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Wayahead 6

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Way Ahead 6 Unit 1 A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets -: 1- This food isn't sour, it's ----------------. (bad - ugly - delicious) 2- We're taking a -----------to Cairo. (trip - trick - trap) 3- I ------------------ over a chair and fell down. (tripped - troubled - tripled) 4- ---------------is a card often with a picture on the front, that you can send by post without an envelope. (A letter - A post card - A poster) 5- Police asked the woman to --------------- her attackers. (describe - decide - descend) 6- Police have given a detailed ----------------- of the missing child. (description - destination - determination) 7- The dogs------------------ last night. (were howling - were holding - were hovering) 1
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Way Ahead 6 Unit 1

A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets -: 1- This food isn't sour, it's ----------------. (bad - ugly - delicious) 2- We're taking a -----------to Cairo. (trip - trick - trap) 3- I ------------------ over a chair and fell down. (tripped - troubled - tripled) 4- ---------------is a card often with a picture on the front, that you can send by post without an envelope. (A letter - A post card - A poster) 5- Police asked the woman to --------------- her attackers. (describe - decide - descend) 6- Police have given a detailed -----------------of the missing child. (description - destination - determination)7- The dogs------------------ last night.

(were howling - were holding - were hovering)8- There were lots of drawings in the art ---------------------. (museum - mushroom -musician).9- where ----------------- you go an hour ago? (do-did-were)10-Did you ------------------ your homework last night? (do - did - have done)______________________________________________________

Underline the correct word (s) in brackets -: 1-They ----------------- a letter an hour ago. (write - wrote - have written)2- -------------- she fat last year? (Was - Did - Is) 3- She helps her mother with the ------------------. (housewives - housewife - housework)


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4- My sister's hair isn't straight, it's ---------------. (curly - ugly - blonde) 5- Mona' hair isn't black, it's ------------------. (blonde - blood - blouse) 6- She has got dark --------------hair. (street - straight - start) 7- Meet me at the front ----------------to the building. (entrance - enter - entitle) 8- There're two------------- at the back of the plane. (exits - exhibits - exists)9- Is there any more ---------------- in the basement? (space - spade - spare)10-He wrote a book about his ---------------- in Africa. (adventures - advantages - adverbs)____________________________________________________B) Do as shown in brackets:-1- It is a (pain) work, to carry heavy loads. (change into adjectives)2- I found some money yesterday. (negative)3- Yes, I drank tea. (ask a question)4- He played in the park. (ask a question)5- I have been to the zoo. (ask a question) ______________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets :- 1 - Did she answer that difficult question? (answer)2- Where (.. .be...) you yesterday at 5 o'clock p.m? (correct)3- My father (... just arrive ...). (correct)4- he is a (help) friend, (change into adjective)5- he found some money, (negative)______________________________________________C) Complete the following sentences:-

1 - In America the first messages were .........2-............ across the US in about ten days.3- When the first telegraph line came the ............ in us stopped.4- Sally received an ............ from her key pal.


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Unit 2A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :- 1- You can --------------- it as I don't need it any more. (keep - key - kind) 2- ----------going shopping, why don't we go for a walk? (Instead of- intend - interest) 3- What does U.S.A. ------------------? (stand up - stand for - stand by)4- The mother sheep has two ------------------. (lambs - lamps - lumps) 5- She's unable to speak, she's ----------------. (deaf-blind - dumb) 6- A ----------------- is the short, thick finger on the side of yourhand which helps you to hold things. (thumb - dumb - tomb) 7- A ---------------- is a large grave for burying dead bodies. (tomb - lamb - thumb)

8- He ------------- eat sweets everyday. (don't - doesn't - isn't)

9-She ------------------- usually come to school on the bus. (doesn't - don't - isn't)

10-They -------------always make noise. (don't- doesn't - aren't) __________________________________________Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :- 1-He keeps -------------- sums of money in the bank. (huge - hump - hung) 2-Why don't you -----------------us for dinner? (join -joint-jungle)


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3-Her hair is ------------------ in a bun. (twisted - tried - twinkled)4-She has long ----------------on both sides of her head. (plaits - plates - plains) 5-My sister twisted her hair into---------------. (plaits - plates - plains)6 - ----------------are soft shoes you were inside your home. (Slippers - Sandals - Boots) 7-I have some sweets in my ----------------box. (lunch - dinner - supper) 8- Farmers use ----------------- on their farms. (trucks - tractors - trolleys)9- The boys ------------------always play in the street. (don't - doesn't - aren't) 10-He doesn't often ----------------chess. (plays - play - playing)___________________________________________________B) Do as shown in brackets:-1-He (...not sleep...) at present. (correct)2- He always comes by bus. (use now)3 - She helps her mother (negative)4- They wake up late. (negative)5- He polishes his shoes. (ask a question)______________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets: 1- My son always (play) chess. (correct)2- My father goes to bed late. (negative)3-Yes, she studies Arabic. ( Ask a question)4-(...he make...)a cup of tea for himself? (correct)5- A cake is made ...... flour, butter , sugar, eggs and milk. ( Use a suitable preposition )

____________________________________________________c) Complete the following sentences :


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1 - People from long ago didn't have chairs so they ............ andtheir friends.2- A farmer form long ago used oxen and a wooden plough to ......3- To grow wheat for bread, a farmer from long ago ......... and4- -----------had a long plait on the right side of their saved heads.

Unit 3A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :- 1- She bought a -------------of sardines for lunch. (ten - tin - tip)2- A bomb -------------- there last night. (exploded - explored - expressed) 3- The -----------------was caused by a burst gas pipe (explode - explosion - expression)4 - Your friend ------------------ like a nice guy. (sounds - south - sour)5 -That -----------------like good news. (sounds - south - sour)6-The kids ---------------all the balloons with pins. (burst - bury - bum)7 -The bag wi11 ------------------if you put any more things in it. (burst- bury - bum)8- They ----------------------when I called. (came - were coming - coming)9-She fell while she -------------------down the stairs. (walked - was walking - walking)10- He ----------------tennis while I was eating supper. (played - was playing - playing)_______________________________________________Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :- 1 -There was a fierce ------------------for the few jobs available. (competition - composition - completion)2-We had to cut our prices, to ------------------with the big supermarkets. (compete - complete - compensate)


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3 -There was around the world a ------------------race. (yacht - yard - yam)4-Cut the tomato into thin----------------------. (slices - sleeves - slides) 5-'Put some -----------------on the salad. (mayonnaise - maximum - mattress)6 -News of his arrest -------------------quickly. (spread - spray - sprang)7-They -------------------when the phone rang. (typed - typing - were typing)8-She --------------------------while he was talking. (wasn't listening - listening - listens)9-While he -------------------the light went out. (read - was reading - reading)10- When it began to rain, mother-------------------. (was shopping - shopping - shopped)__________________________________________________Do as shown in brackets:1- While I (run), I broke a leg. (correct)2- Just as I (walk), I (meet) Ali. (correct)3- When he came in, we (watch) T.V. (correct)4- While (play) football, I saw a plane. (correct)5-As I (have) dinner, father (drink) coffee. (correct)_________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- As she (.. .write...) a letter, her sister came. (correct)2- While (draw - drawing - to draw) a picture, he felt headache. (choose)3- Just as they (play) chess, I (watch) T.V at the same time. (correct).4- When he (finish) his work, his friend was repairing a machine. (correct)5- While she was cleaning the room, her son and daughter (come). (correct)_____________________________________________________


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c) Complete the following sentences:

1 - Alex climbed ............ because the massive brown was moving faster and faster.2- The terrible treacle flood happened in ............ and injured ............people.3- Helpers were needed because the treacle flood was ............ 4-Alex wasn't ............ in America because it was a ............__________________________________________________________

Unit 4A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :- 1- That wolf is a real---------------------. (monster - master - moisture)2- A --------------------is a large ugly frightening creature in stories. (monster - master - monitor) 3- People get -------------from the tusks of elephants. (ivory - ebony - candy) 4- He became a local -----------------after saving a boy's life. (heroine- hero- heroin) 5- A ------------is a boat that has triangular sails and one or two masts. (dhow - submarine - cabin) 6- -------------is soft cloth made from the threads produced by a silk worm. (Silk - Silicon - Silver) 7- She wears a ---------------------blouse. (silk - silicon - silver) 8- The bus ------------------before he could catch it. (left - had left - has left)

9- Before he ---------------------at the station, the train had left. (arrived - has arrived - had arrived) 10- After he had examined the jewels, he ----------- that they were false. (had found - found - has found)________________________________________________________


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Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :- 1-The -------------------- tries to find out the forest. (explorer - exporter - exterior) 2 -A -------------------is someone who is on a journey who travels a lot. (passenger - traveller - tailor) 3-A ------------------is a person who writes a book or a story. (writer - naturalist - sailor) 4 -This building was built in the 19th-----------------------. (century - ceremony - cemetery)5-What is the shortest ----------------from here to the station. (route - round - rouge) 6-Heavy rain is making road --------------------difficult. (travel - chalk - run) 7-I can't ------------------ he's only 25! (believe -belief - be little)8-Robert Louis Stevenson is the ------------------of "Treasure Island”. (author - reporter - printer) 9- As soon as he had bought a car, he ------------------ an accident. (has - had - has had)10-He had left by the time his father---------------------. (asked - has asked - had asked)___________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- After he had done his homework, he went out. (use: until)2- First she bought flour then she made a cake. (use: after)3- They have been married for seven months, (use: ago)4- She said to us, "You are good pupils." (report)5- By the year 2000,I (travel) to U.S.A. (correct)____________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:

1- By 1967,I (learn)to read and write. (correct)2 - I (finish) the exercise before you (come). (correct)3-" He said to me "I ate lunch yesterday".(report)4- She said "I have seen an accident”. (report)


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5- As soon as be (buy) a car, he (have) an accident. (correct)_________________________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:

1- The Silk Road was an ............ to China form around 500 B.C.2- Marco Polo went to ............3-In the 13th century ............ to China.4- John Speak believed that he had found the source of the Nile when he discovered............ ___________________________________________________________

Unit 5A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :- 1- Jogging helps me keep----------------. (fat - fit - feet)2- They ------------------for the race. (train - trainer - trainee) 3- Rami won the ----------------and Alt finished second. (race - racket - rack) 4-Who won the-------------------? Ahmed. (race - rack - raft)5-How much do you earn ----------------week? (per - bar - pair) 6- The fruit costs 75 p.t ---------------- kilo. (per - bar - pair)7-A tailor uses a sewing-------------------------. (tool - machine - equipment)8-1 had an hour's -------------------after work. (rest - result - rent) 9-Weight lifting strengthens your arm----------------------. (muscles - elbows - fingers)10-Try not to ------------------the fumes? (breathe - breath - break) ________________________________________________Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-


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1-I -------------------------- for ages. (wait - have been waiting - am waiting)2- They -------------------------the road since 2002. (repair - have been repairing - are repairing) 3- She ----------------------letters since breakfast. (writes - has been writing - is writing) 4- He --------------------- me all this morning.. (has been telephoning - telephoned - telephones)5- Keep ----------------while I comb your hair. (still - stitch - stick) 6- They tied a -----------------around the dog's neck. (rope - rose - root) 7-If I ------------------up, I can touch the ceiling. (stretch ~ stress - strike) 8- The ball ----------------across the floor. (rolled - ruled - roles) 9- Tears ----------------- down her checks. (roll - rule - role)10- Follow the -----------------------on the back of the packet. (instructions - institutions - intentions)____________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:

1- My little daughter (skip) in the park for ten minutes, (correct) 2- She studied English an hour ago. (Use: have been ...) 3- They have broken me new chair, (use: them)4- Her uncle has been drawing a picture, (ask a question)5- All this week, we (be) ready for the monthly exam. (correct) __________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:

1-She slept last night. (use since)2-He waited an hour ago. (for two hours)3-They painted their house last year. (use since)


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4-He has been playing football for a year. (ask a question)5- She (sleep) all evening. (correct)_________________________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:1- Haile Gebreselassie was born into a ............ in Ethiopia in 1973.2- One's body has more than ............ muscles. 3- Walking is a good exercise, but you need to wear............4- Cycling is good for your legs muscles but swimming is good for………….. ._______________________________________________________

Unit 6A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-

1 - They found the ------------------- buried under a tree. . (treasure - pressure - transport)2- Don't make ------------------of the kitchen, will you? (a mess - messy - a message) 3- This house is a------------------. (mess - message - messy) 4- The police run ---------------the thief. (after - away - out of) 5- A ----------------- is a player in a football team. (footballer - soccer - football)6-1 used to ------------------ newspapers when I was a kid.. (deliver - delicious - delete)7- The --------------------of Sphinx is in Giza. (statue - status -station) 8- They're sitting on a -------------------watching T.V. (sofa - socket - soda) 9- He sent her a beautiful -----------------of flower. (bunch - packet - slice) 10-There's a silver ---------------------- in his tie. (pen-pin-pan)___________________________________________________


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Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1-The Egyptian handball team won an Olympic----------------------. (gold medal – wooden medal - concrete medal)2-I often email my ---------------------in China. (tool kit - key pal - key hole) 3- --------------is a valuable yellow metal that is used to make jewellery. (Gold - Silver - Copper) 4-More and more teenagers are falling ----------------to drugs. (pray - prey ~ price) 5-A carpenter has a----------------. (tool kit - first aid kit - hose)6- What --------------- still being made by her? (is - does - was) 7- What books --------------------being read by them? (are - do - were) 8- The flat ------------------being tidied by her. (is - was - has) 9- Look! The dishes are -------------------washed by her. (been - being - be) l0- Listen! The song is being ----------------by them. (sang - singing - sung)_______________________________________________________ b) Do as shown in brackets: 1- A nice play (.. .be.. .show) yesterday. (correct)2- The wall was being painted by Ali. (passive)3- The boys are singing a nice song. (rewrite)4- She was cleaning the room. (rewrite)............................................................by her. 5- My son was studying science. (rewrite) ........... being ………………………..by my son.________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1-Were you cleaning your shoes? (passive)2- What was she eating last night? (passive)3- Are They studying Arabic? (passive)


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4-What is she doing now? (passive)5-Mum was washing the dishes. (rewrite) -The dishes ....................................................____________________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:1- The Hillside school award for bravery was given to Pete Ball at a2- Pete and his sister were being looked after by ............3- Pete lived from five metres into the water and………………4-Elean's great-grandfather had come to ............ from ...........in 1894_____________________________________________________

Unit 7A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- Four ------------------by five is twenty. (multiplied - divided - compared) 1- The mechanic fixes my car-------------------. (engine - race - park)3- A lute is a -----------------------instrument. (music - musical - musician) 4- A stethoscope is a medical---------------------. (instrument - drugs - treatment)5- My sister is clever at a jigsaw------------------------. (puzzle - quiz - problem)6- Father buys the papers to solve the cross word-------------------. (puzzle - problem -quiz)7-There're some -----------------in the pond. (goose - geese - goof) 8-1 was --------------------by a bee. (stung - stuck - stirred) 9- Fireman put ---------------fires. (out - on - away)

10-The phone call was Just a ----------------to get him out of the office. (trick - stick - brick)


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1- The final exam ----------------------- next week. (began - will begin - was beginning)2-I -------------------to buy bike next Friday. (go - am going - will go) 3- He -----------------a doctor in the Friday. (is - will be - was) 4-We ------------------for Cairo tomorrow. ( leave - will leave -left) 5- You surely don't --------------------me to drive you name. (expect - except - accept) 6- They saw a -----------------movie. (scare - scary ~ scared) 7- The gardener does the ----------------- every weekend. (garden - gardening - garbage)8- Mohamed works for a big insurance---------------------. (company - companion - compass)9- A ---------------is a small electronic machine that can calculate numbers. (calculation - calculator - calculate) 10- The police turned the place--------------------. (upside down - upstairs - up to date) __________________________________________________________ b) Do as shown in brackets:

1 - The plane (... land ...) in half an hour. (correct)2- The final exam (end - was ending - will end) next week. (choose)3- They have a party today, (rewrite)4- (Do - Will - Are) she buy a computer tomorrow? (choose)5- He is ............ drawer a picture tomorrow, (complete)

________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:


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1 - What (.. .the weather be...) like tomorrow? (correct)2- She (not make) a cake tonight. (correct)3-I (write) to her soon. (correct)4- We (see) a movie tonight. (correct)5- (.. .they go...) to bed early tonight? (correct)______________________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:-1- Don't touch or ............ the animals when you are in a zoo2- Caroline s great-grandfather had come to……………. from……......ship in about 1890. 3- Thanks to an-email, Caroline had a cousin called……………..4- A family meeting came to life again after ............ time. _____________________________________________________

Unit 8A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1 - The lake was ------------------ by chemicals from factories. (polluted - polished - pointed)2- The air in big cities is full of--------------------. (pollution - population - poetry)3- The --------------------from the factory was taken away in lorries. (waste - wasp - wash) 4- He doesn't ---------------------any body but himself. (care about - careful - care taker) 5- The ------------------moves around the sun every 365 days. (earth - world - land) 6- My doctor -------------------- a week off work. (suggested - summarized - suffered)7- All the evidences seems to -------------------that he is guilty (suggest - summarize - suffer) 8 -"I'm -------------------sorry.” She said to me. (extreme - extremely - extravagantly) 9-You can ride your bike here, but ------------------for cars. (watch out- take out - put out) 10-That tap is still---------------------.


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(dripping - dropping - drilling)___________________________________________________Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1-I turned on the cold water---------------. (tap-tape-tub)2- ---------------- opinion is now against the government. (Public - Special - Private)3-This pool is now open to the---------------------. (public - special - private)4-Don't forget to turn -----------------the light when you go to bed. (out - up - down) 5 - He did a --------------------of people's eating habits. (survey - survive - suspense) 6- Compare your answers to the -----------with other people in the class. (questionnaire - quotation - question mark)7-We read a --------------------of the accident. (report - reply - request) 8-This -------------------shows population growth over 50 years. (graph - grape - grave)9-It is a weather---------------------. (chart - chat - charm)10-I have no --------------- left after playing football. (energy - enemy - enquiry)_____________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- It's necessary for her to use a dictionary, (rewrite)She. ............................................................ 2-She may take a taxi. (It’s …………) 3- It................. snow tomorrow, we aren't sure. (possibility)4- My father had to visit the dentist yesterday, (negative)5- ................. we play a game of chess? (suggestion)__________________________________________________Do as shown in brackets:1- It is possible she likes tea. (may)


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2- It is necessary to do my homework, (must)3- Perhaps they are waiting in the park. (might)4- You come early. It isn't necessary, (needn't) 5- We...............swim well. ( ability) ______________________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:-1 - Being "green" means that you .............2- The school throws away a lot ............3- At school, it's extremely important to save water and watch out for .................4- People buy things that are made in ............ ______________________________________________________

Unit 9A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- Who can we ---------------------in an emergency? (consume - contact - continue) 2- People can be --------------------up into the helicopter. (winced - winched - would) 3- The plane exploded in------------------------. (middle - midair - middle school)4- Helicopters can ---------------- in midair, so they can travel further. (refuel - refund - regret)5- She got out of the car with----------------------. (difficulty - difficulty - different)6- The water stopped the electrical ---------------- from working. (circus - circuit -- citadel)7- ----------------one of these boys is your friend? (Who - Whose - Which)8- The picture -------------------second attractive. (that he drew it - which he drew it - which he drew) 9- The new apartment ---------------- cost my father much money. (in which we live - which we live - which we live in it)10-I lost my new camera ---------------------was expensive. (which - that - whose)


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_________________________________________________Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1-Are all passenger on ----------------yet? (broad - board - abroad) 2-Quick! Call an ambulance! This is an---------------. (energy - embassy - emergency)3- The rescuer arrived in time and the men were lifted off the----------. (desk – deck - disk)4-The yacht's ----------------- broke in the strong wind. (must ~ mast - mist)5 - The river -------------------the valley very spring. (floats - floods - flocks) 6- Whose car is -------------------the driveway? (blowing - blocking - blushing)7- Ten helicopters came from two aircraft---------------------. (bases - basis - basics)8- The kids -----------------all the balloons with pins. (burned - burst - buried) 9-The flood -------------------- through the car park and carried cars and vans down the street. (surveyed - suspended - surged)10- The river was ------------------after the strorm. (torch –topic - torrent)___________________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- Graham Bill was a scientist. He invented the telephone.

(a relative pronoun)2- The room (which he studies) is clean and tidy. (correct)3- The boy ........... T-shirt is red, is my friend,

(insert a suitable relative)4- She bought a book. I was useful, (rewrite using "that")5- (Which - Who - Whose) car is that? It's Ali's, (choose)____________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- A caretaker is someone. He looks after a building,


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(relative pronoun)2- A calculator is a machine. It adds up numbers, (relative pronoun)3-I helped the lady. Her husband was dead. (relative pronoun)4-I fed the cat. Its kittens are black, (relative pronoun)5-This is the house. My uncle built, (relative pronoun) _______________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:1-James Watt was a ............ who invented a ............ in 1784.2- Joseph Jacques Montgolfire were French inventors who made the first ……………..3-In 1783 the first air balloon passenger were a............ , ............ and a………………..4- Isaac Newton was an English ……………………____________________________________________________________

Unit 10A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- Fish, meat, and eggs are -----------------foods.

(body-built – body-build – body building )2- If you eat -----------------of fresh food you will get enough vitamins.

(more – much – plenty ) 3- You will harm your ------------------if you eat too much sugar.

(body – teeth – eyes ) 4- You will be ---------------if you eat too much fried food. ( thin – slim – overweight ) 5- Which of these sports do you do once -----------------? (week – a week – the week ) 6- I’m very worried ------------------ my weight. ( of – about – to ) 7- I eat at least three chocolate ----------------. (jar – bars – piece ) 8- Your nails -------------------look so horrible if you didn’t bite them. (wouldn’t – won’t – can’t ) 9- What ----------------happen if he lost all his money?

( will – would – is )


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10- ----------------he didn’t come early he would be punished. (If – Unless – Because ) _________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- If he had enough money, ----------------------. ( Complete ) 2- He ( get ) full marks if he studies hard. ( Correct ) 3-Yes, If I had time. ( Ask ) 4-Give me your money or I’ll shot you. ( Rewrite ) If-------------------------------------------------. 5- If you practiced well, you would win the match. ( Negative ) _______________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:1-Chickens, and meat are -------------foods. 2- Rice, cake and potatoes are -----------------foods. 3- If we boil our food, it will lose a lot of ------------------. 4- We need to drink more water if we ------------hard. ____________________________________________________________

Unit 11A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- The blue whale is the ---------------animal in the world. ( smallest – largest – oldest ) 2- The blue whale is in -----------------. (dangerous – danger – endangered ) 3- People kill whales for food and for their ---------------. ( fur – oil – ivory ) 4- Men hunt and kill elephants for their ---------------. (fur – oil – tusks ) 5- People kill Arctic foxes for their ----------------. (fur – ivory –oil ) 6- The ink monkey was ----------------of Chinese scholars. ( the symbol – the pet – the game ) 7- The monkey ---------------the stick of ink and ground it in the bowl with water. ( help – help – put )


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8- Elephants -------------live in Asia, have small ears. ( who- which – where )

9- People -----------------endanger animals all over the world. ( which – where – who )

10-Hunters kill elephants for their tusks ---------------are used for jewellery . (who – where – that ) _________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- This is the car. I bought the car yesterday. (Add relative pronouns ) 2- Ahmed is a doctor. He gives me medicine. ( Join ) 3- A dentist is the person ---------------takes after my teeth. ( Complete ) 4-Mr Ali teaches us English . ( Ask a question ) 5-Which animal do you like the most? ( Answer ) _______________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:1- People who hunt animals for their food and fur are ---------------. 2- ---------------is the largest animal in the world. 3- Elephants are hunted and hilled for their ----------------- . 4- The humpback whale can -------------in the water. ____________________________________________________________

Unit 12A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- Hello, petti ----------------is mark. (That – My name – This ) 2- It’s very cold here, Bring a warm coat and ------------------. (shorts – scarf – jumpers ) 3- My friend ----------------me it was very cold in London. (said – tell – told ) 4- Mr Ali told me -----------------a warm coat . ( bring – to bring – bringing )


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5- In Switzerland there is a lot of snow, Houses have long ----------roofs. ( flat – steep – high ) 6- The Sultan lives in the world’s largest --------------. It has 1788 rooms. (igloo – hut – palace ) 7- There are 70 --------------in lake point tower. (apartments – floors – palaces ) 8- The boys felt the cold air ---------------their faces.

( on – in – over )9- They heard a sudden ------------------of thunder. ( flash – voice – crack ) 10-He told me that he ----------------arriving on Friday. (is – was – will ) _________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- “Open the window, please “ my father said . ( Change into reported ) 2- Mona said to me “ I went to my uncle yesterday “ ( Rewrite ) Mona told -----------------------------------. 3-He told me not to waste my time. ( Give the actual words ) 4-My mother said “ don’t play with matches “. ( Begin with : she told me ) 5-What did he tell you about the film? (Answer ) _______________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:1-In the Arctic is very cold and the snow is very deep the I nuit build --------2- In south Africa, some Indians live in -----------------made of mud . 3-In crowded Hong Kong, some people in wooden -------------------in the harbour. 4- In the ---------------nomads keep goats. ____________________________________________________________


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Unit 13A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- For thousands of years, gold and silver have been highly ------------. (value – values – valued ) 2- Teeth, stones and shells have all been used as ----------------. (money – treasures – coins ) 3- ----------------is often called fool’s gold. (Coral- Emerald – Iron pyrites ) 4- Diamonds are the ------------------minerals. (softest – nicest – hardest ) 5- Emeralds and turquoise are used for --------------. (jewells – jewellery – treasures ) 6- Coral and pearls are ------------------------treasures. (underground – underwater – in tombs ) 7- Treasures --------------------found in the sea by divers. (has found – has been found – have been ) 8- Have you ----------------given a diamond ? (ever been – never been – every been ) 9- Oil has ------------------found on the moon. ( ever been – never been – never be ) 10-In spite of --------------he went to the forest to hunt.

(the dangerous – the dangers – endangered )_________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- The government has built many houses. (Make passive ) 2- Mr Ali has never drunk wine. ( Change into passive ) 3-The workers haven’t cleaned the street yet . ( Rewrite ) The street --------------------------------------4-Yes, the camera has been found. ( Ask ) 5-The less on has been written . ( Complete ) The students --------------------------------------. ______________________________________


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c) Complete the following sentences:1- Gold, and silver have been used to make --------------------. 2- For a long time diamonds have been used in -----------------. 3- --------------has been found under the sea as well as under the ground . It’s often called “ black gold”. 4- Iron has been used for --------------------------. ____________________________________________________________

Unit 14A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- People need oceans for food and --------------. (swimming – ice – transport ) 2- Oceans cover ---------------percent of the earth. (75 – 80 – 70 ) 3- Oil tankers sometimes ----------------sticky, black oil into the sea. (spell – spill – spilt ) 4- Plastic bags ---------------animals. (trick – trap – transport ) 5- How much does a dolphin -------------------. (weigh – weight – heavy ) 6- Oil can cover the ----------------of birds so , they can’t fly. (fur – skin – feathers ) 7- What do you --------------about oceans? (knew – known – know ) 8- Mrs. Suzy asked why oceans --------------important .

( are – were – was )9- Mr Ali asked which oceans ----------------name. ( could they – they could – can they ) 10-If a star fish -----------------an arm it can grow it again. (misses – loses – lost ) _________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- My father wants to know “ where do you want to go ?” (Change into reported ) 2- He said to me “ why did you come late yesterday? “ .


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He asked ------------------------------------------- ( Complete ) 3-He asked me why I had lost my way the day before. ( Give the actual words ) 4-Mr Ali asked “ What’s your name ? “ (Indirect ) 5-“ When will you come ?” Ahmed said. ( Rewrite ) Ahmed asked ----------------------------. _______________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:1- --------------has a hard shell and ten legs. 2- -------------has eight arms , it has a soft body and is very intelligent. 3-Jelly fish are also very beautiful, but not -------------------. 4- The octopus release black --------------------. ____________________________________________________________

Unit 15A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- How did the dinosaurs ------------------------? ( dead – died – die ) 2- The dinosaurs were the largest ---------------animals ever. (sea – desert – land ) 3- Scientists have found out a lot about the dinosaurs from -------------. (fuels – fossils - -----------) 4- If one of -------------------had hit the earth, it would have killed many animals. ( asteroid – dinosaurs – giants ) 5- If a gimt comet hadn’t hit the earth, the dinosaurs -------------have died. (won’t – wouldn’t – would ) 6- After 1980, scientists found more ----------------for the asteroid. (causes – reasons – evidence ) 7- When an asteroid hit the earth, the forest --------------fire. (had – caught – took ) 8- I would have come if my mother --------------made me clean my room.

( didn’t – hadn’t – wasn’t )


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9- I would have --------------more if I hadn’t had such a big lunch. ( eat – ate – eaten )

10- The ground shook and huge rock fell -------------dinosaurs were crushed. (as a result – but – although ) _________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- He didn’t pass the exam because he didn’t study well. (If ) 2- As a result of being late, he was punished. ( if ) 3-He had no money, he didn’t buy the car. ( if ) 4-If he had seen his father, he would have taken his pocket money . ( Negative ) 5-If he had been polite, ----------------------. ( Complete ) _______________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:1- -------------had hit the earth so, many animals had been killed. 2- fossils are very old ----------------which are now hard, like rock. 3- Dinosaurs might have been crushed and buried by -----------------. 4- Allosaurus had big teeth and a wide --------------. 5- Stegosaurus had ---------------on its back and tail. ____________________________________________________________

Unit 16A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- I wish I ---------------be a doctor. (would – could – will ) 2- I wish I ---------------more about computers. (know – knew – will know ) 3- I wish I ----------------have spots . ( wouldn’t – couldn’t – didn’t ) 4- I wish my brother -----------------be a teacher of English. (would – could – will ) 5- I wish I -----------------better at football. (am – was – were )


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6- Don’t you wish you ----------------some popcorn? (had – have – get ) 7- Evelynis -----------------she plays on drums and xylophone. (percussion player – singer – actress ) 8- The composer is the one who ----------------------music. ( plays – listens – writes ) 9- Evelyn is interested --------------------helping deaf children.

( at – on – in )10-It’s hot why don’t you take -----------------your jacket? (of – off – over ) _________________________________________________b) Do as shown in brackets:1- I wish I ( be ) taller. ( Correct ) 2- I wish my brother ( join ) police academy. ( Correct ) 3-She wishes she ( travel )to the U.S.A . ( Correct ) 4-I wish -------------------------------. ( Complete ) 5-I wish my family didn’t -------------------. ( Complete ) _______________________________________c) Complete the following sentences:1- -----------------is a player who uses wood block, maracas, and snare drum . 2- People who are not able to hear we call them -----------------. 3-Actress is a woman who takes parts in plays and --------------------. 4- A composer is the one who writes ------------------. ____________________________________________________________

Way A head 17A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- Schools will be different, Doors will be ------------- (machines – automatic – satellite)2- In the future, black boards will be replaced by huge ------------- (robots – computers – Tv screen)3- In 2020 lessons will be ------------------ by satellite. (written – taught – beamed) 4- We won’t need books or paper, but we will need .


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(goggles – jewels – gold)5- School work will be done -------------- computers. (by – in – on) 6- The teachers will ------------------ helped by robots. (be – been – being) 7- Schools will be ---------------- of glass. (build – built – building)8- The earth will ----------------- to be emptied of people over the next ten years. (has – must – need) 9- We will travel to other cities on ------------------ space ship. (solar-power – solar-powered – solar-powering)10- Some people will be moved to ---------------- space staticons. (small – tiny – gigantic)_________________________________________________B) Do as shown in brackets:1- Many planets (visit) in the future. (Correct ) 2- The Government will build many houses. (Passive) 3- In the future, schools will be ----------------. (Complete) 4- Many dishes will be cooked by my mother. My mother ------------------------------------. (re. write)5- My car will be repaired by the mechanic. (Ask question)_______________________________________C) Complete the following sentences:1- ----------------- will help teachers in the future. 2- ----------------- will be used to beam lessons for our future schools.3- A kind of cars which is run on by using solar power is ------------- car. 4- We can travel into space using -------------------. ____________________________________________________________

Unit 18 Revision

A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- He ------------- into the swimming pool. (dived – diverted – divided)


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2- I haven’t paid for the ----------------- to my car. (repairs – repay – repeat)3- He ---------------- 3 miles everyday. (jugs – joys – jogs) 4- A crocodile is a real ------------------. (monster – master – moisture)5- She is wearing a ------------------ blouse. (silicon – silk – silver) 6- I’ll make a cake -----------------. (herself – mine – myself) 7- The car was ------------------- by a mechanic. (repairing – repairs - repaired)8- The boy --------------- dog barks loudly, is my friend. (who – which – whose) 9- They ----------------- English since 4:30. (study – have studied – to study)10- She went out an hour ----------------------. (for – ago – since)Underline the correct word(s) in brackets :-1- She --------------- for a long time. (ran – has been running – runs)2- The lesson is --------------- written now. (be – being – been)3- Let’s ----------------- swimming. (going – to go – go) 4- My grandmother is ----------------- me a jumper. (knocking – kneading – knitting)5- Alexandria has made great ----------------- in cleaning up its streets. (strikes – stripes – strides) 6- She has been cooking food ---------------- two hours. (since – for – ago – then) 7- The wall has been ---------------- up till now. (painting – paint – painted)8- He made that cake -----------------. (myself – his – himself)


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9- Samy usually ---------------- TV everyday. (watches – is watching – watched)10- An hour ago, they ---------------- the housework. (do – did – doing) _________________________________________________B) Do as shown in brackets:1- Samia is making a puppet. (Passive) 2- They (study) Arabic for an hour. (Correct) 3- The wall (build) a year ago. (Complete) 4- The car was wended by a mechanic. (Ask question) 5- He is interested ---------------- reading. (A preposition)Do as shown in brackets:1- If he studies hard, he (get) high marks. (Correct) 2- Mona saved money. She bought a new watch. (Use: since)3- They bought ten packets of sweets. (Ask question) 4- My lives in a house. It’s clean. (A relative)5- My uncle paid ----------------- his new computer. (A preposition)_______________________________________C) Complete the following sentences:1- Samuel Morse invented -------------- in 1837. 2- A roller coaster, in Disney Land, is ------------------------.3- Most children in ancient Egypt had --------------- on their shaved heads. 4- Many people believed that the world was flat but Christopher Columbus -----------------------------------.Complete the following sentences:1- Caroline and Elena were two ----------------------. 2- Nature doesn’t make --------------------------------.3- At school, you should try to cut ----------------- waste. 4- In 1783 the first air balloon passengers were a ---------------, ------------------- and a -----------------------------.____________________________________________________________

