- and Bren Fahey actmg as the

He telephoned (.h;,rley', fast breaking trio milled around ' Th win for the )Jemorlal '!· (;, Brarns l!rs. ,J. K. Pratt t•rmhcr \'('rck saJd.. ) 000 ~~ noal-iudgcs and Gerry :llarch ~house to ft_nd_out where he w~s.l the basket. gals ga\·e them second plac~ K. A. Clarh \'. Reid likr Calll'on. woulrln t )OU. '~cor~r All entrance fees must

"Gone flshm,..o," Wf1S the aJ~S· B' h bui'lt up a bJ'• "22 I'n the l"a"ue stand-Ings and a ~Irs. \!. Ward ~Irs C' Whelan "I rcpllrd that 1 would. 1 t1e p·· 1d beforE' the start of the 1 IS ops " ~ · ' c ~ •. • "\'et>ek tl'lephoned early t 1e "

I w~~-' . . ··• .· i half time edge which was spark- : plat·e in the tmals fo~ the :l!rs. Cannon B. Coughlan nr~t morning and <aid he ~amr. , Its the hrst lime. \1 J<r· ed hv some fine defensive work • crown. For Pepperrcl] 11 was woulrl contact M Lopez. \l'e cracked Ba~a5i,. "1. e:•rr ll~anl; by the Bishops guards. The l'ol-1 thr!r sixth 5l~·aight lo>S. . 4-6 mrt in Bill's room and when of_a man gomg fishm 0 Ill a Sl50: legiansfailed to score in the: ''erna Robbms. the leagues \\'. \\'at,on R. B. )lo)'sr Lopez eamc in. \'reck ~aid. su1t .~f clothes with a rew t•;p-: first eight minutes of pia)', miss- top s&orcr. ~vas the sronng ace ~Irs . .\ .• J. Dunne '1\'ould ~·ou he willing to trad!' coat. . . , ing with close in shots that 1 for ;\lr.m~nal. The [!ashy for- ~!rs. G. Hnrwood Callison for Frees!'?·

By swiichmg from F r~d, were ·hurried because of the: ward t1mshrd the encounter R. F. Horwood ·'if it's all ri~ht with )'OU.

Ha~ey to Charley Dres.-cn as! close guarding of the Bishops i with 26 points, sixteen in thr llrs. W. II'. \lal'donalt! it's all ri:!ilt with mr." Lopez their field mannger, ~h~ ~Iii-: defrnsive unit. i initial half. Anolhrr \\' \\'. I~lliotl rrplird. The dral "'"' closed waukee Bra1·cs I for the .• • wt•r,~: Sanrh· Cole and G:til Godden, 'rhr twenty-six puints >cored

0,.rr a eouple of ::,allon~ nt

the object of his lll)'>t•:n· t•ipi 1 Wt:re lhc top gumts Cor the: ~'Y Rohhins rrasrrt _the pl'C\'· . "'''· R B. 'lo•·se S. ll Stal'k t•offer.'' pulled out all the stop•. \•·inn in" tram while Ada Winsor 1 Jous hdt set h)' I)Jann Ren- ""· \l'at.•on :'llr.< r:. SpaJ·kc~ .'\ftrr bPing in and out oi

Haney was ultra consei'I"ati\'C· i a'nd P;tsy Boone pla~·cd well' nett of Bishops. who swi~hrrl R Rockwell .J .• \. ~k~han thr ma jnr< for four eampai~n'. Dress~n. the hunch. playc"". h for the Prince o( Wales team. 1 24 aaainst PeppcrreH elrl'cn G. ll. Thnmpsnn Frcc,r: 2fi. sudnrnly caught the Wildest gambler tn bn>eball,, Sixteen M the game thirty- i dfl)'S a~o. . )Irs. C. .!. lloylr fire last season. t;ene swatted

1 Linrups I ~bamrocks-C. Power. Bob

Dunne. Da\·e ~!urphy. Dee )1urphy. D. Chaytor. J Palfrey. G. ~fcDonald. \\'. Lawlor. R. ~!caney. B. Whittle. K. Grant, R. Kelly. •

campus -- ::\. \'JnicombP.. J. FiiZ~Jbholl. F. Oakl~y. G. LaW· lor. .I (J';\'ei II. D. \lcCartJ;Jy, D. '\P\tllr. D. \!caney, J. ~fcGetll· ~an. n. Hanf)',. E. Quigley. .l. \\'al;h.

another Leo Durot•hf'r. , nne fouls called hi' referees 1 J·:ilcen Yt•rn rontnhulcrl lrn , stH·ecssh·c ]lineh home runs The .Braves who play?!l thei.r I Angela :IIIIIs and C~rolyn Pike point.s _to thr _win while Sandy I H. P. CartPr G. R. HoJ'\\'fJOd with the ha~C'> run. was imtall- TRADES TRAINING

game Instead of Haney~ wont, wrnt to Bishops. Princr of 1 Hrnrll'lrko w_1th 16 and Pal n. Bar1rum \\'. 1\'. ~laetlonalrl ed 35 the lhirn ~a<cman and OPPORTUMITIES fOR know whelher to hit Dressen or· Wales outscon•d the Bishops Brennan ha\'Jilg 10 too_k rare . ~lr,. B. Strong ~tiss \!. 1:arland wound up with 23 home run~ •• the ball. Dressen knows baschalll sextet seven to five. of the ~epperreli scormg. 1 !1-lrs. Wilansky Another and 70 runs-hatted-in in 132 YOUNG MEN 16 YEARS and w_hat the Braves ean do. He Gail Grant paced the Mac- Memor~al outscort>d Pepper-~ game~. Eddie Sawyer planned ~ has h1s own l_deas and has ~uc- phrrson team to victory in the : rt>ll 28-7 m the lasl _half. of the 7-9 to employ him in the out~ield Of AGE cess~ully ;camed them ?Ut No fir.<t game of the double-header! game to take _the h1~ wm that w. \\'insnr T. Williams this spring had he remamed one IS gomg to change htm. The at )lcmorial last night with 11 : mlli'Pd lht>m mto the finals. F. snow .I. D Anderson with lh!' Phi is. Ld the Canadian Army teach

Four men'1 teams from the· in both 1!152 and 1953. Last Braves, who . were to~ set. in points. I Eilel'n Yam and Pen_ny ~Irs. D. Wills "rs. G. Tessier Calli,on'< storv is mort' rx- , ,-o11 a trade and ~tart you on loeal Canadian National Tele-l year the St. John's squads their ways, .will play h1s dar.ng Grant hit for eight points in 1 Clouston he~p~d Verna Rohh1~s .)Irs. ~I. Whelan ~!iss 1. sutton l'iting but briefer. ihP wav to a fine future throullh craphs will take part in the I took both first and second way or he II get players who the last half to enable ~lacpher· 'in the scoring department tn ''Callison jumped leagur :the S~lrlier Apprcnl!ee · Plan. ~inth Annual Trans-Canada. place. will. son to come from behind. the second half. Yarn scored ~Irs. r.. O'Leary n. L~vilz rlas,rs <m the wa)" up. whirh !>:ow you can. Telrtype Bowling Tournament! The scores from each frame "I'm NOT A CANDIDATE in 'l'he winnin~ point was toss·· eight points while Clouston had ~Irs. G. Hibbs ~Irs. Lu~h is the mark of the trulr great . • R \DE thiJ afternoon at St. Pat's will be transmiltt>d direct In a popularity contest." >aid in b,• Bahs Youden who con-: scvPn. 11. ~!. Whelan young pla.\·er.s.'' stre~sed u:AR:S A T · Bowlin& Alleys. This year noi the tournament headquarters !Dressen, checking in with the i nected for three field goals I .Tudy Fry continued to play .\fr~. A. Bartlett Quinn. ''lie hits the ball o1-rr • roSTINl'f. YOt:R !CAD-ladies' team will be entered, by teletype after the compiPt·l coaches _and batlerymen at ,late in the !(ame to pull thr well on the defPnse for ~I em- 1 )Irs. N. Anderson ~!iss .1. King all rences and can run and B11{' tmtTATIOS from St. John's. I ion of each hame and all' Braves Field on the Manatee :'riacpherson team well out front. I orial while Pat Applying was 'i throw."

The tournament . is ~pen to, scores wiH be in t~is afternoon River. "1 want the Brave.s to r,e·: Holy Heart of ~fary started the top dr!rnsive performer ~!rs. MacNamara A . .1. Lush Callison twi~ted a knee di,·· • PRt:P.'\Rt: FOR A '\IILITARY at\ employees, their W1Ves . or I and the wmners Will be known gard me as a man~ger who 1'·~11, the scoring anrl bmlt up a com- for Pepperrell. I :\Irs. Shaw A. G. f'ranr ing after a ball in Yenezuela f:\Rf.ER husbands of the Canad1an at once. The headquarters put. them on a Winner and 111 1 Cor.tahle first quarter lead but :G. Tessier l\frs. ll. Sheppard the past winter and stirred up • EARN AS YOU LEARN National Telegraphs. Teams I will be situated at Karry's position to make more mone:." il\lacpher.;on dt>fensive system Referees Angela ~lil!s ~n•l: :'.trs. R. Bennett mu1·e cx1·itcment than the from St. John's to Daw, on Alie~·s in Toronto. The Braves are tl1e one club ti·"htened after a bad start and Linda Winter nabbed both ~ln. L. Wilkins' Phils' office has known since Enrolments start ~lay 2 and con· Creek. B.C., are entered with I Besides the teams from St. in baseball who carry their own kc'pt Holy Heart from register- teams for twelve fouls with I . the Whiz Kids won the prn- tinue until quotas are filled, lJ7 aquad1 taking part. There I John's, there are three teams rooting section on the road, inn in the last few minutes of Pepperrell hitting for seven 9-11 , nant 10 vears ago: or to Sept. 9. Applirahons are will be six bowlers on each I entered from Gander. Nine starting wits the training sea- th~ first half while the Mac- single points while Memorial G. Giannou w. Weir Callison's home is in Bakers- . bcmg accepted now and will tram and they will roll threel1 centers have four teams enter- aon. Dressen, a chatty little gu)', phcrson forwards tied the tipped in four. l!rs. Stoneman F. J. Kiellev field, Calif.. so 1 had the Lo~ be processed in the order re· frames Only the top five ed. Gander also has an entry gabbed with a group of ~fiiWHU· • w. Pound ~Irs. Goldstei~ Angeles club's orthop~dist ; ceived. You must have ·.Grade --• will eount however. the ladies' division. kee .fans through the chicken ·fore him, out or the dugout. If kee wanted to keep thmgs 'I R T 1 1 treat the knee·· e,q>lamed '8 education or better be 16 ~u·~ • , _,. rs. . cmp e on · · , • ·

The tournamPnt will use tl!r. Game time to-day at the St. wire at Braves Field. you comr cha~ing out of tile quiet until he had talked to Mrs. F. J. Kielley Quinn. "The boy t.ook ex.e~- , not yet 17, on the da)' you re1ular five pin~ rule' wit3 Pat's Bowling Alleys is 2.30. "You smile too much to be a dugput. the people of the Dressen and then make some· l'ises to strengthen It and Jt s enrol. and meet Army test r~-•ash prizes brm• offered for manager," remarked Arthur 1

, Cheeselamls will go nut~. thing of a production out of his r · , 1 · uka'· now·· , •tuin•ments. • .. · ~ J's. ~1. ti1annou .• rrs. l' wJ\'ei'S . · the top three scores in indi1·i· · Benduhn, who tur~ed out to be\ The/11 sen•!, you ('heese ami si;.:ning in Suds1·illr. , \\'. D. Gunn W. L'. Sheei)', • • • d ... , liin•le and three franlt's Pee Wee Hockey a wate. r softener thstl'lb_ utor nn_d 1 sam·rhr_iltPn. '. 11 .•.. 1,,111 nd \ th . CALLISON MADE hi' tirsl l'll():"a: OR \'Jsrr l'OUR •• " The first wort! IJJ't%en had ·' , ' 110 ~' 1 · '1 ()('\I :\R"'" RL'('R''ITI~G and thf high team scores. The 1 • was mtroducf'd as SudsvJIIt• s. "I hke cheese and san••r- 1 B 11 H C·ll "h major 1!-;~gue apt>~araJa'e m , _. • • ·" • •·· .... • •

Trans-Canada TNph~· will go tn 'i Today's Games most ardent fan. . 'hratt•n," said Dr~ssen. came in a long t!istanr·e ll'ie· · · l' · ,a aM er · his. sel'ond St'ason of organiz- · ST.-\1'10:\' TOO.-\ Y OR 111.-\.11, 'he Wl-,.n1'n• mt.,, team -. 0-Repulse vs "urk "1 Simle only when I'm 1\'lll· • "Wh\' not use .lohnnv Logan phnne call to his Bel-Air home 1 I 1 . ed ball. Fresh out of Ea<t 'I'H~: l"Ol'POS BELOW TO:

" 1 n:u • · · from Gab" Paul in Cincinnati .I. C IPJ\WS •· Go t!stt'lll . d ThP year 1951 saw the start 8.4:1-Nelson vs Vanguards ning," replied Drf'ssen. as your leader?'' suggested Ben- after the Vv'orld Seric~. 1 v. l'louston A. Cox Bakcrsfirld lligh, this han ·

... the Dominion Tourament Monday "From what 1 . heard, I i duhn. "He's a scrapper." . 1 , h some kid whn stands 5-10 and • th h b d II I t t f hl . I ~Irs. W. Carter , ..• lurp y . I d b k i Wtth the local entry winning it 4.30-Biack Watch vs Infan- aug t you were a Ill guy an i' ''I'll te ,ogan to s ar lg . "Hop a plane [or a meellllg. Miss M. Kiellry ~h·s. K. Harley weJg Js 210 poun s, I'O c n

·------ ·.. • try. a fire-eater," said Bcnduhn. !ng for anythi,ng we .have com- in Chicago," urged c;eneral i spcrtacularlv with BakPrsCicld ~ 1:1-Commandoes vs Signal- DRESSEN, NOW 61, stands tn~ anrl that Ill be nght out to ~lanagcr raul o£ the Redlegs, j CRANE TROPIIY , nf the Class c California · lers only five feet six and a h;,Jf llrl11 him." said Dressen. for whom Tebbetts formerly 1 Yesterday's Results) l League in 1957.

·Tuesday Inches, weighs n~ m~re than \68 :·now .. about Lew Burdett~·~ managed. Dressen asked what The next sprin!( he was i

ARMY RECRUITING STATION 431 Water Street, St. John's. Nfld., Tel. 8-0294.

4.30-Liberators vs .Jets. poun~s. But thl~ Ls the ~ame spiller? Benduhn wanted' to it was about.' Bishop 40, Thompson 5I 1 jumped all the wa~· to Triple 5 l:I-Magn!ficent• vs Brilon one-lime pfofessional football know. 1 Mrs. Boyd 26, McCarthy 21 A with Indianapolis, hit 29 · -- - - · · ------k o:OO-Pec Wee All-Stars vs quarterback who, while tryi~g "I'll teach him a better one," "Just keep ·things to yo~rself Stirling 33, Kennedy 15' h~me runs and drove in 93. Please send me your free boo.:

St J i! h's to straighten out the Reds m said Dressen. • and grab the plane. It Will be D. M. Clouston 17, It was then that Walker Coop- let :·The Way to a Fm~ Future '

08 p · the mid·1930's, knocked the The Milwaukee delegation good for you," Gabe assured Mrs. Stentaford 29 er, the old catcher managing Name .............. • : ....

OMinED Ia the list of memben

of the St. Pat'• Senior Hoc· key champions that appear· r.d In ye~&erday's lasue of the NEWS, Stne Delan~y w11 omlttecl. Sorh' Sieve~

ituge pitcher, Paul Derringer, was duly Impressed by the new Charley. "There's a ticket for Brett 34, C. F. Horwood 12 the American Association In-half way across the Cincinnati man. you at tile airport under the G. R. Horwood 27; Laws 20 dians, put the "t:an't miss'' tag Address .....••••••.•• •P ..•.

clubhouse with a right band THERE WAS, AS HINTED name of Charles ~foore." L. M. Ayre 31, J. E. Butler 17! on him. ' . . . . -:_ punch to the chin. I ABOVE, a spot of cloak and Baines 24, H. AngC'I 23 I Callison sufferPd from in flu- i Cit~ 110" 11 • • • • • .... • • ·r ..

"The Braves· need a leader," dagger in Dressen's goin..: from to T~i~k~~il~ft~kr~r~!~~n ~~:c!~~: N. P. Rockwell 21i.1

l' 1

n i Pnza. [or two weeks ,durin)! I hi' 'p0 ,·. . Phnnt ~; .... volunteercrl Benduhn. "It prac-1 the Dod~crs to ·the Braves. ,r .row " tram111a 'cascm a yrar R~o · tically 'tonk R r!'vnlution to get iRirdie Trhhrtl~. thr. olrl c~lrh•r he was not on !he Los Angeles ('oupl~nd wn11 b)' defau11 i111rl it '"''k <lll"lhrr two 11rck' 1 1lal~ a!Jr( Yr.;•r 'Jf buli\:·I~J"ni

Haney, and Charley Grimm be- i running the works in Milwau- re~erre list. 1 over Golds! tin. for h1m to rccol'cr. "' ''"

. -· ·_--... <='>.:~ - ,:-.~-· .. ... . -

. . -. -. ·• .......... · ...... ; . . ~ ... .. ..:

\ I"

I A -;"'•

..... ~ . . -- ,•· . ·- ...


.. ~

• • ·-'


. ! ":. ..

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• .... - •!

12 ~------------------------------------------------------------------


For Stove Oil and Fuel Oil Phone 7469 or 3007 This Page Is Presented With The Compliments Of

The Great Eastern Oil & Import Co., Ltd.

Radio Programs ----------- 12.35-Ramblin& with l.eeorda. :\1initorial.

CBN 112.45-Fisherman's Forecast. , 5.01-Bob Lewis Dance Utl'RDAY, M•rch 19th. : 12.50-Ramblin& with Recorda. !1.55-Wrigle~s Show

- .... --:-~~------ 1 1.!5-Sportst•ast ' 6.00-News Highlights ';.31.\--l'S.: .Selfl. · 1.20-Ramblln& with Record.l. Editorial. 7 35-T!'p of the llornin". lt:;,l--:'\t•\\'s 11.05-Bulletin Board. 8llt.l-CBC :'\ews and Weather. 1.45-Constabulaey Report. 6.10-National News. 8.1:>--~lu!:cal Clock. 1 2.00-Nfld. Bandstand. 11.15-Sports.

A.'l. 2.55-l'\ews. 6.25-News.

IO.ot-Family Bible Hour. 10.30-News. 10.45-Prominent Concert.

.A.M. '12.15-NeWii.

PlriJ . 12.20-IIouseparty.


112.30-News in a Minu1c and 12.35-Houseparty.

1.00-Ncws Roundup. 1.01-Sign Off.

vous l.l!'o-~U~ICal rro~ram. 3.U~~fld. Bandstand : 6.30-C,Jub 93. . . ' ' il L•>-~h•r:::::;: Devutlolll. 3.~a--:'>;eii'S. , 7.30-News and ~Limtorlal. SATURD,\\', Man·n 19th. 11. :.'>- !'ru;ram Preview. 4.00-Bub's Bandwagon. · 7.15-The Hometowners. !l : . ._~,>clth o[ the BurMr ~.5fl-:\'ews. 7.30-Prov. News and Bulletin, ~ ~ .. ._ 7·'i" In Rrvicw 5.00-Bob's Bandwa11on. Board. 7.00-Sundial l03C\-~rws. 5.~U-Supper Serenade. 8.00-News in 1 Minute. 9.00-Story Princess lO.~G~al:~ns Hour. 5.:i0-Fisherman's Forecast. 8.01-Hit Parade. 9.30-Steve Lawrence Show. j: i•.'-l' n.· \' ara·ty. 11.5:5-Newl.. 8.30-News and Minitorial. 10.30-This is Jazz. : · :<·· .. ':·:, · :;i rrc.:r;>~n 6.U~~ulletln Board. D.OO-News Highlights and ; 12.00-:\larch of El'ents : · ":•-- ~: .. .-. ,.,; !i r:.rt l'r•'.~ra m 6. !;~-sportscast and Minitorial. j12.15-Sports Today :: ·• ·- !;:,-. :X C'H • Tra\'elogue. 9.03-Gospel Hour. 112.30-Hillbilly ~latinee :: ::--.•:· f:.rm £1rn3rlca~l 6.:10-Supper Serenade. 9 30-N w in a Minute I 2.00-Grand Old Opt')' . ~-.' -~ 1-\\',,::.l l'h::rrh :'\rws. 6H-~ews · e 5 • ·· 23 p • " 7.00-S.'ht'lle.Jaah Sho'"tt'me 9.31-Let'a SJ,Jg a Hymn. . 0- anorama. :: 4:>-~·!:d Day S<'n·nade. • n 4 N ·

D • B 'l 8.00-Cream of the Crop. 9· 5- ews. . . I 6.30-:llonitnr : Otl- 8Y•r u. ean.. 10 00 N Htahhght nd P 'I 9.45-r\ews. · -• 7":s . " 5 a 7.30--Am<'ric;,·~ Popular "~•;i1 '1 · · , · !lllmtonal. · ~~-·-•K ~r-1·~ and \\'e0 ther lO.tlO-VOC:\1 All Time Hll 7.30-Falron's Lair. i

• · · • · · · ' Parade. 10.01-The Barn Dance. 9 00 A · • p 1 , 1 . ' ~ :~- \l:~>:r:•l rn•.~ram . 1 N d M . - nwt'IC<I s opu ar ·' u.<t~. · 4~-, ·;:, · !'• ·""" , ·1uh · 10.30-Ev•ntide Meditationa. 10.30-Nahona ews an • e• · 10.00-Final Edition i 2 •"It•- ~-!\I':ral PrOi!ram 10.45-Sportscast. ~gn. •. : 11l.lfi-Sports Final ' : : ;_ \~ ''\ 1r Srrne. 10.55-News and Torbay 10·45-Saturday Ntght House 10.30-~luoic 'til ~lidni;,:ht

T Weather. Party, . . . 12.00-S't •n Off : :'l---f\ •m Ol>>Prl'ator;- tme 1100 N rt M t I H I 1.05-Ciub 590. . - ews an 1m una . ~;:!:.l). !\.~. 12.30-News and Minitorial.

: · '-!it~'> lbrnwu:. 12.00-News. 1.00-News in a Minute. ~ :.:... - 1':.:- \\"t·('k. .' '''--T:::·c !or frt•nrh \2.05-Club 590. 2.00-News in a Minute. •. :~-r,,r.,·h 2.01-Queen and Sign Off. ::.;: •-!"1;,· Sprml SUNDAY, March 20th. 4 ··.-~!t:!ical ~!a11r.et. A.M. . ' . _ : .:::r,·n; Jl,,ur 6.30-Sunday Breakfast Club SUNDAY, Mareh 20th .

:··:, ;·f'l!y Rn·1e11 News. , A.M. r -~--ln:ermen~. 7.30-St. Anne'l Shrine of the' 6.:lO-News. ~ .- ·-:~"i'P•·: cur~t. Air. I 6.35-~leiodies and ~1cmorics. ".'''.•-C!;t' :\cw~ and \\'~ather. 7.4!5-Sunday Breakfast Club I 7.00-News. ~ :~-H: ~1r.~ rt l'ratse. and News. 7.05-Bob Farnum

- --(;.~: !;u;•k' 8.:~0-0raJ Huberts. 7.30-News, Sports and : ;'--Jl, ·. :c B:1Lct1U. 9.00-Re\'ival Echoe.. Weather . .: --~-:"\:';rl. Sr.m.; Ronndup. : 10.00-News. 7.35-Guy Lomberado · ~ ·--1".:~ b ~ly S1ory. 10.05-0id, Old Story. 8.00-Nrws. ; '-, __ \\' r:.:hrr f,,r ~lariners 10.30-Frank and Ernest. 8.05-Sunday Serenade !• . •-1.: :hi Conrrrt Orchestra. 10.4!5-Bible Talk. 8.30-News. r, ·,•--·.'i'C' :\e"·'· 11.00-Church Service. 8.35-Sunday Serenade

:: .·.'- '\l!L H0e~ey. 'P.M. 9.05-Sunday Serenade ·: ' ' ::t :'\:,:wnal "pw; 12.15-Sunday Serenade. 9.30-Sundar School of the 1:, :>-S;~n Ofi-0 Canada - 12.30-New!. A1r.

Tbe Qac'en-Close Down. ·12.35-The Search. 10.01-Week In Review. II 1.00-Weekend Sports Review. 10.30-Newa in a Minute.

Sl':'\'D,\\', March 20th. , 1.15-Newa. 10.35-Nfld. Business Week. ~ c·.--1:-.:c: ut!~. 1.25-Sunday Serenade. 11.00-News in a Minute. p (•l\--CBC ~ews anrt Weather.' 1.45-How Christian Science 11.01-Chapel for ShutlnL ~ :-1-P:o;ra:n Highlights. Heals. 12.00-News in a Mim1t1

!'l':\'ll,\ \', :'llarrh 20th.

9.0U-Sunda)· S<'renade 10.00-L'atholie Hour

110.30-Jewish Hour : 11.00-Chapel Hour I

12.00-Army Hour. ' 12.30-:\larch of E1·ento jl2.45-Sports Page

1.00-Classical Hour 2.00-America·s Business

Review I

I 2.30--Panorama , 6.3tl-A Nation of Immigrant> ' 7.30-Marine Band ConcPr!. 8.00-Funny Side Up . 9.00-Have Gun Will Tra,·el. 9.30-0ne Night Stand.

t10.00-Fina1 Edilion !10.15-Sports Final , 10.30-Music 'til :\tidnight i 12.00-Sign Off

VOWR 8 :a-~\.:l~:c ~lustc Box. 2.00-Rotary. . I P.M. Sl'SDAY, March 20th. ~ o'>-:\(•1\S 2.30-Sunday afternoon at ~90 .12.30-News. !< 3:>-f-,";: ~lark l'.K. and Newa. \1:U5-Provincial News Round;-··-------- I

!·• '·''-'-'"r;tim~ Gardener. 4.00-Lutheran Hour. up. 10.00-Tell us a Story. : .. : :i-'>r·:~hbourly !'iews. 4.30-Sunday afternoon at 5110 1.00-News In a Minute. lO.lfJ-Story Time with Nancy. ; . ;, '-'.!1a:1:h~r ~lnsic. and Newa. i 1.01-Longine's Symphoneltl. Edwards. 1: 11>.1-~:- !\'1tion Army Temple 5. 15-0utdoors in Nfld. 1.30-News. 10.30-Hymn~ we Love. :~: '•--\"'' a::r! \\'t•atht•r. 5.311-Lawrence Welk Show. 1.45-News Commentary. 10.45-0!llan 'lnsir. :: :.>-l'r,,c:an: Highli~hts 6.00-Ave Marie Hour. 2.00-News in a M.inute. lll.OQ-George St. United ~ ~ 3·.~- T-• Prai'!' "Y liod. 6.30-Sunday Evenina: at 5110. 2.01-30 minute Theatre : Church. t2 4~J:~:ional Roundup. !155 N ws n 30-\\' th

· ·- , e_ • . "· , ea er. , 12.15-:Musical Moments. : :5-~L,tcal Pr('lj!ram 10.00-1hts Is M.v ~lory. 3.00-Ne":s. . 12.30-VOWR Presents. l ~f'l-HDC "ews. _·10.30-Sunday evemng at.5110. 3.01-~ustcal Sbowcase. : 12.45-News Calendar. H5-~unrl;~~· ~liscellany. : 10.45-Sportcast. 4.00-News.

1 1 OO-Cl D , :: ''''--ll.m:wn:. Harbour : 10.5!5-News. 4.01-Mu~ical Showcase. s:oo-Mt~:fc oF~~~ Masters. ~ 2~--T:rn~ St~nal. , 11.00-Btg Top Ten. 4.33-House of Decision. · !! 2<1-l"hi!drens ~lagaline , 11.0!5-Club 590. 5.00-Ncws in 1 Minute. 6.30-Hospltal Reports. ::!4~\\'l'lth~r R!'port 1.00-Ciose Down. !l.ot-Voice of Phophecy. 6.40-The Great Adventure. 3 30-~ews. 5.01-Sevent11 Dar Adventllt. 7.00-Religious Service from 3 33--Capllol Re('ort. 5 30-Ch'ld • St H Wesley United Church. 4 <W-Reh!;lous Pertod. CJON · 1 ren s ory our.

4 :1'•-T ~- 0. Pop; Concert ::~t~:~~~g All Children. R.OO-Dr. Ritchie Bell.

~ J(l-l'BC ~ews SATtRDAY, Marrh 19th. 6.30-St. Thomu's Church ; ::. 'l-Carl Tapfrntt Service.

8. 15-lnslrument ~1 Music. 8.30-The Search.

fi '"1-' ·,;•,ralJ,· Sprakml A.~l. • Sports and Weather. 8.45-Siory of Great Chrbtian' 6 JrJ-Projcct 60· 6.:10-The Bob L&wis Show. 7.45-World of the Milld, 11.00-When a Child Asks. ~ 3•l-:;:lrl. Program from ·6.30-:-lfld. News and Weather News, Sports and


9.15-Sunday Chorale. London 6.40-Headline New• and J Weather. I 9.30-Question Box.

7 4:>-:\~t~s and Comments Forecut. 9.45-Dt:SCO News. 9.45-Hospital Report. 8 ('(.1-~cn·s 7.00-Can. News and Sports. ~ 10.00-News In a Minute. 10.00-Close Down. fln5-Fia;hhark. 7.15-Nfld. News and Sports -------------------~ !! !~-Rrgion,,l Weather 7.30-News and 1\linitorial. S.1fl-l!l Reply. 7.35-\\'eather Forecast. nan- \':t!l:·nunr Symphony 7.45-l':ews and Minitorlal.

rhc.'lra. 7.50-Bob Lewis Show. !l :•n-1 "ill' ~t:•ge 8.00-News and MinitllrlaJ.

1'.13·•-CBt' Talent Festival. 8.0!5-Provincial Weather. 11 011-lll'ynnd our Ken. B.15-Shlpping RePDrt. : 13'-'-:'\<~uonal Xews. 8.20-Bob Lewis Show. 11 4[)_ \\'erkend R~\·iew and 8.30-News and l\linitorial.

'P~ctal Speaker. ~~ .... •-.':,n Olf. n Canada. The 8.35--Cnmplele Weather Fore-

Queen. cast.


9.00-Ncws aud ~initorial. 9.30-Bob Lewis Show.

10.00-News Highli~hts and ~linitorial.

_~,~~Ril.~ ~·-~arch 19til:__ 10.01-~lartin's Curner. , 10.1~-llight to Happiness. 1 10.30-National News and 6.28-0n the Atr.

6.3!5-Brrakfast 1\"ith Bill 11.55-:\ew~ 6.31}-:'\rws ami Weather. '1.00-Breakfast With Bill 7.30-Sews and Waterfront

Dll'eciOI')'. 'I'.S5-Breaklut w1tb Bill. 7.5!1-:'\ews 8.00-Torbay Weal her 1.05-Breakfast with Bill. 8.25-:'>;tws 8.30-Hit of the Day. 8.35--Spnrts C'a lcnd~r 8 to-Breakf11t with Btl' 8.55-Xews. 1.00-Bre~dst wltb Bt&l 1.30-l::i!: St~ Pro~:r~m 10.00-Ne~&'J lO.~Stork Club 10.15-Ju)eboJ Jamborte 10.55-~1'\\'S. ll.OO-.iukebok Jamboree 11.30-Redd)"s Vari~ties. Ul. l2.00-Ntwl. 1105-\lidday II. 15-CI olada 12.30-Newa.

Melodiea. at Wor~

· Minitorial, . ; 10.40-Housewives' Choice. 11.00-News Highlights and

l~iitorial. 11.01-Top 'l'wenty-Five Tunfs

1 11.30-News and r.tinitorial. i 11.31-Top Twenty-Five Tune•


12.00-News Hillhlights and Minitorial.

12.30-News and Minltorial. 1.00-News Highlights and

.Mlnitorlal. 1.01-Town and Country. 1.05--Weather ~·oreeast. 1.15-News. 1.411-Sporll.

, 1.45--Art Baker's Notebook 2.00-News Highlights an!l

Minitorlal. 2.01-Bob Lewis GoBI Calllr~ 3.00-News Hlghl!chts and

Mlnitorlll, 4.00-N ews and Mlnltorial. 4.05- Western Jamboree. 4.30-National News and

Minitorial. 1!.00-News Hishllghts and

[ Les Femmes


l'Fiower girl 5- Baxter 8 Contrary girl

12 lroqunian Indian

13 The de-ep l4l"Jeld 15 Feminine

appellation 18 Electrified

particle 17 Silver coin of

Morocco 18 Trapped 2q J'lxed look 2l "Malden


22 College cheer 23 Feminine

proper name 28Lnves 30 Peruse 31 Me\11 32 Boundary

(comb. form) 33 Burme&e wood

DOWN 1 Camera's eye 2 Press 3 Girl's 111m• 4Pined 5 StaKe whisper 6 Recent

(comb. form) 7 Glrl'1

nickname 8 Sister of 26 Expires 39 Drone bee Lazarus (Bib.) 27 Chamber 41 Writer's mark

9 Operatic solo 28 Genuine 42 Wagers 10 Erect 29 Titles of 43 Shower II Ell courtesy 44 Small island 1~ Even (poet.) 31 Allowance for 46 Plant part 20 Tree ttuld waste 47 Dltl 22 Tear 35 Girl's 48 Hardy heroine 23 Sea blrd appellation 50 Femlnlne 24 Slender 37 Garment nickname 25 Tardy 38 Writing ftuld 51 First wom1n

1prlte hr++-t-'f!r.MI-34 Color 36 P~.>ueSiive

pronoun 36Fou

· ' 39 Cupolas ! 40 Soc!• I Insect I 41 Mounllln pa\11 '--+-+-

-42 Edae t&Bib11l:al

mounudn 40 The Orl111t SOTbroua:h 12 Not any IICu!Uvate MHalll II Ae<!OIIIpllshes 51 Dirk. 67 Encountered 118 Pewter coins

of Thalland .JU, lll&'Vlt'& 11'1 0.


r I i I





Jfo.S~OM& i!AI~S IS

5HOWI!o!G !:A<;,~ T~~ SITE FOil: l\IS PRo­JECTED SKI 5-l.OI'E








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fttE DAILY NEV_!S, ST. JOHN'S, NFt.D., SATURDAY, MARCH 19, .1960 ---------------------------------------------~~------~-------22--

Stock Market Report FARTI41NGAL~'S Tf.IE NAME:-.. FF<'t~'-ICI T. OF THe FARTHINGAL.E- CII<'CLJS!­P..!'AC AE?OUT '{oUr</ l::SCAP~ ARTIST 1-\!S- SOUNDS LIKe A 'DUD, SLJt"..:'M !'i>"ftJCKi'O FILL A <:;POT IN M'{ 510& 51~.0\11 !..-YOU SE:c, Tt4E- LADY Wi-10 IO'E:TS $L\v.JE:D IN I-IALF l-IAS GO~..)~ TO HOUSTON ANO PI11LADSLF'f.IIAI­

CJON -CJO~{ S.\Tl'l\lHY. \1.\!'(;;I !!lilt. l'lli!!

2.1111-Tht T•H:l!I!J :-.::~:rl. :l.~O-Fu•·,·.

. Toronto

4MI'I l~lio 1~ ll'i -- \~ IillO() .t ~:.1:.1 I~ :1 )~5 :!li7 167 2\ii - J 9000 13 1:1 l:l

l:W. ~5o tz.s n:.o . 25 1

1200 6ti 6.\ 6~ 3600 47 46 16 5500 Jl 3H :I:!

• I • 21 ~

-LHU-\Iu~iqur Ymit·c. 5.:!0-HoY Ho~n ·•· 6.00-\lickev '\I<Hl' ,. Unh .

"THAI'6 A ~OJ<£;.! 7950 31 !II 31 1500 19 1~ 19 7600 :lot~~ :m 2n

I :!l:tl • ~~~ I

4000 60 60 64) -l ' 13!00 1l Ill> 12 ; I '

HAW! GE.1" ~~;:?.:..,..--. 'F

H.:lO-\\"c.·k~nd in \·;;.i: e. 7.CW-Fotil~ On Y oui h. 7.:lll- \lr .. \tbns and E~t·.

1!97 ~8o m m 100 no 410 '"' .• ~

2\00 31 ~R 311 -1 3!00 26 ~~ 26 20008 8 8 278! 29 26 27 --1 ll60 7 7 i 2000188 2248 110~-1 10~ 11~ ... - ,, 1000 18 18 lA 45006 6 6

100 \63 163 163 1500 50 .10 ~~~ 1210 180 17a 176 :moo 150 t50 tJ.o 81~~~ !9 Rl ~~

l{l{lll j21 ~ ~2 ~2 J~.o~lB 8 1 R 67U 3911 370 J~l :~oo ~7~ ~7s :m.

121)0 110 lOP Ulfl - 1 : ~j(j.i. $24 23~ '24 ,. ~~~I JN• tw~ w~ U'2 1~0 61~ 110.1 610

1000 9 9 9 - 1 tOOO 4lr-1 4. 1-il 4\-z- tll

tnon 201 ~ 19'·~ t!l''~ ... .!'::! tnnoo t:n 1:!6 t:lt , 4 1 2000 10 10 lU I

111<1 130 130 \30 1 3 I s~o 111 li HI ... 1 10008 a a

~~iO lfl3 loti tO:! 1 8100 82 10 Rl " 2

, :\llo o1 ~.t L'ha Comml'r{'t! lnl,,t•rial Rn\'al Tol·-Dnm

Slmpsl'lnll Sled man

I \~o.loii\H!:~,t W::1ll-:t'r~

104 11..0 100 ltif: 1:';"1 1.1, 1 i' ~ lt,l ~ 17'.

t~r' • 1111 ; i•' iO t'i!l 7'1

l-1:! 1~!1 1 ~~ \~!1 1:.':! ,.,., 3:!.·, J..'l .i.2.1 ~ • 1-i 11 411 .. 4

:l,j(}41 18 lih: l3 U.\~KS

-! . :t

32L) $.")()1 " SOl.• ,Hil $ti:! t>l-'~.o

8:2(1 $.j.fl'• 4~V" 17:! .')t)l,. ;;t;

50.1, -· I~ 6F ... T 1 ...

4~~~- 1,.

~fil ~ - l ..

U'll 70 fi!P.a 70 .. ,._. fi\11 5~ 1 ... 5:! ~2 $ - :1~ ISOPSTRIAI.~ n 920 $~91 .. 2!11, 2fiVI • "' St.'. h' , t. ~ + 1"'

(121~ $.11!11 311'2 31!''' lioO ,:.71: /I.: ·,; •. 3fl25 $1 1'.. ~·1.:- 14;

: ,. 1 s.: 1 I (t

M:l t~R1'1 :!fl 1 zl~ $13 33 33 l''·' • ,,, ~t •. i .'1 .> -:0

liti.> $:u~ .. J~':~ 3 :~,


Whether_YOJ! IPtftll your vacation ill the South Seas, or amoaa the northern lakea. JDU'D CIIJOY 1t more when you've aot cash on ha!ld. ·

' '

"- ,-t!NJ 1A wL.ttc I eDit "OK, Betty, you were right. It was sheer ~nius opening that Vacation Account at the BNS. As you said, the year went by in no time, and we didn't even miss the few dollars every ·payday. Ni>w, boy ••• it's really nice to know we can live it up for a couple of weeks without worrying about where the money's coming from."

".Ralph, now I know why so many of our friends saVe for their vreation with a Bank ef Nova ·Scotia Savings Account. It's easy when you start a year or so ahead. And a vacation without money wor~ies ia a r•l vacation."

Ow . y00a1T~ t ,,


Start saviftg now for your next year's wacation, at the B.N.S. ~ "ETWORIIIf OffiCES ACIOSS CANADA AND ABROAD



,. r'

r---------, New York 1 1

:'<l-:11' TflRK C'l.IIIIJS(l ST<HK• 111 Capitol 1

116'-01 ~tePl .01 ~ :'Ytont~· W 4l · ~ I n ... ' ""'"•r "' · " u ... , .,.,,, I Tomnrrow 1 (.' ;~rd 0 blL.: Rad1u l orp t.n'"' iJ ( OIJ', J:di~nn ~~ Sld Oj} \,1 '~'\" EJ.\utuF:l .l.ot~ l'!d.\ut'ratl .~.•• (ttl El 'I' R~'. Y:~n:uLum •••

, C:ool~l.'<lf Jgl.._ W('!'.lll~\l' :lO l;l :\!If Ry 47 Int 'f T 3~:o;., 1\C"IHll'COtt jj;~



JAMES STEWART IN "THE FBI STORY" "The fEl Story.'' t1\n·L11nr

Pulitz;•r J'r:ze-winner [lun \\'hitel1t'ad's thrilling and ~u­thrntic uccuunt of the nation's

1 most famous Jaw cnforrrment a~eJH.'Y. ha:o; h~:·t n hrought to

"' Tht" (.':tu:o.dtan Prh" S!llrk Salr~ Hl&h r.o,\ no'~ Ch'rr lhe Stl'C'Pn hv \\";J.I'11Pr B~·n~.

ISIJI'>'Tlll.U,S r.nd openS al the Capital Tr t'.1n P!. l~iW:! $2·P4 :!~ :!:!' 1

CrNitl\' Tt·l uu:l.' s.n w.\, 1, ~~ i'Jwatrc. \lt.1 (t.l~ !1'3\t S::!~1 '!I ~· 2 .... Starrin~ in 1!:r Tcl'i'"~nieo:or B\ Otl .u:n S'ill.-::~ Jl '1: • 1 1 Tr \1tn J!J:,r\ s'P~ :~~~~ ·~J, ~. production are two oL li1~iiY·

on.• wood's m•"l popular 't:ll';, ("o!l Pr:'l.s.n.n P.i~Oa ~II :1 '18 3~ .. li 'I id.d ••"•' 11'• ~7 ton . 1 .James Stewmt and Vera :llilr' . r~~~~;:1 ,. ;1~~·1 1 ~7' 1~0 1 ~.!' _ c,!n The film was directed anrl 1 dn ~;xpnrt 3IB2) 239 224 2.1n , l )Jrodured h;· :llei'I'Yn Lrl!o)·.

'n~a:~ \\. ho has hl'Pil l'r~pon."''lble for ~ ,h lama RSAI~O 57 S2 ~i ·~ 1wnlp t. fi3;15b H!l Ill ~., . J !'ome of thr ··~reClt,-.;" in mo ~.u'd R1\rr f.i:.·loo 1:t 11'-i: 12 tlOn IJiLtun· entertr.innwnt. (',lll \h•t ~O'i..~~ A < H · I orchan mn1 WI 101 102 -· 2 "The FBI Story" Intel'S thr

lifr of n t)·pi,·a! ) oung agrnt. hj~ honw l'!P ;t.; \\'(~11 a-. hi .. ean·rr wit!1 tlw Ft)l. Par:•llrl· Mutual Funds

lly THE C,\~'.\PIA~ PRH'~ ing hi~ stor:' i< lhr dr\'l'IOP· .Ill rdn 1·nm lld',~t Ai_~, ment and gl'llll th nt lhr FBI \II C11n D1\· ;; ~:i .l.~':l frotn a stru:,.!~!lill;.! m~anli:at;ml \mrnran Growth 7 111 7 a )' at·omhnm 2''7LI !11:99 in 1P24. to the outstanr 111~ t>l· Cilnadian ln\'ellment ~.:\J ~.11 fj('icnt OIJC'l"{ltiOn it is toda~. l'anfun•l 3l-l~ 3]11<1 ChamJ•Ion Mutuol ,_o; ·;_;; Jncluderl in the pro<iuetinn ro:l:n~llll\l(.:ti'tl tnt(·r 7.'lrt 3.1J al'll. sueh artinn-p,ili•krrl t1n•nb

1 Cnrpurate ln'J('ti\OU. Rl-',.~'.· .• ,,;~.-o.-,o3 ,as ~UII !JaHJro; with notoriou:-. lllli11 Jo:qUJI)' In\- "i n ! F1rt>t 011 ~ 7.! "m gangster~ ,John DillingPr1 J,'cmd olh•rtif ~ 1>11 5.43 1 d b

I Grouped lm'om• :1 10 ~ i2 "PrC'tty Boy" Flny{ an ··Ba ~· Grrru11ed Income Arrum ."J.:lu .'t~o I~~ace'' Nelson and undercover

I Group Sfl 5 no ~.45 I I . r;rm\th Oil and G11 fi J~ o it work by agents in so v1ng mur-

' Inv•stor. Gr<~Wth Fund ~-'1 1 61 ·.:.~ , ders of OsRge Indians in Okla· : ln\'fdors Mutual lOA I "i • . K•ystnne t2HI n.1.1 • hnma to obtain tlwir oi!rl!;htG. I Le>·oraKe Fund ~ 99 e-5~' The film Yi\'idly depi('[s thr I ~lutu~l Acl·umula.tinJ Fund Ji..R2 d.r I ~tutual lnC'CUnl" FUIH! ~.."1; 4.93 ! early dnys WhPn the Ul1df'l'· ' North Amer }'und or Con R.•KJ R.;n manned ornanization workort

1!:1di~ .. on 4.17 4.58 : ~ · : Re~ent Fund 5.01 5.5o i 18 hours a da)·. o[len >{'Vl'n , savo and Infest Ul ;:; days a wrek, to get jnh!' d:mr. I~~~:~~:~:~~~ srund l:.i~ .. llt shows how the ~·Br dunng

Supervised Exec 56 29.Q! 5_31 World War I[ did counlrr·CS· ~~;~~i~;~ ~;~,~~~R Fun<! Ni !.39 ! pion age wo1·k in South .\nwri-supcrvlsro Income Fund 3·66 3,_·3702 I can countries in which Gel'· TV Electronle 7.63 Timed Investment Fund s.2s 5.3o I man spies were operating. The United Ae<umulat!ve 13.4~ l-1.6l story is brou~ht up to the

I present with t!ie FBI fighting Montrea as relentless!\· as in wartime to track do\\:n enemy agents

MONTREAL CLOSING RTOCII~ wherever they may be in the Abllihl 36\\ Frastr :ll A•h•'"" 25 Gt J,ake• JS United States today. nnque c Nat 4~ Rud Ba~· Min ~·• 1 LeRoy spent five weeks 81Lnk :\1nnt 50'.f, Imp Bwnk S61i · · Bonk ss 61'\ Imp 011 ,\. ! shooting in Washington, D.C., Bnouc p.- 3;•, lnt :l•<k 9!! • ' and 1\cw York Citv His <·am· Batlmut B 27't'l lnt Pap 10• · · · Bell '3 }tass-For 9',; ; eras will give moviegoers an Brazil m McColl ' . .d I k t th . d Cle\ clomd 7 sorauda •1 , 1ns1 e oo a e amazmt"! c cement 28 Price 38\i 1 operation in the FBI Head· c emcnt pr 2' Que Pow 3.~'; t · "' h · ~t ·} r C nk Com 49'i> Roval Bank o9'' quar ers In n 35 Ill, 011 II lC e Cdn Brew Jt'• Ro)'ahte a.oo the evidence required to cap· Cdn smv ~r St L Corp 15'!1. d i t · · . rdn CPian 1!~4 Shawin 20•2 ture an conv c a cr1mma! IS c Int Power 14 Strel 73 I observed, collected and analyz· c Jnt Pwr pr 40\f.a Tran~ Can PL 23V:z d CPR 23'll Un Steel 6'> e • Sea~ranu 2ov. Walker l·lli LeRoy was allowed entry to

8.(ll1-\Y ct•kt•nd :;c11 '· S.l.)-:\ulional :\ci\S,

s.:3il-!knnis the \!l'narr. !1.110-l•\•ahlrr \lodc-S\onn F(•:or-~' .u: ing

Cornell \Vildc anrl k·•n \1 all.;ee. 111.:10-:\ IlL Hotkt ~. llmlt;n/'• :.at: 1 t•al. I:'!.UU-'[\, ili~ht z.,m·. 12.:10-:'\cws Jlcarllinl'S, I :Z.:ll -Colonel \lan·h.

Sl':'\11.\Y, \1.\HCII 2tilh !!ifill !1.011-( hal llobcrts. !J.:lU-Off lo Ad\l'ntun·. !1A,'i-Tht• I.h ing \\'ol'll.

!O.O!l-\\ orld in Ad ion. l:'!.tlO-Thi~ is till' Lilt·. 11.110-Cinrreh S!'n ier. 12.30-The ( :hrislopitt·r~. l.tltl-' our F:unil1· Lik. l.I:J-Chri,ti:m Seicnc.:. 1.:)11-D:tlelim· l'. '\. :'!.tHl-C;ontl Lifr Tht·:;l; ~-2.:)0- \lrrnori;~l l nii<T•it-. (.1-. : _; .I•. :1.011-C:ounlry Calendar .. :UO-I•:ninr \la~atino. 4.10-·Ecluc:•iion. Srrir• . .).flO-Trtlllt'Wl' Erui<' Fn• d ."h:r"'. ;;.:!0-T" c.:tielh c~nl••r· •. (i.ll0-1 .<J>'il'.

fi.:HI-\t·" ~ \la<_!:t/ilw. 7 .1!0-Colmwl Fh!l'k. i.:lll-lloh CuliJllliiH!.' ~·h•; ,•, . 8.00-Seahunt. IUO-Fallll'r Kno" ~ B•·'t. !I.HO-Ioan Fairfax. !I.:W-'rlll' Ed. SuJii, an Sb"" .

IO.:l0-(:.\1. l'rc,rn\,, I 1.:10-T.ll.:\. 12.1lH-Fi:!htin~ Wonk 12.:l0-\<'"' lleadlim:,. 12.:!1-Chent•c~' .-\dH·trt'!l'r.

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pionage a~l'llt 11' II~·· i-'\!l. II was ;1 \ ~~~u_, ~·ninp:J,·:J:cd fJ~'~:r :ttion. n•qn;rnl·~ Jw:·~r·:·t Ll'l: in:.!. to t:I!Jl 1!11• ··cq:H'Ilt'l' Jtl

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:n 111,,? Hrnnx. li~~· Y~~n!.:~'t ~~;l dit:m. Ct•ntr3l t':o"k and th11

Broadll'a;· .inr Hr,ta·•r:1nt on a,;d

TO- D l'r' ~~- . l!il

Also UP-TO-TiiE.i~!NUTE I'<F:WS

T!l'I'1ES OF SHOWS: E'/ENit-JG s:·iOWS: 6./,5 ·- 9.00.

f¥\ATII'JEE: 2 r.M


,_, : 1 i 1 t' r·

( '• I j"j

\\ . •'·,



TO-DAY D Brl<lge ISVo CANADIAN ' th · · ' ' [ th Dom Tar 14'4 Cnno Pap 37'\ . e V3TIOUS diVISIOnS 0 e Foundation 10'.> Ford 14e Bureau, including the largest I

MoNTJii'ALCLOMNG" sTOCK~ crjme laboratory in the .. Nor1d, ~ THE FBI RJ The Canadian Prm equipped to handle any type I

Montreal Stock Exebana:r-Marcb 11 ·r· 1 · Complete tabula1lon of Friday lran•· Of case; the identl INt on dt- ' actions. Q uotatlons In cents unless vision in which more than 150 1

mark•~ s. z-odd lot, ld-Ex·dlvlden<l. million different sets of fing· xr-Ex-rlgbts. 31W-Ex-warrants, Net er prints are on file, indexed A~~~h~ 11a~;5 8~fs'~>"":S,~1";6~'> c:·~ and cross-indexed: and to the Algoma 660 $33 32'\ 32'• - '' ' FBI firing ranges at nearby ,\\umm :1320 $29~ :zw. 29% + ~ Q . v· . . h Anr T 41> p 3; SlO 40 40 +I uantico, 1rgm1a, • w ere Argu< 210 $27% 2~ ~V• - :" agents are trained to become ::~·~~~on! ~~~ mv. ~\. 50V. .:.. ~ experts in the use of firearms. Hank NS zs S6H• 61"• ~·· Scenes were also filmed ::::~: ~~ ~~ ~~~"' ~~v. w.; with James Stewart and Vera Bath Pow B 115 $27\-2 27'1• 42J"' + 4 Miles in a variety of locales Bell Phone 1527 S43lf4 43 " 11nw .cp 5\\pr zs S491> 49'.!. 491> in Washington, including the sowaler zs: S91'o 9\1 9\o Capitol the Lincoln Memorial Brazil z20 415 400 4-15 ' ' BA ou :aM! $31~ 3M< lm + 'A the Union Station and a res· BCE41>pr 40 S39 J9 39 + '4 taurant on the Potomac River. RC Power 111 S321.-l 32 32''4 + 1,, , • BC Phone 100 su•• 42\'o ms. + 'ri At the Lmcoln Memorial, Brown cs; $13'.> m• t3'il LeRoy took thp first over-the-e AvnaUon \'Z $13'h 134 13\:~ c Bkl: no 330 slm 49'>:¥1£ 14-U, shoulder shot ever made of I ~d~"l~re'!' 4i:\:3 ;~1. j1r,o ;1." =3'1, Abraham Lincoln, .• Toe Biroc, c Rr Alu too $121> 12•> 12111 the dtrector of cmematogra· , C!IAL A wt• z2o 575 57> m phy placec! his cam<>ra atop C Bronze :z:2:5 121~ 213~ 11% ' , .. c elan z;o .$1A'• •~"'• 18'4 Lincoln s statue Ro that he was ceot t.7;pr 21 $3D 3~... Jo + 1 able to pick uy the right side C Chemlco1 z!l~ 17 o 6'!< th . , ,. "d c Falrbks A 100 S9 9 9 of e CIVIl Nar Prest ent's , c Fairbk• B zto S&l'o 61'. fil> face and arm. He then photo· I C Husky 4l0 R4t 8110 MO +. en. z2~ suv. 14'1 w> graphed Stewart and Miss ' c lnl Power 460 $14 13'·• u I Miles driving by in the street ' I' Jot Pwr pr SO 110\io ~·.; 40"• . . 1 c o 1 m sm< 21 m. r ~ below w1th the W ashmgton l ,

.......... , .. , ........ ··.:,1 ....... : •• ·-· • c ·'"''{


MERIM.I '·RQY S:·'n'ar~r D•:<"o:o• /ml A V Jll U Prt)i(t~ • R::;H; • .PDL E1EEN ~ .. 1.'>~: W(~ST • t~E..~Tl:i L~ ~~·( L1.i





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~'.: ..

14 THE D.h.!LY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., SATURDAY, MARrH 10. 19·50

------------------~------------------------------------------------------------·----~- ~--




Radio, Television, Washers, • c.,,,;tlt $19lt •r ''"k G .. b.,, ~;,,,.,,,.~~!A Smiu, !,., Refrigerators, Deep Freezers

Eleetrie Ranees, THF. STORr: Phil Bokkl'r mor~." He added four gold Floor Polishers,

nd Paul Shay find Pawnee coins to Shay·s. Gramophones (ity, Kan., a bustling frontier. Jethro crowded in beside Public Address Systems. trail town in 1869. A man wear· Shay, "Let's have a new deal: Tape l'tecorders ing a star trlls them that there now." : ll!l'AIRS AND SERVICE

For Reservation> and in· formation. !

IIEPAIRS'TO RAIJIOS A:!'ID TELEVISIONS: Also in stock parts and accessories for same. P. J. "cGrath. 1 Graduate of :-; .R.L) 2 Hamilton A \'enue, Dia I 2656 or !12753. mar2.1mth

· Rt;PAIRS to Offire equip· ment:-For exrerl srrvic~ ing on all types of Olfice equipment i c. calculators.

are two forbidden things: mur· The dealer regarded Jethro I LINES der and card chtating. I impassil'el)'. ''Not in my game," jl 8W 1001 to 3005 ftiRS. JOliN F .-\CEY

• • • he said coolly, WATER STREET Resident Manageress XV I "::\1)' money's as good as any·/' m3t,U


Requirements call 1J

ad1ling machines, t~·pewrit· crs and cash n·~i.,tcrs hy factnrv trained nwchanics. call ~lr. l'rcd. Jllundon, 1)3232-L. lch.17.1m

The place had filled up since one else's," retorted Jethro. ·-'::.l::n2::8::.l::'::· =======I------- _____ . _____ _ 80161-91171 xEw ll-m~lrooRUGI~Liw-Shay had p~ekrd into it earlier. "It's good money," put In!-It "a~ jJmml'Cl now. a room Sha)'. "I ought to know. It was sor.;e 25 fre: wide hy 40 deep, , mine before you robbed it from TO-DAY'S


' March 22nd I t:RS-Rugs and Carpet maae to look like new ----------- I Von Sc: 'rr pro~<>ss adrls


hold:!1g a long bar. a dozen me." u!J:e; and more than 50 pat· • • •

1 CONNORS DRUG STORE 1 30 years to life ol rug' f'le~n-

1 LAMBERT'S COUGH SYRUP • p.m. ed in home or at r>ur plant. ro::,. A sudden hush fell upon the ! 1 can be obtained at 'Phone 91033, J:\rw j!elhorl

i coN~~R~:~G s~ORI! 1 'Villa Nova' ~~;/leaners. Fr,-shwater "Lrt me ha,·e that hundred immediate l"icinity of the faro I nmr." Sh:1y >Jid to Bokker. game. It was broken by Jethro.

E.>kl:er 11·a; loath to part with ··say that again, mister!" the mo:-:e~-. but he had ,·olun- Sha)· said coldb·, "The man ter~rd it on the train. He hesi· doesn't want you in his ~~:arne. u:ed o:1ly bridl)', then brought :\either do 1." o:Jt a handful of monev and He rocked Jethro's head with cnu:::,,cl out three double 'eagles a hard blow of his open hand . a::d four S10 (lold pieces. The law man with whom Bok·

"I'll see that you don't lose- ker and Shay had spoken on the i:." !'hay saHI. and mol'ed to· street pushed his way through w:rd one ot the taro games. . the crowd.

Bokkcr well! to the bat· and Shay already had his gun out o~~ered a ~lass of beer. He and was pointing it at Jethro. dr"nk it slo" ;,. while he sun·e,·- ":'\ow." said the law man,



Two rone, Radio.



i--DI-AL-22-os __ ll Manuels I ELECTRICAL




!COMPANY, LTD. I CHOIC'E leMARCHANT ROAD I Agency Department BUTCHERS' ~~~~~~ %43 Water St. Dial 2102 - · := ------------- YOUR FRir.IDAIRE

crt the roon{. The games ~f 1"what's the trouble~" NOTICE ch:mce were boisterous, noisy.· "The man's a card shark," HE A :n~n would leaw a faro game. Shay declared. "He robbed me J AP & PARTNERS

DEALER. CATTLE ~o to the bar. take a second of $700 on the train." (NFLD.) LTD. dnnk. th~n return to thr gam~. "On the train," said the mar· Three weeks here after WI' Wiring Materials, Wire and ~o:r.£-tur.es c;m)·in~ a serond ·shall. nodding. "Not my ter· will make application to the Cables, Motors Starters cr;nk with him. ntory." Board of Liquor Control lor a : Lamps, Switches, Lighli~&

Bokker wondered idly what ''I'll kill him~" Jethro said Department of Transport licenre to sell Beer, Wine and Fixtures, etc. thP dm would be like later on hoar;ely. "I'll kill him, Nobody Ottawa, Ontario Spirits in our Club premises, . WAREHOUSE: PRINCE'S ST. ' ;:-~ :he e\Ctling. He wondered c'n slap Jed Jethro around." numher 462 Water Street. DIAL5085 too how noi;y it would be up. "I can," said the marshal TENDERS THE ARTILI,ERY CLUB. ;.::.;rs in the >leeping rooms. carelessly. His hand came up SEALED TENDERS, address· marl2(h) The floor wa; thin, as were the and smacked Jethro a resound- ed to the undersigned marked "·'ll>. ing blow on the face. A mur- "Tender for Taxi Concession- ---::.:::::.c~-,~ .:7'.~:-:c:-.::.--·

.-\ hear~: hand clapped Rokker mur ran through the onlookers. I Gander" will be receh·ed up to I o:: the ;houlrlcr. "Here you are. ··~lister,'' ~aid .• Jethro omi· 12 noon, EST, April Bth, 1960. ' fORWARD'S



~ UNDERWRITERS AT : LLOYDS. pordncr:" hoornrd .Jethro, I he nou~ly, "you got hardware on 1


for the exclusive ri~ht to opPr· p;rwio-hulfalo hunter. ~·our chest. I got respect for the ate a limousine and taxi ser-

"Where'< ~our partnrr7" law whrn I'm in a town. On"y Yice at the Air Terminal Build· , ;iok~rr a~krd pnintcdl)·. "Tem- don't meet me outside of Paw. ing, Gander Airport, Nfld.

I ' Agents for


r:, to·~." 11~r City.'' Specifications and other t~n- i "I'll krep an r,I'P. p~Pied," tile d~r documents may hr seen an~ -~

.Tr:hr~ lnoV•I ~I Bo~kcr will! 1 mar~ 1al Mid a~renbl:r. "Bttt I cr.pirs ohtal_nen ~I. the Offir.P::


"''' 1111 Nl !-llf!'l'l>r. thrn dlllrk- ~uppn~e ~·ou start for thejor the Reg10n~l Dtrrclor. A•r;. 54 STAMP'S LANE i·-··: · lt ··'"' "11 llronr-t ~~mr." prairie right now." , Service~. Dcoartmcnt of Tran~ ',

· l':t: not cr•mrlainin!;. I lost - I · -oo.. 1 J th b"-d h' f h' b 1 purt. P.O. Bux 42, Moncton, --------,

General Hardware Distributors for Sunbeam

Electrical Appliances, Sports goods and SporiJ wear for all occasions.

c:::; :'··· . . 1 e ro ru "" ts ac~ w 1c N.B. i · \\ h.rh Ill be j:larl to g1vr ! had rece1ved a constderable

~ o:1 :,a,·k tf )ou think l didn't' massage. He •aid to Bokker, F. T. COLUSS, · .,, .~ it fa:r a11rl square." I"Be seein' you," He half nluted l!ecretary.

":t w~;; a cheap price for the Paul Shay, but gave the mar· DIAl 5016

Wall Washing . WAJ,J, WASHe.rG - Wn!lo

cleaned b)' new machi~e

Re~u!ts fl<'rlecl: ~a1•r, palllt -New Method Rug and Wail Cleaners. Freshwater Ro~d. "Phone 91033. oct8,(t(}

I H 1RSIT\'Rl: REPAIRS- Re­I pair> to spring-fillrd mal·

trr>ses. C'h• lerfirld suites also rehuill. Fifty )·ears' exprri{'IICr. Keats Maltres~ t'artor~·. 16 ~lount Royal Ave. Dial 92753 or 2656. der30.! lm).

j tEAi. F.ST.o\TF. - Valuat~r ot­city. farms and out por pro­perties. Over 40 years· ex­rcnencr. .Joho~ '1. o·nri>­colL Auctioneer aut Real E.'tatc f.gcnt. Dial ~0~12.

THE CESTRAL RAR!lER SHOP-We are now oper­ating ei~ht chairs. You can hr as~urrd of the hest pos<ihle srn·ice plus the !cost po;sihle waiting. 24 !\e,•· Gower Slr~rt, opp. Adclaitle ~~~tors.

: .O'KEI-:F.E'S toRXEK - l'uls· · thr-('ost-T~" 3~l'.. T11lip

2:ir. Bakearplr> fiHc. Cr~am l6r .. Local SalnHon i9c., York Kam 45l' .. Kl1k 49c., Slew~ 3Jc.. Bologna 33c. pee. PuriT<m Turk•·y Spi"t'ad 2 lor 32c. FREE! Rally Dog food-Bu)' 1 get 1 Free ~ Dial 3320. We de·

i'lll•liiittl5iili(iil'~..,_:__ ' .• _:)· --·


Lounge and Rc..oms.



The best 1n good food ot popular prices.


CALL 9002-L

For information and reservations.



··could you hr:~htrn this up for mr····

" - . But if \"Ol' want to hri~ht­~n up or Rrmodel your holl'!'. tlwn ,-ou 'hnuld let us help you. \\· r can show you

1 lots of hrighl ide:" t:1at will sa\'e you nwnry ~nd bri~ht­rll up your honw


H. C. A. A. The regular meeting of

:the above Association

will be held TO-MOR­

. ROW MORNING, fol· b<on." Bokker nodded toward!' shal only a dirty look before he ERNEST CLOUSTON, LTD. : h~' t;, ble whrre Shay was play. left the saloon. Department of Tl'ansport McCLAR\ AUTOMATIC :~~ 1aro. "Paul Shay thought his, The marshal walked to the Ottawa, Ontario WARM AIR CONDITIONING :r-:on was a littl~ stiff. I'd keep

1 bar. Shay Indicated. the law • TENDERS 1 210 WATER ST.

:Gower St. Barber : -1 Shoo

lh·er FREE. feb20,rocl

Would You Invest Cor. Grnrer and PreHoll Sts.

__ ; lowing 10.30 Mass.

5c. GORDON J. RYALL, r. •' uY from him if I were you." man. "What's his name?" SEALED TENDERS, address- ; DIAl, 4183

··H::n"" sniffed Jethro. He ; ''Tom Chaffee," volunteered ! ed to the undersigned marked : -----=-------~hru=~~d and walked toward the faro dealer. 1 ! "Tender for Dwelling _ Red 1 RADIO· TV REPAIRS ihr table where Sha~· was pia\'•; :Bay" will be received up to 3 -----------!:1; • , :·chaffee's only the dep'ty,": :p.m. (EST} April 21st, 1960.1


GREAT EASTERN OIL Ahout a dozen men were grmned 1 bystander. "If you I 'for construction of single COMPANY, LTD.

Under New Management



35 years experience p:nered around the table. The want real trouble, take" on dwelling, Fog Alarm Building, I REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV dealer was an ic'' eved man of Fletch Trow, the Marshal. 1 storage shed and related work I AND ALL ELECTRICAL Service and Satisfaction ahout 30. · · i ·:Fletcher Trow?" exclaimed i 1 9 5 5 at Red Bay, Labrador. APPLIANCES

1 Guoranteed.

":\Ia ke rour bets, gentlemen." , PhiL Bokker. ) B U 1 C K Plans, apecification5 and other DIAL 30111 to3M5 1

he d_ron~d. "Ar~ you read~·? I'm: "Yep," was the reply, "FletclJi tender documents may be ex- __ ..;. __ ...;.; _ _._. ___ ll"".~•a•rl•B•.t•9 ••••··--·-.--.--.-.. dral:ng. He slipped two cards is a real curly wolf." The man


A U T 0 M A T I C amined at the Office of the GROCERS (Retail} 111 ~n;~othh·. out or_ the car~. case. winked at Bokker. "They uy be $1200·00 District Marine Agent, Depart- - -

K.:J€ ~1ns, se\en loses. He, used to ride with Charley Quan· ment of Transport, Charlotte- HUTCHEN'S GROCERY ;:athcred _up money from the trell and Bloody Bill Ander. I 1 town, Prince Edward Island, MEAT MAltKET


Change of manage-


TO ~ecure a business oppor­tunity worth thou,ands of dollars. Just like a depart· m~nt ~tore. You ~an now show and srll to every family. clothin~. shoes. skirts. shirts. ho;i~r)'. lad­irs' uniforms. sman display· ed fabrics, >lyle,;, color pictures do the selling. No experiencP. needed. Your own clothing f'ree as Extra Bonus. Write today for­powerful sample Outfit Free. Rlake . Walker Co .. Dept. 251 P 0. Box 657. Montreal. Que .

la~·out, pa1d out money .. He put son." a • d M t Ltd I and copies obtained on deposit 53 William Street a double eagle on a kmg and 1 alf Q QfS • I of accepted cheque for $Z5.00 Dial 7450 and 606% looked lnqumngly at Paul • Bokker strode away from the • payable to the Receiver Gen-, -----------Sh.~)'. ! faro game. He found Chaffee, MERRYMEETING ROAD era! of Canada. Plans and I L. HEALEY Now managed by COMFORTABLE HOME

Mr. Ron Antle with F R E E Lt>t It go," ~aid Shay care- i the deputy marshal, ~lth his DIAL 8-0378 • 8.0379 specifications will also be nn I Cross Roads and Water Street IH!I). :back to the bar, lookmg over _ _ display at the Builders' Ex· Dial :iOZ6


Entertainment -In aid Lions Swimming

Pool Fund



'·C?,P!'er your bets. ~enlle- 1 the top of I half-emptied Class ~where'l that?" change at St. John's, NCld. men. the clealrr ~a1d. "From of beer. ''Two-story Log houn on the· F. T. COLLIN5. INSURANCE AGENTS 50da to hock." ! "Where'll I find P'letcher torner of Kiowa street The Se~retary

DIAL 2126 or 4040 * 24 HOUR SERVICE* . Board and Lodging, '

* ALL NEW CARS * [ Available in City He slipped ~ut two cards.: Trow?" Bokker asked. ealaboose Is in back" ' March 14th, 1960. ' AND BROKERS "And the final king wins once 1 "At his office, I expect.". (To Be Contin~l!ll) mar18,19 ----------.. .-iiii-iliililiit __ llii ______ iiliiiiiii--iiii-· iiiJ"iiiliill-iiliii._ii ___ lliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiP .- JOB BROTHERS

.. m .. at~·12•,•li•n ............ 1 for 1

W' 1: CO. LTD.

DO YOU NEED SOME HELPI Help wanted ? If you· have a job to oHer, or need any type of help yourself,

first look to the WANT ADS I

Water Street Dial 2658-4123

MEEHAN & CO. T. A. Bldg., Duckworth St.

Dial '7046-7047 1---------1


Temple Rldg., P.O. Box 168, 341 Duckworth St. Dial 80370 or 7756


Store At Your Door

j __ D_RU_G_S_T_OR_E_S_


Dial 2206 I AYLWARD'S !

PHARMACY I 1 Cor. Monfhy & Etapire Ave.

Dial 90070 , I


For Fast


Phone 3499-H --I CATTLE

AUCTION Sharpening Services

AU TYPES Hand saws, band saws, rircn Jar saws, lawn mowers, gar den equipment, knives, .!~is sors, barbers' clippers. Rt>

! toothing of worn saw•.

We also Specialize in

SKATE SHARPENING Concave sharpening on thf

most modern equipmPr.1 available. "If it can be sharpened we will sharpen


i 165 Watt>r St. 'Phone 5567 Gwtsmithing - I.ocksmithlnr

Keys Made to Ordu



1 Byrne's Stockyard TORBAY ROAD

March 21st, at 2 p.m.

27 Head Prime Beef Cattle

. John A. Byrne

This newspcper's classified ads are the best

Nl'il ole helpers" in town I They'll find just the

file clerk or salesman you may need; merely

state your requirements in the "Help Wanted"

columns, Or - if YOU need help, help in selling

or buying or help in fixing up the house, then

first look at all the offerings in the listings in our



Cor. Mayor and Merrymeeting Rd.

Taxi Service HOTEL TAXI Dial2424-2410


~---------------_-_ _._


Dia/90131 __ Auctioneer.





The Daily News

Dial 1388


Elizabeth Ave. Dial 91120


119 Military Road Dial 6446

FLEMING'S Dial 92937

' 265 Pennywell Roart

QUEEN'S ROAD l Open frOIB 8.30 te 2 a.&

_!~-----=-~-=----=~===~ FREIGHT SERVICE

TRINITY SOUTH From St. John's 1•ia WhltboiH'ne to Old Perlicaa, North Sit ore Conr~ption to Carbonear. Trucks a Jso available for

long haul srrv1fe. Rates Re~sonable.

For !url.hrr iltfiii'TTtation lliAL 7~0Hl.


Drive (Jeep) DRAUGHTING 1





Gerry Halley Surveys ltd.


Price $350.00.

1955 Ford Sedan, built in

Radio and Heater.

Privately owned, low milage

Price $600.00. Apply

Berrigan's Service Station


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M ___ D_A_ll_Y..o.N...;.EWS_....;....;.;ST.;. . .;.JO;.,;H...;.N.;.;'S;.;., ..;.N.;.;.Fl;.;;Djj' ~S;.;.;A.;.;TU~R~DA;.;.Y;.:.,..;.M~A.;,;;R,;;Cii;.:. . ..:.l.;.:9,_1:,.:.9.:.:60::..,_ ___________ -----·------------------------· __ !!

KINSMEtd Boys Club

Newspaper BINGO


B I N G 0 8 20 45 56 73

12 30 36 52 75 9 26 40 55

7 19 37 57 18 63

1 29 58 16 60

Help Kin - Help Kiddies

Expert Watch Repairs CHRONmU:Tt:RS


t; A U:.\ll.-\ R


c.o.D. JRDER~







To teach subjects to grades IX, X, XI. Duties to commence

SEPTEMBER ht., 1960.

Applications should be addressed to:

SECRETARY, Tht New Amalgamated Regional High

School Board, Corner Brook, Nfld. mH\2.19,25

- ---------------------


If you plan to buy a NEVV or USED CAR or PICK-UP

and require terms to pay the balonce after Trade-in and or Down Payment.


for you for that purpose.

The rates charged on LIFE INSURED lOANS

we have arranged . re!ulted in considerable savings

for EVERY CUSTOMER who obtained such a loan through our 11rvices.


The Automobile & Perianal Loan _




Drawn by Mr. J. Rabbitts. VVitnessed. Mr. Eric Main.

1st. Ticket Number .. .... .. . .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .... .. ........ 381 2nd. Ticket Number .................................... 440 3rd. Ticket Number ...................................... 261 4th. Ticket Number ........................................ 434 5th. Ticket Number ........................................ 421 6th. Ticket Number ...................................... 238



J(itclzen Help Apply in person


STOP-LOOK Would you like to help - You can you know if you are a Cook or Cook's Helper and would enjoy a paid week's trip to the Mainland. The Militia Units in St. John's are looking for you. Join now - Those qualified can be given the rank of Sergeant on enlistment - If after summer camp from 9 - 16 July, 1960 you do not wish to continue your training you will be released. REPORT TO THE MILITIA RECRUITING DEPOT, BUILDING No. 3, BUCKMASTER'S FIELD, . ANY MONDAY OR THURSDAY EVENING. !eb19,mar19


ED'S LUNCH DIAL 5370 DIAL 2933-l


• Southern Fried Chicken • Fish and Chips • Chicken Legs, Wings. • French F'ries

Breast • Soft Drinks • Ham burger • Milk Shakes • Hot Dogs • Tea, Co!!ee • Hot Sandwiches • Cigarettes. Tobacco • Cold Sandwiches • Confections • Home-made Meat Pie

OPEN SUNDAYS-ll p.m. to lZ p.m. Cut out for Reference.


The St. John', (Nfld.) Shrine Club


Word Contest to every family in Newfoundland.

The rules are quite simple. ·

(1) How many four or more lettered words can you make from the following name ?

"NEVVFOUNDlAND SHRINE CLUB" (2) Send $1.00 with your entry to,

The Manc:.ger, Canadian Bank of Commerce, 302 Hamilton Avenue, St. John's.

(3) ht. Prize $100.00 for the most words. 2nd. Prize $ 50.00 3rd. Prize $ 10.00 4th. Prize $ 10.00 5th. Prize $ 10.00 6th. Prize $ 10.00 7th. Prize $ 10.00

(~) Should the winner be a student, we offer o $25.00 bursary to his or her school.

(6) Help the Shrine help the Crippled Children. (7) Contest ends April 30th at Midnight.

Judges decision will be final. FRED CALVERT, Secretary,

32 Newtown Road.

Not inserted by B.L.C.




Preference given ta High School Teacher with knowledge of Physics. When applying please in­dicate teaching experience and quoli:lcations. Hostel accommodation provided. The Boord offers an augmentation to all teachers. High school teachers do subject teaching. Please apply


IFOR SALE­MURPHY'S RANGE Situated on the southside of LeMarchant Road and consisting of a range of 11 dwelling Houses with frontage of approximately 194 fe;~t. Excel­lent commercial site. For further particulars apply,


334 DUCKWORTH STREET DIAL 2020 - -·-- - ~- - - --

Nfld. Savings Bank


9 A.M. TO 12 NOON


WANTED Girl For General Office Work

A good knowledge of typing required. Short­hand preferred but not essential. Please state experience and qualifications in reply to:


STADIUM MARCH 21st and 22nd, 8:30 p.m.


Balcony ......................... $1.00 General Admission ...... 75 cents

Tickets on sale on holding seats today for. both games, also Monday for Tuesday's

1 game, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I ~~~~~~~~----~

Newfoundland Services


i WE.."T RUN PLACENTIA BAY Regular 8.10 a.m. train leav :

Required for



A PRif~CIPAL duties to begin September 1, 1960.

Teachers residence, with central heating

and all modern conveniences-located near


POSITION AVAILABLE! Accountant- Off.ce Manager

Wanted to take full responsibility for our complete office includins capital, current, cost and jcb accounts as well as some personnel administration.

Chartered Accountant desirable but not absolutely essential.

Good wages commensurate with abil­ity. Only competent and experienced persons need apply. All applications kept in strictest confidence.

Lundrigan' s Construction Ltd. CORNER BROOK

~_!",:,:76 Phone 44161 I ~;.;-;.;---;.;--;.;--..;--;.;-;.;--.;..;..;.;..:._.;.., __ ;,.; ------· --- -·------- -


invites applications for the following positions on the high school staff:-Subject Teaching Grades IX to XI including Science

Industrial Arts

Home Economics


Applications staling qualifications ani experience should be addressed to Mr. C. K. Howse, Chair­man, Staffing Committee, Prince of Wales College.


KINSMEN AUCTION · ing St. John's ~lrmday, March '

21st, will make :or.nection at Argentia with Motor Vessels for the Bay Run and West Run Placentia Bay.


¥ D·O Y·OU WANT EXTRA MONEY Train "The Caribou" leaving .

St. John's Thursday, March 24th .. will make l'Onnection at Port aux Basques wi:h the M.V. : Bonavista for regular ports . South Coast Service.


F'rei~ht is accepter! r!aily at · , the Rail way Freight Shed for i regular ports South Coast Ser· · vice but in order to I!Uarantee movement by this trip of the M.V. Nonia freight must be at

1 the Railwav Freight Shed not : : later than · LOO p.m. Tuesday, : ~ March 22nd.




Bring your articles to the C.L.B. Armoury TO-DAY, FRIDAY, or TO-MORROW, SATURDAY, March 1 Bth., and 19th., or call 80347 for Pick-up-Service at very little extra cost.




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Two P. A. F. B. Win, . Students

'Essay Awards: PEPPEHRI':LL AFB-Will.l

~ AT THE: Needle ~~=--~ SIGN· Masterpiece PH~ OF --~ THB

~[DO ROOK !l ~


-•OedUR~--~ GRUnOIG



iam Abbott .• Jr., a grade nine : st~dent, and Sandra Hen·; · dncks, or the eleventh grade, I FULL CIRCLE , here at Pcppcrrell's depend· !

Dictate, transcribe, erase, correct : directly on modern reusable ! Mylar tape with flick-of-the-thumb ; microphone control. Record

and it is an EXCEPTIONAllY BUSY PERIOD because of

the phase e>ut of Pepperrell Air Force Base, in which House­hold Movers and Shippers ltd., Newfoundland's leading

movers are playing a leading role. because only House· held Movers have the finest equipment necessary for such a large scale operation. However we have expanded to such a high degree that we still have the finest, the fostest

and the only guaranteed maving servi,ce in the area, and although helping with the P.A.F.B. phase out we can still give yau the same kind of fast, efficient service. So

when you move, be sure and move with



: cnt sciwol, each won a s25' THE MEMOIRS OF SIR i Savings B?nd _ror their essays I ANTHONY EDEN $7.50 • onT~;m~;;~~~~:sm;,'~Vhat dues i TRIUMPH IN THE WEST , Amcrieanism mean to me in · Arthur Bryant ........ 6.00 : the home ,sehool, g?vemmt•nt, I THE LIFE AND DEATH OF . · com1~t11~1ty or for~1g? lands," : SIR HARRY OAKES . was lumted to pupils m grade~ . : i through 12. · Geoffrey Bocca .. .. 4.50

·.rhe e.ssays wc1·r judged un · BOSWELL F"OR THE or1gmal.1ty of conle.n~. l'lal'ity. 1 DEFENCE 1769_1774 expression, compo~1twn neal· nrs' and choice of s'uh,icrt William K. Wimsatt, Jr. within the theme limitations. and Frederick A.

Pottle ...... .. .. .... .... .. 8.00 . Good Fishing A uFE IN THE THEATRE

Tyrone Guthrie .. .. 6.85 · The heavy snowfall this win·

lcr will hal'e some compcnsal· I WAS NO LADY ing benefit. according to Jack Jean W. Godse// .... 3.95 Dodd of Baulinc. He sa)'S that I THE SECRET WORLD OF

, the ~almon run this spring Kl DS should he excellent and the >ame shouhl apJIIY to ,;melts Art Linkletter ....... 3.95

:and h~ITing un the west coast. PEANUTS REVISITED · The melting snow causin~ Cl 1 M S h I 2 gr. 'rin~rs to flood into the sea will Jares · c u z .. · J bring fresh water further out 1 THE WITCH DOOR into the ocean. The salmon will I Elizab-eth Ogilvie .... 5.20


be conditioned to come to land, THE CAVE , ; probably earlier in !\lay than 1



usual and the delectable fish 1 Robert Penn Warren 4.95 will head for lhe river mouth o· I. and upstream. iC!\S & (O ltd

We hope 'II". Dodd is t·on·rct \ ' 1 •

and that the lordlv 'almon cnm· 1

The Booksellers · ing in greater nu~1bers will en· I , able the pri1•e to rcmain at a ! sensible level. Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191

A Press Agent's Confession, Or­Maney's Affair With His Fair 'Lady

R~· RllR\RD ~!A~t:Y Wnttf'n for :'\t>Wspaper

Enterpl'i~ Asm. I St:\\' YORK-1:\EA)-Grace 1

Ktll~ was singlt'. the Dodgers .. ·rre in Brooklyn and the •rutnik was only a doodle on a :'O\'lt't dra .. ·in~ board . when) ·~ly Fm Lad)· opPned 111 New 1

\'or~. "arch 15. 1956. I .\bout to round out it~ fourth

'~·r at the ~lark Ht'llin~er T 1ratrr. the Alan .1~)· Lerner· f~rMrick Lorwe musical \'er· o'{\n nf Bernard Shaw's "Pyg . ,-all on'' has bt'en srcn there h)' I ~r~ro~imately 2.601'.000 soul~.l ·' mong them were Dwight D. f.i~enhower 1 it's the only show I ~r·s SN-n since he's been in the "'tuteo Housel: Pandit Nehru. I Primr :\linister of lrodia: King l \fahendra Bir Bikram of Nepal; ,;:ran O'Kelly. when he was· prc>ident of Ireland. and ~

i R~l'l':'" and Bess Truman.



Will Knock at Your Doo1 with Gifts and GreJtings

from Friendly Business Neighbours and Your

Civic and Social On the occasion of:

New Comer to the City. The Birth of a Baby,

94865, 3582 or 90943


\ __ __...-~~265

fxtA6ct'S~ Dem e deep j,y and pe3cc

with eiW>' stitrh o! lhi, needle I painting of the \'ir~in ~!an·

So in,pir:ng- - .<o bra·.uif;II in' ~lowin~ colors with g-ilt threads!

, to hi.ghlighl garment. ro:-ar~·.: star<. Pallrrn 72G:i: tran.<fer 16 lC l!l 1 o inches: color t•harl. ~end TIIJRTY-FI\'E CE:-;TS

lin roins' for lhi; p;,l!ern starnp:-' tan not l~r CH'l'Cpl(ld ~ to 1

ST. .1011:-;•s 0.\ILY :-;EWS,: llnnS!'hnlr! Mts Dfllt, 60 FROXT ST., WEST, TOIWXTil, o:-;1',: Print pl~inly -.;,nn: .. \nlJRESS. 1

1'.\TTER:-; \DillER. . I .1\.'S'l' Ol'T: llur \ew J!ilill

.\lit'r B1·on!>< \crrlhTa[l Boo~ ""ll<~in' TIIIH:I·: 'Fn!·:l·: Pal· IPrn~. Plu:-: idl1 J~ ::!alon• for

· home furnbhin;.::s. 1~1!-ihions. ~ilh. loy:-. haL:Jal' sl'11Pr_~ - rxcitin~.l

; tmusual de>i."n' to crnclwt. knit. '~''"· <'mbroidrr, huck ll'<'al'e. quill. Be fir.<! wilh lht• nrwe<l

C.\REEH - Sf!IOOLS Rarhe1· m· Hairrlresser

E•ruiJlmrnl and ~uppliPs I 'lcmplo)·mrnt In.'lll'<llll'c Fknrlit; d~1rin~ cour;e if


' TR.\:-;S .. C\\.\Il.\ , J flE.\l'TY

..i r:-;uusTRIEs ,3g.,.,.._ )lonclon, S.B.

Hcturn fare he1·nnd 300 miles refu~ded.



Collecth ely king~. common· i f'r>. !'N'IS and peasants ha\'e I f~rkrl! up Sl4.000.0tl0. includin~ II C1 !IO.COO from 60.000 sta ndt'es . ,,. ~H J 'how wilhou\ kiss, NOTil'", h I rartSI or displa)· of tht' frrnale: in scene from "M. F·. L d.,, I . r

1 ~. r,rr ~)·, ~~~rn tl~al ~It. a sum far In exces.~ of • . . ) air a~. ILLARA JA:"H, I E{o;!ib\, of No PHONE 94123 an)' P\'Pr totaled by a staq~ a~td the !'\orweglans Ill Oslo. better: I'm the pre;;s agent for Kiev and Swrdlo, k l .. 8 Third Avenue, Grand Falb. attraction in s~w Ycrk, regard· ;u~t~.er p;oof that "My Fait' "My Fair Lady,'' the eni'Y of For this bl'~l·ado 3~-~-e.ar.:ld s~id: Ill the l'rol'ince of ;>;ewfound·,· El • lrs~ of lrngth or run ·l,a y rna) ~ our mos~ popu· every brave in my tribe. 'tor was blaster! edil~riallv .:~1 land, marned woman. will ap· ectrcnu:

The touring company of the a; exp~rt Will b~ mamfest In "The show has been a press the wa\' from :\liami to :.' , . ply to the Parlianwnt of Can· i musical. thrtt ~·eJ<< old on ?Hd·Apnl when, With the bless- agent's dream from the start. Jaw • • • loose ada, at the present. nl'xt or I Cen•re ltd

I conferences, too. Use in moving I car, plane, train. Easy ta carry ' ' - easy to use. 7'uw.•rrihi"" .1f'"'~''"~tr·it~ 1 f1/ .St~'llll Adt/llinmrl (;l,arg~




Tr:chnici:nL" :1~-'r·nddr• lr;tl).:-C,w.t~l.r .\ir I.irH's hkhlv complex Dnrr~l.r...:. I H · .:.:, -i 11111. 1 · ~·- in : lu· t'r •ii!J 1,1n\· '_. Tl('\\' t rainit;g huildin~ .11 \IPIIll•'•d. "I;,, .. ....:JOI)ii_O(IIl Jlt,!t·hinC'. \.ni1f h\' J.ink :\\·ialion ( .lllll'l;t:l\. i~ .- ,.,,,!,:, t t r).,i:r..: ,lf1\ ;hitl.': ,,.,, .tin-r,tfr c-.11\ dn - ('\rrpl lr.nr· 1lrr __ 1· ,J:::r! !; r·\• I! ... j·, ·1 1'•• .. ·.n;d"tll p.l ... ·l'll:.!<'l" 11\r)\"f'lllf'ilf

\' ;,!ir. d·,- ,Jirn-,t:'! i~ ;., ~ 1 i.__:",:. 'I·.~· -i"tl'!.tt"r \\i'! J,t, tr .. •·d tq .;:uppk· n · 111 rr.1ini~''.! j1! 1-,j: .... ~ f~·r ti·~· _;.~tl-rniit . .tP-hnnr. i~i-pa-. .. en-.;.rr l~t·-~· ... ru1:ii1~ ,-... :- .tr·•ll•.:'in·: 1i1•' ;1i:· ... ·.111 r~·cpJ .. ,•ht~ . .: frre inr n·\4·111w r'a--· n._.·;- :--''1"\it·•>. .\l·.r·,. rl!.lll \!"i mi1t-.: of nirr. ::-nme dt•·r: .. ,t!Hi.: ·~f \,1~·111111, 11::"..: .IT~t! h·:nin·d.:. ,,1· ;Hnpliti(·r.: ;mf1 !"l'n-n­

t11••r,.r ... ,If,· i~:,·;~rd,·d i:r 1:~,. ;.ll'i1.1:••f" ~"•':11J•k\, which h.t;· J,_ '"

r"ikd tht• !.ir'.!t'-1 :1·u:,,.~rw (',•::lH\IL'r in llw \\nrld. ·n·.\ pilots bt>t;..m1raiHill:.! 011 1h•• -imuiat·~:- ,\1 tln"' rnd of Fd·ruary.

K<'l'p yonr h:llldf};t::: cunten!:-; In a minimum. II ~a\t'' limP' wilcli \!HJ\w;.: io:· th;n'.:."' a11d \\'hen l·h;111~

in:.:. bnndl:.::J:.: . .;. .\ n;~: nt~lPrl h:n~·i· l~a~ i~ tlw ~i::n nf ('arclt: ...... !11_' -~

anrl m\~..:,in<>..: ......

TiH'I'e "l'p lwt Wt'Ptl li.UOI) and J.\.1100 blinri l'ilildl'l'll in ><"iliiOI' of lite l.'niteri Stat~<. ;I(•['IH'rlin: [O (''limalL'' ()[ tile .\•lw;·ie"n Foundation for the Hlinrl.




KING'S ROAD DIAL3916 ~hn-• 17. ha~ played 66 weeks lmg of the ~tate Depat·~ment, So hysterical was lis reception J~lie Harris 01 r 1 following session thereof. for a ' • in Chicago, 16 in Los Angeles.

1 a ~o.mpany fhes to Rus.sta for In tryouts in New Haven and acresscs 're · tile

0 ftur op B1ll of Divorce from hushaud. I 90 CAMPBELL AVE.

11 i11 San Francisco and has 1 a slx~ee_k engage~eut Ill ~!~s-lj Philadelphia that producer Her· show's puhlic~~~ ~heiu ~d the SIDNEY DOVE PENNEY. of A~f~t:e~r ~h~o:u~r~s~'P~H~O~N~E~7~3~1~3~;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~~~~~~~l rnricbd the lh·es of the theate.r- i cow, emngrad, Ktev and Ttfhs. m~n Lev~n. fearful these halie·. fessed to a columnis~ ~h:t cso:~ Srld~m·Come·By, in lhl' saicl' 1. -.. ____ ---·-- ·--

•tan•td 1n such outpo5t~ as L1t- Many authorities. including !,UJ~hs lnl',lht boomerang into a had auditioned for the role of Provmce, on the ~rounds of · tit Jlock. Calgary. Houston, this partisan think "My Fair thts-had·better-be-good" resist· Eliza Doolitlle twn v . . , adultery. !'Pattie and 'Winnipeg The Lon· Lad1·" is th~ greatest musical ance in New York, suggested 1 when the mana"emel/~.~s 1 agko Dated at Grand Falls. in lhe d"n topy co!"pletu its second com~dy hit or all time. M)", muff!~ my ~rums. This was a 1 ing for a s~ccc~sor to ,Jual~e ~~: l'r<ll'ince nf Newfoundland. this :rfl~ Ill\ .~pnl 3 .. and the A~s· qualifications as an authority? I s~arthng swllch. Convenlionally drcws. , 14th ~a}: of March. A.~ .. 1~60. trah~n an~ Swedish ~ompames 1 o1•er 40 years in the theater jIm urged t~ clash the cym-, For almnst lln·ee yrars ":ltv 1 SH:A~l~IAN II. IN~~R, art 111 ~httr second ~ear. , and exposure to hundreds o! bals. So frenz1ed was the clamor, Fair Lady" enjoyed a free 311 ;.1 SoliCitor for Petitioner.

• • • song-and·dance shows, from 'for tickets. followmg tne New mated outdoor ad provided b .I marl9.24,31,apr7 ntllN' . linqual dupl!cations "~he Merry Widow·· to "The I York premiere t~at lh~ lhwart- 1 the hundreds who lined u lt 1

- -- inimi ------an! dnzhng the Danes 1n Cop· Sound of Music." My quallfic· ed went berserk m the1r efforts the box office ~ach dav b~ore 1- _ --·-· _ _ __ --·---- ' enhlgl'n. the Finns in Helsinki ations as a partisan are even 1~ escape charges o! being so- dawn to buy one of 'the 40 THO~IPS0:-1-Born on March

Clally untoucha~le. " . standing room admissions sold 1 !Hth at the Rassin Clinic in



, .....

...... ., IIIIIMPIIM .,




M{V "!ri•ll R-" and Mty "lri•ll WiDow" commeDcinr April 15.

Te ST. JOHN '5-w..:k\y S.S. "Novaport", S.S. "GuUport" and

S.S. "Hi1t.liner" com~~~encin1 April "·

• Complete IDnJrance Coven.,.. • 'l'lu.wtt. Rau. via C.P.R., C.N.R., and C.S.L. • Rel.ipratecl Ca...., Space to St. john'• • T racinr and E:.:peditiq Service.





_!or, Freilbt lltlt'l'Vatiou

C.. tad IAN SELLAICS, Tel. 5tl3·2l51


SIIIP8 LTD., A~e~~u


CLARKE "finf ;,. ffte

Gull " Sl. l.awntJcef' I

L Pr~,IIS agentm!j M~ Fa1r 'for. each per!ormance. These fa-J Nas~au, The Bahamas. a daught- ' sla~~~~as been a l?KUrlous as- I nahcswere equipped with sleep· er, to Mr. and lllrs. William J.

g 'tt' t be~ause I ve had the I natics were equipped with sleep-~ Thompson (nee ~Ian Gronchy), unwl tng asSIStance of hundreds baskets and. in cold weather GG·SS - P 1rn at St. Clare's Of volunteers. splits of grog. ' :\lcrcy Ho>pital on )larch 16th, VI An obsc~re Russi~~ name_d And this seems as good a time: a daughter to Mr. and !\Irs. , L ~to.~ Loputs put My Fa1r as any other to thank Steve I' .John Goss (nee Joyce Abery, 1

a Y on. age One when he an- Allen, Groucho Marx, Jackie R.N.) ! I nounced m a letter to Lerner Gleason, Sid Caesar and Ph'! -· -- -- · ---- · and Loewe that he would like Silvers for their service in rr: I DEATH the full orchestral score l.o the beh If 11 d t d Y - ·----· · ·- · -- ----·- · m~~Sical, gratis. He ah-ead TV ash-a evo e one of their BROWNE - Passed peace- I had translated the libretto an~ 1 . ows d to th~ ordeals they · fully away, Garrett Browne, intended to put on the show in ~~~e~:~ce hg~ttmg seats for aged 34 years. Leaving to'

_ . w w ~ · _ I mourn mother and two bro- 1

·- ·· · - ~ thers. Funeral to-day, Satur-1 day, from his late residence, 90 1

Freshwater Road, with Requiem\ Mass at the Basilica at 9.30. , Interment at Mount Carmel.


~· £ 0

...... ._. ___ ._·t-~~~.~~~~ a trial by jury!"_-lliiltlll~w·illtMl

FUNERAL NOTICE 1 --· --· ~ ~~ I

JANES-The funeral of the : late Mrs. Ellen Janes will take ! place at 3 p.m. to-day, Satur­day, from Carnell's Funeral !

Home, 28 Cochrane Street, to i the Anglican Cemetery, Forest • Road. '


Your choice of ct

very useful gift •

. Just for changing

your family allow­ance check.











SHAW ST. and TOPSAIL RD. TEL80161 TEL. 91174



t' ,... ' . ., . ~ .. -, .. ' , ,.· .,.. /

l\f2 ~;:~~; c~· ·~ .• , .. .,:_
