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VolumeMAX'D August 2010 Issue

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The Official News-zine of Amplify Student Ministries! August 2010's theme is "Embers off the Altar" and articles focus on how personal sacrifice blesses and ministers to others!
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August 2010 The Official News-zine of Amplify Student Ministries
Page 1: VolumeMAX'D August 2010 Issue

August 2010

The Official News-zine of Amplify Student Ministries

Page 2: VolumeMAX'D August 2010 Issue




is the Student Ministry


Pentecostal Assembly Church

9 Ninth Ave

Eau Claire, WI 54703


7 5



Pictures From a Friend



Columns COVER STORY: Embers off

the Altar

Blazin‘ Bible Chapters

August Calendar & looking ahead

Pictures from July



Finish the Quotes!

6 Is it Important?

Sheaves for Christ



h R







e H








. H







r S


a S









a B













r W



Fresh-Squeezed Character 7


10 Ways to Go Green 9

Pizza Ranch Tip Night

Amplify Fantasy League 10

Trip to Superior 11

Page 3: VolumeMAX'D August 2010 Issue

Page 3

Amplify Student Ministries’ purpose is for students to…

GET CLOSER TO GOD Mark 12:30 LEARN ABOUT GOD Matthew 28:20

SHARE GOD Mark 16:15 BE USED OF GOD Luke 10:2



1st Place BLUE TEAM $879

2nd Place PURPLE TEAM $825

3rd Place RED TEAM $504

4th Place GREEN TEAM $100

Resulting in…



YOUTH ROOM $293 raised!

BUS MINISTRY $168 raised!


BIBLE QUIZZING $275 raised!

GRAND 2010 M-A-T TOTAL $2309.01!

Get Amplify in surround sound!!! Fanatically follow AMPLIFY online :)

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View VolumeMAX’D as an e-zine! Access this and previous editions online at www.issuu.com/volumemaxd

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Page 4

“The best things in life are free,” someone once

said, and more and more, people are expecting that to be true. They want free healthcare, free samples, free freedom, and free grace. It isn’t hard to see in all these cases, however, that what is free to one person

comes at great cost to another.

No, you’re not about to hear another political rant, just a few solid facts to segue into a spiritual lesson. Fact #1: when someone who re-ceives ―free‖ healthcare visits a hos-pital, the doctor (and the nurses and the janitor and the insurance com-pany and the secretary and… you get the idea) still gets paid. Where does that money come from? You got it:

from someone else.

When you enjoy a free sam-ple, it wasn’t because that sample was so small that it had no cost to the one providing it to you; no, someone paid the cost in the hopes that there would be a return on their investment. Having sampled a little, you would be willing to spend your money to purchase a larger por-tion—a portion priced enough above

and beyond the cost of the product to pay for your sample and probably the ―free‖ samples of at least five others and still leave a little profit?

They sure hope so!

In the United States of Amer-ica, we enjoy freedom. Basically, you get to do what you want, within the means of your accumulated wealth and the law. So every Saturday morning that you wake up and de-cide that you’re going to sleep in just a little bit longer, you’re exercising your freedom. Every time you de-cide you want to splurge and go for the steak instead of the hamburger, you’re exercising your freedom. And for each similar decision you make, there was and are soldiers who have waived their right to enjoy freedom for a season, to not have the option to sleep in, to not have the option to upgrade to a steak, because wher-ever there is freedom, there is some-one sacrificing theirs so that you can

have yours.

I hope and trust that the readers of this article are hard-working, thankful people who ear-nestly desire for God to bring revival to His Church. However, it requires more than a sincere heart for there to be a supernatural move of the Spirit. We want grace to flow freely from our God to us, and it can, be-cause of the price He already paid for it to be able do so. It cost Him dearly, but He was confident that if you could sample some grace, you

would want some more. Perhaps then you would sacrifice so that there could be even greater opportu-nity for grace to labor in your life and

be sampled by others.

Think about this: a collection of colonies under oppressive rule has no reason to believe that they could win a war against their enemy, let alone set up an independent nation. But, some dare to believe, and begin to work to help others see the possi-bility. Their vision leads to action, and then to other men’s action, until there are those who are laying down their lives in pursuit of this dream. Their sacrifice is still felt to this day by every soul on planet Earth who has been blessed by the United

States of America.

You may have no reason to believe that you are capable of achieving anything great, but Jesus Christ wants to do something great with His Church. If you would be willing to lay down of your time and talents on the fiery altar of sacrifice, to put your own personal ―liberty‖ on hold to serve and fight for others, you might be surprised to find how, even once your labor has ended, glowing embers still remain upon that altar. Embers that will give off light and heat, paid for by your toil, so that others might have an oppor-tunity at ―whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.‖

T.J. Heidenreich, Student Pastor

Your Sacrifice Provides the Spark to Start

the Fire of Another’s’ Salvation

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We had a great time this year at Brunet Island State Park! On Friday night we had some classic around-the-campfire time and several students had their first ever “pudgy pie,” and then on Saturday we took to the waters around our island camp-ground!

Congratulations to all of the students who completed last month’s Blazin’ Bible Challenge and earned the right to go on this camping trip!!! :-)

What some call liberty or grace is nothing but the self-expression of undisciplined individuals. -T.F. Tenney

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College & Career Ministry

Forming and maintaining a strong relationship with your Pastor is one of the primary keys of transitioning from a teen-ager to a young adult in the church. Whereas it may have been a little intimidating to approach the man who stands be-hind the pulpit every Sunday as a child, there are few things that will guarantee your success as a Christian as much as having a man of God who is comfortable to speak into your life and give you direction. Author, Pastor, and Ohio District Su-perintendent J. Mark Jordan recently wrote an article for the Pentecostal Herald that included a wonderful list that I trust will greatly benefit the young adults of our church when applied to their lives.

J. Mark Jordan’s


1. PRAY FOR HIM. He fights battles

in arenas that you cannot know.

2. SUPPORT HIM. Even as Aaron and Hur lifted up the arms of Moses over the battle against the Amalekites, so the congregation

needs to support the work of the ministry.

3. COOPERATE WITH HIM. Lend your eyes and ears, hands and feet to the vision that he casts for the church. Someone has well said, ―Vision without action is a day-

dream; action without vision is a nightmare.‖

4. REAFFIRM HIM. He needs to know when he strikes a chord in your life. He needs to know the victories you gain through listening to his sermons and mes-sages. He is very human and he operates much better with encouragement and affir-


5. HEED HIS WARNINGS. Testy, criti-cal, or dismissive attitudes destroy the effec-tiveness that the man of God needs to have in your life. Men of lesser rank don’t always understand the orders of the generals. The man of God is in tune with the Overshep-



Visit www.teardownthewallsmn.com

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FRESH-SQUEEZED CHARACTER When given the word ―character,‖ what comes to mind? For me, it’s an ORANGE. Some odd years ago, a teacher tried to explain to a group of students (which I was a part of) what charac-ter was by taking an orange and carving a simple design into it. See, in Greek, character means one thing scratches or engraves into another. When we have the character of God in us, we are changed. When it’s our heart that gets engraved, and not just our surface, then we bear fruit that lets us and everyone

else know that God has been working on us.

So, God writes His character into our mind and heart. Bam. It’s there. Now it wants out. It can’t stay dor-mant– Jesus is the living God. It gets out in something we call ministry. Minister defined is a person or a thing through which something gets accomplished or a need gets met. So whatever you’ve been imagining that’s sooooo difficult about ministry– chill it. It’s totally attainable; just do stuff for God. Get under your leadership and help them out with

anything from A-Z. Just do stuff for God.

Just like how God’s character will change us, the ministry that we pick up and work in will make a difference in the people that are touched by our ministry. They will feel God’s love through you. Their needs will be ministered to

through you and you will be used of God to make a difference in someone’s life.

Remember that we used an orange-not an avocado. In order for God to put His mark or character on us, our

hearts have to be soft and open. When we are, it’s not only easier, but it also reaches deeper.

I’ve heard it said that character is the tree and reputation is the shadow. People see the reputation, but the character is what is truly there. If you prefer trees to oranges, just make sure God can still get to your heart without

using a chainsaw– and let your ministry change lives because of His character and Spirit in you.

-Calah Joy

Finish the Quotes! 1. “The harvest truly is great, but the ___________ are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth ___________ into his harvest.” -Jesus, Luke 10:2

2. “__________ is the only investment that never fails.” -Henry David Thoreau

3. “Freedom is never more than one ____________ away from extinction.” -Ronald Reagan

4. “And fear came upon every soul: and many _________ and _______ were done by the apostles.” -Acts 2:43

5. “Everyday I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the ________ of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.” -Albert Einstein

6. “The world is full of willing people, some willing to ______, the rest willing to let them.” -Robert Frost

7. “By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent ___________ than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.” -Hebrews 11:4

8. “Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called ____________.” -George Washington

Correct answers found on the bottom of page 10

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Good Stewardship Our Responsibility?


Thank you, Sierra, and here’s what’s happening in your neck of the


Doom, doom! Extinction! Melting ice caps! Smog! Pollution! Nuclear waste! Oil spills! Global warm-ing! Breaking news: recycle or perish! Obesity! Heart disease! Cats! Debt! Stock market crash! Depression! Recession! Poverty! Where are the jobs?! Sin! Lives destroyed! Homes torn apart! Hate! Lust! Greed! Does any of this sound familiar? I thought so. This is our world today in a nutshell. So, how do all these problems seem to arise on a continuous basis? Well, if we look in the Bible we read about a little practice called ―stewardship.‖ Let’s just say if we had more of this in our world

today most of those headlines would be different.

In Genesis, God gave man dominion over the earth, with the intent that man was supposed to care for it and be a good steward of the earth (Gen. 1:28). We read in 1 Chronicles 28:1 that stewards were the men in charge of all the King’s substance and possessions. We also are stewards of the King. It is our responsibility to be wise with our finances, physical bodies, and spiritual lives in addition to the earth. Proverbs speaks in many places about avoiding slothfulness in order to avoid poverty.

Our physical bodies are the temples of God (1 Cor. 3:16-17) and need to be treated as such. Practicing healthy living is part of being good stewards of our bodies. It’s commanded that our temples be undefiled! Taking care of our spiritual life is really our most important task. A spiritual life that is uncared for will fail to be a witness for Christ and in reality will not be acceptable in the eyes of God to enter into His kingdom. We must constantly be alert for things in our lives that will destroy us spiritually and remove them from our lives. We must be strong in the faith. Reading God’s Word, being in prayer and fasting, and worshipping are all part of being stewards of our spiritual lives. The inside and

the outside of our bodies must be cared for and glorify God.

The last part of this article includes ways and reasons we can care for our earth. These methods are brought to you by none other than Kirstie Heidenreich! Man was made to worship God, and he was made to have dominion and be a steward of the earth. By being good stewards of God’s creation we can bring glory to God! Whether therefore ye

eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Mysterious Flower: What are some good and easy ways to be good stewards of our earth, and what are the benefits?

Kirstie: Most articles about ―greening your lifestyle,‖ a.k.a., living sustainably, are designed for adults who are purchasing appliances, vehicles, and making large-scale decisions about sources of energy to power a home. Well here are a few tips designed specifically for young adults and are SO EASY that everyone can do them. Making smart choices to impact our planet not only benefits our environment, but saves everyone money and promotes a healthier lifestyle. The Bible tells us to be good stewards of what God has provided us with….let‘s do our best to each do our part!!

Mysterious Flower: Thanks Kirstie! You can find her ‗going green‘ tips on the next page… they are some good thoughts to keep in mind! Try being a better steward during this next month and make a positive impact on your world!

-The Mysterious Flower

Each month I’m going to have a new per-son draw a picture from a Bible story of their choice on my phone. This month the picture is from my sister, Sabrina. She wanted to draw Peter, James, and

John riding in a sail boat.

-Sierra Steinhauer

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1) Ditch the Bottle Water. With most tap water being as safe or safer than bottled water – use your own reusable bottle (BPA free!) and say yes to tap and no to bottle water. Save money and don‘t waste it on buying water in plastic bottles that just end up in our landfills and oceans. 2) Waste Free Lunch. Consider ditching the plastic baggies or at least using them sparingly. Try using real silverware, cloth napkins and investing in a quality lunch carrier to decrease the waste and save money! We recently purchased lunch boxes from www.easylunchboxes.com because we found we were using sometimes TEN plastic sandwich bags a day between the two of us! This cool contraption has space in a container for your sandwich and snacks without forcing you to use a ton of plastic bags to bring your lunch with you! Check it out! 3) Bring your own re-usable mug to coffee joints. As often as we frequent places like Starbucks or even Kwik Trip for coffee, it definitely pays to invest in a reusable flask and ask them to fill it. And, hey, they usually give you a discount for using your own cup! 4) Make your Computer Green. This means turn your computer off when you‘re not using it, or if you‘ll be away from your computer for more than 20 minutes, put it in sleep mode. You use 30% less energy when your computer is in sleep mode. 5) Bring your Own Bags. When shopping, opt to bring a reusable bag. It's good for your wallet, too. Some local stores like Festival Foods even give you a dime for each reusable bag you use instead of taking a new one! 6) Truly turn off electronics. Plug your devices — the TV and DVD player, or the computer and printer — into an en-ergy efficient power strip and switch the whole group off for the evening to prevent phantom electrical draw. That means even when something is turned off, it is still sucking up electricity. We started unplugging our washer and dryer when it‘s not in use and it saved about $10 a month off of our electricity bill! 7) Turn off lights when you leave the room. And don‘t turn on lights at all for as long as you can, open your curtains and enjoy natural light. This can usually save you about 10% of your home‘s energy bill! 8) Give things away - Take things that you are not going to wear or use and give it to a charity or someone who will use it. On that same note, consider buying more used things. I often find great buys on Craigslist or other similar sites for a fraction of the cost of buying it new. This way we are recycling goods and saving everyone money! 9) Save water! Turn the water off when you brush - Your parents have said this before, now I say it. You will save 4 gallons of water doing this alone. Also make an effort to shorten your shower. Every minute you cut from your shower is roughly 5 gallons of water. 10) RECYCLE. It‘s seriously not that hard. Make a conscious effort to get your soda can, water bottle, and paper in to a recycling bin. This action alone makes a big impact if we all chip in. Did you know that by recycling one glass bottle, you are saving enough energy to power a light bulb for seven hours??? Go for it!!

-Kirstie Heidenreich

August’s Focus Chapters

Isaiah 6, Luke 10, Titus 1

Ten Easy Ways Our Generation Can Go Green!

Blazin Bible Lifestyle

What is this chapter’s theme?

What inspired me?

How can I apply a principle

from this chapter to my life?

□ Isaiah 6 □ Luke 10 □ Titus 1

Page 10: VolumeMAX'D August 2010 Issue

JULY. If you missed Amplify in July, you missed out! We‘ve been discussing shining for Jesus Christ—knowing and

living Christian principles in a way that identifies us as His. One thing‘s for sure: Papa Jesus makes the best people.

Youth Service Lessons: ―Spotted‖ - Key Point: A little dog poo in the brownie batter ruins the whole batch, so

why do we try to excuse attitudes and behaviors ―spotted by the flesh‖ as any better? ―Better Ingredients Make a Better

Person‖ - Key Point: Just like superior ingredients make a superior pizza, living by Godly principles will give us a dis-

tinct and different flavor in contrast with this world. ―Yellow Means What?‖ - Key Point: Despite a natural desire to run

yellow traffic lights, we sometimes look for ―yellow lights‖ in our spiritual walk as excuses to slow down and come to a

halt in our journey towards Jesus, even though they have no real authority or power to stop us!

AUGUST. Oh summer, where have you gone? In August the youth room will continue to open early for students to

come and hang out in during the day before youth service—doors unlock at 2PM. The 2nd Wednesday, the 11th, there

will be no Amplify in lieu of a mass choir practice for the 90th Anniversary Services. All members of the youth choir are

strongly encouraged to be in the choir for this event! On Monday the 16th we are going to have a ―Tip Night‖ at Pizza

Ranch to help and pay for the overnight trip to Superior later in the month. Please sign up to help, and sign up to go to

Superior for a Riot Night and fun around Duluth on Saturday! On Friday the 20th there is a Sheaves for Christ Benefit

Concert in Bloomington, MN that looks like it will be AWESOME. Tickets are only $5 in advance, please see me if

you‘re interested in going :) It‘s actually as close as several of our youth rallies are.

Bro. Micah Jones will be a special speaker in Amplify on Wednesday the 4th. Several of the youth team are mak-

ing the trip to St. Louis for the UPCI‘s biannual youth ministry convention, so please pray for a safe and profitable trip!

It’s time once again for the march to the fantasy football crown to begin again!

LIVE DRAFT: Tuesday, Aug 24th, 7:00PM, Green Mill

Rosters Include: QB, RB, WR, WR, WR/RB, WR/TE, TE, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN

Specific rules viewable online after signing up with T.J. Heidenreich. 12 team league limit. Returning players given preference.

Your $15 entrance fee benefits Amplify Student Ministries.

You are responsible for paying for anything ordered at Green Mill during the draft.

QUOTE ANSWERS: 1. labourers, 2. goodness, 3. generation, 4. wonders, signs, 5. labors, 6. work, 7. sacrifice, 8. conscience

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

Breakfast Juice





Youth Room

Opens 2:00PM


Spkr: Micah Jones!





St. Louis, MO




Sunday School


Choir Practice

9 106 11

Choir Practice




90th Anniversary

Open House


PAC 90th






(see ad)


17 18

Youth Room

Opens 2:00PM




SFC Concert

Blmngtn, MN














Youth Room

Opens 2:00PM





Superior, WI







Youth Room

Opens 6:00PM





AMPLIFY is for 7th graders Thru young Adults. N.REVLTN is for High School grads only!

August 2010 Calendar

September 17th-19th—Amplify Back-to-School Revival!

...with Rev. Rob Jadrnicek from Milwaukee, WI!

September 28th—Praise in the Park!

October 15th—Riot Night, New Richmond

DEPART: 4:00PM, Fri. 08/27/10, PAC RETURN: Evening, Sat. 08/28/10, PAC

COST: $25** (with successful of Tip Night)

Sign-up or direct your questions to T.J. Heidenreich


Treckin‘ across state for church was never so fun! Friday night we‘ll enjoy a ―Riot Night‖ and then stay overnight in Superior. Saturday morning we‘ll enjoy some sight-seeing and another chilling encounter with the icy Lake Superior!

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