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Watchers Lamp July 20 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    Watcher's Lamp

    Monitoring spiritual deception and world events from a Biblical perspective.

    T U E S D A Y , J U L Y 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

    The Purpose Driven Plague of Mysticism Video ShutDown at YOUTUBE

    The Purpose Driven Plague of Mysticism video produced by James

    Sundquist and Richard Bennett has been removed by YOUTUBE for

    "terms of use violation".

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    Is it a coincidence that this occurred in less than 1 week after posting at

    Watchers Lamp and Christian Research Network ?


    M O N D A Y , J U L Y 1 9 , 2 0 1 0

    Exxon Valdez Survivor Sounds Alarm On GulfDisaster

    Great the oil has stopped for now. President Obama, how about admittingthat the crude oil is toxic, and demand BP provide respirators for the oil

    cleanup workers, and compensation for the Gulf unemployment caused by

    the disaster.

    In 1989 Exxon told the cleanup workers the same story, that the crude oil

    is not toxic. Some of us are living proof of the toxic exposure, and many

    others have died. Please view the YouTube video, and help get the

    message to Gulf residents, BP crude oil cleanup workers, and PresidentObama. Respirators need to be supplied to oil cleanup crews.

    Thank you.

    -Merle Savage, Exxon Valdez Survivor

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    See also: Illness Plagues Exxon Valdez Cleanup Worker , Gulf Oil Toxic

    Gas Risks To Humans , Canary In The Gulf Helps People Find Survival


    BP'S Benzene Blows ashore in the Gulf , Gulf Oil Disaster: The Suicide

    Economy ,Gulf Oil Disaster: 400 Complain of Illness

    Gulf Oil Disaster: EPA Air Quality Data Doesn't Pass Smell Test , Exxon

    Valdez oil risks spur warning for gulf cleanup crews

    BP's Other Toxic Legacy: 'Decades of Misery' for Gulf Health


    S U N D A Y , J U L Y 1 8 , 2 0 1 0

    Record Collapse of Earth's Upper AtmospherePuzzles Scientists

    From Space.com:

    An upper layer of Earth's atmosphere recently collapsed in an

    unexpectedly large contraction, the sheer size of which has scientists

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    scratching their heads, NASA announced Thursday.

    The layer of gas called the thermosphere is now rebounding again.

    This type of collapse is not rare, but its magnitude shocked scientists.

    "This is the biggest contraction of the thermosphere in at least 43 years,"

    said John Emmert of the Naval Research Lab, lead author of a paper

    announcing the finding in the June 19 issue of the journal Geophysical

    Research Letters. "It's a Space Age record."

    ...The collapse occurred during a period of relative solar inactivity called

    a solar minimum from 2008 to 2009. These minimums are known to cool

    and contract the thermosphere, however, the recent collapse was two to

    three times greater than low solar activity could explain.

    "Something is going on that we do not understand," Emmert said.

    HT: Opinion Bug.com


    6.9 & 7.3 Magnitude Quakes Strike New GuineaRegion

    From The Sydney Morning Herald

    Indonesia said it has lifted a tsunami warning issued after a powerful

    quake hit off neighbouring Papua New Guinea.

    The US Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake had a preliminary

    magnitude of 6.9 and was centred 525km northeast of the Pacific island's

    capital, Port Moresby. It struck 57km beneath the ocean floor. It at 1304

    GMT (11.04pm AEST) on Sunday.

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    At 1335 GMT (11.35pm AEST), a second quake with a 6.8-magnitude hit

    about 105km east of Kandrian on New Britain island, at a depth of 51km.

    ...Meanwhile, in a moderate 5.3-magnitude undersea earthquake struck off

    Taiwan's east coast on Sunday, the island's Seismology Centre said, but

    there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties.

    See also 6.7 Magnitude Quake Shakes Island Region of Alaska , DC area

    shaken by minor earthquake , Solar Eclipse Quake Check , Quakes Lining

    Up Around US?, Total Eclipse of July 11, 2010: Foreshadow of Disaster

    Editor's note: The USGS logs these two quakes as 6.9 & 7.3. The Sydney

    Morning Herald reported different magnitudes.

    MAG 7.3 2010/07/18 13:35:03 NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW


    MAP 6.9 2010/07/18 13:04:11 NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW



    6.7 Magnitude Quake Shakes Island Region of Alaska

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Officials say that a powerful earthquake has

    shaken an Aleutian Island region of Alaska but there were no immediate

    reports of damage or injury, and no threat of a tsunami.

    The 6.7-magnitude temblor struck at 9:56 p.m. Saturday (0456 GMTSunday) and was centered in the Bering Sea about 155 miles (249

    kilometers) southwest of Dutch Harbor, according to the U.S. Geological

    Survey. The quake hit about 21 miles (34 kilometers) beneath the seabed.

    There was no danger of a tsunami, the Alaska Tsunami Warning Center

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    The quake was felt in both Dutch Harbor and nearby Unalaska, the nearest

    communities of any size to the epicenter.

    Police in Unalaska, situated just across a bay from Dutch Harbor, said they

    had no reports of damage or injury.

    - AP


    F R I D A Y , J U L Y 1 6 , 2 0 1 0

    UFO Halts Air Traffic In China

    UFO remains a mystery -

    China Daily

    Object disrupted eighteen flights at Hangzhou airport

    SHANGHAI - The unidentified flying object that disrupted air traffic in

    Hangzhou for an hour on Wednesday remains, well, unidentified.

    "No conclusion has yet been drawn," Wang Jian, head of air traffic control

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    with the Zhejiang branch of the Civil Aviation Administration of China

    (CAAC), was quoted by Xinhua News Agency as saying.

    Some media have speculated the UFO might be a private aircraft, based

    on the increasing number of privately-owned aircraft in Zhejiang province.

    But Wang said the possibility it was a private plane was "just a guess."

    A source with knowledge of the matter, however, told China Daily earlier

    that the object had a military connection.

    A staff member at Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou said a twinkling object

    was first spotted over the city's sky around 8:30 pm on Wednesday.

    However, the object did not show up on the airport's radar.

    Xiaoshan Airport was then closed at 8:45 pm over security concerns, and

    only resumed operation at 9:41 pm.

    A dozen inbound flights were diverted to nearby airports and six outbound

    flights were delayed for three to four hours.


    Secrecy surrounding the Gulf Coast devastation iscriminal

    By Bill Linder at Digital Journal

    BP and the government are intentionally covering up the deadly health

    effects related to the gushing crude and the use of Corexit, the highly toxicdispersant. Clean-up workers are given hazmat training but are told they

    will be fired if they wear protective gear or masks to protect their

    respiratory systems. BP's blatant procrastination is obvious and it appears

    that they really don't care if the oil is cleaned up or not.

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    It's unknown what the actual figures are since we have to rely on data from

    BP, but ProPublica has been tracking BP's figures on illnesses and injuries

    of clean-up workers. According to a recent report, there have been 552

    illnesses and 785 injuries for a total of 1,337 illnesses and injuries. Again,

    those are based on information from BP so it's hard to gauge how accurate

    those figures are since both BP and the government are doing their best to

    keep as much of that information hidden as they can.

    A video -- shot before the government decided to declare Gulf of Mexico

    beaches off limits to journalists -- posted by James C. Fox on YouTube

    reveals reasons for the concern that BP and the Obama administration

    have over giving the media access to spill areas.

    The video shows water samples being collected from the shores of Grand

    Isle, LA and from 20 miles out. According to the video, preliminary analysis

    was done at an academic analytical chemistry laboratory, looking for the

    likely pollutants from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, focusing on the

    detection of benzene and propylene glycol -- one of the toxic ingredients

    found in Corexit, the dispersant used by BP in the Gulf Coast.

    The Gulf of Mexico has been poisoned

    Benzene levels were low but results of the propylene glycol levels showed

    the concentration to be between 360 and 440 parts per million (ppm). 25

    ppm will kill most fish. BP used more than a million gallons of Corexit

    despite being told by the EPA to stop. Consequently, the Gulf of Mexico

    has been poisoned, putting all life in the Gulf Coast in danger.

    Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information on Corexit 9500 and

    Corexit 9527 can be found here. Propylene glycol has been linked to liver

    abnormalities, kidney damage, and can easily penetrate the skin. Corexit

    9527 was also used when the Exxon Valdez oil spill -- which also involved

    BP -- and most of the clean-up workers involved are dead according to a

    CNN report. The Deepwater Horizon gusher is several times bigger than

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    the Exxon Valdez oil spill was.

    A recent report from Marine Toxicologist Riki Ott reveals more of the lies

    used by BP and the government to downplay the public health risks from

    the oil and the toxic dispersant. Many people coming into contact with

    contaminated Gulf Coast waters have had adverse reactions. As noted by

    Ms. Ott, it's time for the government to protect public health first and BP's

    profit second...


    Gulf geyser stops gushing, but will it hold?

    NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Now the wait begins.

    BP finally gained control over one of America's biggest environmental

    catastrophes by placing a carefully fitted cap over a runaway geyser that

    has been gushing crude into the Gulf of Mexico since early spring.

    Engineers, politicians and Gulf residents will watch anxiously over the next

    day and a half to see if it holds.

    After nearly three months and up to 184 million gallons, the

    accomplishment was greeted with hope, high expectations - and, in many

    cases along the beleaguered coastline, disbelief. But no one was declaring

    victory just yet.

    Editor's note: What about the fissures in the sea floor that are spewing oil,

    methane and volatile organic compounds?

    See more on the Gulf oil disaster.


    DC area shaken by minor earthquake

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    WASHINGTON (AP) The DC area was shaken by a minor earthquake

    early Friday.

    The quake hit at 5:04 a.m. EDT and had a magnitude of 3.6.

    The quake was centered in the Rockville, Md., area said Randy Baldwin, a

    physicist with U.S. Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information


    Police in Washington and in nearby Montgomery County, Md., said there

    were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.


    W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 1 4 , 2 0 1 0

    The Purpose Driven Plague of MysticismExperiencing God through Deceitful Mysticism

    Professional deception and clever fraudulence are running rampant in

    mystical claims to experience God. Thus, the signature of Satan is seen in:

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    St. John of the Cross

    Ignatius Loyola

    Madame Guyon

    Carl Jung

    Richard Foster

    Mother Teresa

    Rick Warren

    Brian McLaren

    Leonard Sweet

    Phyllis Tickle

    ... and other deceivers of the Emerging Church movement who transmit

    this plague. In this illustrated DVD, former Roman catholic priestRichard

    Bennettand authorJames Sundquistexpose the deceitful shams that

    prevail at the present time. They also explain the scriptural method of

    biblical meditation and genuinely experiencing God.


    Solar Eclipse Quake Check

    In this post, Total Eclipse of July 11, 2010: Foreshadow of Disaster , it was

    revealed that the celestial planetary alignments have an impact on

    earthquake activity, during the wax and wane of the eclipse.

    Was there any significant global quake activity? A look at three days

    before and three days after July 11, 2010 reveals:

    3 quakes of 6.0 magnitude or greater

    26 quakes of 5.0 magnitude or greater

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    Interesting to note that Chile experienced 2 of the 3 quakes of 6.0

    magnitude or greater. In February, Chile was struck by an 8.8 magnitude


    Southern California / Baja Mexico continues to experience the "endless

    earthquake" since it's April 4, 2010 7.2 magnitude quake event.

    958 quakes recorded three days prior and three days after the July 11

    solar eclipse.

    The Pacific / Indonesian region

    experienced 80 quake events of which 22 quakes of 5.0 magnitude or

    greater during the eclipse window. One 6.2 magnitude quake was


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    Utah and Yellowstone NationalPark rang in with 35 quakes during the eclipse window...

    Alaska experienced 222 quakes, 2 of which were 5.0 magnitude or


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    The New Madrid Zone in the Central U.S. experienced 5 quakes under 2.3


    The Puerto Rico region experience 13 quakes of 3.0 - 3.6 magnitude, and

    7 events less than 3.0 magnitude.

    Hawaii experienced 16 quakes between magnitude 1.7 and 3.3 magnitude.

    Can any conclusion be drawn from these events as they relate to the

    eclipse window?

    In the US, the earthquake zones of Alaska, San Andreas, Yellowstone,

    and New Madrid experienced events during the window. It seems that

    Chile and Baja "endless earthquake" regions experienced noteworthy


    See related: Quakes Lining Up Around US?


  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    F R I D A Y , J U L Y 9 , 2 0 1 0


    From Pastor Ken Silva at Appising Ministries:

    "In Dr. Laverne Adams And Rick Warren Driven By Destiny, which featured

    a post by Apprising Ministries correspondent Christine Pack of Sola

    Sisters, she told us that Americas Pastor has written the foreword to a

    new book by Life Coach and pastrix Dr. LaVerne Adams aka the Divine

    Destiny Doctor:




    LIVING THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS!Dr. LaVerne Adams (Online

    source, caps in original)

    Um, what; exactly where does the Christian find fate in the scheme of the

    absolute sovereignty of the one true and living God of the Bible? Answer:We dont. Pack also points out:

    With her new book Driven by Destiny, Dr. LaVerne Adams reveals 12

    secret keys that inspire readers to overcome feelings of confusion and

    frustration while navigating their own unique destiny roadmap In addition

    to being unbiblical, this kind of positive self-talk in Dr. Adams book also

    comes very close to being New Age/Integral Spirituality thought, which is

    not Christian at all. When I was in the New Age back in the 90s, this

    thinking was dubbed New Thought.

    ...Rather curious in the first place that Southern Baptist pretending to be

    Protestant Purpose Driven Pope Rick Warren would help promote the work

    of a woman pastrix whos in violation of Gods Word. Even more interesting

    considering that in his defense of his dubious decision to invite Warren to

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    the Desiring God Conference 2010 as the keynote speaker Dr. John Piper

    said of his conversation with Warren..."

    Editor's note: Please prayefully consider supporting Apprising Ministries.

    Your gifts will enable AM to fight the flood of deception and contend for the

    faith. Click here to see how you can help.


    T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 8 , 2 0 1 0

    Gulf Oil Toxic Gas Risks To Humans

    Also, see this video, BLOWOUT SURVIVAL GUIDE by Dan Youra


    Canary In The Gulf Helps People Find SurvivalInformation

    "Canary" Warns of Toxic Gases in Gulf

    Gas Can is the name of a canary, whose website reports toxic gases from

    BP's oil spill. The bird's blog CanaryInTheGulf.com monitors air quality

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    samples from the US Environmental Protection Agency along the Gulf


    Created by Dan Youra, Gas Can wears a bird-size gas mask to protect him

    on his flights into toxic air. "Gases are scary things for all of us," says

    Youra. "I hatched Gas Can as a friendly ally to help us, and especially

    children, to confront the reality of gases in the Gulf."

    CanaryInTheGulf.com reports toxic events blowing over land.

    On June 29 Hurricane Alex blew sustained levels of toxic particulate matter

    (PM10) up above EPA's highest and most dangerous warning levels

    "Hazardous" and "Very Unhealthy" for 24 continuous hours on Grand

    Isla, Louisiana.

    Hazardous Warning: People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and

    children should remain indoors and keep activity levels low. Everyone else

    should avoid all physical activity outdoors.

    Very Unhealthy Warning: People with heart or lung disease, older adults,

    and children should avoid all physical activity outdoors. Everyone else

    should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion.

    Three of six days from June 20 to June 26 registered "Unhealthy" for toxic

    particulate matter (PM10) on EPA's air quality monitors in Venice,


    Unhealthy Warning: People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and

    children should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. Everyone else should

    reduce prolonged or heavy exertion.

    EPA watched volatile organic compounds skyrocket past 70 parts per

    million on Grand Isle on June 19th. Concentrations above 10 ppm are

    considered significant potential for health risks by the National Resources

    Defense Council (NRDC.org).

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    According to Dr. Gina Solomon, medical expert on toxicology with the

    National Resources Defense Council, "the most worrisome VOC in oil is

    benzene. It is known to cause leukemia in humans."

    Dan Youra, editor of a commercial distiller's manual, is experienced in the

    danger that gases from crude oil represent, when they escape the normal

    containment of industrial refining. Youra knows of more than 250 chemical

    compounds in crude oil and natural gas. "Many toxic gases from the oil

    well blowout are entering the air every day," warns Youra. "Some are the

    cancer causing and concentrations are increasing," adds Youra.

    Prior to widespread use of electronic gas sensors in coal mines, miners

    carried a caged canary into coal mines to warn of wayward gases.

    According to Youra, "if the canary stopped chirping and died, it indicated

    the presence of toxic gases and the urgency of exiting the mine."

    Youra's canary cartoon figure adds a lighter side to the deadly seriousness

    of the subject matter and is a modern manifestation of the life supporting

    role canaries played in toxic gas detection.

    According to Youra, "EPA is carrying an empty birdcage into the mine.

    EPA gathers air samples and then looks for averages." Youra looks for

    extremes. "The 'outlier' data point is the canary," Youra says.

    Youra cautions, "Gases sneak up on you." Average amounts of gases at

    low levels may not kill. "Until they accumulate!" he emphasizes. "One whiff

    of highly toxic gas can evade EPA's 'normal', but it may be enough to drop

    a person into convulsions, unconsciousness or even death."

    CanaryInTheGulf.com reports on the anomalies, the accumulations and

    the trends in toxic concentrations."EPA's averages do not tally up the

    accumulations of gases," Youra states. "Breathing a little toxic gas every

    day is the same, and in many cases worse, than breathing a big gulp all at

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    once," he cautions.

    CanaryInTheGulf.com links to national health resources on the web.

    According to Youra, it is important to educate everyone, including children,

    about navigating the minefield of gases.

    "Top priority is to recognize the symptoms of toxic exposure to gases,"

    Youra says. Dizziness, headache and loss of balance can be signs of

    exposure. Youra coaches Gas Can to help kids learn the basics.

    Gas Can is on the mobile web at GasHelp.com.

    Youra was interviewed about toxic gases by Mike Siegel on Lars Larson

    National Radio Show. Youra's study of gases in the Gulf is quoted in

    Examiner.com by Hank Richards.

    Dan Youra is editor of the Alcohol Distiller's Manual for Gasahol and

    Spirits, published for Dona Carolina Distillers, San Antonio, Texas. Youra

    studied quantitative analysis in graduate school at Ohio State University's

    Behavioral Sciences Laboratory. He is the publisher with Michael W.

    Mandeville of Solar Alcohol: The Fuel Revolution.

    See also: BP'S Benzene Blows ashore in the Gulf , Gulf Oil Disaster: EPA

    Air Quality Data Doesn't Pass Smell Test , Attention Gulf Coast: Prepare

    To Abandon Ship , Presence of Airborne Toxic Gulf Gases Confirmed ,

    The Gulf Disaster Death Gasses , Gulf of Mexico's Airborne Toxins Move

    Inland - Dr. Says MOVE OUT , Gulf Oil Spill: Catastrophe of Biblical


    See more on the Endless Eruption in the Gulf of Mexico.


    Gulf Oil Disaster: Interfaith's Great EcologicalAwakening

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    Green religion movement hopes spill wins converts by JOHN FLESHER

    (AP) 10 hours ago

    NEW ORLEANS Where would Jesus drill?

    Religious leaders who consider environmental protection a godly mission

    are making the Gulf of Mexico oil spill a rallying cry, hoping it inspires

    people of faith to support cleaner energy while changing their personal

    lives to consume less and contemplate more.

    "This is one of those rare moments when you can really focus people's

    attention on what's happening to God's creation," said Walt Grazer, head

    of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment.

    ...And believers in the stricken coastal regions are looking at the

    consequences of the oil's reach and asking what good can come out of it.

    "I actually didn't think I would be as deeply affected as I was by seeing oil

    in the water, the birds with oil stains, the marsh grass that had turned a

    shiny brown," said the Rev. Jim Ball of the Evangelical Environmental

    Network, who recently toured Louisiana's Barataria Bay by boat.

    Another delegation was scheduled to arrive in New Orleans on Tuesday

    for an interfaith prayer service and tour. Among the participants are Jim

    Wallis of the progressive Christian group Sojourners and Rabbi David N.

    Saperstein of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. Both have

    served on President Barack Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-Based

    and Neighborhood Partnerships.

    Their appearance is being coordinated with the Sierra Club, which has

    forged alliances with organized religion since its former director, Carl Pope,

    acknowledged in a 1997 speech the environmental movement had erred

    by shunning such ties.

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    "Different people have credibility with different segments of the population,"

    said Lindsey Moseley, the group's Washington representative. "The oil spill

    is ultimately a matter of values, which for many people are rooted in deeply

    held religious beliefs."

    Organizations including the National Council of Churches and the U.S.

    Conference of Catholic Bishops have issued statements calling for soul-

    searching. Some are providing ecologically themed online resources

    prayers, liturgy, scripture readings for use in worship services.

    "We have used God's creation without regard for the impact our rapacity

    had on the other creatures with whom we share our earthly home," reads a

    model prayer on the Council of Churches' website.

    The push for an ecological Great Awakening since the oil spill began in

    April has come from liberals as well as theologically conservative groups

    such as the Evangelical Environmental Network, which previously

    sponsored an ad campaign with the slogan "What Would Jesus Drive?"

    that called for more fuel-efficient vehicles.

    In a resolution this month, the Southern Baptist Convention declared that

    humanity's "God-given dominion over the creation is not unlimited, as

    though we were gods and not creatures" and called for "energy policies

    based on prudence, conservation, accountability and safety."

    "Caring for creation is an extension of loving your neighbor as yourself,"

    said Russell Moore, dean of Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Ky.,

    who wrote the statement.

    ...The disaster may help replace longstanding divisions based on dogma or

    culture with "a new kind of consensus that isn't liberal or conservative, left

    or right, but focuses on stewardship of creation, care for the poor and

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    accountability for corporate leaders," Wallis said.

    See more on the Endless Eruption in the Gulf of Mexico.


    W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 7 , 2 0 1 0

    Quakes Lining Up Around US?

    Quake activity over last 24 hours ( red and blue squares only).

    MAG 5.3 2010/07/08


    MAG 5.4 2010/07/07

    SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (area continues to experience the endless


    MAG 4.7 2010/07/07


    MAP 4.6 2010/07/07


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    The New Madrid Quake Zone has yet to respond.

    See related: Total Eclipse of July 11, 2010: Foreshadow of Disaster


    New Madrid Zone checks in on Thursday, July 8, 2010:

    MAG 1.9 2010/07/08 09:50:07 35.399( 5 mi) WNW of Quitman, AR

    MAG 1.6 2010/07/08 01:16:23 36.248( 3 mi) ESE of Ridgely, TN

    MAG 2.2 2010/07/08 00:38:06 36.369( 5 mi) ESE of Viola, AR


    BP'S Benzene Blows ashore in the Gulf

    "Keep checking out the EPA links and look out for rising benzene levels to

    protect your health. It certainly does not look good. Basically do not

    breathe if you can help it. Do not drink the water, swim in the sea, eat any

    sea food or land food close to the gulf. Do not touch anything and closeyour eyes, mouth and nose for the toxic volatiles and miscibles. Otherwise

    you will be fine."

    By Chris Landau (Geologist/meteorologist)

    Please open the link to see a map of benzene locations I have plotted, for

    114 points using data from the EPA web site. I have used values above 4

    parts per billion for data gathered by the mobile testing stations for theperiod June 24-29.

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    EPA has a table that makes recommendations for levels of certain volatile

    organic compounds in micrograms/m3. At code yellow, they express a

    level of health concern for the public.

    Benzene levels have risen in some places to EPA Code yellow or 20 micro

    grams/m3. 1000 ppb= 3.19 micro grams per cubic meter or1 ppm benzene

    = 3.19 mg/m3. The highest level recorded for the few days, I took the data

    was about 72.831 ppb. That translates to 232.33 micro grams/m3. I

    wonder what code red is?

    232.33micro grams/m3 is more than 10 times higher (emphasis mine)

    than the code yellow concern level of 20 micro grams/m3.


    Magnitude-5.4 quake strikes Southern California


    LOS ANGELES A moderate earthquake jolted Southern California onWednesday, rattling buildings in downtown Los Angeles, toppling wine

    bottles at desert resorts and briefly halting rides at Disneyland.

    There were no immediate reports of injuries or major damage, although

    residents across a wide swath of Southern California were spooked by the

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    force of the magnitude-5.4 quake.

    It struck at 4:53 p.m. and was centered 28 miles south of Palm Springs, or

    about 130 miles east of Los Angeles, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

    Dozens of aftershocks have been recorded, with the largest measuring


    See related Total Eclipse of July 11, 2010: Foreshadow of Disaster


    T U E S D A Y , J U L Y 6 , 2 0 1 0

    Total Eclipse of July 11, 2010: Foreshadow ofDisaster

    July 11, 2010 will be marked by a total solar eclipse in the southern

    hemisphere. It is also the last of three solar eclipses that have

    consecutively appeared ( Aug. 1, 2008, July 22, 2009) on the Jewish feast

    of 1 Av.

    Bill Koenig at World Watch Daily reports:

    "...there will be three annual solar eclipses on the 1st of Av, beginning this

    year and running through 2010. We know that the month of Av and

    especially the 9th of Av has been the most trying period throughout

    history for the Jewish people.

    Total solar eclipses have been a bad omen for the nations, while blood-red

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    moons have been a bad omen for the Jewish people and Israel."

    From The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia:"...even those who know its cause and strike terror in those who cannotforesee understand it In bygone ages an eclipse of the was counted anomen of disaster indeed as the worst of disasters by all nations except oneto whom the word of the prophet came.

    Learn not the way of the nations and be not dismayed at thesigns of heaven for the nations are dismayed at them Jer 10 2

    To the Heb prophets eclipses were signs of the power andauthority of God who forbade them to be alarmed at portents

    which distressed the heathen..."

    This year's 1st of Av finds:

    The United States turning against Israel

    The endless eruption of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) Oil Volcano

    Record setting global tectonic activity ( quakes, volcanoes )

    University of California, Berkeley seismologists reported in 2009 that the

    Sun and Moon Trigger Deep Tremors on San Andreas Fault .

    In January 2010, 2012Armegeddon.org connected the dots between the

    astronomical and the tectonic:

    "A couple of days ago, the longest solar eclipse of the millennium

    occurred. It occurred during the same week as the horrific Haitian

    earthquake. So is there any correlation?

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    The Iranian earthquake in 1978 that killed 25,000 people occurred

    within hours of a total eclipse

    On August 11, 1999 there was a total solar eclipse. On August 17,

    1999 a major earthquake hit Turkey killing over 17,000 people

    The 9.3 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami that killed 230,000

    occurred during a full moon.

    Will the destabilized region around the GoM oil volcano fracture and quake

    due to the celestial forces of the solar eclipse?

    Will the central United States ( New Madrid fault zone ) or California ( San

    Andreas fault ) experience a significant quake event?

    The odds are in favor of a nexus event.

    Pray and prepare.


    Apocalypse in the Gulf: Could a Sinkhole Swallow theDeepwater Horizon Well

    From BNET.com

    BP has confirmed that the failed blowout preventer (BOP) on its

    Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico is tilting sideways at an acute

    angle 12 to 15 degrees from perpendicular. Geologists and petroleum

    engineers are now debating the worst case scenario: growing evidence

    that the Macondo discovery wells casings beneath the ocean floor have

    been irreversibly damaged, possibly to such an extent that it may beimpossible to cap the well.

    ...Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are streaming video feeds ofhigh

    pressure columns of oil and gas bubbling up from fissures in the sea floor

    flowing from likely stress fractures in the underground piping.

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    A much talk-about anonymous posting at The Oil Drum, a blog often

    frequented by petroleum engineers and other oil-industry specialists,

    captures the fears of many scientists and environmentalists alike:

    That the system below the sea floor has serious failures ofvarying magnitude inthe complicated chain, and it is breaking down and it willcontinue to.

    What does this mean?It means they will never cap the gusherafter thewellhead. They cannotthe more they try and restrict the oilgushing out the bop[blowout preventer]?the more it will transfer to the leaksbelow. Just like aleaky garden hose with a nozzle on it.

    Learn more about the tremendous impact of the Gulf Oil Disaster.


    Government Says Gulf Oil Spill Hasn't Entered

    Human Seafood Supply. Really Now?

    Simon Atkins, CEO, Senior Industrial Disaster Threat Forecaster,

    Advanced Forecasting Corporation

    Is oil from the BP Gulf disaster entering the food chain? There are

    increasing food safety concerns. First we had contaminated shrimp, and

    Red Lobster took them off their menu. Then it was oysters leaking oil onto

    dinner plates (you didn't hear?) Now golden globs have been found on

    newly-hatched crabs. Organisms in the sea can accumulate the

    hydrocarbons, which could harm their ability to reproduce. What happens

    when our food becomes contaminated and our air becomes toxic?

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    ...my hypothesis is that contamination can happen even when a fish

    doesn't "look oily" or when a crab doesn't "smell toxic". I reckon we are

    going to see not only oil but also the toxic mix of dispersants like COREXIT

    9500 (produced by the NALCO Company, and banned in the UK and over

    a dozen other countries because it is four times more toxic than oil) and

    other chemicals and gases enter the food chain at an increasingly alarming

    rate. Here is a blunt prediction: toxin levels are going to continue to

    escalate and it is only a matter of time until we hear of some food for

    human consumption contamination.

    Tens of thousands of jellyfish are washing up dead on Gulf shorelines.

    Many fisherman are reporting on blogs and through other media outlets

    that deep sea fish are being spotted at an increasing rate close to shore,

    which is probably indicative of a widening "dead zone".

    What will we hear about next? The poisonous soupy broth will enter (and

    of course has already entered) the water vapor cycle. Weather, climate

    and oceanography is everything here: air flow patterns, waves, sea

    currents and rain will distribute (and of course are already distributing) the

    toxins far and wide.

    I seriously wonder if we might start hearing about something called "Gulf

    Of Mexico Syndrome" in the future? Let us hope not, but with almost 200

    million gallons of spilled oil, this will very likely be deemed (if not already by

    some historians and scientists) as the largest ever oil spill on the planet.

    ...Already, hundreds of people are falling sick as reported by the Louisiana

    State Health Department and hospitals in Pensacola just to name a couple

    of places. And supposedly, most of these illnesses over the past few

    weeks have been from inhalation of toxic air. You know, chemicals and

    gases like hydrogen sulfide, benzene, toluene, methylene chloride and

    many more.

    ...As a planetary risk forecaster and advisor, my job is to connect the dots.

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    With toxicity levels gaining, hundreds already going to hospitals and many

    others visiting doctors (the ones we know about), let us hope some

    potential future illness that might be called the Gulf Of Mexico Syndrome is

    just a far-fetched story on the equivalent of a Tom Clancy novel. Then

    again, if the story comes true, what will be the price to pay?

    Time will tell.

    "If you are waiting for an official announcement to evacuate, you will have

    waited too long."

    -Editor, Watcher's Lamp, June 30, 2010.

    See more on the endless oil eruption in the Gulf of Mexico.


    Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggereda 'world-killing' event


    "...The warning signs of an impending planetary catastropheof such

    great magnitude that the human mind has difficulty grasping it-would be

    the appearance of large fissures or rifts splitting open the ocean floor, a

    rise in the elevation of the seabed, and the massive venting of methane

    and other gases into the surrounding water.

    Such occurrences can lead to the rupture of the methane bubble

    containmentit can then permit the methane to breach the subterraneandepths and undergo an explosive decompression as it catapults into the

    Gulf waters. [6]

    All three warning signs are documented to be occurring in the Gulf.

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    Ground zero: The Gulf Coast

    The people and property located on the greater expanse of the Gulf Coast

    are sitting at Ground Zero. They will be the first exposed to poisonous,

    cancer causing chemical gases. They will be the ones that initially

    experience the full fury of a methane bubble exploding from the ruptured


    "...Cracks and bulgesMethane is now streaming through the porous, rocky

    seabed at an accelerated rate and gushing from the borehole of the first

    relief well. The EPA is on record that Rig #1 is releasing methane,

    benzene, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic gases. Workers there now wear

    advanced protection including state-of-the-art, military-issued gas

    masks.Reports, filtering through from oceanologists and salvage workers

    in the region, state that the upper level strata of the ocean floor is

    succumbing to greater and greater pressure. That pressure is causing a

    huge expanse of the seabed-estimated by some as spreading over

    thousands of square miles surrounding the BP wellhead-to bulge. Some

    claim the seabed in the region has risen an astounding 30 feet.The

    fractured BP wellhead, site of the former Deepwater Horizon, has become

    the epicenter of frenetic attempts to quell the monstrous flow of methane."


    Apparitions of Mary: Messages of Deception

    Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries discusses Jim Tetlow's Marianapparitions documentary, Messages From Heaven. See parts 2-4 here.

    Watch Messages From Heaven at no cost here.


  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    M O N D A Y , J U L Y 5 , 2 0 1 0

    Rick Warren's Law of Attraction: Vision or Vanity

    ...As your vision for your church becomes more specific, youll find that it is

    magnetic it will pull you toward it and pull other people toward it too. -

    Rick Warren's Ministry Tool box, June 23. 2010.

    Rick Warren's advice mirrors the new age gnosticism found within the

    pages of "The Secret". Warren instructs the reader to find a quiet place

    and talk to God about your ministry. Keep a journal of what He tells you.

    Really? Awaiting extra-biblical revelation direct from God? Warren makes

    no mention of reading of the scriptures or testing of the spirits during this

    quiet time.

    Warren encourages the use of a journal during the session, and so do the

    proponents of The Law of Attraction.

    Warren ends his piece with purpose driven Scripture twisting of Proverbs:

    If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves;

    But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.

    (Proverbs 29:18 MSG)

    Warren uses this verse to validate his quiet, direct and divine revelation

    session. Which implies that whatever spiritual thoughts come into my head

    during this time must be from God.

    A scholarly translation of Proverbs 29:18 reads:

    18 Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but

    blessed is he who keeps the law.

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    A quick look at the verses that precede and proceed verse 18:

    17 Discipline your son, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your

    heart.18Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but

    blessed is he who keeps the law.19 By mere words a servant is not

    disciplined, for though he understands, he will not respond.

    The vision of the prophet of God is the picture of the consequences of

    walking in The Way of God ( The Law ) or in the way of the wicked.

    Rick Warren apparently believes the "vision" is that which manifests in

    one's imagination. Solomon called that Vanity .

    Magnetism also repels. Pastors and church leaders who create their vision

    boards of bigger pulpits will repel those believers who resist the personal

    ambitions of a brick and mortar driven pastor.

    See what's really behind Rick Warren's vision casting here.


    Gulf Oil Disaster: The Threat To Food Chain Real -USOfficial

    Gulf spill 'bigger and uglier than we had hoped' by David A. Fahrenthold

    Some experts say troubled ecosystems are now being pushed to the


    "The distribution of the oil, it's bigger and uglier than we had hoped," said

    Roger Helm, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service official and the lead scientist

    studying the spill for the Interior Department. "The possibility of having

    significant changes in the food chain, over some period of time, is very

    real. The possibility of marshes disappearing . . . is very real."

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    Helm said that his prognosis for the spill had worsened in the past week

    as the amount of oily shoreline increased from Louisiana to Florida,

    despite cleanup efforts. "This just outstrips everybody's capability" to clean

    it up, he said.

    ...Is the oil killing off Louisiana's coastal marshes? State officials have said

    in interviews that they've seen it coating the grasses and mangroves that

    hold the region's land in place.

    ..."The marsh grasses, the canes, the mangrove are dying. They're

    stressed and dying now," said Robert Barham, secretary of the state's

    Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. "There's very visible evidence that

    the ecosystem is changed."

    See more on the endless oil eruption in the Gulf of Mexico.


    Gulf Oil Disaster: The Suicide Economy


    Gulf Oil Disaster: 400 Complain of Illness

    After Gulf swimmers report illness, questions about opening a beach From

    The Christian Science Monitor

    Atlanta Santa Rosa Island officials flew the double-red flag no

    swimming over Pensacola Beach in Florida after a swath of thick oil

    washed ashore from the Gulf oil spill June 23.

    Two days later, against the warnings of federal health officials and based

    on a visual survey of the beach, the local island authority director, Buck

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    Lee, reopened the beaches for swimming, urging residents and tourists to

    come back to the beach. Officials left the ultimate decision on whether it

    was safe to swim to beachgoers.

    This week, health officials in Escambia County, Fla., which includes

    Pensacola Beach, reported that about 400 people claimed they felt sick

    after visiting the beach and swimming in the Gulf.


    Gulf Oil Disaster: EPA Air Quality Data Doesn't PassSmell Test


    T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 1 , 2 0 1 0

    Fury as Methodists vote to boycott Israel

    From JC.com

    The Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council said theMethodists annual conference should hang its head in shame for

    passing a policy which calls for a boycott of goods from illegal Israeli

    West Bank settlements and blames Israeli occupation as the key

    hindrance to Middle East peace.

    Lord Sacks said the implications of the decision would reverberate across

    the hitherto harmonious relationship between the faith communities in the


    He blasted the report as unbalanced, factually and historically flawed and

    offering no genuine understanding of one of the most complex conflicts in

    the world today. Many in both communities will be deeply disturbed.

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    New UN Report Recommends Ditching The Dollar

    From the Business Insider

    The United Nations has slammed the U.S. dollar in a new report called

    Retooling Global Development. They're recommending an end to the

    dollar's role as dominant reserve currency, and pushing for a new global

    reserve regime based on a supranational currency made up of a basket of

    developed nation currencies.

    While we've heard this kind of recommendation before, the UN is re-energizing its push. For example, they blame the financial crisis squarely

    on the dollar system:


    The 2008-2009 global economic crisis

    demonstrates that the accumulation of deficits by the reserve-currency

    country, sustained by other countries because of their national policy

    objectives, is not self-correcting and leads to a crisis of global proportions

    whose costs are incurred by many innocent parties.

    Thing is, they also admit that the dollar remains immensely popular as a

    reserve asset, despite its problems and track record. They even predict

    that it could become more entrenched as a reserve asset going forward:

    Read the rest here.


  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    Edinburgh 2010, Re-Union With Rome, and JohnKnox

    by Dr. Paul M. Elliott, President, Teaching The Word Ministries

    As the 450th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in Scotland

    approaches, the church founded by John Knox and other stalwarts has

    taken a major step toward re-union with Rome.

    Conversion Minus Christ, Evangelism Minus the Evangel

    The recently-concluded Edinburgh 2010 Conference on World Missions

    was a gathering of liberal's liberals, conducted with the full cooperation and

    participation of the Roman Catholic Church, the World Council of

    Churches, the National Council of Churches. This conference

    commemorated the centenary of the Edinburgh 1910 Conference on World

    Missions, which was one of the early meetings of theological liberals and

    their enablers that led to the formation of the World Council of Churches in


    Part of the work of the Edinburgh 2010 "missionary" endeavor involved

    continued joint work by liberal denominations and the Roman Catholic

    church on the development of a "code on conversion" detailing "ethical

    standards for evangelism." But Edinbugh-style "conversion" is conversion

    without the true Christ, and "evangelism" without the genuine evangel.

    Edinburgh 2010 was a conclave of apostate church leaders who simply

    have no idea what the Gospel is. Conference sessions and documents

    used Biblical terms such as sin, salvation, the new birth, justification, and

    sanctification but with an un-Biblical, Rome-compatible ecumenical

    lexicon defining them.

    A Major Step Toward Re-Union

  • 8/9/2019 Watchers Lamp July 20 2010


    Fittingly, just prior to the Edinburgh 2010 conference, representatives of

    the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) and the Roman Catholic church

    announced that they have taken a major step toward re-union, adopting a

    joint liturgy for the re-affirmation of baptismal vows. A Scottish newspaper

    reported that as a result, Scotland has the first Protestant church in the

    world to form such a bond with the Catholic Church. The two churches will

    also join together to mark the 450th anniversary of the Reformation later

    this year.

    Read the rest here.
