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  • 8/3/2019 Wang-deJong_Ar ages Tianshan (China): Late Paleozoic High-Pressure Metamorphism & Structures_Journal of Geolog


    [The Journal of Geology, 2010, volume 118, p. 5977] 2010 by The University of Chicago.

    All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2010/11801-0004$15.00. DOI: 10.1086/648531


    Structural and Geochronological Study of High-Pressure Metamorphic

    Rocks in the Kekesu Section (Northwestern China): Implications

    for the Late Paleozoic Tectonics of the Southern Tianshan

    Bo Wang,1,2 Michel Faure,1 Liangshu Shu, Koen de Jong,1,3 Jacques Charvet,1

    Dominique Cluzel,1 Bor-ming Jahn,2 Yan Chen,1 and Gilles Ruffet4

    State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering,Nanjing University, 210093 Nanjing, China

    (e-mail: [email protected])

    A B S T R A C T

    Blueschist- and eclogite-facies high- to ultrahigh-pressure (HP/UHP) metamorphic rocks occur in the southern Tian-shan Belt. Their deformation and metamorphic history is important for understanding the Paleozoic tectonics of theCentral Asian Orogenic Belt. Our study focuses on the structural analysis and geochronology of the HP metamorphicrocks and the surrounding rocks in the Kekesu Section in the southern Chinese Tianshan. Geometric and kinematicanalyses indicate three ductile deformation events: a top-to-the-north thrusting, a top-to-the-south shearing, and adextral wrenching. New 40Ar/39Ar laser probe plateau ages were obtained on white mica from retrograde blueschist( and Ma; 1j) and greenschist-facies metasediments ( Ma; 1j). These ages are interpreted as316 2 331 1 323 1the time of retrograde recrystallization during exhumation of the HP metamorphic rocks. New structural and isotopicdata, in conjunction with previous results, suggest that (1) the collision event occurred during the latest Devonianto earliest Carboniferous, resulting in HP/UHP metamorphism and the top-to-the-north thrusting; (2) the post-collisional exhumation of the HP/UHP metamorphic rocks and extensive retrograde metamorphism undergreenschist-facies conditions took place in the Mid-Late Carboniferous and are correlated with south-dipping normal faulting;and (3) Permian ductile dextral shearing and associated granitic intrusion and fluid activity severely overprinted theearlier fabrics.

    Online enhancements: table, color versions of figures.


    The Tianshan Belt forms the southernmost part ofthe Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB; fig. 1A;e.g., Windley et al. 1990, 2007; Jahn et al. 2000;Jahn 2004; Xiao et al. 2004), which is otherwiseknown as the Altaid Tectonic Collage (Altaids; Sen-

    Manuscript received February 24, 2009; accepted August 1,2009.

    1 Institut des Sciences de la Terre dOrleans, Unite Mixte deRechercheCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (UMRCNRS) 6113, Universite dOrleans, 45067 Orleans cedex 2,France.

    2 Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 11529Taiwan, Republic of China.

    3 School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College ofNatural Science, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747,Korea.

    4 Geosciences Rennes, UMR CNRS 6118, Universite deRennes 1, 35042 Rennes, France.

    gor et al. 1993; Sengor and Natalin 1996). The Tian-shan Belt extends east-west for more than 2500 kmfrom China to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan (fig. 1).Geologically, the Tianshan Belt is divided intothree tectonic units: north, central, and south Tian-shan (e.g., Xiao et al. 1992; Mikolaichuk et al. 1995;Gao et al. 1998, 2009). However, there is often con-fusion in correlating the subunits of Chinese Tian-

    shan with the corresponding units in the Kazakhand Kyrgyz Tien Shan. Geographically, the Tian-shan range is separated into southern and northernparts by the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Kazakh-Yili andTu-Ha basins (fig. 1B, 1C). In this study, the termSouthern Tianshan refers geographically to thearea between the Kazakh-Yili and Tarim basins.

    In the Southern Tianshan, blueschist- and eclo-gite-facies metamorphic rocks are exposed in the

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    60 B . W A N G E T A L .

    Figure 1. Geological map of the western Chinese Tianshan Belt (modified from XBGMR 1993). Inset A (modifiedfrom Jahn 2004; de Jong et al. 2009) indicates the location of the study area within the tectonic framework of easternEurasia; inset B shows the topographic image of the Tianshan Mountains and adjacent sedimentary basins; blackstars refer to high-pressure metamorphic belts. CAOBp Central Asian Orogenic Belt, EECp East European Craton,JG p Junggar, KZNp Kazakhstan, MTSZ p Main Tianshan Shear Zone, NF p Nalati Fault, and QQ p QaidamQinling.

    Kekesu and Changawuzi-Akyazi areas in north-western China (e.g., Gao et al. 1995; Zhang et al.2003) and the Atbashy area in Kyrgyzstan (fig. 1B;e.g., Tagiri et al. 1995). Deciphering the deforma-tion and metamorphic history of these high-pres-sure (HP) and ultra-HP (UHP) metamorphic rocksis essential for reconstructing the tectonic evolu-tion of the Tianshan Belt as well as that of theCAOB. A considerable number of mineralogical,petrological, and geochemical data on these HP/UHP metamorphic rocks have been documented

    (Gao et al. 1995, 1999; Tagiri et al. 1995; Klemd2003; Wei et al. 2003; Zhang et al. 2003 and ref-erences therein; Lin and Enami 2006; Li et al. 2007;Lu et al. 2008; Simonov et al. 2008; Su et al. 2009).However, their structural characteristics are insuf-ficiently studied (Gao et al. 1995; Lin et al. 2009).Moreover, although numerous geochronologicalstudies have been conducted (Dobretsov et al. 1987;Xiao et al. 1990; Hao and Liu 1993; Gao et al. 1995,2000; Gao and Klemd 2003; Klemd et al. 2005;Zhang et al. 2007; Simonov et al. 2008), there is noconsensus on the age of the HP/UHP metamor-

    phism. Consequently, some authors have arguedthat the final collisional orogeny of the SouthernTianshan occurred in the late Paleozoic (e.g., Gaoet al. 1998, 2006; Stupakov et al. 2004), whereasothers argue for a Triassic collision (e.g., Zhang etal. 2007; Xiao et al. 2008).

    The Tianshan Belt is a classical example of a re-activated intracontinental orogen. Complicated re-activations severely modified the pre-Permian re-gional structure of the Tianshan Belt (Wang et al.2006, 2008a), causing difficulties in reconstructing

    its original tectonic architecture. This study fo-cuses on a key transect through the southern Chi-nese Tianshan along the Kekesu River. We presentfield observations, detailed structural analyses, andnew 40Ar/39Ar dating results of partially retro-gressed HP metamorphic rocks as well as of green-schist-facies metasedimentary rocks. These dataallow us to distinguish different phases of defor-mation, to remove the postcollisional tectonother-mal overprints, and to constrain the timing of col-lisional phases. Then, on the basis of a synthesisof previous works, we discuss the implications of

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    Journal of Geology H I G H - P R E S S U R E M E T A M O R P H I C R O C K S I N N W C H I N A 61

    Figure 2. Geological map of the southwestern Chinese Tianshan (modified from XBGMR 1979, 1981, 1983; Gao etal. 1995; Gao 2000; Zhu 2007). NF p Nalati Fault; Z p Sinian (Zhendan in Chinese).

    our new results for the tectonic evolution of theSouthern Tianshan.

    Geological Overview

    The Tianshan Belt is considered to have formed byPaleozoic polyphase accretion and amalgamation ofmagmatic arc complexes, continental fragments,and microcontinents (Windley et al. 1990; Allen et

    al. 1993; Gao et al. 1998; Shu et al. 2000, 2002; Xiaoet al. 2004, 2008). The belt was overprinted by sub-sequent crust-scale transcurrent faulting (fig. 1B,1C; Allen et al. 1995; Allen and Vincent 1997; Shuet al. 1999; Laurent-Charvet et al. 2002, 2003; Wanget al. 2006) and subjected to regional magmatismand fluid infiltration (Allen et al. 1993; de Jong etal. 2009; Wang et al. 2009). In addition, distant in-fluence of the Cenozoic Indo-Asia collision induceda north-south crustal shortening that is accom-modated by north- and south-directed thrusting ofPaleozoic units over the meso-Cenozoic Junggar

    and Tarim basins, respectively (fig. 1C; e.g., Avouacet al. 1993; Allen et al. 1999; Burchfiel et al. 1999;Shu et al. 2003).

    In the Southern Tianshan, the Nalati Fault (NF;fig. 1B, 1C) extends to the east, connecting withthe Main Tianshan Shear Zone (MTSZ; fig. 1B, 1C;Shu et al. 1999; Laurent-Charvet et al. 2003), andcontinues westward into Kyrgyzstan, likely joiningwith the Nikolaev Line, which was described as a

    sublatitudinal steep fault (fig. 1B) by Mikolaichuket al. (1995). These faults form a distinct structurein the Southern Tianshan (fig. 1B), but they arebasically Permian shear zones (Mikolaichuk et al.1995; Yin and Nie 1996; Wang et al. 2008a); theirsignificance before the Permian is not clearly un-derstood. Numerous ophiolitic relics crop out dis-continuously along the Nalati Fault, and HP meta-morphic rocks have been recognized mainly to thesouth of this fault zone (fig. 1A; fig. 2; e.g., Gao etal. 2009 and references therein). The ophiolites andHP metamorphic rocks have been defined as a su-

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    62 B . W A N G E T A L .

    ture zone (Windley et al. 1990; Allen et al. 1993;Gao et al. 1998; Chen et al. 1999a; Wang et al.2008a) separating the Southern Tianshan intonorthern and southern domains.

    The northern domain is composed of unde-

    formed and unmetamorphosed Late Devonian toCarboniferous arc-type magmatic and sedimentaryrocks underlain by Precambrian substrata, includ-ing Neoproterozoic orthogneiss and carbonates,Mesoproterozoic metaclastic rocks, and Paleopro-terozoic gneisses (XBGMR 1993). Early Paleozoicductilely deformed calc-alkaline diorite and granitedeveloped close to the Nalati Fault and the Niko-laev Line (Konopelko et al. 2008; Gao et al. 2009;Qian et al. 2009). This domain is considered theYiliNorth Tianshan Block (Charvet et al. 2007;Wang et al. 2008a), or the Kazakhstan (North TienShan)-Yili Plate (Mikolaichuk et al. 1995; Gao et

    al. 2009). In this article, we use Yili Block for thismicrocontinental unit.

    The southern domain is mainly represented byOrdovician to Devonian marble, dolomite, recrys-tallized limestone with intraformational breccia,and turbiditic flysch (XBGMR 1993; Wang et al.1997). Within this series, Ordovician and Middle-Late Silurian calc-alkaline volcanic and volcani-clastic rocks have also been documented (fig. 1C;XBGMR 1981, 1983; Wang et al. 1997; Zhou et al.2001; Gong et al. 2003; Zhu 2007). On the basis ofthe lithological assemblage, this domain is consid-ered an Early Paleozoic continental active margin(Charvet et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2008a) instead ofa passive margin of Tarim Plate, as suggested byprevious authors (e.g., Gao et al. 1998; Chen et al.1999a). The basement rocks are locally exposed (fig.1C) and consist of Neoproterozoic pegmatite (931Ma by the zircon U-Pb method), migmatite, marble,and metapelite (606 Ma by the Rb-Sr isochronmethod; Wang et al. 1996; Zhu 2007). In the south-ernmost part of this domain, highly deformed Si-lurian volcaniclastic rocks and mylonitized Devo-nian marble are tectonically overlain by an EarlyCarboniferous ophiolitic melange, along which

    Late Silurian to Devonian ophiolitic rocks occurdiscontinuously, separating the Tianshan Belt fromthe Tarim Block (fig. 1C; Wang et al. 2008a andreferences therein).

    Lithology and Bulk Geometry of theKekesu Section

    The transect studied here extends north-south, par-allel to the Kekesu River. Four lithotectonic unitshave been recognized (figs. 2, 3A). From north to

    south, they are described in the following subsec-tions.

    Magmatic Arc Sequence. The northernmost partof the Kekesu Section is dominated by Late De-vonian to Carboniferous limestone and sandstone

    associated with magmatic rocks (XBGMR 1993).Volcanic rocks are composed of basalt, basaltic an-desite, andesite, rhyolite, trachyte, and tuff. Basaltsyielded a 40Ar/39Ar whole-rock isochron age of

    Ma (Liu et al. 1994), and basaltic andesites326 15were dated at to and Ma363 4 354 5 313 4(zircon SHRIMP U-Pb; Zhu et al. 2005, 2006b). Thegranitoids consist of coarse-grained diorite, grano-diorite, tonalite, K-feldspar granite, and minor peg-matite. Zircon U-Pb (LA-ICPMS and SHRIMP) agesof hornblende-bearing granite and K-granite rangefrom to Ma (figs. 2, 3; Wang et al.352 6 338 82007c; Gao et al. 2009); a biotite granite of 313

    Ma intrudes the greenschist-facies metasedimen-4tary rocks occurring to the south of Qiongkushitai(fig. 2; Wang et al. 2007c).

    Trace-element geochemistry of these magmaticrocks indicates that they are calc-alkaline in com-position and were generated in an active continen-tal margin of the Yili Block (Zhu et al. 2006a; Wanget al. 2007c; Gao et al. 2009). The geochemical andgeochronological data are comparable with those ofmagmatic rocks in the north of the Yili Arc (Jianget al. 1995; Wang et al. 2006, 2007b; Zhai et al.2006), which is considered a result of a southwardsubduction of an oceanic plate beneath the YiliBlock (fig. 1C; Wang et al. 2006, 2007b, 2008a).

    In addition, arc-type diorite, granodiorite, andgranite with ages of 398436 and 466479 Ma de-veloped both in this area (figs. 2, 3; Gao et al. 2009;Qian et al. 2009) and in the adjacent Kyrgyz NorthTien Shan (Konopelko et al. 2008). These plutonicrocks, which are 130 m.yr. older than the Middle-Late Paleozoic Yili Arc magmatic rocks, probablyresulted from Early Paleozoic northward subduc-tion of the Kyrgyz-Terskey Ocean beneath theYili Block (Yang et al. 2006; Konopelko et al. 2008;Gao et al. 2009; Qian et al. 2009).

    Precambrian Substrata. The arc-related volcanicrocks and associated sedimentary rocks uncon-formably overlie or are in fault contact with Sinian(Neoproterozoic) stromatolitic dolomite, lime-stone, and orthogneiss, Mesoproterozoic metased-iments, and migmatites of probable Paleoprotero-zoic age (fig. 2; XBGMR 1993). The orthogneissesdeveloped along the Nalati Fault were dated at

    and Ma (zircon U-Pb; Chen et707 13 882 33al. 2000a, 2000b). The metasediments occurring tothe south of the Nalati Fault (fig. 2) consist of mar-

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    Figure 3. A, Structural map of the Kekesu section (modified from XBGMR 1979; Gao 2000). BE, Lower-hemisphereSchmidt plots of the planar and linear elements. B, Vertical brittle faults (P) and subhorizontal slickensides (SL) relatedto brittle dextral shearing. C, Subvertical to SE-dipping foliation (P) bearing scattered stretching lineation (L); theaverage northwest-southeast plunge is associated with top-to-the-northwest shearing. D, Subvertical foliation andsubhorizontal lineation related to a dextral wrenching along the Nalati Fault zone. E, Subvertical foliation andlineation. Most of the lineations are developed during a top-to-the-north shearing. However, some shear criterialocally developed in quartzite and quartz-rich micaschist indicate a normal fault geometry.

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    64 B . W A N G E T A L .

    ble, micaceous quartzite, sillimanite-cordierite mi-caschist, biotite gneiss, and garnet-plagioclasegranulite (Gao et al. 1995). The age of these high-temperature metamorphic rocks was estimated at910 (Sm-Nd) to 1400 Ma (Rb-Sr; Gao et al. 1995).

    The Precambrian substrata are comparable tothose in the northern Yili Block (fig. 1C), where theorthogneisses were dated at to798 8 821 11Ma by the zircon U-Pb method and at 759901 Maby the whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron method (Hu etal. 1998, 2001; Chen et al. 1999b). These graniticrocks yielded Nd depleted-mantle model ages rang-ing from 1.38 to 2.01 Ga, suggesting the existenceof a Paleoproterozoic basement for the Yili Block(Chen et al. 1999b; Hu et al. 2000).

    Permian Synkinematic Plutons. Within the NalatiFault zone, pink porphyritic granite and syenite in-trude the Proterozoic metamorphic rocks and Pa-

    leozoic arc-type granitoids (figs. 2, 3). They occureither as massive intrusions or, more often, as dikesoverprinted by ductile deformation. Two plutons inthis section have been dated at and277 3

    Ma (zircon U-Pb LA-ICPMS; Gao et al.276 22009; Wang et al. 2009). The geochemistry of thesePermian granitoids indicates that they are alkaline,high-K calc-alkaline or transitional series and areprobably associated with postcollisional litho-sphere-scale transcurrent shearing along the NalatiFault zone (Wang et al. 2009).

    Blueschist- and Eclogite-Facies Metamorphic Com-

    plex. To the south of the Nalati Fault, blueschist-and eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks form a beltmore than 200 km long and ca. 20 km wide (figs.1, 2). According to previous work (Gao et al. 1995;Gao and Klemd 2003) and our observations, the HPmetamorphic belt along the Kekesu River com-prises two subunits (fig. 2). The northern subunitconsists of micaschists, muscovite-quartzites,greenschist, and blueschist. Eclogites are commonand occur as meter-sized blocks, lenses, boudins,and thin layers within the blueschist. The blue-schist is sometimes retrogressed to greenschist-facies rock. The southern subunit is composed of

    greenschists, quartz schists, and lenses of marble,with a few blueschist lenses but no eclogite.The metasedimentary series of both subunits

    have similar protoliths, namely, pelagic argillites,siliceous shales, and chert (Gao et al. 1995). On thebasis of mineralogy and trace-element geochemis-try, the blueschists and eclogites are considered tohave been derived from normal mid-ocean ridge oroceanic island basalts formed in oceanic ridge orseamount setting (Gao et al. 1995; Simonov et al.2008). Therefore, the protoliths of the HP meta-morphic rocks include both oceanic crustal rocks

    and sea-floor sediments and likely represent an oce-anic basin (Gao and Klemd 2003).

    According to some authors, the blueschists andeclogites have experienced prograde HP (2.0 0.1GPa) and low-temperature ( ) metamor-530 50C

    phism (Gao and Klemd 2001, 2003; Klemd et al.2002; Klemd 2003; Lin and Enami 2006). However,others argue for much higher pressure conditionsfor the eclogites: 2.35.0 GPa (e.g., Wei et al. 2003;Zhang et al. 2003; Lu et al. 2008; Simonov et al.2008). In the Kekesu Section, the blueschist-faciesmetamorphism was overprinted by a greenschist-facies event during a nearly isothermal decom-pression (Gao and Klemd 2003; Klemd et al. 2005).

    Kinematics of Polyphase Ductile Deformation

    Most of the rocks in the Kekesu Section were var-

    iably ductilely deformed. Our structural observa-tions suggest that the foliation strikes consistentlyin a northeast-southwest direction, but the differ-ent orientations of lineation and kinematic criteriaallow us to distinguish three phases of deformation.

    Dextral Strike-Slip Shearing. In the northern partof the Kekesu Section, Paleozoic unmetamor-phosed diorite and granite form cataclastic lensesshowing subvertical, N80E brittle shear planeswith subhorizontally plunging slickensides (figs.3B, 4A). Farther to the south, the -Ma K-338 8granite (Wang et al. 2007c) and diorite are mylo-nitized. The mylonitization is localized within a 5-km-wide bifurcated zone of the Nalati Fault (fig.3A). The northeast-southwest-striking and steeplysoutheast-dipping shear planes display subhorizon-tal stretching and mineral lineations (fig. 3D) thatare marked by boudinaged pyroxenes or feldsparribbons. Dikes of Permian K-feldspar granite andsyenite intrude the mylonite. Some dikes are foldedwith axial planes parallel to the foliation, and otherdikes are boudinaged within the foliation (fig. 4B,4C).

    On the X-Z plane of the strain ellipsoid, that is,in sections perpendicular to the foliation and par-

    allel with the lineation, drag folds and asymmetricboudins indicate a dextral sense of shear (fig. 4D,4E). At the microscopic scale, the most represen-tative shear criteria are sigma- and delta-type por-phyroclasts of feldspar or pyroxene, sigmoidal micafish, biotite pressure shadows around clasts, andelongated quartz ribbons with an oblique-shapedfabric of recrystallized grains (fig. 4F4H).

    Top-to-the-North Thrusting. Between the strike-slip shear zones, the foliation in Neoproterozoicorthogneiss dips gently to the southeast (fig. 3A).On the foliation surface, K-feldspar clasts and bi-

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    Figure 4. Photographs and photomicrographs of the structures associated with dextral shearing along the NalatiFault. A, Cataclastic diorite, showing the lensoid fabric due to vertical brittle fractures; these surfaces exhibit sub-horizontal slickensides. B, Boudinaged and sheared diorite intruded by syenite or pink K-granitic dikes; both dioriteand dikes are foliated and protomylonitized by dextral wrenching. C, Folded granitic dike in foliated diorite, accountingfor shortening perpendicular to the foliation. D, Mylonite with drag folds and asymmetric feldspar clasts showingdextral shearing. E, Mylonite with sigma-type feldspar clasts. F, Thin section perpendicular to the foliation and parallelto the lineation of a mylonitic granite: sigma-type feldspar clasts and recrystallized quartz grains with an oblique-shaped fabric. G, Ultramylonite with sigma- and delta-type clasts, showing dextral sense of shear. H, Foliated diorite,showing mica fish and quartz recrystallization fabrics. A color version of this figure is available in the online editionor from the Journal of Geology office.

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    66 B . W A N G E T A L .

    Figure 5. Field photographs and photomicrographs of deformation features associated with north-directed thrusting.A, Orthogneiss with mineral lineation steeply plunging to the southeast. B, Mylonitic diorite, showing gentle foliationand sigmoidal feldspar indicating top-to-the-north shearing. C, D, Sigmoidal amphibole in diorite (C) and muscoviteshear bands in micaschist (D), showing a top-to-the-north shearing. E, Greenschist-facies siliceous sandstone withquartz veins parallel to the foliation. The asymmetric shape of the boudins indicates a top-to-the-north movement.The tension gashes perpendicular to the foliation are postfolial structures, butthe geometry agreeswith a subhorizontalcompression. F, Muscovite-albite micaschist with top-to-the-north shear bands. A color version of this figure isavailable in the online edition or from the Journal of Geology office.

    otite clots form mineral lineation that plungesmostly toward the southeast and also commonlytoward south or southwest (figs. 3C, 5A). The pitchof lineation varies from 25 to 65, and closer to theshear zones, the steeper the foliation the shallower

    the pitch of the lineation (fig. 3A). This suggeststhat the scattering of lineation resulted from localrotation by dextral strike-slip movement and thatthe original orientation of lineation should besoutheast, correlating with a northwest-southeast

    stress. Similar planar and linear structures can berecognized in the Early Paleozoic diorite (figs. 3A,3C, 5B), although variably mylonitized by strike-slip shearing, but they cannot be observed in themylonitic K-granite of 338 Ma (fig. 3A; Wang et al.

    2007c). In the Mesoproterozoic micaschists, mus-covite-bearing quartzite, and biotite gneiss, folia-tion is steeply dipping to the southeast (fig. 3E) andcontains a down-dip stretching lineation. Asym-metric plagioclase porphyroclasts and microscopic-

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    Journal of Geology H I G H - P R E S S U R E M E T A M O R P H I C R O C K S I N N W C H I N A 67

    Figure 6. Field photographs and photomicrographs of structures related to south-directed normal shearing.A, Quartz-rich micaschist with a folded vertical foliation; the subhorizontal axial planes argue for a vertical shortening. B, C,Sigmoidal muscovite and recrystallized quartz ribbons, showing a top-to-the-south ductile shearing interpreted asnormal faulting. A color version of this figure is available in the online edition or from the Journal of Geologyoffice.

    scale sheared amphibole of mylonitic diorite (fig.5B, 5C) and shear bands of muscovite from mi-caschist (fig. 5D) consistently show a top-to-the-north sense of shear.

    The HP metamorphic complex is in contact with

    the metamorphosed and deformed Proterozoicmetasediments along a steeply south-dipping duc-tile thrust fault. Within the HP metamorphic com-plex, albite-biotite micaschist and quartzite arecharacterized by a northeast-southwest-striking,steeply dipping foliation bearing a subverticalstretching lineation (fig. 3E). Intrafolial rootlesstight folds with axes parallel with the lineation areindicative of intense progressive deformation. Sig-moidal quartz veins parallel to the foliation indi-cate top-to-the-north movement (fig. 5E). In thinsection, the micaschists contain asymmetric albiteporphyroblasts with biotite pressure shadows that

    also show a top-to-the-north shearing (fig. 5F).South-Directed Shearing. In the northern and cen-

    tral parts of the highly deformed and metamor-phosed Mesoproterozoic sedimentary rocks (fig.3A), the subvertical foliation is deformed by openfolds with flat-lying axial planes sometimes asso-ciated with a subhorizontal crenulation cleavage(fig. 6A), indicating a vertical shortening. This de-

    formation is recognized only in a !500-m-widezone (fig. 3A). In thin section cut parallel to X-Zplane, sigmoidal muscovite and recrystallizedquartz ribbons with an oblique grain-shaped fabricindicate a top-to-the-south shearing. In the present

    geometry, this kinematics corresponds to a south-ward-directed movement at the southern side (fig.6B, 6C).

    The contact between the HP metamorphic beltand the Ordovician-Silurian nonmetamorphic se-ries to the south is currently dominated by a steeplysouth-dipping reverse fault (fig. 2); however, the HPmetamorphic rocks in the footwall of this faultwere mylonitized. It is therefore inferred to havebeen a south-directed normal-sense-of-shear zone,although it was considered a ductile thrust by Gaoet al. (1995) and Lin et al. (2009).

    New 40Ar/39Ar Dating of High-PressureMetamorphic Rocks

    Previous Isotopic Ages. Gao et al. (1995) obtaineda 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of Ma on phengite346 7of the Kekesu blueschist. From the Changawuziblueschist (fig. 1B), glaucophane yielded a 40Ar/39Arage of Ma (Xiao et al. 1992); in the same351 2

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    68 B . W A N G E T A L .

    area, an eclogite yielded Sm-Nd isochron ages of(Omp-Grt-Gln-WR [whole rock]) and343 44

    Ma (Grt-Gln) and 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of346 3(crossite) and Ma (glaucophane;344 1 345 1

    Gao and Klemd 2003; Gao et al. 2006). Conse-

    quently, the age of 345 Ma was regarded as thebest estimate for the timing of the eclogite-faciesmetamorphism in the Southern Tianshan (Gao andKlemd 2003).

    The HP metamorphic rocks of the SouthernTianshan have yielded older isotopic ages. Phen-gites from blueschists occurring in the south ofQiongkushitai (fig. 2) yielded a dome-shaped 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum, the top of which yielded an ageof Ma (Gao 1993). In Akeyazi (fig. 1B), Gao415 2et al. (2000) obtained 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of

    (sodic amphibole) and Ma (phen-401 1 381 1gite) from the rim of an eclogite body and ages of

    (sodic amphibole) and Ma (phen-370 1 364 1gite) from its blueschist-facies matrix. Dobretsov etal. (1987) obtained whole-rock K-Ar ages of about410 and 350 Ma on the Atbashy blueschists (fig.1B), which were dated at Ma (Omp-Grt-267 5Phg-WR, Rb-Sr isochron) by Tagiri et al. (1995).

    These older ages may indicate a metamorphismrelated to an earlier stage of subduction and accre-tion. However, some of these ages are probably notreliable. Klemd et al. (2005) suggested that the 40Ar/39Ar ages ranging from 401 to 364 Ma obtained byGao et al. (2000) were due to excess Ar incorpo-ration. The K-Ar age of Ma from the At-410 15bashy Belt (Dobretsov et al. 1987) is probably dueto the multimineral character inherent in whole-rock samples. The eclogite-facies metamorphismrelated to collision thus appears to have occurredat 345 Ma (Gao and Klemd 2003). It must be men-tioned that the epidote blueschist-facies metamor-phism is regarded as a retrograde stage (500530C,1.01.2 GPa) with respect to an earlier UHP eclo-gite-facies event (570630C, 2.63.3 GPa; e.g.,Zhang et al. 2003; Lu et al. 2008). Although thisview is contested by Klemd (2003), it cannot beexcluded that the UHP metamorphism in the

    Southern Tianshan occurred earlier than 350 Ma.Moreover, Gao and Klemd (2003) obtained a 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of Ma for phengite from a331 2Changawuzi eclogite. This age was interpreted asthe time when the HP rocks cooled below the ef-fective closure temperature of phengite. Klemd etal. (2005) obtained ages of 313302 (Rb-Sr) and 311312 Ma (40Ar/39Ar) for phengite and/or paragonitefrom blueschist-facies rocks that formed during orafter the transition from eclogite-facies to epidote-blueschist-facies conditions and subsequently ex-perienced an incipient greenschist-facies overprint.

    The Atbashy eclogite has yielded comparable 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of to Ma for327 4 324 4phengites and Ma for glaucophane (Stu-324 10pakov et al. 2004; Simonov et al. 2008).

    On the other hand, Zhang et al. (2007) obtained

    SHRIMP U-Pb ages of and Ma on233 4 226 5rims of zircon from the eclogites and metapelitesat Changawuzi (fig. 1B). Li et al. (2005, 2007) re-ported single-grain 206Pb/238U ages of ca. 290280Ma from unzoned zircon crystals and jagged mi-crofractures of much older zircons of the eclogites.Zhang et al. (2007) suggested that the zircon rimages of 233226 Ma correspond to collision-relatedHP metamorphism. In contrast, others (Gao et al.2006; Li et al. 2008) argued that these young no-core zircons formed through fluid-assisted recrys-tallization; this point of view is supported by dif-ferential variation of U and Th compositions in

    zircons lacking cores (Rowley et al. 1997). The sim-ilar age given by Tagiri et al. (1995) was also prob-ably influenced by effects of later fluid event (deJong et al. 2009).

    Sample Description. In order to establish addi-tional age constraints, two partially retrogressedblueschists (XJ607-2b and XJ612) were taken fromthe lowest part of the blueschist unit, and onegreenschist (XJ611) was sampled from the south-ernmost part of the metasedimentary cover of theYili Block, which is overthrust by the blueschistunit (fig. 3A; see table A1, available in the onlineedition or from the Journal of Geology office, forGPS).

    Sample XJ607-2b is a foliated and lineated garnet-bearing blueschist that contains substantialamounts of chlorite and white mica (fig. 7A). Var-iation in the modal composition of oriented blueamphibole and epidote defines a layering at a scaleof several millimeters. Amphibole occurs as 1-mm-long crystals that often form aggregates withthe same orientation. The amphibole crystals showa distinctive deep blue to pale violet pleochroism,and they are strongly zoned, usually with deep bluecores and lighter shades in rims, and show a uni-

    form dark blue to purple color when included ingarnet. The lighter-colored rims are intergrownwith or replaced by chlorite that occurs betweenpulled-apart albite crystals. White mica generallyoccurs in chlorite-rich layers that contain relics ofblue amphibole, as individual crystals or as aggre-gates with a decussate structure. White mica andchlorite may be intergrown along their basal cleav-ages; these tabular strain-free crystals are 5001500mm in length. Undeformed white mica has locallyovergrown the amphibole-rich layers.

    Sample XJ612 is a lineated blueschist with a prin-

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    Journal of Geology H I G H - P R E S S U R E M E T A M O R P H I C R O C K S I N N W C H I N A 69

    Figure 7. Photomicrographs and 40Ar/39Ar age spectra acquired by laser step-heating of single white mica grains fromretrogressed blueschists and greenschist-facies quartzite from the Kekesu Section. Errors are reported at the 1j level.

    Alb p albite, Amph p amphibole, Cal p calcite, Chl p chlorite, Cpxp clinopyroxene, Epd p epidote, Grt pgarnet, Mu p muscovite, and Qtz p quartz. A color version of this figure is available in the online edition or fromthe Journal of Geology office.

    cipal foliation defined by difference in modal com-position of oriented blue amphibole and epidote,along which green chlorite and white mica havegrown (fig. 7B). The foliation curves around por-

    phyroclasts of metamorphic clinopyroxene thatcontains inclusions of glaucophane displaying anorientation parallel to the external foliation. Theprincipal foliation is cut by slightly deformed ten-sion gashes filled with carbonate. Blue amphibolecrystals (1 mm long) are moderately zoned, withdarker cores and lighter rims. The amphibole isovergrown and replaced by both chlorite and albite.White mica (1501500 mm long) generally occursparallel to the main foliation and is in part inter-grown with chlorite along their basal cleavages.Undeformed crystals and aggregates of intergrown

    chlorite and white mica cross-cut the amphibole-rich layers occasionally.

    Sample XJ611 is an inequigranular garnet-bearingchlorite-mica quartzite with ill-defined foliation

    (fig. 7C). Equidimensional quartz crystals reveal amoderate dynamic recrystallization, mainly by su-tured boundaries and development of subgrains.White mica is present as 1001000-mm-long, strain-free crystals in the quartz matrix. These white mi-cas have occasionally grown along the basal cleav-ages of chlorite porphyroblasts. Abundant garnet isdevoid of glaucophane inclusions. Minor carbonateoccurs as large crystals that overgrow the matrix.

    40Ar/39 Ar Dating Technique and Results. Whitemica minerals were handpicked under a binocularzoom microscope from the 0.32-mm size fraction

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    70 B . W A N G E T A L .

    of the crushed rocks. The subsequent treatmentand analyses were performed in the GeosciencesLaboratory of Rennes I University (France). Thesamples were wrapped in Al foil envelopes (11

    ), which were stacked inmm# 11 mm# 0.5 mm

    an irradiation can, with flux monitors (standardsanidine TCR-2, with an age of Ma;28.34 0.32Renne et al. 1998) inserted after every 810 sam-ples. The sample arrangement allowed us to mon-itor the flux gradient with a precision of 0.2%.Samples and standards were irradiated for 13.33 hat the McMaster reactor (Hamilton, Ontario, Can-ada) with a total flux of n cm2. Single181.7# 10grains of white mica were analyzed by incrementalheating with a 40Ar/39Ar laser probe (CO2 Synrad).The step-heating experimental procedure has beendescribed in detail by Ruffet et al. (1991, 1995).Blanks are routinely conducted at the start of an

    experiment, typically repeated after each third step,and subtracted from the subsequent sample gasfractions. Analyses were completed on a MAP215mass spectrometer.

    Plateau ages were calculated if 70% or more ofthe 39ArK was released in three or more contiguoussteps, the apparent ages of which agreed40 39Ar / ArKwithin 1j with the integrated age of the plateausegment. Pseudoplateau ages meet these criteria forsegments for which less than 70% of the 39Ar wasreleased. The 40Ar/39Ar analytical data are listed intable A1 and are portrayed as age spectra in figure7D7F. All errors are quoted at 1j level.

    White mica from strongly retrogressed blueschist(XJ607-2b) yielded a plateau age of Ma316 2(94.1% of 39ArK released; fig. 7D), whereas whitemica from a moderately retrogressed blueschist(XJ612) yielded a pseudoplateau age of Ma331 1(65.9% of 39ArK released; fig. 7E). White mica ingreenschist-facies metamorphic quartzite XJ611gave a plateau age of Ma (93.7% of 39ArK323 1released; fig. 7F).


    In the following, the significance of new




    Arisotopic ages, three ductile deformation events, andtheir tectonic implications are discussed. The de-formation and metamorphic events are presentedin reverse order in order to remove the overprintsof the younger events on the earlier ones.

    Interpretation of New 40Ar/39 Ar Ages. The 331316-Ma 40Ar/39Ar Kwhite mica ages that were ob-tained from partially retrogressed HP metamorphicrocks are much younger than the age of the eclo-gite-facies metamorphism (345 Ma; Gao andKlemd 2003). These new data are comparable to

    the phengite 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of Ma331 2that was interpreted as the time constraining theexhumation of the HP metamorphic rocks (Gao andKlemd 2003). The retrograde mineralogy (charac-terized by abundant late-stage chlorite and albite

    growth) and textural relationships (intergrownmica-chlorite overgrowing the main foliation) bothimply that white mica grains in samples XJ607-2band XJ612 were formed during retrogression of theblueschist-facies metamorphic assemblage. Themost strongly retrogressed blueschist (XJ607-2b)has the youngest apparent age (down to 313 2Ma; fig. 7D; table A1). The less retrogressed blue-schist (XJ612) shows evidence of disturbance of theisotopic system (cf. high-temperature apparent agesas young as ca. 326 Ma; table A1), although it yieldsa plateau age of Ma.331 1

    Muscovite of retrograde blueschist XJ607-2b dis-

    plays an age spectrum with a subtle saddle shape.According to Cheilletz et al. (1999) and Alexandrovet al. (2002), saddle-shaped age spectra may resultfrom the presence of different reservoirs in the par-tially recrystallized mica grain with distinct argoncompositions that degas over different energy in-tervals: a primary or inherited domain (low- andhigh-temperature steps) and a neo- or recrystallizedone (saddle minimum in intermediate- to high-temperature steps). As suggested by Castonguay etal. (2007), the younger neo- or recrystallized sub-domains could characterize the last isotopic recordduring a protracted (re)crystallization history. Thesaddle minimum at Ma (fig. 7D; table A1)313 2could therefore correspond to the last record of the(re)crystallization history of the white mica. Mus-covite of another retrograde blueschist, XJ612, dis-plays slightly younger ages in the high-temperaturesteps, down to ca. 326 Ma (fig. 7E; table A1), sim-ilarly suggesting a nonequilibrium state during(re)crystallization of the mineral in the course of aprotracted recrystallization history or a subsequentdisturbance event younger than 330 Ma.

    We thus interpret the latest Early to Late Car-boniferous dates as snapshots of the protracted ret-

    rograde recrystallization of the blueschist-faciesmineral assemblage during exhumation. Our ex-planation corroborates the interpretation of Klemdet al. (2005) for the Kwhite mica 40Ar/39Ar plateauand the Rb-Sr isochron ages (313302 Ma) of thepartially retrogressed blueschists. The Ma323 1plateau age of white mica from greenschist-faciesquartzite (XJ611) agrees well with such an age con-straint and shows that Carboniferous recrystalli-zation also affected the ductilely deformed meta-sedimentary cover of the crystalline basement ofthe southern margin of the Yili Block.

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    Journal of Geology H I G H - P R E S S U R E M E T A M O R P H I C R O C K S I N N W C H I N A 71

    Permian Postcollisional Dextral Wrenching. Duc-tile strike-slip faults form a -km-wide shear10 5zone in the Southern Tianshan (fig. 1B). Kinematicanalysis from the Kekesu Section indicates a dex-tral sense of shear, consistent with observations in

    Akyazhi (Lin et al. 2009), the Nalati Pass (Yin andNie 1996; Yin et al. 1998), the MTSZ (Laurent-Charvet et al. 2002, 2003), and the Eastern Tian-shan (Wang et al. 2008b; fig. 1). Hornblende, biotite,and feldspar from ultramylonitized or foliated gra-nitic rocks in the Nalati Pass, the MTSZ, and theEastern Tianshan yielded 40Ar/39Ar ages of 245285Ma (Zhou et al. 2001; Laurent-Charvet et al. 2003;Wang et al. 2008b; de Jong et al. 2009).

    In contrast, a sinistral motion has been proposedfor the Nikolaev Line (Mikolaichuk et al. 1995; Ba-zhenov et al. 1999), but its age remains poorly con-strained. To the north of Kumux, a sinistral sense

    of shear was recognized; muscovite and biotitefrom mylonite yielded ill-defined 40Ar/39Ar plateauages from to Ma (Deng et al. 2006).393 6 367 2Sinistral shear criteria are also preserved along theMTSZ (Laurent-Charvet et al. 2003) and in the Ke-kesu Section (Gao et al. 1995) and were interpretedas an earlier stage of strike-slip shearing (Shu et al.1999; Wang et al. 2008b).

    Therefore, although a sinistral sense of shearingcannot be precluded and its timing and tectonicsignificance are not well constrained, we concludethat the Nalati Fault and its western (NikolaevLine) and eastern (MTSZ) extensions form a Perm-ianEarly Mesozoic large-scale dextral shear zone.It is coeval with the Late Permian to Triassic strike-slip system around the Junggar Basin (fig. 1A; Allenand Vincent 1997; Laurent-Charvet et al. 2003;Wang et al. 2006). This wrenching is considered apostcollisional intraplate event induced by the rel-ative rotation between continental blocks (Ba-zhenov et al. 1999; Van der Voo et al. 2006; Wanget al. 2007a). The wrenching brought forth the east-west extension and related emplacement of syeniteand pink K-granite within or near the shear zonesassociated with the regional fluid activity (Wang et

    al. 2009). These later tectonothermal events couldreset the isotopic system of the muscovite and bi-otite in the contiguous pre-Permian granitic rocksand metamorphic rocks (figs. 2, 3). For instance, the40Ar/39Ar plateau age ( Ma) of the biotite263 1granite within the Nalati Fault zone is much youn-ger than its intrusion age ( Ma; Wang et al.313 42007c); the white mica and biotite from pre-Carboniferous metasediments to the south of theNalati Fault also yielded concordant 40Ar/39Ar pla-teau ages of 252253 Ma (de Jong et al. 2009).

    Mid-Late Carboniferous Normal Faulting and Ex-

    humation of the High-Pressure Complex. South-directed ductile shearing was observed in the green-schist-facies metasediments of the Kekesu Section.The current subvertical attitude of the foliationleads to two possible interpretations for this de-

    formation: top-to-the-south thrusting or south-directed normal faulting. The former might corre-spond to the D3 deformation recognized by Gao etal. (1995) along the same section. A similar defor-mation was also identified in the Akeyazi Section(fig. 1; Lin et al. 2009); there, south-vergent foldsand associated mineral lineation are present incordierite-sillimanite-biotite-bearing gneiss andtwo-pyroxene granulite. Consequently, this defor-mation could be considered (1) a tilted south-directed thrust related to the north-directed sub-duction and subsequent collision (Gao et al. 1995,1998) or (2) top-to-the-south (southeast) back-

    thrusting induced by a convergent event to thenorth of the Yili Block (Lin et al. 2009).

    However, according to available structural dataand our field study, the south-directed ductileshearing is localized within a narrow zone in themetasedimentary rocks, although it can be very lo-cally observed in blueschists. Structurally, this duc-tile shearing is associated with open folding thataccommodated a vertical shortening, indicating asubhorizontal extension. Thus, the south-directedshearing that redeformed the preexisting foliationis likely associated with normal faulting within adecollement layer below the HP metamorphiccomplex. In addition, petrological and mineralogi-cal studies suggest that this deformation was ac-companied by the greenschist-facies retrogressionof the blueschist and Mesoproterozoic metasedi-ments (e.g., Gao et al. 1995). According to classicalmodels, extensional detachment typically occursabove the HP metamorphic complex during syn-orogenic and postorogenic stages and leads to theremoval of overburden and exhumation of HP rocks(e.g., Platt 1993; Faure et al. 1999; Parra et al. 2001).Synchronous thrusting below the HP complex maybe converted into normal faulting during postoro-

    genic extension, resulting in the continuous ex-humation of both the HP rocks and underthrustcontinental materials (e.g., Faure et al. 1999; Jolivetet al. 2003 and references therein). The Carbonif-erous Yili Arc magmatism and back-arc regime mayhave been conducive to such an extentional setting.Therefore, the south-directed shearing is consid-ered here to be normal faulting below the HP meta-morphic complex related to the final exhumationin postorogenic times. Normal faulting contem-poraneous with exhumation of the HP metamor-phic rocks is inferred to have occurred along the

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    72 B . W A N G E T A L .

    Figure 8. Interpretative cross section along the Kekesu River; location shown in figure 2. North-directed ductilethrusts correlate with synsubduction/syncollisional deformation and high-pressure (HP)/ultra-HP metamorphism; thesouth-directed normal fault corresponds to the postorogenic detachment and final exhumation of the HP and footwallmetasedimentary rocks. The southernmost contact is, at present, an inverse fault but is supposed to have been asynsubduction/collisional thrust reactivated as a normal fault along the mylonitic zone during syn- and postorogenicexhumation of HP rocks. NF p Nalati Fault.

    mylonitic zone in the uppermost part of the HPmetamorphic belt (fig. 2), but this assumption re-quires further testing on the basis of detailed ki-nematic analyses.

    Our new age data and those of Klemd et al. (2005)

    provide an age constraint for the greenschist-faciesretrogressive metamorphism at ca. 335310 Ma.This period probably also corresponds to the timeof the south-directed ductile normal faulting andrelated exhumation of the HP metamorphic com-plex. On the basis of detailed structural analysis,mineralogical study, and abundant thermochron-ological data, we suggest that the superposition ofthis ductile deformation on the previous one is lo-calized along an extensional shear zone but thatthe coeval retrogression significantly overprintedthe HP metamorphic complex.

    Latest DevonianEarliest Carboniferous Collision

    and High-Pressure Metamorphism. Top-to-the-northshearing is extensively developed in the oceanic-crust-derived HP metamorphic rocks, the under-lying metasediments, and the amphibolite-faciesmetamorphic basement of the Yili Block as well asin the intruding Silurian-Devonian granitoids (figs.2, 3, 8). This event is also recorded in strongly de-formed but weakly to unmetamorphosed Ordovi-cian-Silurian rocks that were thrust northward overthe HP metamorphic complex (figs. 2, 8; Lin et al.2009). This deformation is correlated with the D2

    deformation of Gao et al. (1995) and Lin et al.(2009). The kinematics is consistent throughoutseveral parallel sections.

    This north-directed deformation was previouslyinterpreted as the exhumation of the HP meta-

    morphic rocks during a late collision stage (Gao etal. 1995, 1998) or as back-thrusting associated withthe collision process (Gao and Klemd 2003). Inthese cases, the subduction is proposed to be north-directed (Gao et al. 1995, 1998, 2009; Mikolaichuket al. 1997; Chen et al. 1999a; Gao and Klemd 2003;Konopelko et al. 2008). An earlier D1 deformationevent (Gao et al. 1995; Lin et al. 2009) is consideredto have occurred during prograde HP metamor-phism. The kinematics of this D1 deformation isconsistent with that of the D2 top-to-the-norththrusting, which is therefore regarded as a late in-crement of the D1 deformation (Lin et al. 2009).

    These conclusions suggest a south-directed sub-duction (Wang et al. 2008a; Lin et al. 2009). In anycase, the top-to-the-north thrusting corresponds toa contractional deformation; the prevalent occur-rence of this deformation throughout the South-ern Tianshan suggests that the deformation is co-eval with the HP/UHP metamorphism during thesubduction-collision events, that is, before the ex-humation of HP rocks, although locally it may havebeen reworked by the synconvergent exhumationof the HP unit.

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    Journal of Geology H I G H - P R E S S U R E M E T A M O R P H I C R O C K S I N N W C H I N A 73

    Many isotopic chronometers constrain the tim-ing of the HP/UHP metamorphism to have oc-curred between 415 and 280 Ma. However, this de-formation is difficult to date with isotopictechniques because of the extensive retrogressive

    metamorphism and subsequent Permian fluid ac-tivity. Putting aside all isotopic ages that could re-late to excess argon, retrograde metamorphism, orlate fluid infiltration, the most reliable data yieldan average age of Ma as the best estimate345 10for the timing of the HP/UHP metamorphism. Inaddition, the north-directed thrusting must post-date intrusion of the strongly deformed diorite andgranodiorite (433398 Ma) that crop out to thenorth of the HP metamorphic rocks (fig. 3A; Wanget al. 2007c; Gao et al. 2009) and must precede theformation of the K-granite (338 Ma; fig. 3A), inwhich the top-to-the-north thrusting is not recog-

    nized (Wang et al. 2007c). Therefore, the age of thetop-to-the-north ductile thrusting is suggested tobe latest Devonian to earliest Carboniferous.

    Late Paleozoic Tectonics of the Southern Tian-

    shan. On the basis of our field observations andnew 40Ar/30Ar ages, combined with previous results,the collisional and postcollisional tectonic evolu-tion of the Southern Tianshan is summarized interms of three main stages. (1) From latest Devo-nian to earliest Carboniferous, continental colli-sion occurred after the final closure of the oceanicbasin; the subduction and collision led to HP/UHPmetamorphism and associated top-to-the-northductile thrusting. (2) From Mid- (335331 Ma) toLate (316300 Ma) Carboniferous, postcollisionalextension induced south-dipping ductile normalfaulting along a localized decollement layer belowthe HP metamorphic complex, correlating to thefinal stage of exhumation of the HP/UHP meta-morphic rocks. The exhumation of the HP/UHPmetamorphic rocks resulted in extensive retrogrademetamorphism under greenschist-facies condi-tions. (3) Finally, in the Permian, pervasive dextralductile strike-slip faulting developed, in agreementwith regional transcurrent tectonics throughout

    the Tianshan Belt; the accompanying granitic in-trusion and associated fluid flow severely over-printed the southern Tianshan Belt along the mainductile fault zones.


    This study presents new structural and geochro-nological insights on the HP metamorphic rocks ofthe Southern Tianshan. Three conclusions can be

    drawn on the basis of comprehensive analysis ofour results, in conjunction with published data.

    1. Three main ductile deformation events oc-curred in the HP/UHP metamorphic rocks and thesurrounding rocks. The first event was a top-to-the-

    north thrusting related to the subduction-collisionassociated with HP/UHP metamorphism. The nextwas south-dipping normal faulting correspondingto the final exhumation of the HP/UHP metamor-phic rocks in postcollisional stage. Dextral shearingthen developed in response to the intraplate trans-current tectonics.

    2. The 331316-Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages of white micafrom retrograde blueschist- and greenschist-faciesmetasediments constrain the recrystallization ageof the retrogressive mineral assemblage. In the lightof previous results, extensive retrograde metamor-phism of the HP/UHP rocks occurred as early as

    335331 Ma and lasted until 316300 Ma. Thesedata do not support the hypothesis of Triassic col-lision.

    3. The Southern Tianshan accretion-collisionalorogen was severely overprinted by polyphase post-collisional tectonothermal events, which thereforehampered direct isotopic dating of the initial stagesof the orogeny. Isotopic age data should thus beused prudently, and basic geological evidenceshould be taken into account to constrain the ageof the collisional event.

    A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S

    We would like to express our gratitude to M. B.Allen and J. Gao, who helped improve the first ver-sion of the manuscript significantly. Constructivecomments by two anonymous reviewers and D.Rowley are greatly appreciated. Colleagues of theBureau of National Project 305 (Xinjiang, China)are thanked for their help during fieldwork. TheAr/Ar isotopic analysis was undertaken when K. deJong was an associated researcher at Institute ofAdvanced Studies Studium (CNRS and RegionCentre) while being based at lInstitut des Sciences

    de la Terre dOrleans (University of Orleans,France). This study is funded by the National BasicResearch Program of China (973 Programs2007CB411301 and 2009CB825008) and the Sci-entific Research Foundation for Returned OverseasChinese Scholars, State Education Ministry. B. Jahnacknowledges the support of the National ScienceCouncil (NSC-Taiwan) through grants NSC 96-2752-M-002-010-PA, NSC 96-2116-M-001-004, andNSC 97-2752-M-002-003-PA.

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