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brittaaragon.com€¦  · Web viewYou want to be stepping into 2020 declaring and decreeing the...

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Lesson #4 - Vibrational Currency: New Story, New Vibration, New Actions, New Results! Welcome to Lesson 4 Beautiful Sisters! We have 23 days left before we enter a new decade! Woohooo!! You want to be stepping into 2020 declaring and decreeing the breakthroughs you want to see in your life. YOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. New year, new journey, new vibration, endless possibilities! This is your year! That’s why I am calling a FAST! (And by fasting, I mean fasting from a behavior or food that is controlling you, like social media, sugar, meat or whatever is distracting you) Because the power of fasting, declaring and decreeing, prayer and having fun moves mountains!! God sees we are serious. That we are ready for next level.
Page 1: brittaaragon.com€¦  · Web viewYou want to be stepping into 2020 declaring and decreeing the breakthroughs you want to see in your life. YOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold

Lesson #4 - Vibrational Currency: New Story, New Vibration, New Actions, New Results!

Welcome to Lesson 4 Beautiful Sisters! 

We have 23 days left before we enter a new decade! Woohooo!! 

You want to be stepping into 2020 declaring and decreeing the breakthroughs you want to see in your life. YOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold steady as we transition into the New Year with what you want to call in. 

New year, new journey, new vibration, endless possibilities!

This is your year! 

That’s why I am calling a FAST! (And by fasting, I mean fasting from a behavior or food that is controlling you, like social media, sugar, meat or whatever is distracting you) Because the power of fasting, declaring and decreeing, prayer and having fun moves mountains!!

God sees we are serious. 

That we are ready for next level. 

Now is that time to put a demand on real big grandiose miracles. 

This is how you start to believe and hold your focus and attention on what you are declaring no matter what! 

Practicing not letting your environment, life’s curve balls and others behaviors derail you. 

Page 2: brittaaragon.com€¦  · Web viewYou want to be stepping into 2020 declaring and decreeing the breakthroughs you want to see in your life. YOUR SPOKEN WORD is powerful, so hold

No matter what is happening, you can you commit to hold steady in prayer, fasting, having fun and declaring? 

Will you? 

Can you practice not allowing your environment, children, news or unexpected challenges destabilize you? 

This is what mastery is. 

This is what building belief in the promise of ease, freedom, abundance and flow takes. 

Trusting that it will come, that you deserve it. That you are worthy of it. 

This builds tenacity. Consistency. Discipline. Momentum. 

Don’t let ego tell you it’s not going to work. You can’t look into the realm of the 3D today and what is in-front of you. You must learn not to lean on what you see in this present moment. That was a result of yesterday, last month’s thoughts, last year’s declarations. 

You have got to start to look with spiritual eyes and make faith your vision. 

Feel into your future self and the blessings she is living. Then hold steady on the promise for your destiny. Do not lose it. No matter how small. One day it will all shift. You can’t give up. We are building momentum. So get up and keep going!

You are going to fast, pray, declare and have fun until you see breakthroughs! 

Don’t give up!

Be intentional about not repeating cycles. To fly high you must get out of the cycle and you are getting ready to fly! 

If you are stuck in a behavior, you are just stuck. 

That means you just have move and do something you haven’t done before. So move! 

We must do things differently. So let’s start. 

It’s that simple. 

You are on the edge of your next level. It’s here. 

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And I am SO excited for you! 

What’s needed for this week’s journey: 


Action for the week:  

If you haven’t already, please watch the FB live on the page that I did on Friday. Leave your comments. I share more on the fast and answer questions. 


Action for the week:  

If you decided you want to change your prayers, then let your prayer circle know that you have a new prayer(s) for December. If you feel you still want to keep the same prayer, that’s perfect. 

No matter what, continue to connect with your prayer sisters on your WhatsApp thread and use it as a life line!! Stay committed. Consistent. And pray both morning and night for 2-3mins each time!! YOU ARE TOO VALUABLE to not

stay prayed up!!!   

If you want different you must do different! Even if you don’t believe that the prayers can come true. Pray!!! Just keep praying! It’s God’s job to do what you cannot do. It’s not your job to figure it out. It’s His. Also pray for the willingness to have the tenacity to keep praying for your circle when ego wants you to forget to skip it. Again, consistency and discipline. And share the miracles happening with your thread or on the FB page! 

3) FASTING for the rest of December (depending when you start the fast this week) 

Woohoo! We are fasting as a group and I am fasting with you. Next level we are coming for you! Choose anything that has control over you right now. It can be meat, sugar, soda, cigarettes, shopping beyond essentials, dating, Netflix, social media, working on the weekends... whatever that is for you, that’s distracting you, clouding and cluttering your mind and preventing you from hearing the truth. Decide what you will fast from (choose ONE thing only please) and what date this week you will start (make it before Friday) and we do this together as a group until end of December. Just a note that this isn’t fasting to lose weight (if you choose a food item), but more so we can let go of crutches of what is distracting us. I do not suggest that you fast and stop eating all together. Just choose ONE thing and focus on that. 

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Now this isn’t about perfection. It’s about doing things differently to get different results. If you fall off, the last thing we do is beat ourselves up. You just pick up again and keep going. Judgment and condemnation completely lower your vibration. And will keep you stuck. That’s egos plan. Instead, congratulate yourself for having done it for X amount of days or hours and start again. If you fall, you get up. We stay on the high beam together. 

This is why we are fasting: 

TO GET DIFFERENT, YOU MUST DO DIFFERENT: you got to remove distractions, you got to put the phone down, the soda down, DO SOMETHING YOU HAVE NOT DONE yet to get something different. It’s powerful! 

NEXT LEVEL: EVERYTHING you want is yours on your next level. You just have to get right with yourself to receive it. You have to believe you are enough, you are deserving of it. And by fasting you are preparing for the doors that are about to open, you are saying that you are ready. Miracles will come. Favor will come. Trust me! 

HEAR THE VOICE CLEARLY: You have to spend time in stillness every day. That’s where ego has no game. That’s where your inner guide can reveal the next steps. Simply ask God to tell you what needs to be left behind in 2019, what’s next for you, where you need to focus, or any other questions you may have. Fasting will open up the channel big time. Yesss! 

FOCUS AND DISCIPLINE:   You are practicing how to stay focused no matter how uncomfortable. You are doing this fast for your future self and for your next level. And I know it’s u comfortable, but that’s how we change. Pray in the discomfort and trust me that you will be lifted and transported to your next level. Hold steady. Stay focused — a skill your next level requires! 

 Action for the week:  

Decide what you will fast from and what date this week you will start (make it before Friday) and we do this together as a group until end of December. Post on FB and tag me on what you are fasting from and your start date! Wooohooo! 


We are going to keep working with the power of your word as we go into money/food and health! And we start in baby steps as we dive deeper into money over the next few lessons. 

We will start by addressing the simple declaration/lie of “I have no money”. 

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Do you ever find yourself thinking or saying this statement? 

This is about learning and seeing evidence of how life can shift when you change one  declaration based on lack and not enoughness. 

You have probably thought about this declaration over and over again for many years or even just for certain seasons. Even if you have money in the bank, the fear of not having enough money and of economic insecurity might still plague you and keep you in bondage. This statement and the energy it carries is a mirror to the fracture of not believing you are whole and not knowing who you truly are in your essence. 

So first, you have to catch yourself in this lie. That’s the mind training of ACIM — to be alert to your thoughts, emotions and words and no longer let them run the show. To break the spell that these declarations/lies have created. Know that your word is so powerful. If you knew the ties you make or break and contacts you make or break on the spiritual realm with your word, you would be astonished! 

To bust a story, in this case “I have no money” (even if this doesn’t have charge for you, keep reading as this is a foundation piece on the lack “Matrix” that runs through our lives) we must question it. 

Really, you have no money? 

Not even $10? $100? You might choose to say “I you don’t have money” when making a decision to buy something, but the statement itself is a lie. You do have money. Even if it’s not enough to pay the bills, you have money. 

You must break the patterns of beliefs that tell you that you do not have good health, friends, time, energy, money or whatever. 

All of these thoughts and words are creating your world, you are very powerful! And as we create money and call in opportunities and resources in this 4 month journey together, this statement and other fear related thoughts to money, must be deleted. 

So starting today, let go of saying “I do not have money” ever again. 

When you start to tell the lie again, remind yourself that this is a DREAM and illusion. ACIM tells us that one of the first things we must do to be free and step into the flow, is to hear the “dirge” that you have been singing. A dirge is a song they play at funerals. It’s a song of death “a lament to the dead”. 

Just like I shared in Lesson #3 - you can speak LIFE into your situation or death. ACIM says that aliveness ends at the beginning of a “Sigh” which signifies you

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are no longer in the moment and acceptance of what is. A sigh is resistance. That’s when death starts according to Jesus in ACIM. So are you speaking life into your relationship with money or death? 

Once you hear the dirge, you need to QUESTION IT and then STOP IT! 

I am sad. I am alone. I have no money. I look tired. I am old. I am not fit. No one loves me. 

Really? Is that true? No one loves you? 

So your story is not true. It’s a lie you have been telling yourself. You are so loved. 

“I am alone” is not true because God is with you. And if you open your eyes you will see you are surrounded by angels and helpers, and people that want to spend time with you. 

You will see miracles when YOU BECOME DETERMINED TO STOP singing your song of death to yourself. 

Money is all over the place. It comes from all directions ALL THE TIME. 

But what ends up happening, is it comes in, you do not acknowledge it, you do not bless it, you spend it on bills and then you say “there is no money”. 

Everything begins with a decision. And you can stop acting like you are living in poverty in an area of your life. Start acknowledging all the abundance in your life. Now. Today. FOCUS on that. Bless what you have now. 

Start with your thinking and your words and decide right now that you can have what you want when it comes to money and prosperity. Your intention to create money and abundance is the first step toward having an overflow of it in your life and no longer being distracted by it but instead using it as medicine for you, others and the world. 

We start by learning how to respect it. Thank it. And speak life into it. 

 Action for the week:  

A) Eliminate “I have no money” from your vocabulary. Period. 

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B) Re-establish Respect with Money: Bless, thank and respect every single dollar that comes to you via your word and through writing. As if it was medicine when you are sick. A helping hand. A kind neighbor that helped you out. Let it come in and hold you. Support you. Give money permission to help you. Allow it to be the masculine support that it is. Acknowledge it for how grateful you are that it is in your life. Money is a masculine energy that just wants to support and be respected. Play a game. Let money dazzle you. Surprise you. Dialogue with it. Journal about how grateful you are about each thing it allowed you to do today. Thank it daily. And create your own declarations around money and speak them daily until Lesson #5. This will be a game-changer. And not only will this be the beginning of changing the amount of money you let into your life, but you will at the same time, heal any broken fractures with your father and relationship with God.The relationship with money, father and God all run on the same lineage. You heal one, you are also healing the other. So we start here, trust that you are making huge strides sister!! I am so proud of you! 

5) Raise your vibrational “currency”: 

 Action for the week:  

1) Listen to this short video from Esther Hicks at least 2 or 3 times before we meet again:


2) Raise your vibrational currency via dance: 

Choose 3 times between now and before lesson #5 where you play this video and just let yourself dance!! Even if it’s while getting ready, before work or after a challenging day....just dance. Sing to it.... and dance. Nothing raises frequency and moves energy like singing and dancing! And of course, how can you not be shaken into aliveness with Whitney Houston’s  “I want to dance with somebody”

   FOCUS on having fun and being so present, practice being alive in your body. Be playful. Dance in front of the mirror. Or not.....and practice being alive for 5 mins. Go all in! And then witness how you feel after. Pure bliss! 


Well... That’s all for Lesson 4! I know it was a longer one but a powerful one. We are building from here. Don’t quit. Don’t give up, keep going. 

Your next lesson will be delivered to your inbox December 23rd so plenty of time to practice, integrate and take it slow. Do not let yourself fall behind. We are practicing the skills of consistency and discipline throughout our 4 months

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together. If you can be trusted with little, you can be trusted with more.  Your next call will be Wednesday December 18th at 1pm est. 

Keep focusing on the power of your spoken word, your thoughts and declare and decree what you want create and manifest. Stay in conviction and come to believe that you are so powerful. And so it is! 

Let’s do this beautiful souls! 

Wishing you a blessed week full of miracles and see you on the FB page! 

Much love

B  x  
