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Webinar: Institutionalizing Sustainability In Your Company

Date post: 19-May-2015
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Overview of framework and process a company can use to institutionalize sustainability and achieve consistent, high quality capability. This is a very fast overview of content that is used in day-long workshops.
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Barbra Batshalom, Executive Director THE GREEN ROUNDTABLE Sustainable Performance Institute: Transforming Practice, Recognizing Leadership Boot Camp Webinar
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Barbra Batshalom, Executive Director


Sustainable Performance Institute: Transforming Practice, Recognizing Leadership

Boot Camp Webinar

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Understand how to connect sustainability to their business objectives

Use industry metrics to evaluate your company’s true (current) capability

Understand and identify where your company’s ‘gaps’ are

Formulate goals and strategies to achieve excellence & improve performance

Begin to lay the basis of a workplan and approach to address issues, systems, process gaps

Improve effectiveness to increase buy-in within your company


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1. Introductions and Purpose

2. Defining Green Practice: What does it really mean to be a sustainability practice?

3. Organizational Assessment:

4. Implementation Planning

5. Discussion

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With all the progress we’ve made to ‘green’ our built environment, we have a long way to go. We face crises of climate change, public health, habitat devastation and economic implosion – so the question remains: What will it take to get “there” – to be on a path towards sustainability?

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Building  codes  and  ra/ng  systems  are  “end  of  pipe”  solu/ons.  They  help  us  determine  a  target  and  allow  us  to  measure  what  we’ve  done.  That’s  important,  but  not  enough.    

USGBC  and  LEED  have  dragged  us  (kicking  &  screaming)  to  a  place  where  we  finally  base  our  work  on  performance,  using  metrics  and  accountability  –  but  that  has  not  been  enough  to  go  ‘up  the  pipe’  and  transform  professional  prac/ce.  

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The  “root  of  the  problem”  is  that  we  are  s/ll  trying  to  use  the  same  processes,  behavior  and  mindset  to  deliver  a  new  product.    

Green  building,  LEED,  net  zero  –  whatever  the  project’s  goal  is  –  we  can’t  succeed  without  addressing  our  way  of  doing  business.  We  need  to  reset  our  percep/ons,  expecta/ons  and  increase  collabora/on  to  succeed.    

Design  and  construc/on  companies  who  have  done  this  have  realized  success  and  delivered  performance!  


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So  we  need  a  logical,  methodological  and  ra/onal  approach  to  these  issues.    The  SPI  green  firm  program  has  done  that  -­‐    and  provided  a  framework    to  translate  behavior  and  culture  to  metrics  and  performance  criteria.  


As  engineers,  architects  and  builders,  we  are  generally  logical,  ra/onal  and  analy/cal.  The  “leJ  brain”  is  where  we  thrive,  solving  problems,  delivering  solu/ons.  

We  are  a  “leJ  brain”  community  struggling  to  address  “right  brain”  problems!  

We’re  less  comfortable  dealing  with  “right  brain”  func/ons  needed  to  implement  sustainability  ini/a/ves:  holis/c  synthesizing,  subjec/ve  judgments,  emo/ons  and  crea/vity.    

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It  is  cri/cal  for  individual  prac//oners  to  be  skilled  and  knowledgeable.  

IF  Sustainable  capability  stops  with  the  individual,  a  company  will  never  be  able  to  deliver  consistent,  high  quality  sustainability  services!  

Gaps  will  exist  in  policy,  systems,  processes  –  that  lead  to  ins/tu/onalized  expecta/ons  and  high  performance.  

Why  Is  “LEED  AP”  Not  Enough?  Necessary,  But  Not  Sufficient  



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Avoid  the  Paradigm  OF  RELYING  ON  A  FEW  KEY  CHAMPIONS  


In  successful  companies,  the  (old)  ‘green  group’  transform  to  “pollinators”  and  integrators  for  performance  across  the  company  



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Links  to  blog  with  survey  details:  Part  1:  hcp://bit.ly/cuIrMa      Part  2:  hcp://bit.ly/dhwZvc  

Our  framework  has  evolved  from  over  10  years  of  working  in  the  industry  and  seeing  the  challenges  companies  face.    

This  industry-­‐wide  survey  we  conducted  illustrates  why  it  is  so  cri/cal  to  be  inten/onal  and  strategic  about  ins/tu/onalizing  sustainability  .    

Following  are  some  summary  excerpts  of  the  survey.  Complete  informa/on  and  sta/s/cs  can  be  found  at  the  links  below:  

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Of  the  500+  companies  who  par/cipated  in  the  survey,  there  was  an  even  distribu/on  between  execu/ve  and  senior  company  leaders  and  company  or  project  managers.      

Firms  varied  in  size  from  10  employees  to  45,000  (with  the  majority  being  in  the  mid  to  large  size  companies)  

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Commitment to sustainability is in public mission statement, website, marketing materials?

Leaders at all levels make clear to staff that sustainability is part of the job?

“SMART” goals are consistently set for projects & organization?

Although  public  statements  are  consistently  focused  on  commitment  to  sustainability,  leadership  does  not  consistently  communicate  that  expecta/on  to  staff.  

Goals  are  not  usually  SMART  (specific,  measurable,  acainable,  /me-­‐bound)  and  there  is  oken  a  lack  of  clear  accountability  structure  for  sustainability.  

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All project achieve clear performance goals?

Every project manager incorporates life cycle costing into projects?

Project management is rooted in an integrative, collaborative process?

Clear  performance  targets  not  yet  being  set  for  every  project  (regardless  of  whether  its  pursuing  LEED,  BREEAM,  etc.  or  not).  

Integra/ve  design  not  yet  consistently  used  as  the  founda/on  for  managing  projects.  

Inconsistent  applica/on  of  life-­‐cycle  cos/ng  to  evaluate  key  systems  decisions.  

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Green design and spec standards are maintained & used consistently?

Clear roles are defined & accountable to support sustainability?

HR supports green practice: performance reviews, prof dev, etc

Green  specifica/ons  not  always  maintained  or  used  consistently.  

Lack  of  clear  roles  and  accountability  for  implementa/on  of  sustainability.  

Cri/cal  tools  and  resources  not  always  available  and  not  used  consistently  on  projects.  

Performance  reviews  don’t  evaluate  sustainable  design  capability  for  key  roles.  

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Roles, responsibilities, and decision making processes mapped clearly on every project?

All contracts, scopes & fees create conditions conducive for success?

Consistent teambuilding with partners?

Contracts  and  team  structures  oken    create  a  barriers  for  integra/ve  project  delivery.  

Teams  rarely  map    their  decision    making  process    to  achieve  key  performance                    targets.  

Very  licle                        proac/ve  team          building  happens    among  partners,  between  project  commitments.  

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Company has a program & strategies to reduce its environmental impact over time

Company tracks (in any way) performance of its portfolio

Not tracking anything – either operations or portfolio!

Although  25%  of  these  companies  are  not  tracking  anything,  more  than  40%  have  put  some  sort  of  program  in  place  to  reduce  environmental  footprint.  

Over  30%  are  beginning  to  track  the  performance  of  their  poroolio  of  work!  

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? This way to excellence in sustainable design!

So  now  the  ques/on  is…where  are  you  on  the  path  to  design  excellence?  If  you  have  organiza/onal  “gaps”  to  close…what  path  will  you  take?    

Our  roadmap  can  help  you.  

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…Building  on  12  years  of  work  with  A/E/C  and  Owners  

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Program  Partners  Include:  

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Client  targets:  LEED,  NZ,  LBC,  2030  =  “WHAT”  

                     SPI  =  “HOW”  

2030 Liv. Bld. Net Zero LEED

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Companies  are  at  different  places  on  their  journey  to  achieving  excellence  in  sustainability  prac/ce.  No  macer  where  you  are  –  SPI  supports  you  –  or  recognizes  your  achievements!  

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RECOGNITION  &  TRANSFORMATION  Observa/ons  of  best  prac/ces  from  SPI    companies  

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Signs  of  Change…  Posibve  changes  that  we’re  seeing:  

  Clearer  Roles  &  Accountability:  Director  of  Sustainability,  other…    Ins/tu/onaliza/on  of  standard  prac/ces/processes  (IDP)    Partnering:  Proac/ve  rela/onship  building  using  BIM  workshops  

  Investment  in  green  on  projects  from  overhead,  even  when  clients  don’t  ask  for  it  

  Change  in  workflow  –  moving  integra/on  func/on  to  earlier  in  the  project  –  lowering  costs,  reducing  risk  

  Project  performance  improves  !  

  Baseline  projects  meet  LEED  without  extra  effort  

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1.0 Leadership, Strategy & Policy

1.1 Vision and Goals Required 1.1.1 Organizational Goals Required 1.1.2 Project Goals 1.2 Strategy and Implementation Planning Required 1.2.1 Well Defined Strategies Required 1.2.2 Implementation Plan 1.3 Policy Required 1.3.1 Policies Exist Required 1.3.2 Policies Communicated Effectively 1.4 Leadership & Accountability Required 1.4.1 Visible Commitment Required 1.4.2 Accountability Structure 1.5 Feedback Loops Required 1.5.1 Indicators Defined Required 1.5.2 Feedback Tracked 1.6 Leadership Support Required 1.6.1 Internal Capacity Building Optional 1.6.2 External Support - Consultants 1.7 Innovation Optional 1.7 Innovation

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2.0 Project Delivery 2.1 Pre-Project Assessment Required 2.1.1 Assessment Required 2.1.1 Pre-Construction Services 2.2 Building an Integrated Team Required 2.2.1 Team Structure & Expectations Required 2.2.2 Team Building 2.3 Goals & Planning Required 2.3.1 Project Performance Goals Required 2.3.2 Process Design 2.4 Project Phases Required 2.4.1 Conceptualization Required 2.4.2 Criteria Design Required 2.4.3 Detailed Design Required 2.4.4 Implementation Documents Required 2.4.5 Agency Review Required 2.4.6 Buyout Required 2.4.7 Construction CA Required 2.4.8 Closeout 2.5 Operations Required 2.5.1 Ongoing Performance Optional 2.5.2 Ongoing Commissioning Optional 2.5.3 3rd Party Certifications Required 2.5.4 Ongoing Performance Data Tracking 2.6 Innovation Optional 2.5.5 Innovation

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3.0 Infrastructure and Support Systems 3.1 Tools & Resources Required 3.1.1 Project Management Tools & Templates Required 3.1.2 Product Evaluation Required 3.1.3 Reference & Sample Libraries Required 3.1.4 Analysis - Bldg Performance Required 3.1.5 Design Standards Required 3.1.6 Specification Standards Required 3.1.7 Templates Required 3.1.8 IT Processes Required 3.1.9 Communication 3.2 Human Resources Required 3.2.1 Performance Management Required 3.2.2 Employee Manual and Orientation Required 3.3.4 Tracking Metrics 3.3 Training, Education, Continuous Learning Required 3.3.1. Education Plan Required 3.3.2 Interpersonal Skills Required 3.3.3 Management Skills Required 3.3.4 Technical Skills 3.4 Marketing Required 3.4.1 Website Required 3.4.2 Collatoral Required 3.4.3 Proposals Required 3.4.4 Public Presence 3.5 Quality Control Processes Required 3.5.1 QC systems Required 3.5.2 QC effectiveness 3.6 R&D Optional 3.6.0 R&D Activities 3.7 Innovation Optional 3.7.0 Innovation

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4.0 Partnering & Collaboration

4.1 Proactive Team Building Optional 4.1.1 Ongoing team building activities Optional 4.1.2 Repetitive Teaming

4.2 Project Solicitation Required 4.2.1 RFP Required 4.2.2 Proposals Required 4.2.3 Design Team Selection Process

4.3 Contractual Agreements Required 4.3.1 Legal Contracts Required 4.3.2 Additional Consultants

4.4 Partner Performance & Team Communications Optional 4.4.1 Formal Partnering Required 4.4.2 Partnering Methodology Required 4.4.3 Collaboration Effectiveness

4.5 R&D Partnering Optional 4.5.0 R&D Partnerships established specifically to pursue research & development of best practices, tools resources or technologies.

4.6 Innovation Optional Innovation

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5.0 Outcomes and Metrics

5.1 Project Portfolio Optional 5.1.1 Third Party Certifications Required 5.1.2 Performance Tracking Request Required 5.1.3 Performance Tracking Required 5.1.4 Performance Feedback Loop

5.2 Company Sustainability Footprint Required 5.2.1 Environmental Impact Baseline Required 5.2.2 Social Impact Baseline Required 5.2.3 Goals, Priorities and Implementation plan Required 5.2.4 Tracking Systems Optional 5.2.5 Corporate Certification Required 5.2.6 Performance Feedback Loop

5.3 Innovation Optional 5.3.0 Innovation

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Define  Your  Pracbce  Now  • What’s  your  market?  • SWOT  (strengths,  weaknesses,  opps,  threats)  • What’s  your  baseline  –  how  green  are  you  now?  • What  are  your  biggest  challenges  as  a  business?  • What  are  the  key  systems,  processes  and  prac/ces  that          you  use  currently?  

Set  Your  Goals  &  Indicators  • What  are  your  BHAGs  (big  hairy  audacious  goals)  • SMART  goals?  SMART  =      (specific,  measurable,  achievable,  realis/c  &  /me-­‐bound)  • What  indicators  &  metrics  will  be  tracked  as  feedback?  

Define  Strategies  to  Achieve  Goals  • Both  long  and  short  term  strategies  • Create  early  successes  that  you  can  measure  • Make  sure  indicators  are  tracked  to  adjust  as  needed  

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Define  Your  Pracbce  Now  • What’s  your  market?  • SWOT  (strengths,  weaknesses,  opps,  threats)  • What’s  your  baseline  –  how  green  are  you  now?  • What  are  your  biggest  challenges  as  a  business?  • What  are  the  key  systems,  processes  and  prac/ces  that          you  use  currently?  

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HINT:  if  you  base  your  internal  discussions  of  goal  setng  in  the  context  of  basic  business  issues,  you  will  have  more  ‘buy-­‐in’.  Start  by  addressing  these  fundamental  ques/ons  and  then  /e  sustainability  back  to  them  to  understand  your  baseline:  

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Profitability  and  Financial  Management  Growth  (expansion  into  different  markets)  Staff  Aeracbon  and  Retenbon  (quality)  Quality  Control  -­‐  Consistency  in  design  and  delivery  Exposure/Liability  Management  -­‐  staff  and  budget,  company  and  project  Transfer  of  Knowledge  and  Knowledge  Mngmt  Mentoring  Relabonships  

 client  (repeat  and  acrac/on)    consultants  

HINT:  if  you  base  your  internal  discussions  of  goal  setng  in  the  context  of  basic  business  issues,  you  will  have  more  ‘buy-­‐in’.  Start  by  addressing  these  fundamental  ques/ons  and  then  /e  sustainability  back  to  them  to  understand  your  baseline:  (see  the  “Sustainability  Sample  Plan”  on  our  website)  

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What’s  your  vision  for  the  future?  What  are  your  goals?  

Set  achievable  SMART*  goals...  

…understanding  your  current  capabilibes,  future  vision,  and  how  you  might  get  there.  

*SMART  =  specific,  measurable,  achievable,  realis/c,  Time-­‐bound  

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Create a Strategic Plan to Achieve Goals & Implement

…don’t forget:

• Identify and prioritize steps in the plan

• Assign people to be responsible for implementation

• Indicators & Metrics need to be tracked

• Reporting should occur regularly

• Put a timeline on achieving your goals

• Test and adjust the tactics

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Examples  –  Sejng  Indicators,  Tracking  Metrics  1. Profitability: Collaborative process will improve baseline profitability in project management by X% over _ years. (reduced volume of change orders consistent across studios) New scope within existing type of contracts will grow by _ in _ projects per year New scope for existing clients – proactive proposed work New clients

2. Capacity: every studio has its own green evaluator office has one coordinator (or committee takes on expanded function) every XXX employee has LEED AP and has worked on X projects every XXX employee in design has proficiency and comfort level with building sciences X staff become Process facilitation leaders for charrette processes Internal mechanisms for ongoing training/mentoring are in place Infrastructure to share (green) information – existing or new is in place

3. Quality: performance and post occupancy metrics quantified and used in marketing change orders (quality of design) and other indicators of management controlled

4. Enhanced Relationships: Consultants Existing – higher level of input and quality in deliverables. Satisfaction in working relationships New – some new consultants will replace others that did not comply Clients, repeat and new, see profitability. Overall XXX’s reputation with existing and new clients transforms and considered “go to” firm for green design in their sectors. Internal – specific indicators around communication, consistency of project management and finance

5. Internal Process Efficiency: Project management – process maps show changes over time and result in improved profitability Company management: transfer of knowledge, mentoring around green issues becomes embedded in existing mechanisms

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Sample workplan - strategy and action Parallel activities

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1.  Registra/on  and  company  profile  

2.  Assessment,  which  creates  a  baseline  and  shared  understanding  of  your  current  situa/on.  Then  one  of  two  things  happen  next:  

 3a.  AUDIT  !  (If  sustainability  is  truly  ins/tu/onalized)  

 3b.  GAP  iden/fica/on,  strategy  and  support      (if  you  have  “gaps”  to  close)    We  can  provide  support  to  address  gaps  in  policy,  strategy  consul/ng,    educa/on  &  training,  coaching  

3.  Cer/fica/on!  

4.  Annual,  brief,  Check-­‐In  

5.  Every  3  years,  re-­‐cer/fica/on  

SPI  –  Formal  Process  to  Support  You  -­‐  Cer/fica/on  

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SPI  Cerbficabon  Process  Registration


Boot Camp Consulting & Educational





Continuous improvement



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SPI  Cerbficabon  Process  Registration


Boot Camp Consulting & Educational





Continuous improvement



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SPI  Cerbficabon  Process  

Boot Camp Consulting & Educational


Goal Setting

Strategy & Implementation

Capacity Building

Systems & Tools


Define effective strategies Map implementation Determine indicators & feedback loops

Communication Technical analysis Knowledge Mngmt Data Tracking Templates & standards

Technical Skills Communication Skills Facilitation Presentation Partnering

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Owner and Company Endorsements

“Knowing  a  firm  is  cerbfied  tells  me  they  have  the  leadership  &  systems  in  place  to  back  them  up.  It  sets  them  apart,  makes  

them  a  leader”  

Lawrence  Healey,  Dir.  Real  Estate  Blue  Cross/Blue  Shield  

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Its in our hands

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Truth  about  green  firms,  “prequel”:  hcp://bit.ly/greentruth    

Links  to  blog  with  survey  details  Part  1:  hcp://bit.ly/cuIrMa    

Part  2:  hcp://bit.ly/dhwZvc  

“The  Integra/ve  Design  Guide  to  Green  Building:  Redefining  the  Prac/ce  of  Sustainability”  by  7group,  Bill  Reed  

“Integrated  Project  Delivery:  A  Guide”,  AIA  Nat’l,  AIA  CA  

“Roadmap  for  the  Integrated  Design  Process”,  Stantec  

ANSI  standard  for  IPD  –  Whole  Systems  Integra/ve  Process  

Page 61: Webinar: Institutionalizing Sustainability In Your Company



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