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Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row...

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(advertisement) MUSIC MEDIA Volume 7 Issue 3 January 20 1990 The European Music & Broadcast Trade Magazine French Move To End Co -Publishing Deals Paris -A French Ministry of Culture commission is seek- ing to enforce a code of con- duct to prevent co -publi- shing deals between record companies, broadcasters and music publishers. In the new proposals, to be publicised at MIDEM next week, the commission attacks the "collusion of practices involving music producers, publishers and broadcasters" and asks for the voluntary adoption of new guidelines. Commission president and Europe 1 executive, Yves Bigot, says if the code is not accepted then stricter regu- lations may be proposed by the minister of culture, Jack Lang, and put before parliament. Bigot: "As far as co - publishing deals are con- cerned, for the past 15 years at Europe 1, I have been a strong opponent of that practice. I just hope now it will stop!' The commission pro- posals seek to prevent radio stations from receiving payments for broadcasting music, other than from advertising. In France, it is common practice among AM stations, like RTL and Europe 1, to gain revenue from accepting a percentage of publishing income in return for airplay. RTL accepts that the con troversy has been around for 15 years and acknowledges that guidelines are needed. "We are aware of the com- mission though we have not been formally notified a- bout its recommendations. We will formulate a re- sponse after we have seen the report" says an RTL spokeswoman. As well as the proposed restrictions on co -publi- shing deals the commission is seeking to limit similar practices on TV. It is also at- tempting to regulate pay- ment for the showing of video clips and to prevent undisclosed bartering deals. Broadcasters Condemn Atlantic 252 'Reads' by Paul Easton Controversy surrounds a deal struck between the Irish -based long -wave sta- tion Atlantic 252 and CBS Records UK which includes 10 -second 'live' endorse- ments of CBS product by Atlantic DJs. UK indepen- dent radio broadcasters have condemned the prac- tice as blurring the distinc- tion between advertising and programming and say it is "against the spirit" of commercial radio. Under the deal, Atlantic DJs read out announce- ments, scripted by the sta- tion, following ads for new CBS product. Artists so far involved have been CBS/Epic's Halo James and Luther Vandross with the 'reads' forming part of the advertising package of- fered to the record company. Although it broadcasts into the UK, 252's location means it is outside of In- dependent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) regula- tions, which demand clear distinction between pro- gramming and paid -for ad- vertisements. As a joint ven- ture between Ireland's state broadcaster RTE and Lux- embourg's RTL, 252 is regulated by the Irish go- vernment's broadcasting act. Brian West, director of the Association of Indepen- dent Radio Contractors (AIRC): "Atlantic 252 pro- bably feel they can do what they like. Broadcasters in the UK have always been generally happy with the relevant IBA rules, which are seen to protect a sta- tion's integrity. All I can say is that Atlantic 252 must be desperate for advertising!' And in Bristol, GWR FM programme controller Steve Orchard says Atlantic's CBS deal clearly breaches IBA rules. He believes both music content and DJ should be "above any hint of commercial influence". Atlantic 252 continues on page 3 Danish star Kim Larsen (far right) and his band Bellami on hearing the news that their Medley Records LP Wielgasten' has now topped 200.000 national sales in one month and is the fastest -seller in Danish history. {advertisement) Stand 1802 Sweden at Midem FRANKIE LA MOTTE RICOCHET RECORDS CONTENTS TVIO To Be Dissolved 3 Planned satellite channel loses major programme supplier Radio Express Puts Extra Fizz In AT40 4 US -based syndicator announces new Pepsi deal Airplay On Agenda In Chart Review 6 BPI committee to review UK chart compilation Swiss Saks Mirror German Market 8 Hasselhoff heads '89 singles chart CBS To Invest In Metroplys Radio 10 Record company to take 20% stake in French network Kiss Kiss Becomes National Network I I Naples -based private in deal with ViaRadio BRT Drops 'Domino' Rock Show Belgian state radio moves to family -oriented programming 12 Publishing Profile 23.30 Publishers' relationships with advertisers, artists, classic songs and MIDEM An EtIR publication in partnership with ill Box 1225, S -I I 1 82 Stockholm, Sweden Phone 468-7914692, Fax 46 8-10 9992. AmericanRadioHistory.Com
Page 1: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma




Volume 7

Issue 3

January 20


The European

Music &


Trade Magazine

French Move To EndCo -Publishing DealsParis -A French Ministry ofCulture commission is seek-ing to enforce a code of con-duct to prevent co -publi-shing deals between recordcompanies, broadcastersand music publishers.

In the new proposals, tobe publicised at MIDEMnext week, the commissionattacks the "collusion ofpractices involving musicproducers, publishers andbroadcasters" and asks forthe voluntary adoption ofnew guidelines.

Commission presidentand Europe 1 executive, YvesBigot, says if the code is notaccepted then stricter regu-lations may be proposed bythe minister of culture, JackLang, and put beforeparliament.

Bigot: "As far as co -

publishing deals are con-cerned, for the past 15 yearsat Europe 1, I have been astrong opponent of thatpractice. I just hope now itwill stop!'

The commission pro-

posals seek to prevent radiostations from receivingpayments for broadcastingmusic, other than fromadvertising. In France, it iscommon practice amongAM stations, like RTL andEurope 1, to gain revenuefrom accepting a percentageof publishing income inreturn for airplay.

RTL accepts that the controversy has been around for15 years and acknowledgesthat guidelines are needed."We are aware of the com-mission though we have notbeen formally notified a-bout its recommendations.We will formulate a re-sponse after we have seenthe report" says an RTLspokeswoman.

As well as the proposedrestrictions on co -publi-shing deals the commissionis seeking to limit similarpractices on TV. It is also at-tempting to regulate pay-ment for the showing ofvideo clips and to preventundisclosed bartering deals.

Broadcasters CondemnAtlantic 252 'Reads'

by Paul Easton

Controversy surrounds adeal struck between theIrish -based long -wave sta-tion Atlantic 252 and CBSRecords UK which includes10 -second 'live' endorse-ments of CBS product byAtlantic DJs. UK indepen-dent radio broadcastershave condemned the prac-tice as blurring the distinc-tion between advertisingand programming and say itis "against the spirit" ofcommercial radio.

Under the deal, AtlanticDJs read out announce-ments, scripted by the sta-tion, following ads for newCBS product. Artists so farinvolved have beenCBS/Epic's Halo Jamesand Luther Vandross withthe 'reads' forming part ofthe advertising package of-fered to the record company.

Although it broadcastsinto the UK, 252's locationmeans it is outside of In-dependent BroadcastingAuthority (IBA) regula-tions, which demand cleardistinction between pro-

gramming and paid -for ad-vertisements. As a joint ven-ture between Ireland's statebroadcaster RTE and Lux-embourg's RTL, 252 is

regulated by the Irish go-vernment's broadcastingact.

Brian West, director ofthe Association of Indepen-dent Radio Contractors(AIRC): "Atlantic 252 pro-bably feel they can do whatthey like. Broadcasters in theUK have always beengenerally happy with therelevant IBA rules, whichare seen to protect a sta-tion's integrity. All I can sayis that Atlantic 252 must bedesperate for advertising!'

And in Bristol, GWR FMprogramme controller SteveOrchard says Atlantic's CBSdeal clearly breaches IBArules. He believes bothmusic content and DJshould be "above any hintof commercial influence".

Atlantic 252continues on page 3

Danish star Kim Larsen (far right) and his band Bellami onhearing the news that their Medley Records LP Wielgasten' hasnow topped 200.000 national sales in one month and is thefastest -seller in Danish history.


Stand 1802 Sweden at Midem



CONTENTSTVIO To Be Dissolved 3

Planned satellite channel loses major

programme supplier

Radio Express Puts Extra

Fizz In AT40 4

US -based syndicator announces new

Pepsi deal

Airplay On Agenda InChart Review 6

BPI committee to review UK chart


Swiss Saks MirrorGerman Market 8

Hasselhoff heads '89 singles chart

CBS To Invest In

Metroplys Radio 10

Record company to take 20% stake in

French network

Kiss Kiss BecomesNational Network I I

Naples -based private in deal with


BRT Drops 'Domino'Rock ShowBelgian state radio moves to

family -oriented programming



23.30Publishers' relationships with

advertisers, artists, classic songs and MIDEM

An EtIR publication inpartnership with


Box 1225, S -I I 1 82 Stockholm, Sweden Phone 468-7914692, Fax 46 8-10 9992.


Page 2: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma







CBS To Invest In Metropolys Radioby Jacqueline Eacott & Jon Henley

CBS France is poised to take aminority stake in successful Lille -based FM network Metropolys.CBS president Henri de Bodinatsays the company has an optionon 27% of the station's capitalwhich it would seek to reduce to20% if the deal goes through.

De Bodinat claims Metropolys,which has a network of 29 sta-tions in France, five in Belgiumand three in Italy, asked CBS helphead off an aggressive takeoverbid from RTL: "We are interestedbecause Metropolys is a good sta-tion with a good music policy. Itplays a lot of new product and40% French music compared to

most other FM stations' 10-20%.It's a major music influence innorthern France and Belgium!'

But CBS is not aiming to ac-quire a majority stake, de Bodinatclaimed: "Our intention is toallow the station to continue as itis. If RTL had bought Metropolysit would have become part of theMaxximum network!'

CBS will also be involved in amajor promotion campaign on allsix French TV channels inFebruary. The station's MD andco-founder Bruno Lecluse saysMetropolys has been keeping adeliberately low profile whilebuilding up a substantial network

Lambada Legal Row Lingers OnA French court has blocked therelease of publishing revenuesfrom the Kaoma hit single Lam-bada. The decision was takenfollowing a claim by EMI SBKSongs France that the currentpublishers, Jean Karakos andOlivier Lorsac, did not have therights to the song.

Meanwhile, the composers ofLambada, Hulises and GonzaloHermosa, who had signed a pact

of honour with Karakos and Lor-sac, have now changed theirminds and taken EMI's side. It isnow thought the next step will bea settlement between EMI andCBS at the highest level.

Performing rights bodySACEM is expected to make adecision about Olivier Lorsacshortly. Lorsac claimed to havecomposed the song when he firstregistered it at SACEM.

Tracks from Blues Tkottoir's first album Histoires Courtes' on EMI Pathewill be heard at this week's MIDEM festival. From I. to r: MD Noel Costa-ing; Ennio Menichini, GM; Olivier Defays, sax player; Michel Jankelewicz.,producer; Jean -Michel Beriat, A&R manager; Jean -Marc Malairan,marketing manager; and vocalist Clemence Lhomme.




Still available for some territories

Contact:Peter Swartling during MIDEMat Sonet stand 21.01Telephone 93 99 81 36In Sweden at Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm, SwedenTelephone +4686600609Telefax + 4686604665

and significant market share."We're following a strategy whichis the opposite of Mmicimum's,for example. They launched a ma-jor campaign without having theproduct to back it up!"

Lecluse says the station's pro-gramming strategy is "closer tothat of UK stations. We like to

play a lot of music, an average of30 minutes an hour, with a fastrotation. We don't keep a recordon the playlist for six months likeother FM radios.

"Besides 40% French product

we like to play the latest materialfrom Belgium, the UK andHolland. Being based in Lillemakes a difference, we're geogra-phically and mentally closer thanstations in Paris!'

'Fargetting a 15-35 audience,Metropolys is currently the se-cond most popular station in theNorth/Pas de Calais region behindRTL, way ahead of both Europe 1and NRJ. Metropolys is CBS' se-cond venture into radio - the com-pany also owns 20% of successfuloldies network Cherie FM.

Island DistributionSwitch To PolyGram

by Emmanuel LegrandIsland France has now switchedits distribution from BMG toPolyGram, following PolyGram'spurchase of the company. Thedeal through which Island pro-duct was being distributed byBMG had been due to run until1995. It is understood BMG ac-cepted an undisclosed amount offmancial compensation.

Island France GM Jean-PierreWeiler: "As we are now part of thePolyGram group it was natural toanticipate the move and startworking. It is better to develop

new acts with a company withwhich we will have a long-termrelationship. We'll also benefitfrom the strength of thePolyGram sales forcer

The deal with PolyGram onlyconcerns distribution andmarketing and promotion willcontinue to be handled by IslandFrance. Product soon to be releas-ed includes a new LP by theChristians, Robert Palmer's com-pilation Addictions and a newsingle from Salif Keita.

S P 0 L I G H T

Sandy Signed to Carrere. Publiiher: Macadam Music. Manager: Marc Miller/Jean-

Michel Carpe. New album: Histoires

D'Amour. Currrent single: T'Aurais Du. Recorded at Studios Cemar

Engel, Pascal Stive, GuillaumeTell.

Mixed at Studios GuillaumeTell, Polygone, Palais desCongres.

Produced by Macadam (MarcMiller, Jean -Michel Carpe).

No TV advertising campaignhas been planned but Sandywill be appearing on FrenchTV shows and at some sum-mer festivals.

Sandy will not be touringbefore summer 1990.

The album has been releasedin France, Belgium, Switzer-land this month. An Englishversion may be released laterthis year.

Sandy, originally from Scotlandbut now based in France, was topof the French charts in 1987 withthe single J'Ai Faim De Toi.First created for a Chambourcyadvert before being released byMacadam and Carrere as a singleJ'Ai Faim De Toi was an enor-mous and unexpected hit for theunknown singer.

Histoires D'Amour is Sandy'sfirst album for Macadam/Car-rere. The album contains J'AiFaim De Toi, the 1988 follow-upsingle Comme Je Respire and oneEnglish -language track, Don'tWait Up.

I0 MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990


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Kiss Kiss BecomesNational Network

by David StanfieldRadio Kiss Kiss, the Naples -basedprivate network, began broad-casting nationally at the beginn-ing of this month. Previouslylimited to transmitting through-out central and southern Italy thestation now reaches the northernprovinces of Lombardy andPiemonte. This follows a 50%partnership deal, for the northonly, with the Milan -basedregional station ViaRadio.

Kiss Kiss station director, LuciaNiespolo says she is delighted bythe initial response. "Listeners inthe north were entering ourphone-in qui77es within the firstfew days of broadcasting. Thatwas without much local presscoverage. One important factor inthe deal is that we can now beheard loud and clear in stereo inMilan, although we are transmit-ting on only two frequencies

throughout the two northernregions!'

Kiss Kiss has opened an officein Milan for sales staff and jour-nalists. It will also be used to helpthe station capitalise on interviewopportunities with artists whoseonly Italian stop -over is Milan.

Radio Kiss Kiss, which registersa daily audience of 430.000 accor-ding to Audioradio statistics,describes its target audience asteenagers and dance music lovers.Its top two programmes are`Simioli '90', presented by GianniSimioli daily from 10.30 to 13.00hours and 'Discolive'. `Simioli`90's music content is made up ofnational acts and internationalpop releases, while 'Discolive' isbroadcast from Kiss Kiss' owndisco every Friday, Saturday andSunday night.

S P 0 I G H T

Fiorella Mannoia Signed to Italy's CBS Epic

label. Publishing: SBK-II Volatore-II

Ponte; Serraglio; SBK-Penelo-pe-Gelsomino.

Manager: Gianni Marsili forMusica Impresa, Rome.

New LP Di Terra E Di Vento(Epic 466136).

The LP is Mannoia's first forCBS. She previously recordedfor the DDD label.

Last LP Canzoni Per Palareon DDD sold more than200.000 units in Italy.

Di Terra E Di Vento was pro-duced by Piero Fabrizi and ar-ranged by Fio Zanotti at theCortile, Garden and MorningStudios in Milan.

CBS is supporting the new LPwith TV advertising on Italy'sstate and private networkchannels. Radio advertisingspots have also been boughton leading private networksand the artist has given aseries of interviews on stateRAI radio, private networksand regional stations. Man-noia is making appearanceson important TV shows suchas RAI's Fantastica In-storedisplays have been supplied toretailers.

Mannoia is touring Italiantheatres this month. The touris organised by MusicaImpresa.

European release plans haveyet to be confirmed. CBS Ita-ly will proceed according tothe reactions of its Europeancolleagues.

Mannoia is a singer who hasdeveloped a reputation as an ex-cellent interpreter of other artists'songs. This ability was an impor-tant part of CBS' decision to addher to its roster, according tomarketing director Fabrizio Intra.

Her new LP is made up of trackswritten for her by leading Italiansongwriters Ivano Fossati,Francesco de Gregori, EnricoRuggeri and Ricardo Cocciante.Her style of traditional Italianmelody has made Mannoia acritics' choice. In 1988 she wontheir special award at the SanRemo Song Festival.

Rock Cafe ClaimsWorld Record'Rock Cafe', the afternoon musicinformation radio show, with 4.5million daily listeners, is claiminga record for uninterrupted broad-casting.

Programme director AndreaOlcese says, "'Rock Cafe' startedbroadcasting every Monday toFriday from October 3 1988. Upto the end of 1989 we had broad-cast 65 weeks without a break.With 325 30 -minute shows thatgave us 10.000 minutes whichequalled 167 hours of programm-ing. Our record claim is not justan idle boast. I have checked andcan find no other music news pro-gramme in the world that hastransmitted so long without inter-ruption!'

Olcese believes that 'RockCafe' provides an excellent pro-motional space for artists. "Oursis a news programme with musicas the subject. It is a regular ap-pointment for listeners and radiois definitely the best medium formusic information!'

'Rock Cafe's major 1989

achievements included a world-wide exclusive concert and inter-view with David Bowie's TinMachine on July 25 and an Italianfirst for airing the new version ofthe Do They Know It's Christmassingle.

'Rock Cafe' will broadcast inits current format until July.. Noimminent changes are envisagedalthough Olcese believes that thenew decade will be devoted tosocial issues and he expects 'RockCafe' to play its part. "In the pastwe have broadcast programmesabout Amnesty International,Aids and drugs. Music is acatalyst for motivating youngpeople and we will certainly keepto our policy of providing infor-mation about social issues!'

'Rock Cafe' is syndicated bySPER to 77 local stationsthroughout Italy. Nescafe hassponsored the show since the startand has a US$ 500.000 contractuntil the end of 1990.

PolyGram Creates New DivisionsPolyGram (Italy) has created thetwo new pop music divisions,Phonogram and Polydor. Themove is described by PolyGrammanaging director GianfrancoRebulla as a step into line withother major European countries.

The Polydor division nowmarkets and promotes A&M pro-duct as well as its own.Phonogram has taken control ofthe London label. The newPhonogram is headed by BrunoTibaldi, ex pop music director atPolyGram. His deputy is DaniloCiotti. Polydor has Adrian Ber-wick as its general manager. He

was previously marketing directorUS/UK at PolyGram Interna-tional London.

Rebulla says the aim of the twonew division is to increase thecompany's exploitation of the na-tional market: "The Italianmarket has witnessed a tremen-dous resurgence over the last fewyears. About four years ago ourmarket share was approximately12/13%. Now it stands at18/20%. We needed to create newdedicated and creative units togrow even further and give thebest service to our artiste'




Still available for some territories

Contact:Peter Swartling during MIDEMat Sonet stand 21.01Telephone 93998136In Sweden at Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm, SwedenTelephone +4686600609Telefax +4686604665






MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990 I I


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BRT Drops Domino Rock ShowBRT radio has dropped its in-fluential rock programme 'Domi-no' as part of its restructuringtowards more "family orientedradio". The show has been replac-ed by `Hartelijk' a request showhosted by Bart Pieters and pro-duced by Wim Mertens.

Although the show sufferedfrom the rather difficult time -slotlate on Saturday evening, pro-ducer Arnold Rijpens and

by Marc Maes

presenter Luc Janssen managed toestablish a very loyal audience.Listeners organised petitions in abid to stop BRT cancelling theshow which was launched 10 yearsago when Belgian rock increasedin popularity.

Producer Arnold Rijpens sayshe is sorry "such a universal thingas rock music has no adequateplace in the BRT's programmeroster". "It is a pity for a certain

Government Money ForWallonia PrivatesThe French Community govern-ment is giving grants, totalling Bfr1.07 million (app. US$ 156.000),to 25 programme projects onprivate stations in Wallonia andBrussels. The grants aim to pro-mote the production of specialistprogrammes on private radiostations.

The stations had to submitideas to a board made up of

representatives from the govern-ment, private radio and culturalassociations.

The stations receive half of themoney in advance and the rest onproduction of a demo tape. Fourstations have been given the max-imum donation of Bfr 100.000:Radio Campus; Atelier Radio;Radio Viroinval and MicroClimat.






A PolyGram Company

part of the audience.:' says concertpromoter Herman Schueremans."Concerts and shows for this par-ticular audience, like the annualFuturama festival, got immediatefeedback from Domino":

Both Rijpens and Janssen havenow switched to Dutch broad-casting companies. Rijpens hasjoined KRO on the Dutch Radio 3channel where he will continue hisseries 'The Originals', whichtraces the origins of songs.Janssen will be involved as musicprogrammer and host in theDutch VPRO's Radio 3 program-mes `Krapuul De Luxe' La Stam-pa' and the world music pro-gramme 'Mundial'.

VARA AirsDutch FestivalDutch public broadcaster VARAwill transmit some five hours ofmaterial recorded at the fourthNoorderslag festival over the nextthree weeks. The majority of thematerial will feature in VARA's`Pop Podium' programme between22.00 and 23.00 hours on Tuesdayevenings. Additional extracts willbe broadcast during the PopKrant' show which precedes it.

The Noorderslag festival, heldin the northern Dutch city ofGroningen earlier this month,featured 50 Dutch bands in-cluding Urban Dance Squad, TheEx, Lois Lane, Toy Factory andDe Artsen and attracted an au-dience of 2.200 people. ,

MTV Unhappy WithAmsterdam Deal

by Jon Henley

MTV and Amsterdam cableauthority, KTA, have reachedagreement on the terms of thechannel's carriage on the citycable network. But MTV HollandMD Michiel Bakker says he is"not at all happy" with the dealand will review it after one year.

Under the new contract, validfor one year but with an option ona 12 -month extension, MTV willpay Amsterdam city council US$16.000 a year to support culturalevents. The all -music channel hasalso agreed to co -produce pro-grammes with local broadcasters,using their cameras and crews, topromote local music events.

"We're actually paying far lessthan the other channels, so in thatsense we should be grateful:' says

Bakker. "But it's MTV's policynot to pay anything at all. Theideal situation, and the one whichapplies in the US, is for cableoperators to sell one or twominutes of local advertising anhour on each of their channelsand to pass 50% of the revenueback to the broadcasters.

"That's illegal in Holland atpresent but the technology is avai-lable and the national cable asso-ciation, VECAI, has already sug-gested it. Instead of fightingamong themselves for the avai-lable channels, European satellitebroadcasters should be lobbyingfor legislative change. Holland isnot commercially -minded enoughat present!"

"Sweet And Soft" ShowFor Belgium's Radio UneFrench Belgian state broadcaster,Radio Une, has launched a newlate -night weekday music showcalled 'Crooner Et Compagnie'.Head of music, Philippe Baron,says the show will have a "sweet,soft and lazy" sound, featuringartists such as Frank Sinatra andPhil Collins.

"We also think it is a challengebecause the producer, MarcMoulin, had a similar weekendprogramme on Radio Cite. Theshow, called 'Crooners', waslistened to by 50% of Radio Cite'saudience. They were left in the

cold when 'Crooners' and RadioCite were stopped over four yearsage.'

About 30% of the programme,presented by Didier Melon, willfeature instrumental music.Domestic artists such as IsabelleAntena and Maurane Baron willmake up a further 10%. "TheRTBF's immense collectionallows us to compile tailor-madeplaylists by means of a computerstock control system:' addsBaron.

12MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990


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21ST TO 25TH















The MIDEM RADIO 90 conferences

sponsored by

E r trade magazine




THE CHALLENGE TO PUBLIC SERVICE RADIORoger LEWIS, Head of Radio One Music Department, B.B.C. (UK)




Andrew MANDERSTAM, Chief Executive, RFM (France)

Remy SAUTTER, Vice -President, RTL (France)

James GORDON, Managing Director, RADIO CLYDE (UK)

LOCAL VS. NETWORKMike HAAS, Programme Director, ANTENNE BAYERN (W. Germany)

Martin SCHMITZ, Marketing Director, RADIO GONG (W. Germany)

Eric RAUVILLE, Directeur General, MAXXIMUM (France)

Giles SQUIRE, Programme Controller. METRO RADIO (UK)

TARGETING THE LISTENERMartin BRISAC, Directeur du Develop. FM et Divers, EUROPE 2 (France)

Richard PARK, Programme Director. CAPITAL RADIO (UK)

Phillipe LABRO, Directeur des Programmes. RTL (France)


SHOULD PUBLIC RADIO TAKE ADVERTISING ?Roger LEWIS, Head of Radio One Music Department, B.B.C. (UK)

Pierre BOUTEILLFR, Directeur des Programmes, FRANCE INTER (France)

Bruno SOFIA, Director of Exterior Relations, SPER (Italy)

Rainer CABANIS, Programme Director, RADIO HAMBURG (W. Germany)


Simon KENNY, European Media Development Director, YOUNG &


Ian TRAVAHLE, Directeur General, CARAT RADIO (France)

Alex ZEITELHACK, General Manager Broadcast Consulting

International, BCI (W. Germany.)


Steve SALTZMAN, Managing Director, ROCK OVER LONDON (UK)

Andrea OLCESE, Director, ROCK CAFE (Italy)

Tony McGINN, Group Managing Director, MCM (Australia - UK)





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Lluis OLIVA, Director, RADIO CATALUNYA (Spain)

Stuart WATSON, Vice President, MCA RECORDS Int. (UK)

CABLE & SATELLITEWillem VAN KOOTEN, Director, CABLE 1 (Holland)

Jeroen SOER, Director, RADIO 10 (Holland)



PROMOTE OR DIEFrank LEYSEN, General Manager, RADIO CONTACT (Belguim)

John BURROWS, Promotions Director, CAPITAL RADIO (UK)

Rafael REVERT, Director "40 PRINCIPALES", SER (Spain)



Sara JOHN, Legal Advisor, BPI (UK)


WHO NEEDS THE D.J. ?Ton LATHOUWERS, Managing Director, SKY RADIO (Holland)

Rick DEES, Breakfast Presenter, KITS FM LOS ANGELES (USA)

Yvonne LEBRUN; Responsable de la Musique, EUROPE I (France)

LIVING BY NUMBERSRhody BOSLEY, lice President, Marketing, ARBITRON (USA)

Phil RILEY, Programme Controller, XTRA AM & BRMB (UK)

Michel FREJEAN, Directeur des Programmes, MEDIAMETRIE (France)



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Page 6: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma







SCANDINAVIANRK Third Channel Ready "Within Two Years"

by Chris Fuller

Oslo - A third national radiochannel will be launched by Nor-way's public broadcaster NorskRiksringkasting (NRK) "withintwo years", according to Channel1 (P1) programming executiveHelge Wettre.

Wettre, deputy head of P1 lightentertainment, confirms that acommittee is working on ideas fora P3 channel, which will soon bepresented to NRK management.He says P3 will be music -basedand have a "freer, lighter" ap-proach than P1 or P2.

A P3 channel is necessarybecause of "obvious public de-mand" and the increasing au-diences of commercial stationssuch as Oslo's Radio 1 andStavanger's Radio Vest, whichhave "found a successful formulaand put an added pressure on usto retain our audience".

Wettre: "The third channel hasto happen and I believe it will ar-rive within two years. And with itthere will be major reorganisationof P1 and P2. I believe we alreadyhave the capacity to set up the newchannel without any significantincrease to the public licence fee'

The new channel will have asimilar structure to Sweden'spublic `P3' light entertainmentstation, says Wettre. "The targetaudience and music mix will bebroad though there will be astrong pop and rock content andmore chart -based programming"But the channel will not imple-ment playlisting: "That sort ofsystem is more at home in com-mercial radid'

In Stavanger, Odd Atle Urvik,MD of leading private Radio Vest,says the Norwegian governmentmay not allow public funding forthe proposed P3: "Governmentministers have stated NRK wouldbe wiser to improve the quality ofP1 and P2 rather than launch athird channel - if P3 goes ahead itmay have to be financed someother way.

"I would not regard the na-tional channel as a threat - peopleare tuning to stations such as oursspecifically because of the localcontent"

But Fred Engh, marketingmanager at WEA Norway, looksforward to the proposed P3 chan-nel: "At present it is impossible to

The hosts of Swedish Radio's new P3 daily afternoon programme 'Kiang(Harmony) & Company' at a launch party for the show, which begantransmissions this month. From l. to r: Erik Blix, Pontus Enhorning andLotta Bromme and a picture of the fourth host, Kalle Oldby.

achieve any 'powerplay' on na-tional records because there simp-ly are not enough pop and rockprogrammes. More shows likeP2's 'Pandora's Jukebox' rockshow and more chart -orientedprogrammes would be more thanwelcome'

In another development, fromMay 1 NRK moves all youth-

targetted shows, such as the dailyafternoon music/discussion pro-gramme 'After School' and Sun-day's `Norway's Top Chart', fromP1 to P2.

According to recent research byOslo -based MMI, around 1.5

million people listen to P1 at sometime of the day, 1.03 million listento P2.

S P 0 I

The Creeps Signed to WEA Sweden. Published by Madhouse

Music (through Warner -Chappell).

Managed by Jon Gray ofMadhouse

New album Blue Tomato(2292 46246), just out inSweden. All other Europeanaffiliates to follow, beginningFebruary.

New single Ooh - I Like It!. Previous WEA album Now

Dig This sold 20.000 inSweden, a further 20.000around the world. In the US,received airplay on 140 collegeradio stations.

New album produced byClarence Ofwerman, whosecredits include Roxette's TheLook, at Stockholm's PolarStudios.

Marketing plans for BlueTomato include national Pressadvertising and spots onMTV, radio and TV ap-pearances. In-store materialincludes three -colour posters,mobiles, cut-outs, metalbadges and car streamers. Atie-in advertising deal withmajor clothing retailer undernegotiation.

30 -date Swedish tour beginn-ing early February (promoter

EMA Telstar). Full Europeantour under discussion for thespring.

The Creeps, a four -piece who hailfrom the small town of Almhult,have built a strong followingthrough near -constant touring.Over the past two years they haveperformed all over Europe andlast summer supported Roxette ontheir Scandinavian tour.

WEA Sweden promotionmanager Mattias Wachtmeister:"Blue Tomato is most definitely

our priority album for the winterand spring. Whereas Now DigThis had an 'independent' feel thenew album is more of a commer-cial product, with strong produc-tion and a wider variety ofsongwriting styles which will bet-ter capture the attention of radioprogrammers:'

One of the tracks on the album- most of which are written byvocalist/guitarist Robert Jelinek -

is the theme song to `SMASH!', anew Sveriges TV CH 1 comedyseries beginning this month. I=1


14 MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990AmericanRadioHistory.Com

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Antena 3 Wants More Music ShowsThe head of programmes at pri-vate channel Antena 3 TV,Ramon Pradera, says the station"would like to offer more musicand especially music for youngerviewers" in the future. However,he said the amount of music pro-gramming on the new channeldepends on talks with a newlyformed artists performing rightssociety and the Spanish record in-dustry.

The channel, which went on airlast month, is currently showing12 hours a day of trial promo-tional programming. This will riseto 18 hours a day on January 25.Initially it will rely heavily onfilms and old US serials with in-house game shows. Music andsports will play a much smallerrole than on the channel's parentcompany, Antena 3 radio.

Pradera hinted that his initialhope of using material from in-dependents as well as from majorswas one problem the channel hasencountered. "We want all recordcompanies to be treated the

by James Bourne

same:' he said.Apart from showing videos

from Monday -Friday at 1.30

hours, Antena 3 has scheduled aweekly hour-long rock concertprogramme, 'Gran Concierto', onWednesdays at 22.45 hours. Theshow will feature classic concertsfrom the past 20 years such asSimon & Garfunkel in CentralPark. The programme will be pro-duced by Jose Ramon Pardo. A90 -minute cultural show,

Carandelario, on Sunday nights,will include classical music con-certs.

Meanwhile, state run TVE islaunching three new music pro-grammes. The most innovativewill be `Musica NA', directed byRamon Trecet who presents asimilar show on RNE 3 radio. Theprogramme will look at newtrends in popular and classicalmusic.

Placid() Domingo (left) receiving a gold award for his album 'Love Songs'from CBS Portugal MD Carlos Pinto



"Alright! Which one ofyou has got it?"

i"If this is the kind of thing you oftenear when looking for this week's copyf Music & Media, it's time you tookut your own subscription. Fill in th

More FM

Licences Awarded

More new FM licences have beenawarded in Spain, leading to fur-ther accusations of political bias.The latest row is in the autono-mous region of Galicia in nor-thwest Spain, where 26 new licen-ces were awarded on December16, just before the region's socia-list party lost power.

The Galician local governmenthad 700 applications for the 26licences, 24 commercial stationsand two cultural. Twelve of the 26station licences awarded were tonew companies no one had pre-viously heard of.

SER did best among the betterknown radio networks, obtainingthree new stations. Antena 3 gotone Spanish -language and twoGalician licences. Radio Popularand Cadena Rato were awardedone each.

The government's granting of153 licences last summer led to300 appeals and widespread ac-cusations of favouritism.





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MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990 17


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* * * * * * *Issue 9

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Advertising deadline6 - 2 - 1990

* * * * * * * *Issue 10

UKPublication date

10 - 3 - 1990

Advertising deadline13 - 2 - 1990* * * * * * * *Issue 11

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EvaUnquenchable (In Tape/UK). Contact:In Tape/Jim Khambat-taltel:44.61.2634190/fax:2364042The second single by this up-and-coming Manchester band is asplendid example of late 80s dance music. Eva has a classic voiceand the song is first rate, electro pop with a lot of soul. Licence andsub -publishing free except UK.

Alias Ron KavanaThis Is The Night (Chiswick/UK).Contact:Ace/Roger Armstrong/te1:44.1.4531311/fax:9618725

A Van Morrison spoof is the first single fromthe LP Think Like A Hero. One of an ever-increasing number of bands who effectivelymix electronic and acoustic instruments andwhose sound is neither traditional normodern. Licence available for the world ex-cept UK and publishing free for the world.

Royal Air ForceComin' In (Metal Master/Italy).Contact:Barley Arts/Alessandro Cavalla/te1:39.2.76009400/fax:76009071Proof, if any were really needed, that theItalian scene is not just made up of sampleaddicts. This is a bona fide metal band andthey are really rather good, strong songs anda solid production. Licence and sub -

publishing free except Italy.

Heinrich Beats The DrumLiving In A Circle (DA Records/West Ger-many). Contact:BSC/Christoph Buring-Uhle/te1:4 9.8178.1246/fax: I 212

A band who make British poprock with avery German approach (sometimes theysound rather like a rockier version of TheJeremy Days). Well -constructed music withdefinite international potential. Licence andsub -publishing free except West Germany,Austria and Switzerland.

Agata KristiePuma (LRO/West Germany). Contact:LRO/Riff la Roche/te1:49.30.8134182/fax:8141632

One of a crop of classy bands from the USSRwho are similar to, but not the same as,Western acts. Kristie are into poprock; theywrite strong songs with loads of melodrama.Licence free for the world and sub -publishingfree except West Germany, Austria andSwitzerland.

ParadoxAnother Day (Artiste/Canada).Contact:MCA/John Alexander/tek1.416.4913000/fax:4912857

A band formed in 1984 who are doing well intheir native Canada. They are French Cana-dian and their music is best described astraditional poprock with a late 80s approach.Licence free for the world except Canada.

Mc's LogikPeace & Unity (Submission/UK).Contact:Submission/Tim Mold/te1:44.332.292667/fax:293528Mid -tempo hip house with a strong melody inthe chorus and some spirited singing. Fromthe label that brought you the excellentCrackdown by Cut The Q. Licence and sub -publishing free except UK.

The NivensShake It From The Top (Zap Zap/France).Contact:Zap Zap/Phillippe Loison/te1:33. 139.589168/fax: 166599

A French band that sound like The Byrds orBuffalo Springfield. They make short, sharp,catchy pop songs as shown on their debut LPShake. They will be touring next March inFrance with label mates The Outlines -

definitely one to look out for. Licence andsub -publishing free except France.

M Walking On WaterThe Holy Night (Feugo/West Germany).Contactlaro Fuego/Friadel Muders/te1:49.421.75111/fax:74066

After Einsturzende Neubauten this is the mostpopular alternative group in West Germany.Their latest LP Pluto has sold 12.000 copies inthree weeks. A highly effective mixture ofPogue -like melodies and a lot more besides.Licence and sub -publishing free except WestGermany, Austria, Switzerland and theBenelux.

Records mentioned on this page are by promising acts which hove potential for breaking into the pan-European market. The selection is done by the editorial team of Music & Media. Radio & TV programmerswanting to play the material mentioned here should be aware that not all records ore necessarily releasedin every territory. International A&R managers and music publishers on the look out for new deals shouldcontact the original master/publishing owners. Country of origin and contact numbers are listed as known.Those wishing to submit material to this section should send their records, biographies and photos to Music& Media, Gary Smith, PO Box 9027, 1006 AA Amsterdam, Holland.

I 8 MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990AmericanRadioHistory.Com

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by Gary Smith

Stockholm -based Ricochet Records has justreleased a sample of the new material by USsinger Frankie La Motte. Frankie wrote the ex-cellent debut single It's A Mystery by Charlie(Talent Tracks cassette no. 15). The 45 was ahit in Scandinavia and is now about to bereleased in GAS, Benelux, France and Greece.On the strength of his new songs the debut LPTime Out will be something to look out for. Itwas produced by two other Talent Trackregulars, Rob N' Raz, who appear on LeilaK's current hit Got To Get (cassette no. 25)and the increasingly famous Swemix team(whose various releases have been on cassettesno.19, 23, 25, 29 & 34). Needless to say,Ricochet MD Peter Swartling is at MIDEMaiming to get releases throughout Europe -you heard it here first !

Invisible Limits (cassette no. 29) has just

signed a deal for the US with RelativityRecords and as a result will be appearing at theNew Music Seminar next July. It has its own

Frankie La Motte - major investment byRicochet/Sonet

distribution network called Important and isone of the biggest independent labels in theUS, mainly thanks to the massive sales of JoeSatriani. Having done well in the heavy metalmarket it is now making a move on the danceand pop scene.

Top 10 Li KiIndependent SinglesI. Madchester Rave On Ham Mondays (Factory)

2 20 Seconds To Comply Silver Bullet (Tam Tam)

3. Foes Gold/What The

World Is Waiting For Stone Roses (Silvertone)

4. BuddyiThe Magic

Number De La Soul

S. Getting Away With It Electronic

6. Sally ants:mon Stone Roses

7. Donald Where's Your... Andy Stewart

8. WFL Happy Mondays

9. Rhea Yoe Game Back Fs Ile Jason Doman

W. Going Back Ton My Roars FM Project feat. Paolo Din

compiled by .12RIB

(Big Life)


(FM Resolver)



Going Independent...by Karen Roffey

Following the Christmas release of the Mad-chester Rave On remixed version, the HappyMondays reclaim the no. 1 spot fromElectronic whose debut single peaked at no. 8on the national survey. The Stone Rosescelebrate 30 weeks on the indie chart for SallyCinnamon by climbing 10 places to no. 6 whileDe La Soul's Buddy turns around for anotherweek inside the top 5.

Otherwise, the chart is seasonally quiet.This week's highest new entry comes fromRhythm King's off -shoot Outer Rhythmwhose latest release, Dextrous by Nightmares

On Wax, appears at no. 16. The album surveyis equally sleepy, the bigger LPs of the year re-entering in time for Christmas. These includeThe Pixies' Doolittle, Kylie Minogue's EnjoyYourself, Sugarcubes' Here Today TomorrowNext Week, De La Soul's Three Feet HighAnd Rising and House Of Love's self -titledalbum. December 25 no doubt saw a host ofhappy faces as presents were exchangedthroughout the country.

January is likely to be relatively quiet fornew releases, while a product surge is expectedin February. Scheduled releases for the beginn-ing of the decade include: The Sundays' firstLP Reading Writing And Arithmetic; a newStone Roses 45 (title unknown at press time);the second picking from Wild by pop starsErasure, Blue Savanah Song; Loop's debutalbum for Situation 2, A Gilded Eternity; anda new Nitzer Ebb LP Showtime.

Finally, despite releasing one of the finestalbums of the year, De La Soul are rumouredto be considering a split in the next fewmonths. However, they are reported to havesaid they could produce a new album to rivalThree Feet High And Rising in less than fiveminutes. We can only hope that if they dodecide to go their separate ways, they will takefive minutes in the recording studio beforedoing so.









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MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990 19


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SINGLE OF THE WEEKThe QuireboysHey You - ParlophoneMild, hard rock from this happeningand widely -tipped six -piece. A sim-ple tune and a memorable chorusrecall the best (early) days of RodStewart. By coincidence the recordwas co -produced by Jim Cregan. Hewas for many years Stewart's

guitarist, co -songwriter and arranger and the influence is un-mistakeable. Compared to all the other "back to roots" type bandsThe Quireboys are definitely somewhere near the top of the heap.

Plan BDiscontentment - BMG Ariola

A brooding guitar song fromthis punky quartet. With itsdramatic build-up and urgentvocal delivery it has a goodchance of becoming a cult hit.

MantronixGot To Have Your Love - Capitol

Attractive hip/house featuring amelodic and soulful lead vocalby Wondress. Classy stuff.

FishBig Wedge - EMI

The follow-up to State Of Mindis an altogether more solid andexuberant record, spiced up bysome persistent brass licks.

AbwartsDie Zeit - Virgin

Uncompromising and punchywith a hint of psychedelia in thedreamy chorus vocals. Pro-gressive programmers shouldcheck this out.

Suzzies OrkesterDina Ogon Forfoljer Mig - Sonet

Rocking guitars, a strongpulsating beat and a voicereminiscent of Pat Benatar. Oneof the best of the many talentedScandinavian acts. Check it out.

Gianni TogniNannare - CGD

A nice enough emotional balladfrom this romantic Italian singer.Accompanied by Spanish guitar.

Sigmund Und Seine FreundeIch Bin So Wild Auf Deinen Erdbeermund - EMI

The remix of this acid clubrecord stands in the best FrenchKiss tradition. Splendid dancemusic with a raunchy angle.Wicked!

Lil LouisI Called U - FFRR

In which Louis gets philosophi-cal about relationships and, inthe process, creates a strongdance number. Different butplenty of hit potential.

Barry WhiteSuper Lover -

Corny but good fun. Tough pro-duction and a pleasantly predic-table vocal delivery. Could be ahit.

Flesh For LuluTime And Space - Beggars Banquet

Power pop - nearly hard rock butnot quite. Good harmonies and astrong chorus. A possible US hit.

The River DetectivesYou Don't Know A Thing About Her - WEA

Thoughtful, sensitive and jangly.It all seems a little bit ordinaryuntil the chorus arrives. A trulyinspired piece of guitar pop.

EurythmicsThe King & Queen Of America - RCA/13P1G

A straightforward R&B number.Good enough but a long wayfrom their best. Suitable for anAC format.



Jacques - Some BizzareJust about when Almond startedout as a singer in 1978 Jacques Breldied. But his songs live on, kept inthe public eye by the sheer numberof re -interpretations still being done.While Juliette Greco performs themin French, Almond has become the

English voice of Brel's moving and delicate songs. Now, finally, theseversions have been put together on LP. Do not miss Alone, If You GoAway, The Lockman and I'm Coming. A monument.

SkyblastersLive - CNR

Belgium's greatest (and probablyonly) reggae band has recorded afine live set that fully capturesthe festive atmosphere of theirgigs. The band (including TheRambo Horns) cheerfully worksits way through a mixed bag oforiginals and cover versions.(The latter category includesChuck Berry's Johnny B Goodeand Bob Marley's Nice Time.)

Rene AubryDerives - As De Coeur

Derives is the OST of the newPhilippe Genty theatre produc-tion currently on a world tour.Aubry is a skilful composer withthe ability to pull delightful andunexpected melodies out of hisminimalist music. Although thisis a soundtrack it easily standsup on its own - the various styles(classical, electronic, ambient)work well together. Try Rencon-tres, Rose and II Pleut Sous LaMer.

The CreepsBlue Tomato - WEA

On their third LP the Swedishfour -piece offer a strong R&B-based set complete with raunchyvoices, flash guitar and spicybrass. On the strength of BlueTomato this band truly deservesome international recognition.Try Right Back On Track,Sharpshooter, Way Cool andSMASH!.

Moti SpecialDancing For Victory - Polydor

Funky, danceable and up-to-dateare the keywords regarding thisDanish four -piece's LP. Thebrassy hi-tec production is effec-tive and a few songs really soundlike hits. Try From Your Lips ToGod's Ear, Still The Same andYou Can Take It All.

Objetivo BirmaniaLos Amigos De Mis Amigos Son Mis Amigos - Epic

This female trio are the Spanishanswer to Bananarama. Al-though not as sophisticated asStock, Aitken & Waterman'sworks this is still very usefulEuro-disco. An energetic popsound with strong dance beatsproduced by Jesus Gomez(Climie Fisher).

Mary Goes Around70 Suns In The Sky - Lively Art

Touching pop is a phrase thatkeeps being mentioned withoutit, so far, becoming a phenome-non. All this will change if thebands that make up the move-ment continue making recordsas good as this. The music iswarm, melodic and passionate,the production pleasingly loose.The result is great pop with anedge. Excellent stuff.

Rodney CrowellKeys To The Highway - CBS

The acceptable face of C&Wstarts here. Forget the half-hearted, watered down efforts of'nouveau country' bands, this isthe real thing. Thankfully muchof the oversentimentality asso-ciated with the genre has beenleft out in favour of an up -tempoapproach. A very listenablerecord. Try My Past Is Presentand We Gotta Go On MeetingLike This.

Editor Gary SmithContributors Pieter de BruynKops and Machgiel Bakker

20 MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20, 1989AmericanRadioHistory.Com

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1990 vaimgyCISACP +ow Ipyitclio eicti-ve

January 20


IT'S NO I! SINGLESPhil Coll ins AirplayPhil Collins Sales

ALBUMSPhil Collins AirplayPhil Collins Sales

EXPLOSIVES CHART BUSTERSExplosives features the major new releases by established and new artists.It includes recent releases still in need of support on European radio.

SINGLES OF THE WEEKVital for your play list.The Quireboys - Hey You (Parlophone)

Suzzies Orkester - Dina Ogon Forfoljer Mig (Sonet)

Sigmund Und Seine Freunde - Ich Bin So Wild Auf Deinen Erdbeermund(EMO

SURE HITSMantronix - Got To Have Your LoveFish - Big WedgeLil Louis - I Called UBarry White - Super LoverThe River Detectives - You Don't Know A Thing About HerEurythmics - The King & Queen Of America








Continental records ready to cross -overSigmund Und Seine Freunde- Ich Bin So Wild Auf Deinen Erdbeermund(EMI)Plan B - Discontentment (BMG/Ariola)

Gianni Togni - Nannare (CGD)

EMERGING TALENTNew acts with hot product.La Pat - Eine Frau Fur Die LiebeSeigen Ono - Comme Des GarconsThe Quireboys - Hey YouFlesh For Lulu - Time And SpaceAbwarts - Die Zeit

ENCOREFormer M&M tips still in need of your support.The Marines - Go Go NowDaniel Lanois - The MakerUltra Nate - It's Over NowMr.Lee - Get BusyNoir Desir - Les EcorchesLaurie Anderson - Baby Doll




(Beggars Banquet)



(Warner Brothers)




(Warner Brothers)

ALBUMS OF THE WEEKMarc Almond - JacquesMoti Special - Dancing For VictorySkyblasters - LiveThe Creeps - Blue TomatoObjetivo Birmania - Los Amigos De Mis Amigas Son Mis

Rene Aubry - DerivesMary Goes Around - 70 Suns In The SkyRodney Crowell - Keys To The HighwayThird Bass - The Cactus AlbumSybil - SybilFinitribe - Grossing 10KLa Pat - Eine Frau Fur Die Liebe

(Some Bizzare)




Amigos (Epic)

(As De Coeur)

(Lively Art)



(Next Plateau)

(One Little Indian)


Chart Busters is a quick reference to this week's Hot WO Singles/Albums andthe European Top 50 charts. Chart positions are indicated where appropriate.

CHART ENTRIESAirplay Top 50Elton John - Sacrifice (27)Deacon Blue - Queen Of The New Year (33)New Kids On The Block - Hangin' Tough (35)Rod Stewart - Downtown Train (36)The Marines - Go Go Now (38)Tanita Tikaram - We Almost Got It Together (39)

Hot 100 SinglesSonia - Listen To Your Heart (27)The Mission - Butterfly On A Wheel (45)Jimmy Somerville - You Make Me Feel (57)Les Enfants Sans Noel - Les Enfants... (77)Confetti's - Megamix (79)

Top 100 AlbumsDionne Warwick - The Love Songs (42)Muenchener Freiheit - Purpurmond (60)




(Warner Brothers)










FAST MOVERSAirplay Top 50Jive Bunny - That's What I Like (13-22) (Music Factory Dance)

Muenchener Freiheit - Verlieben Verlieren (16-32) (CBS)

Sonia - Listen To Your Heart (17-43) (Chrysalis)

Jason Donovan - When You Come Back To Me (22-36) (PWL)

Gipsy Kings - Volare (23-39) (PEM/CBS)

Hot 100 SinglesNew Kids On The Block - Hangin' Tough (3-27)Francois Feldman - Les Valses De Vienne (10-23)Patrick Bruel - Casser La Voix (14-29)49'ers - Touch Me (20-53)Silver Bullet - 20 Seconds To Comply (29-45)

Top 100 AlbumsWesternhagen - Halleluja (19-39) (Warner Brothers)

Richard Marx - Repeat Offender (25-61) (EMI USA)




(4th & B'Way)

(Tam Tam)

HOT ADDSBreaking Out On European RadioU2 - Everlasting LoveNannini & Bennato - Un 'Estate Italiana



YESTER HITS the Eurochart top five from five years ago. ANUARY 20 - 1985Singles AlbumsRay Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters (Arista) Wham! - Make It Big (Epic)

Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You (Motown) Frankie GTH - Welcome To The Pleasure Dome (ZTT/Island)

Madonna - Like A Virgin (Sire) Sade - Diamond Life (Epic)

Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas (Mercury) Tina Turner - Private Dancer (Capitol)

Wham! - Last Christmas/Everything She Wants (Epic) Foreigner - Agent Provocateur (Atlantic)



MASTER CHART - January 20, 1990


Page 15: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma


TUCK & PATTI'Love Warriors'




Marketed & Distributed by Polygram


united kingdomMost played records in England duringthe week of publication on the follo-wing stations BBC I , BBC 2, CapitalRadio, Greater London Radio and themajor independents.

I. Soul II Soul - Get A Life

2. Jason Donovan When You Come Back To Me

3 Madonna - Dear Jessie

4 Sonia - Listen To Your Heart

5. Deacon Blue - Queen Of The New Year

6. Electronic - Getting Away With It

7. Neneh Cherry - lima City Mama

8. Sydney Youngblood - Sit And Wait9. 49'ers . Touch Me

IO Rod Stewart Downtown Train1 I New Kids On The Block - Flange Tough12 Martika More Than You Know

13 Kylie Minogue - Tears On My Pillow

14. The Marines - Go Go Now15 Tanita Tikaram -We Almost Got It Together16. Quincy Jones -I'll Be Good To You

17 Halo James - Could Have Told You So

18. Band Ai Do They Know It's Christmas

19. Rob W' Raz - Got To Get

20 Linda Ronstadt - Don't Know Much

austriaMost played records as checked byMedia Control on the national station03.

I Milli Vanilli - Girl In Gonna Miss You

2. Belinda Carlisle - Leave A Light On

3 Chris Rea - The Road To Hell

4. Lisa Stansfield - AS Around The World

5. Roxette - Listen To Your Heart

6. Billy Joel . We Didn't Start The Fire

7. Martika - I Feel The Earth Move

8. Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

9 Madonna - Dear Jessie

10. Sydney Youngblood - If Only I Could11 Kaoma - Lambada

12 Jive Bunny That's What I Like

13 Technotronic Fump Up The jam

14 Brendan Croker - No Money At All

15 Beautiful South - You Keep It All In16. Tina Turner The Best17 Liza Minnelli - Losing My Mind

18. Living In A Box - Room In Your Heart

19. Taylor Dayne -With Every Beat Of My Heart

20. Big Fun - Can't Shake The Peeling

hollandAirplay checked on Radio 2 and 3, theDutch national pop stations. For infocontact Stichting Nederlandse Top40, PO Box 706, 1200 AS Hilversum,tel (0)35 - 231647.

I Elton John - Sacrifice

2. Milli Vanilli - All Or Nothing

3. Soul 11 Soul -Get A Life4 Kaoma - Dancando Lambada

5. Lisa Stanfield - All Around The World

6. UB 40 -Homely Gil

7. Bollard &Boiland -The Wall Came Tumbling Down

8. The Chimes - Heaven

9. The Christians - Words

10. Queen -The Miracle

II Dusty Springfield - In Private12. U2 Everlasting Love

13.Anny Schilder - Le Soleil14 Tony Scott - Get Into It15. Sydney Youngblood -Sit And Wait16 Madonna - Dear Jessie

17. Cees Tol & Thomas Tol Eleni

18. Maarten Peters - Heart Of Stone

19. Mc Miker 'G' - Show'm The Bass

20 The 2 Live Crew - Me So Horny

germanyFrom the airplay hit parade from Me-dia Control including 29 radio stati-ons. For more info please contactMedia Control - Postfach 625,D-7570 Baden Baden, tel(0)7221-33066.

I. Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

2. Lisa Stanfield - All Around The World

3. Kaoma - Lambada

4. Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fie

5. Nena - Wunder Geschefien

6. Muenchener Freiheit - Vedieben Yeti en

7. Milli Vanilli - Girl In Gonna Miss You8. Madonna - Dear Jessie

9. Rod Stewart - This Old Heart Of Mine

10. Roxette - Listen To Your Heart

I I. Richard Marx - Angelia12. Arthur Baker - The Message Is Love

13. Heinz Rudolf Kunze Aids Was Sin Will

14. Chris Rea The Road To Hell

15. Sydney Youngblood - Sit And Wad16. Gipsy Kings - Volare

17. Peter Maffay - Tiefer

18. Belinda Carlisle - Leave A Light On

19. Westernhagen - Wed Ich Dich Liebe

20. George Harrison Cheer Down

ItalyMost played records as compiled fromRAI Stereo Due.

I. Prince The Scandalous Sex

2. Ladri Di Biciclette Dr.

3. Tracy Chapman -Crossroads

4. Phil Collins All Of My Life5. Luca Carboni -Primavera6. Elton John - Clap At The End...

7. Mina - Uullalla

8. Terence Trent D'Arby Neider9. Fiorella Mannoia k-arte10. Duran Duran - Bung Tre GrouroI I. Massimo Raineri Un Gem Begssirao

12. Quincy Jones - Bari On The Block

13. Whitesnake - Shp Of The Tongue

14. Pooh Donna italiane

15. D. Warwick & I Osborne - Take Good Care ...

16. Band Aid it - Do They Know It's Christmas

17. Simple Minds - Sign 0. The Tines

18. Ivan Graziani - Segni Di Amore

19. Lisa Stanfield All Around The World

20. Paul Carrack - I Live By The Groove

slainThe 20 best played records in Spainfrom Cuarenta Principales, coveringthe major Spanish stations.

I. Hombres G - Voy A Pasarenelo Bien

2. Jive Bunny - Thais What I Like

3. Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting

4. Bros - Chocolate Box

S. Technotronic - Pump Up The Jain

6. Gloria Este fan - Don't Wanna Lose You

7. Jason Donovan - Every Day

8. Raul Orellana - The Real Wild House

9. Loco Mia Tarp10. Milli Vanilli - Girl I'm Gonna Miss You

11. Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

12. Gabinete Caligari - Solo Se Vive Una Vez

13. Kylie Minogue - Never Too Late

14. Transvision Vamp Landslide Of love

15. Bon Jovi - Lay Your Hands Or Ile

16. Various Artists - Club Compilation17. La Union -Natalia18. Kaoma - Dancando Lambada

19. Objetivo Birmania - Mi Ultimo Fracasin

20. Jimmy Sommerville - Comment Te Dire

switzerlandMost played records as checked byMedia Control on the national stationDRS 3 and 5 private stations. For mo-re info please contact Media Control,Post Passage 2 Basel 4002, tel 61-228989.

I. Lisa Stanfield - All Around The World

2. Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

3. Dusty Springfield - In Private4. Kaoma - Lambada

5. Milli Vanilli - Girl fm Gonna Miss You

6. Muenchener Freiheit - Verlieben Verlieren

7. Tina Turner -The Best8. Elton John - Sacrifice

9. Don Henley - The Last Worthless Evening

10. E. Bennato & G. Nannini - Un 'Estate Italian1 I. Johnny Clegg & Savuka - Cruel Crazy Beautiful...

12. Tina Turner Steamy Windows

13. Jennifer Rush - Higher Ground

14. Michelle Shocked - On The Greener Side

15. Jimmy Sommerville - Comment Te Dire Adieu

16. Sydney Youngblood - If Only I Could

17. Sydney Youngblood -Sit And Wait

18. Rod Stewart - This Old Heart Of Mine

19. Richard Marx - Angelia

20. Belinda Carlisle - La Luna

fianceFrom the airplay hit parades providedby Media Control France. For moreinfo please contact Media ControlFrance 29 Blv Tauler - 67000 Stras-bourg - France - tel (88)366580.

Radios Peripheriques (AM Stations)

I. Michel Fugain Les Annees Guitar.2. Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

3. Patricia Kaas - Quand Jimmy Oct

4. Roth Voisine -14e.ne5. Julien Clem - F.a Moi Une Place

6. Jimmy Sommerville - Comment Te Dire Adieu

7. Chris Rea -The Road To Hell

8. Francois Feldman - Les Valses De Vienne

9. Daniel Lanois - foie Louie10. Eddy Mitchell - Leche Bones Blues

II. Les Innocents - Sc. Sylvestre

12. Kassav' - Wep Wep

13. Claude Nougaro - Los Angeles Eldorado

14. Gipsy Kings - Volare

15. Alain Souchon - Dandy

16. Jean Louis Aubert - Locataire

17. Marc Lavoine - Arni

18. Pierre Bachelet - L'Homme En Blanc

19. Johnny Hallyday - Si j'Etais Moi

20. Liza Minnelli - Losing My Mind

Radios FM

I. Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise

2. Jimmy Sommerville - Comment Te Dire Adieu

3. Roth Voisine - Helene

4. Patrick Bruel - Casser La Vain

5. Jive Bunny - That's What I Like

6. Sydney Youngblood - II Only I Could

7. Chris Rea The Road To Hell

8. Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam

9. Texas -Every Day Now

10. Paula Abdul - Cold Hearted

II. Francois Feldman - Les Valses De Vienne

12. My!ene Farmer - Allan13. Fine Young Cannibals - Good Thing

14. Cliff Richard - I just Don't Have The Heart

15. Tracy Chapman - Crossroads

16. Tears For Fears - Woman In Chains

17. Soul II Soul - Back To Life

18. Cyndi Lauper - My first Night Without You

19. Milli Vanilli - Gill I'm Gonna Miss You

20. Black Box - Ride On Time

11 MASTER CHART - January 20, 1990


Page 16: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma









1 9Another Day In ParadisePhil Collins-Virgin/WEA (Phil Collins/Hit & Run)

2 2 It All Around The WorldLisa Stanfield- Arista/BMG(Big Life Music)

3 3 4Dear JessieMadonna- Sire (Webo Girl/Johnny Yuma)

4 Sit And WaitSydney Youngblood- CircaNirgin (Virgin Music)

12 13Girl I'm Gonna Miss YouMilli Vanilli- Hansa/BMG/Chrysalis (FAR Music)

12The Road To Hell (Part 2)

7Chris Rea- WEA (Magnet Music)

24 3Dancando LambadaKaoma- CBS (HMLO BV/BM Productions)

9 5Get A LifeSoul II Soul- 10 RecordsNirgin (Jazzy BNirgin/Soul II S)

9 4 24LambadaKaoma- CBS (HMLO BV/BM Productions)

10 8 4In PrivateDusty Springfield- Parlophone (Cage Music/I0 Music)

19 7Comment Te Dire AdieuJimmy Somerville- London (EMI United Partnership)

12 10 14We Didn't Start The FireBilly Joel- CBS (EMI Music)

13 22 9


That's What I LikeJive Bunny & The Mastermixers- Music Factory Dance (Copyright Control)

14 13Leave A Light OnBelinda Carlisle- Virgin (Future Furniture/Virgin)

15 15 14If Only I CouldSydney Youngblood- Circa/Virgin (Copyright Control)0 32 5Verlieben VerlierenMuenchner Freiheit- CBS (Ed. Freiheit/Mambo Music)

CI) 43 2Listen To Your HeartSonia- Chrysalis (All Boys Music)

I 8 23 8HeleneRoth Voisine- GM/BMG Ariola (Ed. Georges Mary)

19 17 3AngeliaRichard Marx- EMI USA (SBK Songs/Warner Chappell)

20 ,3 9Listen To Your HeartRoxette- Parlophone (Jimmy Fun Music)

21 21 6Rod Stewart- Warner Brothers ()obese Music)

This Old Heart Of Mine


2When You Come Back To MeJason Donovan- PWL (AI Boys Music)

0 39 2VolareGipsy Kings- PEM/CBS (Curd)

24 20 6Homely GirlUB40- Virgin (Virgin/Intersong)

25 16 3WordsThe Christians- Island (10 Music)

26 Wunder Gescheh'nNena- CBS (Manuskript)

SacrificeElton John- RocketlPhonogram (Big Pig Music)

28 29 6Steamy WindowsTina Turner- Capitol (Constant Evolution Music)

29 6 2Do They Know It's Christmas ?Band Aid II- PWL (Chappell Music)

30 33 2The MiracleQueen- Parlophone (Queen Music/EMI Music)

31 II 5Got To GetRob 'N' Raz feat. Leila K- Arista/BMG (Misty Music)

32 la9

Don't Know MuchLinda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville- Warner Brothers (EMI Music)

Queen Of The New YearDeacon Blue- CBS (ATV/SBK)

34 25 4Getting Away With ItElectronic- Factory (Various)

Hangin' ToughNew Kids On The Block- CBS (Maurice Starr/SBK/April)

Downtown TrainRod Stewart- Warner Brothers (Jalma Music)

37 37 14CrossroadsTracy Chapman- Elektra (SBK Songs)

Dzo. Go Go NowThe Marines- CBS (MCA Music)

We Almost Got It TogetherTanita Tikaram- WEA (Brogue/Warner Chappell)

Inna City MamaNeneh Cherry- CircaNirgin (Virgin/Copyright Control)

4I El* More Than You KnowMartika- CBS (Famous!TikaTunes/Ensign)

42 27 6I Don't Wanna Lose YouTuna Turner- Capitol (Constant Evolution Music)

43 0 3Casser La VoixPatrick Bruel- RCA/BMG (Scarlet O'Lora Music)

44 raz* Tears On My PillowKylie Minogue- PWL (Sovereign Music)

45 12* I'll Be Good To YouQ Jones Feat R Charles & C Khan- QWestlWarner Bros (Kidada/WarneriTamerlane)

46 El* Touch Me49'ers- 4'th & BNVay (Copyright Control)

47 28 4You Surround MeErasure- Mute (Sonet/MusicalMomentillell)

48 26 5The Eve Of The WarJeff Wayne & Ben Liebrand- CBS (April/Jeff Wayne Music)

49 12:1* Les Valses De VienneFrancois Feldman- Phonogram (Marilu/Carole)

50 El* All Or NothingMilli Vanilli- HansaIBMG Ariola (FAR Music)

MASTER CHART - January 20, 1990 III


Page 17: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma




Another Day In ParadisePhil Collins- Virgin/WEA (PInS Cans/Hit a Run)

27 2

5 3 23


7 9 8


23 2

II11 24

12 6 13


14 29


15 13 18


17 12 21


UKEDRHSpACOSaPeDllNfil No More Bolero'sGerard Joling- Phorkwarn (SBK Songs)

Get A LifeSoul II Soul- 10 Records/Virgin Cauy 8/14rgin/Soul S Soul)

UKGRHaSor 36

Hangin' ToughNew Kids On The Block- as giaurice staresemprio

UK 3716

When You Come Back To MeJason Donovan- PWL (Al Boys Music)


Lambada LOCGAWSpAChSwPoDlr.N.R.Gol

Ka0Ma C85 (HhILO BY/BM Productions)


All Around The WorldLisa Stansfield-Arnreeric (Bag Life Music)



HeleneRoch Voisin- GM/8MG Aria (Ed. Georges Mary)



Do They Know It's Christmas ?Band Aid II -P41 (Chappell MK)


42 44

Dear JessieMadonnas. (Web° Grlllohnny Puna)

UKCJILD 43 483

Les Valses De VienneFrancois Feldman- Phonoram (Marylu/Carok)



Swing The Mood EGISpACh FLIONGol

Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers Music Factory Dance (Copyright Control)

Girl I'm Gonna Miss YouMilli Vanilli- Hansa/BMG/Chrysalls (FAR Musk)

UK.FG.BH5pAChSw.DloN 46 0 19

That's What I Like FGASp.AChSve.01/R.Gr

Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers- Musk Factory Dance (Copyright Control)


Casser La VoixPatrick Bruel- RCNBMG (Scarlet Mon Music)


48 16

Pump Up The JamTechnotronic-ARS/OVR (Bolorn/BMC Pubhshing)

FGaSpAChSw.DRLd74 5

Sit And WaitSydney Youngblood- circa/virgin (virgin Musk)

UKC.B.H.Ch 50 54 2

Ride On TimeBlack Box. de/Commtcrion/RCAIBMG (Intelozip r


51 26 8


Getting Away With ItElectronic- Factory (Vinous)


84 2AngeliaRichard Marx- EMI USA (SBK Songs/Warner Chappell)


98 2Could Have Told You SoHalo James- Esok (MCA Mink)


If Only I CouldSydney Youngblood- circa/1,4n (coprigi. conc.!)


71 65 2Yes We CanArtists United For Nature- virgin (varin4

Don't Know MuchLinda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville- warner Brothers (EMI Musk)

UKLA.H.Ir 72 Tremblement De TerreDorothee-A.B/Polydor(Abednons)


Grand PianoMIxmaster- Km (Copyright Contro)


73 67 30Sealed With A KissJason Donovan- EWE (Warner Chappell)

Santa Maria De GuadeloupeLa Compagnie Creole- Carrere (Zagora) 74 21

Blame It On The Boogie66

Big Fun -j. (Global)

Put Your Hands TogetherD -Mob- London (EMYAlaNSIam )am)


75 0211te BakermanLaid Back- BMG Aria (SingASong/Casathdo Mega)


You Surround MeErasure- Mute (Sonet/MuskalMomend8e10

MOD The Eve Of The War76 4" Jeff Wayne & Ben Liebrand- CBS (Apnl)efl Wayne Musk)

Jingle Bells (Circling Stars)Confetti's- USA (Copyright Control)

F.8 c* Les Enfants Sans NoelLes Enfants Sans Noel- DellAne/Pathe/EMI (Copynsht Control)


Homely GirlUB40- Virgin (Vrgin/Incersong)

UK.H.fr 78 The Road To Hell (Part 2)Chris Rea- WEA (Magnet Musk)


Butterfly On A WheelThe Mission- Mercury (ONG Music)


®El* MegamixConfetti's- USA (EM! Mugc)

TThe BestTina Turner- cap./(Zon., my.)


80 61 23French KissLII' Louis London (PoKram Musk)


On Se CalmeBassline Boys- sc Records (Edda; sc)

Donald Where's Your TrousersAndy Stewart- Stone/Sonet (Kern Music)


81Icri I Called U

Lil' Louis- London (London/PotyGtam Music)


82 72 4Sign 0' The Times/Amsterdam E. P. WEIRD!

Simple Minds- vngni (Warner Chappell)

In PrivateDusty Springfield- Pthopnone (Cage mosoo Musk)


83Losing My MindLiza Minnelli- Epk (Car/i Musk)

Hey YouQuireboys hrlophone (PolyGram Musk)

You Got ItNew Kids On The Block. .BS

AS Th.- V.......



I Feel The Earth Move84 si Martika- CBS (Colgems/EMI Music)

85 El* No More Mr. Nice GuyMegadeth ogle? rri%L.

E _ _ _A ME SU




Page 18: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma





21 9 lalY52ICO MC ZYJOhliholak, (Copyrryht Column



67 7

Queen Of The New YearDeacon Blue CBS (ATV/SBK)

L«86 - - -If I Could lion Bat It I km;Cher Grl Ind (Re.thol,t)

87 If You Don't Know Me By NowSimply Red- WEA (Mighty Threefistind)

Dancando LambadaKaoma- CBS (HMLO BV/BM Productions)

53 42 13Leave A Light OnBelinda Carlisle- Virgin (Future Furniture/Virgin)


" 2

Touch Me49'ers- 4'th & BWay (Copyright Control)

UK Street TuffDouble Trouble & The Rebel MC- Desire (Fiction Songs)


88Steamy Windows G 60 i

Tina Turner- Capitol (Constant Evolution Music)


Got To GetRob 'N' Raz feat. Leila K-ArisWBMG (Misty Musk)



55 76 2Manchester Rave OnHappy Mondays- Factory (London Musk)

UK Petit Papa NoelTino Rossi- Columbia/Pathe Marconi (Max Eschig)

22The Magic NumberDe La Soul -Lit Lire -rummy Boy pee GO Musk)

32 6Can't Shake The FeelingBig Fun -fie (AS Boys Musk)

UK" 90 Broke AwayWet Wet Wet- fitvious/Phonogram (Chrysalis Music)


Let's Party UK.F.B.SplyDN

Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers-musk Factory Dance (Copyright Control)

1310, You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)Jimmy Somerville- London (LQ. Music) Ex 91 0* More Than You Know UK

Martika- CBS (Famous/TikAnes/Ensign)

24 20Comment Te Dire AdieuJimmy Somerville -Landon (EMI United Partnership)

UKK8Dir52 2

WordsThe Christians- /skidoo musk) " E* Eleni H92l Cees Tol & Thomas Tol- Indisc (Baaaar/Warner Chappell)

25 25 1459We Didn't Start The FireBilly Joel- CBS (EM! Musk)

6.089 2

VolareGipsy Kings- PEM/CBS (Cum)


What The World Is Waiting For9386The Stone Roses- gvertone (Zomba Musk)

26 is ,5

Y A Pas Que Les Grands Qui ReventMelody- orkindoicarrere othno f 60 ., 574IDer Erdbeermund

Culture Beat- CBS pis Musk)

G n Sia94 2

Si J Eta's MoiJohnny Hallyday- Philips/Phonogram (Veranda/Desperado)

g a* Listen To Your HeartSonia -Chrysalis (All Boys Munk)


61 59 2L'Homme En BlancPierre Bachelet- Avrep/BMG Ariola (Atop) ' 95

Lily Was Here BH

David A. Stewart & Candy Duller- RCA/BMG (MA/BMG Music)



28 9

45 2

Quand Tu Serres Mon CorpsPacifique- Vogue (Xyla) "


62 58 2Big WedgeFish- EMI (Fishy/Hit B Run Music)

UK I'm Not The Man I Used To BeFine Young Cannibals -London (Virgin Music)

20 Seconds To ComplySilver Bullet- Tam Tarn (VW Music)

63 62 12Jamais NousElsa- GI4/8146 Mole (Ed. Georges Mary)

F 97 cE1I CDehbuat"DceeSoiree- CBS (CBS ruic)

30 is a

Listen To Your HeartRoxette- Parlophone (Jimmy Fun Musk)


Iona City MamaNeneh Cherry- Circa/Virgin (Virgin/Copydght Comm!)


98 57 9

Never Too Late UK6 8ll6r

Kylie Minogue- PWL (All Boys Music)

0 55 2Going Back To My RootsFPI Project- Rumour (EMI/Rumour)

UKCI 65 56 Quand Jimmy DitPatricia Kaas- Powor pads To Paris/Zone Music)

F 99 64 3The Official Bootleg Megamix L'k

Alexander O'Neal- Tabu (EMI Musk)

# 77 2Got To Have Your LoveMantronix Feat. Wondress- cspkos(variow)

UK lo78 2

The Message Is LoveArthur Baker Featuring Al Green- API (Intersong/MCA Music)

GBH Here And Now UK

Luther Vandross- Epk (011ie Brown Sugar/Troile)

33 Deep Heat '89Latino Rave- Deep Heat (*bus)

UK 67 34 2SisterBros- CBS (Graham/EMI/Warner)

UK UK = United Kingdom, G = Germany, F = France, Ch = Switzerland, A = Austria, I Italy, Sp = Spain, H = Holland,B = Belgium, Ir = Ireland, Sw = Sweden, D = Denmark, N = Norway, Fi = Finland. Po = Portugal, Gr = Greece.

Ea* = NEW ENTRY0 . FAST MOVERS0 46 2Le Pere De Noel Des MusclesLes Muscles A11/Polydor (A11 Editions)

8' 68I Don't Wanna Lose YouTina Turner- co./ (consent Evolution Musk)


"If this is the kind of thing youoften hear when looking for thisweek's copy of Music & Media,it's time you took out your ownsubscription.

ill in the coupon in this issue'

MASTER CHART - January 20, 1990 The Eurochart Hot 100 is compiled by EMR in cooperation with Buma/Stemra. The chart is supported by the European Committee of CISAC. (a) EMR/BurnaiStemra -All rights reserved.

Hot 100 is a trademark of Billboard Publications, Inc. used with permission.


Page 19: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma


uk & ireland

The MissionButterfly On A Wheel (Mercury/UK)

Jimmy SomervilleYou Make Me Feel (London/UK)

FishBig Wedge (EMI/UK)

Halo JamesCould Have Told You So (Epic/UK)


Hombre GVoy A Pasarmelo Bien (Twins)

Loco MiaTaiyo (Hispavox)

La UnionNatalia (WEA)

Objetivo BirmaniaMi Ultimo Fracaso (Epic)



Culture BeatDer Erdbeermund (CBSZer)

John F. & Die GropiuslerchenBerlin Berlin (Polydor/Ger)

WesternhagenWeil Ich Dich Liebe (WEA/Ger)

Tony CareyI Feel Good (Metronome/Ger)


TrollJimmy Dean (Sonet/WEA/Swe)

Magnus UgglaBaby Boom (CBS/Swe)

DanseorkestretJeg Prover Igen (Virgin/Den)

Jahn TeigenI Skyggen Av En Drom (EMI/Nor)


hot 100 NV 4IG E

20 Seconds To Comply 29 Leave A Light On 53All Around The World 6 Les Enfants Sans Noel 77Angelia 69 Les Votes De Vienne 10

Another Day In Paradise Let's Party 231Bakerman 75 Lily Was Here 95Big Wedge 62 Listen To Your Heart 30Blame It On The Boogie 74 Listen To Your Heart 27Broke Away 90 Losing My Mind 83Butterfly On A Wheel 45 Manchester Rave On 55Can't Shake The Feeling 56 Megarnix 79Caarer La Voir, 14 More Than You Know 91

Chance 97 Never Too Late 98Comment Te Dire Adieu 24 No More Bolero's 35Could Have Told You So 70 No More Mr. Nice Guy 85Dan.ndo Larnbada 19 On Se Calme 47Dear Jessie 9 Petit Papa Noel 89Deep Heat '89 33 Pump Up The Jam 15

Der Ervlbeerrinund 60 Put Your Hands Together 41

Do They Know les Christmas' 8 Quand Jimmy Dit 65Don't Know Much 38 Quand Tu Serres Mon Corps 28Donald Where's Your Trousers 48 Queen Of The New Year 52Easy 18 Ride On Time 17

Eleni 92 Sanra Maria De Guadeloupe 40French Kiss 80 Sealed With A Kiss 73Get A Life 2 Si J'Etais Moi 94Getting Away With It 36 Sign 0' The Times/Amsterdam E. P. 82Girl I'm Gonna Miss You 12 Sister 67Going Back To My ROOM 31 Sit And Wait 16

Got To Get 21 Steamy Windows 88Got To Have Your Love 32 Street Tuff 54Grand Piano 39 Swing The Mood II

Hangin' Tough 3 That's What I Like 13

Helene 7 The Best 46Here And Now 100 The Eve Of The War 76Hey You 50 The Magic Number 22Homely Girl 44 The Message Is Love 66

I Called U 81 The Official Bootleg Megamix 99I Don't Wanna Lose You 68 The Road To Hell (Part 2) 78I Feel The Earth Move 84 Touch Me 20I'm Not The Man I Used To Be 96 Tremblement De Terre 72If I Could Turn Back Time 86 Volare 59If Only I Could 37 We Didn't Start The Fire 25If You Don't Know Me By Now 87 What The World Is Waiting For 93In Private 49 When You Come Back To Me 4Irina City Mama 64 Words 58Jarnais Nous 63 Y A Pas Que Les Grands Qui Resent 26Jingle Bells (Circling Stars) 43 Yes We Can 71

CHonvine En Blanc 61 You Got It 51

Limbada You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) 57Le Pere De Noel Des Muscles 34 You Surround Me 42


Gipsy KingsVolare (Vaessa/CBS)

Debut De SoireeChance (CBS)

Johnny CleggCruel Crazy Beautiful World (EMI)

Mylene FarmerAllan (Polydor)


Petra & CoLaat Je Gaan (Mouse'CarrereiBei)

Bolland & BollandThe Wall Came Tumbling Down (WEA/Hol)

Anny SchilderLe Soleil (CNIL'Hol)

Confetti'sKeep Smiling (USA/Bel)


Edoardo Bennato & Gianna NanniniUn' Estate ltaliane (Virgin)

Francesco SalviTi Ricordi Di Me (Five)

Gino LatinoLatino (Ibiza/CBS)

Cristina D'AvenaSabato Al Circo (Five)

( advertise me n t I




EUROPEANtop 100A II- ES ILJP MSAde.AarosmithAlice CooperBarbra StreisandBeautiful SouthBelinda CarlisleBilly Joel

Blue System

BrosChris DeBurghChris R.David HasselhoffDe La SoulDionne WarwickDorotlreeDuncan DhuDaranduranElsa

Elton JohnEngelbertErasure

Eric ClaptonEuropean Sound ProjectEurythmicsFine Young CannibalsFlippers

Francis CabrelFrancois Feldman

Gipsy KingsGloria EstefanJanet Jackson

Jason DonovanJennifer RushJive Bunny & The MastermixersJohnny Hallyday

KaomaKate BushKylie MinogueLa Decada Prodigiosa

Les Inconnus

Level 42Lisa Stansfield

London Symphonic OrchestraLuca CarboniLuciano PavaroWLuis CobosMadonnaMartikaMaxime LeforearierMecano




MetansMu6 Vann::


31 Minisrars48 Muenchener Freihoit22 Mylene Farmer85 Nena66 New Kids On The Block9 Nicki5 Patricia Kaas

18 Patrick Bruel53 Paul McCartney42 Peter Maffay68 Phil Collins89 Pierre Bachelor52 Pino Daniele71 Placido Domingo30 Queen64 Reinhard Mey44 Richard Marx17 Robert Palmer67 Robin Beck54 Roch Voisine21 Rod Stewart

81 Rondo Veneziano55 Rondo Veneziano39 Rondo Vareziano41 Roxette20 Scorpions96 Simply Red10 Soul II Soul59 Supertrarnp

2 Sydney Youngblood61 Tears For Fears13 Technotronic

51 Texas

7 The Carpenters83 The Doors95 The Shadows29 Tina Turner4 Tracy Chapman

47 Tracy Chapman56 Transvision Vamp50 UB 4070 Udo Lindenberg26 Wescernhagen91 Wet Wet Wet63 Whitesnake90 Zucchero Fornaciari









































imaimmiliI z4inr MI%M D EVI MASTER CHART - January 20, 1990


Page 20: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma

MEDIAt491, E Ft 0 Flo E

Country I 2 3

UNITED KINGDOM Hangin' ToughNew Kids On The Block (CBS)

When You Come Back To MeJason Doman (FWL)

Get A LifeSod II SouecordsNi n

GERMANY Another Day In ParadisePhi Coke (WEA)

All Around The WorldLisa Stansfekd (BMG /viola)

Easyke MC (ZYX1Mikulski)

FRANCE HeleneRock Voisine (GMIBMG kids)

Les Valses De VienneFrancois Feldman (Phonograrn)

Casser La VoixPatrick BruelIRCABMG)

ITALY LambadaKaorna (CBS)

Mother Day In ParadisePhi GAM (WEA)

Un' Estate TalianeEdoardo Bennato & Gonna Nanrini (Virgin)

SPAIN Pump Up The JamTeo ochntrnic (Moo Moo) Kaoma (CBS)

Lambada That's What I Likefoe Bunny & The Masterrnixers (Ginger Music)

HOLLAND All Around The WorldLisa Sons -kid (BMG Arida)

Homely GirlU840 Mtn)

EleniCees Td & Thomas Tol (h&c)

BELGIUM Jingle Bells (Circling Stars)Confetti's (USA)

Another Day In ParadiseFM Cobs (WEA)

HeleneRock Vowne (BMG Arida)

SWEDEN Another Day In ParadisePhi Collins (WEA)

For Fet...Seib Mod Electric Boys (Polnior)

LambadaKaoma (CBS)

DENMARK Tarzan Mamma MinKin Larsen & Bellami (Merle')

Let's Partyfoe Bunny & The Mastermeters (Mega)

Dansende Bla LinealerGssgs (Genlyd)

NORWAY Phil Collins (WEA)

Another Day In Paradise LambadaKacma (CBS)

Let's PartyJoe Burry & The Mascermeers (Mega)

FINLAND Another Day In ParadisePhil Colitis (WEA)

LambadaKaorro (CBS)

Ride On TimeNark Box (BMG Ariola)

IRELAND Don't Know MuchLinda Flonstark & Aaron Nenk (WEA)

You Got ItNew Kies On The Block (CBS)

Another Day In ParadisePhi Collins (WEA)

SWITZERLAND Girl I'm Gonna Miss Younu Vanilli (BMG Ariola)

Another Day In Paradise%d Cohn (WEA)

Pump Up The JamTechnotronic (ZYX Mionsid)

AUSTRIA Girl I'm Gonna Miss YouMh Verdi (BMG Arkala)

LambadaKalamai (CBS)

If Only I CouldSydney Youngblood (Virgin)

GREECE That's What I LikeJoe Burly & The Ma:mermen iPolyGraml

Pump Up The JamTedinotronic (ARS,CNR)

Swing The Moodfne Burro & The Mastermixers (PolyGrarn)

PORTUGAL LambadaKaoma (CBS)

FatamorganaAmazonia Band (Vasco)

Swing The Moodfoe Bunny & The Mastermixers (PolyGram)



EVROPECountry I 2 3UNITED KINGDOM But Seriously

Phi Collins (Virin)

Enjoy YourselfKZie rlrotoe (PNL)

Jive Bunny - The AlbumJne Luny & The Masterminen (Tehran)

GERMANY But SeriouslyPhi Coins (WEA)

AffectionLea Scarsfeld (AriscalIMG)

CrossroadsTony Chapman (WEA)

FRANCE But SeriouslyPhi Collin (WEA)

Jive Bunny - The AlbumJae Bu-rry & The Masan -miners (Carrere)

Mademoiselle ChantePatricia Kaas (Polydcri

ITALY But SeriouslyPhi Collins (WEA)

Perrone SilenzioseLuca Carboni (RCASMG)

Foreign AffairThe Turner (EMI)

SPAIN But SeriouslyPM Collin (WEA)

Tutto PavaLuciano Pararotti (PolyGram)

Opera Magna1.1.1S Cobos (CBS)

HOLLAND But Seriouslynir Coins (WEA)

The Very Best Of...&Femme (Arcade)Labour Of Love II

1.1840 (Virgin)

BELGIUM But SeriouslyFhl Collins (WEA)

HoezoCkuseau (1-1KM/CNR)

Compleet IRob Do Nijs (EMI)

SWEDEN But SeriouslyAd Cohn (WEA)

The Road To HellalliS Rea (WEA)

AffectionLisa Stens-field (BMG Ariola)

DENMARK KielgastenKim Larsen & Behmi (Mecley)

Min SangAnne Lime (Flackcom)

But SeriouslyPhi Cohn (WEA)

NORWAY But SeriouslyAl Cohn (WEA)

ToDame Wrth A Stranger (Norsk)

The Road To HellChris Pea (WEA)

FINLAND Foreign AffairTens inner 0

TrashAke Cooper (CBS)

But SeriouslyAd Coins (WEA)

IRELAND But SeriouslyPk Cam (Won)

Words & MusicPhil Cooker (Telstar)

The Best Of Rod StewartPod Swart (WEA)

SWITZERLAND But Seriouslyra comr. (wEA)

Foreign AffairTina Turner (EMI)

Jive Bunny - The Albumlive Btriny & The Mastermizers (BCM)

AUSTRIA Foreign Affairrm T..... EMI( )

CrossroadsTracy Chapman (WEA)

U.S. Remix AlbumMai Vardh (BMG Mole)

GREECE World BeatKaoma (CBS)

But SeriouslyPhi Ciro (WEA)

Slip Of The TongueWhkesnake (EMI)

PORTUGAL But SeriouslyPhi Coke (WEA)

A Mais BonitaOnda Choc (PolyGnm)

De Mao Em MaoMinistars (Folsom)

MASTER CHART - January 20, 1990 VII


Page 21: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma



E A NI> to", _76Po <CISACA IL







Phil Collins thUGBRSIChSwPaDIN6rir1 5

But Seriously- YrAnoWEA

2 Jive Bunny UKff.,..8HSpaSnON.Grl2 4

five Bunny - The Album- Teduir

3 4 14Tina Turner UKFSB.H4aChSwPoDLAIF

Foreign Affair -epic

Lisa Stanfield43 Affection -mow


Chris Rea UK fLARAChSwD h RI5 6 8The Road To Hell- WF.4

Tracy Chapman6 5 13 Crossroads- oaiga


7T 11Kylie MinogueEnjoy Yourself. ANZ


8 8 6Rod Stewart UKGRHSwiCra-

The Best Of Rod Stewart- wareeseime

Chris DeBurghSpark To A Flame -Am


n Donovan10 I2tirGoodReasons -Pm


I I 13 8 IcriinIttaci!etThe River- firoasEhonctrin

@ 2° 22Milli VanilliAll Or Nothing- ItinsteflGitilmaks

13 14 6Kaoma I6BH,Kh Pal Na

World Beat -as

14 , Milli Vanilli UKFINSpAChSkON6r

Remix Album-H=04mph-

n 13Tears For FearsThe Seeds Of Love -Foray


0 23 4New Kids On The BlockHangin' Tough-ces


17 19 7Eric CiaptonJourneyman- RepreaWFA


18 18 14David HasselhoffLooking For Freedom- me keerdeStGAfic6

19, Westernhagen

Halleluja. Aimee seem

20 15 24aktISriBa0Pttnr-fyic


0 32 46Fine Young CannibalsThe Raw And The Cooked London


34 9Billy JoelStorm Front cas


23 25

Peter MaffayKein Weg Zu Weit- wee


* 7

Roxette GBHA

Look Sharp

61 18Richard Marx GHSpChSwD

Repeat Offender-SALM

26 26 40Madonna UKLike A Prayer -se

27 30 53 Patricia KaasMademoiselle Chaste. Fbhdor


28 Placido Domingo17 2 Schoenste Stimme Die Schoenste...- ass

Level 42Level Best- Pohdor


30 Elton John GACh.DI31 16

Sleeping With The Past AocketEhorogram

31 33 9Beautiful South Utak

Welcome To The Beautiful South- Go!DiscsfoKram

32 38 5 NiFidMen Hitalbum. eip


Rondo VenezianoVinoni Di Venezia. Baby Records


0 44 22Alice CooperTrash Ex


35 28 5

C)1 5I 2

Rondo VenezianoConcerto- eeryseed

Soul II SoulClub Classics Vol. One. 10 Records


37 29 4ULalb3c4)upr Of Love II- vq.


38 36 45 Simply RedA New Flame WEA





53 9

60 3

37 4

Francois FeldmanUne Presence. ftnipsfhonogron

ScorpionsRockers N' Ballads -them



Gipsy KingsMosaique- PENTe6cr/Olf


Ct coo. Dionne WarwickThe Love Songs meresetG


0 Patrick BruelAlors Regards ALARM


44 27 10 NE,,,,,rzUK6Po

45 50 10Sydney YoungbloodFeeling Free.


0 73 7Barbra StreisandGreatest Hits And More ces


47 8London Symphonic Orchestra

40Rock Symphonies II- as


48 Belinda CarlisleRunaway Horses 19re


Whitesnake49 41 6 Slip Of The Tongue -8f

UK.G.H.GiSrePa Rah

50 Luciano PavarottiTutto Pavarotti- Dew

51 42 10

TheBush 1.1:611Swfi


52 54 6 DecadeDur -uTi-iane Greatest Hits Colleaion-st

ci) 82 2De La Soul3 Feet High And Rising- bra gEgrffi tie


54 45 5EurythmicsWe Too Are One acastic


55 21 41Francis CabrelSarbacane- as


Luca Carboni56 59 3 Person Silenziose-ROISMG

57 52 41TexasSouthside. &Toy


Roch Voisine58 s73 Helene GhtSPIG Mob


59 Jprinifer RushWings Of Desire. CBS


Om* Muenchener FreiheitPurpunnond ces0 Johnny Hallydayearn

62 68 3

SupertrampThe Very Best Of...-Aereie



Maxime LeforestierBataclan '89.aoee


55 2Engelbertkh Denk An Dich.BMGAnoa

65 58 29

Paul McCartneyFlowers In The Dirt-n*00s

66 62 10 BrosThe Time- CBS


67 European Sound ProjectMelodien Fuer Die Millionen-sches

68 48 5

DorotheeTremblement De Terre/W*1w

80 3Pierre BatheletQuelque Part C'Est Toujours.hrep

70 72 3Luis CobosOpera Magna- ces

71 91 13ElsaElsa. GrfAhl6 Amin

72 76 31QueenThe Miracle- wove

2 Mecano20 Grandes Canciones- CBS0 Mylene FarmerEn Concert-P*6e

-vierteeell_ntsvision VampNCA

76 el 12

AdevaAdeval- Caine°

77 35 2MinistarsMiniStrBESoatific

@ 90 10MinaUiallalla POUR

C)I 93 3The ShadowsAt Their Very Best -woe

The ntersOUZO' The SinCagles 1rpe969 - 1973 -ABMABM

81 " "FlippersLotosblume.

Deo Nor

Udo Lindenberg82 98 Bunte Republik Deutschland OGGAY-icke

La Decada Prodigiosa83 8" Los Anos 80 Volume 2 ape.

84 to 5

Reinhard MeyMein Apfelbaeumchen-beefrorti

85 86 9 TwiBirgpstem

er86 n 8 'ons Vol.KODert

m next











87% TracY ChaPmanTracy


8888 JIBTechnotronicPump Up The Jam atscne


89 IZIW DtinanAutobiografia Deosp

1Th Mecano90 Descanso Dominica48HGARob


91 00 2 ti:rrtitka.cos


92 92 6 TnutIRopine Or Nothing -rimyBeck GD

ix* AerosmithPump. Geen


The Doors94 Cl*DoorsThe Best Of The Doors. Rekwa

95 95 7 Au SeInccolnirosut Va Mieux- EMI

87Janet JacksonRhythm Nation 1814Ast


97 78 - 4 Pino DanieleMascalzone Latino-agvua'r

Zucchero Fornaciari98 74 28 Oro lncenso E Birra Pchdcr

99 Km* Rondo VenezianoMasquerade -Bak -Records


1001Th NenaWunder Gescheh'n ms

Ult = UrAed Kingdom, G = Gamow F = France. CF = Switterland, A = Austria.I Italy, Sp = Spain, H = Holland, I = Belpom. Ir = Ireland. Sw = Sweden, DDermark, N = Norway. El = Roland, Po = Forrogal. Gr = Greece.



VIII MASTER CHART - January 20, 1990


Page 22: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma


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Page 23: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma

Pan - Eurosean News

TVIO To Be DissolvedAmsterdam - TVIO, the proposedLuxembourg -based commercialsatellite channel, is to be dissolv-ed. The station's founder andmain programme supplier, Joopvan den Ende, has signed a three-year, Dfl 120 million (app. US$1.2 million) deal with TV1O'srival, RTL Veronique (RTL-V).

The shock move has "pulledthe carpet from under our feet,"said managing director BenBunders.

Van den Ende's decision meanssome of Holland's most popularTV stars, including HennyHuisman ('Sound Mix Show',`Mini Play Back Show'), JosBrink ('Wedden Dat'), RonBrandsteder ('Honeymoon Quiz')and Andre van Duin will appearon RTL-V from February 16. Allare under contract to van denEnde's independent productioncompany.

Bunders' announcement marksthe end of three months of uncer-tainty surrounding TV10, whichoriginally planned to launch onOctober 28. In October, the DutchMedia Commission ruled the sta-tion could not be considered aforeign broadcaster and wouldtherefore be denied access to thecountry's cable network. Thechannel then pinned its hopes ona new pan-European channel in-volving France's TF1, US networkNBC and Swedish media giantEsselte.

Van den Ende's programmes,however, were always TV1O's

by Jon Henley

guarantee of commercial success.His deal with CLT subsidiaryRTL-V came as "a complete sur-prise,' TV10's Afke Overdiepsaid.

By joining forces with RTL-V,Van den Ende has almost certain-ly assured Holland's first fullycommercial channel a substantialrise in both ratings and advertis-ing revenue. A spokesman for theDutch Association of Advertiserssaid they were "very happy in-deed" with the development.

In response to van den Ende'smove public broadcasters TROS

and Veronica have already an-nounced they will review theirplans to go commercial.

Van den Ende said in a state-ment that he had opted for theRTL-V deal "in view of the op-portunity to make programmesnot just for RTL-V but other CLTsubsidiaries, such as RTL-Plus inWest Germany and M6 inFrance' Ben Bunders, who lefthis job as president of PolyGramWest Germany in September totake up the TV10 post, wasunavailable for further comment.

Atlantic 252continued from page I

Orchard says such practice leavesstations open to accusations ofchart -rigging and of givingpreferential treatment to its adver-tisers in terms of music pro-gramming.

Defending the deal, Atlantic252 manager Travis Baxter insists:"Our editorial integrity is intact.We are merely making live adver-tising 'reads' a more integral partof the programming. It's a free-thinking and articulate approach.

"They are not personal en-dorsements by the DJ along thelines of 'This is a great album sogo out and buy it', but are more ofa third party comment. They arescripted in such a way that theycan be read word-for-word or theDJs can use the main points in

their own individual style.'Epic director of marketing Kit

Buckler claims he was not involv-ed in writing the scripts: "And Iwouldn't want to be. I'm holdingjudgement on whether to con-tinue although I'm encouraged bythe response. My feeling is that itprobably works better withestablished names where the en-dorsement can be more generaland relaxed rather than newnames where the endorsement hasto be more positive'

Travis Baxter says other recordcompanies are interested insimilar promotions but nothingspecific has been set up. "Virginwill be working with us on a newSunday CD chart show. This willbe a collaborative promotion bet-ween us and Virgin rather than252 just giving them a certainnumber of free spots!' 0


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e vtrage AtraThe Association Of IndependentRadio Contractors' claims thatUS originated records should notbe subject to needletime paymentsin the UK (because no needletimeis paid in the US) has been re-jected by a report commissionedby the government's DepartmentOf Trade & Industry. The reportsays it would cost the record in-dustry £ 9 million a year in lostPPL payments which would meanrecord price rises and fewerrecords from UK acts.

* * *BMG International is opening anoffice in East Berlin this month,the first major label to set up inEastern Europe. The office, whichwill initially consist of two orthree people, will explore thebusiness and A&R possibilities inEast Germany.

* * *Luxembourg -based TV channelRTL Veronique (RTL-V) is deny-ing reports that station MD, LexHarding, is about to quit.Allegedly Harding is "at his deskand working normally", accor-ding to a company spokesman."As far as I am aware there is noquestion of him resigning:' Har-ding is reportedly angry at thespeed with which negotiationsbetween Joop van den Ende, RTL-V's former rival, had taken place.

* * *London -based syndicator MCMNetworking and the Trans WorldGroup's PPM have denied pressspeculation they are about tomerge. MCM GM Doug Adam-son says talks had taken place buthad come to nothing: "MCM isremaining 100% independent forthe time being". But he does notrule out possible PPM and MCMworking together in the future:"We are keeping a very open mindas regards possible collaboration!'

* * *WEA UK is expected to announcecomplete details of its split intotwo labels this week. JeremyMarsh, recruited by chairmanRob Dickens from AYE(Associated Virgin Labels) justbefore Christmas, heads up theWEA label while Max Hole is in

.charge of the second label which,it is understood, will be calledEast West (the jazz label set up bythe late Nesuhi Ertegun). WEAwill include the Warners andElektra US catalogue while EastWest will take the Atlantic USacts. WEA's UK signed acts arebeing divided between the twolabels.






MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990 3


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dj C- ' ' 1 ,r.- 4


EMI MUSIC PUBLISHINGThe World's Leading Music Publisher

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Page 25: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma


Don't Know Much About History...But I Do Sell Jeans

Popular songs arereaching a whole new

audience throughtheir use in

advertising consumerproducts. What dogolden oldies offer

advertising agenciesthat original musicdoes not, and what

strings are attached?

Sam Cooke sells jeanseverywhere, Louis Arm-strong sells beer in Hol-

land, the Beatles sell hi-fi in theUK, Nina Simone sells lots ofthings in lots of countries. As faras the advertisers are concerned,popular songs are very successfulat shifting products from shelves.

"Essentially, a well-knownsong gives you a head stare,' saysDavid Trollope, head of TV atMcCann Erickson. "If an agencybuys a famous piece of music it'sbuying the prestige, the emotion,and the audience's identificationwith that music. What you wantyour audience to do is to relate tothe product. If they already relateto the music, and you've linkedthe music to the product, you'rehalf way to a very successful com-mercial. Bartle Bogle Heggartywas first off the mark with itssuperb Levis campaigns, the firstof which was so successful thatWonderful World was re-releasedand made the UK top 10"

Trollope says trying to achievethe same effect with speciallycommissioned music can be bothtime-consuming and expensive."You may end up with four orfive different versions, none ofwhich is quite right. The costs aredifficult to quantify, and you'reeffectively starting from scratch asfar as audience identification isconcerned!'

The process of clearing thecopyright for a song can be longand hard. Trollope: "You buy therights for one year, with an option

by Jon Henley

on a second, usually for one ter-ritory. That in itself can be com-plicated. Quite often a publisherowns part of the rights and thewriter the rest, and some writers,Sting for example, are not at allwilling to see their work used foradvertising. I guess for every com-mercial you see that features awell-known song, there arearound 20 failed attempts to clearrights!'

But there are very specific dif-ficulties in marketing a catalogueof songs for commercial use."You cannot afford to offend thewriter. You cannot sell their workif it will be used in a way theydisapprove of,' says Jo Jones,creative licensing manager atRondor Music.

"A writer may well say, for ex-ample, that he is not prepared tosee his music used to advertisealcohol or tobacco. That's ob-viously a problem when it comesto marketing. A publisher cannotsimply present agencies with a listof titles and announce that theyare available for use in any con-text!"

Once a campaign crossesborders, though, the agency'swork multiplies. Trollope: "Oneof our most successful recentcommercials was a Nescafe TVspot backed by Johnny Nash's ICan See Clearly Now. Very

powerful, very effective for theclient and the viewer. Europe,New Zealand and Singaporeshowed interest and it then emerg-ed that the copyright was ownedby a different company in everycountry, and had to be negotiatedindividually. A painful experien-ce, but the ad was worth

"That's why many agencies

and advertisers are plundering therock & roll archives for songs thatare old and were probably sold toone publisher for next to nothing25 years ago. Nina Simone is aclassic example" says Frank vanHoorn, one of Europe's leadingsponsorship and music marketingconsultants. "Companies wantthe atmosphere surrounding thesong, but sometimes the hassle in-volved is too much!'

From the publisher's side, com-mercials are a welcome source ofextra revenue, although none areprepared to quantify exactly whatpercentage of their income theymay represent. Andy Reese,

copyright manager at MCAMusic, says the area is "clearlybecoming a potential goldmine.All publishers are keen to see theirsongs used this way".

MCA does not actively marketits catalogue. Reese says it tends todeal with advertising agencieswho know exactly what they want:"Promoting catalogue for com-mercials will almost certainlybecome more important in thefuture. Publishers are taking thewhole idea much more seriouslynow"

Jones agrees commercials are agrowing source of income forpublishers. "Firstly, and ratherobviously, more and more com-mercials are being made so thenumber of existing titles being us-ed is climbing. Secondly, the suc-cess of the well-known campaignsthat have used hit songs from thepast is encouraging advertising

agencies to think in terms of big-ger and bigger songs!'

Rondor titles that have featuredin recent UK commercials includeI Can See Clearly Now, TheStaples Singers version of IfYou're Ready Come Go WithMe, for Marathon snack bars,and Squeeze's Cool For Cats, us-ed, logically enough, to promote abrand of pet food.

As far as pan-European cam-paigns are concerned, both Reeseand Jones admit the commercialcan run into serious difficulties ifthe publisher is not the originalcopyright holder or if it onlyholds the rights for one territory."If we get into sub -publishingdeals the situation can get verycomplicated," says Reese. "But ifthe agency and the client aredetermined enough that need notprevent the campaign from suc-ceeding!"

The need for some way ofclearing a path through thecopyright jungle has been statedon several occasions by RalphPeer II, president of PeerSouthern Music. "So many goodsongs are controlled by differentnational bodies and that can real-ly get in the way of a promising in-ternational campaign. Publishersshould definitely look into someform of one -stop licensing systemfor commercials" he says. So far,however, no such moves have beenforthcoming. 0

PUBLISHING PROFILEcontinues on page 24




Still available for some territories

Contact:Peter Swartling during MIDEMat Sonet stand 21.01Telephone 93 99 8136In Sweden at Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm, SwedenTelephone +4686600609Telefax +4686604665

23MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990


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Publishing Rights Or Public Relations?

This year's M1DEM hasattracted a record 1.600

companies and 325exhibitors and, among the

thousands of peopleattending the event, are

dozens of musicpublishers. But what

do they get out ofthe festival?

Music & Media asks ifMIDEM really is a place

for doing deals, ormerely a PR exercise.

Henri Belolo Of ScorpioMusic in France has at-tended every MIDEM

during its 24 -year history and saysthere are several reasons why it isimportant: "The main thing is thePR aspect and we can do thingsthat will pay off in the future.There is no need to sign deals im-

Stefan Lagstrom, Sonet Music

mediately. The important thing ismaking new contacts and thenfollowing up the meetings afterMIDEM is over. At Scorpio we doset up some specific businessmeetings at MIDEM and weusually manage to grab a fewcatalogues. It is a perfect com-bination, PR and business:'

For most publishers MIDEM is

What MIDEM means to European publishersby Chris White

more to do with meeting peoplethan doing deals. John Nice, MDof Valentine Music in the UK: "Alot of our business comes fromlicensing deals with overseas com-panies and MIDEM is a veryuseful event for finding newbusiness contacts and catching upwith our sub -publishers. Valentinehas publishing deals with all themajor territories but becauseMIDEM attracts companies fromall around the world there is

always the opportunity to dobusiness with some of the smallerterritories!'

Small publishing companiesalso find attending MIDEM auseful exercise. Florian Music inBelgium was set up about fiveyears ago to publish and promotesongs by Burt Blanca, a rock &roll singer who has had success inFrance and Belgium. DirectorChristiane Blancke: "We workvery closely with major musicpublishers like EMI and Carrereand MIDEM is always useful formeeting old contacts and hopeful-ly making new ones:'

Lizzy Anderson, administratorfor All Boys Music, the Stock,Aitken & Waterman publishingset-up, says when the companywas new there were plenty of op-portunities for doing businessdeals. "Now the companies arewell established so MIDEM is at-

Arjen Witte, EMI PublishingHolland

have worked with and they havestayed loyal to us. MIDEM is idealfor bringing everybody up to datewith our activities:

why his company invests so muchmoney each year on a stand on aprime site.

"We try and see as many peopleas possible and there are usuallyfour A&R people on the standlistening to all the product that isoffered. When MIDEM finisheswe all stay on for a couple of extradays in order to listen to all theproduct and make joint decisionsabout it. The follow-up is crucialto MIDEM and it is important tosnake decisions as soon as possi-ble'

MD of EG Music, Dennis Col-lopy, says the secret with MIDEMis to approach it with a totallyopen mind and a fairly rigid

"It is useful for meeting old contacts andhopefully making new ones;'

Christiane Blancke, Florian Music

Indeed, while deals are notusally closed at MIDEM, initialcontacts are made, and thenfollowed through at a later stage.Tony Berk of TBM Internationalin Holland says it is the personalcontact which makes MIDEM soimportant: "This business is apersonal one where you sign dealswith people instead of companiesand MIDEM is an excellent placeto meet them!'

"The follow-up is crucial and it is impor-tant to make decisions as soon as possi-ble," Peter Knight, Global Musictended not so much in a sense ofdoing even more business dealsbut rather to meet up with ourestablished business contacts. Wehave stayed loyal to the people we




Still available for some territories

Contact:Peter Swartling during MIDEMat Sonet stand 21.01Telephone 939981 36In Sweden at Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm, SwedenTelephone +4686600609Telefax 4686604665

However, most publishers agreethe festival is primarily importantfor PR. Stefan Lagstrom, MD ofSonet Publishing in Sweden, sayswhile it can be very fruitful formaking new contacts and doingbusiness "it is also obviously veryuseful as a public relations exer-cise and is a good meeting groundfor music publishers".

Arjen Witte, MD EMI MusicPublishing in Holland, agrees:"We do not do all that many dealsthere but it is an opportunity tomeet up with colleagues for EMIin other countries and work outstrategies for the year ahead!"Peter Knight, GM of GlobalMusic in London, the daughtercompany of Global Music in WestGermany, says the PR aspect is

schedule of appointments: "As anevent it exposes music businesspeople to so many different op-portunities and it is also an ex-cellent opportunity to hear ofdevelopments within the musicpublishing world that have notnecessarily appeared in print.

"It can be disorganised interms of people letting you downwith appointments but it is still a

Dennis Collopy, EG Music

very cost effective exercise. Whereelse can you meet so many dif-ferent lawyers and musicpublishers from around the worldin one place? It is a great oppor-tunity to do business and find outwhat the competition are doing!"

PUBLISHING PROFILEcontinues on page 28

24 MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990


Page 27: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma

Only studios with well-chosen, well -maintainedequipment - with clear-sighted commercialmanagement - with dedicated, experienced staff-are likely these days to be awarded membership ofour professional Association. And these days you'veno time to fool with anything less.

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MEDIA Setting Standards

Consider the case of theVienna -based lyricist

Julius Brammer and howhe discovered a charming

tango melody while onholiday in Opatija in 1928.Brammer heard the pianopiece played in a bar, wasobsessed by the melody,and began a long searchfor the Italian composer

of the unpublished work.

In Milan, Brammer coinciden-tally heard the melody again ashe walked past a local bar and

went inside. By chance he cameface to face with the composer,Leonello Casucci. The two beganworking together and Brammerthen wrote the story of theSchonen Gigolo.

Published again by Otto Hein,the song became a European hitbringing Casucci 'enough moneyto buy three houses in Milan'.And whether as an instrumentalversion or with Irving Ceasar'sEnglish lyrics (Just A Gigolo), itsworldwide success has continueduntil today through artists such asLouis Armstrong, Oscar Peter-son, Richard 'Fauber, Jean -Claud(Pascal, Django Reinhardt, LouisPrima, Peter Kreuder and BillyVaughn.

Of course, there are also morecontemporary standards. JosefBamberger, MD of the Munich -based BMG-UFA publishinghouses, points to numerous recentsignings that promise to becomestandards like Klaus Lage's Tau -send Und Eine Nacht and MandyWinter's Julian as well as interna-tional hits such as Don't Worry

How publishers keep the classics evergreen

by Robert Lyng

Be Happy and Hughie Lewis'Heart And Soul.

Dutch publisher Willem vanKooten, president of NanadaMusic, proudly points to an im-pressive list of modern evergreens.Golden Earring's 1970s interna-tional hit Radar Love has recentlyhit the US charts again, perform-ed by the hard rock group WhiteLion. Shocking Blue's Venus wasin the international charts as partof Stars On 45 and was later re-recorded by Bananarama becom-ing a US no. 1 in 1986.

Standards are important topublishers, as a brief look at therecent charts reveals: Simply RedIf You Don't Know Me By Now;Petula Clark Downtown 88; TonLoc Wild Thing; Don JohnsonTell It Like It Is; Oh Well's versionof Peter Green's classic Oh Well;Bananarama Help, the list isendless. They make up the stableeconomic foundation that allowsa publisher to risk developing newcopyrights.

Rolf Budde, co -director ofBudde Verlag says in principleeverything else lives off the in-come from standards: "A com-pany needs a solid foundation towork with new product. That iswhy it is so difficult for newpublishers to get a foot in thedoor. They lack the foundationand are forced to wander from hitto hit in order to finance the nextproduction. This puts the olderpublishing houses at a great ad-vantage'

In fact there is little consensuson what a standard actually is. "Astandard must be highlyrecognisable and memorable aswell as be continually exploitedover decades with historic and




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Contact:Peter Swartling during MID EMat Sonet stand 21.01Telephone 93998136In Sweden at Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm, SwedenTelephone +4686600609Telefax +4686604665

new recordings", says Bamberger."It must be a recognisablemelody and have been a monsterhit at the time' says Budde.Warner Chappell UK's MD RobinGodfrey -Cass says it "must be afantastic song that withstands thetest of time".

However, the West Germans dohave a clear criterion for deter-mining when a song becomes astandard. According to Bamber-ger, GEMA, the German mecha-nical and performance rights col-lection society, considers a song astandard "if 15 years after beingoriginally published a titleachieves 2.500 publishing perfor-mances annually for three con-secutive years".

But standards do not simplyhappen. They must be created andcultivated otherwise many ofthem, like most other songs,would disappear into obscurity.Rolf Budde: "Cultivating thisrepertoire is a lot of work and isexpensive. If we did not do it theincome on old titles would dropand we would have no up -comingstandards such as CarstonChristopher James' Always OnMy Mind which was originallyrecorded by Elvis and has sinceappeared in hundreds of versionsincluding the Pet Shop Boys' re-cent hit single'

As Godfrey -Cass points out,publishers have many more chan-nels for cultivating standardsopen to them than in the past."Advertising, for example, is ahuge growth market forpublishers!' An example of this isWarner Chappell West Germany'ssuccess in placing Louis Arm-strong's original version of WhatA Wonderful World in an auto-mobile advertisement. The singlespent 22 weeks in the West Ger-man charts, becoming the coun-try's 43rd best-selling single in1989.

Mechanical rights for compila-tion LPs of both new and historicrecordings and cover versions alsoprovide significant publishing in-come. Some examples includeBMG Ariola's January release ofDas Golden Musikarchiv, a 16CD series containing almost 300songs from the BMG-UFAcatalogue; in February, Teldec willrelease a four record series con-

taining 60s `schlager' hit reper-toire and in the UK Max Bygravesmanaged to place two LPs ofcover versions in the UK top 50over the Christmas period.

Live performances are also animportant factor and mostpublishers take measures to assuretheir repertoire is always active.Budde, for example, produceschorus books containing about120 of their evergreen titles everytwo or three years. These arepublished in print runs of3.000-5.000 and are distributedfree to orchestras and bands.

Radio, as all publishers agree,plays one of the most vital roles incultivating standards. Godfrey -Cass: "The more radio stationsthere are, the more formats theycan play and the more publishingincome is generated. A new com-mercial national MOR station(Melody Radio) is scheduled tostart up in London in about sixmonths. It is supposed to besimilar to BBC's Radio 2, whichmeans they should be very in-terested in much of Warner Chap-pell's catalogue!'

Rolf Budde, on the other hand,points to the oldies trend in Ger-man radio where some commer-cial stations are playing up to70% of songs released before1985. Budde Verlag also producesnew arrangements of its standardrepertoire with big orchestras.These are released in smallnumbers and distributed free ofcharge to radio stations. WarnerChappell UK is compiling a hand-book of famous recordings of itsstandard repertoire in the hope ofassisting radio programmers.

While films have always been areliable source of evergreens, TVhas also taken on a significant rolein the proliferation of standards.Watch a classic film, or a pro-gramme about classic films, andchildren will start singingSomewhere Over The Rainbow.In 15 years time will The Look,Pump Up The Jam or any of theother hundreds of current charthits have the same effect? Onlytime will tell. 1:1

PUBLISHING PROFILEcontinues on page 30 lop.

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Publishers - The Artist's Friend Or Foe?Music publishers are

sometimes viewed withsuspicion, with some seenas being little more than

parasites banking richrewards on the backs of

record companyinvestment. Is this true or

do they support theirindustry counterparts

through investments andby marketing and

promoting product?

Arjen Witte MD EMIMusic Publishing Hol-land: "As music publi-

shers we are very keen to helprecord companies promote andmarket their product. Ourphilosophy is that record com-panies and music publishersshould help each other and pooltheir respective strengths.Sometimes one company is

stronger than the other in certainareas of marketing and pro-motion.

"Before the release of a recordwe have an understanding witheach individual company involved- and particularly with the A&Rpeople - about what exactly is go-ing on. We get involved from thevery beginning and see the projectthrough to the end. We want tohave an active role in the promo-tion of our songs!"

Witte adds: "We are willing towork closely with any record .ain-pany regardless of how big orsmall it is. Some of the projectsthat EMI Music Publishing hasbeen closely involved with includeGloria Estefan, Tracy Chapmanand the Dutch artist Gerard Jol-ing, who has been very successfulin West Germany recently. Oursupport for Joling goes back four

by Chris White

years to when he was first signedand, especially recently, we haveworked very closely withPhonogram, his record company':

Willem van Kooten, MD ofNada Records in Holland, alsobelieves that publishers shouldwork in conjunction with recordcompanies, but he feels that thiscan best be done if publishingcompanies start their own labels."That way you can ensure thatthe two will give each other fullsupport',' says van Kooten.

"I started Red Bullet Produc-tions and Records because I hadbeen disappointed with the lackof co-operation from the recordcompanies involved with the pro-motion of our songs. However, weare prepared to give full marketingand promotional support to anyrecord company that becomes in-volved with our songs:"

Jonas Heldeland, SwedenMusic/Polar Music professionalmanager, says the level of involve-ment with a record companydepends on how many songs theyhave on an album: "We do jointadvertising campaigns on certainprojects and like to work closelywith the record company so thatwe know exactly what is going onwith the act. In Sweden we workvery closely with PolyGram andalso A&M Records, via RondorMusic. Our policy is to co-operateas much as possible with therecord company':

Also in Sweden is StefanLagstrom, MD of SonetPublishing, who feels that manyrecord companies do not unders-tand the workings of musicpublishing. "I used to work forEMI Records and I admit that Iwas ignorant about musicpublishing. I would like to seemore co-operation between music




Still available for some territories

Contact:Peter Swartling during MIDEMat Sonet stand 21.01Telephone 93998136In Sweden at Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm, SwedenTelephone + 4686600609Telefax +4686604665

The Publishing Deal - A Case StudyInternational publisher PeerMusic is set to launch UKsinger/songwriter Robert Reillywith his debut album in Marchafter a year spent developing histalent. Peer's UK MD StuartOngley signed 22 -year -old Reillyafter being given a tape by CliffRichard and his manager BillLatham.

Last April, Reilly signed athree-year publishing deal withPeer which committed itself tomaking an album with him."The first recording sessions wedid with him were purely ex-perimental and it took threemonths before a clear directionbegan to emerge," says Ongley."We decided that his first album

should be 'live' in the studio. Wewant to capture him at the firststage in his career so thateveryone can see the potentialand follow the growth."

While Reilly was recording inLondon and mixing at Peer'sHamburg studio, Ongley waslooking for the right recordcompany. Reilly and Peer signeda worldwide deal with the newlyformed independent labelScarlett.

The deal calls for threealbums within three years withno option clauses. "It means wecan make long-term plans forRobert with complete con-fidence," says Ongley. "Oncethe album is out Robert will bespending the rest of the year onthe road, starting with smallclubs and working his waygradually upwards."

While Peer Music is activelyguiding Robert Reilly's careerthere is no management con-tract between them. "His fatherworked in the music businessand he has a strong lawyer tolook after his interests," ex-plains Ongley.

publishers and record companiesbut in Scandinavia the oppor-tunities for joint promotion cam-paigns are limited because wehave fewer radio and TV stations:

Nick East, MD of SupremeMusic in the UK, says musicpublishers have been accused ofbeing parasites: "It is said that wedo not have to invest a lot ofmoney other than the initial ad-vance and then we just sit backcollecting royalties. It is truerecord companies spend a lot ofmoney on marketing and promo-tion to break a record. However,the real work of a music publisheris placing the songs in the firstplace.

"We enjoy a good relationshipwith record companies and con-tribute to promotion particularlyon the club side. We also give toursupport when an act comes intothe country. We have our in-housePR department which can followprojects through":

John Nice, MD at ValentineMusic in London, confirms hiscompany also takes an active role

in supporting artists. "There hasbeen an attitude from record com-panies suggesting we operate asbanking houses and do not doanything to promote writers butthere are many publishers, likeValentine, that take a distinct rolein the promotion of songs and ar-tists, working closely with allthose involved. We are always try-ing to bring songs to the attentionof the labels and we work with allthe majors as well as many of thesmaller companies':

Henri Belolo, director of Scor-pio Music in France, says it isessential for music publishers tohave a close relationship withrecord companies: "As a musicpublisher we handle variouscatalogues and we have to makesure that the record company isdoing a proper job. Where we canhelp with marketing and promo-tion then we get involved. Dancemusic is a particularly strong areafor us and is a valuable source ofincome so we are much involvedwith the club promotion of oursongs:'

30MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20, 1990


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BMI To Celebrate 50th Anniversary In 1990A look at the innovations of American music

BMI, the world's largest perform-ing rights organisation, celebratesits 50th anniversary in 1990.

Known since its inception for its"open door" to songwriters andpublishers of every musical genre,BMI today is a broad -based homefor talent. In the coming year,BMI anniversary activities willsalute not only its solid history,but the substantial contributionsof the creative people it repre-sents.

"A golden anniversary is anespecially opportune time toreflect on both our growth and thetremendous evolution of popularmusic over the past five decades"'says Frances W Preston, BMIpresident and CEO. "BMIsongwriters, composers andpublishers have had an un-precedented impact on art andentertainment and in the comingyear we intend to emphasise thatpoint at our annual events andother special presentations"'

The overall theme of BMI's50th Anniversary is 'The Explo-sion Of American Music', whichwill be formally announced to theindustry at large in an interna-tional trade advertising campaignat MIDEM. Special salutes incor-porating this theme are plannedfor BMI annual events such as thePop Awards Dinner and the FilmAnd Television Awards Dinner,both scheduled for May in LosAngeles, and the organisation'sCountry Awards Dinner inNashville in October. In addition,BMI jazz composers will besaluted at a special event to takeplace during the New York JVCJazz Festival in June; the con-tributions of gospel musicsongwriters and publishers will behonoured during Gospel MusicWeek in April; that same month,the works of Broadway, film andTV composers will be the focus ofa Los Angeles concert by the NewAmerican Orchestra.

Further 50th Anniversary ac-tivities will include a contem-porary concert music composerssalute by the Young Musicians'Foundation Orchestra, under thedirection of BMI composer LaloSchifrin, in March; and recogni-tion of the contributions of theUK's PRS (Performing RightSociety) membership of BMIrepertoire, at an awards luncheonin London, in September. Other

events, of course, are still in theplanning stages and are expectedto be announced shortly.

These established events andmuch of the world's most influen-tial music, would not be the focusof such honour if not for thesynergy of a group of people withthe foresight and the will to ex-pand the then established boun-daries of "contemporary" music.The year -long celebration willserve to remind the industry ofBMI's history -making role in themainstreaming of America'sethnic music in essence, its leader-ship in the course taken bypopular music in the past half -century.

BMI was officially declared

Atlantic Records. "Before WorldWar II there was only one kind ofmusic that seemed to be allowablein America. It was the continua-tion of what had been in the Euro-pean tradition of 32 -bar songs,whether they came from shows orpopular songwriters. And it wasan elite club. The lid was kept onR&B music, country music, ethnicmusic, folk. Once the lid waslifted - which happened whenBMI entered the picture - thevacuum was filled by all these ar-chetypical American musics!'

BMI's performing rights in-novations coincided with drama-tic changes in media technologyand consumer tastes and, as aresult, all kinds of indigenous

Frances Preston, BMI president/CEO presents a songwriter's award to SteveWinwood (centre) for 'Valerie, the US' most performed song of the year.Also pictured is Philip Graham, director of BMI's London office

operational on February 15, 1940,in New York City. More than 400broadcasters pledged fees andmoral support and throughsincere acquisition efforts by earlystaffers, BMI was by the end ofthe year licensing more than36.000 copyrights. BMI became amuch -needed competitive sourceof licensed music for broadcastersand other users of the emergingAmerican music forms. It alsogave the writers and composers ofthe music their first opportunityto participate in performing rightsroyalties.

"It's hard to imagine whatmusic would be like today withoutBMI," says Jerry Wexler, legen-dary producer and executive with

American music came to be heardthroughout the US. Eventually,BMI was at the forefront of thehit parade, acting as virtual mid-wife to rock & roll. It also encou-raged new jazz composers and thedeveloping fields of music for TVand film.

BMI executive talent accom-plished this by a careful nurturingof regional musics largely ignoredby the mainstream. They built afar-ranging repertoire drawn fromblues, jazz, country, gospel andLatin composers. In the early daysof its existence, BMI also sup-ported struggling publishers andsongwriters with advances, ena-bling them to gain a foothold in aquick -changing industry.

"BMI has a big part of mycareer"' says Barry Mann, whowith partner Cynthia Weil hasauthored many of pop's biggesthits (You've Lost That LovingFeeling, Somewhere Out There)."They always gave us a sense ofsecurity, which makes it easier forus to pour our energies into thecreative aspects of our live'

In addition to the psychologicalbenefits provided to songwritersand publishers, BMI through theyears has developed revolutionarynew logging techniques for track-ing airplay and other uses. Itmaintains a computer listing ofmore than 1.5 million composi-tions and regularly distributesperformances royalties to itscopyright holders. Today, BMIrepertoire includes works by manyof the world's best-known song-writers and composers in allmusic genres: from pop, rock,country, R&B, gospel, jazz, rap,film and TV music and contem-porary concert music to name on-ly a few.

A sampling of the more than100.000 songwriters, composersand publishers whose works arerepresented by BMI includespop/rock innovators John Len-non, Michael Jackson, ChuckBerry, Billy Joel, Paul Simon,Barry Manilow and GloriaEstefan; country standard-bearersHank Williams Jr and HankWilliams Sr, Willie Nelson, EddieArnold, Paul Overstreet, DollyParton, The Judds and themembers of Alabama; and R&Blegends Muddy Waters, WillieDixon, James Brown, Otis Red-ding and Aretha Franklin; gospelsongwriter/artists Thomas ADorsey and Sandi Patti; jazzgreats Charlie Parker, MilesDavis, John Coltrane, PatMetheny and Bobby McFerrin;film and TV composers JohnWilliams, Patrick Williams, MikePost, Danny Elfman and MichaelKamen; and concert music com-posers William Schuman, CharlesIves and Otto Luening.

"BMI's open-door policy inthe past 50 years has played asignificant role in the explosion ofAmerican music"' says Preston,echoing BMI's golden anniver-sary theme. "We look forward toan exciting year - a time forcelebration, and a time for look-ing ahead as well as back!'


MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20, 1990 31


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MUSICPan - European News





EUROCLIPSThe most aired music video clips throughoutEurope in the week prior to publication. It in-cludes more than 50 video-tv programmesand other tv shows partly using videos from14 European countries.


*Soul II SoulGet A Life -Vivid


Dear Jessie - Animation City

Sydney YoungbloodSit And Wait - Medialati

Lisa Stansfield

All Around The World vivid

Rob Raz & Leila KGot To Get Wicked Films

Phil CollinsAnother Day In Paradise F.Y.I.

QueenThe Miracle . Fugitive

The ChristiansWords - Not Listed

U840Homely Girl - PHI

Neneh CherryInna City Mama Dekko Films

Dusty SpringfieldIn Private - Harty Five

Band Aid IIDo They Know It's Christmas- MuttaLab

Jason Donovan

When You Come Back To Me Medealab

AerosmithJanie's Got A Gun The Foundry


Leningrad - Scorched Earth

New Kids On The BlockHangin' Tough H.L.A.

De La SoulThe Magic Number Not Listed

Dave Stewart & Candy Dullerlily Was Here - of Factory

Tears For Fears

Woman In Chains - Vivid Productions

Lenny KravitzLet Love Rule Oil Factory


Sister - H.L.A.

Janet Jackson

Rhythm Nation - Propaganda Films

Radio Express PutsExtra FizOn, AT40Los Angeles -based syndicatorRadio Express has launched whatit terms a `Pepsified' version ofthe ABC Radio Networks'American Top 40 show. The showis the most listened -to radio pro-gramme in the world.

The restyled AT40, hosted byShadoe Stevens but also availablein foreign -language versions,features new jingles with an in-creased Pepsi profile. Followingthe completion of the 'PepsiListen & Win' contest a new seriesof prize promotions begins thismonth. The show will also now bemade available to stations on CD.

In Europe, the new show is be-ing aired on several West Germanstations including Radio Gong(four stations), Radio Session(Kempten), Radio Donau 1

(Ulm), Radio Regenbogen (Man-nheim) and Radio Fantasy(Augsburg). Danish broadcasters,such as Radio Viborg and RadioHorsens are also broadcasting theprogramme.

Benny Brown, who hosts a two-hour German -language version ofthe AT40, adapted from ShadoeStevens' four-hour show, is

delighted with Pespi's increasedprofile: "The pace and personali-ty of the show remains much asbefore, although because of thenew jingles, Pepsi takes on amusical presence instead of simp-ly that of a sponsor!'

The AT40 now airs on 400 sta-tions in the US and 350 stationsaround the world. Pepsi sponsorsthe show on 170 stations in 33countries. 111

Cobos To Be Launched Worldwideby James

The multi -faceted Spanish artistLuis Cobos is to become aworldwide CBS act. Cobos, a pro-ducer, arranger and conductor,has had immense success in Spainwith his medley arrangements ofpopular classical tracks. His latestoffering, Opera Magna, toppedsales of 300.000 in the first monthof release, and now is to be releas-ed internationally in September.

CBS Spain's International pro-motion and A&R managerAdrian Vogel says although someof the previous albums have beenreleased elsewhere in Europe,



from now on, international pro-motion will be better organised,with help from CBS Interna-tional.

The earlier album Disco Rusowill be released in France inFebruary, with an initial order of100.000 units, accompanied by aheavy TV advertising campaign.Vienna Concerto was released inFinland in December with asimilar TV promotional cam-paign and will be released inBelgium and Holland inFebruary. Vienna Concerto is alsoto be reissued in West Germany.

New M&M PublisherLeon ten Hengel, has been pro-moted from associate publi-sher/GM to publisher of Music &Media. Ten Hengel joined themagazine in October 1988 asmarketing manager.

After several positions withinartist management, PR and con-cert organisation, ten Hengelmoved to the Dutch branch ofBMG Ariola in 1976. There, hewas responsible for productmanagement, international licen-sing, A&R, business affairs andmarketing.

MOVINGM&M: Leon ten Hengel is pro-moted to publisher while Mach-giel Bakker becomes senior editorand Annette Knijnenberg is pro-moted to marketing manager.Media: Belgium's VTM has ap-pointed Leo Neels as director-general * Liz Nealon has beenpromoted to senior VP MTV in-ternational programming *Hans Edin, formerly of Radio Et -tan in Helsinki, has been ap-pointed MD at Suomen Paikallis-TV-Kavanat * Industry: DoronBerenblit is appointed marketingmanager of MCA Records Inter-national * Stefano Senardibecomes marketing director CGD* Elise Taylor becomesmarketing director at A&M UK* Michael Oplesch is to be direc-tor A&R/marketing at Teldec;Wolfgang Johannssen becomesTeldec's new director of interna-tional A&R/marketing * Phono-gram Holland: Dries van derSchuyt becomes marketingmanager international promo-tion; Herman van der Zwanmarketing manager national pro-motion and Aard Scholtmeijerand Janus Toethuis are responsi-ble for radio promotion internati-onal product; Albert Hol andGerard van der Pot for nationalproduct * Katrien Klausingbecomes label manager interna-tional at Indisc. She is replaced atPolydor Holland by Dominiquevan Pouke * PhonogramBelgium has appointed Marc deKeyser as radio promotion officerand Deirdre Keustermans is to beradio promotion officer atPolydor * EMI Holland has ap-pointed Danny Friedrichs as headof production and marketing;Pim van de Kolk has been madehead of promotion with Dirk vanEijk in charge of radio promotion* Hilde van Steenvoort, head ofpromotion at CBS Belgium movesto BMG Ariola to replace MichelScraeyen * Jos Lauwers has beenpromoted to product managerCBS Holland * MassimoGuilano has been promoted tomarketing director WEA Italyand Umberto Candiolo is the newhead of press *

CHAIRS4 MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990


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TOpZODec. 89





















KIM LARSEN(1) Kiclgastcn

ANNE LINNET(2) Min sang

PHIL COLLINS(3) But Seriously

SOS FENGER(7) Vinterdage

LIS SORENSEN(4) Hjerternes sang

LINIE 3(8) 10 irs jubilmumsshow

ONETWO(NY) Hvide logne

GNAGS(6) Mr. Swing King


TINA TURNER(11) Foreign Affair

JIVE BUNNY(12) The Album



ANNE DORTHE(14) Elskerindens have

PA SLAGET 12(17) Karlighed vedsidste blik

LARS HUG(15) Kopy

HENNING STkRK(25) Dreams ToRemember


RANDY CRAWFORD(23) Rich And Poor

MILLI VANILLI(16) All Or Nothing

All the best


STATION REPORTSUpdated reports and playlistsadditions from the major radio & tvstations from 16 Europeancountries.

PP : PowerplayAD : Additions to the playlistTP : TipsLP : Album of the weekCL : ClipST : StudioIN : Interview


BBC RADIO I - LondonChris Lycett - Sen. Prod.B List:

The Beloved- HelloEverything BIT Girl- DrivingLonny Gordon- HappeningThe Mission- ButterflyPerfect Day- King Of FoolsPhil Collins- I WishUB40- Here I Am

CAPITAL RADIO - LondonRichard Park - Prog. Contr.A List:AD Halo James- Could Have Told

Perfect Day- King Of FoolsFish- Big WedgeLonny Gordon- HappeningWrecks'n'Effect- Juicy

CHILTERN RADIO &NORTHANTS RADIOPaul Robinson - Progr. Contr.AD Quincy Jones- Be Good

Fish- Big WedgeTanita Tikaram- We AlmostMantronix- Got To HaveAnd Why Not- The FaceSeven- Inside LoveDel Amitri- Nothing EverCher- Just LikeJesse James

TT D'Arby- To Know Someone

RADIO HALLAM - SheffieldDean Pepell - Head Of MusicAD New Kids OiT Block- Hangin'

Everything BiT Girl- DrivingSmokie- BoulevardPerfect Day- King Of FoolsThe Chimes- HeavenLies Damn Lies- Say U Won'tLou Gramm- Just Between

RADIO TRENT GROUPLen Groat - Deputy Prog.Dir.AD River Detectives- You Don't

Wrecks'n'Effect- JuicySeven- Inside LoveThe Call- You RunTanita Tikaram- We AlmostSydney Youngblood- SitKix- Don't Close Your EyesRod Stewart- Downtown TrainTT DArby- To Know SomeoneSinead O'Connor- NothingKylie Minogue- TearsMantronix- Got To HaveFish- Big Wedge

RED ROSE RADIO - Preston/BlackpoolPaul Fairburn - Head Of MusicTP The Beloved- Hello

TT D'Arby- To Know Someone

Seven- Inside LoveAnd Why Not- The FaceDel Amitri- Nothing Ever

GWR - SwindonDave Bowen - Head Of MusicA List:

Bros- SisterElectronic- Getting AwaySoul II Soul- Get A LifeMadonna- Dear JessieRob 'n' Raz- Got To GetSonia- ListenKaoma- Dancando LambadaSydney Youngblood- Sit

METRO FM - NewcastleGiles Squire - Prog. Contr.AD Kylie Minogue- Tears

Luther Vandross- Here And NowMartika- More Than You KnowSybil- Walk On BySmokie- BoulevardTanita Tikaram- We Almost

RTL 208Jeff Graham - Prog. Dir.AD Madonna- Dear Jessie

Band Aid II- Do They KnowBros- SisterElectronic- Getting AwayJason Donovan- When You

BRMB - BirminghamRobin Valk - Head Of MusicA List:AD Mantronix- Got To Have

The Mission- ButterflyD -Mob- Put Your Hands

RADIO CLYDE - GlasgowAlex Dickson - Prog. Dir.AD WarwickiOsborne- Good Care

Jimmy Somerville- MightyFish- Big WedgeRod Stewart- Downtown TrainDeacon Blue- QueenCher- Just Like Jesse JamesMartika- More Than You KnowQuincy Jones- Be GoodTanita Tikaram- We AlmostRiver Detectives- You Don'tNatalie Cole- Starting OverQuireboys- Hey You

HORIZON RADIO - MiltonKeynes Clive Dickens Head Of MusicAD Mantronix- Got To Have

And Why Not- The FaceSeven- Inside LoveDel Amitri- Nothing EverCher- Just Like Jesse JamesTT DArby- To Know Someone

SWANSEA SOUND - WalesDavid Thomas - Progr. Contr.AD Deacon Blue- Queen

Yell- Instant ReplayLuther Vandross- Here And NowLove In Effect- Now That WeJimmy Somerville- CommentKylie Minogue- Tears

DOWNTOWN RADIO - BelfastJohn Rosborough - Head Of Prog.AD Kylie Minogue- Tears

Quincy Jones- Be GoodRod Stewart- Downtown TrainCher- Just Like Jesse JamesDel Amitri- Nothing EverSinead O'Connor- NothingTanita Tikaram- We AlmostEnergy Orchard- BelfastNeville Brothers- A ChangeAge Of Chance- Higher ThanRiver Detectives- A ThingH Factor- I Love YouTT D'Arby- To Know SomeoneSeven- Inside Love

32MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20, 1990


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RADIO DONAU I - BellenbergRichard Roth - Head Of Music

SFB - BerlinJuergen Juergens- DJ/Prod.

Beat- ErdbeermundJennifer Rush- Higher Ground

IRELANDFM - Dublin AD Phil Collins- Another Day TP Tanita Tikaram- We Almost AD Jive Bunny- Let's PartyJohn Clarke - DJ/Prod. JF & Gropiuslerchen- Berlin Bernd Kaczmarek- Warte Nicht Bros- SisterTop 5: Billy Joel- We Didn't Start Benton/Morris- Carry On David Hasselhoff- Song

Jimmy Sommerville- Mighty Richard Marx- Angelia Carmel- You Can Have Him Marius M. Westernhagen- WeilHalo James- Could Have Told Madonna- Dear Jessie Don Johnson- What IfKylie Minogue- Tears RADIO GONG 2000 - Munich Udo Lindenberg- ReeperbahnDeacon Blue- Queen RADIO SALU - Saarbruecken Walter Freiwald - Music Dir. Edoardo Bennato- Una EstateDon Henley- Last Worthless Adam Hahne - Progr. Dir. AD Tony Carey- I Feel Good Lou Gramm- Just Between

AD Kirsty McColl- You And Me PP Roxette- Dangerous PP Jason Donovan- When YouLinda Ronstadt- All Of My Life Gloria Estefan- On Your Feet Sydney Youngblood- Sit RADIO TON 7 - Bad MergentheimAvatar- Dancando Lambada Richard Marx- Angelia LP Tony Carey Thomas Tschenschner - Head Of MusicChris Rea- Texas Arthur Baker- The Message AD Phil Collins- I Wish

Curiosity K/T Cat- Name & Number RADIO GONG - Nuremberg Tanita Tikaram- We AlmostTina Turner- Steamy Windows Arno Mueller - Music Dir. Chris Rea- That What

WEST GERMANY Sydney Youngblood- Sit Top 5: Dusty Springfield- In PrivatePhil Collins- Another Day Phil Collins- Paradise

SWF - Baden Baden Lisa Stansfield- All AroundUlli Frank - DJ/Prod. SR I/EUROPAWELLE SAAR Roxette- Listen F R A N C E

TP Tanita Tikaram- We Almost Dieter Exter - DJ/Prod. Laid Back- BakermanChris Rea- That's What PP Phil Collins- I Wish Culture Beat- Erdbeermund RTL - Paris

AD Chris Rea- That's What Monique Le Marcis - Head Of Prog.WDR - Cologne Rockhaus- Tanzen RADIO REGENBOGEN - Mannheim AD Louis Chedid- LatinBuddah Kraemer - DJ/Prod. Beautiful South- I'll Sail Markus Wahl - Music Dir. Lover Gold- Iles D'AranAD Baem Baem Baeckae- Rap Oyster Band- Love Vigilantes PP Belinda Carisle- La Luna Jean-Louis Murat- Te Garder

Abwaerts- Die Zeit AD Topel Ohne- Hallole Tanita Tikaram- We AlmostNazareth- Winner On The Night RADIO RPR - Ludwigshafen Chris Rea- That's What Kashtin- E UassiuiamJames Taylor- Sister Rosa Hams Kappes- DJ/Prod. Tanita Tikaram- We AlmostPete Townshend- I Won't Run AD Rod Stewart- Downtown Train Roland Kaiser- Im 5. Element NRJ - NetworkJason Donovan- When You Roch Voisine- Helene Max Guazzini - Dir.

Tina Turner- I Don't Wanna RADIO XANADU - Munich AD The Chimes- 1.2.3.RIAS 2 - Berlin Madonna- Dear Jessie Bernhard Engelmann - Head Of Music Eurythmics- Don't Ask MeRik De Lisle - Prod. AD Phil Collins- I Wish Adeva- I Thank YouAD Tanita Tikaram- We Almost RSH - Kiel Belinda Carlisle- La Luna Les Vagabonds- Le Temps

Phil Collins- I Wish Martin Schwebel- Head Of Music Roxette- DangerousChris Rea- That's What PP Belinda Carlisle- La Luna Billy Joel- Leningrad EUROPE I - ParisNatalie Cole- Starting Over AD Chris Rea- Road To Hell Beautiful South- I'll Sail Yvonne Lebrun - Prog. Dir.Milli Vanilli- All Or Dusty Springfield- Private Katrina & The Waves- Girl TP Tanita Tikaram- We Almost

LP Born On The 4th Of July Nena- Wunder Gescheh'n Queen- The Miracle LP Rockstadt (Live In Moscow)TP The Hooters- Wolfgang Climie Fischer- Fire Culture PP Lou Gramm- True Blue Love continued on page 34




dela vieoft

sur scene et dans leur nouveau clip1_A1\41C)EN/1 90Mercredi 24 Janvier 1990


"Whisky di gogo"115, Avenue de Lerins

As, INA r-.1 rr


Une gosse aux veux verts-bleus, un ecrivain amencain chagrin, une espionne au violon, les

HISTOIRES COURTES de BLUES TROTTOIR ont la saveur de portraits sur le vif, de tranches de

vie douces-ameres, souvent tristes come la couleur d' un "SOIR DE PLUIE". Apres le triomphe,

tart professionnel que public, de leur premier single, voici, enregistre a New -York, leur premier album.

Une atmosphere de film noir qui balance entre ja:: et macadam.

33MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20, 1990


Page 37: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma

MUSIC STATION REPORTSFUN Network HOLLAND Eric Clapton- Bad Love RADIO 10 - Amsterdam-

MEDIA J.P. Millet - Prog. Dir. Cher- Just Like Jesse James Ferry Maat - Head Of MusicAD Julien Clerc- Fais-moi VERONICA - Hilversum AD Tanita Tikaram- We Almost

Johnny Clegg- Cruel, Grazy Hans Van Veen - Progr. Dir. AVRO - Hilversum Nena- Wunder Gescheh'nTina Turner- In The Heart PP Tony Scott- Get Into It Jan Steeman - Head Of Music Climie Fisher- FireBig Audio Dynamite- Contact AD Elton John- Sacrifice PP Cock Robin- Worlds Apart New Kids O/T Block- Got It

Twenty 4 Seven- Can't Stand AD FYC- I'm Not The Man Cher- Just Like Jesse JamesThe Chimes- Heaven Darryl Pandy- Gone Deurzakkers- Het Is HierSUD RADIO - Toulouse Anny Schilder- Le Soleil Wild Young MC- Bust A Move Annie Schilder- Le SoleilMarie Ange Roig - Prog. Dir. Tom Petty- Free Fallin' Technotronic- Get Up Kadanz- De Stad

AD Gold- Iles D'Aran Vader Abraham- Jampot GirlstreetFrank Villano- La Sono Deurzakkers- Het Is Hier CFN - BrunssumRichard Gotainer- Marylin Havenzangers- Pils TROS - Hilversum Lou Rowland - Music Dir.Tanita Tikaram- We Almost Peter de Mooij - Prod. PP Tanita Tikaram- We AlmostJacksons- 2300 Jackson NOS - Hilversum PP Milli Vanilli- All Or LP Hanne BoelSt. Louis Chedid- Zap Zap Tom Blomberg - DJ/Prod.Pauline Ester- Je L'Adore PP Hans Theessink- Baby KRO - Hilversum

Buzz Buzz- Als Het Gratis Is Paul Van Der Lugt - Head Of Music BELGIUMAD The Stone Roses- Fools AD Tanita Tikaram- We Almost

SKY ROCK - Paris The Mission- Butterfly Del Amitri- Nothing Ever RADIO 21 - BrusselsLaurent Bouneau - Prog. Dir. Neil Young- Rockin' Neil Young- Rockin' Marc Ysaye - DJ/Prod.AD Bobby Brown- Cruel All About Eve- December Icehouse- Touch The Fire TP Eric Clapton- Bad Love

Milli Vanilli- Girl Stars On Follies- You Are Wonderstuff- Golden Green Neville Brothers- With GodRaul Orellana- Wild House TP The Marines- Go Go Now Chris Rea- That's WhatFrancis Cabrel- Animal Halo James- Could Have Told NCRV- Hilversum TT D'Arby- To Know SomeoneMichael Jackson- Demon Martika- More Than You Know Jaap De Groot/Henk Mouwe. DJ/Prod.Quincy Jones- Good To You Rod Stewart- Downtown Train AD Elton John- Sacrifice BRT Studio Brussel - BrusselsRedhead Kingpin- Right Thing Kadanz- De Stad Quincy Jones- Be Good Jan Hautekiet - Head Of MusicSimple Minds- Sign Clouseau- Daar Gaat Ze Texas- Prayer For You Mark Coenen/Bert Geenen- DJ/Prod.Tina Turner- In The Heart LP The Christians Daniel Lanois- The Maker TP Johnny Clegg- Cruel, Crazy

Michael Penn- No Myth Laurie Anderson- BabydollVARA - Hilversum Rob 'n' Raz- Got To GetRIVIERA RADIO - Monaco Louis Verschuur - Head of Music SKY RADIO - Bussum Dirk Blanchart- The RiddemDaevid Fortune - Music Dir. PP Living Colour- Funny Vibe Ton Lathouwers - Operations Mgr. Menace- DoghouseAD Temptations- Special AD Live Crew- Me So Horny TP Sheena Easton- Rainbow Michael Penn- No Myth

Won Ton Ton- I Lie Fast Eddie- Git On Up Brendan Crocker- This Kind Everything B/T Girl- DrivingNatalie Cole & Jackson- I Do Milli Vanilli- All Or Daniel Lanois- The Maker Laid Back- BakermanKool & Gang- Never Give Up Sheena Easton- Rainbow Neil Diamond- This Time Eric Clapton- Bad LoveAtlantic Star- My First Love Tony Scott- Get Into It New Kids O/T Block- I'll Be Clouseau- Daar Gaat ZeBilly Joel- Leningrad Inner City- Watcha Gonna Annabel Lamb- RefugeeArt Garfunkel- Say Goodbye 2 In A Room- What You Want Elton John- Sacrifice continued on page 37

LES NOUVELLES MACHINES DE 6aKiift:01990. La Guesch va eclater en Europe. Une

offensive qui debute le 22 Janvier par la

projection, a Cannes, du clip L'HOMME AU


Clip et single, sortie europeenne le 29 Janvier, qui preparent

le terrain au prochain album, sortie le 12 Mars.

En Juin, grandes

manoeuvres de


& ENCORE dont

la tournee, partie

de France,

gagnera l'Allemagne, l'Espagne, la

Hollande, l'Italie, la Suisse et bientot

Pensemble de 1'Europe. MIDEM 90. En

avant-garde le clip L'HOMME AU

TABLIER VERT projection et cocktail

a partir de 20 heures au Carlton.

EMI1,1:11E MjUlatII



34MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20, 1990


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M A R LieIsla





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Page 40: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma

BRT - East FlandersRudi Sinia - Prod.AD B -52's- Love Shack

Billy Joel- LeningradGipsy kings- VolareMecano- Hijo De La LunaMilli Vanilli- All OrP.L.B. System- ArtificialMixmasters- Grand PianoSalim Seghers- Koningin

LP Phil Collins

RTBF RADIO 2 - HainautG.Geron/P. JauniauxTop 5:

Phil Collins- ParadiseRoch Voisine- HeleneConfetti's- Jingle BellsPatrick Bruel- CasserJive Bunny- That's What

AD Jimmy Somerville- CommentJason Donovan- When You

BRF - EupenGuy Janssens - DJ/Prod.AD Joe Cocker- Fever

Simple Minds- SignTears For Fears- WomanArtists United- Yes We CanElton John- SacrificeErasure- You Surround MeAlbert Hammond- Where

TP Koto- TimeThe Christians- WordsJoe Esposito- Tear DownTony Carey- I Feel Good

ANTIGOON - AntwerpPiet Keizer - Dir.PP Clouseau- Daar Gaat ZeTP In A Room- What You Want

Hi Tek 3- Spin That WheelTony Scott- Get Into ItThe Chimes- HeavenInner City- Watcha Gonna

SWITZERLANDDRS 3C.Alispach - Music Co -Ord.TP Jacques Higelin- Follow

Morrissey- Ouija BoardLP Marc Almond

Alex ChiltonRodney CrowellJungle BrothersZeke Manyika NajmaPhon RollThe Smithereens3rd BassUrban Dance Squad

RADIO 24 - ZurichClem Dalton - DJ/Co-Ord.PP Polo Hofer- Radio 24AD Sydney Youngblood- Sit

Neneh Cherry- Inna CityJive Bunny- Let's PartyMadonna- Dear JessiePaul McCartney- FiguresSoul II Soul- Get A Life

TP Beautiful South- I'll SailQuincy Jones- Be GoodGrayson Hugh- Bring It AllDeacon Blue- QueenCarmel- You Can Have HimDel Amitri- Nothing EverStewart/Dulfer- LilySpookie- I Won't WorkPhon Roll- Vagabond Moon

LP UB40 Beautiful South

COULEUR 3 - LausanneGerard Saudan - Head of MusicPP Little Bob- Another YouAD A.R. Kane- Miles Apart

Die Bruder- TimeShadowland- Wink Of An Eye

STATION REPORTSZeke Manyika- Go GoGrant Hart- My SensesUrban Dance Squad- Shade

RADIO L - LausanneFrancois Vautier - Head Of MusicAD Michel Fugain- Les Annees

Patrick Bruel- Casser La VoixFrancois Feldman- Les ValsesJimmy Somerville- CommentCarole Laure- DansePatricia Kaas- Jimmy DitVeronique Jannot- Love MeKaoma- Dancando LambadaBlack Box- Ride On TimeTexas- Prayer For YouRondo Veneziano- VentiPhil Collins- ParadiseSimply Red- If You Don't KnowJive Bunny- Swing The MoodJive Bunny- R & R Party

RADIO ZURISEE - StaefaUeli Frey - Head Of MusicAD Cutting Crew- The Scattering

Rod Stewart- Downtown TrainBrother Beyond- When Will IMark Boyce- Kiss In The DarkNicolas Peyrac- Et Meme

AUSTRIAANTENNA AUSTRIA - ViennaThomas Klock- Head Of MusicTop 15:PP United Artists- Yes We Can

Queen- The MiracleElton John- SacrificeTina Turner- Don't WannaB -52's- Love ShackSydney Youngblood- SitMadonna- Dear JessiePaul McCartney- FigureChris De Burgh- Waiting HeartRonstadt/Neville- Don't KnowTears For Fears- WomanGeorge Harrison- Cheer DownMax- WomanUB40- Homely GirlTexas- Prayer For You

AD Cutting Crew- The Last ThingToni Esposito- Tear DownSybil- Don't Make Me OverThomas Roth- DunkelheitVan Morrison- OrangefieldArthur Baker- The MessageNeneh Cherry- Inna CityGipsy Kings- Volare

IT ALYRAI STEREO UNO - ROMEE.Bellisario - Music Dir.PP Phil Collins- Paradise

New Kids 0/T Block- Hangin'Rolling Stones- Hard PlaceEurythmics- Don't Ask Me WhyTT D'Arby- This Side Of LoveTears For Fears- Woman

AD Bruce Willis- The Last DanceErasure- You Surround MeTaylor Dayne- With Every BeatBig Fun- Can't Shake

DEEJAY NETWORK - MilanDario Usuelli - DJPP Laid Back- BakermanAD Technotronic- Get Up

Halo James- Well Of SoulMano Negra- King Kong FiveDan Reed Network- RainbowAnd Why Not- The FaceToni Scott- Get Into ItJason Load Exper.- Main LainDayekee- I Found YouB -52's- Roam

RADIO PETER FLOWERS - MilanMarco Garavelli - Prod.PP Tanita Tikaram- We AlmostAD 16 Tambourines- If I Should

The Mission- ButterflyMano Negra- King KongFive Name- Blowing By The WindKix- Don't Close Your Eyes

LP Phil Collins Rolling StonesIN Beautiful

RADIO KISS KISS - NaplesLucia Niespolo - Progr. Dir.PP Mr Fingers- What AboutAD Lil' Louis- I Called You

Nikki Nikki- Cooti CootiLt Stitchie- DressFreestyle Orchestra- Don'tPublic Enemy- WelcomeTony Scott- Get Into ItD -Mob- Put Your Hands

LP 100 Classic Dance Hits

RADIO STAR - VicenzaMaurizio Maressi - Progr. Dir.PP Rod Stewart- This Old HeartTP Rob 'n' Raz- Got To Get

Mantronix- Got To HaveLP Fiorella Mannoia

Luca CarboniEurythmicsPhil CollinsQuincy Jones

RADIO BABBOLEOLenny - DJ/Prod.PP Sinead O'Connor- NothingAD Tanita Tikaram- We Almost

Toni Scott- Get Into ItMadonna- Dear JessieLove In Effect- Now That We

R.T.L. 102.5 HITRADIOLuca Viscardi - Head Of MusicPP Tanita Tikaram- We Almost

Tears For Fears- AdviceLove In Effect- Now That We

TP Electronic- Getting AwayDi Bella- Un AmoreCathy Dennis- Another Dream

LP Lisa Hunt

SPAINRADIO MADRID - SERRafael Revert - Music Mgr.PP Roxette- Listen

Stone Roses- What The WorldTanita Tikaram- We AlmostLuz- No Me Importa NadaLisa Stansfield- All Around

LP Phil Collins

RADIO 16 - MadridAna Blanco - Progr. Dir.PP Big Fun- Can't Shake

Roxette- ListenPaul McCartney- DistractionsLuz- No Me Imports NadaCock Robin- First LovePrince- ScandalousThe Christians- WordsTanita Tikaram- We Almost

LP Lisa Stansfield

SWEDENSR - StockholmMaths Broborg - DJ/Prod.TP The Christians- Words

Tanita Tikaram- We AlmostLCO- When Will There Be PeaceMorrissey- Ouija BoardSydney Youngblood- Sit

LP Michael Penn continued on page 38

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HIT FM - StockholmJohan Bring - Progr. Dir.Top 3:

Natalie Cole- StartingRatata- HimlenBig Fun- Can't Shake

AD Kevin Paige- Don'tGloria Estefan- Here WeBros- SisterJuice- Pipe DreamsReturn- Can You 4GiveAdolphson/Falk- Vaend

RADIO CITY 103 - GothenburgMargareta Anderberg -DJPP Adolphson & Falk- Vand DigAD Oh Well- Oh Well

Sydney Youngblood- SitMorrison/Richard- GodInga- Something StupidPhilip Bailey- No CompromiseKevin Paige- Don't ShutLiving In A Box- DifferentLiza Minelli- So SorryIcehouse- Touch The FireTanita Tikaram- We AlmostKym Mazelle- Was That AllZacke- Om Du Finns

NORWAYNRK P2 - OsloVidar Lonn-Arnesen - Prod.Top 10:

Jive Bunny- Swing The MoodPhil Collins- ParadiseBilly Joel- We Didn't StartTina Turner- Steamy WindowsJive Bunny- That's What I LikeRoxette- ListenPaul McCartney- This OneBig Fun- Can't ShakeMilli Vanilli- GirlAlice Cooper- Bed Of Nails

RADIO ONE - OsloBjoern Faarlund - DJTP Deep Heat- Latino Mix

Gary Hughes- StayDon Johnson- What IfDusty Springfield- In PrivateJahn Teigen- ParadisTanita Tikaram- We AlmostDavid Byrne- Make BelieveElectronic- Getting AwayAnne Grethe Preus- AltBros- Sister

RADIO VEST - StavangerBjarte Tjostheim - Head Of MusicPP Tanita Tikaram- We AlmostAD Johnny Clegg- Cruel, Crazy

Climie Fisher- FireLP Lisa Nilson- Lean on Love

RADIO 102 - HaugesundEgil Houeland - DJPP Lenny Kravitz- LetAD Stewart/Dulfer- Lily

Tanks Tikaram- We EddieMoney- PeaceThe Christians- WordsMichael Penn- No MythKylie Minogue- Tears

TP Pandora's Box- Coming

DENMARKRADIO VIBORGPaul Foged - Head Of MusicTop 5 Airplay:

Belinda Carlisle- La LunaTina Turner- I Don't WannaThe Graces- Perfect ViewMorrison/Richard- GodAnnie Linnet- Time Og Dag

PP Fenger & Peter- Hvor End Paa

Slaget 12- KaerlighedMichael Bolton- How Am IJimmy Somerville- ReadRoger Whitaker- Good LoveBig Fun- Can't Shake

RADIO VOICE - CopenhagenBo Berg - Progr. Dir.Top 5:

One Two- Den Bedste TidSoul II Soul- Get A LifeDanse Orkestret- Prover IgenCock Robin- Worlds ApartMoonjam- Bad De Bla Bjerge

PP Brother Beyond- When Will IBilly Joel- LeningradWet Wet Wet- Broke AwayAlyson Williams- I SecondMarillion- Quest

UPTOWN FM - CopenhagenNiels Pedersen - Head Of MusicPP Wet Wet Wet- Broke Away

Simple Minds- SignAD Dance W/A Stranger- Invisible

Elton John- SacrificeAerosmith- Janie's Got A GunArwid- Fire OjneHalo James- Wanted

SLR - SlagelseMichael Hansen - Head Of MusicPP Smokie- Boulevard

Brother Beyond- When Will IAD Wet Wet Wet- Broke Away

Curiosity K/T Cat- First PlaceTears For Fears- WomanGloria Estefan- Here We Are

AARHUS NAERRADIO - AarhusFrankie Fever - Head Of MusicPP James Taylor- Sister Ross

Brother Beyond- When Will ISoul II Soul- Get A LifeMadonna- Dear JessieTina Turner- I Don't WannaCher- Just Like Jesse JamesRod Stewart- This Old Heart

LP Gipsy Kings

FINLANDRADIO MUSA - TamperePentti Teravainen - ProducerPP Dynamic Choice- Zorba's MixAD Lisa Stansfield- Love In Me

Erasure- Blue Savannah

Jimmy Somerville- CommentCanyon- Radio RomanceBig Fun- Can't Shake

PORTUGALRADIO MAIS - AmadoraJose Lourenco - Progr. Dir.PP Eric Clapton- PretendingAD Phil Collins- Paradise

Bad English- When I SeeCetima Leciao- Por quemTexas- Prayer For You

GREECEWJGR JERONIMO GROOVY - AthensD. Protopapas- DirTop 10:

Lisa Stansfield- All AroundBelinda Carlisle- La LunaPhil Collins- ParadiseRonstadt/Neville- Don't KnowIce Mc- EasySoul II Soul- Get A LifeYoung MC- Bust A MoveChris Rea- Road To HellGreen/Baker- MessageBelinda Carlisle- Light On

POLANDPOLSKIE RADIO - WarsawBogdan Fabianski - DJPP Belinda Carlisle- La Luna

The Christians- WordsElectronic- Getting AwayLiving In A Box- DifferentSonia- ListenSoul II Soul- Get A Life

LP Lisa StansfieldRod StewartJive BunnyWet Wet Wet

Cable Programmes


Powerplug:TT D'Arby- To Know Someone

Heavy Rotation:Soul II Soul- Get A LifePhil Collins- ParadiseLisa Stansfield- All -AroundUB40- Homely GirlSydney Youngblood- SitMadonna- Dear JessieRoxette- Dangerous

Buzz Bin:Stone Roses- Fools GoldEat- TombstoneThe Creeps- Ooh -1 Like ItB -52's- RomeChilli Peppers- Higher Ground


CL Phil Collins- ParadiseJason Donovan- When YouSoul II Soul- Get A LifeMadonna- Dear JessieSydney Youngblood- SitDe La Soul- Magic NumberRob 'n' Raz- Got to GetNew Kids O/T Block- Hangin'Bros- SisterGerard Joling- Bolero'sThe Christians- WordsRichard Marx- AngeliaNeneh Cherry- Inna City

TV Pro grammesUNITED KINGDOMTop Of The PopsPaul Ciani - Prod.CL Quireboys- Hey You

Madonna- Dear JessieSilver Bullet- 20 SecondsLatino Rave- Latino RaveSonia- ListenDe La Soul- Magic Number49ers- Touch MeNew Kids O/T Block- Hangin'Rob 'n' Raz- Got To GetBand Aid II- Do They knowFPI Project- Going Back

GERMANYARD - Forme! EinsAndreas Thiesmeyer - Prod.CL Queen- The Miracle

Jimmy Somerville- MightyBeautiful South- I'll SailCat- Catwoman Lil'Louis- I Called UThe Christians- WordsDusty Springfield- In Private

Cliff Richard- Lean On YouCarmel- You Can Have Him


Giancarlo Trombetti - Prod.CL Sinead O'Connor- Nothing

Johnny Clegg- Cruel, CrazyDe La Soul- Me Myself And IAerosmith- Janie's Got A GunLiving Colour- Glamour BoysSkid Row- I Remember YouBlow Monkeys- SlavesThe Smithereens- GirlD -Mob- C'mon And Get Me


VERONICA - CountdownRob de Boer - Prod.CL Soul II Soul- Get A Life

Tol & Tol- EleniLisa Stansfield- All AroundInner City- Watcha GonnaU2- Where The Streets

ST Tony Scott- Get Into itBolland & Bolland- The WallMilli Vanilli- All Or

DE NEDERLANDSE TOP 40Rob de Boer - Prod.CL Lisa Stansfield- All Around

Tol & Tol- EleniRonstadt/Neville- Don't Know2 Live Crew- Me So HornyThe Christians- WordsNeneh Cherry- Inna CityDusty Springfield- In PrivateFast Eddie- Git On UpGipsy Kings- VolareBolland & Bolland- The Wall


CountdownCL Queen- The Miracle

Frank Boeyen- Zeg MeU2- Where The Streets2 Live Crew- Me So Horny

ST Lisa Stansfield- All AroundThe Christians- WordsUB40- Homely Girl

IN The Christians

SWITZERLANDDRS - BarockBruno Bieri - Prod.CL The Buggies- Video

Art Of Noise- The EditLaurie Anderson- Sharkey'sDavid Bowie- Ashes To AshesJill Jones- Mia BoccaPrince- Sign Of The Times

POLANDTV I - FleshBogdan Fabianski - Prod.CL Kate Bush- Woman's Work

Sydney Youngblood- SitKaoma- LambadaStewart/Dulfer- LilyTina Turner- Steamy WindowsRichard Marx- AngeliaLenny Kravitz- Let Love Rule

MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20, 1990


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The F

rench Leading Independent Com




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Page 44: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma

BILLY JOEL* LENINGRAD"We never knew what friends we had

Until we came to..."

Available on 7" 12" CD3 and Maxi Cl)



Page 45: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma






UK & IRELANDAirplay On Agenda In Chart Review

Airplay and sponsorship are twoitems on the agenda when the BPICharts Committee meets thisweek to review the nationalcharts.

"There is an argument thatbecause sales in the lower reachesof the chart are small, incor-porating airplay might give a bet-ter indication of a record'spopularity',' says BPI chairmanTerry Ellis, who is also chairmanof the charts committee.

"On the other hand we current-ly have a chart based solely onsales - the best chart of its kindanywhere in the world. Introduc-ing airplay would redefine thecriteria of the chart!'

by Hugh Fielder

Ellis says that the West Germanchart - in which airplay is used tohelp compile the bottom 50 butnot the top 50 - is "certainly worthdiscussing".

"The real problem with airplayis that we do not want the pro-blems of payola that has causedtrouble in the US. You could getdishonest people trying tomanipulate the airplay element ofthe chart'

The chart committee will alsobe considering sponsorship as apossible solution for recoupingthe cost of producing the chart.

"The BPI and the record in-dustry have spent a lot of moneydeveloping the chart which is a

highly sophisticated piece ofmarket research:' says Ellis.

"We are spending half -a -million pounds a year forsomething that a lot of other peo-ple are benefiting from. Personal-ly, I do not believe the BPI needsto pay for the chart at all. And Ibelieve we should control thecommercial exploitation of thechart by other people!"

The BPI has already givennotice to Gallup, the BBC andMusic Week - who compile, broad-cast and publish the chart - ter-minating the current contract atthe end of June 1990.

RadioRadioMoves ToManchesterRadioRadio's satellite -distributedovernight service 'The Super Sta-tion' has completed its move fromLondon to Manchester where it isusing the studios of PiccadillyRadio's FM service, Key 103. Themove is part .of a plan by TransWorld Communications, Pic-cadilly's owners and Radio -Radio's main shareholder, torevitalise the operation which itbought from Virgin Broadcastinglast year.

Dave Lincoln, who will alsocontinue as deputy MD of TWC-owned Red Rose Radio, has beenappointed as RadioRadio's newprogramme controller.

CD Prices Attacked By Consumers Association

The record industry is again hav-ing to defend CD prices after areport by the Consumers Associa-tion accusing it of "keeping theprice artificially high".

The report published in thismonth's Which? magazine saysthat CD prices are more expensivethan when they were introduced in1983 although manufacturingcosts have halved and CDs arenow outselling vinyl. During thesame period it says the price ofCD players has more than halvedand a random survey of 2.000people in August, carried out bythe Consumers Association,revealed that a third of CD playerowners gave the cost of discs asthe reason they did not buy more.And one fifth of those without aCD player gave the price of discsas their main reason for not buy-ing one.

The BPI has condemned the

report as "inaccurate, misleadingand libellous". It says the price ofCDs has not risen but has fallenby more than 40% "in realterms", and that sales of 40million CDs last year indicates theprice "is obviously not a disincen-tive to purchasers".

BPI chairman Terry Ellis:"Which? implies that purchasersare somehow forced to pay highprices against their will. CDs pro-vide excellent value and qualityand the rapidly growing marketindicates that the consumeragrees.

"It is in the interest of recordcompanies to sell as many CDs aspossible. Prices are pitched by in-dividual companies to strike thebest balance between high volumeand economic viability and theyare as low as they sensibly can bet'

CD prices in the UK are about50% more expensive than vinyl or




Still available for some territories

Contact:Peter Swartling during MIDEMat Sonet stand 21.01Telephone 93998136In Sweden al Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm. SwedenTelephone + 4686600609Telefax +4686604665

cassette - in line with Europe andthe US. In Japan, the cost of CDshas fallen rapidly within the lastye.ar to within 10% of vinyl.

EMI, CBS and BMG have aUK dealer price of £ 7.29 com-pared to £ 4.25 for vinyl orcassette. PolyGram has just in-creased its dealer prices to thesame level.

WEA has also increased its CDdealer price to £ 6.99 having drop-ped to £ 6.49 in autumn 1988. Itwas hoped that the lower figurewould increase sales but accor-ding to chairman Rob Dickensshops have been charging thesame for WEA CDs as the othercompanies.

ITN To LaunchIRN RivalIndependent Television News(ITN) is to launch a radio newsservice. Although it will be the firstrival for the existing IndependentRadio News (IRN) service current-ly taken by all independent radio(IR) stations, ITN Radio will onlybe available to the new communi-ty and specialist music stations.The service will not be used bystations currently using IRN.

The move by ITN comes aftercomplaints from many of the newbroadcasters who are angry at be-ing expected to pay for the IRNservice. It is available free ofcharge to existing subscribers. Thenew stations will pay 1.5% oftheir revenue to ITN for the ser-vice, although it will become freeafter one year.

EMI Buys PRTClassical CatalogueEMI Records has bought the PRI'classical catalogue which includeshistoric UK recordings by SirJohn Barbirolli, Sir Adrian Boultand Sir Michael Tippet. Manag-ing director Rupert Perry says thedeal, which follows the recentpurchase of Roulette Records,signals EMI's intentions: "EMIRecords is most definitely in themarket for further importantcatalogue purchases!'

6 MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990

The PRI' deal, for an undisclos-ed sum, is made up of 350 mastersrecorded in the 50s and 60s. Someof them will be remastered atEMI's Abbey Road Studios usingthe CEDAR digital noise elimina-tion system. The first 10 titles willbe issued on mid -price CD andcassette in the summer.


Page 46: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma


Token Battle Between EMI And Our PriceEMI and Our Price are in disputeover selling and redeeming recordtokens. Our Price decided to stopselling EMI Record Tokens inAugust because the retail chainwas introducing its own, but saidit would continue to accept theEMI gift vouchers sold elsewhere.

But EMI warned Our Price itwould refuse to handle tokens ex-changed at Our Price fromDecember 1. EMI Record Tokensdirector John Mew: "We felt whatOur Price is doing is unfair toboth the customer and the in-dustry. It is wrong for Our Priceto make music sales from thescheme without contributing to

its growth through the generationof new sales':

Record tokens can amount toaround 2.5% of business over theChristmas period and EMI saysthat the number of tokens soldthis year matches last year'sfigures. Re -orders for tokens afterChristmas are also running at ahigh level.

EMI says it is happy for itstokens to be sold alongside othergift vouchers, as happens at chainstores Woolworths, Boots andWH Smith, which owns OurPrice. However EMI is notprepared to allow shops to acceptits tokens without selling them. 0

TOP 10 UK MUSIC VIDEOSI. Kylie - The Videos ll

2. Singles Collection3. Jason The Videos4. New Jersey5. In The Park Live6. Decade7. We Will Rock You8. Kylie - The Videos9. The Wall

10. Thoughts Of Home(c)BPI. Compiled by Gallup for

Kylie Minogue

Phil Collins

Jason Donovan

Bon Jovi

Wet Wet Wet



Kylie Minogue

Pink Floyd

Daniel O'Donnell (Telstar)

BPI, BBC and Music Week. Based on sales.




(PMV/Channel 5)

(PMV/Channel 5)

(PM I)

(Music Club)


(Channel 5/PMV)

Rough Trade Employees Launch Consultancy

Rough Trade Distribution MDDave Whitehead and marketingmanager Simon Edwards have leftthe company to establish a musicbusiness consultancy with formerRough Trade Group managingdirector Richard Powell.

They plan to work with new ar-tists, developing their careers innon -domestic territories. DaveWhitehead: "Many record com-panies have difficulty dealing

with non -domestic product, par-ticularly from new and creativeartists.

"We believe that the key is

making the music acceptable toeach territory by marketing it cor-rectly regardless of whether it ison an independent label or a ma-jor. We will be gearing ourselvestowards creative artists and we in-tend to establish a strong Euro-pean presence"




Still available for some territories

Contact:Peter Swartling during MIDEMat Sonet stand 21.01Telephone 939981 36In Sweden at Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm. SwedenTelephone +4686600609Telefax +4686604665


GUESCH 'S NEW MACHINERY1990. GUESCH exploses in Europe.

The offensive starts on January 22nd, in Cannes,

with the screening of the clip "L'HOMME AU


This is followed by the release of the single throughout

Europe on January 29th preparing the launch of GUESCH

PATTI & ENCORE's new album on -March 12th.




take Europe by

storm: touring

France, Germany, Spain, Holland,

Italy, Switzerland ...

Midem 90, "en avant garde", L'HOMME AU TABLIER


Screening of the clip and cocktail at the

CARLTON Hotel, 8:pm.







MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990 7


Page 47: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma

MUSIC Germany & Austria & Switzerland






Swiss Sales Mirror German MarketDavid Hasselhoff's Looking ForFreedom was the best-sellingsingle in Switzerland in 1989,repeating the US actor/singer'ssuccess in West Germany. Roxette,Robin Beck, Kaoma and TheBangles followed Hasselhoffhome in the top 5. In anotherrepeat performance, WEA tookfour of the top 5 LPs with SimplyRed, Tanita Tikaram, Guns N'Roses and Madonna. At no. 4,EMI's Roxette was the only actfrom outside the WEA stable tobreak into the top 5.

Not surprisingly, Musikvertrieb- joint distributor for WEA/Teldec, BMG Ariola and a collec-tion of smaller labels - headedboth the single and LP chart sharetables. WEA was the best-sellingindividual label, posting spec-tacular increases on 1988 in bothsingles market share (up 6%) andalbums (up nearly 109). The labelknocked percentage points off themarket share of virtually everycompany except BMG and suc-cessful dance independentStreetheat in singles sales,

Switzerland - Chart Shares, Singles 1989Company No. of titles Chart Share 1989 Chart Share 1988Musikvertrieb

WEA/Teldec 42 26.5% 20.23%BMG Ariola 47 23.89% 19.85%Other labels 3 0.94%

EMI 23 13.76% 15.15%PolyGram 29 12.85% 13.71%CBS 18 12.75% 14.47%Streetheat 9 4.66% 1.67%Phonag 11 3.71 8%

Switzerland - Chart Shares, Albums 1989CompanyMusikvertrieb

No. of titles Chart Share 1989 Chart Share 1988

40 27.92% 18.19%BMG Ariola 43 19.09% 19.26%Other Labels 11 2.71% 2.6%

PolyGram 43 17.25% 21.51%EMI 30 14.36% 15.57%CBS 28 10.94% 19.23%Wigra 4 2.64% 0.48%Phonag 6 2.53% 1.4%

Switzerland - Top 5 Singles, 1989I. Looking For Freedom2. The Look3. The First Time4. Lambada5. Eternal Flame

David HasselhoffRoxetteRobin BeckKaomaBangles

White/BMG AriolaEMIMercury/PolyGramCBSCBS

Switzerland - Top 5 Albums, 1989I. A New Flame Simply Red WEA2. Ancient Heart Tanita Tikaram. WEA3. Appetite For Destruction Guns N' Roses WEA4. Look Sharp Roxette EMI5. Like A Prayer Madonna WEA

Commissioned by Radio DRS, the Swiss IFPI and the industry journal DerMusikmarkt, the Swiss Top 30 is compiled for the German -language parts ofSwitzerland by Media Control AG in Basel.




Still available for some territories

Contact:Peter Swartling during MIDEMat Sonet stand 21.01Telephone 93998136In Sweden at Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm, SwedenTelephone +4686600609Telefax +4686604665

Stadt Radio LeadsPrivates In Stuttgart

by Robert Lyng

Public broadcasters SDR 3

(32.3%) and SDR 1 (31.7%) top-ped the poll in a recent Stuttgartsurvey asking people 'which sta-tion did you listen to yesterday?'The most popular private station,Stadt 107.7, which began broad-casting in May last year, registeredthird place with 1107o support.

Stadt 107.7's music program-mer Andreas Werner is delightedwith the station's showing andbelieves local initiatives coupledwith programming have helpedestablish the station. "We beginour day with rock for younglisteners moving on from8.00-14.00 hours with MOR,which includes current chart hitsand occasional German `schlager'for the housewives.

"Afternoons are filled with`Cocktail', featuring top 50 tunes,

new chart entries and a regionalinformation magazine. The mix isfurther shaken up with two hoursof disco, funk and dance music inthe form of 'Hithouse'. In theevenings we run specials, featur-ing artists from a variety ofmusical fields.

"Although we play only one ortwo German -language titles perhour this does not restrict ourpopularity because programmeslike 'Cocktail' provides a lot oflocal information and news. Weregularly look at the Stuttgartamateur and professional musicscene and this element has provedvery popular with the public:'

The Bielfeld-based EMNIDresearch institute conducted theresearch, questioning 800 people,aged between 14 and 69, inDecember.

S P 0 T I G H T

Stephan Eicher Signed to Barclay France and

Phonogram West Germany Publishing: Electric Unicorn,

Zurich. Management: Martin Hess for

Electric Unicorn. New album: My Place,

Eicher's fourth solo album, isthe first in association withPhonogram (Phonogram 841025).

Current single: Barclay isreleasing Sois Patiente AvecMoi as the first French singlewhile in West GermanyPhonogram has decided onMy Heart On Your Back.

My Place was produced byStephan Eicher and DavidAllen (Cure) at the ICPStudios in Brussels and theKink's Konk Studio inLondon.

In West Germany, Phonogramhas already booked numerousTV appearances for Eicher onboth private (RTL Plus, Tele5) and public stations. InJanuary Eicher will visit radiostations and face the press inall of West Germany's mediacentres. The LP release is sup-ported by advertising in na-tionally distributed magazines.In-store decorations will bedistributed upon release of the

LP. A second marketing phaseincluding posters and advertis-ing in city magazines willprecede Eicher's tour.

Eicher will tour France,Switzerland and West Ger-many in May.

Swiss born Stephan Eimer firsthit the West German chills withthe group Grauzone, t9I-ich hefounded with his broth in 1981at the start of the Wesrdermannew wave movement. Their singleDer Eisbaer sold over 400.000units. Shortly after he pursued asolo career but now My Placemarks a fundamental change inEicher's way of working. "At firstit was difficult working withanother producer and musiciansand not having complete controlbut I am convinced it was theright way to got"

8MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20,1990


Page 48: Volume 7 MUSIC Issue 3 January 20 Broadcasters Condemn … · 2019-07-17 · Lambada Legal Row Lingers On A French court has blocked the release of publishing revenues from the Kaoma

Germany & Austria & Switzerland

Due to a technical error, the West German chart share tables for singles and LPs fail-ed to appear in last week's Music & Media. We apologise for this inconvenience andpresent the tables in this week's issue.

West Germany - Chart Shares, Singles 1989Company No. of titles Chart share 1989 Chart share 1988

BMG Ariola 97 25.54% 24.07%WEA 78 23.19% 19.56%PolyGram 91 18.42% 17.93%

EMI Electrola 74 13.76% 14.52%

CBS 48 11.24% 10.94%DA Music/Rush 7 3.29% 2.4%Intercord 19 3.15% 4.8%

44 of BMG Ariola's 97 titles were provided by other (licensed/distributed) labels:Virgin (30), White (5), Coconut (5), Chrysalis (2), Logic (1) and Baby (1). BCM con-tributed all of DA Music/Rush's entries, while Musikant and Westside gave EMI 3and 1 titles respectively.

West Germany - Chart Shares, Albums 1989Company No. of titles Chart share 1989 Chart share 1988BMG Ariola 98 26.52% 26.6%WEA 62 22.56% 17.91%

PolyGram 78 17.56% 15.32%

EMI Electrola 55 15.6% 18.55%

CBS 51 12.88% 17.47%Intercord 11 1.83% 1.96%

Dino 3 1.05% 0.84%

Virgin (22), White (2), Chrysalis (5), Baby (2), Coconut (2) and MSA (1) contributed34 of BMG Ariola's 98 LP chart entries. 26 (9.06%) of the company's entries werenational productions and 26 were compilations.

CD Plant Is East-West Firstby Volker Schnurrbusch

Bavarian CD manufacturerRainer Pilz is linking up withDresden -based computer com-pany Robotron in what is thoughtto be the first joint venture of itskind between companies on eitherside of the German border.

Pilz is supporting the develop-ment of a CD pressing plant andpackaging line in the East Ger-man town of Zella-Mehlis. Theinitial investment of DM 235million (app. US$ 128 million) is

being administered by the newDresden office of the West Ger-man Dresdener Bank.

According to Pilz, "the jointventure will operate strictly accor-ding to market oriented rules withno concessions to the Easternplanned economy". The as yet un-named company, of which underEast German law Pilz can onlyhold a minority shareholding, isexpected to go public in the nearfuture 0




Still available for some territories

Contact:Peter Swartling during MIDEMatSonetstand21.01Telephone93998136In Sweden at Ricochet RecordsGrey Magnigatan 9S-11455 Stockholm, SwedenTelephone +4686600609Telefax + 4686604665





PIANOLA will take advantage ofthe 1990 Midem exhibition to thank

its importers for the past year...









MUSIC & MEDIA - January 20.1990 9

