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WANTS ir THrV ONI V KNOW WHAT YOU WANTchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1904-05... · THE...

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THE SAN FRANCISCO. CALL, .THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1904. 13 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Con. FOR sale 10,000 square feet of corrugated gal- vanized Iron and all kinds of building lumber at 105 Steuart St.. near Mission. FOR sale— 100 H. P. firebox marine boiler in fine condition; cheap. Bay City Iron Works, Oakland. ALTERATION- sale Best $2 50 hats. $1 80. Popular Price Hatter. 300 Kearny st.. near Ploe; open to Op. m. ; Sundays to noon. TRY our men's shoes at $1 and $1 SO pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express charges. 11 3d St.. Exam, bid.; catalog iree. FOR pale—Milch goat, $10; top buggy, $00; road buggy, $15. 31!) Third st. , SIX "H. P. gas engines for sale. BAY CITY IRON WORKS, Oakland. . . GOOD brickmaking machine, with 28 molds. Chrlstman Bros., 11th & St. James, San Jose. SECOND-HAND safes. $56: WMnch desk, $27~. RICHARDSON BROS., -1810 Market st. GRAND imported tumbler plgeonn (rollers), cheap while they last. Wilson. 22!) Stevenson. PI PR, second-hand, all sizes: brass and Iron fittings. THOMPSON. 40 Main st. REFRIGERATORS, cooling-rooms built eco- nomlc. effective. 1511 10th ave., Sunset dlst. IMPROVED .Wood printing Dresses, gasoline engines. Boyer Machine Works. 46 Spear st. ROUND campins tents for sale; cheap; some new: llixlC. 319 Third St.; tel. Main 413. ASK for pricey on second-hand typewriters; all makes. ALEXANDER & CO., 110 Montg'y. A TENT for rent or sale. ROSS McMAHON TENT & AWNING CO.,35 Mrkt.Tel.Bush MS BOOKS bought; libraries purchased. King's Old Bookstore, <il McAllister st. BARGAINS in fine diamonds and watches; easy payments. GARIN. 803 Hayward bldg. GASOLINE i-ne!np« bought, sold, exchansed, repaired. Sykes-Corson Co., 254 Beale- st. SAFES and cash registers, new and second- hand. I. FREEMAN. 1320 Market tt. SOME good second-hand gasoline engines, 1 to 12 h. p.. cheap. E. B. Beck & Co.. 122 Mkt. SAFES— New and second-hand. THE HER- HANN SAFE CO.^307 Battery st. MOVING pictures, magic lanterns, sale, rental; bargains. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post Et. SAFES New and second-hand. E. B. BECK & CO.. 122 Market st. GASOLINE engines, automobiles and launches: all sizes. J. E. DOAK. 4fl Fremont ft. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. CALIFORNIA Housewrecker Co. pays the highest price for buildings and will remove the largest building in 10 days. Office and yard N. W. corner Mission and Tenth sts. MORRIS Klves highest prices for ladles' ami gents' casteff clothing; postal. 043 Folsom. SHOES wanted: misfit & castoff; highest prcs. : new & 2d-hand shoe* for sale. 74D Mlnslon. 91ONEY TO LOAN. AAA— HERMAN MURPHY. 001-602-603 Examiner. Bulldln*. Quick settlements; no disappointments. Save expenses by dealing directly. Estates, second mortgages, undivided inter- ests; assignments of rents; property in tru»t, etc. ; Iecacles. life estates and undivided in- terests In property purchased. Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential. When You Need Money See HERMAN MURPHY. ' MANHATTAN SAVINGS BANK. INTEREST 5H AND a PER CENT APPLY DIRECT TO A SAVINGS BANK. Any amount advanced on city. Oakland, town and country real estate. Second mortgages, estates In probate, undi- vided interests in real estate, property In trust: loans closed promptly. MANHATTAN SAVINGS BANK. 107-8-0 CROCKER BUILDING, .' POST AND MARKET STS. WILL LOAN A reasonable amount on 1st. 2d or 3d , Mortgage, on real estate or Chattels. In city, town or country. Low rate of interest. Give full particulars i of property or chattels. Location, etc. Box 408. Call office. ¦ - A. A DO YOU NEED MONEY? T ? Loans on furniture and pianos without re- moval; lewest rates and easiest plan In city; don't hesitate to call; information cheerfully given;. no publicity; reliable and square deal- Ing. PF.OPLE'S TRUST CO.. 825 MARKET ST.. ROOM 462. PARROTT Bldg SALARY LOANS— Money loaned salaried people without secur- ity or indorsement, knowledge of employer or any one; confidential and courteous treatment: call and get terms. Drake. 453 P;irrott bldg. ANY amount quickly on furniture or piano, without removal or other security; no com.: fairest rates; strictly confidential. National Credit Co.. 68 Donohoe bldg.. 1170 Market st. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds, Jewelry, at 2 per cent Interest. Baldwin Jewelry Store, 840 Market; tel. Main 1644. Branch. 19 Third. THE United Loan and Trust Co., 21 Stockton st. (upstairt). loans money on diamonds. Jew- elry and valuables at 2 per cent per month; absolute privacy. Phone Bush 484. MONEY loaned on diamonds, jewelry, sealskins and valuables; our fireproof vault Is protect- ed from burglars by electricity. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE. 25 Stockton :phone Bush 48 J. MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer- ' chants, teamsters, boarding-houses, without security; easy paymenU; large business in 46 principal cities. Tolman. 653 Parrott bid. THE United Lean and Trust Co.. 21 Stockton st. (upstairs), loans money on diamonds, Jew- elry and valuables at 2 per cent per month; absolute privacy. Phone Bush 4S4. AT lowest rates on furniture and pianos; strict prjvacy;no commleslon;!nstallments accepted. BONELLI, 301 Eddy. Conservatory building. 1PER cent on furniture or pianos; no removal: no commission; no publicity; $25 up; quick, quiet, confidential. 26 Montgomery at., rm. 7. MONEY to loan on low Interest; gold, silver; diamonds, pearls and precious stones bought I at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth st. STAR Loan Co. of Wyoming loans money to salaried employes. R. 811. Mutual Sav. Bk. bid.; Oakland office. 1103^ Brdwy., suite 1*2. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Grant av*.. LOANS FROM $1 TO $10.000. NEW easy method To wage earners on unln- dorsed notes; absolute privacy. Fidelity Loan Ccmpany, rooms 48-49 Chronicle bldg. TO salaried people without security; on furni- ture, Indorsed notes and other security. S. F. Discount Agency, 143 Phelan bldg. MONEY loaned on salaries, chattel mortgages, life Insurance policies, etc. United Loan and Trust Co.. 21 Stockton st. 1PER cent on furniture or piano. 1003 Mutual Ravings Bank building. 708 Market st. 1\~ per cent on furniture and pianos; no com. charged.' ELFVING. 610 Hearst bldg.. Ex. ent. ALL loans on diamonds and jewelry 2 per cent mo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 838 Kearny. CASH loaned salaried people on notes without indorser. MORELL. ?09 Examiner .building. CHEAPEST und best In America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, rent to any address In' the Unll»d States nr Canada one year "or $1. MTSICALIN^TJIUMENTS J;^^^^ A FEW BARGAINS IN UPRIGHTS. OneErard: nice condition $50 One English Le Blond: good order $75 One Sterling * cost $325; new. $105 One Lelns, walnut case; fine order, i. .. .$175 On<- Chlckerlng; mahogany case ji'30 One Knabe. used one year, latest style;, one Stelnway. used 2 years, latest style; ono Vose mahogany case, used 8 months; also 1 new piano, mahogany case, three strings, lat- est style, upright grand, $147 50. $10 Squares $10. Emerson, Kurtxman, Cummlngs, Hallet & Da- vis Stelnway. Kranlch & Bach, Halnes and 40 others from $10 up; easy payments guaran- teed. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, 16 O'Farrell. PIANOS for rent; $3 per. month; the largest and best r stock In San Francisco to select from' pianos from $30 upward; our line the best our prices the lowest. SCOTT CURTAZ PIA*NO CO.. 6C0-6* Hayes at. RENTING Is our specialty; $2 up; apply en purchase; Installments $4 up. HEINE PIANO CO.. 235-237 Geary st. : Oakland, 1252 Broadway. - ¦' SPECIAL bargains this week; square pianos. $25 '-uprights, $100 up; organs, $25. BYRON MAUZY. 303 Post St.; IFyou want bargains come now; pianos almost given away. HORNUNO. .216 McAllister st. $1C3 STEINWAY jupright; ¦ private party; no ¦ reasonable cash offer, refused. 237 Geary st. NEW upright pianos Bold on $5 monthly. pay- menta. SCHMITZ & CO.,' 16 McAllister st. 3-PEDAL Stelnway up; Chickerlng baby' grand; Ehonlnger, little used. Keeffe's, 285 O'Farrell. 6OHMER. Byron Mauzy pianos. Ceclllan piano Player. BYRON MAUZY. 30*»312 Post st. OFFICES AND STORES TO LET. DENTIST'S office for rent: $20; established: common reception-room with physician. 1508 Market st. . FOI-SOM, t)3o Large^alry store; well lighted; also 3 large rooms; Tard; will lease. BASKMK.NTS TO LET. BASEMKNT to let at 16S Fourth st. PERSONALS. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed by the use of "STENZIE." the most wonderful and ef- fectivp dermatologlcal preparation ever placed before '.he public; will remove permanently any growth of hair that c^i be presented; willnot Injure tho most delicate skin: demon- stration free. Mrs. E.G.Henderson.32CA Ellis. A fresn. smooth and young looking face. With a real, genuine "baby skin." Don't forget the name. M. ELLA HARRIS. The number. 781 O'Farrell St.." near Larkin. Call or write for book, free, "Hints on Beauty." THE Star Hair Remedy restores gray hair. Im- proves its growth, stops falling, cures dandruff und itching scalp; no stain or stickiness; cleanses scalp: at druggists', hairdressers' : ac- cept no substitute. Star Remedy Co.. 1338 Polk. A—MICROTINE. a positive cure for catarrh, cold In the head, hay fever, headache and all bronchial affections; send for free sample, i MOUNTAIN TEA MEDICINK CO.. 272 9th. I ATTENTION Cut thin out: superfluous hair, moles, warts killed by absorption; $1: per- manent. B. ST. JOHN, hair, face speciaa&t, 531 Sutter st. Cancerous lumps, sores, impure blood (affecting skin, mouth, bones, etc.), speedily cured by skilled specialist from Europe. Apply Central Pharmacy. 251 Grant ave. Worst cases cured. RAG carpets wove to order and for sale; also chenille-wove rugs, silk portieres; dealer in carpet twine, in hank or chain, at lowest rates. Geo. Matthews. 709 Fifth et., Oakland. A FINE suit to order on easy installments of $1 a week. LEON LEMOS. 1127 Market St., between Seventh and Eighth. AT lees than cost; uncalled for su'ts. overcoats and trousers at CHARLES LYONS' London Tailor. 721 Market st. A GUARANTEE TO GROW HAIR On the worst bald head. Call or write. DR. O. S. MOORE. 332 O'Farrell st. DRUNKENNESS morphine and all drug* dis- eases positively cured by Willow Bark Co.. 812 Shot well; consultation free; call or write. "VITAL Ring" cures weak men; $2 60, poJt paid. DR. BURNARD & CO.. 140 Geary. S.F. SUITS to order on Installments of $1 per week. NEUHAUS & CO. (Inc.), tailors, 729 Market. SUPERFLUOUS hair & moles removed by elec- tric needle. Dr. &Mrs. Travers. 1170 Market. Actlna restores lost eyesight: cures deafness and catarrh. A'VIDACO.. 3524 13th. nr. Valencia. MRS. Eaton, electric needle specialist. 369 Sut- ter. r. COO. Miss Eaton. 233 Geary, room 33. MASQUERADE costumes, play books, wigs; country orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt. TAILOR-MADE suit $7 50; dress pants $2 50. Misfit Clothing Parlor, cor. Bush and Dupont. ALFREDUM"S Egyptlon Henna restores gray hair to its natural color. $1; at all druggists'. A BRANCH office of The Call for the reception of advertisements and subscriptions haa been opened at 1008 Market st.. opposite Fifth. Open until 11 o. m. PALMISTRY. > H. JEROME FOSELLI. scientific palmist. 515 Taylor St.. nenr Geary. Phone Black 661. FAINTING, PAPER-HANGING. ETC. PAINTING, paperinjr and tinting done cheap: all work done first class. Tel. Larkin 4171,. PHYSICIAN'S AND SURGEON*. DR C C. O'DONNELL—Office and residence. 1021% Market St.. bet. 6th and 7th; particu- lar attention paid to diseases of women. BLOOD skin and rectal diseases a specialty. DR. BALL. 1073% Market st. REMOVED— DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor: treats all diseases of the human body: for pa&t four years at 115-117 Mason; now lo- cated at 667 Geary St., near Leavenworth. DR. TONG PO CHY, successor to Dr. LI Po Tal herb doctor, cures all diseases of human by use of herbs and teas. 727 Washington st. WONG WOO the famous herb doctor All dls- eas»s cured by Chinese herbs. 740-8 Clay St. ~ PROPERTY WANTED. I WISH to purchase two land warrants of 160 acres each. Address box 1979. Call office. BERKELEY ADVERTS'M'NTS BERKK.LKY REAL. ESTATE!. $2000— HALF block by the Santa Fe; $50 month. $]4ii<! New cottage. 5 rooms, bath, pantry, city water, sanitary plumbing: lot 50x100; one blcck from electric cars; $150 down, $25 mcnthly. $sr,O— N*"»t cottage. 5 rooms and bath; near etttlon 'of local train. $500 Lot 50x120, on broad macadamized street; $50 down, $10 monthly; Interest 6 per cent net. $1200— House, 4 rooms; garden, etc.; v150 down, $10 per month. $j£50 House, ti rooms and bath; lot 50x130; small barn; street sewered. $1250 Business corner on principal avenue; lot 00x100. $1500— Lot for factory site, 221x123. $250—Triangle lot, 40x120, with creek lined with willows; $25 down. $10 month. $1 100 House, 4 rooms; lot 47x125; $100 down, $15 per month. $375 Business lot, 20x75; $20 down. $250 Lot, 50X100; $25 down, $5 month. CHARLES A. BAILEY, 1056 University ave.. nr. San Pablo ave., West Berkeley. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. A SNAP in Linda Vista Terrace; lot C7xl25; street work, sewer, gas, water all done; $2000. How is this for choice lots on Piedmont ave. ; $900 each; street work, sewer, gas.' water all done. On Telegraph ave. I have a good lot, 50x100; street work all done; $3750. Now Is your chance to buy. a home where one has left never to return, house being too large now; beauttful terraced lawn, flowers and a view that can hardly be beaten; 10 rooms, bath, all the modern conveniences of a fine house; price $5200; call and let me show you this. A beautiful home on Fifth ave.,- East Oak- land; 8 rooms, bath; terraced lawn; five min- utes to local and right near car line; flowers fruit tiees; lot 40x140; this Is a bargain: price $IOCO; a better location you can hardly find. WM. P. TODD, 1070 Broadway. BELDEN'S BARGAINS. $365 and $32 50 monthly Handsome new 7-room house, now being completed, on lot 33:4x100, on Sycamore st.. near Telegraph ave.. In the beautiful Merrell property; to be finished in curly redwood, whitewood and blrdseye maple, with tiled bathroom. Pur- chaser can now select mantel, gas and elec- trical fixtures and tinting. $34 per foot—Lot 60x100, on Jones St.. bet. Telegraph ave. and Grove st. Grab It quick! Fine for flats. $1050 Very choice lot, 40x115; College Heights: 34th and Dwlnelle sts. $3100 11 per. cent income Investment and good Speculation; fine flats, . with 50-foot lot. splendidly located,' near San Pablo ave., in rapidly advancing district: ¦ rents $27, and can be Increased; might consider good lot In part payment.' > $2500 One of the best ..chances you've ever had; a nice 6-room ¦ cottage, with lot 30x100, on Jones st., near Telegraph ave. Very cen- tral.' BELDEN, REAL ESTATE, 1112 Broad- way, Oakland. LOTS $50 each: $5 cash; $5 monthly; it Is sel- dom you find such property for the money; 100x100 for- $200; our. new tract. Jessie Jones, and it's a beauty; come and see It. Lots $75: $5 cash, $5 monthly: as level as ' a pancake and the good Is there; size 25x 100, or any other size you may wish for up to26 acres; Jessie, Jones, tract, fronting on Hlgh-st.* boulevard, 90 feet wide; adjoining East Oakland; .soil thebest; view, is grand; no fogs nor raw winds; near cars and school; a delightful home' site; call or send , for cir- cular; 455 . Seventh - st., - opp. Broadway sta- tion, Oakland; carriage free. H. Z. JONES. .: owner.. CHEAPEST and best in America The Weekly -Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In the United States - or Canada one . year for. $l k postage paid. .:¦:. . - OAKLAXD FURNITURE FOR SALB. TO-MORROW the day for barBainTTivrarnU ture. H. Schellhaaa.llth st., cor. store. Oakland.* HKLl 1 VVAATKI) .1IALK ("ontlnurd. YOUNG men, sailors, blacksmiths, carpenters, green handy, for ships. Herman's. 27 Steuart. WINCHESTER Hctel, 44 Tblrd St.. near Mar- ket 700 room?: 35o nlcht: reading-rooms; iree 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. A BRANCH ofnew of Tha Call for the reception cf adrertlEcments and subscriptions has been opened st 10US Market St., opposite Fifth. Op^n until 11 p. m. ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at Call branch office, cor. Duncan & Church »ts. ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, half price. 5C3 Mission «t.. bet, lrt and 2d sts. GET your shoes half-soled while waiting; 125c to r.Oc. t.i'M Mission tit., bet. 1st and 2d sts. HORSES A\D W A(JO. VS. A CARLOAD handled geldings, weight 1000 to 1330, from Churchill Company's ranches at CHASE* 8. 17:;2 Market st. FINE river bottom pasturage; 'green feed year round: near Black Diamond. Contra Costa County. Nucleus Stables, 190 Stevenson. S. F. BAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College Next I eeraicn begins June 6. Catalogs by applying to DR. E. J. CREELEY. E10 Golden Gate ave. CAMPING wagon; great for theatrical iraveT- ers. 127 Turk ft. ; owner at 640 Howard st. ALL kinds of buggies, surreys, wagons, carts, new and old, cheap. 1504-8 Folsom st. FOR SALE—Mnre 3 years old; gentle. Box 1S00. Call office. WANTED One or two heavy horses for teaming. Box 1994. Call office. WANTED To buy a good buggy horse. Box 1S09. Call office. WANTED A gentle horse for a lady to drive. Box 1796. Call office. FOR sale Handsome trap; cheap. Box 1215 Call office. HORSES of all grades bought, sold and ex- changed. H. ATKINSON*. 65 Hermann st WAGONETTES, surreys, buggies, warons. har- nfsa. work and driving horses. 15th-Valencla. HOUSES TO I,ET. A— PRINTED list of house* to let; send for dr- cular. G. H. UMBSEN &CO., 20 Montgomery PKRRY. 204. near Fourth $7; house of 3 room*; water free. Apply to G. H. UMBSEN t CO.. 20 Montgomery st. HOUSES TO I,E'l FIK.\:SHED. COMPLETELY furnished house; large, sunny rooms: hath, large yard, basement. 104 Pierce, nr. Haisht; references required. Inquire 0-12 a.m.. 5-7 p.m. or 207 Examiner building. DESIRABLE 2-story furnished house, with basement and attic; sun all day; rent $75. 845 Ashbury st. HOUSES FURNISHED FOR SALK. 7-ROOM house; newlv furnished: all rooms sunny: no agents; price $700. 312 Mason st. HOUSES SLIILltllA.V FURNISHED FURNISHED house to let at Falroaka, San Mateo County; a first-class, newly furnished house containing 5 bedrooms, besides draw- ing-room, dining-room, servants' rooms and 2 bathrooms: large stable. Address J.J. MOORE * CO.. 41C-418 California st.. San Francisco. LAUNCHES FOB HISS. C.' A. McNEILL~LAUNCH CO~foot of'cfa'y St.; for pleasure and business; tel. Bush S34. J. Michaells Launch Co.. Unlon-st. wharf;boat- Ing & excursions. t> Steuart st. ; tel. John 2688. LOST AM) FOUND. $50 REWARD; diamond stud; lost near corner Eddy and Powell sts., Monday. Return to room 3l)S. Adams House, 'JO Eddy St.; no questions asked. LOST—Between Bush and California and Tay- lor and Larkin sts., a lady's gold brooch with email diamond. Liberal reward for return to superintendent's 1 office, the Emporium. LOST Thursday, gold medal, inscribed A. P. P. B., on the front; it has also A. M. Car- valho above the medal; reward. Return ,'S Jack.«on st. LOST Lady's gold hunting case watch, dia- mond and letters J. F. on case; ribbon fob, large gold buckle. Liberal reward. Pacific Fur Company. 2:14 Powell st.. LOST— A pasa book with the Hibernia Savings and Loun Society of Ban Francisco- In the name of DENIS NOLAN; No. 280-366. The finder will please return to bank. $25 REWARD; pair round cuff buttons, black enameled. Inlaid with diamond stars. Palace cf Art. 16 Post st. LOST May 2, mourning veil, between Clay, Leavenworth. Bush, Montgomery. Reward. 1430 Clay st. LOST Diamond ring on Market, near 8th: $20 reward by rt-iurnlng to CHARLES THOMF- SON\ 225 Crossley building. LOST A large yellow dog. Monday. Return same to 1115 Folsom st. and receive reward. LOST Gold star with 3 links! Liberal reward. 1.M04A Masonic ave., or Denman School. LOST— 4 discharge papers of ED. PETERSON. .Return to Brooklyn Hotel; reward. MEDICAL. LADIES desiring safe, aure and quick relief from irregularities consult me at once; my methods are always safe, painless and reli- able; 1 have no failures; no exorbitant fees. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. Cures guaranteed cr no pay; 17 years' ex- perience In all femsle disorders; call or write without delay; correspondence confidential DR. WHITE, 702 Market st., rooms 7 and s. A—LADIES, If you are suffering from irregu- larities or any ailment you will avoid dis- appointments by consulting me first. My method of treatment Is positive and harm- less and I guarantee immediate relief from any case or make no charges Advice free. Call or write DR. SYLVESTER. 219 Kearny. MRS. DR. WYETH, specialist for all female complaints and Irregularities; instant relief guaranteed; 30 years' experience. 826 Post st. MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe- male troubles and irregularities; Instant re* lief guaranteed. 1OO8V4 Market St.. opp. 5th. VALPKAU'S female pills; best regulating pills spld; price $2 50 by express. Pasteur's syringe and tablets; price $5. By express only on receipt of price. OSGOOD BROTH - KHS. wholesale druggists,. Seventh and Broadway, Oakland. DR. G. w7 o'dONNELL—All who are sick or in trouble consult this specialist on femalo complaints: positively corrected; the unfortu-; nate helped; the moet difficult cases treated; advice free. Office. 1018 Market st. MATERNITY Villa— Secluded; confidential; destitute free; Infants to adopt: good homes. DR. EMILJE FUNKE. 1410 8th, Alameda. MRS. D. ALLEN. 1118 Market—Reliable ladles' specialist; a private home before and during confinement; best medical care; low fees. Drs. Goodwin. 733 Turk, nr. Van Ness Expert in cbrtetrlC6. . female complaints; lnst. relief; treatment $10; hours. 10 to 5: 25 yrs. exper. MRS. DR. GWYER. having secured lease of premises, is permanently located at 511 A Leavenworth St., bet. Geary and O'Farrell. DR. ROSEN resides 2995 Folsom St.. corner £Cth; ladles, relief or no fee; $10. YOU can obtain relief; women only. DR. R. H. WESTON. 305 Kearny st. Dlt. and MRS. DAVIES and HINDOO HERBS; original method of treatment. 1126 Market »t. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES. BOILERS, engines. 2d-hand machinery. McIN- TOSH.& WOLPMAN. 135-197 Fremont st. DOES YOUR ROOK LEAK? ~~ Repair It with elaterite; In rolls easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. ELATERITE ROOFING CO.. 713 Market st. 2D-HAND machinery, engines, boilers, pumps, pulleys. «hafting, etc., etc., boucht, sold, rented a*vj exchanged; see Sunday papers. H. S. WHITE MCHY. CO.. 130-132 Beale St. PAINT your old and new metal and shingle roofs with Asbestos Roof Paint; guaranteed to stop all leaks' In the one and preserve the new. 208 Front st.; tel. Main 1428. STOCK of.ladles' and gentlemen's fine shoes to be sold at once; invoice $3400; will sell at sacrifice for cash. Come at once, 1012 West Twenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. Cal. ' A—FINE suits. $7 60; dress pants, $2 50. Orig- Inal Misfit Clothing Parlors, 2CS Kearny st., near Bush; open to 8 p. m.. 8unday to noon. A—BUYS, sells or rents gear machinery, en- gines, boilers, water pipe, charting, pulleya, . etc. WHITELAW. 253-255 Cpear at. *-¦-. SECOND-HAND lumber of all kinds: panel and glass doors. Plumbing goods at old Tlv- oli Opera-house, on Eddy ct., near Mason. CLOSING out entire stock wood novelties and . fixtures below cost. R. DUNNING !"5T Geary st. EDISON Phonograph Agency, Peter BacIgalupT moved to 780 Mission st. ¦ - '. \ •; liEin* WAXTirii pkmai.k c«»». SIAX and n'.tr. cook, country hotel $70 •• JVaitrPi-s. make galad?. Alameda $27 Mother and daughter family work *4O J V'W",* hott 1 $50 ...--. cooks l30-$35 - Ni:rs-«\ 2 grows children $30 •X nurse Klrls. illy and country *"20-$23 .*<• waitrej.-s.es, city and country $20-S23 . Homework^ :t fami!>. no washing *3O IrcnrfTur laundry fS week « 'l-.amWernial'l and waitrew $2$ < »ok iti ra nch $-!0 C%'-k in s-anitarium £15 C'ot'K nnd second girl, same house, coun- t fv $30-120 Thar.ilKrmald and waiting, country hotel. $25 , Maid and petmstrfss. sl«»p home $30 ¦*i (rer.oial housework girls, city and coun- ty- S20-J25-SiO Ajplyto J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 334 Sutter. -"A YVO&&ANunder 4O years' <>f age to do clean- ing in an institution. $40 a month, rrfer- . iii-rs: a ycur.B girl who livee with her pa- , >Tr .'5 <io lirht offir-e work; a nurse for an •mrsr.t. $23; four good second girls for city •r'.ices. $23 e*cli: a waitress for two In fam- ¦ilv. «:«t. MISS PLU.VKETT. 42* Putter *t.. n*>ajr Powell. A—I^ANTEIi Girls to learn hairdressins n:a:ur-urlr.g. etc; trade taught from A to 7. <r. 5 «**k»; $5 to those entering now; 3 po- *!tio»:s to fill immediately; positions gu&raa- wl at »10 r-r week «d; leading school la »eft. 233 Geary «t.. room 13. .A Giils to learn millinery now for sprtna* sea- . rr.n; both seawms taught from start to finish .r 1 month for $15; positions as trimmers rcler.*(!(r&, etc.. iruas ar.t— <J at $10 per wk up- fipy unl evening class. 1«3 Stockton St.. r. is! A -LADIES to learn all branches hairdresMnt 'rad^. rr.aaicurlr.g. massage, etc 1236 Mar- " *\f, t "'.. °° r - Jon ' s . foora 8*: positions s-cured at r.<;hcst wages: day and eve. class; call. WANTED—Eip*rienced corset saleswoman. , Apply at HALE BROS.' between 9 and II __!: 2; | TAILORESS, experienced hand, wanted to work on coats. J. T. ENGLISH. Point Richmond. FI RPT-CLASS skirt finisher. A. KAHN. M *'*ary 8t. WANTED— Sleeve makers and improvers; good »agfs. 1037 Poet at. GIRL for reneral housework and plain cook- ing. 1700 OFarrell st. WANTED—Girl to iron in laundrr; sr<x*l wages. __423iy Turk et. nXPERIENCED rtrl for confectionery. 005 -Larkin st. ' " v ANTED—Waitress. 2S8 First st. ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at ''"all branch office, cor. I'un.-an ft Church sts. ' A BRANCH office cf The Call for the reception ;cf advertisements and subscriptions has been . "r*ned at 1OOS Market «.. opposite Fifth. '*[*-ti until 11 p. m. '*" -~~ HELP WASTED HAL^. AT ¦fHE CAL. EMP. AGENCY. * 14 Third at., near Call bldg.: phone Bu»h 403. THE STATE OF NEVADA. .. 'HEAP FARE-REFl'.VDED. .'. •. . U. f. GOVERNMENT WORK. .. "f> t«-am«ters. $67 30 a month. :5 laborers, *6O a month. .- 10 drillfrs, rockmen. hammersmen $75. \ m Rock foreman. $G5 a month and board. 2 men to rut Dine wo^d. 4 feet. $1 25 a cord. FOB. THE SAWMILLS. 4 lumber i>il»rs, $3 a day. «• 4 lumber j>il«>rs and yardmen, $35 month and board. ' 4 mill hands. $.'i5 a month and board. "• ' carpenter, steady Job, $50 and found. - CAL. CMP. AGENCY. 14 Tblrd ft. '.AT <XJ»NTRACTORS' AGENCY. '. " % THIRD ST.— Tfleihone Main 5521. , VKVA.OA. NEVADA. NEVADA. Government Work. IZ'.ght Hours. Cheap Far». .T<-amsttr«' *2 23 Laborers $2 •Cook, must be first class, $3. I'riUrrs, tunr.el. Csi..$2 50 to $2 75. free fare. Drifter to run Rtx machine. $3. free fare. ' coc'j*ys.fc"anta Cruz Co., piece work.steady Job. - Ranch "hanGt. Sonoma Co.. good Jobs, $1 fd. ." RAILROAD TEAMSTER?, $2 25. New <amp. California. Long Job. Good layout. . ' Ehipto-tejr. Ship to-day. j HORD & SMITH. A—CONTRACTORS" EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, " CIS lYastnngtoii St.; phone James 3301 We ship dfiily to Nevada, Government ditch work. * houft-. laborers, rockmen. teamsters, S2 and . TT 5o day; 4 ranch teamsters, long Job. $30 « '•&, . cht-ap fare: 8 woodchoppers, cheap fare. ?I 75 c«.rd ; carriage painter, strip* and varn- ¦?h.» $3 5«.» day. cheap fare; teamsters, new , tlectrlc R. R.. free far', $2 day; marble pclisher, city. $2 50 day; boys Tor sash and doer labtory. $1 23 to $1 30 day. cheap fare. .. _i L_H. CUTTING & CO. . "JANITOR for institution. SSS and found; 3 - ;arn,rrr and wives, $47 50 and SSO and found; rarit-h blacksmith. $45 and found; jobbing Siack«i:!th and hcrsfshofr. $2 day and board; 2 waponmakers. $2 30 and $3 day; 8 f^nr.fr*. tl 23 day and board; 2 machine . . -men. $¦'. day: 2 door molders. $3 day; elevator ¦-•"'raii. f25; man and wife, country hotel, wife -look. $70: hotel cock. $30; extra omnibus •i^n. dishm-asbers and other*. J.F. CROSETT .•- * <"O., 4CS Sacramento tt. " V.ED CRfitSS. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. " <;C2 Clay St.; phone James 2476. NEW R. R. WORK—NORTH. 1JT t^atnstert, $2 23 pr day. .1" laborers. $2 per day. .-•MllkT. near city. $25 month and found. .v hf-»£f-niak£r. Pacramento Co.. $4O mo. and fd. Tvmr wanted en R. R. grade work. •Ranch Lands, cooke. waiters, *tc. HED CROSS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. .?02 City et., near Montgomery. ; ANDRE' t; Office. 317 Stockton st. Second but- I . vJ»r. 1T-5; butler, $60: gardener, $55 to $40; | •rr-sn to raise vegetables fcr private place. . S30 zrft found; waiter, private institution, . t'i<i: JTOQBS man to assist end learn waiting. •" $30: choreman for. resort. S20 to $25. etc. i-MAN and wife, ranch. $60; stableman and ' "wre.- $«0. MRS. NORTON, 313 Sutter rt. A^ L Z "Men to learn the barb*r trade In two moctht ¦ ¦ *ar.d secure good pocUicns; catalogue and tuil : ' information mailed free. MOLKR System ¦ ' Vollege; 6S5 Clay st. WANTED Ycung man who Is thoroughly ex- periencej in mend'ng Jewelry, watcheu and clocks, also ccmoetent to s»!I; state ascr, ex. peri«-nce and salary expected. Apply box l!»i*5. Call office. ' . , . WANTED Experienced wachgoods salesman. Apply at HALE BROS.'. t*t. 9 and 11 a. m. WAXTEl) Casfcboys from 13 1o 15 years of ¦ "ukK Xoply at HALE BROS.', between 8 Nir;.11 m. m. YOUNG man wanted Experienced salesman . for 4'ug cundrles. Apply, stating age, expert- enc», reference and salary wanted, box 1JJ95, , Call office. . WANTED A competent hotel clerk for fir*t- Ctesa ccumtry hctel; state experience end sal- ,?«ry expected; references required. Box 1990. ."all office. WANTED In a wholesale house. 2 good boys, . who are willingto work; good opportunity for right boys; apj.ly between 6:30 and 0 a. m. 8 Butter ct. ** GOVERNMENT positions— Call at 925 Golden •Jate a\e.. room 7, for free Information as - .-to cocluons. salaries, ace limits, etc.; day 'or cveslnss. .MAN and wife, Scandinavian preferred, for ..summer, resort: have charge of place and weeR en shares. Bex 1130 Call office, Oak- ' lartd. ' A NIGHT matchman with first-ciass refer- ¦enc*c: £ood steady position for reliable man. •Apply box I$e8. Call office. .WANTE1* An experienced bushelman for cut (ff'tovn. Address A. KEENE, Royal Hous», 1 ' San FYancisco. -'•¦'• A MANof indomitable energy and push, a cood rfifker. «-:.».'< .-«¦ uj make money. F. PERSON, ' 477 and 47fc. Parrott building. W.ANTED Non-union blacksmiths and mi- T^laists. Call at room 25. 233 Powell «t.. 2 to * t). m. MEN and women wanted to learn the barber trade free of ehar«re* Western Colleee of .Bart>erar C47 Comerclal «t. •EXPERIENCED wrapper. JOE ROSENBERG. " the ©rice cutter. 836 Market st. f « •• ,<..; GENTLEMAN to solicit for weekly paper In *• northern part of city. Apply 518 Filbert tt. WANTED Barber for Sunday morning. 804 Larkin st. ; phone Hyde 20»0. ' BUSHELMAN wanted. J. T. ENGLISH Point Richmond. Cal. ' WANTED—Piano player. Globe Saloon, 30 Turk «t. TRUSTWORTHY German, handy, tend bar. Vlnehouse; married pref. Box 1»S9. Call. *T5 MAN warned: no nirht or Sunday work. Call. 228 Fifth sit. A'.GCKJIJ tailor wanted for t/ushellng. 877 Sut- ler et.. near Leavpiiwcrth. BOY to help plumber; come early. 470 Hayes utrcet. ¦BA-ntJER ehop wanted: must be rood; state 'particulars. D. D.. 21 Glen Pmrk *ve.. 12th. 1 REAL GRAND AUCTION HALE i AND EXCURSION TO SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ THE QUEEN OF AMERICAN WATERING PLACES. SATURDAY. MAY 7. 19O4. SATURDAY. MAY 7. 1304. 300 HOMESTEAD AND VILLALOTS 30O THE MOST IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF THE SEASON. $3 00 ROUND TRIP TICKET *-i 00 *3 00 ROUND TRIP TICKET $3 00 GOOD TO RETURN SUNDAY. * NEW SANTA CRUZ. Improvements which will Involve an expendi- ture of about $250,000 are now under way. and with the opening of the season of 1904 the tourist and pleasure seeker to this beau- tiful resort Dlace will witness such a trans- lormation of the bathing beach as will fur- nish wonderment to the mind and delight to the eyes and senses. We will offer at this sale that beautiful prop- erty known as the "%-¦ COTTAGE CITY TRACT- consisting of -j. 300 SUPERB AND SIGHTLY BUILDING LOTS 300 Fronting on the San Lorenzo River, command- ing a panoramic view of Monterey Bay, th» city of Santa Cruz and adjacent to the new and magnificent Cottage and Tent City. Lots 30*to fiO feet frontage by 120 deep to a 15-foot alley; lots level—on grade; streets sewered; water pipes In and all ready to build on. The Drot>erty is on high land aad borders on both the San Lorenzo Klver and the Bay of Monterey and from which magnificent vistas can be obtained of mountain, ocean and forent scenery. These beauttful lots are within from five to eight minutes' walk of the great bathing fstabllshment and adjoin Seabrixht Park. The. Santa Cruz and Capltola elec*rlc line runs through the tract. fifteen minutes ride bringing one to Capltola. while on the other hand ten minutes' ride will enable one to reach the heart of the city of Santa Cruz. Seabrlght depot, located on the S. P. Com- pany's line, is within three minutes* walk, while the beautiful Twin Lakes lie but a short distance to the east. SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAINS. SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAINS. From From Third and Townsend street de- pot. San Franclsso. Saturday. May 7. 10O4, at 7:30 a. m. From Fourteenth and Webster streets, Oak- land, at 7:43' a. m. From Park street. Alameda, 8:20 a. m. Returning. st>eclal trains will leave Santa Cruz May 7. as follows: Via broadsaug* and Pajaro at 4:13 p. m. Via narrowgauge and Los Gatos at 4:2O p.m. Excursion tickets will also be good return- Ing on any regular broad or narrow gauge. Sunday, May 8. The round trip rate from San Francisco. Oakland or Alameda will bev, Three Dollars ($3). From San Jose the rate win be $1 75 and pro- portionately low rates from Intermediates will be announced. LUNCH CM THE GROUNDS. Arrangements have been made whereby ihe ladles .of the East Santa Cruz Improvement Society will provide a fine lunch in the open and for which they will charge a moderate sum. ¦*¦" For mars and full particulars apply to. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 25 POST STREET. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO.. 638 MARKET STKEET. $41,000 4-story and attic apartment house, containing 22 separate apartments of 2-3-4 rooms and bath; toilet in each; brand new: se- cured lease of ten years; first five years. $4800 per year; the following five years. $3400 peg year net; tenants pay. for all repairs, water bills, etc.; surety bond lease. $40,000 Montgomery- ave. euslness corner; fronts ge on four streets; 87 foot frontage; property occupied &a store and dwelling house, rather old; rents for $200 per month. $16,000 Callfornia-st. corner; CO foot front- age; 3 elegant residences thereon; rent $115 per month; room for speculation. $15,000— Northwest corner. 40- foot frontage, on Kearny st..- containing grocery, bar and basement; also 2 flats, renting for $140 per month; could be Increased to $1GO per month without the loss of a single tenant: $6000 mort- gage on premises at present; could easily ob- tain more. S075O 3 new flats on Waller st.. near Web- ster; 5-5-9 rooms and bath; elegant mantels; rents $92 50 per month. $3500 2 modern fiats, 3-4 rooms and por- celain bath; Sanchez st. : rent $30 per month; can be bought by paying $10Oo cash; mortgage at 6 per cent; balance payable at $40 per month. $S0?0 19th st.. near Guerrero: 4 beautiful flats of 5-5-6-7 rooms and baths: modern open plumbing; flats In perfect condition; rents $77 per month; lot 50 foot frontage; this is the cheapest piece on 19th st. $6150 Broderick-st. residence of 8 rooms and porcelain bath; open plumbing; a positive sac- rifice. $6000 Leavenworth-st. corner, consisting of store and flat above of 5 rooms; also stable in the rear; rents $60 per month. $<;00o Building lot on Jackson st*. near Bu- chanan; decidedly choice piece of property In neighborhood where sites are exceedingly scarce. $6000 3 Mission flats of 4-4-5 rooms and bath; new, modern plumbing; flats in excellent, first-class condition; bitumlnized streets; ex- cellent neighborhood; present rent $33 per month; would stand an increase of 20 per cent. SeOCO 19th St.; 2 perfect beauties: flats of 6-7 rooms and bath; rents $53 per month; mortgage of $4000 easily obtained. $5(100 FUlmore St.. near Greenwich: 32 foot frontage; 2 stores and living rooms; perma- nently rented; social or lodge hall above, al- most nightly rented at the rate oX $5 per night; rent of stores. $24 per month. $4000—2 little flats In the Western Addition; 4 rooms and bath: brick foundation; rent $04 per month. $3700 23d et., near Vlcksburg; beautiful 2- story house. 8 rooms and bath; stable to ac- commodate 2 horses; 38 foot frontage; rent $30 per month. $3600 Pine st.. near Devisadero; 2-story house containing 6 rooms and bath. $3300 Gavin plaee; 4 small flats of 4-4-4.5 rooms; cellar to each flat; rent for $36; never idle: this ia a snap. $3300 2 fiats on Clara St.. near 4th; 5 rooms and bath; new foundation: modern plumbing; flush toilets, etc.; rents $33 per month. $2250^ Cottage, containing 5 rooms and bath; everything In first-class condition; 8 foot base- ment; excellent garden; situated In the warm belt or the Mission. $5C0 each— $50 cash, balance in small monthly installments; 6 lots; on 4*th ave.. close to the car line and ocean boulevard; this portion of San Francisco is becoming very pop- ular for summer residences; buy one to-day and keep it for the babies; it will become valuable. EASTON. ELDRIDGE & CO.. ;,; 638 MARKET ST. COMPULSORY PARTITION SALE. Grand marine view lots, $1250 and upward, on Green, Baker and Union sts. One-third less than adjoining lots are selling for. Lots are selling fast. Streets sewered and all lots on the grade. Rlzht on car line and In improving neigh- borhood. Peremptory offering. Easy terms if desired. O. H. FERGUSON, 409 California st. Tel. Exchange 409. ONLY $13,325. RENTS $1470 PER YEAR. Four fine. new. sunny flats. 5. 5. 5 anu C rooms and bath; all latest Improvements. Pos- itively must be sold. Situated near Fell und Ljon sts. For particulars apply to THORNE A KILPATRICK, 312 BUSH ST. f 1.25 PER WEEK, no interest. Lots In the Excelsior Homestead Tract; all level; no grading to do: ready to build your little home on; close to electric cars and school. W. J. WHITE. 26 Montgomery St.. room 5. REMOVAL NOTICE?" 7 " The office of the Jacob Heyman Company has been removed to office of OSCAR HEYMAN. 14 Post at. BUILD your unimproved realty; we loan fall cost improv. and part lot at «%. MANHAT. TAN BAVTNGS BANK. Crocker building. 2931-85-37 PIERCE St.— Lot 50x112:6; will sell for cash. Address box 1860. Call office. ALL work guaranteed first class *>y ALH- BACH & MAYER. Plumbers. 836 Howard st. . REAL ESTATE WASTED. A FINE ten-acre orange grove hrWull bear- Ing; some of the finest oranges in California: to exchange for Oakland or San Francisco property. P.. C. LASSEN & CO.. 466 Tenth St., Oakland, Cal. j HKLl* WANTED-— gl ALE—Con. A—AT VA~ain A— MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay ?t. PHONE MAIN T.S48. lyntiirjr Employment and Labor Agents. WE SPEAK SPANISH. SWISS. FRENCH. GERMAN. GREEK, ITALIAN. Your fare free. L-jok Free fare. TO STATE OF NEVADA. If you stay four months. THAT'S ALL. V. S. GOVERNMENT WORiv. Lt'5 *wo-horse teamsters, $bO. 150 laborers, you'il pult, $00. »r. drillers, rockmen, hammermen .$75. Kight hours' work, hundreds going. IN CALIFORNIA— 23 laborer*, big mine company. $75, $«i7 tO. IS muoVw, gold quartz, $<!" 50. TO FARMS. DAIRIES ETC. 120 farm, orchard and vineyard hands, all over California; $25. $^6. $.10. $.V> and found. "3 Food teamsters. $2<>, $30 and found. •V> milkers, located everywhere, $30, $::5 fd. MECHANICAL. 0 coopers; machine blacksmith's helper, $73. 3 tallymen, lumber company, if'.', a day. I'lancr and sticker liamic. $3 a day up. 12 blacksmiths, different Jobs. WOODCHOPPERS. 225 men fo rjt wood all over <"alifornia. HOTEL DEPARTMENT. 18 cooks for hotels, saloons, minea, cafes ranches and summer resorts, $:i0, $10, $50 and $»'O and lound. 15 waiters, different lobs, $25. $30 $U5 fd. 12 dlshw.iFhers, $20. %25 and 30 and found. 3 hotel portrrs. «T0. $25, ?:{0 and found. 3 hotel porters, S2O. $25 and found. Cook, bakfr, small *hop, country, $53 fd. LAUNDRYMEN. Concentrator, $!>0. Cari-iase painter; sticker hand. $4 a day. Double-cut band sawyer, lumber company ?5 a day. MURRAY & READY. 636 and 63C Clay sL BENCH hands; planer handT Molder and sticker hand; door molder. ti coopers, 9c barrel LOOK! Gang edg*rman. fare $1 25 $55 to $70 fd. SPECIAL. 8 plumbers, 8 hours, country $4 day. 3 plasterers. 8 hours, country. $5 day. 25 carptnters. 8 hourn, country, $3 "f>0 day. 7 raperhangers. S hours country. $4 day. 10 painters. 8 hours, country. tX 50 day. MURRAY & READY. (RJ4-6S6 Clay "st. FARMER and wife, cook 4 men no other woman. $40 and found FREE FARE. 20 miners. $2 60 tr> $3 day. 6 elnKle miners, gold quartz mine. $<?7 80. 16 muckers, gold quartz mine. $82 50 Butcher, slaughter- house, ranch $30 found. MURRAY & READY. 6.14-«ie Clay St. COOK, fare SI 25. $«T ~ 2 bakers" helpers, city and country SSO fd. Choreman, drive milk wagon city $25 fd MURRAY & READY. »S34-630 Clay st. CIRCULAR sawyer, eawmlll. $100 found. Phlngle packer, boss here. $40 found. 3 teamsters, city J<>b $2 25 day. MURRAY & READY. 634-<ff6 Clay at. OWNERS. ~ ~~ THEY ARE HERE. 25 single and double hand miners, $82 50. 25 muckers. $67 50. 14 hand miners $S2 R0 ALL GOOD GOLD MIXER MURRAY & READY. 6:14-636 Clay st. BLACKSMITH no *hoeiriK. fare $1 25 $3 day. OX TEAMSTERS. Ox teamster, no trucking. $75 and found. Farmer and wife San Mateo Co., $40 found. BAKERS—LOOK. Baker and pastry baker, hotel, near city, $45 and found. 2 door molders. L. Co., boss here, POc fare, $2 60 to $3. Screw turner H C Co. $75. LAUNDR YM EN. 2 markers, country $18 week. Second marker, country. $15 week. Polisher country. $15 week. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. LATE SPECIALS^ Painter, see bof=s here. $3 to $3 50 day; stick- er hand,s. country mill;blacksmith, country shop; 3 bench hands, country planing mill; 2 porters, city Institution. $20 and found. Potwasher. city institution $25 and found. MURRAY & READY. 634 and 630 Clay st. A ANY one that's you can get from MURRAY & READY FREE the book of la- bor, 72 pa?es. fullycartooned, entitled •LET JUSTICE PREVAIL." ' THE LABOR PROBLEM By HERBERT V. READY. Author and Publisher, C34-C35 Clay st.. S. F., Cal. 8 BOYS, work in machine shop. $4 week. 15 haymakers. $32 50 and found. Carriage painter, country. Second baker, exceptional good Job. $30 fd. Milker. 23c fare, $35 fcund. Double-tree ehaper and spindle shaper, $3 day. Milker, city dairy. *40 found. MURRAY ft READY. 634 and C38 Clay st. S HORSESHOERP, city and country'. $1 day. Carriage painter, fare $1 50, plain work. $:: 50 day. Painter, ab!fe to hang paper, $2 to $3 day. LOOK! Cook and bdker, south, fare $4, $12 week. Coachman. $30 and found. LOOK! Btead baker, Portland, fare paid. $20 to $24 week. Cake baker, fare $1. $45 and found. Feccnd bread baker, fare 51 50 $40 and fd. Cake baker. Fresno. $1S to $20 week. 3 carpenter*, factory, fare 30c, $3 day. Plasterer, fare ."Ilk- $C day. , MURRAY & READY. C34 and C36 Clay st. SECOND baker, bread, Santa Cruz. $35 found. 1 Porter, city institution, $35 found. Porter, first-class city hotel, $25 found. Butcher, slaughter man, $50 found. Buttermaker, cheesemaker, $40 found. Bricklayer. San Mateo County, $6 day. 1 sa!lor fcr yacht, $30 found. German baker's helper. $25 found. LOOK! Teamster, express wagon. $30. Cut-off sawyer. $2 25 day MURRAY fc READY, f.34-636 Clay st. LOOK! SPECIALS. 3 handy rr'm to run machinery, country factory. ?2 50 day. 2 painters, plain work, fare ?.0c, $33 found. 2 horseshotrs. clmp, 50c. $3. 2 blacksmith helpers. 35c fare. $2 50 day. 2 spool tenders, lumber co., $30 found. Shingle packer; machinist, country factory. $3 day; painter and pap«»rhanger, city; JO porters, hotels, saloons, $20 to $35 found: 15 haymakers, fare $1. $1 25 day; cake bake*, country shop. $50 and found : young man to take orders and deliver meat, city Job ?40; 15 laborers, rold mine. $CT 50. / MURRAY & READY. 634-C36 Clay st. OLD establishfd two-chair barber-shop for sale. DECKELMA.n BRQg.. !(*» Ellis st. WANTED Five expert custom shlrtmakers to ro to Los Angeles; must be thoroughly expe- rienced; the beat pay and the most modern factory In America. Apply by writing box 1929, Call office. A PRACTICAL plurr.ber with a few hundred dollars at once as partner In the plumbing and fas fitting business; correspondence ¦so- licited. Address F. W\, care 1008 Market' «t., San Francisco. Cal. . ¦¦¦, •'¦- ¦> WANTED Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Roikin, R*no House proprietor, has added 100 new rooma to the Denver House. 217 Third tt.; 230 rooms; 25c to SOc per night. YOUNG man for farm work; must know how tfl plow; wages $25 and found. P. L. BLISS, 320 Post at., -after 10 a. in. 50 MEN and :>0 women to take part next week at Central Theater. Apply to-day at 10 a. m. at stage entrance. BARBER ehop, old established, comer Ellis and Webster sts.. fully furnished, for rent. Inquire 13C2 Webster st. FOR sale Barber shop; 3 chairs; good busi- ness; fine location; lease; no snide business; cnap. 211 Sixth st. TRY cur men's shoes, union made, at $1 and $1 SO pair; foot.form shoes at $2 CO; we pay express or mall charges. 11 3d <t..Exam. bid. PLATEN press feeder; steady position. . ' 520 Market st. " WANTED Three laborers. Fourteenth ave. aid N «t. south; take Kentucky-street car. TO let Barber shop; furnished. Apply 1633 Turk st FOR sale Barbers. 2-chaIr shop; good for $100 monthly; bargain. 10J7 Broadway. Oakland. ¦ 3-CHAIR barber shop; first-class bu»lnei>s: a good chance. Apply Call office. TWO-CHAIR barber 6hop for sale. Inquire WILL & FINCK. 21 O'Farrell st. A GOOD slgnpalnter for a northern town. Box 8675. Call office. . SAILORS and youne men (?reen hands), for rhlp*. HALLBERT. SI 7 Jackson St. LABOR debts collected; suits, attachments. Law and Adjustment Co., 328 Montgy.. r. 415. YOUNG man to learn barber trade; wages while learning. 741A Howard et. Pension Atty.. E. A. Bullls. r. 40. Phelan bldg. Psat Com. Oeo. H. Thomas Po«t. G. A. R. WANTS ir THrV ONI V KNOW WHAT YOU WANT REAL. ESTATE CITY FOR SALE. AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION Of Investment, residence and unimproved properties will be held at our salesroom. Montgomery st., MONDAY. May 9, at 13 o'clock noon. JULIA LEAHY KSTATE. Executor Sale. The three following properties must be sold t3 close the cbove estate, subject to confirma- tion by the Superior Court. No. 1. S.E. cor. of Waller and Ashbury sts.; choice building lot, 35x100:3. No. 2. . . 2303 Devlsadero St.. west line. bet. Wash- ington and Jackscn: cottage of 5 rooms an<l bath; rent $22 30; lot a#:7 Vjxl37:6. Also four choice building lots adjolnlnjr. 25x137:0 each. No. 3. Lot 25. in block 0. Mission and 30th sts.; extension Homestead Unicn. JONES-STREET FLATS. 1424-6-8 Jcnes St.. east line, near Washing- ton st.. 3 substantially built flats of 8 roonu and bath each, rent $127 50 per month, lot 32x137:6, irre*. NORTH END INVESTMENT. 1520-37 Mascn st., bet. Broadway and Val- lejo St.; Improvements consist of a good brick building, containing ."S4 rooms, nrranged Into 7 tenements; rented low at $K5 per month; portion of lot in rear can still be built upon. Bank moriga^e of $6750 at 6 per cent can remain: lot 4&:9xlCO. CHOICE MISSION RESIDENCE. 2334 Howard st., west lin*. bet. 19th and 20th sts.; very deairable bay-window residence of 10 rooms ani bath, .with stable In rear; also large garden and *awn; lot ttl:«xl22:0. MISSION RESIDENCE. 37S0 17th st.. north line, near Sanchea st.; a wp.l-bu.it residence of 10 rooms and bath, garden anu lawn; bank mortgage of $4000 at tt per cent can remain; lot Soxl.iS. lire*. MISSION BUSINESS CORNER. S.E. cor. of 29th ana Church sts.: substan- tial improvements consist of store with 4 rooms. Including bake oven; also flat of 7 rooma and bath above; rented low at $57 50 per month: lot 27xS0. SOUTH OF MARKET INVESTMENT. 16-16^ Washington ave. and »-9Vi Grand ave., near 9th and Mission sts.; Improvement* consist of 4 flats of 4-5-tt rooms and bath each: rented low at $K) per month; lot 25x113; 2 frontages. WESTERN ADDITION BUILDING LOT3. Webster St.. west line, bet. Oak and Fell 8ts.; 2 desirable building lots. 23x100 each. OIFT MAP LOTS. ¦ Chapultepec St., east line, north of Esmer- alcla st. and Elsie St.. west line, north of Esmeralda St.; being lots 307-8 of Gift ma» No. 3. For catalogue and further particulars ap- ply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 20 Montgomery street. SPECK & CO.. 209 MONTGOMERY ST.. 200 MONTGOMERY ST., 2»M> MONTGOMERY ST.. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Selling. Leasing. Rents collected. Insurance. $ll!0,C00— Rents $9«K>; investing $50,00»> cash and assuming bank mortgage of $50,000 will pay 12 per cent net; lot 55xlG7:8. $3O.0UO— NW. corner; 137:«xlS7:«; Goldea Gate ave., east of Scott: good Improvements; mortgage $30,000 at 5V. per cent can remain; reasonable offer entertained. $45,000— Vicinity Bush and Kearny: stor»s and three floors above; brick building; lot fronts 35 feet; rents $2Co. $20,000^ f?utter-st. bargain, near Leaven- worth; good thr»»e-story Improvements; lot 27:6xl37.« feet: no reasxjrable oft»r refused. $2C. 000— Polk-st. business property: 2 stores and lodging-house : lot 30x03 f?et: rents $145; $10,000 bank mortgage can remain. $18,500— Post st.: lot 62:6x124 feet: 2 front- agts; very good Improvements; rents $140. sir>,in«> Rent $130: goo<l flats: vicinity Van Ness and Grove; lot 27:6x120 feet; this bar- gain la hard to beat. $10,50O— Pine st.. bet. Mason and, Taylor; ( lot 26x137:6 feet; three-story Improvements. SS.->m 2 stores and 4 flats; corner north of Market st.; 43:8 feet frontage; yearly renta $'JC6; paying lli-i P«r cent. $5OCO cash— Monthly rent $103: balanc* $750*1; bank mortgage can remain; 3 fine new flats; Western Addition. RESIDENCES. $60,000— Magnificent residence. 15 rooms and baths: interior mahogany wood: most costly finish throughout: lot 123x137:6 feet; pano- ramic view of city and bay. -$15,000^ California-st. residence: 12 room* and bath; lot 33x137 :G feet; choice block. $1500— 4-room cottage; lot 27:6x100 feet; Mission Warm belt. CHOICE LOTS. "• -¦"¦' $13,000— NW. corner; 50:6x137:6 feet; un- surpassed marine view; must be sold this week. - .v $3250— Broadway; north side and best resi- dence block; unobstructed view; lot 27x137:9 feet SPECK & CO.. 200 Montgomery St.. opposite Mills building. HEAL ESTATE—Country—For Sale. $3S0O—BARGAlN*f or immediate sale: 13 acres valley land: close to large town; Alameda County; 10 acres In bearing vineyard, under high state of cultivation: some Iruits. with also a good crop of almonds; good house of 8 rooms; barn: 10,00-sallon tank and mill: beautiful flower garden and lawn; complete arrangements for poultry raising, with One Incubator house, etc. ; a model and productive home; will pay over $1000 this year in crops; owner a non-resident, and must l>» sold hence the above price; see photographs at this office. H. H. CRANE. SOS Callfor- nla st. GREAT bargain— Rich. Irrigated farms; biff canal; free water right; very cheap; easy terms: bomeseeker's opportunity. C. la. WOOSTER CO.. 643 Market st. im-ACRE home property: short walk from R. R_ depot, Alameda County: tn a perfect cll- maf; comfortable hou*e 5 rooms, barn, out- building*, mill and 50CO-gal. tank: 2 acres ia vineyard: balance fine ooen Dasture: sur- roundings first-class: fine natural trees, beau- ttful scenery, etc.: price $2500 for Immediata sale; easy terms If desired; owner non-resi- dent. H. *H. CRANE. 3CS California st. FOR sale ICO-acre mountain ranch. 3 mile* from Cloverdale. Cal.: lots of timber, grass, water, gam*- and fish; good stock, fruit, vegetable, poultry or bee ranch, or an Id«al . health or summer resort; Improvements cost $15C0: gclng at $1COO cash. Box 23. Ctaver- dale. Cal. _ $2030—25 ACRES one mile from town: Ala- meda County: oubtie and high schools; land all level (no adobe): magnificent water sup- ply, mill and 10.000- gal. tank: some fruits: no better place for poultry raising and pro- ducing feed on the place. H. H. CRANE. 508 California st. ' 1400 ACRES at $6 50 per acre; only 90 miles from San Francisco: to close up an estate; see owner dally at 12:30. RICHARD KEAT- INGE. 108 Jessie St.. San Francisco. ALFALFA lands, stock ranches, orchards, vineyards: inspected bargains: monthly cata- logues sent free. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. MS Market st. . > FOR sale A large tract of redwood at a bar- gain; 35.000 feet per acre. Box 1978. Call. POINT RICHMOND REAL. ESTATE. LAST chance— $5 monthly; lots any tract: first price, first choice; near sites bought for fac- toriei!. etc. A. W. BELL. 211 Montgy.. 3. F. BOOTS gOXJS^! 1 ,^, BONDS for sale Notice Is hereby given that cealed bids will received until 2 o'ciodc p. m.. Saturday, May 3S, l»04. by the Board. of Control of the Territory of Arizona, at th* office of said board in the City of Phoenix. Arizona for the sale of Ten Bonds of th« denomination of One Thousand Dollars each. biaring date January 1, 1904. due and pay- able January 1, 19&4. bearing Interest at tha rate of five per cent <3%> per annum, optional after twenty-five years. Issued by the Ter- ritory of Arizona. In accordance with the* .provisions of Act No. 73 of the Twenty-sec- ond Legislative Assembly of said Territory, and which act has been apnroved by th« Congress of the United States. Interest on> said bonds will be paid ieml-annually on the first day of January and July of eaca year and both principal and Interest payable •in gold coin of the United States at tha of- fice of the Treasurer of said Territory. A certified check of a responsible bank for 3 per cent of the amount of the bid. payab?» to the order of E. E. Klrkland. Territorial Treasurer, and a copy of this advertisement " must accompany each bid. Failure of bidder to make payment tn full upon allotment and. tender of bonds will be considered a cancel- lation of the bid and forfeiture of the checic accompanying the same. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids must be sealed and addressed to the Board of Control. Phoenix. Arizona, and market "Proposals for purchase of Insane Asylum Bnn»<» ** Continued on Page Fourteea.
Page 1: WANTS ir THrV ONI V KNOW WHAT YOU WANTchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1904-05... · THE SAN FRANCISCO. CALL, .THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1904. 13 MISCELLANEOUS — FOR SALE — Con.




Con.FOR sale

—10,000 square feet of corrugated gal-

vanized Iron and all kinds of building lumberat 105 Steuart St.. near Mission.

FOR sale— 100 H. P. firebox marine boiler infine condition; cheap. Bay City Iron Works,Oakland.


Best $2 50 hats. $1 80.Popular Price Hatter. 300 Kearny st.. nearPloe; open to Op. m.;Sundays to noon.

TRY our men's shoes at $1 and $1 SO pair;foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay expresscharges. 11 3d St.. Exam, bid.; catalog iree.

FOR pale—Milch goat, $10; top buggy, $00; roadbuggy, $15. 31!) Third st. ,

SIX "H. P. gas engines for sale. BAY CITYIRON WORKS, Oakland. . .

GOOD brickmaking machine, with 28 molds.Chrlstman Bros., 11th & St. James, San Jose.

SECOND-HAND safes. $56: WMnch desk, $27~.RICHARDSON BROS., -1810 Market st.

GRAND imported tumbler plgeonn (rollers),cheap while they last. Wilson. 22!) Stevenson.

PIPR, second-hand, all sizes: brass and Ironfittings. THOMPSON. 40 Main st.

REFRIGERATORS, cooling-rooms built eco-nomlc. effective. 1511 10th ave., Sunset dlst.

IMPROVED .Wood printing Dresses, gasolineengines. Boyer Machine Works. 46 Spear st.

ROUND campins tents for sale; cheap; somenew: llixlC. 319 Third St.; tel. Main 413.

ASK for pricey on second-hand typewriters; allmakes. ALEXANDER & CO., 110 Montg'y.

A TENT for rent or sale. ROSS McMAHONTENT & AWNING CO.,35 Mrkt.Tel.Bush MS

BOOKS bought; libraries purchased. King'sOld Bookstore, <il McAllister st.

BARGAINS in fine diamonds and watches;easy payments. GARIN. 803 Hayward bldg.

GASOLINE i-ne!np« bought, sold, exchansed,repaired. Sykes-Corson Co., 254 Beale- st.

SAFES and cash registers, new and second-hand. I. FREEMAN. 1320 Market tt.

SOME good second-hand gasoline engines, 1 to12 h. p.. cheap. E. B. Beck & Co.. 122 Mkt.

SAFES— New and second-hand. THE HER-HANN SAFE CO.^307 Battery st.

MOVING pictures, magic lanterns, sale, rental;bargains. Bullard & Breck. 131 Post Et.


New and second-hand. E. B. BECK& CO.. 122 Market st.

GASOLINE engines, automobiles and launches:all sizes. J. E. DOAK. 4fl Fremont ft.


CALIFORNIA Housewrecker Co. pays thehighest price for buildings and will removethe largest building in 10 days. Office andyard N. W. corner Mission and Tenth sts.

MORRIS Klves highest prices for ladles' amigents' casteff clothing; postal. 043 Folsom.

SHOES wanted: misfit & castoff; highest prcs. :new & 2d-hand shoe* for sale. 74D Mlnslon.


001-602-603 Examiner. Bulldln*.Quick settlements; no disappointments.

Save expenses by dealing directly.Estates, second mortgages, undivided inter-ests; assignments of rents; property in tru»t,etc. ; Iecacles. life estates and undivided in-terests In property purchased.Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential.

When You Need MoneySee HERMAN MURPHY.



APPLY DIRECT TO A SAVINGS BANK.Any amount advanced on city. Oakland, town

and country real estate.Second mortgages, estates In probate, undi-

vided interests in real estate, property Intrust: loans closed promptly.



A reasonable amount on1st. 2d or 3d ,

Mortgage, on real estate orChattels. In city, town

or country.Low rate of interest.Give full particulars i

of property or chattels.Location, etc.

Box 408. Call office. ¦


Loans on furniture and pianos without re-moval; lewest rates and easiest plan In city;don't hesitate to call; information cheerfullygiven;.no publicity; reliable and square deal-Ing. PF.OPLE'S TRUST CO..


SALARY LOANS—Money loaned salaried people without secur-

ity or indorsement, knowledge of employer orany one; confidential and courteous treatment:call and get terms. Drake. 453 P;irrott bldg.

ANY amount quickly on furniture or piano,without removal or other security; no com.:fairest rates; strictly confidential. NationalCredit Co.. 68 Donohoe bldg.. 1170 Market st.

HIGHLY respectable private place to obtainliberal advances on diamonds, Jewelry, at 2per cent Interest. Baldwin Jewelry Store,840 Market; tel. Main 1644. Branch. 19 Third.

THE United Loan and Trust Co., 21 Stocktonst. (upstairt). loans money on diamonds. Jew-elry and valuables at 2 per cent per month;absolute privacy. Phone Bush 484.

MONEY loaned on diamonds, jewelry, sealskinsand valuables; our fireproof vault Is protect-ed from burglars by electricity. PORTLANDLOAN OFFICE. 25 Stockton :phone Bush 48 J.

MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer-'

chants, teamsters, boarding-houses, withoutsecurity; easy paymenU; large business in46 principal cities. Tolman. 653 Parrott bid.

THE United Lean and Trust Co.. 21 Stocktonst. (upstairs), loans money ondiamonds, Jew-elry and valuables at 2 per cent per month;absolute privacy. Phone Bush 4S4.

AT lowest rates on furniture and pianos; strictprjvacy;no commleslon;!nstallments accepted.BONELLI, 301 Eddy. Conservatory building.

1PER cent on furniture or pianos; no removal:no commission; no publicity; $25 up; quick,quiet, confidential. 26 Montgomery at., rm. 7.

MONEY to loan on low Interest; gold, silver;diamonds, pearls and precious stones bought Iat W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth st.

STAR Loan Co. of Wyoming loans money tosalaried employes. R. 811. Mutual Sav. Bk.bid.; Oakland office. 1103^ Brdwy.,suite 1*2.

MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Grant av*..LOANS FROM $1 TO $10.000.

NEW easy method—

To wage earners on unln-dorsed notes; absolute privacy. Fidelity LoanCcmpany, rooms 48-49 Chronicle bldg.

TO salaried people without security; on furni-ture, Indorsed notes and other security. S. F.Discount Agency, 143 Phelan bldg.

MONEY loaned on salaries, chattel mortgages,lifeInsurance policies, etc. United Loan andTrust Co.. 21 Stockton st.

1PER cent on furniture or piano. 1003 MutualRavings Bank building. 708 Market st.

1\~ per cent on furniture and pianos; no com.charged.' ELFVING. 610 Hearst bldg.. Ex. ent.

ALLloans on diamonds and jewelry 2 per centmo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 838 Kearny.

CASH loaned salaried people on notes withoutindorser. MORELL. ?09 Examiner .building.

CHEAPEST und best In America— The WeeklyCall. 16 pages, rent to any address In' theUnll»d States nr Canada one year "or $1.


A FEW BARGAINS IN UPRIGHTS.OneErard: nice condition $50One English Le Blond: good order $75

One Sterling *cost $325; new. $105One Lelns, walnut case; fine order, i... .$175On<- Chlckerlng; mahogany case ji'30One Knabe. used one year, latest style;, oneStelnway. used 2 years, latest style; onoVose mahogany case, used 8 months; also 1new piano, mahogany case, three strings, lat-est style, upright grand, $147 50.

$10 Squares $10.Emerson, Kurtxman, Cummlngs, Hallet & Da-vis Stelnway. Kranlch & Bach, Halnes and 40others from $10 up; easy payments


teed. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, 16 O'Farrell.

PIANOS for rent; $3 per. month; the largestand best r stock In San Francisco to selectfrom' pianos from $30 upward; our line thebest our prices the lowest. SCOTT CURTAZPIA*NO CO.. 6C0-6* Hayes at.

RENTING Is our specialty; $2 up; apply enpurchase; Installments $4 • up. • HEINEPIANO CO.. 235-237 Geary st.:Oakland, 1252Broadway. -


SPECIAL bargains this week; square pianos.$25 '-uprights, $100 up; organs, $25. BYRONMAUZY. 303 Post St.;

IFyou want bargains come now; pianos almostgiven away. HORNUNO. .216 McAllister st.


STEINWAY jupright; ¦ private party; no¦ reasonable cash offer,refused. 237 Geary st.

NEW upright pianos Bold on $5 monthly.pay-menta. SCHMITZ & CO.,' 16 McAllister st.

3-PEDAL Stelnway up; Chickerlng baby' grand;Ehonlnger, little used. Keeffe's, 285 O'Farrell.

6OHMER. Byron Mauzy pianos. Ceclllan pianoPlayer. BYRON MAUZY. 30*»312 Post st.


DENTIST'S office for rent: $20; established:common reception-room with physician. 1508Market st. .

FOI-SOM, t)3o—

Large^alry store; well lighted;also 3 large rooms; Tard; will lease.


BASEMKNT to let at 16S Fourth st.


SUPERFLUOUS hair removed by the use of"STENZIE." the most wonderful and ef-fectivp dermatologlcal preparation ever placedbefore '.he public; will remove permanentlyany growth of hair that c^i be presented;willnot Injure tho most delicate skin: demon-stration free. Mrs. E.G.Henderson.32CA Ellis.

A fresn. smooth and young looking face.With a real, genuine "baby skin."

Don't forget the name. M. ELLA HARRIS.The number. 781 O'Farrell St.." near Larkin.

Call or write for book, free,"Hints on Beauty." •

THE Star Hair Remedy restores gray hair. Im-proves its growth, stops falling, cures dandruffund itching scalp; no stain or stickiness;cleanses scalp: at druggists', hairdressers' :ac-cept no substitute. Star Remedy Co.. 1338 Polk.

A—MICROTINE. a positive cure for catarrh,cold In the head, hay fever, headache and allbronchial affections; send for free sample, iMOUNTAINTEA MEDICINK CO.. 272 9th.I


Cut thin out: superfluous hair,moles, warts killed by absorption; $1: per-manent. B. ST. JOHN, hair, face speciaa&t,531 Sutter st.

Cancerous lumps, sores, impure blood (affectingskin, mouth, bones, etc.), speedily cured byskilled specialist from Europe. Apply CentralPharmacy. 251 Grant ave. Worst cases cured.

RAG carpets wove to order and for sale; alsochenille-wove rugs, silk portieres; dealer incarpet twine, in hank or chain, at lowestrates. Geo. Matthews. 709 Fifth et., Oakland.

A FINE suit to order on easy installments of$1 a week. LEON LEMOS. 1127 Market St.,

between Seventh and Eighth.

AT lees than cost; uncalled for su'ts. overcoatsand trousers at CHARLES LYONS' LondonTailor. 721 Market st.

A GUARANTEE TO GROW HAIROn the worst bald head. Call or write. DR.O. S. MOORE. 332 O'Farrell st.

DRUNKENNESS morphine and all drug* dis-eases positively cured by Willow Bark Co..812 Shot well; consultation free; call or write.

"VITALRing" cures weak men; $2 60, poJtpaid. DR. BURNARD & CO.. 140 Geary. S.F.

SUITS to order on Installments of $1 per week.NEUHAUS & CO. (Inc.), tailors, 729 Market.

SUPERFLUOUS hair & moles removed by elec-tric needle. Dr. &Mrs. Travers. 1170 Market.

Actlna restores lost eyesight: cures deafness andcatarrh. A'VIDACO.. 3524 13th. nr. Valencia.

MRS. Eaton, electric needle specialist. 369 Sut-ter. r. COO. Miss Eaton. 233 Geary, room 33.

MASQUERADE costumes, play books, wigs;country orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt.

TAILOR-MADE suit $7 50; dress pants $2 50.Misfit Clothing Parlor, cor. Bush and Dupont.

ALFREDUM"S Egyptlon Henna restores gray

hair to its natural color. $1; at all druggists'.

A BRANCH office of The Call for the receptionof advertisements and subscriptions haa beenopened at 1008 Market st.. opposite Fifth.Open until 11 o. m.


H. JEROME FOSELLI. scientific palmist. 515Taylor St.. nenr Geary. Phone Black 661.


PAINTING, paperinjr and tinting done cheap:all work done first class. Tel. Larkin 4171,.


DR C C. O'DONNELL—Office and residence.1021% Market St.. bet. 6th and 7th; particu-lar attention paid to diseases of women.

BLOOD skin and rectal diseases a specialty.DR. BALL. 1073% Market st.

REMOVED—DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor:treats all diseases of the human body: forpa&t four years at 115-117 Mason; now lo-cated at 667 Geary St., near Leavenworth.

DR. TONG PO CHY, successor to Dr. LIPoTal herb doctor, cures all diseases of humanby use of herbs and teas. 727 Washington st.

WONG WOO the famous herb doctor—

Alldls-eas»s cured by Chinese herbs. 740-8 Clay St.~


IWISH to purchase two land warrants of 160acres each. Address box 1979. Call office.



$2000— HALF block by the Santa Fe; $50month.$]4ii<!

—New cottage. 5 rooms, bath, pantry,

city water, sanitary plumbing: lot 50x100; oneblcck from electric cars; $150 down, $25mcnthly.

$sr,O— N*"»t cottage. 5 rooms and bath; nearetttlon 'of local train.


Lot 50x120, on broad macadamizedstreet; $50 down, $10 monthly; Interest 6 percent net.

$1200— House, 4 rooms; garden, etc.; v150down, $10 per month.


House, ti rooms and bath; lot 50x130;small barn; street sewered.


Business corner on principal avenue;lot 00x100.

$1500— Lot for factory site, 221x123.$250—Triangle lot, 40x120, with creek lined

with willows; $25 down. $10 month.$1100

—House, 4 rooms; lot 47x125; $100 down,

$15 per month.$375

—Business lot, 20x75; $20 down.


Lot, 50X100; $25 down, $5 month.CHARLES A. BAILEY,

1056 University ave.. nr. San Pablo ave.,West Berkeley.



A SNAP in Linda Vista Terrace; lot C7xl25;street work, sewer, gas, water all done; $2000.

How is this for choice lots on Piedmont ave.;$900 each; street work, sewer, gas.' water alldone.

On Telegraph ave. Ihave a good lot, 50x100;street work all done; $3750.

Now Is your chance to buy.a home whereone has left never to return, house being toolarge now; beauttful terraced lawn, flowers anda view that can hardly be beaten; 10 rooms,bath, all the modern conveniences of a finehouse; price $5200; call and let me show youthis.

A beautiful home on Fifth ave.,- East Oak-land; 8 rooms, bath; terraced lawn; five min-utes to local and right near car line; flowersfruit tiees; lot 40x140; this Is a bargain: price$IOCO; a better location you can hardly find.

WM. P. TODD, 1070 Broadway.

BELDEN'S BARGAINS.$365 and $32 50 monthly

—Handsome new

7-room house, now being completed, on lot33:4x100, on Sycamore st.. near Telegraphave.. In the beautiful Merrell property; to befinished in curly redwood, whitewood andblrdseye maple, with tiled bathroom. Pur-chaser can now select mantel, gas and elec-trical fixtures and tinting.

$34 per foot—Lot 60x100, on Jones St.. bet.Telegraph ave. and Grove st. Grab Itquick!Fine for flats.


Very choice lot, 40x115; CollegeHeights: 34th and Dwlnelle sts.


11 per. cent income Investment andgood Speculation; fine flats, . with 50-foot lot.splendidly located,' near San Pablo ave., inrapidly advancing district: ¦ rents $27, and canbe Increased; might consider good lot In partpayment.' >


One of the best ..chances you've everhad; a nice 6-room ¦ cottage, with lot 30x100,on Jones st., near Telegraph ave. Very cen-tral.' BELDEN, REAL ESTATE, 1112 Broad-way, Oakland.

LOTS $50 each: $5 cash; $5 monthly; it Is sel-dom you find such property for the money;100x100 for- $200; our. new tract. JessieJones, and it's a beauty; come and see It.


$75: $5 cash, $5 monthly:as level as'a pancake and the good Is there; size 25x100, or any other size you may wish for upto26 acres; Jessie, Jones, tract, fronting onHlgh-st.* boulevard, 90 feet wide; adjoiningEast Oakland; .soil thebest; view, is grand;no fogs nor raw winds; near cars and school;a delightful home' site; call or send ,for cir-cular; 455 .Seventh

-st., -opp. Broadway sta-

tion, Oakland; carriage free. H. Z. JONES..: owner..CHEAPEST and best in America

—The Weekly

-Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In theUnited States -or Canada one .year for. $lkpostage paid. .:¦:. . -


TO-MORROW the day for barBainTTivrarnUture. H. Schellhaaa.llth st.,cor.store. Oakland.*

HKLl1 VVAATKI) .1IALK ("ontlnurd.

YOUNG men, sailors, blacksmiths, carpenters,green handy, for ships. Herman's. 27 Steuart.

WINCHESTER Hctel, 44 Tblrd St.. near Mar-ket

—700 room?: 35o nlcht: reading-rooms;

iree 'bus and baggage to and from ferry.

A BRANCH ofnew of Tha Call for the receptioncf adrertlEcments and subscriptions has beenopened st 10US Market St., opposite Fifth.Op^n until11 p. m.

ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received atCall branch office, cor. Duncan & Church »ts.

ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, halfprice. 5C3 Mission «t.. bet, lrt and 2d sts.

GET your shoes half-soled while waiting; 125cto r.Oc. t.i'M Mission tit., bet. 1st and 2d sts.


A CARLOAD handled geldings, weight 1000to 1330, from Churchill Company's ranchesat CHASE*8. 17:;2 Market st.

FINE river bottom pasturage; 'green feed yearround: near Black Diamond. Contra CostaCounty. Nucleus Stables, 190 Stevenson. S. F.

BAN FRANCISCO Veterinary College—

NextI eeraicn begins June 6. Catalogs by applying toDR. E. J. CREELEY. E10 Golden Gate ave.

CAMPING wagon; great for theatrical iraveT-ers. 127 Turk ft.;owner at 640 Howard st.ALLkinds of buggies, surreys, wagons, carts,

new and old, cheap. 1504-8 Folsom st.

FOR SALE—Mnre 3 years old; gentle. Box1S00. Call office.


One or two heavy horses forteaming. Box 1994. Call office.


To buy a good buggy horse. Box1S09. Call office.


A gentle horse for a lady todrive. Box 1796. Call office.

FOR sale—

Handsome trap; cheap. Box 1215Call office.

HORSES of all grades bought, sold and ex-changed. H. ATKINSON*. 65 Hermann st

WAGONETTES, surreys, buggies, warons. har-nfsa. work and driving horses. 15th-Valencla.


A—PRINTED list of house* to let; send for dr-cular. G. H. UMBSEN &CO., 20 Montgomery

PKRRY. 204. near Fourth—

$7; house of 3room*; water free. Apply to G. H. UMBSENt CO.. 20 Montgomery st.


COMPLETELY furnished house; large, sunnyrooms: hath, large yard, basement. 104 Pierce,nr. Haisht; references required. Inquire 0-12a.m.. 5-7 p.m. or 207 Examiner building.

DESIRABLE 2-story furnished house, withbasement and attic; sun all day; rent $75.845 Ashbury st.



7-ROOM house; newlv furnished: all roomssunny: no agents; price $700. 312 Mason st.



FURNISHEDFURNISHED house to let at Falroaka, San

Mateo County; a first-class, newly furnishedhouse containing 5 bedrooms, besides draw-ing-room, dining-room, servants' rooms and 2bathrooms: large stable. Address J.J. MOORE*

CO.. 41C-418 California st.. San Francisco.


St.; for pleasure and business; tel. Bush S34.

J. Michaells Launch Co.. Unlon-st. wharf;boat-Ing &excursions. t> Steuart st. ; tel. John 2688.

LOST AM) FOUND.$50 REWARD; diamond stud; lost near corner

Eddy and Powell sts., Monday. Return toroom 3l)S. Adams House, 'JO Eddy St.; noquestions asked.

LOST—Between Bush and California and Tay-lor and Larkin sts., a lady's gold brooch withemail diamond. Liberal reward for returnto superintendent's 1 office, the Emporium.


Thursday, gold medal, inscribed A. P.P. B., on the front; it has also A. M. Car-valho above the medal; reward. Return ,'S

Jack.«on st.LOST

—Lady's gold hunting case watch, dia-

mond and letters J. F. on case; ribbon fob,large gold buckle. Liberal reward. PacificFur Company. 2:14 Powell st..

LOST— A pasa book with the Hibernia Savingsand Loun Society of Ban Francisco- In thename of DENIS NOLAN; No. 280-366. Thefinder will please return to bank.

$25 REWARD; pair round cuff buttons, blackenameled. Inlaid with diamond stars. Palacecf Art. 16 Post st.


May 2, mourning veil, between Clay,Leavenworth. Bush, Montgomery. Reward.1430 Clay st.


Diamond ring on Market, near 8th: $20reward by rt-iurnlng to CHARLES THOMF-SON\ 225 Crossley building.


A large yellow dog. Monday. Returnsame to 1115 Folsom st. and receive reward.LOST

—Gold star with 3 links! Liberal reward.

1.M04A Masonic ave., or Denman School.LOST— 4 discharge papers of ED. PETERSON.

.Return to Brooklyn Hotel; reward.


LADIES desiring safe, aure and quick relieffrom irregularities consult me at once; mymethods are always safe, painless and reli-able; 1 have no failures; no exorbitant fees.CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE.Cures guaranteed cr no pay; 17 years' ex-perience In all femsle disorders; call or writewithout delay; correspondence confidentialDR. WHITE, 702 Market st., rooms 7 and s.

A—LADIES, If you are suffering from irregu-larities or any ailment you will avoid dis-appointments by consulting me first. Mymethod of treatment Is positive and harm-less and Iguarantee immediate relief fromany case or make no charges Advice free.Call or write DR. SYLVESTER. 219 Kearny.

MRS. DR. WYETH, specialist for all femalecomplaints and Irregularities; instant reliefguaranteed; 30 years' experience. 826 Post st.

MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable specialist for all fe-male troubles and irregularities; Instant re*lief guaranteed. 1OO8V4 Market St.. opp. 5th.

VALPKAU'S female pills; best regulating pillsspld; price $2 50 by express. Pasteur'ssyringe and tablets; price $5. By expressonly on receipt of price. OSGOOD BROTH

-KHS. wholesale druggists,. Seventh andBroadway, Oakland.

DR. G. w7 o'dONNELL—All who are sick orin trouble consult this specialist on femalocomplaints: positively corrected; the unfortu-;nate helped; the moet difficult cases treated;advice free. Office. 1018 Market st.

MATERNITY Villa—Secluded; confidential;destitute free; Infants to adopt: good homes.DR. EMILJE FUNKE. 1410 8th, Alameda.

MRS. D.ALLEN. 1118 Market—Reliable ladles'specialist; a private home before and duringconfinement; best medical care; low fees.

Drs. Goodwin. 733 Turk, nr. Van Ness—

Expertin cbrtetrlC6. .female complaints; lnst. relief;treatment $10; hours. 10 to 5: 25 yrs. exper.

MRS. DR. GWYER. having secured lease ofpremises, is permanently located at 511 ALeavenworth St., bet. Geary and O'Farrell.

DR. ROSEN resides 2995 Folsom St.. corner£Cth; ladles, relief or no fee; $10.

YOU can obtain relief; women only. DR. R.H. WESTON. 305 Kearny st.

Dlt. and MRS. DAVIES and HINDOO HERBS;original method of treatment. 1126 Market »t.


FOR SALES.BOILERS, engines. 2d-hand machinery. McIN-

TOSH.& WOLPMAN. 135-197 Fremont st.


Repair It with elaterite; In rolls easy to lay;needs no painting or coating; good over oldiron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs.ELATERITE ROOFING CO.. 713 Market st.

2D-HAND machinery, engines, boilers, pumps,pulleys. «hafting, etc., etc., boucht, sold,rented a*vj exchanged; see Sunday papers.H. S. WHITE MCHY. CO.. 130-132 Beale St.

PAINT your old and new metal and shingleroofs with Asbestos Roof Paint; guaranteedto stop all leaks' In the one and preserve thenew. 208 Front st.; tel. Main 1428.

STOCK of.ladles' and gentlemen's fine shoes tobe sold at once; invoice $3400; will sell atsacrifice for cash. Come at once, 1012 WestTwenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. Cal. '

A—FINE suits. $7 60; dress pants, $2 50. Orig-Inal Misfit Clothing Parlors, 2CS Kearny st.,near Bush; open to 8 p. m.. 8unday to noon.

A—BUYS, sells or rents gear machinery, en-gines, boilers, water pipe, charting, pulleya, .etc. WHITELAW. 253-255 Cpear at. *-¦-.

SECOND-HAND lumber of all kinds: paneland glass doors. Plumbing goods at old Tlv-oli Opera-house, on Eddy ct., near Mason.

CLOSING out entire stock wood novelties and. fixtures below cost. R. DUNNING !"5TGeary st.EDISON Phonograph Agency, Peter BacIgalupT

moved to 780 Mission st. ¦- '.\

•;liEin* WAXTirii—


c«»».SIAX and n'.tr. cook, country hotel $70•• JVaitrPi-s. make galad?. Alameda $27

Mother and daughter family work *4OJ V'W",*hott 1 $50...--. cooks l30-$35-

Ni:rs-«\ 2 grows children $30•X nurse Klrls. illy and country *"20-$23.*<• waitrej.-s.es, city and country $20-S23.Homework^ :t fami!>. no washing *3OIrcnrfTur laundry fS week« 'l-.amWernial'l and waitrew $2$< »ok itira nch $-!0C%'-k in s-anitarium £15C'ot'K nnd second girl, same house, coun-tfv $30-120Thar.ilKrmald and waiting, country hotel. $25

, Maid and petmstrfss. sl«»p home $30¦*i (rer.oial housework girls, city and coun-ty- S20-J25-SiOAjplyto J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 334 Sutter.

-"A YVO&&ANunder 4O years' <>f age to do clean-ing in an institution. $40 a month, rrfer-•. iii-rs: a ycur.B girl who livee with her pa-,>Tr.'5 t» <io lirht offir-e work; a nurse for an

•mrsr.t. $23; four good second girls for city•r'.ices. $23 e*cli: a waitress for two In fam-¦ilv. «:«t. MISS PLU.VKETT. 42* Putter *t..n*>ajr Powell.


Girls to learn hairdressinsn:a:ur-urlr.g. etc; trade taught from A to 7.<r. 5 «**k»; $5 to those entering now; 3 po-*!tio»:s to fill immediately; positions gu&raa-wl at »10 r-r week «d; leading school la»eft. 233 Geary «t.. room 13.


Giils to learn millinerynow for sprtna* sea-. rr.n; both seawms taught from start to finish.r 1 month for $15; positions as trimmersrcler.*(!(r&,etc.. iruas ar.t— <J at $10 per wk up-fipy unl evening class. 1«3 Stockton St.. r. is!A -LADIES to learn all branches hairdresMnt•

'rad^. rr.aaicurlr.g. massage, etc 1236 Mar-"*\f,t"'..

°°r- •Jon's. foora 8*:positions s-curedat r.<;hcst wages: day and eve. class; call.WANTED—Eip*rienced corset saleswoman.,Apply at HALE BROS.' between 9 and II__!: 2; |TAILORESS, experienced hand, wanted to workon coats. J. T. ENGLISH. Point Richmond.

FIRPT-CLASS skirt finisher. A. KAHN. M*'*ary 8t.

WANTED— Sleeve makers and improvers; good»agfs. 1037 Poet at.

GIRL for reneral housework and plain cook-ing. 1700 OFarrell st.

WANTED—Girl to iron in laundrr; sr<x*l wages.__423iy Turk et.

nXPERIENCED rtrl for confectionery. 005-Larkin st.

'"vANTED—Waitress. 2S8 First st.

ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at''"all branch office, cor. I'un.-an ft Church sts.'

A BRANCH office cf The Call for the reception;cf advertisements and subscriptions has been. "r*ned at 1OOS Market «.. opposite Fifth.• '*[*-tiuntil 11 p. m.'*"-~~ HELP WASTED HAL^.AT ¦fHE CAL. EMP. AGENCY.*

14 Third at., near Call bldg.: phone Bu»h 403.THE STATE OF NEVADA... 'HEAP FARE-REFl'.VDED.

.'. •. . U. f. GOVERNMENT WORK... "f> t«-am«ters. $67 30 a month.:5 laborers, *6O a month..- 10 drillfrs, rockmen. hammersmen $75.

\m Rock foreman. $G5 a month and board.• 2 men to rut Dine wo^d. 4 feet. $1 25 a cord.

FOB. THE SAWMILLS.4 lumber i>il»rs, $3 a day.

«• 4 lumber j>il«>rs and yardmen, $35 month andboard.'4 millhands. $.'i5 a month and board."• ' carpenter, steady Job, $50 and found.-

CAL. CMP. AGENCY. 14 Tblrd ft.


"% THIRD ST.—Tfleihone Main 5521.

, VKVA.OA. NEVADA. NEVADA.Government Work. IZ'.ght Hours. Cheap Far».• .T<-amsttr«' *2 23 Laborers $2

•Cook, must be first class, $3.

I'riUrrs, tunr.el. Csi..$2 50 to $2 75. free fare.Drifter to run Rtx machine. $3. free fare.

'• coc'j*ys.fc"anta Cruz Co., piece work.steady Job.-

Ranch "hanGt. Sonoma Co.. good Jobs, $1 fd.

." RAILROAD TEAMSTER?, $2 25.New <amp. California. Long Job. Good layout.. ' Ehipto-tejr. Ship to-day.

j .» HORD & SMITH.

A—CONTRACTORS" EMPLOYMENT AGENCY," CIS lYastnngtoii St.; phone James 3301—

We• ship dfiily to Nevada, Government ditch work.* houft-. laborers, rockmen. teamsters, S2 and. TT 5o day; 4 ranch teamsters, long Job. $30•« '•&,. cht-ap fare: 8 woodchoppers, cheap fare.

?I 75 c«.rd;carriage painter, strip*and varn-¦?h.» $3 5«.» day. cheap fare; teamsters, new, tlectrlc R. R.. free far', $2 day; marble• pclisher, city. $2 50 day; boys Tor sash anddoer labtory. $1 23 to $1 30 day. cheap fare... _i L_H. CUTTING & CO.

. "JANITOR for institution. SSS and found; 3-;arn,rrrand wives, $47 50 and SSO and found;rarit-h blacksmith. $45 and found; jobbingSiack«i:!th and hcrsfshofr. $2 day andboard; 2 waponmakers. $2 30 and $3 day; 8f^nr.fr*. tl 23 day and board; 2 machine. .-men. $¦'. day: 2 door molders. $3 day; elevator

¦-•"'raii. f25; man and wife, country hotel, wife-look. $70: hotel cock. $30; extra omnibus•i^n. dishm-asbers and other*. J.F. CROSETT

.•- *<"O., 4CS Sacramento tt."V.ED CRfitSS. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.• "

<;C2 Clay St.; phone James 2476.NEW R. R. WORK—NORTH.• 1JT t^atnstert, $2 23 pr day.

.1" laborers. $2 per day.

.-•MllkT. near city. $25 month and found..v hf-»£f-niak£r. Pacramento Co.. $4O mo. and fd.Tvmr wanted en R. R. grade work.

•Ranch Lands, cooke. waiters, *tc.HED CROSS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.

.?02 City et., near Montgomery. ;

ANDRE' t;Office. 317 Stockton st.—

Second but-I. vJ»r. 1T-5; butler, $60: gardener, $55 to $40; |•rr-sn to raise vegetables fcr private place.. S30 zrft found; waiter, private institution,. t'i<i: JTOQBS man to assist end learn waiting.••" $30: choreman for. resort. S20 to $25. etc.

i-MANand wife, ranch. $60; stableman and'"wre.- $«0. MRS. NORTON, 313 Sutter rt.

A^ L Z"Men to learn the barb*r trade In two moctht

¦ ¦ *ar.d secure good pocUicns; catalogue and tuil: ' information mailed free. MOLKR System¦

'Vollege; 6S5 Clay st.


Ycung man who Is thoroughly ex-• periencej in mend'ng Jewelry, watcheu andclocks, also ccmoetent to s»!I; state ascr, ex.peri«-nce and salary expected. Apply boxl!»i*5. Call office.

' . ,. WANTED

—Experienced wachgoods salesman.

Apply at HALE BROS.'. t*t.9 and 11 a. m.WAXTEl)

—Casfcboys from 13 1o 15 years of

¦ "ukK Xoply at HALE BROS.', between 8Nir;.11 m. m.

YOUNG man wanted—

Experienced salesman. •• for 4'ug cundrles. Apply, stating age, expert-• enc», reference and salary wanted, box 1JJ95,• , Call office. .


A competent hotel clerk for fir*t-Ctesa ccumtry hctel; state experience end sal-

,?«ry expected; references required. Box 1990.•."all office.


In a wholesale house. 2 good boys,. who are willingto work; good opportunity• for right boys; apj.ly between 6:30 and 0

a. m. 8 Butter ct.• **

GOVERNMENT positions— Call at 925 Golden•Jate a\e.. room 7, for free Information as-

.-to cocluons. salaries, ace limits, etc.; day'or cveslnss.•

.MAN and wife, Scandinavian preferred, for..summer, resort: have charge of place and

weeR en shares. Bex 1130 Call office, Oak-'lartd.


A NIGHT matchman with first-ciass refer-¦enc*c: £ood steady position for reliable man.•Apply box I$e8. Call office.


An experienced bushelman for cut„ (ff'tovn. Address A. KEENE, Royal Hous»,


San FYancisco. • -'•¦'•

A MANof indomitable energy and push, a coodrfifker. «-:.».'< .-«¦ uj make money. F. PERSON,'477 and 47fc. Parrott building.


Non-union blacksmiths and mi-T^laists. Call at room 25. 233 Powell «t.. 2

• to*

t). m.MEN and women wanted to learn the barber• trade free of ehar«re* Western Colleee of

.Bart>erar C47 Comerclal «t.

•EXPERIENCED wrapper. JOE ROSENBERG."the ©rice cutter. 836 Market st. • f «•• ,<..;

GENTLEMAN to solicit for weekly paper In*•northern part of city. Apply 518 Filbert tt.


Barber for Sunday morning. 804Larkin st.;phone Hyde 20»0.'

BUSHELMAN wanted. J. T. ENGLISH PointRichmond. Cal.

'WANTED— Piano player. Globe Saloon, 30

Turk «t. •

TRUSTWORTHY German, handy, tend bar.Vlnehouse; married pref. Box 1»S9. Call.


MAN warned: no nirht or Sunday work.•Call. 228 Fifth sit.

A'.GCKJIJ tailor wanted for t/ushellng. 877 Sut-ler et.. near Leavpiiwcrth.

BOY to help plumber; come early. 470 Hayesutrcet.

¦BA-ntJER ehop wanted: must be rood; state'particulars. D. D.. 21 Glen Pmrk *ve.. 12th. 1










NEW SANTA CRUZ.Improvements which will Involve an expendi-

ture of about $250,000 are now under way.

and with the opening of the season of 1904the tourist and pleasure seeker to this beau-tiful resort Dlace will witness such a trans-lormation of the bathing beach as will fur-nish wonderment to the mind and delightto the eyes and senses.

We will offer at this sale that beautiful prop-erty known as the "%-¦

COTTAGE CITY TRACT-consisting of -j.


Fronting on the San Lorenzo River, command-ing a panoramic view of Monterey Bay, th»city of Santa Cruz and adjacent to the newand magnificent Cottage and Tent City.

Lots 30*to fiO feet frontage by 120 deep to a15-foot alley; lots level—on grade; streetssewered; water pipes In and all ready tobuild on.

The Drot>erty is on high land aad borders onboth the San Lorenzo Klver and the Bayof Monterey and from which magnificentvistas can be obtained of mountain, oceanand forent scenery.

These beauttful lots are within from five toeight minutes' walk of the great bathingfstabllshment and adjoin Seabrixht Park.

The. Santa Cruz and Capltola elec*rlc line runsthrough the tract. fifteen minutes ridebringing one to Capltola. while on the otherhand ten minutes' ride willenable one toreach the heart of the city of Santa Cruz.

Seabrlght depot, located on the S. P. Com-pany's line, is within three minutes* walk,while the beautiful Twin Lakes lie but ashort distance to the east.


From From Third and Townsend street de-pot. San Franclsso. Saturday. May 7. 10O4, at7:30 a. m.

From Fourteenth and Webster streets, Oak-land, at 7:43' a. m.

From Park street. Alameda, 8:20 a. m.Returning. st>eclal trains will leave Santa

Cruz May 7. as follows:Via broadsaug* and Pajaro at 4:13 p. m.Via narrowgauge and Los Gatos at 4:2O p.m.Excursion tickets will also be good return-

Ing on any regular broad or narrow gauge.Sunday, May 8.

The round trip rate from San Francisco.Oakland or Alameda will bev,Three Dollars ($3).From San Jose the rate win be $1 75 and pro-portionately low rates from Intermediates willbe announced.

LUNCH CM THE GROUNDS.Arrangements have been made whereby ihe

ladles .of the East Santa Cruz ImprovementSociety will provide a fine lunch in the openand for which they will charge a moderatesum. ¦*¦"

For mars and full particulars apply to.



—4-story and attic apartment house,

containing 22 separate apartments of 2-3-4rooms and bath; toilet in each; brand new: se-cured lease of ten years; first five years. $4800per year; the following five years. $3400 pegyear net; tenants pay. for all repairs, waterbills, etc.; surety bond lease.


Montgomery- ave. euslness corner;fronts ge on four streets; 87 foot frontage;property occupied &a store and dwelling house,rather old; rents for $200 per month.


Callfornia-st. corner; CO foot front-age; 3 elegant residences thereon; rent $115 permonth; room for speculation.

$15,000— Northwest corner. 40- foot frontage,on Kearny st..- containing grocery, bar andbasement; also 2 flats, renting for $140 permonth; could be Increased to $1GO per monthwithout the loss of a single tenant: $6000 mort-gage on premises at present; could easily ob-tain more.


3 new flats on Waller st.. near Web-ster; 5-5-9 rooms and bath; elegant mantels;rents $92 50 per month.


2 modern fiats, 3-4 rooms and por-celain bath; Sanchez st.:rent $30 per month;can be bought by paying $10Oo cash; mortgageat 6 per cent; balance payable at $40 permonth.


19th st.. near Guerrero: 4 beautifulflats of 5-5-6-7 rooms and baths: modernopen plumbing; flats In perfect condition; rents$77 per month; lot 50 foot frontage; this is thecheapest piece on 19th st.


Broderick-st. residence of 8 rooms andporcelain bath; open plumbing; a positive sac-rifice.


Leavenworth-st. corner, consisting ofstore and flat above of 5 rooms; also stable inthe rear; rents $60 per month.


Building lot on Jackson st*. near Bu-chanan; decidedly choice piece of property Inneighborhood where sites are exceedinglyscarce.


3 Mission flats of 4-4-5 rooms andbath; new, modern plumbing; flats in excellent,first-class condition; bitumlnized streets; ex-cellent neighborhood; present rent $33 permonth; would stand an increase of 20 per cent.


19th St.; 2 perfect beauties: flats of6-7 rooms and bath; rents $53 per month;mortgage of $4000 easily obtained.


FUlmore St.. near Greenwich: 32 footfrontage; 2 stores and living rooms; perma-nently rented; social or lodge hall above, al-most nightly rented at the rate oX $5 per night;rent of stores. $24 per month.

$4000—2 little flats In the Western Addition;4 rooms and bath: brick foundation; rent $04per month.


23d et., near Vlcksburg; beautiful 2-story house. 8 rooms and bath; stable to ac-commodate 2 horses; 38 foot frontage; rent $30per month.


Pine st.. near Devisadero; 2-storyhouse containing 6 rooms and bath.


Gavin plaee; 4 small flats of 4-4-4.5rooms; cellar to each flat; rent for $36; neveridle: this ia a snap.


2 fiats on Clara St.. near 4th; 5 roomsand bath; new foundation: modern plumbing;flush toilets, etc.; rents $33 per month.


Cottage, containing 5 rooms and bath;everything In first-class condition; 8 foot base-ment; excellent garden; situated In the warmbelt or the Mission.

$5C0 each— $50 cash, balance in smallmonthly installments; 6 lots; on 4*th ave..close to the car line and ocean boulevard; thisportion of San Francisco is becoming very pop-

ular for summer residences; buy one to-dayand keep it for the babies; it will becomevaluable.



Grand marine view lots, $1250 and upward,on Green, Baker and Union sts.

One-third less than adjoining lots are sellingfor. Lots are selling fast.

Streets sewered and all lots on the grade.

Rlzht on car line and In improving neigh-borhood.

Peremptory offering. Easy terms if desired.O. H. FERGUSON,

409 California st. Tel. Exchange 409.

ONLY $13,325.

RENTS $1470 PER YEAR.Four fine. new. sunny flats. 5. 5. 5 anu C

rooms and bath; all latest Improvements. Pos-itively must be sold. Situated near Fell undLjon sts. For particulars apply to


f1.25 PER WEEK, no interest. Lots In theExcelsior Homestead Tract; all level; nograding to do: ready to build your little homeon; close to electric cars and school.

W. J. WHITE.26 Montgomery St.. room 5.


The office of the Jacob Heyman Company hasbeen removed to office of OSCAR HEYMAN.14 Post at.

BUILD your unimproved realty; we loan fallcost improv. and part lot at «%. MANHAT.TAN BAVTNGS BANK. Crocker building.

2931-85-37 PIERCE St.—Lot 50x112:6; will sellfor cash. Address box 1860. Call office.

ALL work guaranteed first class *>y ALH-BACH & MAYER. Plumbers. 836 Howard st. .


A FINE ten-acre orange grove hrWull bear-Ing; some of the finest oranges in California:to exchange for Oakland or San Franciscoproperty. P.. C. LASSEN & CO.. 466 TenthSt., Oakland, Cal.

j HKLl* WANTED-—glALE—Con.A—AT VA~ainA—MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay ?t.

PHONE MAIN T.S48.lyntiirjrEmployment and Labor Agents.


—Free fare.

TO STATE OF NEVADA.If you stay four months. THAT'S ALL.

V. S. GOVERNMENT WORiv.Lt'5 *wo-horse teamsters, $bO.150 laborers, you'il pult, $00.»r. drillers, rockmen, hammermen .$75.Kight hours' work, hundreds going.INCALIFORNIA—23 laborer*, big mine company. $75, $«i7 tO.IS muoVw, gold quartz, $<!" 50.

TO FARMS. DAIRIES ETC.120 farm, orchard and vineyard hands, allover California; $25. $^6. $.10. $.V> and found."3 Food teamsters. $2<>, $30 and found.•V> milkers, located everywhere, $30, $::5 fd.

MECHANICAL.0 coopers; machine blacksmith's helper, $73.3 tallymen, lumber company, if'.', a day.I'lancr and sticker liamic. $3 a day up.12 blacksmiths, different Jobs.

WOODCHOPPERS.225 men fo rjt wood all over <"alifornia.

HOTEL DEPARTMENT.18 cooks for hotels, saloons, minea, cafesranches and summer resorts, $:i0, $10, $50and $»'O and lound.15 waiters, different lobs, $25. $30 $U5 fd.12 dlshw.iFhers, $20. %25 and 30 and found.3 hotel portrrs. «T0. $25, ?:{0 and found.3 hotel porters, S2O. $25 and found.Cook, bakfr, small *hop, country, $53 fd.

LAUNDRYMEN.Concentrator, $!>0.Cari-iase painter; sticker hand. $4 a day.Double-cut band sawyer, lumber company?5 a day.MURRAY & READY. 636 and 63C Clay sL

BENCH hands; planer handTMolder and sticker hand; door molder.ti coopers, 9c barrel

LOOK!Gang edg*rman. fare $1 25 $55 to $70 fd.

SPECIAL.8 plumbers, 8 hours, country $4 day.3 plasterers. 8 hours, country. $5 day.25 carptnters. 8 hourn, country, $3 "f>0 day.7 raperhangers. S hours country. $4 day.10 painters. 8 hours, country. tX 50 day.

MURRAY & READY. (RJ4-6S6 Clay "st.FARMER and wife, cook 4 men no other

woman. $40 and foundFREE FARE.

20 miners. $2 60 tr> $3 day.6 elnKle miners, gold quartz mine. $<?7 80.16 muckers, gold quartz mine. $82 50Butcher, slaughter- house, ranch $30 found.

MURRAY & READY. 6.14-«ie Clay St.

COOK, fare SI 25. $«T~

2 bakers" helpers, city and country SSO fd.Choreman, drive milk wagon city $25 fd

MURRAY & READY. »S34-630 Clay st.CIRCULAR sawyer, eawmlll. $100 found.

Phlngle packer, boss here. $40 found.3 teamsters, city J<>b $2 25 day.

MURRAY & READY. 634-<ff6 Clay at.


THEY ARE HERE.25 single and double hand miners, $82 50.25 muckers. $67 50.14 hand miners $S2 R0


BLACKSMITH no *hoeiriK. fare $1 25 $3 day.OX TEAMSTERS.

Ox teamster, no trucking. $75 and found.Farmer and wife San Mateo Co., $40 found.

BAKERS—LOOK.Baker and pastry baker, hotel, near city, $45and found.2 door molders. L. Co., boss here, POc fare,$2 60 to $3.Screw turner H C Co. $75.

LAUNDRYMEN.2 markers, country $18 week.Second marker, country. $15 week.Polisher country. $15 week.

MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st.

LATE SPECIALS^Painter, see bof=s here. $3 to $3 50 day; stick-er hand,s. country mill;blacksmith, countryshop; 3 bench hands, country planing mill;2 porters, city Institution. $20 and found.Potwasher. city institution $25 and found.MURRAY & READY. 634 and 630 Clay st.


ANY one—

that's you—

can get fromMURRAY & READY FREE the book of la-bor, 72 pa?es. fullycartooned, entitled



HERBERT V. READY.Author and Publisher,

C34-C35 Clay st.. S. F., Cal.

8 BOYS, work in machine shop. $4 week.15 haymakers. $32 50 and found.Carriage painter, country.Second baker, exceptional good Job. $30 fd.Milker. 23c fare, $35 fcund.Double-tree ehaper and spindle shaper, $3day.Milker, city dairy. *40 found.

MURRAY ft READY.634 and C38 Clay st.

S HORSESHOERP, city and country'. $1 day.Carriage painter, fare $1 50, plain work. $:: 50day.Painter, ab!fe to hang paper, $2 to $3 day.

LOOK!Cook and bdker, south, fare $4, $12 week.Coachman. $30 and found.

LOOK!Btead baker, Portland, fare paid. $20 to $24week.Cake baker, fare $1. $45 and found.Feccnd bread baker, fare 51 50 $40 and fd.Cake baker. Fresno. $1S to $20 week.3 carpenter*, factory, fare 30c, $3 day.Plasterer, fare ."Ilk- $C day. ,MURRAY & READY. C34 and C36 Clay st.

SECOND baker, bread, Santa Cruz. $35 found.1 Porter, city institution, $35 found.

Porter, first-class city hotel, $25 found.Butcher, slaughter man, $50 found.Buttermaker, cheesemaker, $40 found.Bricklayer. San Mateo County, $6 day.1 sa!lor fcr yacht, $30 found.German baker's helper. $25 found.

LOOK!Teamster, express wagon. $30.Cut-off sawyer. $2 25 day

MURRAY fc READY, f.34-636 Clay st.


3 handy rr'm to run machinery, countryfactory. ?2 50 day.2 painters, plain work, fare ?.0c, $33 found.2 horseshotrs. clmp, 50c. $3.2 blacksmith helpers. 35c fare. $2 50 day.2 spool tenders, lumber co., $30 found.Shingle packer; machinist, country factory.$3 day; painter and pap«»rhanger, city; JOporters, hotels, saloons, $20 to $35 found: 15haymakers, fare $1. $1 25 day; cake bake*,country shop. $50 and found:young man totake orders and deliver meat, city Job ?40;15 laborers, rold mine. $CT 50. /

MURRAY & READY. 634-C36 Clay st.OLD establishfd two-chair barber-shop for

sale. DECKELMA.n BRQg.. !(*» Ellis st.


Five expert custom shlrtmakers toro to Los Angeles; must be thoroughly expe-rienced; the beat pay and the most modernfactory In America. Apply by writing box1929, Call office.

A PRACTICAL plurr.ber with a few hundreddollars at once as partner In the plumbingand fas fitting business; correspondence ¦so-licited. Address F. W\, care 1008 Market'«t., San Francisco. Cal. .¦¦¦,•'¦- ¦>


Laborers and mechanics to knowthat Ed Roikin, R*no House proprietor, hasadded 100 new rooma to the Denver House.217 Third tt.; 230 rooms; 25c to SOc per night.

YOUNG man for farm work; must know howtfl plow; wages $25 and found. P. L. BLISS,320 Post at., -after 10 a. in.

50 MEN and :>0 women to take part next weekat Central Theater. Apply to-day at 10 a. m.at stage entrance.

BARBER ehop, old established, comer Ellisand Webster sts.. fully furnished, for rent.Inquire 13C2 Webster st.

FOR sale—

Barber shop; 3 chairs; good busi-ness; fine location; lease; no snide business;cnap. 211 Sixth st.

TRY cur men's shoes, union made, at $1 and$1 SO pair; foot.form shoes at $2 CO; we payexpress or mall charges. 11 3d <t..Exam. bid.

PLATEN press feeder; steady position. . '520Market st.



Three laborers. Fourteenth ave.aid N «t. south; take Kentucky-street car.

TO let—

Barber shop; furnished. Apply 1633Turk st

FOR sale—

Barbers. 2-chaIr shop; good for $100monthly; bargain. 10J7 Broadway. Oakland.

¦ 3-CHAIR barber shop; first-class bu»lnei>s: agood chance. Apply Call office.

TWO-CHAIR barber 6hop for sale. InquireWILL &FINCK. 21 O'Farrell st.

A GOOD slgnpalnter for a northern town. Box8675. Call office. .

SAILORS and youne men (?reen hands), forrhlp*. HALLBERT. SI7 Jackson St.

LABOR debts collected; suits, attachments.Law and Adjustment Co., 328 Montgy.. r.415.

YOUNG man to learn barber trade; wageswhile learning. 741A Howard et.

Pension Atty.. E. A. Bullls. r. 40. Phelan bldg.Psat Com. Oeo. H. Thomas Po«t. G. A. R.




Of Investment, residence and unimprovedproperties will be held at our salesroom. 2«Montgomery st., MONDAY. May 9, at 13o'clock noon.


The three following properties must be soldt3 close the cbove estate, subject to confirma-tion by the Superior Court.

No. 1.S.E. cor. of Waller and Ashbury sts.; choice

building lot, 35x100:3.No. 2. . .

2303 Devlsadero St.. west line. bet. Wash-ington and Jackscn: cottage of 5 rooms an<lbath; rent $22 30; lot a#:7 Vjxl37:6.

Also four choice building lots adjolnlnjr.25x137:0 each.

No. 3.Lot 25. in block 0. Mission and 30th sts.;

extension Homestead Unicn.JONES-STREET FLATS.

1424-6-8 Jcnes St.. east line, near Washing-ton st.. 3 substantially built flats of 8 roonuand bath each, rent $127 50 per month, lot32x137:6, irre*.

NORTH END INVESTMENT.1520-37 Mascn st., bet. Broadway and Val-

lejo St.; Improvements consist of a good brickbuilding, containing ."S4 rooms, nrranged Into7 tenements; rented low at $K5 per month;portion of lot in rear can still be built upon.Bank moriga^e of $6750 at 6 per cent canremain: lot 4&:9xlCO.

CHOICE MISSION RESIDENCE.2334 Howard st., west lin*. bet. 19th and

20th sts.; very deairable bay-window residenceof 10 rooms ani bath, .with stable In rear;also large garden and *awn; lot ttl:«xl22:0.

MISSION RESIDENCE.37S0 17th st.. north line, near Sanchea st.;

a wp.l-bu.it residence of 10 rooms and bath,garden anu lawn; bank mortgage of $4000 attt per cent can remain; lot Soxl.iS. lire*.

MISSION BUSINESS CORNER.S.E. cor. of 29th ana Church sts.: substan-

tial improvements consist of store with4 rooms. Including bake oven; also flat of 7rooma and bath above; rented low at $57 50per month: lot 27xS0.

SOUTH OF MARKET INVESTMENT.16-16^ Washington ave. and »-9Vi Grand

ave., near 9th and Mission sts.; Improvement*consist of 4 flats of 4-5-tt rooms and bath each:rented low at $K) per month; lot 25x113; 2frontages.WESTERN ADDITION BUILDING LOT3.

Webster St.. west line, bet. Oak and Fell8ts.; 2 desirable building lots. 23x100 each.


Chapultepec St., east line, north of Esmer-alcla st. and Elsie St.. west line, north ofEsmeralda St.; being lots 307-8 of Gift ma»No. 3.

For catalogue and further particulars ap-ply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO..

20 Montgomery street.


REAL ESTATE AGENTS.Selling. Leasing.Rents collected. Insurance.

$ll!0,C00— Rents $9«K>; investing $50,00»>

cash and assuming bank mortgage of $50,000will pay 12 per cent net; lot 55xlG7:8.

$3O.0UO— NW. corner; 137:«xlS7:«; GoldeaGate ave., east of Scott: good Improvements;mortgage $30,000 at 5V. per cent can remain;reasonable offer entertained.

$45,000— Vicinity Bush and Kearny: stor»sand three floors above; brick building; lotfronts 35 feet; rents $2Co.


f?utter-st. bargain, near Leaven-worth; good thr»»e-story Improvements; lot27:6xl37.« feet: no reasxjrable oft»r refused.

$2C. 000—Polk-st. business property: 2 storesand lodging-house :lot 30x03 f?et: rents $145;$10,000 bank mortgage can remain.

$18,500— Post st.: lot 62:6x124 feet: 2 front-agts; very good Improvements; rents $140.


Rent $130: goo<l flats: vicinity VanNess and Grove; lot 27:6x120 feet; this bar-gain la hard to beat.

$10,50O— Pine st.. bet. Mason and, Taylor;

(lot 26x137:6 feet; three-story Improvements.


2 stores and 4 flats; corner north ofMarket st.; 43:8 feet frontage; yearly renta$'JC6; paying lli-iP«r cent.

$5OCO cash— Monthly rent $103: balanc*$750*1; bank mortgage can remain; 3 fine newflats; Western Addition.

RESIDENCES.$60,000— Magnificent residence. 15 rooms and

baths: interior mahogany wood: most costlyfinish throughout: lot 123x137:6 feet; pano-ramic view of city and bay.


California-st. residence: 12 room*and bath; lot 33x137 :G feet; choice block.

$1500—4-room cottage; lot 27:6x100 feet;

Mission Warm belt.

CHOICE LOTS. "•-¦"¦'

$13,000— NW. corner; 50:6x137:6 feet; un-surpassed marine view; must be sold thisweek. -

.v$3250— Broadway; north side and best resi-

dence block; unobstructed view; lot 27x137:9feet

SPECK & CO..200 Montgomery St.. opposite Mills building.

HEAL ESTATE—Country—For Sale.$3S0O—BARGAlN*for immediate sale: 13 acres

valley land: close to large town; AlamedaCounty; 10 acres In bearing vineyard, underhigh state of cultivation: some Iruits. withalso a good crop of almonds; good house of 8rooms; barn: 10,00-sallon tank and mill:beautiful flower garden and lawn; completearrangements for poultry raising, with OneIncubator house, etc.;a model and productivehome; will pay over $1000 this year incrops; owner a non-resident, and must l>»sold hence the above price; see photographsat this office. H. H. CRANE. SOS Callfor-nla st.

GREAT bargain— Rich. Irrigated farms; biffcanal; free water right; very cheap; easyterms: bomeseeker's opportunity. C. la.WOOSTER CO.. 643 Market st.

im-ACRE home property: short walk from R.R_ depot, Alameda County: tn a perfect cll-maf; comfortable hou*e 5 rooms, barn, out-building*, mill and 50CO-gal. tank: 2 acres iavineyard: balance fine ooen Dasture: sur-roundings first-class: fine natural trees, beau-

ttful scenery, etc.: price $2500 for Immediatasale; easy terms If desired; owner non-resi-dent. H.*H. CRANE. 3CS California st.

FOR sale—

ICO-acre mountain ranch. 3 mile*from Cloverdale. Cal.: lots of timber, grass,

water, gam*- and fish; good stock, fruit,vegetable, poultry or bee ranch, or an Id«al. health or summer resort; Improvements cost$15C0: gclng at $1COO cash. Box 23. Ctaver-dale. Cal. _

$2030—25 ACRES one mile from town: Ala-meda County: oubtie and high schools; landall level (no adobe): magnificent water sup-ply, mill and 10.000- gal. tank: some fruits:no better place for poultry raising and pro-ducing feed on the place. H. H. CRANE.508 California st. '

1400 ACRES at $6 50 per acre; only 90 milesfrom San Francisco: to close up an estate;

see owner dally at 12:30. RICHARD KEAT-INGE. 108 Jessie St.. San Francisco.

ALFALFA lands, stock ranches, orchards,vineyards: inspected bargains: monthly cata-logues sent free. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. MSMarket st. . >

FOR sale—

A large tract of redwood at a bar-gain; 35.000 feet per acre. Box 1978. Call.


LAST chance— $5 monthly; lots any tract: firstprice, first choice; near sites bought for fac-toriei!. etc. A. W. BELL. 211 Montgy.. 3. F.

BOOTS gOXJS^! 1,^,

BONDS for sale—

Notice Is hereby given thatcealed bids will b« received until 2 o'ciodcp. m.. Saturday, May 3S, l»04. by the Board.of Control of the Territory of Arizona, at th*office of said board in the City of Phoenix.Arizona for the sale of Ten Bonds of th«denomination of One Thousand Dollars each.biaring date January 1, 1904. due and pay-able January 1, 19&4. bearing Interest at tharate of five per cent <3%> per annum, optionalafter twenty-five years. Issued by the Ter-ritory of Arizona. In accordance with the*

.provisions of Act No. 73 of the Twenty-sec-ond Legislative Assembly of said Territory,and which act has been apnroved by th«Congress of the United States. Interest on>said bonds will be paid ieml-annually • onthe first day of January and July of eacayear and both principal and Interest payable

•in gold coin of the United States at tha of-fice of the Treasurer of said Territory. Acertified check of a responsible bank for 3per cent of the amount of the bid. payab?»to the order of E. E. Klrkland. TerritorialTreasurer, and a copy of this advertisement"must accompany each bid. Failure of bidderto make payment tn full upon allotment and.tender of bonds will be considered a cancel-lation of the bid and forfeiture of the checicaccompanying the same. The board reservesthe right to reject any and all bids. Bidsmust be sealed and addressed to the Boardof Control. Phoenix. Arizona, and market"Proposals for purchase of Insane AsylumBnn»<»


Continued on Page Fourteea.
