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W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline...

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Page 1: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've
Page 2: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

What will this Get Clients Online Blueprint do for YOU?

This one-page Get Clients Online Blueprint lays out all the steps for a lead

generation and qualifying system that can bring you qualified leads on

autopilot. Imagine waking up in the morning to discover 3 hot prospects have

booked calls to speak with you and are already 'pre-sold'. THAT is what’s

possible when you start using this campaign in your existing business.

A Word of Warning – Behind the Scenes – Online Marketing Insider


A big mistake that people make is that they go and start doing lots of stuff

online – they are getting distracted by the bright shiny objects that are not

leading to real online profits. They may have a website, they may have done a

whole bunch of SEO and video marketing. They may have an online presence,

but there still is no clear path for that online presence to translate into money

in the bank.

There's a big lie that you've been fed about online marketing and it goes

something like this: if you put a sales page up offering your product, program

or course, then you will simply wake up every morning to new clients and new

orders in your inbox.

I wish it worked like that, but honestly, it’s not that simple. Here's the truth. A

lot of the big Internet marketing gurus - the ones that have million-dollar-plus

businesses (and I can say this with authority because I've masterminded with

many of them) behind the scenes, they are generating a good chunk of their

revenue and profit from generating leads online but then converting the sale

offline via a one-on-one phone or Skype sales conversation. This Get Clients

Blueprint will show you how you can use this same strategy the online

marketing gurus are using in your own online business – even if you’re just

starting out.

Page 3: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

The Fastest and Most Effective Way to Get Clients Online

In my 12+ years of online marketing, I have discovered that getting clients

online comes down to two things: Having a lead generation process and a

conversion process. Or, if you want to have it put even more simply, it's about

getting people to raise their hands and then it's about the process that you

have for turning those raised hands into paying business.

I have found that one of the most effective ways to get clients online is to

generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through

a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've sold $8M online to date.

The blueprint I'm sharing with you is the simplest, easiest and quickest lead

generation and conversion system to make money from your existing business

and that’s why I’m giving it to you. Sure, I've got other blueprints about

making money from webinars and automated evergreen systems, but this is

the system that is going to get you clients and money in the bank in the fastest

possible time.

How the Get New Clients Blueprint Works

It’s a simple strategy - the name of the game here is to attract your prospects

online with an irresistible lead magnet, offer them more help with a meeting,

or strategy session (in effect a sales conversation) and then get the qualified

prospects who say yes to get on the phone and connect with you one-on-

one. That's what brings in the money. That's the point where money changes


And as I always say Money Loves Speed – so let’s get started!

Page 4: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

Irresistible Lead Magnet Online Opt-In Form Added to email

autoresponder list

Thank you Page –

“Session” Offer





Final Thank

You Page -

The “Get Clients Online” Blueprint

1 2


4 5 6

If you want help implementing this blueprint, the next step is to join me on a

live training session called How to Get Clients Online

I’ll be the e to answe you uestions.

Page 5: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

The Get Clients Blueprint Components

Each component of the Blueprint is designed to logically sell the next step –

right from the point where your prospect shows an interest in what you’re

offering, through to having a successful strategy session - that is the sales

conversation. The sales conversation is what you’re aiming for. It’s the point

where you turn your interested prospect into a paying customer.

Before we break down the blueprint components, let me explain what I mean

when I refer to a sales conversation. It is a conversation with a prospect who

has expressed an interest in what you offer. It’s not cold calling. It's not you

picking up the phone, reaching out to people. It's not you going and reaching

out to people on Facebook and saying, "Hey, I see you're doing this and I've got

something. Can we talk?"

The key to this sales conversation or strategy session is that they must have

done something to raise their hand (opted-in for your lead magnet), to step

forward and let you know that they're interested in what you're offering. And

with this sales conversation; it is a detailed conversation where you are diving

into their needs and establishing the gap between where they are now and

where they want to be. And if there is a match, you propose what you're

offering as the solution. There is no pressure selling because your prospect

is showing up to the conversation pre-sold! I’m going to show you exactly how

to do this.

How do the components work together to get you clients online?

Your lead magnet is ultimately designed to bring people to your strategy

session offer page. Your strategy session offer page then brings them to the

application questionnaire that qualifies your prospect, and then finally, they

are hooked up to a booking system and are sent to a final thank you page.

Each component is carefully designed and has a very specific purpose in the


If you use this Blueprint correctly, your prospects will show up to the sales

conversation, qualified, pre-sold and ready to buy!

Page 6: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

Here’s an outline of the steps involved …

#1 Prospects express an interest in what you’re offering – you get them to

raise their hands by opting-in online for your Lead Magnet

#2 Opt-In Page – where your prospect exchanges their details in return for

your Lead Magnet offering

#3 You invite your prospect to have a strategy session (sales conversation)

on your Thank You/Strategy Session Offer Page

#4 You qualify your prospect and prepare them for your strategy session

by having them complete a tailored Questionnaire

#5 Prospects are invited to book a session with you using Automated

Booking Software

#6 Prospects are sent to a Thank You page with testimonials

Now, let’s take break down each of the components so you can create your

own system for getting clients online.

#1 Your Lead Magnet

Your lead magnet is the carrot you're going to dangle on your opt-in page to

get people to input their email address and give you permission to mail them.

Remember, each step of the blueprint needs to be designed to logically sell

the next step so your lead magnet needs to link into the final offering you’re

going to make.

The better your lead magnet, the more opt-ins you're going to get. It really is

worthwhile taking the time to get this right because the right lead magnet will

demonstrate and showcase your abilities, credibility and your know-how.

Your lead magnet is the first step to turning your interested prospect into a

paying client.

Page 7: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

Where will your leads come from?

• Your own email list – you need to have a list building strategy in place

along with a solid keep in touch marketing strategy.

• Your warm contact list

• Re-engaging with your past client list

• Joint Venture Advertising

• Paid Advertising

If you’re not happy with your current lead generation strategies, and you’d like

help getting more buyers into your marketing pipeline - then join me on this

free training webinar: How to Get Clients Online

#2 Opt-In Page

A strong opt-in page is the key to growing your list. This is the page where

people will enter their name and email address in exchange for your lead

magnet. For example, for you to download this blueprint, you completed an

opt-in page. You came to a page where I was offering the Get Clients Blueprint

and you put in your details.

Your opt-in page needs to sell your lead magnet in exchange for email and

contact details. A tool that we use to create our opt-in pages is Lead Pages.

We absolutely love it and I recommend it to all my clients.

So what are the elements of a great opt-in page?

• compelling headline

• crystal clear call to action

• irresistible offer

• attractive lead magnet

• content that sells your lead magnet: strong bullets & copy, video.

Page 8: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

We cover opt-in pages in depth as part of our Online Profits University training.

To learn more about how to access this training, register for my free webinar:

How to Get Clients Online

#3 Thank You/ Strategy Session Offer Page

This page appears after your prospect has opted-in for your lead magnet

freebie. Remember, the purpose of each part of the process is to sell the

next step. Your strategy session offer page needs to have a message that links

in with what they've just downloaded and sells them on the idea of applying

to have a strategy session (sales conversation) with you. It’s a way to ask

Would you like more help on this topic?

Now, you won’t be able to sell them on having a conversation with you by

just saying, "Want to come to a sales conversation? You probably won’t get a

whole lot of people taking you up on that. But, if you have a compelling

invitation to your sales conversation – an invitation that sells the benefits of

the conversation, whether or not they become a buyer, you will get people

raising their hands for the sales conversation. You need to show them the

benefits of meeting you whether or not they decide to become a buyer.

You’ll notice I’m putting sells in inverted commas because most of the time

with this blueprint the sales conversation is free. So even if you position it as a

strategy consultation or a strategy session or a chance to get a one-to-one

custom plan or it might be an audit, or some type of review - it's typically free.

Even though it's free, you still need to sell the benefits to your prospect.

People want to know they're going to get value from their time.

Typically 10% of people will say yes to the sales conversation as they opt in.

That means if you can get 10 people to download your lead magnet – then

that’s 1 person you’re going to get booked for a sales conversation. What that

also means is if your target is to get 10 sales conversations a week, then you

know you need to get 100 people to opt in for your lead magnet.

When you’re preparing your sales conversation or strategy session offer

page, think about the benefit people get when they speak to you - even if they

choose not to go ahead with what you're offering.

Page 9: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

Is it that they get more clarity? Is it that they get motivated or inspired? Is it

that they get a chance to review their situation? Is it that they're going to get

two or three key takeaways? What would it be? It's really worthwhile thinking

the benefits of the conversation?

At this point, it’s not your product or service you’re trying to sell. This offer

page needs to accomplish one thing - you want your prospect to book a

strategy session with you by completing the application questionnaire.

Key Components of your Thank You/Strategy Session Offer page:

• Congratulate them on the action they took: "Thanks for signing up.

You're go a lo e the …….."

• Ask a question that links the strategy session/sales conversation offer

with the lead magnet they have just opted in for: “I know you probably

also have the question, how can I do this too? How can I start ……?

• Make the Invite "If ou'd like e to sho ou e actl ho ou ca …. customized to your specific situation, I'd love to and it's on me."

• Extra convincing for those that don’t scroll down and sign-up

immediately. You can do this by describing specifically their current

problem, and then agitating their current situation by talking about

the cost and consequences of their situation, and then finally, presenting

your strategy session as the way for them to solve this problem.

• Take-Away: A take away is when you do something with your sales

method to say it's not for everyone – maybe this isn't for you , not

everyone will qualify . You don't necessarily need to do this when

you're starting to implement this blueprint, but as you get a greater

volume of applications and you start getting more than you can handle,

then this is a way to qualify your prospects even further. You could say

something like, "Please don't apply unless you meet these criteria."

• Call to action: What happens next? Here's what you need to do. Apply

for the session Have a strong call-to-action, showing your prospect

exactly what you want them to do – that is to book a session (sales

conversation) with you.

Page 10: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

TIP: When you are mapping out your session offer page - sell them on the

value of what you’re asking them to do. It's free, but this isn't going to be a

waste of their time or a chit-chat for 45 minutes. They're going to get a very

clear take away.

#4 Application Questionnaire

The questionnaire is the most important part of the blueprint. This is the place

where you want the prospects to land and take action. The questionnaire is a

set of especially tailored qualifying questions to help you screen your

prospects. By asking the right questions, you are guaranteed to only speak

with fully qualified leads. The questionnaire also provides you with the

necessary information to help you conduct a successful sales call that converts

your prospect into a paying client.

You are not attempting to sell them any product or program or course at this

point. You only want to talk about your products or programs to people who

would be a good fit for your offering. And the place to sell to your qualified

prospects would be on the one-to-one conversation.

So how do you get your prospect to fill out this form? Well, you sell them on

the benefits of taking action with the session offer page.

We use www.wufoo.com to host our application/questionnaire pages.

WARNING: Please don't try and copy our questionnaire - this process works

best when you have developed your own questionnaire based on your specific

qualifying criteria.

#5 Automated Online Booking

After your prospect has signed-up for your strategy session by completing

the application questionnaire, there's some fantastic online booking tools that

will sync with your calendar that you can use to automate the whole process.

Your prospects can book their appointment with you automatically and this

can be a great time saver.

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Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

We really love YouCanBook.Me.com. I also have clients using Acuity. There are

different tools out there, but anything that you can do to automate or

systematize means that you're making better use of your time.

#6 Final Thank You Page

After they have booked a session with you, you want to send them to a thank

you page that showcases testimonials and case studies or has some type of

engagement piece. Why would you do that? Because that's priming the

pump. It’s getting your interested prospect ready to buy from your sales

conversation or strategy session .

If you’re just starting out and you don't have testimonials as yet, you could use

a simple video from yourself. It could be a from-the-heart video saying, "Hey,

it's great that you've signed up. I'm really looking forward to talking with you."

Maybe you could share a bit of content or give them some homework that's

going to help them get the most from the call. The more you can do to engage

and involve them at this stage in the process, the more successful you're going

to be.

In summary, what you want to think about at this point of the process is that

you are priming them. You are bringing them to the call, as far as possible,

ready to buy.

What Next?

It’s time to go and implement this blueprint in your business. Keep it simple

just like I’ve showed you - focus first and foremost on the place where money

changes hands. It's very important to do the right things in the right order at

the right time.

If you want help implementing this blueprint, the next step is to join me on a

training session called How to Get Clients Online.

I look forward to answering your questions!

Page 12: W hat w ill this - Online Profits University...generate leads ONLINE, then take those leads offline to close the sale through a sales conversation, meeting or strategy session. I've


Bernadette Doyle | Online Profits University

www.bernadettedoyle.com | www.online-profits-university.com

Bernadette Doyle Development Ltd,

23 Fortwilliam Drive, Belfast, Co.Antrim, BT15 4EB

Email: [email protected]

Copyright ©2017 Bernadette Doyle All rights reserved.

This planner or any portion thereof may not be reproduced,

redistributed or used in any manner whatsoever other than its

intended purpose for personal viewing without the express written

permission of the author. You may download and print this report for

your own personal reading. If you wish to share this report with

someone, please direct them to my website where they may sign up

for their own copy.
