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Water Pollution

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Presented by Dr. B. Victor
Page 1: Water Pollution

Presented by

Dr. B. Victor

Page 2: Water Pollution

About the presenterAbout the presenter

Dr.B.Victor is a highly experienced postgraduate biology teacher, recently retired from the reputed educational institution St. Xavier’ s College, Palayamkottai, India-627001.

He was the dean of sciences and assistant controller of examinations.

He has more than 32 years of teaching and research experience

He has taught a diversity of courses ranging from pre- university to post graduate classes.

Send your comments to : [email protected]

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Water is essential to life on earth.

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Importance of waterImportance of waterOrganisms are composed of much water––


Supportive external environment for aquatic organisms

Cellular medium within which biochemical reactions can occur

Transport medium for food, oxygen, and other things needed by cells

Means of support-Turgid plant cells/Hydrostatic animal support systems

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Three forms of Water. Three forms of Water.

Solids: When water becomes very cold and freezes it will change from a liquid to a solid. It has a definite form and shape.

Liquids: When water takes the shape of its container it is in a liquid form.

Gases: When water is seen in a vapor form and has no definite size or shape it is in a gas form.

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Distribution of global waterDistribution of global water

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The earth's water supplyThe earth's water supply

97.2% of the Earth's water supply is salt water.

Only 2.8% is fresh water!

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Salt and freshwater relationshipSalt and freshwater relationship

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World Water SupplyWorld Water Supply

97.200% salt water in the oceans 02.014% ice caps and glaciers 00.600% groundwater 00.009% surface water 00.005% soil moisture 00.001% atmospheric moisture

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Earth as water planetEarth as water planet

Earth is often referred to as `the water planet'.

Earth is unique amongst planets of our solar system because of its abundant water - in oceans, in the atmosphere, in glaciers and as fresh water on land.

Without water, life could not exist.

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The earth's freshwater supplyThe earth's freshwater supply

Only about 3% of Earth's water is fresh. Two percent of the Earth's water (about 66% of

all fresh water) is in solid form, found in ice caps and glaciers.

One percent of all the Earth's water in a form useable to humans and land animals.

This fresh water is found in lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, and in the ground. (A small amount of water is found as vapor in the atmosphere.) 

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Distribution of waterDistribution of water Ocean Water: The vast majority of water

on the planet is the salt water in the oceans and seas.

Fresh Surface Water: This is the fresh water in rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and similar bodies of water.

Groundwater: The majority of the planet's liquid freshwater is stored in underground aquifers. Water that enters an aquifer remains there for an average of 1,400 years!

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Water : A precious Natural ResourceWater : A precious Natural Resource

We use water for drinking, irrigation, industrial purposes and energy production. Water use

agriculture and energy production - 80%

industry and public use - 20%

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Water is used in many waysWater is used in many ways

as a nourisher of plant and animal life, a bearer of food, a prime element of industrial processes,

and a medium for transportation

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Significance of waterSignificance of water

Water is an integral part of life on this planet. It is an odorless, tasteless, substance that

covers more than three-fourths of the Earth's surface.

Most of the water on Earth, 97% to be exact, is salt water found in the oceans.

We can not drink salt water or use it for crops because of the salt content.

We can remove salt from ocean water, but the process is very expensive.

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Hydrologic cycle - water cycle 

Hydrologic cycle - water cycle 

Two main processes: precipitation and evaporation

Powered by energy from the sun 

Hydrologic cycle purifies water

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Global hydrologic cycle Global hydrologic cycle

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Water Cycle Water Cycle

Saltwater evaporates from sun's energy producing fresh water in clouds; leaves salts in ocean.

Water vapor cools and condenses to

precipitation over oceans and land.

Runoff forms fresh water lakes, streams, ponds, groundwater, and is held in plants and transpired.

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Water consumption/ countries Water consumption/ countries

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Human activity disrupts local water cyclesHuman activity disrupts local water cycles

Irrigation Clear cutting of forests Watershed disturbance Loss of minerals through runoff Desertification

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Water consumption/useWater consumption/use

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Daily use of waterDaily use of water

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Pollution of waterPollution of water

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Water Pollution

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Where do Water pollutants come from?Where do Water pollutants come from?

Point Sources – A single definable source of the pollution, e.g. a factory, a sewage plant, etc. Point-source pollution is usually monitored and regulated.

Non-point sources – No one single source, but a wide range of sources, e.g. runoff from urban areas, or farmland. Non-point sources are much more difficult to monitor and control.

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Pollution of Water Pollution of Water

1. Industrial pollution2. Surface pollution3. Groundwater contamination4. Sewage pollution5.Oil pollution6.Thermal pollution

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Sources of Water pollutionSources of Water pollution

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Water pollutantsWater pollutants

Industrial EffluentsThis waste water may contain acids, alkalis, salts, poisons, oils and in some cases harmful bacteria.

Mining and Agricultural WastesMines, especially gold and coal mines, are responsible for large quantities of acid water.

Agricultural pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides may wash into rivers and stagnant water bodies.

Sewage Disposal and Domestic WastesSewage as well as domestic and farm wastes were often allowed to pollute rivers and dams.

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Water pollutionWater pollution

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Non-persistent (degradable) Water pollutants

Non-persistent (degradable) Water pollutants

Domestic sewage Fertilizers Some industrial wastes

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Non-persistent (degradable)water pollutantsNon-persistent (degradable)water pollutants

These compounds can be broken down by chemical reactions or by natural bacteria into simple, non-polluting substances such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen.

if the pollution load is high, this process can lead to low oxygen levels and eutrophication.

This damage is reversible.

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Persistent Water pollutantsPersistent Water pollutants

some pesticides (e.g., DDT, dieldrin) some leachate components from landfill sites

(municipal, industrial) petroleum and petroleum products PCBs, dioxins, polyaromatic hydrocarbons

(PAHs) radioactive materials such as strontium-90,

cesium-137, radium-226, and uranium metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium

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Persistent Water pollutantsPersistent Water pollutants

This is the most rapidly growing type of pollution

This includes substances that degrade very slowly or cannot be broken down at all;

They may remain in the aquatic environment for years or longer periods of time.

The damage they cause is either irreversible or repairable only over decades or centuries

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Other water quality pollutantsOther water quality pollutants

warm water from cooling towers (thermal pollution)

floating debris garbage foam These physical pollutants interfere mainly

with the usability and/or aesthetic appeal of the water. In certain cases, thermal pollution can kill fish.

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1. Classes of Water pollutants 1. Classes of Water pollutants

 Pathogens Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Parasitic Worms, Colliform Bacteria Used As Indicators Of Water Quality

Oxygen Demanding Wastes Organics That Are Decomposed By Bacteria And That Use A Lot Of O2, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Decreases, And BOD Increases

Water Soluble Inorganic Chemicals Acids, Salts, Toxic Metal Compounds Like Mercury, And Lead.

Inorganic Plant Nutrients Water Soluble Phosphates, Nitrates => Algal Blooms, Decreased Dissolved O2, Increased BOD, Methemoglobinemia (="blue baby syndrome")

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2. Classes of Water pollutants2. Classes of Water pollutants

Organic Chemicals Oil, Gas, Plastics, Pesticides, Cleaning Solvents, Detergents, Etc. 

Sediment & Suspended Mater Insoluble Soil Particulates & Other Solids. Clouds The Water, Decreasing Photosynthesis, Carries Pesticides And Disrupts Aquatic Food Webs. 

Radioactive Isotopes Are Biologically Amplified To Higher Concentrations In The Food Chain. Ionizing Radiation & Birth Defects, Cancer.

  Warmed Water From Power Plants, Decreases DO And

Increases Susceptibility To Diseases And Parasites And Toxic Wastes. 

Alien Species Zebra Mussels, Asiatic Catfish, Sea Lamprey, etc. Out compete Native Species And Ultimately Decrease Biodiversity

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Industrial Water pollution Industrial Water pollution

Industries discharge a variety of pollutants in their wastewater including heavy metals , resin pellets, organic toxins, oils, nutrients, and solids.

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Over 1 billion people lack access to safe water supplies, while 2.6 billion people lack adequate sanitation. This has led to widespread microbial contamination of drinking water.

Water-associated infectious diseases claim up to 3.2 million lives each year, approximately 6% of all deaths globally.

Microbial contaminationMicrobial contamination of water

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Eutrophication Eutrophication

Increases in nutrient loading may lead to eutrophication .

Organic wastes such as sewage impose high oxygen demands on the receiving water leading to oxygen depletion.

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DroughtDrought Drought causes more damage and

suffering than any other natural disaster.

80 countries experience droughts lasting more than 1 year.

According to the UN, almost 500 million people, in 31 countries (~40% of the world’s population) experience chronic water shortages today.

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Flooding: oversupply of water

Flooding: oversupply of water

Water Logged Soil Nutrient Leakage Topsoil Erosion

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Acid rainAcid rain

Acid rain is formed when moisture in the clouds mixes with sulfur or nitrogen in the air.

Acid rain includes rain, sleet or snow with a pH level that falls below 5.6 (normal rainwater).

The sulfur and nitrogen get into the air by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and gasoline. The average pH of rainfall is 4.3.

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River pollutionRiver pollution

Asian rivers are the most polluted in the world.

Three times as many bacteria from human waste as the global average

20 times more lead than rivers in industrialized countries.

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Mass fish killsMass fish kills

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Plastic waste in waterPlastic waste in water

Each year, plastic waste in water and coastal areas kills up to:

100,000 marine mammals, 1 million sea birds, and countless fish.

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Water borne diseasesWater borne diseases

Diseases caused by the ingestion of water contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites include:

cholera typhoid schistosomiasis dysentery and other diarrheal diseases

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Disease burden from water pollution Disease burden from water pollution

Water-associated infectious diseases claim up to 3.2 million lives each year, approximately 6% of all deaths globally.

The burden of disease from inadequate

water, sanitation, and hygiene totals 1.8 million deaths and the loss of greater than 75 million healthy life years.

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Water and sanitation

Water and sanitation

It is well established that investments in safe drinking water and improved sanitation show a close correspondence with improvement in human health and economic productivity.

Each person needs 20 to 50 liters of water free of harmful chemical and microbial contaminants each day for drinking and hygiene.

There remain substantial challenges to providing this basic service to large segments of the human population.

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Oil Pollution of water Oil Pollution of water

Both Point and Nonpoint Sources Largest source of oil pollution is pipeline

leaks and runoff– 61% ocean oil pollution river & urban

runoff– 30% intentional discharges from tankers– 5% accidental spills from tankers

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Remedial measuresRemedial measures

Locate the point sources of pollution. Work against acid rain. Educate your community. Ensure sustainable sewage treatment. Watch out for toxins. Be careful what you throw away. Use water efficiently. Prevent pollution . Think globally, act locally.

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Thank youThank you
